Jimmer Vilk’s 5 & 1
Welcome to the Five and One for 2022!
After more than a decade in hiatus, Jim Vilk (the original “5 & 1” decider) returned! And he’s back again for 2022.
The concept of the 5&1 is simple: Jim will pick five good matchups (not necessarily the five best anymore… he will have categories that will change from week to week) and one awful matchup.
You may agree and you may disagree — these are, after all, just opinions and everyone has one. Feel free to let him know what you think in the comments section.
If you have a game you feel is “worthy” of consideration for the 5 & 1, please either post it in the comments below or tweet Mr. Vilk @JVfromOhio.
Here’s today’s 5 & 1:
Phil was waiting on me last night/this morning, so all I have time to tell you is…
Hi! Let’s get right to the list, shall we?
5. The “When Mono Makes Sense” Game:
If your name is the Orange, go all the way!
4. The “When Mono-White Makes Sense” Game:
Vanderbilt/Northern Illinois
Cloudy days, night games and dome games are good times to bring out the (preferably striped) icy whites.
3. The Color Palette Special:
Campbell/East Carolina
My only quibble was that the Camels’ numbers were a bit too small.
2. The “1972 Houston Oilers Vibe” Game:
Tulane/Kansas State
Did the Green Wave know that 50 years ago this week the Oilers went blue/white/blue for the first time ever?
1. Simply The Best:
I feel like eating a hot dog after seeing this mustard/ketchup matchup!
&1. Arkansas State/Memphis
ASU’s numbers were tiny and yet still easier to read than Memphis’.
Catch you next Sunday!
Thanks, Jim! OK readers? What say you? Agree or disagree with Jimmer’s selections? Let him know in the comments below.
Tulane/Kansas State hard to beat. Love the Tulane colour scheme. Forest green and light blue colour scheme unfairly underused in the sports world.
Tulane calls it “olive” green. Which would be unique in its own right as a team color (not counting GI Joe one-offs), but really it’s forest.
Rutgers-Temple was a nice lookin’ game on the field.
It was, but I was hoping for a little bit more scarlet from the Scarlet Knights… either the helmets or pants.
It’s amazing how good Tulane can make those colors look. If you try to visualize for yourself, you can’t see it. But then you see it in person and it’s so good.
I swear Vilk just pulls six games out of a hat and then writes about them. I wouldn’t be surpirsed if somebody did the research that he might have, years ago, praised the same match-up that he later decries, or vice versa.
You’re welcome to do that research, but I think the only things you’ll find is
1) I changed my tune on Penn State’s (now boring to me) road uniform,
2) I’m a bit more lenient when it comes to number fonts.
Other than that, I think a ten year old list will be close to a current list.
Also, don’t forget I’m not doing a strict Top Five anymore. I’m doing five good matchups but not necessarily the five best. I’m looking for variety as well as quality.
I’ll take your word for it, mostly just giving you a hard time because for as long as I’ve been reading these I can’t really discern much rhyme or reason to what matchups you think look good. Usually I agree with you on the one that doesn’t.
I also didn’t realize that you were no longer choosing the five “best” in your opinion.
My NC State Wolfpack did a “blackout” and went head-to-toe BFBS. Hideous…
Thoughts on Ole miss-Georgia tech? Also, thoughts on that Nc State-FSU blackout vs whiteout? Great work, this is always my fav series here!
So many of these matchups would look even better if sleeve/helmet striping was repeated on socks.