Jimmer Vilk’s 5 & 1
Welcome to the Five and One for 2022!
After more than a decade in hiatus, Jim Vilk (the original “5 & 1” decider) returned! And he’s back again for 2022. The concept of the Five and One is simple: Jim will pick HIS 5 best looking/1 awful matchup, and occasionally have some honorable mentions (both good and bad). You may agree and you may disagree — these are, after all, just opinions and everyone has one. Feel free to let him know what you think in the comments section.
This season, Jimmer may also be slightly changing up the Five and One — there will still be five “good looking” and one not-so-good games, but rather than ranking his top five and worst one, they may be given “categories” (which can change week to week). Just a little somethin-somethin’ to shake things up a bit!
If you have a game you feel is “worthy” of consideration for the 5 & 1, please either post it in the comments below or tweet Mr. Vilk @JVfromOhio.
Here’s today’s 5 & 1:
To clarify from yesterday, The new Five Good Things are slightly different than the old Top Five list. While both are done in countdown format from good to best, The FGT are drawn from a much wider pool. Had I done a Top Five yesterday, there would have been three or four *very* similar matchups. I think we all could use more variety… especially if your tastes differ from mine. Also, I’m going to try and steer clear of Honorable/Dishonorable Mentions. After all, it’s the 5&1, not the 7&2. Now, let’s check out this weekend’s list!
5. The “I Liked This One In Spite Of The Number Fonts” Matchup:
Kansas/West Virginia
Red (pants) Alert!
4. The “Optimal Contrast” Matchup:
Charleston Southern/NC State
Love the Bucs’ script and shoulder stripes too!
3. The “You Don’t Need Pants Stripes To Make My List” Matchup:
Florida International/Texas State
Stripes would have made it better, but there were enough colors to make me happy.
2. The Classic Matchup:
SO glad the Cardinal didn’t go BFBS for this one!
1. Simply The Best:
Ohio/Penn State
Even without the contrasting collar, that’s a simple yet great home uni.
Cardinals (star-spangled or regular) don’t have teeth, and they deserve a much better number font.
See you next week!
Thanks, Jim! OK readers? What say you? Agree or disagree with Jimmer’s selections? Let him know in the comments below.
The contrasting trim on the Penn State jerseys are sorely missed. It looks like they gave up on white shoelaces too. I think 2010 was the only year the Nittany Lions wore contrasting trim and white shoelaces.
Welcome back, Jimmer!
While this site is about uniform aesthetics… I think a lot of us have an eye for graphic-design aesthetics.
Is it just me or is the text under Jimmer’s photo not properly centered? Is that bugging anybody else?
And is it “Five and One” or “5 & 1”?
Is that charming like the mismatched “D” on the Detroit Tigers uniforms and caps?
is it “Five and One” or “5 & 1”?
5 and One
Is the number font on USC slightly thicker this year? Or is that something that has been around for a few seasons?
Yeah, I noticed something different about it, but can’t quite put my finger on it.
Same here.
It actually has been around since 2016. I think the fact it was such a subtle change had it flying under the radar for a while.
We all have different tastes. That WV/Kansas game would be a candidate for “and 1” for me. It hurts my eyes!
Fair enough.
What hurts my eyes is excessive amounts of white, especially on sunny days, so I tend to like colorful matchups, even if they border on eye-searing.
Love seeing the Bobcats listed as part of #1, but man I wish we had true UCLA stripes like we used to