Jimmer Vilk’s 5 & 1
Welcome to the Five and One for 2022!
After more than a decade in hiatus, Jim Vilk (the original “5 & 1” decider) returned! And he’s back again for 2022.
The concept of the 5&1 is simple: Jim will pick five good matchups (not necessarily the five best anymore… he will have categories that will change from week to week) and one awful matchup.
You may agree and you may disagree — these are, after all, just opinions and everyone has one. Feel free to let him know what you think in the comments section.
If you have a game you feel is “worthy” of consideration for the 5 & 1, please either post it in the comments below or tweet Mr. Vilk @JVfromOhio.
Here’s today’s 5 & 1:
One of the time-honored late November traditions is the opportunity to put a certain color vs color matchup at the top of The List. It’s one of the few things you can rely on in today’s college football, right?
5. The “Because Every List Could Use At Least One Script Helmet” Game:
Oklahoma State/Oklahoma

Not normally an advocate of alliteration, but that was some beautiful Bedlam.
4. The “Who-tah?” Game:
Utah Tech/BYU

The team formerly known as Dixie State has a new name and a great new look.
3. The “Oh, You Thought I Meant This Color Vs Color?” Matchup:

This fantastic looking game would have been stupendous at 1:30pm Pacific Standard Time…or in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan.
2. The “Snowy White Fields Are Better Than Icy White Unis” Matchup:
Western Michigan/Central Michigan

That little bit of yellow on Western really pops in the snow.
1. Simply The Best
Virginia Tech/Liberty

Two Virginia schools, utilizing their colors to honor a third Virginia school, deserves a salute and a chef’s kiss for a right proper tribute.
Eastern Michigan/Kent State

These schools have had problems understanding the importance of contrasting numbers all year, so their meeting was bound to be a train wreck.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks, Jim! OK readers? What say you? Agree or disagree with Jimmer’s selections? Let him know in the comments below.
Nice move by VA Tech to go all orange, but the jersey striping is awful.
Eastern Michigan looked ok, but I really don’t like the pants striping that Kent State and other UA teams use.
BYU looks great in royal. They need to ditch the navy. No reason for both.
OK State ruined a decent looking uniform with the lettering on the pants.
Yes, VT and Liberty deserve a salute for honoring those three fine young men from UVA. But not for the mono-nonsense they wore on the field.
When UCLA-USC go full color, start them at No.1 and work your way backward.
I was about to go all WTF until I read why #1 was #1. But #3? Not a chance in hell, even played at night. As a Trojan I can admit this game isn’t the best rivalry game, thanks to UCLA not being consistently good, but there is no debate that it’s the best looking game in all of football, CFB and the NFL.
The good uniforms and this year’s result are the only things that make the LA college football rivalry slightly relevant. By joining the Big10 they will be feeling how it is to play real football in real football weather. I see two nice, brightly colored doormats to take the place of Rutgers and Maryland. But they will win Big10 volleyball titles for years to come.
Since 2000 USC record against B1G teams is 14-3, and that includes victories over Ohio State and Penn State after Pete Carroll left.
I think the gesture by Virginia Tech and Liberty was heartwarming indeed, otherwise those two from Lalaland deserve the number 1 spot. Classic, beautiful uniforms, almost too pretty for two mediocre college programs in both football and basketball (as in post-Wooden era for the Bruins).
UCLA/USC not being #1 should be a crime