By Phil Hecken
You guys will recall several weeks ago I ran a “Design-A-Cap” contest, for Coach Jerome Nemanich and his Sartell Sabres, and the results were outstanding. Reader Marc Walls saw the original contest, and thought our fantastic readers could do the “Design-A-Cap” one better — to wit: Design A Whole Uniform!
Here’s Marc’s original e-mail to me explaining his idea:
Love the work you’ve been doing on the website. I really enjoyed the design a cap idea for today’s column. I saw that you had proposed a design a uni option. I think that’s a great idea, and if you’re interested I’d like to offer the school I coach to be the team you choose.
I am one of the baseball coach’s at Clarksville High School in Clarksville, Tennessee. We are looking to undergo a complete redesign, including possibly a new logo.
Here’s the catch, which I think will make it fun for uniwatchers. Our colors are purple and gold! I’ve tried with no hope to come up with uniform designs that use the purple in a way that isn’t awful, and I could really use everyone’s creativity. Our current hat is solid purple with the Chicago Cubs “C” in gold.
Intrigued, but semi-swamped with weekend entries, I did respond to Marc, who then got back to me with more of the guts of the idea, as well as a few pictures from which to base the uniform redesigns:
Our high school is planning to undergo a complete redesign of our uniforms over the next year. I’m going to make some requests, and attach some pictures to show what the team has had in years’ past.
The school has been using the same hat design for the last 20 years, the Chicago Cubs “c” logo in yellow on a white outline. The hat is solid purple. We are probably going to keep that logo, but are looking to add a few alternate logos. I’m hoping the savvy guys at UW can create some great logos for us to use. Here’s what we’re looking for:
* A logo incorporating the letters “CHS” … any font or format. Looking for something unique, even outside the box. We would love a hat design featuring the CHS logo.
* A ferocious looking “wildcat”. Any logo involving a wildcat or paw logo would be outstanding. Our football program has been using the Kansas State Wildcat, and we want something a little better.
* Uniform designs. We are looking for a white, grey, purple, yellow or black (yeah, I know). Our head coach loves black so any black jerseys or hat designs would be outstanding.
If we decide to use any of these designs in the future, we will definitely work out some kind of payment for all of your hard work.
* The parameters: colors are purple and gold, which I know is hard enough, without including the black.
Marc included four photographs to emphasize his points above:
“Purplemesh” … “Purplemesh 2” … “Grays” … and “Yellowmesh”.
I got one last e-mail from Marc this week, with one or two points he wants to stress:
While we are looking for uniform ideas, we would also really appreciate any logo redesigns and cap designs. That’s almost as important as the uniform designs. And like I said, we will gladly contribute some goodies to everyone who works so hard on those mock-ups.
Well there you guys have it. Another reader has thrown down the gauntlet, challenging you to come up with not just a new cap and logo redesign, but a whole uniform redesign as well. I’m not sure what “goodies” Marc will be able to provide to the contest winner(s), but we’ll worry about that when we get there.
So, anyone who is interested, the “rules” are basically the same as the “Design-A-Cap” contest: Take Marc’s ideas and put them into cyber-reality. Just remember the “guidelines”:
* A logo incorporating the letters “CHS” … any font or format. Looking for something unique, even outside the box. We would love a hat design featuring the CHS logo.
* A ferocious looking “wildcat”. Any logo involving a wildcat or paw logo would be outstanding. Our football program has been using the Kansas State Wildcat, and we want something a little better.
* Uniform designs. We are looking for a white, grey, purple, yellow or black (yeah, I know). Our head coach loves black so any black jerseys or hat designs would be outstanding.
*The parameters: colors are purple and gold.
As with the Design-A-Cap contest, I would ask that when you have your design(s) ready, please send them to me and put as your “SUBJECT” line: Design A Uniform Contest. You can also E-mail me at that address if you have any questions. I won’t set a hard and fast deadline, but I’d expect the contest to be open for at least two weeks — so try to have your submissions to me by the weekend of November 14-15.
If you don’t have any “blank” templates, a few designs can be found here, here, here, and here, or you can simply google “baseball uniform builder”, which will provide ample ways to customize a baseball uniform. There are probably a bunch of other blank uni templates out there too.
OK? OK. Don’t disappoint us Uni Watchers! After seeing those Sartell Sabres Cap designs, I know how great your entire uniforms, caps and logo designs will be.

“(Obviously, I thought 1995 was a good starting point since it is still recent history, and most NFL teams wore throwbacks to celebrate the league’s 75th Anniversary in 1994).
“You may be surprised by the answer. From 1995-2009 there is not a single team that has retained the same uniform set for literally every game. All 32 teams in the league have either redesigned their uniforms, worn alternates, or worn throwbacks at some point since 1995. There were four teams that came close to retaining the same look throughout this period, though. I have outlined them below:”
Packers: Green Bay has diverted from their traditional uniform set only twice since 1995. This occurred in 2001 and 2003 when they wore throwbacks as mandated by the league for Thanksgiving Day games.
Colts: Indianapolis donned league-mandated Thanksgiving throwback uniforms in 2004. (Note: Colts have also changed their look in a couple minor ways. The team wore blue pants for several games in 1995–no longer a part of the team’s wardrobe– and permanently switched from a blue to a gray facemask).
Chiefs: Kansas City sported the same uniform until this year’s AFL Legacy celebration.
Raiders: Like the Chiefs, Oakland’s steak of uniform consistency was broken by league-mandated AFL Legacy celebration.
“As you can see, these teams were mostly eliminated for use of throwbacks that were mandated by the league, instead of issued by the team itself. Nonetheless, I was surprised to find that there is literally not a single team in the NFL that has survived the alternate/throwback/redesign craze.
“Thought this may interest readers. Thanks for all your hard work on this blog.”

Very sexy”¦not trying to be a whore or anything, but I gotta tell ya ”“ I got done with them last Thursday, took them to my kids’ baseball tourney in Charleston this past weekend”¦the compliments and inquiries ”“ wow! There’s Packer fans everywhere!
So what exactly did Frosty design? Check ’em out: here, here and here.
I’m guessing those are supposed to be Packers boards? Probably no significance to the numbers either.
Thanks Frosty!

Hi Phil,
I know the moment may have passed, but with all the buzz about a possible Mets redesign for 2010, I thought I’d pass along my two-cent contribution. I first mocked up a cream-and-pinstripes combo over the summer, when the Mets rocked the oversized-NY throwbacks, so I was very happy to see that it might come to pass. I also tweaked the rest of their uniforms, the idea being to make them simple, classy, traditional, and black-less.
A couple of notes: the racing stripe on the away grays is supposed to be a little more subtle than the original ’80s version, though my ham-handed photoshop skills couldn’t really convey it. And the all-blue alternate with the blue-and-white trucker-style cap isn’t my favorite, but it’s the best I could come up with. Consider it a concession to merchandising reality.
Anyway, please do with this what you will. From my lips to Jeff Wilpon’s ears, eh?
Thanks Laurence. Next up is Bill Jones, who also missed the last “uni tweaks” but had a “Rays” tweak he wanted to share. Here’s Bill:
Hey Phil,
I love the uni tweaks! I know I’m late, but I did this almost 2 years ago had some trouble finding the MS paint file. I thought it was pretty good though, so I wanted to send it to you.
PL has mentioned that he liked the TB Devil Rays unis that featured green as a primary color. I too liked this design, and although I don’t completely hate it, I think the newer Rays unis are too sterile and flat out boring. I did, however, like the introduction of light blue, so I combined that with the deep green. I think it’s a handsome combination, one that is original and nicely captures the tropical feel without the use of aqua/teal (Does the world need more aqua? I think not!)
A couple notes…
For the logo, I kept the actual Ray that the team currently features as a sleeve patch. I also took the liberty of changing the team’s name to the St. Petersburg Rays (maybe it’s just me, but I think calling teams “Tampa Bay” is lame…the cities are Tampa and St. Pete, “Tampa Bay” is the body of water between them, and the Rays play in St. Pete). Besides, how can you argue with that two-tone interlocking S-P (for the hat), and the sweet “St. Pete” sleeve patch? I like the idea of calling the team the “St. Pete Rays”. Also, for that jersey, you may be thinking “what is going on with that that neck trim?” Well, think of the early 90’s Royals jerseys…
I’m proud of this one … and I never got around to it, but I totally envisioned a powder blue road uni (with the dark green hat…it would be killer!). Thanks a lot and keep up the good work!
–Bill Jones (not the gumball helmet guy)
Good stuff Bill. Thanks again to all who have sent me their uni concepts. I expect some time in the near future to begin running your Football Uni Tweaks, so if you’ve sent me something, it’s-a-comin’ — and if you want to send me some NFL tweaks, drop me a line.

Game 3 of the Fall Classic and lots of college football today — and surely there’ll be some interesting uni-matchups for Jim to choose from. Don’t forget to post some of your suggestions in the comments. There will be at least ONE color-on-color matchup (and maybe more) — with those colors to be black and orange. How fitting.
Hey — how does a monster score a touchdown?
Easy, he crosses the ghoul line.
Have a safe and Happy Hallowe’en everyone.
Interesting piece on the Packers chaplain (and why his vestment causes friction!)
Everyone be on the lookout tonight during the USC-Oregon game for closeup shots of Taylor Mays. He had writing in silver pen on his faceshield last week against Oregon St. and the best shot I’ve been able to come up with is this:
Actually, the Packers did change their uniforms after their Super Bowl win, reducing the number of sleeve stripes from 5 to 3. Maybe a minor change, but no more minor than the change in the color of the Colts’ facemasks.
I think the NFL has done a good job, for the most part, of maintaining the branding integrity of teams by limiting appearances of alternate jerseys to two times during the regular season. Can we assume after this year that that practice will resume?
Guess-a-Scoreboard answer.
[quote comment=”357371″]Actually, the Packers did change their uniforms after their Super Bowl win, reducing the number of sleeve stripes from 5 to 3. Maybe a minor change, but no more minor than the change in the color of the Colts’ facemasks.
I think the NFL has done a good job, for the most part, of maintaining the branding integrity of teams by limiting appearances of alternate jerseys to two times during the regular season. Can we assume after this year that that practice will resume?[/quote]
I agree with Scott – that is much more of a major change than tweaking the shade of blue and changing facemasks like the Colts. Sure, a lot of Packer players were already cutting down their sleeve stripes (cutting off two stripes) but the official (i.e. “style guide”) jersey had 5 stripes until the 1997 change when Nike became their supplier. For a team as traditional as the Packers that is major change; cut them from this list.
Sportscenter just did a piece on the ten scariest uniforms of all time. No video up yet, but number one was the White Sox’ ‘softball’ uniforms with the shorts. Also in there were the Astros’ ‘tequila sunrise,’ the Seahawks’ ‘neon snots,’ Canucks’ ‘V-collar,’ the Broncos’ mustard throwbacks, and five others I can’t remember. They didn’t have the current Bengals uni on there though, which was a disappointment.
[quote comment=”357373″][quote comment=”357371″]Actually, the Packers did change their uniforms after their Super Bowl win, reducing the number of sleeve stripes from 5 to 3. Maybe a minor change, but no more minor than the change in the color of the Colts’ facemasks.
I think the NFL has done a good job, for the most part, of maintaining the branding integrity of teams by limiting appearances of alternate jerseys to two times during the regular season. Can we assume after this year that that practice will resume?[/quote]
I agree with Scott – that is much more of a major change than tweaking the shade of blue and changing facemasks like the Colts. Sure, a lot of Packer players were already cutting down their sleeve stripes (cutting off two stripes) but the official (i.e. “style guide”) jersey had 5 stripes until the 1997 change when Nike became their supplier. For a team as traditional as the Packers that is major change; cut them from this list.[/quote]
Yeah, but it’s also sorta nitpicking.
They didn’t change the design, just adapted their existing look to the new shorter sleeves.
That would be like saying the Steelers and Giants (road) have totally changed their sleeve stripes because they no longer go all the way around, and are now some sort of Hollywood Bowl-shaped panel filled with a horizontal color pattern.
When sleeves get shorter, you have really only two choices to retain stripes: Lose some to keep them in standard position, or go to the whacked-out look of many of today’s teams.
The Colts had two stripes on their socks a while back and then eliminated them. That’s more of a design call than the Packers dropping a couple sleeves stripes because they didn’t like the other option.
You really think someone at the Paackers said, “Let’s eliminate a couple of the sleeve stripes”? Isn’t it more likely it was, “We’re not gonna be able to keep all five stripes.”
There are design style alterations, and there are adaptations forced by changes to the equipment itself. Not the same thing.
[quote comment=”357374″]Sportscenter just did a piece on the ten scariest uniforms of all time. No video up yet, but number one was the White Sox’ ‘softball’ uniforms with the shorts. Also in there were the Astros’ ‘tequila sunrise,’ the Seahawks’ ‘neon snots,’ Canucks’ ‘V-collar,’ the Broncos’ mustard throwbacks, and five others I can’t remember. They didn’t have the current Bengals uni on there though, which was a disappointment.[/quote]
Saw that. Not the whole thing, though. Were at about #7 when I surfed onto it.
Also included Orlando Thunder, Steelers ’94 throwbacks (combined as one entry with Broncos brown-gold), Nuggets’ skyline.
So we’re missing, what, three?
[quote comment=”357377″][quote comment=”357374″]Sportscenter just did a piece on the ten scariest uniforms of all time. No video up yet, but number one was the White Sox’ ‘softball’ uniforms with the shorts. Also in there were the Astros’ ‘tequila sunrise,’ the Seahawks’ ‘neon snots,’ Canucks’ ‘V-collar,’ the Broncos’ mustard throwbacks, and five others I can’t remember. They didn’t have the current Bengals uni on there though, which was a disappointment.[/quote]
Saw that. Not the whole thing, though. Were at about #7 when I surfed onto it.
Also included Orlando Thunder, Steelers ’94 throwbacks (combined as one entry with Broncos brown-gold), Nuggets’ skyline.
So we’re missing, what, three?
Oh, Islanders’ fisherman, too.
[quote comment=”357378″][quote comment=”357377″][quote comment=”357374″]Sportscenter just did a piece on the ten scariest uniforms of all time. No video up yet, but number one was the White Sox’ ‘softball’ uniforms with the shorts. Also in there were the Astros’ ‘tequila sunrise,’ the Seahawks’ ‘neon snots,’ Canucks’ ‘V-collar,’ the Broncos’ mustard throwbacks, and five others I can’t remember. They didn’t have the current Bengals uni on there though, which was a disappointment.[/quote]
Saw that. Not the whole thing, though. Were at about #7 when I surfed onto it.
Also included Orlando Thunder, Steelers ’94 throwbacks (combined as one entry with Broncos brown-gold), Nuggets’ skyline.
So we’re missing, what, three?
Oh, Islanders’ fisherman, too.[/quote]
Montreal barber poles.
ESPN website 10 scariest. No real newly-plowed earth.
[quote comment=”357380″]FWIW:
ESPN website 10 scariest. No real newly-plowed earth.
Of original Bucs, ESPN writes, “Peach, orange, whatever color you want to call it…”
How about “Tennessee Orange”?
It’s the same damn color, for god’s sake.
I don’t care that they think the unis are ugly, but how can anyone qualify as an “commentator” on anything artistic if they’re so lacking in visual acuity that they don’t even pick up that those two colors are the same?
Whatta buncha hammerheads.
[quote comment=”357379″][quote comment=”357378″][quote comment=”357377″][quote comment=”357374″]Sportscenter just did a piece on the ten scariest uniforms of all time. No video up yet, but number one was the White Sox’ ‘softball’ uniforms with the shorts. Also in there were the Astros’ ‘tequila sunrise,’ the Seahawks’ ‘neon snots,’ Canucks’ ‘V-collar,’ the Broncos’ mustard throwbacks, and five others I can’t remember. They didn’t have the current Bengals uni on there though, which was a disappointment.[/quote]
Saw that. Not the whole thing, though. Were at about #7 when I surfed onto it.
Also included Orlando Thunder, Steelers ’94 throwbacks (combined as one entry with Broncos brown-gold), Nuggets’ skyline.
So we’re missing, what, three?
Oh, Islanders’ fisherman, too.[/quote]
Montreal barber poles.[/quote]
not surprisingly, most, but not ALL, of those unis on SC were selected by UW readers last weekend (plus a bunch NOT selected by SC), and will be appearing on tomorrow’s poll…you’ll all have your chance to cast your votes on the worst of the worst then
/course, i awoke with a nasty cold this AM…dammit…but i will make sure that column is ready to go … i hope
on a completely unrelated note…
how does SC (college game day) know which oregon helmet to use as the prop? they have the green mallard on the set…
The worst uni article isn’t limited to the USA. the Telegraph picks their link.
Not a very good gallery, but they do start with the purple English rugby shirts.
AHHH! I read it, said to myself, “self, take it as a joke”. But I couldn’t
15 = Bart Starr
66 = Ray Nitschke
Boom. Outta here.
did the cap design contest produce a winner the school adopted? maybe I missed that but don’t recall seeing how that worked out.
Bill Jones: I love your St. Pete Rays concept! Really striking, yet simple. A nice blend of modernish and old timey elements.
[quote comment=”357384″]The worst uni article isn’t limited to the USA. the Telegraph picks their link.
Not a very good gallery, but they do start with the purple English rugby shirts.[/quote]
Christ, image #12 is one might expect some meth-head to wear!
[quote comment=”357388″][quote comment=”357384″]The worst uni article isn’t limited to the USA. the Telegraph picks their link.
Not a very good gallery, but they do start with the purple English rugby shirts.[/quote]
Christ, image #12 is one might expect some meth-head to wear![/quote]
That is, the uni in image #12.
[quote comment=”357386″]did the cap design contest produce a winner the school adopted? maybe I missed that but don’t recall seeing how that worked out.[/quote]
it was Dan Grieve…unfortunately, the result was kind of buried in last weekend’s uni poll column…
scroll down through the main article, past the interview with JTH…and it’s right after that (along with Dan’s winning submission)
The Iowa/Indiana tilt is beginning.
The “extra” decal on the Iowa helmet reads “ANF”.
“America Needs Farmers”
What’s the over/under on how many times someone will ask about this decal before this site closes down this eve?
I love the Packers boards. I actually had a very similar Bears-inspired design in mind. I didn’t think of the TV numbers, though. I think I’ll steal that idea when I finally get around to doing mine.
Black helmets for Georgia.
Check out those black Georgia helmets. Did they announce they were going to do that or is it a surprise?
Georgia is wearing black helmets with a white G in their game against Florida.
Black helmets are definitely a surprise. Also looks like brand new jerseys and pants for the Dawgs. Doesn’t matter though, it all looks like sh!t. Verne Lundquist just said this is the first time in the history of the program that they’ve worn black helmets. Ricko, can you verify?
[quote comment=”357398″]Black helmets are definitely a surprise. Also looks like brand new jerseys and pants for the Dawgs. Doesn’t matter though, it all looks like sh!t. Verne Lundquist just said this is the first time in the history of the program that they’ve worn black helmets. Ricko, can you verify?[/quote]
First time I’ve seen them, and that goes back to the mid-1950s.
I’ve known Georgia only in silver (Fran Tarkenton years), then red.
Is JTH back in the house yet, or is he still out in the yard stomping around throwing rocks at trees and claiming no one in Iowa’s parents were married?
As a UGA alum, that is the first (and hopefully last) time we’ve worn black helmets. They are AWFUL.
The black pants are not new. Wore them against Wisconsin in 1998(?) Outback Bowl. Won that game 33-6. Hopefully a good omen, but I doubt it today.
who’s florida playing?
Found a picture of the black helmets on link. I’m actually really liking them, although I’ve never really liked Georgia’s red lids.
[quote comment=”357400″]Is JTH back in the house yet, or is he still out in the yard stomping around throwing rocks at trees and claiming no one in Iowa’s parents were married?[/quote]
Hoosier group /facepalm.
Someday the tide will turn our way.
[quote comment=”357402″]who’s florida playing?[/quote]
Grambling. Doug Williams era.
[quote comment=”357405″][quote comment=”357402″]who’s florida playing?[/quote]
Grambling. Doug Williams era.[/quote]
No, wait. No black pants during DW days. Later. Trumaine Johnson years, maybe?
Georgia and black helmets not helping them so far.
I had seen a picture of Frank Sinkwich with what appeared to be a black helmet. But he was in a pose.
Here is Charlie Trippi’s uniform and black helmet on display.
Michigan at Illinois is hurting the eyes
[quote comment=”357402″]who’s florida playing?[/quote]
Kind of looks like Glennville, Ohio. But Glennville has a tapered red stripe
Actually Glenville has a red g in black helmet
But colors are similar.
So this was kept a surprise until today I take it?
uga’s wearing the right color
why can’t his team?
[quote comment=”357407″]Georgia and black helmets not helping them so far.
I had seen a picture of Frank Sinkwich with what appeared to be a black helmet. But he was in a pose.
Here is Charlie Trippi’s uniform and black helmet on display.
What have learned from this?
Better to take an excessive celebration penalty for clearing your bench than to screw around with your unis.
Georgia’s pants actually look dark grey or charcoal. There’s a definitely a black stripe behind the white stripe that is a different color than the rest of the pants.
Name the game — I see the same picture link the other day.
I just tuned into michigan/illinois. there’s a #10 with nnob on the michigan defense, but on their roster, the only #10 is a freshman slot receiver. anyone hear a story/explanation?
Guess the scoreboard answer: Game 3 of the ’50 World Series on Oct. 6.
[quote comment=”357415″]I just tuned into michigan/illinois. there’s a #10 with nnob on the michigan defense, but on their roster, the only #10 is a freshman slot receiver. anyone hear a story/explanation?[/quote]
the announcer just announced him as kevin leach, who is on the roster as #52. blood jersey or lost jersey?
IMHO, Georgia looks freaking awful. I am not a fan but I’ve always thought Georgia had a very classy look. I really dig the silver pants, especially with the road uniform. When I saw it the first time I instantly thought of Grambling. Has Grambling ever decided on what their school colors are yet? The red facemasks are really annoying.
And Florida is not helping matters with their all-blue monochrome look. The only decent look the Gators have (IMHO)is all white. This game has to go down as the worst on-field match up of the day, right? Of course we haven’t seen what Oregon is going to come up with yet…officially. Game Day hinted they were bringing out the “silver” helmets today with green unis and pants. Any confirmation?
Clarksville can do worse than using K-State’s Power Cat.
And the cap, I like it as it is. Especially since it’s been around a generation or so.
The rounded C on the cap would contrast nicely with the Power Cat logo on the upper left chest.
And colors? Limit it to just yellow and purple.
Meanwhile, UGA = WTF?
Kansas in blue trousers today. Not necessarily a good look.
A couple of years later, that scoreboard moved south and became the Phillies scoreboard.
Happy Halloween.. My pumpkin a couple years back..
[quote comment=”357413″]Georgia’s pants actually look dark grey or charcoal. There’s a definitely a black stripe behind the white stripe that is a different color than the rest of the pants.[/quote]
I’m not seeing a different shade in the trim stripe. I think it looks darker because it’s sandwiched between the red and white stripes instead of only touching one of them.
I’m not sure if this has been discussed as of yet, but TT has changed the digits on the back of their helmets to red with white outline to match the logo…looks good.
[quote comment=”357408″]Michigan at Illinois is hurting the eyes[/quote]
Looks fine to me. I don’t see why orange over white on Illinois is a problem, and Michigan is in their traditional road whites over yellow pants.
Happy Halloween Uniwatchers!
Started putting the stripes on the wall of my den today. Pics to come when I\’m done. (probably be 2 months at the rate i work cuz I’m LAZY!)
[quote comment=”357413″]Georgia’s pants actually look dark grey or charcoal. There’s a definitely a black stripe behind the white stripe that is a different color than the rest of the pants.[/quote]
Must be something wrong with your TV because those are definitely black pants.
[quote comment=”357426″]Happy Halloween Uniwatchers!
Started putting the stripes on the wall of my den today. Pics to come when I\’m done. (probably be 2 months at the rate i work cuz I’m LAZY!)[/quote]
what color?
you know damn well!
The bedroom actually IS fern green.
The den is Dallas Gray (pants that go with blue jerseys) with Dallas Navy blue.
I liked Georgia’s look today. Kind of an ol’ high school nit-grit look. I’m getting real tired of Georgia’s gray pants on the road. So boring. Black looked pretty good.
Kansas wore really cool blue pants with a silver-red-silver stripe pattern. I haven’t seen them before. Very nice!
Louisville went red jersey/ black pants, which is probably their best combo.
[quote comment=”357429″]you know damn well!
The bedroom actually IS fern green.
The den is Dallas Gray (pants that go with blue jerseys) with Dallas Navy blue.[/quote]
How’s that blue refrigerator coming?
[quote comment=”357431″][quote comment=”357429″]you know damn well!
The bedroom actually IS fern green.
The den is Dallas Gray (pants that go with blue jerseys) with Dallas Navy blue.[/quote]
How’s that blue refrigerator coming?[/quote]
Haven’t been able to pick it up from the in-laws yet. Like I said.. I’m LAZY!! i have a plan for it though.
I’m off to party!
[quote comment=”357431″][quote comment=”357429″]you know damn well!
The bedroom actually IS fern green.
The den is Dallas Gray (pants that go with blue jerseys) with Dallas Navy blue.[/quote]
How’s that blue refrigerator coming?[/quote]
will go well with his shower curtain
WHAT IN THE WORLD! Tennessee in BLACK??? It is official Kiffin is crazy!
Just turned on the Vols game too. YIKES
[quote comment=”357434″]WHAT IN THE WORLD! Tennessee in BLACK??? It is official Kiffin is crazy![/quote]
Holy Halloween Batman – I call unneccessary ugliness on the Vols. Black is not a school color, even though the men’s b-ball has used it.
Why the Hell is Notre Dame playing a home game in San Antonio?
[quote comment=”357434″]WHAT IN THE WORLD! Tennessee in BLACK??? It is official Kiffin is crazy![/quote]
they were looking for an excuse to wear it for what, 2 years now?
i guess hallowe’en is that excuse
[quote comment=”357427″][quote comment=”357413″]Georgia’s pants actually look dark grey or charcoal. There’s a definitely a black stripe behind the white stripe that is a different color than the rest of the pants.[/quote]
Must be something wrong with your TV because those are definitely black pants.[/quote]
Yeah, I’m thinking it was the two different fabrics.
[quote comment=”357437″]Why the Hell is Notre Dame playing a home game in San Antonio?[/quote]
Well no carbon helmets for Oregon
[quote comment=”357438″][quote comment=”357434″]WHAT IN THE WORLD! Tennessee in BLACK??? It is official Kiffin is crazy![/quote]
they were looking for an excuse to wear it for what, 2 years now?
i guess hallowe’en is that excuse[/quote]
I always thought they should copy the black number trim from the road whites to the orange but I don’t really like the all black.
They should’ve stayed with the white pants.
Any NOB photos of Iowa’s Derrell Johnson-Koulianos? (And what was that extra decal on top of his helmet?)
[quote comment=”357438″][quote comment=”357434″]WHAT IN THE WORLD! Tennessee in BLACK??? It is official Kiffin is crazy![/quote]
they were looking for an excuse to wear it for what, 2 years now?
i guess hallowe’en is that excuse[/quote]
Kiffin wanted to see what it would be like to coach a team in black that can actually score a touchdown once in a while.
He’s also mistaken Smokey for Al Davis a couple times and it scared the shit out him. But he’s calmer now. He’s realized Smokey’s breath is better, and he doesn’t scratch himself as much.
Oregon isn’t the most outrageously dressed team this evening… am I in the Twilight Zone?
[quote comment=”357443″]Any NOB photos of Iowa’s Derrell Johnson-Koulianos? (And what was that extra decal on top of his helmet?)[/quote]
Johnson Koulianos is one of the many players from my area. The Youngstown, Ohio area.
Maybe Ricko can explain the decal for you. I bet he knows.
Unless it was previously mentioned, but I see the Habs are wearing faux natural leather gloves with the barber pole jerseys.
Georgia black helmets.
Tennessee black jerseys/orange pants.
Most peculiar, mama. But I like.
Oregon’s unis are an abomination and possibly not even legal. How can official see the numbers when it is essentally a yellow chalk line? What about fans at the game or on TV? They are a blemish on the sport of college football.
[quote comment=”357443″]Any NOB photos of Iowa’s Derrell Johnson-Koulianos? (And what was that extra decal on top of his helmet?)[/quote]
Is there a better WR tandem name-wise than Derrell Johnson-Koulianos and Marvin McNutt?
[quote comment=”357448″]Oregon’s unis are an abomination and possibly not even legal. How can official see the numbers when it is essentally a yellow chalk line? What about fans at the game or on TV? They are a blemish on the sport of college football.[/quote]
Mussberger just mentioned the great Oregon benefactor Phil Knight. Yeesh.
there’s nazi’s in the bathroom…just below the stairs
eh, timmy?
[quote comment=”357448″]Oregon’s unis are an abomination and possibly not even legal. How can official see the numbers when it is essentally a yellow chalk line? What about fans at the game or on TV? They are a blemish on the sport of college football.[/quote]
They are more legal than Gator defenders wearing orange gloves…
[quote comment=”357448″]Oregon’s unis are an abomination and possibly not even legal. How can official see the numbers when it is essentally a yellow chalk line? What about fans at the game or on TV? They are a blemish on the sport of college football.[/quote]
What? Uniforms are to easily distinguish between teams and numbers to clearly and quickly identify individual players?
What a charmingly archaic notion.
(In other words, I keep wondering when the NCAA will have the balls to mention that. Then I remember how much clout Nike has…everywhere).
[quote comment=”357447″]Unless it was previously mentioned, but I see the Habs are wearing faux natural leather gloves with the barber pole jerseys.
Georgia black helmets.
Tennessee black jerseys/orange pants.
Most peculiar, mama. But I like.[/quote]
Habs in stripes & “leather” gloves
[quote comment=”357446″][quote comment=”357443″]Any NOB photos of Iowa’s Derrell Johnson-Koulianos? (And what was that extra decal on top of his helmet?)[/quote]
Johnson Koulianos is one of the many players from my area. The Youngstown, Ohio area.
Maybe Ricko can explain the decal for you. I bet he knows.[/quote]
I’m off this week.
[quote comment=”357453″][quote comment=”357448″]Oregon’s unis are an abomination and possibly not even legal. How can official see the numbers when it is essentally a yellow chalk line? What about fans at the game or on TV? They are a blemish on the sport of college football.[/quote]
What? Uniforms are to easily distinguish between teams and numbers to clearly and quickly identify individual players?
What a charmingly archaic notion.
(In other words, I keep wondering when the NCAA will have the balls to mention that. Then I remember how much clout Nike has…everywhere).
I don’t have the game. What are they wearing?
[quote comment=”357411″]uga’s wearing the right color
why can’t his team?[/quote]
He has a far more profound sense of tradition.
And Nike doesn’t care about him.
He doesn’t wear shoes.
[quote comment=”357454″][quote comment=”357447″]Unless it was previously mentioned, but I see the Habs are wearing faux natural leather gloves with the barber pole jerseys.
Georgia black helmets.
Tennessee black jerseys/orange pants.
Most peculiar, mama. But I like.[/quote]
Habs in stripes & “leather” gloves
Ah, beauty eh?
[quote comment=”357456″][quote comment=”357453″][quote comment=”357448″]Oregon’s unis are an abomination and possibly not even legal. How can official see the numbers when it is essentally a yellow chalk line? What about fans at the game or on TV? They are a blemish on the sport of college football.[/quote]
What? Uniforms are to easily distinguish between teams and numbers to clearly and quickly identify individual players?
What a charmingly archaic notion.
(In other words, I keep wondering when the NCAA will have the balls to mention that. Then I remember how much clout Nike has…everywhere).
I don’t have the game. What are they wearing?[/quote]
You sure? It’s one either ABC or ESPN2 nationwide. Likewise Texas-OSU.
[quote comment=”357456″]
I don’t have the game. What are they wearing?[/quote]
green jersey as worn by #7 (in that pic)…with black pants
so green helmet, green jersey, black pants
only the number is a LOT harder to read than in that pic
[quote comment=”357453″][quote comment=”357448″]Oregon’s unis are an abomination and possibly not even legal. How can official see the numbers when it is essentally a yellow chalk line? What about fans at the game or on TV? They are a blemish on the sport of college football.[/quote]
What? Uniforms are to easily distinguish between teams and numbers to clearly and quickly identify individual players?
What a charmingly archaic notion.
(In other words, I keep wondering when the NCAA will have the balls to mention that. Then I remember how much clout Nike has…everywhere).
Did the NFL put the kibosh on the Buc’s Tennessee Orange numbers after 1976 – or did the Bucs make that choice? Wondering the same thing about the Raiders 1970 silver numbers on road whites. Numbers should have some minimum level of contrast from the jersey color. Especially in football.
[quote comment=”357453″][quote comment=”357448″]Oregon’s unis are an abomination and possibly not even legal. How can official see the numbers when it is essentally a yellow chalk line? What about fans at the game or on TV? They are a blemish on the sport of college football.[/quote]
What? Uniforms are to easily distinguish between teams and numbers to clearly and quickly identify individual players?
What a charmingly archaic notion.
(In other words, I keep wondering when the NCAA will have the balls to mention that. Then I remember how much clout Nike has…everywhere).
I’m not having too much of a problem reading the numbers on TV, but I am watching on a 42 inch screen.
Different sport and all, but was it OK when the Spurs used to wear black numbers on their black jersey in the 70’s?
Or was that also an abomination? Just checking….
[quote comment=”357459″][quote comment=”357456″][quote comment=”357453″][quote comment=”357448″]Oregon’s unis are an abomination and possibly not even legal. How can official see the numbers when it is essentally a yellow chalk line? What about fans at the game or on TV? They are a blemish on the sport of college football.[/quote]
What? Uniforms are to easily distinguish between teams and numbers to clearly and quickly identify individual players?
What a charmingly archaic notion.
(In other words, I keep wondering when the NCAA will have the balls to mention that. Then I remember how much clout Nike has…everywhere).
I don’t have the game. What are they wearing?[/quote]
You sure? It’s one either ABC or ESPN2 nationwide. Likewise Texas-OSU.[/quote]
Interesting – on my cable system Texas-OSU is on ABC, while Oregon-USC is on ESPN2, but ESPN2HD is not carrying a live game. They are showing ESPNNews. Normally it is the same programming as ESPN2 on the standard def channel. Just when you think you have this cable stuff figured out.
[quote comment=”357459″][quote comment=”357456″][quote comment=”357453″][quote comment=”357448″]Oregon’s unis are an abomination and possibly not even legal. How can official see the numbers when it is essentally a yellow chalk line? What about fans at the game or on TV? They are a blemish on the sport of college football.[/quote]
What? Uniforms are to easily distinguish between teams and numbers to clearly and quickly identify individual players?
What a charmingly archaic notion.
(In other words, I keep wondering when the NCAA will have the balls to mention that. Then I remember how much clout Nike has…everywhere).
I don’t have the game. What are they wearing?[/quote]
You sure? It’s one either ABC or ESPN2 nationwide. Likewise Texas-OSU.[/quote]
Yup, I’ve got the “Program not available in your area” message on ESPN2. Watching UT lumber through another opponent.
So Oregon is in green/green/black. Pet peeve: why have the carbon helmets if you don’t wear them? I have to say tonight’s selection is a letdown.
[quote comment=”357456″][quote comment=”357453″][quote comment=”357448″]Oregon’s unis are an abomination and possibly not even legal. How can official see the numbers when it is essentally a yellow chalk line? What about fans at the game or on TV? They are a blemish on the sport of college football.[/quote]
What? Uniforms are to easily distinguish between teams and numbers to clearly and quickly identify individual players?
What a charmingly archaic notion.
(In other words, I keep wondering when the NCAA will have the balls to mention that. Then I remember how much clout Nike has…everywhere).
I don’t have the game. What are they wearing?[/quote]
Check ESPN2 regular def. Not on high def here but regular
Would be sweet to see Tennessee lose while wearing those pieces of shit, but doesn’t look like that’s going to happen.
Georgia got what they deserved.
I’m sure one reason Notre Dame is playing in San Antonio is the enormous Catholic population of the city. They are very popular in the Alamo city.
[quote comment=”357462″][quote comment=”357453″][quote comment=”357448″]Oregon’s unis are an abomination and possibly not even legal. How can official see the numbers when it is essentally a yellow chalk line? What about fans at the game or on TV? They are a blemish on the sport of college football.[/quote]
What? Uniforms are to easily distinguish between teams and numbers to clearly and quickly identify individual players?
What a charmingly archaic notion.
(In other words, I keep wondering when the NCAA will have the balls to mention that. Then I remember how much clout Nike has…everywhere).
I’m not having too much of a problem reading the numbers on TV, but I am watching on a 42 inch screen.
Different sport and all, but was it OK when the Spurs used to wear black numbers on their black jersey in the 70’s?
Or was that also an abomination?
Just checking….[/quote]
“abomination” is the word I chose for Oregon’s general pukie-ness and the overall unaesthetically pleasing uni’s they are wearing tonight. Just my two cents but its ugly, looks like some stupid post-modern Rollerball comic book space fantasy thing.
The numbers being damn near impossible to read is just stupid. Didn’t like it with the Spurs either, or on Purdue last basketball season (or several other examples from NCAA hoops).
Oh, and here in Dallas we aren’t getting Oregon-USC, either.
Holy Halloween Batman! Those Vols unis are terrible. Let’s just hope they are a one-and-done deal and never to be seen again. It’s Halloween, almost a full moon…is that the excuse?
[quote comment=”357462″][quote comment=”357453″][quote comment=”357448″]Oregon’s unis are an abomination and possibly not even legal. How can official see the numbers when it is essentally a yellow chalk line? What about fans at the game or on TV? They are a blemish on the sport of college football.[/quote]
What? Uniforms are to easily distinguish between teams and numbers to clearly and quickly identify individual players?
What a charmingly archaic notion.
(In other words, I keep wondering when the NCAA will have the balls to mention that. Then I remember how much clout Nike has…everywhere).
I’m not having too much of a problem reading the numbers on TV, but I am watching on a 42 inch screen.
Different sport and all, but was it OK when the Spurs used to wear black numbers on their black jersey in the 70’s?
Or was that also an abomination?
Just checking….[/quote]
Different sports, different circumstances. Both fans and officials are farther away from the players. And the piles of people are a) more frequent and b) larger. You have noticed that, right? I mean that football stadiums are a lot bigger and everything. And, sometimes it, y’know rains, or snows, or gets foggy or…
And let’s be fair, it’s a good bet he meant “abomination” in the sense that they fly in the face of the purpose of numbers in the first place, and that Oregon’s unis seem to somewhat disregard the fact that there IS a legitimate function they’re supposed to serve.
(Speaking of flying, those feathers should be an applique, affixed only nearest the collar…so they’d flap when the players run. That would be, like, way cool, not to mention ornithologically correct).
[quote comment=”357462″]
I’m not having too much of a problem reading the numbers on TV, but I am watching on a 42 inch screen.
Different sport and all, but was it OK when the Spurs used to wear black numbers on their black jersey in the 70’s?
Or was that also an abomination?
Just checking….[/quote]
not nearly as difficult to read … and other teams do this, like the braves and the angels, even today
part of the problem is the font itself is the ridiculous bellotti bold, which in and of itself is very hard to read
add silver on a green jersey…and it’s almost impossible
but hey…it’s oregon
[quote comment=”357470″][quote comment=”357462″][quote comment=”357453″][quote comment=”357448″]Oregon’s unis are an abomination and possibly not even legal. How can official see the numbers when it is essentally a yellow chalk line? What about fans at the game or on TV? They are a blemish on the sport of college football.[/quote]
What? Uniforms are to easily distinguish between teams and numbers to clearly and quickly identify individual players?
What a charmingly archaic notion.
(In other words, I keep wondering when the NCAA will have the balls to mention that. Then I remember how much clout Nike has…everywhere).
I’m not having too much of a problem reading the numbers on TV, but I am watching on a 42 inch screen.
Different sport and all, but was it OK when the Spurs used to wear black numbers on their black jersey in the 70’s?
Or was that also an abomination?
Just checking….[/quote]
Different sports, different circumstances. Both fans and officials are farther away from the players. And the piles of people are a) more frequent and b) larger. You have noticed that, right? I mean that football stadiums are a lot bigger and everything. And, sometimes it, y’know rains, or snows, or gets foggy or…
And let’s be fair, it’s a good bet he meant “abomination” in the sense that they fly in the face of the purpose of numbers in the first place, and that Oregon’s unis seem to somewhat disregard the fact that there IS a legitimate function they’re supposed to serve.
(Speaking of flying, those feathers should be an applique, affixed only nearest the collar…so they’d flap when the players run. That would be, like, way cool, not to mention ornithologically correct).
I was just checking for consistency in viewpoint.
I’m not saying they don’t look bad.
Although, let’s be honest, it’s hard to read numbers from the cheap seats regardless. I don’t think the refs on the field have any real problems reading them from a few yards away.
How ’bout a coach from 50 yards away?
Think about it, really think about it: The majority of the time a fooball official probably is farther away from the play he’s calling than any basketball official is at any time during a game (at least when action is at one end of the court).
“it’s hard to read numbers from the cheap seats”
So let’s make it even harder? That’s sound thinking?
[quote comment=”357471″][quote comment=”357462″]
I’m not having too much of a problem reading the numbers on TV, but I am watching on a 42 inch screen.
Different sport and all, but was it OK when the Spurs used to wear black numbers on their black jersey in the 70’s?
Or was that also an abomination?
Just checking….[/quote]
not nearly as difficult to read … and other teams do this, like link and link, even today
part of the problem is the font itself is the ridiculous bellotti bold, which in and of itself is very hard to read
add silver on a green jersey…and it’s almost impossible
but hey…it’s oregon[/quote]
And – the green is muffled, the “silver” is more of a pewter, and the yellow is weak and not authoritative. The lack of contrast with the grayish numbers and the green is really demonstrated in the scrambled eggs on the shoulder pads. You need a super close-up and a good squint to even tell there is something on the shoulders. Just really, really bad.
I wish the team that was appointed to be the avant garde of football uni design at least had the taste of the 1970’s Marquette hoops team. At least some of their swings and misses were interesting, if a little hard on the eyes. This whole Oregon Nike experiment is old and tired and really detracts from a dynamite Pac 10 matchup.
[quote comment=”357473″]How ’bout a coach from 50 yards away?
Think about it, really think about it: The majority of the time a fooball official probably is farther away from the play he’s calling than any basketball official is at any time during a game (at least when action is at one end of the court).
“it’s hard to read numbers from the cheap seats”
So let’s make it even harder? That’s sound thinking?
Coaching girls 5th-6th grade soccer on a regulation pitch. (I said “pitch” – like some Euro dude – Ha!!). I have half blondes and half dark haired girls all about 4 and a half feet tall and between 75 and 85 lbs. If they didn’t have bright white numbers on their Kelly Green jerseys I wouldn’t know who the hell was doing what 55 yards across the field. Uni numbers are essential in large-field sports and a good contrast is needed for coaches and officials.
Who makes the decision on what uniforms Oregon wears each Saturday? The head coach might have other things on his mind.
Gimmick games like the Vols or Bulldogs today I can see the coach deciding. But with all those Oregon combos ?? Who makes the call?
[quote comment=”357475″][quote comment=”357473″]How ’bout a coach from 50 yards away?
Think about it, really think about it: The majority of the time a fooball official probably is farther away from the play he’s calling than any basketball official is at any time during a game (at least when action is at one end of the court).
“it’s hard to read numbers from the cheap seats”
So let’s make it even harder? That’s sound thinking?
Coaching girls 5th-6th grade soccer on a regulation pitch. (I said “pitch” – like some Euro dude – Ha!!). I have half blondes and half dark haired girls all about 4 and a half feet tall and between 75 and 85 lbs. If they didn’t have bright white numbers on their Kelly Green jerseys I wouldn’t know who the hell was doing what 55 yards across the field. Uni numbers are essential in large-field sports and a good contrast is needed for coaches and officials.[/quote]
Oh by the way – today I had a player show up after equipment check and she had on yellow socks instead of our team’s kelly green. She played the first half and then the supervisor of officials came and told us the player had to change to green (which were available for a $5.00 deposit). It seems soccer refs are often focused on sock color to determine who kicked a ball out of bounds, etc.
[quote comment=”357476″]Who makes the decision on what uniforms Oregon wears each Saturday? The head coach might have other things on his mind.
Gimmick games like the Vols or Bulldogs today I can see the coach deciding. But with all those Oregon combos ?? Who makes the call?[/quote]
Casey Martin. Yeah, him. The golfer-with-the-golf-cart guy.
[quote comment=”357478″][quote comment=”357476″]Who makes the decision on what uniforms Oregon wears each Saturday? The head coach might have other things on his mind.
Gimmick games like the Vols or Bulldogs today I can see the coach deciding. But with all those Oregon combos ?? Who makes the call?[/quote]
Casey Martin. Yeah, him. The golfer-with-the-golf-cart guy.
AHA thanks for the info on the Ducks uniform coordinator. Interesting.
[quote comment=”357479″][quote comment=”357478″][quote comment=”357476″]Who makes the decision on what uniforms Oregon wears each Saturday? The head coach might have other things on his mind.
Gimmick games like the Vols or Bulldogs today I can see the coach deciding. But with all those Oregon combos ?? Who makes the call?[/quote]
Casey Martin. Yeah, him. The golfer-with-the-golf-cart guy.
U-coordinator;wondered what happened to him.
I’m not having any trouble reading the Oregon numbers. They’re fine on HD.
I bet they chose not to wear the carbon helmets because some of the debuts of their radically different helmets have not gone well, ie the yellow ghost flame logo on the back against BYU in the Las Vegas Bowl. End result: BYU 38-6
[quote comment=”357482″]I’m not having any trouble reading the Oregon numbers. They’re fine on HD.
I bet they chose not to wear the carbon helmets because some of the debuts of their radically different helmets have not gone well, ie the yellow ghost flame logo on the back against BYU in the Las Vegas Bowl. End result: BYU 38-6[/quote]
How the numbers look from 2/3 of the way up the stands? Isn’t just about the viewers, you know.
c’mon cole…keep pounding the corner — get him to chase one outside
If you can see the LSU-Tulane game, they’ve got pumpkins on the field for Halloween. A buddy of mine works for the field crew, and the usual purple and gold SEC logo is a pumpkin for the night. I’d post a picture, but the LSU game is blacked out from my local ESPN 360.
[quote comment=”357469″]Holy Halloween Batman! Those Vols unis are terrible. Let’s just hope they are a one-and-done deal and never to be seen again. It’s Halloween, almost a full moon…is that the excuse?[/quote]
I hate their orange, but they look even more terrible in black. And the one part that makes it worse is the mesh-like see-through torso sections. That makes any football jersey look amateurish.
[quote comment=”357481″][quote comment=”357479″][quote comment=”357478″][quote comment=”357476″]Who makes the decision on what uniforms Oregon wears each Saturday? The head coach might have other things on his mind.
Gimmick games like the Vols or Bulldogs today I can see the coach deciding. But with all those Oregon combos ?? Who makes the call?[/quote]
Casey Martin. Yeah, him. The golfer-with-the-golf-cart guy.
U-coordinator;wondered what happened to him.[/quote]
That’s his side job. He also happens to coach the men’s golf program at Oregon.
[quote comment=”357487″][quote comment=”357481″][quote comment=”357479″][quote comment=”357478″][quote comment=”357476″]Who makes the decision on what uniforms Oregon wears each Saturday? The head coach might have other things on his mind.
Gimmick games like the Vols or Bulldogs today I can see the coach deciding. But with all those Oregon combos ?? Who makes the call?[/quote]
Casey Martin. Yeah, him. The golfer-with-the-golf-cart guy.
U-coordinator;wondered what happened to him.[/quote]
That’s his side job. He also happens to coach the men’s golf program at Oregon.[/quote]
Ooops. Figured that was mentioned in the article. Just grabbed one for background.
Quiet here.
Ah, but things go bump in the night.
Hamilton Ti-Cats went with alternate yellow jerseys. link Woulda been great with their yellow pants…
Cats receiver Arland Bruce whipped out an Obama mask when the cameras caught him on the sideline. No screen grab, but you can see it on the highlights of the Riders/Ti-Cats game. link
More good uni-tweaks today, guys. Love the idea of putting the Rays in Tulane colors. That combo is very underused.
Just finished my celebratory bowl of Count Chocula, so Halloween can offically end. Hope everyone had a good one.
One final orange and black uni, as the BC Lions are playing now against the Stampeders.
[quote comment=”357489″]Quiet here.
Ah, but things go bump in the night.
Full moon spooky halloween around here. Dressed up as Paul Stanley and scared the bejesus out of my buddy’s 3 year old. No, I didn’t mean to!
[quote comment=”357492″]Just finished my celebratory bowl of Count Chocula, so Halloween can offically end. Hope everyone had a good one.
One final orange and black uni, as the BC Lions are playing now against the Stampeders.
Is that Count Chocula an annual tradition? Cool idea.
[quote comment=”357494″][quote comment=”357492″]Just finished my celebratory bowl of Count Chocula, so Halloween can offically end. Hope everyone had a good one.
One final orange and black uni, as the BC Lions are playing now against the Stampeders.
Is that Count Chocula an annual tradition? Cool idea.[/quote]
Heard he’s been using the same box for eight years now.
A little chewy, but tradition demands.
[quote comment=”357495″][quote comment=”357494″][quote comment=”357492″]Just finished my celebratory bowl of Count Chocula, so Halloween can offically end. Hope everyone had a good one.
One final orange and black uni, as the BC Lions are playing now against the Stampeders.
Is that Count Chocula an annual tradition? Cool idea.[/quote]
Heard he’s been using the same box for eight years now.
A little chewy, but tradition demands.
One bowl every year on Halloween huh. Maybe he is getting near the bottom of that box.
By the way I just checked out the Ti Cats. Those were different.
[quote comment=”357404″][quote comment=”357400″]Is JTH back in the house yet, or is he still out in the yard stomping around throwing rocks at trees and claiming no one in Iowa’s parents were married?[/quote]
Hoosier group /facepalm.
Someday the tide will turn our way.[/quote]
Something happened in Iowa today?
Ah, well. At least the game was easy on the eyes.
[quote comment=”357422″]Happy Halloween.. My pumpkin a couple years back..
That’s awesome.
Speaking of pumpkins and on a completely non-athletically aesthetic kind of note, the squirrels have gotten ridiculous in the last couple years with the pumpkin destruction. I do not remember this happening when I was growing up.
So the Habs trotted out the “link” today?
I feel cheated. Last season, they were supposed to wear them in a game against the Blackhawks but they hated them so much after the first wearing that they decided to wear a link.
[quote comment=”357488″][quote comment=”357487″][quote comment=”357481″][quote comment=”357479″][quote comment=”357478″][quote comment=”357476″]Who makes the decision on what uniforms Oregon wears each Saturday? The head coach might have other things on his mind.
Gimmick games like the Vols or Bulldogs today I can see the coach deciding. But with all those Oregon combos ?? Who makes the call?[/quote]
Casey Martin. Yeah, him. The golfer-with-the-golf-cart guy.
U-coordinator;wondered what happened to him.[/quote]
That’s his side job. He also happens to coach the men’s golf program at Oregon.[/quote]
Ooops. Figured that was mentioned in the article. Just grabbed one for background.
It was mentioned in the article, but it was buried pretty deep — all the way down in the second paragraph.
[quote comment=”357496″][quote comment=”357495″][quote comment=”357494″][quote comment=”357492″]Just finished my celebratory bowl of Count Chocula, so Halloween can offically end. Hope everyone had a good one.
One final orange and black uni, as the BC Lions are playing now against the Stampeders.
Is that Count Chocula an annual tradition? Cool idea.[/quote]
Heard he’s been using the same box for eight years now.
A little chewy, but tradition demands.
One bowl every year on Halloween huh. Maybe he is getting near the bottom of that box.
By the way I just checked out the Ti Cats. Those were different.[/quote]
Funny. My wife just picked up a box of Boo Berry. It really might be the most disgusting cereal ever. But now I feel like I might need to eat a bowl of it to close out the night.
I don’t want it turning into a tradition, though.
OK, I’m done now.
[quote]My wife just picked up a box of Boo Berry[/quote]
taken out of context, that sounds really funny
or maybe it’s just the bottle of theraflu i just consumed
nite all
[quote comment=”357501″][quote comment=”357496″][quote comment=”357495″][quote comment=”357494″][quote comment=”357492″]Just finished my celebratory bowl of Count Chocula, so Halloween can offically end. Hope everyone had a good one.
One final orange and black uni, as the BC Lions are playing now against the Stampeders.
Is that Count Chocula an annual tradition? Cool idea.[/quote]
Heard he’s been using the same box for eight years now.
A little chewy, but tradition demands.
One bowl every year on Halloween huh. Maybe he is getting near the bottom of that box.
By the way I just checked out the Ti Cats. Those were different.[/quote]
Funny. My wife just picked up a box of Boo Berry. It really might be the most disgusting cereal ever. But now I feel like I might need to eat a bowl of it to close out the night.
I don’t want it turning into a tradition, though.
OK, I’m done now.[/quote]
Boo Berry doesn’t hold a candle to mankind’s greatest invention, Count Chocula. A marshmallow cereal…AND it’s chocolate? Genius!
And no, I get a new box every year. It doesn’t last very long, especially since my boy likes it as well. I’ve had to hide a box up where he can’t reach it so I know we’ll have some on the big day.
By the way, big thanks to Mr. Robert Marshall for my surprise stirrups! They didn’t go with my costume, so I’ll be wearing them while doing my Sunday football viewing and UW commenting. Viva la revolution!
[quote comment=”357504″]By the way, big thanks to Mr. Robert Marshall for my surprise stirrups! They didn’t go with my costume, so I’ll be wearing them while doing my Sunday football viewing and UW commenting. Viva la revolution![/quote]
Speed of lightning
Roar of thunder
More of an observation on photography than on uniforms (although I think that is part of the aesthetics of athletics) – you don’t see enough of wide shots like these anymore in sports photgraphy:
[quote comment=”357490″]Hamilton Ti-Cats went with alternate yellow jerseys. link Woulda been great with their yellow pants…
Cats receiver Arland Bruce whipped out an Obama mask when the cameras caught him on the sideline. No screen grab, but you can see it on the highlights of the Riders/Ti-Cats game. link
The biggest problem I have with the yellow alts is that they have a little RFRS (red for red’s sake). It’s on the outline of the numbers, and to me it’s as bad as when the Pirates added red in recent years.
Hey, just want to throw out a notion here about these design-a-uni contests. It’s all fun and games to pull this kind of thing together. But people get paid thousands of dollars to do logo design and/or uniform design.
Okay, so those designers at Nike, Reebok, and anyone who works for the NBA often show their limited skill sets. But doing spec contest work for “goodies” devalues the design profession.
Sure, a bunch are going to submit their designs — caring less whether they get any real return value. That’s cool. Your choice. But realize it devalues the profession … and the next time a business “doesn’t get it” when you work to articulate the value of graphic design, realize you perpetuated that lack of appreciation for an art form.
Lastly, I hope you allocate that same amount of resources to your local Boys & Girls Club, YWCA, or other nonprofit programs with this type of need.
PSA completed, thanks.
I was wondering who Clarksville’s major rival is, what the colors of that team are, and if there’s any other conference team that they play that wears purple and/or gold.
[quote comment=”357376″][quote comment=”357373″][quote comment=”357371″]Actually, the Packers did change their uniforms after their Super Bowl win, reducing the number of sleeve stripes from 5 to 3. Maybe a minor change, but no more minor than the change in the color of the Colts’ facemasks.
I think the NFL has done a good job, for the most part, of maintaining the branding integrity of teams by limiting appearances of alternate jerseys to two times during the regular season. Can we assume after this year that that practice will resume?[/quote]
I agree with Scott – that is much more of a major change than tweaking the shade of blue and changing facemasks like the Colts. Sure, a lot of Packer players were already cutting down their sleeve stripes (cutting off two stripes) but the official (i.e. “style guide”) jersey had 5 stripes until the 1997 change when Nike became their supplier. For a team as traditional as the Packers that is major change; cut them from this list.[/quote]
Yeah, but it’s also sorta nitpicking.
They didn’t change the design, just adapted their existing look to the new shorter sleeves.
That would be like saying the Steelers and Giants (road) have totally changed their sleeve stripes because they no longer go all the way around, and are now some sort of Hollywood Bowl-shaped panel filled with a horizontal color pattern.
When sleeves get shorter, you have really only two choices to retain stripes: Lose some to keep them in standard position, or go to the whacked-out look of many of today’s teams.
The Colts had two stripes on their socks a while back and then eliminated them. That’s more of a design call than the Packers dropping a couple sleeves stripes because they didn’t like the other option.
You really think someone at the Paackers said, “Let’s eliminate a couple of the sleeve stripes”? Isn’t it more likely it was, “We’re not gonna be able to keep all five stripes.”
There are design style alterations, and there are adaptations forced by changes to the equipment itself. Not the same thing.
Ricko – isn’t picking nits what this blog is all about?
We’ll have to agree to disagree on this. Your argument about “fitting templates” is baseless. I didn’t pick on the Colts truncated should loops or the Steelers stripes not going all the way around. I get that this is done to fit the tempate and if I did then you would have a case.
I still say the Packers changed their design. They could have made the stripes smaller and still fit in the 5-stripe pattern on the sleeve. Hey they did that in the last throwbacks they wore.
A change in pattern is significant. Sure the change was forced by the current jersey cuts, but there were other options that other teams have used that didn’t result in a stripe pattern change.
Here’s the thing. I didn’t want my entry to get too long, so I didn’t mention that I was NOT including very minor element changes to uniforms, such as brand emblems and minor stripe changes. I looked at it from a broad standpoint. For instance, I think the Colts wearing blue pants is clearly notable, whereas the Packers cutting two stripes out of their sleeves isn’t a big deal. I guess that is kind of a subjective analysis for me to say one thing is a “big deal” and one isn’t. But I think most people, other than us Uni Watchers, would not notice the stripe difference.
So anyway, that was my intention.