We’re going off-uni today, because I want to talk about an aspect of visual culture that I’ve thought about for years but never written about until now.
So: When I was putting together that New England travelogue last week, I was struck, as I always am when seeing photos of myself, by the sight of my hair parted on my left side. I’ve parted my hair on the left since I was a little kid, so nothing about that should surprise me. But like most people, my most frequent view of myself comes from a mirror, so I’m used to seeing my hair parted on what appears to be the opposite side (or to put it another way, the way the rest of the world sees me is different than the way I conceive of myself). When I see a photo of myself, the reality of the left/right situation always catches me by surprise.
I’ve always wondered if other people with asymmetrical hairstyles have similar responses when seeing photos of themselves. Has the spread of social media and selfies changed this, because we’re more used to seeing photos of ourselves than we used to be? And what about actors and models, who are presumably more accustomed to seeing themselves as they truly appear (in photos, on video, etc.) — are they thrown by sight of themselves in the mirror, or are they sort of self-image-ambidextrous, able to conceive of their hair being parted on either side?
That leads to another question: Mirror imagery notwithstanding, could I part my hair on the other side? Personally, I can’t imagine it. For starters, I’m not sure it would look good — I feel like I’m already parting it on its “natural” side (although that’s probably just a construct). But more to the point, I’m so used to the physical act of doing this way that I’m pretty sure I’d be all thumbs if I tried doing it on the other side.
But there are at least two public figures who apparently had no such problems:
1. At the beginning of Jimmy Carter’s presidency, he parted his hair on his right side:

But at some point during his four-year term — I’m pretty sure it was in 1979 or ’80 — his part suddenly migrated to his left side:

I remember noticing this at the time (I would have been in ninth grade, or thereabouts) and mentioning it to one of my friends. He looked at my like I was nuts, but I still wondered — had Carter’s barber suggested the change? Was it part of a larger repackaging of his image? Was it just personal preference? Why hadn’t anyone else noticed or talked about it? (Footnote: The latter style, with the part on the left, is what he still uses today.)
2. For most of Dan Rather’s career, from the 1960s at least through the late 1990s, he parted his hair on his left side:

But at some point toward the end of his tenure at CBS, he switched to a much shorter haircut — with the part on the opposite side:

I understood that the shorter cut probably had to do with Rather’s receding hairline and thinning hair and so on, but why switch the side of the part? Again, I noticed right away (and thought it looked awful) and was surprised when nobody else mentioned it.
One final thought: There’s a product called a True Mirror that, as its name implies, will give you a true image instead of a mirror image. I’ve never used the product, but you can create the same effect by positioning yourself (or an object) at the center of two mirrors that meet at a 90 º angle. There will be three images created — left, right, and center — and the one in the center will be a composite true image, as you can see in this very short video clip:
Restaurant bathrooms sometimes have this type of mirror arrangement, with two panes meeting at a right angle. Whenever I encounter such a situation, I take a few seconds to position myself in the proper spot, so I can see my hair and face as they actually appear. It’s always a bit unnerving.

Ah-OOO-gah! Received a fairly brilliant contribution yesterday from reader Adam Shechter, as follows:
To my surprise, the Islanders have installed new goal horns at the Barclays Center. For the preseason games so far, they’ve piped in noise from the ones at Nassau Coliseum. The new ones, apparently, come sourced directly from New York City subway trains.
This brings up a question has always interested me: New hockey arena, new goal horn? Different teams have come up with differing answers: Pittsburgh stuck with theirs from the Igloo, but the Devils ditched their old one from the Meadowlands when they moved to Newark. When the Whalers left Hartford and became the Hurricanes, they took the horn with them to Raleigh. (YouTube can confirm anything these days.) The Coyotes, perhaps aware of the mess they left behind in Winnipeg, took a new horn in Glendale. When the Thrashers were sent north to reconstitute the Jets, they restored — in a different arena, no less — the horn from the original Jets team.
Next up: the Red Wings, who are opening up their new place in a few years.
Confession: I think most goal horns are obnoxiously loud. (I think the same thing about the player-substitution horns at NBA games.) But I really like singling out cross-venue horn continuity as an element for further investigation. Great job, Adam!
The Ticker
By Paul

Baseball News: Looks like NFLer JJ Watt was wearing a red Brewers cap the other day. That’s from the Brew Crew’s Polish heritage game (good spot by Everett Corder). ”¦ Nice powder blues — with Northwestern-striped stirrups! — for San Jose State (from @jthesnayke). ”¦ Did you catch Trevor Noah’s Daily Show debut on Monday night? At one point he made a Mets-related joke and they showed the team’s skyline logo over his shoulder — but it was the old logo, with the “NY,” which hasn’t been used since the late 1990s. I emailed Phil immediately (I knew he was watching too) but didn’t get a screen shot. Fortunately, @MaxScholl did. ”¦ The MLB online shop, apropos of apparently nothing, is now selling cream jerseys for every team. ”¦ The Dodgers clinched the N.L. West last night, but their TV network mistakenly awarded them the N.L. pennant (from Matthew Prigge). ”¦ My buddy Bill Scanga spotted these Mets soft drinks in a Japanese shop in Manhattan.

NFL News: The great graphic designer Michael Beirut, who’s done some work for the Jets, says doing work for a sports team is a fraught, high-stakes proposition (from Neil MacLeod). ”¦ Can’t believe we haven’t seen this before, but Roger Faso notes that the cut-out on the SpeedFlex helmet look a lot like those old helmet phones. ”¦ The Bengals will wear their orange alts this Sunday. They have a good record when wearing that jersey. ”¦ “Look like Mike Wilhoite, among other 49ers, was doing some charity work the other day,” says David Dinsmore. “But check out the jersey — there’s an SAP advertising patch, which is normally found only on their practice jerseys. Except this isn’t the practice jersey — it’s a game jersey. I guess they throw the advertising on their game jerseys for public appearances now. Yuck.” ”¦ The Jets didn’t yet exist in 1953, so this football-themed Jets cereal was ahead of its time (nice find by Paul Dillon). ”¦ Gene Sanny was looking at some old photos of former Pats QB Steve Grogan and noticed his nose bumper logo being held on with Scotch tape and one of his facemask bars having been sawed off. “Ya gotta love back when they weren’t so nit-picky about uniforms,” he says.

College Football News: A sports columnist in Ohio has figured out that college football uniforms increasingly look like shit (from Jason Hillyer). ”¦ Red-black-red this week for NC State, and black-grey-black for Colorado. ”¦ Oklahoma wants to “stripe the stadium” this weekend and — surprise! — they have suggestions for the licensed apparel you should buy to achieve their desired effect. Nice gig if people are foolish enough to play along. This might be a rare instance where I’d endorse wearing purple (or green, or orange, or blue), just to fuck with them (from Matt Upton). ”¦ South Carolina QB Lorenzo Nuñez will now have a tilde on his NOB (from Ben Vermeil). ”¦ Mono-black tomorrow night for Cincy. ”¦ New hand-painted helmet for Maryland. ,,, Speaking of Maryland, they claim to be the first school to go with NOBs. Is that right? I feel like we’ve discussed it before but can’t recall how, if at all, we resolved it. ”¦ Our own Phil Hecken is quoted in this article about the chrome helmet fad.

Hockey News: Very entertaining article by a guy who doesn’t like how center-ice logos are often sliced in half by the red line. Never thought about that before. Recommended reading (from Jim Collier). ”¦ Ooooh, check out the 1923-24 Melville Millionaires! (Nice find by Alan Kreit.)

Basketball News: This is pretty funny: 15 years of Andre Miller at Media Day. “So many unis, so many hairstyles,” says @holycalamity. … New uniforms for Wyoming. Here’s a promo video (from Jon Spencer). ”¦ Interlocking “AS” now on the rear neckline for Arizona State (from Eric Lewitke). ”¦ New uniforms for Hartford (from @HawksInformer).

Soccer News: Religions as soccer uniforms? Sure, why not (from Phillip Foose). ”¦ The Seattle Sounders are adding an extra jersey ad this Sunday. ”¦ New jerseys for the Baltimore Blast. Man, do those look like a kid’s Photoshop concept or what? (From Marc Viquez.) ”¦ Cool infographic on German national team home kits through the years (from Mark Emge). ”¦ New uniforms for Costa Rica (thanks, Phil). ”¦ This is pretty cool: Hamburg’s current team portrait re-creates the team’s crest (big thanks to Gillaume B.).

Grab Bag: Here’s an awesome ice bag design, but it’s a major missed opportunity for an infinite regression. The bags on the hand truck should show a robin with a hand truck, and on and on. ”¦ Military intelligence: Boxing is required for freshmen at the Army, Navy, and Air Force academies — even though a surprisingly large number of cadets end up with concussions as a result. Key quote: “The injuries regularly sideline cadets from varsity sports, academics, and military training, West Point officials said. Cadets too concussed to complete the boxing class are required to repeat it. ”¦ Now some parents and policy makers are asking whether the military needs to find better ways to instill perseverance than having its best and brightest repeatedly punched in the head.” Even worse, the Army was so scared of that article coming out that they tried to stonewall a Freedom of Information Act request about the boxing-related concussions until they could plant more upbeat news items in other media outlets (which, as it turned out, they were unable to do). Scandalous all around. ”¦ Pinktober has now spread all the way to the Eiffel Tower (from Jonathan Daniel). ”¦ Good infographic on visual changes through years in Aussie rules football (from Craig Snyder). ”¦ Here’s a site called Vintage LaX, which features tons of old Canadian lacrosse photos (from Michael Sullivan).

Click to enlarge

What Paul did last night: It’s always fun to be out at the rock and roll club with a special someone, and it’s even better when the band is wearing uniforms. That was the case last night at Baby’s All Right, where L.A. indie dynamo Mike Krol and his band took the stage wearing police uniforms (a motif lifted from his current album, which is totally the bomb — don’t miss). The show, which featured Krol hopping on the drum kit, pointing strobe lights at the audience, and doing lots of other shit that people in police uniforms don’t usually do, was spectacular in the most literal sense of term — a true spectacle. His band kicked ass, too (I had worried a bit about that, because on record Krol plays all the instruments himself). Such a great time that I didn’t even mind the club’s choice of wristband color.
If you’re not familiar with Krol (I’d never heard of him myself until about a month ago), you can listen to his first two records here.
Want a big mirror shock? If you are over say 45, put a mirror on a table and look down into it. It’s like your face is going to slide off. I think for me from looking into the mirror to seeing myself in pictures is how I see aged I am in pictures than the mirror. Are we self delusional in how we see ourselves maybe?
“Cadets too concussed to complete the boxing class are required to repeat it.”
What. The. Everliving. Fuck.
Well duh… how is someone supposed to be a trained killing machine if they can’t even handle a little concussion?
Haven’t read new comics in a while, so I don’t know if it’s been covered…if not, someone should write a story arc about non-powered superheroes dealing with concussions. They get the snot kicked out of them issue after issue, so realistically this should be an epidemic.
I know, not all soldiers are heroes and not all heroes are soldiers, but reading this ticker item reminded me of my idea.
Well, I do know that Spoony has a running gag on Twitter about link…
Okay, I heartily agree that boxing classes should be dumped at all the service academies to be replaced with…what? It seems everything they touch becomes weaponized.
Case in point.
Why would boxing need to be replaced if dropped? If it is a “required” course, perhaps something in the math or science field?
The obvious replacement for boxing would be wrestling. Which would have greater utility in combat at close quarters than boxing anyway.
How about first-person shooting games on PS2? Wouldn’t that be better training for high-tech warfare?
Martial Arts training?
As fewer and fewer of the general population take up competitive boxing will the concussion s be less damaging due to weaker punches or worse do to unorthodox hitting angles. Could the boxing requirement be dropped for an “MMA” requirement in the future?
the Devils ditched their old one from the Meadowlands when they moved to Newark.
Man,, am I out of the hockey loop. Didn’t even know about that move.
Anyway, hockey and basketball horns are one of the few really loud things that I enjoy. Although I wish the NBA would go back to this sound, last heard at Denver’s McNichols Arena:
It has a nice, fuller sound.
“Oklahoma wants to “stripe the stadium” this weekend and – surprise! – they have suggestions for the licensed apparel you should buy to achieve their desired effect.”
This stuff is cool when it’s organic, which is never. Every year LSU has a “gold game”, which is stupid because the team doesn’t wear gold jerseys. And every year for the gold game, I wear white, purple or gray. I hate the “color out the stadium” movement, even when the school or team provides the shirt at no cost.
Curious that the 2 Grogan photos are with different helmets from different years, but that “scotch tape” is still on both.
And check out the gap between the numbers on his jersey!
(in the first photo, that is)
The FishSticks ridiculous attempt for “go Brooklyn” fails. The new horn sounds like the bleating of a stick-armed beardo hipster when he hears that Whole Paycheck ran out of kale fritters.
I’d like these painted Maryland helmets more if they didn’t have the big honking MARYLAND on the back.
Then how would you know what team they are?
That column about college football uniforms posted above is dead on correct.
99% Invisible did an interesting podcast episode on the subject, titled, drumroll, Mirror Mirror: link
I can’t turn up any documentation in quick Google searching right now, but I heard from some source years ago, maybe in the early 1990s, that Carter’s 1979 change in part, as well as adding some dye, was the result of a political consultant telling him the old theory that parting on the left is seen as more masculine and strong. At the time, Carter was facing a strong primary challenge from Ted Kennedy, who brought the whole virile Kennedy mystique to the campaign, whereas Carter was seen as a softer, more humble figure. (Which had been his great advantage in the 1976 election.) And Carter’s dye job, which was mocked by Republicans, rippled into the Reagan administration, when reporters from time to time would ask Reagan or those around him whether he dyed his hair. Reagan did, of course, but always denied it as president.
That hair-part-manliness theory has been debunked, but you still hear it repeated as conventional wisdom. And of course, thanks to mirrors, men see themselves as parting on the opposite side. When I part my hair, which is only when it gets long and I’m overdue for a trim, I part on the right, but of course my mental image of myself is a guy with a part on the left.
Also on the mirror front, I started parting my hair on the right as a child because I had a Star Trek poster. One time my hair got kind of thick between cuts, and I decided to try parting it like Captain Kirk. Shatner in the role parted his hair on the left, but of course when I combed my hair over so that the mirror-image of my hair looked like Kirk, my part was on the right. And has stayed there ever since, though mainly because I have three cowlicks, so I can only part on the right or dead center.
A classic Star Trek episode is titled “Mirror, Mirror.”
That episode inspired my goatee. ;)
Didn’t Spock actually have a Van Dyke rather than a goatee tho?
I was a side parter (over my left eye) for most of my childhood. The along came (the original, the best and in my mind the only) Battlestar Galactica, and I just had to part my hair in the middle like Captain Apollo. Finally my photos looked like my mirror image. I went back to side parting after my perm phase. Tried both sides but stuck with what I knew from my youth. Nowadays I’m more Picard than Apollo.
Reading and writing about parting is such sweet sorrow…
“I went back to side parting after my perm phase.”
you mean parted his hairpiece….
A must see blog to read regarding the many facets of Mr. Shatner’s hair:
This was an original-series poster, so I presume it was still the actual hair of Shatner.
Chris Pine’s ‘Kirk’ went from a left part in the 2009 reboot to a right part in 2013 sequel.
Both styles needed pointier sideburns IMO.
I remember a topic from one of my psychology classes when I was an undergrad regarding perception and familiarity. It’s actually a psychological phenomenon that makes us hate seeing ourselves in photos. Like Paul said, in a photo you see yourself the way other people do when you normally only ever see yourself in a mirror. The disconnect leads to a feeling of discomfort with the photo image.
Here’s a good little article about it:
Same thing with recordings of our voices. Our skulls transmit vibrations from our vocal cords to our ears very differently than we receive sound waves through the air. We hear ourselves when we speak, and the sound we hear is heard only in our own heads. On a recording, we hear ourselves as other people hear us, and it’s both recognizably similar to but fundamentally different from the sound we know as our own voices. It’s disconcerting. My dad was in radio, and even the radio pros I’ve known mostly dislike hearing recordings of themselves just as the rest of us do.
Re: those cream MLB jerseys – First of all, nice that they can’t be bothered to show us actual pictures of the unis, instead relying on a shopped template. Second, it seems bizarre that they’d have throwback logos for some teams, while others only have the modern logo despite throwback possibilities.
“…cross-venue horn continuity…”
I love this site!
UHartford: Like the script, don’t like the number font much, really don’t care for the “cummerbund”.
Baltimore Blats: As a fan of the newly minted Hartford City FC, I will have the
pleasureexperience of seeing the Baltimore Blast’s kit in person. Hopefully it will do a bit of blending from a distance.I would have assumed that in this day and age, hockey horns would have gone digital–some guy playing a sample on a sound effect board.
Nice to know real horns still exist.
Shin-Soo Choo wore a single flap batting helmet last night instead of his usual little league model. Strange time to make a change as he has been red hot in September.
Photo, by any chance?
A video of him explaining why link
Goal horns? I’ve always wondered what pitch is the most common, and I’ve even thought about setting out to investigate it, but law school takes up a lot of time. Love the study idea!
Based on the photo above (if that is an actual hockey horn) it would be pitches (plural). Multiple horns means multiple pitches.
Seems to me that hair-parting usually has to do with the whorl on the back of a person’s head. The whorl on many people also indicated handedness.
i.e. if your whorl goes right you are right-handed and part on the right.
As for service academy boxing here is a bit of trivia.
Oliver North (yes, that Oliver North) defeated James Webb (current democrat presidential candidate) by decision in the brigade championship bout when they were at the Naval Academy.
If memory serves correctly they were juniors at the time roughly 1967.
It’s “Democratic” not “democrat” when you are using the adjective form.
I don’t know if “democratic” as used in the party affiliation is actually meant as an adjective but my political ear knows that when someone refers to the party of Jefferson and Jackson as the “Democrat Party” it means that they are likely a Republican.
Paul – are you sure you didn’t write that article in the Buckeye Extra?? Or do you moonlight as “Michael Arace”?
If you poke around, you’ll find that there are 2 versions of the cream jerseys.
Those just manage to look worse. Contrasting raglan sleeves are an element I actually like to see sometimes, if executed well enough, but these… woof!
It’s so funny that you brought up the topic of switching which side your hair parts. I’ve recently done it. Since I was a kid, my part (when I’ve had a part) was always on the left hand side. I recently cut my hair super short (1 inch on top, 1/2 inch on the sides) and tried to keep the same part, but my hair wouldn’t go along with it. It would stick up and just generally look disheveled. My wife suggested I try moving the part to the other side and combing it the other direction… and wouldn’t you know, it worked perfectly.
Maybe I’ve been parting my hair on the wrong side my entire life? I don’t think so, because the part always went with the flow of my crown. Plus, I had the same barber for the first 20 years of my life and he was very always very conscientious of the crown/part.
It’s probably been at least 6 months since I switched the part and it still doesn’t feel right, but it looks right. The only other option is to cut my hair even shorter and not have a part at all or grow it longer and go back to my old part.
I must admit it has messed with my mind a bit and I feel uncomfortable at times with the change. Every photo I have shows the part on the other side, not to mention the fact that my son and my father (who has passed away) both part(ed) their hair on the left hand side.
“I think most goal horns are obnoxiously loud.”
Haven’t been to an NHL game in over ten years, but I can attest to the fact that everything in an NBA game these days is obnoxiously loud. I’m at a sporting event, not out at “da club.” It’s like they think we’ll fall asleep or walk out if we’re not being entertained every damn moment. By the end of the game, I’m exhausted from sensory overload alone!
I really miss when you could go to a baseball game and the only sounds would be the announcer and organ music, and sometimes you could go long stretches with no artificial ambient noise whatsoever. Ah, good times…
I hear ya.
I mean, what? I *think* I hear ya, but it’s so loud in here! Don’t get me started on the whole “gameday experience” thing. I go to relax and enjoy a game…not to work as hard as some of the players. I’ll cheer when the situation warrants, but I’m not going to force it. And I shouldn’t have to wear ear protection to go to a sporting event.
In the front row of that Melville Millionaires pic: none other than Hall of Famer (and physiotherapy autodidact) Eddie Shore.
In the September 15, 1961 edition of the Washington Post a brief article by Byron Roberts headlined, “Maryland Decides to Spell It Out” states: “This season Maryland will be the first college team in the country to have the players’ names sewn to the jerseys.”
“Before a touring group of Atlantic Coast Conference sports writers, visiting the Maryland practice session, Coach Tom Nugent wheeled in big end Hank Poniatowski…his name displayed in 3-inch white letters.”
“The 195-pound senior has the longest name on the roster.”
The story goes on to mention, “The new American Football League was the first to use the names as well as numbers on football uniforms — patterned after the fad started by the Chicago White Sox in professional baseball.”
Tom Nugent was an innovative coach with a flair for publicity. He also created the “human scoreboard”, kicker Bernardo Bramson, who would change his uniform number during games to match his point total after field goals and PATs during the 1964 and 1965 seasons. We can only speculate what uniform permutations he and UnderArmour founder Kevin Plank (who played football at Maryland in the early 1990’s) would have come up with if they had ever gotten together.
Article w/pics re same:
As I’ve mentioned here before, I was born without my right hand… similar to Jim Abbott. (I also part my hair on the side.) But I agree it’s always weird to see photos or video of myself, because in the mirror I’m missing my left hand.
Funny story, when I got married the photographer inadvertently flipped one the the negatives and gave us a photo that was mirrored. When I pointed it out to her she said “oh that happens a lot. Nobody will notice.” when I pointed out I was missing the wrong hand she was pretty embarrassed. Fun times.
When I had more hair, I used to switch my part. The hairs up front never say right. With time and a little thinning, the part doesn’t change any more.
What throws me more is when I grow facial hair. In my head, I see myself as being clean-shaven, which is almost always the case. It’s jarring if I grow some facial hair and I catch a glimpse. It’s like I forget it’s there sometimes.
Someone just informed me of the following: “FYI, when the Devils play their annual game in the old red and green uniforms, a recorded version of the old goal horn from Continental Airlines Arena is used when they score.”
Love Mike Krol. I read somewhere that the title of his new album “Turkey” is a reference to the bowling score.
If you click on the link to the Michael Arace (the Ohio sportswriter) column, he writes this:
“Yes, I am a cranky old man. I grew up with black-and-white newspapers and black-and-white television. I can remember opening Sports Illustrated and marveling at the vivid beauty of the Minnesota Vikings’ uniforms.”
However, his photo on the page makes him look about 40. I’m 41, which means I was first starting to follow sports around the early 80’s. It was a simpler time, but we all had color TV at that point…
Time Warner Cable who own the carriage rights (and won’t/can’t come to agreement with other carriers) probably doesn’t care what they say…NL Pennant, NL West Flag…it’s all the same to them. Too bad the Dodger Fan is the one screwed by it in the end.
On the Grogan photo with the nose bumper, it’s also likely the scotch tape was being used to keep the stripes from peeling off.
Re 15 years of Andre Miller: That really gave me a chuckle. I’d love to see outtake shots from other players as well.
Re religion as soccer uniforms: I especially like the Hindu team uniform, but overall the unis are a touch too busy for my liking. In any event, is dividing people by religion something designers really want to promote? Hasn’t this been done on the football pitch before?
I am a barber/hairstylist and it is amazing whenever I try to change the part on a client they almost lose their mind. “It feels backwards, or too weird” are the most common reactions.
If you part your hair in the same direction the roots will eventually begin growing towards the direction, becoming weak in time and stop growing.
It is actually very important (if you care about your hair that is) to change the part to make sure of strong roots.
The 1st picture of Carter shows his part thinning as the second one is half an inch closer to the centre of his head bringing more down onto his forehead to cover his receding hairline, this decision was done by his Stylist I’m sure.
Islanders should be blowing their new horn 4 times for each Stanley Cup they have won.
“Islanders should be blowing their new horn 4 times for each Stanley Cup they have won.”
If you part your hair in the same direction the roots will eventually begin growing towards the direction, becoming weak in time and stop growing.
Seriously? Never heard that before!
Whenever I do a selfie on my iPhone, it always screws me up a bit because when you’re lining up the shot the camera shows you the “mirror” image but when you take the shot it stores the correct “photo” image.
I love when two of my interest “cross streams”. As I was reading the blurb about the new goal horns for the Islanders, a tweet popped up from Trains Magazine talking about the very same thing.
A bit from the article:
“Two senior transit managers who also happened to be Islanders fans stepped up. “They came to us in June, and within a few weeks we had a prototype ready,” says John Santamaria, assistant chief mechanical officer, car equipment, New York City subways, who teamed up with Tom Kropas, his counterpart in the electronic maintenance division.
Santamaria provided an assortment of subway horns from the R160 class of subway cars, and together with Kropas, they helped the Barclays crew figure out how to make the horns work wirelessly for the arena. The tie-in with R160s is appropriate, since those cars are in use on the lines that serve the area around Barclays Center.” (Trains Magazine, 2014, link)
I was a teenager in the 80s when there was a third choice – the centre part. Think Judd Nelson in Breakfast Club.
When I finally realized that wasn’t an adult style, I went to the right part (early Carter), where its been for 30 years. Today, inspired by this post, I parted it on the left.
I doubt anyone will notice.
Today is one of those days where the “streams cross”. While reading the bit about the new horn for the Islanders, an article from Trains Magazine popped up on their Twitter feed. The interesting bit is
“Two senior transit managers who also happened to be Islanders fans stepped up. “They came to us in June, and within a few weeks we had a prototype ready,” says John Santamaria, assistant chief mechanical officer, car equipment, New York City subways, who teamed up with Tom Kropas, his counterpart in the electronic maintenance division.
Santamaria provided an assortment of subway horns from the R160 class of subway cars, and together with Kropas, they helped the Barclays crew figure out how to make the horns work wirelessly for the arena. The tie-in with R160s is appropriate, since those cars are in use on the lines that serve the area around Barclays Center.”
(Trains Magazine, 2015, link)
Thanks Paul. Yet another thing pointed out on your site I won’t be able to un-see now (that my part is on the “other” side in pictures) ;). The other thing I never noticed until I saw it in a mirror is that most people have one eye (it’s probably more accurately the eyelids) that is smaller than the other. It isn’t really noticeable until you see the people you are around every day in the mirror. I never caught it until a was standing next to a former girlfriend, whose eyes I had looked into many times before, and realized her reverse image made it visible to me.
1987 NFL Properties Catalog. Stunningly funningly…
To be precise, it’s the NFL Pro Line catalog. Brings back great memories.
Page 19. Knit cap.
Is that the Browns depicted in the top center photo?
I just switched my hair part a year ago. I wore my hair long in college and it kind of naturally flowed and parted right. Now I wear a short traditional 1950s cut, it took me a while to realized it, but it was an epiphany. With my cowlicks, my hair swoops over and parts much more naturally on the left. No I feel like I lived the previous 15 years wrong.
How long before the 90s middle part returns?
Paul, as to your Mirror, Mirror segment, I have switched sides and placement of my part several times. I also have gone with a “no-part” spiked style. I FAR prefer it one way, but my wife has let me know she feels the opposite so I have gone with the way I wear it now, to the right. I wonder how many people are in that same boat, where their choice has been influenced by a significant other. I’ve noticed quite a few public figures who’ve switched at some point, and I always assume their wives or significant other had something to do with it.
Maryland should change their mascot to the “Pride” or the “State Flags” because they don’t even use the Terps on anything. If you wasn’t famil with the school you would never know the “Terps” was their mascot.
Mirror, mirror… Such an interesting topic. This has been covered before by Radio Lab. If you haven’t heard it before, check it out. (it includes the consequence of Jimmy Carter’s hair part) link
I found it interesting that you differentiated the styles by which side the part was on.
I’ve always described (and thought about) my part as going to my left which would mean that my part is on the right.