By Phil Hecken
There seemed to be great interest by UW readers in developing new concepts for Major League Baseball teams, following previous columns in which readers tweaked the ChiSox and the Brewers (see here and here). I put out the call for you guys to send me your submissions for any MLB team, and you didn’t disappoint. In fact, there were so many submissions, it’s going to take two posts to get to them all. But we will. So, lets see what everyone came up with, shall we?
The first two in this batch were actually featured before, but I wanted to include them in this post so they’d receive full comparison:
Jason Krause had a couple mock-ups for his hometown team, the Colorado Rockies:
I based these Colorado Rockies jersey mockups off of the old school logo of the hockey Colorado Rockies before they became the New Jersey Devils. I made them a pull-over top such as the Blue Jays and the Cards from the 70’s.
I created two different home looks, as well as an alternate that pays homage to the Colorado Flag. The black jerseys are also a big hit out here, so I created a look for one of those.
Alex Rocklein sent me some mockups for the New York Mets. Very interesting. Says Alex, “I attached some Mets uniform concepts. Some are outrageous, but there is considerably less black.”
Indeed, when it comes to the Mets, less black is usually much better. He has come up with three new uniform concepts: a clean new home and away set, with all the black removed (but where are the stirrups???); and two alternates. The first, featuring pinstripes (I guess we can say they’ve reduced the once venerable pins to an alt) and a royal blue top with “New York” in fancy block letters. As you know, I’m not a fan of the “alternate/softball” tops, but if the Mets could replace the black tops with this one, I’d be 100% behind it. Finally, Alex came up with another home alternate, and it is considerably more colorful. He combines a new alternate cap, featuring a blue crown and an orange bill, with a new orange alternate top (plus he has put the script “Mets” on the blue alternate).
OK, you may remember seeing those before, but the rest are all brand spankin’ new.
Another longtime reader, a Yankees fan no less, Kenny Jacobson saw the above section on New York Mets uniform concepts (when I first posted it), and, having already done some up, thought I’d like to repost them. With pleasure, Kenny, with pleasure. Here’s Kenny:
I’d posted these in the comments this summer but maybe you could get them out there.
I’m a Yankee fan but would really like to see the Mets go back to a classic look.
and if you MUST…
Got another submission from Uni Creator Alex Rocklein, (see above for his first uni tweak of the Mets) who this time has been working on some fixes for the Oakland A’s. I’ll let him explain:
I updated the primary (A’s in the circle) because the one they use now is outdated. I added cream to the scheme (now looking similar to their rivals across the bay) and added some piping because, let’s face it, who doesn’t like some piping?
I kept the away set relatively the same because I think it’s one of the most underrated sets in baseball. Threw some alts in there for the sake of having them. I feel like the solid color alts need to be limited by teams because when you watch a Cubs/ChiSox game in which its royal blue on black it feels as though I’m watching Spring Training or a couple of Thursday Night Slow-Pitch Softball games.
Also, matched the A’s “A” from the logo to the one on the hat (right now they use two different “A”s).
Another uniform concept submission comes from reader Daniel L. Dennis, who has got some proposals for the Texas Texases Rangers. Here’s Dennis:
I read the blog quite often, and I hope these are along the lines of what you’re looking for.
First of all, the Rangers erred greatly in not having their team name on their home jerseys. The Texas Texases (as Paul is fond of calling them) need an identity, but this minor facelift would probably suffice. It’s simple, it’s elegant, and above all, it’s somewhat unique (no comparison to the Angels, please ”“ besides, I think the Rangers were using this typeface first).
Here’s the home jersey. All I did was go back to red as the primary color, and arch the team name like they did in 1972 with the original wordmark. Back then, the bigger “R” and “S” stood for “Robert Short” ”“ today, they don’t really stand for anything, but it’s a nice treatment IMHO.
The away jersey is pretty much ”“ well, gray. But the wordmark gets the same treatment.
Now for the alternate jersey. Seems like every team needs one. This time, I got rid of the blue (too many bad flashbacks to the Dallas Cowboys of the ”˜70s, who always seemed to lose when wearing their blue jerseys), and went with the primary red.
Not sure I’m sold on the NNOB treatment, but at least it stands out.
Sleeve patch stays the same, and stripes on the pants go red and blue. Same with the sleeve stripes on the home and away. The red alt can keep the white trim.
This is what Nolan’s boys need to be wearing next year ”“ and it wouldn’t take that much to pull it off. Oh, yeah, and I got rid of that gawdawful typeface for the NNOB.
Now don’t go selling this to the Rangers!
I received two concepts from “losalkyle,” who tweaked the San Diego Padres and the Seattle Mariners. A man of few words, this sentence accompanied his Padres tweak: “Take the light blue in their primary logo and make it the uni color.” The next one was simply an attachment, with the subject “Mariners Powder Blue.” That should be pretty self-explanatory. Here it is. If you’re reading this and want to identify yourself, please do!
Next up is Matt Keller, who actually sent me two submissions, but the second one is going to wait for the next batch. His first tweak is for the Minnesota Twins. Here’s Matt:
I’m not legally eligible for a prize being 16, but I mess around in photoshop on occasion.
1st off, I’ve eliminated those dreadful pinstripes from the Twinkies’ away uniforms. I think what I’ve done is pretty O.K. looking.
Our final uniform tweak for today comes from Matt Murray, who unfortunately missed the Brewer tweaks which ran a couple weeks ago. But I promised Matt I’d include his mockups of the Milwaukee Brewers in the next set of uniform concepts. So, here’s Matt:
Mr. Hecken,
Attached are my uniform ideas for the Milwaukee Brewers. I might be a little late, but I think can still contribute to the discussion.I like the Brewers current color scheme, but I think the current script and wordmarks are just a failed attempt at a classic look. I combined the navy and gold scheme with throwback lettering to create a modern look that reflects the past of the program. Both the home and away caps have the ball and glove “mb” logo, and the beloved beer barrel man on the sleeve. I’m a big fan of thick piping on pants and sleeves, but not on the front of the jersey. I used cream for the home threads and a powder blue(ish?) grey for the road uniforms to further compliment the historical aspect. A red mock-up is included. Thanks!
OK, that’s going to do it for this first batch of uniform concepts from the fantastic UW readership. The next batch will be coming real soon. One interesting thing about this exercise, while I didn’t call for any specific teams whose uniforms needed updating/changing/tweaking, I got (so far) a bunch of submissions for the Toronto Blue Jays. How I didn’t see this team as the obvious choice for a uniform upgrade in the first place is beyond me, but I give myself a huge “DUH” for neglecting to ask for specific submissions for them. Let me tell you, the four or five I have received so far are tremendous. So, if anyone else wants to try their hand at tweaking the Toronto team, send em along. Of course, any teams you want to upgrade are fine as well.
As long as we’re on the topic of upgrading/tweaking, it sounds like it’s official that the Miami Marlins will be getting new uniforms when they move into their new digs (there’s a link in that article to the New York Times article [registration required]) where owner Jeffrey Loria mentioned the new unis. Now, I don’t want to step on Paul’s toes in calling for reader submissions for new Miami Marlins uniforms, since he’s been known to have done those type of things on the mothership. However, if you have done, or in the process of doing a Miami Marlins mockup, feel free to send it my way as well.

Is this the end of the world as we know it? Apparently so. Yesterday evening, several readers reported seeing Chris Berman state that the oft-rumored Seahawks alternate lime green jersey is a reality. Will it actually be worn this Sunday? And, will if so, will be paired white pants, as in the Wikipedia entry? Or, blue pants, or, heaven help us, lime green pants? And, what color will the jersey numbers be: White? (just imagine this) or blue? Perhaps we’ll know more tomorrow or later this evening. But if Boomer reported it, Wiki posted it, and Madden mocked it … it must be true, right?
It’s the end of the world as we know it.
[*late night edit: I just watched the repeat of the “2 Minute Drill” and here’s what Berman said: “The Seahawks will unveil their bright green — I guess ’80s retro-ish green uniforms — It’ll be a ‘Green Day’. I think they’ll have the time of their lives.” (The latter reference was because Boomer spent a portion of the segment discussing LPs {“albums to those of you under 30”}.) So that’s what we have to go on. Who knows — PH]

Guess The Game From The Scoreboard: OK, got another submission from our resident ‘scoreboard finder’ SlimandSlam, who has brought to you another good one. Shouldn’t have too much trouble with the teams or the stadium, but the game itself may prove more elusive. As usual, please post the answer in the form of a linkie from Baseball Almanac or Retrosheet. Date, location and final score please. Ready? Guess The Game. Anyone interested in football? I think we’ll try a football scoreboard guessing game tomorrow…see how that goes. Thanks, Slim!

UW #1 Seahawks Fan Michael Princip has been tracking the Oregon Ducks and all of their 2,456 possible uniform combinations this season. He’ll be updating it after each game. Tomorrow marks the debut of his first tracking graphic on UW. It will be a regular feature through the end of the Ducks season. Sounds like a fun little idea. Assuming the Ducks wear the rumored throwbacks tomorrow against Cal, this will be updated with the final score. Otherwise, Mike will insert whatever uni they choose to wear. Check back tomorrow to see the result and the uni they wore!

Ah, time for Mick and Mike to relax and (presumably) enjoy a game on the tube. And that’s a biiiiiiiig couch, innit? Enjoy the wit and wisdom of Mick in today’s Saturday Benchies. Yakitty-yak…don’t talk back.
This and That: Seems that the Huskers will be donning vintage 1962 uniforms today, complete with black numbers on white helmets. According to the article, “Fans are wearing red, as usual, but retro red. Women are asked to wear red dresses and carnations.” Good times, good times, except, Nebraska hopes, for the Ragin’ Cajuns. Unis and helmets should look like this. … The Yom Kippur religious observance is going to force New York football fans to have to choose between games this Sunday — first time the Jets and Giants have kicked off at the same time (other than when playing each other) since 1984; both teams are 2-0, and the Titans (Jets) versus Oilers (Titans) are wearing AFL throwbacks … And speaking of throwbacks, Navy plays Western Kentucky on CBS today, with Navy to wear replica 1959 uniforms — it’s in honor of the dedication of the Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium — check out the program cover from that day! … The Florida State Seminoles will wear white at home for the first time — ever — against USF today; not just the normal white over crimson, but white over white! Nice. Of course, the best thing about FSU games are the uniforms worn by the fans sitting in the stands … The Turkeyfoot Middle School, which, not coincidentally, is located on Turkeyfoot Road, is under pressure to change its name — no, they’re keeping “Turkeyfoot,” but they may be dumping their mascot and nickname, because that is much worse than “Turkeyfoot.” Try saying “Turkeyfoot” five times fast … The LeBron James farewell to Cleveland Cavaliers 40th Season is just jam packed with giveaways, and here’s the list … Reader Ed Westfield shot me a note, “In Any Given Sunday, the Miami Sharks never wore white jerseys on the road, or anywhere. So, I wanted to see what it would look like.” … Let it be known: it is NOT OK to profit of Tim Tebow’s name or likeness! Is that clear? Unless, of course, it’s the University of Florida that’s doing the profiting, natch [*NOTE…I was alternately getting a “404 not found on website” and the article, so if it comes up 404, I apologize] … Speaking of the Gators tho, ESPN has posted an “instant classic” video game, sure to be great fun for all Gator haters … Of course, political correctness is still the hot topic at UND, where the school must get permission from the two Sioux tribes in North Dakota in order to keep using the nickname, “Fighting Sioux,” or face NCAA sanctions, including being banned from post-season play — and they need it by October 1st … Wanna have more shoe combinations than Oregon has uniform possibilities? (Like, 2 million possible combinations???) Now you can. … Here’s a little uniform story that slipped below the radar: seems that UW readers are not the only ones who want to ditch the black — especially when your team is called the “Cardinals” and, “We have the Cardinal as a mascot and our colors are red and white. I don’t understand why you would want to change that.”
OK folks…that’s a lot to digest. Still time to participate in the Design A Cap Contest that started last weekend — just follow the directions there if you’re still interested. Some great college football matchups today, including a bunch of throwbacks — wonder if any of them will make the Top 5 uni matchup list tomorrow. Enjoy your Saturday everyone!
I have never liked the “New York” wordmark on the Mets’ uniforms, which copy the NY Giants of the Thirties.
I think that better typefaces are those used by the Giants in the Fifties, or, for that matter, the Knicks.
If I go to ESPN scoreboard for NFL games, there’s some color coded graphics, that all make sense – except Baltimore’s, which has “grey/silver” as their color. This area of ESPN website must not come under Paul’s scrutiny.
FYI, according to the guy who runs the Indiana rivals site, IU is getting new unis from Adidas.
FYI, candy stripes stay. And Tom Crean continues his sideline cheerleader antics. You know, the important stuff …
“At a speech Wednesday night at the IU Auditorium, Coach Crean mentioned that we will be getting new uniforms this year. Apparently Adidas has already showed him the design and he has approved it. I can only imagine it is going to be the Adidas version of the fitted uniform, the one Louisville and Tennessee wear. They have already said the candy-stripe warmups stay, but I’m hoping they don’t change much except the cut of the jerseys. Keep the arched script on the front and the pitchfork logo on the back, and of course no names on the jerseys.”
Guess the scoreboard: 8/21/96, Yankee Stadium, CAL 7, NYY 1. link
\”The Florida State Seminoles will wear white at home for the first time – ever – against USF today; not just the normal white over crimson, but white over white!\”
Actually, Florida State until the last 15 years or so wore white jerseys with gold pants as their traditional road uniform. The crimson (actually garnet) pants were introduced in the late 1990s, IIRC,
The great thing about FSU’s white pants are the two stripes. They should put stripes back on the gold pants, and especially the garnet pants.
Clemson put nice wide stripes back on their pants this year. Interesting how their jerseys have different shades of orange…front and back. They’ll probably have more uni changes next year, based on quotes from coach Dabo.
I love the Mets’ road “New York” wordmark.
“Fans are wearing red, as usual, but retro red. Women are asked to wear red dresses and carnations.” Good times, good times, except, Nebraska hopes, for the Ragin’ Cajuns.
Well, that’s one game that’s definitely in the running for the Top 5 matchup list!
Cream A’s and Powder Mariners are the best of a very good bunch.
Can’t wait to see those Blue Jays concepts!
[quote comment=”350213″]Cream A’s and Powder Mariners are the best of a very good bunch.
Can’t wait to see those Blue Jays concepts![/quote]
Coffee hasn’t kicked in yet…forgot about the orange Mets. Great stuff!
It’s not the end of the world, just a new way of looking at it. link
At least that’s the version I hope we see. Embrace the change…but let’s keep it in Seattle only, OK?
[quote comment=”350213″]Cream A’s and Powder Mariners are the best of a very good bunch.
Can’t wait to see those Blue Jays concepts![/quote]
Why lose the white shoes for the A’s? They introduced them to MLB 46 years ago and, but for one 1980’s season with forest cleats on the road, have never varied from them. Like them or not, they may be the most enduring “trademark” of the team, and should be the given, the starting point for any re-design.
[quote comment=”350215″]It’s not the end of the world, just a new way of looking at it. link
At least that’s the version I hope we see. Embrace the change…but let’s keep it in Seattle only, OK?[/quote]
Heaven forbid a team should do something colorful. I mean REALLY, why would anyone want to do such an anit-trendy thing. Don’t they understand everything should be from the somber side of the color palette?
[quote comment=”350216″][quote comment=”350213″]Cream A’s and Powder Mariners are the best of a very good bunch.
Can’t wait to see those Blue Jays concepts![/quote]
Why lose the white shoes for the A’s? They introduced them to MLB 46 years ago and, but for one 1980’s season with forest cleats on the road, have never varied from them. Like them or not, they may be the most enduring “trademark” of the team, and should be the given, the starting point for any re-design.
Ooops, 42 years ago.
Here you, JimV and other CFL fans…
Hamilton Tiger-Cats with full length compression sleeve stripes, a combo of 2009 and the unis they wore when they first went to black helmets in the 80’s following the Clements-Brock era…
All hail the LIME!!!
If the Seahawks end up losing this game tomorrow, which everyone is predicting, due to the rash of injuries again this year, it could turn into SLIME Sunday. God Speed my Seahawks. I will say this, at least the team’s got the balls to go through with it when, supposedly, the chips are down. Should be interesting to see the results(reactions) of it all tomorrow.
[quote comment=”350215″]It’s not the end of the world, just a new way of looking at it. link
At least that’s the version I hope we see. Embrace the change…but let’s keep it in Seattle only, OK?[/quote]
I like that!
I’m liking the double-blue San Diego uni & the pin-less Twins one is very sharp.
[quote comment=”350210″]\”The Florida State Seminoles will wear white at home for the first time – ever – against USF today; not just the normal white over crimson, but white over white!\”
Actually, Florida State until the last 15 years or so wore white jerseys with gold pants as their traditional road uniform. The crimson (actually garnet) pants were introduced in the late 1990s, IIRC,[/quote]
Actually, the Seminoles have worn all white a few times, but only on the road. I think it dates back to the 1980s, it’s not a new concept.
[quote]All hail the LIME!!![/quote]
for the record, and to get this straight…i think this is going to be a trainwreck…BUT…do i want to see it happen, at least once?
OF COURSE! im a uni guy, so i say bring it on, let’s see how it looks on the field, and then debate on the merits
i can’t imagine it will look good, but lets see them prove me wrong
still say it will be the end of the NFL as we know it, but what the hell…it’s not like they haven’t strayed from convention a hundred other times
will be interesting to see if they go thru with it
[quote comment=”350224″][quote]All hail the LIME!!![/quote]
for the record, and to get this straight…i think this is going to be a trainwreck…BUT…do i want to see it happen, at least once?
OF COURSE! im a uni guy, so i say bring it on, let’s see how it looks on the field, and then debate on the merits
i can’t imagine it will look good, but lets see them prove me wrong
still say it will be the end of the NFL as we know it, but what the hell…it’s not like they haven’t strayed from convention a hundred other times
will be interesting to see if they go thru with it[/quote]
Trainwreck might be the appropriate word here. The timing is not good, with both offensive & defensive captains injured(Matt H. & Lofa Tatupu) not playing? The Bears coming off a big win against the Steelers. Throw in the debut of these green jerseys. Well, if the Seahawks end up playing like shit, and they are wearing the green jerseys, those jerseys will forever be burned into our memories by the luminescent slime reflections they exude. Regardless of the outcome, if they end up looking good(uni wise), I hope they aren’t scared to do the green jersey thing again.
I would like to nominate UConn vs Rhode Island as the worst Uni matchup of the week.
UConn has their terrible new uniforms, and URI has powder blue on white jerseys where you can not see the numbers most of the time.
Okay, okay. I understand there’s a tremendous amount of dislike for the Twins away link but I don’t get it. I’ve always like the fact that the pinstripes are on both the home and away jerseys (and pants) – a consistent touch. Even if it flies in the face of historical tradition. I’ve also liked how they use the block red numerals with the matching navy NOB; to me it’s a visual cue to team first (big, visual number) and individual second (subdued nameplate). Maybe I’m thinking too much, but whatever.
Just don’t get me started on the solid navy ones (link)(either home or away) or vests. They far to similar to spring training/softball.
As an aside, I found this link in searching for the red jersey. It’s a lot designs I wouldn’t personally endorse, but I think #11 in intriguing. Nods to the ‘brothers’ logo over the Mississippi.
[quote comment=”350227″]I would like to nominate UConn vs Rhode Island as the worst Uni matchup of the week.
UConn has their terrible new uniforms, and URI has powder blue on white jerseys where you can not see the numbers most of the time.[/quote]
heh…well, that’s up to mr. vilk, of course, but i do have veto power…i’ll certainly urge him to consider it as the “worst” … lsu vs. miss state is no picnic either
[quote comment=”350225″][quote comment=”350224″][quote]All hail the LIME!!![/quote]
for the record, and to get this straight…i think this is going to be a trainwreck…BUT…do i want to see it happen, at least once?
OF COURSE! im a uni guy, so i say bring it on, let’s see how it looks on the field, and then debate on the merits
i can’t imagine it will look good, but lets see them prove me wrong
still say it will be the end of the NFL as we know it, but what the hell…it’s not like they haven’t strayed from convention a hundred other times
will be interesting to see if they go thru with it[/quote]
Trainwreck might be the appropriate word here. The timing is not good, with both offensive & defensive captains injured(Matt H. & Lofa Tatupu) not playing? The Bears coming off a big win against the Steelers. Throw in the debut of these green jerseys. Well, if the Seahawks end up playing like shit, and they are wearing the green jerseys, those jerseys will forever be burned into our memories by the luminescent slime reflections they exude. Regardless of the outcome, if they end up looking good(uni wise), I hope they aren’t scared to do the green jersey thing again.[/quote]
We’ll see about those lime green uniforms, it may go down as the worst decision made by the Seahawks since bitching about Super Bowl 40.
Injuries are just part of the NFL, every team has to deal with it, winning franchises always find a way to get it done. The 2008 World Champs had a boatload of injuries, including a cracked rib by Big Ben in the Super Bowl, but they got it done.
The 1979 Houston Oilers overcame the absence of Earl Campbell, Dan Pasteroni, and Ken Burrough to upset San Diego in the playoffs that year, so good teams can overcome injuries.
[quote comment=”350230″][quote comment=”350225″][quote comment=”350224″][quote]All hail the LIME!!![/quote]
for the record, and to get this straight…i think this is going to be a trainwreck…BUT…do i want to see it happen, at least once?
OF COURSE! im a uni guy, so i say bring it on, let’s see how it looks on the field, and then debate on the merits
i can’t imagine it will look good, but lets see them prove me wrong
still say it will be the end of the NFL as we know it, but what the hell…it’s not like they haven’t strayed from convention a hundred other times
will be interesting to see if they go thru with it[/quote]
Trainwreck might be the appropriate word here. The timing is not good, with both offensive & defensive captains injured(Matt H. & Lofa Tatupu) not playing? The Bears coming off a big win against the Steelers. Throw in the debut of these green jerseys. Well, if the Seahawks end up playing like shit, and they are wearing the green jerseys, those jerseys will forever be burned into our memories by the luminescent slime reflections they exude. Regardless of the outcome, if they end up looking good(uni wise), I hope they aren’t scared to do the green jersey thing again.[/quote]
We’ll see about those lime green uniforms, it may go down as the worst decision made by the Seahawks since bitching about Super Bowl 40.
Injuries are just part of the NFL, every team has to deal with it, winning franchises always find a way to get it done. The 2008 World Champs had a boatload of injuries, including a cracked rib by Big Ben in the Super Bowl, but they got it done.
The 1979 Houston Oilers overcame the absence of Earl Campbell, Dan Pasteroni, and Ken Burrough to upset San Diego in the playoffs that year, so good teams can overcome injuries.[/quote]
You mean how the Steelers got it done without Polamalu last weekend against the Bears?
It’s really amazing how whenever I get into a general football forum, and there are Steeler fans present, and realize I’m a Seahawks fan, they, are always the first to bring up XL and how Seahawks fans are always bitching about it. I have never brought up XL since I have been on the Uniwatch, unless it was brought up by some Steelers fan first trying to validate something through it for their behalf. Mostly, by way of trashtalk delivery; i.e. “We’ll see about those lime green uniforms, it may go down as the worst decision made by the Seahawks since bitching about Super Bowl 40.” lol
I have a feeling that Steeler fans are the ones that are truly bitter/bitching, and won’t let this rest because they realize that XL will forever be on the top ten lists of NFL’s worst officiated calls/games in NFL history.
[quote comment=”350231″][quote comment=”350230″][quote comment=”350225″][quote comment=”350224″][quote]All hail the LIME!!![/quote]
for the record, and to get this straight…i think this is going to be a trainwreck…BUT…do i want to see it happen, at least once?
OF COURSE! im a uni guy, so i say bring it on, let’s see how it looks on the field, and then debate on the merits
i can’t imagine it will look good, but lets see them prove me wrong
still say it will be the end of the NFL as we know it, but what the hell…it’s not like they haven’t strayed from convention a hundred other times
will be interesting to see if they go thru with it[/quote]
Trainwreck might be the appropriate word here. The timing is not good, with both offensive & defensive captains injured(Matt H. & Lofa Tatupu) not playing? The Bears coming off a big win against the Steelers. Throw in the debut of these green jerseys. Well, if the Seahawks end up playing like shit, and they are wearing the green jerseys, those jerseys will forever be burned into our memories by the luminescent slime reflections they exude. Regardless of the outcome, if they end up looking good(uni wise), I hope they aren’t scared to do the green jersey thing again.[/quote]
We’ll see about those lime green uniforms, it may go down as the worst decision made by the Seahawks since bitching about Super Bowl 40.
Injuries are just part of the NFL, every team has to deal with it, winning franchises always find a way to get it done. The 2008 World Champs had a boatload of injuries, including a cracked rib by Big Ben in the Super Bowl, but they got it done.
The 1979 Houston Oilers overcame the absence of Earl Campbell, Dan Pasteroni, and Ken Burrough to upset San Diego in the playoffs that year, so good teams can overcome injuries.[/quote]
You mean how the Steelers got it done without Polamalu last weekend against the Bears?
It’s really amazing how whenever I get into a general football forum, and there are Steeler fans present, and realize I’m a Seahawks fan, they, are always the first to bring up XL and how Seahawks fans are always bitching about it. I have never brought up XL since I have been on the Uniwatch, unless it was brought up by some Steelers fan first trying to validate something through it for their behalf. Mostly, by way of trashtalk delivery; i.e. “We’ll see about those lime green uniforms, it may go down as the worst decision made by the Seahawks since bitching about Super Bowl 40.” lol
I have a feeling that Steeler fans are the ones that are truly bitter/bitching, and won’t let this rest because they realize that XL will forever be on the top ten lists of NFL’s worst officiated calls/games in NFL history.[/quote]
Sure, it’ll be on the Seahawks top ten list, I’m sure that bad personal foul on Hasselback would have surely erased the 11 point lead! I could tell from from old posts how bitter and jealous you are, at least Seattle can remember it’s only championship, by the dear departed Sonics.
Love the cream A’s uniforms. For most of their history, the A’s have sported that Old English A on their uniform. Only in the last few years have they spelled out Athletics.
The yellow numeral is a nice touch, too.
And BTW, I can’t fathom the A’s without the white shoes. Must stay.
The blue Padres away jersey is an interesting concept. It works better than the Mariners’ version. My fear is the loose fit players wear today would spoil the look.
Kansas is wearing red home jerseys today. Doesn’t work.
Finally, that Miami stadium looks pretty cool.
Is anyone here from Napa CA?
We should have 911 operators standing by for Paul’s neighborhood when he sees the hi-lite clips of the Seahawks. Nothing wrong with being prepared.
Down here in SF, I love the Niners new/old look. I have even gotten used to the abbreviated stripes. I DO think, tho- white shoes. To complete the Montana look.
If Joe Cool didn’t wear black, we don’t either.
Indiana at Michigan is a great looking game.
Both teams are Addidas schools and their unis are clean, classic and easy on the eyes.
Plus, the contrast of white-over-red (UI) vs blue-over-maise (UM) makes it simple to glance at the screen and know who’s who.
Now, can Indiana hold a 4th quarter lead?
[quote comment=”350236″]Indiana at Michigan is a great looking game.
Both teams are Addidas schools and their unis are clean, classic and easy on the eyes.
Plus, the contrast of white-over-red (UI) vs blue-over-maise (UM) makes it simple to glance at the screen and know who’s who.
Now, can Indiana hold a 4th quarter lead?[/quote]
Yeah, that would be a no.
Long TD pass given up to UM and then an INT on the ensuing UI possession. Although that was simultaneous possession on the INT. Should have stayed with UI.
Oregon is in throwbacks
While surfing for some info I came across the following(apologies if it has already appeared here):
Thought the graphics were nice, even if some of the text is arguable.
[quote comment=”350237″][quote comment=”350236″]Indiana at Michigan is a great looking game.
Both teams are Addidas schools and their unis are clean, classic and easy on the eyes.
Plus, the contrast of white-over-red (UI) vs blue-over-maise (UM) makes it simple to glance at the screen and know who’s who.
Now, can Indiana hold a 4th quarter lead?[/quote]
Yeah, that would be a no.
Long TD pass given up to UM and then an INT on the ensuing UI possession. Although that was simultaneous possession on the INT. Should have stayed with UI.[/quote]
UI? You cannot be serious.
Indiana University = IU
Yes, the football program is a joke, but show some respect.
[quote comment=”350218″][quote comment=”350216″][quote comment=”350213″]Cream A’s and Powder Mariners are the best of a very good bunch.
Can’t wait to see those Blue Jays concepts![/quote]
Why lose the white shoes for the A’s? They introduced them to MLB 46 years ago and, but for one 1980’s season with forest cleats on the road, have never varied from them. Like them or not, they may be the most enduring “trademark” of the team, and should be the given, the starting point for any re-design.
Ooops, 42 years ago.
Didn’t even look down at the shoes. Sure, keep the white ones…or…perhaps cream shoes?
[quote comment=”350240″][quote comment=”350237″][quote comment=”350236″]Indiana at Michigan is a great looking game.
Both teams are Addidas schools and their unis are clean, classic and easy on the eyes.
Plus, the contrast of white-over-red (UI) vs blue-over-maise (UM) makes it simple to glance at the screen and know who’s who.
Now, can Indiana hold a 4th quarter lead?[/quote]
Yeah, that would be a no.
Long TD pass given up to UM and then an INT on the ensuing UI possession. Although that was simultaneous possession on the INT. Should have stayed with UI.[/quote]
UI? You cannot be serious.
Indiana University = IU
Yes, the football program is a joke, but show some respect.[/quote]
You’re right, though. It was a great-looking game. Top 5 candidate, Mr. Vilk?
[quote comment=”350240″][quote comment=”350237″][quote comment=”350236″]Indiana at Michigan is a great looking game.
Both teams are Addidas schools and their unis are clean, classic and easy on the eyes.
Plus, the contrast of white-over-red (UI) vs blue-over-maise (UM) makes it simple to glance at the screen and know who’s who.
Now, can Indiana hold a 4th quarter lead?[/quote]
Yeah, that would be a no.
Long TD pass given up to UM and then an INT on the ensuing UI possession. Although that was simultaneous possession on the INT. Should have stayed with UI.[/quote]
UI? You cannot be serious.
Indiana University = IU
Yes, the football program is a joke, but show some respect.[/quote]
Sorry – thought it was U of I. I’m a Virginia Tech fan by nature. I certainly understand the need to get the name right. No Va Tech or VPI please.
Good-looking game, too bad about the score.
[quote comment=”350229″][quote comment=”350227″]I would like to nominate UConn vs Rhode Island as the worst Uni matchup of the week.
UConn has their terrible new uniforms, and URI has powder blue on white jerseys where you can not see the numbers most of the time.[/quote]
heh…well, that’s up to mr. vilk, of course, but i do have veto power…i’ll certainly urge him to consider it as the “worst” … lsu vs. miss state is no picnic either[/quote]
Have you had the
privilegemisfortune of checking out any of the Miami/Virginia Tech fiasco?[quote comment=”350219″]Here you, JimV and other CFL fans…
Hamilton Tiger-Cats with full length compression sleeve stripes, a combo of 2009 and the unis they wore when they first went to black helmets in the 80’s following the Clements-Brock era…
You’re on a roll this weekend! Fantastic. I like the yellow helmet better, but if they looked like this I wouldn’t complain.
[quote comment=”350243″]Sorry – thought it was U of I. I’m a Virginia Tech fan by nature. I certainly understand the need to get the name right. No Va Tech or VPI please.
Good-looking game, too bad about the score.[/quote]
well, at least it was easy on the eyes. Sorry your Hokies aren’t doing the same for you today.
does anyone here get versus?
quite possible the worst uniform matchup in HISTORY taking place there
tennessee st vs. florida A&M
[quote comment=”350242″][quote comment=”350240″][quote comment=”350237″][quote comment=”350236″]Indiana at Michigan is a great looking game.
Both teams are Addidas schools and their unis are clean, classic and easy on the eyes.
Plus, the contrast of white-over-red (UI) vs blue-over-maise (UM) makes it simple to glance at the screen and know who’s who.
Now, can Indiana hold a 4th quarter lead?[/quote]
Yeah, that would be a no.
Long TD pass given up to UM and then an INT on the ensuing UI possession. Although that was simultaneous possession on the INT. Should have stayed with UI.[/quote]
UI? You cannot be serious.
Indiana University = IU
Yes, the football program is a joke, but show some respect.[/quote]
You’re right, though. It was a great-looking game. Top 5 candidate, Mr. Vilk?[/quote]
Your only hint for today – IU/Michigan is a Top 5 lock. For the rest…tune in tomorrow!
[quote comment=”350238″]Oregon is in throwbacks[/quote]
They’re beautiful.
[quote comment=”350247″]does anyone here get versus?
quite possible the worst uniform matchup in HISTORY taking place there
tennessee st vs. florida A&M
Wait ’til A&M plays Miami…
[quote comment=”350246″][quote comment=”350243″]Sorry – thought it was U of I. I’m a Virginia Tech fan by nature. I certainly understand the need to get the name right. No Va Tech or VPI please.
Good-looking game, too bad about the score.[/quote]
well, at least it was easy on the eyes. Sorry your Hokies aren’t doing the same for you today.[/quote]
Yeah, VT has been one of Nike’s disaster playgrounds for far too long. I wish they would adopt the throwbacks as the current unis.
Of course, anything today beats he mis-matched sleeves from afew years ago. That was just stupid.
[quote comment=”350249″][quote comment=”350238″]Oregon is in throwbacks[/quote]
They’re beautiful.[/quote]
i get games on about 6 channels…but yet, im NOT GETTING THAT GAME…dammit
but i get FAMU…in HD no less
[quote comment=”350229″][quote comment=”350227″]I would like to nominate UConn vs Rhode Island as the worst Uni matchup of the week.
UConn has their terrible new uniforms, and URI has powder blue on white jerseys where you can not see the numbers most of the time.[/quote]
heh…well, that’s up to mr. vilk, of course, but i do have veto power…i’ll certainly urge him to consider it as the “worst” … lsu vs. miss state is no picnic either[/quote]
you have Vito Power on DVD? link
Oh, you said veto power. My bad.
Anyway, if the Rams traded the shiny pants in for matte ones, and if they had a thin dark outline around the numbers and horns, this coulda been a Top-Fiver. Alas, it’s just an interesting matchup.
[quote comment=”350241″][quote comment=”350218″][quote comment=”350216″][quote comment=”350213″]Cream A’s and Powder Mariners are the best of a very good bunch.
Can’t wait to see those Blue Jays concepts![/quote]
Why lose the white shoes for the A’s? They introduced them to MLB 46 years ago and, but for one 1980’s season with forest cleats on the road, have never varied from them. Like them or not, they may be the most enduring “trademark” of the team, and should be the given, the starting point for any re-design.
Ooops, 42 years ago.
Didn’t even look down at the shoes. Sure, keep the white ones…or…perhaps cream shoes?[/quote]
Just wear white and let ’em get dusty.
[quote comment=”350247″]does anyone here get versus?
quite possible the worst uniform matchup in HISTORY taking place there
tennessee st vs. florida A&M
Have you no compassion?
Was compelled to turn on vs.
My rods and cones have suffered permanent damage.
[quote comment=”350247″]does anyone here get versus?
quite possible the worst uniform matchup in HISTORY taking place there
tennessee st vs. florida A&M
Watching a bit of it now.
This is really, like, a game from an Archie comic, right?
Aw, jeez, Texas’ burnt orange jerseys are that Nike two-tone.
Way to go, Beaverton, fuck up one of the great, classic NCAA uniforms.
Arkansas is wearing pride stickers on their helmets, this year. First I’ve ever seen them do that.
Anyone else know if they did that last year?
[quote comment=”350247″]does anyone here get versus?
quite possible the worst uniform matchup in HISTORY taking place there
tennessee st vs. florida A&M
TSU’s #’s aren’t showing up very well.
Earlier today, Vs. had a terrific match up between Yale and Cornell. Both teams with classic and consistent striping and one letter logos on their helmets.
Those Ivy League guys are smart.
Just watched a minute so of THE BRADY BUNCH on TVLand. Feel beeter cuz that’s were those Jackson State-FAMU unis belong.
[quote comment=”350258″]Arkansas is wearing pride stickers on their helmets, this year. First I’ve ever seen them do that.
Anyone else know if they did that last year?[/quote]
Maybe they just found out that, as always, Mississipi still ranks right behind them at 50th in just about everything the government measures?
Sorry – thought it was U of I. I’m a Virginia Tech fan by nature. I certainly understand the need to get the name right. No Va Tech or VPI please.
Good-looking game, too bad about the score.[/quote]
I can understand your dislike of Va Tech, but why VPI? It’s certainly valid to use VPI. Since you’re a fan I’m sure you know that it’s even used in the fight song:
“…Win or lose we’ll greet you with a glad returning,
You’re the pride of V. P. I.”
“…So give a Hokie, Hokie, Hokie, Hi!
Rae, Ri, old V. P. I.”
Personally, I think it’s underused.
[quote comment=”350259″][quote comment=”350247″]does anyone here get versus?
quite possible the worst uniform matchup in HISTORY taking place there
tennessee st vs. florida A&M
TSU’s #’s aren’t showing up very well.
Earlier today, Vs. had a terrific match up between Yale and Cornell. Both teams with classic and consistent striping and one letter logos on their helmets.
Those Ivy League guys are smart.[/quote]
Cornell still have full, or near full, loops?
well, abc was so kind to me, showing me 2 seconds of oregon…meanwhile MY game is the disaster that is va tech & the U
/at least its raining
[quote comment=”350263″][quote comment=”350259″][quote comment=”350247″]does anyone here get versus?
quite possible the worst uniform matchup in HISTORY taking place there
tennessee st vs. florida A&M
TSU’s #’s aren’t showing up very well.
Earlier today, Vs. had a terrific match up between Yale and Cornell. Both teams with classic and consistent striping and one letter logos on their helmets.
Those Ivy League guys are smart.[/quote]
Cornell still have full, or near full, loops?[/quote]
Haven’t found a picture of them yet, but I did find one of Dartmouth link
Nice to see they haven’t changed the helmets.
[quote comment=”350255″][quote comment=”350247″]does anyone here get versus?
quite possible the worst uniform matchup in HISTORY taking place there
tennessee st vs. florida A&M
Have you no compassion?
Was compelled to turn on vs.
My rods and cones have suffered permanent damage.
Well, one thing for sure with those FAMU pants: we can’t ever say the Rattlers don’t know if they’re coming or going.
I spoke far to soon. UConn vs Rhode Island may be one of the BEST* match-ups this week. There are just soooo many bad ones.
I don’t think anything will ever be worse than Tennessee State vs. Florida A&M.
VT vs Miami is pretty bad
*I only say this because there are to many bad ones, RI should really consider getting legible numbers, and maybe its because I go to UCOnn, but their new uni is growing on me, but it is still really stupid.
Got Oregon’s uni throwbacks today right, minus the green facemask.
[quote comment=”350262″]Sorry – thought it was U of I. I’m a Virginia Tech fan by nature. I certainly understand the need to get the name right. No Va Tech or VPI please.
Good-looking game, too bad about the score.[/quote]
I can understand your dislike of Va Tech, but why VPI? It’s certainly valid to use VPI. Since you’re a fan I’m sure you know that it’s even used in the fight song:
“…Win or lose we’ll greet you with a glad returning,
You’re the pride of V. P. I.”
“…So give a Hokie, Hokie, Hokie, Hi!
Rae, Ri, old V. P. I.”
Personally, I think it’s underused.[/quote]
Because, technically, its Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University (ie VPI&SU) which is simply too long a name for today’s media to get it right. So, they should not try to shorten it to VPI, cuz that ain’t right.
Shoot, it’s in the game media notes:
Fight song? Oh man, sing it all day!! I love my VPI!! Just hate it when someone in the media tries to refer to the school name and just f-s it up.
(woo-hoo!! Blocked punt! Beamer-ball!!)
I’m just too used to seeing the pinstripes on the Twins road jerseys. They just look wrong without them after 20 years with them.
[quote comment=”350232″][quote comment=”350231″][quote comment=”350230″][quote comment=”350225″][quote comment=”350224″][quote]All hail the LIME!!![/quote]
for the record, and to get this straight…i think this is going to be a trainwreck…BUT…do i want to see it happen, at least once?
OF COURSE! im a uni guy, so i say bring it on, let’s see how it looks on the field, and then debate on the merits
i can’t imagine it will look good, but lets see them prove me wrong
still say it will be the end of the NFL as we know it, but what the hell…it’s not like they haven’t strayed from convention a hundred other times
will be interesting to see if they go thru with it[/quote]
Trainwreck might be the appropriate word here. The timing is not good, with both offensive & defensive captains injured(Matt H. & Lofa Tatupu) not playing? The Bears coming off a big win against the Steelers. Throw in the debut of these green jerseys. Well, if the Seahawks end up playing like shit, and they are wearing the green jerseys, those jerseys will forever be burned into our memories by the luminescent slime reflections they exude. Regardless of the outcome, if they end up looking good(uni wise), I hope they aren’t scared to do the green jersey thing again.[/quote]
We’ll see about those lime green uniforms, it may go down as the worst decision made by the Seahawks since bitching about Super Bowl 40.
Injuries are just part of the NFL, every team has to deal with it, winning franchises always find a way to get it done. The 2008 World Champs had a boatload of injuries, including a cracked rib by Big Ben in the Super Bowl, but they got it done.
The 1979 Houston Oilers overcame the absence of Earl Campbell, Dan Pasteroni, and Ken Burrough to upset San Diego in the playoffs that year, so good teams can overcome injuries.[/quote]
You mean how the Steelers got it done without Polamalu last weekend against the Bears?
It’s really amazing how whenever I get into a general football forum, and there are Steeler fans present, and realize I’m a Seahawks fan, they, are always the first to bring up XL and how Seahawks fans are always bitching about it. I have never brought up XL since I have been on the Uniwatch, unless it was brought up by some Steelers fan first trying to validate something through it for their behalf. Mostly, by way of trashtalk delivery; i.e. “We’ll see about those lime green uniforms, it may go down as the worst decision made by the Seahawks since bitching about Super Bowl 40.” lol
I have a feeling that Steeler fans are the ones that are truly bitter/bitching, and won’t let this rest because they realize that XL will forever be on the top ten lists of NFL’s worst officiated calls/games in NFL history.[/quote]
Sure, it’ll be on the Seahawks top ten list, I’m sure that bad personal foul on Hasselback would have surely erased the 11 point lead! I could tell from from old posts how bitter and jealous you are, at least Seattle can remember it’s only championship, by the dear departed Sonics.[/quote]
Yea, you wish, more like the NFL Network and their top ten list.
Just stating the facts, and you’re not diggin’ it, thus, what was it I said about trashtalking fans comparing past glories when all else fails(safety nets). You played into that example quite nicely. You even superseded that by slamming Seattle sports in general; i.e. Sonics. lol
[quote comment=”350267″]I spoke far to soon. UConn vs Rhode Island may be one of the BEST* match-ups this week. There are just soooo many bad ones.
I don’t think anything will ever be worse than Tennessee State vs. Florida A&M.
VT vs Miami is pretty bad
*I only say this because there are to many bad ones, RI should really consider getting legible numbers, and maybe its because I go to UCOnn, but their new uni is growing on me, but it is still really stupid.[/quote]
Yeah, VT looks like shit in the all-maroon and orange side panels, but at least they look good on the scoreboard (21-0) and in the offense boxscore for a change.
[quote comment=”350269″][quote comment=”350262″]Sorry – thought it was U of I. I’m a Virginia Tech fan by nature. I certainly understand the need to get the name right. No Va Tech or VPI please.
Good-looking game, too bad about the score.[/quote]
I can understand your dislike of Va Tech, but why VPI? It’s certainly valid to use VPI. Since you’re a fan I’m sure you know that it’s even used in the fight song:
“…Win or lose we’ll greet you with a glad returning,
You’re the pride of V. P. I.”
“…So give a Hokie, Hokie, Hokie, Hi!
Rae, Ri, old V. P. I.”
Personally, I think it’s underused.[/quote]
Because, technically, its Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University (ie VPI&SU) which is simply too long a name for today’s media to get it right. So, they should not try to shorten it to VPI, cuz that ain’t right.
Shoot, it’s in the game media notes:
Fight song? Oh man, sing it all day!! I love my VPI!! Just hate it when someone in the media tries to refer to the school name and just f-s it up.
(woo-hoo!! Blocked punt! Beamer-ball!!)[/quote]
Ok, I can understand that. I still like VPI though. And I love the The Fightin’ Gobblers…too bad they took it off of Lane and it’s not used a whole lot anymore.
Nice shot of K-State purple and gray unis link
and Tennessee Tech’s purple and yellow
re: Steelers-Seahawks.
Somebody won, somebody lost.
Didn’t alter my ability to earn a living.
Didn’t make anyone who loved me love me any less.
Four months or so later training camps open and it all starts over again.
It’s an annual enertainment cycle.
Like roses, I suppose. Beautiful but not essential.
[quote comment=”350248″][quote comment=”350242″][quote comment=”350240″][quote comment=”350237″][quote comment=”350236″]Indiana at Michigan is a great looking game.
Both teams are Addidas schools and their unis are clean, classic and easy on the eyes.
Plus, the contrast of white-over-red (UI) vs blue-over-maise (UM) makes it simple to glance at the screen and know who’s who.
Now, can Indiana hold a 4th quarter lead?[/quote]
Yeah, that would be a no.
Long TD pass given up to UM and then an INT on the ensuing UI possession. Although that was simultaneous possession on the INT. Should have stayed with UI.[/quote]
UI? You cannot be serious.
Indiana University = IU
Yes, the football program is a joke, but show some respect.[/quote]
You’re right, though. It was a great-looking game. Top 5 candidate, Mr. Vilk?[/quote]
Your only hint for today – IU/Michigan is a Top 5 lock. For the rest…tune in tomorrow![/quote]
The Hoosiers’ unis are a straight take on the traditional Oklahoma set, but the red road pants give the kit a different look. The Rose Bowl ’68 stripes on the helmet, added last year, help bring it all together. After years of wandering in the football uniform desert, IU has finally gotten it together.
(…and of course, U of M was resplendent as ever)
Seahawks tomorrow: link
[quote comment=”350275″]re: Steelers-Seahawks.
Somebody won, somebody lost.
Didn’t alter my ability to earn a living.
Didn’t make anyone who loved me love me any less.
Four months or so later training camps open and it all starts over again.
It’s an annual enertainment cycle.
Like roses, I suppose. Beautiful but not essential.
Thanks for the perspective. Like Duane Thomas, only more eloquent.
[quote comment=”350277″]Seahawks tomorrow: link
I’d prefer blue numbers, but it’s still way cool.
Got to give credit where credit is due.
Oregon looks awesome
[quote comment=”350279″][quote comment=”350277″]Seahawks tomorrow: link
I’d prefer blue numbers, but it’s still way cool.[/quote]
Think I’m in the white numbers camp. Though light in color, the green is so visually intense (that’s why it’s used on tennis balls and softballs and, for a while, on fire fighting vehicles) it might overpower the dark numbers and make them difficult to read.
For example, none of the teams that has (or had) orange alts employ dark numbers. And neither has any team that has had regular orange jerseys.
Guess we’ll see, huh.
Kansas in red jerseys. Damned you alternate jerseys! Damed you Trajan Hawks! link
Just watching Arkansas-Alabama game and noticed #4 Crimm (Defensive Back) for Razorback is wearing different jersey from rest of team! Also two #4s for Razorbacks, offense and defense. Last year Hogs had two different away jerseys. Maybe they didn’t get two ordered this year!
[quote comment=”350278″][quote comment=”350275″]re: Steelers-Seahawks.
Somebody won, somebody lost.
Didn’t alter my ability to earn a living.
Didn’t make anyone who loved me love me any less.
Four months or so later training camps open and it all starts over again.
It’s an annual enertainment cycle.
Like roses, I suppose. Beautiful but not essential.
Thanks for the perspective. Like Duane Thomas, only more eloquent.[/quote]
[quote comment=”350280″]Got to give credit where credit is due.
Oregon looks awesome[/quote]
here’s a good shot.
Has there been a game where officials wear raincoats? Does any league , including NFL, have an option for its officials?
The way Oregon is playing they should stick with old school
I am at the TU/Sam Houston game and Tulsa, as expected is busting out the metallic royal blue helmets. They look sharp. What isn’t is the yellow unis. Not gold…yellow! Oregon is blushing they are so yellow. They are trimmed in blue with red accents. I’ll try to get a pic if I can figure out how to post it.
[quote comment=”350286″]Has there been a game where officials wear raincoats? Does any league , including NFL, have an option for its officials?[/quote]
raincoat? we don’t need no stinkin’ raincoats
[quote comment=”350263″][quote comment=”350259″][quote comment=”350247″]does anyone here get versus?
quite possible the worst uniform matchup in HISTORY taking place there
tennessee st vs. florida A&M
TSU’s #’s aren’t showing up very well.
Earlier today, Vs. had a terrific match up between Yale and Cornell. Both teams with classic and consistent striping and one letter logos on their helmets.
Those Ivy League guys are smart.[/quote]
Cornell still have full, or near full, loops?[/quote]
Cornell truncates.
Whoever that Millen guy is; the one doing the color on the Tech-Miami game: some NFL team should give him a job as GM.
[quote comment=”350281″][quote comment=”350279″][quote comment=”350277″]Seahawks tomorrow: link
I’d prefer blue numbers, but it’s still way cool.[/quote]
Think I’m in the white numbers camp. Though light in color, the green is so visually intense (that’s why it’s used on tennis balls and softballs and, for a while, on fire fighting vehicles) it might overpower the dark numbers and make them difficult to read.
For example, none of the teams that has (or had) orange alts employ dark numbers. And neither has any team that has had regular orange jerseys.
Guess we’ll see, huh.
Yea, I agree, at least from what I see in that pic., I like the white numbers. Adds to the whole color explosion. WHA BAM!!!
More K-State photos. link Like Coach Snyder in the relaxed fit Powercat hat
[quote comment=”350292″][quote comment=”350281″][quote comment=”350279″][quote comment=”350277″]Seahawks tomorrow: link
I’d prefer blue numbers, but it’s still way cool.[/quote]
Think I’m in the white numbers camp. Though light in color, the green is so visually intense (that’s why it’s used on tennis balls and softballs and, for a while, on fire fighting vehicles) it might overpower the dark numbers and make them difficult to read.
For example, none of the teams that has (or had) orange alts employ dark numbers. And neither has any team that has had regular orange jerseys.
Guess we’ll see, huh.
Yea, I agree, at least from what I see in that pic., I like the white numbers. Adds to the whole color explosion. WHA BAM!!![/quote]
I’ve gotta say, I really like the bright green, especially with the white numbers. Looks very crisp and clean. If it wasn’t part of their color scheme and they introduced it like so many teams do with black, that would be one thing. But it’s a part of their color scheme, so I say it’s fair game. Besides, I’m sick of almost every team having a red, white, and blue color scheme. We could use more teams with colorful and distinctive colors. Come on, football is a game, it’s supposed to be bright and colorful. It’s getting to the point where I think some of you would bitch if any team had a jersey that wasn’t red or blue (no purple, no green, no black, etc…)
[quote comment=”350280″]Got to give credit where credit is due.
Oregon looks awesome[/quote]
Yep, they do look great. I like this look much better than that green/white center striped helmet, and ridiculously huge TV shoulder numbers. Nice convincing link
someone please help me. here’s the situation…
I bought a personalized shirt like this one
I do not care to have a NOB or number, but it had to be included to buy the shirt. I was wondering if you know how to remove the letters and numbers from the back without damaging the shirt. I’d much rather just have the team logo on the front chest.
[quote comment=”350281″]
For example, none of the teams that has (or had) orange alts employ dark numbers. And neither has any team that has had regular orange jerseys.
That’s another one that depends on your link.
Something for the Uni Watch community, especially Packers fans:
An autographed LeRoy Butler jersey came into my possession today (Puma replica — not an authentic). It’s never been worn and it still has the tags on it.
Now I’m never going to wear this thing. Most likely, I’ll end up donating it to one of my kids’ schools next time they have some kind of fundraiser.
If there’s anyone here who’s interested in it, link. Maybe we can work out a trade for some Bears crap you have laying around that you have no use for but you just didn’t have the heart to throw out. Or something.
Oh, the size is XXL.
[quote comment=”350289″][quote comment=”350286″]Has there been a game where officials wear raincoats? Does any league , including NFL, have an option for its officials?[/quote]
raincoat? link[/quote]
I thought only the AL umps used those balloons, and that looks like the dodgers.
Guess Norman Rockwell wasn’t a uniwatcher (that is, one of his, right?)
Also, seahawks unis are great. Pro sports can always use more color.
[quote comment=”350297″][quote comment=”350281″]
For example, none of the teams that has (or had) orange alts employ dark numbers. And neither has any team that has had regular orange jerseys.
That’s another one that depends on your link.[/quote]
My bad. We’re talking (I assume) about how they’ll track visually, and TV is a huge part of that, even moreso than than readability in the stadium in terms of the way the greatest number of people will see them. That meant I was thinking of the “TV Era”, beginning in the early 50s. I suppose I should have said that. And I was thinking only of the NFL and AFL, not NCAA or the CFL.
Which, of course, makes what the Miami Seahawks wore in the AAFC pretty much irrelevant to this conversation.
I had the orange jersey teams listed, but deleted them for brevity sake, and that list might have made clear what I meant. In the TV Era, only two NFL or AFL teams have worn orange as their primary jersey: Broncos and Bucs. Others have had, and do have, orange alts. And every one of them—primary or alt—featured white numbers…with all but the first Broncos orange set including a dark outline on the white numbers.
So at least my always went back to the Eisenhower administration, considerably farther than some of the “always” around here. LOL
Forgot about those Bears orange. Did they wear those more than once? And was it a throwback game? Cuz if it was, it’s pre-TV Era uni.
[quote comment=”350298″]Something for the Uni Watch community, especially Packers fans:
An autographed LeRoy Butler jersey came into my possession today (Puma replica — not an authentic). It’s never been worn and it still has the tags on it.
Now I’m never going to wear this thing. Most likely, I’ll end up donating it to one of my kids’ schools next time they have some kind of fundraiser.
If there’s anyone here who’s interested in it, link. Maybe we can work out a trade for some Bears crap you have laying around that you have no use for but you just didn’t have the heart to throw out. Or something.[/quote]
That dude who’s about to ruin his Detroit Tigers shirt might want it.
Wow first game at Autzen, got to see Oregon wipe the floor with Cal in one of the best uni’s i’ve ever seen. so classic
My brother lives there. Why, do you need the Tom Cable police report?
[quote comment=”350234″]Is anyone here from Napa CA?[/quote]
My brother lives there. Why, do you need the Tom Cable police report?
Ugh, I dunno what pants AZ St. is wearing but I think they look like crap.
Don’t know if this has been mentioned in an earlier post, but does anyone know what that yellow decal is that Iowa has on the top of their helmets just to the right of the center stripe??
[quote comment=”350309″]Don’t know if this has been mentioned in an earlier post, but does anyone know what that yellow decal is that Iowa has on the top of their helmets just to the right of the center stripe??[/quote]
ANF…”America Needs Farmers”
[quote comment=”350303″]Forgot about those Bears orange. Did they wear those more than once? And was it a throwback game? Cuz if it was, it’s pre-TV Era uni.
‘Twas a throwback. From the ’30s. And I was going to throw the “it’s from the pre-TV era” caveat in there but I got lazy.
Damn. Meant to say “one-time-only throwback”.
Hey, I was just thinking (uh oh…), after seeing Western Kentucky link I got an idea for a new Steelers logo. Take WKU’s logo and turn it into a Terrible Towel. Whaddaya think?
First thing I notice about the very first Rockies concept, is the hat is too much like the Cubs. It’s same shape, and the same color. It would create too much confusion especially since it’s a blue cap too, and the blue alternate looks too much like an inverted 1982-86 White Sox design.
[quote comment=”350310″][quote comment=”350309″]Don’t know if this has been mentioned in an earlier post, but does anyone know what that yellow decal is that Iowa has on the top of their helmets just to the right of the center stripe??[/quote]
ANF…”America Needs Farmers”[/quote]
INBP… “Iowa Needs Black Pants”
[quote comment=”350315″][quote comment=”350310″][quote comment=”350309″]Don’t know if this has been mentioned in an earlier post, but does anyone know what that yellow decal is that Iowa has on the top of their helmets just to the right of the center stripe??[/quote]
ANF…”America Needs Farmers”[/quote]
INBP… “Iowa Needs Black Pants”[/quote]
Like these from 1971? Were so unpopular only lasted a couple seasons at the most.
[quote comment=”350316″][quote comment=”350315″][quote comment=”350310″][quote comment=”350309″]Don’t know if this has been mentioned in an earlier post, but does anyone know what that yellow decal is that Iowa has on the top of their helmets just to the right of the center stripe??[/quote]
ANF…”America Needs Farmers”[/quote]
INBP… “Iowa Needs Black Pants”[/quote]
Like these from 1971? Were so unpopular only lasted a couple seasons at the most.
No. Not those. Invert the colors on the current ones maybe.
Only with the white jerseys, natch…. or maybe yellow jerseys? Nah.
[quote comment=”350317″][quote comment=”350316″][quote comment=”350315″][quote comment=”350310″][quote comment=”350309″]Don’t know if this has been mentioned in an earlier post, but does anyone know what that yellow decal is that Iowa has on the top of their helmets just to the right of the center stripe??[/quote]
ANF…”America Needs Farmers”[/quote]
INBP… “Iowa Needs Black Pants”[/quote]
Like these from 1971? Were so unpopular only lasted a couple seasons at the most.
No. Not those. Invert the colors on the current ones maybe.
Only with the white jerseys, natch…. or maybe yellow jerseys? Nah.[/quote]
I do like those old helmets, though.
[quote comment=”350318″][quote comment=”350317″][quote comment=”350316″][quote comment=”350315″][quote comment=”350310″][quote comment=”350309″]Don’t know if this has been mentioned in an earlier post, but does anyone know what that yellow decal is that Iowa has on the top of their helmets just to the right of the center stripe??[/quote]
ANF…”America Needs Farmers”[/quote]
INBP… “Iowa Needs Black Pants”[/quote]
Like these from 1971? Were so unpopular only lasted a couple seasons at the most.
No. Not those. Invert the colors on the current ones maybe.
Only with the white jerseys, natch…. or maybe yellow jerseys? Nah.[/quote]
I do like those old helmets, though.[/quote]
Here you go, an idea…
[quote comment=”350319″][quote comment=”350318″][quote comment=”350317″][quote comment=”350316″][quote comment=”350315″][quote comment=”350310″][quote comment=”350309″]Don’t know if this has been mentioned in an earlier post, but does anyone know what that yellow decal is that Iowa has on the top of their helmets just to the right of the center stripe??[/quote]
ANF…”America Needs Farmers”[/quote]
INBP… “Iowa Needs Black Pants”[/quote]
Like these from 1971? Were so unpopular only lasted a couple seasons at the most.
No. Not those. Invert the colors on the current ones maybe.
Only with the white jerseys, natch…. or maybe yellow jerseys? Nah.[/quote]
I do like those old helmets, though.[/quote]
Here you go, an idea…
So I was saying to myself, “No black pants…no black pants…then I clicked on this and said, “Whoa! Black pants!” If they look like this, you’ve made a convert out of me. I don’t want a reverse of what they have or plain black pants, though.
Hawkeyes in Happy Valley sporting their traditional Steeler knockoffs. Wondering if, after a certain number of Iron Cities, some PA fans find themselves rooting for the familair color scheme….
[quote comment=”350319″]
Here you go, an idea…
now…everyone who thinks the stillers should have black pants, raise your hand
Ricko’s rendition’s not bad, but I think I’m safe in thinking Iowa will be in its current duds for a good long time. The last time the Hawks tinkered with them, they ended up with banana peels on the shoulder pads.
[quote comment=”350322″][quote comment=”350319″]
Here you go, an idea…
now…everyone who thinks the stillers should have black pants, raise your hand[/quote]
It looks good on Iowa, but don’t push it…
Now if you’re giving the Stillers yellow helmets, I’ll consider it.
[quote comment=”350323″]Ricko’s rendition’s not bad, but I think I’m safe in thinking Iowa will be in its current duds for a good long time. The last time the Hawks tinkered with them, they ended up with banana peels on the shoulder pads.[/quote]
[quote comment=”350324″][quote comment=”350322″][quote comment=”350319″]
Here you go, an idea…
now…everyone who thinks the stillers should have black pants, raise your hand[/quote]
It looks good on Iowa, but don’t push it…
Now if you’re giving the Stillers yellow helmets, I’ll consider it.[/quote]
Not advocating anything, just doing mockups to help visualize.
Steeler’d probably look more like this…
[quote comment=”350220″]All hail the LIME!!!
Well at least the little QB mark on the helmet will finally match something.
important research request
can anyone PLEASE find a pic of the TAMU TSU game today?
thanks in advance
[quote comment=”350322″][quote comment=”350319″]
Here you go, an idea…
now…everyone who thinks the stillers should have black pants, raise your hand[/quote]
so my wife bought shades of green for the master bedroom today…
and cue Phil
[quote comment=”350326″][quote comment=”350324″][quote comment=”350322″][quote comment=”350319″]
Here you go, an idea…
now…everyone who thinks the stillers should have black pants, raise your hand[/quote]
It looks good on Iowa, but don’t push it…
Now if you’re giving the Stillers yellow helmets, I’ll consider it.[/quote]
Not advocating anything, just doing mockups to help visualize.
Steeler’d probably look more like this…
Ooops, forgot to take the Hawk off the helmet.
PSU vs. Iowa did look nice, however. Love the simplicity of Penn State’s link. No school name, no NOBs, no helmet logo. Now if Joe Pa could find a way to get the Nike logo off the jersey they would totally rock.
How big are Iowa’s helmet numbers going to go though?
[quote comment=”350332″]so my wife bought shades of green for the master bedroom today…
and cue Phil[/quote]
fern green?
[quote comment=”350334″]PSU vs. Iowa did look nice, however. Love the simplicity of Penn State’s link. No school name, no NOBs, no helmet logo. Now if Joe Pa could find a way to get the Nike logo off the jersey they would totally rock.
How big are Iowa’s helmet numbers going to go though?[/quote]
I like the Hawks’ NFL-style socks. How many NCAA schools wear ’em?
[quote comment=”350330″][quote comment=”350322″][quote comment=”350319″]
Here you go, an idea…
now…everyone who thinks the stillers should have black pants, raise your hand[/quote]
are ya sure…are ya real sure?
hey…at least this way, helmets match pants…and that’s almost always a good thing
I guess my 1st post didn’t go through. TU came out in new all yellow dudes with blue and red accents. They also unveiled a new alternate helmet in Candy Blue. Helmet looked fantastic. Uni’s are questionable. Get some pics up.
[quote comment=”350338″]I guess my 1st post didn’t go through. TU came out in new all yellow dudes with blue and red accents. They also unveiled a new alternate helmet in Candy Blue. Helmet looked fantastic. Uni’s are questionable. Get some pics up.[/quote]
Ask and ye shall receive: link
[quote comment=”350339″][quote comment=”350338″]I guess my 1st post didn’t go through. TU came out in new all yellow dudes with blue and red accents. They also unveiled a new alternate helmet in Candy Blue. Helmet looked fantastic. Uni’s are questionable. Get some pics up.[/quote]
Ask and ye shall receive: link
Questionable? Cue link.
[quote comment=”350337″][quote comment=”350330″][quote comment=”350322″][quote comment=”350319″]
Here you go, an idea…
now…everyone who thinks the stillers should have black pants, raise your hand[/quote]
are ya sure…link?
hey…at least this way, helmets match pants…and that’s almost always a good thing[/quote]
It doesn’t work with those sleeve stripes, though. The only reason I liked Ricko’s Hawkeye uni was becasue he changed the stripes.
the seahawks lime green uni’s are so interesting to me because this is the first uni creation that was really made because of popular demand. this organization continues to show that they are all for the fans.
[quote comment=”350341″][quote comment=”350337″][quote comment=”350330″][quote comment=”350322″][quote comment=”350319″]
Here you go, an idea…
now…everyone who thinks the stillers should have black pants, raise your hand[/quote]
are ya sure…link?
hey…at least this way, helmets match pants…and that’s almost always a good thing[/quote]
It doesn’t work with those sleeve stripes, though. The only reason I liked Ricko’s Hawkeye uni was becasue he changed the stripes.[/quote]
I like it. The socks help. Color of helmet matches numbers match pants. Color of helmet stripe matches sleeve stripes match socks.
But then again, I think link is a good look.
ok…i FOUND a tsu v. famu pic
tune in tomorrow to see if it made the WORST uni matchup of the day
[quote comment=”350287″]The way Oregon is playing they should stick with old school[/quote]
OK? THAT’S a damn good-looking football uniform right there. Stick with what works and with what look right. Why is this so hard for Oregon to get right? Why 57,000 combinations?
Will Shrek be raising the 12th Man Flag at Qwest Field tomorrow?
[quote comment=”350208″]FYI, according to the guy who runs the Indiana rivals site, IU is getting new unis from Adidas.
FYI, candy stripes stay. And Tom Crean continues his sideline cheerleader antics. You know, the important stuff …
“At a speech Wednesday night at the IU Auditorium, Coach Crean mentioned that we will be getting new uniforms this year. Apparently Adidas has already showed him the design and he has approved it. I can only imagine it is going to be the Adidas version of the fitted uniform, the one Louisville and Tennessee wear. They have already said the candy-stripe warmups stay, but I’m hoping they don’t change much except the cut of the jerseys. Keep the arched script on the front and the pitchfork logo on the back, and of course no names on the jerseys.”[/quote]
How’d I miss this one today?
Anyway, word is that they will remain NNOB. That’s the only information I’ve found so far.
Cardinals fan? Want to see the new Division Championship stuff? Here ya go:
[quote comment=”350334″]PSU vs. Iowa did look nice, however. Love the simplicity of Penn State’s link. No school name, no NOBs, no helmet logo. Now if Joe Pa could find a way to get the Nike logo off the jersey they would totally rock.
How big are Iowa’s helmet numbers going to go though?[/quote]
I do also, I love PSU’s classic unis.
What I can not stand the ultra thick White collar trim on the Navy jerseys. It is an exaggerated EMBARSSMENT, even more so when you pull for them for three plus hours and they lay an egg. Their offense tonight rivaled Tulane’s on a very bad year. Horrible.
I HATE most collor trim, because you end up with the Saints mismatched wrong-color Gold, or the Packers seven stripe DISTRACTION from an otherwise perfect uni, or just distraction period.
How about every team going ONE YEAR wearing collars the color of the jersey on EVERY JERSEY, and let’s see what looks better …..
[quote comment=”350303″]Forgot about those Bears orange. Did they wear those more than once? And was it a throwback game? Cuz if it was, it’s pre-TV Era uni.
The bears have actually worn TWO different Orange jerseys in recent years. 4-5 years ago on Thanksgiving they wore Orange _Throwbacks” vs. Dallas – I believe Ryan Leaf was the Dallas QB, and if I am not hallucinating it was color vs. color as Dalls wore 1960 Navy jerseys/White helmets, Bears wore Orange jerseys, Navy Helmets, White pants.
Dark numerals on Orange jerseys. Hmmmmm.
Memphis Grizzlies WFL – the Czonka/Kiick/ Warfield SI Mag cover.
Also, the never-worn Cincy Bengals origional “concept” uniform that even made it into NFL promotional materials – shown here on uniawtch a couple of times.
I really wish the Bengals had adopted that uniform as their originals – rather than the Browns (essentially) rip-off unis. Orange helmet and jersey, dark numerals, White pants – a uniform of their own.
[quote comment=”350350″][quote comment=”350303″]Forgot about those Bears orange. Did they wear those more than once? And was it a throwback game? Cuz if it was, it’s pre-TV Era uni.
The bears have actually worn TWO different Orange jerseys in recent years. 4-5 years ago on Thanksgiving they wore Orange _Throwbacks” vs. Dallas – I believe Ryan Leaf was the Dallas QB, and if I am not hallucinating it was color vs. color as Dalls wore 1960 Navy jerseys/White helmets, Bears wore Orange jerseys, Navy Helmets, White pants.
Dark numerals on Orange jerseys. Hmmmmm.
Memphis Grizzlies WFL – the Czonka/Kiick/ Warfield SI Mag cover.
Also, the never-worn Cincy Bengals origional “concept” uniform that even made it into NFL promotional materials – shown here on uniawtch a couple of times.
I really wish the Bengals had adopted that uniform as their originals – rather than the Browns (essentially) rip-off unis. Orange helmet and jersey, dark numerals, White pants – a uniform of their own.[/quote]
You may have been hallucinating, but not about a link.
Good call on that link.
I’m nobody in this UniWatch universe, and I’m neither a graphic artist nor a Mets fan, but has anybody considered incorporating the Mr. Met logo into a Mets redesign? At the very least, make it a sleeve patch; I’ve always though the NY skyline/Mets wordmark patch to be a bit redundant with the cap and jersey front lettering. If you wanted to get crazy, make him the primary logo on an alternate jersey, much as the Reds did with their little baseball man in the mid-1950s.
Re: “(no comparison to the Angels, please — besides, I think the Rangers were using this typeface first).”
No deal. First, you went to red lettering with blue trim, gave it a white outline & blockshadow, and then vertically arched the lettering – all just like the Angels. And the Angels did use a similiar type of font from 1961-70, and even closer with the 1993-96 update.
I’m not handy with templates and such, but I was hoping you would know somebody who could draw up the Washington Nationals using the Expos’ colors and style of 1969-75. I think a tri-color (red-white-blue) cap with the Washington “W” would be neat. Ditto with the uniforms.
Would be very interesting to see.