The weirdest thing about the 49ers’ new uni set, which was unveiled on Saturday, is how little media coverage it’s gotten. Newspaper photos have been scarce, and even the team’s web site had only one small photo and a really low-quality video report — frustrating for me, since the Niners are my favorite NFL team. So we’ll have to make due with a bit less visual support than we’re used to seeing around here. With that in mind, here we go:
• The new colors: For those keeping score at home, the team’s red has changed from Pantone 194 to Pantone 187C, and the gold has changed from 874 to 872. The new tones are more throwback-y/classic/Montana-ish/etc., but I don’t care for them as much. This feels like tradition simply for tradition’s sake. Is it good or is it stupid? Stupid (but my TV is probably too old for me to be able to tell the difference anyway).
• The new helmet: Basically, they’ve restored the red-white-red stripe and the gray facemask (both of which were used from 1964-1995, plus recent throwback games) but kept the revised “SF” oval that was introduced in 1996. Here’s how the new helmet looks compared to last year’s main helmet, and compared to the throwback helmet the team has worn in recent years. I think they got it right in terms of the stripe and the facemask (I know some of you hate gray masks, but I always hated the red mask) and I’m agnostic about the two logos — they’re both fine by me. Good or stupid? Good.
• The new jerseys: First the good news: Ditching the drop shadows and going back to one-color numbers is addition by subtraction. Ditto for removing the “SF” logo from the sleeves. Now the bad news: (1) That chest wordmark is a disaster. For starters, it’s an awkward design — always has been. In addition, putting a logo with a number right above the uni number looks idiotic. If they had to have a chest logo (which they didn’t), why not use the “SF” mark, or come up with a new “Niners” mark? This is the worst possible choice they could have made. (2) What is the freaking deal with the truncated sleeve stripes? It’s not just the tailoring on that one jersey — the stripes are actually shown that way on the team’s official style guide sheet and in Madden (the helmet striping and facemask in that shot are wrong, so don’t be thrown by them). Look, if you can’t fit real stripes on your sleeves armholes, just don’t bother with them. This half-assed compromise just doesn’t cut it. So while I’m glad to see the drop shadows being scrapped, the overall effect still leans toward stupid.
• The new pants: The worst thing about the Montana-era uniform was that the pants piping was ridiculously wide. The team has stayed true to that look in recent throwback games, but the new pants piping appears to be much more reasonable. No more “SF” logo on the hips, either. A major improvement. Very, very good.
I’d been hoping they’d be going back to striped socks, but no such luck — same red-topped hose as before. Dang.
So, upgrade or downgrade? Bit of a mixed bag, sez I. I can live with it. But it’s veeeeery tempting to sneak in the locker room with an Xacto knife to cut the chest wordmark out of every jersey in the joint.
Meanwhile, here’s a question: Is there a name for the type of color-white-color striping that the Niners are restoring to their uniforms? When I was a kid, this stripe pattern was practically synonymous with the NFL, at least to me, so for now let’s call it NFL striping. (If this stripe design has its own name in the uni biz, or if you’d like to propose a better name, I’m listenin’.)
In 1975, when I was in sixth grade, 10 of the league’s 26 teams used NFL striping on their helmets and/or pants (that’s not including the Jets and Colts, because their striping was — and still is — on a white background, which somehow feels like a different thing to me). Twenty years later, in 1995, the count was 10 out of 28 teams. But then several teams, including the Niners, started moving away from NFL striping. As of last year, the count was seven out of the league’s 32 teams (the Browns, Texans, Titans, Lions, Cowboys, Packers, and Saints; we could also include the Bears for their dark pants, but I don’t think they wore them at all last year).
Now the Lions have moved away from NFL striping as well, but the Niners have reclaimed it. Interesting to see them moving against the grain on this particular stripe pattern.
Uni Watch News Ticker: Last week I mentioned that Texas Tech had recently worn throwbacks. Turns out their video department made a throwback-style highlight reel of the game, and it is hands down the best sports-related video I’ve seen this year. Stop what you’re doing and check it out here (major thanks to Kirk Heard). ”¦ Kevin Wright was watching the 1996 NHL All-Star Game and noticed that the Great One was wearing a CCM helmet instead of his usual Jofa model. ”¦ Gerry Dincher asks, not unreasonably: If MIT’s teams are called the Engineers, why is their mascot a sinister beaver? ”¦ Dave Battafarano coaches this high school team in Wilmington, Delaware. “All players and coaches are required to wear pants at the knee and must show three stripes when we are in our grays,” he says. “We are the only HS team in Delaware to wear stirrups and sanitaries, and naturally the only to have stripes. We get a ton of comments, mostly compliments. People are amazed when they see the half-moon sanitary showing and many have no clue what they are.” Well done, Dave, but now teach those kids how to blouse their pant cuffs properly. ”¦ The Red Sox wore five different uniforms in their first 15 games (Jesse Pugh broke out his abacus to tally that one). ”¦ Uni typos aren’t a new phenomenon as you can see in these Spokane Indians photos from 1908. Over three decades later, Spokane’s baseball community was still a bit spelling-challenged. Love those uniforms, though (big thanks to Pacific Northwest baseball guru Dave Eskenazi, who’ll be throwing out the first pitch for for the A’s/Mariners throwback game on May 2nd, when the teams will be dressing up as the Oakland Oaks and Seattle Rainiers). ”¦ I gotta get me one of these (with thanks to Nolan Brett). ”¦ This has gotta be a joke, right? Apparently not (with thanks to John Muir). ”¦ Classy. ”¦ Small piece on bank logos here. ”¦ Here’s what Terence Kearns wore to Friday’s Mets/Nats game. ”¦ According to this page, the Red Sox may live up to their name on the road before the season is out. Key quote, from Bosox chief operating officer Mike Dee: “Socks are not usually a prime consideration when you design uniforms, because two years ago we had 25 guys who wore their pants down to their shoes.” Okay: (1) Asshole. (2) Two years ago you had Mike Timlin, Jason Varitek, and Coco Crisp. (3) Are you aware of your team’s name? (4) See #1 (with thanks to Mark Sullivan). ”¦ Lots of cool old football screen shots from helmet historian Jim Parker. In no particular order: a backwards helmet numeral, inverted lightning bolts, inconsistent helmet number fonts, the Packers still wearing their old navy accessories in their forest green era, and — here’s the doozy — Amos Marsh wearing totally “WTF?” TV numbers, not just once, but twice! Plus it looks like the TV number didn’t color-match the sleeve stripes. ”¦ Bob Wilson posted the following on the SABR listserv the other day: ” The A’s 1953 uniforms were very similar to those of 1952, except for having much smaller numerals on the back. For those who remember the Phillies uniforms of those days, with their extra-large numerals, the 1952 A’s had ones about as big as that, whereas with the 1953 A’s they were sized more like those of most other teams. Anyway, that’s the way it was for their 1953 home opener, but some of the [’52] variety began to appear as the months rolled by. This circumstance was an early indicator of the team’s deepening poverty — they couldn’t afford to replace torn shirt but fortunately had some left around from 1952. ”¦ Then things got worse next year, according to two books where it’s claimed that the A’s never paid for their 1954 uniforms.” Never heard any of that before. ”¦ Also from SABR-L, this time from David Vincent: “The owner of the Carolina League champion Potomac Nationals wears a uniform for Saturday home games and ‘coaches’ first base. He grew up in Brooklyn at the time that [Jackie] Robinson made his debut. His name is Art Silber, a retired banker, and wears No. 42 for the Potomac team. His goal, as he has told me multiple times, is to be the last No. 42 in pro ball. He only has to wait out Mariano Rivera for that dubious honor.” ”¦ Major tavern crisis on the horizon in Europe, as the leading beer coaster purveyor has gone bankrupt (with thanks to the world’s greatest cat-sitter, Laura Forde). ”¦ Good article here about minor league equipment managers (with thanks to Brett Crane). ”¦ Here’s another view of the Jags’ original jersey concept, which was later scrapped (with thanks to Jared Pike). ”¦ Completely hilarious uni-centric video about “baseball of the future” here — not to be missed (with thanks to my ESPN editor, Dave Schoenfield). ”¦ New York State and surrounding environs logo mash-up by Jeremiah McElwain. ”¦ Jeff Demerly reports that he wore gold sanitaries — and gold shoelaces! — back in his Little League days, circa 1974. “Our coach worked at a sporting goods store and always liked color,” he says. “My last year, we switched to red, white, and blue. That team picture was taken after a practice, so you can’t see the total package, which included numbers on our pants like the Astros. We were certainly the most ‘original’ team in our city league.” ”¦ Last week’s issue of Time Out New York included this photo. Never seen that Mets skirt before. ”¦ The Washington Huskies have unveiled their new football uniforms. More pics here. ”¦ Stirrups and uni-numbered shower shoes! That’s Roger Maris, natch (with thanks to Jesse Spector). ”¦ Footwear note from Brian Erni: “On Saturday SNY did a report on which players wear plastic cleats as opposed to players who wear metals (for example, Jose Reyes always wears plastics, Luis Castillo wears metals). Jeremy Reed — who wears metals so he can dig in better in the box — said that when he played with Adrian Beltre in Seattle, Beltre would actually wear flat turf shoes in the field when they would play in Minnesota, Tampa or Toronto and would actually switch cleats to metal spikes before he hit so he could dig in better. Would be great to find photographic evidence of this!” ”¦ The Padres wore 1969 throwbacks on Saturday, and holy shit did those striped hose look totally sexy. Broadcaster Mark Grant was dressed for the occasion, too. Too bad about the badly inaccurate rear view, though (Grant screen shot courtesy of Mike Hersh). ”¦ Ladies and gentlemen, only three words are appropriate here: Oh. My. God. ”¦ Anyone know why Mike Richards had “PP” printed on his teeth the other day? (Screen shot courtesy of Ryan Connelly.) ”¦ The Denver Post ran a big series of articles about Denver-area uniforms yesterday. Start here for the mainbar, and then check out the side articles about the Nuggets, Broncos, CU Buffs, and local athletes’ opinions. ”¦ Here’s next season’s AHL All-Star Game logo. ”¦ The New York Mets, lamest, dumbest, most embarrassing franchise on the planet. Can’t we just send the Wilpons on an all-expenses-paid excursion the Chechnya or something? ”¦ Reprinted from Sunday’s comments: Usain Bolt wore this jersey while throwing out the first pitch at Fenway on Saturday. The uni number, of course, refers to the average number of runs given up by the Yankees’ bullpen each game. ”¦ Recently acquired this old uni catalog. Nothing momentous, but a few interesting tidbits: (1) Check out the padded facebar at 10 o’clock — never seen that before. (2) Note that the ventilation grommets on two of these sneakers are on the rubber strip, not on the canvas. Sloppy illustration, or did Chucks used to be designed that way? (3) The football footwear page included a listing for little press-on uni-number tabs. Hey, Terry Proctor, were those common back in the day? And (4) Dig item G914, described as the “Ted Sowle Model” of eyeglass protection. Who’s Ted Sowle? Beats me. Anyone..? ”¦ Now I’ve seen everything (with thanks to Brinke Guthrie). ”¦ Was out having a few beers at O’Connor’s on Friday and found myself sitting next to a gent named Ryan McManus. As you can see, he had an extremely nifty T-shirt, plus he had this cap, which I’d never seen before. He said it was from a now-defunct Massachusetts bar called the b-Side. Awesome MLB logo treatment on the back, too. … We’ve previously noted that the Pirates’ collar piping extends down the jersey’s inner flap. But it turns out that it doesn’t extend all the way down (good spot by Tim Collins). … “I went to the NFL draft over the weekend,” says Will Slade. “They had an AFL 50th Anniversary Booth and handed out brochures that detailed the ‘Legacy Games.’ In addition, some of the NFL employees had AFL logo lapel pins. Here’s a photo of the officials’ uniforms and the Broncos’ uniform.” … Stan Olechowski was visiting his galpal as Delware Valley College and snapped pics of some cool items, including this button and this jersey, which has a cool rounded insignia and a beautiful, fascinating label. Anyone know more about who S&C might be? ”¦ Two AFL find by Tom Park: First, this is from a Chargers/Titans preseason game in August of 1960. Odd that the official was wearing a plain white jersey, no? Even odder: Joe Namath wearing what appears to be a practice jersey (NNOB, no green trim on the sleeves) on 12/6/69.
MIT uses the beaver because beavers are “link.”
Anent MIT’s mascot: beavers, like engineers, build dams ….
Interesting comment on the “NFL piping”, when the Phoenix Coyotes introduced their simpler burgundy unis a few years ago, I really liked it, as their striping pattern, was the striping pattern of my youth, all the pee-wee ockey teams in my area had that striping pattern. I also found it ironic/fitting, that Gretzky had some say in their jersey, as he and I are virtually the same age. I guess it’s to say, I suspect we all long for the uniforms of our youth. So unfortunately that may mean in 30 years time, there some uni guru, preaching for the return of the Denver Broncos Swoosh.
Miami Dolphins changes?
I noticed the Patriots had both their current helmet and restyled AFL throwback helmet on their table at the draft.
Did the other AFL teams do the same?
[quote comment=”326223″]I noticed the Patriots had both their current helmet and restyled AFL throwback helmet on their table at the draft.
Did the other AFL teams do the same?[/quote]
This one did:
its nice to see that in the future, stirrups will still be a part of baseball…however, they will be worn backwards
powers is now building a time machine to steal the jumping technology to be found in the future kicks…he will still jump like billy hoyle however
“What is the freaking deal with the truncated sleeve stripes?”
i think nfl teams are really trying to figure out what to do with their sleeve stripes, and this was sf’s “new” idea (obviously). with jerseys getting tighter, and sleeves getting shorter and shorter, sf probably wanted to be the first to solve the problem… and ended up looking a little goofy in the process. but, thats my take anyways…
Odd eBay: Toronto Blue Jays Nesting Dolls featuring 3 jersey’s! (Home/Away/Alt)
“Dave Battafarano coaches this high school team in Wilmington, Delaware”
that kid on the bottom left… check his birth certificate (or report cards)!
haha! kidding
looks good! how much do the kids like the uniform though???
When those jerseys are on actual players with shoulder pads, the sleeve stripes will look like they go all the way around the arms.
Or something.
The Delcastle team looks excellent!! Kudos for the effort. Matching cleats is a plus as well.
Beavers are the world’s original, and greatest, engineers..
fantastic work over the weekend by the fellas on the powder blues. Just read them this morning…man I miss ’em. Thanks guys –
Jeff Demerly reports that he wore gold sanitaries – and gold shoelaces! – back in his Little League days, circa 1974. “Our coach worked at a sporting goods store and always liked color,” he says.
Judging by that mustache, I think your coach was also a part-time porn star.
“The Washington Huskies have unveiled their new football uniforms”
are the “swooshes” getting bigger? hmmm…
[quote comment=”326219″]MIT uses the beaver because beavers are “link.”[/quote]
The 3rd Engineer Battalion, my unit when I was in the Army, had a beaver on the battalion crest.
Paul, it’s not “Oh. My. God.” with those Broncos throwbacks throwups.
It’s “Hole. Lee. Shit.”
That is all.
[quote comment=”326225″]its nice to see that in the future, stirrups will still be a part of baseball…however, they will be worn backwards
powers is now building a time machine to steal the jumping technology to be found in the future kicks…he will still jump like billy hoyle however[/quote]
It is reassuring to know that paul has chosen an Internet Troll to be our “Bench Coach”.
Incessantly making provocatory comments to induce rebuttal statements from posters such as Ryan Connelly and myself is deplorable.
1.Usain Bolt’s precence at fenway was probably Ellsbury’s inspiration for stealing home ala Jackie Robinson.
2. Speaking of Jackie…4 new shoes by Nike honoring him:
a. Nike Swingman Remix
b. Nike Blazer, one of their first basketball shoes, originally worn by the “Iceman” George Gervin. Notice the traditional Brooklyn wordmark and sublimated B logos.
[quote comment=”326226″]”What is the freaking deal with the truncated sleeve stripes?”
i think nfl teams are really trying to figure out what to do with their sleeve stripes, and this was sf’s “new” idea (obviously). with jerseys getting tighter, and sleeves getting shorter and shorter, sf probably wanted to be the first to solve the problem… and ended up looking a little goofy in the process. but, thats my take anyways…[/quote]
Was gonna say them thing regarding the cut of Niners’ “sleeves”: Ladies and gentlemen…welcome to the future of football jerseys.
And, three other things:
Jets wore those minimalist jerseys in preseason for a couple years. Have several photos in my files. There’s an SI cover shot of Namath wearing one the summer following SBIII in one of the last (THE last?) College All-Star Game in Chicago.
Those white, non-striped AFL officials shirts are all over the place in photos from presason games in 1960.
Uh-oh, looks like maybe the Broncos are gonna wear those super-long striped socks sans white crew socks a la the Lions’ throwbacks (wearing crews–or at least white bottoms on the socks— is the authentic look, of course). Jeez, the fact that some of the throwbacks are ugly is part of their charm, but no sense in making them even uglier (wonder if they’ll wear black shoes with them, or stick with their regular whites, cuz whites would look REALLY dumb with vertical stripes from shoetop to knee).
[quote comment=”326233″]Judging by that mustache, I think your coach was also a part-time porn star.[/quote]
Yes, because every single person who wore a mustache in the 1970s was a porn star.
Such a lame, lazy cliché.
re: MIT: as others have pointed out, a beaver is indeed the mascot. (mascot name: TIM Beaver (spell the first name backwards)).
Here’s another instance of the MIT mascot, in the class ring (colloquially known as the “Brass Rat”):
FWIW, the talk around campus was that the women’s teams were not about to be called the “Beavers”, for obvious reasons.
[quote comment=”326224″][quote comment=”326223″]I noticed the Patriots had both their current helmet and restyled AFL throwback helmet on their table at the draft.
Did the other AFL teams do the same?[/quote]
This one did:
Speaking of the draft, I really miss the old helmet phones that teams had. They seem to have gone the way of the bullpen car.
[quote comment=”326223″]I noticed the Patriots had both their current helmet and restyled AFL throwback helmet on their table at the draft.
Did the other AFL teams do the same?[/quote]
Since I watched way way way too much draft coverage I can confirm that the titans and the broncos also had their throwback helmets on the table. It took me until I saw the broncos helmet some time after the titans helmet to understand why there was an oilers helmet there. (of course that may have had something to do with the beverages i was consuming as well)
Namath vs. the College All-Stars…
[quote comment=\”326241\”]
Speaking of the draft, I really miss the old helmet phones that teams had. They seem to have gone the way of the bullpen car.[/quote]
Rich Eisen was trying to start a grassroots effort to bring back the helmet phones, in fact he gave a yellow and blue Rams helmet phone to the Commish and DeMaurice Smith, telling them that this way they can keep the lines of communication open for a new CBA.
Many players prefer the comfort of Turf shoes to cleats, thus they have their turfs cleated by third party companies like this:
Eric Chavez and Orlando Cabrera of the A’s were notorious for doing this.
Shox BB4
Huarache 64:
Frank Thomas Shox Ups:
Orlando Cabrera
Jim Thome:
For more on the subject, Mark Mihalik once wrote a great piece for UW that can be found here:
Beltre has been seen wearing molded cleats:
Molded cleats while batting:
Metal while batting:
Metal, in the field:
Havent found proof of turfs. Yet
Ah yes, but take another look at the Delcastle jerseys. The wordmark “Delcastle” is too low on the chest, because their jerseys don’t have the “pro button” feature.
I was on a softball team some years ago and the older jerseys had the word mark nice and high, when some of the newer players joined, the new jerseys didn’t have the pro button feature so the team name was across the bellies.
Secondly Paul, the 1941 Spokane uniforms you love, would you say the same thing if some team broke out that design today?
Oh and thirdly, I think those Pepsi Throwback bottles are the fact they are using natural sugar or something, not just the label.
I have always disliked fotball teams sticking their logo on the sleeves of their jersey. I thought it looked superfluous, added clutter, was overkill.
But now, with these stupid snuggly jerseys and the ridiculousness of the truncated stripes, I suggest forgetting abouts stripes altogether (sigh). Just stick the frickin logo on the shoulder and call it a day. And no teams are allowed to put wordmarks below the collar. And get rid of the NFL logo on the collar.
[quote comment=”326245″]Many players prefer the comfort of Turf shoes to cleats, thus they have their turfs cleated by third party companies like this:
Eric Chavez and Orlando Cabrera of the A’s were notorious for doing this.
Shox BB4
Huarache 64:
Frank Thomas Shox Ups:
Orlando Cabrera
Jim Thome:
For more on the subject, Mark Mihalik once wrote a great piece for UW that can be found here:
Beltre has been seen wearing molded cleats:
Molded cleats while batting:
Metal while batting:
Metal, in the field:
Havent found proof of turfs. Yet[/quote]
that picture of thome just looks like a classic baseball player!
[quote comment=”326245″]Many players prefer the comfort of Turf shoes to cleats, thus they have their turfs cleated by third party companies like this:
Eric Chavez and Orlando Cabrera of the A’s were notorious for doing this.
Shox BB4
Huarache 64:
Frank Thomas Shox Ups:
Orlando Cabrera
Jim Thome:
For more on the subject, Mark Mihalik once wrote a great piece for UW that can be found here:
Beltre has been seen wearing molded cleats:
Molded cleats while batting:
Metal while batting:
Metal, in the field:
Havent found proof of turfs. Yet[/quote]
i noticed him wearing some while they were playing minnesota in the first series of the year
This could be the fog of age, but the Amos Marsh photos reminded me that he may have worn an E1 (31) during his time with Dallas as well — except this would have been the front jersey number.
Perhaps Ricko may remember this as well.
Anyone know why Mike Richards had “PP” printed on his teeth the other day? (Screen shot courtesy of Ryan Connelly.)
Pathetic Puckhandling?
Pounded in Playoffs?
Penguins Prevail?
[quote comment=”326219″]MIT uses the beaver because beavers are “link.”[/quote]
Rats! You beat me to it. That’s what I get for reading my work email before reading uniwatch. I was going to post the same link too.
Kudos to you, Brandon!
[quote comment=”326248″][quote comment=”326245″]Many players prefer the comfort of Turf shoes to cleats, thus they have their turfs cleated by third party companies like this:
Eric Chavez and Orlando Cabrera of the A’s were notorious for doing this.
Shox BB4
Huarache 64:
Frank Thomas Shox Ups:
Orlando Cabrera
Jim Thome:
For more on the subject, Mark Mihalik once wrote a great piece for UW that can be found here:
Beltre has been seen wearing molded cleats:
Molded cleats while batting:
Metal while batting:
Metal, in the field:
Havent found proof of turfs. Yet[/quote]
that picture of thome just looks like a classic baseball player![/quote]
That’s becuase of the contrast between him and those horrid black jerseys in the background.
About the K-cards being confiscated at ____ Field, not sure if this has anything to do with it, but I went to the game yesterday and the left field ribbon screen wasn’t working
[quote comment=”326249″][quote comment=”326245″]Many players prefer the comfort of Turf shoes to cleats, thus they have their turfs cleated by third party companies like this:
Eric Chavez and Orlando Cabrera of the A’s were notorious for doing this.
Shox BB4
Huarache 64:
Frank Thomas Shox Ups:
Orlando Cabrera
Jim Thome:
For more on the subject, Mark Mihalik once wrote a great piece for UW that can be found here:
Beltre has been seen wearing molded cleats:
Molded cleats while batting:
Metal while batting:
Metal, in the field:
Havent found proof of turfs. Yet[/quote]
i noticed him wearing some while they were playing minnesota in the first series of the year[/quote]
49ers really wussed out with that new helmet. Ok, so we’ll please the old school crowd with the center stripes(white), and please the new school crowd by retaining the “tough” black oval border around the logo. What a piecemeal mess. Sort of a mullet type mess; i.e. business down the center and party on the sides.
[quote comment=”326250″]This could be the fog of age, but the Amos Marsh photos reminded me that he may have worn an E1 (31) during his time with Dallas as well — except this would have been the front jersey number.
Perhaps Ricko may remember this as well.[/quote]
Ya got me on that one. Was he a lousy fielding pitcher at one time?
Eight teams, only three wearing AFL first-year uniforms. Other five are from all over the decade of the ’60s.
…and six of the eight are wearing unis they already have around from previous throwback games.
Way to extend yourselves, guys.
[quote comment=”326226″]”What is the freaking deal with the truncated sleeve stripes?”
i think nfl teams are really trying to figure out what to do with their sleeve stripes, and this was sf’s “new” idea (obviously). with jerseys getting tighter, and sleeves getting shorter and shorter, sf probably wanted to be the first to solve the problem… and ended up looking a little goofy in the process. but, thats my take anyways…[/quote]
Can we lay off the Jags having empty sleeves now? I think the blank sleeves are preferable to the weird action the Niners have. Sleeves just aren’t what they used to be on NFL unis.
Conclusive Beltre proof:
Image #6
[quote comment=”326260″]Conclusive Beltre proof:
Image #6[/quote]
Maybe someone has covered this, but when is the big reveal for the Dolphins?
[quote comment=”326256″]49ers really wussed out with that new helmet. Ok, so we’ll please the old school crowd with the center stripes(white), and please the new school crowd by retaining the “tough” black oval border around the logo. What a piecemeal mess. Sort of a mullet type mess; i.e. business down the center and party on the sides.[/quote]
I don’t think the black oval is going to bother me, but those sleeve stripes probably will. As a longtime Niner fan, though, I’m pleased with the results. But they could’ve just gone with the straight throwbacks (wide pant stripes and all) and that would have been fine by me.
The College All-Star Game (NFL Champions vs. College All-Stars lasted until 1976.
Until 1971, this game was televised in B/W on ABC due to the poor lighting at Soldier Field I. When the Bears moved to Soldier Field (II?) in 1971, it required a much stronger wattage for the floodlights, and thus for the last 6 years of the game, it was televised in color.
Maybe Amos Marsh’s TV numbers, like an approaching ambulance, were meant to be seen in your rear-view mirror :-)
So, the Red Sox guy is an asshole because he thought a bunch of guys only pull their pantlegs down all the way?
You may like the old-time look, but geez…get over it already. There are two players, TWO, who are currently in the bigs who wear stirrups circa 1975.
It’s not coming back…please move on to another bitchable topic. It’s like listening to people pining for the good old days of the 50s.
[quote comment=”326253″]Many players prefer the comfort of Turf shoes to cleats, thus they have their turfs cleated by third party companies like this:
that’s a pretty cool idea (although the hoops & football turf styles don’t necessarily translate to a classic baseball ‘cleat’ — have to tone down the colors, and such, yes?) … can you make em all solid black?
makes absolute sense (and explains why the modern base ball player is wearing what appear to be out of place footwear)…but it’s all about the comfort and performance, right? not just ‘style’?
guy needs to update his client list tho…
[quote] Key quote, from Bosox chief operating officer Mike Dee: “Socks are not usually a prime consideration when you design uniforms, because two years ago we had 25 guys who wore their pants down to their shoes.”[/quote]
Supposedly Mike Dee is on his way down the coast and is getting ready to join the Dolphins..
How do you include the Titans on the list of NFL striping when you don’t include the Jets? At least the Jets don’t have tructuated stripes. Kind of inconsistent.
Hi Everyone (reading the comments that it).
Recently Paul linked to a bunch of artwork from my North American Football League, “a dice-based football league I played from about 1982-2000.
link (scroll down to “Lee Stokes”)
I was wondering if anyone among you could help me out.
One of the teams from the NAFL that I have carried over to my current league (the AFA) is called the Tampa Bay Torpedos. Ever since I first created the team, I have always been underwhelmed with their helmet logo:
So after reading Paul’s blog and the comments every day, I thought “hey, rather than come up with my own logo” (which I have doodled probably 1000 different concepts for) “why not see if the talented people of Uniwatch could help me out?”
Anyways, if you agree to it, here are the constraints you would have to adhere to:
– Granting of rights (I have never attempted to monetize any of my prior work or the game, but I suppose in this day & age, I need permission?)
– I don’t pay money (this is for my own personal fun, nothing else)
– Must use the green & orange.
– Must incorporate the “T”
– Must incorporate a circle or oval.
– Must work on a white helmet.
If you are interested in this project, send me an email to link.
Thanks, Lee
[quote comment=”326269″]How do you include the Titans on the list of NFL striping when you don’t include the Jets? At least the Jets don’t have tructuated stripes. Kind of inconsistent.[/quote]
He’s talking about the pants striping.
In the second “Spokane” photo (with the errant banner), there is one guy (center of the photo) who has a different hat than the rest of the team.
re: Niners sleeve striping. Gotta give ’em credit for one thing. The design allows the stripes (well, the top one, anyway) to end up pretty much horizontal when the jersey is stretched over shoulder pads…unlike the Steelers and others.
But it does look goofy in the streetwear version, that’s for sure.
[quote comment=”326241″][quote comment=”326224″][quote comment=”326223″]I noticed the Patriots had both their current helmet and restyled AFL throwback helmet on their table at the draft.
Did the other AFL teams do the same?[/quote]
This one did:
Speaking of the draft, I really miss the old helmet phones that teams had. They seem to have gone the way of the bullpen car.[/quote]
gotta love it
OMG, the Denver Vertical Stripes are a go!
The backwards numeral may have had some sort of backstory … a similar thing happened when Bill Elliott was trying to win the Winston Million a few years back. He turned the 9 upside down on the top of his car so that it looked like a small “e”.
Oh, and as for Pepsi Throwback … isn’t it a little late for Passover?
[quote comment=”326270″]
Anyways, if you agree to it, here are the constraints you would have to adhere to:
– Granting of rights (I have never attempted to monetize any of my prior work or the game, but I suppose in this day & age, I need permission?)
– I don’t pay money (this is for my own personal fun, nothing else)
– Must use the green & orange.
– Must incorporate the “T”
– Must incorporate a circle or oval.
– Must work on a white helmet.
If you are interested in this project, send me an email to link.
Thanks, Lee[/quote]
I actually think the Torpedos logo you came up with, is one of the best in the lot. Very seventies WFL. Just needs to be cleaned up a bit, however, nice concept.
“Why would they be going back to that?” asked Denver Post fashion editor Suzanne Brown. “Why would they celebrate that? I thought marketing stuff was supposed to be more fashionable.”
Why go back to that? Well, for one thing it’s a 50th anniversary celebration. Although, seeing as only three of the eight teams understand, I guess maybe we’ll have to forgive her for that.
But, once again, how dumb do you have to be to not understand that part of the fun of throwbacks IS that they’re ugly. That’s one of points of the whole thing: “God lord, look what they USED to wear.”
I’m afraid Suzanne Brown, fashion editor though she may be, doesn’t Get It.
Are teams’ logo slicks (like today’s for the Niners) available on-line anywhere? Or does someone need to scan them in team by team?
[quote comment=”326234″]”The Washington Huskies have unveiled their new football uniforms”
are the “swooshes” getting bigger? hmmm…[/quote]
And the piping is getting more annoying. Love the home uniforms, though.
The wide Niners pants piping was too wide, but the piping was not just for show. The piping was made with a stretchy (spandex?) material to provide more freedom of movement, which helped back when players actually wore (by rule?) their knee, thigh, and hip pads. The other part of the pants were not flexible, and actually quite restricting with pads inserted. I guess wearing the proper padding is not a rule anymore(ever?), because most players wear few, if any, leg/hip pads. I wonder if incidences of lower-body injuries in the NFL could be greatly reduced by forcing the players to pad up properly. I think if I was paying these huge salaries/bonuses, I’d want my players to be protected better.
The Padre pitcher has got his socks mixed up..one leg has the sock with high opening in front, the other has the low opening in front…Still, these look incredible
It appears Percy Harvin will wear #12 for the Vikings.
Close to his Wonderlic score, if I remember correctly.
couple things about the Delcastle unis!! first off, thanks for the compliments!! almost all my players love the look… some wonder why they can’t wear the pajamas like the other teams we play, but I’ve never had a conflict with the mandatory high-cuffs rule. it has become one of our trademarks. many of my guys had never heard or seen stirrups and sanitaries before they came into the program. it is nice to see all 3 levels of the program always wearing their pants cuffed high.
when I was designing the uniforms with the sales rep I asked about our school name being located too far down the front of the jersey. because I wanted our name vertically arched it runs a little low. it might also be because many of my guys don’t fill them out!! in looking at our buttons, please note their is no button behind the “A”.. because the “A” is stitched to the middle of the placket and not separated the name rides low.. its tough to split the name of our school “DELC” “ASTLE”..
its tough to see in the pic but the white stripes on our stirrups are trimmed in grey. the style is called “feathered”. due to high-top cleats I am thinking of going to the 6-inch stirrup cut next season. the ones we wear now are 4-inch.
after reading paul’s comments I realized I hadn’t given my ‘lesson’ on how to cuff pants before the pic was taken. it was the first week of practice and I had just handed out the unis!! they know now paul!!!
lastly, yeah, that ‘kid’ in the front row far left hasn’t gotten into many games… i checked his birth certificate and realized it was me!
[quote comment=”326271″][quote comment=”326269″]How do you include the Titans on the list of NFL striping when you don’t include the Jets? At least the Jets don’t have tructuated stripes. Kind of inconsistent.[/quote]
He’s talking about the pants striping.[/quote]
Oh ok. Duh!!
[quote comment=”326262″]Maybe someone has covered this, but when is the big reveal for the Dolphins?[/quote]
I’m wondering the same thing.
That Padre throwback is definitely some of the sexiest things I’ve seen lately in the MLB. And is just me, or is it in certain shots, those Broncos AFL jerseys look like they could pass for a redskins jersey or a steelers jersey?
did anyone happen to see the wristbands that jeter was wearing last night? i never see them play so i dont know if he always wears them, but what was the logo? looked like a jumpman type thing, but wasnt obvious what the shaddow was of, like with ryan howards logo thing, anyone have any idea?
[quote comment=”326282″]It appears Percy Harvin will wear #12 for the Vikings.
Close to his Wonderlic score, if I remember correctly.
..very nice, Ricko
[quote comment=”326287″]did anyone happen to see the wristbands that jeter was wearing last night? i never see them play so i dont know if he always wears them, but what was the logo? looked like a jumpman type thing, but wasnt obvious what the shaddow was of, like with ryan howards logo thing, anyone have any idea?[/quote]
I guess I’m a weird one when it comes to the Niners uniform. I kind of liked the drop shadow on the number. Made it pop. But that’s just me.
[quote comment=”326278″]Are teams’ logo slicks (like today’s for the Niners) available on-line anywhere? Or does someone need to scan them in team by team?[/quote]
I was curious about that too. I’d love to collect style guides and logo slicks, but don’t know where to go to get them. Maybe these killer talkbackers can help???
[quote comment=”326288″][quote comment=”326282″]It appears Percy Harvin will wear #12 for the Vikings.
Close to his Wonderlic score, if I remember correctly.
..very nice, Ricko[/quote]
Just lamenting the general attitude of kids that paying attention in school—even if they aren’t a potential pro athlete—isn’t something worth doing.
Personally, I think Harvin can be a huge factor in making the Viking offense extraordinarily explosive (not withstanding the QB situation)…and I hope the kid just screwed up and he turns out to a solid person and a helluva football player.
(Hey, Powers, what’s your take on kids taking school seriously these days?)
The new 9ers uniforms (they are not throwbacks) – are a result of consensus (player alumni/fan focus groups and current players)… The players wanted the pants stripes reduced (the wide ones were uncomfortable)… The focus groups were split between the classics and the 1996-2008 sets and this uniform shows it… The metallic gold pants and the cherry red jerseys, the updated SF logo, the elimination of drop shadows and logo creeps on the uniform. The players were probably the ones that decided to keep the black cleats and the red socks without striping. Too many cooks in the kitchen? Probably with this one.
[quote comment=”326267″][quote comment=”326253″]Many players prefer the comfort of Turf shoes to cleats, thus they have their turfs cleated by third party companies like this:
that’s a pretty cool idea (although the hoops & football turf styles don’t necessarily translate to a classic baseball ‘cleat’ — have to tone down the colors, and such, yes?) … can you make em all solid black?
makes absolute sense (and explains why the modern base ball player is wearing what appear to be out of place footwear)…but it’s all about the comfort and performance, right? not just ‘style’?
guy needs to update his client list tho…[/quote]
Interestingly enough, the trend really hit it’s stride with the Nike Huarache 2k4:
Players began cleating them to the point that Nike started producing them with MCS, Molded cleat system, and metal sole plates.
Shane Victorino is wearing the updated version that will be on sale this Fall:
Nike even started turning them into football cleats as well:
They thend turned the next model into baseball cleats as well, the Huarache 2k5:
[quote comment=”326263″][quote comment=”326256″]49ers really wussed out with that new helmet. Ok, so we’ll please the old school crowd with the center stripes(white), and please the new school crowd by retaining the “tough” black oval border around the logo. What a piecemeal mess. Sort of a mullet type mess; i.e. business down the center and party on the sides.[/quote]
I don’t think the black oval is going to bother me, but those sleeve stripes probably will. As a longtime Niner fan, though, I’m pleased with the results. But they could’ve just gone with the straight throwbacks (wide pant stripes and all) and that would have been fine by me.[/quote]
The black oval shouldn’t bother anybody because it has been there forever! Its the gold inside the oval that is different from the helmet logo of the Montana-era (and long before that…)
The Niners are a downgrade. Shoulda kept the darker metallic gold, red facemask, dropshadow and modernized the striping (red/thin black/white/thin black/red) on both the helmet and pants.
link are for sale. Since the first uni I wore in competition was a yellow football jersey (albeit with different ornamentation), it is a weirdly tempting item.
The Mets’ stadium is named for one of the most dysfunctional banks in the United States, and the team is run by the most dysfunctional owners in baseball. Is it really any surprise the team is as much of a fuck up in terms of jerseys, actions by staff, and play on the field?
Didn’t think so
Personally, I think Harvin can be a huge factor in making the Viking offense extraordinarily explosive (not withstanding the QB situation)…and I hope the kid just screwed up and he turns out to a solid person and a helluva football player.
Screwed up meaning the weed, or the wonderlic score? I remember a guy named Dan Marino that had alleged drug issues and a low wonderlic score (15).
Worked out OK.
[quote comment=”326297″]link are for sale. Since the first uni I wore in competition was a yellow football jersey (albeit with different ornamentation), it is a weirdly tempting item.[/quote]
I wonder who has possession of the Cutler jersey that McDaniels held up at the first reveal of the throwback jerseys.
[quote comment=”326273″]re: Niners sleeve striping. Gotta give ’em credit for one thing. The design allows the stripes (well, the top one, anyway) to end up pretty much horizontal when the jersey is stretched over shoulder pads…unlike the Steelers and others.
But it does look goofy in the streetwear version, that’s for sure.
Agreed. This might be one of those things that really works on the field. Think of it as the opposite of, say, the Diamondbacks jersey logo. Looks decent in ‘print’, but on the field when they sometimes become the Dbaaaaaacks it looks like hell.
Quick poll for you guys (and girls):
Which looks better?
[quote comment=”326295″][quote comment=”326263″][quote comment=”326256″]49ers really wussed out with that new helmet. Ok, so we’ll please the old school crowd with the center stripes(white), and please the new school crowd by retaining the “tough” black oval border around the logo. What a piecemeal mess. Sort of a mullet type mess; i.e. business down the center and party on the sides.[/quote]
I don’t think the black oval is going to bother me, but those sleeve stripes probably will. As a longtime Niner fan, though, I’m pleased with the results. But they could’ve just gone with the straight throwbacks (wide pant stripes and all) and that would have been fine by me.[/quote]
The black oval shouldn’t bother anybody because it has been there forever! Its the gold inside the oval that is different from the helmet logo of the Montana-era (and long before that…)
And therefore, it’s a different oval. Jeesh.
[quote comment=”326300″][quote comment=”326297″]link are for sale. Since the first uni I wore in competition was a yellow football jersey (albeit with different ornamentation), it is a weirdly tempting item.[/quote]
I wonder who has possession of the Cutler jersey that McDaniels held up at the first reveal of the throwback jerseys.[/quote]
McDaniels DIY’ed it into a blankie:
Oh, and Ricko…make education interesting and project based and kids will be into it.
Around 5th or 6th grade, kids start disliking school.
My first grade daughter and pre-school daughter CANNOT wait to geth there in the morning.
Like anything else, the content has to be relevant.
I love UW, but when Puck or footie stuff comes across the screen, i usually scroll over it.
It’s gotten to the point that some kids just scroll over EVERYTHING.
[quote comment=”326303″][quote comment=”326295″][quote comment=”326263″][quote comment=”326256″]49ers really wussed out with that new helmet. Ok, so we’ll please the old school crowd with the center stripes(white), and please the new school crowd by retaining the “tough” black oval border around the logo. What a piecemeal mess. Sort of a mullet type mess; i.e. business down the center and party on the sides.[/quote]
I don’t think the black oval is going to bother me, but those sleeve stripes probably will. As a longtime Niner fan, though, I’m pleased with the results. But they could’ve just gone with the straight throwbacks (wide pant stripes and all) and that would have been fine by me.[/quote]
The black oval shouldn’t bother anybody because it has been there forever! Its the gold inside the oval that is different from the helmet logo of the Montana-era (and long before that…)
And therefore, it’s a different oval. Jeesh.[/quote]
Yes, different, but you can’t say its pleasing the new school crowd by retaining the tough black oval if its been there since before many of the new-schoolers were even born. And its definitely not ‘black-for-black’s sake.’
(OK, the ‘jeesh’ was probably inappropriately directed towards you when I was really trying to convey a general ‘jeesh’ because I’ve heard a lot of people in other places saying it doesn’t belong on the 49ers’ helmet because its ‘black.’ Apologies.)
[quote comment=”326302″]Quick poll for you guys (and girls):
Which looks better?
B…plus it’s easier to DIY
[quote comment=”326302″]Quick poll for you guys (and girls):
Which looks better?
the one without the white
[quote comment=”326269″]How do you include the Titans on the list of NFL striping when you don’t include the Jets?[/quote]
RE: Texas Tech throwback highlights.
Didn’t ESPN do highlight of the first White Sox TBTC game in 1990 with an oldtime highlight reel?
following up on a comment by, i believe, mr. pearson…
with the new nfl stylists out there…and the “original” bronco sock wearing (high whites over striped undersocks)…
any bets on how “low” the lowest of the whites go? or how high the high whites go, when some inevitably don’t like the look of the verticals?
nfl uni police, are you ready for some football?
Re: the Canucks’ goat thingee. Initially I thought that might have something to do with the NHL Beard-A-Thon charity fundraiser that’s going on right now (shameless plug: I’m participating even though my beard sucks right now so link). However, the Canucks aren’t one of the participating teams so I have no idea what that’s about… Maybe it’s just a bizarre reference to the good ol’ playoff beard?
[quote comment=”326305″][quote comment=”326303″][quote comment=”326295″][quote comment=”326263″][quote comment=”326256″]49ers really wussed out with that new helmet. Ok, so we’ll please the old school crowd with the center stripes(white), and please the new school crowd by retaining the “tough” black oval border around the logo. What a piecemeal mess. Sort of a mullet type mess; i.e. business down the center and party on the sides.[/quote]
I don’t think the black oval is going to bother me, but those sleeve stripes probably will. As a longtime Niner fan, though, I’m pleased with the results. But they could’ve just gone with the straight throwbacks (wide pant stripes and all) and that would have been fine by me.[/quote]
The black oval shouldn’t bother anybody because it has been there forever! Its the gold inside the oval that is different from the helmet logo of the Montana-era (and long before that…)
And therefore, it’s a different oval. Jeesh.[/quote]
Yes, different, but you can’t say its pleasing the new school crowd by retaining the tough black oval if its been there since before many of the new-schoolers were even born. And its definitely not ‘black-for-black’s sake.’
(OK, the ‘jeesh’ was probably inappropriately directed towards you when I was really trying to convey a general ‘jeesh’ because I’ve heard a lot of people in other places saying it doesn’t belong on the 49ers’ helmet because its ‘black.’ Apologies.)[/quote]
No problem, Jeff, although I wasn’t the one who said they had wussed out. I just think that whether or not there is gold between the SF and the black oval doesn’t matter all that much. It’s close enough to the original to be acceptable and was about the only element on the uniform of the past decade or so that didn’t bother me that much.
That being said, I have always wondered why the black was there in the first place.
[quote comment=”326302″]Quick poll for you guys (and girls):
Which looks better?
it is so obviously the second choice, not even close.
I like the highlighted 2009 ones… The non-highlighted ones is more 1956.
[quote comment=”326299″]Personally, I think Harvin can be a huge factor in making the Viking offense extraordinarily explosive (not withstanding the QB situation)…and I hope the kid just screwed up and he turns out to a solid person and a helluva football player.
Screwed up meaning the weed, or the wonderlic score? I remember a guy named Dan Marino that had alleged drug issues and a low wonderlic score (15).
Worked out OK.[/quote]
Both. Once upon a time, the Vikings drafted another wideout with off-field issues who had slipped down to the 20th pick range. His name was Moss.
So, yeah, you’re sayin’ what I’m sayin’….let’s see how it develops.
In the meantime, though, just because he’s a young millionaire wouldn’t gonna keep me from zinging him to get his attention if I were a veteran Viking. “No. 12? What’s that, your wonderlic score?”
Brad Childress did have a great line, though. When he visited Harvin and his family he asked them if it felt like a college recruiting visit. They answered that it did, and he said, “The difference is, this time you aren’t picking…we are.”
Nice way to make a point to the kid right away, I think.
[quote comment=”326302″]Quick poll for you guys (and girls):
Which looks better?
They both look tthe same to me.. of course that’s just because flickr is blocked here.. :-P
[quote comment=”326314″]I like the highlighted 2009 ones… The non-highlighted ones is more 1956.[/quote]
you are absolutely insane. let me go grab my 1930’s looney bin big net on a long stick, and i’ll get you for the funny farm asap. it has nothing to do with 1956, it has to do with the white looks 100% stupiud. you should not be allowed to stroke anything more then once.
“Glad rags” (from the Texas Tech video) is, I believe, a reference that is much more recent than the 20s/30s era they’re trying to replicate in the video.
Rock Around the Clock, written (apparently) in late 1952, contains a lyrical reference to “glad rags,” and I believe it didn’t come into common usage until about that time.
[quote comment=”326273″]re: Niners sleeve striping. Gotta give ’em credit for one thing. The design allows the stripes (well, the top one, anyway) to end up pretty much horizontal when the jersey is stretched over shoulder pads…unlike the Steelers and others.
But it does look goofy in the streetwear version, that’s for sure.
I’m with you Ricko! Couldn’t they just formalize a normal three stripe appearance for fan merchandise and distort the f*ck out of it for the NFLers? Cripes those are atrocious!!
[quote comment=”326305″][quote comment=”326303″][quote comment=”326295″][quote comment=”326263″][quote comment=”326256″]49ers really wussed out with that new helmet. Ok, so we’ll please the old school crowd with the center stripes(white), and please the new school crowd by retaining the “tough” black oval border around the logo. What a piecemeal mess. Sort of a mullet type mess; i.e. business down the center and party on the sides.[/quote]
I don’t think the black oval is going to bother me, but those sleeve stripes probably will. As a longtime Niner fan, though, I’m pleased with the results. But they could’ve just gone with the straight throwbacks (wide pant stripes and all) and that would have been fine by me.[/quote]
The black oval shouldn’t bother anybody because it has been there forever! Its the gold inside the oval that is different from the helmet logo of the Montana-era (and long before that…)
And therefore, it’s a different oval. Jeesh.[/quote]
Yes, different, but you can’t say its pleasing the new school crowd by retaining the tough black oval if its been there since before many of the new-schoolers were even born. And its definitely not ‘black-for-black’s sake.’
(OK, the ‘jeesh’ was probably inappropriately directed towards you when I was really trying to convey a general ‘jeesh’ because I’ve heard a lot of people in other places saying it doesn’t belong on the 49ers’ helmet because its ‘black.’ Apologies.)[/quote]
You do raise a good point Jeff. Thanks for stating a fact that some people do forget. The black’s been there. Simply feel there is a mish mash of new and old with this new Niners helmet. A disconnect, just doesn’t look right, similar to a mullet. However, just as with mullets, some people rock’em, thus, they some will do the same with this lid.
[quote comment=”326231″]Beavers are the world’s original, and greatest, engineers..[/quote]
I beg to differ.
Go Ducks!
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Padres should always wear brown!
[quote comment=”326302″]Quick poll for you guys (and girls):
Which looks better?
Detroit without the White Stripes. Wait… I’d say the Tigers jersey that doesn’t have the white outline.
[quote comment=”326322″]I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Padres should always wear brown![/quote]
I agree…those throwbacks they wore last week were priceless. I wish my Buccos would go back to their 71’s…love the golden beanie!!
[quote comment=”326318″]”Glad rags” (from the Texas Tech video) is, I believe, a reference that is much more recent than the 20s/30s era they’re trying to replicate in the video.[/quote]
[quote comment=”326312″][quote comment=”326305″][quote comment=”326303″][quote comment=”326295″][quote comment=”326263″][quote comment=”326256″]49ers really wussed out with that new helmet. Ok, so we’ll please the old school crowd with the center stripes(white), and please the new school crowd by retaining the “tough” black oval border around the logo. What a piecemeal mess. Sort of a mullet type mess; i.e. business down the center and party on the sides.[/quote]
I don’t think the black oval is going to bother me, but those sleeve stripes probably will. As a longtime Niner fan, though, I’m pleased with the results. But they could’ve just gone with the straight throwbacks (wide pant stripes and all) and that would have been fine by me.[/quote]
The black oval shouldn’t bother anybody because it has been there forever! Its the gold inside the oval that is different from the helmet logo of the Montana-era (and long before that…)
And therefore, it’s a different oval. Jeesh.[/quote]
Yes, different, but you can’t say its pleasing the new school crowd by retaining the tough black oval if its been there since before many of the new-schoolers were even born. And its definitely not ‘black-for-black’s sake.’
(OK, the ‘jeesh’ was probably inappropriately directed towards you when I was really trying to convey a general ‘jeesh’ because I’ve heard a lot of people in other places saying it doesn’t belong on the 49ers’ helmet because its ‘black.’ Apologies.)[/quote]
No problem, Jeff, although I wasn’t the one who said they had wussed out. I just think that whether or not there is gold between the SF and the black oval doesn’t matter all that much. It’s close enough to the original to be acceptable and was about the only element on the uniform of the past decade or so that didn’t bother me that much.
That being said, I have always wondered why the black was there in the first place.[/quote]
Because white would just look strange? Its a great mystery really–similar to the question of the red numbers on the front of the Dodgers’ uniforms…
[quote comment=”326321″][quote comment=”326231″]Beavers are the world’s original, and greatest, engineers..[/quote]
I beg to differ.
Go Ducks![/quote]
are. you. kidding. me? ducks?!?! you compare the engineering skills of a duck to a beaver? does this blog have a bell tower, because i think i just snapped. ricko, how do you find the pieces of your brain-pan after it explodes, because i can’t find all of mine.
[quote comment=”326313″][quote comment=”326302″]Quick poll for you guys (and girls):
Which looks better?
it is so obviously the second choice, not even close.[/quote]
Agreed, second one. By a freaking mile.
[quote comment=”326322″]I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Padres should always wear brown![/quote]
Also, how cool would it be if Petco sported brown seats!
Those niners unis strike me as the epithome of a bad compromise : half old, half new, half baked and all wrong in the end.
In design, more than anything, you have to pick a side, otherwise you just get this sort of half-assed Throwback wannabe.
And how come did they leave the sock stripes out of the new design ? It was the best part of the 80’s unis for God’s sake ! Why cant’t those guys Get it ?
[quote comment=”326329″][quote comment=”326322″]I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Padres should always wear brown![/quote]
Also, how cool would it be if Petco sported brown seats![/quote]
probably not very, since they retain heat
[quote comment=”326329″][quote comment=”326322″]I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Padres should always wear brown![/quote]
Also, how cool would it be if Petco sported brown seats![/quote]
Like the chicks in shorts in the Burger King, Mix-a-lot, Spongebob commerical?
Oh, no, wait…you’re talking about something else.
[quote comment=”326332″][quote comment=”326329″][quote comment=”326322″]I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Padres should always wear brown![/quote]
Also, how cool would it be if Petco sported brown seats![/quote]
Like the chicks in shorts in the Burger King, Mix-a-lot, Spongebob commerical?
Oh, no, wait…you’re talking about something else.
Until Ricko cleared that up for me I thought he said “cleats” and was wondering what the big deal about hot feet would be. LMAO!
I may be in the minority, but I don’t like SF’s new gray facemasks. To me, that is “tradition simply for tradition’s sake”.
I’m sure if teams had the option back then, most (if not all) would have selected a color to go along with their color scheme.
[quote comment=”326331″][quote comment=”326329″][quote comment=”326322″]I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Padres should always wear brown![/quote]
Also, how cool would it be if Petco sported brown seats![/quote]
probably not very, since they retain heat[/quote]
Doubt that would be a problem. Is anybody sitting in them this year?
[quote comment=”326285″][quote comment=”326262″]Maybe someone has covered this, but when is the big reveal for the Dolphins?[/quote]
I’m wondering the same thing.[/quote]
There is none. According to Paul, there’s going to be a minor/minuscule change, but nothing earth-shattering.
[quote comment=”326328″][quote comment=”326313″][quote comment=”326302″]Quick poll for you guys (and girls):
Which looks better?
it is so obviously the second choice, not even close.[/quote]
Agreed, second one. By a freaking mile.[/quote]
i can think of zero jerseys that look good with a second stoke. someone find me one please, put the olde man in his place. (grumbling) second stroke whipper snappers, (shouting) and it’s white to boot
[quote comment=”326327″][quote comment=”326321″][quote comment=”326231″]Beavers are the world’s original, and greatest, engineers..[/quote]
I beg to differ.
Go Ducks![/quote]
are. you. kidding. me? ducks?!?! you compare the engineering skills of a duck to a beaver? does this blog have a bell tower, because i think i just snapped. ricko, how do you find the pieces of your brain-pan after it explodes, because i can’t find all of mine.[/quote]
Well, for one thing, there isn’t as much of mine left to start with. Hence the percentage of loss (compared to the original mass) is less each time).
I think it would would work like that, anyway. As I said, I start each day with considerably less gray matter than you young guys.
I didn’t think Ducks were engineers. either. Don’t they mostly float around and quack just to hear themselves quack? I guess that makes them more like nature’s…um, clients.
Just a few things:
-The Niners new uniforms are a MASSIVE upgrade. Yes, the chest wordmark is dumb, but the sleeve stripes will probably look fine stretched over pads and the new pants striping is perfect. Going back to the lighter red was the right choice, too.
-The Delcastle baseball team has beautiful road grays.
-The Padres throwback uniforms are fantastic, and they are a sad reminder of just how shitty the team looks now.
-Washington almost got it right with their new football uniforms, but not quite. Block numbers, yes. Goofy piping on the white jersey, no. Would have been perfect with one color numbers and no white pants.
[quote comment=”326334″]I may be in the minority, but I don’t like SF’s new gray facemasks. To me, that is “tradition simply for tradition’s sake”.
I’m sure if teams had the option back then, most (if not all) would have selected a color to go along with their color scheme.[/quote]
Oh, and chest wordmarks don’t bother me either. I’m not a huge fan, but I’m not against them either.
[quote comment=”326334″]I may be in the minority, but I don’t like SF’s new gray facemasks. To me, that is “tradition simply for tradition’s sake”.
I’m sure if teams had the option back then, most (if not all) would have selected a color to go along with their color scheme.[/quote]
Thank you… It makes no sense at all for teams to have gray face masks. Either is wasn’t possible, or it wasn’t considered in the past for teams to have gray face masks. Before 1970, I doubt it was ever a clear cut decision to go with them.
49ers look better with red, Colts look better with blue, Browns look better with white.
And especially with the new style cages.
re the Niners new unis, you said: “This feels like tradition simply for tradition’s sake.”
so what’s wrong with that? Isn’t that a worthy goad in and of itself? I have no stake in the Niners but I do like the changes. This seems like the sort of change UW is often pining for and now that one NFL team finally changed to better unis, you still aren’t satisfied. I wonder if you bitch when your ice cream is cold?
[quote comment=”326327″][quote comment=”326321″][quote comment=”326231″]Beavers are the world’s original, and greatest, engineers..[/quote]
I beg to differ.
Go Ducks![/quote]
are. you. kidding. me? ducks?!?! you compare the engineering skills of a duck to a beaver? does this blog have a bell tower, because i think i just snapped. ricko, how do you find the pieces of your brain-pan after it explodes, because i can’t find all of mine.[/quote]
I was about to rant, and then remembered that that particular commenter is either attending or an alum of the school based in Eugene.. If I am wrong on this point then I most definitely second your rant.
pflava johnson is right! one colour numbers in rockridge people. you want to go crazy like gabby johnson, you can have one stroke.
thanks ricko, i think i was happier in the 4 years before i ever read a comment.
hot rod johnson is right! no, wait, he is not. it does not matter that he is/was a duck, he is comparing the engineering skills of a duck to a beaver. what is this world coming to:)
[quote comment=”326343″][quote comment=”326327″][quote comment=”326321″][quote comment=”326231″]Beavers are the world’s original, and greatest, engineers..[/quote]
I beg to differ.
Go Ducks![/quote]
are. you. kidding. me? ducks?!?! you compare the engineering skills of a duck to a beaver? does this blog have a bell tower, because i think i just snapped. ricko, how do you find the pieces of your brain-pan after it explodes, because i can’t find all of mine.[/quote]
I was about to rant, and then remembered that that particular commenter is either attending or an alum of the school based in Eugene.. If I am wrong on this point then I most definitely second your rant.[/quote]
Yeah, this has to be an Oregon/Oregon State thing.
Micheal Crabtree opts out of the ‘hat’ picture… goes for the old school link photo op.
i think i will change the name of my softball team to the rockridge johnsons, and i will outlaw stroking for sure.
The New York Mets, lamest, dumbest, most embarrassing franchise on the planet.
In 1996 I forsook and renounced a longtime fanship of the L.A./Oakland Raiders, for essentially the same reason (maybe the Mets are the 2nd lamest, dumbest, most embarrassing…). I am this close to the edge with the Mets. At least the Raiders wear their home uniforms at home most of the time.
This old pic used by the Baltimore Sun as a desktop wallpaper download shows Murray and Ripken with Eddie wearing one of those link. But it looks like its someone else’s band. Maybe its just my eyesight.
Gerry Dincher asks, not unreasonably: If MIT’s teams are called the Engineers, why is their mascot a sinister beaver?
Because a nerd with short pants and a pocket protector doesn’t make a very intimidating mascot?
(I’m an engineer and I’m kidding, please don’t flame me)
[quote comment=”326343″][quote comment=”326327″][quote comment=”326321″][quote comment=”326231″]Beavers are the world’s original, and greatest, engineers..[/quote]
I beg to differ.
Go Ducks![/quote]
are. you. kidding. me? ducks?!?! you compare the engineering skills of a duck to a beaver? does this blog have a bell tower, because i think i just snapped. ricko, how do you find the pieces of your brain-pan after it explodes, because i can’t find all of mine.[/quote]
I was about to rant, and then remembered that that particular commenter is either attending or an alum of the school based in Eugene.. If I am wrong on this point then I most definitely second your rant.[/quote]
beavers… “greatest” engineers??? the things don’t even have thumbs!
stuff they build near water:
stuff we build near water:
any questions? good!
Further to yesterday’s comments, I had mentioned that the Blue Jays had discontinued the white panel hat in the middle of the 1993 season by player concensus.
I just wanted to follow up, the “player vote” part is my recollection from the time but I can’t find any proof for it. Any proof is welcome.
And BTW, my Jays record-by-uniform chart is up to date again now that I’m back at my own computer.
[quote comment=”326345″]hot rod johnson is right! no, wait, he is not. it does not matter that he is/was a duck, he is comparing the engineering skills of a duck to a beaver. what is this world coming to:)[/quote]
it’s Hott Rodd Vandelay..
I don’t have a problem with SF’s sleeve stripes, because on-field, they are meant to appear horizontal.
However, I would sell a different product to fans than players since most of us won’t wear pads under our jerseys.
They should sell modified ’80s Niners jerseys to fans, jerseys with the three purely horizontal stripes.
I wonder if they were forced to include the 49ers ligature because the jerseys were so similar to the throwbacks? The 49ers wordmark on the jersey is the only item I have a problem with.
[quote comment=”326325″][quote comment=”326318″]”Glad rags” (from the Texas Tech video) is, I believe, a reference that is much more recent than the 20s/30s era they’re trying to replicate in the video.[/quote]
I stand corrected, then.
I know someone who would love the Texas Tech throwback video: 1920’s Reporter Guy from the Ticket in Dallas
[quote comment=”326331″][quote comment=”326329″][quote comment=”326322″]I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Padres should always wear brown![/quote]
Also, how cool would it be if Petco sported brown seats![/quote]
probably not very, since they retain heat[/quote]
Not sure it gets quite as hot in SD as some other places, but fair enough.
I don’t know if it has happened yet, but the sun in Tampa was supposed to turn Raymond James Stadium’s red seats pink at some point. Don’t know if they replaced them or found a way to mitigate that.
[quote] i will outlaw stroking for sure. [/quote]
[quote comment=”326336″][quote comment=”326285″][quote comment=”326262″]Maybe someone has covered this, but when is the big reveal for the Dolphins?[/quote]
I’m wondering the same thing.[/quote]
There is none. According to Paul, there’s going to be a minor/minuscule change, but nothing earth-shattering.[/quote]
The return of the orange alternate. OK? There, now you know.
[quote comment=”326360″][quote comment=”326336″][quote comment=”326285″][quote comment=”326262″]Maybe someone has covered this, but when is the big reveal for the Dolphins?[/quote]
I’m wondering the same thing.[/quote]
There is none. According to Paul, there’s going to be a minor/minuscule change, but nothing earth-shattering.[/quote]
The return of the orange alternate. OK? There, now you know.[/quote]
That IS earth-shattering…
FWIW, the talk around [the MIT] campus was that the women’s teams were not about to be called the “Beavers”, for obvious reasons.
To expand a bit, when women’s sports became more common, teams were given the choice of calling themselves Beavers or Engineers. It looks like everyone is now Engineers, but the beaver remains the mascot.
ry co johnson is right! beavers are canadian. still, they make for a better mascot then a guy at a desk, so in the mascot world they are the best engineers, at least when compared to a duck.
[quote comment=”326358″][quote comment=”326331″][quote comment=”326329″][quote comment=”326322″]I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Padres should always wear brown![/quote]
I absolutely love those Padres Unis! With the right amount of stirrup showing and the stripes evenly spaced between the pants and sanis, that just sets the entire getup off. I’d have to say single color stirrups now look blank to me. And this way looks perfect compared to how Brendan Ryan wears the stripes. Something clunky about his way. Good job Pads!
The b-Side cap’s logo is actually the Pawtucket Red Sox’s old cap logo flipped upside down and inverted.
[quote comment=\”326290\”]I guess I\’m a weird one when it comes to the Niners uniform. I kind of liked the drop shadow on the number. Made it pop. But that\’s just me.
I\’ll never be mistaken for a Niners fan, but the drop shadow was iconic — it was the gateway to the future obsession with throwback sports jerseys, both personally and professionally.
Personally, it was when I went to the high school library one day in the mid-\’70s and saw a new book on NFL history that featured a cover illustration of Hugh McElhenny in the \’50s Niners jersey with the drop shadows and thought they were so cool — a lot cooler than their current unis (the ones celebrated with so much reverence here this morning). Professionally, perhaps it\’s because they won the Super Bowl that year, but their drop shadows were the most lasting trend to come from the Throwback Season of \’94, the year retro became a permanent part of the sports uni landscape.
All that said, if the Niners wanted to go retro that badly, they should\’ve gone back to the late-\’60s John Brodie models with the huge, skinny TV numbers …
[quote comment=”326364″][quote comment=”326358″][quote comment=”326331″][quote comment=”326329″][quote comment=”326322″]I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: Padres should always wear brown![/quote]
I absolutely love those Padres Unis! With the right amount of stirrup showing and the stripes evenly spaced between the pants and sanis, that just sets the entire getup off. I’d have to say single color stirrups now look blank to me. And this way looks perfect compared to how Brendan Ryan wears the stripes. Something clunky about his way. Good job Pads![/quote]
Yeah, my html screwup!
[quote comment=\”326355\”]I don\’t have a problem with SF\’s sleeve stripes, because on-field, they are meant to appear horizontal.
However, I would sell a different product to fans than players since most of us won\’t wear pads under our jerseys.
They should sell modified \’80s Niners jerseys to fans, jerseys with the three purely horizontal stripes.
I wonder if they were forced to include the 49ers ligature because the jerseys were so similar to the throwbacks? The 49ers wordmark on the jersey is the only item I have a problem with.[/quote]
Ligatures? Wow I knew the NFL had some wild products, but officially licensed bondage straps? crazy..
[quote comment=”326360″]The return of the orange alternate. OK? There, now you know.[/quote]
And knowing is half the battle……
They should sell modified ’80s Niners jerseys to fans, jerseys with the three purely horizontal stripes.
Agreed, the same way that Steeler replicas usually have full sleeve stripes.
I wonder if they were forced to include the 49ers ligature because the jerseys were so similar to the throwbacks? The 49ers wordmark on the jersey is the only item I have a problem with.
Every redesigned jersey of the past 15 years or so has a wordmark; the 49ers are just following suit (as did the Giants). I agree that they could have done better, like Paul’s suggestion of the “SF”.
[quote comment=”326359″][quote] i will outlaw stroking for sure. [/quote]
i’m cracking myself up today. what can i say i am starting day one of my 40th year, a lil link. can i get a harumpf?!!
There’s a hockey version of that baseball of the future abomination, and if anything it’s even more insipid.
I did love how they admitted their changes would destroy the sport and cause most of the fans to abandon it in the baseball one though. And yet refusing to change back.
[quote comment=”326371″][quote comment=”326359″][quote] i will outlaw stroking for sure. [/quote]
i’m cracking myself up today. what can i say i am starting day one of my 40th year, a lil link. can i get a harumpf?!![/quote]
give the gov a harumph!
[quote comment=”326363″]ry co johnson is right! beavers are canadian. still, they make for a better mascot then a guy at a desk, so in the mascot world they are the best engineers, at least when compared to a duck.[/quote]
[quote comment=”326365″]The b-Side cap’s logo is actually the Pawtucket Red Sox’s old cap logo flipped upside down and inverted.
so… the small “b” is actually a “P” flipped upside down and inverted? total anarchy!!!
[quote comment=”326373″][quote comment=”326371″][quote comment=”326359″][quote] i will outlaw stroking for sure. [/quote]
i’m cracking myself up today. what can i say i am starting day one of my 40th year, a lil link. can i get a harumpf?!![/quote]
give link a harumph![/quote]
I will never give paterson a Harumpf!!
*Note: RE:MIAMI’s stupid Orange: Paul would never just leak something like that, it must have been annouced somewhere…
Per your NFL striping question, I’m more intrigued by the sleeve striping the Packers, link Browns, link link, etc. used: 1 color (depending on jersey), 2nd thinner color, white, 2nd thinner color, 1 color … repeat. link (I understand the Pack simplified it some years ago.)
Versions of the striping style were everywhere: link link
That and the color-white-color on the helmet and pants made me grateful when the Niners were among the first teams to get away from it because, as you pointed out, it had become so ubiquitous. link
That said, the color-white-color now seems cleaner, ‘cept when these guys use it. link
If you want to call the color-white-color NFL striping, what would the other be?
[quote comment=”326369″][quote comment=”326360″]The return of the orange alternate. OK? There, now you know.[/quote]
And knowing is half the battle……[/quote]
[quote comment=”326376″][quote comment=”326373″][quote comment=”326371″][quote comment=”326359″][quote] i will outlaw stroking for sure. [/quote]
i’m cracking myself up today. what can i say i am starting day one of my 40th year, a lil link. can i get a harumpf?!![/quote]
give link a harumph![/quote]
I will never give paterson a Harumpf!!
*Note: RE:MIAMI’s stupid Orange: Paul would never just leak something like that, it must have been annouced somewhere…[/quote]
I think he meant the honorable William J. LePetamaine
It bugged me during the Montana era that the three sleeve stripes were so skinny and the pant stripes were so wide. Who thought that up? link
[quote comment=”326360″][quote comment=”326336″][quote comment=”326285″][quote comment=”326262″]Maybe someone has covered this, but when is the big reveal for the Dolphins?[/quote]
I’m wondering the same thing.[/quote]
There is none. According to Paul, there’s going to be a minor/minuscule change, but nothing earth-shattering.[/quote]
The return of the orange alternate. OK? There, now you know.[/quote]
ahhh! orange alts., now the fans can wear their jerseys all week while picking up litter and road-kill along the highways!
[quote comment=”326375″][quote comment=”326365″]The b-Side cap’s logo is actually the Pawtucket Red Sox’s old cap logo flipped upside down and inverted.
so… the small “b” is actually a “P” flipped upside down and inverted? total anarchy!!![/quote]
And an upper case “V” flipped upside down with a short horizonal stroke added between the angled sides is an “A”.
Shhh, don’t tell anyone. It’s one of those typography secrets only insiders are aware off. Although I think it was mentioned in THE DaVINCI CODE, so a couple more people may be aware of it now.
Overall, the Niners’ uniforms are what I hoped for and expected. The pants stripes are perfect. The gray facemask and white stripe restore the helmet to its formerly more ‘open’ look. And dropping all the black (except for the logo) was a great move. Black is over-used (just check out all the NHL teams with using black), and it’s refreshing to see a team move away from it – too bad the Lions didn’t do the same.
I have something pretty similar to Ryan McManus’s hat. I’m from Massachusetts and there’s a famous skate shop that was started in Fitchburg, MA called Eastern Boarder. My hat has a Red Sox styled “EB” on the front with a cool MLB logo treatment as well. Everytime I wear people either ask if I’m from East Boston, East Bridgewater or just ask what the “E” stands for and then I give them the deal. I wonder if he deals with the same thing.
The Front:
The Back:
If you can’t tell, the logo is supposed to be a guy holding a skateboard
[quote comment=”326376″][quote comment=”326373″][quote comment=”326371″][quote comment=”326359″][quote] i will outlaw stroking for sure. [/quote]
i’m cracking myself up today. what can i say i am starting day one of my 40th year, a lil link. can i get a harumpf?!![/quote]
give link a harumph![/quote]
I will never give paterson a Harumpf!!
*Note: RE:MIAMI’s stupid Orange: Paul would never just leak something like that, it must have been annouced somewhere…[/quote]
i didn’t get a harumpf out of that guy.
yeah, speaking of jersey numbers with 127 strokes, it must be up somewhere.
[quote comment=”326370″]They should sell modified ’80s Niners jerseys to fans, jerseys with the three purely horizontal stripes.
Agreed, the same way that Steeler replicas usually have full sleeve stripes.
I wonder if they were forced to include the 49ers ligature because the jerseys were so similar to the throwbacks? The 49ers wordmark on the jersey is the only item I have a problem with.
Every redesigned jersey of the past 15 years or so has a wordmark; the 49ers are just following suit (as did the Giants). I agree that they could have done better, like Paul’s suggestion of the “SF”.[/quote]
FWIW, authentic Steelers jerseys sold to the public also have full sleeve stripes:
I assume the look on the field has more to do with each player’s individual tailoring requests.
Not sure if this has already been mentioned, but I don’t think the Texans wear “NFL striping” on their helmets or pants.
[quote comment=”326378″][quote comment=”326369″][quote comment=”326360″]The return of the orange alternate. OK? There, now you know.[/quote]
And knowing is half the battle……[/quote]
ahhh… nice! ALMOST as good as transformers 2!!!
Why was Air Force One and a couple F-16’s doing flybys of the Empire State Building this afternoon?
[quote comment=”326389″]Why was Air Force One and a couple F-16’s doing flybys of the Empire State Building this afternoon?[/quote]
Anti-American Muslim extremist Barack Obama attacking NYC, of course!
No NFL striping if I understand the definition:
[quote comment=”326390″][quote comment=”326389″]Why was Air Force One and a couple F-16’s doing flybys of the Empire State Building this afternoon?[/quote]
Anti-American Muslim extremist Barack Obama attacking NYC, of course![/quote]
Maybe, just maybe, as the ESB is burning to the ground, Michelle Obama will finally be proud to be an American…
[quote comment=”326389″]Why was Air Force One and a couple F-16’s doing flybys of the Empire State Building this afternoon?[/quote]
In an effort to save the planet, some money, and really give military people a job to do, can AirForce One not be outfitted with missles? Those fighter pilots probably can fly AirForce One, so save the economy by outfitting AirForce One with a missle complement to save $1 million per F-16 takeoff. LOL
[quote comment=”326393″][quote comment=”326389″]Why was Air Force One and a couple F-16’s doing flybys of the Empire State Building this afternoon?[/quote]
In an effort to save the planet, some money, and really give military people a job to do, can AirForce One not be outfitted with missles? Those fighter pilots probably can fly AirForce One, so save the economy by outfitting AirForce One with a missle complement to save $1 million per F-16 takeoff. LOL[/quote]
Shit, for all we know, AF1 could probably start, and end, WWIII with the amount of armament it has on board.
Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that plane has Star Trek like shielding on it that makes it inpenetrable to enemy fire.
[quote comment=”326391″]No NFL striping if I understand the definition:
The latter photo is NFL striping: color-white-color, on a colored background.
That same team also wears this NFL striping:
calling R. Kelly: Mike Richards likes PP in his mouth
[quote comment=”326395″][quote comment=”326391″]No NFL striping if I understand the definition:
The latter photo is NFL striping: color-white-color, on a colored background.
That same team also wears this NFL striping:
IMHO, its only ‘NFL-striping’ if each stripe is of equal thickness. Otherwise, its ‘NFL-hybrid’
[quote comment=”326395″]
The latter photo is NFL striping: color-white-color, on a colored background.
That same team also wears this NFL striping:
Ah, ok. That’s where I wasn’t sure if the stripes had to be the same size or just color-white-color, even if color stripes are significantly thinner.
[quote comment=”326397″][quote comment=”326395″][quote comment=”326391″]No NFL striping if I understand the definition:
The latter photo is NFL striping: color-white-color, on a colored background.
That same team also wears this NFL striping:
IMHO, its only ‘NFL-striping’ if each stripe is of equal thickness. Otherwise, its ‘NFL-hybrid'[/quote]
I concur.
BTW… to anyone who watched the draft on NFLN.. could anyone tell who was sponsoring it? I really had a hard time figuring it out.
[quote comment=”326397″][quote comment=”326395″][quote comment=”326391″]No NFL striping if I understand the definition:
The latter photo is NFL striping: color-white-color, on a colored background.
That same team also wears this NFL striping:
IMHO, its only ‘NFL-striping’ if each stripe is of equal thickness. Otherwise, its ‘NFL-hybrid'[/quote]
I understand what you’re getting at, but that’s a really tough standard to enforce. Under that standard, these pants wouldn’t qualify as NFL striping:
These might not qualify either (the white looks thicker than the surrounding red):
But c’mon, they clearly *are* NFL striping. So are the Texans’ stripes, at least by my standards.
[quote comment=”326239″][quote comment=”326233″]Judging by that mustache, I think your coach was also a part-time porn star.[/quote]
Yes, because every single person who wore a mustache in the 1970s was a porn star.
Such a lame, lazy cliché.[/quote]
This message brought to you by the lamest laziest cliché of them all! NYC hipster attire…check. Opinionated blowhard who criticizes like it’s going out of style but fails to ever let criticism impact his own biases…check plus! Oh, and the 49ers new unis are kind of neat now promptly delete my posting so that no mention of the great leader’s flaws remains for future generations to read.
[quote comment=”326401″][quote comment=”326397″][quote comment=”326395″][quote comment=”326391″]No NFL striping if I understand the definition:
The latter photo is NFL striping: color-white-color, on a colored background.
That same team also wears this NFL striping:
IMHO, its only ‘NFL-striping’ if each stripe is of equal thickness. Otherwise, its ‘NFL-hybrid'[/quote]
I understand what you’re getting at, but that’s a really tough standard to enforce. Under that standard, these pants wouldn’t qualify as NFL striping:
These might not qualify either (the white looks thicker than the surrounding red):
But c’mon, they clearly *are* NFL striping. So are the Texans’ stripes, at least by my standards.[/quote]
Actually, they would… Those stripe thicknesses are the same, and if they aren’t, its because they were more hand-made than what we see nowadays. Its clear the intention was to have a white stripe on top of a darker region that is 3 times as thick, creating 3 stripes of equal thickness. For the most part, the reason they aren’t is that they were more hand-made back then, and human error will get it wrong more times than not.
Someone like the Texans, they don’t count. Thin-very large-thin is a hybrid, so they’re not true NFL-stripes.
holy shit…are those sleeve stripes truncated?
so the niners jersey is really a throwback…a reverse, crappy throwback…but a throwback nonetheless
and shit…the linemen have no sleeve stripes…WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!?!?!
Regarding Joe Namath’s “practice jersey” I recall that when the mesh jerseys started to appear in the early 1970’s, they were only worn in warm weather and lacked sleeve strips or n.o.b. A good example is when Ohio State started wearing the fish net jerseys in warm weather starting in 1968. It was a plain scarlet jersey with no strips or even T.V. numbers. Compare with their cold weather jerseys that had the traditional sleeve striping, T.V. numbers and n.o.b. Not till approximately 1976 did O.S.U. begin wearing mesh jerseys with sleeve stripping.
[quote comment=”326404″]holy shit…are link?
so the niners jersey is really a throwback…a reverse, crappy throwback…but a throwback nonetheless
and shit…the linemen have no sleeve stripes…WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!?!?![/quote]
There is something very very wrong with Phil
today.[quote comment=”326402″][quote comment=”326239″][quote comment=”326233″]Judging by that mustache, I think your coach was also a part-time porn star.[/quote]
Yes, because every single person who wore a mustache in the 1970s was a porn star.
Such a lame, lazy cliché.[/quote]
This message brought to you by the lamest laziest cliché of them all! NYC hipster attire…check. Opinionated blowhard who criticizes like it’s going out of style but fails to ever let criticism impact his own biases…check plus! Oh, and the 49ers new unis are kind of neat now promptly delete my posting so that no mention of the great leader’s flaws remains for future generations to read.[/quote]
and yet… you read…
[quote comment=”326404″]holy shit…are link?
so the niners jersey is really a throwback…a reverse, crappy throwback…but a throwback nonetheless
and shit…the linemen have no sleeve stripes…WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!?!?![/quote]
Is that Super Bowl XXIII? What’s up with the field? Looks like they’re playing in a swamp.
[quote comment=”326396″]calling R. Kelly: Mike Richards likes PP in his mouth[/quote]
No need to call R. Kelly. I imagine Mike Richards was either showing support for the Philadelphia Phantoms (Flyers’ AHL affiliate) or taking emphasis on the power play to an unusual level.
Different kind of uniforms but… In my wife’s convocation ceremony last week the dean made a faculty member stand up because he had on his blue/yellow Michigan robes, and then pointed out that he (the dean) was wearing red/gray robes for “THEEEEEE Ohio State University!!!” We’re 1500 miles from either university, which makes it a misplaced rivalry rouse.
[quote comment=”326402″][quote comment=”326239″][quote comment=”326233″]Judging by that mustache, I think your coach was also a part-time porn star.[/quote]
Yes, because every single person who wore a mustache in the 1970s was a porn star.
Such a lame, lazy cliché.[/quote]
This message brought to you by the lamest laziest cliché of them all! NYC hipster attire…check. Opinionated blowhard who criticizes like it’s going out of style but fails to ever let criticism impact his own biases…check plus! Oh, and the 49ers new unis are kind of neat now promptly delete my posting so that no mention of the great leader’s flaws remains for future generations to read.[/quote]
But it IS a lame, lazy cliché.
You’re saying it ISN’T?
2 things about the Pads Throwbacks
– way to go cheap and not get the matching bench jackets (navy blue and brown)
– there should be a rule (IN ALL SPORTS) that if one team is wearing Throwbacks both teams have to wear them (from the same era) and that includes helmets, Spikes, jackets and all other “accoutrements”
That’s all: from a long time listner first time caller
[quote comment=”326412″]- there should be a rule (IN ALL SPORTS) that if one team is wearing Throwbacks both teams have to wear them (from the same era) and that includes helmets, Spikes, jackets and all other “accoutrements”[/quote]
Gee… that’ll be fun if the Phillies wear 1960’s throwbacks against the Marlins this year…
[quote comment=”326411″][quote comment=”326402″][quote comment=”326239″][quote comment=”326233″]Judging by that mustache, I think your coach was also a part-time porn star.[/quote]
Yes, because every single person who wore a mustache in the 1970s was a porn star.
Such a lame, lazy cliché.[/quote]
This message brought to you by the lamest laziest cliché of them all! NYC hipster attire…check. Opinionated blowhard who criticizes like it’s going out of style but fails to ever let criticism impact his own biases…check plus! Oh, and the 49ers new unis are kind of neat now promptly delete my posting so that no mention of the great leader’s flaws remains for future generations to read.[/quote]
But it IS a lame, lazy cliché.
You’re saying it ISN’T?
Of course the gentleman was more concerned with ranting about Mr. Lukas than in having a true point to share.
I would expand the definition of NFL stripes to include the primary color/secondary color/primary color combo on white pants. It seems to me that what the Bears and Titans do on their white pants is essentially the same and what the packers do. I absolutely agree that this style used to be omnipresent. I actually used to associate it more with the NFC and the Miami/Buffalo style pants with the AFC.
PS: New Orleans does not use any kind of NFL stripes on the pants. Its just solid black on both gold and black.
I have to admit I was a bit surprised at the overall negative tone to Paul’s review of the 49ers new/old look. Maybe Paul angling to have NFL properties throw up their hands and say “if you think you know everything, why don’t you design our next new uni” :) – not sure what that would look like – a green, red and yellow?
[quote comment=\”326415\”]
PS: New Orleans does not use any kind of NFL stripes on the pants. Its just solid black on both gold and black.[/quote]
Of course, like many teams, they used to:
The 49ers uniforms are terrible. No consistency. No reason for half of the changes. Totally stupid. It’s too bad they are Lukas’ team so he didn’t rip them to shreds…
[quote comment=”326289″][quote comment=”326287″]did anyone happen to see the wristbands that jeter was wearing last night? i never see them play so i dont know if he always wears them, but what was the logo? looked like a jumpman type thing, but wasnt obvious what the shaddow was of, like with ryan howards logo thing, anyone have any idea?[/quote]
thanks! why does jeter have jumpman wristbands?
[quote comment=”326419″][quote comment=”326289″][quote comment=”326287″]did anyone happen to see the wristbands that jeter was wearing last night? i never see them play so i dont know if he always wears them, but what was the logo? looked like a jumpman type thing, but wasnt obvious what the shaddow was of, like with ryan howards logo thing, anyone have any idea?[/quote]
thanks! why does jeter have jumpman wristbands?[/quote]
paging matt powers…paging matt powers
[quote comment=”326415″]I would expand the definition of NFL stripes to include the primary color/secondary color/primary color combo on white pants. It seems to me that what the Bears and Titans do on their white pants is essentially the same and what the packers do.[/quote]
I see what you’re getting at, but I think the center white stripe is an essential aspect of the NFL stripe concept. White is such a neutral color — it provides an interesting effect. Anyone can add colors, but it’s actually ballsier, I think, to use white.
[quote comment=”326415″]PS: New Orleans does not use any kind of NFL stripes on the pants. Its just solid black on both gold and black.[/quote]
Yes, but they still have an NFL stripe on their helmets.
I like this 1915 Mancave
[quote comment=”326416″]I have to admit I was a bit surprised at the overall negative tone to Paul’s review of the 49ers new/old look.
Maybe Paul angling to have NFL properties throw up their hands and say “if you think you know everything, why don’t you design our next new uni” :) – not sure what that would look like – a green, red and yellow?[/quote]
I wasn’t so negative — I gave the thumbs-up to the helmet and, especially, the pants. I have issues with the jersey. And I like last year’s colors better, but not so much that it’s a big deal.
What’s so negative about that?
[quote comment=”326422″]http://www.shorpy.com/node/6013?size=_original
I like this 1915 Mancave[/quote]
The kid sitting alone at the table looks ready to do some serious damage to the camera man.
the only problem with saying the centre has to be white is that i think both of these teams are wearing the “nfl stripe” too. could there be two types of nfl stripe? as in classic white nfl stripe, and colour based nfl stripe? i would say that as long as the centre stripe does not match the panatloon, like the colts, and a “roughly” equal in size to each other, it is an nfl stripe. but it is your site and definition.
[quote comment=”326425″]the only problem with saying the centre has to be white is that i think both of these teams are wearing the “nfl stripe” too. could there be two types of nfl stripe? as in classic white nfl stripe, and colour based nfl stripe? i would say that as long as the centre stripe does not match the panatloon, like the colts, and a “roughly” equal in size to each other, it is an nfl stripe. but it is your site and definition.[/quote]
[quote comment=\”326425\”]the only problem with saying the centre has to be white is that i think both of these teams are wearing the \”nfl stripe\” too. could there be two types of nfl stripe? as in classic white nfl stripe, and colour based nfl stripe? i would say that as long as the centre stripe does not match the panatloon, like the colts, and a \”roughly\” equal in size to each other, it is an nfl stripe. but it is your site and definition.[/quote]
Another Engineering school with an interesting logo. They are the Rose Hulman Institute of Technology Fighting Engineers
[quote comment=”326427″]Another Engineering school with an interesting logo. They are the Rose Hulman Institute of Technology Fighting Engineers
not bad, i guess they never forget to build it right? i mean it’s no duck, the animal world’s greatest engineer, but it’ll do. btw, i am only teasing duckineers.
[quote comment=”326422″]http://www.shorpy.com/node/6013?size=_original
I like this 1915 Mancave[/quote]
what’s up with that “k inside cross” plaque/banner? and that “true american” pennant?
I don’t see true american. I think it says Rue American, obviously a french street.
the return of orange alts? you were sworn to secrecy over the return of the orange alts? i rush home and read thru 200 inane comments to learn that. that is the defintition of anti-climactic. oh well. those niners uniforms do kinda suck.
charming. Plaster it on the link.
[quote comment=”326432″]charming. Plaster it on the link.[/quote]
The mighty Team Zepter sponsored by USA
[quote comment=”326423″][quote comment=”326416″]I have to admit I was a bit surprised at the overall negative tone to Paul’s review of the 49ers new/old look.
Maybe Paul angling to have NFL properties throw up their hands and say “if you think you know everything, why don’t you design our next new uni” :) – not sure what that would look like – a green, red and yellow?[/quote]
I wasn’t so negative — I gave the thumbs-up to the helmet and, especially, the pants. I have issues with the jersey. And I like last year’s colors better, but not so much that it’s a big deal.
What’s so negative about that?[/quote]
Paul, I didn’t think you were negative in your overall tone, but I’m a little surprised you graded the jersey as leaning towards stupid. I understand that the chest wordmark is useless and dumb, and the sleeve stripe truncation seems like the case of a designer trying to be clever (and failing). Still, I’d have thought the elimination of all that clutter would have warranted a “good” grade. Other than that I admit that I agreed with all the other aspects of the assessment.
[quote comment=”326423″][quote comment=”326416″]I have to admit I was a bit surprised at the overall negative tone to Paul’s review of the 49ers new/old look.
Maybe Paul angling to have NFL properties throw up their hands and say “if you think you know everything, why don’t you design our next new uni” :) – not sure what that would look like – a green, red and yellow?[/quote].
I wasn’t so negative — I gave the thumbs-up to the helmet and, especially, the pants. I have issues with the jersey. And I like last year’s colors better, but not so much that it’s a big deal.
What’s so negative about that?[/quote]
Fair enough, in using the term “overall negative tone” I was hoping to convey there was some mixed messages, but the overall tone was more down than up – I guess it’s the use of the term “stupid” on the jersey, as to what made me draw this conclusion. I was surprised of such a harsh assessment.
I find it a bit ironic with the thinning of the stripes on the pants is great – because it appeals to an overall classic look (I think our overall attraction to these things may be more rooted to the point I was trying to make in comment #3), but the thinning of the stripes on the jersey, which is trying to cope with the reality of the way most NFL uniforms are worn today – is stupid.
Nevertheless, if you were given the assignment of designing the next expansion team of the NFL – what would it look like?
[quote comment=”326405″]Regarding Joe Namath’s “practice jersey” I recall that when the mesh jerseys started to appear in the early 1970’s, they were only worn in warm weather and lacked sleeve strips or n.o.b. A good example is when Ohio State started wearing the fish net jerseys in warm weather starting in 1968. It was a plain scarlet jersey with no strips or even T.V. numbers. Compare with their cold weather jerseys that had the traditional sleeve striping, T.V. numbers and n.o.b. Not till approximately 1976 did O.S.U. begin wearing mesh jerseys with sleeve stripping.[/quote]
Good eye and good recall Bill
[quote comment=”326435″][quote comment=”326423″][quote comment=”326416″]I have to admit I was a bit surprised at the overall negative tone to Paul’s review of the 49ers new/old look.
Maybe Paul angling to have NFL properties throw up their hands and say “if you think you know everything, why don’t you design our next new uni” :) – not sure what that would look like – a green, red and yellow?[/quote].
I wasn’t so negative — I gave the thumbs-up to the helmet and, especially, the pants. I have issues with the jersey. And I like last year’s colors better, but not so much that it’s a big deal.
What’s so negative about that?[/quote]
Fair enough, in using the term “overall negative tone” I was hoping to convey there was some mixed messages, but the overall tone was more down than up – I guess it’s the use of the term “stupid” on the jersey, as to what made me draw this conclusion. I was surprised of such a harsh assessment.
I find it a bit ironic with the thinning of the stripes on the pants is great – because it appeals to an overall classic look (I think our overall attraction to these things may be more rooted to the point I was trying to make in comment #3), but the thinning of the stripes on the jersey, which is trying to cope with the reality of the way most NFL uniforms are worn today – is stupid.
Nevertheless, if you were given the assignment of designing the next expansion team of the NFL – what would it look like?[/quote]
Interesting… Paul, ever thought about an article where you trot out some of your design ideas?
TimmyB made interesting comment about the NFL vs college all stars in Chicago. About the lighting and color TV.
Anybody else see MLB show the Pirates vs Expos in 1970 At Jarry Park? It was in black and white. Would lighting be the reason or the CBC just do it that way?
And the Pirates wearing the new unis in 1970 did look odd with the black helmets. Again in b&w
I think a better word mark for the front of the new 49ers jersey would have been the old style lettering, example shown here: link
While they are at it, it would be nice if they could also paint the end zones in that style. When you have a throwback game for football you should also have the field match the uniforms.
[quote comment=”326432″]charming. Plaster it on the link.[/quote]
Someone always says this when an international tournament is played in Europe, so I’ll give the standard answer.
All international tournaments when played in Europe are funded by smaller groups and organizations. In order to maximize profits, there are areas on the uniforms that can be sold to generate income.
Unlike the North American standard of selling as many commercials and sponsorship ads as possible on TV, in programs, and on billboards, the Europeans sell space on the uniforms for maximum exposure for those businesses.
Personally, they can charge a pile of money to the on-uniform advertisers simply because their company name is always on the screen. The helmet is always a major selling space because players’ faces are always shown.
[quote comment=”326420″][quote comment=”326419″][quote comment=”326289″][quote comment=”326287″]did anyone happen to see the wristbands that jeter was wearing last night? i never see them play so i dont know if he always wears them, but what was the logo? looked like a jumpman type thing, but wasnt obvious what the shaddow was of, like with ryan howards logo thing, anyone have any idea?[/quote]
thanks! why does jeter have jumpman wristbands?[/quote]
paging matt powers…paging matt powers[/quote]
Jeter has a deal with Brand Jordan aka Nike. He wears Jordan cleats, etc.
[quote comment=”326431″]the return of orange alts? you were sworn to secrecy over the return of the orange alts? i rush home and read thru 200 inane comments to learn that. that is the defintition of anti-climactic. oh well. those niners uniforms do kinda suck.[/quote]
Are you still drunk? LOL
He was sworn to secrecy because he was asked to keep it secret.
I recently purchased a replica jersey of the 2005 Italian national team and I look forward to customizing it. Recommendations on the proper size and fabric I should get for the name and number on the back?
[quote comment=”326442″][quote comment=”326431″]the return of orange alts? you were sworn to secrecy over the return of the orange alts? i rush home and read thru 200 inane comments to learn that. that is the defintition of anti-climactic. oh well. those niners uniforms do kinda suck.[/quote]
Are you still drunk? LOL
He was sworn to secrecy because he was asked to keep it secret.[/quote]
just trying to throw in a little comedy. i guess i just don’t see why miami would swear him to secrecy over something so silly.
trust me, i get enough orange around here about 30 minutes from knoxville.
[quote comment=”326429″][quote comment=”326422″]http://www.shorpy.com/node/6013?size=_original
I like this 1915 Mancave[/quote]
what’s up with that “k inside cross” plaque/banner? and that “true american” pennant?[/quote]
I wonder if the K has to do with Knights of Columbus? True America, Not sure about that. I liked the games the kids were playing and the wall pennants and old baseball picture and so on.
But now the link appears broken.
here it is again
1915 mancave
Sex appeal
[quote comment=”326421″][quote comment=”326415″]I would expand the definition of NFL stripes to include the primary color/secondary color/primary color combo on white pants. It seems to me that what the Bears and Titans do on their white pants is essentially the same and what the packers do.[/quote]
I see what you’re getting at, but I think the center white stripe is an essential aspect of the NFL stripe concept. White is such a neutral color — it provides an interesting effect. Anyone can add colors, but it’s actually ballsier, I think, to use white.
[quote comment=”326415″]PS: New Orleans does not use any kind of NFL stripes on the pants. Its just solid black on both gold and black.[/quote]
Yes, but they still have an NFL stripe on their helmets.[/quote]
but…you were talking about pants.
[quote]I wonder if the K has to do with Knights of Columbus? [/quote]
of columbus…prolly not
i was thinking more birth of a nation
[quote comment=”326444″][quote comment=”326442″][quote comment=”326431″]the return of orange alts? you were sworn to secrecy over the return of the orange alts? i rush home and read thru 200 inane comments to learn that. that is the defintition of anti-climactic. oh well. those niners uniforms do kinda suck.[/quote]
Are you still drunk? LOL
He was sworn to secrecy because he was asked to keep it secret.[/quote]
just trying to throw in a little comedy. i guess i just don’t see why miami would swear him to secrecy over something so silly.[/quote]
As was I Tommy… hence the “LOL”.
It’s that “word” thing. They asked, he gave, he upheld. As always, Lukas keeps his word.
All good, Mr. Forrester. :o)
[quote comment=”326401″][quote comment=”326397″][quote comment=”326395″][quote comment=”326391″]No NFL striping if I understand the definition:
The latter photo is NFL striping: color-white-color, on a colored background.
That same team also wears this NFL striping:
IMHO, its only ‘NFL-striping’ if each stripe is of equal thickness. Otherwise, its ‘NFL-hybrid'[/quote]
I understand what you’re getting at, but that’s a really tough standard to enforce. Under that standard, these pants wouldn’t qualify as NFL striping:
These might not qualify either (the white looks thicker than the surrounding red):
But c’mon, they clearly *are* NFL striping. So are the Texans’ stripes, at least by my standards.[/quote]
By the way, how do the Saints have “NFL striping” on the pants?
link looks like the Steelers’ pants, but with metallic (not yellow) gold and with a logo. (Plus, we have the stupid black britches, which I won’t link to because I don’t like them.)
[quote comment=”326451″][quote comment=”326444″][quote comment=”326442″][quote comment=”326431″]the return of orange alts? you were sworn to secrecy over the return of the orange alts? i rush home and read thru 200 inane comments to learn that. that is the defintition of anti-climactic. oh well. those niners uniforms do kinda suck.[/quote]
Are you still drunk? LOL
He was sworn to secrecy because he was asked to keep it secret.[/quote]
just trying to throw in a little comedy. i guess i just don’t see why miami would swear him to secrecy over something so silly.[/quote]
As was I Tommy… hence the “LOL”.
It’s that “word” thing. They asked, he gave, he upheld. As always, Lukas keeps his word.
All good, Mr. Forrester. :o)[/quote]
i didn’t mean to come across as peeved or anything. i guess that’s the thing with message boards, no “voice tone”. it’s hard to tell when someone is being ironic. i wonder if lil phil was drinking? probably not. he seems a little square.
oh and i vote for a yes on the guy who suggested premier paul do a few mock-ups. that would be interesting.
[quote comment=”326455″]oh and i vote for a yes on the guy who suggested premier paul do a few mock-ups. that would be interesting.[/quote]
I’d rather see the readers “fix” the NFL uniforms. I used to have a list of everything I’d change about the current NFL uniforms, and still occasionally kill some brain cells on the commute home thinking about it.
If someone could provide a good clean blank current football uniform template, I’d give a shot and then share some of my ideas.
[quote comment=”326435″][quote comment=”326423″][quote comment=”326416″]I have to admit I was a bit surprised at the overall negative tone to Paul’s review of the 49ers new/old look.
Maybe Paul angling to have NFL properties throw up their hands and say “if you think you know everything, why don’t you design our next new uni” :) – not sure what that would look like – a green, red and yellow?[/quote].
I wasn’t so negative — I gave the thumbs-up to the helmet and, especially, the pants. I have issues with the jersey. And I like last year’s colors better, but not so much that it’s a big deal.
What’s so negative about that?[/quote]
Fair enough, in using the term “overall negative tone” I was hoping to convey there was some mixed messages, but the overall tone was more down than up – I guess it’s the use of the term “stupid” on the jersey, as to what made me draw this conclusion. I was surprised of such a harsh assessment.
I find it a bit ironic with the thinning of the stripes on the pants is great – because it appeals to an overall classic look (I think our overall attraction to these things may be more rooted to the point I was trying to make in comment #3), but the thinning of the stripes on the jersey, which is trying to cope with the reality of the way most NFL uniforms are worn today – is stupid.[/quote]
First of all, not sure if you realize this, but the good-vs.-stupid paradigm is a basic litmus test used here on the site. New uniforms are usually judged on this standard. Reductive? Sure. Meant to be fun, and also to drive home the point that there’s a difference between bad (which is a failed attempt at being good — not something we often see these days) and stupid (which doesn’t even try to be good, something we see all too much of).
Comparing thinner pants piping to thinner sleeve stripes is apples and oranges. In any event, the pants piping would be stupid too if it was incomplete, truncated, vestigal, etc. like the sleeve striping is.
[quote comment=”326416″]Nevertheless, if you were given the assignment of designing the next expansion team of the NFL – what would it look like?[/quote]
[quote comment=”326439″]I think a better word mark for the front of the new 49ers jersey would have been the old style lettering, example shown here: link
I greatly prefer that wordmark to the current one. But I don’t think any mark with “49ers” belongs on the jersey, because you shouldn’t have the number “49” competing with the uni number. A “Niners” wordmark would be better. So would the “SF” mark. So would nothing at all.
[quote comment=”326449″][quote comment=”326421″][quote comment=”326415″]I would expand the definition of NFL stripes to include the primary color/secondary color/primary color combo on white pants. It seems to me that what the Bears and Titans do on their white pants is essentially the same and what the packers do.[/quote]
I see what you’re getting at, but I think the center white stripe is an essential aspect of the NFL stripe concept. White is such a neutral color — it provides an interesting effect. Anyone can add colors, but it’s actually ballsier, I think, to use white.
[quote comment=”326415″]PS: New Orleans does not use any kind of NFL stripes on the pants. Its just solid black on both gold and black.[/quote]
Yes, but they still have an NFL stripe on their helmets.[/quote]
but…you were talking about pants.[/quote]
No, I provided a list of teams that used NFL striping on their helmets and/or pants.
[quote comment=”326457″]
Are you asking me to turn in my colour TV for a B&W model again? LOL ;o)
would you have preferred the old school logo for a “wordmark” if they could have done it?
Actually, that quote of his is in response to an email I sent into that mailbag (see Tom from Beverly). And he is an asshole, because he clearly is showing contempt for a legitimate concern of the fans who’s ticket purchases pay his salary.
What if congress chose to change the colors on the flag, and cited “nobody flies them anymore, why should we care” as a reason?!
Yes, I think that’s a perfectly sane analogy.
[quote comment=”326266″]So, the Red Sox guy is an asshole because he thought a bunch of guys only pull their pantlegs down all the way?
You may like the old-time look, but geez…get over it already. There are two players, TWO, who are currently in the bigs who wear stirrups circa 1975.
It’s not coming back…please move on to another bitchable topic. It’s like listening to people pining for the good old days of the 50s.
don’t be ridiculous paul. there aren’t any tv numbers on the sleeves. the nfl would never go for that.
Here’s another link to the Broncos’ throwback unis they’ll ear twice this year:
There is a better-than-average picture of the famed let’s-start-a-bonfire striped socks.
Okay, how’s this?
NFL Striping: Three straight, parallel, adjacent stripes, usually of .75 inch or more in width and generally of equal width, extending the full length of the space available, with the center stripe commonly, but not exclusively, being white.
[quote comment=”326465″]Okay, how’s this?
NFL Striping: Three straight, parallel, adjacent stripes, usually of .75 inch or more in width and generally of equal width, extending the full length of the space available, with the center stripe commonly, but not exclusively, being white.
with this …(NOTE: See Green Bay Packers helmet, 1959 – present)
[quote comment=”326465″]Okay, how’s this?
NFL Striping: Three straight, parallel, adjacent stripes, usually of .75 inch or more in width and generally of equal width, extending the full length of the space available, with the center stripe commonly, but not exclusively, being white.
one last time, then i will stop the blazing saddles…i agree with ricko johnson. that is an excellent webster’s entry, and i think it describes the stripes accurately.
[quote comment=”326466″][quote comment=”326465″]Okay, how’s this?
NFL Striping: Three straight, parallel, adjacent stripes, usually of .75 inch or more in width and generally of equal width, extending the full length of the space available, with the center stripe commonly, but not exclusively, being white.
with this …(NOTE: See Green Bay Packers helmet, 1959 – present)
so…something like this then? (either helmet)
[quote comment=”326465″]Okay, how’s this?
NFL Striping: Three straight, parallel, adjacent stripes, usually of .75 inch or more in width and generally of equal width, extending the full length of the space available, with the center stripe commonly, but not exclusively, being white.
I still say the center stripe has to be white. Anything else is just piping.
[quote comment=”326469″][quote comment=”326465″]Okay, how’s this?
NFL Striping: Three straight, parallel, adjacent stripes, usually of .75 inch or more in width and generally of equal width, extending the full length of the space available, with the center stripe commonly, but not exclusively, being white.
I still say the center stripe has to be white. Anything else is just piping.[/quote]
Not being argumentative at all, just letting you know I was thinking of the short-lived first-year Saints helmets that were white-black-white when I wrote it. Or the Bears’ Payton-years pants that were navy-orange-navy. But, because such stiping also has been seen on baseball pants (Brewers, Angels, Rangers and others, esp. during the doubleknit era), I suppose for a specific football definition then, yeah, the centerstripe maybe should be be white.
And also that the two outside stripes should identical colors?
Not sure if it’s been posted yet, but the Red Sox are wearing red undershirts and socks with their road uni’s today (Masterson has the red socks on in the pen).
Red Sox are in red socks tonight on the road (At least the bullpen pitchers are).
dang ricko, you gave up on that fast. i think it leaves out too much, but like i said earlier, it isn’t my site or definition.
packers and cowboys both have ’em on helmet and pants, how ’bout ice bowl stripes? naw, never mind that.
Everybody on the Red Sox is wearing red gear with the roadies except Kottaras, he still has his navy blue catchers gear.
[quote comment=”326384″]I have something pretty similar to Ryan McManus’s hat. I’m from Massachusetts and there’s a famous skate shop that was started in Fitchburg, MA called Eastern Boarder. My hat has a Red Sox styled “EB” on the front with a cool MLB logo treatment as well. Everytime I wear people either ask if I’m from East Boston, East Bridgewater or just ask what the “E” stands for and then I give them the deal. I wonder if he deals with the same thing.
The Front:
The Back:
If you can’t tell, the logo is supposed to be a guy holding a skateboard[/quote]
Do they still sell that hat? As a resident of East Boston, I’d love to pick one up.
[quote comment=”326417″][quote comment=\”326415\”]
PS: New Orleans does not use any kind of NFL stripes on the pants. Its just solid black on both gold and black.[/quote]
Of course, like many teams, they used to:
I pine for that look.
A bit of logo confusion:
am i on link or link I’m confused the logos are too similar for me to figure it out!
Weird thing is, they both are PA based I do believe!
Look in the top left of the fan cast website and look in the top left of turkey hill dairies website!
[quote comment=”326343″][quote comment=”326327″][quote comment=”326321″][quote comment=”326231″]Beavers are the world’s original, and greatest, engineers..[/quote]
I beg to differ.
Go Ducks![/quote]
are. you. kidding. me? ducks?!?! you compare the engineering skills of a duck to a beaver? does this blog have a bell tower, because i think i just snapped. ricko, how do you find the pieces of your brain-pan after it explodes, because i can’t find all of mine.[/quote]
I was about to rant, and then remembered that that particular commenter is either attending or an alum of the school based in Eugene.. If I am wrong on this point then I most definitely second your rant.[/quote]
There you go. Jackpot!
Attending, by the way.
Maybe if I was around more…
i was just having some fun, i hope you didn’t take me too seriously:)
The Niners uniform is a case of the sum being greater than the individual parts. When I watched them in the 1970s and 80s, I wondered why they didn’t carry the colors throughout all parts of the uniform; i.e., no gold or black in the jersey, no black in the pants, and staying with a gray facemask while most teams were switching to a matching facemask color.
But the thing was, I couldn’t stop looking at those uniforms. Despite the disparate parts, the whole seemed to come together. The jersey, for example, has never been much to look at, but when you look at the entire uniform, it all comes together.
Looking at the new design, I see the same thing. I do wish they’d have brought back the striped socks, but otherwise, it’s a uniform that, once again, becomes greater than the sum of its parts.
[quote comment=”326477″]A bit of logo confusion:
am i on link or link I’m confused the logos are too similar for me to figure it out!
Weird thing is, they both are PA based I do believe!
Look in the top left of the fan cast website and look in the top left of turkey hill dairies website![/quote]
Is that Turkey Hill logo supposed to be a stylized map of the US? Interesting as they seem to be limited to Central PA.
If I controlled 97% of the US beer mat market, I sure as hell wouldn’t be declaring bankruptcy.
Hell, if I had 97% of the Wisconsin beer mat market, I’d be happy as hell.
What kind of mismanagement is that company’s executives guilty of anyway???
[quote comment=”326479″]i was just having some fun, i hope you didn’t take me too seriously:)[/quote]
don’t worry, no one does ;)
[quote comment=”326483″][quote comment=”326479″]i was just having some fun, i hope you didn’t take me too seriously:)[/quote]
don’t worry, link ;)[/quote]
you just made me choke on my licorice i laughed so hard. olde man candy for an olde man. i really like necco waffers too, and i loooove matlock. essentially if your grandfather would like it, i do too.
[quote comment=”326317″][quote comment=”326314″]I like the highlighted 2009 ones… The non-highlighted ones is more 1956.[/quote]
you are absolutely insane. let me go grab my 1930’s looney bin big net on a long stick, and i’ll get you for the funny farm asap. it has nothing to do with 1956, it has to do with the white looks 100% stupiud. you should not be allowed to stroke anything more then once.[/quote]
That should definitely be in the rule book. Well put.
i was having some fun with the whole stroke double entendre. but you shouldn’t stoke a jersey number or text more then once.
Check out this article regarding NCAA ’10 the video game. you can now customize teams and stadiums like never before!!!
[quote comment=”326481″][quote comment=”326477″]A bit of logo confusion:
am i on link or link I’m confused the logos are too similar for me to figure it out!
Weird thing is, they both are PA based I do believe!
Look in the top left of the fan cast website and look in the top left of turkey hill dairies website![/quote]
Is that Turkey Hill logo supposed to be a stylized map of the US? Interesting as they seem to be limited to Central PA.[/quote]
yeah that\’s the only place I\’ve seen them. The only one not in Central PA is up north by Mansfield PA on the way to New York…it is weird though. I can\’t believe that neither comcast nor turkey hill has done anything about this because I feel they are similar enough to cause a problem….
Rangers’ uni results breakdown so far:
Red Red White 2-2
Red White White 2-2
Blue White White 1-0
Blue Gray Gray 1-5
Blue Blue Gray 3-1
They should clearly wear the blue alts on the road at all times and dump the grays.
[quote comment=”326357″]I know someone who would love the Texas Tech throwback video: 1920’s Reporter Guy from the Ticket in Dallas
Apparently those guys listen to Bob and Dan and likely “borrowed” the bit from them.
the MIT mascot, a beaver, is nature’s greatest engineer
Not to be picky, but then again that’s why we’re here, right?
The word piping appears numerous times in today’s entry and comments, but I think what’s usually meant is really striping or just plain stripes.
So by my understanding, the link have piping, but the 49ers’ pants have stripes.
C of Red — C ya next October.
Yep. I came up with that all by myself.
MIT: Beavers — club. I didn’t remember the football team being the Beavers but I trust David far more than myself on this one. From the front page of The Tech in 1990:
“Now, some fourscore years later, the beaver is better known to us as the Brass Rat, and the only teams that carry the Beaver nickname are the football team and MIT’s club sport teams. All others are named the Engineers.”
[quote]The Red Sox wore link in their first 15 games[/quote]
Actually, the number is six. link: NNOB and every player had #42 on his back.
[quote comment=”326470″]Not being argumentative at all, just letting you know I was thinking of the short-lived first-year Saints helmets that were white-black-white when I wrote it. Or the Bears’ Payton-years pants that were navy-orange-navy. But, because such stiping also has been seen on baseball pants (Brewers, Angels, Rangers and others, esp. during the doubleknit era), I suppose for a specific football definition then, yeah, the centerstripe maybe should be be white.
And also that the two outside stripes should identical colors?
I’m guessing you’ve long since called it a night, but what are you getting at with this? What do you mean when you say they were navy/orange/navy?
he is talking about the pants stripes. from left to right, navy orange navy
[quote comment=”326497″]he is talking about the pants stripes. from left to right, navy orange navy[/quote]
I got that, but he was using the past tense, as though they’re no longer that way. That’s why I was asking for clarification.
oh snap(as the kids say), i see what you are saying. i can’t speak for him, and don’t know how much you read, but there was all the only colour-white-colour talk being the “true” nfl stripe talk, and the payton era bears didn’t, until the end of his tenure, wear the dark pantaloons, so maybe he is refering to that in the past tense somehow. otherwise, i would assume it to be a tense error by the king.
[quote comment=”326499″]oh snap(as the kids say), i see what you are saying. i can’t speak for him, and don’t know how much you read, but there was all the only colour-white-colour talk being the “true” nfl stripe talk, and the payton era bears didn’t, until the end of his tenure, wear the dark pantaloons, so maybe he is refering to that in the past tense somehow. otherwise, i would assume it to be a tense error by the king.[/quote]
Gotcha. The early days of Walter’s career: no dark trousers, only the whites with the alternating stripes.
Anyway, on an unrelated note… I saw in yesterday’s comments you mentioned that beer label. My original idea might be a no-go. I actually took a good look at the logo and it’s a lot more detailed than I remembered it being.
I do, however, have an alternate idea that I think will look pretty snazzy. I’ll send you an e-mail about it tomorrow when I get the chance.
i really need to start looking at who i am talking to. i saw the jth on the c of red comment, but didn’t notice it after. you know what and when the bears wore what, but it makes sense, i think, about the mostly non black pants bears/nfl stripes
btw, you should send the original too, you never know.
[quote comment=”326247″]I have always disliked fotball teams sticking their logo on the sleeves of their jersey. I thought it looked superfluous, added clutter, was overkill.
But now, with these stupid snuggly jerseys and the ridiculousness of the truncated stripes, I suggest forgetting abouts stripes altogether (sigh). Just stick the frickin logo on the shoulder and call it a day. And no teams are allowed to put wordmarks below the collar. And get rid of the NFL logo on the collar.[/quote]
[quote comment=”326502″][quote comment=”326247″]I have always disliked fotball teams sticking their logo on the sleeves of their jersey. I thought it looked superfluous, added clutter, was overkill.
But now, with these stupid snuggly jerseys and the ridiculousness of the truncated stripes, I suggest forgetting abouts stripes altogether (sigh). Just stick the frickin logo on the shoulder and call it a day. And no teams are allowed to put wordmarks below the collar. And get rid of the NFL logo on the collar.[/quote][/quote]
Maybe keep the stripes if they can work, or try for a USC-Type stripe/insert, or colored sleeve endings, or contrasing sleeve or shoulders, but by all means and in every case let’s DITCH THE CHEST CLUTTER now !!!
[quote comment=”326264″]The College All-Star Game (NFL Champions vs. College All-Stars lasted until 1976.
Until 1971, this game was televised in B/W on ABC due to the poor lighting at Soldier Field I. When the Bears moved to Soldier Field (II?) in 1971, it required a much stronger wattage for the floodlights, and thus for the last 6 years of the game, it was televised in color.[/quote]
WOW on that broadcast info. It’s just amazing how relatively recently that things were still so primative.
By the way, why did the Bears play at a baseball stadium (Wrigley Field) for decades prior to moving to Soldier(s) Field anyway? Wasn’t Soldier Field set up for football already, with college games played there annually?
It didn’y have to do with George Halas’legendary frugality, did it?
[quote comment=”326277″]”Why would they be going back to that?” asked Denver Post fashion editor Suzanne Brown. “Why would they celebrate that? I thought marketing stuff was supposed to be more fashionable.”
Why go back to that? Well, for one thing it’s a 50th anniversary celebration. Although, seeing as only three of the eight teams understand, I guess maybe we’ll have to forgive her for that.
But, once again, how dumb do you have to be to not understand that part of the fun of throwbacks IS that they’re ugly. That’s one of points of the whole thing: “God lord, look what they USED to wear.”
I’m afraid Suzanne Brown, fashion editor though she may be, doesn’t Get It.
MEGA DITTO. I still casn’t get how there are people that can’t GET IT, particularly if you care about unis enough to read this site.
ANYONE, why shouldn’t they weare the vertical striped socks? Give me one good reason and I will put a sock in it.
[quote comment=”326279″][quote comment=”326234″]”The Washington Huskies have unveiled their new football uniforms”
are the “swooshes” getting bigger? hmmm…[/quote]
And the piping is getting more annoying. Love the home uniforms, though.[/quote]
Lame, vertical move with these new unis. they offer really nothing.
Most offensive is it yet another “Old Gold” or “Gold” team using the weak, pathetic, cookie-cutter “Vegas Gold” in place of traditional school/team colors. Probably because the NIKE company can’t/won’t produce the real team colors the same way they can’t/won’t properly produce full and correct UCLA inserts.
Thanks AGAIN Nike!!!
[quote comment=”326383″]Overall, the Niners’ uniforms are what I hoped for and expected. The pants stripes are perfect. The gray facemask and white stripe restore the helmet to its formerly more ‘open’ look. And dropping all the black (except for the logo) was a great move. Black is over-used (just check out all the NHL teams with using black), and it’s refreshing to see a team move away from it – too bad the Lions didn’t do the same.[/quote]
The 49ers’ update is probably the best you can hope for in the current NFL. It is an improvement for all of the reasons that you state. I too really like true sleeve stripes, but you can’t have the,m without real sleeves. I too HATE chest clutter and wordmarks, but if you have to have them, don’t just repeat the helmet logo.
AS FOR THE LIONS, the new unis are the same as the last unis – HORRIBLE. The Lions do have a really good uni, they just haven’t worn it for 8-10 years.
The only Ted Sowle I know of (and the only sports-related Google hit) was the head football coach and athletic director at Catholic Central H.S. in Grand Rapids, MI, during the 40s, 50s, and 60s. He was inducted into the link (see sidebar). The school gives out the link to one male and one female athlete “based on athletic, academic, and citizenship contributions” to the school, “not necessarily the best athletes in the class.”
Near the bottom of link is the following first hand account:
Interestingly, he link the cause of doing away with a poll-based ranking system for Michigan high school football in the 1950s that is similar to the issues facing the college game today.
When I read the article, I knew the name sounded familiar (I graduated from Catholic Central in 1998), but couldn’t put my finger on it. I have no idea how our Ted Sowle relates to the one featured in your catalog. However since he was an athletic director, perhaps he designed that style of basketball eyeglasses protector.
[quote comment=”326505″][quote comment=”326277″]”Why would they be going back to that?” asked Denver Post fashion editor Suzanne Brown. “Why would they celebrate that? I thought marketing stuff was supposed to be more fashionable.”
Why go back to that? Well, for one thing it’s a 50th anniversary celebration. Although, seeing as only three of the eight teams understand, I guess maybe we’ll have to forgive her for that.
But, once again, how dumb do you have to be to not understand that part of the fun of throwbacks IS that they’re ugly. That’s one of points of the whole thing: “God lord, look what they USED to wear.”
I’m afraid Suzanne Brown, fashion editor though she may be, doesn’t Get It.
MEGA DITTO. I still casn’t get how there are people that can’t GET IT, particularly if you care about unis enough to read this site.
ANYONE, why shouldn’t they weare the vertical striped socks? Give me one good reason and I will put a sock in it.[/quote]
Ba-doop boop.
Ebay has yellow and black vertically-striped socks on sale. Frickin’ bumblebees!
[quote comment=\”326309\”]RE: Texas Tech throwback highlights.
Didn\’t ESPN do highlight of the first White Sox TBTC game in 1990 with an oldtime highlight reel?[/quote]
Yep. Black and white, sped up, and with cheesy wooden-block sound effect when the ball was hit, and even a reference to \”Mr. Spaulding.\”
[quote comment=”326370″]They should sell modified ’80s Niners jerseys to fans, jerseys with the three purely horizontal stripes.
Agreed, the same way that Steeler replicas usually have full sleeve stripes.
I wonder if they were forced to include the 49ers ligature because the jerseys were so similar to the throwbacks? The 49ers wordmark on the jersey is the only item I have a problem with.
Every redesigned jersey of the past 15 years or so has a wordmark; the 49ers are just following suit (as did the Giants). I agree that they could have done better, like Paul’s suggestion of the “SF”.[/quote]
Well, it’s not like in college football, where TNOF or SNOF happens all the time — SOONERS and MICHIGAN STATE, for example, in big block numbers.
I get the feeling we’re going to see much larger wordmarks stretched across the front like 1990s-era pro lacrosse uniforms or the WUSA.