[Editor’s Note: Paul is on his annual August break from the site and will return in September. Daily content is continuing under the direction of deputy editor Phil Hecken, who’s running the site this month.]
By Phil Hecken
Last evening, in a nationally televised game on ESPN, the Detroit Tigers and the Chicago Cubs played a “throwback” game. It was a beautiful looking game, for sure.
For one thing, everyone went high cuffed (click on any photos below to enlarge):

For another, the uniforms themselves looked gorgeous:

Both teams did as well as can be expected with duplicating the uniform numbers:

The Cubs also replicated their 1945 cap and uniform jersey pretty well:

The Tigers had a “World War II Support” patch, just like back in the day:

So far, so good, and to the non-Uni Watcher, no one was probably the wiser that the throwbacks weren’t 100% perfect. And for probably 99% of the population, no one cared. But we Uni Watchers are trained to spot those things.
I’ve relaxed my stance on throwback games over the years, because I realize teams can’t replicate many of the elements of yesteryear (in this case 1945) — they’re NOT going to wear wool uniforms, they didn’t wear helmets, there was no Majestic logo, and there were no black players. I won’t complain about any of those things, even though they’re not authentic. But it’s the little details that they get wrong that bother me — and some things within the players’ control (such as wearing socks instead of stirrups) that can be easily corrected.
Let’s look at some of the inconsistencies. First, the Tigers had a WONDERFUL cap, with a giant “D” that could be read from space. Originally, I thought that’s what the Tigers wore back in 1945, but that’s not the case. Their cap then was much more similar to the regular home cap they wear today. But what they wore then and what they wore last night wasn’t even close:

The hosiery was also disappointing — while everyone went high cuffed, the Cubs wore a combination of solid blue socks and 2-in-1’s (I watched a good portion of this game and I don’t think I saw a single actual stirrup). The Tigers all wore solid midnight blue socks. And while the 2-in-1’s aren’t as bad as the crap the A’s have been wearing, they’re still, ya know…2-in-1’s:
@PhilHecken Several @Cubs players going with the two-in-ones. TERRIBLE!!! @UniWatch pic.twitter.com/AjMd4KDSfn
— Curtis Galvin (@CurtisGalvin) August 20, 2015
But OK, I get that players don’t necessarily feel comfortable in real stirrups, like those worn back in the day, but the hose worn by the Cubs in 1945 had STRIPES on them:

You’ll note that Marc Okkonen (who did the sketch on the right above) showed the team wearing sleeves with stripes, I was unable to find a photo from 1945 that showed the Cubs wearing them (that’s not to say they didn’t — just that I was unable to find a photo confirming they did). So, I’ll certainly cut the Cubbies some slack for not doing so last evening. But guys, please, you gotta respect the stripes on the hose. Even if they socks weren’t exact to the year, in 2014 (during their multi-decade throwbacks) the Cubs wore striped hose on at least two occasions, so they certainly could have found some pairs for last evening’s game.
OK — I’ll stop my complaining now — there were a few more inconsistencies (like the number fonts being too thick during last night’s game, and the Detroit script seemed a bit too thin), but that’s OK. They nailed the Detroit uniform pretty well (except the cap):

It was, aesthetically, a great game to watch — and in my opinion, if the Tigers don’t want to go back to their 1968 roadies on a full-time basis, I’d love for them to wear the 1945 unis on the road permanently. The Cubs, too, wouldn’t look too bad if they made these a permanent uni (although their current homes are pretty good too).
As a quick aside, Todd Radom posted this informational graphic on the flags flying in the outfield, which is apropos for a 1945 throwback game (the graphic looks to be somewhere from 1946 to 1948, probably ’46).

All in all — a great game aesthetically. Despite the peccadillos of the uni imperfections, I still enjoyed it immensely. What did you guys think? (If you want to see more photos, click here.)

Power Rankings reminder: Paul here. In case you missed it yesterday, the latest edition of the Uni Watch Power Rankings rates the best-looking cities as measured by their teams’ uniforms. The full ground rules and parameters were spelled out in yesterday’s post.
As you might expect, I got lots of feedback and pushback on this project. Here were the most common refrains:
• “You rated the Patriots too high.” First, there was a glitch yesterday that affected the Power Rankings page. For the first few hours that the piece was up, the scores for the Boston teams were wrong — they were all listed as 8. The proper scores, which we eventually inserted once we discovered the error, are Red Sox (8), Patriots (7.5), Celtics (8.5), and Bruins (9.5). Most of the objections to the Pats’ score came in while it was mistakenly listed as 8, which I agree is too high. But I think 7.5 is just right. It’s true that the Pats would look better without the side panels. Aside from that, though, I think they’re a good-looking team (especially on the road, where the have striped socks). Is their current design as good as the Pat Patriot-era design? No, but it’s still a solid design, at least to me.
• “You rated the Blackhawks too low [7 out of 10].” As I’ve explained many times over the years, I’m not a fan of the Blackhawks’ red uniform, which I think is too loud.
• “You should have included MLS kits.” As I explained in yesterday’s post, I didn’t include MLS kits because they change too often, most of them feature big ads that keep me from taking them seriously, and I’m ill-equipped to assess soccer kits anyway.
• “You should have deducted points for the Oakland Coliseum.” Actually, I considered adding a point for the Raiders playing on a baseball infield for the early part of the season — I love that look. In the end, though, I decided it was too minor an issue for something that only affects one or two home games.
• “You’re nuts! Everyone knows [whatever].” Lots of people took me to task for going against popular opinion. As I tried to explain to such people, it’s not a critic’s job to worry about what is or isn’t popular. As some of you may recall, we explored that topic in greater detail about a year and a half ago.
All in all, a fun project. Thanks to all who took the time to check it out.

T-Shirt Club reminder: In case you missed it earlier this week, the Uni Watch T-Shirt Club’s latest offering — the road grey shirt — and it’s now available for ordering. Obviously, this one is pretty straightforward, but it’s still plenty handsome. In fact, I think this is my favorite design we’ve done so far (click to enlarge):

Again, this shirt is available here, and there’s additional information about how this shirt fits into the larger T-Shirt Club program here. Thanks.

Attention All Canadian Readers
As you guys (hopefully) read, yesterday Paul had his ESPN piece(s), (see the section just above this) on “Which City Has The Best Looking Uniforms,” but those rankings were limited (mostly) to American cities and teams.
Reader Mike Engle began a thread with the comment “Nice lists. I can only hope that Montreal may rejoin the list of two-team cities and wonder how the Expos and Habs would have slotted in,” to which Paul replied, “They would have done well.”
That was followed up by Will S who added
With Toronto the only Canadian city with more than 1 team in the “Big Four”, I wonder what a separate uniform Power Ranking for Canadian cities would look like.
NHL and CFL would be the obvious two leagues. With Paul’s criteria for minor league and college not included, I think the CHL (major-junior hockey) could be a third.
If there was a fourth league, possible CIS hockey or maybe another sport (not as much on the uniform roller coaster as U.S. colleges) or if the someone judging was more in tune with soccer ”“ whatever the highest level of soccer was for those cities.
At this point, Paul then said: “I invite any (or all!) of our Canadian readers to get cracking on this.”
Mike e-mailed me and suggested we take Paul up on this. So I’m putting out the call:
If you are a Canadian reader and you’d like to participate in a Uniform Power Ranking for Canadian Cities, please let me know (shoot me an email at Phil.Hecken@gmail.com and put as the subject line Canadian Uni Ranking). If there is enough interest in this, Mike and I, along with those who want to participate, will do a Canadian Uniform Power Ranking.
Could be a pretty cool group project. I’m not sure we’d use the exact leagues suggested by Will, but any and all suggestions will be considered. Shoot me an e-mail and let me know if you’re (1) interested in participating and (2) what criteria/leagues should be considered.

Mike’s Question of the Week
By Mike Chamernik
This is a little old, but Deadspin gave some tips on how to attend a sporting event. All good stuff, but really, a comprehensive piece on this subject could be the length of a book. Or, at the very least, a novella.
What’s the best tip you can give to someone who’s going to a ballgame? Any tricks regarding buying a ticket or parking? Anything on what to wear, or the best way to get a ball or an autograph? Please share whatever you have in the comments.
My tip: Keep score at a baseball game at least once. It keeps you focused on the action, it makes you a little more knowledgable of a fan, and it provides you with a physical record of the game you attended. It’s fun and it’s not hard to do.

Uni Watch News Ticker
Compiled by Mike Chamernik

Baseball News: First baseman Miguel Cabrera took off his mitt just before a pick-off attempt thrown his way. He recovered in time to throw out Dexter Fowler (from Chris Flinn). … MLB reprimanded Royals manager Ned Yost for wearing an Apple Watch in the dugout during Sunday’s game. … A’s P Jesse Chavez wore faux stirrups yesterday (from Chad Jorgenson). … MLB cap holograms still have Bud Selig’s signature on them (from @Tubby34). … The Syracuse Chiefs will wear Syracuse University-themed jerseys next weekend (from Phil). … The Eugene Emeralds will have a Portlandia Night (from Eric Fisk). … Orioles 2B Jonathan Schoop had his name misspelled on a giveaway T-shirt last night (from Paul Braverman)

NFL News: The Colts will wear white at home for their preseason home opener this weekend (from Phil). … The Browns will wear white over brown tonight. … Brian Gunter refurbishes old helmets. “I take old, or not so old, used helmets mostly from eBay, and recondition them to look brand new,” he says. “I fill in every scratch, gouge, ding, pith, etc. I do a lot of priming and sanding, and then when I have filled in everything, I apply a last coat of primer, then about ten coats of paint. I color sand the paint job until it is completely level, then polish to an extreme gloss. Then about 15 coats of clear coat, color sand that and polish to the point where the reflections are pin sharp.”

College Football News: ASU will reveal their new “Desert Ice” uniforms today (that’s a sneak peek). … New uniforms for Harvard. More pics here (from Seth Horowitz). … Tennessee Tech has a bunch of uni combinations (from (Clint Richardson). … New script and numbers for North Carolina’s field (from James Gilbert). … New helmets for Utah. … Houston has a really cool helmet cart (from Corey Buck). … Here’s Oregon’s color schedule for this year (from @DatDudeDamon_). … New orange helmets for Idaho State (from Phil). … Arizona State will hold a White Out in September (from Phil).

NBA News: Stephen Curry, an Under Armour guy, wore Nike gear during his round of golf with President Obama. … Knicks rookie Kristaps Porzingis has a pair of socks with Phil Jackson on them. The socks show Jackson as a player with the Knicks; he’s now the team’s president (from Brinke).

College Hoops News: New court design for Northern Kentucky (from Andy Kroeger). … And, it looks like Maryland is getting a new floor (from Patrick Thomas).

Grab Bag: New hockey jerseys for Yale. … Will the Islanders wear this patch for their inaugural season in Brooklyn? (From Phil). … New uniforms for UTEP. … Indiana University AD Fred Glass wore a gaudy Adidas shirt after his school signed an extension with the company (from John Kreimer). … Under Armour is suing a clothing company called Armor & Glory. In the past, UA has sued other “Armor” named companies like Body Armor, Salt Armour and Ass Armor, all in an effort to protect its brand (from Tommy Turner). … Also from Tommy, James Madison University will sponsor a NASCAR driver. … Will the Leafs wear multiple jerseys/unis for their Centennial Season in 2016-17? According to this article, they might (h/t Patrick Thomas).

And that’s going to do it for today. Big thanks to Mike E., Paul & Mike C. (for the Canada Uniform Power Ranking idea & other stuff, and the QOTW & ticker respectively), and to all who tweeted or emailed for the ticker. Back tomorrow with more stuff. Everyone have a great Thursday.
Follow me on Twitter @PhilHecken.
“How is the NHL considered a ‘big 4’ league and MLS isn’t? MLS is far more popular than the NHL, at least in the United States.”
— Lee

“I’ve relaxed my stance on throwback games over the years, because I realize teams can’t replicate many of the elements of yesteryear (in this case 1945) – they’re NOT going to wear wool uniforms, they didn’t wear helmets, there was no Majestic logo, and there were no black players. I won’t complain about any of those things, even though they’re not authentic.”
Uh, phrasing? I’m pretty sure you aren’t going to complain about black players in the game. I think we can all agree that that is something no one wants to throw back to.
Yeah – that’s not worded well, but I’m pretty sure you know what I mean. In 1945 there were no black players because baseball hadn’t integrated, so a true throwback game if authentic in every detail wouldn’t include any black players – just as truly authentic Negro League throwback games wouldn’t include any white players. I’m certainly not saying those are good things. The point I was trying to make (albeit poorly) was some concessions (safety, makers marks, uniform materials etc.) to the modern game must be made; I certainly wasn’t saying or suggesting these games should be played with only white players (or that Negro League throwbacks should only have black players).
I do think there are some details teams can and should get right (i.e. the “D” on the Tigers’ caps). There are other details (uni materials, helmets, etc.) that simply can’t take place in a modern throwback game.
Personally, the Tigers “D” on their cap was so bad, it almost ruined the rest of the uniform for me. I mean, HOW can you get it that wrong?
Phil, I can’t see where you’re coming from with the comment about how the leagues were segregated back in 1945.
Who ever said that throwback uniforms had anything to do with who was playing in that era?
Back when the White Sox did the first throwback game wearing 1917 uniforms, I remember feeling a bit uneasy about paying tribute to an era of segregation; it struck me as having a resemblence (a faint one, but enough to make me uncomfortable) to some kind of uncritical homage to the antebellum South.
I think that my discomfort went away once teams started wearing Negro League uniforms as well. Now I can fully appreciate the uniforms even of the pre-integration era without being bothered by the bad side of that period.
Your meaning was understood. We can’t change history. We can learn from it and not repeat the worst part of it.
I thought the same thing. Why even mention race? We’re talking about the uniforms, not the players in the uniforms. This single phrase adds absolutely nothing to the story, it only distracts us from an otherwise well-written analysis.
Picky, picky, picky. Here, we dissect uniforms. Semantics; that’s some different website.
I did not realize it until last night, but the current road Detroit uniform is just an updated version of their old ones, which makes the current one all the more impressive. Detroit’s unis have really grown on me over the years as I have become much more of a traditionalist.
It is hard to beat the Cubs’ current home uniforms, but last night’s looked good too.
As for helmets not being worn then: The rule should be that, if you throw back to an era without helmets, wear a helmet that matches the throwback cap on the assumption that the helmet would have probably looked just like the cap back then. Last night’s orange D helmet didn’t work because there is no orange in the Tigers’ throwbacks.
Maybe we could convince the Cubs to use them as Sunday third jerseys?
I’d prefer that they just ditch the NOBs that they put back on the home jerseys a few years ago, but this would be the best possible alternative. The Cubs have a strong association with pinstripes, but they had a lot of great seasons wearing plain white back in the day. I say either make these or the similar-looking vests (only with blue undersleeves, not link) into a home alternate.
Honestly the Tigers should have worn their regular home batting helmets, but that would have required them to bring a second set of helmets for a road trip.
Hey didn’t play baseball at night in Wrigley Field either
True — you probably know this, but Wrigley was actually supposed to have lights before 1945. The War got in the way and the son of the original owner donated the lights to the war effort; the ballpark wouldn’t get those lights until 1988.
I was thinking about that during the game actually, but didn’t mention it in the writeup — but great point!
You might want to rewrite the first paragraph of “Attention All Canadian Readers” to reflect the fact that there’s a “Power Rankings reminder” above.
Good catch Jerry — I wrote that before Paul sent me his update, so I altered the first graf.
The Curry pic golfing is old. Look at the comments/mentions to the tweet
Really. If you’re going to call someone out for supposed disloyalty to a corporate sponsor, make sure it’s actually the case. Swing and a miss.
Yeah that’s an old photo @ Spyglass in CA. No way he’s ever gonna go Swoosh again.
The ad game is strong on Uni-Watch Mobile. It took me six or seven attempts to open the post without it going to an ad’s page and switching over to the App Store.
It’s a disaster… really says go away I am too busy trying to eek out a living playing spamalot on the users.
Site needs an upgrade… or you could consider using an adblocker on your device.
1) The word is “eke,” not “eek.”
2) if the smartphone is an iPhone, an ad blocker won’t work. You would need to disable the App Store icon on the phone, which is annoying in and of itself.
Your point is well-taken; the popup adds are extremely annoying.
I keep getting some quiz that usually expands into part of the ticker. Today it’s blocking part of the lede. I’m sure it was a nice article, Phil.
…on the iPad, that is.
We’re disabling that widget right now. Too many bugs. My apologies.
Thanks, Paul. It was hurting my soul not to be able to look at the site on my iPad.
Yes, thanks.
Looks like part of the 216 uni combinations for East Mississippi releases today will be an Ohio State looking helmet. Here is the Instagram teaser
Attending a ball game:
Get there early, tailgate, tour stadium (or city).
At hockey games, do not bang on the glass, you look like a fool.
Most importantly: PUT. DOWN! YOUR. PHONE!
“At hockey games, do not bang on the glass, you look like a fool.”
Oh thank the gods I am not the only one who thinks banging on the glass is foolish.
I get where you’re going with the all caps “put down your phone” with weird punctuation, but it can be really helpful for enhancing your experience.
At an MLB game I use it all the time to look up stats and scores. Most stadiums now replace the useful data on the scoreboards with adds between innings. My phone can give me that data instantly.
At an NFL game, I’m sure as shit going to use it to check on my fantasy football teams during one of the million commercial breaks.
Paul’s real error in the power rankings is the lofty place he continues to give the Cubs despite their truly awful road (and road alternate) uniforms.
And, yes, the Pats, while having the least terrible of all the futuristic uniforms, are rated too highly.
Tips for attending sporting events:
1. Enjoy yourself without bothering others.
2. See number 1.
Well said.
I like that tip – that’s how people act in life in general.
Subtle but great changes on that Yale hockey jersey. New, less ugly manufacturer mark and neckline to go with an already-sweet design. I bet Bauer loves having the CCM T-shirt on the model show through underneath its jersey logo creep.
The link.
I dunno, I think the Bauer logo is larger than the previous, which makes it uglier by default.
I love that Giant ‘Y’ on their helmets.
I think it’s wider but less distracting. I think that’s because it’s a simpler mark, but maybe it’s just familiarity.
Attending a ball game:
Wear a hat, use plenty of sunscreen.
Get a souvenir or several.
Checking out the crowd is more fun than watching the game.
Not a fan of autographs; leave the men alone.
“Checking out the crowd is more fun than watching the game.”
Until you get a liner or broken bat to the noggin!!
For ballgames, I’d echo Mike’s sentiment: Keep score. It’s a fun way to really engage yourself in the game. Tougher if you’re in a bigger crowd, but when there’s just two of you it’s perfect.
I’d also pass along something I didn’t know until recently… at least in the MLB parks I’ve visited over the last couple years, you’re permitted to bring in your own peanuts and bottle of water. Stay hydrated and save a little cash for other stuff.
As a big fan ofmany of the Cubs’ timelessly elegant designs, I’d love to see that clean 1940s look make a permanent return.
They wore these, throwing back to 1948, in a 2008 game link; why couldn’t they have gotten them again?
Also, I never thought about this until yesterday, but does anyone know if the extremely plain look of those 1945 uniforms — single layer numbers, simple team logos, not much piping, no complex patches beyond the patriotic one — was related to lack of materials, or a desire for austerity?
The only think that makes the Patriots look any less dated than the Panthers is their color scheme. They are a 5 at the very best, and that’s being crazy generous.
The only think that makes the Patriots look any less dated than the Panthers is their color scheme.
If that Pats had pointy pants striping and divergent helmet stripes, the above statement might have merit.
But they don’t. So it doesn’t.
Well if you want to defend them based on those few very specific elements of the Panthers’ uniforms, knock yourself out. If link doesn’t scream the year 2000 to you, I don’t know what to tell you. Flying Elvis embodies corporate 90s design.
You’re moving the goalposts, Jason. I’m not “defending them” based on those elements; I’m countering your assertion that the two teams’ uniform sets are equally dated. If you’re going to introduce that topic, stick to that topic.
I will defend them on other grounds: Solid overall look, solid helmet, I actually like the number font (I know some folks don’t), striped socks on the road, etc.
What you said was since the Patriots don’t have those two specific design elements, they are not as dated as the Panthers. While it’s true they don’t have pointy pants striping and divergent helmet stripes, they DO have the side panels and/or piping, and they DO have Flying Elvis, both of which look super 90s/00s to me. If they don’t to you, that’s okay.
So now I’ll move the goalposts. The helmet features Elvis and a red facemask, which is maddening. The shoulder stripes are too wide and poorly placed (too low.) Hey look, there’s Elvis on the sleeves again. Maybe if they put the stripes where they’re supposed to go, they could put the TV numbers on the sleeves and get rid of that terrible logo. The number font is okay, the side panels/piping is not. The pants are just okay. The striped road socks are fucking beautiful.
The color scheme actually hurts. The navy is a poor choice (so 2000 “meaner, darker” colors) over royal blue, the silver unnecessary, and the panels, agh… Patriots are just a smidgen above mediocre. I say a 6.5 is the very highest they should get. Boston is pretty spot on though. Every team has a different, diverse, strong color combination and uses those colors in a good ratio in their uniforms.
Baseball games: Go to a day game. Better pictures with natural light.
All parking: Don’t. Take the train.
I have nothing at all against the 2-in-1s, as they successfully approximate the look of real stirrups. That comment by Curtis Galvin is crazy; the shot he encloses looks great.
I don’t even mind the weird way that that A’s pitcher is wearing his 2-in-1s. Even that style looks better than a solid sock. (But, of course, a solid sock is far better than showing no sock at all.)
They should have had striped two-in-ones, though.
Arizona State’s Desert Ice uniforms have ow been released. Full details here:
Initial fan reaction has been overwhelmingly positive.
“Desert Ice”… christalmighty.
Tip for attending a game? I assume this is for someone who hasn’t been before.
It will take longer than you think to get to the arena. This is true whether you drive, take public transport, walk, or whatever. Make allowances for this.
[quote]Brian Gunter refurbishes old helmets. “I take old, or not so old, used helmets mostly from eBay, and recondition them to look brand new,” he says. “I fill in every scratch, gouge, ding, pith, etc. I do a lot of priming and sanding, and then when I have filled in everything, I apply a last coat of primer, then about ten coats of paint. I color sand the paint job until it is completely level, then polish to an extreme gloss. Then about 15 coats of clear coat, color sand that and polish to the point where the reflections are pin sharp.”[/quote]
Brian, that’s quite a talent you have there! Anywhere online we can go to see other pictures of your finished work or the process in progress? Twitter? Website?
Love for you to follow me @wthelmets and send in your stuff from time to time.
The Ravens practiced with the Eagles yesterday. Interestingly, the Ravens wore game (rather than practice) jerseys with Ford patches on them.
Ravens have worn ads on their practice jerseys for years now.
Doesn’t matter whether it’s a game-style jersey. If it’s worn during practice, they *have* to wear an ad on it — that’s what the advertiser is paying for.
Has nothing to do with game day.
I would not have thought that Harvard football players would be attracted to “Shiny Things”. Division 3 has no scholarships.
Umm, Harvard competes in NCAA’s Division I.
I suspect it is a case of their athletic department being attracted to “green things” like Nike cash.
They play Div 1, but no scholarships. That was the point of the shiny things mention.
Harvard is 1-AA in football, but none of the Ivy teams compete in the Football Championship Subdivision playoffs.
Harvard’s uniforms are almost identical to what they have had since, basically, the start of the Tim Murphy era. There are minor changes to the number font and the Veritas patch on the shoulder, plus the helmet is matte; nice touch.
It’s the red pants I have a problem with. Horrors! We did beat Oregon in the 1919 Rose Bowl. Let’s have more class than the fashion parade that occurs weekly in Eugene!
Tips for attending a ballgame:
Know the particular rules for the ballpark, especially when it comes to buying food and transit. Some parks have amazing dinning options, some parks you are betting off tailgating, some parks are better suited to hitting a local restaurant first.
Just as an example from Chicago, going to a Sox game means eating an encased meat product at the park while if you’re lucky enough to get Hawks or Bulls tickets I recommend eating lamb and octopus in Greek Town beforehand. Another big mistake fans make is actually trying to drive all the way to Wrigley Field. Don’t. Your only options at the park are going to be outrageously overpriced and swarmed with foot and motor traffic. If you must drive, avoid Addison St. for starters and park on the public street well North or West of the park and walk.
Give Paul extra points for being consistently flawed in his low approval rating of the Blackhawks red jersey.
Intricate does not always equate to (busy) loud.
Red, black and white are strong, contrasting colours, but as a fan of the Bauhaus movement and the constructivist poster era… these colours together make a bold and powerful statement, exactly the formula for a strong and timeless brand.
Paul, put personal prejudice aside and elevate the Blackhawks home jersey to the Mt. Olympus of hockey sweaters where the rest of the World has placed it.
I have never once said it’s too “intricate.” The loud factor, as I’ve explained many times, comes from the solid red, which overwhelms all the colors in the headdress.
There’s no “personal prejudice” here — just my opinion. If “the rest of the World” feels differently, then why should you even care what I think? Let’s move on.
Spot on, James. The score for the Blackhawks is an atrocity. One of the best, if not the best, uniform sets in all of hockey.
It’s very important to have an historic perspective when critiquing the history of design and brand identity.
The Blackhawks brand is tied to the era it was originally created in (the ’30’s) thus the tie to Constructivism.
anyone else curious that the B&W photo of the cubs from 1945 where the red C cap emblem photographs darker than the blue cap itself?
Hey Oliver — this was actually explored/explained in one or two of the several “colorization” tutorials run a few years back — there are technical reasons for the reds appearing darker than the blues and such (stuff I don’t understand but makes sense when explained by someone who knows what they are talking about). It’s something the guys who colorize photos need to take into account and often times throws folks off who aren’t quite sure of actual colors in a photo.
2-in-1s should be banned from all professional play. #SoLitttleLeague
“How is the NHL considered a ‘big 4′ league and MLS isn’t? MLS is far more popular than the NHL, at least in the United States.”
Do people who get 100% of their sports news from ESPN really believe that?
The NHL has annual revenue of $3.7 billion
MLS has annual revenue of $461 million
MLS teams play 17 home games. NHL teams play 41, or 2.4 times more. Thus there should be a far greater urgency to attend MLS games (same reason why the NFL draws 65,000-70,000- far fewer games).
NHL games average about 17,500 per game. Despite fewer games and cheaper tickets MLS teams average only 19,000 per game. I’m guessing Lee is a soccer fanatic wearing rose-colored glasses. And Phil is a troll for reposting the comment.
Going to a ball game; Get there before the game starts (looking at you LA Dodger fans..isn’t that the saying, show up at the bottom of the 2nd, leave by the bottom of the 7th). Buy a hotdog and a beer (or soda). Yah I know that can get expensive in today’s world but you have to at least once.
Hockey: I 2nd (or 10th or 42nd) the comment don’t bang on the glass, you look like a fool.
This one is gonna sound odd: Just once; Dress for the weather and see a football game, outside, in the fall or winter. My best memories of Schaefer/Sullivan/whatever Stadium, and best memories is saying something about that awful stadium, was watching the Patriots, even when they were awful (2-12 anyone) when the weather was cold and/or snowing.
2-in-1s should be banned from all professional play. #SoLittleLeague
University of Houston’s helmet cart looked much better when I saw it in the old Robertson stadium before they put that gawd awful bevel on it!
2-in-1s should be banned from all professional play. Acceptable for little league to cut costs of two sets of socks, that’s it!
Mercifully, this review of throwback uniforms seems to have avoided the obligatory rant against “pajama pants.”
Probably because no one wore them.
It’s a blight on the current game, but especially egregious when doing a throwback game. I didn’t rant against the special cleats worn nowadays either, because well…ballpayers make some good coin wearing them and wearing plain black shoes for one game is probably asking too much.
Question about that Cubs flag guide from Todd Radom: when did the Cubs start using the white flag with the blue W like they do now?
I don’t know anything about the Cubs flags, but I know that the Wikipedia page for the whole blue and white flag thing is longer and more detailed than the Wikipedia page for some U.S. Presidents
The Browns’ info-graphic in the link above shows that the team can choose from orange, brown, or white jerseys, pants, AND SOCKS? At their unveiling they only wore orange and brown socks. Are they also including white (presumably striped) socks, too, or was that an oversight on the graphic and the Browns will, indeed, be limited to either orange or brown hosiery?
My #1 tip for anyone attending a NASCAR Cup race:
Clear your schedule for the following day. You’ll need it in case there’s a rainout (and you’ll have some recovery time in case there’s isn’t).
Parking tips:
Arrive during the Third; leave during the Eighth.*
*Los Angeles only.
I assume the photo of the field design for UNC’s Kenan Stadium is incomplete. I can’t help but think they’ll fill in the end zones with blue and white and add the midfield NC logo.
Yes, keep score at a baseball game if you can. And that article can be summed up in four words: Be nice, have fun.
Even if you can’t keep score, for every game:
* Take a glove. I don’t care how old you are. If there’s even the slightest chance a ball will reach your seat, wear your glove.
* Stay within the confines of your seat if a ball comes your way. If you’re meant to get a ball, you’ll end up with one. Don’t lean back or lean forward or muscle someone out of the way. Especially if you’re in foul territory. Foul balls are a dime a dozen.
* Home run balls, on the other hand, are special. Still, resist the urge to leave your seating area. If you catch a visiting team’s homer, do not throw it back. I don’t care if you’re in Wrigley…if you’re afraid of the peer pressure there, take me with you. Two things on my bucket list are 1) catching a visiting homer at Wrigley and hanging on to it, and 2) eating a hotdog with ketchup while catching said homer at said park.
* Support at least one vendor who walks the seats. Yeah, the prices are exorbitant, but it beats standing in line. Those folks work hard and only get to see a tiny bit of the ballgame.
To clarify, by all means stand up if a ball’s coming your way. Your seating area includes the vertical space above it.
YES! MUST buy a beer and a hotdog from a walking vendor (if the stadium has them). It’s part of the funfactor, and have been scientifically proven to taste better.
“eating a hotdog with ketchup”
I don’t even know you anymore…
I’m with Jim on this one. Mustard is revolting to me, anyway.
I like mustard on a dog, but when I’m in a place where ketchup is “forbidden” it brings out the contrarian in me.
Agreed about bringing a glove (if you’re in a section where a ball might be hit). It would be insane if a ballplayer had to catch a screaming liner barehanded, like fans are socially required to.
From the Wrigley Flag graphic, I’m surprised no one saw that the W flag is blue and the L flag is white, the reverse of what we have today. Seems like I read it changed in the 70s or 80s… not sure why. Personally, I think the Blue W looks better… but then I’m partial to blue. Also, white is a sign of surrender.
Good tips, everyone. Poor LA fans.
QotW: Not sure how it is at all stadiums around the league, but w/ our urban ballpark in St. Louis, I don’t mind walking a few extra blocks after having parked for a little bit cheaper. Plus, it’s less time spent in the car in traffic after the game. We usually park @ City Hall for $5 and about a 7 or 8 minute walk (it’s twice as much just 2 blocks closer). Unless, of course, mass transit is a viable option.
I don’t care what the Deadspin article says, I’ll be as curmudgeonly about the wave as I want. Especially if my team is winning and/or it’s a close game. But, otherwise, ditto about not being a boor.
Question; The browns word mark on their pants look horrible, can they dump this look next season or are there rules (legal stuff) against it? I would bet this is a one season and done look.
Browns look terrible on Thursday Night!!!! Can’t believe they switched to this. The Cleveland word mark on jerseys is ridiculous, pants with Browns on side is amateurish. What an unbelievable downgrade. I love the Browns and their history but can’t help hope they go winless this year to confirm the unis suck!!!!
I don’t hate the unitard look like others so the Browns socks don’t bother me. Even the Browns wordmark on the pants is less vomit enduring on the brown pants because it mostly just blends in from far away & looks like an orange stripe, at least until someone at the swoosh realizes it’ll stand out better with a white outline.
My biggest hate on this set tonight is the stupid oversized Cleveland across the chest and the orange numbers with the weird shadowing. The upwards shadowing makes the numbers look to me like they’re on upside down. And the orange numbers just looks awful. Change them back to brown with an orange DROPshadow.
The Pirates wore their ugly cammo uniforms tonight. Here’s a dumb question I have… Where’s the unwritten rule that all teams doing cammo use the dessert pattern or team colored pattern? Yes, any cammo is tacky and dumb looking and shouldn’t be used in sports but if your team name is the PIRATES can’t you use something besides that dessert cammo pattern? Pirates sailed on water. Use the Navy Blueberry pattern or some other water themed cammo pattern if you insist on using cammo…. Or better yet just use your regular uniforms…