Hey guys and gals,
I hate to close up the store, but due to a variety of reasons, we’re going to have an Open Thread today. Paul’s traveling in Rhode Island with TBC, and I’ll (most likely) be in a location where I likely won’t have Internet access. We’ll “reopen” for the usual business tomorrow.
Please feel free to talk amongst yourselves — any topic, you choose — and feel free to engage with one another. My only request is you be civil.
Some suggested topics:
• Is a hot dog a sandwich?
• Will the Cubs win the World Series ever in your lifetime this year?
• The Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire.
• Which is a better nickname for Matt Harvey? “Frat Harvey” or “Matt Fratboy”?
• Do the Diamondbacks have the worst uniforms in the history of baseball? If not, who has worse unis (historically) and why?
• If both Pittsburgh and Green Bay refer to their pants color as “gold,” what’s the problem?
• If there is a God, what is her nature?
Have a great Sunday, everyone — Paul will be back with a full UW posting on Monday and I’ll be back next weekend.
– Is a hot dog a sandwich?
– Will the Cubs win the World Series ever in your lifetime/this year?
Sadly, they might. There goes another wonderful bit of baseball lore.
– The Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire.
– Which is a better nickname for Matt Harvey? “Frat Harvey” or “Matt Fratboy”?
Matters Not?
– Do the Diamondbacks have the worst uniforms in the history of baseball? If not, who has worse unis (historically) and why?
Worse pants. As a whole, though, I would name the 1997 anaheim angels. Why, just look at it.
– If both Pittsburgh and Green Bay refer to their pants color as “gold,” what’s the problem?
It makes yellow feel sad and rejected.
– If there is a God, what is her nature?
Nature. In a pantheist sort of way.
Good answer for the God question.
Hot dogs aRe a sandwich.
The Cubs won’t win.
The Holy Roman Empire was big enough to call itself whatever it wanted. Same for Pittsburgh and Green Bay gold. Enough people and things recognize it as gold. That’s what the tackle twill manufacturer called the color I ordered.
White Sox shorts were the worst because they replaced pants and it looked wrong. Diamondbacks are coming a close second.
I think that this is a great Uni-Watch Discussion topic…
What Defunct team, WHA, ABL, Negro leagues, etc, what defunct team of the defunct major league teams has the best and the worst uniform…discuss!
I always liked the classy uniforms of the USFL’s New Jersey Generals.
The USFL in general had nice uniforms. Cool color schemes and lots of stripes. The Michigan Panthers and Washington Federals are some standouts to me.
I liked the San Antonio Gunslingers uniform look (green helmets and blue jerseys). Except the logo was weak. Would have been better with a more fierce logo.
The Breakers had really cool helmets.
Agreed on the Gunslingers… but not necessarily “fierce”, just drawn better. It was like a bad 70’s cartoon character. A set of crossed guns would’ve worked perfectly fine.
For WHA:
BEST – 1978/79 Winnipeg Jets (Great blue and red design with the blue pants).
Late 1970s Houston Aeros (with the unique royal blue and powder blue trim colour scheme).
WORST – Philadelphia Blazers (gaudy colour scheme of primary orange with yellow trim. Orange pants).
I like the Minnesota Fighting Saints uni, and their clear (glass like) boards – a never to be seen again stadium feature
WHA-Gotta go with Nordiques Quebec, the older one with the lighter shade of blue.
ABA-The burnt orange / silver from The Spirits of St. Louis (and, yes, I like the official naming of them that way).
NASL-Washington Diplomats took a “sash” look from Adidas’ three stripes and had a large wordmark “Dips” in the middle. I can’t not enjoy that.
USFL-Always liked the stylized paddlewheel on Memphis Showboats’ helmets. But for overall I think Arizona was aces; were they the first to knit copper into a bigtime (sic) uniform?
– Is a hot dog a sandwich?
Yes. What else would it be?
– Will the Cubs win the World Series ever in your lifetime this year?
– The Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire.
It was definitely an empire. It was more German than Roman. “Holy” seems to be a matter of opinion.
– Which is a better nickname for Matt Harvey? “Frat Harvey” or “Matt Fratboy”?
Of the choices, “Frat Harvey”.
– Do the Diamondbacks have the worst uniforms in the history of baseball? If not, who has worse unis (historically) and why?
Sorry, but the Chicago White Sox “shorts” uniform remains the worst. Because…shorts.
– If both Pittsburgh and Green Bay refer to their pants color as “gold,” what’s the problem?
The problem is that it ain’t gold. So they are liars.
– If there is a God, what is her nature?
The idea that God would have XX or XY chromosomes is flawed.
What’s wrong with shorts? I don’t think I’d want to wear them to play baseball because sliding in dirt with bare legs fracking sucks… but they don’t *look* that bad, at least in comparison with the fashion of the time. Honestly, I think the Sox’ collars looked far worse than the shorts.
The collars wouldn’t have been so bad if they were actually complete collars, and not just flaps that stopped at the shoulder seams.
– Is a hot dog a sandwich?
– Nope
– Will the Cubs win the World Series ever in your lifetime/this year?
– As a Cards fan, I hope never in my lifetime, but the odds seem against that notion. Their hot start this season would make any typical epic failure all the sweeter.
– The Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire.
– I recall from a world history course I took a decade or more ago that it wasn’t what it had been under Caeser, so you’re right about the “empire” part. Same for “holy,” what with the crusades and all. And I presume many of its officials hailed from parts of Europe other than Rome, so, yeah… correct.
– Which is a better nickname for Matt Harvey? “Frat Harvey” or “Matt Fratboy”?
– I prefer “Frat Harvey” because “frat” rhymes with “Matt.” I don’t know enough about him to judge his fratboy tendencies, though. Does he pop the collar on his polo shirts? Consume large quantities of cheap beer? Haze pledges… er… rookies by making them carry his equipment and/or paddling them on the backside? Live for kegstands?
– Do the Diamondbacks have the worst uniforms in the history of baseball? If not, who has worse unis (historically) and why?
– Possibly, though I do think they actually looked better than most of their road counterparts last Sunday. The Turn Ahead the Clock unis were hideous but, mercifully, only used once (albeit across a decent chunk of the league). I also don’t care for the Indians’ all-red combo they wore in the mid-70s, or the Phils’ “Saturday Night Special” from ’79.
– If both Pittsburgh and Green Bay refer to their pants color as “gold,” what’s the problem?
– The problem is that it’s yellow–pretty close to “school bus yellow”. Or are we going to start saying those modes of transportation are gold just to sound classier? Looking @ the NFL pantone guide, the Chiefs, Vikings, Chargers, & Washingtons all call their shades of yellow “gold,” as well. Meanwhile, the Rams, Saints, Niners, and Jags aren’t quite so deceitful. Looking elsewhere in the guide, the Cardinals & Ravens use similar shades as accents on their helmets, but refer to those colors as “yellow.”
– If there is a God, what is her nature?
– Too big for us to fully comprehend, so we quibble over gender pronouns when, in reality, that’s largely irrelevant to who God is.
upon further review, the 97 Angels had terrible uniforms.
Geez, why all the hurt on periwinkle!
I don’t think the complaint was the periwinkle (which was only a trim color and IIRC, the color of the squatchee). It was the fake vest look, the pinstripes (conpletely ahistorical for the Angels), the Disney logo/jersey script…
Periwinkle was the least of that uniform’s problems.
Those Angels unis are the worst ever. Surprised this site is generating the hackneyed response ‘White Sox shorts,’ which were really just an idea, and not such a horrendous one.
I think that this is a great Uni-Watch Discussion topic…
What Defunct team, WHA, ABL, Negro leagues, etc, what defunct team of the defunct major league teams has the best and the worst uniform…and what I mean is that any major league team who doesn’t have a current descendant in the MLB, NFL, NBA, and NHL team is up for discussion! Of the defuct teams, in the defunct league, who has the best, and who has the worst uniform?
I dunno. Every time I hear “hot dog sandwich” I cringe. It’s not a sandwich. It’s a hot dog.
Nobody disputes that a hamburger is a sandwich, but nobody calls it a “hamburger sandwich”.
A hot dog consists of meat surrounded by bread. Why would this not be a sandwich?
So is a hot pocket a sandwich?
No, a hot pocket is a surprisingly tasty form of demon spawn that will burn your tongue in one bite and yet still be frozen 2 bites later. Not a sandwich.
Hot pocket is more of a meat pie, pasty, or even an empanada.
I vaguely remember reading something written in the 20s or 30s — whether it was a contemporaneous news article, Dos Passos’s USA trilogy, or whatever — where a reference was made to a “hamburger sandwich.”
I think the latter word was dropped not as a judgement that the item was not a sandwich, but merely because it had become universally recognizable (and simpler to say) by just calling it a “hamburger.”
A hot dog is not a sandwich because the meat is surrounded by bread on 3 sides rather than just 2. A sandwich is a tower of bread-filler-bread where the filler is only covered on the top and bottom. A hot dog is filler being stuffed into a pocket and only exposed on one side. It’s closer to a taco in form.
Ever notice how sometimes when you eat a hot dog, the bun will split open into two pieces? By The Jeff’s logic, then the hot dog magically becomes a sandwich.
Mmmm…magic sandwich. But going by the 3 sides of bread logic, wouldn’t it really be a sub sandwich instead of a regular sandwich?
Superior sub sandwiches feature rolls that are sliced all the way through with the contents lovingly stacked. Lazy sub sandwiches layer toppings into a roll that’s not sliced all the way through. Far inferior.
Not sure of my opinion, but a hot dog is round and has NO sides.
Maybe they have infinite sides! ;-)
Green Bay and Pittsburgh are not the only tams referring to a yellow team color as gold. My beloved Iowa Hawkeyes we refer to our yellow as cola as well. When legendary coach Hayden Fry came to Iowa in 1979 he came up with the idea of changing our football uniforms to emulate the highly successful Steelers of the nfl which continues to today.
Forgive the typos, didnt proofread before hitting send, sorry!
Is a hot dog a sandwich? It’s just a hotdog. Under that argument, do you call a hamburger a sandwich? No, so you call a hotdog a hotdog. If you call it a hotdog sandwich, then it’s probably not a good dog. Shit – now I want a hotdog from Jr’s.
Will the Cubs win the World Series this year? HAHAHAHAHA no. And I like the thought of that.
The Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire. Empire for sure. Roman, no. Roaming, yes (they took up a lot of space, ya see). Holy – eh.
Which is a better nickname for Matt Harvey? “Frat Harvey” or “Matt Fratboy”? Frat Harvey for sure.
Do the Diamondbacks have the worst uniforms in the history of baseball? If not, who has worse unis (historically) and why? They fit in the ugly scale with everything Oregon has called a “uniform” over the past decade.
If both Pittsburgh and Green Bay refer to their pants color as “gold,” what’s the problem? That one is right and one is wrong. And wrong is the Packers.
If there is a God, what is her nature? Not sure, but just what the hell is the deal with mosquitoes? She need to answer for those.
Is a hot dog a sandwich? No. If you take away the bun, it is still a hot dog.
Hotdog out of a bun, you’re right. In a bun it becomes a type of sandwich.
The all red mid 70’s Cleveland Indians uniforms were way worse than the D-Backs!
A hot dog is a taco.
If you remove the burger from the hamburger, and put in a chicken patty, what do you get?
What jersey do you know is textbook awful but still love anyways?
I know the early 2000s Toronto Raptor jerseys are glorified muscle tanks and have different colors front and back, but they were so 2000s and brought in at least a jersey cut that many teams on all levels use today.
2011Isles thirds for me.
Are there any Boston Bruins fans among my fellow uni-watchers?
How do you feel about the solid pants? Not just on the Bruins but throughout the NHL?
Did you get upset in 1980 when the Pittsburgh Penguins adopted the black and gold (yes, I believe in calling it gold)colors worn by the Bruins?
I like the stripes down the sides of hockey pants.
I think it would be neat if the Bruins brought back the white stripes down the sides of their pants – like they wore in the 1970s.
Could a promotion/relegation system be established in MLB? I want to believe it would be possible. I think it would be interesting to see some AAA teams competing in the majors. Your thoughts?
That’s a really interesting idea in theory, but with all of the minor league teams currently serving as feeders for the majors, it probably wouldn’t work.
Right now there are 30 MLB teams, and every minor or indy league team serves (directly or indirectly) to season players for them.
This is not necessarily the best system for baseball, but rather one that works for the current stakeholders in MLB’s legally-protected monopoly on the sport.
There is a question as to what baseball would look like under a wider and more dynamic system. I’ve read arguments that the seasoning process makes for more entertaining top-level play and we’d miss it. What protections would be needed to level a larger playing field like that?
It’s not whether or not a hotdog is a sandwich. The real question is whether you stupidly put catsup on your hot dog.
Hey now, there’s nothing wrong with a ketchup on a hotdog, as long as there’s also some mustard, chili, and cheese, and possibly bacon.
Sorry, but Detective Callahan strongly disagrees
Now, now….ketchup is perfectly acceptable unless you are making a Chicago Style Hot Dog. That recipe does not call for ketchup. The arguments that you can’t ever put ketchup on a hot dog are flawed. Deeply flawed.
Toss-up for the worst MLB uniforms of all time…
All burgundy Phillies
Red and name Indians (I think it’s even worse than the all reds)
All orange Orioles… greatest pitching staff ever with Sunkist navel orange unis…?
Let’s include the ’57 Cubs road units.
Here’s the answer to a question that was posted in yesterday’s ticker; interestingly enough, I did not remember that the Lakers wore the black tape, only that the Pistons did.
“A reminder to viewers: Those black bands the Lakers and Pistons are wearing on their jerseys are in honor of Larry Fleisher, founder of the NBA players’ union, who died recently. . . .”
The D-Backs wore their black tops with black hats, both with the sublimated red, last night against the Giants. Not a bad look, I thought.
Regarding yellow being called gold. I would consider my team to be yellow, but there are two yellows in jersey catalogues and one is yellow and the other is athletic gold. So call it whatever you want.
Athletic Gold – aka we’re too chickenshit to admit we wear yellow.
Seriously, it’s freakin yellow, because gold is metallic. It may be a darker yellow than what Oregon uses, but it’s still yellow. Call it “sun”, call it “cheddar”, whatever, it ain’t freaking gold.
I agree, if it doesn’t look like Notre Dame or 49ers it isn’t gold.
Sporting Kansas City with a nice touch for a fallen Kansas City police officer
Do the Diamondbacks have the worst uniforms in the history of baseball? If not, who has worse unis (historically) and why?
Personally, I am a fan of the Diamondbacks road charcoal uniforms. I like the uniform much more than the black tops/black logo/black NOB/orange outline home alternate jerseys the SF Giants wore last year. As a complete set though, the Diamondbacks uniforms are among the worst in at least recent memory.
Ketchup or catsup?
Soda or pop?
Toilet paper: overhand or underhand?
As much as I hate softball tops, the Blue Jays/Rangers scuffle was so visually satisfying
A hot dog is not a sandwich. It should not have catsup/ketchup and it should be grilled, cooked on one of those little rotating things like at 7-11, or cooked in a pan but under no circumstances should it EVER be boiled. If it’s a good quality dog, it deserves a good quality dark mustard, but never that bright yellow French’s stuff.
Also, carbonated beverages are “soda” and the toilet paper goes under.
As for the defunct team in the defunct league, the Southern California Sun somehow managed to have both the best and the worst uniforms. Whoever decided to pair magenta and orange was some kind of evil genius.
“A hot dog is not a sandwich. It should not have catsup/ketchup and it should be grilled, cooked on one of those little rotating things like at 7-11, or cooked in a pan but under no circumstances should it EVER be boiled. If it’s a good quality dog, it deserves a good quality dark mustard, but never that bright yellow French’s stuff.”
OMG. Every. Word. Of. This.
I thought that Frenchs mustard was gold!
What possible reason could there be to put the toilet paper under?
The reason is simply because it’s the proper way to do it.
French’s mustard is probably the only thing that doesn’t try to put on airs and call itself gold, but instead happily embraces its yellowness.
Footnote: Holy Roman Empire comment = SNL Coffee Talk with Linda Richman.