I don’t usually blog on the weekend, but I’m making an exception today, because Newsday sports media columnist Neil Best has written a nice article about Uni Watch for his Sunday column, so I want to have some fresh content up for any Newsday readers who might be checking out the blog for the first time. So, for Newsday readers, welcome aboard. Look around, check out the archives, enjoy all the photo links — hope you’ll all become regular visitors. (And if you’re curious about the Bill Buckner and Kenny Rogers columns that Neil Best referred to, you’ll find them here and here.) As for everyone else, enjoy today’s bonus content.
Now then: I don’t know if readers Chris Hilf and Mark Morabito know each other, but they should. They recently e-mailed me on the same day to tell me about the great new digital archive that the University of Pittsburgh has recently made available on the web. It’s includes a treasure trove of fantastic Pitt sports photos (especially once you start poking through the yearbooks and media guides), many of which are very much in keeping with Uni Watch’s sphere of interest. Among the many highlights:
• Check out the rear pants stripes being worn by Stanford in this 1933 Pitt/Stanford game. And if I’m not mistaken, that’s the ref over toward the right, wearing what appears to be a cardigan and some seriously baggy knickers.
• If Dan Marino forgot his uni number, he could just look down at his towel.
• The first thing you notice about this photo of Tony Dorsett is how some of his merit decals are chipped, and how the ones on the back of his helmet appear to be a different color pattern than the ones up front. Less obvious: the MacGregor chinstrap (never see those anymore), and the fact that his name appears to have been screen onto his jersey — right over a seam.
• This is the Western University of Pennsylvania basketball team, circa 1897. No shorts! Looks like they borrowed those quilted knickers from the football squad.
• The women’s hoops team had “P”-emblazoned socks in the 1970s (and also featured pinstriped unis with a weird sash-like “Pitt” panel).
• Insert Homer Simpson drooling noise here.
And although I’ve mentioned this before, it bears repeating: Anyone who cares about Pitt sports, or about athletics aesthetics in general, should check out this site, which aims to resurrect Pitt’s old script logo (a nice echo of our own campaign to get the Mets to ditch the black).
I refreshed the page and new blog…whoa! First first comment!
Huge Dan Marino fan here, but I have never noticed that towel? Was that a one time thing?
Looking at the Womens basketball pic it appears that the Defender maybe (link) has her school across her back instead of her name or blank. Once again Paul your “fetish” seems to be spreading…
That Marino towel is pretty ricockulous…but its Marino and gets a reprieve for the garishness.
Now for the main point…Interesting uni-related link on the Chicago Tribune’s Red Eye newspaper site about the Bears orange alternate uniform that they are wearing for todays game against the 49ers (Just like last year when Vasher brought back the fg attempt 108 yards) and his distaste for the practice of orange bears uniforms. He does not bring up the fact that the Bears indeed have worn orange uniforms under Papa Bear Halas, but he does bring up the very good point of the purpose of them: $$$. Especially because of the fact that NFL licensed unis with blue numbers and white numbers (was brought up in the comments section last week). You may need to sign up with email address to watch it, I am not sure because I am already signed up for it. The interesting thing is that the survey on the side is pretty much split down the middle, about 50.5 to 48.5 to the side of dislike. I personally have no issue with them since they are I believe 1-1 with them, won link and lost the year before on link to the Cowboys, even though they are the two different versions that are sold, with the cowboys game featuring link and the niners game featuring true original alternates. Hopefully they go 2-1 in orange and 2-0 in orange alternates. Go Bears!
I was watching the Tennessee game last night and noticed that Fulmers hat had a logo on the left side above the Adidas Logo. Any Ideas and is this concept gonning to be spreading? Sry No pics yet but I will keep looking.
dorsett was likely wearing a tear-away jersey in that pic. i remember him (and a lot of other RBs) getting a lot of flack back in the day for wearing them. critics tought that the tear-aways allowed them to get cheap yardage. this reminds me of the other controversy surrounding tony: the pronunciation of his name. when he was at pitt, everyone pronounced it ‘dors-it’, but sometime after being drafted by the HATED dallas cowboys, he wanted it to be pronounced ‘dor-sett’. i attened the pitt-urtgers game and i am happy to say that tony is still actively raising $$$ for pitt and that the public address guy at heinz field announced his name using the pre-dallas pronunciation.
anyway, the official colors of pitt in the 70s and 80s were ‘old gold’ and ‘royal blue’. old gold was basically yellow. i can’t remember exactly when, but the gold changed to a slightly more mustard-y color sometime in the 80s before the colors finally changed to what they are today.
also at the pitt-rutgers game and i noticed that throwback script pitt gear is all over the place, especially among the younger fans. i had a pitt script hoodie in my younger days and i am thinking about getting another…
P.S. – If you click on link you will see some pretty neat socks, different from the normal socks worn and the socks that Vasher has on in the picture. The pants are the same but the throwback socks are solid orange stripes while the alternate uniforms have orange stripes between two thin white stripes, just like the normal blue uniforms. Pretty neat socks. It also looks like in other pics on the nfl site that the blue stripes along the legs are smaller (check out flushed out of the pocket) than the stripes on the vasher pic or link. Plus the throwbacks have white “C’s” on the helmet with orange on the alts. Alright thats enough on orange unis. Later.
Paul, congrats on the Newsday piece. I kinda like the reference to us as “thread-heads”.
I’m curious about the decals on the front of Dorsett’s helmet. They appear to be very raised. The ones on the back look to be the flat sticker type. Is that something typical of the era or just some weird lighting in the photo?
Dude, I’m a regular so I get the Homer Simpson comment. A casual reader, though, could get a severely wrong impression.
I don’t know if anyone else noticed this but last night during the miami game some players had green stickers on the bottom of their helmets while others was just left stickerless and white. An odd inconsistency. Couldn’t find pictures. Did anyone else notice this?
Is it just me, or does every old time football photo look less like the carefully choreographed game we see today and more like a bar room brawl from an western film?
… or a Miami game.
Anent stripes down the rear of football pants: this was fairly common back in the 1930s and 40s (Texas A&M had them on their maroon pants). As I recall, these stripes were actually inserts of stretchable material, often in a contrasting color.
Excellent article, Paul. You better watch out—you’re getting famous. Also interesting to see how much the number (of hits) has jumped from the exposure. Maybe you need to be mentioning the Ditch the B**** campaign every day in the ticker!
The Pitt archive is fantastic. It’s always fun to look at old-timey unis. Just think—fifty years from now, the future Thread-heads will be gawking at the garish striping and piping that are so prevalent in unis today. That’s a scary thought—our generation of unis being known as the Era of Blatant Branding. Unless the uni of the future is made of just one huge 3D swoosh and nothing else—then they will probably look back nostalgically on the early 2000s when unis ‘only’ had one swoosh per piece.
With regards to those basketball players wearing pants, I’ve come across two stories about female players doing this for religious reasons. One story I just looked up link, and another I remembered link (accessed through youtube).
And check link. Found somewhere on link.
I noticed something when I went to the Minnesota State-North Dakota game a couple nights ago. Ignore the fact that our school’s colors are purple and yellow. Check out the link. Nike on their breezers, the knees of their socks and the link. Compound that with link, and it’s basically a Nike commercial on ice. The NCAA may not be fans of the Sioux, but Nike sure loves them.
And I couldn’t find a picture, but the goalie doesn’t wear the socks, but rather grey sweatpants under his leg pads.
Minna, you mean something link? I for one would love to see Adam Wainwright try to throw a curve in one of those…
I don’t think we’re too far off, though. Two more bits of Nike ads I found: link and link.
I dont normally like a color like orange, but the Bears look good for the 2nd year in a row in their alt oranges uni’s
They will look even better when they whip the Niners all around the field and win by a billion. Go Bears!
Watching a preview for the Bengals-Falcons game, Chad Johnson was shown wearing his full uniform, however his name plate read “Ocho Cinco”. It looked like it might be removeable though, so I honestly doubt you’ll see it during the game. How many times have you seen a warm-up specific nameplate?
Did anyone happen to catch a picture of the Washington State kicker last night? Abdollmohammadi. Longest name I think I’ve ever seen. He literally had two or three letters on each sleeve.
^Update^ They just showed Carson Palmer ripping the “Ocho Cinco” nameplate off of Chad just before the game started.
Anyone else think the ref’s uni’s are fading a bit… they look kina brownish
Watching the Tiants-Texans game (Titans wearing their powder blue jerseys with the dark blue pants). I couldn’t help but notice that much-maligned Titans corner Adam “Pac-Man” Jones has “P. Jones” on the back of his jersey. Knowing how strict the league is with its uniform regulations, I’m surprised they don’t make him wear “A. Jones.”
All this begs the question–if the Titans get another Jones with the first initial of P, and they would have to spell out “Pac-Man,” would that get into some sort of copyright problems (just like when basketball player Kareem Abdul-Jabbar got upset when football player Karim Abdul-Jabbar was wearing #33)? Perhaps then they would make him wear “A. Jones”
Here it is, THE OCHO CINCO!
[quote comment=”17359″]Here it is, THE OCHO CINCO!
That’s pretty awesome. Makes me nostalgic for the XFL (well, not really, but it’s still cool).
[quote comment=”17354″]Anyone else think the ref’s uni’s are fading a bit… they look kina brownish[/quote]
If that’s the Jax/Philly game, I saw the Jax coaching staff with some black shirts/etc which seemed to show a bit brown in the low, bright sunlight.
BTW, for fans of teal, forest and such (guilty), Jacksonville and Philadelphia are playing today, as close as the NFL will get you to that look.
However, the Jags picked their “What, Us Teal?” kit today. We’ve mentioned it before, but is it officially the least use of a primary jersey color in an NFL uniform? Even the Raiders’ white uniform has plenty of noticable black on them.
Did anybody else notice this link on the Newsweek article?
Great info on Pitt, the thing that stood out to me is Dan Marino’s facemask in that pic. Congrats for the site and all the pub it is getting. I like(Dan) in these face masks, link The double bar top from his early days.
[quote comment=”17338″]Is it just me, or does every old time football photo look less like the carefully choreographed game we see today and more like a bar room brawl from an western film?
… or a Miami game.[/quote]
very funny John… well done. I too find the current game to be even a far shout of the heyday of the 70’s when I became a big football fan. I find myself caring less and less about what happens these days.
Paul…. kudos of the new found exposure… don’t forget us uni watch denizens when you hit the big time !!! Nice to see as i’ve been w/ you every step of the way. congrats!
A little off topic but I remember some discussion of pink hats at Fenway and Busch Stadium a few weeks ago. Open at your own risk!!
Paul, I can already see the future for you and UNIWATCH. Not only will there be a daily blog for each sport, both college and pro, there will be a UNIWATCH TV SHOW, and a UNIWATCH CAFE, located in the heart of Manhattan.
Each Sports magazine will have a special segment designated to UNIWATCH.
You will have mega deals with each league. They are going to have designated cameras during games for ISO’s on uniforms only.
You’ve started a movement, brother! You’re gonna be like the THE #1 AUTHORITY! THE UNI SENSEI! Ganbatte Kudasai! Yoroshiku from Tokyo!
Hey everyone, I fixed Chad Johnson’s jersey for accuracy
I love the quote in Bests article, regarding K. Rogers cap; “Turns out Lucas’ readers noticed that long ago.” Are we good or what gang? :-)
I was waiting for someone to point out that “ocho cinco” is not chad johnson’s number. Turns out the number in question for the bengals today was “dos”…aka how many points they lost by.
Congrats on the article, paul!
Did anyone see the miserable uniformed game by Alabama State and Alabama A&M last night?
I had to change the channel because my eyes hurt so much..
What disasters those unis (For both teams) were..
Sorry no screen shots..
And check out link one sleeve disgraces..
[quote comment=”17347″]Minna, you mean something link? I for one would love to see Adam Wainwright try to throw a curve in one of those…
I don’t think we’re too far off, though. Two more bits of Nike ads I found: link and link.[/quote]
AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! It’s like my worst nightmare come true! Well, ok, not quite, but that is horrifying. I am breaking out in cold sweats as I stare at that thing. Thanks a lot, Mr. from Queens.
To make matters worse, I think the woman is Asian. Great way to represent the sister-hood, lady. At least it’s not pink.
I was watching snippets of the Packs-Cards game, and I was struck by how Bush-league the Cards’ unis are, especially in relation with the Packs’ classic unis. The side panel of red, the random striping, including the almost-swoosh on the leg…pitiful.
That got me thinking. What do you think the Cheeseheads would do if there was a significant change to the Packer uniform—like an alternate in red? I think there would be a riot.
On a similar note, does anybody know if there has ever been a significant alteration done to the Packer uni? I’m too lazy to look it up. Thanks, guys.
what kind of shirt is Vinatieri wearing link?
it has a white stripe down the sleeve and i haven’t seen that around before.
[quote comment=”17386″]On a similar note, does anybody know if there has ever been a significant alteration done to the Packer uni? I’m too lazy to look it up. Thanks, guys.[/quote]
Based upon the link site, nothing too major since link (when the site begins its history of NFL unis). Don’t know when they fixed on this basic design, though.
[quote comment=”17390″][quote comment=”17386″]On a similar note, does anybody know if there has ever been a significant alteration done to the Packer uni? I’m too lazy to look it up. Thanks, guys.[/quote]
Based upon the link site, nothing too major since link (when the site begins its history of NFL unis). Don’t know when they fixed on this basic design, though.[/quote]
Thanks, Jon, for the quick response. Great site, but a bit disappointing. I wanted to see, oh, maybe eggplant in their past. Maybe that’s one reason their uni is so iconic—they haven’t signigicantly altered it.
[quote comment=”17386″]
That got me thinking. What do you think the Cheeseheads would do if there was a significant change to the Packer uniform—like an alternate in red? I think there would be a riot.
On a similar note, does anybody know if there has ever been a significant alteration done to the Packer uni? I’m too lazy to look it up. Thanks, guys.[/quote]
As I recall, back in the 1940s or so, the Packers wore BLUE jerseys with a yellow or gold shoulder yoke. Apparently, there were no riots in Green Bay when the jerseys were changed to dark green ….
[quote comment=”17392″]As I recall, back in the 1940s or so, the Packers wore BLUE jerseys with a yellow or gold shoulder yoke. Apparently, there were no riots in Green Bay when the jerseys were changed to dark green ….[/quote]
People, people: Once again, I ask that you please look at the “Links” section running down the right column of this page — it contains the answers to many of your questions, including this one.
I’m surprised nobody made a comment about Dan Marino wearing Puma shoes while everybody else seems to be wearing adidas.
this website-link covers in timeline form all the changes to Packers uniforms. Unfortunately there’s very few pics. I love that the Packers were Acme in the beginning. Oh, and sorry for not having correctly as a link. I just don’t understand anymore how to make it work so I don’t care. This site lists the changes with pictures.
i was just checking out mlb.com and i saw this pic of tony larussa at the celebration. it looks like his shirt says smooch your pooch. i have no idea why anyone would where this, much less to a celebration of winning the world series
forgot the link link
[quote comment=”17401″]i was just checking out mlb.com and i saw this pic of tony larussa at the celebration. it looks like his shirt says smooch your pooch. i have no idea why anyone would where this, much less to a celebration of winning the world series[/quote]
La Russa = link
Am I the only Cowboy fan that hates their uni’s? I have never understood the lighter shade of blue in the socks and jersey striping/numbers and light blue pants with the white jersey. The colors don’t match the helmets. The only year they looked good was 1995. Examples link and link. Click on the white Cowboys jersey for a larger view.
I like the Bears orange unis only be cause they are not all shinny like the Dolphin’s orange unis.
So what’s the deal with all the gray showing up on NFL sidelines?
Here are the second-half hats
And the new stocking hats
Having the same style hat isn’t enough, now they have to be the same color?
As much as i hate Nike, i do like rutgers Unis. Classic and simple, why cant UMich keep this template
[quote comment=”17389″]what kind of shirt is Vinatieri wearing link?
it has a white stripe down the sleeve and i haven’t seen that around before.[/quote]
Kinda looks like an UnderArmour “Snow Shirt”. It’s a mixture of their Cold Gear (lined) with the Heat Gear along the sides of the torso and underarms for ventilation.
Speaking of Pittsburgh, you also got a little blurb in the side column of today’s Pittsburgh Post-Gazette sports section, Paul. Can’t find a reference online, but I saw it while sifting through the paper today.
I was at the Indiana/Michigan State game and noticed a few of the MSU players were wearing stripped belts of dark green and white. #4, a WR, had one hanging down almost to his knee. I’m looking for a picture.
I don’t think this has been mentioned yet…
There has been some chatter on some St. Louis Cardinal message boards asking what number La Russa will be wearing next year? As he mentioned during his post game inverviews, he chose his current number of 10 as a reminder of his goal to win St. Louis their 10th World Series. Will he switch to 11 next season?
[quote comment=”17394″][quote comment=”17392″]As I recall, back in the 1940s or so, the Packers wore BLUE jerseys with a yellow or gold shoulder yoke. Apparently, there were no riots in Green Bay when the jerseys were changed to dark green ….[/quote]
People, people: Once again, I ask that you please look at the “Links” section running down the right column of this page — it contains the answers to many of your questions, including this one.[/quote]
Woo-hoo! I’ve been chastised by The Master. That’s even better than getting a shout-out. Mea culpa for the posting, but at least I got a couple of good websites out of it. Thanks, guys.
By the way, I got to see Ed Hochuli for the first time of the season, but only for a few minutes. Even the new ref unis cannot mask the greatness that is Ed.
Speaking of the refs’ new unis, I agree with Kyle O. that they look faded. They appear navy blue to me in HD, and the material looks super-cheap. Nice going, NFL!
[quote comment=”17405″]Am I the only Cowboy fan that hates their uni’s? [/quote]
Don’t know if this is the right comment box for it, but watching Sunday’s Giants/Bucs game: 1) Plaxico had his usual white mouth guard attached to his chinstrap to start the game, then later sported an unattached blue mouth guard. 2) Strahan began the game with a longsleeve blue spandex shirt, and by the second half, was only sporting one sleeve.
[quote comment=”17351″]Did anyone happen to catch a picture of the Washington State kicker last night? Abdollmohammadi. Longest name I think I’ve ever seen. He literally had two or three letters on each sleeve.[/quote]
Yeah, he is the back up kicker. But Doba finally got sick of putting up with Little Langley’s horrible kicking so they put him in. Didn’t do too bad of a job. Also, did anyone see the punter in that game? a new pac-10 record. WSU’s Bumpus became first pac-10 player to punt and return a punt in a game. WSU’s only punter they traveled got sick and had to go to the hospital. So they’re punter returner became their punter as well. He did an alright job.
[quote comment=”17414″]I was at the Indiana/Michigan State game and noticed a few of the MSU players were wearing stripped belts of dark green and white. #4, a WR, had one hanging down almost to his knee. I’m looking for a picture.[/quote]
This a trendy thing among HS and college players(generally flashy players like WRs and RBs)
It’s just a colored belt with white tape over it.
Some guys do it to their facemasks too.
[quote comment=”17397″]I’m surprised nobody made a comment about Dan Marino wearing Puma shoes while everybody else seems to be wearing adidas.
I know it’s late, but that may be one of the most appropriate Ace Ventura references ever.
[quote comment=”17385″]AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! It’s like my worst nightmare come true! Well, ok, not quite, but that is horrifying. I am breaking out in cold sweats as I stare at that thing. Thanks a lot, Mr. from Queens.
To make matters worse, I think the woman is Asian. Great way to represent the sister-hood, lady. At least it’s not pink.[/quote]
First of all, just Mike, never Mister. My students call me Mr, and they suck. Second, assuming you’re Asian from your post (which I don’t think is overly drawn), Asia ia a big place. Lots of people come from there. No need to let one idiot ruin it for the rest of you (excluding Kim Jong Il).
[quote comment=”17425″]
[quote comment=”17385″]AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! It’s like my worst nightmare come true! Well, ok, not quite, but that is horrifying. I am breaking out in cold sweats as I stare at that thing. Thanks a lot, Mr. from Queens.
To make matters worse, I think the woman is Asian. Great way to represent the sister-hood, lady. At least it’s not pink.[/quote]
First of all, just Mike, never Mister. My students call me Mr, and they suck. Second, assuming you’re Asian from your post (which I don’t think is overly drawn), Asia ia a big place. Lots of people come from there. No need to let one idiot ruin it for the rest of you (excluding Kim Jong Il).[/quote]
Ok, just Mike. Yeah, Asia is a big place, but there aren’t many of us on this side of the ocean, especially in MN. It just makes me cringe ever-so-slightly to see one acting stupidly. Except for Kim Jong Il—he is a race unto himself. I believe he is an actual alien.
[quote comment=”17410″]As much as i hate Nike, i do like rutgers Unis. Classic and simple, why cant UMich keep this template
Joe RU had some fantastic uniforms back in the late 1990s when I was there — terrible football team, but the best uniforms I’ve ever seen. Red jerseys with white numerals and black shadows at home; for a while they had block digits just like the 49ers’ throwbacks, and in other years they used spiffy curved numerals that I [i]really[/i] with they would bring back.
They didn’t have the word “RUTGERS” splashed across the front, either; just a little logo with an armored knight on a horse. They don’t use that logo much anymore.
Unfortunately the 0-11 record they put up while wearing them ensures that there will be very few pictures of the jerseys on the internet!
And Minna, you’re Asian? I always assumed you were from one of the Nordic countries, being from Minnesota and having your name spelled with two N’s rather than the “Mina” used in Japan. The latter is my darling’s name and she’ll have my head if she ever reads Uni Watch and sees it in print… but she never does!
(Will this board take Chinese characters? For example, 美奈)
[quote comment=”17327″]dorsett was likely wearing a tear-away jersey in that pic. i remember him (and a lot of other RBs) getting a lot of flack back in the day for wearing them. critics tought that the tear-aways allowed them to get cheap yardage. this reminds me of the other controversy surrounding tony: the pronunciation of his name. when he was at pitt, everyone pronounced it ‘dors-it’, but sometime after being drafted by the HATED dallas cowboys, he wanted it to be pronounced ‘dor-sett’.
i attened the pitt-urtgers game and i am happy to say that tony is still actively raising $$$ for pitt and that the public address guy at heinz field announced his name using the pre-dallas pronunciation.
anyway, the official colors of pitt in the 70s and 80s were ‘old gold’ and ‘royal blue’. old gold was basically yellow. i can’t remember exactly when, but the gold changed to a slightly more mustard-y color sometime in the 80s before the colors finally changed to what they are today.
also at the pitt-rutgers game and i noticed that throwback script pitt gear is all over the place, especially among the younger fans. i had a pitt script hoodie in my younger days and i am thinking about getting another…[/quote]
They changed between 1976 and 1980. I’m trying very hard to find out exactly when.
Just a few comments/questions on the Dorsett helmet. I believe the helmet in the photo is also a MacGregor, as you mentioned is the chin strap. The helmet appears to be a MacGregor model MH 100, a clear shell which had the paint, strips and decals applied to the inside of the helmet while the merit stickers were applied to the exterior. (Check HelmetHut.com for full description on clear shell helmets.)
I have a question for anyone who may know why Dorsett wore a Wilson logo on the front bumper of his MacGregor helmet in his Senior season, at the Sugar Bowl ? (Perhaps there was some sort of an unwritten/ illegal endorsement deal for the future Heisman winner???)
The star merit stickers seem to be from his Freshman and maybe Sophomore seasons because Pitt changed to a Panther merit sticker soon after that. The Panther merit stickers appeared in two colors, mustard with a blue panther or blue with a mustard panther. Not quite sure but mustard with blue panther seems to prevelant for the offense (Dorsett and Marino) while the blue with mustard seemed prevelant for defense (Hugh Green). Let me know if anyone has any ideas.
[quote comment=”17460″]I have a question for anyone who may know why Dorsett wore a Wilson logo on the front bumper of his MacGregor helmet in his Senior season, at the Sugar Bowl ? (Perhaps there was some sort of an unwritten/ illegal endorsement deal for the future Heisman winner???)[/quote]
I don’t know for sure, but here is a guess on the Wilson front bumper – those MacGregor helmets didn’t have a wide front bumper like modern helmets, just a small rubber bumper like old suspension helmets. Dorsett might have wanted a longer bumper, or needed one for a nose injury, so the equipment manager might have used a Wilson bumper. Those Wilson bumpers did not wrap around the padding like a Riddell bumper and could be added under the face mask mounting screws. Just a thought.
Here is a photo showing Wilson’s non-wrap-around nose bumper – from a HelmetHut Ken Stabler reproduction:
It’s not uni related but i like the timing of the top right photo link.
All three girls on the court are “airborn”. :)
Regarding Dorsetts merit stickers, I doubt he’d have carry-overs from other years. More likely they represent offense versus special teams acheivements.