By Phil Hecken
The first two Wild Card games of the 2016-17 NFL Season are now in the books, with the Texans and Raiders playing in Houston, and the Seahawks and Lions up in Seattle. And the first thing that struck me is how the games were almost mirror images of one another, uni-wise. Both home teams wore blue helmets, jerseys and socks, and both road teams wore silver helmets, white jerseys and silver pants. And both were surprisingly good looking games.
I had actually thought about “predicting the winners of the games by the team with the better uniform” (as I kinda/sorta do with College football and have done in the past with the NFL), but I thought better of it. For one thing, the uniforms that will be worn for the NFL playoffs, save for a couple elements like pants (and maybe socks), are usually known. So, would I pick the winner based on the overall best uni (like I do for college) or based on the uniform I expect the teams to wear? Probably the latter. In any event, had I done so for yesterday’s games, I would have picked the Raiders (one of the top 5 uniforms in football) and the Seahawks. (Wait…what?). Yes, even though I initially did NOT like the Nikefied treatment of the Seahawks uniforms when they were introduced in 2012, I’ve actually grown to like them quite a bit. In fact, I’d say they’re now one of the better “modern” uniforms in the game (and certainly better than the new uniforms the Jaguars, Browns and Buccaneers have received, and marginally better than Miami and Minnesota, both of which I don’t hate, but neither of which is as good as previous uniforms). I’d even rate the Seahawks ahead of the Lions overall, although the Lions uniforms now aren’t bad.
I still don’t like the Seahawks habit of going mono-blue, particularly when they have a perfectly fine set of gray pants, but it’s their look, and it’s what they wear at home. Too bad the game yesterday wasn’t in Detroit, though, because I think Detroit in honolulu blue jerseys versus the Seahawks would have looked even better. Of course, in years past, the game would have looked a LOT better.
We would have had mirror image games yesterday if the Texans had gone mono blue, a terrible look for them. It’s too bad they couldn’t have gone with the blue/red/blue/red look they debuted against the Jags, but you know how the NFL gets when it comes to alternates.
The Raiders vs. the Texans in Oakland (will that cease to exist next season?) would probably have been a much more aesthetically pleasing game, because there are few more iconic looks than da Raidahs in black and silver. And as you know from reading Paul’s Friday Flashback (and if you haven’t, a link is below), the Raiders haven’t changed their look much in 50+ years. And with good reason.
If I were picking today’s games based on “better uni,” it would be no contest. Our first game is between the Steelers and Dolphins (which are not fish), and while there is uncertainty on which pants the Dolphins will wear, they’ll likely go with aqua pants, though they look much better in all white (simply due to the leotard look with the aqua socks worn with the aqua pants). Still, the Steelers black/gold is superior in every way (though both teams had better uniforms years back — an check out the stripe malfunction on William Judson!).
The second half of the double-bill is between the Packers and the Giants, and this one isn’t close either. I happen to think the Packers home uniform is the best in all of football, and the Giants road uniform pales in comparison to their very good home look. Even if this game were in Giants, er…Met Life Stadium (just pretend the Giants have white pants there), I’d still like the Pack, based on the better uni, but it would be a tougher call. But in Green Bay? No contest. Of course, if history is any guide, maybe I should pick the Giants in Green Bay…
I actually think most of this year’s playoff games (no matter who advances) will look pretty good: Dallas and Kansas City (with byes this week) have stellar unis; probably the two weakest sets of unis also involve teams who are off this weekend: Atlanta (arguably the worst of all playoff teams) and New England (not bad, but not great). If only the Falcons could wear their fauxbacks. This might be the best set (again, arguably) of unis in the playoffs in quite some time.
The NFL had (and has) a lot of problems, including the ridiculous color rash mandates, but at least we can feel pretty good that this year’s playoffs will be aesthetically pleasing.

Ben Traxel’s Cleanup Project
Long time readers will remember the name Ben Traxel — way back in the day we did a number of posts together, and we even shared some time back in Minnesota, at the Uni Watch “Deep Freeze” gathering. But as time has passed, we haven’t much kept up.
So, the other day I heard from Ben, who wanted to share another project with me — one that’s pretty neat actually. I’ll let Ben explain:
Hope all is well. I was messing around and did a little cleanup project. I started photoshopping what the playoff teams would look like without all their “stickers”. A couple of them look a little blank but I think that’s because we’ve unfortunately gotten adjusted to seeing all blank space occupied. Raising the front numbers would probably fix that. Overall though, much better. I did take a few liberties on some. Chiefs ”“ lowered the sleeve stripes, Patriots ”“ got rid of the apron strings and added a small red stripe to the shoulders, Texans ”“ added a small white stripe to the shoulders and thinned the collar, and the Seahawks ”“ shortened the gray collarbone stripes.
Thought you might like to see.Ben
Thanks Ben. It’s amazing what a little “cleanup” can do for an NFL uniform. Below are the fruits of Ben’s labor (you can click to enlarge):

Thanks, Ben — it’s amazing how even just removing the swoosh and the shield those unis look quite a bit better. Great stuff!

UW’s Friday Flashback
In case you missed it on Friday, with the Raiders back in the playoffs Saturday — their first postseason appearance since Super Bowl XXXVII in 2003 — Paul’s latest Friday Flashback piece over on ESPN takes a look at some quirks and eccentricities in Raiders uniform history (including Kenny Stabler’s facemask, which had the scars from where the center vertical bar had been sawed off and removed, as seen here).
Check out the Friday Flashback here.

Uni Watch News Ticker
By Phil

Baseball News: Wow! Here’s a wonderful shot of the James M. Beard, Branch 3, National Association of Letter Carriers baseball team. Buffalo, 1894. Love those wide, white belts! (great find from Michael Blake Raymer). … Here’s kind of a cool article detailing six “tidbits” of Yankee uniforms you probably did not know. Important stuff too, like where do the unis get washed (but also some historical “facts” — Uni Watch readers may dispute the fact that the last “change” in the Yankee uniform occurred in 1915, for example). … The Ohio Bobcats will have raised helmet decals on matte helmets this year (from Joe Carlone). I usually *hate* any new trends in baseball aesthetics, but I have to say I really like the raised logo/matte look (like the Dodgers currently have). … Yesterday was National Bobblehead day (that’s a thing?). Here’s a really nice old NY Mets bobble (from Bruce Menard). … How sensitive are we (Uni Watchers) to logos? A couple people sent me this graphic of championship droughts, with Chief Wahoo being used for Cleveland, rather than the “Block C”.

NFL/Football News: “Saw this display at walmart,” writes Joseph Bailey. “I know they’re probably going for a generic helmet look, but the stripes look pretty close to a Browns’ helmet. I wonder if the NFL gets upset with this kind of stuff (no NFL endorsement anywhere on the sign).” … Apparently, Chris Cooley’s story about uniform number is ”˜completely inaccurate’ — here’s the pertinent quote from Cooley: “When you signed Josh Norman, you forgot to tell Duke Ihenacho that you were going to give his number away, and for eight weeks of the season you had a rift with the coaching staff and the organization and Duke Ihenacho, with the fact that he couldn’t sell his number to Josh Norman,” Cooley said. ” ”˜Hey, Duke, here’s an extra 50 grand; Josh is gonna have your number now. Sorry. He’s Josh Norman; you’re Duke Ihenacho. That’s how things work in the NFL.’” Unfortunately, that’s not quite true (thanks to Tommythecpa). … All ads on unis are bad, right? Well, maybe not “Now this is an ad on a uniform–Dibello Pontiac football. Buffalo, 1940.” Another great find by Michael Blake Raymer. … A couple different people commented on Raiders’ owner Mark Davis’ wardrobe. He’s apparently notoriously miserly — still uses a 2003 Nokia phone and drives a minivan, despite being worth millions. … Ken Stabler of the Raiders was not the only NFL player to modify his facemask by removing the center bar — also employing this modification are Kenny King and Matt Millen (from Andrew Disney). … More helmet logo/tape inconsistencies: “Some lion tails are covering the helmet vent, others are cut out,” says Funhouse. “I want answers!”

College Football News: Are you a fan of Iowa State in anthracite? Well, you may be in for more uniform shenanigans in the coming seasons. Interesting quote in that article an Matt Campbell, “while admitting to being a traditionalist, also understands the power of something so simple as the makeup or variety of uniforms. From his first day in Ames last fall, Campbell has embraced social media to sell a rebuilding program and he understands that uniforms and branding have the ability to move fast and far.” … Hmmm. Have we seen this before? Check out the odd facemask/visor on Royce Freeman of the Oregon Ducks (good spot by Sean Pellatz). Also of note in that photo: the “Forever Young 22” undershirt on Darren Carrington. … I’m not 100% sure if we’ve covered this or now, but there’s a reason Youngstown State has an ‘upside down’ Y on their helmets (from Josh Sanchez). … Had this item in yesterday’s ticker, but Ed Hughes grabbed a game photo of the custom hand painted name on helmet from the Army Bowl. He adds, “In addition to the player’s surname being printed in block all-caps on the upper right of the front of the jersey (as Army football apparently also does), it’s also printed in script on the back of the helmet.” (Actually it’s hand painted). … If these graphics for the National Championship Game are any indication, no orange britches for Clemson (from Mike Nessen). But I wouldn’t take that as gospel by any means (Pleasepleaseplease wear orange pants Clemson). … Speaking of “the Natty” (as I’m hearing it referred to…ugh), both endzones will be black (from Matthew Shephard). Here’s another view (from Mark Johnson). … Aside from tracking Auburn’s uniforms (all two of them) all season, Clint Richardson has also been tracking those of USA. They wore 12 different combos in their 12 regular season games, so it should come as no surprise they wore a different one for their Bowl game.

Hockey News: Here’s how the new new NHL 100th Anniversary sticker looks on the Pittsburgh Penguins helmets (from Kellan Roellich). … The Chicago Wolves have been a longstanding proponent of animal adoption as more than 1,300 dogs have found forever homes over the last 15 seasons during the team’s Adopt-A-Dog Nights. The American Hockey League franchise will draw even more attention to the cause by wearing commemorative Animal Adoption Awareness jerseys on Jan. 7, 11 and 21 at Allstate Arena (from Steve Johnston). … “Here is a screen shot that show where the Flyers are wearing the Centennial patch on their 50th season jersey,” says John M (JMac). “Kind of squashed between the TV number and the orange band. Personally, I think it would have looked better centered on the orange band or above the TV number.” … The Muskegon Lumberjacks wore Sandtrooper jerseys last night (from Jeff Tasca). … I’m pretty sure this has happened before (drawing a blank as to when though), but the Bakersfield Condors wore three different jerseys in three different periods last night (from Quinn Balicki) … The LA Kings wore “throwback” jerseys last night, but what’s up with those socks? (from Zach Pearse). … The Ottawa Senators have their XXV logo at center ice (from Nick Gratton). … The Eugene Generals wore…wait for it… camo uniforms for Military Appreciation Night (from Eugene Generals). … WHOA! The San Jose Sharks have a (Bay Area/California/Golden) Seals exhibit (“pop up museum”) on their concourse! (great spot by Damian).

NBA News: Here’s some NBA news we may have missed from Friday, from Zachary Loesl: The Lakers wore their black, sleeved jerseys at home; Caris LeVert has a little E on his jersey; the Milwaukee Bucks wore Black at home with alternate court; and the Sacramento Kings and LA Clippers played a color vs. color game. … WHOA!!! This “Old-school NBA” Pinterest page is phenomenal (thanks to Funhouse). Hopefully we can tear Jimmer Vilk away from that long enough to pick the Vilkmas Raffle winners. … Not sure if we’ve seen this before, but Kevin Séraphin of the Indiana Pacers has acute accent over the e on his NOB (from Hit The Glass).

College Hoops News: The Florida Gators wore BFBS uniforms against Tennessee yesterday, and at least one player hopes they’ll wear them more times this year. … That game was color vs. color black (from Grant Ramey). … Yesterday, Troy and Georgia Southern played a color vs. color gray game (from Luke Parks). … A true color vs. color matchup did take place between Manhattan vs. Quinnipiac yesterday (from Derek Turner). … Inconsistent NOBs for Ole Miss basketball thanks to the new Nike template. Also RNOB (thanks to Clint Richardson).

Soccer News: Jersey swaps are commonplace in soccer and football (the American kind), but not everyone likes to participate. Here’s what happened when Man U star Wayne Rooney tried to swap his jersey with Reading’s George Evans.

Grab Bag: Here’s a wonderful story about a ‘bookmender’ from Ronnie Poore, who writes “I know that you, like I, enjoy stories of those who do work such as this: He Fixes Cracked Spines, Without an Understudy.” … “New uniforms and helmet for the Vancouver Stealth of the NLL,” notes Wade Heidt. “Helmets are now a combination of black and red. Used to be solid black. Jersey has redesigned numbers and striping. The secondary fox logo has been removed from the shoulders. It is now found stealthily sublimated on the front of the jersey.” … Check out the basketball uniforms the UCLA Volleyball team wore yesterday (from Brent Yarina). … I should probably keep my day job, right?

And that’s it for today. Thanks to Ben Traxel for the “clean” uni project.
Last call, in case you missed it, last weekend my buddy Jimmer Vilk offered up another wonderful round of collectibles in our second annual “A Very Merry Vilkmas” reader appreciation raffle. All the details are here, so be sure to check it out if you missed it — so far I’ve received over 100 entries, but the contest is still open until January 8th (7:00 Eastern Time deadline), so if you’d like some of Jim’s used crap generous Cleveland-related gear, there’s still time to enter!
Enjoy the Stillers/Dolphins and Pack/G-men today, and the “Natty” tomorrow. I’ll catch ya next weekend, but until then…
Follow me on Twitter @PhilHecken.
“(T)he history of Chavez Ravine is extremely well documented, and involves way more than ‘some people being upset’ about the construction of a new ballpark. It’s not a political agenda to note that a vibrant long-standing community was wiped out to build a baseball field.”
— Hugh McBride.

Typo in talking about Seahawks uni?
‘In fact, I’d say they’re not one of the better “modern” uniforms in the game’ – remove the ‘not’?
LA Kings white throwback jersey would have only been worn in warmups – gloves & socks match the grey anniversary jersey worn in-game.
That’s precisely what happened — once the game began, the Kings wore their gray alternates.
Shit. Yes. Should say “now” rather than “not”.
The New England Patriots have won their Super Bowls wearing the home and away versions of their navy blue Flying Elvis uniforms. Due to this established winning tradition in this uniform, does not seem likely the Pats will change them even though there could be improvements in the design.
When it comes to which Flying Elvis era uniform is the most aesthetically pleasing to me, I do prefer the royal blue instead of the navy blue. Maybe I am in the minority?
I’m in the minority with you. The original Flying Elvis that lost to the Packers is the least offensive look of the post-Pat Patriot era
I think there’s a link issue in the NFL ticker about the 1940s uniform ad, because I REALLY want to click on something there to see it but I can’t
Damn, sorry Gene. Coding issue. Now fixed.
you can also look right here.
Thanks phil…. that is AWESOME!
The ticker item about the Oregon duck face mask…that appears to be a standard face mask with some black tape which gives an odd visual. Zoom in on the photo an you should be able to see it.
Pretty sure that’s just a black fastener… you can see it through the mask on the other side too… stared at that for a while trying to figure out what was “odd” about it, and then just assumed they couldn’t clearly see it was a fastener
I stand corrected. Yes it’s clearly a fastener for the visor.
And that photo seems to be from Oregon’s Alamo Bowl in 2015. Not sure how that got resurrected?!
I have a therory on the NHL 100th patches. Wondering if the forced sleeve placement isn’t a means to test what an advertisement might look like if it took up that real estate. I know the commish has come out and said there is no interest in ads at this time, but since the NBA has opened the box who knows what’s possible.
It’s probably because other teams already have patches in place on the front of the jersey, and the front of the jersey is more visible for advertising. Plus, the ones on the sleeve could get hidden if players scrunch up their sleeves. Advertisers pay more for visibility.
Yeah I thought about the whole visibility thing but wondered if the sleeve might not be their idea of ‘compromise’, even thought it means lower revenue. The EPLis going to sleeve ads next year I believe so there is precendnce. Also the patch issue (along with numbers) is equally prevalent on the sleeve as it is the front.
Soccer jersey sleeves are short, unless the game is played under cold conditions. Being long sleeved, hockey jersey sleeves are scrunched up.
The article about the “tidbits” of the Yankees uniforms. #6 mentions that the team didn’t wear patches until 1980’s. That is completely wrong. They started wearing them in 1939 where all the three New York teams wore patches commemorating the 1939 Worlds Fair, and have worn them for other significant occasions.
Tidbit #6 makes no sense. It also mentions they wore a patch for Mickey Mantle in 1996, which is wrong. They wore a “7” patch in 1995 for him, and a black arm band for Mel Allen in 1996.
Also claiming the last change was in 1915 is incorrect as the NY was not worn on the chest until the late 1930s.
Also no mention of adding numbers to the uniforms. I believe it was in 1929.
Paul – is there going to be a confirmation for those getting the patch for the latest series of Uni Watch shirts? I emailed mine in on the deadline.
I have to disagree, I think the Giants have one of the best road uniforms in the NFL. I love the old school look, plus I don’t think they’ve ever lost a postseason game in the white/red road uni (added bonus).
I do agree Green Bay’s classic look is one of the best though.
Agreed…. I’d watch the Giants in the road unis all day long, even versus the home uni…. it’s such an old school look to have not a hint of the helmet color anywhere on the jersey. In fact, it harken back to the days of when they didn’t do outlines on numbers, whether due to cost or technology, or whatever. I think the Giants road uniforms should be celebrated, if not for the fact that it’s a holdover and something we probably won’t see again, then for the simple fact it’s unique in the league. It’s such a simple example of design elements that made some of our favorite uniforms of the past so beautiful, that it kills me to see a site devoted to uniform aesthetics always downgrade it whenever it’s brought up.
Well said Gene. Giants’ whites are classic. Blue helmets set off the red numbers. I hope they never change them.
I’ve never been a fan of the current “throwback” roadies. Yes, it’s a look link (and here it is with the link), but they’ve also worn link, which I happen to prefer (and white pants are better than the grays, in my opinion, at least with the white jersey). I did like the link tho.
But those “original” white jerseys were designed to be an link they wore prior to moving to white tops. Other than 1935/36, the G-men never had white tops. With the advent of the white jersey mandate (or just prior to it), the team went from their link to a white one that was basically a mirror of the red. That morphed into what YA Tittle (and the current squad) is wearing. But I’ve personally never been that fond of it; I am well aware of the history, doesn’t mean I don’t prefer a white shirt with more blue elements.
I love that Tarkenton picture… that uniform I did always like as well (no outlines around the numbers), but I fear if they made a change, it would be like this, and I hated this look:
Sorry, but the current Giants’ road set looks like they misplaced their actual jerseys and had to borrow some from the local high school team.
I was struck watching the Texans-Raiders game by just how dull-looking the Texans dark blue unis look. They are missing something both in terms of the lack of color vibrancy of the blue used, and in the detailing of the design. As it is they have one of the worst uniform sets in use in the NFL right now.
They need to go back to the more oilers shade of Blue. That is more of a Texas blue anyway. The Texas flag definitely isn’t navy.
I’m all for clean uncluttered uniform designs but I totally agree about the Texans blue jerseys. They’re just blah. I like their red alternates a lot, though.
I completely disagree about the Giants road uniforms. They look great, screw the “they are breaking a uniform rule by not having much blue in it and not being a mirror image of the home jersey” mentality. It looks great, period. I love that the Cowboys and Giants jerseys are all different and are not mirror images of one another. Makes the uniform sets so much better.
Agreed. Sometimes not being uniform is what makes a uniform great. The Giants road uni, the Cowboys set, the Yankees non matching interlocking NY’s, the Tigers mismatched D’s are quirks that make their unis great.
See above. I don’t *hate* the current road uni. I just prefer the white jersey to have more blue in it. They are, ya know, “BIG BLUE” afterall.
I’m with Phil. They look fine, but would be more appropriate for a team that has red as their primary color.
Thanks for the “clean up”. Football uniforms have become too Nascarish with all the little additions. It wouldn’t be quite so bad if some of that clutter were down around the elbows, but the elimination of sleeves puts the kibosh on that.
Joe Washington of the Colts, Redskins, and others, was known for his modified helmet. If you look at pics of him his helmet was always slightly different. Could never figure out why.
He also wore silver cleats while an Oklahoma Sooner. Not sure if he ever wore them in the No Fun League.
Aaron Kyle of the 78 Cowboys also had a facemask with the middle bar sawed off.
I realized somewhere around Thanksgiving that Detroit’s silver and blue combo is one of my favorite sets. Before the games started yesterday, I was rooting from a strictly aesthetic standpoint, for a Kansas City / Detroit Super Bowl.
I now think the best remaining unis are Kansas City and Green Bay, which would be a rematch of Super Bowl 1. I could live with that. Pittsburgh’s uni font is too big, New York can’t decide if it’s a red team or a blue team, Miami underutilizes orange, Flying Elvis is inferior to Pat Patriot, and we all know what an inconsistent mess the Cowboys are.
My least favorite uniforms in the playoffs are Atlanta and Seattle. If we could turn back the clock to the Steve Bartkowski-era Falcons, and the Steve Largent-era Seahawks – when the Seahawks were in the AFC – that would’ve made a heck of a Super Bowl matchup.
If only the Lions would lose the gratuitous black trim. Kansas City has what is probably my favorite NFL uniform. I have always been a fan of the red, yellow, white combination on any sports team.
Detroit doesn’t have proper number font. The best remaining option would be Dallas vs Kansas City.
Even Dallas’s numbers could be improved by going back to the Tom Landry era font. The current font is too thick and blocky (is that a word?).
Also, there’s the whole issue with the weird green pants.
If I were to choose superbowl match up based on unis, it would be Giants/Steelers… the only 2 teams with forehead helmet numbers… plus it would be a good, classic look.
You are of course entitled to your opinion in liking the Steelers’ uniforms. But “classic” strikes me as an inaccurate description. What is classic is the version with the block numbers. The version with the rounded italic numbers is newfangled.
Oops, you’re right…. I do hate the round numbers…. but still, mostly classic… no leotards, or words down the pants on on the shoulder, or thin striping, terrible “feathery” crap on the forehead, etc
The Steelers unis would be one of the best but for the number font. Too big, too rounded.
The Futura font does bother me a little bit, but the gratuitous logo patch bothers me more.
The Lions still need to drop the black, and that WCF patch should never have been more than a one-year thing.
Count me in as I guess the only person in America who thinks the Steelers “rounded” number font looks better.
Hey, at least there is not a clash in fonts between the helmet numbers and the jerseys anymore.
Besides, the Steelers have been wearing them for almost 20 years now. Long enough (and not a major enough change from the old block numbers) to count as “classic” I think.
Note: the Steelers number font is “Futura Condensed”. Prove yourself a true Uni-Watcher by dropping this info next time you’re watching them with friends.
Steelers font would be alright if it wasn’t italic.
Only reason I’m jumping in here is because I don’t like that my last NFL game was the Bounty Boys from New Orleans beating the Colts (and called by Jim Nantz). If SB 51 is a rematch of the first one (and if the Chiefs wear red pants), *that* will be my last game. I may even watch a Chiefs/Cowboys matchup.
Nice to see some Seals love at the Shark Tank! Love to see a teal Sharks third jersey with “Sharks” on the front in that unique Seals font….and yes, that “Bay Area Seals” pennant is super rare..
It would be cool to see the Sharks break out a green California Golden Seals uniform on St. Patrick’s Day.
A brilliant idea, Sealsfan!
I love the Atlanta Falcons fauxbacks as well. Due to the one-shell NFL helmet rule (inability to wear a red helmet), they seem more like a new-look Falcons uniform to me rather than a throwback of that team. Though I understand it is supposed to be a hodgepodge of two past eras.
When watching the uniforms on TV and seeing the team from a distance, the look reminded me of being throwback of the 1970s Ottawa Rough Riders of the CFL. Pants and socks really similar. Black helmets and black jerseys over white pants.
Thought about basketball color on color. Teams have been using light blue, yellow/gold and gray home uniforms for years. So are match-ups with these teams really a color on color game? Or should that designation be saved for games like yesterday’s Tennessee (orange) versus Florida (black).
This afternoon, at 4 pm Eastern time, ESPN will rebroadcast the Harlem Globetrotters playing at the outdoor court in Venice Beach. Look out for a goggle-wearing beast known as Cager; he’s the only player with NOB with the World All-Stars, an apparent successor to the Washington Generals. The commentator also makes a fuss about another player on the All-Stars, which is rare for any team opposing the Globetrotters.
Thanks for the tip.
But, according to the schedule on my cable system, that comes on at 3pm Eastern.
There was a change in ESPN’s schedule. At 3 pm, they were showing PBA U.S. vs. The World. The Globetrotters came on at 4 pm.
That shirt Davis is wearing may be Reebok. The Panthers head coach wore a 2010
Reebok coat a few weeks ago. Last night the Lions and Seahawks head coaches were wearing 2014 Nike coats.
With respect to that Los Angeles Kings jerseys not matching the socks. The Kings wear a special Saturday jersey which is grey. The picture probably came from their pre game skate which they traditionally wear different jerseys than that used in the game. If you check pictures from the game, they wore their Saturday greys.
Shout out to the decal makers for the Giants and packers…. not really seeing any issues in this cold game :)
I think the National Championship field would look a lot better if one of the two “2017”s would face the opposite direction. I imagine there will be changes, but I love the lack of clutter on-field. Pleasantly surprised with how small “Tampa Bay” is at midfield.
Re Iowa State uniforms: I personally am not a fan of the grey uniforms, but thought the white helmets looked good. That said , if they can attract prospects or raise the profile of the team by offering fun uniforms, go for it.
Re Yankees: Wasn’t there something on this site some time ago about how the spacing of the pinstripes has changed quite a bit over the years?
I’m all for Iowa State mixing up their uniforms, since they basically are a copy of the USC Trojans. Strange that both Iowa State and Iowa (Steelers copy) have uniforms that are copied from other teams.
“I had actually thought about “predicting the winners of the games by the team with the better uniform”…but I thought better of it.”
::proceeds to do pretty much exactly that for the next 8 paragraphs::