Based on the suggestion of long-time reader/contributor Jimmy Corcoran, we’ve introduced a new “game” on Uni Watch, which is similar to the popular “Guess the Game from the Scoreboard” (GTGFTS), only this one asked readers to identify the game based on the uniforms worn by teams.
Like GTGFTS, readers will be asked to guess the date, location and final score of the game from the clues provided in the photo. Sometimes the game should be somewhat easy to ascertain, while in other instances, it might be quite difficult. There will usually be a visual clue (something odd or unique to one or both of the uniforms) that will make a positive identification of one and only one game possible. Other times, there may be something significant about the game in question, like the last time a particular uniform was ever worn (one of Jimmy’s original suggestions). It’s up to YOU to figure out the game and date.
Today’s GTGFTU comes from Christopher Hickey.

Good luck and please post your guess/answer in the comments below.
Canadian’s vs Penguin’s ♂️
Judging by the patch on Doug Risebrough’s shoulder it’s a game during the 75-76 season when Montreal hosted the Olympic Games. It’s Michel Plasse in net for Pittsburgh. That’s all I got. Pittsburgh made a few trips up to Montreal that season but the I can’t figure out the significance of the game by the box scores.
-Michel Plasse in net, has to be 1975-76 season. At Montreal (Michel’s birthplace!), so narrows the dates down to 12/14/1975, 03/16/1976, 03/31/1976.
-Flyers legend Ed Van Impe (#2) only played 12 games early on that season, making this 12/14/1975.
Final score 7-4 MTL.
Ed Van Impe was still in Philly on 12/14/75. Based on your info, I would guess it is this game from 3/16/76
Plasse was not in goal for the other game
You got it, Mark!
After I researched it, I thought this was gonna be a real stumper – Well done!
Great looking uniforms (that’s really the only significance…I also like the reflection of #3 in the glass behind Van Impe’s shoulder- John Van Boxmeer?)
The good old days when there were no ads on the boards.
I love that signage in the background. “Watch Hockey Night, Wednesday and Saturday evening”