Got something to sell? Looking for something to buy? Want to promote something, hire someone, get hired, start a petition, publicize a cause, find a friend? The Uni Watch Classifieds are the way to go.
To place an ad: Full instrux are here.
To respond to an ad: Some ads have contact info so you can communicate directly with the advertiser, but others have a box number. For those, follow the e-mail link and your response will be forwarded to the advertiser.
Classic American Needle Caps! Just about every old pro team you can think of (and many you can’t). Low-profile fit, authentic styling. Free cap poster with every purchase! Check out the full line here.
Do you have a family member who has heart problems or has suffered a stroke? Chances are you’ve answered yes. To fight heart disease, the American Heart Association organizes the Wall Street Heart Walk. Support a great cause, get a TAX DEDUCTION, and help longtime Uni Watch fan Traveler Bill raise funds by sponsoring Team Traveler Bill on the AHA’s secure site.
“I’m Calling It Shea” T-shirts. Stop searching for puns like “Debits Field” or “Taxpayer Park” and just cut to the chase with this killer tee. Use the checkout code “uniwatch” for a 10% discount. Go!