[Editor’s Note: Last Friday’s piece on jersey retailing prompted longtime reader Brian Erni to share some thoughts about his jersey-buying habit. ”” PL]
By Brian Erni
I can pinpoint exactly what started my jersey collection: a Pirates T-shirt my mom made for me when I was five or six. I had this gold Pirates tee, and my mom took a tube of black T-shirt paint and wrote “Bonds 24” on it. I loved it and wore it nearly every day. This was in the early ’90s, before you could really get player-specific gear, especially for an out-of-town guy (Bonds was my favorite player).
Once I had the gold tee, she made me a black one with yellow paint. I loved them, and I loved the idea of the variety. When I played Wiffle ball outside with my dad, I could wear one “on the road” and one “at home.”
As I got older (nine or 10) and merchandising ramped up, I slowly started to collect what are now known as shirseys (God, I hate that term). My dad would get them at the now-defunct Herman’s Sporting Goods at the Smith Haven Mall. I loved wearing them before and after baseball practice, and I thought it was cool to have items that weren’t just the typical Mets or Yankees shirts that you’d see living here on Long Island. I had tons of first basemen (Frank Thomas, Fred McGriff, etc.) because I played first base at the time.
Fast forward to 1998. The first authentic jersey I purchased was the snow white Mets replica, at Shea. For whatever reason, this unlocked something within me. I was determined to collect as many Mets jerseys as I could (a sizable task, given how many different jerseys they wore in the late ’90s). It led to some obscure purchases, because soon it wasn’t just about complete-ism — it was about a statement, almost as if I had to prove my intelligence on a jersey level: Who else has a Derek Bell authentic jersey? I do, because he tore the cover off the ball in April and May of 2000! Then I moved on to hockey (Anyone want a Tim Connolly or Brad Isbister Islanders jersey? Because I have ’em.)
Honestly, it became crazy. Even after I stopped using “kid money” — i.e., saved-up Christmas or birthday money, summer job money, or begging my parents into submission — I kept it going. When I got my first real job, my first purchase was an authentic Johan Santana jersey. At one point I had over 200 jerseys.
A few things happened, though, that got me unhooked. One, although it sounds trite, is that I got married. I realized part of my jersey obsession was based on wanting to hold onto the past. Islanders jerseys reminded me of going to the Coliseum with my dad on weeknights; Mets jerseys reminded me of their 1999-2000 teams that sort of made me believe anything was possible in baseball. The jersey purchases were steeped in nostalgia and, frankly, habit: A new jersey comes out, mindlessly fork over money. It was like I was competing against myself. When I began looking forward with my life, instead of nostalgically looking back, I realized it’s really unfeasible to carve out money in your budget for jersey after jersey.
Secondly, there were the constant cash grabs. Honestly, it was the Stars and Stripes jerseys that did it for me. I saw more and more jerseys come out and thought, “Wow, another $250 just because the script is rendered in camo? These leagues and teams really think I’m an idiot.” And by buying the jerseys, I was proving them right! So I stopped.
Third, in October of 2012, I pulled the trigger on a team-centric tattoo: visual elements of Shea Stadium that come together in a half-sleeve. Throwing on a jersey over it seemed like overkill.
Also, Uni Watch had an effect on me. Paul framed this issue quite eloquently when he said the NFL and other leagues send the message that you’re not a true fan if you don’t have a jersey. That’s a load of horseshit. I can easily wear a $20 T-shirt and still be a fan. I can always wear a black V-neck and still be a Mets/Jets/Islanders/Nets fan. Since 2008, I’ve kind of realized just how much corporations think they own you, and one way I’ve tried to break that cycle is by curbing mindless spending.
I’ve now thinned out my collection by about half. I sold many of them via private sales to friends or on eBay (including some wompers like a Mercury Mets jersey, the Mets 2009 fauxback, and a Piazza Marlins jersey). Others I hang onto, either due to sentimental value or because I find myself wearing at night when I watch a game at home.
Paul here. My thanks to Brian for sharing his story. Personally, I’m intrigued by his final line — putting on a jersey just to watch a televised game at home? Do lots of you out there really do that?

With grilling season right around the corner — not to mention Father’s Day — wouldn’t it be nice, just hypothetically speaking, if T-shirts like these were available? I’m speaking just theoretically, of course. If you feel similarly, let’s discuss.

IMPORTANT! Today is Purple Amnesty Day — the one day of the year when you can order a purple-inclusive Uni Watch membership card (like Leon Davenport III’s U. of Washington basketball treatment, shown at right).
I will grudgingly reluctantly teeth-clenchedly happily accept your purple orders until 11:59pm Eastern tonight. Non-purple membership orders are also welcome today, of course. All orders, purple or otherwise, can be made here.

Baseball News: Mets pitcher Jacob deGrom made his MLB debut last night and had a very interesting NOB. That made deGrom the second Met this season to wear a lowercase “d” — the first one being, of course, catcher Travis d’Arnaud (who, unfortunately, just went on the DL, otherwise the Mets could’ve had an all-lowercase-“d” battery last night). And no, that’s not an upside-down “P” — the Mets got real lowercase letters this season. It’s just that the “d” and the upside-down “P” look pretty much identical. Okay, this is the part where all you start debating whether the use of lowercase letters in NOBs is awesome or awful — have at it! (My thanks to Cork Gaines and Phil for the deGrom screen shot.) ”¦ Great article about some old uniforms on display at the Wayne County (Ohio) Historical Society (from Jonathan Daniel). … Reprinted from yesterday’s comments: Another Yankee besides Jacoby Ellsbury is wearing a Cool Base jersey: Masahiro Tanaka. … You can see all the Memorial Day G.I. Joe cap/jersey pairings by scrolling down a bit on this page. … The Padres responded to the San Diego wildfires by hanging this jersey in the dugout (from Brady Phelps). … Douglas Byrd High School in North Carolina just renamed its field after a deceased coach. As part of the field’s dedication, the umpiring crew wore the coach’s number. Interesting to the umps taking part in a memorial gesture tied to a specific team (from Ryan Burns). … Green camo, striped stirrups, and black sannies, all in one photo. That’s from the Idaho state baseball tourney (from Grady Harmon). … Oh baby, how great is this: Pregame footage from the 1937 MLB All-Star Game (big thanks to Tom Shieber). … “No pics, but I was watching MLB Network last week and saw Jose Reyes wearing a Spider-Man shirt during BP,” says Andre Torres. “C’mon, man, that’s ridiculous. No reason for that to make an appearance on the field, even pregame. Team event = team uniform (even if it’s a BP one) to me.” Hmmm, maybe it’s because Reyes has a spider web tattoo. … New uniforms for Western Kentucky (from Josh Claywell). ”¦ Hmmm, will the Cubs’ Memorial Day cap have a blue brim or a red brim? “I’ve tried getting to the bottom of it, but I’ve pretty much been blown off or given stories,” says Johnny Cushing. “Based on my phone calls, my best guess is that the blue one is correct.” ”¦ More G.I. Joe, this time for Alabama (thanks, Phil). ”¦ Speaking of G.I. Joe, did you know Armed Forces Weekend is about to start? Actually, it’s not — there’s no such thing — but the Angels are celebrating it anyway. Why not just declare the whole calendar Armed Forces Year and get it over with? ”¦ Old-timey throwbacks two nights ago for Indiana (from Harrison Hamm). ”¦ Here’s some absolutely awesome home movie footage of the A’s Camera Day from 1968 and 1971. Yes, the web page says 1969, not ’68, but the uni designs and personnel clearly date the footage to ’68. Either way, great stuff — not to be missed! (Big thanks Rich Paloma.)

NFL News: Rut-roh — are the Bills bringing back the neck roll? Sure hope not (as spotted by Dirk Walker). … The Dolphins wore white jerseys for 14 of their 16 games last season, but a little birdie tells me they may be wearing more aqua this season. … New rookie uni number assignments for the Jags and Steelers (thanks, Phil). … Jon Dies was at a friend’s house and found this cool-looking NFL board game in the basement. ”¦ Several new football helmet models have been given five-star ratings — the highest in the industry (from Michael Princip).

Hockey News: Reader Jean Labbé notes that Rangers winger Carl Hagelin wears his visor tilted upward. Does that really do him any good? Are there any other players in the NHL who wear their visors this way?

Soccer News: Here’s a close look at the differences between Nike’s authentic and replica soccer jerseys (from Mark Coale). … Here’s an interesting site devoted to potential soccer kits of the future (good find by Paul Kos). … New kits for Inter Milan, Ross County, Levski Sofia, Grasshopper Club Zürich, and EC Vitória (all of those from Trevor Williams). … Also from Trevor: While Nike jersey prices are skyrocketing, they have made quality T-shirt jerseys, at least for Brazil, at a much lower price. ”¦ New yellow away kit for Liverpool. … “Apparently Chile is not happy with Puma for several reasons,” says Ryan Burns. “They claim designs weren’t submitted to FIFA on time. Several players said the uniform is too tight and uncomfortable. And lastly, a recent shipment to the national team included about a dozen articles that actually belong to Ghana. Good news is they’re still planning to sell an ‘authentic’ shirt to the public for a mere $180.” Ryan gleaned all that from this article, which is in Spanish. There’s an admittedly iffy Google translation available here. … Anyone recognize this maker’s mark or this maker’s mark? If so, please post the answer in the comments — thanks. … Companies pay tons of money for those jersey ads, but can you actually remember the EPL teams’ shirt sponsors? (From George Chilvers.) … Iran’s soccer federation told its players not to participate in the customary jersey-swap ritual at the World Cup because it’s not packing extra jerseys for Brazil (from Yusuke Toyoda).

Grab Bag: Some good Houston sports-themed T-shirts here (from my buddy Rob Walker, who says, “I’m sorely tempted by the home run scoreboard tee”). … As part of its ‘Do Something’ craft series, The Guardian has made a paper doll of 2013 Tour de France winner Chris Froome (from Sean Clancy). … No photo or video, but Coleman Mullins says, “My grandfather is watching Fox News and they were just discussing advertisements being placed on women’s tennis players’ chests. Sounded like a bunch of prepubescent boys talking about boobies for the first time.” … Also from Coleman: Sports-shaped pancakes! Uniform contracts with public universities are usually public documents, but the Ohio State student newspaper is reporting that the school’s new headwear contract with Lids is full of redactions due to “trade secrets.” “They’re speculating that we will see this practice increase as vendors bid against each other for these types of deals,” says Kevin Mueller. … Great question from Brinke: Why is the circle-R trademark symbol in the Levi’s logo usually clipped off at the top or at the side? I confess I’d never noticed this before, and now I’m intrigued. … The Flint Tropics live on in the form of this youth travel team from West Virginia. “I wonder how many of those kids have seen the movie, know where Flint is located, or know anything about the ’70s,” says Brice Wallace). … The state of Ohio is issuing bright yellow license plates to shame DUI offenders. ”¦ Good article on the guy who paints the infield grass at Charlotte Motor Speedway (from Dan Tarrant).
but it’s always grilling season
…it was just white…and cold…
Agreed. I’d rather stand outside grilling with a jacket on in the winter than…..well…theres no way to be comfortable outside in the summer.
All-Pro Football looked much better than it played.
I second this review. There was nothing “all-pro” about the game. It was a big disappointment one Christmas morning.
Can you guys describe the game action? I haven”t come across this game before.
Hagelin is not the first to go visor-up. Be it comfort/preference or Hockey Voodoo, it’s not a rarity.
Yes, I wear a jersey while on the couch. Fan Voodoo, quirkiness, take your pick.
Nicholas Kronwall of the Red Wings wears his visor like that. I remember seeing it once when the Blackhawks were playing them and it’s really bugged me ever since.
I assumed that lots of people wore jerseys at home while watching televised games. Didn’t think it was odd until Paul raised the questiion. I wear an Oilers jersey almost every time a watch a game on TV. Ditto for my Eskimos jerseys – at the home games, & at home for watching the road games on TV. My kids do as well …..just thought it’s what you do.
I have a couple jerseys but I didn’t used to wear them much, but since my son became old enough (he’s 4) to watch football (or fatboy, as he calls it) I purchased him a kid-sized jersey and now we wear them to watch whenever the Steelers are on TV (I live in Texas so unfortunately that’s not nearly often enough).
I’m not one to wear a jersey at home while watching a game. In fact, I recently told myself that I should make a conscious effort just to wear my jerseys a little more often. They just hang in the back of the closet.
During Viking’s games I’ll put on the one jersey I own, or one of the couple t-shirts.
I guess it makes the act of watching the game feel a bit more official/complete. Put on the jersey, grab a beer and some chips, and tune the world out for 3 hours.
I definitely wear jerseys at home when I watch games. Especially when friends are over for Blackhawks games – we “call” the players on our jerseys to score first and get pretend bragging rights. It’s another fun way to engage with the team. Also, I just find jerseys to be comfortable!
I did this stuff when I was in my twenties.
Now that I am in my thirties, I don’t even own a jersey.
I almost always wear Chelsea gear to the pub on the weekend.
I sometimes wear a Chelsea shirt when watching at home. I sometimes do the same for football (UCLA/Raiders) as well.
I never wear a Dodgers jersey when watching a game at home. Then again, with the Time Warner/Dodgers TV fiasco it is rare that the Dodgers are on TV in my house any more.
I liken that to clapping at movies. I never saw the point.
The ONLY time I wear a jersey is at home watching a game on the couch. I’m just not comfortable with the idea of a 34 year old man wearing a football jersey in public.
I don’t understand that mindset. It’s a shirt with numbers on it. Do you avoid wearing t-shirts in public too?
Yeah, I do. Of course, I also regret that one can no longer wear a coat/tie in most ordinary public contexts without looking distinctly out of place, and one can no longer sport a brimmed hat, vest, walking stick, or other cool haberdashery without looking like the last goddamned word in affectation. In practice, our evolving “freedom” of dress applies only in the casual direction, and it exemplifies the ratchet effect.
At first, I worried I was being self-indulgent and off-topic by writing this. But then I realized that if it’s at all true, it could have implications for many uni-related developments that we deplore.
I do.
On Sundays where I shop for groceries here in Atlanta, a large majority of men and women are wearing their teams football jerseys. There’s a married couple who wear their Jerome Bettis Steelers jerseys grocery shopping. In Atlanta. And they’re not out of place. So I bought a Detroit Lions jersey JUST to wear grocery shopping. In Atlanta. And it was a conversation starter to be sure.
“Speaking of G.I. Joe, did you know Armed Forces Weekend is about to start? Actually, it’s not – there’s no such thing – but the Angels are celebrating it anyway. Why not just declare the whole calendar Armed Forces Year and get it over with?”-PL
From the Department of Defense Website-
In an excerpt from the Presidential Proclamation of Feb. 27, 1950, Mr. Truman stated:
“Armed Forces Day, Saturday, May 20, 1950, marks the first combined demonstration by America’s defense team of its progress, under the National Security Act, towards the goal of readiness for any eventuality. It is the first parade of preparedness by the unified forces of our land, sea, and air defense”.”
“Armed Forces Day is celebrated annually on the third Saturday of May. Armed Forces Week begins on the second Saturday of May and ends on the third Sunday of May. Because of their unique training schedules, National Guard and Reserve units may celebrate Armed Forces Day/Week over any period in May.”
Guess you should praise the Angels for showing such restraint in reducing Armed Forces Week to just a weekend.
Angels have been on the road until last night, thus Armed Forces Weekend, not Week.
And this is so important an observance that National Guard units celebrate it at their convenience?
Maybe the Defense department should borrow an idea from Sen. Franken and declare this Armed Forces Decade.
Typically they meet one weekend of the month and could be scheduling conflicts with training facilities (armories or actual military bases) to not be able to schedule during the actual time period.
The Washington Nationals have a Patriotic Series (sponsored by SAIC) which are the following games…
May 17 – Armed Forces Day
May 26 – Memorial Day
July 4 – Independence Day
Sep 10 – Heroes Day
“Heroes Day”?
What, pray tell, is that?
It honors first responders. Police, firefighters, EMTs, and so forth.
A stand-in for the September 11th “Patriots Day” since the Nats are outta town on the 11th is my guess.
Gotta hope people show up for heroes day dressed as superman or batman.
“It honors first responders. Police, firefighters, EMTs, and so forth.”
That’s cool. But why are they conflating those “heroes” with the military? Are they going to be wearing their flag desecration unis that day, or the camo (or, god help us, both)?
Or will police, firefighters, EMTs “and so forth” also include troops?
Camo to honor first responders: And now you’ve reached a problem that you need to take up with your local police department SWAT team, not your local MLB franchise. When cops carry automatic rifles and drive tanks – literally, tanks – we can’t be all sore when civilians conflate first responders with the military.
This conversation makes me honestly a little surprised-in-retrospect that Marvel and DC haven’t adopted camo uniforms for any of their major superheroes. We really do use military camouflage as a visual shorthand for “hero,” don’t we?
My local police department does not have a Special Weapons And Tactics team, carry auto rifles or drive tanks.
Perhaps that’s where the confusion stems.
Ohio has had the bright yellow DUI license plates since 2004.
I like what that link says: one would think that living in Ohio would be punishment enough.
Sure, I wear a Nats or Twins (or Expos or Senators, depending) jersey to watch – or more often, listen to – a game at home. I always figured that was pretty normal behavior. They’re just polyester shirts, right? Doesn’t one normally wear a shirt around the house?
Where I maybe go off the rails is that my wife is really into the ABC Family teen drama “Switched at Birth.” It centers around the extended family of a fictional former Royals player in Kansas City, so I scoured the inter webs and picked up a used 2002 Royals road vest for a shade under $30, and so I usually throw on that vest for “Switched” when it’s on. Part of the charm is that it’s pretty much the worst Royals jersey ever, with the block lettering and black drop shadow. But I’m not completely nuts – I haven’t actually put “KENNISH 62” on the back of the jersey! Yet.
“Sure, I wear a Nats or Twins (or Expos or Senators, depending) jersey to watch — or more often, listen to — a game at home.”
Would you ever wear a Senators jersey while watching (or listening to) a Nationals game?
I do so frequently! I’m not rooting for a succession of corporate asset ownership, I’m rooting for a baseball team in Washington, DC. So I take an embiggened view of historical association and fan attire. Just as I’d wear a Grays jersey if I had one to root for the Nats, even though the Nats are in no way related to the Grays, so too do I regard a Senators jersey as a show of support for and/or identification with the Nats, as my city’s current representative in the big leagues.
It’s just convenient that a pinstriped Senators jersey does double duty as representing both the history of the Twins franchise and the history of Washington baseball, so it kind of covers both of my favorite teams. That makes it the jersey I wear whenever the Twins play the Nats in interleague ball.
I only wear jerseys when watching a game on television at home when I am watching with a bunch of other people over. I gave up a long time ago trying to influence the outcome of a game throughout the airwaves by choice of attire. Then again, my Devils haven’t won the Cup since 2003. Hmmmmm.
National guard are only together at certain times, thus have the flexibility mentioned above.
Happy Purple Amnesty Day!
I do wear jerseys at home, but it’s mostly for big games when I tell my wife I’m watching the game and will not be present in whatever else is going on in the house at that time, because I get jacked up for those games and it’s become a part of the routine of getting ready for the game.
Thanks for the link to the A’s video. I LOVE seeing the Coliseum outfield any time without Mount Davis.
I don’t think you aren’t a fan if you don’t own a jersey. I will say I hate when I go to a game and see people without some kind of team gear on. A t-shirt or hat would suffice. Even if it’s the away team wear something to the game.
But my biggest peeve is seeing someone decked out in team gear and they are out shopping while the game is on. I like to go to the grocery store while the Steelers play because it’s usually empty and I’ll see someone wearing a jersey pushing a shopping cart. Lame.
I hate when I go to a game and see people without some kind of team gear on. A t-shirt or hat would suffice. Even if it’s the away team wear something to the game.
So if I go to the game and just dress like, you know, a normal person, that actually *bothers* you?
What about all those people who attended games before the merch era?
Well that isn’t a problem now. Merch is always available. I guess I should redact my statement. To clarify better, I am actually okay with people who just go with jeans and t-shirts. I get more annoyed with the people who are dressed like they are at the club. That truly bugs me.
Since the Twins got an outdoor stadium, in July and August, the less women fans wear the better in my book.
Suits at sporting events (be they professional or youth) bug me big time.
I wouldn’t expect or want everyone to wear branded (and expensive) merchandise, but I’ll admit there is something cool when large sections of a stadium are wearing team colors. Even if just cheap tshirts of the appropriate hue. It’s the visual equivalent of a noisy crowd lustily cheering for the hometown heroes.
We need a dress code for ballparks and arenas!
Can I tell that grocery store story at Paul Brown Stadium this year?
I lived in Pittsburgh while working retail and I can confirm that. If I had the day off, I’d shop during Steelers games and see people wearing Steelers stuff while shopping. While at work, people wearing Steelers gear would come in during the Steelers game and harass me for my Patriots or Vikings jersey (we were allowed to wear NFL jerseys in lieu of uniforms on weekends) while missing the game of their own favorite team. Pittsburgh has the dumbest, douchiest fan base I’ve ever experienced.
That just made my day Devern. I now have third party confirmation of what I’ve suspected for years!
I also hate assholes who go to Kiss concerts without makeup and leather. How dare they!
Ok maybe I’m being cranky this morning. When you say it like that, I’m a little off base. Now that I think of it, maybe I’m completely wrong. To quote PCU, “you’re wearing the t-shirt of the bad your going to see in concert. Don’t be that guy.” Maybe all merch wearers are “that guy”.
I concede that it’s not the perfect comparison – there’s a certain “cool” that’s implicitly demanded of music fans, and it’s a little too uncool to be that into the band. Music fans are supposed to be holed up in dusty record shops complaining about how their favorite band’s lost the magic of their earlier work, maaaaaan. Such “cool” is discouraged among sports fans.
“Don’t be that guy” probably applies to individual sports, though. You don’t see too many tennis fans wearing Djokovic’s Uniqlo shirts or Sharapova’s Nike dress at the U.S. Open.
The sentiment expressed in PCU is itself the “that guy” one ought not be. Telling someone what to wear or not to wear to a performance, one they paid good money to buy a ticket to attend? Doesn’t matter whether it’s a Steelers game or a Rolling Stones concert. Wearing a Mean Joe Green throwback to the former is equivalent to wearing a Voodoo Lounge t-shirt to the latter.
Wearing – or not wearing – fan merchandise doesn’t make one “that guy.” Telling other people what they should or should not wear to a game or a concert, that’s the “that guy” we should strive not to be.
“I don’t think you aren’t a fan if you don’t own a jersey.”
The rare triple negative!
I don’t see a big difference between “Guy who never wears team gear to a game” and “Guy who always wears team gear everywhere”
My brother-in-law’s idea of a nice shirt is a collared nike shirt with his favorite team’s logo on it. He will wear it to nice family functions. I don’t get it.
NBC used to have a show called Whitney. On one commercial, she questioned why guys wear jerseys at home, likening it to if she dressed up as a dead hooker to watch SVU.
That being said, I wear jerseys at home usually only for football, not baseball or basketball. I also wear Jeff Gordon shirts on race day.
Wouldn’t it be dressing up like a cop? (Unless you’re on the “Dead Hooker” team.)
How silly. My reasons are 100% personal, and have nothing to do with SVU.
Seriously. I just naturally look like a dead hooker.
(This comment and arr’s love of Hawaiian shirts are why I keep coming back to UW. God bless you all.)
If that clown Whitney is questioning one of my practices, it only confirms that I’m doing something right.
QotD: I wear a Steelers jersey during every regular season and playoff game, and I match what the team will wear: black at home, white on the road. (The bumblebees do not exist in my world.)
I wear a Penguins jersey during most playoff games. Those are now moved to the back of the closet for another year.
And I did have on my Latvia jersey when they came oh-so-close to knocking Canada out of the Olympics.
Otherwise, I’ll wear jersey at random times, just because I want to. I was surprised how many comments I got in Vegas when wearing a “Mr. Paul Aints” jersey.
Well, we have conclusively demonstrated (as if that were needed) that I am waaaay out of touch with retail jersey culture. It would never have occurred to me that people would wear a jersey to sit on the sofa and watch a game.
It wouldn’t surprise me to hear that people do this in the [thing I can’t bring myself to say but it rhymes with “Dan Wave”]. But in the living room??
I thought (and was mistaken, obviously) that the point of wearing a jersey was to communicate a message to others — a message of fandom, solidarity, opposition to the other team, etc. I don’t share that mentality, but I understand it. So you wear the jersey to the game, or to a bar.
But at home? By yourself?
Color me surprised.
Didn’t Puddy on Seinfeld teach you anything? “Gotta support the team.”
I’m having trouble rhyming “Dan Wave.” Stan’s Grave? Man Pave? Ban Rave?
Certainly true that there’s been a revolution in fan attire. I mean, in the flower of my youth nobody (except for some little rich Westchester kid, maybe) ever wore a jersey to a stadium. Caps, yes, though not usually seen on the head of a grown-up.
The most startling change, to me anyway, is that many adults today wear official team jerseys not only to games but, you know, whenever. And I oscillate between two reactions: 1) Heavens, doesn’t that gentleman know that he’s way too fat for jersey-wearing?; or 2) God love the poor SOB, he’s rocking that shirt and it’s all good.
When did it become a thing for people to wear NFL jerseys on fall Sundays, even if they’re not going to the game or a bar? And it’s not just the local team – in the DC area, I see the entire NFC East represented when I go to the grocery store on Sunday.
“I oscillate between two reactions…”
Hoping it’s 98% of the former and 2% of the latter…
When did it become a thing for people to wear NFL jerseys on fall Sundays, even if they’re not going to the game or a bar? And it’s not just the local team — in the DC area, I see the entire NFC East represented when I go to the grocery store on Sunday.
I grew up in Packerland in that antediluvian time before the jersey merchandising boom, and I can tell you it was commonplace on Sundays to see green and gold t-shirts or sweatshirts everywhere. The only that that seems to have changed is the price point.
But perhaps that’s unique to the fanbase.
Dan Wave = Man Cave, methinks.
Nothing gets by you, does it?
Nooooo! TIm, noooooo! You weren’t supposed to say the word! I’ll be in the basement hiding from the locusts now.
I have one baseball jersey (a replica Willie Stargell for which I “only” paid 50 bucks), and I’ll wear it to a Bucs game, or at home or at the store. Wearing it to show I like the Pirates is just one of the reasons I got it. More importantly, I wear it because I like the way it looks. So yeah, I’ll wear it when I’m by myself, even if there isn’t a game.
I thought (and was mistaken, obviously) that the point of wearing a jersey was to communicate a message to others
Are you sure you’re not actually a professor of critical theory? Sure, a point of wearing something – anything, really, there’s nothing magical about sports jerseys as opposed to any other decorative mass-produced item – is communicating a message to others. But clothes are not only – are not primarily – mediums of political expression. They are first and foremost, clothes. Their first function is to cover the body. Adornment for its own sake is a secondary purpose of clothing.
Which is just a slightly too academic way of saying, human beings sometimes wear clothes because they like how the clothes feel, or they like how the clothes look. Sometimes, people wear clothes as a uniform. Uniforms are about asserting an identity, sure, but any assertion of identity is first and foremost communicated to and for oneself, and secondarily to others. So even if one doesn’t just like how a jersey feels as a shirt, or if one doesn’t just like how a jersey looks as a shirt, one might still find value in asserting one’s status or identity as a fan. Such an assertion need not be directed at others.
And I suppose for me that last bit is part of it. I mean, sure, I like how baseball jerseys look, so mainly it’s just an event-appropriate shirt. Like I’ll put on a Hawaiian shirt to listen to a Jimmy Buffett show on the satellite radio. But also, wearing a jersey makes it feel just a little bit more like I’m actually at the game, like there’s this sort of spiritual stadium of all the unseen people watching or listening to the game, and we’re all virtually present together in the bleachers of the ether. If I was at the ballpark, I likely would be wearing the jersey, so wearing the jersey makes watching or listening feel a little more “real”. It makes the distant event visible on the little screen or audible from the little speaker more vividly present to wear the shirt I’d be wearing if I was actually at the event itself in person.
Like I’ll put on a Hawaiian shirt to listen to a Jimmy Buffet show on the satellite radio.
I’ll wear one of my Hawaiian shirts when I watch Magnum PI on DVD. Not every time, but often.
To be fair, I’ll grab the flimsiest excuse to wear a Hawaiian shirt. Warm outside? Hawaiian shirt! Cold outside, but I wish it was warm? Hawaiian shirt! Randomly thought of Harry Truman? Hawaiian shirt!
I’ll take any oppo to wear fly-fishing shirts, though I haven’t been fishing since the Carter administration.
Or maybe, by some wild chance, someone just likes the way a jersey looks. Isn’t that really the most important thing (at least to the person wearing the jersey)? Does it really matter if or where the team is playing? Personally, I draw the line at only wearing a jersey while the sport it represents is in season, but if someone wants to wear one whenever, that’s his/her prerogative. Paul, don’t you own and wear vintage sweaters, shirts, etc. because they are visually pleasing to you? I’m failing to understand how a modern jersey should be viewed any differently. Yes, it is the uniform of a team, but it is still a shirt and can and should be worn whenever and however its owner chooses.
Why doesn’t (or shouldn’t) that solidarity with your team expand to when you’re at home on your couch?
I mean, I don’t do it all that often, but it really can’t be -that- surprising, can it?
What is the mentality behind you wearing the 1950s jerseys that you love so much? Do you only wear those in public, never alone at home?
I wear them at home, in public, wherever — JUST LIKE I DO WITH ANY OTHER SHIRT.
But I don’t have a special shirt for watching TV. That’s what seems bizarre to me.
I guess I just don’t see how the proprietor of a blog about sports uniforms was not only unaware of this phenomenon, but also gets confrontational about the fact that people might actually wear a jersey while watching a game on TV.
Paul, I really dig the blog and everything, but sometimes I just don’t get why you’re so dismissively judgmental about the very people who make up the Uni-Watch community. It’s almost as if we should feel bad about having the audacity to do something that inexplicably never occurred to you.
Bando: Paul has no obligation to blindly advocate for and be supportive of however you choose to interact with sports uniforms. He’s a uniform critic, not a PR flak on behalf of uniform wearers.
Hagelin’s propped-up visor is like an outfielder wearing his sunglasses on the top of his cap on a sunny day.
Yeah, the only way I see that being effective is if he’s crouched to take a faceoff, and the official attempts to drop the puck on his nose.
I’ve seen lots of players with tilted visors, but none as pronounced as that one.
If anything, tilting the visor up is more dangerous than not wearing one at all.
During a head-on impact a visor can act as a boomilever and impose a torque on the front of the helmet causing it to dislodge out-of-position by the time the impacting body follows through to the head. If the visor wasn’t there you might have a jammed nose, but the helmet has a better chance of staying in position during the primary contact.
The the high tilt won’t protect your from a rising puck, and if someone’s stick comes from below, it has room for the stick to deflect the blade back toward the eye.
I wear NNOB jerseys (mostly bought on clearance or ebay) at home for games or just hanging around, but not when I’m out and about anymore. Of course, I was the kid who wore his football jersey in his school picture the 3 years in a row in elementary school.
I always wear replica jerseys with the NNOB. I would never wear another mans name on my back. Something about that just creeps me out a bit.
Hello Paul, regarding your question about today’ story, I usually try to wear a jersey the day a team play, so it often means I wear a jersey to watch TV (or PC in my case). It doesn’t need to be my favorite team (which plays early in the morning for soccer, or late in the night for basketball) since I’m not even dressed when I watch those games.
Sometimes I see that Sampdoria or Hertha Berlin will play during the day, or Real Sociedad, or Suwon Bluewings, I don’t know… so I wear the corresponding team’s jersey if I have it. It’s something I like to do.
During big events like the World Cup, when I watch the games with my friends, I can even happen to wear a supporter scarf along with it. I think it just makes me feel more “in it”, I guess.
The Ohio DUI plates are commonly known as “party plates”, they’ve been around for about 10 years.
Perhaps the Levi’s circle-R is cropped because when viewing the tag on a pair of jeans or a shirt, the tag is sewn into a seam and it usually looks cut off?
Ding ding ding, we have a winner! That’s exactly right.
On their jeans, the tag is folded to create a 2 sided tag. The circle-R is always found on the fold side of the tag. So, it’s not actually cut off by being placed in a seam, but rather it’s folded in half and continued on the other side of the tag. Either way, I agree that this is the why their print logos look that way.
Bravo Angels!
It’s nice to see our teams stepping up to honor the proud men and women serving their country in our armed forces.
Those of us who were around in the 1970s remember that we haven’t always been as respectful toward and appreciative of our soldiers and veterans.
Today we have an all-volunteer armed forces, people who are willing to give up more than a year of their lives to be away from their families to serve overseas protecting our country and our national interests.
It’s important to honor them and tell them that we appreciate all that they do.
It’s too bad appreciating someone’s sacrifice requires ugly gear.
Ugly is in the eye of the beholder.
Camo on ANYONE that isn’t a hunter or serviceman/woman…
is ugly.
Also camo + primary color is always objectively ugly.
You are both entitled to your opinions, of course. I disagree.
Camo on any serviceman who isn’t actively deployed in a theatre that requires camouflage is also ugly, and pointless. I really hope that one day the armed forces go back to non-“working” uniforms for most garrison environments (not holding my breath, though).
I guess we should all get behind the practice of sports teams wearing camo alternate uniforms and selling replicas of them to the public since, you know, that’s the only way to honor our servicemen and women. I’ve been trying to think of other ways we might honor them, and darned if I can come up with any.
Theres lots of ways you can honor the proud men and women serving our armed services without having to wrap yourself up in a bizarre merging of sports team and flag to show support via jingoistic self serving marketing programs. A moment of disclosure…
I speak as a marketer with decades of experience in getting people to purchase exactly what a business’ wants them to buy. It’s done by appealing to your emotional, rather than ones logical sense of self.
As for supporting the troops… for starters you could pay your taxes, or participate of dozens of volunteer programs (wounded warrior to name one) that reach out to disabled vets – you see they make up nearly half of the homeless in this country… you know? The kind of people that could use a 200 dollar shirt.
Now there’s an marketing idea, why don’t you give your favorite team’s military camo sports shirt to people who could really use it… the homeless vets? I am sure that would go over well with pro sports marketers.
Or you could support groups that lobby congress ($200 dollars worth of pressure) to increase VA services to assist those that gave their best since 2001 – yeah, we have been at war that LONG.
That might help. However, if putting on a $200 shirt does it for you… then knock yourself out. A camo/sports team jersey says you’re an ‘Merican fan and this is how you care, by a self serving gesture.
*Note to Paul – sorry about the rant…
I guess I don’t think those things are all mutually exclusive. And I haven’t bought one of the jerseys or caps. I just don’t get into the daily piling on of teams that decide to support the troops/vets in this way. I don’t see the harm in it.
When I’m out and about and I see one of our soldiers, I do try to say “thank you for your service.”
I’ve had very positive live experiences with vets and first responders. I realize that not everyone has had such experiences.
The “kits of the future” and the Liverpool away kit have already been featured in the tickers this week.
I know I’ve been guilty at least once too, but I’m seeing more duplicate tickers. One would hope people who submit tickers also read the site too.
Anyone recognize this maker’s mark or this maker’s mark?
If Wikipedia is to be trusted, the Korean kit is by Weekend, Samsung’s fashion brand, and the Algerian kit is by Sonitex, also a domestic brand.
Thanks a lot!!!! You’re not so terrible after all. This makes a lot of sense since way back before every team wore Adidas, Nike or Puma to the World Cup, they relied on local brands to do their uniforms.
I’m not really sure what the point of the visor tilt is. Niklas Kronwall, of the Detroit Red Wings wears his that way, has been for a couple years now. Maybe the leagues they were in growing up had a visor rule, and this is their way around it. The way they wear it seems kind of pointless to even have it on there.
Huh. Never noticed that about Kronwall before.
Canadian juniors have required the visors for probably ten years now, and I think they actually have regulations that require the visor to be worn in the normal position. Not sure about the Euros, but it probably was originally done to comply with the letter of the law, if not the intent. With the way sticks fly these days, you’re just asking for trouble by not wearing it correctly.
A few years ago EDSBS discussed fans wearing jerseys and the Northeast & Midwest were into it, while the South was not into it
Armed Forces week does exist, culminating on Armed Forces day on Saturday, since at least the 1960s
Armed Forces WEEKEND — which is what the Angels are celebrating — does not exist.
Well, neither does Memorial Day WEEKEND or Labor Day WEEKEND, so let’s remember the new rule: No observing the holiday the day or two before it.
The military has a term for this: mission creep.
No observing the holiday the day or two before it.
I like that rule, and would like to see it applied to other holidays. No trick-or-treaters on October 29th, no 4th of July firework shows on July 2nd, etc.
Our national holidays were established to commemorate the most significant national events and individuals in American history; they now exist primarily to provide retail markdowns for consumers and to entitle school kids and non-essential public service employees with a day off.
The government’s/bureaucracy’s decision (influenced by labor unions?)to shift some holidays to Monday (or worse, combining 2 significant dates into one meaningless holiday) has resulted in many an empty and inappropriate celebration.
Are the Angels saying that Armed Forces Weekend is a national event, or is it a team event — that Latin American Night?
at The Jeff, or in the case of my town, celebrate Halloween on October 27th. This year it will be on the 26th.
If the Angels celebrated the entire week instead of just the weekend, would that make it better? (sincere question)
A note about the Houston sports themed t-shirts. You can create your own design on that same website: link
My take on the lowercase letters is that they are not necessary. If the name on the back was in mixed case, “d’Arnaud” would be correct, but if the entire name is depicted in all caps (as it is 99.9% of the time on a jersey), then it would follow that “D’ARNAUD” is the proper execution. Having only part of the name in all caps (as in d’ARNAUD) seems stylistically incorrect to me.
But you must take into account that if the Mets get involved with any decisions, they will always make the wrong one…especially about uniforms. Therefore all is right with the world.
I agree completely with andyharry.
Give me a break Paul- as someone said above, The Angels just came home last night. Tough to have a Armed Forces week when you are gone for 4 days. Way to get off on a technicality even though it was clear in your response you had no clue it existed (by the way, neither did I, but a one minute Google search filled me in)
This pertains to yesterday’s posting about the camo-lettered jerseys being trotted out for Memorial Day. Found an article on Chris Creamer’s site that shows almost all the teams, and as if the lettering wasn’t bad enough, they will also be sporting camo caps. Ugh.
Already in today’s Ticker.
Must have glossed right over it. that’s what happens when I try to read and work at the same time.
I know I’ve written about this before; I’m ambivalent about the use of lower-case letters in NOBs. As someone who has always made a living off of the English language (as a sportscaster, English teacher and attorney), I think it’s worth discussing, but there are conflicting considerations that make it difficult if not impossible to have a universal rule.
Start with the fact that lower-case letters in NOBs, where they can occur at all, almost invariably occur with foreign prepositions, viz., the Spanish/French/Italian “de” and the Italian “da” and “di”(abbreviated to “d'” in French and Italian when the noun begins with a vowel), all of which translate to the English “of” and/or “from.” The English/Gaelic “Mc” or “Mac” prefix has a similar meaning, viz., “son of” (which, if you think about it, is really the same thing).
My first inclination would be to simply render all NOBs in ALL CAPS. That would at least be consistent. But there are a couple of problems that come up, not the least of which being that the Latin prepositions and the Anglo-Saxon prefixes appear and are treated differently in normal case usage.
For one thing, names beginning with Anglo-Saxon prefixes always start with a capital M (e.g., McCain not mcCain; MacDonald not macDonald), whereas names beginning with Latin prepositions sometimes don’t (e.g., could be DeWitt or deWitt; DaRosa or daRosa), and also sometimes incorporate a space between the preposition and the proper name (e.g., deGrasse, DeGrasse, de Grasse or De Grasse), meaning sometimes the preposition is a separate word and sometimes it isn’t.
Then we have other Anglo-Saxon (German/Dutch/Scandinavian) like “van,” “von,” “van der” (or “vander”), “van den,” etc., which essentially have the same appearance variations as the Latin prepositions (e.g., Van Wyck, VanderKelen, von Schiller, den Dekker, &c), although they almost always have spaces between the preposition and the noun.
The fact that these kinds of surnames can be rendered in so many different ways makes it hard for typographers to come up with a consistent rule for how to deal with the leading prepositions and prefixes in situations where capital letters would otherwise be called for.
Personally, I think using lower-case letters on an NOB would look fine for names beginning with capitals, like “McBRIDE” or “MacTAVISH” or “DeSHIELDS” or “DiPOTO.” But I don’t think what the Mets are doing with “d’ARNAUD”, “deGROM” and “den DEKKER” (i.e., rendering the preposition in lower case and the noun in ALL CAPS) looks good.
I think “D’ARNAUD” would look fine, because the apostrophe separates the preposition from the name. Same with “DEN DEKKER”. The problem is a name like deGrom, which not only starts with a lower-case letter but has no space separating the components. “DEGROM” doesn’t really look right, merges the preposition with the noun into a single word which it isn’t, and might lead those who see it to mispronounce it as “DEGG-rom”. “DE GROM” looks good but is incorrect. “DeGROM” is also technically incorrect but may be the best compromise.
I think using small caps instead of lower-case for a name like deGrom would look better on the jersey. All in all I’m just not sure there’s an ideal solution.
I really have nothing to add but I share your fascination with prefixes on NOBs.
BTW, how Dutch soccer players treat their prefixes is interesting. link even though the latter is shorter. And Van Persie uses a link.
My last name is in three parts with a small “de” in between two other words which are capitalized. I would have no problem with the name in all caps. Heck, just spelling it right would suffice.
“[N]ames beginning with Anglo-Saxon prefixes always start with a capital M (e.g., McCain not mcCain; MacDonald not macDonald).”
Surnames starting with the prefixes “Mc-” and “Mac-” link, not Anglo-Saxon. /pedantry
OK; I tend to use the term “Anglo-Saxon” to refer broadly to all of the Germanic tongues (and northern-European peoples), which include English, Gaelic, German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Flemish, &c., even if they’re not all technically Anglo-Saxon. I used to have a much better grasp of all this back when I still taught English and still remembered my history of English literature.
“I tend to use the term “Anglo-Saxon” to refer broadly to all of the Germanic tongues (and northern-European peoples), which include English, Gaelic, German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Flemish, &c., even if they’re not all technically Anglo-Saxon.”
Gaelic is not a Germanic language. It’s from a link of Indo-European language family – the Celtic branch. Germanic languages have about as much in common with Gaelic as they do Polish or Finnish.
Sorry, Graf! I’m just here to spread the facts! :-)
If I knew that I’d forgotten. Appreciate the brush-up.
Careful with things like “I’m here to spread the facts,” though. Can come off as obnoxious even if not intended. “Facts” are enough without having to congratulate yourself for “spreading” them.
In a nutshell: if the name is written in a way that deviates from ordinary English capitalization rules, and if using all caps would mask this fact, then use lowercase letters judiciously, and on a case-by-case basis.
That’s a nice story by Brian. Can definitely relate (on a smaller scale).
One thing that struck me:
The phrase “20 dollar tshirt” is really becoming a thing of nostalgia. Can’t believe the prices team sites sell tshirts for these days.
I probably spent a good hour in Herman’s each time I was at the Smith Haven mall growing up just staring at all the hockey equipment, tennis stuff for a little while, back in the 80’s. I ended up working along side the guy who came up with the Herman’s logo many years later. (And after really looking at the logo and caring about it I decided it wasn’t really in my taste.)
But yeah, it’s a minor pet peeve of mine if folks don’t make some effort to dress team appropriately when going to a sporting event. It doesn’t need to be a jersey or a hat, but at least a t-shirt in a team color or something. It can even be an accent color or something, wear an orange t-shirt to a Met’s game, it works for me.
And maybe it’s because going to a baseball game was always a special occasion for me. We grew up on eastern LI so going to a ball game was only a once or twice a year thing most likely. If I was a season ticket holder I’d probably think differently and not care, but as a special occasion I would try to make an effort. And it’s the same now. I wear my jerseys to hockey games, and team apparel to NASCAR races, they’re few and far between so why not?
it’s a minor pet peeve of mine if folks don’t make some effort to dress team appropriately when going to a sporting event. It doesn’t need to be a jersey or a hat, but at least a t-shirt in a team color or something.
So I’ll ask you the same question I asked Yancy above: If I go to the game dressed like, you know, a normal person, that actually *bothers* you? You thank that’s not dressing “appropriately”?
And what if I bring my Mom, who isn’t really a fan but enjoys the fun of being at the ballpark (and is also 90 years old) — she also has to dress “appropriately” or risk your wrath?
No wrath, as I said it’s a minor pet peeve. Watching the Rangers/Penguins game the other day some twenty-something-year-old was sitting between the benches wearing a light blue and white striped hoodie or something, when red white and blue and black gold and white was playing. (yes I know light blue could be considered a penguins color). It just kind of irked me.
And it might not be a minor pet peeve, maybe more like something that’s just engrained in my brain, comparable to many of the things noted on this site, like a wrong number font or wrong striping pattern or pajama pants, nothing that makes any difference in anyone’s life, but just sort of irks me.
And if your 90 year old mom was at the ballpark in a Met’s jersey or something? That would be something people would stop and have their pictures taken with. (So if you don’t want random strangers taking picture with your mom maybe skip the jersey.)
it might not be a minor pet peeve, maybe more like something that’s just engrained in my brain, comparable to many of the things noted on this site, like a wrong number font or wrong striping pattern or pajama pants, nothing that makes any difference in anyone’s life, but just sort of irks me.
You’re mixing apples and oranges there.
A wrong number font (by which I assume you mean a font other than the team’s official font) is *objectively wrong.* That’s not a matter of taste — it’s WRONG. In fact, even if you don’t like the correct font and prefer the incorrect one, the incorrect one is still WRONG. Even if nobody else cares, it’s WRONG.
Same thing for a wrong striping pattern — it’s WRONG. That’s an objective fact, even if nobody else cares.
You’ll never find a more steadfast anti-pajamist than me, but pajama pants are not wrong — they’re just awful. And that’s a matter of taste and assessment. It’s subjective, not objective.
If I want to wear Dockers and an oxford shirt to the ballpark (which I don’t, but work with me here), that’s not wrong. You may like it or not like it, but it’s really none of your (or anyone else’s) business either way. This notion that people have to dress a certain way to attend a sporting event is utter nonsense.
I agree with Tom V’s point about wearing the opponent’s colors to a game, unless you’re specifically wearing that team’s gear.
This postseason, the Penguins played 2 teams that use blue as their base color. No one IMO should have been wearing the blue variations of the Penguins jerseys during those series. Keep it to Penguins black and gold.
I did make a mistake earlier this year. I wore the Latvia jersey to the NCAA East Regional, forgetting that one of the four teams playing, Union, wears the same color scheme. I had no rooting interest, so I should have picked something neutral.
Y’all should pay more attention to the game instead of worrying about what other people wear.
I sometimes wear a jersey or shirsey to a game (or at home), and sometimes I don’t. As Paul said, there’s no rule except the ones in your heads.
It’s not all that different than being invited to something that is “Black Tie Optional” and dressing up for the event when a t-shirt and shorts is really all that is minimally required.
Uh, yes it is.
For starters, nobody is invited to the game. We BUY TICKETS to the game.
And those tickets don’t say anything about a dress code. Your implication that such a dress code exists, and that it somehow obligates fans to spend money on overpriced gear, is absurd on its face. And it strikes right to the heart of what I’ve been saying lately about how I dislike the way that being a fan is now conflated with being a consumer.
This isn’t a military or political rally where we all have to dress the same. This is entertainment — we can all dress however we like.
But “black tie optional” implies semiformal dress (as in, “Dress up, but it don’t have to be a tux”). Suiting up for a wedding something we’ve always done. That hasn’t been the case for ballgames.
I’m wondering how it came to be that not dressing in team gear is something to be peeved about. Is it solely because the team-licensed apparel market got bigger in the last 15 years?
No, it’s different in every possible way. Sure, look, if the Mets invite you to attend a game as a guest and specify “black jersey, please,” then yeah, you should wear the black jersey or you should decline the invitation. But that’s not actually how we get to ballgames, is it? It’s not a wedding, it’s a public performance. You buy a ticket to get in. You want to wear a Mets jersey? Great. You want to wear your favorite green t-shirt? Great. You want to wear the shirt and tie you wore at work all day? Great.
And the traditional codes of formal dress, even if they applied to ballgames, do not require the purchase of specific, expensive merchandise. Black tie merely requires wearing something that men are assumed already to own – a dark jacket, dark pants, and a dark tie. The equivalent to the “wear team colors, darn it!” peeve would be getting in someone’s face because his tie is Tommy Hilfiger, not Turnbull & Asser.
You’re invited to X charity event for dinner. $75 per person. Black tie optional. (You are not required to go nor are you forced to buy tickets.) And no, you are not required to wear anything specific to a sporting event, and no where did I say you need to buy overpriced gear. That 10 year old orange tshirt is just as good as wearing a Met’s jersey in my book.
But I guess like being a rebel and dressing against the grain while going to one of the most conformist events taking place in a certain city on a certain date makes sense?
And again, it’s just a minor thing engrained in my brain. The same way people flip out here when the serif on a 2 isn’t the right size is in no way different than the incredibly small amount of displeasure I take when I see someone in good seats dressed in non-team colors.
Black tie merely requires wearing something that men are assumed already to own — a dark jacket, dark pants, and a dark tie.
Actually, that’s not true. “Black tie” is shorthand for “wear a tuxedo”.
And I love it when folks in the stands dress period appropriately for old timers day or throwback games. Fedoras, suits, etc. If I lived in a baseball town I’d certainly do that, and try to make the dress as period appropriate as possible.
Wait wait wait.
1) There is no — NO — similarity between going to a ballgame and being invited to a charity dinner. Like, ZERO similarity.
2) The term “Black Tie Optional” has a specific meaning. It is a dress code — a more relaxed dress code than black tie, but nonetheless a dress code. You are correct in suggesting that it would be wrong to show up at such an event in shorts and a T-shirt, because that’s not what “Black Tie Optional” means. But there’s no dress code (“Black Tie Optional” or otherwise!) for sporting events!! Why do you keep suggesting that such a dress code exists? It doesn’t!
3) On what basis do you assert that a sporting event is a “conformist event”? I supposed it could be that, if certain people try to invent and apply non-existent dress codes, but that’s a behavioral trope, not an imperative.
Going to a sporting event is no different than going to the movies. You can dress however the fuck you please and it’s nobody else’s business.
Actually, that’s not true. “Black tie” is shorthand for “wear a tuxedo”.
Can be, but that’s mainly honored in the breach these days. Mostly, it means dark suit and dark tie. You sort of have to know the context – is it really “black tie” as in tux, or are they just saying, wear a dark suit please? Because you can’t just assume that if you don’t specify, people will dress as if for church or symphony anymore. And anyway, even a tux rental is typically much less expensive than a retail jersey.
[i]Sure, look, if the Mets invite you to attend a game as a guest and specify “black jersey, please,” then yeah, you should wear the black jersey or you should decline the invitation[/i]
Didnt this come up when some college wanted people to wear a certain color shirt (or gave them out) and people, i think fans of the other team, didn’t want to wear them?
Or is that slightly apples and oranges?
I agree that Tom’s comparison between being invited to an event with a dress code and buying a ticket to a ball game is comparing apples to oranges. But it also seems like he’s tried multiple times to make it clear that his annoyance is personal and internal. He is not confronting people who don’t dress in team colors, he is not demanding that people buy official team merchandise, he is not advocating making it a rule that should be enforced. I understand Paul’s concerns about the larger trend towards conflating being a fan with being a consumer. But I think you’re taking your frustrations out on Tom in a disproportionate manner to what he stated about his thoughts. Yes, it is nobody’s business what you wear to the game, and Tom would be out of line if he were to berate a stranger at the game for not wearing team colors. But it is also nobody’s business what Tom thinks in his head as he looks around at other people. I can understand where he’s coming from when he says that going to a game for him growing up was a special event, and it feels appropriate to him to dress for the occasion. Other people coming to the game are coming from a different perspective, and Tom acknowledged that fact while simply letting us know his subconscious, visceral reaction to seeing them. I’ll admit to making internal judgments about people that I see based on how they look without getting to know them and find out what they are really like. I know it’s wrong, but I haven’t been able to achieve perfection in my life yet.
“…On what basis do you assert that a sporting event is a “conformist event”?…”
Well there was a post in the recent past about teams being named “Rebels” and “The Establishment” which I think touched on that idea.
But we’re free to disagree on the subject of what to wear to games, might just be that different folks perceive sports events different ways.
Tom, “Establishment” just means “mainstream” or “popular.”
“Conformity” implies that people have lost any sense of free will, which in fact they do not surrender free will when they pass through the turnstiles.
Wearing team colors is a way to express a message about whom and what you support. But it’s not the only way. Applauding, cheering, yelling, chanting, etc., have been the conventional method fans have used to show support for their teams long before sports franchises started selling branded merchandise. And I daresay the amount of noise fans make at a game has more of an impact on the performance of the players than what those fans are wearing. What one wears does not necessarily correlate with how passionate of a fan one is.
Last year I made the mistake of wearing my orange Pedro Alvarez BP jersey (I know but I love El Toro and it was his HR derby jersey)to the Pirates-Marlins game and the Marlins wore their orange alternate jersey. I had to defend myself several times and point out it was a pro-Pirates jersey. I stood out to say the least.
Similar thing happened to me once when I wore a pinstriped Senators jersey to a Yankees-Nats game at RFK. I got ragged on by people behind me for supporting the Yankees until I turned around and they saw the Senators script. It’s like, dude, I get it, pinstripes, but c’mon, the number on my back was red!
I rest my case.
Aren’t “full kit” and “wanker” kind of redundant, like saying “ATM machine” or “assless chaps”?
The ’37 All Star Game and ’68 A’s footage is mesmerising. The silence adds to wonder of it all.
‘the’ wonder
I believe Carl Hagelin’s visor is similar to what several other players do. It’s worn to protect the facial bones (especially the orbitals). Usually they find the visor distracting right in from of their eyes so they’ll wear it propped up to provide a little extra safety without going open face. At least, this is what I’ve been told.
Niklas Kronwall of the Red Wings also does this. link
Pretty much the only time I wear a jersey is when we watch an All Blacks game on TV. Then we get the whole family suited up, my wife, myself, and both girls. (At this point we own like 4 or 5 various sized children’s jerseys from over the years.) I can’t say I know why I do it. Sort of tradition, a good luck thing to. Its totally ridiculous as a superstition, because most of the games happen at 1AM, so we typically are watching a recording of a game. (Even if the jerseys have magical properties that help our team win that cannot work retroactively, right?) So, its a total illogical superstition/habit, but somehow makes us feel less anxious about the game and more apart of what happened, hours ago, thousands of miles away. (Man it sounds more stupid as I type.)
I actually considered getting a purple-themed card today, but the only problem is there really isn’t any actual purple-themed design that I would want, save for one – the 1980-88 Los Angeles Kings – and I really don’t want it that much.
I did toy with the idea of going in a different direction, though, by going the fictional route, but I decided the idea I had would be too ridiculous, and might not sit well with the whole idea of “getting it”. It would’ve involved a cartoon character and a racing bib, so… yeah.
Every year around this time I kick around the idea of getting one too(my favorite minor league hockey team once proudly played in purple) but I don’t submit a request.
I guess having a membership card with my name and a number on a jersey-inspired representation seems off-putting to me since I never suited up for that team, nor am I a fan-jersey wearer for any team I support.
“Some good Houston sports-themed T-shirts here (from my buddy Rob Walker, who says, “I’m sorely tempted by the home run scoreboard tee”)”
I have the scoreboard tee. I’m always a little hesitant to wear it in public just because the American flag is backward, which is how the scoreboard displayed it. I also have the Astrodome Ceiling and Dome Sweet Dome shirts. They’re pretty good material and very comfortable.
Here is the direct link to the new Virginia Tech football helmet ratings: link
The ratings do not apply to youth football helmets.
Starting after the newest CBA, a rule regarding visors has now been instituted that after a certain date of entry into the league all players are now required to wear visors in NHL, whether they want to or not. A grandfather exemption to this rule exists for veteran players who entered the league prior to a certain date. This is similar to a league rule instituted in the AHL a few years ago.
Players who would prefer to not wear a visor but are required to do so feel that the upwards tilt affords them better vision (no fogging), a tougher look on the ice, or a combination of both. Interestingly, a handful of veteran NHL players such as Olli Jokinen, Sandis Ozolinsh and Ryan Getzlaf appeared in the Sochi Olympics tournament wearing visors in a similar fashion despite having the veteran exemption in the NHL, for what I assume were player insurance liability reasons.
Carl Hagelin played in well over 25 NHL games prior to the start of this season so he’s exempt.
The brand on the Korean soccer players says “Weekend” in Korean under the logo, which now to me looks like a W. It was a division of Samsung. They wore it for the 1986 World Cup.
Thanks Leigh!!
In cringing my way through the camo jersey/hat pairings, I realized that the Cardinals and Yankees are playing each other wearing those disasters. Some kid is going to see the Yankees at Busch Stadium for the first time, hell, maybe his first baseball game at Busch, and those embarrassments will be a part of that memory forever. There is no justice in the world…
No one should be going to an interleague game anyway, unless it’s a World Series game.
So, unless the kid’s parents can afford World Series tickets, he should skip out on watching two historic teams face off?
I get not being interested in watching a bad team play, but why should fans skip a game just because the opponent happens to play in the other league?
The story Brian told is pretty similar to my own. I used to spend quite a bit of money on jerseys. Not 200+ of them, but I did consider myself a collector. I think what turned me off was the rise in cost and the plummeting quality of them. Years ago when MLB shirts could be had for $100 and BP’s for $40, it seemed more manageable. When Majestic started making the high quality replicas in ’99 for $80, it was heaven sent, since the quality was almost as good as the authentics. Now the replicas are the sublimated twill and so many of the authentics are CoolBase, which is great to wear on a hot day, but snags so easily that I can’t possibly justify the price. To me, what was already an indulgence just became too rich, and the cash grabs became too frequent. Outside of if the shirts are fashionable or not (the older I get, the less I think I should wear them), I just can’t justify the price for the product anymore.
I wonder if Iran’s decision not to jersey swap has to do with Islam and bare chests. That’s one of the reasons it is now a yellow card if a player takes off his shirt.
“Football is televised worldwide and Muslim countries find it offensive to see bare chests.”
Now that is a fascinating analysis. Would love to know more!
You bet, Paul; it’s a very interesting subject. I alluded above to the revolution that I’ve witnessed in the clothing that one wears to a ballgame. Almost as notable has been the revolution in male nudity in American locker rooms. OUAT, there were no curtains or partitions for showers, no visual barriers between urinals, and boys and men of all ages used to walk around buck naked. Over the years, I’ve noticed a steady trend toward wrapping oneself in a towel (carefully) when walking around as well as getting-into-your-workout-gear routines in which the genitals are visible for one-sixteenth of a second. It’s only us super-old guys who seem careless about such matters. Not just because we’re so saggy that we can’t be considered as an object of desire for anybody, but because that’ how we wuz raised. Locker room guys whom I know to be Muslim are especially careful to cover up at all times, one towel around the waist, one towel wrapped around the shoulders to cover most of the torso.
I have some socio-cultural explanations for these tendencies – they may not be persuasive — but the tendencies are certainly clear.
Maybe, and the Iranian FA has a history of being conservative/stooges of the mullahs. Though nowadays, most players wear baselayers so I think it’s less of an issue. To wit, here’s Iran’s link.
I really think this is almost all about the federation and/or the kit supplier being cheap.
Concerning Ohio’s bright yellow license plates for drunk driving offenders, the real purpose is to make it easier for police to spot potential drunk drivers and follow them around. There was a story in the newspaper several years ago about an unfortunate college student from New Mexico, which also uses bright yellow plates, going to Cleveland State who couldn’t figure out why cops followed him every time he drove anywhere.
Arsenal have a cup final tomorrow and I’m away from home. I packed a jersey for the sole purpose of watching it in front of the TV.
Thanks for reminding me – I can’t watch it, as I’m coaching a little league game at the same time, but I meant to dig out an old Arsenal cap to wear to the park and back.
Be careful about doing that if you’re recording the game to watch later. I’ve made that mistake with afternoon Champions League games. I carefully avoid the internet all afternoon at work, then I get on the bus, somebody sees my cap and says something like “Bummer about today, huh?”
A great British comedy in the 1970s, ‘Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads’, had an episode which focussed on the two eponymous lads trying desperately all evening to not hear the result of a football match that they were planning to watch the highlights of later that evening (no recordings then, of course).
One close call was when someone said a Geordie equivalent of “Bummer about today, eh?”, only to be shushed frantically.
When they finally get to settle in front of the TV to watch the game, having managed to avoid being told the result, they discover the game was called off because of the weather.
Well, I liked it.
Thanks for the reminder, but I lack any apparatus to record the game. So I’ll have to catch periodic updates on my phone, and then (maybe) watch it later.
Typical Gooners: No glory and so happy with 4th place…
Considering a lot the comments the last two days regarding appropriate ways of showing support for the military, this picture just posted on twitter should spark some debate.
Though designed with good intentions, to put such a message on a NASCAR tire, which is intentionally designed to wear out after so many laps (35 to 50 at Charlotte?), turns out to be a crass gesture.
Goodyear’s been doing this for a few seasons now, though I thought it was limited to the July Daytona race.
They used to have drivers autograph the used/unused tires post-race and auction them off to raise funds for charity, so it’s not merely a ‘shout-out’ to the military.
It doesn’t bother me. It expresses a sentiment that is sincere and easy enough for many of us to get behind. Is it the most effective place to put the message for visibility and widespread communication? Maybe not. But let’s keep in mind that this is just a phrase. It’s not the American flag or something. If the tires with the message wear out during the course of a race, they’re going to be replaced by another set of tires with likely the same message on them.
I knew the camo jersey and caps would be bad, but seeing them together is even worse. woof.
That link comparison is interesting, but I would have liked to see them compare like to like, either US shirts or ENgland shirts. Plus it would have been interesting for them to measure sizes and compare the cuts. How much smaller is the authentic than the replica?
I’d like to have seen someone model the two styles, too. I’m wondering exactly how form-fitting the “authentic” is compared to the “stadium” version.
Hey Brian, got a 93/94 Mets away jersey that you’re willing to part with for a less than inflated price?
You know, as a friend, I’d gladly help to stymie your addiction.
My name is Austin, and I am a jersey addict. Specifically, I am a soccer jersey addict. I started designing sports logos and sports uniforms when I was about ten, and I started playing soccer shortly thereafter. I was 13 when World Cup ’94 was in the United States. My soccer coach once gave out a World Cup Program after a practice, and I was the lucky recipient. I spent hours looking at the jerseys – and several more hours designing jerseys. I fell in love with Belgium’s World Cup ’94 jersey, and it was the only thing I wanted for Christmas. That’s where it all started. Jerseys were the intersection of the sport I loved and the hobby I loved. I had to have it…and more.
My collection started at a trickle, as ecommerce in the late 90s wasn’t quite what it is today. Entering college, I think I had under 10 jerseys. Then I discovered eBay. Suddenly, I could buy second-hand versions of the jerseys I’d wanted to buy in the 90s. I could buy jerseys from abroad that weren’t even available on American soil. I would visit the websites of every team in England to see if they had a jersey that was worth tracking down. At one point, I think I was getting a jersey a week.
I am now 33. I have roughly 180 jerseys. I’ve been collecting for more of my life than I have not been collecting. Since a brand new jersey runs about $80, and teams get new jerseys every year, you might think I am broke. Thankfully, that is not the case. I’ve at least had the sense to set some guidelines for myself. I never pay full price. Never. If they change every year anyway, that means that the price gets slashed drastically about nine months from their release date. On average, I would say I pay $40 per jersey.
Also, once you have upwards of 180 jerseys (or enough to wear a different one for six months), it gets to be pretty obvious that there are some jerseys you aren’t going to wear anymore. There are certain styles that aren’t really conducive to being seen in public. As such, I seldom buy striped jerseys anymore. I never buy jerseys with an abundance of sponsors (like you might see in Central America or Scandinavia), and I usually try to avoid sponsored shirts entirely. I never jerseys with names and numbers on the back. The good thing about many jerseys is that they have a reasonably casual feel to them (as far as jerseys go), but that kind of goes out the window when the shirt has a name and number on the back. Given these constraints, I would say I currently buy about eight shirts a year. I feel I’ve at least got a good grasp on my addiction.
There is definitely something geeky about being 33 and having a collection of any kind, let alone a collection of jerseys. There’s something geeky about wearing them. But at this point, it is who I am. I wear them (with discretion – I have the sense to notice a jersey-appropriate occasion from one that is not), and they’re worth something. I even have an insurance policy on them. I am a graphic designer that specializes in identity, and to the extent that I have an identity, it is, like it or not, that of “the guy who wears soccer jerseys.” I’m comfortable with that. And, thankfully, my wife is comfortable with it, too.
Do you buy any jerseys specifically as collector’s pieces and not for the purpose of wearing?
Sort of a mix of both. It’s rare that I’ll buy one that I would not wear under any circumstances – but rarity is something that factors in.
Since I’m a designer, the aesthetics of the shirt play the largest factor. But I also won’t buy the shirt of a team that is my team’s rival.
Paul, I have to say I’m astonished that the idea of wearing a jersey to watch a game on TV is something that never occurred to you people would do. If nothing else, EVERY movie, TV show, or commercial that shows people watching a game on TV has people doing this. Now whether that’s a reflection of something people really do or just a lazy screenwriters’ trope — or maybe even paid product placement — is an open question (personally I think it’s more likely the latter two), but either way, it’s a behavior that’s portrayed all over the place.
As for what people wear to the event, personally I don’t care. I go to 10-15 baseball games a year, wear a team cap to all of them, and a jersey maybe to one or two, if the mood happens to strike me. Anyone else can wear whatever the hell they want, and I won’t care or even notice. Well, unless they’re wearing a jersey of a team not involved in the game. Never understood that one.
Well, unless they’re wearing a jersey of a team not involved in the game. Never understood that one.
Wearing a jersey for a team not playing is most likely their way of saying “I like this sport, but I don’t actually care about these 2 teams.”
For example, I’d happily go to a Bengals/Browns game if someone gave me tickets, but I’d wear Raiders clothing, because they’re my team.
I suppose it could mean “I’m visiting from out of town, and follow a team that doesn’t happen to be playing today. I still wanted to catch a game at your lovely ballpark, though: hello, everyone!”
I used to wear my favorite NCAAF hat (BCS but non-B10) to Ohio State games just to annoy the drunks.
Paul, I have to say I’m astonished that the idea of wearing a jersey to watch a game on TV is something that never occurred to you people would do.
I think it’s pretty clear that I just Don’t Get Itâ„¢ when it comes to retail jerseys. I’ve never cared, I’ve never understood them, I’ve never liked them. Just doesn’t compute for me. But I’m obviously an outlier in that regard.
Paul – I just don’t get it either. I’m always bemused when I go into a sports bar on a Sunday afternoon and everyone is decked out in their favorite teams’ jersey. That said, I’ve come to accept that reality. I honestly believe it is a generational thing. The demarcation is probably around the age of 40-43.
I kinda get wearing stuff out in public. But specifically changing into something if you are watching alone at home? That seems strange to me.
Oh, I get that you don’t Get It. Just surprised you weren’t aware of it. I’m sure you don’t Get, say, Christian baptism either, but I’m also sure you’re aware that it’s a thing a lot of people do.
I have been a sports fan since like 1971, have watched literally thousands of football, baseball and soccer games on TV at home. While I may have had a team shirt of some sort on during a game, I can say that I have never ever put on a shirt or jersey specifically to watch while I am at home.
Not only have I never done that, but its never even occurred to me.
I’m not astonished at Paul’s notion at all. And am in fact surprised so many here have chimed in saying that they do specifically change into a team shirt or jersey just to watch a game at home.
As far as jersey-wearing goes, I have to admit I’m doing it a lot less these days. Used to be I’d wear a Wings jersey every playoff day, whether I was staying home to watch the game or going out (during the regular season, usually only if I was going out). These days, unless I’m having someone over to actually watch a game with me, I’m not bothering with a hockey jersey at home. I might throw on my Tom Brady Pats jersey for the appropriate Sunday afternoons in the fall, but that’s about it.
Going to games, I’ll still wear a Wings jersey to the Joe, or break out my sparingly-used navy Verlander shirsey and my Tigers cap for Comerica, but what little Pistons gear I have (all Christmas or birthday gifts) stays in the closet.
Whether I wear a jersey at home during a game depends on two factors… are other people coming over to watch, and is it a “rare” game (like Works Cup) or elimination/championship. For example during the World Cup I wear my Italy soccer jersey every game because it only happens every four years. I wouldn’t wear my padres jerseys at home because their games are so frequent, unless it was for a western title or world series
I wear a jersey when I do my annual fantasy baseball drafts, even though I draft by myself in front of a computer. Part of it is that they jersey is the trophy that you get for winning a previous year, so it gets me into the mood to beat on my leaguemates.
I own three jerseys. I will wear them at home to watch a game if I have guests over, but almost never if I am watching just by myself. I’m not opposed to wearing other kinds of team apparel at home to watch a game. If I think about it, I may throw on a t-shirt or sweatshirt of one of my teams in the morning before the game starts. But I will rarely if ever change my outfit to put on team gear specifically to watch a game at home.
Brian, Good story.
It sounds like we are about the same age. I liked your part about wanting Barry Bonds stuff when he was on an out of town team. When i was 6 years old, my favorite player was Jim Abbott. All I wanted was a California Angels hat. I looked everywhere in the my area of Michigan, it was impossible. Finally we went to some upscale mall in a detroit suburb that had the 1990 version of Lids and they had every teams’fitted hat (before they had the MLB logo on the back) I had to beg my mom to pay the $20 to get it, but she knew how much i wanted it.
Also in 1991, my mom took the cheap CCM Red Wings replica to the local screen print shop to make a Tim Cheveldae jersey, they used lowercase letters! the number font was generic, and they couldn’t do sleeve numbers, i was pretty upset.
I own two 80’s era Rawlings Dodgers jerseys (road and home) and a Sandy Koufax shirsey. I *exclusively* wear them while watching a game on the couch. I’ve never worn any Dodger gear to a game except for a cap– and my LA logo tattoo of course.
I wear Jerseys and ” shirseys” all the time.Never give it much thought what people think.I just file it under “they don’t pay my bills so screw em”.
If you see someone wearing cookie cutter fashion ,like say Abercrombie does anyone frown? I dunno.So wear whatever ya like
Paul, you ever given any thought to a UW shop or auction site? Seems like a lot of us have polyester shirts we wouldn’t mind getting rid of, but want to see in a loving home.
Interesting thought. Let me chew on that one for a bit….
My brother keeps saying there should be a bobblehead exchange site. One for jerseys, shirseys and other sports collectibles would be good, too.
There is a bobblehead exchange site. I’ve traded bobbleheads for years on this site.
Any interest in an Angels Josh Hamilton that I got last week?
I’ll check with my brother. Thanks!
Would love a jersey market here with Paul earning some $$$ off it. Everyone wins.
Funny back and forth on the jersey-wearing-at-home issue today. Personally, I feel strange wearing a sports jersey of any kind in any circumstance. Why? Because jerseys are worn by players, and since I’m not one, it seems odd to me. I don’t have an issue with anyone else wearing one, or choosing not to wear team apparel at a game or otherwise, just my feeling. The other think I find strange is when you go to a game and someone is wearing a jersey of a team that’s not even involved (i.e., a KC Chiefs/Raiders game and someone shows up wearing a Dallas Cowboys shirt, or even worse, a hockey sweater to a football game). Paul’s right, though. Who cares what people choose to wear to a sporting event?
LOVE the ’37 allstar footage and the ’68/71 A’s footage!
Did anyone notice when Dick Williams turns his back to the camera at 1:23 (ironically), his number 23 is sewed on crooked? i.e. the two numbers don’t line up along the horizontal plane.
I know I’m a day late for the QOTD (don’t get home from work til midnight) but I’m shocked that no one mentioned the Blue Jays mid-2000’s look. Loved everything about them – though the current remix of the old style is a top look as well. But their alternate/BP cap with the T on it may be my favorite hat in MLB history. Beautiful.
We did discuss the Blue Jays early- and mid-2000s in yesterday’s comments.
Q: “Do lots of you out there really do that (put on a jersey just to watch a televised game at home)?
A: Yup
couple of fun observations from the amazing ’37 ASG video…Lefty Gomez rubbing something on his hand, Pineda style? Also, Hank Greenberg’s hat logo appears to be the chest logo. Is that right? When did they stop matching, anyone know? I tried to look at Dressed to the Nines, but it’s too small for me to tell.
the NFL and other leagues send the message that you’re not a true fan if you don’t have a jersey.
I don’t see that. It’s merchandise, yes they want you buy it – they sell them for a profit. And fans that have the disposable income to buy a lot of them – more power to them. If people get obsessed about collecting them to the point that they are spending more than they can afford to on them, then they have a problem.
But as far as wearing them to games – it’s become a tradition that fans wear jerseys to games, but I don’t think teams are dismissively thinking of people who don’t wear a team jersey, or would say to non-jersey wearing fans “how come you don’t have a jersey? – don’t you support your team enough to want to give us another $300 for a jersey?” But for those who do want to part with $300 for one, they’re glad to take their money.
I’ve worn Bucs jerseys to road games in both Atlanta and Charlotte because I wanted to “represent” for my team, but I’ve gone to Bucs home games both wearing jerseys as well as not. I figure there’s plenty of home team fans wearing jerseys, and I can cheer just as well in a polo shirt. I’ve never felt obligated to wear a jersey. And I’ve never thought that other people wore jerseys to games because they felt obligated either. They wear them because they want to.
And I’ll wear a jersey at home watching a game by myself on TV, just like maybe I’ll order a pizza and drink some beer. Just because that’s part of the experience of watching a game – not because I feel like I’m supposed to.
What’s the problem? The team is making money on selling merchandise, and people that want to buy them are free to spend their money on it or on whatever other crap some other capitalist pig wants to sell to them. That’s how this system works, isn’t it? They sell the jerseys for $300 because they can. If nobody wanted to spend that much on them, they’d have to sell them cheaper or else they’d have racks of unsold jerseys. Apparently people are forking it over, because people keep buying them and they keep making more.
Or are people actually buying jerseys that they don’t want to buy to wear to a games because they feel obligated to do so? Or are they merely buying them to wear to games because they want to?
Or are you suggesting people are too stupid and that the marketing has tricked us into thinking that we really want to own and wear these things that we should rightly feel are overpriced pieces of clothing? Isn’t that how all marketing and advertising is supposed to work? Or is it different because our sports teams should be some sort of idealistic civic enterprise that should be above making a profit? Do not team owners like Jerry Jones buy franchises, in part, because they see an opportunity to make money?
I agree that jerseys are overpriced, but if I had the money I’d own more of them – but because I want to, and I’d like to occasionally wear jerseys to show where my fan alliegience lies, not because I feel that I am “supposed” to wear one to game or else I’m not a good enough fan.
I wish jerseys were cheaper, too. I guess if everyone felt that way, they’d boycott buying them, and similarly the fast food workers can go on strike until they get paid $15/hour, but as long as someone else is willing to flip burgers for $7.50/hour, and someone else is willing to spend $300 on a jersey, neither thing is going to change.
But I’ve never felt that because I didn’t own a particular jersey that I was any less of a fan of a team, any more than I’ve felt that if I didn’t buy a set of 4 Coca-Cola glasses, that I was any less of a fan of Coke, or if didn’t buy any other tangential item of a product line that I was any less a fan of that product.
Now I’m afraid I’m going to have to wear replica jockey silks the next time I go to Belmont Park.
Would you also wear replica jockey silks while sitting on your couch watching the race on TV? :-)
I wonder what Joe D was saying to the cameraman in that A’s video?
“Tell Paul Simon that I’m right here, bitch!”
Quote of the Week
The Angels have announced that they will be wearing “special military jersey[s]” on Saturday for Armed Forces Day (this is the actual day referenced in one of the posts above:
“On Armed Forces Day, the Angels will honor all those who have served our country past and present with a special pre-game military ceremony. In addition, the Angels will wear a special military jersey in recognition of our Armed Forces.”
Are these the same jerseys they’re going to wear on Memorial Day or is there something extra “special” about the ones they’ll wear on Saturday?
The Halos also have a special Armed Forces Weekend logo:
It is reaching the point where it will be notable if we have a day that does NOT feature a team glorifying the military.
I’ve got three boys (6,4,1) and every Saturday during football season we all wear our orange Tennessee jerseys and on Sunday we all wear our light blue Titans jerseys. It’s just what we do.
I can see the family-bonding thing. When I expressed surprise about people wearing jerseys at home to watch a game, I hadn’t considered that — I was thinking more about a person watching the game by himself.
I own a few soccer jerseys, but I mostly collect them and rarely wear them (I like to wear them to the pool or the beach because polyester dries fast), almost never to watch a game. I’ll make an effort to wear team colors, though.
Cotton is always more comfortable than polyester. Dressing up has never been my thing.
About the “pet peeve of seeing someone without the team colors at the stadium” I think the comparison would be a rock concert. Do you think someone there is less of a fan for not going with some attire about the band? I think yes, but if that someone is singing every song and the guy with all the memorabilia is just sitting and watching, I think the first one is more of a fan.
Good analogy, Omar. I think it works the same way for sports fans, too. I’ve seen people wearing jerseys of one of my favorite teams and started conversation with them, only to find out rather quickly that they aren’t that knowledgeable about the team or don’t follow them that closely.
On the other hand, I have a friend who knows just about as much about his favorite football team as is humanly possible. He watches every game, of course, but also spends lots of time watching analysis shows between games and during the off-season, and reading everything he can about them. He doesn’t own a single piece of team apparel, and yet he’s as devoted of a fan as I’ve ever met.
Being from Pittsburgh, I am a fan of all the local teams. I have one Steeler jersey (Rebook). Older version (Farior) nice and worn in. I won’t buy another football jersey again probably. Just am getting disenchanted with football overall as a sport (NFL).
I have a couple Bucco jerseys and several Pens jerseys (home black, away white, both blues, and the late 90’s alternate which is also my membership card). I wear them during games at home, it gets me in “game mode”. Just helps me get that much more excited for watching the game. Plus comfort, I find jerseys to be very comfortable.
The odd thing is that I would ONLY buy jerseys of teams I root for/hometown teams. However, I would say I have an extensive MLB/minor league hat collection. Nothing overwhelming, but 2-3 dozen maybe. I like having hats of all kinds of teams. I like the different colors, different logos, etc. There are only a few teams I would refuse to buy/sport (NY, ST.L, Brewers, Cubs, CIN, ATL)
I wear jerseys at home. Otherwise they’d just sit in my closet. I only go to a handful of games a year, so I might as well wear them any other time when I can. That’s no different than wearing a logo’d t-shirt at home.
I haven’t bought any brand-new jerseys in years however. The NHL, and now MLB, (the two sports I follow) have gone completely downhill in terms of jersey design, cut, and style. So it is easy for me to avoid buying the latest 250 dollar polyester shirt. And the price of replicas even has gone way up while the quality overall has gone down remarkably, from just ten years ago. Screen-printed graphics made to look like stitched tackle-twill? No thanks.
I only collect jerseys from the 1990s or earlier, and I can find them for much less for than they once retailed – even with game-used jerseys, which is what I primarily look for.
(Actually, I did purchase a game-used Miami Marlins orange “42” jersey” last year, at the Marlins’ stadium, and it was less expensive than buying a replica at Modell’s would have been.)
I look at my hobby as collecting items of historical interest – jerseys made with fabrics, styles, and designs that probably won’t ever be seen again on the ice/grass – nor in the local sporting goods store.
And I think it is cool to see different jerseys at a game. I travel to see games more than I go to local games these days, and if I’m in some city I have never been to before and have no particular interest in their team, I’m not going to go out and buy their shirt just for one day at the park. I probably will wear some other team’s jersey. I think it is cool to see variety at a stadium and, if anything, it often sparks friendly conversation with other fans who travel as well, or with locals who are interested to learn where I’m from.
I wear jerseys at home. Otherwise they’d just sit in my closet. I only go to a handful of games a year, so I might as well wear them any other time when I can. That’s no different than wearing a logo’d t-shirt at home.
Right. But the question wasn’t about wearing them at home; the question was whether you specifically make a point of putting the jersey on when you sit down to watch a game on TV.
Two different things.
Yep, that too. Though I usually make an effort to pay attention to an entire game only during meaningful matches such as the Olympics or the playoffs, and will more likely don a jersey then.
As far as I can tell, the first time a sports team militarized its uniforms was during World War II, when Japanese League clubs replaced their normal baseball caps with kepi, and substituted all uniform markings with the insignia of various Japanese Army and Navy units.
I’m sure that it was done to Honor The Troops.
Well, it depends on what you mean by “militarized.”
MLB teams wore assorted red/white/blue details (armbands, stockings, flag patches, etc.) during WWI, to support the war effort.
There’s a big difference between flag patches and military insignia. Just as there’s a big difference between a simple poppy patch and bedecking your team in camo.
I totally agree that some gestures are more appropriate than others.
But the WWI example is nonetheless an early case — the earliest one I’m aware of — of teams showing support for the military, which I thought was what you’re looking for.
Now, if you’re looking for military imagery on the uniform (as opposed to flag-based imagery that supports the military), I agree that’s a different thing. If that’s what you meant, then my bad.
56 yr old male with 100+ jerseys including game used MLB, NFL, USFL, and NCAA FB and basketball. My GU skins jersey is a wee bit tight to wear.
Never will forget the day i wore my brand new Rawlings number 31 skins jersey to the 9th grade. Was hot shot since jerseys were scare back then.
Today I wear Nike sideline apparel on the weekends, at the game, and training camp with an authentic New Era hat. Seems more age correct and I have lots of it. It is too hot to wear jerseys at training camp, early season games in DC or mid season baseball games.
Game used USFL?! You have my respect.
A nice Champion Memphis Showboats lineman jersey
I have a problem with the authors tone of the DUI article. As a resident of Ohio, DUI plates are only given for (1) a BAC well over the legal limit, or (2) a repeat offender, as I understand the law/from what I’ve heard. Thus, it is not a “one time mistake” kind of thing. The “party plates” are primarily only given to people who ROUTINELY/HABITUALLY show disregard for other peoples lives.
“putting on a jersey just to watch a televised game at home? Do lots of you out there really do that?”
Yes. Habitually. Especially during Blackhawks playoff games.
I never really was a jersey guy, but I had a few I wish I held on to. I had a white replica Mighty Ducks jersey and an authentic eggplant one. I wore a University of Maine hockey jersey a lot too. Never really had a connection with the school – I ordered it out of a magazine because I thought it was cool (blue is my favorite color) and the green North Dakota Fighting Sioux was out of stock – this was before I formed an opinion against Native Americans as mascots.
Two jerseys I remember actually seeking out was Casey Jacobsen’s Stanford jersey, and when he got drafted by my hometown Suns, his pro jersey. I ended getting both of them signed, which I still have.
I had various levels of blue Penn State football jerseys through the years (especially when I lived in PA), but that’s it. I’ve always been more of a baseball hat guy. Especially recently.
I’m really hoping that the neck roll on the Bills jersey is just them getting rid of old inventory by slapping on the patch.
Its worth noting that all the “Game” jerseys on that same site still have a full collar, as do the Limited Jerseys. But on the NFL Shop’s website they are selling 2 customizable ones with the neck roll, and only 1 Spiller home jersey with the full collar. So it looks like they are trying to get rid of the full-collar inventory before putting out the “new” Neck Roll Elite jerseys with players names.
Bad news, I guess it may have something to do with wanting to have the Flywire collar, but why not have that collar be white on the home jersey and blue on the away jersey so it at least looks like a full collar instead of the horrendous neck roll.
I don’t own any jerseys, but I know a bunch of people that wear them at home- even if alone- for superstitious reasons. Don’t forget that many fans are as superstitious as players. Its silly, but I get it. Not my thing, but I understand it.
I believe the reason why some NHL players tilt their visors up on their helmets like that is to possibly get around the new mandatory visor rule for all new incoming players in to he NHL. I could be wrong but that’s the only reason I can think of why anyone would do that.
I tried to wear a jersey on the couch, but superstition doesn’t work for the Eagles – only a lot of cursing…
We all know what marketers WANT you to picture when you think of a guy wearing a jersey, but what do YOU actually picture? There will be dozens of answers. Is “Dan Connor” from the Roseanne show wearing Bears gear on the couch different in your mind from a late 90’s rapper wearing a basketball jersey like a moo moo dress? Has marketing pushed the Dan Connor demographic away? Yes, but the power rangers designs have more to do with that than their slick ads.
I would like to believe that the design/cut is the critical factor in this, more than the idea of wearing mesh with a name/number on it. Is a Raiders jersey the same thing as a Jags/Bucs jersey? Not to me! I cringe when I see a new nike jersey on eBay laying flat in the photo. I’ve met a few guys who’s physique could pass for SpongeBob Squarepants, but not many. If nfl jerseys looked more like a t-shirt, I don’t think as many of us would notice what is on them as much as we do now, with the ill-fitting cuts. Instead, they are cut like a box, with sleeves past the elbow crease – just like the players wear, right?
It feels like nike is caught between the “new style” of more form fitting clothing, and the desire to cater to moo moo wearers who are 15 years out of style. Make the shoulders tight and the body boxy is the answer? LOL nike…
Some people will never accept jerseys as clothing; the rest of us would probably be happier if we didn’t look like a power ranger on the couch, or out in public.
I wear a Habs jersey every day to class. First year of law school had the lockout, but then the NHL came back and I started celebrating by wearing my rotation of jerseys. Then it became my schtick. For watching the Habs on TV (or, more likely, listening to Habs Radio on my iPad) , it’s a “come as you are” party. I’m probably wearing a jersey anyway, but I don’t freak out if I’m not. For watching the Habs in person, I always wear my authentic Andrei Markov jersey with the Ken Dryden Day patch. It is my only authentic jersey, and seeing my favorite team in person is the most special occasion. And then I wear an Expos cap on top because the city and colors match, and it’s nice to mix it up and break up the logo monotony.
An LA Kings jersey was a plot point on this weeks episode of “Maron”. Oddly enough, it was a Mike Cammalleri jersey with a captain’s C (which Cammalleri never wore) in a style the Kings haven’t worn since 1988. Jersey foul!!
The Kings wore the throwback design in 2003-04, though with a Vintage patch (along with the other teams that participated in the NHL Vintage program that season), but yeah, no way a second-year player who split time in the AHL would be an NHL captain.
Though… I wonder if Manchester ever wore those 80s Kings throwbacks?