By Phil Hecken
Back today with Part II of the Fauxback Jersey Contest (if you missed Part I, click here. Everything’s explained in that link, so I won’t repeat it all here.
Below are the second 25 submissions (in alpha-order), numbered and labeled with the team (and year if applicable) the concepter is throwing back to, as well as a description, if provided; following the submissions, we’ll have voting. As you scroll through the graphics, be sure to make note of the concept(s) you like ”” you’ll be able to vote for as many as you like (but you can only vote once). You guys know the drill by now (click to enlarge, etc.), so let’s get started!

1. Sean Flaherty (1982 Miami Marlins
This concept is inspired by the White Sox uniforms from 1982-86. It takes some elements from the original Marlin’s teal and black uniforms and the more orange heavy ones of present day.

2. Joey Friedman (1970 Colorado Rockies)
1970 Colorado Rockies jersey. Interestingly enough, the White Sox, Indians, A’s, Pilots, Reds, Expos, and Phillies all tried out the logo on the right chest and number on the left between 1969 and 1970. The logo on the chest is an original attempt at an old, simplistic, and retro logo.

3. Brendan Gargano (1976 Colorado Rockies)
i chose the rockies because their uniforms have always sucked. im throwing it back to 1976, including the national league centennial patch worn by the NL teams that year. the color palette was inspired by the state of colorado flag, which i partially incorporated on the other sleeve.

4. Kyle Geralds (1976 Colorado Rockies)
The Powder Purple Era

5. Dan Hallberg (1955 Anaheim Mighty Ducks)
To celebrate the grand opening of Disneyland in 1955, Walt Disney Presents, the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim!

6. Kenion Harvey (1963 Colorado Rockies)
Description in image

7. Matt Harvey (1974 Memphis Grizzlies)
Fauxback Jersey Contest Entry
Team: Memphis Grizzlies
Team founded: Vancouver Grizzlies – 1995, Relocated to Memphis: 2001
Fauxback Jersey year: 1974 – Year the Memphis Sounds were introduced.
Description of jersey: Ties to the City of Memphis with the blues colors, music (six string guitar layout on jersey), and ties to the recent team in Memphis, the Grizzlies.

8. Brent Hatfield (1975 Marlins)
1975 Marlins Home Faux-back Jersey

9. Jim Hayden (1986 Baltimore Ravens)
Basically, a faux-back from the 1980’s displaying a lingering influence from the (recently moved) Colts’ uniforms exists in the shoulder stripes (although with an extra sleeve stripe ala’ the Eagles and Jets, seen as a sleeve gather on the modern Nike template). Outside of the USFL,1980’s teams tended toward a “2-color” rather than “3 color” scheme – so I stuck with Purple and Gold (I liked the gold pants the Ravens wore, once, during the 2015 season, so “athletic” gold pants – and helmet – would go with this jersey). Standard block font with no shadowing (since it wouldn’t be until the 1994 Forty-Niners throwbacks that drop-shadowing made a comeback).

10. Michael Hersh (1924 Los Angeles Xtreme)
No description provided

11. Jason Higgins (1973 Nashville Predators)
No description provided

12. Jason Hight (1976-77 Anaheim Ducks)
The Ducks wear orange currently and wore green in the past- colors associated with actual mallards. The crest is a modified unused design from the 2006 rebranding, and uses the Angels’ “A” from the time period. (1976-77 NHL season)

13. Justin Howland (1942 Tennessee Titans)
Tennessee Titans 1942 “Captain America” Fauxback: my take on the what the modern Titans might harken back to the early WWII patriotic swell, incorporating more red, cream, and (poor drawn) stars aligned in an “earlier” homage to the state flag.

14. Davis Jaye (1928 West Virginia Black Bears)
I chose the West Virginia Black Bears, a minor league team from Granville, WV.

15. Joshua Johnson (1970s Miami Marlins)
Here is my Marlins late 70s fauxback, a pinstripe V-neck pullover with intersecting city/team name and a new sleeve patch. Typically I prefer more conservative uni designs, but with fauxbacks and alts I’m okay with being daring.

16. Andrew Jones
I chose to use brighter versions of colors the team has worn throughout their history, while combining them to create a different look. I also tried to design a logo that their previous logos could have realistically evolved from.

17. Meghann Kamlin (1970s Anaheim Ducks)
Here is my throwback 70’s jersey for the Anaheim Ducks. It features a duck flying in from above, centered on the chest. There is also a shoulder emblem with a side view of a flying duck and crossed hockey sticks in the background.
Thanks for the consideration.

18. Ryan Kluever (Mid 80s Colorado Rockies)
Colorado Rockies circa mid 1980s
I always loved the baby blue road pullovers of the mid 80s (ie Phillies, Cards, Brewers, etc). I imagined that the 90s trend of purple and teal hadn’t yet begun and instead went with the iconic flag colors and design of the Colorado flag.

19. Fred Kreiger (Tampa Rays)
I wanted to throw back the Rays because they are the Pioneers of the Fauxback. I chose 72 for the number because that is the year my dad was drafted by the Cubs (I made him a Cubs fauxback for display on Father’s Day featuring the infamous “Sugar Bear” logo introduced by the club that year). Best of luck to all the participants and thank you for everything you guys do in keeping up with the site.

20. Brandon Lamarche (1945 Phoenix Diamondbacks)
This road uniform includes a new take on the Health patch worn by teams of that era as well as the team takes on the name Phoenix instead of Arizona because all teams of this time took the name of the city they resided in rather than the state.

21. Jaylen Lane & Ashton Strub (1992 Oklahoma City Thunder)
We chose to throwback the OKC Thunder to 1992 because that was the year I was born in and felt like it would be fun to see a team with a boring identity be taken to life with the wacky and vibrant jerseys of the 90’s.

22. Ryan Lindemann (1980s Colorado Rockies)
Attached is my entry for the Fauxback contest. I created an early 1980s solid pullover for the Colorado Rockies. Thanks again for all your work and dedication to the site!

23. Simon Lindsay (1933 Baltimore Ravens)
This uniform is a faux ‘Ravens since 1933’ jersey (same starting year as the Steelers). Their is very little difference between this design and the team design because their look is simple. I have just adjusted the elements to fit the 1930’s like the front shield and no white.

24. Nick Lineback (1984 Montgomery Biscuits)
“1984 Montgomery Biscuits Inaugural Season”
Deconstructed logos / Made into 80’s pullover style jersey / Added shoulder stripes & side stripe pattern for maximum 80’s look!
“Simplify and Subtract Through Adding.”

25. Ben Lynch (1947 Vancouver Grizzlies)
Found this sweet program from the 40’s so I have the Vancouver Grizzlies wearing this 1947 fauxback. Had to keep the ridiculous 90’s font with the alternate Griz logo.
Here is the link to the program if you are interested.
And there you have it ”” the second group of entries for the Fauxback Jersey Contest. Voting is below (remember, you can vote for as many designs as you’d like, but you may only vote one time).
Let’s have a big hand for the first set of contestants. Let them know what you think (and maybe even lobby for your favorites) in the comments below!

Mariners & Astros Play A Colorful Throwback
Digging the fact that the @Mariners & @astros will be rocking these 🙌🼠#ThrowbackJerseys pic.twitter.com/YH5LV7Pj84
— The Great Grumpsby (@richdaproducer) June 24, 2017
Last night the Astros and Mariners played a (late for me) throwback game, featuring both teams in 1977 throwbacks. Mike Acosta, who is the expert on such things, felt the Astros did a great job recreating the Tequila Sunrises worn that year:
Another nice job on tonight's 1977 Astros rainbow uniforms by @MajesticOnField. Comparison pic with Terry Puhl. Photos by @JuliaMorales. pic.twitter.com/SFK36UY96a
— Mike Acosta (@AstrosTalk) June 25, 2017
Both unis were pretty sweet:
The #Astros & #Mariners turned back the clock tonight and the uniforms are 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 pic.twitter.com/qqQyIA8bfy
— Around The Bases POD (@AroundBasesPOD) June 25, 2017
This video, from Sports Funhouse, gives you a great idea of how sharp this matchup was:
Look at this gorgeous uniform matchup in Seattle. 💰@UniWatch @PhilHecken pic.twitter.com/kTB0O7y5pf
— Sports Funhouse (@SportsFunhouse) June 25, 2017
Unfortunately, the Astros were not wearing white cleats, which would have been period-appropriate, but I’ve given up on anything the players do below their knees these days (whether it be socks, stirrups, pajamas, or cleats). At least the ‘stros players (most of them anyway) were going with stirrups (though, not all)! Sadly, it appeared most Mariners and Astros preferred pajamas.
Kudos to the Astros for going the extra mile in getting period-appropriate throwback helmets:
Out of all the combinations of retro uniforms we've had, the #Astros #Mariners tribute rules because it's so great for my new color TV. #MLB pic.twitter.com/gPbL3wenv6
— John Schlegel (@JohnSchlegelMLB) June 25, 2017
Unfortunately, I didn’t get to see this game (one of these days I’ll invest in either Extra Innings or the AtBat app, but today isn’t that day).
And, while I love that the Mariners had a “1977 Turn Back The Clock” night, it’s odd they chose to play it versus the Astros, who were an NL team in 1977 — and because Interplague didn’t happen until many years later, the teams never met wearing these unis. So it was sort of a fauxback game. Still, it’s always great to see the Trident and Rainbow Guts uniforms, even if they didn’t quite replicate how they’d have been worn back in 1977:

WHAT YEAR IS IT?! https://t.co/y2I4oSktXL pic.twitter.com/ZWGvHUXON8
— MLB (@MLB) June 25, 2017
Missed it by *that* much.
You can see more photos here.


Colorize This!
Occasionally, I will be featuring wonderful, high-quality black and white photographs that are just begging to be colorized.
Following the recent (and awesome) colorizations by Chris Whitehouse (aka “ManCave”), our old friend George Chilvers has returned to grace us with some of his beautiful work! His works are (obviously) the pics in colo(u)r, and the originals are in black & white. You can click on any of the images to enlarge!
Here’s George…
Hi Phil
Nice to see colourisations back on the agenda. Of course what you need are more obscure (to all of you on the otherside of the Pond) sports’ colourisations. This set are rugby league (not to be confused with rugby union, eg the All Blacks etc). They are, I think, as you would say uni-noteworthy.
The pics are:
1901 Challenge Cup Final (rugby’s equivalent of the FA Cup) at Headingley in Leeds where a Batley player in white is attempting a conversion after a try against Warrington (whose colours are always described poetically as blue and primrose, although we all know they are blue and yellow);

The 1934 Challenge Cup winners, Hunslet, celebrate with the trophy at Wembley. Their colours also have a charming description: myrtle, white and flame;

Ben Gronow, a Welsh “dual code” international. He started out playing rugby union, then an amateur game, but moved to the professional rugby league in 1910. In this picture he is in a jersey of the Great Britain team probbaly around 1919-20;

Fred Smith, this being taken in 1910. Rugby league was at the time known as Northern Union (it had been formed as a professional entity by northern clubs who wanted to pay players for lost time from work – the more affluent south still clung onto amateur rugby union based around schools and colleges). Smith is in the kit of the first team to represent Great Britain to tour Australia;

Sandy Pearce, an Australian player of the same era. He is wearing the Australian national colours of the time, long before green and gold became the standard colour choice for Australian sports teams. The colours comprise the light blue of New South Wales, and the maroon of Queensland, the two states where rugby league was taking hold;

Billy Batten of Hull, same era, same touring team. He is in his club colours which, despite rugby’s tendency to provide fancy names are described solely as black and white. I would hav ethough tthey could at least have tried midnight black and snow-white. The picture for me was a proof of concept: that you still can colourise black and white :)

Use them as you wish, Phil, I don’t want to jump into Chris’ party, so if you want to keep them for a while that’s fine.
Thanks, George. Great stuff as always! Hope to have you send more our way soon!!!

So, I was on a Podcast…

…the other day.
I joined HOVG Proprietor Shawn Anderson and his sidekick Lou Olsen to discuss…wait for it…uniforms.
As they describe it,
The weekend editor (and “bench coach”) for the Uni Watch Blog talks to the boys about those hideous things the Arizona Diamondbacks are wearing, the best (and worst) uniforms in the Majors, why baseball needs to tone down their special jerseys and why 1969 might have been the greatest looking year on the diamond.
You can check it out above or click here.
I’ve done several podcasts before, but I think this one turned out pretty well. If you have some spare time, give it a listen — love to get some feedback! Thanks.

And now a few reminders from Paul: Hi there. In case you missed it yesterday, I had a new ESPN piece about how the rapper/actor Ice Cube collaborated with uniform designer/historian Todd Radom to create the uniforms for BIG3, the new 3-on-3 basketball league. You can check that out here.
Also: Four new Naming Wrongs designs have just launched. You can see all of the new designs here, you can read more about them here, and you can order them in the Naming Wrongs shop. (They’re also cross-listed in the Uni Watch shop, where card-carrying Uni Watch members can get 15% off. If you don’t already have the discount code, get in touch and I’ll hook you up.)
Also-also: The third batch of StripeRite socks is now available. Most of the designs from the first and second batches are available as well.

Uni Watch News Ticker
By Phil

Baseball News: The Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters have gone retro. Toei Flyers was their name from 1954-1972 (from Graveyard Baseball). … Chicago Cubs catcher Willson Contreras wore a Venezuela flag themed compression sleeve the other day in Miami (from Big Karl). … “The Scranton Wilkes-Barre RailRiders starting selling their July 4th caps (yesterday) — they mirror the Yankees’ July 4th caps but have a traditional embroidered logo on the front (instead of the chromaflex logo),” says Mike Slesinski. “Also, the RailRiders wear ‘glow in the park’ uniforms on Fridays (black and fluorescent yellow-green), but this season they are also using matching helmets that encompass both the matte-finish and 3D logo trends that are popular right now. Here’s their regular helmet for comparison (glossy finish, flat logo).” … More looks at the Railriders neon here (from Chris H). … Great grab from Rich Paloma of Rickey Henderson’s first stolen base in his MLB debut on 6/24/1979 — he’s wearing #39 and has NNOB. … The Louisville Bats threw it back to the Louisville Redbirds on 80s Night at Slugger Field last evening (from John Follett). … on August 5th, the Syracuse Chiefs will become the Salt Potatoes (from Dick Holbrook). … The Peoria Chiefs will undergo a name change for one night — the series finale on Thursday — and officially play as the Peoria Distillers (from Ben Zoss). … The Southern Ohio Copperheads wore some, um, electric jerseys yesterday (from Griffin Ward). … Everyone needs a Joey Votto frankenjersey right? (from Steve Hemsath). … The Salem Red Sox threw back and became the Redbirds (from Chad Hlavaty). … If you eat a meal at “Meat and Potatoes” in Pittsburgh, they throw in a cool poster of Forbes Field (from Russ Flynn). … OK, here’s one of the coolest photos you’ll see today: “3 Rockford Peaches in the house for A League of Their Own Tribute Night! Can you guess which one is an ORIGINAL peach?!” (from Beauty of a Game via Tampa Yankees). … Whoa. Trillvio Dante “Got this unreal Denver Bears hat from the Denver Flea. Made by My Favorite Colors Studio.” … The Salt Lake Bees are “Excited to put on these threads for 80s Night and our Salt Lake Trappers throwback on Monday!” … Jorge Cruz writes, “Yankee 1B Tyler Austins called back up rocking a funny version of Jordan Jumpman Tshirt anyone know what it is?” Apparently it has something to do with the song “Me & Julio Down By The School Yard.” … OOPS! The St. Louis Cardinals gave away a Bob Gibson final out of the 1967 World Series bobblehead yesterday (thanks to Bruce Menard). The only problem? The Birds were on the road for game 7. … Also from Bruce, the Kansas City Royals gave away “Los Reales” BBQ aprons at yesterday’s game

NFL/CFL/College/High School Football News: “The Bengals NBC photo shoot on the team web site shows several players wearing an updated jersey (no neck roll),” says Brian Spiess. “However, the photo gallery also shows three rookies in numberless jerseys that still include the orange neck roll. Not sure what the numberless jersey is used for, but it looks like the team did not update the numberless jerseys.” … Hmmm: CYA or actual sense?: Oregon football players used three helmets last season ”” green, black and white ”” that were mixed and matched with myriad uniform combinations. The Ducks were pioneers in football fashion and other schools have followed, using helmets to make a statement. Now, the NCAA wants to determine whether style is coming at the expense of safety. The governing body’s football oversight committee will meet this week in Indianapolis and is to begin studying whether multiple helmets could lead to more concussions and serious head and neck injuries. … “Some awesome person was flying a @ChicagoBears flag at #Glastonbury2017 tonight. #FooFighters” (from Charlie Kranz. … Sometimes, it pays to clean out the garage, as you just might find some treasures (from Erik Gamborg). Paging Gene Sanny & Jimmer Vilk. … The Denver Broncos have yet to find a suitable buyer for the rights to “Sports Authority Field,” named for a company that went bankrupt in 2016 (thanks, Brinke). .. Here’s a look at what could be the new adidas uniform for Rutgers (from Andrew Lind). … Edmonton Eskimos QB Mike Reilly is wearing what looks to be a Qalo wedding band (from Chris Howell).

NBA/G-League/College/High School Basketball News: Believe the hype? He hasn’t even stepped on an NBA court yet, but Magic Johnson sees the Lakers eventually retiring Lonzo Ball’s jersey. … “Came across this read regarding the Lakers rarely used giraffe logo,” says Mina Mikhael. “Uni Watch is cited but I’m wondering if you have further insights on it.” (forwarded from Paul without comment). … Fort Wayne Pistons note the Detroit Pistons cannot seem to make up their mind on when they were established, adding, “Hmmm, to include the Fort Wayne years or not.”

Soccer News: FC Cincinnati of the USL changed their Twitter avatar Saturday to this rainbow colored one. Our own Alex Hider notes this was the same day as the Cincinnati Pride Parade and Festival. … Speaking of Pride, the Orlando Pride became next level Pride yesterday (from prop). … The Boston Breakers are wearing a TD Memorial armband (I’m assuming for Tony DiCicco, who passed away a few days ago). From James Gilbert.

Grab Bag: New logo for France Volleyball designed by French agency Leroy Tremblot (from Jeremy Brahm). … The LottoNL-Jumbo team has unveiled a new jersey for the Tour de France, with the black and yellow panels on the original 2017 jersey being flipped so as not to cause a clash with the maillot jaune. … Um…there’s a new furry cyclops mascot for Jewel-Osco, a Chicago-based grocery store chain. Mike Chamernik feels compelled to add, “I send this in only because I go to Jewel literally every day (often times twice a day).” … The KY Bourbon Festival has a new logo (from Josh Claywell).

And that’s it for today. Thanks to everyone who submitted for the Fauxback Jersey contest. If you haven’t already done so, don’t forget to vote for your favorites! I’ll have the third (of FOUR) sets next Saturday and the final batch next Sunday, so make sure you check back then. You guys have a great week, and I’ll catch you next month (can you believe next Saturday is July 1?). By they we’ll be ready for four days of flag desecration unis in MLB, so…can’t wait for that. Till then…
Follow me on Twitter @PhilHecken.
“To be devoid of the appreciation of teal is to lead a sad existence.”
— Jimmer Vilk

UniWatch comes through again.
This ad was scanned from a Lakers vs. Syracuse Nationals game program (which would date it between 1961 and 1963). Check out the souvenir basketball:
The above post is regarding the giraffe/lakers item.
Also, FC Cincinnati’s corner flags were in the Pride colors.
I just got your page… Rams and Steelers in the garage, STAT!
A full week between fauxback sets? Come on man! How much breaking news in the uniform world are you expecting tomorrow?
You must be new here
Been coming here for years and years… It’s never made sense to me to drag this stuff out. As we’ve seen, many entrants DID NOT abide by the rules, why not show those who DID in the first weekend, give everyone a week to vote for the finalists, then in the second weekend announce the finalists and show the ones not eligible due to breaking the rules. (if rules actually mean anything). As it is, we’re rewarding people for their last name, not their ability to follow simple rules. Also, I notice in these “contests” most of the entrants are always the same people, thus they’re always going up against the same batch of designers due to their last name.
I apologize for assuming what your rant was about — I was just getting at Phil handles the wkend – PL during the week
Correction on the Australian rugby league colourisation from an Australian – sky blue & maroon were never our national colours. No national colours existed in 1908, the country was only formed 7 years earlier.
The first national rugby league team simply combined the jersey colours of the two states where the sport is played. At home they would just wear the state jersey of whatever state was hosting the game. Great to see the jersey though!
Indeed, Tail. I didn’t mean “national colours” per se; I meant the colours worn by the national team.
Kudos to Kyle Geralds for including the Colorado centennial logo!
That Denver Bears hat dates to the turn of the 80s when Tim Raines and Tim Wallach played at Mile High. Good times!
Nice blog spot with Hall of Very Good, Phil! 2nd time listened to it.
Mariners wore throwback Trident M batting helmets
Phil sounded like Rain Man firing off all those Padres combinations. ;)
Just busting balls. It was an entertaining listen.
“Distillers” is one of those names that ought to be in full-time use somewhere.
For probably the rest of the day, you can see the new and old Kentucky Bourbon Festival logos on their website here:
The old one barely qualifies as a logo. But the new one leaves me mystified as to what it’s trying to say about bourbon, Kentucky, or the festival. The one thing that stands out is the Glancairn glass on the left. That’s the official glass of high-end Scotch whisky snobbery.* Apparently, one doesn’t drink bourbon at the festival, one noses it.
Poor coordination. Just last month, the Kentucky Bourbon Trail released a newly designed bourbon tasting glass designed by Libby for the bolder aromas and younger alcohol fumes of bourbon whiskey: link. Could have used that in the new festival logo.
*As in, that’s what I use to taste Scotch at the monthly Single Malt Society meetings.
People in western Pennsylvania love to root for “Distillers” along with “Dipirates” and “Dipenguins”
Comment of the day!
“Kudos to the Astros for going the extra mile in getting period-appropriate throwback helmets”
You can check with Mike Acosta on this, but I think the Mariners paid for the Astros helmets (and uniforms) so the kudos probably go the Mariners.
Those Astros helmets will probably stay in a Mariners gift shop or in the Mariners online authentics store. I think home team usually foots the bill for throwback uniforms and then sells them on site in the team’s authentics store or online for auction.
Two years ago, the Astros and Rangers played a throwback game (complete with a benches-clearing incident). About two weeks after that, I went to an Astros game, and the Astros were selling those Rangers jerseys in the Astros Authentics store in Minute Maid Park.
That’s true. About 5 years ago I removed seeing game worn Astros tequila sunrise jerseys for sale in mariners shop
The Mariners and Astros played in a Turn Back the Clock game on May 24, 2014. Surprised the Mariners chose the Astros again as a TBTC game opponent just 3 years later.
Another great set of entries! Kamlin and Hatfield were the standouts for me, but the best of a very good group. For me, the Rays 1970s fauxbacks are the ideal, in that they aren’t just fun fauxbacks, they’re better uniforms and more expressive of the spirit of their city and the team than the Rays’ real actual uniforms. For me, Hatfield’s Marlins and Kamlin’s Ducks have that transcendent quality. If the Rays adopted their fauxbacks full time, they’d go from the team in the AL East I sort of mildly prefer to see atop the division standings to a team that I actively root for and follow. Same with these two entries. I’d be a Ducks fan if they looked anything like that, and if those were the Marlins unis, I’d take an active rooting interest in them as a team I’d want to make the playoffs after the Nats.
Meghann Kamlin’s Duck entry made me smile – great logos. Love the main crest and the shoulder patches were a nice touch that fit in well with the whole jersey.
I think duplicating the striping on the arms along the waist would have helped it even more.
Brent Hatfield did a stellar job with the Marlins.
Jim Hayden has a well put together entry – simple, classic, and well thought out.
I can’t find a reference for it, but I’ve seen Browns press photos using numberless jerseys, too, and the explanation I saw was that it was to cover for potential number changes before the season, mainly for the rookies.
Brendan Gargano’s “Rockies” fauxback is a pretty darn cool design. Nice logo and love the 80’s pullover. The colors though are horrendous! Could you imagine the matching mustard yellow pants with those? Yeah, it’s not purple (a positive) but damn the Yellow/Blue/Red is Circus-esque (a negative) – Would love to see the same stellar design based on a white jersey.
thanks (kinda). i was torn between submitting the yellow one and a white ‘home’ version that turned out pretty good and definitely looks like something that a team would implement today. ultimately, i decided to go with the yellow one in the spirit of the garish ’70s.’
The entire NWSL is wearing the TD armbands this weekend in memory of Toni DiCicco
Man, Bret Hatfield’s Marlins concept might be the one to beat.
The Yankees Old Timers have the Majestic maker’s mark on their sleeves.
Also, Reggie Jackson’s cap featured neither the NE mark nor the OT day patch.
It had the 2009 innagural season patch on the back though. Guess Reggie’s held on to that cap for 8 years.
The fact that the Mariners-Astros throwback game would have been an Interleague matchup in its time, doesn’t strike me as unusual at all in the context of what games teams choose to use as throwback games. I’ve noticed countless Interleague games with throwback uniforms over the years despite the apparent incongruity of it. For instance I know the Giants and Athletics have done several of them together.
PHIL, next contest idea (if it’s not been done yet)
FAUX-FORWARD design using defunct teams as they would look today had they not gone defunct.
– DO IT.
…and then accept entries from current teams that don’t adhere to the contest rules
I’m generally against the idea of fauxbacks, but I will admit the ’55 Mighty Ducks made me chuckle. I never realized before today how much that old timey Disney font looks like something from a Third Reich propaganda poster.
There are a large number of, well, how to put this nicely… people who believe in alternate realities on YouTube claiming Walt Disney and Adolf Hitler were the same person. << NOT MAKING THIS UP!
The Brent Hadfield 1975 fauxback should be Miami’s actual uniform.
“To be devoid of the appreciation of teal is to lead a sad existence.”
– Jimmer Vilk
Don’t be sad, join the movement to “Make Teal Great Again.”
That Miami one is positively a keeper.
Throwback uniforms shot NOT include pajama pants. The players shouldn’t even be given the choice as to style of pants or socks in throwback games.
Good news: the Royals used the correct Spanish version “los Reales”.
Bad news: they got the verb wrong. With a plural subject it should be “vivan”.
Can we get Brent Hatfields marlins jersey in the right hands and make this their actual jersey? That thing is glorious…
I think the first two rounds have shown how much a Marlins only contest was needed
That new Rutgers uni looks about right. I guess the idea is to go back to the look of the later Schiano years when the team was doing well, just with updated number fonts and wordmark typography. It would look worlds better if Adidas not require their logo to be where it is and allow them to move it to the upper right part of the jersey, but then I guess they’d get crap from The Swoosh. My only real concern is that since it’s Adidas, it’s going to suffer from those terrible fit issues their jerseys always seem to have and just look super stretched once you have pads on.