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Normally I take lots of photos at a Uni Watch party and write about what each person was wearing, blah-blah-blah — you know the drill. But due to the recent unpleasantness, I wasn’t able to do that for yesterday’s gathering at Sheep Station, so the group shot you see above will have to suffice.
Frankly, I thought there was a decent chance that Phil and I might be there by ourselves, what with the hurricane and power outages and the subway being shut down and the Marathon being deep-sixed and all the rest. So I was very pleasantly surprised to see such a nice turnout.
Big thanks to everyone who showed up — you’re all aces. Feel free to identify yourselves in the comments, explain what you were wearing, and all the other stuff I’d have done if I had two fully functional hands. ”” Paul
Most of Phil’s contributors have the weekend off, so no Sunday Morning Uni Watch roundup today from Terry Duroncelet. But let’s just say you’ll probably want to take a look at these photos from the Mississippi State/Texas A&M game.

“Benchies” first appeared at U-W in 2008, and has been a Saturday & Sunday feature here for the past two years.
Well, y’know, it shouldn’t be like going to the DMV…

Click to enlarge
No breakdown and no 5+1? What the hell man… you can’t be giving *everyone* the weekend off at the same time.
Well, Phil’s off, and I believe Paul explained the bitch of one-handed coding.
Yeah, what a rip-off. if I were you I’d demand my money back.
Hey – since everyone bitches about Catherine’s picks anyway, make up your own. I can say that even though Sling Blade hates purple, the K-State / Okie State game looked great. A game always looks good with contrasting colors worn by each team.
…okay I’ll bite….
#5. Virginia Tech at Miami (FL) (Thurs.)…. Haven’t seen the Hurricanes in all-orange in awhile (if ever), but this matchup just looked good Thursday night.
#4. Clemson at Duke…. Say what you will about BFBS, this outfit looks okay with this shade of blue, and Clemson in all-white on the road doesn’t look bad either.
#3. Texas at Texas Tech…. Tech could teach Maryland a thing or two about how to use a state flag in a one-off and not have it overwhelm the senses. (Let’s hope it stays a one-off) Texas’s mono-white on the road looks good on the turf.
#2. Oregon at USC…. With all their variations of outfits, this nice clean, crisp all-white look from Oregon really looked sharp in a high-scoring game against a classically dressed traditional power in a traditional stadium like the Coliseum.
#1. Alabama at LSU…. Predictable, I know, but LSU in their standard white at home, plus a traditonal #1-ranked Crimson Tide in a Top 5 nationally-televised matchup on CBS under the lights bring this one home the winner.
… and the “and one”:
Texas A&M vs Mississippi State… as someone said in the comments yesterday, if I have to stare at the TV and it takes the whole highlight to try to decipher which team is which, you’ve failed at brand identity.
Feel free to rip me a new one, or not care, or both, or submit your own.
Until Alabama figures out what a helmet logo is, they don’t deserve to be mentioned in any top 5 list.
Seriously, they have a really nice A logo that gets used for everything else – just put it on the damn helmet.
^ link
Ah, dammit. I forgot to put in one of those little smiley face things so people would realize that I was attempting to be slightly humorous. I hate when I forget to do that.
I always assume people are being humorous in those circumstances anyway.
Unfortunately I’m often wrong.
#5 – Stanford at Colorado – Easy to rank a game with Colorado in it in the top 5, especially when they’re playing somebody in all white.
#4 – Nebraska at Michigan State – The red really sets off the green.
#3 – Oregon at USC – Easily one of O’s best looks against the iconic Trojan home set.
#2 – Oklahoma State at Kansas State – Rather than make the obligatory Skittles joke, let’s just say that was one cool looking game.
#1 – Alabama at LSU – What other matchup could it be?
And 1:
Arizona at UCLA – After somebody tells Maryland that flag is ugly, they need to tell UCLA not to mess with perfection.
New nickname…
Paul “Sling Blade” Lukas.
He did order some French fried potaters at the start of the gathering, so you’re not far off.
Mmmmm, mmmmmm how much ye want fer ’em? Mmmm mmmm.
I lahk mustard, mmm hmmm.
I’m biased, but this was gorgeous: link
For the last few weeks I’ve done my own 5+1 on my Tumblr. Check it out. (#1 will be, I think, a surprise to avid UniWatch readers).
Can’t disagree with any of that. Nice job on that 5+1, man!
Attended Uke Fest VA Friday and yesterday. In honor of the jumping flea, I wore an Ebbets Field Flannels Goldsboro Glbugs cap throughout:
Ukulele is just hipster* enough these days that I expected to see some folks in vintage jerseys, but no such luck. However, several people asked me if mine was an Ebbets Field cap. One even mentioned regretting not picking up EFF’s Chicago Union Giants cap, with a little C and G intertwined with a big U, as a uke-playing cap. (C and G are the first chords anyone learns on ukulele, and also the most common keys for uke songs.)
*I try to avoid calling things “hipster” but in this case, I’m including myself in the crowd so labelled, and it’s pretty much true, so there.
This is the logo…
Speaking of Ebbets, somehow I missed this hat…
That is just about perfect. No…I take that back. It IS perfect.
The hat that I miss the most from them is a Wilmington Blue Rocks hat. I couldn’t find an image, but I recall it having a white crown and bill with royal blue piping and an Old(e) English “W” also in royal.
And the hat…
aw, hell, never mind. Can’t find a link that works.
The (R) on the Texas A&M helmet is horrible.
Yep, tis obnoxious. But I have to say, the state outline logo and that helmet is superb!
That’s what Aggie need to wear every week.
Wow, looking at MSU @ aTm, you wouldn’t know maroon was both schools’ primary color, would you?
The only game I watched yesterday was Ole Miss @ Georgia. The Rebel Black Bears went in GFGS but the gray was so light it just looked like link
I think that’s a fail for both teams. If you’re going to wear gray, it should be dark enough to be obvious… and isn’t Georgia supposed to wear “silver britches”? Those pants sure as heck aren’t silver, in fact they look like they might be just a bit lighter than Ole Miss.
Georgia’s “silver” has varied throughout the years. We’ve seen their metallic silver helmets from the years before red helmet with oval “G” (recall Frank Sinkwich’s helmet with custom jaw guard) but I’m not sure the “silver britches” have been a uniform shade throughout, or have had much of a metallic sheen.
I suppose that’s something I (or some other Georgia alum more rabid than I) could investigate, if it merits enough interest.
I think we need one of those silhouette-y numbered things to identify all the uniwatchers. BTW, I love that sweatshirt with “The Catch” on it, whoever you are.
Like this?
Obviously #7 Catherine, #9 Paul and #17 Phil, but the rest…. identify yourselves!
Yes! And good job with the official Uniwatch colours.
Thanks! I thought the green-maroon-yellow would be a nice touch.
I am number 10. Lake Elsinore Storm cap and a Mr. Paul Aints jersey.
I’m #12.
Going in, I would have bet any amount of money that I would be the only one there in a 1960s throwback from a London soccer team. And I would’ve lost (see #8).
I was surprised to find out that Paul and Catherine had never met. “Oh, you’re THAT Catherine!”
He didn’t recognize her from her pictures on his website? Or maybe he doesn’t read Uni Watch on the weekends, either.
5 down, 12 to go
I’m #16. I wore a purple Northwestern striped shirt that I got printed when the new uniforms were released (I’m an alum). I also wore the 1932 Brooklyn Zephyr stirrups from the stirrup club and a hat from my summer camp.
Nice effort outlining everyone in the picture, and it was great to meet everyone. Thanks for the poutine Paul.
You guys have JOBS. Aren’t you supposed to perform them even if you’re hurt? These weak/no articles recently are starting to piss me off. Almost done with Uni-watch if this shit continues.
You won’t be missed.
From reading daily, I figured The Jeff was just busting chops. But please tell me you, too, forgot the smiley face thing after your comment.
I can only hope this is Big Cock JOhnson under a different name. If so, it continues his run of trollling-as-performance-art (although this would rank among his weaker efforts).
If it’s anyone else, it’s just sad.
“Almost done with Uni-watch if this shit continues.”
if that’s not a joke (and i almost have to assume the sarcasm buttons are broken)…then
something something door something something ass something something way out
Well, my poll’s only been up for 40 hours or so, but I’m confident that I can project a winner:
Out of the 19 responses I received, a whopping 12 votes went for Alex Rocklein’s design. One comment in particular said, “Take the caps the Astros unveiled today and pair them with all of the other elements in Alex Rocklein’s concept and you’ve got yourself a perfect Astros uniform.” (This assumes that the dark color in Alex’s design is navy. It looked like black and I wished it was navy.) Surprisingly, 4 people liked the Eastbay catalog one–oh, excuse me, the one they unveiled Friday night. Receiving one vote each were Carlos Sosa’s NASA-inspired design, Tom Bierbaum’s hand-drawn design, and my rainbow shooting star design (truth be told, my vote came from a member of my family; I didn’t vote because I was the one administering the survey). Sorry, Richard Koehler.
In the grand scheme of things, Uni Watch isn’t the most important thing in the world. I actually like these shorter entries. Sometimes these entries get really long & take a while to read & digest.
Have fun reading Yahoo Sports & the Bleacher Report.
That was for William ^^^
Yeah these guys do have jobs, and they’re not on Uni Watch.
In the grand scheme of things, Uni Watch isn’t the most important thing in the world.
I know this has been a tough week for everyone, so I’m gonna give you a mulligan on that one.
He’s right… I mean, in addition to UniWatch, there’s LOLCats and Porn… obviously UniWatch can’t be number 1 for everyone.
Oh… damn it! I was going to use my mulligan on suggesting your Orthopedist is an Edmonton Oilers fan & that’s why you now needed surgery! (yeah I listened to Teebz’s radio show)
That does suck, tho. I still get queasy at my blood tests at the doc. I don’t think I could be awake if my arm cut wide open.
Guy on far right w. purple shirt = PL’s brother?
Purple. Can’t be.
When I broke my left arm in high school, I still had to go to this mandatory typing class, run by an old nun with a microphone. Typing only right handed, I now can type the word “minikin” faster than anyone in the world. Find yourself a good left-handed word, Paul, and get better soon.
Or how about “faster”? That would make William happy.
This seems appropriate…
Goal posts at Lambeau today. Complete with stadium card stunt too.
Lame… so… so… lame.
Totally agree with you.
Still haven’t seen the rumored camo gloves players are supposed to be wearing. Hopefully they didn’t go through with them.
They just HAD to instagram it too. Thanks Lambeau.
More instagram signs of the camopocalypse; this giveaway hat for next week’s Air Force-SDSU game link
I can fill in some of the numbers in this portrait:
2: I forget his name, but that’s not a Braves cap. The “a” stands for “Alaska.” Can’t recall which team.
4 & 6: Marty and Jessie. After the party, they went to the Nets game.
7: Catherine “5+1” Ryan.
8: Jon Springer, who runs the awesome “Mets by the Numbers” site.
9: Some cripple.
10: Dane Drutis.
12: Matt from Patchogue (one town over from where I grew up).
13: My longtime buddy Doug Kalemba.
15: Mike Engle.
16: I forget this guy’s name, but I really like his Northwestern-striped shirt, even if it was purple.
17: Phil.
Thanks, Paul…
Image updated again – 10 down, 7 to go.
Am I the only one that checked to make sure there was no logo creep on Paul’s sling?
Kidding, kidding. In these hard economic times I’ve had to learn to live with cheap watered down American beer again instead of my beloved imports. I’m sure some slimmed down Uni-Watch for a while can be much more survivable than those awful headaches from the beer!!! Get better soon!!!
You know Catherine is A-1 gorgeous when she still looks good in a Yankees jersey!
Duck Tracker was updated last night if anyone cares: link
(So was the Hoosier Tracker – link )
Stormtrooper Ducks are boring… and what the heck is a Hoosier anyway? ;)
My least favorite look for the Ducks this season by far! Terrible!! I almost miss the gray pants seeing them last night. Only plus is it means we won’t have to see this look again this year.
leastfavorite look for the Ducks this season by far.”(fixed)
Ado I get the army ribbon helmet stickers, but the bears and titans are both wearing different colored circle helmet stickers. Some have 1 some have 4 and all varying colors. Are they to honor specific military divisions or something?
I knew they were for different branches of the military… but I didn’t realize some were wearing more than one!
I think that’s exactly it… watching the Browns game, I clearly recognize an Air Force logo on a few helmets… I assume the others are for the Army and Navy, and possibly Marines.
It’s complete Bullshit, IMO. This worship of the military is getting *really* fucking ridiculous.
They need to find a soldier who defeated breast cancer… that’d be a goldmine.
Quote of the year right here.
Oh my god, pink camo? Could you even imagine that horror?
Mind = blown:
I mean, did you really think pink camo wasn’t already a thing?
I knew it had to be a thing, but could you imagine it on a football field. *Shudders*
I don’t mind a tribute to veterans this time of year, what with it being Veterans Day next week and all, but I mind when it’s done without class. A classless tribute actually dishonors what you intend to celebrate.
Propriety in this instance would start with noting the difference between three classes of people, each of whom has a different holiday: Veterans, war dead, and active-duty servicepeople. The holiday in November, which conveniently is called “Veterans Day” to help us remember who it’s meant to honor, is meant to honor veterans. Yet the NFL’s latest look-at-me stunt seems aimed at honoring active-duty servicepeople. Wrong holiday. That would be Armed Forces Day, which is in May.
Except for the fact that active duty servicemen and women ARE veterans.
Poster advertising the 1910 “Illinois state championship football game” in Rockford (my hometown) between Rockford High School and Monmouth High School.
There were no official state football playoffs in Illinois until 1974, so there’s no telling how many other games that year were billed as state championship games.
Probably the participating teams in that game were selected by a computer ranking system.
Probably, yeah.
Maybe it was an abacus ranking system?
It’s just stupid that the Redskins couldn’t have worn these unis last week against the Steelers. If you’re wearing a throwback, fine only let them wear them twice at home, but if you happen to play on the road at a team that’s also wearing their throwback from the same decade, can’t the NFL see that it would be appropriate to let them wear them then also? Obviously when teams send to the league back in the summer what they’re going to wear at home, so the road teams know to wear the opposite, so the Redskins knew the Steelers would be wearing the throwbacks against them.
Also Redskins are losing, so if they lose that means the incumbent will lose the election, right? Looking good for Romney!
The Skins didn’t wear their throwbacks last week because of the color clash, not an NFL rule.
Very good point, too bad they couldn’t devise road throwbacks, so we could see some full throwback games.
Well, the Steelers unis were alternating light-and-dark stripes, and besides color-vs-color isn’t entirely prohibited, and especially in cases of throwbacks does happen from time to time… Detroit vs New England, Dallas, etc. I’m pretty sure it was NFL rule of not letting them wear the throwback (or alt) more than two times that prevented this. (Not that the Redskins even asked of even thought about wearing them last week.)
I’m a Panthers fan. But I love the Redskins helmets.
ah, to #6, marty, i gotta say, i love the bronco sox… :)
Jaguars wearing their black unis for the second and final time this year. The blacks are still their alts, since those types of changes have to be approved 12 months in advance AND CANNOT BE DONE MIDSEASON. Emphasis and paraphrasing mine.
We know the blacks weren’t switched to primary for this season because the teals were worn three times in the preseason; alts can only be worn once in the preseason.
I guess we’ll find out when they wear them Thursday night.
Jacksonville looked wonderful today!!!
“Jaguars wearing their black unis for the second and final time this year.”
which is two times too many already
Not at all. Black is beautiful!!!
I saw this pic today on ESPN of the Chicago Bears game. Wasn’t sure if this is a new patch for the month of November or what. It’s the Captain’s parch, noticed it looked like it may be digital camo or something else..
Yeah, looks like I was right, seems to be a military tribute this week. Sorry I didn’t notice that earlier, especially being a veteran myself. lol
Sorry to have missed the party.
Get well soon, Paul.
I’ve already been positively ID’ed as the guy on the far right in the hockey jersey. (#15) That’s the 1992 NHL All-Star Game jersey, for the Wales (now Eastern) Conference. You can’t see the 75th anniversary patch (right chest) or the Patrick Roy customization, which I picked at retail because I am a die-hard Habs fan. That’s actually the first hockey jersey I’ve worn all year. Figured that if there were ever an appropriate jersey and time to suspend my lockout on NHL swag, it would be at a Uni Watch gathering, wearing a pre-Bettman throwback with PL-approved stripes. Also not pictured is an Expos t-shirt underneath.
Thanks for organizing that afternoon! Most fun I’ve had at a bar in a long time.
Better picture of what I wore here. You can sort of see the Expos logo through my hockey jersey.
These have to win the jack o’ lantern of the season!
Is that from today in Green Bay?
Yes. They were in the front row of the end zone.
By the way, #11 is would-have-been Marathon guest Mike Styczen of Calgary.
Thanks mike. I’ve been tied up all day. Good to meet everyone!
Holy cow, those Packers fans’ pumpkin helmets put the Saskie Roughriders’ watermelon hats to shame!
i believe #1 is zack kurland
#3 in the met cap — Marc Rivlin
#12 – “LI Matt” is Matt Brotman
#14 – Keith Goggin
Yep, that’s me. Sorry for the late reply. I had a modified Giants #17 jersey on…made a homemade “Feagles” nameplate and taped it over a former wideout and unskilled marksman’s name.
Thanks again for having the get together. I enjoyed the company of everyone!
Just read about your accident. I understand your circumstances, as I currently have a broken left hand. And of course I’m left handed. As many others have said, get better soon, and follow your dr’s advice.
oh, and in case it isn’t apparent what rups i’m wearing or why —
they’re “THEosu” rups, in honor of robert marshall…they are actually rups, but i was wearing red sanis underneath, so as to give them an actual ‘sock’ look
Updated again… all accounted for except #2 & #5:
How ’bout those Bucs!
oops typo.. try this:
2 is another marathoner, in from Flagstaff. Forget his first name.
#6 full name: Marty Buccafusco; Marty and Jessie are married
Did anybody see the NBC promo they just had for next week’s game? In a still picture Urlacher had current jersey but with the throwback number font. Weird.
About eleventeen people just sent me screen shots of that!
Seeing how much fun was had at Sheep Station last night, we’ve got to come up with an excuse to get Paul out to Cascadia so he can meet up with all the Uni-Watchers from Vancouver down to Seattle!
Still lobbying for an SF Uni-Watch convention someday.