By Phil Hecken & The SMUW Crew
Follow @PhilHecken
Gorgeous game yesterday afternoon as the Cal Bears took on the USC Trojans, with the Bears wearing “Joe Roth-era” throwbacks. Here’s a look at Joe Roth himself modeling the uniform after which yesterday’s throwbacks were based.
If you’re curious as to who Joe Roth was, and why the team wore throwbacks in his honor, you can check this article out. There’s even a documentary on the man.
Seeing how beautiful these looked, one wonders why more teams (and Cal in this instance) don’t just jettison their current uniforms and wear throwbacks full time. A perfect example of this would be Pitt (interesting how similar the two throwbacks are). Pitt even wore road throwbacks earlier this year. But they’re far from the only school to have worn really great retro unis that should be made permanent.
There’s some good news and some bad news. Cal won’t wear these again (at least I don’t think they will) this year, but Cal announced yesterday the Roth throwbacks to be an annual tradition when hosting USC or UCLA. Well done Cal. Now consider wearing them more often — like every home game!
OK, here’s TJ Duroncelet with today’s SMUW rundown:
Sunday Morning Uni Watch
By Terry Duroncelet, Jr.
• Several teams wore these decals over the weekend for Extra Yard Week, in honor of teachers everywhere.
• Cal wore these STELLAR throwbacks against USC. An ace look from top-to-bottom.
• Arkansas wore their Razorboys uniforms against Texas A&M. They looked swell, but it would’ve nice to see them go the extra mile and use the NFL-style captaincy patches. Also: everyone, and their mothers, and their mother’s mothers repeatedly likened the Razorbacks to Ohio State.
• Remember when it was reported a week ago that the Dolphins, Buccaneers, and Jaguars were going to be wearing “One Florida” decals on the back of their helmets in recognition and support of the victims of Hurricane Irma? The Miami ‘Canes were seen wearing it on Saturday as well. I should note that The U wore the NFL version, which includes three dots, each one denoting he locations of Miami, Tampa Bay, and Jacksonville, respectively (to the aforementioned NFL clubs). UCF wore a slightly-simplified version, which omitted the dots.
• Speaking of which, they wore all-white against an all-black Maryland squad.
• Oklahoma wore their cream alts against Baylor. I know they shouldn’t grow on me, but they continue to do so as the years pass.
• Indiana wore their Hep’s Rock uniforms against Georgia Southern.
• UNC played against eternal rival Duke, who wore the blue version of a helmet that they wore around this time three years ago. Also, you might have noticed Tar Heels mascots Rameses and RJ wearing these JR patches. They will be wearing those for the remainder of the 2017-2018 academic year, in honor of Jason Ray, a UNC student who served as the mascot in the mid-2000s and was killed in a traffic accident 10 years ago. The patch also helps to bring awareness to the Jason Ray Transplant Clinic (Ray was an organ donor, and his organs went on to help and save the lives of over 60 people in need of a transplant).
• John Roy’s/@John_Roy comment is so brilliant, that I need say nothing.
• We’ve seen various permutations of the ‘I can be your angel or your devil’ meme for a long time now on the field. Specifically, all-white vs all-black. But sometimes, all it takes is one team looking insanely-good vs. one that looks insanely-bad. That was the Saturday game between Florida and Kentucky. Good on ya Florida, and just stop, Kentucky. Just STOP.
• Jerry Kulig notes that an Iowa player’s nose bumper was knocked askew during the Iowa/Penn State game.
• Navy and Cincinnati looked PHENOMENAL, and it’s always a pleasure to see the Bearcats wear the red helmets.
• JESUS CHRIST, what do you even CALL this look? “Slightly-overcooked sweet potato pie with Cool Whip on top“?
• NC State wore new helmet decals in their game against Florida State.
• From Charles George/@805Pineapple: “The pride stickers on Hawaii’s helmets are Lei O Mano, Shark toothed club. Ancient Hawaiian war weapon.”
• SMU became the Dark Grey Mustangs for their game against Arkansas State.
• Texas Tech wore red helmets with these decals on the back of them in honor of Spike Dykes, the head coach of the Red Raiders from 1986-1999 (PC for the last pic goes to @SWCfootballNow). Here’s a closeup of the decal.
• And while we’re at it, Campus Sports (well, Sportscenter, technically) gives us a walkthrough of some of the uniforms mentioned here, including Cal, Indiana, Oklahoma, Ball State, and more.
That’ll do it for Week 4! I was handed the busiest hand by some strange universal force this week, so my apologies if I missed anything major from yesterday or the days beforehand. Until then, see you next week!


Joe Ringham’s 5 & 1
Following in the footsteps of the original “5 & 1,” Jim Vilk, and Catherine Ryan after him, Joe Ringham is back again for 2017 to make his “5 & 1” (five good looking and one stinker) uni-vs-uni matchups. Sometimes he’ll have some “honorable mentions” and sometimes there will be more than one “bad” game. You may agree and you may disagree — these are, after all, just opinions and everyone has one. Feel free to let him know what you think in the comments section.
Here’s Joe:
Good Sunday, everyone! The first official weekend of Autumn is upon us, even if the thermometer doesn’t say so in some parts, and we had a plethora of good-looking match-ups this week. So, let’s get to this week’s list…
5) UCLA at Stanford — A little Pac-12 After Dark making the list. Simple, classic, and flat-out gorgeous.
4) UAB at North Texas — For a team whose nickname is the Mean Green, North Texas doesn’t look too bad going black/green/black at home. A pretty sharp look, if you ask me. Paired up with the gold/white/gold road look of the Blazers, and you have one very sharp looking game.
3) Cincinnati at Navy — I’m a huge fan of the Middies home gold/navy/gold set. It’s simple, classic, and just looks damn good. Paired up against Cincy’s red/white/red road look and you have one great looking game in Annapolis.
2) Kent State at Louisville — To me, this is the Cardinals’ best look, when they go with their traditional white/red/white at home. This matched up exceptionally well against the Golden Flashes’ gold/white/gold road set. Such a great looking game in the sunshine on a Saturday.
1) Southern Cal at California — The Trojans always look good, and have one of the most iconic uniforms in all of major college football. But, I have to admit, I was on the fence when I first saw these Cal throwbacks a few weeks ago. However… MY GOD did they look fantastic. Ridiculously good, creating a game worthy of the top spot.
And, finally…
+1) Syracuse at LSU — It’s not often that I have LSU on the bad side of the list, simply because I love the gold/white/gold look they always go with. However, against the white/mono orange of Syracuse… just didn’t look pretty in Death Valley.
Thanks Joe! You can follow Joe on the Twitter and let him know what you think of his choices or make a 5 & 1 suggestion of your own!

NCAA Uni Tracking
Uni Watch will again track the uniform combinations worn by the “Power 5” conferences. All of the 2016 trackers are back!
We’ve got Rex Henry (tracking the ACC), Dennis Bolt (tracking the PAC-12), Kyle Acker (tracking the Big XII), and Ethan Dimitroff (tracking the B1G AND the SEC). Rex, Dennis, and Kyle and are all returning from 2015, and Ethan is back after joining the NCAA Uni Tracking last season. Ethan has stepped into the dual role of both the B1G and the SEC.
Here are the Uni Trackers for the Power 5 Conferences:
Rex is up first today (ACC):

More Here.
Follow Rex on Twitter here.
And now, here’s Dennis with the PAC-12:

More here.
Follow Dennis on Twitter here.
And here is Ethan, with the SEC:

And be sure to check out Ethan’s WVU Mountaineer Tracker.
Follow Ethan on Twitter here.
And here is Kyle with the Big XII:

Follow Kyle on Twitter here.
And here’s Ethan with the B1G:



Welcome to the 2017 Oregon Ducks Uni Tracker. This little project was originally begun way back in 2008-09 by Michael Princip, who retired after several seasons, whereupon the project was continued by Tim E. O’Brien. He, too, retired from the tracking, but the project has been ably kept up by the man who also tracks the Pac12, Dennis Bolt.
Here’s this week’s Uniform Combo for the Ducks (you can click to enlarge):

You can read about this uniform, and MUCH MORE, by checking out the Duck Tracker here!
Thanks Dennis!

Remember the contest…
…to design an Ambulance?
This was a quick and dirty contest held a couple years ago, in which reader Daniel Secord purchased an old ambulance and then invited readers to create a design for it.
A few readers participated in the contest, which was eventually won by Laura DeLuca (scroll down for her design).
Daniel took that design and eventually finished the ambulance
as you know, during the off-season, the Lions redesigned their uniforms, which meant Dan had to redesign/tweak the ambulance. He did. A quick note accompanied the following two photographs:
Hey Phil,
Here’s a picture of what I did to the ambulance because the Lions changed things up. New wordscript on the back and new helmet stripes up front.
Dan Secord
Check out the update (click to enlarge):

Cool stuff, Dan. Thanks for the update!

Uni Watch News Ticker
By Phil

Baseball News: The website MentalFloss has a history of the Starter brand. Submitter Patrick Mulcare writes, “The article features a photo of [a] Mets jacket with notably good arm stripes! It also mentions that the owner wanted to make fans be able to buy what athletes wear on the field.” … Yesterday, the Braves Dansby Swanson was giving his NCAAFB picks on Braves social media wearing a Braves/Vandy mashup t-shirt (good spot by Chris Brueckner). Tweeter Garrison Smith notes the Braves have also done a lot of regional university nights with shirts too. … Whoa — check out these custom Allen Edmonds “Barrellman” Milwaukee Brewer shoes (from Bruce Menard). … Hockey/Baseball crossover: John Sabol writes, “Odd jersey/hat combo @ #NHLChinaGames. Fan wearing an #Indians hat & #Canucks sweater. Gotta be a first” (also posted in the NHL section). … Football/Baseball crossover(?): Crazy mash up of NFL Shield and LAD logo, says Roberto Castañeda (also posted in the NFL section). … The Reds Greens wore their Shamrock jerseys and caps yesterday (a-bit-past-halfway-to-St. Paddy’s Day?). From Robert O’Byrne. … There’s some cool neon action on the Dodger Cafe sign — including a ball being thrown at the batter. That’s from Ray Hund who adds “This ‘bum’ hangout was located on Dekalb Ave. in Brooklyn, of course.” … Also from Ray: “If you look closely at this 1961 L.A. Angels team pic you might agree with me when I believe that there’s a logo in there I’ve never seen this team use before. It’s on the the left breast of the white short-sleeved shirt the guy is wearing on the far right. I’ve crudely drawn what I think I’m seeing, but maybe it’s barbecue sauce.” … The White Sox’ Al Alburquerque had an upside down front number 8 last night (good spot by Steve Dodell). … “Never knew the A’s have a Shibe Park Tavern at the Oakland Coliseum,” says Jimmer Vilk. … The Athletics’ Bruce Maxwell has become the first MLB player to kneel during the national anthem (thanks Paul).

NFL News: From Darren Rovell, back on yesterday’s date in 1984, it was “full name jersey” for Jack Youngblood. If course, we’d refer to that as “FNOB” (full name on back) or “DDNOB” (double decker name on back). … Reader Glenn Metzger says, “I was rewatching the Lions victory over the Giants from MNF, and noticed that the Nike logo on the right sleeve of the Giants jersey is backward. Is that a mistake, or have is that the new standard for Nike’s jerseys?” Shortly thereafter he added, “Had I watched for another minute, I would have seen it on the Lions jersey too. It looks bad. Why put it backwards?” … Great spot by @kevyon212 who notice this ad in the Verizon store seems to have photoshopped Eli Manning with number 11. Here’s the original, untouched image (from Dan Medina). … After the slight hullabaloo over the ticker item yesterday about the Eagles wearing green jerseys for the first time, I hope this item about “Eagle’s endzones are green! Never done that before. Usually, just grass or black for blackout,” from Blake Fox is better received. Here’s another look. … Football/Baseball crossover(?): Crazy mash up of NFL Shield and LAD logo, says Roberto Castañeda (also posted in the baseball section). … Not a big surprise, but here are the uniforms the Jaguars will wear for the London game today (from Clint Richardson).

College Football News: This is interesting. In a tweet yesterday, the Miami Hurricanes featured a player wearing a “U” chain (from Wayne Muller). Turns out the chain isn’t some 90s bling affectation, but their “turnover chain”. If a defensive player forces a TO, he gets to wear it on the sideline during the game (from @1201Main). … Tweeter Travis Holland wonders why so many college mascots were depicted wearing “sailor” caps. “(W)hat’s the history behind this?” he asks. The answer may be found here (from Kevin McGuire). … Looks like former Detroit Tigers & Los Angeles Dodgers slugger Kirk Gibson is featured on Michigan State Football’s cover today (from Mike Thompson). Gibson may have played pro baseball, but he was also a Spartan football player.

Hockey News: “What happens when neither team tells each other what they are wearing?” asks Mike Miller. Well, here’s what you get (sorry, I’m not sure of the teams being shown). … Here’s a look at the helmet/mask the Ducks’ Ryan Miller will be wearing this season (thanks, Paul). … Hockey/Baseball crossover: John Sabol writes, “Odd jersey/hat combo @ #NHLChinaGames. Fan wearing an #Indians hat & #Canucks sweater. Gotta be a first” (also posted in the baseball section). … A local liquor store in South Saint Paul MN called Hat Trick has been painting a mural showing famous hockey players plus in the “audience” famous MN sport celebs (from Sara Schieve). Check out some pics here, here, here and here.

NBA News: In case you missed it on Thursday evening, the Celtics unveiled their new uniforms “in the creepiest way possible” (from Phil Lawson). Years ago, I visited some friends in France, and there are literally dozens of these types of performers everywhere (though they never seem to move or blink an eye), and yeah, it’s pretty freaky.

Soccer News: Yesterday, VfB Stuttgart wore special jerseys, because it was the 25th birthday of their mascot Fritzle (from Martin). Reader Michael Poplawski explains: “Fritzle is purported to live in the Neckar river, upon which Stuttgart was built. Pictures are from German TV ARD’s Sportschau, where Matthias Opdenhövel introduces a segment about the origins of the mascot, and also the 1992/93 team photo where Fritzle was still yet to hatch. The jersey features a sketch of Fritzle on the front and includes the names of Fritzle’s fan club (something kids can join) both on the front and the back. The game jerseys featured green numerals, rather than the black numerals VfB Stuttgart normally wears.” … Our pal Conrad Burry has learned info about the 2018 World Cup Nike template and the USA kits design details. For more, click here.

Grab Bag: Over (down?) in the Australian Football League, they take their rules for wearing clash jumpers very seriously (from Will Pike). … On Friday night and Saturday Morning, President Trump weighed in on players who take a knee during the National Anthem and sports figures and topics. … Check out these custom caps: “Can’t recall if this has been covered already, but wanted to bring the work of Ruben Ortiz Torres to your attention,” says Bruce Jaynes. “That is all.”

Ahem. If memory serves, the Detroit Lions vehicle is officially known as the “Yambulance.”
It would be a shame to see the absolute worst submit-a-name contest winner ever to be lost to the annals of history.
How can Iowa-Penn State not be in the 5&1? Two beautiful classy (and classic) uniforms under the lights. It ranked right up there with Cal-USC in my opinion. Hell of a game too.
I thought that all of the games listed in the 5 looked good, and the 1 looked bad, so in that sense I agreed with/enjoyed the 5&1. There were certainly other games that also looked good or bad considering how many college football games are played every week. It’s just not possible to include all of them. To answer your question “how can Iowa-Penn State not be included?”, I assume that either Joe didn’t see that game, or he liked the five he listed better than that one.
Some more college football uniforms notables from Saturday – Canadian rules style! From Canada West conference:
-Calgary Dinos wore their alternate white helmets with the dinosaur footprint logo at home against Saskatchewan Huskies:
-Regina Rams went green over white pants at home against Manitoba Bisons, instead of usual mono-green:
Good news, the Saints should be wearing gold pants today vs. the Panthers.
And of course we beat Carolina on the road. As far as I’m concerned, the black britches should be burned. I’ll bring the gasoline.
Is it really necessary to exclaim “JESUS CHRIST” to proclaim one’s dissapointment with Syracuse’s uniform?
I’m glad there was no attempt to give him a middle name…
If you are gonna use metaphors to color your discourse, don’t hold back – link…
correction: hockey section: Here’s a look at the helmet/mask the Ducks’ Andrew Miller will be wearing this season… should be RYAN Miller
NC State wore their wolf logo last week as well.
And unlike the mirrored 2014 version, this year’s version has the same decal on both sides.
I’ve always thought that NC State’s usual logo looked too much like Stanford’s and that they should use this logo instead. It looks great, is distinctive, and I think they should keep using it every game.
Not a complaint really, but I always liked it when college teams had an off week and they were referred to as idle. Was that officially stopped or has bye just trickled down from the NFL?
In the hockey section the mask is for Ryan Miller, not Andrew.
I know this is your site and you can write what you want, but I find it disappointing for a site that’s pretty smart, analytical, and articulate to feel the need to express itself in in ways that unnecessarily isolates some of us readers by offensively using the name of Jesus Christ so loosely to make some uniform point.
This isn’t a religious site. Jesus Christ is a common slang term used in many ways. You’re making an issue of it because you feel like you have to, when it’s not an issue and you could just keep to yourself and get over it. This is on the same lines as the national anthem protests. It really doesn’t matter, but you feel like you are being offended because of words that mean nothing. Jesus Christ get over yourself.
“Words that mean nothing”
I myself am one that believes taking offense is always a choice, but to say that “Jesus Christ” are words that mean nothing shows a remarkable lack of awareness.
And no, it is not slang.
OMG I get that there’s nothing you can’t say or do that won’t offend some people in the world. Pick your battles and accept that there are people in this world you just won’t agree with. I take issue with people who change lanes without signaling, even without any traffic around them, but that’s probably just me and me getting upset will in no way help the situation. I can only control what I do. As long as I signal then I’m good. I bet vegetarians get pissed about people eating animals more than people do about others taking the Lord’s name in vain…
I myself am not upset or offended. I just acknowledge people’s right to take offense and that it was easily predictable (and avoidable) in this situation.
In interjection form, Jesus Christ is slang. That’s how it’s defined in the dictionary. You being offended by someone using common slang is not defined anywhere.
And I only went to 13 years of catholic school.
From the OED–
Jesus Christ
b. Used as (or as part of) an oath or as a strong exclamation of surprise, disbelief, dismay, or the like; also in various phrases, as by Jesus, Jesus (H.) Christ, Jesus wept. Cf. gee int.2, Jeez(e int.
c. Language of a highly colloquial type, considered as below the level of standard educated speech, and consisting either of new words or of current words employed in some special sense.
“Some special sense”, I’ll grant might give you some leeway, but the historical usage has not been slang, anymore than the word “damn”.
For me, it’s not slang, so I’ll agree to disagree.
I know and like Phil, and work with him. He has a “rough and tumble” use of language, and I know that about him. But, that being said, as a Christian, when I first read that I did dislike the use of Jesus Christ in that way. I think it draws un-needed attention and comment (obviously) to a topic that has nothing to do with his main point. There are many words that could have been used instead that would not have hijacked the uniform theme. I think that saying that people who are offended by this are being silly is a bit naive.
I would just like to point out that I did not write the offending section, though as Deputy/Weekend editor, I certainly did have purview over the content. Terry got his portion of the piece to me late last night (as you’re aware, since I know you were waiting for the end of the Ducks game so you could get me the Duck Tracker graphic), and by the time he got his piece too me, I just wanted to get today’s piece finished. I could have stripped that part out, very easily, but I know Terry too had had a long day and I let it ride. I think it may depend upon where one is from as to how one takes the sentiment — here in NYC, using the expression “Jesus Christ” to describe something ridiculous is commonplace and to me, and probably most, completely unoffensive — akin to saying ‘holy shit’ or something. Now, I realize that phrase itself may be offensive, but I can assure you the context in which I’m familiar with the expression it’s simply a statement of disbelief/exasperation. I can remember a “Jesus Fuck” comment once being made on here which cause similar reaction — but I can assure you the sentiment is not made to offend. And I apologize to you and anyone who was offended.
I take full responsibility for the comment going out as editor, but I do want to stress I didn’t make it.
Sorry Phil, now I see that it was Terry. I’m not overly offended, since I’m a realistic and pretty liberal Christian (But know many people who take great offense to this language, or most any of the other phrases you mention. My comment is not meant to chastise, but to inform. I understand your deadline pressures.
I’m with you, Troy. Especially for a site that won’t use the R word because it’s offensive to some Native Americans. It’s a double standard, but that’s the way it is.
And I also agree with you that it’s not your/my site, so I’m fine with the writers choosing their own vocabulary. I am not demanding a change. But like you, I am disappointed.
This isn’t a religious site. If you are that sensitive that your eyes burn when you read something that does not abide by your religious beliefs, you should confine yourself only to religious sites, rather than trying to sensor everyone else. If you have issue with exclaiming Jesus Christ, then…don’t. Problem solved.
I just spent an hour trying to think of something profound to add, but all I could come up with was “Whatever happened to Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but names (words) will never hurt me”? And I think that’s enough.
As far as the reference to JC, I know the character of the people who work hard of this site and I know no harm or offense was meant. In this corner, none was taken. That’s good enough. Move forward.
And don’t let words ruin your day.
endzones are green! Never done that before. Usually, just grass or black
So they *have* been green…
They’ve been grass green. Now they’re gross green.
I would have called the SMU “gray Mustang” uniforms “Eleanor” uniforms.
Thanks for the college sailor cap logos links. Looking at those old logos brought a smile to my face.
“If you look closely at this1961 L.A. Angels team pic you might agree with me when I believe that there’s a logo in there I’ve never seen this team use before. It’s on the the left breast of the white short-sleeved shirt the guy is wearing on the far right. I’ve crudely drawn what I think I’m seeing…
The Blair Witch?
It seems that there was a time that royal blue fell out of favor for navy blue. Maybe some thought it wasn’t as tuff or menacing as dark navy. Cal, Pitt, LA Rams, just to name a few off the top of my head. But I prefer the past royal versions for all these.
Would the Cowboys also count as a team who changed from royal to navy. If so, they did it earlier than these other teams. And they only did it for their road jerseys, while using a blue with the white jerseys who seems close to a royal blue color.
And why do teams with blue seem to be less loyal to a particular shade, with UCLA being another example of changing blues over the years? You don’t see a team with crimson changing to maroon, or maroon to cardinal.
Teams like Cal & Pitt don’t wear their throwbacks full-time because, while they are cool on a temporary basis, I don’t think they resonate full-time with the players and students now who are in school right now.
Yeah a Michigan, Alabama, and Penn State can get away with it because they are traditional powerhouses and can be immune from thinking about those things. Their appeal more in their history of success.
But it’s understandable why most schools are more concerned with the style choices of today’s 20 year olds than 1970’s 20 year olds.
So basically if your team stinks, then wearing a number of different uniform combinations, most of which are ridiculous, is needed to take the 20-somethings’ minds off football? Makes sense, I suppose.
Is it me, or do the Jets’ green jerseys look a *lot* better now, with the new Nike template?
They’d look better still if they’d just reverse the stripe panel colors so they didn’t have that ugly 90 degree cut.
Some jerseys still have that, but a lot of them link. It’s not nearly as bad as the link, although they did a better job with the color.
Rsts, I wish I had taken a screen shot, but did anybody else notice that the Arkansas helmets had the name sticker on the helmet stripe, the same as the Cowboys? They really paid attention to details on these uniforms!
Oh jesus christ how we noticed it every day all day for the last 7 days
The Nike swoosh is not backwards in that shot; it is always supposed to be displayed going forward, with the large part facing front.
And for much of Jack Youngblood’s career, he went DDNOB, as there was also a Jim Youngblood on the team; this is mentioned on both of their wikipedia entries.
The NFL’s shoe rule being relaxed has really made a striking difference; my Dolphins players wearing orange shoes with aqua pants and white tops stand out, reminding me of ducks. I do like it though.
Those Duke helmets are throwbacks to the 1979 and 1980 helmets.
They wore a similar design in the 90s and early 2000s as well.
Glenn Metzger says, “I was rewatching the Lions victory over the Giants from MNF, and noticed that the Nike logo on the right sleeve of the Giants jersey is backward. Is that a mistake, or have is that the new standard for Nike’s jerseys?”
The Nike logo on the right sleeve has been “backwards” ever since Nike took over the NFL uniform contract from Reebok.*
* Typically Nike prefers the curved part of the Swoosh to face forward in the direction of movement, that’s why the logo looks like that on almost all their sneakers and the NFL jerseys.
My friend works for the NFL and even he didn’t notice the backward Swoosh mark until I pointed out to him. Your mind won’t register it until you pay attention to it, but once you see it, you cannot unsee it.
What makes it weird is that it wasn’t always like that. You go back to Nike-provided uniforms from the 1990s through 2000 (from back when uniform deals were done by team), and the swoosh is the same on both sleeves (i.e. not reversed on the right sleeve).
Ray Hund, thanks for posting the Dodger Cafe image. Any idea of the year?
Gosh, those ’61 Angel uniforms are gorgeous. I wish they’d go back to them.
I’m pretty sure that Jack and Jim Youngblood both wore DDNOB for several years while they were teammates on the Rams.
Correct. Jack and Jim played together from 1973-84. They weren’t the only Rams to wear DDNOBs. Ron Brown (WR #89) and Richard Brown (LB #92), wore DDNOBs in 1987 and ’89.
I’m okay with players taking a knee during the anthem. Players may sacrifice certain rights but I don’t think this should be one of them. If Pres. Trump tells you to do something, you probably ought not to do it, mmmkay?
That paper currency with white volk still works? STFU. All creeds of humans stepped on someone else. RIP NFL.
Cal doesn’t need to go back to the Joe Roth/Chuck Muncie uniforms full-time. Its current uniforms look great and are vastly superior to the previous set.
Roth died when I was 10, and I remember the late Jerry Girard doing a 2-3 minute feature on Roth on WPIX-11 after Roth passed that was simple, poignant, and classy. The fact Girard carved out a huge piece of bandwidth in the pre-Internet era to pay tribute to a young man many people in the Tri-State Area had never heard of speaks highly of Girard and his character. Girard wanted people to know this was a good person we lost far too early.
BTW Fred Besana (mentioned in the piece) was his backup. He was driving a truck when the Oakland Invaders of the USFL asked if he’d be interested in trying out. He did, and actually did fairly well.
It should also be noted that the Invaders’ uniforms were very similar to the Cal throwbacks, and were quite sharp. Check them out.