By Phil Hecken, with Jimmer Vilk
Follow @PhilHecken
Greetings Uni Watch readers! A belated “Merry Christmas,” and a Happy day-after-Christmas/first day of Kwanzaa/Boxing Day/Happy Holidays, etc.! I hope everyone has been staying safe and you were able to enjoy the holidays with friends and/or family.
This being Christmas weekend, Paul has generously given everyone a well-deserved holiday from the blog, so this will be my only post this weekend. I’d say 2021 has been a bad year — and indeed for many of us it has — but after 2020 and 2021, I can’t imagine 2022 will be anything but better (how one defines “better” is of course different for each of us, but let’s all hope everyone’s next calendar year meets any definition of the word).
At least we can Thank Vilk for helping us end the year on a good note.
Last Saturday, right before the holidays, Jimmer Vilk offered up his wonderful assortment of sports ephemera and tchotchkes to the Uni-verse, and today we name the lucky winners.
I’ll turn it over to Jimmer here…
Merry Vilkmas 2020 – The Winners
By Jim Vilk
Greetings from… wherever I am today. I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday weekend. And now for the five people who are going to enjoy it just a little bit more!
Congrats to
Justin Shawley — Pirates lunch box
Elm Stephenson — Salt Lake Olympics visor
Jared Adkins — Terrible toddler Towel
John Horn — CFL paper footballs
Cody Brandon — MNF calendar
Have a wonderful rest of 2021!
Merry Vilkmas to all, and to all a good night!
Thanks Jimmer!
And also a big, yuge THANK YOU to each and every Uni Watch reader for all your support, enthusiasm and your obsessive observations of the athletic aesthetic!
Everyone please try to enjoy the final week of 2021, stay safe and be well! I’ll be back next weekend with the SMUW crew for our Bowl Game wraps, a couple Bowl 5 & 1s, final uni trackings and more. So until that time,
Thanks Phil and Jim. Happy Holidays!
Thanks to the SMUW team. Happy Double Deuces!
That was the most interesting package I’ve received in the mail: a seemingly random collection of stuff from Jim Vilk! Thanks again!