NFL News: Here’s a chart that tells you anything you would ever want to know about NFL player’s heights (from Chris Finn). … ESPN’s NFL Primetime used the old Jaguars’ logo in a graphic the other day (from Nathan Anderson). … Speaking of the Jags, we’ll finally get a look at those teal unis this Sunday. … The Titans will be going vintage this week, as they’ll dust off the navy jerseys they haven’t worn in five years (thanks Phil). … We seem to see a few articles like these every October, but here’s a breakdown of how much of the revenue from pink merchandise is actually donated to cancer research. Is it really worth the strain on our eyes? (from Cork Gianes)
College Football News: We all know about the “Blackshirts” at Nebraska, but what about the “Blueshirts?” According to this game recap, Nebraska wore blue in their inaugural game at Memorial Stadium against Oklahoma “out of courtesy to the visiting red-and-white-clad Sooners.” It’s even depicted on the program (from Gil Neumann). … North Carolina will be going BFBS Thursday in what they’re billing as “Zero Dark Thursday.” Waterboard me now, please. … Glenn Stern tells us that Texas A&M RB Trey Williams scored two touchdowns wearing two different uniform numbers last Saturday against Ole Miss. “There is another #3 on kickoff returns, so Williams puts on a nameless #17 jersey. On one of the early drives in the game he did not change out of the 17 jersey and wore it as a running back. He scored wearing this number in the first half. He scored a TD late in the game wearing his regular #3.” … Last Saturday, Purude’s marching band celebrated “Pinktober” (from Mark Burgess). … Here’s something you don’t see often: A jersey with no logo creep. That’s Crown College in Minnesota, a DIII program (from Eric Bangeman). … Arizona State will be go with a “traditional” yellow-maroon-yellow look on Saturday. Now if they would only bring back Sparky…
Hockey News: Not sure if this has been linked yet or not, but last season the Blues had their wordmark on their helmets. Now, they simply have their logo (from Joe Mueller). …
Soccer News: From yesterday’s post: we have pictures of Oregon State wearing T-shirts in their game against Washington. Players confirmed that these were T-shirts, and not their normal black jerseys (from Vivek Tanna). …
NBA News: After weeks of rumors, Pacers are the first team to sell ad space on their floor. Luckily, they won’t be too much of an eyesore. This Miami Herald article says the ads will be placed in front of both team benches. Because teams usually place their website or Twitter handle in this spot, it won’t stand out too much. Hopefully. (from Kyle Martinek). …We’ve seen LeBron’s headband creep higher and higher up his forehead to match his rapidly receding hairline. David G. Firestone points out that NBA 2K14, a video game, has also taken notice. …Number swap! Here’s a picture of “Easy Ed” Macauley (usually number 20 with St. Louis) wearing fellow Hall of Famer Bob Pettit’s number 9 jersey. (from Roman). …The Charlotte Bobcat cheerleaders went full GI Joe to Monday’s practice to “honor Columbus Day.” Not sure how military fatigues honor a guy from Italy representing Spain who accidentally stumbled upon El Salvador (from Robert Silverman)
Grab Bag: For all Breaking Bad fans: Here’s an infograph listing every outfit Walt wore throughout the series (from Sean Walsh). … Firefighters in Omaha have been forbidden from wearing “Breast Cancer Awareness” shirts. “Apparently, there IS a limit to Pinktober.” (from Chris Bisbee)