Before I talk about the Jaguars’ new uniforms, I want to take a sec to talk about their old ones. As I’ve said many times, I thought the Jags’ original set was among the best uniforms of its generation — contemporary colors and typography but a very classic deployment of those elements. I especially loved the use of gold trim, which provided a nice bit of warmth to the home and road designs. I had always thought that if they were smart enough to leave this uniform alone, it would eventually be regarded as a modern classic.
Alas, they weren’t smart enough to do that. Let’s look at the emperor’s new clothes:
• The new wordmark: Quick, what did the Jags’ old wordmark look like? Right, I can’t remember either. And face it, unless you’re getting a note on their letterhead, who really cares? That said, this looks OK. Not great, mind you (the little whiskers, or slash marks, or whatever the fuck those are supposed to be, would be laughed out of any undergrad design class), but OK. Good or stupid? Good enough.
• The new helmet: As you’ve probably heard by now, they’ve sprinkled some sort of magic pixie dust on the shell, so it mostly looks black but does this teal color-shift when the light hits it, sort of like the hull of a bass fishing boat (or, as someone has astutely pointed out in today’s second comment, a motorcycle helmet). Way too soon to know how this effect (which is also embedded in the logo decals, facemask, and the type on the nose and neck bumpers) will look on TV or to a QB trying to locate a receiver downfield, which are really the only two contexts that matter. It actually could be cool, although I think it’s more likely to be either ridiculous or indiscernible from a distance. Maybe good, probably stupid, but too soon to say.
• The new jerseys. Leaving aside the asinine seam horns that wrap around to the back (which are too insipid to even discuss — I mean what is that, a zipper?), I really hate the colors. The gold is gone, and so is the warmth it used to provide. It’s bad enough that this looks idiotic, because of the horns, but does it also have to look so cold and drab? Forget about the graphics and just compare the color palettes of new vs. old. It’s no contest — the old one feels rich and organic, while the new one feels mechanistic and plain. Over on the Chris Cream board, someone did a quick Photoshop mock-up of how gold could have been retained as an accent color — still a dumb design, but so much more appealing. Can’t say I’m a big fan of the new number typeface, either. What a disaster. I weep for the loss of the old design. Really, really stupid.
• The new pants: Well, at least they’re not as bad as what the Falcons, Vikings, and Cardinals are wearing. In fact, they’re fine from the front, but I don’t know about those upright tildes on the sides. In theory, they’re not really so different than, say, the Chargers’ lightning bolts, but in practice they look pretty bad, especially in conjunction with the jersey wraparound thingie. I get that it’s supposed to look all sleek and streamlined, but the effect is lost on the big linemen. Oh, and it’s hard to see, but the helmet logo is repeated on the hips, which on the one hand seems like overkill but on the other hand is a rare sighting of gold in this uni design, so I guess I’ll take what I can get. Stupid.
• The socks: They’re going with just one sock design — white on the bottom, black on top — for both home and away, which means major leotard-age on the road. I’m not sure, but I think this is the first time a new NFL uni set has been specifically designed to create the leotard effect. In other words, this is the first time a design team has said, “No, the primary visual function of football hosiery is NOT to provide contrast between the pant cuff and the sock.” Dumb beyond words, but it’s what they’ve already been doing for years anyway. Stupid.
Two final notes:
1) You may have heard team owner whatshisname saying, “From now on we will wear THIS design at home, and THIS design on the road, and you’ll always know what to expect and you’ll always recognize us,” blahblahblah. The implication was that a new uni set was needed to establish a stable visual identity. Yeah, right, as if it was the old uniform’s fault that the team chose to play mix-and-match all the time. This whole “Now you’ll always know what we’ll be wearing” thing is a red herring, a crock — they could just as easily have established a firm identity by sticking with the old wardrobe and using it the way it was meant to be used, instead of treating it like a Garanimals set.
2) Am I the only one who’s getting really fucking tired of Reebok and Nike constantly telling us that every new uni set is “30% lighter” than the last one? At this rate, the uniforms will soon weigh exactly zero ounces, or maybe have an anti-gravity component. It’s even lamer when you hear an NFL team saying things like, “They developed this just for us,” as if Reebok would really develop a fabric technology for one team and withhold it from the rest of the league. Skip the tech lab chatter — nobody cares. Just show us how it looks and tell us who’s responsible for the lame-o graphics so we know whose house to egg.
Shit, man, this whole thing is depressing. Is it too late to go back to this?
In case you missed it yesterday: My ESPN piece about the new steakhouse in Yankee Stadium is here.
Another follow-up from yesterday: If you’re a past or current member of the military, I’m interested in hearing what you think of sports teams wearing camouflage uniforms (my thanks to the many military personnel who responded to this request yesterday). Again, this is only for military past or active military members. If that’s you, feel free to voice your opinions here. Thanks.
Uni Watch News Ticker: Bizarre scene last night in Toronto, as Texas pitcher Darren O’Day got into the Jays/Texases game but wore someone else’s NOB. O’Day had been claimed on waivers earlier in the day and had just arrived in Toronto during the eighth inning of the game (I think he stopped along the way for some poutine), but they didn’t have a jersey for him, so he had to wear Kason Gabbard’s No. 30 jersey (which was apparently laying around even though Gabbard is now in triple-A). Naturally, O’Day promptly gave up the game-winning hit. There’s excellent coverage of this incident, including some good video, here (with thanks to the many, many readers who contributed info and screen grabs on this one.) ”¦ Speaking of the Rangers, Ron Washington’s NOB is almost as bad as Salty’s. Looks like an NBA NOB! (Screen shot courtesy of Nolan Brett.) ”¦ Check this out: Trevor Hoffman going high-cuffed for a minor league rehab game in Nashville. ”¦ Ken Davidoff‘s excellent blog reports that the Yanks have somehow convinced Modell’s to sponsor each Yankee stolen base (maybe because Modell’s has so much experience dealing with shoplifters..?). And people wonder why sports fans are cynical (or why some of us think the magical free market isn’t the solution to all of life’s problems). ”¦ Three different No. 5s? Ben Traxel saved that from an old newspaper clipping. “Not surprising in our town that the black kid is the one without a matching uniform, even with a black coach,” he writes. “Surely someone could have come up with a spare #5 for him.” ”¦ Also from Ben: “I saw these posters in a shoe store window back in the mid-’80s. At the time, I went in and asked the owner if I could have them when they were done with them. Ended up with these five. The back of this one lists the participants. Don’t think I’d necessarily label Collinsworth a ‘speedster.'” ”¦ These KC Chiefs bikes are used at the team’s training camp in River Falls, Wisconsin. Here’s reader Jason Gomez posing with one of them. ”¦ Speaking of the Chiefs, they’re practicing without helmet logos, because Todd Hailey wants them to earn their arrowheads. ”¦ Never thought I’d have a reason to type the words “Hello Kitty” on this site, but look! ”¦ Lots of cool old Packers stuff here. ”¦ Awesome basketball warmup jacket (mislabeled as a baseball jersey) here. ”¦ Fun team name: the Albany Lawmakers. ”¦ Ever eat here? Then you gotta think about getting this. ”¦ Man, I don’t know what Sand-Knit was thinking with this (but I’m sure Terry Proctor will tell us). ”¦ If you’re into the Padres’ brown/gold color scheme, you may want to consider buying this. ”¦ Sooooo much to like about this! ”¦ It is absolutely essential that a Uni Watch reader ends up with this — someone buy it NOW! ”¦ And here’s one of the greatest cheerleading sweaters I’ve ever seen. ”¦ If not for the sun damage on the left sleeve, I’d probably snap this up myself. ”¦ One of those soccer teams you’ve never heard of is holding a scarf design contest (with thanks to Patrick Runge). ”¦ If you go to this page and click on the video link for the 1990 Freedom Bowl, you’ll see something really bizarre: a reverse-field color match-up, with one team wearing green jerseys and gold pants and the other one wearing gold jerseys with green pants “One of the hardest games to watch,” says Todd Dole. ”¦ Note the “P” and “C” columns in this amazing scoreboard photo. “P” is obviously for pitcher, but did scoreboards also list catchers back in the day? If so, why? If not, what is the “C” for? (As submitted by Steve Cook.) ”¦ Vince was checking out this Tony Mandarich video and noticed that he wore an “Evil” label on his nose bumper. ”¦ History’s weirdest media guide cover? Could be (with thanks to Tris Wykes). ”¦ Not uni-related, but the seemingly endless flood of Lenny Dykstra stories (here’s the latest one) is like a car wreck that you can’t stop staring at. Sad, compelling stuff. ”¦ You probably know that the old AAFC included a team called the New York Yankees. You might not know that they took more than just their name from the baseball team (good find by Joe DeAngelis). ”¦ Outmania! “Seeing the stirrups and white spikes in person — wow, a thing of beauty,” says Tyler Kepner, who covered yesterday’s Yanks/A’s game. ”¦ Here’s another quilt made out of running shirts. It was made by Kevin Pazdernik‘s mom. “Once she ran out of running shirts, she moved on to general sports quilts,” he says. “What can I say, my mom loves to quilt!” ”¦ The 49ers will officially unveil their new duds this weekend, but word is slowly leaking out beforehand. ”¦ Yesterday was Earth Day, so the Astros wore green caps and the Red Sox recycled (get it?) their St. Paddy’s Day getup (plus they added a recycling logo sleeve patch). ”¦ A recession is such a good time to buy a $100,000 suit (with thanks to Brinke Guthrie). ”¦ Okay, people, because you demanded it, and in honor of JG Ballard’s recent death: a veritable snuff-film sequence of Bryan Redemske’s cycling crash. ”¦ The NHL playoffs, as depicted by Rob Ullman.
OMFG ! At this point it’s not design anymore. Let’s simply call it sabotage…
The convergence between motorcycle helmet and football helmet seems to have taken a step closer with Jax’s new colouring. Isn’t it the football helmet’s equivalent to the Tampa Bay Devil Rays (back then) original multi-colour lettering?
Who needs warmth in a football jersey? Cold, drab and mechanistic all seem like terms a football team would be proud to be associated with. :)
I know it isn’t the intent, but wouldn’t “they’re so tasty” fit as a darkly humorous ending to “Jaguars love the children”?
Are the Jaguars trying to look like the Panthers??
I’m thinking of starting a pool of which team follows San Fransisco and returns to a previous and better uniform design: Minnesota, Buffalo or (and just added) Jacksonville? I really hope it’s Minnesota. I just don’t see how that uni design is supposed to reflect either the city or their nickname. I mean, just sweet did AD(That’s Adrian Peterson, his nickname is All Day meaning how long he’s going to punish you out on the field with his running) look toting the rock in those throwbacks this past season? If you said “Super Awesome” then you are correct!
I like how San Fransisco is going back to a gray facemask, something that seems to be catching on to get back in touch with the glory days(the Colts went back to it, New York and Cleveland did too, the Cardinals still do it). Which team would be wise to follow suit? (These being teams that previously had success with a gray face mask before) the Vikings, Bears, Chiefs, Jets or Redskins?
Here’s the old Jags wordmark on a small bag. It was kind of slanted upward to imply leaping.
The new wordmark is definitely an upgrade.
The road uniform definitely needs more gold to soften the black. For a team that wears teal, there is hardly any in the logo, the logo is mostly gold. Compare to the only other football team that I can think of that wears teal and black, Coastal Carolina…
Or from their visually jarring spring game…
[quote comment=”325454″]
Or from their visually jarring spring game…
The links got all jumbled up somehow. The all teal vs. all black was the spring game picture.
The “C” on the scoreboard does stand for the catcher. Why it was posted, I’m not sure. Back then, the battery was a bit more important to people, I guess.
Back in the late fifties all line scores always included the batteries and they would read:
Ford (L), Arroyo (8) and Blanchard, Berra (9).
So, how would you design a baseball uniform for a team named the Nutz?
[quote comment=”325457″]Back in the late fifties all line scores always included the batteries and they would read:
Ford (L), Arroyo (8) and Blanchard, Berra (9).[/quote]
Ah, yes — good point. In retrospect, seems very odd.
[quote]Note the “P” and “C” columns in this amazing scoreboard photo./quote]
Also note: Pittsburgh doesn’t have the H on the end of it.
Another thing: Weird that the two NY teams are playing two St. Louis teams and the two Chicago teams are playing two Boston teams all on the same day.
Those Nike posters are CLASSIC!
“I’m not sure, but I think this is the first time a new NFL uni set has been specifically designed to create the leotard effect.”
Paul, can you elaborate on this? Aren’t there many teams that routinely wear the same color socks and pants?
Good analysis on the Jags’ uniforms, by the way. What bothers me is that Weaver said they wanted to establish a brand because there have been too many tweaks over the years. So what did they do to fix this? They tweaked their design. The difference between this tweak and the ones in years past is that this one had more hype.
I think the odds are pretty high that they will mix and match at least once this year. As Paul alluded to, mixing and matching is a product of the players and coaches and management, not the design of the uniforms.
We are ashamed of the Jags for what they have done. The old unis and especially the fonts were what gave the Jags there identity…now they look, well College-ish…which i suppose is the right look for this team in this city, since they are all GATOR fans around here any way
jags kind of remind me of the philadelphia soul
[quote comment=”325456″]The “C” on the scoreboard does stand for the catcher. Why it was posted, I’m not sure. Back then, the battery was a bit more important to people, I guess.[/quote]
I am not so sure about “C” standing for catcher. Of the 12 “C’s” on the scoreboard, seven are #19. Did that many catchers really wear #19?
[quote comment=”325460″][quote]Note the “P” and “C” columns in this amazing scoreboard photo.[/quote]
Also note: Pittsburgh doesn’t have the H on the end of it.
Another thing: Weird that the two NY teams are playing two St. Louis teams and the two Chicago teams are playing two Boston teams all on the same day.[/quote]
And why are so many of the catchers #19?
[quote comment=”325453″]I’m thinking of starting a pool of which team follows San Fransisco and returns to a previous and better uniform design: Minnesota, Buffalo or (and just added) Jacksonville? I really hope it’s Minnesota. I just don’t see how that uni design is supposed to reflect either the city or their nickname. I mean, just sweet did AD(That’s Adrian Peterson, his nickname is All Day meaning how long he’s going to punish you out on the field with his running) look toting the rock in those throwbacks this past season? If you said “Super Awesome” then you are correct!
I like how San Fransisco is going back to a gray facemask, something that seems to be catching on to get back in touch with the glory days(the Colts went back to it, New York and Cleveland did too, the Cardinals still do it). Which team would be wise to follow suit? (These being teams that previously had success with a gray face mask before) the Vikings, Bears, Chiefs, Jets or Redskins?[/quote]
the dolphins looked great with the gray face masks.
Here’s anothe reverse image (2006 season).
oooo, forgot the dolphins. good add
[quote comment=”325453″]I’m thinking of starting a pool of which team follows San Fransisco and returns to a previous and better uniform design: Minnesota, Buffalo or (and just added) Jacksonville? I really hope it’s Minnesota. I just don’t see how that uni design is supposed to reflect either the city or their nickname. I mean, just sweet did AD(That’s Adrian Peterson, his nickname is All Day meaning how long he’s going to punish you out on the field with his running) look toting the rock in those throwbacks this past season? If you said “Super Awesome” then you are correct!
I like how San Fransisco is going back to a gray facemask, something that seems to be catching on to get back in touch with the glory days(the Colts went back to it, New York and Cleveland did too, the Cardinals still do it). Which team would be wise to follow suit? (These being teams that previously had success with a gray face mask before) the Vikings, Bears, Chiefs, Jets or Redskins?[/quote]
I agree that Minnesota’s uniforms need to go back as they were in the 60’s and 70’s (their “glory” days?). Buffalo too (make their throwbacks permanent). But I’d like to see the Forty Niners helmet with the old logo (too much black in the new one) and red facemasks…
[quote comment=”325465″][quote comment=”325456″]The “C” on the scoreboard does stand for the catcher. Why it was posted, I’m not sure. Back then, the battery was a bit more important to people, I guess.[/quote]
I am not so sure about “C” standing for catcher. Of the 12 “C’s” on the scoreboard, seven are #19. Did that many catchers really wear #19?[/quote]
Better question: did that many pitchers wear single digits?
[quote comment=”325471″][quote comment=”325465″][quote comment=”325456″]The “C” on the scoreboard does stand for the catcher. Why it was posted, I’m not sure. Back then, the battery was a bit more important to people, I guess.[/quote]
I am not so sure about “C” standing for catcher. Of the 12 “C’s” on the scoreboard, seven are #19. Did that many catchers really wear #19?[/quote]
Better question: did that many pitchers wear single digits?[/quote]
funny you mentioned about the “p” and “c” on the old scoreboards… i actually just researched a little about the old forbes field scoreboard (with the help of kek and phil). it had “p” and “rp”. we were thinking it was pitcher (obviously) and relief pitcher. here’s the best pic i could find:
also, it had an “H” to the upper right of the box score. not sure what that was all about…
interesting stuff though. last week, frank’s diy scoreboard got me inspired to do a little research on old-style scoreboards
[quote comment=\”325466\”][quote comment=\”325460\”][quote]Note the “P” and “C” columns in this amazing scoreboard photo.[/quote]
Also note: Pittsburgh doesn\’t have the H on the end of it.
Another thing: Weird that the two NY teams are playing two St. Louis teams and the two Chicago teams are playing two Boston teams all on the same day.[/quote]
And why are so many of the catchers #19?[/quote]
According to Yankees by the numbers they had a catcher, Mike Garbark #10 in 1945, which is when this pic was taken.
Chiefs have to “earn” their arrowheads?
Kick ’em the knee,
Kick ’em in the other knee.
Somebody isn’t aware of how well such collegiate (and other) nonsense worked out for Les Steckel (1-13 and outta here, never to head coach again).
“also, it had an “H” to the upper right of the box score. not sure what that was all about…”
Anything to do with an official scorer’s decision…Hit or Error?
[quote comment=”325474″]“Somebody isn’t aware of how well such collegiate (and other) nonsense worked out for Les Steckel (1-13 and outta here, never to head coach again).”
Or Don MacPherson.
Not to nitpick, but how does Ullman’s picture depict the NHL playoffs, when the Minny Wild aren’t participating this year?
I like the Jags new uniforms. Nice and clean, not cluttered up with different ideas. The shade of blue is better IMO.
And although I liked the gold accents, I think these new ones look good with out the gold.
Nothing worse than change for the sake of change.
Bad font. Crappy design. Poor uni designing.
[quote comment=”325468″]Here’s anothe reverse image (2006 season).
Will it finally be a return to glory this year?
[quote comment=”325457″]Back in the late fifties all line scores always included the batteries and they would read:
Ford (L), Arroyo (8) and Blanchard, Berra (9).[/quote]
Hey, I was born in the 70s and I remember line scores that included that.
Thought this business about scoreboard numbering of pitchers and catchers got settled yesterday. Has nothing to do with players’ uni numbers.
In the game programs, teams would print a list of names for all the other teams’ pitchers and catchers, usually alphabetical and then number them. Programs were printed somewhat in advance, and communication wasn’t as instantaneous as it is now so keeping up with any changes of jersey numbers wasn’t all that easy. Plus, it meant few number cards necessary for scoreboard operator to inventory. (Actually, it may go back to before players wore numbers; that would be worth checking).
And, yeah, it meant buying a program. But back then no one could have identified the Kansas City Athletics second-line middle inning pitcher by number anyway….unless you had their media guide handy or toted around TSN’s opening day issue with the rosters in it.
It’s really, really difficult to take NFL uniforms seriously anymore.
[quote comment=”325473″]
According to Yankees by the numbers they had a catcher, Mike Garbark #10 in 1945, which is when this pic was taken.[/quote]
But they also list #16 as Herb Crompton, who was not a pitcher. (He was actually a catcher too!)
[quote comment=”325474″]Chiefs have to “earn” their arrowheads?
Kick ’em the knee,
Kick ’em in the other knee.
Somebody isn’t aware of how well such collegiate (and other) nonsense worked out for Les Steckel (1-13 and outta here, never to head coach again).
Haley used to coach the Cowboys, who started doing this when Bill Parcells came to town.
Not sure if they did the same with the Jets while Parcells and Haley were there together as well.
[quote comment=”325462″]”I’m not sure, but I think this is the first time a new NFL uni set has been specifically designed to create the leotard effect.”
Paul, can you elaborate on this? Aren’t there many teams that routinely wear the same color socks and pants?[/quote]
Yes, but they usually have a white-topped (or otherwise contrasting) set of socks that they’re supposed to wear with the colored pants. They just choose not to wear them. But the Jags aren’t even going thru the motions of having a white-topped set.
[quote comment=”325483″]
And, yeah, it meant buying a program. But back then no one could have identified the Kansas City Athletics second-line middle inning pitcher by number anyway….unless you had their media guide handy or toted around TSN’s opening day issue with the rosters in it.
and thus,
“You Can’t Tell the Players without a Program!” was born…
How about those retro Star Wars sheets that the cheerleading sweater was photographed on?
Ricko nailed it with the pitchers’ and catchers’ numbers. I have some old scorecards from games I attended in the 60s that have the kinds of listings he described.
I’ve seen at least one old baseball movie, set in the pre-electronic-PA days, where someone walked out to home plate before the game with a megaphone and announced:
“The batteries for today’s game…. for New York, Smith pitching and Jones catching. For Cleveland…etc.” So yeah, the P and C were considered a big deal.
[quote comment=”325461″]Those Nike posters are CLASSIC![/quote]
In knowing Pat Tilly, I wish I had that poster to get him to sign when I was an equipment manager at Louisiana Tech. That would have been a great thing to have on the wall in our office to make jokes about.
Modell’s also sponsors every broken bat at Nationals Park. Every time a player breaks their bat, all the advertising screens say, “Broken bat? Gotta go to Mo’s.”
I am attempting to remain calm in the face of a negative and Jaguar-centric blog entry today. I respect Paul’s opinion and I understand why he’s disappointed in the new look. It could have been worse (which is not really the reaction you hope for after a uni redesign) – it’s still better than the Vikings, Bills, Seahawks, Cardinals, and Bengals.
They resisted the urge to put logos in stupid places, like the back of the neckline. They don’t have the crazy torso panels that look idiotic (Bengals, Vikings, Cardinals, Bills).
They didn’t come out with alternates for the sake of alternates.
Yes, they vastly reduced the amount of gold, but I guess they wanted to have more of a 2-color identity, rather than 3.
I’m sure most people will hail the new-retro look the 49ers are introducing, but that’s a franchise with loads of history and tradition. Jacksonville doesn’t have that. I think it would be disingenuous for the Jags to sport a retro look.
I think the helmets have a chance (I emphasize “chance”) of becoming a great addition. I think they could break new ground in helmet aesthetics, similar to the way Tampa’s pewter design took the possibilities for helmet coloring to a new place in 1997.
I realize that a lot of my rationalizations could be attributed to homerism b/c I’m a Jags fan, but I don’t think they’re as bad as people are making them out to be.
The Red Sox uniforms were confusing last night. I turned on the game, Pedroia is up and I’m trying to figure out why the eff they have the shamrock jerseys on. Finally he fouls one off, paces around, and they get a shot that reveals the silly recycling logo.
This is just pure laziness. Take the damn shamrock off the jerseys, replace it with the apparently world-saving recycling patch so. Bam. Done.
Also, I think it looks silly with the green letters on the jersey, but red letters on the hat (as well as the red undershirt and red socks). However, the kelly green and white looks tremendous, I’m surprised that some team isn’t using that scheme. Boston needs an NL team, give them those colors, call them the Shamrocks.
[quote comment=”325487″][quote comment=”325462″]”I’m not sure, but I think this is the first time a new NFL uni set has been specifically designed to create the leotard effect.”
Paul, can you elaborate on this? Aren’t there many teams that routinely wear the same color socks and pants?[/quote]
Yes, but they usually have a white-topped (or otherwise contrasting) set of socks that they’re supposed to wear with the colored pants. They just choose not to wear them. But the Jags aren’t even going thru the motions of having a white-topped set.[/quote]
Neither do the Chargers. They’re hell-bent on navy-topped socks home and away, which makes a leotard effect 50% of the time (with the navy pants, of course). Thankfully, they have the sense to produce sky blue socks for the alternates.
Also, PL, the Jaguars’ wordmark is stupider than you think. I think it’s a double-drop shadow, but it actually changes directions! Down southeast for the JAG, down southwest for the ARS, and for the U in the middle, straight ahead, making it look like a double-border, not a double-drop shadow. Direct violation of the Chinese proverb (and probably fortune cookie output) “You cannot go in all directions at once.” I’m surprised you voted “good enough.” For me, it’s “so stupid.”
That “soccer team you’ve never heard of” that’s holding the scarf design contest is actually an interesting story. The Sons of Ben is a supporters’ club for Philadelphia’s MLS team that was formed in 2007. The interesting part is that Philadelphia had no MLS team at the time, so the group was also a lobbying group to help get a franchise. They succeeded, and the team will start play in 2010.
[quote comment=”325494″]Also, PL, the Jaguars’ wordmark is stupider than you think. I think it’s a double-drop shadow, but it actually changes directions! Down southeast for the JAG, down southwest for the ARS, and for the U in the middle, straight ahead, making it look like a double-border, not a double-drop shadow.[/quote]
One-point perspective, single vanishing point. Not my favorite approach, but there’s nothing inherently wrong with it.
The most disturbing photo-negative game I can remember, the Humanitarian Bowl in 1998 that featured Southern Miss and Idaho. Idaho in gold helmets, black jerseys and gold pants vs. Southern Miss in black helmets, gold jerseys and black pants…all played on the blue turf at Boise State.
Collinsworth came out of Florida running a 4.4 forty. Say what you will, but he had a productive (not as great as he think it was, though) NFL career and could get behind DBs. call it deceptively fast.
After the disapointment of the Jags changes…I need another uni change to get that taste out of my mouth…the niners look like they are making a great change…I hope the Dolphins change is similar to the niners (going old school).
I’m not crazy about the Jags new unis…but I kind of dig the helmet. It’s similar to Oregon’s deep green ‘mallard’ effect on one of their 87 helmets. (The good one).
All that being said, it’s a clean uniform. Sharp. Not as over piped and cluttered as Minnesota or Arizona.
I’d give it a C+, but I dig that helmet.
Jags’ uniforms:
Could have been much worse (see Titans’ light blue on dark blue, Bengals, Bills, Vikings, et. al.). Original design from the 1990s was the best — go back to your roots, when you won a few games. Paul’s right about the whole super-hero thing, which annoys me to no end because the real super-heroes are police, firefighers, soliders, sailors, marines, etc.
[quote comment=”325463″]We are ashamed of the Jags for what they have done. The old unis and especially the fonts were what gave the Jags there identity…now they look, well College-ish…which i suppose is the right look for this team in this city, since they are all GATOR fans around here any way[/quote]
Totally agree with this comment. When I saw the pictures, my first thought was they’ve gone from a unique, professional looking design to a run-of-the-mill design that wouldn’t look out of place on a high school or small college football field.
I usually think Paul and most of the commenters are too hard on new designs, but I have to say I agree 100% on this one. Very disappointing.
Like Paul I wish the Jags would have considered gold as more of a primary. Not enough metallic gold in the NFL if you ask me. Gold pants and perhaps this link
I’m surprised to hear all the hating on the cardinals. Their old jerseys were just …BLAH! I thought the timing and the style of the jerseys was perfect for that franchise! Say all you want about tradition, but that franchise did not have a good tradition, eventhough it’s the oldest franchise. Their unis now have a lot more style and add a much needed dynamic to their look, especially considering that right when they made the change they were turning a corner and loading up a team with a lot of talent they hoped would take them to the next level(which it did).
Why the Vikings copied them I don’t know. The Bill’s jerseys are just the worst out there. From the numbers to those side stripes….God, there just isn’t anything nice about them at all.
[quote comment=”325477″]Not to nitpick, but how does Ullman’s picture depict the NHL playoffs, when the Minny Wild aren’t participating this year?[/quote]
and this is a problem because…?
It’s nice to see such a large crowd at a St Louis Browns game…but the Yankees WERE in town.
Also, check out what the schedule maker did. New York is playing in St Louis in one league, and the Cardinals are in New York in the other. Also, Chicago is in Boston and Boston is in Chicago. Coincidence or intentional? It makes a lot of sense.
[quote comment=”325506″]It’s nice to see such a large crowd at a St Louis Browns game…but the Yankees WERE in town.
Also, check out what the schedule maker did. New York is playing in St Louis in one league, and the Cardinals are in New York in the other. Also, Chicago is in Boston and Boston is in Chicago. Coincidence or intentional?
It makes a lot of sense.[/quote]
Also, if you look under the left side of scoreboard, under “Kirn Signs” you see two people in the “STL Steakhouse” (waiter is sitting there taking their order).
[quote comment=”325453″]I’m thinking of starting a pool of which team follows San Fransisco and returns to a previous and better uniform design: Minnesota, Buffalo or (and just added) Jacksonville? I really hope it’s Minnesota. I just don’t see how that uni design is supposed to reflect either the city or their nickname. I mean, just sweet did AD(That’s Adrian Peterson, his nickname is All Day meaning how long he’s going to punish you out on the field with his running) look toting the rock in those throwbacks this past season? If you said “Super Awesome” then you are correct!
I like how San Fransisco is going back to a gray facemask, something that seems to be catching on to get back in touch with the glory days(the Colts went back to it, New York and Cleveland did too, the Cardinals still do it). Which team would be wise to follow suit? (These being teams that previously had success with a gray face mask before) the Vikings, Bears, Chiefs, Jets or Redskins?[/quote]
Time to throw away all the various “improvements” foisted upon the Packers’ uniforms and return to Lombardi’s link.
Okay, with the possible exception of the link, which made the pants stripes better match the helmet. That one was an upgrade, everything else has been slowly chipping away at a uniform which by all rights ought to have been untouchable.
was that butter on the asparagus or link.
[quote comment=”325474″]Chiefs have to “earn” their arrowheads?
Kick ’em the knee,
Kick ’em in the other knee.
Somebody isn’t aware of how well such collegiate (and other) nonsense worked out for Les Steckel (1-13 and outta here, never to head coach again).
Frank Kush tried the college approach in the NFL with similarly minimal success — around the same time too. I remember a story that, while with the Colts, he berated a player for wearing the wrong color shorts in the weightroom. One story of the rationale behind the Elway trade demand is that he simply wanted no part of playing for Kush. The west coast angle was just a ruse.
[quote comment=”325509″]was that butter on the asparagus or link.[/quote]
Ted’s hot dogs!! Now I’m hungry! Worth stopping if you’re in the Buffalo area.
[quote comment=”325509″]was that butter on the asparagus or link.[/quote]
Is this the famed “lobster mac and cheese”?
If so, it looks scrumptious.
Agggh, Red Sox. The St. Paddy’s/Earth Day unis are fantastic, but why do they insist on red undershirts (and in Brad Penny’s case, socks)? It turns a great once-or-twice-a-year thing into an xmas disaster.
On the NYY Steak piece:
Even before UPN went out of business, I referred to WWOR as “Minor League 9”. Now their name makes it easier for me to call it by that name.
So the waiter knew the game was on 9, but they refused to change the channel? A Yankee game was playing while you were at Yankee Stadium, and you couldn’t watch it on the TV?
If you want to hear about untrained Yankee Stadium employees, check out New Stadium Insider. link They’ve been ripping the lack of knowledge by those people working there…
[quote comment=”325498″]Collinsworth came out of Florida running a 4.4 forty. Say what you will, but he had a productive (not as great as he think it was, though) NFL career and could get behind DBs. call it deceptively fast.[/quote]
And he had phenomenal hands.
[quote comment=”325493″]The Red Sox uniforms were confusing last night. I turned on the game, Pedroia is up and I’m trying to figure out why the eff they have the shamrock jerseys on. Finally he fouls one off, paces around, and they get a shot that reveals the silly recycling logo.
This is just pure laziness. Take the damn shamrock off the jerseys, replace it with the apparently world-saving recycling patch so. Bam. Done.
Also, I think it looks silly with the green letters on the jersey, but red letters on the hat (as well as the red undershirt and red socks). However, the kelly green and white looks tremendous, I’m surprised that some team isn’t using that scheme. Boston needs an NL team, give them those colors, call them the Shamrocks.[/quote]
In watching the A’s at Yanks, I have been reminded of how much I love the A’s grays and home whites.
I would love to see some green piping on the pants, but I think it would take away from the simplicity of the white cleats.
Thanks for bringing the Rainier Wolfcastle, Mike Miller. You left me no choice but to read the line aloud in the voice.
I’d like less black in the new/old 49ers helmet logo, too. If you’re going back, go all the way back.
Chance, I am of course right there with you on the Packers’ uni. I’d take the stripes even further back, to this.
I want the TV numerals on the sleeve, too. But I recognize that that ship sailed after Bart got fired.
Love seeing those old Nike posters. As a kid, I would go into the local Buster Brown store and ask for the posters that were rotated out of use. The most inexplicable one was a softball team-themed one with Reggie Smith and Ron Howard. For a look at a bunch of them: link
[quote comment=”325492″]Modell’s also sponsors every broken bat at Nationals Park. Every time a player breaks their bat, all the advertising screens say, “Broken bat? Gotta go to Mo’s.”
Does Modell’s actually sell woooden bats anymore?
[quote comment=”325518″]MY EYES! THE GOGGLES DO NOTHING!
Thanks for bringing the Rainier Wolfcastle, Mike Miller. You left me no choice but to read the line aloud in the voice.
I’d like less black in the new/old 49ers helmet logo, too. If you’re going back, go all the way back.
Chance, I am of course right there with you on the Packers’ uni. I’d take the stripes even further back, to this.
I want the TV numerals on the sleeve, too. But I recognize that that ship sailed after Bart got fired.[/quote]
TV numbers on the shoulder I can live with, because that’s the only way we’ll get proper sleeve stripes back – there simply isn’t enough real estate for both.
But the thing which always drives me crazy is the stripe changes. The unnecessary neck striping on the homes, and the goofy link on the road – link look so much better against white.
I believe that the Jags Tongue (in the helmet) was originally blue-ish as a slam towards the Carolina Panthers when they were brought in as expansion teams…now its more teal…
[quote comment=”325503″]Like Paul I wish the Jags would have considered gold as more of a primary. Not enough metallic gold in the NFL if you ask me. Gold pants and perhaps this link
Am I the only one who’s getting really fucking tired of Reebok and Nike constantly telling us that every new uni set is “30% lighter” than the last one? At this rate, the uniforms will soon weigh exactly zero ounces, or maybe have an anti-gravity component.
Against my better judgment, I’m about to post perhaps the dumbest math rant in the history of UniWatchBlog. Here it goes… If the weight of a uniform (or any positive value, for that matter) keeps getting reduced by a percentage (assuming it’s less than 100%), it can NEVER REACH ZERO. It will approach zero as the independent variable approaches infinity, but it will never hit it. It’s like how you can keep cutting something in half forever but you’ll always have something left. So you can say that, at this rate, the weight of uniforms will rapidly approach zero ounces, or they’ll be virtually zero, or they’ll be so close to zero players won’t know if they’re naked, but you can’t say they’ll weigh EXACTLY zero. Somewhere link is crying (though, in all fairness, the weak-ass design of the new Jags uni is partly to blame)…
(Re)Link to Nike Posters:
there simply isn’t enough real estate for both.
What, you don’t think a numeral can fit onto that sleeve? ;-)
(No offense meant to Chad Clifton. He was the first lineman to come to mind.)
[quote comment=”325524″]Am I the only one who’s getting really fucking tired of Reebok and Nike constantly telling us that every new uni set is “30% lighter” than the last one? At this rate, the uniforms will soon weigh exactly zero ounces, or maybe have an anti-gravity component.
Against my better judgment, I’m about to post perhaps the dumbest math rant in the history of UniWatchBlog. Here it goes… If the weight of a uniform (or any positive value, for that matter) keeps getting reduced by a percentage (assuming it’s less than 100%), it can NEVER REACH ZERO. It will approach zero as the independent variable approaches infinity, but it will never hit it. It’s like how you can keep cutting something in half forever but you’ll always have something left. So you can say that, at this rate, the weight of uniforms will rapidly approach zero ounces, or they’ll be virtually zero, or they’ll be so close to zero players won’t know if they’re naked, but you can’t say they’ll weigh EXACTLY zero. Somewhere link is crying (though, in all fairness, the weak-ass design of the new Jags uni is partly to blame)…[/quote]
Sadly, this was my exact thought as well. Just couldn’t remember the name of the law or theorem or whatever. Too lazy to look it up.
[quote comment=”325517″][quote comment=”325493″]The Red Sox uniforms were confusing last night. I turned on the game, Pedroia is up and I’m trying to figure out why the eff they have the shamrock jerseys on. Finally he fouls one off, paces around, and they get a shot that reveals the silly recycling logo.
This is just pure laziness. Take the damn shamrock off the jerseys, replace it with the apparently world-saving recycling patch so. Bam. Done.
Also, I think it looks silly with the green letters on the jersey, but red letters on the hat (as well as the red undershirt and red socks). However, the kelly green and white looks tremendous, I’m surprised that some team isn’t using that scheme. Boston needs an NL team, give them those colors, call them the Shamrocks.[/quote]
In watching the A’s at Yanks, I have been reminded of how much I love the A’s grays and home whites.
I would love to see some green piping on the pants, but I think it would take away from the simplicity of the white cleats.
In watching the A’s and yanks, I’m reminded of how much I hate that solid green hat. Wear the green and yellow hat you’re famous for, damnit!
ClubMedSux, you and your logic and reason. Feh.
I am a little disappointed at the new San Francisco 49ers unis.I like the return to the predominantly scarlet red,gold and white color scheme,but I am not happy that the Niners are keeping the current helmet logo and putting the TV numbers on the shoulders rather than the sleeves of the jerseys. If you are going to go all the way…
This reminds me of the Toronto Maple Leafs who,in 1992,returned to their classic uniform designs but retained the logo from their previous uniforms.
As for the new Lions and Jaguars unis,I feel that the idea of the Seahawks going to the eye crushing green jerseys is a better alternative.
[quote comment=”325470″][quote comment=”325453″]But I’d like to see the Forty Niners helmet with the old logo (too much black in the new one) and red facemasks…[/quote]
Absolutely right about the logo, though I don’t think I’m in favor of red facemasks. And the pants stripes should match the stripes on the helmets, cf. the ’75 Packers. (The Montana-era Niners wore those pants with extra-wide stripes, which was the only flaw in an otherwise just-about-perfect uniform.)
Why is it so hard for these effing teams to come up with a consistent look?
[quote comment=”325531″][quote comment=”325470″][quote comment=”325453″]But I’d like to see the Forty Niners helmet with the old logo (too much black in the new one) and red facemasks…[/quote]
Absolutely right about the logo, though I don’t think I’m in favor of red facemasks. And the pants stripes should match the stripes on the helmets, cf. the ’75 Packers. (The Montana-era Niners wore those pants with extra-wide stripes, which was the only flaw in an otherwise just-about-perfect uniform.)
Why is it so hard for these effing teams to come up with a consistent look?[/quote]
Darn those html tags, anyway.
[quote comment=”325528″][quote comment=”325517″][quote comment=”325493″]The Red Sox uniforms were confusing last night. I turned on the game, Pedroia is up and I’m trying to figure out why the eff they have the shamrock jerseys on. Finally he fouls one off, paces around, and they get a shot that reveals the silly recycling logo.
This is just pure laziness. Take the damn shamrock off the jerseys, replace it with the apparently world-saving recycling patch so. Bam. Done.
Also, I think it looks silly with the green letters on the jersey, but red letters on the hat (as well as the red undershirt and red socks). However, the kelly green and white looks tremendous, I’m surprised that some team isn’t using that scheme. Boston needs an NL team, give them those colors, call them the Shamrocks.[/quote]
In watching the A’s at Yanks, I have been reminded of how much I love the A’s grays and home whites.
I would love to see some green piping on the pants, but I think it would take away from the simplicity of the white cleats.
In watching the A’s and yanks, I’m reminded of how much I hate that solid green hat. Wear the green and yellow hat you’re famous for, damnit![/quote]
My only qualm with the green hat is the single layered logo.
I would much rather see a logo on the green cap similar to that on the black alt:
Is it possible the Jags are expecting a very strong metallic color to come from this helmet, and the gold may have clashed with that?
“As for the new Lions and Jaguars unis,I feel that the idea of the Seahawks going to the eye crushing green jerseys is a better alternative.”
Unfortunately that Seawhawks “screaming green” jersey would fly in the face of the apparent current NFL imperative: Be generic and somber; show your guns and, as much as possible, look like computer-generated Spartans in the color-bleached “300.”
Life is, after all, one big video game. Screw reality. Grab a case of Red Bull, park on the couch and give yourself the false sense of actually accomplishing something.
Damn, life is good, huh.
[quote comment=”325533″]In watching the A’s at Yanks, I have been reminded of how much I love the A’s grays and home whites.
I would love to see some green piping on the pants, but I think it would take away from the simplicity of the white cleats.
best A’s road uni…ever
[quote]In watching the A’s and yanks, I’m reminded of how much I hate that solid green hat. Wear the green and yellow hat you’re famous for, damnit![/quote]
this one?
1st off the Jags new uniform are disappointing to say the least. I am one of the few jags(if not the only) fans in Buffalo. I will not be trading in my Matt Jones jersey anytime soon. 2nd Ted’s hot dogs are decent but don’t compare to Gray’s Papaya or Nathans.
Maybe I missed it but did someone, in regards to the scoreboard picture, say why everyone in the stands is looking at the scoreboard? I understand that it’s the only place to see scores….but everyone is looking there??
In reference to the H on the photo of the Pittsburgh scoreboard: Many teams did not have the R-H-E at the end of the linescore that is used today due to the fact that the home team’s linescore was not separate from the out-of-town linescores (The St.L. scoreboard that started this discussion is a good example). So, the scoreboard operator would use the 10th inning slots to list the hits for the home game.
Could one of you on here who are really good with mock-ups provide a mock up of Pitt, with it’s current colors, but with a return of to the way the jerseys used to look in the 1970s and 1980s? See, link
I personally think they would look really good and would like to see it, but I am not savvy enough to make it happen. Pitt is suppossedly moving back to Nike at the end of this fiscal year and Nike apparently wants them to return to the way they looked, but with the current colors. I just would like to see what it could possibly look like. Thanks!
As a jags fan I am angry at this uniform change. I will not be trading in my Matt Jones jersey anytime soon. And Living in buffalo, I eat Ted\’s hot dogs more then i should but they don\’t compare to nathan\’s or grays papaya.
[quote comment=”325534″]Is it possible the Jags are expecting a very strong metallic color to come from this helmet, and the gold may have clashed with that?[/quote]
Don’t know how that would work, considering that the helmet itself has a fair amount of gold in it.
[quote comment=”325527″][quote comment=”325524″]Am I the only one who’s getting really fucking tired of Reebok and Nike constantly telling us that every new uni set is “30% lighter” than the last one? At this rate, the uniforms will soon weigh exactly zero ounces, or maybe have an anti-gravity component.
Against my better judgment, I’m about to post perhaps the dumbest math rant in the history of UniWatchBlog. Here it goes… If the weight of a uniform (or any positive value, for that matter) keeps getting reduced by a percentage (assuming it’s less than 100%), it can NEVER REACH ZERO. It will approach zero as the independent variable approaches infinity, but it will never hit it. It’s like how you can keep cutting something in half forever but you’ll always have something left. So you can say that, at this rate, the weight of uniforms will rapidly approach zero ounces, or they’ll be virtually zero, or they’ll be so close to zero players won’t know if they’re naked, but you can’t say they’ll weigh EXACTLY zero. Somewhere link is crying (though, in all fairness, the weak-ass design of the new Jags uni is partly to blame)…[/quote]
Sadly, this was my exact thought as well. Just couldn’t remember the name of the law or theorem or whatever. Too lazy to look it up.[/quote]
Here’s some easier math to understand from the hockey world.
When Rbk introduced the EDGE, they claimed that it would translate into players being 8% faster.
However, if everyone is using the same material in their jerseys (which is where I see the NFL going), NO ONE IS FASTER BECAUSE OF THEIR CLOTHING! It still comes down to player’s abilities. If everyone is 8% faster, no one is faster. Cut and dry math.
All this rhetoric is what I like to call “engineering bullpoop”. If I’m 300lbs, I’m going to be as fast as my legs can carry my 300lbs frame. It doesn’t matter if my jersey is made out of air or lead… I still need to move my 300lbs frame faster than you if I want to be successful.
Sure, a lighter jersey would be great when comparing polyester to, say, a lead suit, but when current jerseys weigh nearly nothing already, 8% is absolute horse fertilizer when it comes to real-life testing outside of a wind tunnel.
Ted’s hot dogs are fantastic. Their newer locations are a tad bit to “corporate” for my liking, however. Similar to the local Mighty Taco- a better experience when the places were more “Wrigley” than “Citi Field”.
[quote comment=”325539″]In reference to the H on the photo of the Pittsburgh scoreboard: Many teams did not have the R-H-E at the end of the linescore that is used today due to the fact that the home team’s linescore was not separate from the out-of-town linescores (The St.L. scoreboard that started this discussion is a good example). So, the scoreboard operator would use the 10th inning slots to list the hits for the home game.[/quote]
[quote comment=\”325539\”]In reference to the H on the photo of the Pittsburgh scoreboard: Many teams did not have the R-H-E at the end of the linescore that is used today due to the fact that the home team\’s linescore was not separate from the out-of-town linescores (The St.L. scoreboard that started this discussion is a good example). So, the scoreboard operator would use the 10th inning slots to list the hits for the home game.[/quote]
I think you’re right. I got caught up looking for a “H or E” spot on the board.
Jags new unis:
Good: No white over white with a dark helmet look. That is a BASEBALL look, and is so BORING in football. The new helmet MIGHT be extremely cool. I am actually excited to see it on TV.
Bad: Should have used metallic gold in the trim somewhere. The old jerseys were better.
Don’t care: the “leotard look”. Apparently, I’m the only one it doesn’t bother.
[quote comment=”325542″][quote comment=”325534″]Is it possible the Jags are expecting a very strong metallic color to come from this helmet, and the gold may have clashed with that?[/quote]
Don’t know how that would work, considering that the helmet itself has a fair amount of gold in it.[/quote]
Now how did I miss that?
DAMMIT!!!! A classic uniform with a great color scheme…GONE. Couldn’t they have just modified the old uniform with the new colors?!
I do really like the color shifting helmet though.
Hopefully the ‘Niners get it right with the striped socks.
[quote comment=”325543″][quote comment=”325527″][quote comment=”325524″]Am I the only one who’s getting really fucking tired of Reebok and Nike constantly telling us that every new uni set is “30% lighter” than the last one? At this rate, the uniforms will soon weigh exactly zero ounces, or maybe have an anti-gravity component.
Against my better judgment, I’m about to post perhaps the dumbest math rant in the history of UniWatchBlog. Here it goes… If the weight of a uniform (or any positive value, for that matter) keeps getting reduced by a percentage (assuming it’s less than 100%), it can NEVER REACH ZERO. It will approach zero as the independent variable approaches infinity, but it will never hit it. It’s like how you can keep cutting something in half forever but you’ll always have something left. So you can say that, at this rate, the weight of uniforms will rapidly approach zero ounces, or they’ll be virtually zero, or they’ll be so close to zero players won’t know if they’re naked, but you can’t say they’ll weigh EXACTLY zero. Somewhere link is crying (though, in all fairness, the weak-ass design of the new Jags uni is partly to blame)…[/quote]
Sadly, this was my exact thought as well. Just couldn’t remember the name of the law or theorem or whatever. Too lazy to look it up.[/quote]
Here’s some easier math to understand from the hockey world.
When Rbk introduced the EDGE, they claimed that it would translate into players being 8% faster.
However, if everyone is using the same material in their jerseys (which is where I see the NFL going), NO ONE IS FASTER BECAUSE OF THEIR CLOTHING! It still comes down to player’s abilities. If everyone is 8% faster, no one is faster. Cut and dry math.
All this rhetoric is what I like to call “engineering bullpoop”. If I’m 300lbs, I’m going to be as fast as my legs can carry my 300lbs frame. It doesn’t matter if my jersey is made out of air or lead… I still need to move my 300lbs frame faster than you if I want to be successful.
Sure, a lighter jersey would be great when comparing polyester to, say, a lead suit, but when current jerseys weigh nearly nothing already, 8% is absolute horse fertilizer when it comes to real-life testing outside of a wind tunnel.[/quote]
umm no, if everyone is 8% faster (bs) then everone is 8% faster. no one is 8% faster now than anyone else though, but they are all 8% faster than they were, simple math (and major bs)
This redesign actually makes me think the the Rays switch. Maybe they are making their uniforms more vanilla and hoping for playoff success.
[quote comment=”325549″]
umm no, if everyone is 8% faster (bs) then everone is 8% faster. no one is 8% faster now than anyone else though, but they are all 8% faster than they were, simple math (and major bs)[/quote]
LOL… I like the added info in parentheses, Joe. That makes it easier to understand.
[quote comment=”325546″]Don’t care: the “leotard look”. Apparently, I’m the only one it doesn’t bother.[/quote]
I’m with ya on the leotardo look…hate it. Why have socks become such an ignored element to football unis?
[quote comment=”325541″]As a jags fan I am angry at this uniform change. I will not be trading in my Matt Jones jersey anytime soon. And Living in buffalo, I eat Ted\’s hot dogs more then i should but they don\’t compare to nathan\’s or grays papaya.[/quote]
If you’re going to eat at just one place in Buffalo, you best make it MIGHTY TACO!
[quote comment=”325503″]Like Paul I wish the Jags would have considered gold as more of a primary. Not enough metallic gold in the NFL if you ask me. Gold pants and perhaps this link
I’m sure I have better things to do at work, but here’s my rendition of the new Jags uni with gold pants. I wasn’t even going to try and touch that new helmet. link
[quote comment=”325553″][quote comment=”325546″]Don’t care: the “leotard look”. Apparently, I’m the only one it doesn’t bother.[/quote]
I’m with ya on the leotardo look…hate it. Why have socks become such an ignored element to football unis?[/quote]
Duuude…because macho video game characters don’t wear bright stripey socks. That’s for, like, Waldo or Super Mario or some dorky KID games. Jeez. Do you, like, live in a cave or something?
[quote comment=”325556″][quote comment=”325553″][quote comment=”325546″]Don’t care: the “leotard look”. Apparently, I’m the only one it doesn’t bother.[/quote]
I’m with ya on the leotardo look…hate it. Why have socks become such an ignored element to football unis?[/quote]
Do you, like, live in a cave or something?
I thought that was a given?
[quote comment=”325555″][quote comment=”325503″]Like Paul I wish the Jags would have considered gold as more of a primary. Not enough metallic gold in the NFL if you ask me. Gold pants and perhaps this link
I’m sure I have better things to do at work, but here’s my rendition of the new Jags uni with gold pants. I wasn’t even going to try and touch that new helmet. link
Or the number font, either. Someday, I might get photoshop and learn how to do these “properly”. For now, I’ll stick with MS Paint.
[quote comment=”325555″][quote comment=”325503″]Like Paul I wish the Jags would have considered gold as more of a primary. Not enough metallic gold in the NFL if you ask me. Gold pants and perhaps this link
I’m sure I have better things to do at work, but here’s my rendition of the new Jags uni with gold pants. I wasn’t even going to try and touch that new helmet. link
I guess my whole gold being more prominent idea is because I’ve always thought UCLA’s uniforms were really sweet and would translate nicely for some NFL team. The other potential would be San Diego of course…but dare I suggest gold helmets with a navy lightning bolt?
For your amusement
[quote comment=”325557″][quote comment=”325556″][quote comment=”325553″][quote comment=”325546″]Don’t care: the “leotard look”. Apparently, I’m the only one it doesn’t bother.[/quote]
I’m with ya on the leotardo look…hate it. Why have socks become such an ignored element to football unis?[/quote]
Do you, like, live in a cave or something?
I thought that was a given?[/quote]
Oh, that’s right. Forgot. How’s that wood-burning HD TV working out for you? LOL
Isn’t there a chance that the Jaguars’ pixie dust might prove unfairly distracting to opponents… and that the league might step in to ban it, the way they banned the shiny junk that the Colts used to put on their unis in the ’80s?
[quote comment=”325560″]For your amusement
Perfect for Tennessee.
But the NFL would never condone promoting White Lightning.
Would suggest players weren’t clean-living, wholesome and law-abiding.
Oh, wait, speaking of ships that have sailed…
[quote comment=”325561″][quote comment=”325557″][quote comment=”325556″][quote comment=”325553″][quote comment=”325546″]Don’t care: the “leotard look”. Apparently, I’m the only one it doesn’t bother.[/quote]
I’m with ya on the leotardo look…hate it. Why have socks become such an ignored element to football unis?[/quote]
Do you, like, live in a cave or something?
I thought that was a given?[/quote]
Oh, that’s right. Forgot. How’s that wood-burning HD TV working out for you? LOL
The reception’s terrible, but it keeps the mice away…
[quote comment=”325537″]1st off the Jags new uniform are disappointing to say the least. I am one of the few jags(if not the only) fans in Buffalo. I will not be trading in my Matt Jones jersey anytime soon. 2nd Ted’s hot dogs are decent but don’t compare to Gray’s Papaya or Nathans.[/quote]
I used to LOVE the Grays Papaya just past Lincoln Center…
[quote comment=”325563″][quote comment=”325560″]For your amusement
Perfect for Tennessee.
But the NFL would never condone promoting White Lightning.
Would suggest players weren’t clean-living, wholesome and law-abiding.
Oh, wait, speaking of ships that have sailed…[/quote]
Ricko’s got the juice today! Made my coffee come out of my nose on that last one ;P
I love to see Papelbon continually sticking it the the Man by refusing to wear the obscene non-wool 5950. IF you notice the difference between his photo and the shot of Pedroia making a throw, the latter is clad in the officially-sanctioned black-underbrimmed Authentic green cap, while Pap is wearing a green 5950 fashion cap, complete with the omnipresent white New Era flag, denoting this piece of headwear as non-authentic.
Pap’s headwear tendencies are a curious comparison to Kenny Rogers’ exploits with coloring in the brim of his BP cap, which he wore in games. Rogers created a facsimile of the 5950 that was actually a lower-profile, pre-3930 BP cap, presumably because he preferred the fit. However I have never heard for certain why he preferred the closed-mesh BP hat.
Although the number of major leaguers wearing wool 5950’s has been all but exterminated, I hope Papelbon continues his renegade ways, maintaining the holy union of baseball and woolen sombreros.
Re: the pitchers/catchers numbers: I seem to remember that the scoreboard numbers had nothing to do with the ACTUAL numbers, but the numbers as listed in the scorecard, thus making the purchase of a scorecard necessary to decode! And umpires did not have actual numbers on their unis until the late 70’s.
Some logo creep at the White House:
As for Jags uniforms…the best I can say about it is ….yawn. Understand, you want to walk that fine line between stupid (i.s. Bengals, Falcons, Broncos, Bills) and classic (Packers, Bears, Browns)…but they went far past classic and hit seven levels of boring. They may win games because their opponents might fall asleep looking at them.
Correct me if I am wrong, but would the Jags be the first NFL team to put both their city and mascot name on their chest. You look at most of the new uni’s and in small print, they have just the mascot name on the chest (i.e. Rams, Chargers, Titans). Bengals have the “B”…but no one sees it because they are too busy throwing up just looking at the uniform.
Last comment…I really like the Steelers classic look…EXCEPT…I hate the font for their numbers. I wish they would go back to the font during the Steel Curtain days.
[quote comment=”325498″]Collinsworth came out of Florida running a 4.4 forty. Say what you will, but he had a productive (not as great as he think it was, though) NFL career and could get behind DBs. call it deceptively fast.[/quote]
They misspelled his first name on the back of the poster. As someone who has to spell both of his names nearly every day, I can sympathize, because Collinsworth’s first and last names are probably misspelled (one or the other) almost every time you see them.
His given name is Anthony Cris Collinsworth. Not Christopher. Not Chris. Cris.
And, yeah, he was actually fast, but when you’re white, people don’t see that. (But Largent and Pat Tilley in that poster? Were THEY fast?)
The other thing about Collinsworth that not a lot of people know is that he was recruited to Florida as a quarterback out of Astronaut High in Titusville, Fla. (That’s a great high school name – their mascot is, of course, the War Eagles.)
As a freshman (his first game, to boot) he actually tied the NCAA record with a 99-yard touchdown pass to Derrick Gaffney against Rice. He was later moved to wide receiver.
Nike made the BEST posters back in the day. HANDS DOWN.
Here’s a few from my collection:
[quote comment=”325568″]“Umpires did not have actual numbers on their unis until the late 70’s.”[/quote]
The National League first put uni numbers on the umps in 1970. The American League followed a decade later.
This I know falls into the category of who cares, I will say it nonetheless.
There are five teams in the NHL that wear predominately red, black and white. Chicago, New Jersey, Carolina, Calgary and Ottawa – yeah some have forth colours thrown in.
While I would be the first to say this is too many i.e the NHL could use more diversity in their uni colour combos, it is a bit of a coincident – that 4 of the 5 are playing each other in the play-offs. Chicago – Calgary and NJ and Carolina.
I said it last night – but that Calgary uni is really quite a mess, I would think it’s pretty hard to screw up their colours, but somehow they’ve managed to achieve it, I would definitely rate it the weakest of the five, and as a result they should have to go back to the red and gold only.
[quote comment=”325572″]Nike made the BEST posters back in the day. HANDS DOWN.
Here’s a few from my collection:
Paul Westphal and Neal Anderson, WOW!
Those remind me of the Ohi Flyer Ron Harper poster.
There was also one with Moses Malone, Barkley, etc on the steps of the Supreme Court that was very cool.
Many of them can be found in Scoop Jackson’s great book, “Sole Provider”.
[quote comment=”325495″]“The Sons of Ben is a supporters’ club for Philadelphia’s MLS team that was formed in 2007. The interesting part is that Philadelphia had no MLS team at the time, so the group was also a lobbying group to help get a franchise. They succeeded, and the team will start play in 2010.”[/quote]
They’ll also have a booster group known as the Daughters of Betsy, which was an originally sarcastic name given to SoB by a red Bull New York supporters group, for the new WPS team that also starts play in 2010.
[quote comment=”325567″]I love to see Papelbon continually sticking it the the Man by refusing to wear the obscene non-wool 5950. IF you notice the difference between his photo and the shot of Pedroia making a throw, the latter is clad in the officially-sanctioned black-underbrimmed Authentic green cap, while Pap is wearing a green 5950 fashion cap, complete with the omnipresent white New Era flag, denoting this piece of headwear as non-authentic.
Pap’s headwear tendencies are a curious comparison to Kenny Rogers’ exploits with coloring in the brim of his BP cap, which he wore in games. Rogers created a facsimile of the 5950 that was actually a lower-profile, pre-3930 BP cap, presumably because he preferred the fit. However I have never heard for certain why he preferred the closed-mesh BP hat.
Although the number of major leaguers wearing wool 5950’s has been all but exterminated, I hope Papelbon continues his renegade ways, maintaining the holy union of baseball and woolen sombreros.[/quote]
Kenny Rogers used to say he preferred the old 3930’s because they would not shrink. Conspiracy theorists came out of the woodwork in the 2006 World Series, surmising he liked hiding foreign substances on the black underbrim of the 3930.
And this is neither here nor there, but I am STILL surprised New Era doesn’t keep producing “old-style” wool 5950’s along with the “performance polyesters.” They could pass the wools off as “winter blends,” but I wouldn’t care, I just love doing “surgery” on the wool 5950’s.
[quote comment=”325505″][quote comment=”325477″]Not to nitpick, but how does Ullman’s picture depict the NHL playoffs, when the Minny Wild aren’t participating this year?[/quote]
and this is a problem because…?[/quote]
hockey fights are an everyday occurance, but a hockey CAT fight…
[quote comment=”325574″]This I know falls into the category of who cares, I will say it nonetheless.
There are five teams in the NHL that wear predominately red, black and white. Chicago, New Jersey, Carolina, Calgary and Ottawa – yeah some have forth colours thrown in.
While I would be the first to say this is too many i.e the NHL could use more diversity in their uni colour combos, it is a bit of a coincident – that 4 of the 5 are playing each other in the play-offs. Chicago – Calgary and NJ and Carolina.
I said it last night – but that Calgary uni is really quite a mess, I would think it’s pretty hard to screw up their colours, but somehow they’ve managed to achieve it, I would definitely rate it the weakest of the five, and as a result they should have to go back to the red and gold only.[/quote]
I say HELL YEAH to that too
[quote comment=”325577″][quote comment=”325567″]I love to see Papelbon continually sticking it the the Man by refusing to wear the obscene non-wool 5950. IF you notice the difference between his photo and the shot of Pedroia making a throw, the latter is clad in the officially-sanctioned black-underbrimmed Authentic green cap, while Pap is wearing a green 5950 fashion cap, complete with the omnipresent white New Era flag, denoting this piece of headwear as non-authentic.
Pap’s headwear tendencies are a curious comparison to Kenny Rogers’ exploits with coloring in the brim of his BP cap, which he wore in games. Rogers created a facsimile of the 5950 that was actually a lower-profile, pre-3930 BP cap, presumably because he preferred the fit. However I have never heard for certain why he preferred the closed-mesh BP hat.
Although the number of major leaguers wearing wool 5950’s has been all but exterminated, I hope Papelbon continues his renegade ways, maintaining the holy union of baseball and woolen sombreros.[/quote]
Kenny Rogers used to say he preferred the old 3930’s because they would not shrink. Conspiracy theorists came out of the woodwork in the 2006 World Series, surmising he liked hiding foreign substances on the black underbrim of the 3930.
And this is neither here nor there, but I am STILL surprised New Era doesn’t keep producing “old-style” wool 5950’s along with the “performance polyesters.” They could pass the wools off as “winter blends,” but I wouldn’t care, I just love doing “surgery” on the wool 5950’s.[/quote]
The wool 5950’s,(grey underbrim) were very easy to form as opposed to the new synthetics, (black underbrim).
With the wool, you could buy the next size up, wear it in the shower for five minutes and within a day, it would have molded perfectly to your head.
I still have a Bosox navy wool cap.
Del Rio loves the teal….
[quote comment=”325489″]How about those retro Star Wars sheets that the cheerleading sweater was photographed on?[/quote]
Probably the first time a cheerleader’s top was left on a bed with Star Wars sheets!
[quote comment=”325570″]As for Jags uniforms…the best I can say about it is ….yawn. Understand, you want to walk that fine line between stupid (i.s. Bengals, Falcons, Broncos, Bills) and classic (Packers, Bears, Browns)…but they went far past classic and hit seven levels of boring. They may win games because their opponents might fall asleep looking at them.
Correct me if I am wrong, but would the Jags be the first NFL team to put both their city and mascot name on their chest. You look at most of the new uni’s and in small print, they have just the mascot name on the chest (i.e. Rams, Chargers, Titans). Bengals have the “B”…but no one sees it because they are too busy throwing up just looking at the uniform.
Last comment…I really like the Steelers classic look…EXCEPT…I hate the font for their numbers. I wish they would go back to the font during the Steel Curtain days.[/quote]
The Jets’ jersey patch says “NY Jets”, so I think it qualifies.
[quote comment=”325567″]I love to see Papelbon continually sticking it the the Man by refusing to wear the obscene non-wool 5950. IF you notice the difference between his photo and the shot of Pedroia making a throw, the latter is clad in the officially-sanctioned black-underbrimmed Authentic green cap, while Pap is wearing a green 5950 fashion cap, complete with the omnipresent white New Era flag, denoting this piece of headwear as non-authentic.
Pap’s headwear tendencies are a curious comparison to Kenny Rogers’ exploits with coloring in the brim of his BP cap, which he wore in games. Rogers created a facsimile of the 5950 that was actually a lower-profile, pre-3930 BP cap, presumably because he preferred the fit. However I have never heard for certain why he preferred the closed-mesh BP hat.
Although the number of major leaguers wearing wool 5950’s has been all but exterminated, I hope Papelbon continues his renegade ways, maintaining the holy union of baseball and woolen sombreros.[/quote]
On the local Comcast Sportsnet station here (formerly Fox Sportsnet New England) a couple of the talking heads interviewed Papelbon yesterday and the topic of uniforms came up, namely the changes to the road uni and the new ‘socks’ hat. Papelbon ripped the changes, going out of his way to mention the BLUE socks for the Red Sox. “We’re the Red Sox and we’re wearing blue socks? What is that?” He laid into the hat as well, “That B has been around for what, almost 100 years, and they want to put that on a hat?” He thinks the road unis are just ridiculous looking.
Granted, Papelbon isn’t a MENSA candidate, and he’s a little off on his history, but it was awesomely refreshing to hear a player talk about the uniforms.
My take has always been that these unis are uninspired rubbish. The road grays have that early 80’s font that the White Sox used. Obviously, there is no red, either. When there were rumors that they were going to do something like the Jimmie Foxx era road jerseys, I got excited. These current road jerseys look like bad knockoffs you’d get at a gas station somewhere.
Jags helmet actually looks like a bowling ball…
[quote comment=”325580″]
The wool 5950’s,(grey underbrim) were very easy to form as opposed to the new synthetics, (black underbrim).
With the wool, you could buy the next size up, wear it in the shower for five minutes and within a day, it would have molded perfectly to your head.
I still have a Bosox navy wool cap.[/quote]
This is my biggest beef with the new caps. I have a size 8 dome, so not only are good caps hard to come by, they also look RIDICULOUS if I can’t break them in right. The raised crown makes my head look even bigger. Since they don’t sell low profile hats bigger than 7 3/4 I’ve been avoiding buying or wearing hats altogether, which is sad because I collect these things and rarely get to wear them now.
[quote comment=”325580″][quote comment=”325577″][quote comment=”325567″]I love to see Papelbon continually sticking it the the Man by refusing to wear the obscene non-wool 5950. IF you notice the difference between his photo and the shot of Pedroia making a throw, the latter is clad in the officially-sanctioned black-underbrimmed Authentic green cap, while Pap is wearing a green 5950 fashion cap, complete with the omnipresent white New Era flag, denoting this piece of headwear as non-authentic.
Pap’s headwear tendencies are a curious comparison to Kenny Rogers’ exploits with coloring in the brim of his BP cap, which he wore in games. Rogers created a facsimile of the 5950 that was actually a lower-profile, pre-3930 BP cap, presumably because he preferred the fit. However I have never heard for certain why he preferred the closed-mesh BP hat.
Although the number of major leaguers wearing wool 5950’s has been all but exterminated, I hope Papelbon continues his renegade ways, maintaining the holy union of baseball and woolen sombreros.[/quote]
Kenny Rogers used to say he preferred the old 3930’s because they would not shrink. Conspiracy theorists came out of the woodwork in the 2006 World Series, surmising he liked hiding foreign substances on the black underbrim of the 3930.
And this is neither here nor there, but I am STILL surprised New Era doesn’t keep producing “old-style” wool 5950’s along with the “performance polyesters.” They could pass the wools off as “winter blends,” but I wouldn’t care, I just love doing “surgery” on the wool 5950’s.[/quote]
The wool 5950’s,(grey underbrim) were very easy to form as opposed to the new synthetics, (black underbrim).
With the wool, you could buy the next size up, wear it in the shower for five minutes and within a day, it would have molded perfectly to your head.
I still have a Bosox navy wool cap.[/quote]
As do I. I also have the green poly 5950, which is so annoying when I let my hair get a little shaggy.
RE: the New Era logo on Papelbon’s hat, Penny’s hat had one as well.
[quote comment=”325583″][quote comment=”325570″]
The Jets’ jersey patch says “NY Jets”, so I think it qualifies.[/quote]
I stand corrected. Thank you.
Speaking of New Era, this strikes me as a ridiculous product…
[quote comment=”325518″]
I’d like less black in the new/old 49ers helmet logo, too. If you’re going back, go all the way back.
The 49ers helmet always had the black around the logo but the new version (the last 10 years) had the gold between the red logo and the black outline which they are keeping.
The red, white, red helmet stripes and the grey facemask are a step in the right direction. Let us see how they do with the rest of the uniform.
When talking about the Jaguars jerseys, does anyone remember the 1996 jerseys with the thin numbers?
I mean, is this player 81? Could he be 31? or 91?
I remember seeing them in a preseason game on TV, and I think they were changed before the start of the season.
Are they any other times when a team unveiled jerseys that ended up changing before the season started? I know Cleveland wore these jerseys with the orange numbers in one pre-season game but changed them to white numbers right after.
Of course, we all know about the 49ers and Browns helmets:
I am thinking about something like this:
[quote comment=”325541″]And Living in buffalo, I eat Ted\’s hot dogs more then i should but they don\’t compare to nathan\’s or grays papaya.[/quote]
Absolutely right. They don’t compare to Nathan’s or to Gray’s Papaya. Ted’s Red Hots are so superior in every way to those lesser, better-known hot dogs, that merely mentioning the venerable Red-Hot in the same sentence with those downstate pretenders is a shameful act. Ted’s is the zenith of tubesteaks, the art of the sausage raised to dizzying heights. There is no better better meal than a Ted’s footlong, slathered in Ted’s sauce and accompanied by a big plate of vinegar-drizzled fries and a Loganberry punch. Ted’s is everything good and true about America. One bite, and Kim Jong-Il would abandon his weapons program. Hugo Chavez would break into a stirring rendition of “I’m Proud to Be An American”. The Middle East Crisis? What Middle East Crisis?
[quote comment=”325591″]When talking about the Jaguars jerseys, does anyone remember the 1996 jerseys with the thin numbers?
I mean, is this player 81? Could he be 31? or 91?
I remember seeing them in a preseason game on TV, and I think they were changed before the start of the season.
Are they any other times when a team unveiled jerseys that ended up changing before the season started? I know Cleveland wore these jerseys with the orange numbers in one pre-season game but changed them to white numbers right after.
Of course, we all know about the 49ers and Browns helmets:
Cleveland jersey link:
[quote comment=”325574″]There are five teams in the NHL that wear predominately red, black and white. Chicago, New Jersey, Carolina, Calgary and Ottawa – yeah some have forth colours thrown in.[/quote]
…or in the case of the Blackhawks, 4th through 8th colors: orange, yellow, green, blue and GOLD. Not brown — gold. If you want to call it brownish-gold, I’ll give you that. But it’s definitely a golden hue.
[quote comment=”325489″]How about those retro Star Wars sheets that the cheerleading sweater was photographed on?
Yesterday, it was the NFL pencils and today it’s the Star Wars bedspread that’s taking me back to third grade.
[quote comment=”325592″]I am thinking about something like this:
Wow, awesome job on the photoshop there! I like the block Pitt that they have on there now, but I wouldn’t be against a switch back to the old school Pitt script if it looks that good. Maybe keep the block letters and add the helmet stripes. I think that would look good too. Hmmmm, I kind of like the classic, no nothing look to the jerseys now. I would hate to see ANOTHER complete uniform revamp that would probably come if they went back to the Pitt script logo, because then they would probably add sleeve stripes and pant stripes as well. I’d just as well have another throwback day then bring that back full time.
[quote comment=”325594″][quote comment=”325591″]When talking about the Jaguars jerseys, does anyone remember the 1996 jerseys with the thin numbers?
I mean, is this player 81? Could he be 31? or 91?
I remember seeing them in a preseason game on TV, and I think they were changed before the start of the season.
Are they any other times when a team unveiled jerseys that ended up changing before the season started? I know Cleveland wore these jerseys with the orange numbers in one pre-season game but changed them to white numbers right after.
Of course, we all know about the 49ers and Browns helmets:
Cleveland jersey link:
Yes, a couple of examples exist of post-unveiling tweaks.
Obviously, the new Nationals’ road uniforms were incorrectly unveiled with regular numbers, instead of the beveled font.
The Cincinnati Reds first introduced their current jerseys (with the cool font and the Redlegs patch) with a REALLY heavy drop-shadow. It was dialed back for the season. Much more legible.
The Tampa Bay Lightning unveiled their EDGE jerseys WITH a front right chest number on the away whites, but WITHOUT a front right chest number on the home blacks. The grand poobahs decided they wanted the front numbers at home after all, and got permission to add them after the unveiling, and in time for Opening Night.
Yup…wish this was still around.
Was a color scheme unlike anyone else in the NHL.
But, y’know, black makes you look tough.
(How ever North Carolina EVER manage to win a college basketball game once in while…wearing that fruity powder blue, looking like a bunch of pansies and all).
[quote comment=”325590″][quote comment=”325518″]
I’d like less black in the new/old 49ers helmet logo, too. If you’re going back, go all the way back.
The 49ers helmet always had the black around the logo but the new version (the last 10 years) had the gold between the red logo and the black outline which they are keeping.
The red, white, red helmet stripes and the grey facemask are a step in the right direction. Let us see how they do with the rest of the uniform.[/quote]
Why is going back to a gray face mask a step in the right direction? Gray isn’t part of their color scheme.
Cowboys, Raiders, maybe the Giants, at least those teams have that color. 49ers? No.
I hate that the Niners are keeping their recent logo to go with their classic uniforms. In my opinion that bascially ruins the entire uniform.
[quote comment=\”325597\”][quote comment=\”325592\”]I am thinking about something like this:
Wow, awesome job on the photoshop there! I like the block Pitt that they have on there now, but I wouldn\’t be against a switch back to the old school Pitt script if it looks that good. Maybe keep the block letters and add the helmet stripes. I think that would look good too. Hmmmm, I kind of like the classic, no nothing look to the jerseys now. I would hate to see ANOTHER complete uniform revamp that would probably come if they went back to the Pitt script logo, because then they would probably add sleeve stripes and pant stripes as well. I\’d just as well have another throwback day then bring that back full time.[/quote]
Lucky find, I think and thanks.
I do not like the way their numbers are shadowed on the current jerseys. They look to Canadian football-esque for me. I prefer, plain Jane, good old fashioned football jerseys.
[quote comment=”325601″]I hate that the Niners are keeping their recent logo to go with their classic uniforms. In my opinion that bascially ruins the entire uniform.[/quote]
[quote comment=”325585″]Jags helmet actually looks like a bowling ball…[/quote]
Or the gas tank on a Kawasaki.
[quote comment=”325483″]Thought this business about scoreboard numbering of pitchers and catchers got settled yesterday. Has nothing to do with players’ uni numbers.
In the game programs, teams would print a list of names for all the other teams’ pitchers and catchers, usually alphabetical and then number them. Programs were printed somewhat in advance, and communication wasn’t as instantaneous as it is now so keeping up with any changes of jersey numbers wasn’t all that easy. Plus, it meant few number cards necessary for scoreboard operator to inventory. (Actually, it may go back to before players wore numbers; that would be worth checking).
And, yeah, it meant buying a program. But back then no one could have identified the Kansas City Athletics second-line middle inning pitcher by number anyway….unless you had their media guide handy or toted around TSN’s opening day issue with the rosters in it.
Using Ricko’s explanation, can we deduce that many teams carried 17, 18, or 19-man pitching staffs back then?
If this was true and pitchers were all listed first in the programs, it would make sense that the starting catcher would typically be #18-#20 on the list (which 10 of the 12 in the photo are).
According to that leaked Yahoo page, the 49ers new helmet will use essentially the same helmet logo they’ve used from 1996-2008 (the red color may be different though). I particularly hate the wide black outline. I think if the 49ers are returning to their classic 80s look, they should stick exactly to Joe Montanta-era uniforms. Keeping that recent logo on the helmet kind of ruins it for me.
[quote comment=”325603″][quote comment=”325601″]I hate that the Niners are keeping their recent logo to go with their classic uniforms. In my opinion that bascially ruins the entire uniform.[/quote]
I disagree. The 49ers aren’t trying to throwback all the way. Just borrowing some tried and true old material.
Just like the Sonics and Pistons in basketball. They had great looks, then totally lost their way in the cartoon era, then basically came back to the old designs, but with new custom fonts. Strong throwback feels with a splash of modernism. I approve and like.
[quote comment=”325595″][quote comment=”325574″]There are five teams in the NHL that wear predominately red, black and white. Chicago, New Jersey, Carolina, Calgary and Ottawa – yeah some have forth colours thrown in.[/quote]
…or in the case of the Blackhawks, 4th through 8th colors: orange, yellow, green, blue and GOLD. Not brown — gold. If you want to call it brownish-gold, I’ll give you that. But it’s definitely a golden hue.[/quote]
As we’re talking hues here (what is a hue anyways?) – after taken a closer look, I can see it either way.
In hindsight I think the NHL missed a golden opportunity to pare down the number of red, black and white combos. They could have had, each of the play-offs series decide who gets to keep the combo. They could have done this pro-wrestling style – and had an official fictitious contract signing at centre ice at the start of each series, with the obligatory fight break out afterwards.
Off course, they would have had to stuck with the pro-wrestling theme, and fix the result of the Chicago/Calgary series, to make sure Chicago did not lose, as their uni, is one of the best in all of sports.
But Carolina – could say change the red to burgundy, Calgary go back to the red and gold, and off course Ottawa not making the play-off would have had to change automatically – to say green , black and white.
[quote comment=”325513″][quote comment=”325509″]was that butter on the asparagus or link.[/quote]
Is this the famed “lobster mac and cheese”?
If so, it looks scrumptious.[/quote]
I honeymooned in Massachusetts and we had to take a special trip to the link in Plymouth just so my wife could have their lobster mac and cheese. They made it specially because it’s not always on the menu.
[quote comment=”325608″][quote comment=”325595″][quote comment=”325574″]There are five teams in the NHL that wear predominately red, black and white. Chicago, New Jersey, Carolina, Calgary and Ottawa – yeah some have forth colours thrown in.[/quote]
…or in the case of the Blackhawks, 4th through 8th colors: orange, yellow, green, blue and GOLD. Not brown — gold. If you want to call it brownish-gold, I’ll give you that. But it’s definitely a golden hue.[/quote]
As we’re talking hues here (what is a hue anyways?)[/quote]
Did you say Hu? link
[quote comment=”325608″]
As we’re talking hues here (what is a hue anyways?)[/quote]
The first three letters of my last name.
In hindsight I think the NHL missed a golden opportunity to pare down the number of red, black and white combos.
They could have had, each of the play-offs series decide who gets to keep the combo. They could have done this pro-wrestling style – and had an official fictitious contract signing at centre ice at the start of each series, with the obligatory fight break out afterwards.
Off course, they would have had to stuck with the pro-wrestling theme, and fix the result of the Chicago/Calgary series, to make sure Chicago did not lose, as their uni, is one of the best in all of sports.
But Carolina – could say change the red to burgundy, Calgary go back to the red and gold, and off course Ottawa not making the play-off would have had to change automatically – to say green , black and white.[/quote]
The Canes/Devils series would have to end in a double-DQ or something to make NJ go back to the red/green.
And I’ll give Ottawa a pass for historical reasons because the original Senators were the first black & red team in the NHL.
[quote]Why is going back to a gray face mask a step in the right direction? Gray isn’t part of their color scheme.[/quote]
[quote comment=”325612″][quote]Why is going back to a gray face mask a step in the right direction? Gray isn’t part of their color scheme.[/quote]
OK, whatever. But we please put an end to this Bears-should-go-back-to-gray-facemasks nonsense? The blue facemasks work so well with that uniform.
If they had switched to orange or white in the 80s, I’d be right on the bandwagon for a return to the gray. But they made the right decision in switching to blue.
link or link?
Feel free to
be wrongdisagree with me.[quote comment=”325612″][quote]Why is going back to a gray face mask a step in the right direction? Gray isn’t part of their color scheme.[/quote]
Okay it’s “old school” or “throw back” or “retro”. Whatever, its doesn’t actually look better. (IMO of course).
Even when Joe was the QB, I always thought they needed red face masks, that would have made their look better.
…But can we please…
WTF, Jaguars? I hope the folks in J’ville saw the pics here, because other than the 16 people at the stadium, the black outs will prevent the rest of North Florida from seeing these wretched duds.
[quote comment=”325613″][quote comment=”325612″][quote]Why is going back to a gray face mask a step in the right direction? Gray isn’t part of their color scheme.[/quote]
OK, whatever. But we please put an end to this Bears-should-go-back-to-gray-facemasks nonsense? The blue facemasks work so well with that uniform.
If they had switched to orange or white in the 80s, I’d be right on the bandwagon for a return to the gray. But they made the right decision in switching to blue.
link or link?
Feel free to
be wrongdisagree with me.[/quote]The current Bears helmet is the most perfect in the NFL. I hope it never changes.
And Phil, I’m not giving you the “whatever” treatment. I totally agree that the Niners should have gray facemasks. I was just trying to use your comment as a jumping-on point for my comment.
I probably should have posted a new one rather than hijacking your thread.
[quote comment=”325593″]They don’t compare to Nathan’s or to Gray’s Papaya. [/quote]
Of all the times I’ve been to New York City, the one good thing I’ve ever had to say about it was that Gray’s Papaya is DELICIOUS.
[quote comment=”325606″]Ricko,
According to that leaked Yahoo page, the 49ers new helmet will use essentially the same helmet logo they’ve used from 1996-2008 (the red color may be different though). I particularly hate the wide black outline. I think if the 49ers are returning to their classic 80s look, they should stick exactly to Joe Montanta-era uniforms. Keeping that recent logo on the helmet kind of ruins it for me.[/quote]
Just making sure I understand. It’s about the thickness of the black outline, then. Cuz it’s always been there, in some form or another, since that logo was first intro’d in the very early ’60s.
[quote comment=”325613″][quote comment=”325612″][quote]Why is going back to a gray face mask a step in the right direction? Gray isn’t part of their color scheme.[/quote]
OK, whatever. But we please put an end to this Bears-should-go-back-to-gray-facemasks nonsense? The blue facemasks work so well with that uniform.
If they had switched to orange or white in the 80s, I’d be right on the bandwagon for a return to the gray. But they made the right decision in switching to blue.
link or link?
Feel free to
be wrongdisagree with me.[/quote]Okay, I’ll disagree with you. I can’t stand facemasks that match the shell. Not a big fan of white facemasks either (they draw too much attention), so that leaves gray.
Usually in my own personal æsthetic, that means a gray facemask is preferable, but sometimes (Raiders, Cowboys), I’d rather see them lose the gray facemasks.
Oregon should wear yellow facemasks.
Would look more like a duck.
Yellow shoes, too.
Same reason.
(Well, a cartoon duck at any rate).
Ricko, right. The black has been there, but it has been a lot more prominent since ’96. I guess that is my complaint. Who knows, maybe the full look will work better than I realize, but we’ll see…
Also, I thorougly agree with the poster who said the Bears should stick with blue facemasks. Let me extend that a step further and say that I believe the Packers should stick with green facemasks.
I have to agree on these lame Jaguars uniforms. Getting rid of the gold is a terrible decision, especially since a jaguar is, you know, gold colored. This is definitely a downgrade.
[quote comment=”325619″][quote comment=”325593″]They don’t compare to Nathan’s or to Gray’s Papaya. [/quote]
Of all the times I’ve been to New York City, the one good thing I’ve ever had to say about it was that Gray’s Papaya is DELICIOUS.[/quote]
I’m fond of Gray’s. But it’s got nothing on Ted’s.
The sad truth about NYC: It’s a shitty hot dog town. Long on quantity, short on quality. This is mainly because hot dogs in NYC are, for the most part, street food, so we get steamed/boiled dogs (“dishwater dogs” is the common parlance) instead of grilled, griddled, skillet-fried, or deep-fried. In almost every other part of the country, hot dogs are sit-down food, but not in NYC. In fact, our two most famous doggeries — Gray’s and the original Nathan’s at Coney Island — don’t even have seats!
Fortunately, there’s a great dog scene just over the river in Jersey. Much, much better.
And a white facemask looks like closet shelving.
Or plastic pipe, maybe.
No, almond bark.
Yeah, that’s it. Almond bark.
(Hee hee, pissing off some people now, I’ll betcha)
[quote comment=”325621″][quote comment=”325613″][quote comment=”325612″][quote]Why is going back to a gray face mask a step in the right direction? Gray isn’t part of their color scheme.[/quote]
OK, whatever. But we please put an end to this Bears-should-go-back-to-gray-facemasks nonsense? The blue facemasks work so well with that uniform.
If they had switched to orange or white in the 80s, I’d be right on the bandwagon for a return to the gray. But they made the right decision in switching to blue.
link or link?
Feel free to
be wrongdisagree with me.[/quote]Okay, I’ll disagree with you. I can’t stand facemasks that match the shell. Not a big fan of white facemasks either (they draw too much attention), so that leaves gray.
Usually in my own personal æsthetic, that means a gray facemask is preferable, but sometimes (Raiders, Cowboys), I’d rather see them lose the gray facemasks.[/quote]
In the case of light-colored shells, I’m totally with you. Packers, Jets, Dolphins, Niners, etc. all should have gray facemasks.
I happen to think that the gray facemask combined with a darker shell might as well be a white facemask in terms of drawing attention. There’s just too much contrast. Bears, Steelers, etc. look better with matching masks.
[quote comment=”325625″][quote comment=”325619″][quote comment=”325593″]They don’t compare to Nathan’s or to Gray’s Papaya. [/quote]
Of all the times I’ve been to New York City, the one good thing I’ve ever had to say about it was that Gray’s Papaya is DELICIOUS.[/quote]
I’m fond of Gray’s. But it’s got nothing on Ted’s.
The sad truth about NYC: It’s a shitty hot dog town. Long on quantity, short on quality. This is mainly because hot dogs in NYC are, for the most part, street food, so we get steamed/boiled dogs (“dishwater dogs” is the common parlance) instead of grilled, griddled, skillet-fried, or deep-fried. In almost every other part of the country, hot dogs are sit-down food, but not in NYC. In fact, our two most famous doggeries — Gray’s and the original Nathan’s at Coney Island — don’t even have seats!
Fortunately, there’s a great dog scene just over the river in Jersey. Much, much better.[/quote]
Or head north. Montreal’s “chien-chaud” (she-yay-n show-d) at the Bell Centre is the best in all of hockey. By far. No one even comes close.
Of course, you can double-whammy it with a solid Montreal smoked meat sandwich before the game too. LOL
[quote comment=”325624″]I have to agree on these lame Jaguars uniforms. Getting rid of the gold is a terrible decision, especially since a jaguar is, you know, gold colored. This is definitely a downgrade.[/quote]
Overall just dull and generic. Not much better than the Arena League team that got thrown together in about a week and a half after Hurricane Katrina wiped out the New Orleans Voodoo’s season.
[quote comment=”325599″]Yup…wish this was still around.
Was a color scheme unlike anyone else in the NHL.
But, y’know, black makes you look tough.
Gotta love those black Bauer skates though. I think white skates, with this ensemble, would be a wee too close to Ice Capades.
[quote comment=”325627″]
In the case of light-colored shells, I’m totally with you. Packers, Jets, Dolphins, Niners, etc. all should have gray facemasks.
I happen to think that the gray facemask combined with a darker shell might as well be a white facemask in terms of drawing attention. There’s just too much contrast. Bears, Steelers, etc. look better with matching masks.[/quote]
It’s my opinion that NO teams should have a gray face mask. (Not even the teams that have gray/silver in their color scheme).
I am definitely more old school than new school, but there is no reason for gray face masks anymore. Especially with the new fangled cage designs of the face masks. For instance, Payton Manning’s gray new fangled face mask looks silly, and an example of “trying too hard”.
[quote comment=”325625″]
The sad truth about NYC: It’s a shitty hot dog town. Long on quantity, short on quality. This is mainly because hot dogs in NYC are, for the most part, street food, so we get steamed/boiled dogs (“dishwater dogs” is the common parlance) instead of grilled, griddled, skillet-fried, or deep-fried. In almost every other part of the country, hot dogs are sit-down food, but not in NYC. In fact, our two most famous doggeries — Gray’s and the original Nathan’s at Coney Island — don’t even have seats!
Our “famous” hot dog place (link) is a little sit-down hole in the wall that just oozes character and history. Griddled, cheap, maaaan. I’m making myself hungry now. Thanks, Paul.
[quote comment=”325618″]And Phil, I’m not giving you the “whatever” treatment. I totally agree that the Niners should have gray facemasks. I was just trying to use your comment as a jumping-on point for my comment.
I probably should have posted a new one rather than hijacking your thread.[/quote]
no worries…
i don’t have the time today to search for pics of all the teams that really need to avoid color (im calling “gray” in this case the ‘lack of color’ for argument sake)…but as an example or
twofive of why this is usually not a good idea…i give you the indy colts with this vs. the indy colts with this
this vs this
(even going back to teams that don’t exist anymore): this vs. this
this vs. this
…again, not saying all helmets need to be or should be gray…but IMHO most of them look better that way
(and as to the argument that “gray isn’t in their color scheme” — well black isn’t in a lot of teams color schemes [yet], but they wear black shoes, right?)
I’m embarassed.
I was at last night’s Toronto/Texas game. I didn’t know about the O’Day / Gabbard snafu until I read it on Uniwatch this morning.
The public address announcer always announces the new pitcher, but they didn’t say anything when O’Day came into pitch. That should have been my first hint.
The Rogers Centre scoreboard where it details the pitcher’s line said only: O’Day. I pointed it out to my friend, since we clearly saw a guy with a Gabbard uniform on the mound. I figured the scoreboard operator screwed up.
Consequently, I didn’t get a picture of O’Day in his Gabbard uniform – although the screen grabs from the computer and television are a lot better than anything I could have gotten from the upper deck anyway.
I did, however, manage to snag pictures of three guys rocking the high-cuffed style: link, link, and link.
– jude
[quote comment=”325625″]The sad truth about NYC: It’s a shitty hot dog town. Long on quantity, short on quality. This is mainly because hot dogs in NYC are, for the most part, street food, so we get steamed/boiled dogs (“dishwater dogs” is the common parlance) instead of grilled, griddled, skillet-fried, or deep-fried. [/quote]
I’ve always held the opinion that the hallmark of a quality dog is that you can boil it and it’ll still taste great. And I absolutely love steamed hot dog buns.
[quote comment=”325635″][quote comment=”325625″]The sad truth about NYC: It’s a shitty hot dog town. Long on quantity, short on quality. This is mainly because hot dogs in NYC are, for the most part, street food, so we get steamed/boiled dogs (“dishwater dogs” is the common parlance) instead of grilled, griddled, skillet-fried, or deep-fried. [/quote]
I’ve always held the opinion that the hallmark of a quality dog is that you can boil it and it’ll still taste great. And I absolutely love steamed hot dog buns.[/quote]
I’m under the impression that meat is never intentionally boiled unless it’s in soup.
Meaning that hot dogs should never be boiled… or that hot dogs aren’t meat. LOL
[quote comment=”325630″][quote comment=”325599″]Yup…wish this was still around.
Was a color scheme unlike anyone else in the NHL.
But, y’know, black makes you look tough.
Gotta love those black Bauer skates though. I think white skates, with this ensemble, would be a wee too close to Ice Capades.[/quote]
LOL. I was, of course, not suggesting white skates, merely alluding the current Flames BFBS cluster-fuck of a uniform… complete with those alt socks from (evidently) the Hannah Montana website.
[quote]I’ve always held the opinion that the hallmark of a quality dog is that you can boil it and it’ll still taste great.[/quote]
that may be so…but it doesn’t mean it’s acceptable to do so
/nyc dogs (dirtwater dogs [or dishwater as PL says]) from vendors are soooo bad…but when you’re in a rush they work…
//and you don’t put ketchup or yellow mustard (WTF is that anyway?) on a dog…ever
[quote comment=”325609″][quote comment=”325513″][quote comment=”325509″]was that butter on the asparagus or link.[/quote]
Is this the famed “lobster mac and cheese”?
If so, it looks scrumptious.[/quote]
I honeymooned in Massachusetts and we had to take a special trip to the link in Plymouth just so my wife could have their lobster mac and cheese. They made it specially because it’s not always on the menu.[/quote]
Anywhere on the Cape or neighboring Plymouth, you can find good versions of that.
If you’re ever in Nyack, New York and you”re fiending for a killer order of LM&C, try the Hudson House.
When you’ve finished that, you absolutely MUST try a slice of their black-bottom banana cream pie.
[quote comment=”325639″][quote]I’ve always held the opinion that the hallmark of a quality dog is that you can boil it and it’ll still taste great.[/quote]
that may be so…but it doesn’t mean it’s acceptable to do so
/nyc dogs (dirtwater dogs [or dishwater as PL says]) from vendors are soooo bad…but when you’re in a rush they work…
//and you don’t put ketchup or yellow mustard (WTF is that anyway?) on a dog…ever[/quote]
[quote comment=”325633″][quote comment=”325618″]And Phil, I’m not giving you the “whatever” treatment. I totally agree that the Niners should have gray facemasks. I was just trying to use your comment as a jumping-on point for my comment.
I probably should have posted a new one rather than hijacking your thread.[/quote]
no worries…
i don’t have the time today to search for pics of all the teams that really need to avoid color (im calling “gray” in this case the ‘lack of color’ for argument sake)…but as an example or
twofive of why this is usually not a good idea…i give you the link with link vs. the link with link
link vs link
(even going back to teams that don’t exist anymore): link vs. link
link vs. link
…again, not saying all helmets need to be or should be gray…but IMHO most of them look better that way
(and as to the argument that “gray isn’t in their color scheme” — well black isn’t in a lot of teams color schemes [yet], but they wear black shoes, right?)[/quote]
Interesting, each example sports a white helmet. I’ll go one better on teams with dark helmets that should return to their gray matter
(as part of an argument)
SAM: I love hot dogs.
DIANE: That have RAT PARTS in them!
SAM: That’s my favorite PART!!!
That would be Sam Malone and Diane Chambers.
Just, y’know, in case…
Seriously is there not one post where you are going to wine and bitch about everything possible?
Those jerseys are not that bad..could be better…could be worse.
[quote comment=”325639″]
//and you don’t put ketchup or yellow mustard (WTF is that anyway?) on a dog…ever[/quote]
Ketchup? No.
Yellow mustard? Yes.
[quote comment=”325617″][quote comment=”325613″][quote comment=”325612″][quote]Why is going back to a gray face mask a step in the right direction? Gray isn’t part of their color scheme.[/quote]
OK, whatever. But we please put an end to this Bears-should-go-back-to-gray-facemasks nonsense? The blue facemasks work so well with that uniform.
If they had switched to orange or white in the 80s, I’d be right on the bandwagon for a return to the gray. But they made the right decision in switching to blue.
link or link?
Feel free to
be wrongdisagree with me.[/quote]The current Bears helmet is the most perfect in the NFL. I hope it never changes.[/quote]
wait! please explain that one!!!
[quote comment=”325645″]Seriously is there not one post where you are going to wine and bitch about everything possible?
Those jerseys are not that bad..could be better…could be worse.[/quote]
I believe he said exactly what your second paragraph says. Only he elaborated.
So stop your whining and bitching.
[quote comment=”325645″]Seriously is there not one post where you are going to wine and bitch about everything possible?
Those jerseys are not that bad..could be better…could be worse.[/quote]
Meta-Tourism: Taking pictures or people taking pictures
Meta-Bitching: Whining about people who whine…and misspell it in the process!
Dave, no worries UW friend. Just having a little bit of fun.
The Jags jerseys aren’t AWFUL, however the unis that replaced were much better.
[quote comment=”325646″][quote comment=”325639″]
//and you don’t put ketchup or yellow mustard (WTF is that anyway?) on a dog…ever[/quote]
Ketchup? No.
Yellow mustard?
Yes. never.[/quote]fixed.
[quote comment=”325646″][quote comment=”325639″]
//and you don’t put ketchup or yellow mustard (WTF is that anyway?) on a dog…ever[/quote]
Ketchup? No.
Yellow mustard? Yes.[/quote]
I asked for ketchup….I’m eatin’ salad over here!
Seriously, I hear this ketchup argument everytime I’m around my brother and hot dogs are involved. I’ve accepted that I’m wrong when I do it, but I’ve never heard of yellow mustard on the DON’T list.
Hey, forgive me, I’m a Pittsburgh guy, Heinz ketchup is an institution (not like the scoreboard at Heinz Field has giant gravy jars on it), I guess I put it on more stuff than most folks!
[quote comment=”325650″][quote comment=”325646″][quote comment=”325639″]
//and you don’t put ketchup or yellow mustard (WTF is that anyway?) on a dog…ever[/quote]
Ketchup? No.
Yellow mustard?
Yes. never.[/quote]fixed.[/quote]
Phil always carries a bottle of Grey Poupon with him where ever he goes. LOL
[quote comment=”325646″][quote comment=”325639″]
//and you don’t put ketchup or yellow mustard (WTF is that anyway?) on a dog…ever[/quote]
Ketchup? No.
Yellow mustard? Yes.[/quote]
being from pittsburgh and growing up on heinz products, i don’t know if i could eat a hot dog without ketchup! hot dogs and ketchup just go together.
course, i’m not so sure pitsburgh has the best hot dog scene either… big on pizza joints though!
[quote comment=”325519″]Love seeing those old Nike posters. As a kid, I would go into the local Buster Brown store and ask for the posters that were rotated out of use. The most inexplicable one was a softball team-themed one with Reggie Smith and Ron Howard. For a look at a bunch of them: link[/quote]
Wow. Thanks for the link to the old posters. My cousin had the Dr. Dunkenstein poster and I had the Ron Cey “Penguin Power” poster. I got it when I bought a pair of Nike cleats when I was 11.
It’s a technological breakthrough…with a touch of a fancy pinky extended ;)
[quote comment=”325650″][quote comment=”325646″][quote comment=”325639″]
//and you don’t put ketchup or yellow mustard (WTF is that anyway?) on a dog…ever[/quote]
Ketchup? No.
Yellow mustard?
Yes. link.[/quote]fixed.[/quote]
[quote comment=”325645″]Seriously is there not one post where you are going to wine and bitch about everything possible?
Those jerseys are not that bad..could be better…could be worse.[/quote]
or you could just sit right on the fence. lol
Got to agree with above posters about link – a well executed uniform with an absolutely fantastic color scheme! Of course, I always thought they looked best like link
And now? link
1 vote in FAVOR of the new Jags unis. simple enough, clean, and yes, cold and mean. i like it that way.
remember how there was alot of complaints about how football players are looking like cyborgs more and more (Dawkins) , i say bring it on
and I’m against any gray facemasks where they’re not in the team’s color scheme, ala oakland and dallas.
just unecessary
[quote comment=”325633″][quote comment=”325618″]And Phil, I’m not giving you the “whatever” treatment. I totally agree that the Niners should have gray facemasks. I was just trying to use your comment as a jumping-on point for my comment.
I probably should have posted a new one rather than hijacking your thread.[/quote]
no worries…
i don’t have the time today to search for pics of all the teams that really need to avoid color (im calling “gray” in this case the ‘lack of color’ for argument sake)…but as an example or
twofive of why this is usually not a good idea…i give you the link with link vs. the link with link
link vs link
(even going back to teams that don’t exist anymore): link vs. link
link vs. link
…again, not saying all helmets need to be or should be gray…but IMHO most of them look better that way
(and as to the argument that “gray isn’t in their color scheme” — well black isn’t in a lot of teams color schemes [yet], but they wear black shoes, right?)[/quote]
I’m pretty traditionalist, but I like colored face masks better, in general. Adds a (gasp, can’t believe I’m saying this) a touch of modernity and a pop of color. Then again, the football Giants have one of the best uniforms around (though I love the red alternate jerseys).
So I do like the Giants’ gray facemasks. But the Oilers’ red masks, for example, were better than the grays.
Grilled italian sausage with sauteed peppers and onions, spicy mustard, and a grilled bun.
couple it up with a 24 oz. labatt blue and a bag of salted peanuts.
mmm…baseball food
[quote comment=”325636″]
I’m under the impression that meat is never intentionally boiled unless it’s in soup.[/quote]
CHEF: They lined us all up in front of a hundred yards of prime rib -magnificent meat, beautifully marbled.. Then they started throwing it in these big cauldrons, all of it — boiling. I looked in, an’ it was turning gray. I couldn’t f*cking believe that one.
Two quick points…
Growing up in Buffalo, I ate at Ted’s almost every weekend and they had pictures of their sponsored little league teams on the walls going back decades. I think all of them went through a re-model since I moved away, so they might not be up anymore. Great dogs too. I miss the food.
And regarding Bryan’s crash, as a Cat 4 racer and race organizer, that corner should have been hay bailed with parked cars that close to the course.
I’m pretty conflicted when it comes to color vs. gray facemasks for my Steelers. I can’t decide which (if either) is better:
RyCo, Kek, any other Steeler fans out there: what say you?
Those new Jags jerseys look like they would go perfect in training camp or two-a-days. Gameday? Not so much.
And regarding that link to the Lenny Dykstra article: Sad, but not surprising. Someone needs to let him know that getting services and then stiffing on the payments is going to net him a fraud indictment sooner rather than later.
[quote comment=”325665″]I’m pretty conflicted when it comes to color vs. gray facemasks for my Steelers. I can’t decide which (if either) is better:
RyCo, Kek, any other Steeler fans out there: what say you?[/quote]
gray… without a doubt!
Beer Brat(simmered w/ onions and garlic), grilled, with onions, and spicy brown, on a grilled roll.
In the parking lot of a football game, on a crisp October Day.
Hmm, wonder if the Mets should stop wearing black on the road.
Lost two games to the Cards and are losing 7-2 right now…
[quote comment=\”325598\”][quote comment=\”325594\”][quote comment=\”325591\”]When talking about the Jaguars jerseys, does anyone remember the 1996 jerseys with the thin numbers?
I mean, is this player 81? Could he be 31? or 91?
I remember seeing them in a preseason game on TV, and I think they were changed before the start of the season.
Are they any other times when a team unveiled jerseys that ended up changing before the season started? I know Cleveland wore these jerseys with the orange numbers in one pre-season game but changed them to white numbers right after.
Of course, we all know about the 49ers and Browns helmets:
Cleveland jersey link:
Yes, a couple of examples exist of post-unveiling tweaks.
Obviously, the new Nationals\’ road uniforms were incorrectly unveiled with regular numbers, instead of the beveled font.
The Cincinnati Reds first introduced their current jerseys (with the cool font and the Redlegs patch) with a REALLY heavy drop-shadow. It was dialed back for the season. Much more legible.
The Tampa Bay Lightning unveiled their EDGE jerseys WITH a front right chest number on the away whites, but WITHOUT a front right chest number on the home blacks. The grand poobahs decided they wanted the front numbers at home after all, and got permission to add them after the unveiling, and in time for Opening Night.[/quote]
Other tweaksL
The Houston Astros in 1994 went to the flying star. The print on the front of the uniform was bigger in 1995 and 1996 in comparison to the star, which remained the same size.
When the Minnesota North Stars went away from the N logo, the \”STARS\” logo was smaller than it eventually became in Dallas.
When Rusty Wallace started driving the Miller Genuine Draft car in 1990 or 1991, the No. 27 was written in chrome gold at Daytona, but since then the color of the 27 was white because you couldn\’t make out the chrome gold numbers from the stands.
When the Phillies brought in replacement players in 1995 (including one Jayson Stark, IIRC), the Phillies logo on their red jerseys were slightly different. The stars on the lower case \”i\”s were easily two inches higher than they are in the current logo.
The New Jersey Devils\’ released logo from the early 80s was different from what actually has appeared on the front of the uniform.
[quote comment=”325642″]
. . . Interesting, each example sports a white helmet. I’ll go one better on teams with dark helmets that should return to their gray matter
. . .
The Eagles ought to go back to either the above Randall Cunningham uni or to link — IMO link.
[quote comment=”325667″][quote comment=”325665″]I’m pretty conflicted when it comes to color vs. gray facemasks for my Steelers. I can’t decide which (if either) is better:
RyCo, Kek, any other Steeler fans out there: what say you?[/quote]
oh, the irony of just posting my response for black and it comes through as gray! Oh, the huamnity!!
The Yankees have apparently also been having P.C. Richard sponsor every strikeout a Yankee pitcher records against an opposing batter. It’s really freaking annoying to hear the P.C. Richard whistling after every time an opposing batter strikes out. I can’t find a video of it now, but if you ever watch a Yankees home game you’ll hear it.
[quote comment=”325669″]Hmm, wonder if the Mets should stop wearing black on the road.
Lost two games to the Cards and are losing 7-2 right now…[/quote]
They should stop wearing black PERIOD.
But that’s neither here nor there.
Oh, and for those of you that don’t live in the NY/NJ area, this: link is a P.C. Richard commercial. They’re an electronics store in the NY area. Just fast forward to about 29 seconds in and you’ll hear the whistle tag thingy.
P.S. Sorry about not being able to hyperlink to things – I’m new to commenting (“first time long time!”) but I’ll eventually get the hang of it!
[quote comment=”325625″]The sad truth about NYC: It’s a shitty hot dog town. Long on quantity, short on quality. This is mainly because hot dogs in NYC are, for the most part, street food, so we get steamed/boiled dogs (“dishwater dogs” is the common parlance) instead of grilled, griddled, skillet-fried, or deep-fried. In almost every other part of the country, hot dogs are sit-down food, but not in NYC. In fact, our two most famous doggeries — Gray’s and the original Nathan’s at Coney Island — don’t even have seats![/quote]
Well, Nathan’s does have picnic tables right outside. But you’re right about the dogs.
Especially coming from Milwaukee, where sausages of all kinds, including the proletarian hot dog, are regarded with the reverence they deserve.
Sausage aside – my brother called me from Miller Park on Opening Day with pride in his voice, having just completed the “sausage cycle” – a hot dog, brat, Italian and Polish sausage.
[quote comment=”325637″][quote comment=”325630″][quote comment=”325599″]Yup…wish this was still around.
Was a color scheme unlike anyone else in the NHL.
But, y’know, black makes you look tough.
Gotta love those black Bauer skates though. I think white skates, with this ensemble, would be a wee too close to Ice Capades.[/quote]
LOL. I was, of course, not suggesting white skates, merely alluding the current Flames BFBS cluster-fuck of a uniform… complete with those alt socks from (evidently) the Hannah Montana website.
Can we bring back his mustache too?
[quote comment=”325675″]The Yankees have apparently also been having P.C. Richard sponsor every strikeout a Yankee pitcher records against an opposing batter. It’s really freaking annoying to hear the P.C. Richard whistling after every time an opposing batter strikes out. I can’t find a video of it now, but if you ever watch a Yankees home game you’ll hear it.[/quote]
If you want annoyance via corporate sponsors, look no further than a Yankees radio broadcast:
“It’s fifteen minutes to the first pitch, and a fifteen minute call to GEICO can save you 15 percent…”
“We’re broadcasting from the LOWE’S BROADCAST BOOTH…”
” [name of player] was the 15th out and a fifteen minute call to GEICO can save you 15 percent…”
(In the event the game is in extra innings) “Extra innings is brought to you by Wendy’s…”
They also have plugs for sponsors when they describe the “Drive of the Game,” “The Good Hands Play of the Game,” and the Yankees Power Report. They also have some sponsor plug for a segment when the describe the leading Yankees in on-base percentage.
And if this is already overload for you, keep in mind that I am actually omitting one or two other sponsor pitches they do on the radio only because I (thankfully) cannot remember them at the moment.
link is, by far, the best sponsorship of a baseball in-game event that I know of.
The article is four years old, but he’s still doing it.
[quote]It’s really freaking annoying to hear the P.C. Richard whistling after every time an opposing batter strikes out.[/quote]
so what’s that happen…once or twice a game?
[quote comment=”325682″][quote]It’s really freaking annoying to hear the P.C. Richard whistling after every time an opposing batter strikes out.[/quote]
so what’s that happen…once or twice a game?[/quote]
hardy har har.
[quote comment=”325684″]link[/quote]
obviously disturbed after learning the true purpose of “funfair relish bar”
I love purple.
Take a look at this beaut I just picked up on ebay.
I like the Mets in black.
Gary Cohen and Ron Darling on the Mets broadcast just got into a little discussion about sanitaries/stirrups and high-socks. No word-for-word transcription, but basically the gist of it was: Darling thinks the Card have the best socks in all of baseball, along with the Red Sox (I guess neither one knew that the Red Sox no longer wear the stripes on their socks), Cohen marveled at the stirrups and sanitaries that Josh Outman was wearing the other day (“Oh my… he looked like a pitcher out of the 60’s!”), and Darling commented (lamented?) on how most players today wear the “one-color soccer socks” instead of true stirrups and sanis. Nice litle bit.
Also, because of the white tongues on their cleats, José Reyes and David Wright sort of look like they’re wearing stirrups at a quick glance (from a front view).
[quote comment=”325687″]I like the Mets in black.[/quote]
You and Charlie Samuels apparently.
[quote comment=”325682″][quote]It’s really freaking annoying to hear the P.C. Richard whistling after every time an opposing batter strikes out.[/quote]
so what’s that happen…once or twice a game?[/quote]
I’m coming up with 7.43.. but that’s based on pure statistics and not East Coast bias, ESPN’s number is probably closer to 27.
[quote comment=”325687″]I like the Mets in black.[/quote]
You trying to get hurt? Purple, then this? Haha
[quote comment=”325484″]It’s really, really difficult to take NFL uniforms seriously anymore.[/quote]
…comment was appropriate about 5 years ago and, unfortunately, still is today.
Gray facemasks for the Vikes are my vote.
Loved poster #227’s comment about eating for the cycle at Miller Park. I’ll bet that more than one Milwaukeean has drank the extra cycle: MGD, High Life, Miller Lite, Lakefront, & Leinies. Ah, Milwaukee…gotta go get a brat now…
Speaking of purple and black, check out one of the sets of Northwestern Wildcats baseball jerseys from adidas. Can’t google ’em right now, but saw them over the weekend on the Big Ten Network. Some sort of goofy…aw, hell, I don’t even know how to describe them.
[quote comment=”325679″]
Can we bring back his mustache too?[/quote]
George Parros – Anaheim. Perfect 70s porn ‘stache.
[quote comment=”325693″]Speaking of purple and black, check out one of the sets of Northwestern Wildcats baseball jerseys from adidas. Can’t google ’em right now, but saw them over the weekend on the Big Ten Network. Some sort of goofy…aw, hell, I don’t even know how to describe them.
[quote comment=”325692″]. . .
Loved poster #227’s comment about eating for the cycle at Miller Park. I’ll bet that more than one Milwaukeean has drank the extra cycle: MGD, High Life, Miller Lite, Lakefront, & Leinies. Ah, Milwaukee…gotta go get a brat now…[/quote]
. . . but how many have both eaten and drank the cycle in the same game. That’s an accomplishment!
I like the new Niners helmet. Let’s see what we have this weekend. Maybe…dare I say it..white shoes? If it was good enough for Rice and Joe….
RE: Collinsworth. Yeah, he was fast.
[quote comment=”325694″][quote comment=”325679″]
Can we bring back his mustache too?[/quote]
George Parros – Anaheim. Perfect 70s porn ‘stache.[/quote]
here’s your link
[quote comment=”325687″]I like the Mets in black.[/quote]
You are like Sean Hannity at an NAACP convention with those comments!
Collinsworth = fast. You all are probably right. I just remember him as a good but clumsy looking receiver. But what do I know. The mid 80’s were 25 years ago (for me).
[quote comment=”325695″][quote comment=”325693″]Speaking of purple and black, check out one of the sets of Northwestern Wildcats baseball jerseys from adidas. Can’t google ’em right now, but saw them over the weekend on the Big Ten Network. Some sort of goofy…aw, hell, I don’t even know how to describe them.
I found that one, too. There’s another with bigass shoulder yokes or something. Might be a version of those Tennessee monstrosities (which I just saw here the other day), seeing as they’re both adidas schools.
funny you mentioned about the “p” and “c” on the old scoreboards… i actually just researched a little about the old forbes field scoreboard (with the help of kek and phil). it had “p” and “rp”. we were thinking it was pitcher (obviously) and relief pitcher.
Yup. Starting and relief pitcher. As you can see in the 1960 shot, it was the jersey number, which was listed in the program. (I remember being surprised to see other teams using arbitrary numbers.)
also, it had an “H” to the upper right of the box score. not sure what that was all about…
As was suggested above, it was hits in the Pirate game.
There was space in the middle for umpire numbers (also seen in the 1960 shot), which were listed in the program. If James is right about umps not wearing numbers until 1970 (I don’t remember), the scoreboard numbers were arbitrary.
The logo on the scoreboard clock and the banner in front of the radio booth were the only ads at Forbes Field.
Re: Northwestern baseball
Are we talking the black jerseys with the purple yolks and sides? Plus the purple hat have a white front?
The Forbes Field scoreboard is a great memory from my youth.
Here are a few screen grabs of it.
Wish I could’ve gotten on here earlier today to share this nugget since discussion seems to be going away from the Jags’ new unis: I saw someone in a restaurant last night who was already wearing one of the new jerseys. This was maybe 6 hours after the press conference and it looked like he had been wearing it for a while. The speed of merchandising these days astounds me.
Another sign the apocalypse is nearing.
Collegiate snuggies with logos. The NFL and MLB cannot be far behind.
[quote comment=”325700″][quote comment=”325687″]I like the Mets in black.[/quote]
You are like Sean Hannity at an NAACP convention with those comments!
Collinsworth = fast. You all are probably right. I just remember him as a good but clumsy looking receiver. But what do I know. The mid 80’s were 25 years ago (for me).[/quote]
Well, way back, CC raced a horse.
A good guy, he did stuff with my radio station. He and another guy from my station and I went and met Rodney Dangerfield one night. All different kinds of strange THAT night.
The Jaguars change I guess is not a big deal to me. Maybe because the team is not that old. Actually the old look is better.
Does anybody else have the original Leaping Jaguar on silver helmet? I got the mini when it first came out and before I knew they had to change it.
[quote comment=”325703″]Re: Northwestern baseball
Are we talking the black jerseys with the purple yolks and sides? Plus the purple hat have a white front?[/quote]
Yeah, something like that. (shudder)
[quote comment=”325704″]The Forbes Field scoreboard is a great memory from my youth.
Here are a few screen grabs of it.
That Dick Groat?
I am about 90% with Paul on this. My only exception is that I think the new helmet will turn out very nice. But the jerseys are horredous and the no gold idea is just plain retarded. At least Minnesota had some flash in their get ups and have very slowly grown on me. No black jersey, and no more of my favorite teal jersey over black pants look. F- to Jacksonville, who took an outstanding and gorgeous design and truly made it terrible.
link remains my favorite Jacksonville design and one of my favorite uniforms in NFL history. I cried when they took the teal stripes off the black pants.
Yep Dick Groat.
And that is a sore spot with me since I had one of the original Hartland Dick Groat statues.
I was talked into selling it on ebay a while back. I got 1000$ for it. And i got a cheap Dick Groat replica of the original after I sold the original.
Those Hartland figures were very well done for the 1960’s
But man I wish I kept my Dick Groat. His bat was even missing and a guy still paid 1000$
The Groat one was very hard to find or limited production of
[quote comment=”325625″][quote comment=”325619″][quote comment=”325593″] Fortunately, there’s a great dog scene just over the river in Jersey. Much, much better.[/quote]
To add I have this great webpage i’dlike to share devoted to this subject.
Enjoy !
Several things:
I work for the Huntsville Stars, a Milwaukee
Brewers minor league affiliate, and the Brewers passed a rule where all levels of minor league teams have to order a short, knee-length inseam for their pants. The players have no choice when it comes to pants, and it’s not like they pull their socks and pants up high. They’re high because that’s how they come.
Also, the Stars are auctioning off a chance to be a part of the 2009 baseball card team set on ebay: link here:
See, the Lions jerseys dont look that bad now.
[quote comment=”325700″][quote comment=”325687″]I like the Mets in black.[/quote]
You are like Sean Hannity at an NAACP convention with those comments!
Collinsworth = fast. You all are probably right. I just remember him as a good but clumsy looking receiver. But what do I know. The mid 80’s were 25 years ago (for me).[/quote]
Weren’t the mid 80s 25 years ago… for everyone?
Not to do link to #364 from last night, but:
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i would like to see the designs the jags rejected. i can only imagine how bad they were if the ones they chose were the best of the bunch.
[quote comment=”325625″][quote comment=”325619″][quote comment=”325593″]They don’t compare to Nathan’s or to Gray’s Papaya. [/quote]
Of all the times I’ve been to New York City, the one good thing I’ve ever had to say about it was that Gray’s Papaya is DELICIOUS.[/quote]
I’m fond of Gray’s. But it’s got nothing on Ted’s.
The sad truth about NYC: It’s a shitty hot dog town. Long on quantity, short on quality. This is mainly because hot dogs in NYC are, for the most part, street food, so we get steamed/boiled dogs (“dishwater dogs” is the common parlance) instead of grilled, griddled, skillet-fried, or deep-fried. In almost every other part of the country, hot dogs are sit-down food, but not in NYC. In fact, our two most famous doggeries — Gray’s and the original Nathan’s at Coney Island — don’t even have seats!
Fortunately, there’s a great dog scene just over the river in Jersey. Much, much better.[/quote]
Paul you disappoint me with that answer. Ted’s doesn’t have that snap when you bite into it like grays does. And to Say NYC is a shitty hot dog town, come on. Where else can you get Nathans or Hebrew national hot dogs with brown mustard and sauerkraut at a ball park?
[quote comment=”325704″]The Forbes Field scoreboard is a great memory from my youth.
Here are a few screen grabs of it.
my goodness, great pics LarryB!!! where did you find/snap those pics from??? i may need your help with a project. could you please e-mail me link
[quote comment=”325711″]I am about 90% with Paul on this. My only exception is that I think the new helmet will turn out very nice. But the jerseys are horredous and the no gold idea is just plain retarded. At least Minnesota had some flash in their get ups and have very slowly grown on me. No black jersey, and no more of my favorite teal jersey over black pants look. F- to Jacksonville, who took an outstanding and gorgeous design and truly made it terrible.
link remains my favorite Jacksonville design and one of my favorite uniforms in NFL history. I cried when they took the teal stripes off the black pants.[/quote]
Seriously? Your favorite all time? One word, GAG!
[quote comment=”325712″]Yep Dick Groat.
And that is a sore spot with me since I had one of the original Hartland Dick Groat statues.
I was talked into selling it on ebay a while back. I got 1000$ for it. And i got a cheap Dick Groat replica of the original after I sold the original.
Those Hartland figures were very well done for the 1960’s
But man I wish I kept my Dick Groat. His bat was even missing and a guy still paid 1000$
The Groat one was very hard to find or limited production of[/quote]
Groat’s syndrome is named for him, right?
I’m feeling pretty good. Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good.
The New York Red *Bulls’ goalie is wearing a baseball cap (I assume for sun reasons) vs. the Kansas City Wizards. I know, I need to get a life.
*I suppose you could append three hyphens to this word to make a statement regarding using your sponsor as a nickname.
[quote]See, the Lions jerseys dont look that bad now.[/quote]
yes they do
So I was doing some casual research recently about movies that have used helmets in some way, shape or form. Here is what I found.
Soylent Green (starring Charlton Heston)
Rollerball (starring James Caan)
Deathrace (starring Lloyd Bridges)
Farenheit 451
Starship Troopers (starring a buttload of B-movie stars)
Woody Allen in anyone’s guess
I’m sure there is a ton more but I thought it was an interesting subject
[quote comment=”325725″]
Woody Allen in anyone’s guess
HAHA! Thanks JTH!!
[quote comment=”325725″]So I was doing some casual research recently about movies that have used helmets in some way, shape or form. Here is what I found.
Soylent Green (starring Charlton Heston)
Rollerball (starring James Caan)
Deathrace (starring Lloyd Bridges)
Farenheit 451
Starship Troopers (starring a buttload of B-movie stars)
Woody Allen in anyone’s guess
I’m sure there is a ton more but I thought it was an interesting subject[/quote]
Exemplifying extremely poor timing, I daresay this collection could be called Craig’s list, no?
[quote comment=”325729″][quote comment=”325725″]So I was doing some casual research recently about movies that have used helmets in some way, shape or form. Here is what I found.
Soylent Green (starring Charlton Heston)
Rollerball (starring James Caan)
Deathrace (starring Lloyd Bridges)
Farenheit 451
Starship Troopers (starring a buttload of B-movie stars)
Woody Allen in anyone’s guess
I’m sure there is a ton more but I thought it was an interesting subject[/quote]
Exemplifying extremely poor timing, I daresay this collection could be called Craig’s list, no?[/quote]
DAMN! That hurt!
[quote comment=”325680″][quote comment=”325675″]The Yankees have apparently also been having P.C. Richard sponsor every strikeout a Yankee pitcher records against an opposing batter. It’s really freaking annoying to hear the P.C. Richard whistling after every time an opposing batter strikes out. I can’t find a video of it now, but if you ever watch a Yankees home game you’ll hear it.[/quote]
If you want annoyance via corporate sponsors, look no further than a Yankees radio broadcast:
“It’s fifteen minutes to the first pitch, and a fifteen minute call to GEICO can save you 15 percent…”
“We’re broadcasting from the LOWE’S BROADCAST BOOTH…”
” [name of player] was the 15th out and a fifteen minute call to GEICO can save you 15 percent…”
(In the event the game is in extra innings) “Extra innings is brought to you by Wendy’s…”
They also have plugs for sponsors when they describe the “Drive of the Game,” “The Good Hands Play of the Game,” and the Yankees Power Report. They also have some sponsor plug for a segment when the describe the leading Yankees in on-base percentage.
And if this is already overload for you, keep in mind that I am actually omitting one or two other sponsor pitches they do on the radio only because I (thankfully) cannot remember them at the moment.[/quote]
I seriously think that the Yankees broadcast team of Sterling and Waldmyn are the worst in baseball.
Besides the incessant plugging, Sterling’s classics want to make me listen to a Ranger game:
1. AAAAAAAAnd the pitch
2. Yankees win…the Yannnnnnnnnkkkkkeeeeeeesss Win
2. It is long…It is far…That ball is gone…Home run
and then he comes up with ridiculous one-lines for the Yankees who hit them:
That’s the Melky Way
El Capitan
Mark Teixera text messages that one to the bleachers
The Mets broadcasters totally embarrass those two with their utter professionalism and knowledge of the game.
This coming from someone who has watched and listened to the Yanks my whole life.
Kevin Millwood, ex Phillie, has an ‘HK’ handwritten on his sweat-stained blue hat
[quote comment=”325653″][quote comment=”325646″][quote comment=”325639″]
//and you don’t put ketchup or yellow mustard (WTF is that anyway?) on a dog…ever[/quote]
Ketchup? No.
Yellow mustard? Yes.[/quote]
being from pittsburgh and growing up on heinz products, i don’t know if i could eat a hot dog without ketchup! hot dogs and ketchup just go together.
course, i’m not so sure pitsburgh has the best hot dog scene either… big on pizza joints though![/quote]
Ymmm….Pittsburgh pizza – Fiore’s, Mineo’s, Vincent’s.
[quote comment=”325678″][quote comment=”325625″]The sad truth about NYC: It’s a shitty hot dog town. Long on quantity, short on quality. This is mainly because hot dogs in NYC are, for the most part, street food, so we get steamed/boiled dogs (“dishwater dogs” is the common parlance) instead of grilled, griddled, skillet-fried, or deep-fried. In almost every other part of the country, hot dogs are sit-down food, but not in NYC. In fact, our two most famous doggeries — Gray’s and the original Nathan’s at Coney Island — don’t even have seats![/quote]
Well, Nathan’s does have picnic tables right outside. But you’re right about the dogs.
Especially coming from Milwaukee, where sausages of all kinds, including the proletarian hot dog, are regarded with the reverence they deserve.
Sausage aside – my brother called me from Miller Park on Opening Day with pride in his voice, having just completed the “sausage cycle” – a hot dog, brat, Italian and Polish sausage.[/quote]
Didn’t the Brewers have a pitcher named BeerBrodt a few years back?
That’s damn near better than Outman!
[quote comment=”325734″]Didn’t the Brewers have a pitcher named BeerBrodt a few years back?
That’s damn near better than Outman![/quote]
Nick Bierbrodt? Sadly, he link.
Because God is mocking us.
Also spotted in Toronto–the ever-elusive blue Rangers cap with red ‘T’ that is still being sold at mlb.com as an authentic alternate cap even though it’s never been worn on the field.
[quote]Besides the incessant plugging, Sterling’s classics want to make me listen to a Ranger game:
AAAAAAAAndtheuhhhhhhhh pitch2. Yankees win…th
euhhhhuhhhuhhhhYannnnnnnnnkkkkkeeeeeeesssYankees Win(nn!)23. It islonghigh … It is far …That ballIt is gone… (A) Home run[/quote](fixed)
[quote comment=”325737″][quote]Besides the incessant plugging, Sterling’s classics want to make me listen to a Ranger game:
AAAAAAAAndtheuhhhhhhhh pitch2. Yankees win…th
euhhhhuhhhuhhhhYannnnnnnnnkkkkkeeeeeeesssYankees Win(nn!)23. It islonghigh … It is far …That ballIt is gone… (A) Home run[/quote](fixed)[/quote]
Thanks, Phil…in any version, it’s awful.
As are the Black Jays effin hats, c’mon!
sterling calls & being busted on
also…haven’t heard “the melky way” this season (not that he hasn’t said it)…but his call this year is “the melk man delivers”
[quote comment=”325699″][quote comment=”325694″][quote comment=”325679″]
Can we bring back his mustache too?[/quote]
George Parros – Anaheim. Perfect 70s porn ‘stache.[/quote]
here’s your link[/quote]
This is THE porn stache link
Your trivia question for the night (KEK and other Pittsburghers especially, I suppose).
Somewhere in the middle third of the 20th century, a young outfielder plays 14 games for the Pirates one season. That is his entire major league career.
BUT…somewhere along the line he also played for the Steelers, and nobody but the Steelers, in his only-somewhat-longer professional football career.
(To me this seems really arcane, but in Pittsburgh he may be a legend because of that strange quirk).
Who is he?
didnt feel like reading back to see if this has ever been mentioned on the quilt front…
A lady showed up at the Indiana State Fair with a ginormous quilt covered with screen-printed photos of all the race winners of the Indianapolis 500 — and there are blank spaces for many more. There have been several stories about this lady in local media, but I can’t find a pic of the quilt itself. Guess I’ll just wait until August to check it out again.
[quote comment=”325738″][quote comment=”325737″][quote]Besides the incessant plugging, Sterling’s classics want to make me listen to a Ranger game:
AAAAAAAAndtheuhhhhhhhh pitch2. Yankees win…th
euhhhhuhhhuhhhhYannnnnnnnnkkkkkeeeeeeesssYankees Win(nn!)23. It islonghigh … It is far …That ballIt is gone… (A) Home run[/quote](fixed)[/quote]
Thanks, Phil…in any version, it’s awful.
As are the Black Jays effin hats, c’mon![/quote]
How did you forget “An A-Bomb, from A-Rod?”
Hmmm…understandable. Last July was a long time ago.
[quote comment=”325740″][quote comment=”325699″][quote comment=”325694″][quote comment=”325679″]
Can we bring back his mustache too?[/quote]
George Parros – Anaheim. Perfect 70s porn ‘stache.[/quote]
here’s your link[/quote]
This is THE porn stache link
What sport did he play? Handball? LOL
[quote comment=”325741″]Your trivia question for the night (KEK and other Pittsburghers especially, I suppose).
Somewhere in the middle third of the 20th century, a young outfielder plays 14 games for the Pirates one season. That is his entire major league career.
BUT…somewhere along the line he also played for the Steelers, and nobody but the Steelers, in his only-somewhat-longer professional football career.
(To me this seems really arcane, but in Pittsburgh he may be a legend because of that strange quirk).
Who is he?
Merrill Hoge…
Don’t ask him, he doesn’t remember it either
[quote comment=”325667″][quote comment=”325665″]I’m pretty conflicted when it comes to color vs. gray facemasks for my Steelers. I can’t decide which (if either) is better:
RyCo, Kek, any other Steeler fans out there: what say you?[/quote]
gray… without a doubt![/quote]
[quote comment=”325745″][quote comment=”325741″]Your trivia question for the night (KEK and other Pittsburghers especially, I suppose).
Somewhere in the middle third of the 20th century, a young outfielder plays 14 games for the Pirates one season. That is his entire major league career.
BUT…somewhere along the line he also played for the Steelers, and nobody but the Steelers, in his only-somewhat-longer professional football career.
(To me this seems really arcane, but in Pittsburgh he may be a legend because of that strange quirk).
Who is he?
Merrill Hoge…
Don’t ask him, he doesn’t remember it either
Nope. But he WAS a running back.
[quote comment=”325744″][quote comment=”325740″][quote comment=”325699″][quote comment=”325694″][quote comment=”325679″]
Can we bring back his mustache too?[/quote]
George Parros – Anaheim. Perfect 70s porn ‘stache.[/quote]
here’s your link[/quote]
This is THE porn stache link
What sport did he play? Handball? LOL[/quote]
I have AT LEAST five answers for this. All of which shall remain…untyped. LOL
[quote comment=”325639″][quote]I’ve always held the opinion that the hallmark of a quality dog is that you can boil it and it’ll still taste great.[/quote]
that may be so…but it doesn’t mean it’s acceptable to do so
/nyc dogs (dirtwater dogs [or dishwater as PL says]) from vendors are soooo bad…but when you’re in a rush they work…
//and you don’t put ketchup or yellow mustard (WTF is that anyway?) on a dog…ever[/quote]
ketchup on a hot dog? I think that is against the law! :-)
This is the worst “update” I’ve ever seen. What a disaster. I don’t know where they find these no-talent hack design firms. This is a disgrace.
[quote comment=”325718″]i would like to see the designs the jags rejected. i can only imagine how bad they were if the ones they chose were the best of the bunch.[/quote]
I’m with you. I don’t think I’ve ever had a fit this big over a uniform overhaul in years. I truly didn’t see this coming. I just want the reasoning to why they thought this was a good idea.
[quote comment=”325740″]This is THE porn stache link
john holmes’ epitaph?
/effin brilliant
“And people wonder why sports fans are cynical (or why some of us think the magical free market isn’t the solution to all of life’s problems).”
I agree that the incessant sponsorships are irritating, but Major League Baseball is NOT a free market. Its a highly regulated closed market. It’s capitalism, yes. But it’s hardly an unregulated free market.
Just a pet peeve of mine that people use free market and capitalism interchangeably.
I just left Jacksonville on Tuesday and two things are evident:
1. The new helmet shimmer is indeed designed to channel the city’s inner “fishing boat” culture. I mean, the whole city is filled with those things. They should call that color “Bassmaster Black” or something.
2. Just a theory, but it’s a fact that they have always had a tough time selling out games and the talk a few years ago was that they would move somewhere else. Could the ditch the gold effort be a plot to make that move a bit more palatable? There would be really no tie to Jacksonville if the gold is gone right? Plus the team wouldn’t have to change their colors at all. They’d save money by not doing all the market research/contracting with Reebotch to do a new design.
I’m just saying it could be possible.
The Jags just went from owning the worst uniforms in the league to, well, still owning the worst uniforms in the league. Nice job.
[quote comment=”325741″]Your trivia question for the night (KEK and other Pittsburghers especially, I suppose).
Somewhere in the middle third of the 20th century, a young outfielder plays 14 games for the Pirates one season. That is his entire major league career.
BUT…somewhere along the line he also played for the Steelers, and nobody but the Steelers, in his only-somewhat-longer professional football career.
(To me this seems really arcane, but in Pittsburgh he may be a legend because of that strange quirk).
Who is he?
I couldn’t sleep so I thought I’d torture myself…was it Lynn Chandnois?
[quote comment=”325647″][quote comment=”325617″][quote comment=”325613″][quote comment=”325612″][quote]Why is going back to a gray face mask a step in the right direction? Gray isn’t part of their color scheme.[/quote]
OK, whatever. But we please put an end to this Bears-should-go-back-to-gray-facemasks nonsense? The blue facemasks work so well with that uniform.
If they had switched to orange or white in the 80s, I’d be right on the bandwagon for a return to the gray. But they made the right decision in switching to blue.
link or link?
Feel free to
be wrongdisagree with me.[/quote]The current Bears helmet is the most perfect in the NFL. I hope it never changes.[/quote]
wait! please explain that one!!![/quote]
They’re simple, unfussy and work beautifully with both the blue and the white jerseys.
(They don’t work with the orange alt because it is an affront to good taste and every Hall of Famer to suit up for the Bears.)
I couldn’t sleep so I thought I’d torture myself…was it Lynn Chandnois?
I looked it up. It was the immortal Rex Johnston. No, Ricko, he’s not a legend in Pittsburgh.
[quote comment=”325757″]They don’t work with the orange alt because it is an affront to good taste and every Hall of Famer to suit up for the Bears.[/quote]
With the possible exception of Bronko Nagurski and Bill Hewitt, who actually wore an link from time to time.
Even Barack Obama cannot put an end to all Macho Bulls##t Homeland Security aesthetics in America. Jeez….when does it end? Until life isn’t even worth living anymore?
[quote comment=”325758″]I couldn’t sleep so I thought I’d torture myself…was it Lynn Chandnois?
I looked it up. It was the immortal Rex Johnston. No, Ricko, he’s not a legend in Pittsburgh.[/quote]
Thasssss him. Had no idea of his status in Pittsburgh. Thought maybe he’d be something of a somebody. I know I certainly can’t think of anyone who played both sports only for teams in the same city, esp. as late as 1964, which is when Johnston played for the Pirates.
There’s Dieon Sanders’ tenure in Atlanta, of course, but he played for several different teams in both sports.
[quote comment=”325759″][quote comment=”325757″]They don’t work with the orange alt because it is an affront to good taste and every Hall of Famer to suit up for the Bears.[/quote]
With the possible exception of Bronko Nagurski and Bill Hewitt, who actually wore an link from time to time.[/quote]
I’d love to see an in-game photo of that. I think that pic is the only one I’ve seen of it, and on those framed prints the Bears sell with the uniform history on.
If Jags ownership wanted to create a classic look for their franchise, they sure failed. The new uniforms are completely bland.
Of course, the old ones were hideous as well. Sorry, Paul, but teal, gold & black simply don’t go together and the gold logo on a black helmet looks like a blob of goo from 10 feet away.
When Jacksonville and Carolina entered the league in the 90s, they created a whirlpool of aesthetic hideousness that seems to have sucked most of the league in since.
NHL playoffs? Doesn’t Mr. Ullman realise that the Minnesota Wild are not in the playoffs this season?