Time for more Uni Tweaks from the UW readership.
I hope you guys like this feature and will want to continue to submit your concepts and tweaks to me. If you do, Shoot me an E-mail (Phil (dot) Hecken (at) gmail (dot) com).
We have a tweak for the Packers throwback uniform today. They come from Joe Ojanen:
Dear Phil:
I am not as big of a fan as most of the Green Bay Packers current throwback uniform. The biggest problem I have is it’s too much green as they wear green pants with the green jersey. Using a uniform set from the 50’s as the concept (see picture), I changed the pants to yellow with a green stripe. I also tweaked the jersey some, using a lighter green to better match what they used in the 50’s.
Hope you like it.
Joseph Ojanen

Much better!
I like this better!
Mono green on green grass is as bad as Boise State wearing mono blue at home, so I would welcome this change.
Pretty good; I’ve always wanted some yellow in the Packers’ numerals. I like the idea of a team with colors top and bottom flipping the colorway (say, gold jerseys and black britches for Pittsburgh) and it would certainly work for Green Bay.
A big improvement over the actual throwback.
A big improvement over the actual throwback.