By Phil Hecken
Follow @PhilHecken
After a pretty wild uni-reveal week, especially for the NBA, things were very quiet on Friday (and that’s not necessarily a bad thing). With only six more shopping days until “Black Friday,” I’m not sure if we’ll be seeing any more new uni/jersey drops, but there’s already more than enough on sale — or about to go on sale — to satisfy all those who absolutely, positively, need to own, or buy for their friend/loved one/significant other this holiday shopping season. So let us turn out attention back to College Football, where the final few weeks of the 2019 season are shaping up for a wild finish for those teams with bowl-aspirations, and of course for the select four teams seeking a “playoff” birth.
Notre Dame, playing their homecoming game against BC today, won’t be one of those four teams, but today they will be celebrating their last National Championship — 1988 — by throwing back (well, it’s pretty close to a throwback) to the unis worn by that team. 1988 was of course, a simpler (and yet more complicated) time in College Football, where the lack of any kind of “final” game reigned (the system we have today, with a four team playoff was instituted in 2014; prior to that we had the BCS, and then a couple even more amorphous systems devised to determine a “national” champion: the Bowl Alliance and the Bowl Coalition). Back in those halcyon days, when claimed national championships and shared titles were common, Notre Dame was the “champion” of 1988. It was their last championship. Prior to 1988, they’d “won” 10 of them, beginning in 1924 and claiming their last one in 1977.
I remember that 1977 one. I remember it because growing up on Long Island (a stone’s throw away from the Big Apple) this whole area (the New York City Metropolitan Area) has never been a hot bed of college football, and still isn’t. We have major colleges to be sure, but none of them have ever been (nor will they likely ever be) powerhouse football schools like those which exist across the country. For all of my life, and for generations before me, we’ve always been about pro sports. There really aren’t that many diehard college football fans ’round these parts. Sure, we have alumni who’ve attended big football schools, but it’s not like the whole state (or at least the 20 million or so who live in the NY/Metro area) lives and dies by the fate of a team or two. It took me a long time to get into college football, not because it wasn’t and isn’t great (it is!) but because it’s honestly not that big a deal in this part of the country.
But why do I remember Notre Dame and the 1977 season? It seemed to be the one year that all the kids in my school got really fired up about college football. And it was because Notre Dame was having a hell of a year. But why were all these kids, who like me didn’t really have much of a college football rooting interest, fired up? Turns out the local parish had a lot to do with it. You see, I grew up in a suburb which was mostly white and Roman Catholic (I am the former but not the latter) and most of the kids in my class were practicing Roman Catholics (in a class of 25, I think four of us were not). But most of the kids were rooting for Notre Dame, even though most of their families did not have a Notre Dame almunus/alumna in the family. But because many view (or at least viewed) it as a Catholic Football school, they seemed to claim it as their own (or at least they did in my 11-year old mind).
I had no problem with any of this, and thought it was kind of cool — a way for kids to rally around a college team (similar to how we all rallied around the US Hockey team in 1980) when our area wasn’t a big college football hotbed, and I definitely took more of an interest in college football that season than I probably normally would have. There was very little college football on TV back then (save for the Bowl games), but I’m pretty sure Notre Dame was on the TV a couple times that season. I didn’t become a ND fan (I actually was a USC fan back then, simply because the Trojans shared their name with the same nickname my high school had — we were the Trojans too), but I think I was vicariously happy when my classmates’ team “won” it all. But I digress.
Eleven years later, in 1988, Notre Dame would again be the National Champions, so today they’ll be donning similar uniforms as those worn by that team. Let’s take a look at those…

The first thing I notice is how much “tanner” the pants look in the top graphic as compared to the bottom one, where they are noticeably golder. We’ll have to see how they look on the field today.
The bottom uni actually doesn’t look all that different from the current unis. That is also not a bad thing. Notre Dame has been fairly consistent in their uniforms throughout the years, occasionally breaking out a green jersey (and of course, there have been a number of special outfits worn for the “Shamrock Series”). Their 1988 uniforms looked like this:

A couple things immediately stand out — the mesh jerseys…and those cutoff/midriff bearing jerseys. Let’s hope players today don’t decide to go with that look (especially since it’s now against the rules). Under Armour, who now outfits Notre Dame, has attempted to replicate the “mesh” look on the numbers (something they’ve done with other teams):

How will this looks in the long shots remains to be seen, but they’re at least giving it a shot:

UA has pretty much nailed the color and spirit of the jersey and pants too. Of course, back in 1988, the team didn’t have the makers mark or “150” patch on the jersey. Likewise the pants were UA-free. The one thing that concerns me though, is the helmet. All of the promos I’ve seen show the team wearing what looks very much like the current shiny dome. Now don’t get me wrong, I really like the current helmet, but that wasn’t introduced until 2011. Until 2010, the gold was painted into the helmets by a group of student managers for every game. Since the NCAA isn’t subject to the NFL’s “one helmet rule,” I was really hoping for this one game the team would revert to that old school practice. How great would it have been to see a truer “1988” throwback with hand painted helmets? I’m not 100% sure the helmets they’ll wear today are the current ones, but they sure don’t look like the old school ones. Hopefully I’m wrong on that.
You can read more about today’s uniforms here and here. And what uni unveil wouldn’t be complete without the obligatory hype video?
To all the readers out there, especially if you’re a College Football fan: how did you get into it? Do you come from a state or area where college football is the thing? Do you root for a school you never went to because, well, you live in that state (or near to the school)? If you’re from the NYC area, were you a college football fan growing up? I’m just curious what attracts you to the game. And if you really don’t have a rooting interest, do you root for (or against) a school based on the uniform? I’d say in 80% of the games I watch, I pull for a team based on their uni. No, seriously…I do! But what got you into it? I’d love to hear…

Kreindler’s Korner
I had the distinct pleasure of featuring the wonderful artwork of artist Graig Kriendler on two occasions over the summer and fall of 2017, and more recently, in August of 2018.
For those who don’t wish to click the links, Graig paints baseball heroes (and regular guys) from the past, and is an immense talent.
Occasionally, I will be featuring his work on Uni Watch.
Here’s today’s offering (click to enlarge):

Title: “Dave Brown, 1920” (color study)
Subject: Dave Brown, 1920
Medium: Oil on linen mounted to board
Size: 5” x 7”Dave Brown was widely considered one of the best pitchers of the early 1920s. The lefty helped guide the Chicago American Giants to the Negro National League’s first title in 1920, going 13-3 with a 1.82 ERA (also winning the league’s first ERA title with that figure). He continued his success over the next two seasons, with his club winning the title in both 1921 and 1922. Notably, during the 1922 postseason, he pitched in relief during the decisive game 5 against the Atlantic City Bacharach Giants, pitching 14 innings of shutout ball (giving up only 6 hits and a walk) and striking out 12.
Brown also pitched for the Leopardos de Santa Clara in the Cuban Winter League during the 1922-23 and 1923-24 seasons, the latter being a part of a team considered to be the best in the history of Cuban ball.
His career, however, came to an abrupt end in 1925. The reason? Murder. Read more about it here.
Also, to fill in some of the blanks is research from the great Gary Ashwill.
Here Dave is pictured with the Chicago American Giants in 1920. This is one of 200+ such paintings of mine that will be on display at the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum in the spring of 2020.
Thanks, Graig! You can (and should!) follow Graig on Twitter.

Uni Concepts & Tweaks
After being dormant for a while, the Uni Tweaks/Concepts have returned!
I hope you guys like this feature and will want to continue to submit your concepts and tweaks to me. If you do, Shoot me an E-mail (Phil (dot) Hecken (at) gmail (dot) com).
I received a follow-up e-mail from reader John Elbertson who has a couple concepts for an “outdoor” (“Heritage Classic”?) game uniform for the Vancouver Canucks.
What’s up? Here’s a concept for a fictitious outdoor exhibition game between the NHL’s Vancouver Canucks and the WHA’s Vancouver Blazers. Very little is changed on the Blazers uniform, while the Canucks introduce a green alternate with the original V-striping and a Millionaires-style crest. Talk to you soon!
– John E.

Thanks John. OK readers (and concepters). If you have some tweaks or concepts, shoot ’em my way with a brief description of your creation and I’ll run ’em here.

Guess The Game…
from the scoreboard
The game has returned! At least for a trial basis, but I got a lot of positive response to its return, so we’ll see how long we keep this one going.
Today’s scoreboard comes from reader Howard Corday.
The premise of the game (GTGFTS) is simple: I’ll post a scoreboard and you guys simply identify the game depicted. In the past, I don’t know if I’ve ever completely stumped you (some are easier than others).
Here’s the Scoreboard. In the comments below, try to identify the game (date & location, as well as final score). If anything noteworthy occurred during the game, please add that in (and if you were AT the game, well bonus points for you!):

If you guys like this, please continue sending these in! You’re welcome to send me any scoreboard photos (with answers please), and I’ll keep running them.

And now a few quick words from Paul: Hi there. In case you missed it on Thursday, the results of our “Redesign the Buccaneers” contest are now available on InsideHook. The response has been very, very positive, so check it out — I think you’ll like what you see.
While we’re at it: Uni Watch seam rippers are back in stock (well, at least some colors). And don’t look now, but it’s getting to be time for our ugly sweater shirt.
I think that’s it. Handing the baton back to Phil now!

The Ticker
By Anthony Emerson

Baseball News: The Ogden Raptors, Advanced Rookie affiliates of the Dodgers, have a new Hispanic Heritage jersey and cap, to be worn on Sundays (from Brice Wallace). … The Danville Braves, Advanced Rookie affiliates of the, uh Braves, have a new primary logo and updated cap logos. Last season’s logos are here.

NFL/CFL News: ESPN has a good piece on how Nike worked with Seahawks LB Shaquem Griffin to create the FlyEase cleats, designed with accessibility in mind (thanks, Brinke). … Corporate douchebaggery of the day: even Tweeted birthday messages have ads on them (from @darkchocolate). … If you haven’t gotten sick of redesigns, here’s all 32 teams with redesigned logos and helmets (from Kary Klismet). … The 2020 Grey Cup logo has been revealed (from Wade Heidt). … Speaking of the Grey Cup, it’s this week! Hamilton is playing Winnipeg in Calgary’s McMahon Stadium, and it appears the grounds crew just painted the Tiger-Cats’ logo over the Stampeders’ logo in the endzone (from Moe Khan).

College Football News: The Rutgers Special Collections Twitter account posted a photo of ticket stubs from various points in Rutgers Football history (from Kary Klismet). … For the third week in a row, Virginia Tech is going maroon-maroon-white (from Andrew Cosentino). … Liberty is going mono-white against Virginia (from @ACC_Tracker). … Miami is wearing grey facemasks against FIU as a nod to the 1980s teams — the game will be played at Marlins Park, which is on the site of the old Orange Bowl where Miami won the 1983 National Championship (from @djpremis). … Baylor is evidently going mono-yellow this weekend (from Caleb D. Marsh and @squatcheeontop). … White-black-white for UNLV against San Jose State.

Hockey News: Last night, the Hurricanes unveiled their Hockey Fights Cancer warm-up sweaters, featuring the names of cancer survivors in every number and captain’s letter. Over 400 names have been included (from Scott M. Trembly and Ryan Cruz). … It appears the Kings’ Stadium Series sweater has leaked (from Jakob Fox).

NBA News: The Suns unveiled their “Noche City Edition” uniform yesterday, and it’s pretty good! I really love the design on the right leg of the shorts, which the press release calls “an ode to the Arizona state flag.” The unveiling also featured a mural by Lalo Cota. The Suns will debut these unis on Dec. 9 against the Timberwolves, and will wear them in Mexico City against the Spurs on Dec. 14. … The Timberwolves City Edition uni includes a belt logo that’s supposed to be a map of Minneapolis and St. Paul, but the logo cuts out a section of St. Paul. “Especially for a uni set celebrating the diversity of the Twin Cities, should probably include St. Paul’s hub of Mexican-American life,” says @EastOfMpls. … Former Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment CEO Richard Peddie wore a jacket featuring the logo of the Toronto Thunder, the original name of the team when MLSE first presented to the NBA (from many readers). … Jazz F Juwan Morgan is wearing No. 16 (from Etienne Catalan).

College Hoops News: Duke debuted their new blue unis in last night’s titanic matchup against Georgetown (from Josh Hinton).

Soccer News: Hunter Sewell thinks that the logo for the South African national team (nicknamed Bafana Bafana) is inspired by the kits the team wore in the 1996 African Cup of Nations, the first major soccer victory for South Africa after the fall of apartheid. … The Chris the Redeemer statue over Rio de Janeiro was lit up with a Flamengo jersey (from John Flory and Keelan McWilliams). … Dutch side Den Bosch will wear an anti-racism slogan — Samen tegen racisme, or Together Against Racism — on their kits for the remainder of the season (from Ed Żelaski). … Also from Ed: The Athletic profiled some of the smaller soccer kit manufacturers (paywalled).

Grab Bag: The Colorado Raptors of Major League Rugby have unveiled their new kits (from Eric Bangerman).

I was born in Nebraska in the late 80s, so the story of my college football fandom is pretty obvious.
The Notre Dame student managers ceased painting the helmets because it was coming off in big chunks during games. When helmet material technology changed, Notre Dame had to.
I grew up 17 miles from Death Valley (the real one, in Clemson) and my parents started taking me to games when I was 3.
But most of the kids were rooting for Notre Dame, even though most of their families did not have a Notre Dame almunus/alumna in the family.
Had you asked the kids, or especially their parents, Notre Dame was probably their dream college. Murray Sperber’s book Shake Down the Thunder is an excellent history of the beginnings of Notre Dame football and how they became a symbol of aspiration and societal acceptance for Catholic Americans.
1. Born and raised in the South Jersey suburbs of Philadelphia. Rutgers? Nope (and mom is an alumna). Temple? They gave away tickets and we didn’t take them. Villanova? Didn’t get football back until I was in grade school and they weren’t good for a while. It was Penn State country by default but PSU is a good 3+ hours from home. As an Irish Catholic, Notre Dame got some support but it didn’t resonate for me. I would watch college football but I didn’t have a team until I chose my college (GO HEELS!!!)
2. Notre Dame made 2 glaring errors on these throwbacks (besides the hand-painted helmets) – the numbers should be heat-pressed, not embroidered, and they should have tried the “Champion-style” number font instead of their version of standard Block Varsity.
Live in marlton, grew up at the shore in Ocean county….def not a college football area! 4 for 4 Philly! Go Birds!
Homecoming on Novemver 23? Weird
Notre Dame is easily #2 in Pennsylvania, though the flags weren’t as numerous as the 2000s rolled on
Should say “Christ” the Redeemer, not Chris
Chris the Redeemer is Jesus’ lesser known cousin Chris Christ.
Chris the Redeemer is a statue in Omaha; Pastor Chris was sainted by the Lutheran Pope Wally at a potluck in 1994.
Raised in Georgia (Hunker Down!!)
Sept 27, 2011
San Francisco, CA
SF Giants 7, Colorado Rockies 0
WP: Madison Bumgarner
LP: Alex WHite
Conor Gillaspie hit inside the park HR to RF in bottom of 7th
Grew up in Cleveland, OH. I can remember Ohio State vs. Michigan being on the tv at an early age, and realizing how big of a deal THE GAME was even then for all the adults (my brother and father both attended OSU). I never went to OSU, and attended Div-1 Cleveland State University. I root for CSU in other sports like basketball, but we are a city school without a football team, so I naturally stuck with my childhood team, Ohio State for college football.
Born and raised a Catholic in northeast Ohio, but to me Notre Dame is not THE Catholic school (go Villanova!), nor is Ohio State THE Ohio school (go Zips…but drop your football and focus on hoops and soccer). We do have pockets of ND fans in certain parishes amidst the sea of Buckeyes fans, but I’m not into either one of them.
Growing up my first interest was Army-Navy. If I ever watch another game it will be that one. I also liked Pitt and Penn Sate (because of my relatives, although they kept telling me to pick one instead of straddling the fence) and Oklahoma and Nebraska (until they stopped running the option). I also recall liking Auburn when I was 3 or 4 but I don’t remember why. Probably the uniforms.
I never tire of redesigns, though I wish I saw more college helmets and/or baseball caps, seems like a lot of NFL helmets out there. I did like several of those redesigns, though, can be difficult to be original without being outrageous.
I don’t love the Kings stadium jersey, but aesthetically it might actually pair pretty well with the Avs’.
My dad graduated from Iowa in the late 70s when the Hawks were terrible at football, but enjoyed football and basketball success during the 80s as a young alumni. He says the wrestling meets were better attended at the time, but he’s remained a lifelong fan. We’re from Illinois, but just about 45 minutes from Iowa City, so that helped solidify my fan-dom (fan-ship?) with plenty of Tim Dwight and Jess Settles over the years. I never attended Iowa as a student, but I continue to root and go to games with my dad.
The Kings jersey looks to me like someone is finally trying to appeal to the long-ignored demographic of 2-tone ska fans who are also into sports. Rude boy’s gotta skate.
I’m a die-hard Kings fan who loves their current look. That Stadium Series sweater is terrible. It reminds me of the 90’s StL Blues design, but with only two colors in your scheme, it’s harder to pull off. It looks like someone tore off half of a paper towel. And how are the letters speed skating up the hill?
Guess The Game : Sept 27 2011 SF 7 Colorado 0
Any details/reasoning? I’m curious. Looks like sub par lineups for both teams, I was guessing late in the season for bad teams. I love the Coors Light ad against the Rockies
Sept 27, 2011
AT&T Park
San Fransisco, CA
Giants-7, Rockies-0
WP: Bumgarner
LP: White
Conor Gillaspie hit inside the park HR to RF in bottom of 7th
Anyone else having issues viewing U-W on mobile? It now looks exactly like the desktop version, which is not a good thing. Ads galore on the sidebars.
Apologies, found the link at the bottom of the page. Off to get coffee.
Apologies, found the link at the bottom of the page. Time for coffee.
Notre Dame’s 1988 jerseys were made by Champion and that company had their own unique font used by many teams most notably the Buffalo Bills in their Super Bowl years. Notre Dame’s version of those numbers were smaller and more condensed but had the signature “slash” 2 and 7. I think Champion won’t allow true replication of these numbers so will be interesting to see if Under Armour’s font is simply inspired by the Champion font but is still different, or if they actually replicated the font. Based on the preview images I think it’s the former.
ESPN Gameday just showed the Hail Flutie play and BC had the same Champion condensed numeral font as ND.
I grew up in the NYC area. Neither of my parents went to schools with college football teams. My interest mainly started because of how much it was featured on ESPN. I always enjoyed College Gameday and as a kid I somewhat rooted for the Matt Leinart USC teams, but with no real passion. I ended up going to Notre Dame for school and am now as passionately devoted to the sport as any of the professional teams I root for in the area.
As for the uniforms, I would have liked to see commit more fully to a throwback vs the faux-back they are rolling out. The main thing that looks a bit odd to me is the fact that they are using the current monogram logo instead of the one used in the 80s. With that said this is a minor quibble and I’m sure the team will look great on the field.
Go Irish!
I grew up on the south side of Chicago, in an Irish Catholic neighborhood. Notre Dame was and still is the area’s defacto team, very similar to your situation. I’ve since moved, and live about an hour outside of Chicago, and even went to Illinois State for college, but Notre Dame will always be my team!
(Who else were we going to root for? Illinois? Northwestern? )
“Northwestern…Chicago’s Big Ten Team.” Or so we want you to think.
As an Irish Catholic child growing up in Oregon in the 70’s, I inherited my LaSalle College alumnus father’s devotion to Notre Dame football without challenge due to the sorry state of Oregon and Oregon State. I was also partial to the Huskies, which was foretelling as my older son now attends UDub. But my earliest memories were of the green-clad Irish, led by Joe Montana (he is also the reason I am a Niner fan). I went to Notre Dame, and I was one of those student managers who spray painted the helmets each Friday night before home games in 1987. My final two seasons as a student, ’88 and ’89, we won 24 of 25 games and that flawless National Championship. My own devotion was sealed for all-time. Go Irish!
Enjoyed the hockey concept uniforms John!
Funny thing related to your entry, I actually went to a “fictitious” outdoor game in Vancouver. It was the 2014 NHL Heritage Classic. BC Place’s retractable roof was closed during the game. Lots of fake snow inside while the grass was green outside.
I grew up in Southern California and the first CFB game I really remember watching as a 10 year was the famous 1967 USC/UCLA game. UCLA was #1 and USC #2. Gary Beban, who won the Heisman that year, led UCLA, and OJ Simpson led USC. OJ had the famous run to win the game. This game was also my first time focusing on the uniforms, with both teams wearing their home uniforms. The Coliseum was also shared by both, and half the stadium was light blue and the other half was red. Later I attended USC and became a fanatical CFB fan.
Rooting for someone based on their uni is officially the lamest thing I’ve ever heard of
And I thought this was the one place in the world where I wouldn’t hear that…
You root for your reasons and I’ll root for mine. Deal?
Issa joke *woosh*
McMahon Stadium (where the Grey Cup is) paints on the ads, but the line markings and logos are actually part of the turf and can’t be removed. So they had to paint the Tiger-Cats logo over the Stampeders logo because they can’t remove the Stamps logo in anyway.
I’d be interested in seeing the other end zone, there’s a big University of Calgary logo in that end (the University actually owns the stadium) I’d like to see how and where they put the Blue Bombers logo in relation to that.
Have seen one game live at McMahon in Calgary. Not the most luxurious stadium but the atmosphere is good due to the great and knowledgable Calgary football fans.
One thing I love about it and can be seen in that photo in the Ticker. They are a holdout re: switching to yellow goalposts. The goalposts are in team colours of red and white. Not a rule to have yellow goalposts like it is in the NFL.
Love seeing old 1980s CFL highlights as many teams back then used to have the goalposts painted in team colours rather than in yellow.
I don’t usually read uni watch on the weekends as I don’t spend much time on the computer. I am so glad I stopped by today. Great job Phil. I enjoy the uniform critique so much more when there is personal story attached to it. Even thought I don’t know you personally, it feels as if I learned a little of you and can better appreciate the perspective you bring to your critique. Thank you for telling your story.
In 1988 I hated Notre Dame. I was 12 and it was probably my first year of really following college football. My friends and family didn’t follow college sports but I would spend Saturday trying to find something sports related to watch on TV. I had stumbled across a Miami Hurricanes game on TV and loved their passing, their uniforms, their bravado, their logo, and they instantly became my team. Notre Dame naturally became the enemy. That was an incredible year for college football and it was so easy to know the different teams because of their consistent look. I spent a lot of time that year learning who was who and why different teams had stickers on their helmets. An incredible year and I am glad Notre Dame is helping stir up those memories for me. That is what a throwback is for. I am not a Hurricanes fan any more but somewhere inside I still carry a little enmity for Notre Dame.
I grew up outside of Fort Worth and the big schools were A&M and UT. They were on TV more. Oddly enough I never remember seeing TCU. I became a UT fan because I loved the Red River Shoot Out against ou. We went a few times and it’s great. The state fair was always a fun family trip. Also the A&M kids at school were really obnoxious about being Aggie fans. Almost Sooner like except OU actually could win something. I liked the uniqueness of UT’s colors. It’s the same uniform today, unlike the mess the Aggies wear now.
I grew up in Idaho, so I chose Boise State because family members went to school there. At the time they were division 1-AA (now called FCS) so they were occasionally on local TV. It was the 80s and I’m catholic so I chose Notre Dame as my 1-A (FBS) team. When Boise State jumped up to the higher division they stayed my number one and Notre Dame took a back seat.
Love the Vancouver series unis!
I grew up in NE Philly, where college football was not all that popular. From what I remember (talking mid ’70s-early ’80s), if there was a rooting interest shown at all, it leaned toward Notre Dame (my neighborhood was mostly Irish/Catholic), Army or Navy (many families had members who served…my dad was a Navy man, and his fondness of Roger Staubach also made him a Cowboys fan in Eagles country!).
As for me, I became a Temple Owls fan at a young age. Temple was an affordable and mostly commuter school, and that made it a feasible college option for my siblings (and eventually myself). My brother was a member of the Diamond Marching Band and my sister dated a player on the football team, so I go to see games at both old Temple Stadium and The Vet.
I still FightFightFight for the Cherry and the White, though I’d wish they’d stick to wearing just those colors and that they’d eventually bring back those Hardin-era shoulder-striped beauties.
I live in Denver, Colorado. Back in 1991, I switched high schools after my sophomore year. A friend I met at the new school was from Omaha, Nebraska. Needless to say, he was a huge Cornhuskers fan. I used to go to his house on Saturdays and we’d watch or listen to the Nebraska football games. After high school, he moved to Iowa and I lost track of him but I remain a huge Nebraska fan to this day.
Uni-sanity in play today:
-Harvard in Crimson-White-Gold at Yale in White-Navy-White. NOT the “Square Edition” versus the “Eli Edition.”
-UCLA in light blue over antique gold versus USC in red (cardinal?)over athletic gold.
Two things, in 1988 the Notre Dame jerseys had Champion logos on the sleeves. And the statue in Brazil is Christ the Redeemer.
I grew up in WV so I was a Mountaineer fan. Not so much since they joined the Big 12. They no longer play any of the old rivals, Pitt, Penn St. Syracuse, BC, Maryland. I can remember growing up, he Friday after Thanksgiving was always Oklahoma-Nebraska and Texas-Texas A&M. The conference realignments of the last few decades have done away with a lot of great matchups.
I grew up on Long Island until age 14. My parents both graduated from schools that did not field football teams at the time they attended (my dad’s alma mater, Old Dominion, now does, whereas my mom’s, VCU, still does not). I didn’t care at all about college football. I’m sure Notre Dame would’ve been a big one had there been a lot of Catholics in my school district, but I went to a school that was probably about 60-65% Jewish, and a lot of the kids’ parents went to Michigan for some reason. (Still the same today – not sure why so many kids from Long Island go to Michigan, but I assume it’s because it’s a good school with big-time sports that has a *lot* of other kids from Long Island.) So, if anyone really wore any “college colors,” it was generally Maize and Blue, and maybe a little navy and orange thrown in there for Syracuse.
I moved to suburban Atlanta right before high school and all of the “bullies” and just kinda jerkwad kids were big UGA fans. So I immediately gravitated toward Georgia Tech because I considered myself a bit of a nerd, and heard they were a nerdy school. I ended up learning about football and understanding it, and I learned I really liked it! When I applied to college, I only applied to one school that had a D1-A football team– that was Tech. I ended up attending Tech over any of the other schools I got into for financial reasons and I am definitely a Tech fan. Although a begrudging (?) one right now.
The term is “Subway Alumni”. link