By Phil Hecken
Last weekend I did a mini-review of the new University of Minnesota Golden Gophers football uniforms, which prompted this E-mail from reader Shawn Kennedy (he’s the guy on the right in today’s splash):
Hi Phil,
Just wanted to give you some props on your review of the Gopher uniforms. I pretty much agree with you across the board and wrote a similar summary on our blog. Nice job and keep up the great work!
Shawn Kennedy
I quickly shot back a “Thanks” but didn’t take too much notice of his “hey check out my blog” comment — until I checked out his blog. Turns out it’s not just your average fan-boy blog but rather, quite a work, and it contains an incredible amount of uni-goodness. We’ll get back to that in a minute.
Anyway, we traded a few E-mails and after having checked out his blog, I knew we had to get to know Shawn a bit better.
Uni Watch: You emailed me after my review of the Gopher’s new uniforms for 2012. What do you think of those — are they better or worse than those which preceded them?
Shawn Kennedy: I really like the new uniforms. I love the basic design that goes back to the Glen Mason era and the addition of the historical features (the bricks on the numbers and the 1940s number font). I also love what they’re not: the garish, uber-modern jerseys of Maryland and Oregon. I had some concerns about that. I feel that they did a great job combining the old with the new.
(Turns out he had a lot to say about the new Gopher jerseys.)
UW: I note on your homepage you feature a minivan filled with UM helmets — what’s the story with those? Are you a collector?
SK: I’m always trying to network with fellow collectors, and ran across Tom Zimmer’s now defunct Gridrion Ghosts website and asked him if he had any Gophers helmets. He had worked with the U of M on the their throwback uniforms for the 2006 NDSU game and wound up buying 6 very large cardboard boxes full of Gophers helmets from the U. We rented a minivan and drove out to his rural Madison warehouse location in below zero weather to pick them up. We actually had to clear out some of the helmets and waded through the boxes trying to find the best examples. Tom is a great guy and was very accomodating.
UW: Lots of uniform sites exist. Why is yours different?
SK: There are maybe a few dozen college football dedicated uniform sites out there that I know of. I’m friends with a few of the other guys as we also collect Big Ten and a few other regional teams helmets to a lesser extent. I think what sets us apart is the size of our collection, the historical depth as it goes back to the 1940s, and we have a uniform history section. It’s also a football only Gophers dedicated site.
UW: Are there other blogs dedicated to Gopher football uniforms?
SK: There are other Gopher football fan sites, but we’re the only Gophers football uniform site.
UW: What the hell is “Ski-U-Mah” (and why is it pronounced SKY and not ski, like the downhill sport?)
SK: The Ski-U-Mah slogan is part of two of Minnesota’s school songs and has been around since the late 1800’s. It’s part Sioux war cry (the Ski part) and U-Mah comes from University of Minnesota.
UW: Gotcha. Lets talk about your collection — I notice you have links to and photos of jerseys, helmets, and rings and awards. How did you acquire all these?
SK: Matt and I started collecting when we were 15 years old. Matt’s dad gave him a Gopher game used jersey for Christmas that he bought at the old Steichen’s Sporting Goods in St. Paul. Matt also gave one to me that same Christmas. At that time in the early mid 80’s you were lucky to find a poor quality replica jersey. To be able to wear something that the players actually wore on the field just blew our minds. That pretty much had us hooked.
UW: What about the helmets?
SK: A few years later they offered game used helmets, something we never thought we ever be able to get. Around this time, Matt’s brother Andy joined us in our collecting addiction. Sometime later the U of M started having garage sales selling game worn gear and we’ve picked up a ton of stuff there. Through the years we’ve made a ton of connections with dealers and fellow collectors and bought as much as we could afford along the way. We also buy from all the major auction houses. We’ve also bought a number of items from former players that we’ve connected with. We stared collecting pro jerseys of former Gophers in the past few years.
UW: Which ones are your favorite?
SK: A few of our favorite items are (tough question)…Sandy Stephens Rose Bowl jersey, Tyrone Carter’s jersey and helmet, Chris Darkins’ jersey, and Laurence Maroney helmet for the Gophers stuff. For the pro items, I’d say any of the Marion Barber jerseys and the Rickey Foggie BC Lions rookie jersey.
UW: You have a pretty extensive uniform history section — but it only goes back to 1959 — do you have plans to expand it?
SK: I don’t know how we arrived at 1959. Andy did the history section and we plan to update as we go starting with the 2012 uniforms and then we’ll work back. We do realize the need for a better format and plan to change over at some point. It’s a ton of work putting a site together with a collection of around 750 jerseys, 150 odd helmets, rings, etc. … that spans three guys who live in three different states.
UW: Where did you get the colors and patterns from? All photos or did you have actual unis to look at?
SK: It took over a year to meet all all locations, take photos, crop them, upload them, research, write ups and on and on. We’ve been collecting for around 65 years combined so have a lot of experience on the research end. One day we hope to open a museum near campus and put the virtual world in the real world.
UW: You mentioned two other guys — Matt and Andy — do you all work equally on the blog? How did you guys meet?
SK: Honestly, I’ve probably done most of the work as I teach part time and run gridironheroes.net. We try to keep the blog uniform based, but will probably expland it as the season starts up. With all the uniforms combinations coming up, there should be plenty to blog about.
UW: And the other guys?
SK: Matt is a college professor and Andy works at the University of Minnesota full time so I have the most free time. Matt and Andy will do more work as time becomes available.
UW: How did you guys meet?
SK: I met Matt way back in kindergarten at Lincoln Elementary in Crystal, MN. We’ve been best friends ever since. Matt’s brother Andy came along a few years later and we’re very tight as well. We’re all University of Minnesota grads and season ticket holders.
UW: You guys have any hobbies (besides collecting)?
SK: We all share a passion for Gopher sports, travel, history, politics, and the University of Minnesota. We don’t just see ourselves as collectors, but as uniform and team historians. We are preserving University of Minnesota Gopher football history through our collection. There’s much more to us than being jersey junkies, but that’s definitely a big part of us.
UW: Anything else we should know?
SK: We do have some very important pieces of football history from a number of All-Americans including Leo Nomellini’s jersey, Sandy Stephens, Tyrone Carter, Ben Hamilton, etc. We have a near complete line of Gopher football helmets dating back the first design of hard plastic shell helmet. Along with uniforms Matt has near complete collection of homecoming buttons, programs since 1980, etc. Our Big Ten game used helmet collection is probably the largest and most complete in the nation as well.
UW: What made you want to start this site, and do you think you’ll continue to expand it?
SK: We started gopherjerseys.com to educate and interest collectors and Gopher football fans in general. We’ve been contacted by a number of former players about our site who’ve seen their jerseys or helmets with compliments or offers. We hope to continue to expand and improve as we get gain experience and buy more items, also one of the aims of our site.
UW: Awesome. Just two last questions. How did you find UW — do you post in the comments (and if so, who do you post as)? … And how long have you been a reader?
SK: I’ve been a reader for around 2 years but I’ve never posted on Uni Watch. I’m not a registered user or anything.
UW: Well, I bet that’s about to change. Thanks, Shawn
So, how great a site/collection is that? I hope you guys enjoyed “meeting” Shawn and do spend some time poking around that site — it’s got a ton of amazing jerseys and other memorabilia. And, if you look closely, Shawn and his buddies also have done a fair amount of uni tracking — always a welcome addition to the historical record.

by Rick Pearson
For some this would be REALLY horrifying…

And of course, the full size.

Uni Tweaks Concepts
We have another new set of tweaks, er…concepts today. After discussion with a number of readers, it’s probably more apropos to call most of the reader submissions “concepts” rather than tweaks. So that’s that.
So if you’ve concept for any sport, or just a tweak or wholesale revision, send them my way.
Please do try to keep your descriptions to ~50 words (give or take) per image — if you have three uniform concepts in one image, then obviously, you can go a little over, but no novels, OK? OK!. You guys have usually been good with keeping the descriptions pretty short, and I thank you for that.
And so, lets begin:
We start with Justin Kline, who has eight NFL concepts:
Phil, Here are a bunch of NFL tweaks I’ve been working on lately. I only tweaked unis that (in my opinion) need an overhaul, so I excluded current unis that I like (Bills, Chiefs, etc.) and teams that should switch to their throwbacks with no tweaks (Atlanta, Jax, etc.).
Arizona Cardinals
The Cards and Falcons look like they were separated at birth, and I felt that the Cards needed an overhaul even if they planned on going fauxback. Cincinnati Bengals I can’t stand to look at them anymore, so I figured I would faux back to the Boomer Esiason days with a few modern touchesDenver Broncos
When I heard that they plan on using the orange jerseys as their primaries again, all I could think of were the classic Elway unis. The bucking bronco in the “D” looks a little dated, so I attempted to revamp it by splicing together two of the newer bronco logos. I also wanted to see if drop shadow would look good on the numbers, and I’m not disappointed.Miami Dolphins
One thing I could never figure out: if the dolphin wears a helmet with an “M” on it, why don’t the Fins have that “M” on their helmets? If the dolphin has an “M” on its helmet, and humans have a dolphin wearing an “M” on our helmets, then who’s wearing a helmet with a human wearing a dolphin wearing an “M” on it?Minnesota Vikings
Speaking of helmets, the fact that the Vikes’ mascot wears a gold helmet has always kind of bugged me. Shouldn’t he wear the same purple helmet that the Vikes wear? I had to change the hair color to avoid some hair-to-helmet confusion, and now he looks a lot like Jared Allen. That has to be a good thing.New England Patriots
Those Boston Patriots fauxbacks can’t get much better than they already are, so most of this was just fixing the road uni and adding an alternate. Until now, I didn’t notice how similar the alternate is to the blue Ole Miss jerseys.Philadelphia Eagles
I watch a lot of Sunny, so Charlie Kelly’s Greenman suit had to be incorporated into this uni set. After all, Greenman is the unofficial sports mascot of Philadelphia.Tennessee Titans
One thing that the Titans and Predators had always had in common was the fact that both teams have had the distinction of wearing the ugliest uniforms in their respective leagues. The Preds don’t look as bad now as they did previously, but the Titans still look stupid. Perhaps they could try using the Preds’ new colors. Hope y’all enjoyed this set of tweaks. -Justin Kline
Up next is Nicholas Flees, who has a new Maryland Terrapin football concept:
Hey Phil, I have had this concept for a Maryland football revision for a couple of years now. It’s pretty simple, especially relative to this year’s redesign, but I’m pretty traditional in my uniform preferences. I’m bringing back an awesome vintage Maryland logo for the helmet and a Maryland state flag patch on the jersey. The state has such a great flag, I couldn’t resist. I hope you like it. Nick
And finally, we have Ryan Allison, who believes it’s time to give the Mustangs the Pro Combat treatment (when he sent me this tweak, in an E-mail dated 12/14/11, the Nike rumor hadn’t yet been confirmed). Enjoy:
Phil, There are rumors that SMU is switching to Nike next season. I decided to create a SMU Nike Pro Combat uniform using the Pro Combat template by Rezland. I decided to create the uniform from a more traditional stand point. The lettering, numbering, and striping are similar to the 1982 SMU uniforms worn by the Pony Express. Instead of the sleeve striping, like on the current SMU Adidas uniforms, I went back to the number on the sleeve. Also the helmet striping is similar to the 1982 uniforms. The undershirt is a dark gray/black. This is where the more “Pro Combat” look comes in. On the left sleeve is the state of Texas with a white star over the city of Dallas. On the right sleeve, is just a stripe which is consistent to the helmet and pant stripe that goes around the circumference of the arm. I believe this uniform gives a classy, traditional look, while also giving an edgy, modern appeal. Thanks, Ryan Allison
Thanks folks. Back with more tweaks concepts tomorrow.
That will do it for today. Everyone have a great Saturday.
“I also think it is refreshing to see states think outside the box to raise capital in these tough economic times. I would gladly drive down the Nike Pro Combat highway daily if it allowed for road improvements or reduced tolls.” — Joe Mangano
I like a lot of Justin Kline’s concept, as they’re cleaner , less cluttered than the existing looks. In particular. Cincinnati would represent a major upgrade, and it wouldn’t surprise me if one day the Bengals went that direction , and go to the other extreme and adopt a very basic look.
In terms of the Titans – giving them the Predators colours (the big tough NFL, would nevel lower itself to replicate something from the NHL) , I would think about going one step further, Nashville Pred’s gold uniform is visually striking.
Meh, the Bengals do NOT need black helmets. From the neck down, it’s not a bad concept – but I’d prefer the tiger stripes on the shoulders rather than the sleeves. The Bengals only real problem is that stupid white side panel on the jerseys. Make it black and they’d look fine. Well, and they should wear orange socks with the black pants.
As for the Titans… we already have a navy & yellow team, they play in San Diego. I wouldn’t mind seeing that uniform rendered in their actual colors. The tapered pant striping with the stars has potential, but not in those colors.
The Bengals got it right in 1968. When they went to the stripes in ’81, the makeover was radical and well done. Since they started to tinker and alter and change for change sake, they’ve been a disaster. Having no sleeves on the jersey hasn’t helped. However, each summer at training camp they actually look good–given the restriction of modern uniform cuts–but, alas, these are put back into storage once the games begin…
The Bengals got it right in ’81.
Yes, the ’81 re-design was a success.
But I reiterate, they got it right the first time (as modeled by AFL Rookie of the Year, Paul Robinson)…
Good stuff today, Phil.
Justin Kline — did you consider a link for the “Always Sunny” Eagles concept?
Shawn! Gophers!
Great work, Shawn.
Sidebar anecdote(?) for Shawn re: Glen Mason…
I ran into Mason at Voiceworks in the Foshay Tower (while it still was an office building) where he was recording radio commercials during his first spring practice at Minnesota. While we were chatting, I told him that when his hiring was announced I’d said to co-worker, “I’d bet a thousand bucks he changes them back to white shoes” (which he did).
He laughed and, in a mock secretive tone, said, “Yeah, we’re so slow I figure we shouldn’t LOOK slow, too.”
Ergo, it is impossible to not associate white socks and shoes with the Glen Mason era at Minnesota.
Well, for me, anyway. :)
I’m feeling you on the white shoes. I read recently that JoePa had his team wear black shoes to make his team look slower when they were scouted by other teams. I met Glen on a number of occations. Nice guy!
Love the Gophers uni site. Great job, Shawn.
As for Justin’s tweaks…
…growing up watching the Dan Dierdorf/Ottis Anderson/Roy Green/Neil Lomax St. Louis Cardinals, I can’t abide a stripe on the helmet. That, and the black jerseys just feel wrong to me.
…in reference to the Vikings mascot’s helmet color, my first instinct was to ask “if it’s purple, what’s it made of? Dyed cowhide?” — not a question that actually needs to be answered, but hey, it didn’t bother me it was yellow in the first place. And if you’re going to make his hair brown, might as well make him this guy: link
….and I always like the Dolphin wearing the helmet with an M precisely because it doesn’t make total sense. Makes more sense to me than the Utah Jazz. It’s anarchy. Anarchy, I tell you!
For those who get twisted up about the “M” on the Dolphins helmet, look at it this way (conceptually speaking).
He isn’t supposed to be a member of the team.
Quite the contrary. He is one of the rare and elusive football-playing Miami dolphins after which the team is named. They actually found of them, and he lived in a tank beyond one of the Orange Bowl end zones in the early years. Never did find one of those “M” helmets, though. I guess they’re forever lost at sea.
Better now?
Hey, I was cool with it before. I always imagined that maybe somewhere he was playing against a team from Havana called the Tiburons or something, and there were sharks running around with helmets with an H on them.
At least that’s what my reasons were when I was ten. Now, I just go with it.
Wasn’t aimed at you, Walter. Knew you liked it.
Was trying to help those who struggle with it get through their angst.
Okay, Ringo.
That’s link to you, Walter.
Don’t forget it.
Man, if you don’t find the home keys you type really stupid stuff. Grrr…
Sorry about that, Winter.
Didn’t have my glasses on at the time.
Similar background for the Cowboys’ star.
This was the team’s original logo, long before they got anywhere near a practice field for the first time…
So, if you bring that football-playing cowboy to life, he’d have a star on his helmet, right?
Jeez, I hate dead links. Try this…
Aside from the chaps, that cartoon cowboy is wearing something pretty close to what the team actually used in 1960. Note that he’s got shoulder stars too.
I can’t really argue against the idea that a team mascot should wear the same uniform/logo as the team. It’s not really a requirement, but it definitely makes sense to go that route.
Although this guy would look pretty stupid in shorts and a sleeveless jersey (and the players would look equally dumb in shamrock-festooned vests and bowties).
Then again, are we talking mascots or logos? Not always the same thing.
Mostly, though, there ain’t a “rule” either way.
I love the M logo-within-a-logo in the same way that I love logos that incorporate colors other than the team’s primary colors.
Thereby helping with the contention that there ARE “incidental colors.” Just because a color is employed in a team logo doesn’t make it a Team Color (see: yellow beak on Arizona cardinal, black drop shadow on Wisconsin “W”).
Or another Wisconsin example. This does NOT make black a Wisconsin color. It’s just a badger wearing a Wisconsin sweater…
Or, y’know, a yellow sun on a Rays jersey.
For a team called the Golden Gophers, I never understood the infatuation with the maroon helmet. Gotta be gold.
Fabled sportswriter/broadcaster Halsey Hall added the “golden” when they wore mono-gold (helmet, jerseys, pants) in the 30s and were a powerhouse. Before that, they were just “Gophers.” Not sure when the “Golden” was officially included in the nickname.
Might be one of the last college nicknames to spring from a reporter’s description, as when Alabama “rolled like a crimson tide.”
Just think about it, NU could be the Purple Haze and be, officially, Paul’s least favorite team (my dad was one of the hippies trying to change the name back in the 72).
I think that’s because there’s already a ton of teams with gold helmets. How many with maroon?
actual maroon? va tech and maybe one or two others, but you’ve got a shit-ton of teams with varying shades of red that approach maroon … im thinkin’ big 12 & sec in particular (arkansas, alabama, miss state, oklahoma are just a few that come to mind)
i’d love to see the gold that nike just introduced as their lid — and normally i don’t like shiny toppers, but some colors demand to be bright…and that gold is one of em
Generally speaking, football at Minnesota, Texas A&M, Mississippi State, Virginia Tech and Arizona State have stayed close to flat-out maroon over the past decades. Although Minnesota as veered over toward burgundy every so often.
Other than that, it’s a short list.
Probably safe to say that on the red scale, maroon equates to navy on the blue scale.
I like the gold helemts as well and would love to see one brought back to be worn for special games only.
B1G championship?
That’s what I had in mind. At the very least a New Year’s Day bowl.
ah…so the first time we’d see them is 2018?
That Maryland flag is upside down on the UMD tweak. For shame! All the others were good.
How embarrassing! I have no idea how that happened. My apologies to Marylanders! Here’s a revision: link
Now it is perfect. No chance UA goes traditional though.
Thanks. I’m sure you’re right about Under Armour.
Am I the only person that sorta likes the Eagles midnight green? Every single Eagles concept we see always reverts them back to their 80’s colors. The midnight green isn’t that bad, is it?
/granted, the NFL really should have one team using kelly green… but that team doesn’t have to be the Eagles
“Am I the only person that sorta likes the Eagles midnight green?”
on the eagles? yes
as a color? hell nah…i think it’s a great color, just doesn’t belong on the iggs…if no other team (im lookin at yous, J-E-T-S) doesn’t want to wear kelly, then the birds should reclaim it
now…if the jets were to go from hunter to midnight, i wouldn’t be arguing
Plus, the Eagles going all somber was at the vanguard of the whole “Oh, Lord, can’t wear a bright color and be intimidating” movement.
Too bad, cuz I thought in this game they looked frickin’ great.
Liked this incarnation, too…
im not sure if jeff loria actually said this, but it’s fitting:
midnight green is the color of money
These weren’t too shabby either: link
It wouldn’t be so bad (tho it IS extremely dreary, awful & ugly) if the set it was replacing wasn’t vastly superior in single every way.
The midnight green is fine. But midnight green and black is vomitously vile. If the Eagles ditched black entirely from their logo & unis and went midnight green and silver, they’d look fine. Not quite as great as in the Kelly green era, but fine enough.
im not wont to normally agree 100% with robert scott, but i totally agree that the midnight green and black do not a good combo make
i’d actually prefer the white pants (and numbers, stripes etc.) to silver (for the midnight), but either is preferable to anything with black on it — the best of course would be a return to kelly/silver, which i think works better than midnight/silver
Justin Kline:
Arizona – better, but still could use some work (helmet, no bfbs third)
Cincy – Again, better, but not as good as it could be. You gotta keep the tiger stripe helmet… IMO
Denver – good combo logo and I like the set. Sleeve stripes are a bit bland IMO considering some of the patterns in Bronco history
Miami – I wouldn’t replace the dolphin logo with an ‘M’ but that’s a good looking uni otherwise.
Minni – Big no to the logo changes. Understandable? Yes. Acceptable? No. haha. The uni design is great.
NE – why doesn’t the road helmet have a logo? Mistake? I should hope so. The Alts striping should look more like this – link – IMO to keep the patter the same on all three jerseys, but good stuff
Iggles – nice mix, I like it, but I don’t dig on the GreenMan set, even though GreenMan is the Man.
The Tits – not digging this one. I’d say go back to the drawing board (full disclosure – I like the tits unis).
Good shit, though.
Interesting logo for USA Curling’s tour of Scotland:
That IS interesting. I mostly like it, though I wish they had re-drawn the Scottish red lion so that it matched up better with the eagle, whose quirky rendering I quite like. What’s the the motto: “Let There Be Always Friendship and Calamari?”
I actually think they’re making a Latin pun there. What I think they’re try to say is “Let there always be (our_ friendship and curling,” but since there’s no Latin word for the sport, they got the closest thing.
squids n us
The only thing I can say that I like about the Denver Broncos’ tweak is the incorporating the older D logo with the current horse head. Uniform-wise though, the blue pants, especially paired with a blue jersey, is just a mess. The Boise State Broncos have already pulled off that look, it’s too much for the NFL. I’ve never been a fan of numbered drop shadowing either. I’d also prefer an actual logo on the helmet other than team name as well.
Shawn, great work on the Gophers site. As a fellow Big Ten fan I really enjoy any history on Big Ten teams.
I now have to check out as much of the site as I can.
Glad Phil did this column today.
Thanks Larry! I’m a huge fan of the B1G as well. Someday we may put a site together will all of our Big Ten gamers as well.
Came across a pic of the NFL Nike Vapor Jet glove for next season:
Notice anything familiar?
With the NFL strict on excessive celebrations, wonder how many players will be doing what college players do with their gloves…
Also of note: a new Carolina Panthers logo? link
Neon still prominent for Seahawks, too.
Maybe even a bit moreso than I’d have expected.
Them being one of the first who’ll be getting an reworking, wonder if that’s a bit of a tell.
Are we sure these aren’t just the Pro Bowl gloves?
True. Could be.
But that DOES looks like a revised, if not totally new, Panthers logo.
So who can say what that graphic tells us.
Watching Senior Bowl on NFL Network, and with Under Armour out as title sponsor, organizers are using Nike’s Amateur Pacifist kit complete with monochrome colors, fading numbers (blue to white for South, blue to red for North,) and horroawful striping used by Fresno State.
Know what still bugs me?
The royal blue crews on, say, Kellen Moore.
Especially with bare calves.
Looks like a three-year-old dressed my mommy to go his first football game in something she found at The Dollar Store.
C’mon, Nike, at least put ’em in big boy socks.
(In other words, I’m not gonna like the cute little socks in the NBA ASG, am I.)
Is the NBA even having an All-Star game this year? I thought that got cancelled due to the lockout and the now-shortened season. Then again, I’m not a basketball fan so why do I give a fuck.
Are there any geographic boundaries between Yankees/Mets fans? How do they relate to the Giants/Jets split?
In other words, in what parts of NYC are people for the most part Mets fans, what parts are they Yankees fans, etc.?
yankee fans are all over the place, but in general, you’ll probably find more mets fans in brooklyn/queens and long island (since the mets play in queens) while you’ll probably find more yanks fans in manhattan, da bronx and upstate, as well as jersey and connecticut … there’s much more of a dividing line between yanks and sox fans in central connecticut than you have with mets/yanks fans
a lot of it (fan of a particular team) isn’t so much geographic as it is when you were born (much more younger folks are yanks fans, since they were easy to latch onto as a front runner in the 90’s & early 2000’s into today)…mets had a couple years in 99 & 2000 when they were good, plus 2006, but it’s been pretty much of a losing team in-between…older fans, like myself, remember those 73 world series teams, and of course their resurgence/dominance in the mid-80s…when the mets owned new york…but it’s almost always been a yankees town
the other factor would be who your dad rooted for or whether you’re a national league or american league guy, but i think that’s less of an influence now than it once was…
as far as jets/giants — i’d say more mets fans are jets fans and more yankees fans are giants fans, but again, this isn’t a hard and fast rule…
both the mets and jets played in shea for a couple decades, so that alliance remains strong…and the giants played in yankee stadium (and the polo grounds) so there is more of a geographic factor here…again, there is no hard and fast rule
i happen to be a mets/giants fan (as are many of my friends) but there are just as many who are yankee/jets fans, and of course there are probably more still who go mets/jets or yanks/giants
no real hard and fast rules…
I was bound to the Mets in 1969 (when I was 7) by the World Series win. Oddly, I have no recollection of the Jets’ Super Bowl win, nine months prior.
Just saw a cool Ottawa throwback with a straight hem in the NHL skills competition.
Ottawa 67’s, like this: link
Long Beach State vs. Cal State Fullerton: some of the Titans are wearing navy Adidas? socks with orange-white-orange striping. The striped socks (in terms of Adidas) are nothing new, but this is the first time that I’ve seen them with different colored stripes.
So that’s one side of Shawn Kennedy. Let’s get to the other side where he and his cronies single-handedly ruined the Gopher athletic department equipment sales by greedily grabbing every single hockey jersey in the place for the purposes of reselling them and parking their girlfriends on the pile of sweaters they grabbed, nearly inciting a riot and causing the university to never sell game worn hockey jerseys to the public since, driving the prices up through the roof. Thanks a lot you selfish greedy bastard.