By Phil Hecken & the SMUW Crew
Follow @PhilHecken
Our long national nightmare is over!
We’d been waiting a while for this moment. We could feel it was coming. We knew it HAD to happen. And yet, it felt like an eternity for it to finally actually for real be confirmed yesterday.
Of course, I’m speaking of the PAC-12’s return to play for the 2020 season, becoming the final piece of the Power 5 teams to finally take the field of play in the Age of Coronavirus. A new day has dawned. All is right, once again, with the world.
It wasn’t quite without hiccups — both the Utah/Arizona and Washington/Cal games were cancelled, but the rest of the Conference managed to get in their games. Best of all (for me, anyway), it meant your defending Rose Bowl Champions, the Oregon Ducks, played their first game of the season. In the Granddaddy, the Ducks went full Nightmare — that’s not hyperbole; the name of the “green” the team wore is called “Nightmare Green.” Yesterday, they broke out the nightmare jerseys and pants, but topped it with yellow helmets. As many of you know, I’ve had a love/hate relationship with the Ducks for more than a decade, and while “nightmare” is better than the BFBS uniforms worn in the past, these aren’t great. I mean green is a school color, but nightmare is pretty close to BFBS. Still, I’d rather the Ducks play in this shade than not at all.
The long national nightmare is over, at long last. But Oregon’s nightmare green has just begun.
Here’s TJ with your…
Sunday Morning Uni Watch
by Terry Duroncelet, Jr.
With more conferences back up and running, as well as other recent events, I only have one thing to say…
From Friday:
• Looks like Boise State missed the BFBS-on-Halloween memo by one week. Meanwhile, BYU looked c l e a n in all-white.
• Looks like NC State missed the BFBS-on-Halloween memo by one week. Meanwhile, Miami looked c l e a n in all-white. Wait a minute…
From Saturday:
• It may not be color-vs-color, but I’ll take it!
• You can’t erase the ghosts of your past. From Frank Mercogliano: “You can still see the ghosted Hawai’i number font from last year under this year’s number font, which is more traditional.”
• Oklahoma State’s helmets from their game against Kansas State were *chef’s kiss* (closer look).
• My kingdom for this game to be color-vs-color…
• I couldn’t find any game pics, but Blaise D’Sylva noted that Georgia Southern wore ‘GATA’ on the right side of their helmets.
• Marshall wore camo decals against UMass on Saturday.
• Northwestern wore S&S decals against Nebraska.
• I still maintain to this day that Michigan State has one of the better all-white looks in college football.
• Contrast Matte– you know the drill by now.
• While we’re on the subject: Notre Dame vs Clemson… N I C E.
• Loved Minnesota’s helmets in their game against Illinois.
• Mississippi State wore some sweet throwback uniforms in their Homecoming game against Vanderbilt, with a nice video on the history of said uni. Recommended. Also recommended: the entire photo gallery.
That’ll do it for Week 10. I don’t have much of an outro, but with the MAC and PAC (12) back in action, things are starting to look normal again, whatever “normal” means at this current juncture. At any rate, I’ll see you next week!
Thanks, TJ! OK, now on to the rest of your SMUW.

5 & 1
Yes the hed above is correct — Memal contacted me late yesterday afternoon to let me know he’s really been under the weather and won’t be able to do today’s 5 & 1. Fortunately, once again, the inimitable Robert P. Marshall, III — Comrade Marshall to many of us — again was able to pinch hit in Memal’s absence.
Robert’s not much for words, but here’s his substitute 5 & 1:
Robert actually sent me a 1 & 5 (one good and five bad), that I had earlier mistaken for a 5 & 1 (the traditional way). I’ve now corrected this oversight to read as Comrade had intended. So the list now reads as your five worst looking matchups, and the final one is yesterday’s BEST matchup.
To anyone who read this list earlier as a traditional 5 & 1, my apologies, and apologies to Comrade Marshall as well.

#5 BAD Minnesota-Illinois
2 teams, 6 elements, only one stripe, and it is barely visible. Sears catalog uniforms had more bells and whistles.

#4 BAD Florida-Georgia
I never like this matchup, it’s the helmets being so close, there is always to much white and light grey. I’m sure the SHWM will love it, but Florida needs an overhaul, and the Bulldogs are plain and simple over rated.

#3 BAD Northwestern-Nebraska
So purdy in the fall light with the red and purple, but a bad week for Northwestern to wear a white lid against a team that is always going to wear a white lid. Nice thinkin’ there Wildcats.

#2 BAD Texas-WVU
In baseball we would hit the ceiling if both teams wore white slacks. Would it have killed WVU to wear gold knickers? You do have them right?

#1 BAD South Alabama-Coastal Carolina
Is there anything to like here in the least?

& 1 GOOD: Duke-UNC
I would rather a blue cap, but UNC looks great. and Duke has been using black for long enough that it is a school color, and it is needed here to make the game look right. If you take the black away, how many white or light colors would you have? Everything but the Duke jersey, it would have been gnarly.
Thanks, Comrade. That was an interesting take!

NCAA Uni Tracking
Uni Watch will again track the uniform combinations worn by the “Power 5” conferences. All of the 2019 trackers are back! Unfortunately, not all of the conferences are back. Here’s how the trackers would track, if all the schools were playing:
We’ve got Rex Henry (tracking the ACC), Dennis Bolt (tracking the PAC-12), Kyle Acker (tracking the Big XII), and Ethan Dimitroff (tracking the B1G AND the SEC). Rex, Dennis, and Kyle and are all returning from 2015, and Ethan is back after joining the NCAA Uni Tracking a couple seasons ago. Ethan continues his dual role of tracking both the B1G and the SEC.
We started the year off with three conferences (SEC, B1G, PAC-12) not playing at all, but now all five of the Power 5 have returned to play.
Here are the Uni Trackers for the Power 5 Conferences (I’ve left all the previous tracker info in their usual slots, even if the conferences aren’t playing. In case you want to click on any of the links):
Rex is up first today (ACC):

More Here.
Follow Rex on Twitter here.
And now, here’s Dennis with the PAC-12:

More here.
Follow Dennis on Twitter here.
And here is Ethan, with the SEC:

And be sure to check out Ethan’s WVU Mountaineer Tracker.
Follow Ethan on Twitter here.
And here is Kyle with the Big XII:

Follow Kyle on Twitter here.
And here’s Ethan with the B1G:


Welcome to the 2020 Oregon Ducks Uni Tracker. This little project was originally begun way back in 2008-09 by Michael Princip, who retired after several seasons, whereupon the project was continued by Tim E. O’Brien. He, too, retired from the tracking, but the project has been ably kept up by the man who also tracks the Pac12, Dennis Bolt.
Here’s this week’s Uniform Combo for the Ducks (you can click to enlarge):

You can read about this uniform, and MUCH MORE, by checking out the Duck Tracker here!
Thanks Dennis!

Uni Watch News Ticker
By Phil

Baseball News: It’s a little bit difficult to see in this old press clipping, but during a Congressional Baseball game (sorry, the year isn’t identified, but we can narrow it down by uni-style), then-Senator and current President-elect Joe Biden wore number 46. Of course, once he’s officially sworn in, Biden will be the 46th President of the United States (from Pete Clark).

NFL News: ICYMI: The Los Angeles Rams plan to introduce a new uniform each of the next two seasons, and if they had their way (and the NFL would allow it), they’d like to release a new uni every year (from Brian Spiess). … The New Orleans Saints, who lost for the first time in two years wearing their gorgeous “throwbacks” against the Raiders, will attempt to right the ship this weekend by wearing the throwbacks again vs. the Bucs. … Earlier this week Paul noted that two players wearing #1 as QB’s will face each other in what we think is an NFL first. Here are some other best matchups featuring QB’s wearing the same number. … The Bills will go mono-blue against the Seahawks, who may go mono-gray who will go white over dishwater. … “The ESPN app is using an old NFL shield logo as part of a photo illustration about coronavirus,” says Geoff Poole. “Easy mistake to make, I mean it’s only been 15 years or so since that shield has been used.” … Good spot by Taylor Brandine who noticed Monday night the New York Giants wore their throwback uniform and their captaincy patches were red. Previously, they had been blue. … You’ve heard of game worn jerseys, but how about a game worn polo shirt? And of all people it’s former Dolphins offensive coordinator Chris Foerster’s polo shirt (from Texas Trev).

Hockey News: There was a notable color vs. color game Friday night in the BCHL when the Trail Smoke Eaters visited the Cranbrook Bucks. Orange vs. Green! Submitter Wade Heidt adds, “Don’t see that often.” … New pads for Capitals goalie Henrik Lundqvist (from Mike Chamernik).

NBA News: The Golden State Warriors’ decision to pay homage to their Oakland roots earned the stamp of approval from their former player Matt Barnes. The now-retired wingman recently credited the Dubs organization for honoring the “We Believe” era, of which Barnes was part. … ICYMI: Ben Simmons and Allen Iverson have teased the new Sixers unis.

Soccer News: Austin FC, who are joining Major League Soccer for their inaugural season in 2021, have released a video teaser for their new kit.

Grab Bag: Interesting article here from Jeremy Brahm Did you know that Holyoke, MA, is the home of volleyball? I didn’t (Jeremy did), but an inaccurate Holyoke police patch has brought new attention to it.

And finally… thanks to the SMUW Crew (and welcome back Dennis!), as always, for their efforts, and especially to Comrade Marshall for pinching in for Memal on the 5 & 1 at the very last minute. Feel better Memal!
Everyone have a good week, and I’ll catch you again next Saturday.
Given the likely years of that Biden photo, seems likely that he’s wearing a Ron Reed uniform. I wonder if congressional staff back in the day would just call a team or school and ask to borrow a uniform based on size.
Also, does anyone with a better grasp of the details of the beautiful burgundy-era Phillies uniform know whether they kept the little baseball-stitch stripe inside the P on the jersey? Seems to be present on the Biden jersey, but my hazy memory of being a six-year-old Phillies fan is that they took that stripe off the jersey P at some point.
Okkonen has the stripe disappearing in 1973. I remember reading in The Sporting News that the depiction of a baseball was against the rules.
Ron Reed wasn’t a Phillie before ’73, and didn’t wear 46 when he was there. The immortal Joe Lis, an outfielder, wore it in 1970 and ’71.
Baseball Almanac has Reed wearing 46, but it’s not always a perfect record for uni numbers. Biden was elected in 1972 and took office in ‘73, so that’s probably an old Lis uniform borrowed or purchased from the team in the mid-1970s.
Or Kevin Gross.
Haha love the pic of the next years Rams unis
Every year Rams link links to the Biden pic.
If you have major “if only” reservations about your top 2 choices in your 5&1, then they aren’t the 2 best games, uni-wise. NU going with a white helmet and an S&S decal should disqualify the N’western game, if the mono-purple outfit didn’t. And if you acknowledge that WVU should have worn yellow gold pants (or heck, even navy), then it can’t be the best game of the weekend visually.
If you’re looking to fill in places, check out BC/Syracuse or ND/Clemson.
i don’t disagree with you at all, those were are not positive uniform choices. a certain fella just loves throwing me under the bus.
i gave it to the skipper as a 1&5, not a 5&1 because the week rots to such an extent. duke-unc was my GOOD game(i’m as shiocked as anybody), everything else should be on the turd list.
In that vein… I guess I have nothing.
Dancing in the streets being its own superpreader event. :)
Did anyone else notice the Under Armour logo covered up with a patch on the UCLA football jerseys? I wonder when was the last time a major college football team sported no manufacturer patch on its football jersey?
While Bradshaw vs. Staubach is a popular choice for #12 vs. #12, the 1970’s gave us many great #12 vs. #12 match-ups featuring Bob Griese, Joe Namath, Ken Stabler, Doug Williams, John Brodie, Joe Ferguson and James Harris.
Why does the top 5 read like a bottom 5? Was the message this week that there were no good looking games at all?
Exactly. It seemed contrarian just for the sake of being contrarian and an insult to those who have actually made an effort in 5&1, past and present. In fairness, it was a last minute substitution. I hope I got my comment in early enough.
Yeah, here’s a thought. Maybe you should read the comments that have already been posted before you post your ill-informed trolling attempt.
This was a solid effort and he’s right. This was a particularly awful week for uni matchups.
i know he is just being a useless troll, but don’t blame DH. i repeat, last time phil threw me and another fella under the bus. so it might have appeared to him as me being lazy. whatever. while dave didn’t have to be a jerk to be a jerk, his view of what happened was slightly justified as a result.
this time, it was clear to everyone on the thread that contained the 1&5 that it was supposed to be set up that way. so phil clearly set this up so there would be comments about it, there is no other reason for not fixing this while fixing other mistakes. he says it doesn’t matter, but then why ask people to do it in the first place? so again, does DH have to be a jerk about it? no. but the real issue isn’t DH. fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, and you can stick it.
1&5 clears that up.
My apologies, rpm.
thanks DH. i didn’t want a repeat of last time because of a mix-up, because i did try to make a list with some talking points. like why did WVU ear white pants? how can zero stripes be good? when does black make for a better game. i’m not saying i’m right, but when i went through the games, that’s what stuck out to me. for the record, i suggested you be offered the 5&1 this week.
from where i stand, terry does a glorious job with recapping everything, and the 5&1 should bring up talking points. i personally feel it should be rotated week to week to get a differing of opinion rather then the same opinion every week.
i would say sorry, but that is 100% on skip. last time DH, you were being a bit of a jerk, but the crit here is legit. i asked the man to change it, but he says “it doesn’t matter”. so that is where the insult to my good friend and originator,jim mothervilker comes from, not me.
as i said above, it was a rough week for looking good, so i made it a 1&5 with a “reeeeally?” sort of choice at the top. i mean a BFBS #1 to thnk about i thought was interesting.
So the lack of attention to detail that caused this to be a fail was from the top, and not the person who put it together when asked to chip in in a pinch. just so you know.
The lack of an inverted 5 & 1 (which is what rpm sent me and I didn’t realize at the time) is on me, yes. For as long as I’ve been doing this, the list has always been sent with the 5 good and 1 bad in order, and without fully realizing that, I put the list up this way. So think of this one as a 1 & 5, not the other way around. My bad.
I am extremely grateful to Comrade for pitching in at the late hour and I will admit I was tired and didn’t fully read the “1 & 5” Robert sent me.
Again, apologies to Robert and please just read the list upside down
…okay, now i can say thanks for helping me and finding the photos phil, for a last second thing, that helped a ton.
Does anybody else see the lime green comments thread that pops-up from time to time? It’s like there is a separate conversation. It kind of comes and goes.
Joe Biden photo is from Tuesday, July 30, 1974. The Phillies uniform is from 1973. Here’s what he told the Wilmington News Journal, his hometown paper: “Got this thing from the Phils last year. But never took it back. I guess you could say I stole it. My boy took the cap, so I had to get another.” Biden went 0-for-2 in the game at Memorial Stadium in Baltimore. Groundout, strikeout. The Democrats lost 7-3 to the Republicans.
No mention of the USC ASU game. Practically any game with USC’s great uniforms should get a mention, and thankfully ASU went with contrast with all white. Too many times they have worn colors that were too close to the USC colors.
ASU had decals on two sides of their helmet, that’s stupid. everybody has a stormtooper uniform, and that’s meh. usc is usc, so congrats on a decent looking team. it is nice to see ASU contrast usc though, so you raise a decent point i could have gone with.
Minor quibble with the B1G tracker this week…
IU’s helmet decals were actually slightly different yesterday. Instead of the normal block logo, it was fatter and rounded because… reasons?
i didn’t notice that the big ten leaders changed their logo. whatever the reason, it’s a huge improvement!
Tennessee v. Arkansas has to be in top five, especially since both have gone back to traditional looks…
Iowa State wore black helmets yesterday and not white.
At least there’s not another yuck “New NFL Uni Design” piece today.
So plain grey is considered “dishwater” now?
“I guess you could say I stole it.” —
Joe Biden in Philadelphia, PA on 7/30/74… & 11/4/20? GO JOE GO!
I agree. He stole it.
Carolina v KC has to be the ugliest looking game ever.
Further to the Hockey Ticker post about the Cranbrook Bucks. This was the first home game (still exhibition season) for the expansion Bucks. Believe first time they wore their green jerseys.
I know they are a Junior A team but I am still calling them out. The green from the jerseys and socks do not match the green on the pants, helmets, gloves. There is the ability to make sure the shades of green match, unless they were trying to be a kelly green team trimmed with forest green, but I do not believe that was the intention.
This shouldn’t be the problem in the 21st Century that it once was, but color-matching nylon breezers to polyester sweaters and stockings has always been an issue. When possible, teams customarily try to use a contrasting hue to the shorts from the jerseys and socks (Rangers, Habs, Blackhawks) and pray they get it right when a side uses only one color (Maple Leafs, Red Wings). Green is a fraught color to work with; I’m sure everyone sees it differently. Not only does value seem to be unstable, saturation and the amount of blue therein cause mismatching.
arkansas looks better, but it’s not like they have ever been great, or unique with the typical ncaa crimson that everybody wears. there was absolutely nothing about any choice with either that them special. in fact, they both wear the same pants. so fine, it was a nice looking traditional game.
Yates HS, from the Watson/Floyd story, is in Houston, Texas, not Alabama.