[Editor’s Note: Apologies for the relative dearth of content today — I have had a rather bad toothache/infection the past couple days, and yesterday it was particularly painful, so just a short posting today. Reader Forrest J. Page has undertaken his first DIY project, and wanted to share the results with us. Enjoy! — PH]
First DIY
By Forrest J. Page
I tackled my first DIY project this weekend. Last year was the inaugural season for the Grand Rapids Football Club in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The team was founded my an individual, but was funded and run by a membership organization. We had a very successful first year creating buzz, fan support (over 6,000 at the last game) and we even got Landon Donovon tweeting us and bringing his summer camp to GR. Last season we played in a 4th tier(ish) league, Great Lakes Premier League. This year however, we made the move to the NPSL. With all that said, I wanted an old school felt pennant for my wall. (You can click on any photos to enlarge)

The materials:

I created a template of the crest.

I decided to go 3 dimensional and stack the felt.

Easily the most difficult part was recreating the right font and then cutting it out in felt.

The final product.

Actual crest
I had a blast, this is only the beginning for me.
Nice work, Forrest. Thanks for sharing. Good luck on your DIYing — it’s addictive!

UW’s Friday Flashback
In case you missed it, Paul’s Friday Flashback on ESPN took a look at the evolution of the (now Los Angeles) Rams look over the years, including an historical first — the first pro team with a football helmet featuring a painted logo. It also includes a look back at some of their unis over the years, including one year when the team wore red and gold!
Great read, so be sure to check it out if you missed it!

Uni Watch News Ticker

Baseball News: Do you know what color is sorely lacking in baseball? Turquoise. The original Marlins unis weren’t quite turquoise (closer to what people call “teal”), but we don’t really see that color much. Well, The Santa Fe Fuego will have a new look next season as the Pecos League unveiled new uniforms this month. The Fuego will replace their primary color, red with turquoise next summer. … Here’s a look at some new uniforms for the MIAMI Hurricanes, which will be available for sale to idiots fans for $150 a pop (thanks to Adam Apatoff). … Nice old timey photo of the West Side Lumber squad, from Dayton, Ohio (thanks to Matt Cluxton).

NFL News: Reader Jon Solomonson spotted a Lions fan in a well-worn Charlie Batch jersey while out shopping. He notes the shirt is “A Champion brand jersey btw.” … Before they met in the desert last evening, lots of Packer fans and Cardinals fans displayed some interesting “team spirit” (from Adam Vitcavage). … At the post-game presser following the Patriots/Chiefs game, Tom Brady wore his Patriots hoodie inside-out (nice spot by Matt Fedorka). Apparently it might have something to do with the fact that it’s a Nike hoodie, and Brady is a Under Armour guy. … First photo evidence of a jersey? A 1970’s Rams jersey with white outlines — Eric Keskeys “Saw this on the Rams site. It also appears briefly in the video. Worn only in ’73 preseason. First photo I’ve ever seen.” … Maybe the dolphin is jumping? Jon Solomonson asks, “Am I the only one bothered by how this logo decal was applied??”

Hockey News: Crossover (sorta) alert: Rex and Rob Ryan both now work for the Buffalo Bills (Rex recently hired Rob), and both Ryans showed up to a Buffalo Sabres game wearing personalized jerseys. There is now apparently a kerfuffle as to what NOB each brother wore. … Yesterday, Michigan State and Minnesota went color vs. color (thanks to Garrett James).

NBA News: “While shopping at a closeout store in CT, I came across a Brooklyn Nets Snuggie-style throw blanket circa 2012,” says Christian Jackson. “It’s officially licensed by the NBA. The front graphic on the blanket shows a headless generic player wearing a unique Nets uniform. The jersey is black with a white block wedge pattern on the upper chest. The side of the shorts has an Nets alternate ‘B’ logo. Could this have been a concept style the designers scrapped last minute? I’ve never seen this design.” … Check out this cool Nate Thurmond 1960’s San Francisco Warriors Warm-Up Jacket (from Phil Lawson). A partial description is as follows: Fabulous design elements include the name “Warriors” in blue embroidered letters and intricately embroidered Indian headdress on the left breast. On the back of the jacket is a cable car with the letters “SF.” On the left sleeve is a circle with an embroidered Golden Gate bridge and the player number “42.” Above this circle are the words “The City.” Both the letters and the numbers are made of blue embroidered stitch. … Buried in this piece: The Pistons wore special socks in honor of Ben Wallace last night. Adds submitter David Raglin, “No joke: Big Ben takes place of honor among Piston greats.” … The Rockets’ Jason Terry didn’t know the name of the guy who he was guarding, so he took a look at the back of the guy’s jersey. It was Cavaliers newcomer Sasha Kaun (thanks to Mike Chamernik). … The Charlotte Hornets and the Milwaukee Bucks went color vs. color yesterday (via Josh Claywell). … Here’s a look at the 2016 NBA All-Star Weekend Dunk Contest logo. Adds Conrad Burry, “No more Sprite sponsor.”

College Hoops News: Robert Morris-Fairleigh Dickinson decided to both play a game wearing camo uniforms. Ugh — big h/t to Travis Marzina whose tweet to me formed the basis for that article. … Woah — check out this pretty damn impressive collection of UNLV Runnin’ Rebels jerseys (h/t to Robert Barnard). … Division 2 Belmont Abbey and Barton played a color vs. color game yesterday (h/t Marshall Hurley). … Yesterday, the NSU Demons broke out new orange unis today on the road at Lamar (from Chris Mycoskie). … Also yesterday, Auburn and Kentucky played a nice orange vs. blue color-vs-color game (from Mike Robinson). … I’ve never heard this comparison before, but Jason Calvert thinks Notre Dame’s alternate unis look like “Düsseldorf Mustard”, which they wore against Duke yesterday. … Pittsburgh will be doing a blackout game on February 6 (from Jason Glantz). Georgetown and Villanova went color-vs-color yesterday, and wore throwbacks to boot (from bryanwdc). … Take a gander at this 1987-88 Akron Zips Men’s Basketball Poster (from Zack D’Ulisse). … Good look at some of the shoes worn by UNC during yesterday’s game (via James Gilbert). … Here’s something you don’t often see: U of Fairbanks and U of Anchorage both with “Alaska” across their jersey (h/t Joshua Dryer).

Grab Bag: A Michigan brewery’s breakfast baby is back after a regulatory snafu. The label that features a Norman Rockwell-esque baby happily spooning a bowl of oatmeal in his mouth was absent from bottles of Founders’ Breakfast Stout beer for four about months (from Jeffrey Sak). … For the first time in the history of the Australian Big Bash cricket league, both umpires (Gerard Abood and John Ward) wore protective helmets during the game between the Sydney Sixers and Sydney Thunder (from Graham Clayton). … According to Patrick Thomas, this is the new Chivas third jersey.

That’s it for today — sorry about the “relatively” small post; thanks to Forrest for sharing his DIY! Everyone have a good week and enjoy the playoff games today. Catch ya soon.
Follow me on Twitter @PhilHecken.
“Amazing how performance can influence your opinion of athletic aesthetics.”
— Scott Bennett

Cardinal fan wearing Cheesehead hat with birds: this makes him a s***head, right?
Sasha Kaun let me rock you
Let me rock you Sasha Kaun
Let me rock you that’s all I want to do
Interesting. Those Nets unis went around the web as a fan concept before the actual unveiling. Seems those weren’t fan concepts but actual concepts after all
The league must’ve submitted or leaked those pretending to be a fan to gauge fan and critic reaction. Maybe they decided against it due to cost. Businesses have been known to make bad decision just to save a few bucks because it might cut into profits, but sometimes it does up costing them more, e.g., the S197 Mustang with live axle.
Here’s the story: link
Is anyone else geyting tired of the passive aggressive crossed-out slander (the idiot part from the miami baseball section)..? Some people might say adults talking about sports attire instead of getting real jobs make them idiots, but we don’t say it.
If you make money off it, who’s the idiot?
SNL did an admorible job with their sketch on NFL injuries
SNL is terrible.
Feel better, Phil. You’re a real trooper.
Don’t know why u have to resort to calling people who buy jersey’s idiots. There r alot of “idiots” who support this site. Grow the F up.
I think we’re getting overcharged for team merchandise, but at the end of the day, it’s all about supply and demand.
It’s the resorting to childish name calling. If I got $$ to burn and want a Yankee jersey (I’ve got three) then gosh darn it I’m going to buy it. Doesn’t make me an idiot. I love my Yankee jersey. Wear it with pride.
No more Sprite sponsorship since Pepsi became NBA’s official soft drink, i.e., spent more money…
By the way, not sure if shared already: alternate names for a Los Angeles football team.
I think I may have lost an IQ point or 2 after reading that list. :(
I didn’t know you had any to lose! *rimshot*
Pictures of Ben Wallace socks:
Awesome DIY today! Love the pennant.
Any Washington Wizards fans here? I really liked the Bullets-style jerseys from last nights game against the Celtics. I haven’t seen them before.
Wow. West Michigan day on UniWatch! GRFC, and a Founder’s Brewery post in the ticker! Wish I could have found something about the GR Griffins or West Michigan Whitecaps to submit.
Beer, Brats and Baseball….
WM Whitecaps pack em’ in with this simple formula. Never missed a moment of the game because the lines to the Bratstand hug the outfield wall.
Seahawks need to wear those gray pants more often. They look sharp.
Agreed. Wish they would wear that look at home. Unfortunately it looks like they’re going to have bad memories attached to the look
I wish they made that look their home look and the blue/white/blue the full time road and burn those white pants. Yep. Another team with white pants that I hate. Not a shock.
Meh. I don’t like the Giants gray pants, and Seattle is just more of the same.
At least the grey pants matches something, i.e the grey numbers. I know most hate their vibrant green color, but if you’re going to use a vibrant color, Seattle uses it as well as it can (i.e. very restrained)
How about the Neon alts they had, You dont remember probably because you wanted to forget but here you go
Thats a great little banner, If you like doing them you should start an etsy and do them for people by order or premade just to sell, would be fun!
As someone who grew up in Alaska, the two schools go by UAA and UAF for Uni of Alaska – Anch or Fairbanks
Charlie Batch fan just pulled his hammie.
Way to go, Lopez!! There’s NOTHING wrong with wearing ANY jersey! I proudly wear my jersey too!
Thank u.
Thanks guys. That Etsy idea may be brilliant Justice.
Forrest, I want to do a little something like that maybe we could partner up online store, I want to do Fauxback DIY 2 Bar facemask patches , and maybe goalie helmets or something let me know link
We can just share the space I already work on shipping for a big ebay and know how to do all that
I’m an idiot since I buy jerseys. But I also read this blog everyday…
If I was crafty in any sense, I’d make stuff like that Pennant. Good Stuff!
Those new white Hurricanes jerseys are essentially throwbacks; they wore that style in the 80s, when they won championships in 82 and 85. The hats with the old english M is the classic Miami cap that they’ve worn forever, but had been on the sidelines for a bit while they did their Nike thing.