I’ve always wanted to have a project that allowed me to say, “Collect ’em all!,” and now I do: the Uni Watch T-Shirt Club, which is going to feature 12 limited-edition designs, one for each month of 2015, each based on a uniform that a baseball team might have in its wardrobe.
We’re doing an early launch the July designs, because the shirts are tied to a pair of early-July holidays — Independence Day and Canada Day — and we want to make sure they ship and deliver on time. Here they are (click to enlarge):

Here’s everything you need to know about the shirts and how to order them:
• Here are the links to order the Independence Day and Canada Day shirts.
• The “Pandering” NOB on the Independence Day design is unpopular with some readers. I understand their concerns, but the design will not be changing. Instead of repeating that same debate all over again, I’ve created a FAQ-style page that addresses the most frequently expressed objections.
• If you’re doing the “Collect ’em all” thing, you only need to purchase one of these two shirts to maintain your eligibility (although you’re welcome to order both, of course). Once we finish the July campaigns, I plan to get a tally of how many “Collect ’em all”-ers we have, at which point I’ll begin making more serious plans for the year-end prize.
• Unfortunately, if you buy both shirts (or any two shirts from two separate Teespring campaigns), you do not get a discount on the shipping, because the campaigns will print and ship separately. Yes, I realize that’s ridiculous — it’s just the way Teespring works. They tell me they’re working on it, so here’s hoping they get it resolved soon, but of course that doesn’t help us for these two shirts. Sorry about that.
• The Independence Day shirt will only be available through next Monday, June 8, 11pm Eastern. Please note that orders for the Canada Day shirt will be closed off a bit earlier than normal, on Sunday, June 7, 7pm (this is to ensure that the Canada Day shirts are delivered to our Canadian customers in time for holiday). After those dates, the shirts will not be offered for sale. All shirts ordered by then should be delivered by June 23.
• There will be five more designs — one for each remaining month of the year. Two of those designs will be the road grey and green alternate, although we haven’t yet decided which months those shirts will be assigned to. You can probably guess what some of the other designs will be, although I think a few of them may surprise you. In each case, we’ll update the “sleeve patch” to reflect the appropriate month.
• Each shirt will be available for purchase for only one week, from the Tuesday when it launches through the following Monday. Once a shirt’s one-week window closes, it will no longer be available for purchase.
• People who purchase all 12 designs (collect ’em all!) will be eligible for a bonus prize at the end of the year. I haven’t yet decided what the prize will be, although I have some ideas. More details soon.
I think that’s it. Again, here’s where you can get the Independence Day and Canada Day shirts. If you have any questions, give a holler. Thanks.
(Special thanks to Teespring designer Bryan Malloy for all his great work with the T-Shirt Club designs, and to reader Mike O’Connor for suggesting that we include a Canada Day option.)
Here are the shirts we’ve launched so far…





