By Phil Hecken
Welcome back, everyone!
It all started a few scant weeks ago when I and a couple of other posters decided that the Chicago White Sox uniform needed “fixing.” While reaction to that post was mixed, it was also met with a call for other teams who could use either a uniform tweak, overhaul or to just plain start from scratch. There were many obvious candidates.
Based upon that sentiment, I asked readers for suggestions as to which team might be next in line for fixin,’ and it was decided that the Milwaukee Brewers were a good next candidate. I received many submissions from readers with their suggestions, some of which we’ll examine below. What follows, then, are the first batch of suggestions for a New Crew. Due to the large number of submissions I received, this is merely part one of a two-part series. We begin with the man who suggested the Brewers tweak, and a long-time reader and poster who’s been passionate in his call for a revamp of the Brewers uniforms for years.
No Milwaukee Brewer uniform overhaul would be complete without the man who has, for the past eight years, been clamoring for the Brewers to change things up, Chance Michaels. Chance is a UW stalwart, a Cream City affectionado, a Milwaukee-phile, and more. He’s written on the Brewers and Packers on several of his websites, and I’m sure you’re familiar with his “online museum of the American Association Milwaukee Brewers”, borchertfield.com. The last of the designs featured today were first seen on that blog several months ago. What follows now, though, are Chance’s earlier design concepts, the ones that began his passionate desire to fix the Brewers.
I asked Chance to describe his creations. “My experience with re-designing the Brewers goes all the way back to the late 1970s, when I first realized that their pinstriped uniforms, then just a few years old but comprising the entirety of my baseball awareness, weren’t the only uniforms the club had worn. I came across an old pennant featuring the Beer Barrel Man, and I was hooked. Later research on the BBM led me to its origins in the 1940s, to the minor league Brewers of the American Association, where the current ballclub got its name, and ever since then I’ve been hooked.”
He continues, “In 1996, I submitted my first concept to the team ”“ a recolored BBM sleeve patch to replace the ‘Motre Bame’ crossed-bats logo ”“ in the form of a fan letter. Never heard back from them, but I’ve been trying ever since.” Fast forward to five years later: “In 2001, I started working on new designs for my True Blue Brew Crew. I brought back to the Ball-and-Glove, but dropped the pinstripes in favor of classic piping. I also created a modern version of the old American Association Brewers, and I’ve been playing with refining that design ever since. I still haven’t given up hope of getting the Beer Barrel Man on the Brewers’ sleeves.”
Lets take a look at what’s he created.
Chance’s first uni-concept, entitled “True Blue,” had a distinctly retro feel to it, and returned the “Milwaukee” wordmark to the road jersey. Chance explains the philosophy behind the concept: “Building off the very successful ‘Retro Fridays’ uniform, this concept draws largely from the Brewers’ great past, the days of Bambi’s Bombers and Harvey’s Wallbangers, Rollie and Paul and Gumby and Rockin’ Robin, giving the classic a modern twist.” Of the original Brewers colors and wordmark he notes, “The design touches fans in a very deep way, telling us of the glory days ahead by reminding us of the best years of the franchise.”
Of the logos, he adds, “The ‘Ball and Glove‘ logo of the American League glory days signifies a tradition, a bond between the Brewers and the fans. This is what most Milwaukeeans think of when they think of the Brewers. Robin Yount, Paul Molitor, Jim Gantner, Cecil Cooper, Rollie Fingers, Gorman Thomas and Don Sutton all played with this logo on their caps. The Beer Barrel Man logo is synonymous with Milwaukee baseball from the American Association days to Hank Aaron’s final playing days. Not only does it link to that tradition, but it also provides the team with the opportunity for a mascot logo, which has been very successful for the Reds, Orioles and Mets since they re-introduced their mascots.”
But Chance wasn’t merely satisfied with his first efforts, introducing a second concept he calls “A New Classic” (here is the road version). According to Chance, “This concept draws largely from the American Association Milwaukee Brewers, a powerhouse for fifty years and Milwaukee’s first great baseball team. From 1902 through 1952 they were dominant in their league, and it was that success that paved the way for the Braves to move from Boston in 1953.”
Mr. Michaels views the “New Classic” as having four distinct advantages:
1. A timeless design, guaranteed not to go out of style. Many teams have become very successful by rediscovering their 1940s and 1950s designs (such as the White Sox, Giants, Reds, Pirates and Indians) or creating a new design with a classic flavor (such as the Mariners and Angels). The Brewers are fortunate that they can do both at the same time, by honoring their namesake.
Baseball is the most traditional of sports, with a long and cherished tradition, and a team’s look should reflect that.
2. The excitement of an expanded color scheme. Red was a traditional American Association Brewer color from its inception. The Brewers, by adopting it, can honor that tradition. Coupling it with the contemporary Blue and Gold, the Brewers would have a color scheme not only unique in Major League Baseball, but offering many great opportunities for merchandising. These are colors that will never go out of style.
3. The Beer Barrel Man logo. The Beer Barrel Man logo is synonymous with Milwaukee baseball from the American Association team to Hank Aaron’s final playing days. Not only does the Beer Barrel Man link to that tradition, but it also provides the team with the opportunity for a mascot logo, which has been very successful for the Reds and the Mets since they re-introduced their mascots.
4. A clean, solid design that is both contemporary and classic. The simple wordmark appeals to the timeless nature of baseball, while the dark, classic colors are very popular with fans and the general public. The piping allows the team color to shine through. The lack of names on the back signifies a return to tradition (names are a relatively new addition to the Brewers uniform, not being present on Hank Aaron’s back or Robin Yount’s when he smacked his 3,000th hit).
Chance has proposed to top the Brewers in this classic cap, first worn by the American Association Brewers, but made more famous by the Milwaukee Braves. He’s also provided a slightly modified alternate cap which could be incorporated into the uniform set as well.
Well done, Chance, well done. But wait, we’re not quite done with Chance Michaels and his Brew Crew reworks just yet. He has a third set of concept unis, which we’ll explore in detail a little later on.
Piggybacking on Chance’s tremendous efforts, we have a great UW DIYer, David Frost (aka “Frosty”), who’s created some actual Brewers concept jerseys (and ALSO taken the amazing step of taking one of Chance’s concepts and made that into a real-life jersey as well!)
Frosty has been featured on UW before, so I’m sure you are all familiar with his awesomeness. If you guys have any questions about his work, or are maybe looking to have him do up a custom jersey just for you, drop him a line.
So, let’s see what David has created. First up is this amazing pinstripe jersey (here’s the back), which is basically a perfect replication of Chance’s proposed “True Blue” road jersey, only with pinstripes. Says Frosty, “I made this jersey last year”¦ (it) is more like a retro ‘I wish’ for the old Milwaukee script. I always wanted the Brewers roadie to be pinstriped when I was a kid as well (I mean”¦the home jerseys were”¦shouldn’t there be SOME uniformity there rather than a completely different look?), so I found the gray with royal pins and went with it. The patch is the old Harvey Kuehn patch from the year he died. Take that off”¦and ya got a winner.” Outstanding.
Frosty wasn’t done, though. He also made this incredible jersey (here’s the back), borrowing from Chance’s mockup. David explains, “here’s my current project – Thanks to the fantastic talent of Chance Michaels. This ‘beer script’ is exactly that ”“ and exactly beer. When Chance first did the art, he had a standard outline around it. I decided to tweak it with a drop-shadow to add a more classic beer label look. The colors? The original American Association Brewers were navy and red. Not that the big leagues need more of this combination, but I thought it would work best.”
As you might be able to tell from the pictures, at the time, that was still a work in progress. “What else is needed?” David asks. “1) A classic barrel man patch on the left sleeve (and I mean the OLD one); and 2) For this jersey to be done on ecru. What is ecru? It’s the color that most people call ‘cream’, but in the trade, the color is called ECRU. A cream-colored jersey for the Cream City”¦NO BRAINER.”
After David sent me these, I figured, “wow — just wow” that’s amazing. Little did I know he would not only finish off that second jersey, adding the barrelman logo to the sleeve — but he still wasn’t done DIYing.
Frosty struck out on his own this time, creating a THIRD Brewer concept jersey (of course, complete with barrelman on the sleeve). David says this jersey “was made possible thanks to some of the current Phillies braid I came across. The finish down the shoulders has always been a classy look to me, so I went with that, a classic front font in red/white, and our barrelman again on left sleeve.”
When you combine those three with the photo of Frosty at Miller Park in another of his creations … well, I’m not real good with math but that’s a LOT of amazing DIYs.
Thanks Frosty!
Returning to Chance’s Brewer redesign proposals, I will draw your attention to a new set which appeared back in May on his blog. Some of you have probably seen it before, but it too is an outstanding effort.
Chance has “made no secret that I am no fan of the current Brewers uniforms. They’re sterile and plain, designed by committee, but worst of all they have no connection with Milwaukee’s rich baseball history.” But his new uni proposal seeks to change all that. “Here’s my proposal to give the current bearers of the name the unique and modern look they deserve, while at the same time honoring the whole of that history, including (and especially) the American Association Brewers.”
His vision for the new home uniform as well as it’s road counterpart build upon his earlier efforts, and he has arrived upon a primary logo (along with the uni concpts) he has sent to Brewers’ management for their consideration. Chance contiunes:
The details, in no particular order:
Sleeve patch: For me, it all starts with bringing back the one, the original, the Beer Barrel Man. Symbol of Milwaukee baseball since at least 1901. Time he finally made the sleeves.
Wordmarks: The script font on the home jersey is Saloonkeeper, based on the script used by Leinenkugel’s. It’s surprisingly similar to the script used by the Brewers in the 1940s. The road wordmark is based on a 1930s Pabst Blue Ribbon label – I’m terribly fond of that one.
Colors: The color scheme utilizes the blue and gold influenced by the current colors (the only thing I really flat-out love about the current scheme). I’ve moved the home uniform to a light cream to reflect Milwaukee’s nickname as The Cream City, as well as the various historical baseball teams known as the “Creams” and “Cream Citys“.
Accent Striping: I included the shoulder piping not only because it has an historical precedent, but would also create a pattern currently unique in the majors. Another way to instantly identify the team. The Brewers used a similar thick piping from 1996-1999, and it looked great.
Number font: The numbers are what I call a simple square block. Again, they could be as easily identifiable as the San Francisco Giants’ numbers are, without either drawing too much attention or sacrificing legibility. FWIW, I’m basing these on a number font worn by the Packers in the 1940s.
The cap logo: I’ve always wanted to use a bottlecap in a Brewers concept. And the block “M” on the bottlecap clearly references the Milwaukee Braves and the American Association club… okay, maybe I’m officially overthinking this one.
Just amazing Chance and David. Thanks for sharing your efforts.
That will conclude the first part of “A New Crew,” but there are many more new designs I have received from the fantastic Uni Watch readership. They will appear in the next installment due to appear next weekend. I’m still truly amazed at the abilities and efforts that have gone into them (I even did a couple myself which will probably pale in comparison). Let us know what you guys think! Thumbs up? If these don’t quite strike your fancy, the next part will have something for everyone, from the classic to the serene to the sublime. And everything in between.
There’s a few weeks left in the MLB season (and next week is part II of the Brewers Redux), so rather than just pick ONE new team for your “uni reworks”, if anyone has ANY team (and I’ve already received a few submissions for teams that AREN’T the Brewers) they’d like to submit a “redesign” for, drop me a line. I’ll be glad to feature them throughout the remainder of the season (and probably post season) too. Check back tomorrow for two new teams, and make sure to check back next Saturday for the rest of the Brewers reworks. You won’t be disappointed!

It’s that time of year again, when the courts at the US Open are full and fans are guaranteed of seeing at least one winning team — even if they’re playing doubles and not baseball — in Flushing Meadow. My doubles partner and UW West Coast Correspondent Brinke Guthrie joins me once again for his look at this year’s Open fashion.
The US Open is good for lots of tennis-uni news, and at the Uniwatch West Coast Tennis Bureau, we like that. We don’t much care for those tacky patch deals, tho.
Murray, still with Fred. James Blake has a new custom Fila line, & it’s named for his late dad. McEnroe’s got the retro thing going.
Mr. Brooklyn Decker (that guy’s not too obvious) in Lacoste, but not in 2010 — he’ll be in Babolat.
The Fed’s look is here, with Nadal & Serena here. Serena’s sneakers have 3 little trophies, too, and The Fed’s say “5” on the tongue, all part of the brand. Um, he even has his own pillowcases at the fancy hotel he stays at.
adidas checks in with ugly stuff. Oops, check that: got Daniela and Ana? Is Ana still in tennis? Forget that, she lost in the first round. Got Wozzi?
PS- this looks like something you’d throw up after a night on the town.
Sam Querrey of the US wearing shoes he designed at adidas’ request — note the flag on the tongue. (check this and this)
Thanks Brinke. Whaddya say? Fed takes the sixth? Ties Tilden? Stands one behind Sears?
I can’t see anyone (even A-Rod) standing between Raj and #16.

Guess The Game From The Scoreboard: Little different twist on today’s game — I don’t KNOW the answer. But I’m sure you guys do. I usually have the answer ahead of time, and if i don’t, I figure it out, just like you. But for this one, I said, “screw it, let them tell me.” Actually, I just didn’t have enough time to figure it out so, if as and when you do (and I know you will), walk me thru it, would ya? You know what do to…date, location & final score, via Baseball Almanac or Retrosheet. Thanks. Ready? Guess The Game.

While UW was away, the Ricko kept himself real busy. In fact, I’m pretty sure there’s going to be an announcement any day now concerning a Benchies Blog. But that day isn’t today. Instead, we have an installment of a Saturday Benchies for your reading pleasure. Ah, baseball cards … how I miss thee.
Alright, that’s about all for this first Saturday after break. Big things afoot in the sporting world this fine Saturday and lots more good stuff on here tomorrow. Have a great day.
Chance and Frosty remain among the group that’s as good as it gets here at UW. In terms of talent, knowledge, skill and genuine affection for the sports they love they are seriously top shelf. Excellent work, guys.
I may be in a minority (and I’ve said this before)but I really like current Brewers set. Taking nothing away from the ball-glove era, the present uniforms use the elements of a beer label and translate them perfectly to a baseball uni. The color scheme? Well, they ARE the only team in MLB to wear navy and old gold (Does it have a name? “Lager gold”, maybe?). That to me is reason enough to keep it. I’m not counting the Padres; “sand” isn’t gold and, of course, they WAY overdo things, the antithesis of the Brewers.
I would “tweak” the Brewers a little, though. Maybe go with a more traditional numeral font, definitely change roads to “Milwaukee” and put Barrel Man on the left shoulder, home and road. The hat logo, I still contend, is absoltuely elegant and perfect for a team named “Brewers”.
With so many radical—and not necessarily good—concepts out there, the Brewer designers did a marvelous job of bringing the nickname to life without resorting to pit stains, side panels, copying anyone’s colors, or (shudder) “vests”.
And as long as they stick with the Friday “flashbacks” their overall scheme is pretty good. Traditional and classy but still giving a regular nod to the past.
Wonderful as always Chance and Frosty. Makes me wish I was back in Milwaukee for a game – until I remember that they’re tanking shit right now.
Nice work, guys. I honestly don’t know which one of those concepts I like best. Each one has its merits. One thing I do know is that it’s nice to see a link instead of just cluttering it up.
Ooh, a McEnroe mention. I’m gonna have to link.
Sam, you made the shoes too red.
Those’re some kinda butt-ugly, dude.
At least wear a matching shirt or something.
Some great ideas on those renderings of the Brewers unis. I am a bit cool on the script Brewers home versions but love the “retro” block-letter home concept. A tough call between the Braves-style “M” hat logo or the bottle-cap version — both very nice. His road concept from May is really good. Regardless, the home version needs to be in ecru, and all need to have the Barrellman. I am less of a fan of the ball-in-glove logo than most, I think (it always looks like a paw print to me), but if it means a lot to fans, why not incorporate it somewhere, possibly as a logo on the sleeve opposite Barrelman, or in a small version on the back of the cap?
i’m with ricko on this one. i like their current unis. and to be honest the last thing we need is another sports team with red and blue as their main colors.
Every single Brewers concept was fantastic, guys!
The only thing I could add to these classy designs is to possibly combine some of them. For instance, you could take the old barrelman, link raise his hand up and change the glove to the MB ball-in-glove design. Bam, two logos combined into one!
The bottlecap logo is simple genius.
Keep the blue and gold. I like the red and blue, but soooo many other teams have a version of these colors.
Great Benchies, even if it makes me feel really old now…
Ok, a few things about the brewer prototypes:
1. The first one looks like a shitty knockoff from an old brewer jersey.
2. The reddish home one looks like it was stolen from either the old milwaukee braves or the Milwaukee beers from BASEketball
3. The away version of the above looks like it was copied from an old Milwaukee Bucks jersey
4. Frosty’s red brewers concept looks a lot like the Cincy Reds jerseys
5. I don’t think anyone in Milwaukee gives a crap about the barrel man, so why not put Bernie on the sleeves?
That’s all
Great concepts, guys. Barrel Man is making somewhat of a resurgence here in Milwaukee. I was at the Brewers game last night, and Barrel Man was on the mugs that the mixed drinks come in. I have also recently seen baseball caps with Barrel Man on them at local malls. While I actually like both the current Brewers unis and the throwback Friday unis, I really liked all the concepts described today.
All I can say is WOW! Frosty & Chance—excellent handiwork fellas. AND I ain’t even a Brewers fan;-)
All those Brewers mock-ups are simply awful.
There is a reason why they only wore the retro unis once per month this year – the CURRENT players absolutely hate them. Sell the retro stuff in stores, but it keep it off the field.
Let the current team have their own identity rather than continually celebrating a team that never won a WS to begin with. We are tired of it.
The vast majority of die-hard Brewers fans (a.k.a. those of us who didn’t just start following the team in the last 2-3 years) also loathe the retro unis. They became “hip” among the recent bandwagon fans, but that is it. Like I said, make some $ off the merch, but no need to wear them on the field.
The current uni set is nearly perfect. Just add Milwaukee to the road unis and that’s it. One of my team sources say they will likely only wear the ball-in-glove uni once next year, along with the negro leauge and Cerveceros jerseys.
These concepts look bush league. Waste of time if you ask me.
OK, this Guess The Game From The Scoreboard has definitely been the most difficult yet. By process of elimination based upon the posted rosters and other games that day, I must conclude that this game was (sorry, no box score available)…..April 30, 1946 and Bob Feller and the Indians beat Bill Benvens and the Yankees 1-0 at Yankee Stadium.
This link is a thing of beauty.
The neck collar piping, the fielding barrel man…I could go on and on.
Frosty, I’m interested in buying if you’re in the market for selling.
Chance, Great job. I always find it quite interesting to see what different design ideas other people come up with and compare notes to my own ideas. While everyone has their own thoughts, and it is not possible to please everyone, it is great fun to explore. The results here on uniwatch ALWAYS provide concepts that are better than what is out there being used. I too think the Brewers current set, and previous set, are worth replacement….now.
Frosty, Not only do you do a remarkable job with the textiles, but you have a keen design eye as well. That drop shadow was certainly a good move, and you seem to know when and where the piping needs to be placed. It’s one thing to draw it on the computer like I do but to have a physical mock-up to reinforce (or prove otherwise) a good design is the ultimate proof of a talented artist. All hail the DIY king!
One more thing, there has been a slight veriation in home white colors with ecru/cream, but the road grays all still seem to be the same. Maybe there is a difference but I haven’t really noticed any. To me they look flat. And on teams with “warm” colors like the Giants, it looks odd, almost purpleish. The old flannels had an ash effect which created a certain depth and texture. I’d really like to see some variations in the grays on teams current sets. Anyone?
Well done(s) to all of today’s contributors.
Frosty’s DIY pinstripe away jersey is a thing of real beauty. Offhand I’d say it is better than at least 25 current road jerseys. We need this man’s work on the field!
I’m going braindead on this.
What was the name of Oregon’s QB last year…and is he playing anywhere this year? He seemed like he’d be the kind of QB suited to the Canadian game.
BTW, did anyone see that the Titans are not wearing their 50th anniversary logo, but the generic all Foolish Club AFL 50th anniversary logo on their jerseys?
[quote comment=”346084″]I’m going braindead on this.
What was the name of Oregon’s QB last year…and is he playing anywhere this year? He seemed like he’d be the kind of QB suited to the Canadian game.
If you’re thinking of two seasons ago, that’s Dennis Dixon and he’s with the Steelers – hopefully to do some Wildcat with them.
To go off subject for a minute, here’s an unlikely combination of asst. coaches for the Timberwolves – Reggie Theus and Bill Laimbeer.
Whoah nelly! Chance and Frosty… my retro ball-in-glove logo hat off to you both. Really fantastic work by both of you. If I had to pick one, I really like Frosty’s DIY with the really old school barrel man as a sleeve patch.
I do agree with Ricko that I don’t think the current sets are THAT bad, but do think they need tweaking. First thing first…let’s put the city name on the road jersey:
I do love the ball-in-glove era, but don’t think it should be brought back full time. I like that it is just a once in a while type of thing.
Again, very well done to both our designers. Whenever the next Sconnie UW party it, I owe you a PBR, Point beer, Leinie’s, or a great tasting less filling Miller brew.
Packer portion of my post:
Please let this not be true, but I was searching Packersproshop.com for some retro gear, and stumbled upon this:
Dear God I hope that is a misprint and is NOT the official sideline knit cap. How can they go from something as great as this:
… to that terrible thing they are calling a hat? There is nothing on NFLshop.com as far as those sideline caps, but has anyone seen in their favorite teams pro shop or online shop those abominations?
[quote comment=”346086″][quote comment=”346084″]I’m going braindead on this.
What was the name of Oregon’s QB last year…and is he playing anywhere this year? He seemed like he’d be the kind of QB suited to the Canadian game.
If you’re thinking of two seasons ago, that’s Dennis Dixon and he’s with the Steelers – hopefully to do some Wildcat with them.[/quote]
Thanx. Was thinking “Dixon” but just couldn’t get a handle on it.
I don’t have a photo but it happened just about 5 minutes ago. Ohio State’s quarterback Pryor was sitting on the bench and a Buckeye staff member was busy sewing up the back of his jersey, to the left of the number 2 digit on his back.
I think the next uni revamp should be the Nationals, especially with all the complaining that goes on with them. I’d love to see Frosty do a concept jersey for them.
Watching Gophers at Syracuse on ESPN2.
Gee, with all that orange in the stands, wouldn’t it be great if Syracuse had orange turf?
I like how Frosty doesn’t tie his shoes.
He makes pretty good stuff, too.
Are the Raiders wearing a silver alt this year? I don’t remember it being mentioned. They never wore one in the past? Did they?
[quote comment=”346093″]I like how Frosty doesn’t tie his shoes.
He makes pretty good stuff, too.
Are the Raiders wearing a silver alt this year? I don’t remember it being mentioned. They never wore one in the past? Did they?[/quote]
Silver numbers on the legacy road whites, yes, but that’s it. And, no, they’ve never wore a silver alt. Raiders are decidedly old school on that kind of nonsense.
Another great entry, Phil. Wonderful Brew Crew concepts from Chance & David. Much better than what is being worn by the team on the field now.
Remember, gray unis with pinstripes = pajamas (See MINN and COLO).
[quote comment=”346094″][quote comment=”346093″]I like how Frosty doesn’t tie his shoes.
He makes pretty good stuff, too.
Are the Raiders wearing a silver alt this year? I don’t remember it being mentioned. They never wore one in the past? Did they?[/quote]
Silver numbers on the legacy road whites, yes, but that’s it. And, no, they’ve never wore a silver alt. Raiders are decidedly old school on that kind of nonsense.
I saw a silver jersey in a catalog. If they aren’t planning to wear silver, I find it odd that it is placed amongst the array of jerseys that teams do wear. Perhaps its a mistake.
There sure are a lot of Transformers heads on the Syracuse team.
I wouldn’t wear one of those helmets for anything (except a joke). I would quit football.
This silver jersey says “authentic”. Am I crazy?
[quote comment=”346097″][quote comment=”346094″][quote comment=”346093″]I like how Frosty doesn’t tie his shoes.
He makes pretty good stuff, too.
Are the Raiders wearing a silver alt this year? I don’t remember it being mentioned. They never wore one in the past? Did they?[/quote]
Silver numbers on the legacy road whites, yes, but that’s it. And, no, they’ve never wore a silver alt. Raiders are decidedly old school on that kind of nonsense.
I saw a silver jersey in a catalog. If they aren’t planning to wear silver, I find it odd that it is placed amongst the array of jerseys that teams do wear. Perhaps its a mistake.
There sure are a lot of Transformers heads on the Syracuse team.
I wouldn’t wear one of those helmets for anything (except a joke). I would quit football.[/quote]
you’ll probably find an “authentic” yellow chiefs and packers, as well as a black jets and gold 49ers and saints too
doesn’t mean they’ll ever see the field
[quote comment=”346096″]Remember, gray unis with pinstripes = pajamas (See MINN and COLO).[/quote]
I always kinda give a pass to a team that does something first, which Twins did with road pins in ’87 (first since well before WWII and the TV era, anyway), and promptly won the WS. Rockies and D-Backs came along later, so I’d be more judgemental toward them.
Nothing wrong with being unique.
Kinda like the ’76 collared, tails-out, navy pants, no stirrups White Sox. Good or bad, they at least were the only ones doing it. Had the Phillies or someone come up with a red version, it would have been, like, whoa, hold it, let’s be original, okay?
[quote comment=”346099″][quote comment=”346097″][quote comment=”346094″][quote comment=”346093″]I like how Frosty doesn’t tie his shoes.
He makes pretty good stuff, too.
Are the Raiders wearing a silver alt this year? I don’t remember it being mentioned. They never wore one in the past? Did they?[/quote]
Silver numbers on the legacy road whites, yes, but that’s it. And, no, they’ve never wore a silver alt. Raiders are decidedly old school on that kind of nonsense.
I saw a silver jersey in a catalog. If they aren’t planning to wear silver, I find it odd that it is placed amongst the array of jerseys that teams do wear. Perhaps its a mistake.
There sure are a lot of Transformers heads on the Syracuse team.
I wouldn’t wear one of those helmets for anything (except a joke). I would quit football.[/quote]
you’ll probably find an “authentic” yellow chiefs and packers, as well as a black jets and gold 49ers and saints too
doesn’t mean they’ll ever see the field
No weird chiefs, packers or jets on there.
In fact, I checked about half the teams and that Raiders one is the only questionable authentic.
[quote comment=”346099″][quote comment=”346097″][quote comment=”346094″][quote comment=”346093″]I like how Frosty doesn’t tie his shoes.
He makes pretty good stuff, too.
Are the Raiders wearing a silver alt this year? I don’t remember it being mentioned. They never wore one in the past? Did they?[/quote]
Silver numbers on the legacy road whites, yes, but that’s it. And, no, they’ve never wore a silver alt. Raiders are decidedly old school on that kind of nonsense.
I saw a silver jersey in a catalog. If they aren’t planning to wear silver, I find it odd that it is placed amongst the array of jerseys that teams do wear. Perhaps its a mistake.
There sure are a lot of Transformers heads on the Syracuse team.
I wouldn’t wear one of those helmets for anything (except a joke). I would quit football.[/quote]
you’ll probably find an “authentic” yellow chiefs and packers, as well as a black jets and gold 49ers and saints too
doesn’t mean they’ll ever see the field
It’s just weird that it’s featured with jerseys that teams DO wear. Must be an error.
It’s in the “NFL Shop Legacy” catalog.
Here is the AFC page.
[quote comment=”346103″]Here is the AFC page.
Go to page 36 & 37.
[quote comment=”346100″][quote comment=”346096″]Remember, gray unis with pinstripes = pajamas (See MINN and COLO).[/quote]
I always kinda give a pass to a team that does something first, which Twins did with road pins in ’87 (first since well before WWII and the TV era, anyway), and promptly won the WS. Rockies and D-Backs came along later, so I’d be more judgemental toward them.[/quote]
Actually, ’twas the link, then the Angels, then the Diamondbacks, then the Rockies.
The Rockies’ original road unis link.
Of course, the Rockies are the only one of those teams that’s stuck with them.
[quote comment=”346105″][quote comment=”346100″][quote comment=”346096″]Remember, gray unis with pinstripes = pajamas (See MINN and COLO).[/quote]
I always kinda give a pass to a team that does something first, which Twins did with road pins in ’87 (first since well before WWII and the TV era, anyway), and promptly won the WS. Rockies and D-Backs came along later, so I’d be more judgemental toward them.[/quote]
Actually, ’twas the link, then the Angels, then the Diamondbacks, then the Rockies.
The Rockies’ original road unis link.
Of course, the Rockies are the only one of those teams that’s stuck with them.[/quote]
Oops, yeah, forgot about the Reds. Wasn’t thinking about red pins, I guess. And the Angels, well, I kinda forget about that uni altogether.
Any way you slice it, though, they all came after the Twins (not being some kind of Twins homer here, just know they were first).
[quote comment=”346103″]Here is the AFC page.
“It’s all in the details….” That’s some detail on the Buffalo white throwbacks.
Great work on the Brewer jerseys. With mock-ups! Quite impressive.
Very nice Brewers concepts. I like the current colors, and also hope they but Milwaukee on the road uniforms soon.
The Missouri punter has Roman numeral on back as “Harry IV”.
Baylor’s QB, who happens to have RNOB, is losing the “U” from the logo on his helmet. No screen cap, sorry.
Michigan’s Tate Forcier’s NOB reads “T. FORCIER” even though he’s the only Forcier on the roster. Possibly because his older brother used to be a backup QB at Michigan?
Welcome back Phil! Marvelous job Gentelmen! I never was a big fan of pinstriped road unis but those “True Blue” road grays don’t look shabby at all. Once again, top notch stuff Chance & Frosty!
[quote comment=”346108″]Very nice Brewers concepts. I like the current colors, and also hope they but Milwaukee on the road uniforms soon.
The Missouri punter has Roman numeral on back as “Harry IV”.[/quote]
Maybe he has the flu, and that tells the trainers which guy is supposed to be hooked up and take in fluids during the game?
These brewer concepts are way better than the Sox concepts. I think with the Sox there was too much temptation to incorporate past designs or change the color scheme. Many of these Brew Crew designs could become instant classics.
The Missouri punter has Roman numeral on back as “Harry IV”.
He is a punter with IV in his name and his number isn’t “4”. What a wasted opportunity.
Thought Baylor’s TNOF looked puny.
Does anyone else see the irony in having white players in Negro League throwbacks?
Very nice effort from the guys on today’s post. I do not like the Brewers in red, because red/blue is just so ubiquitous. Super effort, though, just terrific.
Now onto a serious critique … Paul was absolutely correct when he pointed out the Baylor uni changes. They look TERRIBLE. Somebody at Nike should be fired for revising their previous look.
The BU emblem on the sleeve is not visible because it’s dark green letters outlined in black … making it look like a black blob on the shoulder. Sorry no screenshot. Among the least professional looks I’ve seen. I like the white helmets, the dual green stripe … but then the complete disconnect with the jerseys and pants. Nike, if you’re reading this blog, your design work sucks.
only have a sec, i am in stl for the weekend, but i just wanted to say kudos to both the concepts, and the jersey creations, they were spectacular. i loved that new brew crew design when chance put it in the comments a couple months back. this is as solid of a post regarding uni change ideas that has ever been shown on this site…hazzah! hazzah!! hazzah!!!
[quote comment=”346077″]All those Brewers mock-ups are simply awful.
There is a reason why they only wore the retro unis once per month this year – the CURRENT players absolutely hate them. Sell the retro stuff in stores, but it keep it off the field.
Let the current team have their own identity rather than continually celebrating a team that never won a WS to begin with. We are tired of it.
The vast majority of die-hard Brewers fans (a.k.a. those of us who didn’t just start following the team in the last 2-3 years) also loathe the retro unis. They became “hip” among the recent bandwagon fans, but that is it. Like I said, make some $ off the merch, but no need to wear them on the field.
The current uni set is nearly perfect. Just add Milwaukee to the road unis and that’s it. One of my team sources say they will likely only wear the ball-in-glove uni once next year, along with the negro leauge and Cerveceros jerseys.
These concepts look bush league. Waste of time if you ask me.[/quote]
I don’t think anyone asked you. If you can do better, why not show it off, rather than trashing someone else’s efforts? If you ask me.
[quote comment=”346118″][quote comment=”346077″]All those Brewers mock-ups are simply awful.
There is a reason why they only wore the retro unis once per month this year – the CURRENT players absolutely hate them. Sell the retro stuff in stores, but it keep it off the field.
Let the current team have their own identity rather than continually celebrating a team that never won a WS to begin with. We are tired of it.
The vast majority of die-hard Brewers fans (a.k.a. those of us who didn’t just start following the team in the last 2-3 years) also loathe the retro unis. They became “hip” among the recent bandwagon fans, but that is it. Like I said, make some $ off the merch, but no need to wear them on the field.
The current uni set is nearly perfect. Just add Milwaukee to the road unis and that’s it. One of my team sources say they will likely only wear the ball-in-glove uni once next year, along with the negro leauge and Cerveceros jerseys.
These concepts look bush league. Waste of time if you ask me.[/quote]
I don’t think anyone asked you. If you can do better, why not show it off, rather than trashing someone else’s efforts? If you ask me.[/quote]
I would have to disagree as well. I can understand the players not liking to wear one offs because of fit, etc… but the fans clearly love them, that is why they do it. Most fans like their team’s heritage, so I don’t understand why you hate it so much. The ball in glove logo is a classic. The current set is one of the most unimaginative in all of baseball.
Orioles went Negro League throwback today representing the Elite Giants. High pants and lots of socks on every player I saw – good stuff.
[quote comment=”346120″]Orioles went Negro League throwback today representing the Elite Giants. High pants and lots of socks on every player I saw – good stuff.[/quote]
Orioles’ starter wore proper stirrups, too.
Highlights here…
[quote comment=”346121″][quote comment=”346120″]Orioles went Negro League throwback today representing the Elite Giants. High pants and lots of socks on every player I saw – good stuff.[/quote]
Orioles’ starter wore proper stirrups, too.
Highlights here…
click on “Mora’s go-ahead single” and let it play.
[quote comment=”346122″][quote comment=”346121″][quote comment=”346120″]Orioles went Negro League throwback today representing the Elite Giants. High pants and lots of socks on every player I saw – good stuff.[/quote]
Orioles’ starter wore proper stirrups, too.
Highlights here…
click on “Mora’s go-ahead single” and let it play.[/quote]
Ooh! Matching helmets, too. Too bad the Texases didn’t play along
Aren’t VaTech’s colors supposed to be maroon and orange? Their uniforms are clearly purple. Not even trying to be maroon.
[quote comment=”346123″][quote comment=”346122″][quote comment=”346121″][quote comment=”346120″]Orioles went Negro League throwback today representing the Elite Giants. High pants and lots of socks on every player I saw – good stuff.[/quote]
Orioles’ starter wore proper stirrups, too.
Highlights here…
click on “Mora’s go-ahead single” and let it play.[/quote]
Ooh! Matching helmets, too. Too bad the Texases didn’t play along[/quote]
who would texas have been representing? austin senators?
[quote comment=”346125″][quote comment=”346123″][quote comment=”346122″][quote comment=”346121″][quote comment=”346120″]Orioles went Negro League throwback today representing the Elite Giants. High pants and lots of socks on every player I saw – good stuff.[/quote]
Orioles’ starter wore proper stirrups, too.
Highlights here…
click on “Mora’s go-ahead single” and let it play.[/quote]
Ooh! Matching helmets, too. Too bad the Texases didn’t play along[/quote]
who would texas have been representing? austin senators?[/quote]
Dunno. There were plenty of Negro League teams in Texas. Maybe they weren’t all necessarily major league-caliber teams, but there had to be something in the Dallas area they could have gone with. Hell, they could have made something up and just slapped the word “Texas” on the jersey and just said they were paying tribute to all the teams that played in their home state over the years.
Or maybe the O’s should have scheduled this game for when they were playing a team from a city that had a well-known Negro League team.
as a kid growing up watching the brewers playin the “motre bame” jerseys, the new one’s were always awesome. but since the ball and cap logo set has been reintroduced, the age group of 16-28 LOVE the old jerseys. please, BRING THOSE BACK!! plain and simple, no matter the history, the jerseys are awesome. the logo has to be considered one of the most inventive ever. please, whatever the next jersey set is, BRING BACK THE BALL AND CAP LOGO AND COLORS!!!
[quote comment=”346106″][quote comment=”346105″][quote comment=”346100″][quote comment=”346096″]Remember, gray unis with pinstripes = pajamas (See MINN and COLO).[/quote]
I always kinda give a pass to a team that does something first, which Twins did with road pins in ’87 (first since well before WWII and the TV era, anyway), and promptly won the WS. Rockies and D-Backs came along later, so I’d be more judgemental toward them.[/quote]
Actually, ’twas the link, then the Angels, then the Diamondbacks, then the Rockies.
The Rockies’ original road unis link.
Of course, the Rockies are the only one of those teams that’s stuck with them.[/quote]
Oops, yeah, forgot about the Reds. Wasn’t thinking about red pins, I guess. And the Angels, well, I kinda forget about that uni altogether.
Any way you slice it, though, they all came after the Twins (not being some kind of Twins homer here, just know they were first).
Didn’t the ’78-’81 Cubs do it first?
Nothing against the guys that put all of that time and effort into making the Brewers prototypes above, but I’d rather the Brewers kept their current unis.
I think they have a really sharp wordmark on the front of their jerseys, and they also have a nice wordmark for “Milwaukee” as well that they NEED to get onto the front of their road unis.
I also really like the cap logo, even if it does look quite a bit like the “M” in Miller Beer (which might be a little intentional considering Miller is headquartered in Milwaukee and the Brewers play in Miller Park). I also really like the alternate logo with the Brewers “M” in front of the outline of the state of Wisconsin, it’s a sharp logo as well.
I know a lot of people think otherwise, but in my opinion, if it’s not broke, don’t fix it. I personally believe that this is the best looking uni set the Brewers have had in some time.
[quote comment=”346129″]Nothing against the guys that put all of that time and effort into making the Brewers prototypes above, but I’d rather the Brewers kept their current unis.
I think they have a really sharp wordmark on the front of their jerseys, and they also have a nice wordmark for “Milwaukee” as well that they NEED to get onto the front of their road unis.
I also really like the cap logo, even if it does look quite a bit like the “M” in Miller Beer (which might be a little intentional considering Miller is headquartered in Milwaukee and the Brewers play in Miller Park). I also really like the alternate logo with the Brewers “M” in front of the outline of the state of Wisconsin, it’s a sharp logo as well.
I know a lot of people think otherwise, but in my opinion, if it’s not broke, don’t fix it. I personally believe that this is the best looking uni set the Brewers have had in some time.[/quote]
On top of what I already said, even though I like the Brewers current color scheme, I could live with it if they kept the current design, but changed to the classic color scheme. It would be a mix of the present and the past.
Looks like link is the game.
[quote comment=”346131″]Looks like link is the game.[/quote]
Exactly as I concluded up above; good job. I just didn’t know where the linescore link on retrosheet was.
Chance Michaels, you could make a killing if you sold that Brewers jersey with the old Barrel Man on the sleeve. That is the damn coolest DIY I’ve seen yet!
On the other topic, the current Brewers set sucks big time, and the Brewers need to go back to royal & Old Athletic Gold. Why stick with a generic sterile, unremarkable computer design when you got a library of classics??
Okay, why not combine the old Brewers colors of the AA (red and navy) with the Vegas Gold of the current team?
Can I see this: link with a white-on-navy top? That color combo is the thing I love about the jerseys they wear now.
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