By Phil Hecken
Welcome back to part two of the Milwaukee Brewer makeover series. If you missed Part I, featuring some amazing mock ups by Chance Michaels and David Frost, be sure to take a look-see.
We’re on to part two today, however, and we’ve got a lot of ground to cover. So, let’s get it started.
We begin today with an amazing effort from David Timmerman, who happens to be the Editor of the Grant County Herald Independent, and who has been sending me many submissions over the past month or so. David has a lot to say, so I’ll let him say it in his own words:
Taking up your challenge on changes to the Brewers uniforms, I tried to mix some history into the current uni set, staying away from wholesale changes. A lifelong Brewers fan, I wanted to see some history incorporated into the mix, some more subtle than others.
Thoughts on current uniforms
When the Brewers unveiled their newest jersey in the spring of 2000, it was supposed to usher in a new era with a new ballpark, but due to an unfortunate crane failure which took the lives of three construction workers, as well as the roof in right field, Miller Park was still a year away from opening. So the Crew took the field in the new unis to say goodbye to historic Milwaukee County Stadium.
After jettisoning the ‘Notre Dame’ look of an intersecting M and B (and eliminating the moldy green bats of the fairly generic logo) they came out with one harkening to a past – not the Brewers past, mind you, but a past. And I liked the logo very much – That B for Brewers is certainly unique and rich feeling, as is the M that graces the hat. I like the touch of barley under the M as well.
The logo is similar to the one for Miller Park, which hovers over the scoreboard. Now why they didn’t make that logo more animated (like having the balls rotate, or the lights blink for a homer) I have no idea.
When it came to the jerseys, I was less than thrilled by final version, mainly due to font selection which I blaming on Laurel Prieb, who was one of the VP’s at the time, related to the ownership of the Minnesota Twins, and more importantly, married to Wendy Selig-Prieb, team president and Bud’s daughter. That choice of Garamond/Times/serifed typeface, similar to what the Washington Capitals were using at the time should never grace a uniform, but there it is. I have to note that it is the same font chosen for the seats and rows within the park as well.
Now I think uniforms should stick with tradition as much as they can, but I also don’t want teams trying to look to a past that they never had. Most teams usually incorporate a block-style for the numbers, and while I would never want the Packers to alter their uniforms, I think the Brewers should have some leeway. Now what I would love to have is a toned-down version of what the Brewers had in the 90s, liking the shape of the numbers, which did have too much layering going on. Since I cannot find that, I went with a font, SquareSlab, that I find is similar to what the Eagles used when they revised their unis.
Another issue I had with the unis was the lack of either piping or striping. Very few teams incorporate neither on their jerseys, the Cardinals come to mind, and I think their main reason is, beyond tradition that is, because their chest graphic is so large and detailed, it would be over-doing it. Otherwise, I think every team should have one of them, but since the Cubs utilize stripes, and the retro jerseys have it as well, I went with piping.
I just couldn’t decide on whether to go with a single pipe, or dual-colored piping, much like the Braves. On the road jersey, it felt like a bit much, but looked good on the home jersey. I went with multiple stripes on the sleeves to harken back to 1970, which was a remnant from the Pilots.
Another thing was the color scheme. There have been three Milwaukee Brewers teams in the history of the city. The first was the 1901 team that played for only the inaugural season of the American League, jetting to St. Louis to become the Browns, who then became the Orioles. The second, and more famous of the first two was the American Association Brewers, who were the ones implementing the BarrelMan logo. Bud Selig had always wanted to return to those days, which included a blue-red color scheme, which was probably copied from parent club, the Braves. But strapped for cash, Selig had to go with the Blue-Gold color scheme of the Pilots when they were moved from Seattle.
Now on the current Brewers uniform, the gold has shiny specks in it, and is a truer gold. But Baseball players shouldn’t sparkle! Although I love the 80s Brewers, I didnt want to go with the yellow. So what I tried to go with was something slightly lighter than the ‘old gold’ the Jets used on their throwback Titans of New york unis last year.
Road Version – One of my biggest complaint for specifically the away unis was the fact that they removed Milwaukee. In understand that maybe this was done to have one cut for patches on the uniforms, but if you can have multiple colors for the dark blue, alternate uniforms, as well as the throwback unis, you can cut Milwaukee and slap it onto front. For the road jersey, I altered the grey, adding more blue, and darkening them a little. I wish I could mock-up one that was alittle shinier, similar to Georgetown’s unis and harken back to the late 1940s satin jerseys teams wore for nighttime games on television, but that may be a bit gaudy. I brought back BarrelMan for the road uniforms….I also think he may look good on a hat….
I wanted to set these uniforms apart from others, so I reversed the lettering, making it white. Like I said, I like the M, so I kept that on the hat. Another area I had a conflict was on the back – I really like having the numbers in white, but I wondered if it conflicted with the numbers in blue on the front. Also, what to do with the piping. I show both here……
Home uniforms – Similar to the road uniforms, there are a few changes. We stick with ‘Brewers’ across the chest, and I retain the gold drop shadow, although part of me wants to alter the tail under the letters to make it much larger. I bring back a revised ball and glove to the hat – The ‘fingers’ would be raised as on many new hat logos. I had real conflicts about this – do you alter the logo in any way, make it look more like a glove, make the M and the B more subtle? (David even added a red version of the uniform — [PH]) What color do you make the elements? Is it even a good idea, or should this log be saved for the throwback jerseys? I like the new Curly B, and would like that on the hat, but in the end I went with modifying the ball in the logo to simplify it, but wouldn’t be against somehow incorporating a metal stud in the shape of a ball…I also don’t think the home team needs nameplates on the back. The teams in the 80s didn’t need them, and it seems to be the only think the Yankees and Red Sox can agree on, so it should be good enough for the Brewers…
Different colors – I thought another alternative could be ‘colorizing’ the jerseys, going red, or blue, or green for St. Patty’s Day.
Pretty good start, right? Well, David had more — much more — in store for me. We’ll get back to him in a little bit, but let’s see what else we have.
Moving along, our next few sets of uniforms come with a little less description, but the effort is top notch.
Next up is Paul Radetsky, who simply writes: “This a first attempt at something like this … I’ve done some uni-design for All-Stars for the league my son played in … (I’m a) Graphic Designer by trade.”
And what did Paul create? Only this amazing concept set.
He didn’t describe it, but it’s obviously a complete home, away and alternate set. The home jersey is actually a vest, with pinstripes, and a unique font. The cap is a fauxback, featuring a blue brim, white crown (with blue back) featuring the classic “ball in glove” logo. On the sleeve, Paul has added a throwback Milwaukee state patch with the “ball in glove” (BIG) logo contained within. The away set returns the word “Milwaukee” to the chest, in the same font as the home, and keeps the sleeve patch the same. He uses a solid blue cap featuring the current Brewer “M” logo. Finally, the alternate is a solid blue jersey, featuring not a wordmark but the “ball in glove” logo on the left side of the chest, same patch as on the home and away, and a third cap similar to his home proposal, only this cap features a blue brim, gold crown (solid all around) and the “old school” BIG logo. Two sock options are provided — one a solid blue sock with the BIG logo, and the second, a blue stirrup with gold sanitary (real nice throwback element there). Each of these elements is shown clearly on his mockup.
Stellar job Paul!
Our next submitter is reader and poster Andrew “Greenie” Greenwood who has some nice ideas to share. Here’s Andrew:
I’m bringing back the ball and mitt. The colors are the gold used back in the 80’s and a brighter blue than they use now. Ball and mitt on hat, current brewers script on home chest with new colors. Home jersey is not white, but more of an eggshell. (I love the cream of the Giants, and that off-white skews toward orange, so i figure the Brewer’s cream should skew toward gold, making it an eggshell color.) Blue sleeves on away grey jersey with blue belt. Milwaukee written vertically arched in blue and gold on the chest, both with blue socks. Also kept the M on Wisconsin outline as a sleeve patch for the home team.
And with that intro, here is Andrew’s creation. When I first saw it, I thought Greenie was going for a “vest” on the away jersey, so I asked him about that. Turns out, as usual, I was wrong. “Those blue sleeves were actually inspired by the Milwaukee Bears throwback they wore this year,” explains Andrew. “It looked so nice on the field, I wanted to bring back the look. The slightly different blue that I used is actually from those Bears jerseys too.”
Superb job, Greenie.
We now return to David Timmerman, who liked the idea of tweaking the Brewers so much, he continued to send me submissions. He continued to fine-tune his home and roads, and added some new powder blues (a nice harkback). His next missive went like this:
Well, I worked on revising my template, so I am ready for future projects. In addition, I made revisions to the home Brewers jersey:
• Increased the size of the tail under the name on the front of the jersey
• Increased size of B on ‘Brewers’ nameplate, also skewed the rest of the name for better arching over number
• Eliminated the gold piping (looked like too much after I revised the piping template)
• Added stripes to the sanis
• Fine-tuned the Ball & Glove logo (two-tone ball has ying-yang look about it)I didn’t say what I did with the Powder Blue unis, but I increased the flag from the Road Milwaukee logo, and only kept the ‘Pilot’ striping. (As with many of David’s creations, he sent me a second powder blue concept — [PH].) To tell the truth, the toughest part was deciding on the hat (ball&Glove versus others, what color).
This is my latest, with striped sanis since I know you guys love the sanis, and a yellow brim (could not go with a yellow front, and still not crazy about it…). Also, I felt that maybe in these high-definition times, the color I had utilized for the powder blue was too vibrant, so I scaled it back, maybe as the unis looked like when they were unveiled in the flannel days…
Sorry, don’t mean to be a bother, just a fun project to work on…
No bother at all David, they keep getting better. But David is still not finished. We’ll be back with the next batch in a sec.
The next to take the plunge was Zach Davis, who, like all who submitted suggestions, did a tremendous job. Zach states, “My basic idea was to take the pre-strike Brewers uniform and update it for 2010. I tried to keep everything classic yet modern at the same time and logically evolve things as if the mid-’90s redesign never happened. Of all the Brewers logos I’ve always loved the old ‘Wisconsin’ logo, so that takes center stage with a newly designed ‘M’. The Ball-in-glove logo goes through some color shifting — the yellow outline becomes white and I’ve added a yellow outline to the glove itself. In doing that I absolutely fell in love with the ‘ball’ part of the ball-in-glove, so I’ve separated it and made it the official third logo (and replaced the ‘Milwaukee Star’ in the ‘Wisconsin’ logo with it) and I think it looks fantastic, even slightly harkening back to the Pilots. All the fonts are new and I threw in a custom script logo for the hell of it. The uniform set is classic without (hopefully) being either too stodgy or too ‘retro’ and I especially liked being able to give a nod to the Pilots in the styling of the third/sunday uniform. The caps are nods to the history of baseball in Milwaukee, combining stylings of the Brewers with that of the Milwaukee Braves.”
Here’s a “full look” at Zach’s masterpiece. Another tremendous effort from a dedicated Uni Watcher. Great fonts, and I love how a couple of our submitters, like Zach, are “harking” back to the old Wisconsin outline logo.
Next up is Kevin Callahan who is the Creative Director for Alterra Coffee (alterracoffee.com) here in Milwaukee.
And here is what Kevin created for his Brewers redux.
Kevin states, “As you can see I am a big fan of the “Barrel Man”, which I feel is a much stronger and livelier logo than the much ballyhooed “mb Glove”. The glove logo is simply clever and that’s all. Barrel Man is clever and has a personality that is lacking in the glove logo.
“I kept the Pilots’ Blue and Gold even though Red, White and Blue would be more traditional. While it is imperative that the city name be on the road uni, I understand that “Milwaukee” is possibly too long.”
Fantastic job on those Kevin. Can’t say I am a huge fan of the abbreviation (although, there is certainly precedent for that sort of thing in baseball). And here we have another submitter who has put a logo, rather than a wordmark, on the “alt” jersey. Nice work!
Winding down, our penultimate submitter is Steve Prestegard, who has a slighly different take on the new look for the Crew. Here’s Steve:
I freely admit to being not much of an artist. I can visualize concepts, but the execution … well, to quote John McKay, I’m all for it.
While there are certainly better concepts out there, I think the concepts are off the mark in one important area. None of them use the colors of beer, and they usually use colors that are quite overused — namely, navy blue and red. (Arguably, those colors and the royal blue and gold are more befitting of beer cans than beer.) The colors in this concept are black (for dark beer), gold (lager) and cream (the head).
The first one is a very simple Germanic M (yes, it looks very similar to Detroit’s D) using black and gold. The next two are home (cream) and home alt uniforms, followed by road (tannish-gray) and road alt unis.
Anyway, do with these what you will. Ein prosit.
Thanks for those Steve. Those were actually sent to Paul, and were part of an inline message, so I apologize for them having a “black” background — not sure what happened, but, especially with the black alts and cap, it makes them more difficult to see. Still, you guys will get the idea.
Winding this massive post up, we return, one last time, to David Timmerman, as he completes his masterpiece of uni concepting:
Well, here I am once again with my thoughts on the Brewers jerseys. In my reimagining of the jerseys, I would have four jerseys for the team (Home White, Road Grey, ‘Ghost of the 70’s’ muted powder blue, and 80’s throwback striped.
I have never been a fan of the full-color alternate unis, which look too much like a team’s batting jerseys in my eyes (The ‘Black’ Sox are one of the few exceptions). The Cubs especially look awful in those royal blue outfits (well, at least even more putrid then they normally look for this long-time Brewers fan). So if I was the owner of the Brewers, those navy alternates would be on a truck for the clearance rack.
But, looking to make a buck off anything (and taking a positive cue from the college and NFL practice unis unveiled) I would put some style into the spring training / batting practice jerseys. I like the choice for batting practice caps made a few years back, and think some choices on the batting jersey, which is also worn exclusively during spring training, could lift sales.
So here is what I came up with — retaining the darker tones that usually grace the practice uniforms, while tossing the stripes and piping. I have added muted blue strips below the armpits, similar to some football uniforms, but these are not meant to reach out of the pit onto the front of the jersey, merely run down the sides. With Milwaukee training in Arizona, these strips would be made of a highly breathable, and stretchable material, and utilize ‘Dry’-Cool’ fabrics.
Since they will be used for spring training, going with a block letter/number combo to reduce costs. Also, unlike the the regular season jerseys, no drop shadowing. Thought about making the front numbers blue or gold, but just couldn’t pull the trigger. Also, going with a simple sock.
During spring training, would go with the powder blue pants (matching the armpit strips), but they would be worn above any pants before a game. Also went with a pullover with a button instead of a full jersey..
I also wanted to add some detail to the jersey, but couldn’t decide what to do. Thought about placing letters on the front (R for rookie, C for captain) as well as incorporating some small stripes on the sleeve or front to represent each year the player had been with the team…
Still not quite finished, David came back up for air and asked, “what did you think was better, the bright powder blues, or the more muted look?” Obligingly, I told him, and he even created a uniform just for me, which he called “Powder Phil.” Flattered was I by this gesture, but it’s really just combining a couple disparate elements from his different concepts.
Thinking David was done, I was ready to call it a post, but, hey, what’s one more missive and one more concept? Here’s David, one last time:
to annoy you, whipped up one more jersey, this one more reaching out to my creative side then necessarily looking to to create a new Brewers jersey, per say.
Being an amateur historian of certain Wisconsin teams, I know that teams from the state that wear blue and gold often place their numbers in a circle at some point in their history. Marquette, who often tried something new when it came to uniform design, had blue circles around the numbers. The Packers, when they were still using Blue and gold, before they donned their namesake green, first encircled their numbers in a gold ball on the front of their jerseys.
So I thought, why not the Brewers? Baseballs are round, and what better way to determine the arch of the nameplate on the back than with a circle. I decided to add a tint to the home jersey, because I think a few teams can pull that look off, and also incorporate the jersey number on the pants as well.
Kept the piping to a minimum, and modified the tail under ‘Brewers’ which looks more classic, or generic, depending on your opinion
I thought about incorporating a circle with payer number on the sani, thus making it more likely players would actually show them off, but have not in this example. I also kicked around using the ball and glove on the hat, making it fit entirely in the circle, but did not in this version.
I am not certain any team had a similar design, but please let me know if I am wrong (not counting the old star on the back of the Hollywood Stars) Also, maybe you think this look would fit better with another team…I could alter it to that club.
OK. That’s really all from David. But what a tremendous effort on this part, huh?
I apologize for the length of this post, but I wanted to give all the submitters their due. If you’ve made it this far, I thank you for your patients.
Just truly great stuff from all those who participated. I actually had three more people who had contacted me about ‘fixin’ the Brewers’ but after the initial contact and interest in the project, they didn’t get back to me. Still though, quite an impressive array of jerseys.
And moi? Did I have any ideas for Brewers concepts. Sadly for you, I do. Lots of them, but I’ll spare you the gory details and just show you the two I’d like to see someday. Like many of the submitters, they borrow heavily from the Brewers past. For the roadie, I’d love to see something like this: powder blue, blue stirrups with gold sanis, script “Milwaukee” and for a cap logo — the Wisconsin outline, which is replicated on the sleeves. For the homes, how about this? A cream-tinged uniform (after all, Milwaukee is the “Cream City”), with the BIG logo as a sleeve patch and topping an all blue cap. Once again, stirrups are blue with gold sanis. The original road “BREWERS” wordmark adorns the front.
That’s really all for today folks. Big, big round of applause for all who submitted their designs. Let them know you appreciate their efforts, and tell them what you think.
With baseball season winding down, if you’d like to submit your suggestions for “uni concepts” for your favorite (or any team), please send them my way. I’ve already received a bunch of submissions for different teams, and I will be sure to feature them and more at a future date.
Got a note from regular James Huening on an event that may be of interest to golfers and charitable types out there. Johnny O, you down with this?

Guess The Game From The Scoreboard: You guys may have noticed that we have a weekend visitor who goes by the name of “SlimandSlam”, who enjoys the GTG bits a lot, and is frequently one of the first (if not the first) to guess the game. Well, “Slim” contacted me this past week and graciously offered a few scoreboards up to me. So, for that, I’m quite grateful. This will be the first of those. As always, we need date, location and final score, all of which can be done by posting a link from Retrosheet or Baseball Almanac. So, here we go with Slim’s first submission. Ready? Guess The Game. Thanks Slim!

Well, football season is here and that means for the boys of Benchies, it’s touch football time. What? You thought they only played softball? They’ve been away from the game for a while tho, so things could get dicey. On that note, enjoy your Saturday Benchies.
OK, that’s it. Good college football today (Go Trojans!), and “Super Saturday” hopefully some tennis, weather permitting, for all two of us tennis fans. And tomorrow, a full schedule of NFL games. Plus, there’s a few baseball teams still worth watching AND there’s golf playoffs, where they narrow the field down to 30. Not to mention other sports as well. Basically, a uni watcher’s dream, this weekend. Enjoy your Saturday.
Holy cow, this was posted early! But then again, what am I doing checking UniWatch at 7:20 AM on a Saturday?
One team did put numbers in a circle – the original Astros \”rainbow guts\” unis had the number in a circle on the back with the name arched above the circle. They changed it after a year or two.
WOW…that’s WAAAAY too much effort expended for a team–the Brewers, that should have been “contracted” 10 years ago!!!
But wait! Who’s the Commissioner of MLB??? And didn’t he suggest that the Minnesota Twins could be targeted for “contraction” years ago???!!!???
Basically, a minor-league team in a minor-league town…
Stick with the Packers…
I think I have liked all of the Brewers concept uniforms more than anything the team has worn in the past 15 years. Great work guys!
BTW – and this is not uni-related – thank god Jeter finally got that stinkin’ hit so we (and ESPN) can get on with our lives. Ripken passing Gehrig for consecutive games played: A big deal. Jeter setting a team record for hits when he’s still about 1500 behind Pete Rose: Not so much.
Thank you for letting me vent.
[quote comment=”347327″]WOW…that’s WAAAAY too much effort expended for a team–the Brewers, that should have been “contracted” 10 years ago!!!
But wait! Who’s the Commissioner of MLB??? And didn’t he suggest that the Minnesota Twins could be targeted for “contraction” years ago???!!!???
Basically, a minor-league team in a minor-league town…
Stick with the Packers…
Have to disagree, the one team that is ripe for contraction are the Tampa Rays. Horrible stadium, worse than even the cookie cutter parks back in the day. Tepid support, and that fan base will shrink back to its original levels soon. 2008 was a fluke year.
Regarding the Milwaukee Brewers uniforms:
* Always liked the intersecting M/B on those older Brewer uniforms, it looked like a beer mug to me, which was a clever use of those letters.
* Big mistake to try and use the old color scheme of red and blue. Enough teams are already use that combination, and most Brewer fans could care less about the Braves.
Taking nothing away from anyone’s effort, imagination or skill, it still seems to me that people find things wrong with the Brewers’ current unis not because the unis are bad, but simply because they’re NOT the ball-glove era uni.
Judged simply as a uni—if didn’t know it was the Brewers—most probably would say the current Brewers’ set is a nice looking, classic baseball design.
I mean, if we want to take on someone, take on someone with real problems. The Nationals, for instance. Are they “W” or “D.C.”? Are they a blue team or a red team? Do they wear that mishmash on purpose because they’re in the nation’s capital, and don’t want not offend people from either the so-called “red” or “blue” states? If that’s what it is, it’s so far over-thought it’s ridiculous. Pick a dominant color and work with it.
Just, y’know, sayin’… :)
[quote comment=”347329″][quote comment=”347327″]WOW…that’s WAAAAY too much effort expended for a team–the Brewers, that should have been “contracted” 10 years ago!!!
But wait! Who’s the Commissioner of MLB??? And didn’t he suggest that the Minnesota Twins could be targeted for “contraction” years ago???!!!???
Basically, a minor-league team in a minor-league town…
Stick with the Packers…
Have to disagree, the one team that is ripe for contraction are the Tampa Rays. Horrible stadium, worse than even the cookie cutter parks back in the day. Tepid support, and that fan base will shrink back to its original levels soon. 2008 was a fluke year.[/quote]
One thing for sure, even with the upgrades, The Trop is the GLOOMIEST frickin’ site for a major league game as you’ll ever see. Feels like a giant basement room in the L.A. Sport Arena, another (ahem) charming venue.
[quote comment=”347328″]I think I have liked all of the Brewers concept uniforms more than anything the team has worn in the past 15 years. Great work guys!
BTW – and this is not uni-related – thank god Jeter finally got that stinkin’ hit so we (and ESPN) can get on with our lives. Ripken passing Gehrig for consecutive games played: A big deal. Jeter setting a team record for hits when he’s still about 1500 behind Pete Rose: Not so much.
Thank you for letting me vent.[/quote]
I get that it’s Gehrig and all, but that was, I think, a sort of “manufactured moment” for baseball, which hasn’t had an uber-milestone for some time now. It’s like they were trying to re-capture the 2,131 atmosphere in Baltimore or something. But no matter how you slice it, Jeter set a new TEAM record, nothing more than that. And, unfortunately, every player was wearing a damn red hat. LOL
“But it the YANKEES.” Yah, so?
Great work, by everyone.
I, for one, love the friday “Robin Yount” alts that they NEVER wear anymore.
Some of the cap variations are excellent.
Someone created a bottlecap logo a while back that was excellent as well.
[quote comment=”347333″][quote comment=”347328″]I think I have liked all of the Brewers concept uniforms more than anything the team has worn in the past 15 years. Great work guys!
BTW – and this is not uni-related – thank god Jeter finally got that stinkin’ hit so we (and ESPN) can get on with our lives. Ripken passing Gehrig for consecutive games played: A big deal. Jeter setting a team record for hits when he’s still about 1500 behind Pete Rose: Not so much.
Thank you for letting me vent.[/quote]
I get that it’s Gehrig and all, but that was, I think, a sort of “manufactured moment” for baseball, which hasn’t had an uber-milestone for some time now. It’s like they were trying to re-capture the 2,131 atmosphere in Baltimore or something. But no matter how you slice it, Jeter set a new TEAM record, nothing more than that. And, unfortunately, every player was wearing a damn red hat. LOL
“But it the YANKEES.” Yah, so?
Exactly. Now we have to put up with “Is Jeter one of the top five Yankees of all time?” talk. Combine that with the “Should the NBA retire the #23 league-wide?” talk and I’ve been rolling my eyes alot this week.
Goin’ outta town, so this might be my only post ’til late-night. Great designs, everyone. Can’t decide my favorite right now.
So can we start calling you “Powder Phil” now, Phil? ;)
ESPN is showing why they need a UniWatch show with the over-the-top Jeter and Jordan coverage. Check last night’s comments for some Jordan talk. To summarize, there’s no way the whole league should retire his number, IMHO. He was great, but a little overrated. Yes, guys traveled before him, but he took it to ridiculous lengths. Maybe he’s still the best ever (I think Magic’s better, but that’s not written in stone with me), but he’s not so far ahead of other greats that he deserves such special treatment.
Just think if he was a Knick (shudder). How much more would ESPN have fawned over him?
Anyway, Paul’s design might be my favorite of the day, then Zach’s, but I like Kevin’s Barrelman on the chest. Particularly good for someone with a barrel-chested build, eh?
Enjoy your college football Saturday. Akron opens its new place today, (pauses to take a breath) Summa Field at Infocision Stadium. link
I’m calling it the new Rubber Bowl.
Absolutely, positively the NBA should NOT retire #23 leaguewide.
Assuming the model is Jackie Robinson, the notion is ridiculous. #42 was retired to honor Robinson’s place in our nation’s culture, in our history, not because of his baseball skills.
Whatever Jordan’s place in basketball history, he stands not even CLOSE to where Robinson stands as a symbol of change, growth and social significance. To suggest that he does in an insult to Robinson so tacky it is almost unfathomable.
Jordan made millions and was welcomed and adored most everywhere he went. Think Jackie could say that?
One other “take” on Jordan-Robinson…
I’d wager that every country club course Jordan has ever played would not have admitted Robinson in 1947.
[quote comment=”347338″]One other “take” on Jordan-Robinson…
I’d wager that every country club course Jordan has ever played would not have admitted Robinson in 1947.
It’s amazing to me that no one in recent times has ever produced a movie about Jackie Robinson. I remember Spike Lee saying early in his career how much he wanted to make such a film, but nothing ever happened. If done correctly, a Jackie Robinson film could not only win the Academy Award, but educate the younger generation.
Shoot. Just missed James Earl Jones’ “baseball, like a steamroller” speech in FIELD OF DREAMS on TVLand.
On that subject, if you’re ever near the FIELD OF DREAMS film site in Dyersville, Iowa, make a point of visiting it.
(And, yes, that’s an old ballplayer, LOL)
Wooooooow! Always magnificent work from you Phil! A tip of the hat to your collaborators too! I think he consensus is clear…”Milwaukee” on the road jersey & bring back the Barrell Man.
Lots of great ideas from Mr.Timmerman there (the Cubs fan in me tells me to have nothing but bad things to say haha!). I like idea of a muted power blue-grayish road uni. It gets a bit boring always seeing heather gray being used. Plus the Brewer “B” on a cap would be a cool idea too.
I DEFINATELY agree with Phil, cream home unis for the Brew Crew is a MUST!
I love the coverage you are giving to the attempts to bring back a traditional work to the Brewers. I know that teams do pay attention to work like this, it makes sense in the marketing aspects to listen to die hard fans. I am enjoying the coverage of this. I hope some of these fans become ambitious and start working on other teams, and even other sports. I love the work they are doing.
This Chicagoan has gave up on baseball a month ago…is all about FOOTBALL here!!! Beeeeeeeeeaaaaaaarrrrrrsssss!! We get the uni match-up of the day tomorrow night! BEARS vs. PACKERS! I can’t wait!
I meant a “traditional look” in the first paragraph . It takes longer for the Tim Hortons to work into my blood stream on weekends….lol.
[quote comment=”347344″]This Chicagoan has gave up on baseball a month ago…is all about FOOTBALL here!!! Beeeeeeeeeaaaaaaarrrrrrsssss!! We get the uni match-up of the day tomorrow night! BEARS vs. PACKERS! I can’t wait![/quote]
Regarding the Packers, I always liked the mid 1980s jersey which had the big “G” on the sleeves. But the uniform number on the pants was a bad idea.
[quote comment=”347337″]Absolutely, positively the NBA should NOT retire #23 leaguewide.
Assuming the model is Jackie Robinson, the notion is ridiculous. #42 was retired to honor Robinson’s place in our nation’s culture, in our history, not because of his baseball skills.
Whatever Jordan’s place in basketball history, he stands not even CLOSE to where Robinson stands as a symbol of change, growth and social significance. To suggest that he does in an insult to Robinson so tacky it is almost unfathomable.
Jordan made millions and was welcomed and adored most everywhere he went. Think Jackie could say that?
I think the model is the NHL (#99), not MLB.
[quote comment=”347347″][quote comment=”347337″]Absolutely, positively the NBA should NOT retire #23 leaguewide.
Assuming the model is Jackie Robinson, the notion is ridiculous. #42 was retired to honor Robinson’s place in our nation’s culture, in our history, not because of his baseball skills.
Whatever Jordan’s place in basketball history, he stands not even CLOSE to where Robinson stands as a symbol of change, growth and social significance. To suggest that he does in an insult to Robinson so tacky it is almost unfathomable.
Jordan made millions and was welcomed and adored most everywhere he went. Think Jackie could say that?
I think the model is the NHL (#99), not MLB.[/quote]
#42 universally retired in 1997.
#99 universally retired in 1999.
So NHL’s model, I think we can safely say, was MLB.
Aoologies to Gretzy, but I pretty much feel the same way about that…with the codicil that hockey’s genealogy is Canadian so it isn’t quite the same thing.
[quote comment=”347348″][quote comment=”347347″][quote comment=”347337″]Absolutely, positively the NBA should NOT retire #23 leaguewide.
Assuming the model is Jackie Robinson, the notion is ridiculous. #42 was retired to honor Robinson’s place in our nation’s culture, in our history, not because of his baseball skills.
Whatever Jordan’s place in basketball history, he stands not even CLOSE to where Robinson stands as a symbol of change, growth and social significance. To suggest that he does in an insult to Robinson so tacky it is almost unfathomable.
Jordan made millions and was welcomed and adored most everywhere he went. Think Jackie could say that?
I think the model is the NHL (#99), not MLB.[/quote]
#42 universally retired in 1997.
#99 universally retired in 1999.
So NHL’s model, I think we can safely say, was MLB.
Aoologies to Gretzy, but I pretty much feel the same way about that…with the codicil that hockey’s genealogy is Canadian so it isn’t quite the same thing.
Agreed on not retiring #23 in the NBA… there was only one other guy to wear #99 in the NHL besides Gretzky…
(wait for it)…
the immortal link!
[quote comment=”347343″]I love the coverage you are giving to the attempts to bring back a traditional work to the Brewers. I know that teams do pay attention to work like this, it makes sense in the marketing aspects to listen to die hard fans. I am enjoying the coverage of this. I hope some of these fans become ambitious and start working on other teams, and even other sports. I love the work they are doing.[/quote]
thanks john (or should i call you “digger”)
there are so many talented people who frequent and contribute on these boards, and i wanted to highlight their efforts (even if it made for a long post)…i’d hope maybe the brewers would consider some of the changes in the future…and it’s not just the brewers but they seemed to be a logical candidate
while many of us may not agree, and some of us may not like each and every change suggested, i do believe the general consensus is that, at the very least, the crew should return Milwaukee to the road uniform
that mockup, by the way, was done by paul soto (aka pretty boy paulie), who really was the FIRST one to take that step, and with whom i’ve collaborated on many redesigns (and with whom i will be working again on a much grander project)
without him posting that, my “lets see who we can fix” insanity would never have really started, so i owe him a huge tip of the cap as well
and yes, i do hope we get other teams — over the past month or so, i received submissions on seven or eight other teams (a couple of which i posted last weekend and others i’ll feature in the coming weeks)
so keep ’em coming all you talented graphic designers!
Blood jersey in the EPL today, as Stoke’s Robert Huth has just had to switch from his regular #4 shirt to a nameless #41 after a collision with Chelsea’s Michael Ballack.
All of the alternates suggested for the Brewers are great. What I appreciate more than the artwork itself is all of the thought that went into these creations.
If even one of the designers put that much work into the Rockies, the sportsworld would be much better off. As my wife says, “the only good thing about the Rockies’ uniforms is that they take some of the heat off of our alma mater.” (U of Oregon)
[quote]Someone created a bottlecap logo a while back that was excellent as well.[/quote]
that was chance michaels (whose work was featured in last weekend’s column) — click on the link at the very top of today’s post to see his and frosty’s efforts
I know they have historical precedent, but I have never been a fan of the cream home uni, especially those of the Giants. White just looks better to my eye against the colors of the baseball diamond.
Two more new (to me) words I learned thanks to UW readers:
Blood jersey
guess blood jersey technically is a phrase rather than a word
[quote comment=”347355″]I know they have historical precedent, but I have never been a fan of the cream home uni, especially those of the Giants. White just looks better to my eye against the colors of the baseball diamond.[/quote]
A few teams wearing cream not all bad (Giants, Indians & Phillies alts). But, even though the Brewers wear a “lager gold”, and the head on a beer probabaly is more cream than white…I keep choking on the idea of cream and beer. Just doesn’t, um, go down so well. LOL
[quote comment=”347356″]Two more new (to me) words I learned thanks to UW readers:
Blood jersey[/quote]
Blood jersey is listed, along with many other useful terms, in the UW Glossary:
More shameless ad creep. The Allstate “good hands” are being digitally added (in white and blue) over the end zone nets during the Florida-Troy game. I’ve seen ads digitally added to the field, but this is the first time I’ve seen this.
Wow … great work by everybody on the Brewers uni concepts! As a lifelong Brewers fan and a child of the ’70s, you guys are making me all nostalgic and stuff.
I award hypothetical blue-and-gold ribbons to Zach Davis for his nod-to-history cap set, and to Kevin Callahan for his outside-the-batter’s-box ideas about fonts. The “Milw.” reminds me of the Wilt-era Warriors and Sixers with “PHILA” on the jerseys. (His company knows how to roast a coffee bean, too.)
They showed the ’76 All-Star Game on the MLB Network a few weeks ago. To see Don Money, one of the best of the pre-pinstripes Brewers, in powder blue and a gold-front-panel cap was such a pleasant trip in the Wayback Machine.
[quote comment=”347360″]More shameless ad creep. The Allstate “good hands” are being digitally added (in white and blue) over the end zone nets during the Florida-Troy game. I’ve seen ads digitally added to the field, but this is the first time I’ve seen this.[/quote]
Or is it actually ON all the nets?
I thought it was digital, and quite possibly it is, but it shows up from every conceivable camera angle I’ve seen so that made me me think it might actually be there.
sparty’s sparkly helmuts not matching the color of their matte jerseys is pissing me off…and mich. state is one of my favorite all time unis, too, which makes it all the worse
/that it all
[quote comment=”347363″]sparty’s sparkly helmuts not matching the color of their matte jerseys is pissing me off…and mich. state is one of my favorite all time unis, too, which makes it all the worse
/that it all[/quote]
Great look for the gas tank on your Yamaha.
On a football helmet, not so much.
Obviously there’s lots of enthusiasm among Brew crew types for updating the unis. I really do not like the current versions, for one reason: the graphics look way too corporate, like they were designed by a beer company for a label, rather than for a baseball uniform. A baseball name script on a uniform should look like it belongs on a uniform, not a beer can. Same with the barley.
I can’t pick one design out of all these that I like best, but there are lots of good elements (I always liked the white lettering/script on a powder blue uni, like the ’60s White Sox; some of the non-ball-in-glove logos; and of course barrelman) that would really improve the look of the team. Now all someone has to do is convince the ownership.
Does Miller beer have a say in the uniform script? Because it sure looks like what is currently used is based on their logo design. If so, that might make this all academic.
“like they were designed by a beer company for a label, rather than for a baseball uniform.”
Strictly from a design standpoint, for a team called the “Brewers”, how is that wrong?
I give up on today’s scoreboard. It appears to be early 1940’s, but I cannot pin down a date.
[quote comment=”347338″]One other “take” on Jordan-Robinson…
I’d wager that every country club course Jordan has ever played would not have admitted Robinson in 1947.
I’m bettin’ Jordan would too! ;-)
Couple of things here.
First off major kudos to one and all on their effort with the Brew Crew redesigns. You guys really showed the passion for your teams. Bravo!
That said the bm logo is way over rated! Yeah I get it, it’s a baseball inside a glove. Last time I looked my glove had 4 fingers. Even 3 Finger Brown had a 4 fingered glove. Way too cartoonish for my taste. I do like Barrel Man though. He definitely should be on any redesign imo.
One last thing, I don’t care how you redesign the Brewers uniforms, Prince Fielder will still look like shit in it!
[quote comment=\”347362\”][quote comment=\”347360\”]More shameless ad creep. The Allstate \”good hands\” are being digitally added (in white and blue) over the end zone nets during the Florida-Troy game. I\’ve seen ads digitally added to the field, but this is the first time I\’ve seen this.[/quote]
Or is it actually ON all the nets?
I thought it was digital, and quite possibly it is, but it shows up from every conceivable camera angle I\’ve seen so that made me me think it might actually be there.[/quote]
I don\’t know about the Swamp specifically, but the last two college football stadiums I’ve been in have had actual Allstate nets. Creep, yes. Creepy digitalization, likely not.
Really interesting post. As a Brewers fan I am always hoping for a new uni to usher in a new era of Brewers players. My favorite thing through out the post was the Wisconsin logo with the mb Hat logo by Paul R. I thought it was cool how he incoporated many eras of Brewers history into one logo.
I had to check, but it looks like the Allstate field goal program has been going on since 2005. They started with something like 46 schools and have been expanding it each year.
Money raised for field goals and extra points kicked go to the general scholarship fund. At least in the first year, some of it went to the Red Cross for Katrina relief.
The insignia is put on the net. Part of the program was installing new rigging systems where the nets are used.
[quote comment=”347334″]Great work, by everyone.
I, for one, love the friday “Robin Yount” alts that they NEVER wear anymore.
Some of the cap variations are excellent.
Someone created a bottlecap logo a while back that was excellent as well.[/quote]
I also liked the bottle cap logo. It reminded me of the link AHL logo.
One last thing, I don’t care how you redesign the Brewers uniforms, Prince Fielder will still look like shit in it!
Sadly, that’s true.
But when he hits a home run I mind a little less.
Watching the Central Michigan vs. Michigan State game on espn 2. I don’t know if any of you have noticed but it seems like CMU’s captains have big block letter C’s on the back of their helmets. Check out QB and captain Dan Lefevour. Also sporting one is LB number 43 Nick Bellore.
[quote comment=”347375″]Watching the Central Michigan vs. Michigan State game on espn 2. I don’t know if any of you have noticed but it seems like CMU’s captains have big block letter C’s on the back of their helmets. Check out QB and captain Dan Lefevour. Also sporting one is LB number 43 Nick Bellore.[/quote]
“one more bumper sticker” … only on a helmet…i counted, with the “c”, the number, the american flag and the conference sticker…a total of FOUR stickers … (and then there’s the neck bumper too)…
And now I find out there’s a Uniwatch glossary. Am I late to the party or what? A terrific reference work. Won’t scratch head near as much now!
Too many gulden pants in Iowa/Iowa St.
Decent contrast in Stanford/Wake Forest
(Fuckin’ A, there’s a glossary)
[quote comment=”347377″]And now I find out there’s a Uniwatch glossary. Am I late to the party or what? A terrific reference work. Won’t scratch head near as much now!
Too many gulden pants in Iowa/Iowa St.
Decent contrast in Stanford/Wake Forest
(Fuckin’ A, there’s a glossary)[/quote]
Gulden pants? They’re made from mustard?
[quote comment=”347370″][quote comment=\”347362\”][quote comment=\”347360\”]More shameless ad creep. The Allstate \”good hands\” are being digitally added (in white and blue) over the end zone nets during the Florida-Troy game. I\’ve seen ads digitally added to the field, but this is the first time I\’ve seen this.[/quote]
Or is it actually ON all the nets?
I thought it was digital, and quite possibly it is, but it shows up from every conceivable camera angle I\’ve seen so that made me me think it might actually be there.[/quote]
I don\’t know about the Swamp specifically, but the last two college football stadiums I’ve been in have had actual Allstate nets. Creep, yes. Creepy digitalization, likely not.[/quote]
It’s pretty boldly colored. It always looks more faded when it’s actually on the nets. Seems to me that with our ability to produce special effects, making it digitally appear from all angles shouldn’t be too difficult. And I can’t imagine it being that opaque on a net with a bunch of holes in it…
[quote comment=”347333″]
I get that it’s Gehrig and all, but that was, I think, a sort of “manufactured moment” for baseball, which hasn’t had an uber-milestone for some time now.
It was only two years ago that Bonds broke Aaron’s home run record. That seems like an uber-milestone to me.
[quote comment=”347380″][quote comment=”347333″]
I get that it’s Gehrig and all, but that was, I think, a sort of “manufactured moment” for baseball, which hasn’t had an uber-milestone for some time now.
It was only two years ago that Bonds broke Aaron’s home run record. That seems like an uber-milestone to me.[/quote]
another “manufactured” moment
[quote comment=”347380″][quote comment=”347333″]
I get that it’s Gehrig and all, but that was, I think, a sort of “manufactured moment” for baseball, which hasn’t had an uber-milestone for some time now.
It was only two years ago that Bonds broke Aaron’s home run record. That seems like an uber-milestone to me.[/quote]
Oh, yeah, that. And a tainted moment it was, too, wasn’t it. Not exactly universal acclaim and acceptance that the record even was “really” being broken. There was—and damn sure still is—the smell of “juice” around that whole thing (Would Selig be there, would he not? Would Aaron be there? You DO remember all that negative stuff, right?). That’s why I referenced Cal Ripken’s 2,131st consecutive game as the kind of moment I was saying baseball hasn’t had for awhile…and is obviously desperately to find again.
I don’t have time right now to read the 2nd half of the Brew Crew redo post (damn), but I need to comment on the Badger football uniforms this year. I was at the game last week so I didn’t notice this, but watching on TV today there has to be a Uni Watch fan in the equipment room, because it appears that the Badgers nameplates are the same new style as Joe Skibba and the Giants. They are ovular (is that a word?) cut, and have the letter of the last names sewn on. I don’t have time to find any pics. (I drove up to my home town to visit my parents) but will try and find on as soon as I can. Any other Cheeseheads out there who can verify this? And maybe this now is a new trend and isn’t anything special, but I thought I would mention it.
Also, sorry if this has been mentioned before.
UCLA at Tennessee.
Hmmm…colors you rarely see matched up,
one team in white shoes, one in black,
one in metallic helmets, one in matte,
no flecked helmets,
no sawed-off straight shoulder loops,
no strange numerals,
no black socks for black’s sake,
no monochrome, no piping, no side panels,
no swirly pants stripes,
no drips, drabs and smears of color,
going from nowhere to nowhere for no real reason…
and purina endzones, too.
You may not like the color combination, but the game is most definitely free of today’s bandwagon trendiness.
The Guess the Game thing is from the first game of a St. Louis-Cincinnati doubleheader on August 11, 1946. No box score to be found on Baseball Almanac or Retro Sheet, but I’m pretty sure, as:
1. The scoreboard advertises the next home game as being vs. New York on Tues, August 20th.
2. #33 (Johnny Vander Meer) is pitching for the Reds against #22 (Murray Dickson) of the Cardinals.
3. The St. Louis catcher is #39, almost certainly referring to Clyde Kluttz, who only played for the Cardinals for one season (1946).
4. The other NL games of that day were doubleheaders featuring Chicago at Pittsburgh, New York at Boston, and Brooklyn at Philadelphia.
Here’s the Retrosheet link to the Reds’ season schedule to prove #1, #2, and #4 as lining up with that date.
Oh, and it was played in Cincinnati, and the Cards won 15-4
[quote]The Guess the Game thing is from the first game of a St. Louis-Cincinnati doubleheader on August 11, 1946.[/quote]
according to slim, who sent the pic in — that is correct
good job
[quote comment=”347379″][quote comment=”347370″][quote comment=\”347362\”][quote comment=\”347360\”]More shameless ad creep. The Allstate \”good hands\” are being digitally added (in white and blue) over the end zone nets during the Florida-Troy game. I\’ve seen ads digitally added to the field, but this is the first time I\’ve seen this.[/quote]
Or is it actually ON all the nets?
I thought it was digital, and quite possibly it is, but it shows up from every conceivable camera angle I\’ve seen so that made me me think it might actually be there.[/quote]
I don\’t know about the Swamp specifically, but the last two college football stadiums I’ve been in have had actual Allstate nets. Creep, yes. Creepy digitalization, likely not.[/quote]
It’s pretty boldly colored. It always looks more faded when it’s actually on the nets. Seems to me that with our ability to produce special effects, making it digitally appear from all angles shouldn’t be too difficult. And I can’t imagine it being that opaque on a net with a bunch of holes in it…[/quote]
This is what I was getting at. It’s sharp, crisp, and doesn’t move when the ball hits the net. Also, the first time I saw it, it “popped” into view, ie: it wasn’t there, and then it magically was. It’s definitely not the muted white logo that’s normally printed on the nets.
[quote comment=”347388″][quote comment=”347379″][quote comment=”347370″][quote comment=\”347362\”][quote comment=\”347360\”]More shameless ad creep. The Allstate \”good hands\” are being digitally added (in white and blue) over the end zone nets during the Florida-Troy game. I\’ve seen ads digitally added to the field, but this is the first time I\’ve seen this.[/quote]
Or is it actually ON all the nets?
I thought it was digital, and quite possibly it is, but it shows up from every conceivable camera angle I\’ve seen so that made me me think it might actually be there.[/quote]
I don\’t know about the Swamp specifically, but the last two college football stadiums I’ve been in have had actual Allstate nets. Creep, yes. Creepy digitalization, likely not.[/quote]
It’s pretty boldly colored. It always looks more faded when it’s actually on the nets. Seems to me that with our ability to produce special effects, making it digitally appear from all angles shouldn’t be too difficult. And I can’t imagine it being that opaque on a net with a bunch of holes in it…[/quote]
This is what I was getting at. It’s sharp, crisp, and doesn’t move when the ball hits the net. Also, the first time I saw it, it “popped” into view, ie: it wasn’t there, and then it magically was. It’s definitely not the muted white logo that’s normally printed on the nets.[/quote]
Could it both ways? Actually on net in some places were crowds are larger and games are apt to be on TV more often, and digitally in other sites?
I’m sure someone somewhere could have figured that would be the most cost-efficient way to have it everywhere.
[quote comment=”347384″]UCLA at Tennessee.
Hmmm…colors you rarely see matched up,
one team in white shoes, one in black,
one in metallic helmets, one in matte,
no flecked helmets,
no sawed-off straight shoulder loops,
no strange numerals,
no black socks for black’s sake,
no monochrome, no piping, no side panels,
no swirly pants stripes,
no drips, drabs and smears of color,
going from nowhere to nowhere for no real reason…
and purina endzones, too.
You may not like the color combination, but the game is most definitely free of today’s bandwagon trendiness.
I’d really like to see UCLA go back to the Bruin blue. Either that or the navy outline really makes their number and UCLA stripes for that matter look like teal. No it’s not my tv.
[quote comment=”347385″]The Guess the Game thing is from the first game of a St. Louis-Cincinnati doubleheader on August 11, 1946. No box score to be found on Baseball Almanac or Retro Sheet, but I’m pretty sure, as:
1. The scoreboard advertises the next home game as being vs. New York on Tues, August 20th.
2. #33 (Johnny Vander Meer) is pitching for the Reds against #22 (Murray Dickson) of the Cardinals.
3. The St. Louis catcher is #39, almost certainly referring to Clyde Kluttz, who only played for the Cardinals for one season (1946).
4. The other NL games of that day were doubleheaders featuring Chicago at Pittsburgh, New York at Boston, and Brooklyn at Philadelphia.
Here’s the Retrosheet link to the Reds’ season schedule to prove #1, #2, and #4 as lining up with that date.
Well Done! I missed the key clue regarding the next series.
[quote comment=”347391″][quote comment=”347385″]The Guess the Game thing is from the first game of a St. Louis-Cincinnati doubleheader on August 11, 1946. No box score to be found on Baseball Almanac or Retro Sheet, but I’m pretty sure, as:
1. The scoreboard advertises the next home game as being vs. New York on Tues, August 20th.
2. #33 (Johnny Vander Meer) is pitching for the Reds against #22 (Murray Dickson) of the Cardinals.
3. The St. Louis catcher is #39, almost certainly referring to Clyde Kluttz, who only played for the Cardinals for one season (1946).
4. The other NL games of that day were doubleheaders featuring Chicago at Pittsburgh, New York at Boston, and Brooklyn at Philadelphia.
Here’s the Retrosheet link to the Reds’ season schedule to prove #1, #2, and #4 as lining up with that date.
Well Done! I missed the key clue regarding the next series.[/quote]
Wow! I just looked at the Retrosheet page referenced above–the Reds played 30 doubleheaders in 1946!
[quote comment=”347392″][quote comment=”347391″][quote comment=”347385″]The Guess the Game thing is from the first game of a St. Louis-Cincinnati doubleheader on August 11, 1946. No box score to be found on Baseball Almanac or Retro Sheet, but I’m pretty sure, as:
1. The scoreboard advertises the next home game as being vs. New York on Tues, August 20th.
2. #33 (Johnny Vander Meer) is pitching for the Reds against #22 (Murray Dickson) of the Cardinals.
3. The St. Louis catcher is #39, almost certainly referring to Clyde Kluttz, who only played for the Cardinals for one season (1946).
4. The other NL games of that day were doubleheaders featuring Chicago at Pittsburgh, New York at Boston, and Brooklyn at Philadelphia.
Here’s the Retrosheet link to the Reds’ season schedule to prove #1, #2, and #4 as lining up with that date.
Well Done! I missed the key clue regarding the next series.[/quote]
Wow! I just looked at the Retrosheet page referenced above–the Reds played 30 doubleheaders in 1946![/quote]
As it turns out, 30 isn’t so many–http://www.baseball-almanac.com/recbooks/rb_gam2.shtml says that the record is 43 doubleheaders by the White Sox in 1943.
[quote comment=”347374″]One last thing, I don’t care how you redesign the Brewers uniforms, Prince Fielder will still look like shit in it!
Sadly, that’s true.
But when he hits a home run I mind a little less.
I don’t care what he wears when one of the Giants P’s hits him next season for the home run stunt recently.
What, Prince doesn’t mind being thrown at, does he?
Also in England: site favourite Jan Vennegoor of Hesselink made his debut for Hull City – number 29 and a fantastic arch
Hey Paul, if you save your paint file in bitmap rather than jpeg it has a much better quality. I’m guessing you’re using vista which saves paint in jpeg by default for some reason.
i appreciate the efforts everyone made on this, but my vote, and i think i am now sold on the hat, is still link design. i do like the idea of cream though.
Paul, you have anything to do with the old ESPN feature “making it better”? Used to be, that when a new uniform, logo, etc. (the UniWatch universe), they had ESPN readers vote on whether new or old was better. I’d forgotten about this until I googled USC uniforms for their old ones.
Ugh — Minnesota is going with gold jerseys and gold pants in their first game at TCF Bank Stadium.
[quote comment=”347395″]What, Prince doesn’t mind being thrown at, does he?[/quote]
I hope not, he’s a large target.
Minnesota wearing the awful all-yellow uniforms to open new stadium. Worse yet they have two colors of gold on the jerseys due to different materials. Not intentional just bad design. Weird panel shapes too. Put together with the all white “practice unis” on the road all in all a bad effort. New stadium looks great though. Good to be outside and back on campus.
[quote comment=”347400″]“Ugh — Minnesota is going with gold jerseys and gold pants in their first game at TCF Bank Stadium.”[/quote]
Look like that urine color to me.
[quote comment=”347401″][quote comment=”347395″]What, Prince doesn’t mind being thrown at, does he?[/quote]
I hope not, he’s a large target.[/quote]
lets just say he prolly should be wearing the S-100
[quote comment=”347402″]Minnesota wearing the awful all-yellow uniforms to open new stadium. Worse yet they have two colors of gold on the jerseys due to different materials. Not intentional just bad design. Weird panel shapes too. Put together with the all white “practice unis” on the road all in all a bad effort. New stadium looks great though. Good to be outside and back on campus.[/quote]
Check out attached image –
#35 has the panels on the side and bottom of jersey. And no it is not sweat stains. Thought so at first but it definitely is not. Weird. And looks bad.
Minnesota needs to go back to a more simplistic look. WHen you win as many national championships as they did in the 40’s and 50’s you need to keep a traditional, simple jersey and for god’s sakes make it Maroon at Home. DOn’t be gimmicky any more, you are out of the dome.
Oregon in head to toe green tonight…not that bad…not that bad
The silver wings on the green don’t stand out as much as the green wings on white against Boise.
[quote comment=”347407″]Oregon in head to toe green tonight…not that bad…not that bad
The silver wings on the green don’t stand out as much as the green wings on white against Boise.[/quote]
hmmm…american family insurance and not the good hands in the net at autzen
Well it looks like Minnesota pissed on themselves again. I don’t mind it as much as the older version but the two panel look makes it look horrible. If they had stuck to one golder, the lighter gold I think it would look sharp
Also Western Kentucky broke out black alternates tonight against South Florida. Are these new? I knew they had red and white jerseys, but can anyone confirm if these black threads are new?
Where y’all been? That Allstate logo’s been on nets for several years now. I believe Toyota’s been putting their logo on for several Gator Bowls. To be honest, I’d rather have an ad on the field than on the nets. It always looked over-the-top cheesy and distracting to me.
[quote comment=”347341″]On that subject, if you’re ever near the FIELD OF DREAMS film site in Dyersville, Iowa, make a point of visiting it.
(And, yes, that’s an old ballplayer, LOL)
Sandals on a ballfield? Doesn’t that break one of Ricko’s rules? ;)
[quote comment=”347366″]”like they were designed by a beer company for a label, rather than for a baseball uniform.”
Strictly from a design standpoint, for a team called the “Brewers”, how is that wrong?[/quote]
For me, it looks too Disney-like, too corporate. A baseball uniform script has a certain specific style to it, and the Brewers version isn’t it.
American Family Ins. is also on the nets at Wisconsin.
Phenominal work by all the Brewers die-hards out there! One of these days, the Crew Suits will actually listen…
Go Pack tomorrow night –
Nice uni matchups earlier today:
Gee, that’s not holding, is it? link
Nice…Verrrry nice…link
A lotta yellow, but that’s not a bad thing: link
[quote comment=”347415″]Nice uni matchups earlier today:
Gee, that’s not holding, is it? link
Nice…Verrrry nice…link
A lotta yellow, but that’s not a bad thing: link
Let’s try that second one again: link
[quote comment=”347391″][quote comment=”347385″]The Guess the Game thing is from the first game of a St. Louis-Cincinnati doubleheader on August 11, 1946. No box score to be found on Baseball Almanac or Retro Sheet, but I’m pretty sure, as:
1. The scoreboard advertises the next home game as being vs. New York on Tues, August 20th.
2. #33 (Johnny Vander Meer) is pitching for the Reds against #22 (Murray Dickson) of the Cardinals.
3. The St. Louis catcher is #39, almost certainly referring to Clyde Kluttz, who only played for the Cardinals for one season (1946).
4. The other NL games of that day were doubleheaders featuring Chicago at Pittsburgh, New York at Boston, and Brooklyn at Philadelphia.
Here’s the Retrosheet link to the Reds’ season schedule to prove #1, #2, and #4 as lining up with that date.
Well Done! I missed the key clue regarding the next series.[/quote]
Actually, when I was figuring this one out before sending it in, I also missed the next-series clue. I figured the whole thing out using uniform numbers.
That #22 heading out to right field to start the game is one of Tacoma’s favorite sons, Al Libke.
Late comment: This concept is fantastic
I think the Brewers chose not to animate the Miller Park logo in center field because they thought it may distract some causing them to miss the real focus after home runs: Bernie going down the slide.
So a little update from D2 Football (which btw I loved that post and think you should do the top 25 cuz there are alot of funny uniforms here. Plus I’d love to see what ya’ll think of my school’s) Southern Arkansas came to Valdosta State and played. And in the middle of the game one of the guys pointed out Southern’s kicker kicked with out a shoe. Was raining for kickoff so i didn’t have a camera to document it. Know this was a hot topic a year ago. Wondering if this guy could be the only kicker left with this style.
[quote comment=”347370″][quote comment=\”347362\”][quote comment=\”347360\”]More shameless ad creep. The Allstate \”good hands\” are being digitally added (in white and blue) over the end zone nets during the Florida-Troy game. I\’ve seen ads digitally added to the field, but this is the first time I\’ve seen this.[/quote]
Or is it actually ON all the nets?
I thought it was digital, and quite possibly it is, but it shows up from every conceivable camera angle I\’ve seen so that made me me think it might actually be there.[/quote]
I don\’t know about the Swamp specifically, but the last two college football stadiums I’ve been in have had actual Allstate nets. Creep, yes. Creepy digitalization, likely not.[/quote]
its been on the nets for years.