[Paul here. I’m on vacation this week, but here’s something for you to enjoy during my absence.]
I’ve written several times about Willie Mays wearing a Cubs helmet and then a Reds helmet in the 1965 MLB All-Star Game, and about his Giants teammate Juan Marichal wearing a Braves helmet. I’ve also linked to this AP story, which said the situation was due to Mays having forgotten to pack his helmet when traveling to the game. (Interestingly, that article quotes Marichal poking fun at Mays by saying, “Willie, you sure looked funny wearing that Cincinnati helmet” but makes no mention of the fact that Marichal himself had worn another team’s helmet.)
Now uniform designer/historian Todd Radom has turned up a UPI article that ran in The New Journal and Guide on July 17, 1965 — a few days after the game. It reveals that Mays and Marichal were almost stuck wearing something a lot more unusual than an off-team helmet (click to enlarge):

It’s a fairly lengthy article, so I’ve transcribed the most pertinent section here:
Upon arriving here [in Minnesota] from Philadelphia on Sunday night, Mays suddenly discovered his regular Giants uniform had been flown back to San Francisco by mistake.
Teammate Juan Marichal was in the same boat, or rather on the same plane His uniform was missing, too. ”¦
Finally, it was ascertained that the two uniforms had been shipped back to California. ”¦
[F]or more than 24 hours, Mays and Marichal fretted about whether their uniforms would arrive in time for the All-Star Game.
That poses the natural question, what if they hadn’t?
Nobody around All-Star headquarters seemed to know for sure. The best guess is that the home club Minnesota twins would have had to lan Mays and Marichal two of their traveling gray uniforms and the Giant players would had to wear them inside-out.
Oh man, can you imagine? Inside-out? That would’ve been a uni event for the ages! Too bad the uniforms were successfully rerouted back to Minnesota.
The article then gives us some new details about the Cubs and Reds helmets that Mays wore in that game:
As it was, the uniforms arrived in time but Mays’ and Marichal’s helmets never did. So they had to borrow some.
Before the game, Willie went around asking of the National League players: “Anyone wear a size seven helmet?”
“I wear seven and an eighth,” said Cincinnati John Edwards. “You can use mine.”
Mays tried it on and it was a little too big. Then he got one of the Cubs’ helmets and it was a little too small. It belongs to outfielder Billy Williams.
But he homered while wearing it his first time up in the opening inning, so he used it again when he came to bat in the second.
By the fourth inning, he decided to use Edwards’ helmet. “I didn’t get into the game,” laughed the Cincy catcher, “but my helmet did.” …
[Edwards’ helmet] was a little big and Willie looked a little uncomfortable when ex-Dodger Pete Richert, now with Washington, struck him out.
Again, there’s no mention of Marichal wearing a Braves helmet. There were only two Braves on the NL roster that year — Hank Aaron and Joe Torre — so Marichal presumably borrowed the helmet from one of them.
Anyway: Great find by Todd, and now we can all imagine what a player wearing an inside-out uniform might look like.

They Might Be Giants…
…and He’ll Never Be Royal(s)

Do you have a “uniform” superstition? Like, do you wear a certain jersey or outfit while “your” team is in the playoffs or, in this case, the World Series? I’m going to make a uni confession here — Waaaaaay back in 1986, when the Mets won their last World Series, I had on two different Mets jerseys (a retro, button-front pinstriped one and yes, a pullover racing stripe one) for the first two games of that Series, which the Mets dropped. Convinced “I” was unlucky and causing the Mets to lose, I wore a plain white “Mets” t-shirt for Game 3 (which the Mets would win). I kept wearing that t-shirt (I did wash it, but wore the same shirt) for the remaining four games, and of course the Mets ended up winning the Series against the Sawks. Clearly, my choice of garb affected the outcome.
Obviously it didn’t — but it was a weird sort of thing to do, and at the time (I was 20), I was convinced my choice of top helped the Mets to win. I didn’t repeat this behavior in 1988 (that year, the Mets would lose in the NLCS to the Dodgers), and I’m pretty sure my choice of shirts (I’m not sure what I wore then, but it wasn’t a white t-shirt, and it was a different shirt each game) had nothing to do with it. Looking back, I thought I might be a little strange for this behavior — until, of course, I found Uni Watch and learned there were others like me who shared odd uniform-related quirks.
I never shared that with anyone until now, because, quite frankly, I thought I might be the only one to take stuff to that extreme. Until yesterday.
Yesterday Brinke sent at two e-mails — one went to Paul…the other to me. The one to Paul was apparently unsolicited, and I’ll repost it below (the attachment was the outfit you see above):
I don’t have many Giants superstitions — they will win or lose the Series despite what I do — but this is the main one. I must wear the same outfit each game, and this is it. With one exception. Wore blue shorts with the shirt last week since I like the blue/orange combo. But blue is the primary color of The Other Team, so it’s out. And it will not get washed ’til the last game.
Paul forwarded that to me saying, “it could make a fun sub-lede for tomorrow.” I was busy when he sent it, but I bookmarked it and didn’t even realize it was from Brinke until later.
As fate would have it, Brinke also contacted me asking if I could make a quick edit to yesterday’s “Collectors Corner,” which I did. After a quick back-and-forth, I told Brinke I’d be rooting for the Royals (knowing he’d be defending the Giants). He then sent this:
I am predicting- and I never do this- Giants in 5.
[miscellaneous talk as to why the Giants will win omitted here — PH]
I have my lucky outfit on, too. So there’s that.
That e-mail also contained an attachment of Brinke’s “lucky” outfit. May it bring him and the Giants some luck.
All of this is to say: what about you, readers? Do you have some form of “lucky” outfit or shirt that you absolutely *must* wear for a playoff game or series? Or do you have a ritual that is uniform-related you observe that you believe helps your team win? And yes, I remember those Bud Light “It’s only crazy if it doesn’t work” commercials — that’s the sort of thing I’m looking for — but it has to be a uniform-related behavior that you engage in for an entire game or series.
Let’s hear what you got!

World Series Uni Tracking
Last night, the Royals and Giants began the World Series, and pretty much wore what everyone expected: Royals in their home whites and Giants in their road grays:

As they have been doing throughout the playoffs, the guys from the Diamond Uniform Database have been keeping track of the uniforms. You can check out all the Wild Card, Division, and League Championship uniforms for all the teams here.
Thanks to Rob Holecko for the images.

Uni Watch News Ticker:
Today’s ticker mostly compiled by John Ekdahl

Baseball News: From Phil, here are the World Series patches on the Royals uniforms, and here they are on the Giants‘ uni & caps. (Here is a close up of the patch). Pretty mellow, which is nice. … From Jay Sullivan comes this eBay item: “Early 1900’s Green’s Nebraska Indian Baseball Team ‘Three Stars’ RPPC Postcard” … David Ortiz surprises veterans at Fenway Park with World Series tickets, wearing a hat with the David Ortiz logo. (thanks, Tom Adjemian) … From Alan Poff: “The expansion summer collegiate Kokomo Jackrabbits (Prospect League) introduce 1980s-style San Diego Padres uniforms for their inaugural season.” … “I shouted out Uni Watch in my thorough comparison of the Royals and Giants’ uniforms for The Classical,” writes Aram Gyan. “Edgy orange-and-black prevailed over staid blue-and-white.” … A random Marlins fan was sitting in one of the best seats in KC last night (from Josh Herndon), also noticed separately by Chris. I didn’t think too much of this until Brinke sent in this article. Seems like this guy has been following the Giants for a while. … “Sitting in a bar in Wisconsin,” writes Paul. “Just saw the commercial for MasterCard/Apple Pay, with George Brett. The Royals fans in that ad are wearing the old vest/drop-shadow jerseys!” … “Is Bobby Bonds wearing a 1974-76 jersey top with the 1988 pants?” asks Derek Linn. “If so, does anyone know why?” … For the “sounds of the game” segment, the folks at Fox mic’ed Eric Hosmer up during last night’s game (h/t to Cork Gaines for the screen grab). … This pic was all over twitter last night: You waited 29 years for this game. Yes, it wasn’t your teams night, but dude — $1,000+ (probably) for that seat and you fall asleep during the game?

NFL/Football News: Interesting, and perhaps new, bit of apostrophe fail here (thanks, Gorden) … William Gay wearing purple cleats here. Also, there appears to be some pink sock silliness going on in some of these photos. Scroll through. (Thanks, Michael Korczynski) … From Phil, Fox Sports has ranked all 32 NFL team uniforms. Not sure about the Browns finishing last here.

College Football News: Paul sends this along: “The ASU equipment staff posted on Twitter last week that this year’s version of the Maroon Monsoon uniform would have a new wrinkle. That wrinkle was new Maroon Nike Lockdown Gloves.” … Buffalo Wild Wings has teamed up with the Citrus Bowl, starting in 2015. … Geoff Lott sends along some photos from the the 1968 Auburn/Florida football game program. Additional shots here, here, and here. … Next two from Phil. WKU will be wearing black this week. … These are the new helmets ULL wore last night and these are the jerseys. Those TV numbers are HUGE. In that same game, Ark State had new lids as well. … From Phil, USC will wear shiny helmets when they play Utah.

Basketball News: The Washington Wizards have released their schedule for wearing their blue alternate jersey. … Douglas-Roberts is now a Clipper and he wants to wear short shorts. From the L.A. Times: “Douglas-Roberts requested mediums from the equipment manager. Uh, mediums? No NBA player had worn that size in recent seasons, so a special order had to be placed.” (thanks, dgray). … “Did @TerrapinHoops just leak the new uniforms? I thought they were being shown on Friday,” asks Todd. … The Charlotte Hornets will wear teal uniforms for opening night.

Hockey News: From Brian Parker, EA Sports NHL 15 has added some third jerseys, including the Penguins and Lightning. … The Hershey Bears will wear throwback uniforms for opening night (from Phil). … The Bruins network, NESN, has added a “Zone Time” stat in top left corner, as well a 30 Year logo on the boards (from Sports Graphic Watch).

Grab Bag: Cleveland.com asks, “Which Northeast Ohio High School Football Helmet is the Best?” via Blair Thompson. … Here are the top ten worst VFL/AFL jumpers of all time, according to The Age. (thanks to Jimmy Griggs) … From Leo Strawn: “Australian Football League’s Brisbane Lions dropped the unpopular “paddlepop” lion from their jumper after a vote from supporters and will once again use the lion that graced their jumper during their triple Premierships of 2001-03.”

That’s it for today. Everyone have a great Wednesday. Thanks to Paul (and Todd) for the lede, Brinke for the uni anecdote, and Rob for the uni tracking. Catch you guys tomorrow — Phil
“‘I’ve never seen anything like those shiny new chromified, oversized logo-ed helmets from that university football team.’ ”“ Said No One Ever”
— Alex Parisi


I’m telling you, with the way these NBA players are taking “fashion” off the court, and also trends in general like skinny jeans rather than loose baggy ones, I would not be surprised in the least if shorter shorts came back into style in some form or another. Uniforms are like fashion and trends are cyclical.
in case anyone is worried, the NESN 30 year logo is “virtual”, and doesn’t block the view in the stadium. It stays still when someone crashes into the boards and the glass.
I had a lucky Raiders hat once… then they went to the Superbowl and got destroyed by Tampa Bay. I haven’t found another working hat yet.
My toddler twins wore their “lucky” little Gannon and Brown jerseys that day, as they had each Sunday and playoff game involving the Raiders. I’m glad they were too young to remember the words that came out of Daddy’s mouth that day.
When I was little I used to coordinate my Sunday attire based on what the Raiders were gonna wear. So on days they were on the road, white t-shirt w/ gray pants, home games black t-shirt w/ gray pants. That was my “lucky” superstion.
I didn’t watch it in time to send a submission, but did anyone catch The Profit on CNBC last night? It was about Artistic Stitch in Queens, a screen printer/embroiderer that has a large presence in uniform embroidery and printing. I’m interested in an update from anyone who knows the business, which is transitioning from a “sports complex” to a more-focused clothing/uniform design and manufacturing company.
I too am very superstitious. I recently obtained a Browns shirt that I wanted to wear on Sundays. I wore it week 1 and the Browns were blown out early by the Steelers, I kept it on and they barely won. I missed the next few games on TV but wore it again when they played the Titans. This time I took it off in disgust at halftime and they won in dramatic fashion. Wore it last week for the game at Jacksonville, and they played their worst game yet! I am not wearing it again on Sundays until after they win :)
In my personal life I work at a high school as an Athletic Trainer. In the past few years our football team has been very good and we went to 2 straight State Semi-final games and one State Finals game. I wore the same blue hat, shirts, shorts, and socks every game….even when it was 32 degrees out. This year I got a new hat and wanted to wear it for our first game….we lost. The old blue hat is back! The only thing that has changed is the polo is a little different because I changed companies I get contracted through.
This may be more odd habit than superstition. I’m a big University of Texas fan and I wear various college baseball jerseys all the time. The only pattern in wearing what I wear is that I positively wear a Longhorn jersey after a Texas loss in pretty much any sport. I guess I feel that I’m showing/proving I’m not a fair weather fan. (Do I need some kind of help?)
No mention in the Mays article write-up that it also says the bases and foul lines were Red/White/Blue?
Wondered the same thing. You can see a bit of the base path line in the pic of Mays sporting the Cubs batting helmet. Not a great look.
IIRC, the Twins did something similar at the Metrodome in 1985, leading Vin Scully to make some remark about the bags being patriotic.
in the words of Jason Isbell, “Don’t call what you’re wearin’ an outfit.” I don’t care if it is lucky.
“Have fun but stay clear of the needle”- a distraught DIY-er after stitching his pinky
The way baseball works has always invalidated my attempts at a lucky outfit – I pick something to break a losing streak or trigger a win, “my” team wins, I keep wearing the outfit, and eventually the team loses.
However, last season I took in an impromptu Nats game after work on a day a bunch of us wore bow ties, and the Nats won. So I made a point to wear a bow tie to the first Nats game I went to this year, and they won again. So I kept it up. Thanks to small sample size (four games this year), the bow tie has a perfect record. Though the Nats lost plenty of times when I’ve worn bow ties but not attended the game. So I don’t put on a bow tie to watch the Nats at home or at a bar.
I have a really nice Jamal Lewis Ravens jersey that I got before he left the team, and got a good deal on it (by polyester shirt standards). I’ve worn it three times and never will again:
2006 AFC Divisional Playoff against the Colts: Lost at home despite not giving up a touchdown.
2011 AFC Championship Game against New England: You know the story.
2012 regular season against Buffalo: 5 interceptions by Flacco were the Ravens’ downfall in that one.
The only other time I’ve worn it was the morning after they won Super Bowl XLVII. I figured that was safe enough.
“The only other time I’ve worn it was the morning after they won Super Bowl XLVII. I figured that was safe enough.”
But they went on to miss the playoffs the next year. You’re on the hook for that one.
There’s a David Ortiz logo?
Actually, that logo isn’t rotund enough to be David Ortiz.
I bought a new Brand 47 Orioles hat last December, well before the beginning of this season. After wearing it for almost 10 months, it started to get a little grungy, and so I threw it in the wash…a week before the playoffs started. As soon as I pulled it out, I realized my mistake and felt terrible. After they swept the Tigers, I convinced myself my hat-washing was irrelevant, but I thought about it a few times during the ALCS. If I hadn’t done laundry that one fateful night, we could be watching a totally different World Series right now.
In the runup to SB XXXII I had a new pair of loud socks that I really liked. I wore them for each of the postseason games. Did the same the next year and for all Bronco postseason games since, and even for a few job interviews. The socks, being teenaged, are now understandably not long for this world. The team has an 11-7 record in postseason games with the socks.
Did Al Lopez manage the 2nd Place AL team in 1964 or was manager of a League determined by some other means in the event that the previous year’s Pennant winning manager was no longer with the team? And was Johnny Keane allowed to manage the NL (he was hired by the Yankees after the 1964 season and his ws win managing the Cards over the Yankees).
The White Sox, managed by Al Lopez, finished in second place in the AL to the Yankees in both 1963 and 1964. In 1963, the Yankees were managed by Ralph Houk, who moved to the front office in the off-season and hired Yogi Berra as his replacement. Hence, Lopez managed the American League in the 1964 All-Star Game in lieu of Houk. Then Houk fired Berra after the 1964 World Series loss to the Cardinals and hired away Cardinals manager Johnny Keane. Hence, Lopez managed the American League in the 1965 All-Star Game in lieu of Berra. Likewise, Gene Mauch, as manager of the Phillies team that finished in second place in the National League in 1964, managed the National League in the 1965 All-Star Game in lieu of Keane.
Would never occur to me to wear a lucky outfit or indulge some other superstition in support of a professional team, but I’ve developed a whole host of ’em rooting for my daughter’s college team: apparel, where and with whom I watch when attending a game, etc. Even went so far as to sit at the same counter stool of the same diner and order the same pregame breakfast during a post-season run they went on a few years back. Which worked, BTW.
I was a “Junior Oriole” in their early ’70s heyday, and firmly believed my physical presence was the reason they won literally every single game I attended for several years running. Only with the wisdom of age did I realize their success probably was more attributable to the fact that the 6-game ticket package accompanying my membership consisted entirely of games against American League doormats. Even at 10 y/o it seemed odd that every other Orioles game I attended seemed to be against the Indians.
Tonight, tonight, tonight, oh-oh
The Pens are gonna make it right
Tonight, tonight, tonight, oh-oh!
So geeked that the classic jerseys make their season debut tonight! (Yes, to the point where I’m paraphrasing Genesis lyrics.)
My enchanted sports object in undoubtedly by 1959 White Sox cap. I bought it in the middle of the 2005 season and wore it to game 1 of the ALDS against the Red Sox. After the pale hose thumped the carmines, I wore it again game 2 of the ALCS (Pierzynski’s dropped third strike) and game 1 of the WS, where I obtained a 2005 World Series pin which still adorns the side of the cap. I now wear it only for games the Sox need to win, such as when I attended the 2008 Central Division playoff against the Twins. I actually bought a second 1959 cap identical to the original to wear on ordinary occasions, so as to not screw with mojo or wear out the original.
Here’s the link to the Steelers sock shenanigans photos. I think William Gay was wearing purple to bring awareness to domestic violence (his mother was a victim).
No link there. Can you repost?
I have a few days old question here. About those Oregon throwback football jerseys; how did the University of Oregon get to use Donald Duck on its stuff? I’m sure Disney is very controlling when it comes to its trademarked stuff. And is Oregon paying for it or able use it in perpetuity? Anybody able to help me out here?
From what I understand, using a cartoon character resembling Donald to represent their mascot began in the 1940s, and their AD eventually met with Walt himself and came to a usage agreement that allowed the school to use Donald’s image for sports. The agreement was eventually codified in 1973, again limited to Oregon sports.
The physical mascot suit was eventually tweaked so it wasn’t Donald, so that the school could have more control over the costumed mascot’s appearances. But the agreement to use the cartoon version is still in place, as far as I know.
You can read about Oregon’s Duck here.
From that article:
Things were kind of in limbo after that, but in 2010, a deal was struck in which “the folks at The Walt Disney Co. have agreed that the University of Oregon’s feathered mascot, which appears at sporting events, is not Donald Duck and that the mascot is no longer subject to Disney’s trademark.”
Prior to that, UO had to get Disney’s permission to use the Duck in any setting outside those described in the agreements, which set out strict rules for how the UO can use Disney trademarks.
Thanks guys for making me smarter.
That revised deal only covers the costumed mascot. UO continues to license Donald Duck link, as noted in the article:
Thanks, Chance – I actually wasn’t 100% sure on that (and clearly didn’t read through the whole article). I do know that things are pretty much “all good” between the two conglomerates (a deal no doubt made easier by ESPN’s coverage of the NCAA, as I’m sure hands are washing each other in that somehow).
I’m glad they were able to work out a deal – I went to UO, and as far as I’m concerned link will always be their logo.
“I’m sure Disney is very controlling when it comes to its trademarked stuff.”
Off the top of my head, there’s only one school that is allowed to use a bona fide Disney character (Mickey Mouse)as their mascot: Hallahan HS for Girls in Philly.
I don’t know if they have to pay for use or not.
So, Oregon has deals with Nike and Disney. The only way they could be any more evil is if Microsoft were involved.
I bought a Philadelphia AHL team jersey to wear during their playoff run in 1997.
I wore that thing to every one of their post-season games I was able to attend, saw them win 2 Cups in it, and it has hung in a garment bag since 2009.
PS-Hershey Sucks.
I have a plethora of Habs jerseys. One of them, a Maxim Lapierre jersey with the 100 seasons and ASG patch, pretty much only gets worn on law school final exam days. Towards the end of last season, my Youppi jersey came in the mail, and I swear that only Douglas Murray could counter the mojo of my new lucky Youppi jersey. LOL small sample sizes. I also own one retail authentic, it’s my Andrei Markov with the Dryden patch, and that gets worn to official in-person Habs functions. That covers seeing the Habs in person (home or away: I used to live in Montreal but no longer) as well as the Habs blood drive. I did that twice during my tenure in Montreal. Figure you might as well wear the “best” jersey when you see the Habs in person.
Interesting development in the field of NHL ice sweepers. Some progress as the Blackhawks’ Ice Crew were wearing long sleeve jackets but were paired with short shorts. The also donned the black alternate socks which to my knowledge is a first.
Progress towards what? Some of the ice girls for other teams were/are wearing full-length pants and long sleeves and people were still complaining about it.
Well less objectifying than what they were wearing before.
“Some of the ice girls for other teams were/are wearing full-length pants and long sleeves and people were still complaining about it.”
What were they complaining about? Were they unable to scoop up the ice off the rink?
It’s not so much about the square inch of skin exposed or tightness of the pants – it’s that they’re presented as object of gaze, which is kinda obvious from the Sharks link you posted below. The women at your grocery store are beside the point – they’re not a representation of an organization or a branding device.
I have a Red Wings dog tag that I used to wear for every Wings playoff game from whenever I got it in the mid-90s (I forget exactly when) up until the 2004 playoffs. After the lockout, I didn’t wear it as much, and eventually stopped.
The original chain was replaced in 2000 with the lanyard I got with my ticket for the New Year’s Eve 1999 game.
That. Remember? It was covered here too, at least as a ticker item. I’ve seen women wearing much less than that to go freakin grocery shopping.
…and that was a reply to Phil. We need an edit/delete post option.
Why would they have to wear them inside out? Players have misplaced uniforms before. Check out this famous picture of Ty Cobb in Cleveland gear:
re: That Marlins guy
He’s just a link.
I wear my Cardinals stirrups for every playoff game, and yes I go unwashed, until they either win or are eliminated. This started in 2011 with the miracle run to win the trophy. Keep in mind they played 18 games that postseason so I had to gut through those last few. I could smell myself so I know it was bad for everyone else. But damn if those wins weren’t hinged on the lucky ‘rups! I’ve been doing it every postseason since then, so every October (cue hatred). This tradition hasn’t brought home another WS trophy, but they seem to make a deep run every year so I’ll keep doing it until those socks fall apart.
At which point I’ll probably buy another pair from Comrade Marshall and start all over.
That NFL unis list is interesting. I would disagree with the Browns being last (Jags and Bucs unis are much uglier and are both stupid looking in my book), but I agree the Brown/Orange combo isn’t very pleasing. I think the Pack’s unis are ranked much too low, but I am Ok with rest, give or take.
Those Maryland basketball uniforms debuted at Maryland Madness this past weekend:
Red, white, yellow, and black versions if you click through.
In regards to the Diamond Uniform Database… The Giants have 3 players who show sock. They are Hunter Pence (starting RF), Brandon Belt (starting 1B), and Sergio Romo (relief pitcher). Pence and Belt wear plain black socks, while Romo wears the stripes. Wouldn’t it be more accurate to depict the uniform with solid black socks instead, since this is what is seen on the field more often?
As one of the artists on the Diamond Uniform Database, I can speak about this. All season, we have shown the Giants with the plain socks. Where other teams had variations, I did try to show them (The Orioles Orange striped socks were used on and off after August). I see this as another variation that we hadn’t used yet.
I try to wear what my team is wearing. I have a lot of 49ers jerseys so when they are wearing white, I’m wearing one of my white jerseys. My “luckiest” jerseys are a Joe Montana throwback in red and Patrick Willis in white. When the SF Giants are playing, I just wear something Giants. I have a grey shirt I wore last night, tonight will be my orange shirt, Friday will be my orange jersey because it should be Orange Friday, and Saturday will be my personalized home jersey. If it goes beyond 4, I have a couple of black shirts to follow up. After that requires laundry.
I should add a PS to the Giants story. For the Divisional Round, I started with my other favorite Giants shirt. I prolly have about 9-10 Giants T’s, but the one shown and a realllly soft and kinda beat up KUIPER 18 retro shirt is my other favorite. Well, they lost 1 to the Nats so that went out of rotation. For the Series, I will stick with the orange one- wearing it right now- win or lose. I have an extremely comfortable long-sleeve Niners Reebok shirt I wear once it gets chilly here- that’s my Sunday shirt.
Love the outfit, Brinke! I, too, am a Giants fan, wearing along with the team. I try to wear the same jersey type as befits the game- so away jerseys for away games, home jerseys for home games. I bought the jersey that they clinched in for ’10 and ’12, so I have Posey and Cain away jerseys…here’s hoping for a home clincher this time! My only home jersey is my M&N Will Clark.
In response to Derek Linn’s question as to why Bobby Bonds was wearing a 1974-76 (actually 1973-76) jersey top with the 1988 pants (and cap if you look closely),” the Brad Mangin picture was taken on August 21, 1988 when Bonds and other members of the 1968 Giants played members of the 1968 Cardinals. I was at that game and somewhere I have some other pictures from that game, including a few of Juan Marichal pitching, but Mangin’s website has a number of other pictures from that day.
link Team Picture
link Perry with Bob Gibson and Lou Brock
link Bonds next to the batting cage.
link Mays
link Bonds hitting during game
link watching Jimmy Davenport taking BP
link Brock getting ready to take BP
link Cepeda
Seems like those links aren’t working. Can you simply post the url instead of using the link shortener (or use bitly, which seems to work better)
Pretty poorly written article on Marlins Man… I am 100% sure he has not worn that orange pullover at 26 Super Bowls… ;)
Yea, Browns at #32 doesn’t bode well, but the rest of the bottom 5 is pretty much on the money.
Most of these aren’t bad, but Packers at #22? Really?
I’m normally not superstitious at all, but all that changes when the Rangers are in the playoffs. I have an old (early 90s) blue replica jersey that I wear for playoff games (as well as for opening night, for games I attend in person, and other special occasions). But if the team has a bad run, I’m scrambling to change the luck. I also have an even older white jersey that apparently came from one of their minor league affiliates, along with some non-uni Rangers shirts, and I’ve been known to cycle between them to try to get things going. I can also be superstitious about other things, like having a Rangers pennant in the “right” position–I’ve even been known to make a point of stopping at a certain supermarket after they scored three goals while I was stopped there one time. Again, with just about anything else in my life, I’m not like that at all.
Heh. This past season I wore my 1990s CCM mesh jersey which I customized with Nemchinov and #13 last winter. Well, they weren’t looking good against Pittsburgh, so I switched to a 1980s/1990s green practice jersey (with the apple and crossed sticks sleeve logo) that I just got, and their fortunes turned around. I stuck with that for the rest of the playoff run.
I believe Johhny Callison of the Phillies wore a Mets batting helment when he hit the game winning home run in the ’64 All-Star Game.
Really FOX, leave the uni-rating to people who care. No rhyme or reason to your rankings. If I need anything from you besides the Simpsons I’ll get back to ya.
I think the best part of that article is that they used a file photo of Willie Mays in a New York Giants cap eight years after the team moved to San Francisco.
Heck, could have been a Minneapolis Millers cap given where that was published.
Sometimes I wear a team’s shirt a few days before my favourite team plays against them (because I don’t just have shirts of my favourite team, but also potential opponents’ shirts since I like the designs), without realizing it (I usually don’t look at the schedule)… and every time it happens, my team loses… and I feel like I’m the responsible…
Here’s my superstition: If my favorite team is playing, I shut off the TV because I’m afraid I might jinx them!
This ice girls talk is redic’. They sign up to wear those outfits, they enjoy wearing those outfits. They have good bodies & mostly good looking faces – what do you think they wear when they go out? Not sweaters, I assure you.
This reads better if you read it as Dan Aykroyd’s E. Buzz Miller character from SNL
Penguins looking pretty good in their new throwback thirds!
Odd observations, though:
* The Pens wore yellow-and-black outlined white numerals on their helmets, resembling their usual current numbers. Probably should’ve gone with yellow numerals.
* Fleury opted to use his regular pads instead of his yellow set.
* Pens started fast, but didn’t sustain it at all, leading to yet another Flyers win in their house.
Based on what I’m seeing in The DUD, this World Series is a match-up between two teams who have yet to don any alternate uniforms.
Teams that have worn alternates that didn’t make the cut:
Pirates (NLWC – black jersey, 0-1)
Nationals (NLDS – red jersey in all 4 games, 1-3)
Cardinals (NLCS – cream uni in game 1, Sunday hat in game 2, 1-1)
Orioles (black jersey twice, orange once; 1-2 overall between LDS & LCS)
Granted, the Tigers, Angels, & Dodgers didn’t go crazy with their combos, but both AL teams were swept in the first round, and both “LA” teams lost to teams that likewise did not wear softball tops or alternates.
In fact, in games featuring one team wearing an alternate element, the team wearing their regular uni is 7-3 this year.
If the Giants follow their “normal” protocol for unis, I believe they would wear their orange tops for Game 3 and (if necessary) their alternate (hybrid) caps for Game 5. I wouldn’t expect the Royals to wear anything but white or gray (I think they only wore their powder or royal tops during day games, but I could be wrong there — didn’t really follow the Royals much this year).
Went throught northeast Ohio high school helmets and in the second gallery there is a school named Valley Forge Patriots. The logo is uh very interesting version of the New England Patriots. To describe it… The back half of the flying Elvis turned into a V then the F in normal font next it.