Time for more Uni Tweaks from the UW readership.
I hope you guys like this feature and will want to continue to submit your concepts and tweaks to me. If you do, Shoot me an E-mail (Phil (dot) Hecken (at) gmail (dot) com).
Hi Phil,
This is a design I came up with a bit ago, and recently updated once I saw Chicago release their new helmet design. Being as Chicago is such a traditional franchise, I wanted to give the uniform a simple, clean and modern look while still keeping with some traditional elements.
Connor Hannan
OK readers (and concepters). If you have some tweaks or concepts, shoot ’em my way with a brief description of your creation and I’ll run ’em here.
Is the helmet logo going both ways in the first picture?
Well, yeah, but that’s so the “C” is always a C — same as their regular helmet link
Thank you! I can’t believe I’ve missed that for that last several decades. My bad.
Normally I wouldn’t have Da Bears on my list of teams needing improvement, but I like these a lot, Connor.
These are excellent! Nice work!
Heck no! Why remove the beautiful stripes on the pants for the Bears, who currently have a Top 5 uniform. This concept would make them a bottom 5 look immediately.
Agreed – these would be great uniforms if the Bears were to open a college and have a football team. Their current uniforms should (and probably won’t) change for a long time, if ever.
Agreed. Poor tweaks to a design that doesn’t really need them.
Really nice, Connor!
My only gripe is the lack of a white pants option (always liked the Bears white over white road look)
I agree – missing the white pants. But overall, I like these!
I like these a lot, even without white pants.
I’d love these if the C was white, though.
Very nice.
You took a team that was special and made it ordinary. Hard pass.
I like the blue numbers with the orange jerseys-but that’s it
Connor, I don’t know if your goal was to challenge the UW comm-uni-ty with this design or if it’s just what you like. But as the reactions above show it just about covers everything on a Top 5 dislike list of most readers!
Nike logo on the FRONT
No stripes on pants or socks
Funky number font (looks a bit like the Diamondbacks one?)
Wordmark on jersey front
If Nike were to do a re-design of the Bears I think you’ve got it bang-on going with the current trends in uniform design so if that’s what you wanted to achieve then you’ve done that.
Connor – well-executed but no part of this concept is an improvement on what the Bears wear currently, which is really the purpose of a redesign.
The Bears number font is unique and iconic. Instead, you went Block Varsity with a quirky notch in some of the numbers.
The orange jersey has no white – no number outline, no striping.
The navy jersey has no white.
The white jersey has no orange.
The pants have no stripes.
Monochrome x3.
This looks like Illinois with a modified Bears helmet. I wouldn’t consider it professional for a pro team to model its look after a college team.
Sorry man, I know you put work into this but none of it is working.
Totally agree, MJ. One point I’d add to your list: The Bears are one, if not the only, team that doesn’t have their wordmark appear below the NFL shield on the center of the jersey’s collar. I reckon that’s because 1) they are the charter franchise of the NFL and 2) everyone should know that’s the Bears; no need to call it out. I appreciate the effort from Connor but these are very much like the weak, current Illini uniforms, which we have heard are going to be changed under coach Bielema.
Being from Chicago and rooting for the bears I like this navy one because originally the bears jerseys are based of of the Illinois jerseys that’s why we have that one throwback so I would like to see the home one with less white and also the orange looks nice but the white should just be kept the same
I wonder if the bears might get new style uniforms for the new stadium soon
Conner’s personal logo looks like C-H-I; I first thought it was part of the Bears redesign.
So I agree with most, these look great in concept, but these are almost identical to the current University of Illinois set. If you have ever watched them play, the numbers without a white outline on both the navy and orange jerseys, both are very tough to read during games, and almost vibrate while playing.
White outlines on these numbers would definitely go a long way