Bill Henderson recently sold a copy of his excellent jersey guide to a woman named Patsy Elmer (that’s her at right), who runs an Arizona operation called BigTime Jerseys She’s done work for the Suns, Globetrotters, and Diamondbacks, and she liked Bill’s guide so much that she wrote back to him with some interesting stories. He shared them with me and now, with Patsy’s kind permission, I’m sharing them with you:
I was one of the ladies setting up the jerseys behind the stage during the Diamondbacks’ expansion draft party held at the Civic Plaza in downtown Phoenix. The draft was being shown on live TV and we didn’t know who the names were going to be, so we had to be prepared with plenty of each letter so as to not run out. One of the officials would give us the name of the next draftee and we had about five to seven minutes to prepare the jersey before his name was announced. To speed up the process, the numbers 1 through 35 had previously been sewn onto the jerseys to reference each draft round. Once a player’s name was announced, the jersey was brought to the stage and everyone applauded. Then the jerseys were hung up in the rafters until all were done.
The most interesting aspect of this, at least to me, is the realization that jerseys have become routine parts of the show surrounding the NFL, NBA, and NHL drafts, but baseball drafts don’t work that way — except when there’s an expansion draft like the one Patsy was describing.
Patsy also shared some of her experience regarding hand-cut lettering:
I could identify with the White Sox “Wild West” letters looking like they were cut by hand. When we did the old-style Phoenix Suns jerseys (1970s), we used patterns made of paper with tiny holes poked through to create the design of the letter/number. We laid this “pattern” over the fabric and dusted it with a powder, which would fall through the tiny holes to create our cutting line. After we cut them out, they were pressed onto the next color of tackle twill, sewn, and then the second color was hand-cut. It was all done by hand in those days. In fact, my old employer didn’t get an Ioline cutter until just two years ago.
In addition, Patsy sent along photos and descriptions of some notable jerseys her company has produced:
• “This Gretzky jersey now hangs in an arena in Canada,” says Patsy. “You can read the details about it at gretzky.com.”
• “I did six of those giant Mavericks jerseys. Stackhouse, Harris, Finley, Nowitzki, and a couple others I can’t remember right now. They hung in the American Airlines arena in Dallas for a while and now hang in someone’s house. Must be a big house.”
• “This statue in downtown Phoenix is usually naked and every time I’d pass it I could imagine making a Suns jersey for him. During the 2010 Western
Conference Finals, I asked all the right people for permission and was granted the opportunity to make it happen.”

Great stuff. My thanks to Patsy for sharing her stories and photos, and to Bill Henderson for telling me about her in the first place.
Collector’s Corner, by Brinke Guthrie
To mark the beginning of the Fall Classic, which opens tonight here in San Francisco, this week’s edition of Collector’s Corner is devoted to the two participants, the Rangers and Giants. And although you can guess my current allegiances from the photo shown at right, I have some history with the Rangers as well.
• Here’s a Rangers game program from their first season in Arlington. I had this one — still do, in fact.
• Had this batting helmet too. And I was wearing that logo before Max Klinger was.
• That 1972 season featured some brutal airbrushing work by Topps.
• Here’s a great batch of Rangers stickers and also pennants. I had that bottom one on my wall!
• Moving over to the N.L., here’s a corresponding batch of Giants stickers.
• I happen to know my wife bought one of these Bruce Bochy bobbleheads for me for my birthday. [Bochy is notorious for having the biggest hat size in the game, so shouldn’t his head be larger? — PL]
• Here are some nice-looking Giants scorecards from 1962 and 1974.
• A crime against humanity by New Era, of course.
• In a quasi-DIY move, someone took a Brian Wilson bobblehead and painted a beard onto it.
Seen something on eBay that you think would make good Collector’s Corner fodder? Send your submissions here.
Uni Watch News Ticker: One nice aesthetic side-benefit of the Giants being in the World Series: At least two of the games will begin in daylight. … Two winters ago I did an ESPN column about a Christian high school whose basketball team wears short sleeves and long pants. Now Becky Taylor has found a photo of a Georgia school that was doing the same thing back in 1956. That’s Georgia Christian Institute in the pants, playing Cook High. Great, great find. ”¦ I always wanted one of these NFL magnetic standings thingies. ”¦ Toronto FC is inviting fans to help design a new kit for the team (with thanks to Ben Wideman). ”¦ Here are Marquette’s new Jordan sneakers (courtesy of David Merrill). ”¦ Check out this Boise State helmet display. “I particularly the blatant Denver Broncos rip at bottom-center,” says Eric Bangeman. ”¦ The Nats will unveil their new uni set on Nov. 10. ”¦ Jose Theodore’s new Wild mask hasn’t arrived yet, so he had to improvise the other night (with thanks to Vernona Elms). ”¦ Here are some interesting uni-tracking stats for the A’s (with thanks to Zachary Charles). ”¦ Here are all the charity-specific jerseys that the Milwaukee Wave will be wearing this season (as noted by Kenn Tomasch). ”¦ Looks like someone at Swoosh Inc. did some sloppy Photoshopping. As you can see, that’s a Florida Pro Combat jersey with a Miami collar logo (with thanks to Jeff Cooperman). ”¦ New basketball uniforms for Detroit Mercy, and there are several notworthy aspects of this one. First, that’s the Horizon League logo on the upper-right chest. Second, this is the first time I’ve seen the NCAA’s new authentication logo appearing on the shorts instead of the jersey. And as for the black “KB” patch, Michael Martinez provides an explanation: “It’s for Kathy Bush, the associate dean of liberal arts and education at UDM who passed away this summer. Apparently, she worked closely with the players and they wanted to honor her this way. I think it’s pretty cool to see a faculty member honored like that.” Agreed. ”¦ Shaun Tunick spotted Casey Stengel showing off some Pedro Porthole action back in 1953. ”¦ A few weeks ago I linked to this photo. Now Curtis Worrell of Helmet Hut has found that same player in these two photos. According to the captions, that’s Frank Sinkwich of Georgia, wearing a “jury rigged harness” to protect a broken jaw. ”¦ A de facto Nashville Sounds jersey history timeline can be found on the team’s Flickr stream. Scroll down and then click on the additional pages for more (good find by Mike Hersh). … Big birthday wishes to Uni Watch’s own Scott M.X. Turner, who’s pulling an amazing feat by turning 29 again. Remarkable.
VMI’s game notes for their game at Army say that Army will be wearing “alternate” jerseys on Saturday (VMI will be wearing red jerseys).
When Army’s new unis were revealed ( link ), it was announced that they’d wear the “Dress Grey” uni against Air Force. Will we see them a week early? Or will we see some other (previously unrevealed) combination?
(game is on CBS College Sports Network, noon Eastern)
New basketball uniforms for Detroit Mercy, and there are several notworthy aspects of this one. First, that’s the Horizon League logo on the upper-right chest. Second, this is the first time I’ve seen the NCAA’s new authentication logo appearing on the shorts instead of the jersey. And as for the black “KB” patch, Michael Martinez provides an explanation: “It’s for Kathy Bush, the associate dean of liberal arts and education at UDM who passed away this summer. Apparently, she worked closely with the players and they wanted to honor her this way. I think it’s pretty cool to see a faculty member honored like that.” Agreed.
There is no link :(
Oops. Now fixed.
The new MD and BC shorts that were linked to before have the NCAA’s logo on the shorts as well (but also on the jersey):
Ah, hadn’t recalled/noticed that. Thanks!
Great story today! I still hand cut everything that I make. It took me about a solid year to master cutting out the outline layers just by eying it up.
The digital cutters take half the fun out of making a jersey.
Same Here.
Good stuff guys –
Happy Birthday, Mr. Turner! Although turning 29 repeatedly can become stale. Instead, each year I celebrate the anniversary of my 21st birthday – much more fun.
Happy Birthday…..For me 27 was a good year, so I keep celebrating anniversaries of my 27th Birthday…
happy birthday scotty!
you don’t look a day over 30
Boise State’s Bronco “ripoff” was used before Denver. BSU colors and logos were adopted prior to Denver changing to Blue and Orange as well….Denver ripped off the colors and logos.
SOURCE: link
That’s not what that link says. It says that the name and colors were used. It says nothing about the “Bronco bursting out of D/B” logo.
Maybe Boise had it first. But that source does not support the claim.
It would be interesting to hear the official word about the BSU/Denver Bronco helmet. We know Boise stopped played junior college football after the 1967 season, and the Denver NFL team introduced that style of helmet in the early 70s. My guess is Boise liked that design, and slightly altered it. Not sure how long BSU actually wore that design before switching to the “bsu”. This sounds like a question for the school SID, or someone with a book about Boise football history.
By “early 70’s” you mean 1968 for Denver.
According to the Helmet Project, Boise first used the BSU in 1974, with that horse-head-in-a-circle logo listed as “early 70’s”, and the logo with the B isn’t shown at all. If Boise did have it first, they didn’t keep it for very long once Denver started using it.
Did Boise ever have a brown bronco on their helmet?
but who introduced the blue horsey first?
I’ve been travelling, so I might have missed this in recent posts / comments, but it looks like Paul’s purple-woes may be coming to an end — 3M is claiming the color all for itself. See link below:
“we used patterns made of paper with tiny holes poked through to create the design of the letter/number. We laid this “pattern” over the fabric and dusted it with a powder, which would fall through the tiny holes to create our cutting line.”
The process Patty is referring to is called pouncing. You can still buy all the tools for this really cheap and get a great effect using layered fabrics. Just an idea for all the DIY stars out there.
I always wanted one of these NFL magnetic standings thingies.
Oh, if only some company would get licenses from the various leagues to bring them back…
NHL: link
NFL: link
MLB: link
NBA: link
Not the same, alas. Thanks for the effort, though.
Why wouldn’t they take 3 extra seconds to put the helmets in the correct divisions? Also, they have the Browns in last. Clearly a mistake there. Right?
Yeah, I thought the same thing… looking forward to that key NFC east matchup between.. the 49ers and Steelers…
On a design/production note, the “wing” on the Eagles helmet is green instead of silver. Odd that they couldn’t accomodate the proper colors during printing as some of the more complex designs were done much better.
It looks like it was silver and the paint flaked off.
The seller obviously doesn’t like New York though… both the Jets and Giants helmets are missing… (and of course it claims to be from 1975, yet has the Bucs & Seahawks.
They were painted/produced in layers so there would have been green under the silver. I always had trouble with the metallic colors (Saints and Seahawks, esp.) coming off and revealing the base color underneath.
..add the Chiefs & Chargers to the missing teams list.
I guess the board itself could be from ’75, but the magnets aren’t.
My Dad has been a season ticket holder with the Steelers since ’77. Every game I went to I got one of the original mini-helmet magnets. With the help of eBay, I’ve been able to complete the collection (old NY Jets was a hard get) and even replace some that had been damaged or broken. Around 10 years ago a company began making the mini-helmet magnets again to include new teams (Titans, Ravens, Jags, Panthers), changed helmets (TB, Philly, NYG), etc. Then they, too, stopped production. Maybe in the next couple of years someone will do it again and maybe even include a throwback set for each team.
I forgot to say… beware the die-cut magnets. They roll up on themselves and hardly ever stay flat
I had one of those sets! Mine must have been from 1976 because it had the Bucs. Actually, I know it was from 1976 because the Seahawks helmet didn’t have a sticker.
Yeah – me too! My best friend got his set in 1977 and his had the Seahawks sticker since they added the helmet logo in their second season.
oh… you people
*rolls eyes*
Excellent point. Those mid-70s are an interesting time, as NFL merchandising was really just starting and Sears started selling a lot of stuff.
The changes in 75/76/77 make it easy to date items, since 75 had no expansion teams, 76 had the new teams but no Seahawks logo, and 77 added the Seahawks logo.
I have used this info to trace the origin of a lot of my collection.
I hate when I can’t tell if people are being serious or not…
Stop it. The Seahawks had a logo in 1976.
The mid-to-late 70’s are relatively easy to date, but Seattle’s logo has nothing to do with it.
You know, It could have been a Lions 1950’s throwback helmet, too!
Wow this is bringing back memories. I had the helmet magnet set from 1976 so it didn’t have the Seahawks logo, but then I got one of the sets of the mini-helmets with the little plastic goalposts in 1977.
I took one of the Seahawks stickers from the helmets and put it on the magnet to make the magnet match the new 1977 Seahawks helmet, but I always felt weird having the mini-helmet only have one logo. I always had to have it facing the right way.
On a related note, I think the Steelers mini-helmet actually came with two logos as well. Strange.
I had a NHL magnetic standing board like the NFL it was after the WHA merger and it had the Colorado Rockies and both the Flames (Calgary and Atlanta.. I sent for a New Jersey Devils magnet when Colorado moved.
As I noted yesterday, the Toronto FC contest is only open to Ontario residents. =(
Did everyone notice how much faster the NBA players were last night with their ultra-light uniforms? It was amazing.
Also, is this a new NBA development?
In the past, the Rockets’ away kits were red with white accents and numbers.
Last night, they had red with gray accents and white numbers and letters.
I’m not sure this is a change for the better.
I also hope my links work.
No, the Rockets’ unis actually did have link. It’s just hard to tell in some lighting because of that ridiculous dazzle fabric.
I’d call it a change for the better. The Heat looked a lot better last night as well. I guess the fabric didn’t help Bosh & Wade, though.
New Nats uniforms coming, in today’s Washington Post. Going with the script “Nationals” and dumping the gold trim as many on this site have suggested. Nov 12 unveiling.
I just read last night’s comments and I’m thinking that the link that was posted has got to be a fake.
I’m NOT saying that the jerseys won’t end up looking like that, but I don’t think that’s an actual prototype. Why would Majestic make a prototype without their logos all over it (aside from the jock tag, which could have just come from any jersey)?
Also, no Jerry Dior logo on link.
And if they do end up looking like that, well…
It’s an improvement, but nothing to get excited about. I’d put them in the same category with the White Sox’ 1987-1990 jerseys, in that those were far better than the “beach blanket” look of the early 80s, but still one of the team’s worst looks ever.
Like we talked about with the upcoming Nike Administration in the NFL and more specifically the Bengals, it’s unfortunate that teams can not come up with a nice, new, fresh design when revamping their uniforms. The best usually turn out to be mash-ups/mods of previous uniforms throughout their history.
With that being said,that Natinals ‘prototype’ is nice, but mainly because it looks like the Senators.
But maybe we’re so far along in the uniform space and time continuum that they have run out of new ideas and have to revert to old means?
I don’t think “fresh and new” is a problem. The problem is that so many people are subconsciously opposed to change. Plenty of teams have come up with new designs… and very rarely does anyone here ever agree that the new design is actually better than the previous one.
Because, by and large, “fresh and new” designs are crap.
But not always — for example, when Oregon unveiled their current uni set, the general consensus around here was that it was a major improvement over the previous version (carbon & steel ridiculousness notwithstanding).
I’m referring to the Ducks’ football unis, natch.
I would say MLB has started running out of ideas in 1987 when retro started becoming the craze, there’s been very few original good designs since then.
The Nationals are finally doing what they should have done in the first place in something that tweakers have basically concluded a long time ago. If they were going to push the envelope on terms of development, well there’s always a sleeve patch & alternate jerseys. The primary font & logo was just so damn generic and clunky it just never worked. But *if* the new primary logo is just a red W & “Nationals” under it, well that’s just totally half-assing it. If it were up to me, the Nats would have a black & white political cartoon-style primary logo that looks like it was drawn by hand with a fine-tipped pen.
I get that lots of people didn’t like the Nats’ original arched, beveled lettering. But “generic”? Name one other baseball team with remotely similar lettering. In fact, the original arched lettering was one of the least “generic” jersey scripts of the last generation: It expressed a very specific, local-to-Washington aesthetic that dominates the city’s visual identity, from bridges to federal buildings to the lettering on a number of monuments and statues. If anything, what critics disliked about the outgoing Nats script was that it was too bound to a particular local aesthetic – that is, it was insufficiently generic.
And indeed everything we’ve seen from the Nats in the last couple of years, from the new road script to advertising marks that seem to presage the new home script, has taken the team away from specific, localized aesthetics in the direction of radically more generic visuals. The reported new home script is the acme of baseball generic-ness. It almost might as well just say “Baseball Team.” Which I don’t necessarily regard as a criticism; a design can be highly derivative and indeed generic and still be successful. As the new Nats scripts are. (Though they got the “N” all wrong: It should be an oversized lowercase script N, with a single dominant loop, not an uppercase type N, with sharp angles.) But by any standard, if we established a continuum with “generic” on one end and “not generic” on the other, the old Nats scripts would fall on the extreme edge of the “not generic” side and the new scripts would fall not quite all the way on the edge of the “generic” side.
OK, the 1997-2000 Pirates. Make that, “name two other baseball teams with remotely similar lettering.”
Current San Diego roads, roughly. 1994-96 Brewers. 1998-00 Diamondbacks.
This is the first I’m hearing of the old Nats script of being too localized. But two things bugged the hell out of me about the Nats look: the logo was obviously drawn on a computer with little to no imagination & the navy & gold shading was clunky and unappealing.
Here’s an abandoned trademark filed in 1994, which says baseball in Washington better than their current. link
(Though they got the “N” all wrong: It should be an oversized lowercase script N, with a single dominant loop, not an uppercase type N, with sharp angles.)
If they ditched the “N”, they’d lose the single best part of the wordmark. That thing’s beautiful.
Ho hum – I am betting the new Nats jerseys will be every bit as boring as most MLB jerseys. If Majestic has proven anything during their stint handling MLB uniforms, it’s that they have no creativity in their uniform designs. It’ll probably have the boring piping like most uniforms, and the lettering won’t be anything special. Somebody here had posted a sample Nats uniform that looked like something from the 30s or 40s with the bold, vertical sleeve stripes and “Nats” on the front (looked a lot like the old “Grays” uniforms). Think we’ll see anything interesting like that? Ha – not a chance! Please MLB – please dump Majestic and sign up UnderArmour for the next uniform contract. At least then we’d likely see teams wearing their fantastic wool-look road grays.
I read these entries and watch the demos and they motivate me to really pick my DIY game up a notch…Love It!
that’s one small step for matt…one giant leap for mattkind
There’s a DIY jersey that I want to make, but it would require at least 2 layers on the front & sleeves & thus making the jersey unfortunately more hot and uncomfortable. Plus it has a pullover V-neck stripe pattern that would be too difficult to replicate.
History with Logos of a Championship Bowl that’s new to me link
(As you can tell, I have a broadcast writing background.)
“Ladies & gentlemen, this is Joe Buck along with Tim McCarver, and we bid you welcome to beautiful AT&T Park in San Francisco, home of Game One of the 2010 World Series..between the National League champion San Francisco Giants and the visiting AL champion Texas Rangers. Tonight’s match-up pits Rangers ace and mid-season pickup Cliff Lee against Giants two-time Cy Young award winner Tim Lincecum. Will the Texas Lumber Company swing its way to a first-ever franchise Series title, or will the golden arms of the Giants staff hurl them to their first-ever title by the Bay? We’ll find out, starting tonight, here on FOX.
Giants Baseball, Torture 2010……….is NEXT.”
You know, this is the first Series I’ve been excited about (or even remotely interested in) in a LONG time. I love the new blood, and both franchises are compelling.
With that said, I’m torn in my rooting interest. I live in DFW and the Rangers are a great story – the city is going nuts for them, and it’s the first time they’ve ever upstaged the Cowboys. They are my adopted home team (I’m a lifelong Braves fan). Still, I’ve spent a lot of time in San Francisco and love that town. I’ve always liked the Giants, and absolutely love their home uni’s. They deserve a championship after waiting over 50 years.
Either way, one of them will win the World Series and that’s a pretty compelling reason to watch.
I’m right there with you, though I’m leaning slightly toward the Rangers for reasons that are entirely too nerdy to admit, as they involve the intricacies of Connecticut legislative procedure and the French and Indian War. But on the whole, what I’m really rooting for is a seven-game series.
Well, seven games and no alt jerseys.
Is it safe to say we’ll be seeing a Rangers tweak from you based on this, RS?
High school copy college logos and unis: link
Wow…look at the blatant logo rip-offs in this pic…
WT Woodson cavaliers with the UVA rip off and the other team in red with a Titans/Twins mash-up.
Wow…look at the blatant logo rip-offs in this pic…
WT Woodson Cavaliers with the UVA rip off and the other team in red with a Titans/Twins mash-up.
The caption says that the Ballou High logo is similar to Michigan State’s spartan, but I think its actually from San Jose State.
A new contestant for “worst logo ever” has cropped up in the new International Basketball League team in Gary, Indiana. The logo can be seen in this article from the Northwest Indiana Times.
Somehow reminds me of a San Antonio Spurs logo…
That is a terrible logo. There was a team a few years ago called the Gary Steelheads. The logo wasnt terrible and was relevant.
South Shore Shooters may have been more appropriate on a number of levels.
For some reason the Steelheads logo reminds me of a minor league baseball team….If you have noticed, any recent teams in Gary are named the “Southshore” something to divorce it from Gary’s reputation, which I find amusing.
To be fair, 90% of the caps that New Era makes now, qualify as crimes against humanity.
“And as for the black “KB” patch…I think it’s pretty cool to see a faculty member honored like that.”
Yes, and it’s way classier than the “Kill Or Be Killed” tattoos on the player’s arms.
Which looks even stranger compared to the scriptural-looking stuff on the front of him.
Re: Design new kit for Toronto FC. I tried to do so, but the contest was only open to people in Ontario. Too bad.
Funny story…thyesterday the ticker had an entry about some TV show using Ohio State football uniforms:
The dude in the picture is Mark Blucas, who was on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
More importantly, this guy played guard at Wake Forest when Tim Duncan was there.
Aren’t those the first-year Tampa Bay Bandits unis, you know…before they slapped the horse-and-rider logo on the helmets?
Yes, the sarcasm tag has been activated…
Pretty much exactly the same uni:
So do you miss Buffy and the gang, Matt? ;)
Those Bandits uniforms should have been more distinctive, besides the logo on the jersey, to separate themselves from Ohio State. At least the road uniform white jersey had black numbers, unlike the Buckeyes.
Of course I liked the Bandit uniforms.
The Chicago Blitz kinda looked like Ohio State too.
Not sure if this topic has been covered of if it’s just my eyes deceiving me, but has anyone noticed (after 1 night) that the NOB of the NBA jerseys last night seem a tad smaller in font size than last or previous years? Most notably I noticed this with the Lakers. I’m sure someone much better at comparing photos could prove/disprove my thoughts. Thanks! PS: I think the Nationals are going to go from Bottom 5 worst home baseball uniforms to top 5, with this change
NOB lettering was once 3″, but some teams have moved to 2.5″ names in recent years, and this season, all teams are now using the 2.5″ lettering.
Ah, yes. Slipped my mind, but saw it in the ESPN Column. I think it looks crappy, but most of the Adidas NBA design elements are garbage. Thanks!
Brad Miller was wearing camo ankle tape last night –
Frank Sinkwich from Youngstown Ohio. Chaney HS.
Cool find by Becky Taylor of the team wearing long pants for basketball.
” In a quasi-DIY move, someone took a Brian Wilson bobblehead and painted a beard onto it…”
That looks really good. On the other hand, it’s (1) a giveaway by the Giants that (2) this guy slapped some paint on and (3) now he wants a starting bid of $100 PLUS shipping for it?
Judging by ZERO bids for it, looks like I’m not alone in thinking how wrong that is…
pineapple is recruiting for kcai in san francisco the next couple days, anybody got a ticket?
I give the Nats’ new home jersey a B. Much less clumsy than the block lettering. I am also glad to see gold eliminated as it was an unneeded color. The strokes in the lettering on the home and road jerseys is too thin compared to the Senators’, and they should have used the tail from the Senators’ script; the tail’s too generic. The diagonal stroke in the N is too straight; it looks kind of funny.
No squatchee for Cliff Lee!
Holy shit…NL pitchers can wear their pullover on the bases if they get a hit?? Hell yeah!!! (Grew up watching the Rangers and their AL rules…)
I hate that black drop shadow on Texases’ jersey. It ruint it. Who cares about something poppin. Stick to your color scheme.
You heard me motion W. And you too, Chefs.
You too, Mets.
Check out the mask on #50 in the pic on the left, is it even covering the lower part of his face?
The eyes have it!
In regards to today’s lead, I was thinking that Bank One Ballpark (now Chase Field) was the first brand-new park to open with a sponsor’s name. Then I remembered Coors Field. Damn it!
not that anyone cares…but im still without television coverage of the world series
rupert murdoch has just passed allan selig as the biggest douchebag affecting baseball today
time to find that spanish feed…
Free NBA preview on the satellite this week…oh yeah, you have cable. Double “sucks to be you”…
*searches for the ban button*
it’s sucked to be me for a long time mothervilker
and you couldn’t pay me to watch the NBA, so there’s no loss there
can you check on the thunder and the bulls for me on espn?
You think you got me, but I could watch that on ESPN 3. Ha.
Actually gonna watch the Rockets and Warriors, so that game and the Series will have to take a back seat.
I am with you Phil. I wouldn’t watch the NBA if my life depended on it.
You live in Pistons territory, Tod, so that’s understandable…
And Phil, living so close to a sucky team with sucky unis excuses you as well.
Never thought I’d see the day when the Raptors look better than the Knicks.
Jim, I didn’t watch the NBA when the Pistons were winning titles. I just was never a big basketball fan.
Ah, I still like you anyway.
Houston announcers are off to a great start. Golden State came out during their introductions through a nice lighted replica of the Bay Bridge. Of course, the play-by-play guy called it the Golden Gate Bridge. Then the color commentator was talking about the Rockets’ head coach – at the end of his dissertation he said, “…and he’s put in a lot of hard work and is well deserving of the head job.”
jim was watching the NBA while the cavs won all their championships
Woulda had a few if those thug Pistons weren’t allowed to run rampant back in the day…
The only reason I ever went to the Palace of Auburn Hills was
and This
and ford field for this?
No, the only time I have ever been to Ford Field is for the Michigan High School Athletic Association Football Championships as a statistician.
Where did the Detroit Drive play? They looked way better than the Fury.
I need to scan some photos I have of the Drive playing the Pittsburgh Gladiators at the Richfield Coliseum. Good looking game.
The Drive played at the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Ilitch owned the Drive. He sold the team after they were outdrawing the Tigers.
I saw the Drive and the Pittsburgh Gladiators play in Arena Bowl III at the Joe. You are right it was a good looking game. I like the Drive uniforms better that the Fury but I had season tickets to the Fury and have more stuff from them, including a football helmet signed by the whole team (including Mouse Davis).
Ah, the early days of arena football. Remember the Chicago Bruisers and the Denver Dynamite?
Didn’t root for the Bruisers, but man, I loved those unis.
I remember listening to Arena Bowl II on the radio when Detroit Drive defeated the Chicago Bruisers for their first four four titles in six seasons.
Vilkie, I’ve had a free preview of Center Ice through Time Warner all month.
Hockey overload, eh.
It’s gotta be the unis!
One-and-oh in the post-LeGone era.
no…it’s gotta be the fact that YOU WEAR YOUR HOME UNIFORMS AT HOME
stupid asses in clevo…no offense, of course
They’re not the only ones.
And the Nets won, too.
So did New Orleans:
Maybe the uni-trackers should tackle the NBA…
yet another reason the nba sucks
Yep. And the NFL rules because we always know link.
No, it’s gotta be baseball, right? link…
Only three home teams wore road unis Wed. night, and all three won. No home team wore road unis on Tuesday night.
Golden State wore white at home, but for the next home game they’re wearing the blues, according to their announcer. There – I got you uni trackers started, so you can take over from here.
By the way, Golden State’s new unis are indeed nice, but the logo and back numbers are too small. Fill that jersey, Warriors.
The Hornets are wearing those unis at home probably because those are the special Gulf Coast relief uniforms, with the special patch and the yellow pinstripes.
One more “by the way” with Golden State: Bright colors, 104-96 score…after three quarters, this is like the NBA I remember as a youth!
Surprised that there hasn’t been a comment on the WS logo being applied to Lincecum’s well worn cap. That must have been an awkward conversation — probably involving the phrase “the hell you are….”
Didn’t John Wetteland have the World Series logo applied to his filthy cap in the ’96 Series?
Yes. And that was the first year of WS cap patches… Other players have done similar things over the years. So what Lincecum’s doing here isn’t so unique or unusual.
The World Series through off my dog walking schedule. My dogs are now demanding another walk. There should be a patch for that.
you shouldn’t let your dog watch tv, marty
I didn’t even comment on the article…that’s some great Ranger gear! I remember going to one of the last games at Arlington Stadium and also going to the first game at The Ballpark in ’93. I remember I had my blue hat on and they switched it for the new red ones. I thought I was the coolest 5 year old at the park!
Texas 7, San Francisco 11 at AT&T Park
Texas Record: (0-1)
San Francisco Record: (1-0)
Winning pitcher – Tim Lincecum (1-0)
Losing pitcher – Cliff Lee (0-1)
so who won the game, brinke?
oh … right
hopefully you’ll keep this up after each game of the series
You don’t fly a flag upside down unless it’s an emergency. Apparently the NBA feels the same way about wearing its logo.
There is an emergency.
Emergency 51.
Starring Randolph Mantooth…and that other guy.
Yeah, that was supposed to go here.
*grumble, grumble* …liked the old comments better… *grumble, grumble*
Me too, James.
Rampart, we have link.
Re: the front story today –
Patsy does great work. I have some jerseys that she did at the shop she used to work at. I knew she recently left that store and opened up her own business, but I didn’t know the name of it or her contact info. The Suns organization (and other valley sports teams I’m assuming) followed her when she left her former store.