By Phil Hecken, featuring the Design Genius of Danny Finocchio
I’m back with a very special treat for you all today. You guys will recall a post from a few months back where I featured the design genius of Danny Finocchio, who turned his vision for “vintage inspired” baseball uniforms into graphic splendor. If you didn’t happen to check that out, please do so.
Since that article appeared, I had been corresponding with Danny, who mentioned that as a soccer fan, he had some ideas for the 32 team World Cup soccer tournament which will be taking place down in South Africa shortly. I’ll be the first to admit I’m not a soccer fan, but much like the Olympics, I LOVE the World Cup, and will be following it rather intently.
So when Danny asked me if he could design his vision for World Cup uniforms, I jumped at the chance to bring him back for another feature article. Let me just say that he did not disappoint. In fact, even if you are not a fan of the world’s most popular sport, you will be simply awed by what you are about to see. The quality (and these are extremely high-res graphics) is amazing, as are the designs themselves, in many cases (IMHO), much better than what the participating nations will be wearing. Seriously.
If you love uniforms, and well, if you’re reading Uni Watch, that’s pretty much a given, then sit back and enjoy. Because these are incredible. It literally took me an hour and a half just to upload these graphics, and believe me, each time a set of five (that’s how he sent them) opened up, I was blown away. Let’s have a quick chat with Danny and then we’ll look at his masterpieces:
Uni Watch: You said you were interested in soccer. When did this interest begin?
Danny Finocchio: I’ve always liked football a.k.a. soccer throughout my life, and enjoyed playing it when I was younger. But when I was eleven years old I moved away from home and consequently stopped playing. I didn’t stop playing because I didn’t like it anymore, I stopped because there wasn’t a league where I moved!
UW: So what happened then?
DF: I wasn’t playing anymore, and as the years went on football faded from my mind. I didn’t really get back into the game until the summer of 2005. I got swept up in the qualifying matches leading up to the 2006 World Cup in Germany, and ever since the love for football has been back.
UW: Yes, I remember that World Cup. I think that may have been the last time I actually watched soccer, but I admit, I was riveted, and am looking forward to the 2010 version. Did that get you back into soccer, the 2006 Cup?
DF: Being a graphic designer and uni-watcher, football has a whole other meaning to it. The kit (uniform) culture. Over the past four to five years since I’ve been following soccer again I’ve also been completely obsessed with the kits of all my favorite club and national teams (AC Milan, Italian Nat’l Team & U.S. Nat’l Team), and I wait impatiently for the release of the annual kit changes.
UW: So, what’s your take on soccer, um, kits? How to they stack up in the uniform world?
DF: In my opinion, football is on the cutting-edge of uniform design. From a fabric and structural standpoint, every new shirt that comes out is more advanced than the last. That’s important, but the reason why I’m constantly checking sites for the newest shirt release is because of the design aspects. What I find best about football kits is how they mesh decades of tradition from past years with modern design aesthetics in mind. In my mind, football is the only sport that does that with any success (of course, there are many exceptions). That’s a serious challenge though.
UW: Indeed. Wait. You mean soccer, when you say football, right? I kid, I kid. But we have seen some of baseball and American football teams fall woefully short of blending old and new. How tough was it to come up with 32 “Danny Finocchio” uniforms?
DF: We’ve all seen when a team in MLB or NFL tries to update a classic uniform with a “modern” or “futuristic” look … it never seems to work out. So, I just tried to simplify things. I didn’t want to stray too far from the traditional look of a particular team, but I also wanted to incorporate my influence into the kit. And that was the big challenge. Although I certainly ran into problems trying to create something unique for each team, I think I succeeded in giving each country/kit its’ own personality and identity.
UW: So what have you got in store for the readers?
DF: In honor of the upcoming World Cup in South Africa I decided to create concepts for all thrity-two teams who qualified for the event. I was too impatient in waiting for each country to unveil their new 2010 World Cup kit. So, over the past two and a half months I began working on my own concepts. Some of my kits are completely original, and some use the existing kits as inspiration.
UW: For your baseball “tweaks” (although I hate to call them that), you created a brand new “template” — did you do that for the World Cup unis?
DF: I began creating a kit by starting from one of two templates I created, one set with a collar and one without. Then I started creating the right look that I wanted for that particular team (stripes, hoops, solid color, symmetrical/asymmetrical). After I had a look down I’d scour the internet for the right badges and logos for the team and it’s kit manufacturer and place them in the appropriate locations. Once they were in place I would choose an appropriate font for lettering and numbering. Lastly, I focused on the socks and tried to give them a unique look. Finally, I’d overlay them on the background I’d created featuring the World Cup Trophy.
UW: Thanks Danny. Let’s see what you’ve done. I’ll post the teams in alphabetical order and then you describe them, or their inspiration or anything else we may need to know.
OK dear readers. Enjoy:
Algeria — This set reflects the Algerian flag and its’ colors. It also has a unique number/lettering font choice.
Argentina — This is my take on one of the most iconic kits of all-time.
Australia — Nike really did a great job with their Australia kit this year, my concept is largely based off of their design. I tweaked it a bit, and added the Southern Cross constellation on their shirts.
Brazil — Another take on a classic kit. But I always thought Brazil would look great with a white kit.
Cameroon — This is certainly one of the more unique kits of the series, especially with the red pinstripes on a yellow shirt.
Chile — I wanted to spice up the original, boring design by Brooks. The pattern is reminiscent of traditional Chilean artwork.
Denmark — This kit is very simple…two colors. This kit was also designed with the Danish flag in mind.
England — Umbro did an amazing job with the England kits this year, and they are by far my favorites. I was simply trying to expand on their idea by incorporating the English flag and giving them a collar.
France — Adidas always creates a cutting-edge design for France, and I was trying to do my own version, in my own way.
Germany — It’s very rare that you see a grey kit these days. I think it really works for Germany.
Ghana — This set is great, because the black kit has a real menacing look about it while the white looks really traditional and clean.
Greece — I really wanted to give them some stripes to reflect their flag. I added a little gradient to try to separate it from Argentina’s design.
Honduras — There is a reason brands like Brooks, Joma, and Hummel are being phased out…it’s because their kits are boring. Joma made a generic kit for Honduras this year, and I wanted to change that. The kit reflects its’ flag with its’ striping, colors, and five-star emblem (represents the five original Central American provinces).
Italy — I am not a huge fan of what Puma designed for the Azzurri this year. I really love my design. I love the incorporation of gold, the lettering choice, and the intricate stitching throughout the design.
Ivory Coast — I’ve always loved their colors. They, along with the pattern really make the kit stand out in the series.
Japan — This kit came out really nice, mainly because of the ‘Land of The Rising Sun’ socks I gave them.
Mexico — These kits are meant to reflect the ancient Aztec culture of Mexico. I love the combination of green and black, and also the pattern on the kits. They really look intimidating.
Netherlands — I love this set, because each kit has completely different colors. I think Nike does a great job of representing Dutch design. I certainly wanted to keep that going by creating clean lines, and a sense of symmetry.
New Zealand — They always have simple, beautiful kits. My set doesn’t stray far from that. They’re one of few teams that don’t traditionally put a number on the front of their shirts.
Nigeria — Again, with this kit, I was inspired by their flag and created green/grey horizontal hoops on their shirts.
North Korea — It was hard to create a look for North Korea because Kim Jong-Il has created a bad reputation for their country, but mainly it was because Hummel already stifled my creative with their boring design! I thought something with no-frills would do the trick. The socks also really stand out.
Paraguay — This kit makes a definite use of the red and blue stripes on the Paraguay flag.
Portugal — I love the bold green/red/black combination. The home shirt also represents the Portugal flag. And I love how one side of the shirt is completely different from the other.
Serbia — Here’s another example of a set that has two completely different kits. The colors work great together, and really look great as a set.
Slovakia — These kits mirror the ones Adidas designed for them. I added a different number/lettering font, and tweaked the striped shirt a bit.
Slovenia — This set is my favorite, hands down. I liked the kit Nike designed for them, but I thought the pointed lines went overboard a bit. In my design I toned that down to give a much simpler look. They stand out so much because colors are just so unique.
South Africa — I had to give the Hosts a great kit, and I think I did. They also have a beautiful color combination. I added an African inspired pattern that alternates in colors on the underarms and socks.
South Korea — I think this set is also has a really bold look. I also added a nice pattern on the insides of the arms.
Spain — They have a very royal crest, so I wanted that feel to come across with this design. I also think the design on the socks really makes this kit pop.
Switzerland — I really wanted to employ the use of the Swiss cross in this set. I think it helped to create a real ”˜Swiss look’ to the set.
United States — Let me start by saying I absolutely love the kits Nike design for the U.S. this year, but I wanted to create my own, completely separate from their design. This is perhaps the boldest design in the bunch. I know the American flag shirt looks loud, but it’s striking. I think it would make for a beautiful yet intimidating shirt on the pitch.
Uruguay — I love the electric blue/black color combination. I kept it simple because I thought the colors do all the work visually. The only frills here are the alternating striped socks.
Wow. Just outstanding work Danny. [Those graphics are actually only the “large” version — far too “big” to actually post. If you have a super-powerful/fast computer, I’m including the link to the full set so you can view them at 5100×3300 resolution. — PH]
Thanks for sharing those incredible designs with Uni Watch. I’m sure you have an outstanding future in the graphic design world, and I hope you’ll be back with some more concepts for some other sports down the line.

And now a quick word from Paul: Greetings from Scotland, where the whisky is strong and the haggis is tasty. Or maybe it’s the other way around. Anyway, just wanted to acknowledge that the very first Uni Watch column appeared in The Village Voice 11 years ago today. Much like the blog’s fourth anniversary a few weeks ago, the column’s decade-plus run is a testament to all the help and support I’ve gotten from you folks — cheers, mates. See you next week.

Time to meet the guys at Bub’s. Well…at least their speech bubbles. Here’s Rick:
Life requires a little rebuilding once in a while. And sometimes there’s a major reworking necessary. Man, is it great to have an old friend to introduce you to his friends at a time like that or what?
Here’s your very special Wednesday Benchies.
[Benchies appears every Saturday and Sunday on Uni Watch.]

Uni Watch News Ticker: Not sure if you’re aware of the popular quiz website, sporcle.com writes Mike Spinelli. Here is a very “uni watch” quiz which asks takers to identify the baseball team given an example of a jersey number. … Stephen Wong and Dan O’Connor both checked in to say a beautiful collection of football (soccer) shirts were auctioned off this week. … Handball logo news from Jeremy Brahm: Here is the logo for the International Handball Federation SuperGlobe tournament, a competition of the top club teams from the different regions of the Federation, Pan Americas (blue), Europe (red), Africa (green), Qatar (host and maroon), Asia (yellow) and Oceania (black). Kind of like a globe of the world. … Also from Jeremy, a new design for a handball to be used at the 2010 Youth Olympic Games in Singapore. … Reader John Choe has some DIY coolness to share: “The DIYers on your site have inspired me and I wanted to share with you my first attempts. The Red Sox shirt in the first picture was made with fabric paint, a fabric marker, and a plain white shirt ($3). It holds up surprisingly well in the wash. I downloaded the “Red Sox” font from Chris Creamer’s website and the numbers from your membership card gallery. I stenciled the logo/numbers with pencil and then painted and ironed. My son had a hole in one of his red socks, so I cut them and presto. Bonus: it was an opportunity to teach him at a young age that the low part of the stirrups goes in the front. You know, important life lesson. I did the Steelers shirt for my friend’s 3 yr old in the same manner ($3 white shirt, Creamer’s site, stencil, paint, iron). I got the font for the last name free on the Internet. The Steelers logo was tricky to do w/ paint b/c it was so small. So I printed onto an iron-on transfer and ironed it on. I enjoy the fact that it’s apparent upon close inspection that these shirts were made at home. Plus, no manufacturers’ logos on them!” … Darin Nelson states, “I’ve heard of compression shirts and shorts, but compression socks? Last night I noticed Paul Pierce had them on. Looked like he could be playing for Team USA in the World Cup. Basically his socks had that Hexpad shape for protection up his shins. I know the hexpad protection is popular on shoulders, ribs and thighs (all the sudden I feel like BBQ) but never on socks, thought it was interesting.” (Looks like Rondo has them too) — readers? any insights? … Eric Bunnell notes the Trib has Hawk fever … At least I’m not the only one who hates BFBS. Andreas Papadopoulos states: “Now I’m no fan of Don Cherry’s Coach’s Corner on Hockey Night in Canada but I thought you’d be interested in this video clip from yesterday’s Coach’s Corner ripping the San Jose Sharks for their teal uniforms and demanding they switch to all black. Money Quote: ‘Teal? How can you play tough? This is hockey!'” … Brian Thrall noticed something interesting. Take a look of this photo of Crabtree’s helmet. It appears that the “SF” logo on the side of the helmet is from the previous years decal. The red in it is much different than the “new/old” throwback red that the Niners went back to for the 2010 season. … Cool mascot–vintage uniform on left–vintage clothing holding tape (with thanks to Bill Mitchell … “Check out this link,” writes Larro “and watch the Arena Football 1991 War on the Floor video (scroll down). These are some hideous uniforms.” The video is like, 2 hours long, so you may want to save that one for later. … Seth Tannenbaum has a great question: “My cousins are Yankees fans (I know, I know, everyone’s family has problems) and they recently attended a game at Yankee Stadium where they noticed some interesting cut-out patterns around first and third base. Conveniently, Wikipedia has contrasting photos (with cutouts) that show the difference (without). I was wondering if you had any clue as to the reason behind those cut outs.” Anyone? … Photo of the day goes to Maks Skuz, who found this absolutely gorgeous shot of the 1961 Chicago hockey team, with the Stanley Cup. Note, they were still the “Black Hawks” (2 words) back then. … Chandler Swenson checks in with this: “In this clip of England defeating West Germany in the 1966 World Cup, the goalie is wearing a hat. It can be most clearly seen on the controversial 3rd English goal. After a few quick google searches, I couldn’t find anything regarding the history of soccer goalies wearing hats. I was wondering if this is something you have encountered before, or was this a one-off thing?” Readers? … Richard Meneghello tips us to this video released by the Portland Timbers in anticipation of their new logo unveiling in a few weeks. … Day three of the Venus Watch continues with a new SI gallery (thanks Brinke Guthrie). … Also from Brinke, did American Needle just help Under Armour? … Kirsten checks in with “A plan for a small summer excursion.” — Custard & Candelas. … Sean Patton breaks the news we’ve all been waiting for: The University of Arkansas’ apparel contract with Adidas expires June 30th of this year and their contract with Nike starts July 1st. Here is the first look given of the football team’s new uni’s, photos and a video were released today by the athletic department via the Razorback website. Says Jim Bowles (who also sent in that pic), “They are horrible.” I agree. … More from Jeremy with this from the Sumo World — Yokozuna grand champion Hakuho, won his 14th championship with two matches to go last Friday. This is what he wore on the right. Well on Saturday he busted out a gold belt to signify a “golden era” for him. He has now won 32 matches in a row. … For obvious reasons, we love ‘stirrup banter’ on MLB broadcasts. Samantha Skolnick caught some great chatter. While watching the Giants game, Nyger Morgan came to bat with his usual stirrups but this time it prompted a small buzz from the Giants announcers: Kruk: “You notice Morgan, you know the first thing I notice, the old school socks. They got stirrups.” Kuip: “Don’t see many guys wearing stirrups anymore. Tucks the pants under old style, I mean this guy’s got old school written across his chest.” Nice! … And finally, Andrew Harrington ran into a fellow who is part of a vintage base ball (two words) team called the Cleveland Blues. They play other vintage teams and abide by the 1860s era rulebook, so it’s actually more like slowpitch softball but with actual vintage, homemade equipment and period uniforms. There are tons of great photos (both of the Blues and their opponents) and info about the phenomenon on their website. For example: a match they played on the (remnants of) the field at League Park, the same diamond where the Spiders, the Naps, the (original) Blues, and the Indians all played for many years. The same diamond on which the Indians won the 1920 World Series and gave the World Series it’s first recorded Grand Slam and its only unassisted triple play. The same diamond on which Joe DiMaggio recorded the final 3 hits of his 56-game streak. The same diamond on which Babe Ruth hit No. 500. It’s now a public park. Phew. Thus endeth the mother of all Tickers. Thanks to all who contributed!
“[The goal was scored] a little with the head of Maradona and a little with the hand of God. — Diego Maradona
That Sporcle quiz is good, but a couple nits:
1 – I think he has the Dodgers and Royals mixed up.
2 – That one ID’d as the Rays isn’t (the 1 is the tip-off).
3 – Neither is the Rockies.
Not sayin’ which is which – that’s up to you guys.
Danny Finocchio has a great eye and a wonderful sense of style. His stuff is always fun and inventive, sometimes whimiscal but never stupid. And even when his concepts wander toward outrageous, he knows the difference between employing a signature design element and overkill.
Then there’s Nike’s new—ahem—design for Arkansas (in the Ticker), which is the definition of predictable, disjointed and underwhelming, pretty much the polar opposite of Danny’s work.
Here’s an observation that will be totally lost on most anyone under 30. Love the classic Celtics unis…but it still takes some doing to get used to them in white shoes.
(ref: any game action photo of Cousy, Russell, Havlicek, Bird…)
Great designs. The reason Brazil doesn’t wear white is because they lost to Uruguay 2-1 in the “final” of the 1950 World Cup in white shirts. They have never worn white since.
The goalie wearing the hat in the England/West Germany football match may have been wearing it to keep the sun out of his eyes. That is usually why they wear them.
The other possible reason is the fact that full international appearances in football are known as “caps” and players actually used to receive them in recognition of this.
Now, as far as the kit concepts, most are pretty good. I personally like the half and half kits (a phenomenon unique to football), but I am not a fan of the shadow stripe, like on this year’s USA primary kit. It should be a different color like blue, similar to the white stripe on the blue USA change kit.
One more piece of information for the readers who may not be football aficinados- they are primary and change kits (or strips), not home and away uniforms.
It used to be quite common once upon a time for goalkeepers to wear caps if they thought the sun might be in their eyes.
It’s not connected to the concept of international caps though, which are still given out to this day.
Regarding the Paul Pierce ‘compression socks’ photo: They are actually sleeves that you pull up over your calf. They have no feet. You can see that Rondo is wearing them, too and you can see where his calf sleeve overlaps his NBA-issued quartersock.
Some good ideas on the concept front, but I must say that some of the colors are much too bright. The Argentina blue looks like neon cyan, for example. Some of the greens are a little to radioactive-looking, if you know what I mean. Tone those colors down a bit and it will improve immensely.
I think this is the third time I’ve posted on this. There are much less strict rules regarding goalkeeper attire, including that goalies and goalies only can wear long pants during games. This extends, of course, to hats, where a goalie may wear a hat with a brim of some kind to shield them from the sun. It also extends to helmets like Petr Cech of Chelsea and the Czech Republic wears since he’s a huge pussy who doesn’t like any kind of contact at all.
Miguel Calero of Pachuca and Colombia used to wear them all the time. Most goalies will wear them if the need is there though.
Paul in the news, even while he is away! link (Blackhawks Uniform Love)
And: link (Logo history of Blackhawks)
Danny, nice job. I would love to see more of your baseball tweaks, the last ones you did were very enjoyable, would love to see how you would outfit the Nats.
[quote comment=”391598″]I think this is the third time I’ve posted on this. There are much less strict rules regarding goalkeeper attire, including that goalies and goalies only can wear long pants during games. This extends, of course, to hats, where a goalie may wear a hat with a brim of some kind to shield them from the sun. It also extends to helmets like Petr Cech of Chelsea and the Czech Republic wears since he’s a huge pussy who doesn’t like any kind of contact at all.
Miguel Calero of Pachuca and Colombia used to wear them all the time. Most goalies will wear them if the need is there though.[/quote]
On October 14, 2006, Petr Cech took a knee to the head from Reading’s Stephen Hunt resulting in a life-threatening concussion. link. The next day he had to have three metal plates put into his head. Let’s keep the talk about Uniforms and keep the question of who’s a “pussy” or not to the jerks on sports radio, shall we?
Chris Kirkalnd, Wigan’s goalkeeper,often wears a hat link
If the Cardinals draft Ryan Mallet in the 2011 draft, he can probably just keep his Arkansas uniform
The Maradona quote printed above inspired this adidas track jacket, easily my favorite amongst those in my closet:
In photo #2 of the League Park game, I believe that structure in the background is the old ticket office from what was the right field corner.
re: 1991 arena football clip
Yes, Orlando wasn’t the only AFL team in those days to don the Zubaz uniforms. Albany and Tampa Bay(which entered the league in 1992) were a couple of the others who wore that style. In 1993, the Tampa Bay Storm had switched to a silver/black Raiders/Chargers look, with lightning bolts down the pants. I remember at least one game in which the Storm switched to the Zubaz at halftime, and the crowd went crazy.
As long as we’re talking about soccer uniforms, I personally think that screenprint graphics are EVIL! They should use these numbers that are cutout in numbers and letters, but it’s as soft as a semi-thick T-Shirt. I’m even considering chain-stitching the numbers and player names on! Anything’s better than some nasty-ass screenprint.
great work John Choe!!! love it! way to pull from a bunch of different resources too. the jerseys have way more charm than anything you’d buy in a store
[quote comment=”391604″]In photo #2 of the League Park game, I believe that structure in the background is the old ticket office from what was the right field corner.[/quote]
Correct. That and a very small part of the first base side of the structure are the only remaining portions of the building that remain. You can still see the faint image of the diamond and the outfield on aerial images, but when you’re there, it most looks like an open field.
I hear they’re planning a rebuild, though.
[quote comment=”391602″]I’ll be the first to admit I’m not a soccer fan[/quote]
Why is this necessary? I’ve seen Paul post similar thoughts several times as well. It’s fine that soccer’s not your thing, but I don’t see every post or ticker item related to volleyball, netball, or other sport that is not mainstream get a similar caveat. It’s okay, guys, no mean football players are going to beat you up if you forget to reassure us that you’re red-blooded Americans who have an appropriate disdain for that commie furriner sport. (I say all this in love, because I think what you guys may be actually trying to do is explain/quasi-apologize for not featuring soccer more or knowing more about it, which is cool. Just gets a little tiring.)
Anyway, why not give the sport a chance? Once you can accept that the scoring act is rarer than in many other sports, you’re left with a sport that:
-has all the tradition of baseball
-has all the complex team dynamics of football
-has the creative flair of basketball
-has the non-stop motion of hockey
-has most of the drama of WWE (and only occasionally the fixed matches)
-has the precision and “how does the ball do that?!” of golf
Those uniforms, btw are pretty slick. I even like the American one, which has a bit of the Chivas or Stoke City thing going to keep it from seeming too outlandish. I just wish Nike and US Soccer would settle on one motif to build some momentum behind it (like Argentine’s blue stripes). The sash would work, as would the offset vertical stripe that was used for the last few uniforms. Just PICK it!
[quote comment=”391601″][quote comment=”391598″]I think this is the third time I’ve posted on this. There are much less strict rules regarding goalkeeper attire, including that goalies and goalies only can wear long pants during games. This extends, of course, to hats, where a goalie may wear a hat with a brim of some kind to shield them from the sun. It also extends to helmets like Petr Cech of Chelsea and the Czech Republic wears since he’s a huge pussy who doesn’t like any kind of contact at all.
Miguel Calero of Pachuca and Colombia used to wear them all the time. Most goalies will wear them if the need is there though.[/quote]
On October 14, 2006, Petr Cech took a knee to the head from Reading’s Stephen Hunt resulting in a life-threatening concussion. link. The next day he had to have three metal plates put into his head. Let’s keep the talk about Uniforms and keep the question of who’s a “pussy” or not to the jerks on sports radio, shall we?[/quote]
Thanks. I was going to say something as well. I don’t know why tact is so hard to come by these days.
Didn’t mean to impugn Jeremy. Anybody who knows who Wigan is is alright by me. “Jeremy” should read “Phil.”
[quote comment=\”391609\”][quote comment=\”391602\”]I’ll be the first to admit I’m not a soccer fan[/quote]
Why is this necessary? I\’ve seen Paul post similar thoughts several times as well. It\’s fine that soccer\’s not your thing, but I don\’t see every post or ticker item related to volleyball, netball, or other sport that is not mainstream get a similar caveat.
Personally, I\’d love to see red and white hoops with blue shorts as a primary, and blue with grey shorts and red accents as a change.
It\’s okay, guys, no mean football players are going to beat you up if you forget to reassure us that you\’re red-blooded Americans who have an appropriate disdain for that commie furriner sport. (I say all this in love, because I think what you guys may be actually trying to do is explain/quasi-apologize for not featuring soccer more or knowing more about it, which is cool. Just gets a little tiring.)
Anyway, why not give the sport a chance? Once you can accept that the scoring act is rarer than in many other sports, you\’re left with a sport that:
-has all the tradition of baseball
-has all the complex team dynamics of football
-has the creative flair of basketball
-has the non-stop motion of hockey
-has most of the drama of WWE (and only occasionally the fixed matches)
-has the precision and \”how does the ball do that?!\” of golf
Those uniforms, btw are pretty slick. I even like the American one, which has a bit of the Chivas or Stoke City thing going to keep it from seeming too outlandish. I just wish Nike and US Soccer would settle on one motif to build some momentum behind it (like Argentine\’s blue stripes). The sash would work, as would the offset vertical stripe that was used for the last few uniforms. Just PICK it![/quote]
[quote comment=”391612″][quote comment=\”391609\”][quote comment=\”391602\”]I’ll be the first to admit I’m not a soccer fan[/quote]
Why is this necessary? I\’ve seen Paul post similar thoughts several times as well. It\’s fine that soccer\’s not your thing, but I don\’t see every post or ticker item related to volleyball, netball, or other sport that is not mainstream get a similar caveat.
Personally, I\’d love to see red and white hoops with blue shorts as a primary, and blue with grey shorts and red accents as a change.
It\’s okay, guys, no mean football players are going to beat you up if you forget to reassure us that you\’re red-blooded Americans who have an appropriate disdain for that commie furriner sport. (I say all this in love, because I think what you guys may be actually trying to do is explain/quasi-apologize for not featuring soccer more or knowing more about it, which is cool. Just gets a little tiring.)
Anyway, why not give the sport a chance? Once you can accept that the scoring act is rarer than in many other sports, you\’re left with a sport that:
-has all the tradition of baseball
-has all the complex team dynamics of football
-has the creative flair of basketball
-has the non-stop motion of hockey
-has most of the drama of WWE (and only occasionally the fixed matches)
-has the precision and \”how does the ball do that?!\” of golf
Those uniforms, btw are pretty slick. I even like the American one, which has a bit of the Chivas or Stoke City thing going to keep it from seeming too outlandish. I just wish Nike and US Soccer would settle on one motif to build some momentum behind it (like Argentine\’s blue stripes). The sash would work, as would the offset vertical stripe that was used for the last few uniforms. Just PICK it![/quote][/quote]
Whoops. Try again. Personally, I’d love to see red and white hoops with blue shorts as a primary, and blue with grey or white shorts and red accents as a change.
They’re one of few teams that don’t traditionally put a number on the front of their shirts.
But, by FIFA’s rules of the tournament, all teams are required to put their numbers on the front of their shirts, and have been since 1994.
A designer’s creativity is bound by the traditions of the team he or she is working for, and also by the mundane (often trivial) rules of the sport.
Peter Cech wears a helmet because in 2006 he had to have emergency surgery after getting kicked in the head by a Reading player. Not because he is a “pussy.” Really classy post though.
Has Mexico ever worn black?
[quote comment=”391598″]I think this is the third time I’ve posted on this. There are much less strict rules regarding goalkeeper attire, including that goalies and goalies only can wear long pants during games. This extends, of course, to hats, where a goalie may wear a hat with a brim of some kind to shield them from the sun. It also extends to helmets like Petr Cech of Chelsea and the Czech Republic wears since he’s a huge pussy who doesn’t like any kind of contact at all.
Miguel Calero of Pachuca and Colombia used to wear them all the time. Most goalies will wear them if the need is there though.[/quote]
Peter Cech wears a helmet because back in 2006 he had a nasty collision with a Reading player, got kicked in the side of the head and had to have emergency surgery. Maybe you know him and there are other reasons to call him a “pussy” but wearing a helmet to protect the most important part of your body so you can continue playing does not make him one. Very classy post though.
In re: the cutouts next to Yankee Stadium’s first and third bases, my theory is that it’s a baserunning aid to runners rounding first/third on their way to second/home. Can’t come up with any other explanation for it.
[quote comment=”391603″]The Maradona quote printed above inspired this adidas track jacket, easily my favorite amongst those in my closet:
Never understood why someone with so much talent seems so proud to have gotten away with cheating. I would not wear that.
I would, however, wear this:
Nice to see someone employing two shades of green. I’ve always been a double blue fan (Villanova, Toronto Argonauts, etc.) so it’s about time we had a double green team.
Those US kits are good, too. link Flashy, but nowhere near as gaudy as the ’94 team:
[quote comment=”391597″]Some good ideas on the concept front, but I must say that some of the colors are much too bright. The Argentina blue looks like neon cyan, for example. Some of the greens are a little to radioactive-looking, if you know what I mean. Tone those colors down a bit and it will improve immensely.[/quote]
Maybe a little too bright, but I wouldn’t say much too bright. I’ve had to endure over a decade of darkening hues and Black For Black Sake, so a little brightness is a welcome sight for me.
The Ghana kit is a good mix of black and bright:
Those numbers really stand out. Love the socks, too.
Danny is a true talent! I loved the Netherlands kit and Japan’s Rising Sun socks. Great job Danny!
[quote comment=”391609″][quote comment=”391602″]I’ll be the first to admit I’m not a soccer fan[/quote]
Why is this necessary? I’ve seen Paul post similar thoughts several times as well. It’s fine that soccer’s not your thing, but I don’t see every post or ticker item related to volleyball, netball, or other sport that is not mainstream get a similar caveat.
It’s okay, guys, no mean football players are going to beat you up if you forget to reassure us that you’re red-blooded Americans who have an appropriate disdain for that commie furriner sport. (I say all this in love, because I think what you guys may be actually trying to do is explain/quasi-apologize for not featuring soccer more or knowing more about it, which is cool. Just gets a little tiring.)
Anyway, why not give the sport a chance? Once you can accept that the scoring act is rarer than in many other sports, you’re left with a sport that:
-has all the tradition of baseball
-has all the complex team dynamics of football
-has the creative flair of basketball
-has the non-stop motion of hockey
-has most of the drama of WWE (and only occasionally the fixed matches)
-has the precision and “how does the ball do that?!” of golf
Those uniforms, btw are pretty slick. I even like the American one, which has a bit of the Chivas or Stoke City thing going to keep it from seeming too outlandish. I just wish Nike and US Soccer would settle on one motif to build some momentum behind it (like Argentine’s blue stripes). The sash would work, as would the offset vertical stripe that was used for the last few uniforms. Just PICK it![/quote]
It’s fine people give soccer a chance, but the sport will always struggle in this country in terms of popularity, once you get past the youth level. Soccer does share some characteristics of other sports, but it doesn’t have much tradition in this country. There wasn’t any league to capitalize on 1950, the NASL failed, and MLS is struggling. I don’t even see soccer matching the NHL in popularity in the USA for that reason.
The Cameroon kit has a bit of classic MISL in its design.
As for my favorite team in this year’s tournament, link I think the color switch makes them look too much like the Czech Republic. Gotta stress the blue with Slovakia.
Great work altogether, though, Danny!
[quote comment=”391609″][quote comment=”391602″]I’ll be the first to admit I’m not a soccer fan[/quote]
Why is this necessary? I’ve seen Paul post similar thoughts several times as well. It’s fine that soccer’s not your thing, but I don’t see every post or ticker item related to volleyball, netball, or other sport that is not mainstream get a similar caveat.
It’s okay, guys, no mean football players are going to beat you up if you forget to reassure us that you’re red-blooded Americans who have an appropriate disdain for that commie furriner sport. (I say all this in love, because I think what you guys may be actually trying to do is explain/quasi-apologize for not featuring soccer more or knowing more about it, which is cool. Just gets a little tiring.)
Anyway, why not give the sport a chance? Once you can accept that the scoring act is rarer than in many other sports, you’re left with a sport that:
-has all the tradition of baseball
-has all the complex team dynamics of football
-has the creative flair of basketball
-has the non-stop motion of hockey
-has most of the drama of WWE (and only occasionally the fixed matches)
-has the precision and “how does the ball do that?!” of golf
Those uniforms, btw are pretty slick. I even like the American one, which has a bit of the Chivas or Stoke City thing going to keep it from seeming too outlandish. I just wish Nike and US Soccer would settle on one motif to build some momentum behind it (like Argentine’s blue stripes). The sash would work, as would the offset vertical stripe that was used for the last few uniforms. Just PICK it![/quote]
[quote comment=”391611″]Didn’t mean to impugn Jeremy. Anybody who knows who Wigan is is alright by me. “Jeremy” should read “Phil.”[/quote]
apologies if you were offended at my statement…i meant no ill will towards footy fans…i simply meant to imply that i don’t really follow the sport
full disclosure: growing up, soccer in my neighbrohood was still a nascent sport, but i played on league teams from 4th thru 8th grade (both spring and fall) and off and on thru college…in fact, i scored my team’s (intramural) winning goal in the final game, (shootout), winning us the championship (i know…big whoop)…i was “drafted” to play (more like we couldn’t find enough players on a sunday morning when we’d all been up till 4 am partying)
/but soccer’s not exactly foreign to me, and i’ll certainly be watching a lot of world cup matches; i remember the US womens’ incredible run a decade ago and was riveted to that; just with all the other sports i follow, soccer’s not exactly up there
Happy 11th Birthday, Uniwatch! (boy it seems like we just went through something just like this! ;))
What’s interesting is that I have my dog at the office with me today, and mentioned to a coworker that he’s turning 11 tomorrow. So this whole thing is one day older than my dog. What a world. Fortunately, Uniwatch is much healthier these days than Henry, my border collie.
[quote comment=”391610″][quote comment=”391601″][quote comment=”391598″]I think this is the third time I’ve posted on this. There are much less strict rules regarding goalkeeper attire, including that goalies and goalies only can wear long pants during games. This extends, of course, to hats, where a goalie may wear a hat with a brim of some kind to shield them from the sun. It also extends to helmets like Petr Cech of Chelsea and the Czech Republic wears since he’s a huge pussy who doesn’t like any kind of contact at all.
Miguel Calero of Pachuca and Colombia used to wear them all the time. Most goalies will wear them if the need is there though.[/quote]
On October 14, 2006, Petr Cech took a knee to the head from Reading’s Stephen Hunt resulting in a life-threatening concussion. link. The next day he had to have three metal plates put into his head. Let’s keep the talk about Uniforms and keep the question of who’s a “pussy” or not to the jerks on sports radio, shall we?[/quote]
Thanks. I was going to say something as well. I don’t know why tact is so hard to come by these days.[/quote]
On a related note, did you see the scars on Cristian Chivu’s head when he took off his helmet after being substituted for in the Champions League final? link Pretty gnarly.
Anyway, Congrats to Danny for doing a fine job with the World Cup kits! Only comments I have are 1) Brazil will never wear white again (see previous comment about 1950 final), 2) Nigeria’s shirts look a little too much like Celtic FC, and 3) Agree with Jeremy that the US should find one look and stick with it, although I think their alternate kit in ’94 already used the Chivas/Stoke vertical red stripes. Great Stuff!
[quote comment=”391611″]Didn’t mean to impugn Jeremy. Anybody who knows who Wigan is is alright by me. “Jeremy” should read “Phil.”[/quote]
I feel confident in saying I’m the biggest Wigan fan (supporter) in the UniWatch community. :)
Nice kits Danny- can you upload to Football Shirt Culture’s fantasy kit design page?
Chandler Swenson…it is very common for keeper to wear ball caps in soccer games. Sometimes even sun glasses or eye black. Apperently the pitch makers of England thought the sun would never come out and failed to oreint their fields properly.
[quote comment=\”391597\”]Some good ideas on the concept front, but I must say that some of the colors are much too bright. The Argentina blue looks like neon cyan, for example. Some of the greens are a little to radioactive-looking, if you know what I mean. Tone those colors down a bit and it will improve immensely.[/quote]
i definitely agree. it\’s because of \’web colors.\’ through saving the files as jpgs and then having them posted on the internet a lot of color information is lost. but…you can see the kits in the original way i intended. if you go to the end of the article, and click on the \’link to the full set\’ you\’ll be sent to a flickr album (which phil so kindly added). click on any one of the kits…above the image you\’ll see a button for \’all sizes\’ (it has a magnifying glass with it). after that, you\’ll see \’available sizes\’ in pink. click on \’original (5100×3300). that image is the original file with the colors the way i intended them to look. also, you can really see all the textures on the kits as well.
thank you all for the great comments and compliments! i really appreciate it
Old Guy angle.
Remember watching soccer during early days of “Wide World of Sports”, and English soccer later was regular Saturday afternoon programming…for a while. Manchester United, Leeds, Tottenham Hotspur…such great names.
Then there was a brief try at a U.S. League, back when TV was still black and white, I believe. Several others since, of course.
And, naturally, both my son and daughter gave it a shot as kids.
Wasn’t until until the last World Cup that i “got it” in the sense of its magnetism, though. Once you’re interested, know what’s on the line, and perhaps have a dog in the fight (even if it’s just a team you’ve discovered and taken a liking to) you don’t even dare leave the room to pee because you might miss the game’s only goal. A lot like a great hockey game that way.
So I’m looking forward to the World Cup. Sure was fun last time.
you can see more photos of the new arkansas nike uniforms here: link
I’m not sure what to think about the black facemask.
Apart from keeping up with some World Cup matches, I wouldn’t call myself a Soccer(futbol)fan. I am a diehard fan of the NY Yankees, NY Giants, NJ Nets, NJ Devils and of course my alma mater Rutgers Scarlet Knights.
However, even though I have dozens of Jerseys, my two favorites by far are the Argentina ( blue stripes ) Brazil ( yellow ) World Cup editions. I wear them all the time ( I am not from either country ) and get a lot of compliments. Suprisingly even some country of origin recognition here in North Carolina.
[quote comment=”391622″]It’s fine people give soccer a chance, but the sport will always struggle in this country in terms of popularity, once you get past the youth level. Soccer does share some characteristics of other sports, but it doesn’t have much tradition in this country. There wasn’t any league to capitalize on 1950, the NASL failed, and MLS is struggling. I don’t even see soccer matching the NHL in popularity in the USA for that reason.[/quote]
Tradition starts now.
Soccer can easily pass the NHL, and it can compete with the other sports. Plain and simple, if the US keeps creeping up the FIFA standings, pulls off some upsets and contends for a Cup, it’ll get popular real fast.
The problem is, too many sports writers and talking heads say the same thing you do and people believe them. Most of them extol the virtues of a 1-0 pitchers duel in baseball, then turn around and sniff derisively at a 1-0 soccer match. Just because the score is low doesn’t mean there isn’t action. In fact, there’s more than in a typical baseball game.
Not to say that soccer isn’t without its problems. The time-wasting and gamesmanship are getting out of hand, and even Brazil’s “beautiful game” style of play is falling by the wayside as they become like any other team. Still, it’s no worse than the problems other sports are facing. I am eagerly awaiting the World Cup, and I would watch MLS over the NHL anytime.
[quote comment=”391631″]you can see more photos of the new arkansas nike uniforms here: link
I’m not sure what to think about the black facemask.[/quote]
What? You mean black isn’t one of Arkansas’ colors?
[quote comment=”391618″]In re: the cutouts next to Yankee Stadium’s first and third bases, my theory is that it’s a baserunning aid to runners rounding first/third on their way to second/home. Can’t come up with any other explanation for it.[/quote]
I pretty much agree, although I think the reason is more 3rd base related. The cutout on that side covers the area where a runner would round the bag and stop. The grass was probably wearing out in that area. The 1st base cutout was probably done just to keep a symetrical look.
[quote comment=”391619″][quote comment=”391603″]The Maradona quote printed above inspired this adidas track jacket, easily my favorite amongst those in my closet:
Never understood why someone with so much talent seems so proud to have gotten away with cheating. I would not wear that.
I would, however, wear this:
Nice to see someone employing two shades of green. I’ve always been a double blue fan (Villanova, Toronto Argonauts, etc.) so it’s about time we had a double green team.
Those US kits are good, too. link Flashy, but nowhere near as gaudy as the ’94 team:
I know what you WOULD wear, Jim…
… so I am not offended in the least. ;)
[quote comment=”391630″]Old Guy angle.
Remember watching soccer during early days of “Wide World of Sports”, and English soccer later was regular Saturday afternoon programming…for a while. Manchester United, Leeds, Tottenham Hotspur…such great names.
Then there was a brief try at a U.S. League, back when TV was still black and white, I believe. Several others since, of course.
And, naturally, both my son and daughter gave it a shot as kids.
Wasn’t until until the last World Cup that i “got it” in the sense of its magnetism, though. Once you’re interested, know what’s on the line, and perhaps have a dog in the fight (even if it’s just a team you’ve discovered and taken a liking to) you don’t even dare leave the room to pee because you might miss the game’s only goal. A lot like a great hockey game that way.
So I’m looking forward to the World Cup. Sure was fun last time.
I’d always get World Cup fever, then I’d get better. For me it was indoor soccer or nothing.
I finally “got it” during the 2002 Cup. Three reasons:
1) ABC’s Jim McKay had a great essay on soccer that year. He compared soccer to courting a woman. The build-up, the expectation…and finally, when she says yes (or the soccer ball goes in the net) there is an explosion of joy. It’s true if you really get into a game.
2) That was the year I finally broke down and got a Playstation I. Not II. Anyway, the ’02 FIFA soccer game was the first time I saw all the different international and club uniforms in one place. They mesmerized me and made me want to play the game (do I belong on this site, or what?).
3) Poland was in that year, and upset the US. I still remember the day, because it was my late grandmother’s birthday. When the Poles won I looked up and said to her, “This one’s for you. Happy Birthday.”
[quote comment=”391636″][quote comment=”391619″][quote comment=”391603″]The Maradona quote printed above inspired this adidas track jacket, easily my favorite amongst those in my closet:
Never understood why someone with so much talent seems so proud to have gotten away with cheating. I would not wear that.
I would, however, wear this:
Nice to see someone employing two shades of green. I’ve always been a double blue fan (Villanova, Toronto Argonauts, etc.) so it’s about time we had a double green team.
Those US kits are good, too. link Flashy, but nowhere near as gaudy as the ’94 team:
I know what you WOULD wear, Jim…
… so I am not offended in the least. ;)[/quote]
That’s good, buddy. Color-wise, that is a great jacket. But, between Maradona and the fact that I like Brazil, I could never wear anything Argentina.
I’d much rather wear the other bright green Seattle uni, link so when the Sounders take that XBox logo off there, I’ll consider getting one.
One of my favorite subjects, helmets. Now that we’re talking about footballer/goalkeeper headgear. I love the rugby style helmets, and there are some really fantastic designs out there nowadays.
My favorites are by KooGa, although that new Puma V Konstrukt is perdy slick.
[quote comment=”391633″][quote comment=”391622″]It’s fine people give soccer a chance, but the sport will always struggle in this country in terms of popularity, once you get past the youth level. Soccer does share some characteristics of other sports, but it doesn’t have much tradition in this country. There wasn’t any league to capitalize on 1950, the NASL failed, and MLS is struggling. I don’t even see soccer matching the NHL in popularity in the USA for that reason.[/quote]
Tradition starts now.
Soccer can easily pass the NHL, and it can compete with the other sports. Plain and simple, if the US keeps creeping up the FIFA standings, pulls off some upsets and contends for a Cup, it’ll get popular real fast.
The problem is, too many sports writers and talking heads say the same thing you do and people believe them. Most of them extol the virtues of a 1-0 pitchers duel in baseball, then turn around and sniff derisively at a 1-0 soccer match. Just because the score is low doesn’t mean there isn’t action. In fact, there’s more than in a typical baseball game.
Not to say that soccer isn’t without its problems. The time-wasting and gamesmanship are getting out of hand, and even Brazil’s “beautiful game” style of play is falling by the wayside as they become like any other team. Still, it’s no worse than the problems other sports are facing. I am eagerly awaiting the World Cup, and I would watch MLS over the NHL anytime.[/quote]
soccer… will never… “easily pass” the NHL in popularity. for almost the same reason the NHL will (more than likely) never “easily pass” the NBA. and the reason: “instant gratification”… how many times can anybody turn on an NBA game and see a guy go coast-to-coast and throw down on the defense? right. even less in hockey. and almost never in soccer. you see “HUGE points” and lead changes in basketball throughout the game. not as much in hockey. and soccer, well…
i’m a casual soccer fan, by the way. if d.c. united or the USmnt is on, i’ll watch and enjoy. i really have no rooting interest overseas (i do catch a fair share of newcastle games. but only cause my buddy is a huge fan). and i am very excited to watch the world cup!
Will Stephen Strasburg become the next Honus Wagner, at least as far as baseball cards?
How about letting the kid get to the majors before we unleash the hype machine? Otherwise Washington may end up with another Freddy Adu.
[quote comment=”391640″][quote comment=”391633″][quote comment=”391622″]It’s fine people give soccer a chance, but the sport will always struggle in this country in terms of popularity, once you get past the youth level. Soccer does share some characteristics of other sports, but it doesn’t have much tradition in this country. There wasn’t any league to capitalize on 1950, the NASL failed, and MLS is struggling. I don’t even see soccer matching the NHL in popularity in the USA for that reason.[/quote]
Tradition starts now.
Soccer can easily pass the NHL, and it can compete with the other sports. Plain and simple, if the US keeps creeping up the FIFA standings, pulls off some upsets and contends for a Cup, it’ll get popular real fast.
The problem is, too many sports writers and talking heads say the same thing you do and people believe them. Most of them extol the virtues of a 1-0 pitchers duel in baseball, then turn around and sniff derisively at a 1-0 soccer match. Just because the score is low doesn’t mean there isn’t action. In fact, there’s more than in a typical baseball game.
Not to say that soccer isn’t without its problems. The time-wasting and gamesmanship are getting out of hand, and even Brazil’s “beautiful game” style of play is falling by the wayside as they become like any other team. Still, it’s no worse than the problems other sports are facing. I am eagerly awaiting the World Cup, and I would watch MLS over the NHL anytime.[/quote]
soccer… will never… “easily pass” the NHL in popularity. for almost the same reason the NHL will (more than likely) never “easily pass” the NBA. and the reason: “instant gratification”… how many times can anybody turn on an NBA game and see a guy go coast-to-coast and throw down on the defense? right. even less in hockey. and almost never in soccer. you see “HUGE points” and lead changes in basketball throughout the game. not as much in hockey. and soccer, well…
i’m a casual soccer fan, by the way. if d.c. united or the USmnt is on, i’ll watch and enjoy. i really have no rooting interest overseas (i do catch a fair share of newcastle games. but only cause my buddy is a huge fan). and i am very excited to watch the world cup![/quote]
Should have clarified, the “easily” only refers to if the US wins the Cup or comes close. You bring up a good point, but the one thing the typical American likes more than instant gratification is winning.
I’m with Ricko, those Celtics home uniforms w/ white shoes are a mindfuck.
Meanwhile, got my membership card yesterday. link
[quote comment=”391643″]I’m with Ricko, those Celtics home uniforms w/ white shoes are a mindfuck.
Meanwhile, got my membership card yesterday. link
you picked a good week to display that ;)
Sorry to go off topic here. I finally got a chance to watch THE EXPRESS (film about Ernie Davis )last night. The uniforms looked pretty accurate, except that in the film Syracuse wore white jerseys and orange pants both at home and road games. Is this historically acurate?
It could not have been a budget issue they already showed the orange jerseys. The defense wore them in practice.
Just wondering why they would commit such a blatent error after having been so correct on all the other details? ( That is, if it was an error at all.)
Anyone know if during this time period the Orangemen only wore white?
[quote comment=”391639″]One of my favorite subjects, helmets. Now that we’re talking about footballer/goalkeeper headgear. I love the rugby style helmets, and there are some really fantastic designs out there nowadays.
My favorites are by KooGa, although that new Puma V Konstrukt is perdy slick.[/quote]
This one’s interesting:
Bit of a helmet buff myself. Did you also like the space program because of the cool helmets?
[quote comment=”391645″]Sorry to go off topic here. I finally got a chance to watch THE EXPRESS (film about Ernie Davis )last night. The uniforms looked pretty accurate, except that in the film Syracuse wore white jerseys and orange pants both at home and road games. Is this historically acurate?
It could not have been a budget issue they already showed the orange jerseys. The defense wore them in practice.
Just wondering why they would commit such a blatent error after having been so correct on all the other details? ( That is, if it was an error at all.)
Anyone know if during this time period the Orangemen only wore white?[/quote]
I don’t know anything about Cuse’s uniforms at the time, but that movie has certainly been called for egregious historical inaccuracies before:
The guys at Bub’s Pub should raise their glasses to 11 years of Uni Watch. Thanks to Paul, Phil and Ricko.
Oh yeah, there’s still a ticker to read. Got all caught up in the great soccer unis…
Stockton Ports are doing a Beatles themed night including jerseys
[quote comment=”391646″][quote comment=”391639″]One of my favorite subjects, helmets. Now that we’re talking about footballer/goalkeeper headgear. I love the rugby style helmets, and there are some really fantastic designs out there nowadays.
My favorites are by KooGa, although that new Puma V Konstrukt is perdy slick.[/quote]
Did you also like the space program because of the cool helmets?[/quote]
Yes, and Star Wars too. ;o)
[quote comment=”391642″][quote comment=”391640″][quote comment=”391633″][quote comment=”391622″]It’s fine people give soccer a chance, but the sport will always struggle in this country in terms of popularity, once you get past the youth level. Soccer does share some characteristics of other sports, but it doesn’t have much tradition in this country. There wasn’t any league to capitalize on 1950, the NASL failed, and MLS is struggling. I don’t even see soccer matching the NHL in popularity in the USA for that reason.[/quote]
Tradition starts now.
Soccer can easily pass the NHL, and it can compete with the other sports. Plain and simple, if the US keeps creeping up the FIFA standings, pulls off some upsets and contends for a Cup, it’ll get popular real fast.
The problem is, too many sports writers and talking heads say the same thing you do and people believe them. Most of them extol the virtues of a 1-0 pitchers duel in baseball, then turn around and sniff derisively at a 1-0 soccer match. Just because the score is low doesn’t mean there isn’t action. In fact, there’s more than in a typical baseball game.
Not to say that soccer isn’t without its problems. The time-wasting and gamesmanship are getting out of hand, and even Brazil’s “beautiful game” style of play is falling by the wayside as they become like any other team. Still, it’s no worse than the problems other sports are facing. I am eagerly awaiting the World Cup, and I would watch MLS over the NHL anytime.[/quote]
soccer… will never… “easily pass” the NHL in popularity. for almost the same reason the NHL will (more than likely) never “easily pass” the NBA. and the reason: “instant gratification”… how many times can anybody turn on an NBA game and see a guy go coast-to-coast and throw down on the defense? right. even less in hockey. and almost never in soccer. you see “HUGE points” and lead changes in basketball throughout the game. not as much in hockey. and soccer, well…
i’m a casual soccer fan, by the way. if d.c. united or the USmnt is on, i’ll watch and enjoy. i really have no rooting interest overseas (i do catch a fair share of newcastle games. but only cause my buddy is a huge fan). and i am very excited to watch the world cup![/quote]
Should have clarified, the “easily” only refers to if the US wins the Cup or comes close. You bring up a good point, but the one thing the typical American likes more than instant gratification is winning.[/quote]
i’m not so sure. IMO soccer is a sport you’re either in to, or you’re not. i think the US could win the world cup in the most exciting way… but 1, 2, 3 years down the road, is the casual american gonna give a damn? we’ll brag in bars about our team when presented with the arguements, and probably wear logo creeped “world champs” shirts and hats (because who doesn’t like winning, really?). but we’re not tuning back in. besides if we were to win the world cup, where do our “hometown” boys play??? some here, some europe, who really knows? all i know is becks and henry may play or will play in the states… but lebron dunks! a lot!
[quote comment=”391647″][quote comment=”391645″]Sorry to go off topic here. I finally got a chance to watch THE EXPRESS (film about Ernie Davis )last night. The uniforms looked pretty accurate, except that in the film Syracuse wore white jerseys and orange pants both at home and road games. Is this historically acurate?
It could not have been a budget issue they already showed the orange jerseys. The defense wore them in practice.
Just wondering why they would commit such a blatent error after having been so correct on all the other details? ( That is, if it was an error at all.)
Anyone know if during this time period the Orangemen only wore white?[/quote]
I don’t know anything about Cuse’s uniforms at the time, but that movie has certainly been called for egregious historical inaccuracies before:
Syracuse was one of the few teams that opted for white at home back then. Georgia Tech and LSU are two others that come to mind.
They had that policy from Jim Brown through Ernie Davis through Jim Nance and Larry Csonka and Floyd Little.
Not to say they NEVER wore a dark jersey. They had orange ones during Brown’s years (Phil has a photo of them vs. Holy Cross somewhere in his flickr files). Starting with Davis, they changed to a navy jersey with orange NW sleeve stripes and white numbers (including sleeve TVs). Was an orange edge on numbers, I believe.
For one bowl game (in ’62 or so), they wore the navy jerseys and their standard orange pants with high white striped socks and orange crew socks. That was odd, to say the least.
To Paul on the Yankee Stadium cut-outs. The change to the design this season reflects what they did at the Old Yankee Stadium. Really the change is two-part. One to make a distinct pattern that is only used at Yankee Stadium, but more importantly the dirt is cut for when a baserunner takes a lead and rounds third or when he rounds first. The grass in that are gets worn and patchy for baserunners. Sod is cut out and the groundskeepers add their infield mix of materials to provide sure footing. Many ballparks have distinct cut-outs like this. Specifically Kauffman Stadium.
Ah, the homeyness of a good DIY jersey…with a kicker number to boot!
Great job, John Choe!
[quote comment=”391650″][quote comment=”391646″][quote comment=”391639″]One of my favorite subjects, helmets. Now that we’re talking about footballer/goalkeeper headgear. I love the rugby style helmets, and there are some really fantastic designs out there nowadays.
My favorites are by KooGa, although that new Puma V Konstrukt is perdy slick.[/quote]
Did you also like the space program because of the cool helmets?[/quote]
Yes, and Star Wars too. ;o)[/quote]
Original Battlestar Galactica:
Now THAT is a helmet!
No one does sports support like Chicago! Want proof? Just check out the Art Institute Lions: link
[quote comment=”391654″]Ah, the homeyness of a good DIY jersey…with a kicker number to boot!
Great job, John Choe![/quote]
Pun intended, Jim?
Love the cup kits… but while I personally prefer long sleeves over short from a design perspective, I venture to guess most players will be wearing short sleeves in the tourney.
[quote comment=”391651″][quote comment=”391642″][quote comment=”391640″]soccer… will never… “easily pass” the NHL in popularity. for almost the same reason the NHL will (more than likely) never “easily pass” the NBA. and the reason: “instant gratification”… how many times can anybody turn on an NBA game and see a guy go coast-to-coast and throw down on the defense? right. even less in hockey. and almost never in soccer. you see “HUGE points” and lead changes in basketball throughout the game. not as much in hockey. and soccer, well…
i’m a casual soccer fan, by the way. if d.c. united or the USmnt is on, i’ll watch and enjoy. i really have no rooting interest overseas (i do catch a fair share of newcastle games. but only cause my buddy is a huge fan). and i am very excited to watch the world cup![/quote]
Should have clarified, the “easily” only refers to if the US wins the Cup or comes close. You bring up a good point, but the one thing the typical American likes more than instant gratification is winning.[/quote]
i’m not so sure. IMO soccer is a sport you’re either in to, or you’re not. i think the US could win the world cup in the most exciting way… but 1, 2, 3 years down the road, is the casual american gonna give a damn? we’ll brag in bars about our team when presented with the arguements, and probably wear logo creeped “world champs” shirts and hats (because who doesn’t like winning, really?). but we’re not tuning back in. besides if we were to win the world cup, where do our “hometown” boys play??? some here, some europe, who really knows? all i know is becks and henry may play or will play in the states… but lebron dunks! a lot![/quote]
Winning a Cup wouldn’t change the grizzled sports veterans, but it would do a lot towards getting the younger folks into soccer.
Gotta get the right announcers, too. I like the reserved British style, and I like the occasional “Goooooooal!” from the Latin American guys, but you need some top-flight American guys with a distinctly American style of announcing. Get Verne Lundquist and a soccer guy with Bill Raftery’s personality to call the World Cup.
[quote comment=”391657″][quote comment=”391654″]Ah, the homeyness of a good DIY jersey…with a kicker number to boot!
Great job, John Choe![/quote]
Pun intended, Jim?[/quote]
You betcha…
[quote comment=”391656″]No one does sports support like Chicago! Want proof? Just check out the Art Institute Lions: link
Haha… I wonder if it’s an Art Institute thing. The Art Institute of Pittsburgh does something similar with a dinosaur statue in front of their building (Creation Rex):
That’s him devouring an octopus during the Penguins’ Stanley Cup run last year. Tough to tell from that pic, but they wrapped faux fur around his chin (playoff beard).
[quote comment=”391590″]That Sporcle quiz is good, but a couple nits:
1 – I think he has the Dodgers and Royals mixed up.
2 – That one ID’d as the Rays isn’t (the 1 is the tip-off).
3 – Neither is the Rockies.
Not sayin’ which is which – that’s up to you guys.[/quote]
And the Giants’ font may have been right in the Willie Mays day, but not link. Its missing the gold, its too skinny…
[quote comment=”391620″][quote comment=”391597″]Some good ideas on the concept front, but I must say that some of the colors are much too bright. The Argentina blue looks like neon cyan, for example. Some of the greens are a little to radioactive-looking, if you know what I mean. Tone those colors down a bit and it will improve immensely.[/quote]
Maybe a little too bright, but I wouldn’t say much too bright. I’ve had to endure over a decade of darkening hues and Black For Black Sake, so a little brightness is a welcome sight for me.
The Ghana kit is a good mix of black and bright:
Those numbers really stand out. Love the socks, too.[/quote]
I’m just speaking of the actual color on the screen, not the choice of, for example, electric cyan. I love the color choices themselves. I don’t like how some of them were executed in the images. Could have been better. Argentina wears link not link Colors like that and link bring to mind link which is a) not easily reproducible or maintainable as a fabric color and b) more along the lines of ‘gaudy’ or ‘garish’ than ‘bold.’ A color doesn’t have to be at the end of the RGB spectrum to be considered ‘bright.’ Don’t get me wrong, 90% of the colors are excellent, But there’s about three concepts (Argentina, South Africa, Mexico) that could use a little bit of restraint in the color. The green on the Ghana shirt is much more Pac-Man like than the green used elsewhere in the kit
[quote comment=”391653″]To Paul on the Yankee Stadium cut-outs. The change to the design this season reflects what they did at the Old Yankee Stadium. Really the change is two-part. One to make a distinct pattern that is only used at Yankee Stadium, but more importantly the dirt is cut for when a baserunner takes a lead and rounds third or when he rounds first. The grass in that are gets worn and patchy for baserunners. Sod is cut out and the groundskeepers add their infield mix of materials to provide sure footing. Many ballparks have distinct cut-outs like this. Specifically Kauffman Stadium.[/quote]
Interesting. For some reason, I never paid much attention to this. Does anybody know where we can see all parks on one page? I’m sure it exists somewhere, the Internets are amazing these days…
So, where do link rank in the pantheon of military tribute uniforms?
Also, there’s another handball person on here? Jeremy, babaganoosh, drop me an email.
I usually don’t have a problem with uni creations, but the Germany one is simply incorrect.
White shirt, black shorts, white socks. Always.
[quote comment=”391661″][quote comment=”391656″]No one does sports support like Chicago! Want proof? Just check out the Art Institute Lions: link
Haha… I wonder if it’s an Art Institute thing. The Art Institute of Pittsburgh does something similar with a dinosaur statue in front of their building (Creation Rex):
That’s him devouring an octopus during the Penguins’ Stanley Cup run last year. Tough to tell from that pic, but they wrapped faux fur around his chin (playoff beard).
Cool dino pics. I know in Chicago they have done it twice for when the Bears were in the Super Howl: link and in 1986 link
[quote comment=”391663″][quote comment=”391620″][quote comment=”391597″]Some good ideas on the concept front, but I must say that some of the colors are much too bright. The Argentina blue looks like neon cyan, for example. Some of the greens are a little to radioactive-looking, if you know what I mean. Tone those colors down a bit and it will improve immensely.[/quote]
Maybe a little too bright, but I wouldn’t say much too bright. I’ve had to endure over a decade of darkening hues and Black For Black Sake, so a little brightness is a welcome sight for me.
The Ghana kit is a good mix of black and bright:
Those numbers really stand out. Love the socks, too.[/quote]
I’m just speaking of the actual color on the screen, not the choice of, for example, electric cyan. I love the color choices themselves. I don’t like how some of them were executed in the images. Could have been better. Argentina wears link not link Colors like that and link bring to mind link which is a) not easily reproducible or maintainable as a fabric color and b) more along the lines of ‘gaudy’ or ‘garish’ than ‘bold.’ A color doesn’t have to be at the end of the RGB spectrum to be considered ‘bright.’ Don’t get me wrong, 90% of the colors are excellent, But there’s about three concepts (Argentina, South Africa, Mexico) that could use a little bit of restraint in the color. The green on the Ghana shirt is much more Pac-Man like than the green used elsewhere in the kit[/quote]
I get where you’re coming from now.
Two more unis I like:
Paraguay link
and France. link
[quote comment=”391666″]I usually don’t have a problem with uni creations, but the Germany one is simply incorrect.
White shirt, black shorts, white socks. Always.[/quote]
Yes. link.
Two more quick notes:
1) That TVS Sports site where the arena football video came from is a real treasure chest! I knew they had college basketball, but until today I hadn’t seen all the other sports and shows available. That site just got bookmarked for hours of future enjoyment.
2) Good to see they’re trying to save League Park. The Cleveland Blues are playing in the 13th annual Akron Cup at Stan Hywet Hall & Gardens on July 18th. If I can make it there, I’ll try to go and take some vintage base ball photos.
[quote comment=”391669″][quote comment=”391666″]I usually don’t have a problem with uni creations, but the Germany one is simply incorrect.
White shirt, black shorts, white socks. Always.[/quote]
Yes. link.[/quote]
I actually have that shirt. I specifically love it because of the mismatched sleeves, which I know drives Lukas crazy. :)
[quote comment=”391667″][quote comment=”391661″][quote comment=”391656″]No one does sports support like Chicago! Want proof? Just check out the Art Institute Lions: link
Haha… I wonder if it’s an Art Institute thing. The Art Institute of Pittsburgh does something similar with a dinosaur statue in front of their building (Creation Rex):
That’s him devouring an octopus during the Penguins’ Stanley Cup run last year. Tough to tell from that pic, but they wrapped faux fur around his chin (playoff beard).
Cool dino pics. I know in Chicago they have done it twice for when the Bears were in the Super Howl: link and in 1986 link
If memory serves, those original Bears helmets were made out of weber grills by a student at the Art Institute.
[quote comment=”391665″]So, where do link rank in the pantheon of military tribute uniforms?
Also, there’s another handball person on here? Jeremy, babaganoosh, drop me an email.[/quote]
Well, they’re different…
[quote comment=”391658″]Love the cup kits… but while I personally prefer long sleeves over short from a design perspective, I venture to guess most players will be wearing short sleeves in the tourney.[/quote]
I wouldn’t count on it. Remember, SA will be in wintertime in June/July, as they are in the Southern Hemisphere.
I expect to see many long sleeve kits over the coming month.
[quote comment=”391672″][quote comment=”391667″][quote comment=”391661″][quote comment=”391656″]No one does sports support like Chicago! Want proof? Just check out the Art Institute Lions: link
Haha… I wonder if it’s an Art Institute thing. The Art Institute of Pittsburgh does something similar with a dinosaur statue in front of their building (Creation Rex):
That’s him devouring an octopus during the Penguins’ Stanley Cup run last year. Tough to tell from that pic, but they wrapped faux fur around his chin (playoff beard).
Cool dino pics. I know in Chicago they have done it twice for when the Bears were in the Super Howl: link and in 1986 link
If memory serves, those original Bears helmets were made out of weber grills by a student at the Art Institute.[/quote]
You are correct, James!
[quote comment=”391673″][quote comment=”391665″]So, where do link rank in the pantheon of military tribute uniforms?
Also, there’s another handball person on here? Jeremy, babaganoosh, drop me an email.[/quote]
Well, they’re different…[/quote]
Well, at least they understood that stripes and camo clash.
Not to mention being mutually exclusive in purpose.
[quote comment=\”391670\”]Two more quick notes:
2) Good to see they\’re trying to save League Park. The Cleveland Blues are playing in the 13th annual Akron Cup at Stan Hywet Hall & Gardens on July 18th. If I can make it there, I\’ll try to go and take some vintage base ball photos.[/quote]
I’d like to go to this as well. I love the aesthetic at play here, though I’m sort of miffed that most of them wear modern shoes.
[quote comment=”391658″]Love the cup kits… but while I personally prefer long sleeves over short from a design perspective, I venture to guess most players will be wearing short sleeves in the tourney.[/quote]
Don’t know about that – South Africa gets pretty chilly in the wintertime.
[quote comment=”391674″][quote comment=”391658″]Love the cup kits… but while I personally prefer long sleeves over short from a design perspective, I venture to guess most players will be wearing short sleeves in the tourney.[/quote]
I wouldn’t count on it. Remember, SA will be in wintertime in June/July, as they are in the Southern Hemisphere.
I expect to see many long sleeve kits over the coming month.[/quote]
Not the first to make that mistake. Temps in Cape Town in June and July run 45-64 or so, slightly warmer in Durban and slightly colder in Joburg.
[quote comment=”391676″][quote comment=”391673″][quote comment=”391665″]So, where do link rank in the pantheon of military tribute uniforms?
Also, there’s another handball person on here? Jeremy, babaganoosh, drop me an email.[/quote]
Well, they’re different…[/quote]
Well, at least they understood that stripes and camo clash.
Not to mention being mutually exclusive in purpose.
Tennessee center Wayne Chism used to wear those hex patterned shin guard leg sleeves things. Except he used to wear them backwards so that the padding would be back on his calves. I’m not quite sure why he would do that, though. I’ll try to find pictures to post.
[quote comment=”391680″]
you cannot change the stripes of a leopard
Feeling about goalies wearing scrum caps aside, what would they actually do? Ive been playing rugby for about 5 years now, and if one were to get kicked in the head, the little padding provided by the cap wouldnt do anything to protect the player. its only good to keep your ears on during a scrum.
Also, those American uniforms, specifically the primary one, is hideous. USA Soccer should stick with the sash
[quote comment=”391655″][quote comment=”391650″][quote comment=”391646″][quote comment=”391639″]One of my favorite subjects, helmets. Now that we’re talking about footballer/goalkeeper headgear. I love the rugby style helmets, and there are some really fantastic designs out there nowadays.
My favorites are by KooGa, although that new Puma V Konstrukt is perdy slick.[/quote]
Did you also like the space program because of the cool helmets?[/quote]
Yes, and Star Wars too. ;o)[/quote]
Original Battlestar Galactica:
Now THAT is a helmet![/quote]
Ok, since we’re going there. I found this amazing site called, you guessed it, link My favorites are the link, especially the link(scroll to bottom). That Y Wing helmet inspired a football helmet design I have.
Also check out the badass original link
[quote comment=”391683″]Feeling about goalies wearing scrum caps aside, what would they actually do? Ive been playing rugby for about 5 years now, and if one were to get kicked in the head, the little padding provided by the cap wouldnt do anything to protect the player. its only good to keep your ears on during a scrum.
Also, those American uniforms, specifically the primary one, is hideous. USA Soccer should stick with the sash[/quote]
Isn’t there the issue of running or getting jammed into the post?
Thanks for all the feedback on the keepers wearing hats. Can’t believe I’d never seen it before. I was aware of the different rules for goalkeeper apparel.
[quote comment=”391677″][quote comment=\”391670\”]Two more quick notes:
2) Good to see they\’re trying to save League Park. The Cleveland Blues are playing in the 13th annual Akron Cup at Stan Hywet Hall & Gardens on July 18th. If I can make it there, I\’ll try to go and take some vintage base ball photos.[/quote]
I’d like to go to this as well. I love the aesthetic at play here, though I’m sort of miffed that most of them wear modern shoes.[/quote]
Three things about vintage cleats, even if you could find them.
a) The way they were engineered compared to today’s shoes, when you put them on it feels like the toe cleat is pointing up at your nose.
b) Leather soles. Damn they get heavy when they get wet. Especially when they’ve begun to crack some. Like a sponge.
c) Once they get a little worn and the soles start to get thin, you can feel every rivet pushing into the bottom of your feet.
Could they dye them all black if they chose to do so? You bet. One can of spray-can shoe coloring from the local shoe repair shop probably would be enough to do the cleats of every player on the team.
Although, from that era there probably ought to be a lot of high tops, too.
[quote comment=”391680″][quote comment=”391676″][quote comment=”391673″][quote comment=”391665″]So, where do link rank in the pantheon of military tribute uniforms?
Also, there’s another handball person on here? Jeremy, babaganoosh, drop me an email.[/quote]
Well, they’re different…[/quote]
Well, at least they understood that stripes and camo clash.
Not to mention being mutually exclusive in purpose.
Yeah, and if he lowers his head so the white of his face doesn’t show and just waits, you’re dinner.
Now, in my best Cliff Claven imitation…
Only the tiger and one other animal are natural predators to humans. What’s the other one?
Some of the cup kits are okay – some of the designs are very clever. However, for a site that emphasizes “classic” sports uniforms, some of the kits just ignore teams’ rich histories:
1) You don’t mess with some of the more traditional home kits. For example, you can mess with France’s stripes or color shades, but in the end, the shirt better be blue, the shorts white, and the socks red. There were similar problems with Argentina, Mexico, Germany, and Brazil to name a few.
2) Why not eliminate some of the BFBS in this year’s kits? Germany hasn’t worn black on the road since they were known as “Nazi Germany,” and Mexico has never worn black.
3) Whoever said that the bright colors need to be knocked down a shade is absolutely correct.
[quote comment=”391688″][quote comment=”391680″][quote comment=”391676″][quote comment=”391673″][quote comment=”391665″]So, where do link rank in the pantheon of military tribute uniforms?
Also, there’s another handball person on here? Jeremy, babaganoosh, drop me an email.[/quote]
Well, they’re different…[/quote]
Well, at least they understood that stripes and camo clash.
Not to mention being mutually exclusive in purpose.
Yeah, and if he lowers his head so the white of his face doesn’t show and just waits, you’re dinner.
Now, in my best Cliff Claven imitation…
Only the tiger and one other animal are natural predators to humans. What’s the other one?
Always love the sporcle. Should also try this quiz link
Holding out judgment on the Arkansas uni. I had heard down here that they walked away from adidas with two years left on their contract because of poor quality, and that it was late in the uniform cycle to go with anything custom, so maybe something (hopefully) better next year.
[quote comment=”391690″][quote comment=”391688″][quote comment=”391680″][quote comment=”391676″][quote comment=”391673″][quote comment=”391665″]So, where do link rank in the pantheon of military tribute uniforms?
Also, there’s another handball person on here? Jeremy, babaganoosh, drop me an email.[/quote]
Well, they’re different…[/quote]
Well, at least they understood that stripes and camo clash.
Not to mention being mutually exclusive in purpose.
Yeah, and if he lowers his head so the white of his face doesn’t show and just waits, you’re dinner.
Now, in my best Cliff Claven imitation…
Only the tiger and one other animal are natural predators to humans. What’s the other one?
Close. Kinda.
[quote comment=”391671″][quote comment=”391669″][quote comment=”391666″]I usually don’t have a problem with uni creations, but the Germany one is simply incorrect.
White shirt, black shorts, white socks. Always.[/quote]
Yes. link.[/quote]
I actually have that shirt. I specifically love it because of the mismatched sleeves, which I know drives Lukas crazy. :)[/quote]
I meant the home kits guys, jeez. I know the alts are different colors.
I’d also like to second a love for the red/black alt from 06. I thought red was a nice change of pace, and while the sleeve was weird it was distinctive.
[quote comment=”391690″][quote comment=”391688″][quote comment=”391680″][quote comment=”391676″][quote comment=”391673″][quote comment=”391665″]So, where do link rank in the pantheon of military tribute uniforms?
Also, there’s another handball person on here? Jeremy, babaganoosh, drop me an email.[/quote]
Well, they’re different…[/quote]
Well, at least they understood that stripes and camo clash.
Not to mention being mutually exclusive in purpose.
Yeah, and if he lowers his head so the white of his face doesn’t show and just waits, you’re dinner.
Now, in my best Cliff Claven imitation…
Only the tiger and one other animal are natural predators to humans. What’s the other one?
Hence, the ‘hungry hungry Hippo’, good call Bernard.
[quote comment=”391688″]Only the tiger and one other animal are natural predators to humans. What’s the other one?[/quote]
You guessed it….Frank Stallone.
Why I love the World Cup, cuz I can say shit like this, and it will have everything to do with the game.
Danny’s designs are great. I have one criasism, no belts. Button shirts and belts are a must!
Danny’s designs are great! I have one criticism, no belts. Button shirts and belts are a must.
Could someone tell me why they have to wear the link
[quote comment=”391699″]Could someone tell me why they have to wear the link[/quote]
because they can?
So BYU is wearing an awfully fugly as heck road baseball uni on CBS College Sports and the mtn in the MWC Tourney in San Diego.
Grey sleeveless vests with navy pinstripes, navy trim around the edges of the vests, matching pants with navy trim down the outseams.
My TV dang near a-sploded.
[quote comment=”391700″][quote comment=”391699″]Could someone tell me why they have to wear the link[/quote]
because they can?[/quote]
Ugh, I was hoping to hear cuz they have to.
[quote comment=”391652″][quote comment=”391647″][quote comment=”391645″]Sorry to go off topic here. I finally got a chance to watch THE EXPRESS (film about Ernie Davis )last night. The uniforms looked pretty accurate, except that in the film Syracuse wore white jerseys and orange pants both at home and road games. Is this historically acurate?
It could not have been a budget issue they already showed the orange jerseys. The defense wore them in practice.
Just wondering why they would commit such a blatent error after having been so correct on all the other details? ( That is, if it was an error at all.)
Anyone know if during this time period the Orangemen only wore white?[/quote]
I don’t know anything about Cuse’s uniforms at the time, but that movie has certainly been called for egregious historical inaccuracies before:
Syracuse was one of the few teams that opted for white at home back then. Georgia Tech and LSU are two others that come to mind.
They had that policy from Jim Brown through Ernie Davis through Jim Nance and Larry Csonka and Floyd Little.
Not to say they NEVER wore a dark jersey. They had orange ones during Brown’s years (Phil has a photo of them vs. Holy Cross somewhere in his flickr files). Starting with Davis, they changed to a navy jersey with orange NW sleeve stripes and white numbers (including sleeve TVs). Was an orange edge on numbers, I believe.
For one bowl game (in ’62 or so), they wore the navy jerseys and their standard orange pants with high white striped socks and orange crew socks. That was odd, to say the least.
And navy blue is not even one of Syracuse’s school colors. Remember the fuss over Syracuse wearing navy blue basketball uniforms last year (for only the second time in 20-some years)? Yet it is now the traditional football jersey at home.
Georgia Tech and LSU now wear white at home for nearly all their games.
heh heh………….;o)
[quote comment=”391702″][quote comment=”391700″][quote comment=”391699″]Could someone tell me why they have to wear the link[/quote]
because they can?[/quote]
Ugh, I was hoping to hear cuz they have to.[/quote]
heh heh………….;o)
[quote comment=”391634″][quote comment=”391631″]you can see more photos of the new arkansas nike uniforms here: link
I’m not sure what to think about the black facemask.[/quote]
What? You mean black isn’t one of Arkansas’ colors?
Don’t worry, the black alternate is soon to follow (in the footsteps of Miss. State, Tennessee, Florida basketball, etc.).
btw…here’s that ‘cuse vs. holy cross pic ricko was talking about
orange monochrome
[quote comment=”391694″][quote comment=”391690″][quote comment=”391688″][quote comment=”391680″][quote comment=”391676″][quote comment=”391673″][quote comment=”391665″]So, where do link rank in the pantheon of military tribute uniforms?
Also, there’s another handball person on here? Jeremy, babaganoosh, drop me an email.[/quote]
Well, they’re different…[/quote]
Well, at least they understood that stripes and camo clash.
Not to mention being mutually exclusive in purpose.
Yeah, and if he lowers his head so the white of his face doesn’t show and just waits, you’re dinner.
Now, in my best Cliff Claven imitation…
Only the tiger and one other animal are natural predators to humans. What’s the other one?
Hence, the ‘hungry hungry Hippo’, good call Bernard.[/quote]
what about the polar bear?
[quote comment=”391687″][quote comment=”391677″][quote comment=\”391670\”]Two more quick notes:
2) Good to see they\’re trying to save League Park. The Cleveland Blues are playing in the 13th annual Akron Cup at Stan Hywet Hall & Gardens on July 18th. If I can make it there, I\’ll try to go and take some vintage base ball photos.[/quote]
I’d like to go to this as well. I love the aesthetic at play here, though I’m sort of miffed that most of them wear modern shoes.[/quote]
Three things about vintage cleats, even if you could find them.
a) The way they were engineered compared to today’s shoes, when you put them on it feels like the toe cleat is pointing up at your nose.
b) Leather soles. Damn they get heavy when they get wet. Especially when they’ve begun to crack some. Like a sponge.
c) Once they get a little worn and the soles start to get thin, you can feel every rivet pushing into the bottom of your feet.
Could they dye them all black if they chose to do so? You bet. One can of spray-can shoe coloring from the local shoe repair shop probably would be enough to do the cleats of every player on the team.
Although, from that era there probably ought to be a lot of high tops, too.
I understand this, but surely there exists a way to attain the vintage look with modern convenience. I mean, there are dress shoes with rubber soles and shock absorbers in the heel like an athletic shoe. Plus, with the popularity of niche markets in today’s world, I bet there already is someone who specializes in this type of thing.
[quote comment=”391702″][quote comment=”391700″][quote comment=”391699″]Could someone tell me why they have to wear the link[/quote]
because they can?[/quote]
Ugh, I was hoping to hear cuz they have to.[/quote]
That might be the only color those shoes come in this season, and that probably happens to be the ‘team shoe’ for photo shoots or something.
“No one does sports support like Chicago! Want proof? Just check out the Art Institute Lions: link…”
Not saying that Chicago is not a good sports town, but this is done all of the time. In addition the to ones noted earlier in the comments, here are Patience and Fortitude in Mets and Yankees caps in 2002 for the Subway Series: link
It has often wondered me why a good many national soccer teams don’t wear the national (i.e., flag) colors — or is it possible that some nations have national colors other than those in their flags? Kindly advise soonest ….
[quote comment=”391692″][quote comment=”391690″][quote comment=”391688″]Now, in my best Cliff Claven imitation…
Only the tiger and one other animal are natural predators to humans. What’s the other one?
Close. Kinda.[/quote]
Was gonna say shark, but if hippo’s close I say Alligator.
[quote comment=”391712″]It has often wondered me why a good many national soccer teams don’t wear the national (i.e., flag) colors — or is it possible that some nations have national colors other than those in their flags? Kindly advise soonest ….[/quote]
As far as Italy, third paragraph:
As for the team that Italy (dang floppers) hosed in the last World Cup – while Australia’s flag is blue, red and white, the national colors are green and gold:
[quote comment=”391712″]It has often wondered me why a good many national soccer teams don’t wear the national (i.e., flag) colors — or is it possible that some nations have national colors other than those in their flags? Kindly advise soonest ….[/quote]
Holland wears their flag’s colors for one kit (red, white and blue) but orange is their standard. Orange is the color of the Dutch Royal Family. The lineage of the current dynasty — the House of Oranje-Nassau — dates back to Willem van Oranje (William of Orange). But while the color orange has royal roots in the Netherlands, today it symbolizes a broader pride in the country and in being Dutch.
[quote comment=”391684″][quote comment=”391655″][quote comment=”391650″][quote comment=”391646″][quote comment=”391639″]One of my favorite subjects, helmets. Now that we’re talking about footballer/goalkeeper headgear. I love the rugby style helmets, and there are some really fantastic designs out there nowadays.
My favorites are by KooGa, although that new Puma V Konstrukt is perdy slick.[/quote]
Did you also like the space program because of the cool helmets?[/quote]
Yes, and Star Wars too. ;o)[/quote]
Original Battlestar Galactica:
Now THAT is a helmet![/quote]
Ok, since we’re going there. I found this amazing site called, you guessed it, link My favorites are the link, especially the link(scroll to bottom). That Y Wing helmet inspired a football helmet design I have.
Also check out the badass original link[/quote]
You just made a new friend. My son loved the pics from that site.
[quote comment=”391713″][quote comment=”391692″][quote comment=”391690″][quote comment=”391688″]Now, in my best Cliff Claven imitation…
Only the tiger and one other animal are natural predators to humans. What’s the other one?
Close. Kinda.[/quote]
Was gonna say shark, but if hippo’s close I say Alligator.[/quote]
Croc and Tiger are only two animals who will, upon catching a human scent for the first time, think, “Ah, edible.”
All other would likely be wary, as in, “Hmmm, what’s that?”
Many national colours come from before the country was even a sovereign state as we know it today. The Netherlands wear orange because their royal family is the House of Oranje; Italy wear blue because it is the colour of the House of Savoy, Italy’s ruling family till 1946, and Germany wear white and black as they are the colours of the 19th century state of Prussia. I would say most others do wear their flag colours- France and USA red, white and blue, Nigeria green and white etc, with a few exceptions.
On these unis, some of the colours do need to be toned down, and the level to which you cannot mess with the classics cannot be overstated. The England one, for example, would never get worn. Moving from blue shorts to white shorts a while ago was enough of a stretch. The Italian design, though, is class.
And on rugby headguards; they provide some padding but are mainly worn to stop cauliflower ears, and are much more common with younger players. As someone who wears one every week, I would say that the most popular (and deservedly so) is the Ventilator from Canterbury of New Zealand. Light and breathable, which are seriously the two main concerns . . . I can wring mine out like a towel from dripping with sweat at the end of a game.
[quote comment=”391685″][quote comment=”391683″]Feeling about goalies wearing scrum caps aside, what would they actually do? Ive been playing rugby for about 5 years now, and if one were to get kicked in the head, the little padding provided by the cap wouldnt do anything to protect the player. its only good to keep your ears on during a scrum.
Also, those American uniforms, specifically the primary one, is hideous. USA Soccer should stick with the sash[/quote]
Isn’t there the issue of running or getting jammed into the post?[/quote]
That’s why you need this helmet:
[quote comment=”391717″][quote comment=”391713″][quote comment=”391692″][quote comment=”391690″][quote comment=”391688″]Now, in my best Cliff Claven imitation…
Only the tiger and one other animal are natural predators to humans. What’s the other one?
Close. Kinda.[/quote]
Was gonna say shark, but if hippo’s close I say Alligator.[/quote]
Croc and Tiger are only two animals who will, upon catching a human scent for the first time, think, “Ah, edible.”
All other would likely be wary, as in, “Hmmm, what’s that?”
Almost said crocagator to cover my bases…
Danny AWESOME Uni tweeks, I really dig the US kit, and the Japan Rising Sun socks…my only comment would be to reverse the Greek and Argentine gradients aspect, as that looks more like the Argentine flag.
Thank you for explaining why the Netherlands wears Orange…always wondered about that.
Arkansas jersey may not appeal to everyone, but look better than the previous set…
With all the “douchebagery” speewed towards Nike, at least their gear is reasonably priced, and depending where you shop (Eastbay, etc) discounts can be used…Under Armour never allows their stuff to be discounted, unless it’s on clearance. (My point is, if they get into NFL jersey making, expect their teams to be higher than Nike, Reebok, Wilson teams…mark my words).
[quote comment=”391718″]
… and Germany wear white and black as they are the colours of the 19th century state of Prussia. [/quote]
Thanks for the response. But if Germany wears white and black, why did it in a not-so-long-ago World Cup sport green jerseys? [Inquiring minds, at least mine, want to know ….]
I don’t mind national teams wearing colors other than those in their flags; on the other hand, if the USA ever takes the field in green, orange, teal, and periwinkle, I’ll be just a bit miffed.
[quote comment=”391711″]”No one does sports support like Chicago! Want proof? Just check out the Art Institute Lions: link…”
Not saying that Chicago is not a good sports town, but this is done all of the time. In addition the to ones noted earlier in the comments, here are Patience and Fortitude in Mets and Yankees caps in 2002 for the Subway Series: link
I realize other cities do it, but this is a pretty classic look at the support for 4 different local teams: link
[quote comment=”391722″]I don’t mind national teams wearing colors other than those in their flags; on the other hand, if the USA ever takes the field in green, orange, teal, and periwinkle, I’ll be just a bit miffed.[/quote]
Don’t put it past Nike.
We’ve cheered for the red, white and charcoal already in the last year or so.
[quote comment=”391722″][quote comment=”391718″]
… and Germany wear white and black as they are the colours of the 19th century state of Prussia. [/quote]
Thanks for the response. But if Germany wears white and black, why did it in a not-so-long-ago World Cup sport green jerseys? [Inquiring minds, at least mine, want to know ….]
I don’t mind national teams wearing colors other than those in their flags; on the other hand, if the USA ever takes the field in green, orange, teal, and periwinkle, I’ll be just a bit miffed.[/quote]
Away jerseys don’t always have a rhyme or reason, except to clash with the opponents’ colors. Soccer’s not always white uni/team color uni.
For example, in the English Premier League, Liverpool’s colors are red and white. But check out the difference in the history of the home kits
and the away (or change) kits.
[quote comment=”391724″][quote comment=”391722″]I don’t mind national teams wearing colors other than those in their flags; on the other hand, if the USA ever takes the field in green, orange, teal, and periwinkle, I’ll be just a bit miffed.[/quote]
Don’t put it past Nike.
We’ve cheered for the red, white and charcoal already in the last year or so.[/quote]
I never underestimate Nike’s proclivity for the
tawdry, the tacky, and uniform designs and colors that would make a randy goat turn away in utter disgust.
[quote comment=”391725″][quote comment=”391722″][quote comment=”391718″]
… and Germany wear white and black as they are the colours of the 19th century state of Prussia. [/quote]
Thanks for the response. But if Germany wears white and black, why did it in a not-so-long-ago World Cup sport green jerseys? [Inquiring minds, at least mine, want to know ….]
I don’t mind national teams wearing colors other than those in their flags; on the other hand, if the USA ever takes the field in green, orange, teal, and periwinkle, I’ll be just a bit miffed.[/quote]
Away jerseys don’t always have a rhyme or reason, except to clash with the opponents’ colors. Soccer’s not always white uni/team color uni.
For example, in the English Premier League, Liverpool’s colors are red and white. But check out the difference in the history of the home kits
and the away (or change) kits.
And if you know me, you know which of those change kits I like:
This one’s pretty good, too:
Oh Danny Danny Danny! I applaud your amazing work!!! I may not agree with some of your designs but the effort is and many of the designs you made are incredible! I look forward to more of your work!
[quote comment=”391725″][quote comment=”391722″][quote comment=”391718″]
… and Germany wear white and black as they are the colours of the 19th century state of Prussia. [/quote]
Thanks for the response. But if Germany wears white and black, why did it in a not-so-long-ago World Cup sport green jerseys? [Inquiring minds, at least mine, want to know ….]
Pretty much the only rule for change kits that they can’t be your rival’s colors.
I don’t mind national teams wearing colors other than those in their flags; on the other hand, if the USA ever takes the field in green, orange, teal, and periwinkle, I’ll be just a bit miffed.[/quote]
Away jerseys don’t always have a rhyme or reason, except to clash with the opponents’ colors. Soccer’s not always white uni/team color uni.
For example, in the English Premier League, Liverpool’s colors are red and white. But check out the difference in the history of the home kits
and the away (or change) kits.
[quote comment=”391725″][quote comment=”391722″][quote comment=”391718″]
… and Germany wear white and black as they are the colours of the 19th century state of Prussia. [/quote]
Thanks for the response. But if Germany wears white and black, why did it in a not-so-long-ago World Cup sport green jerseys? [Inquiring minds, at least mine, want to know ….]
I don’t mind national teams wearing colors other than those in their flags; on the other hand, if the USA ever takes the field in green, orange, teal, and periwinkle, I’ll be just a bit miffed.[/quote]
Away jerseys don’t always have a rhyme or reason, except to clash with the opponents’ colors. Soccer’s not always white uni/team color uni.
For example, in the English Premier League, Liverpool’s colors are red and white. But check out the difference in the history of the home kits
and the away (or change) kits.
Yeah, pretty much any color’s okay for a change kit as long as it’s not your rivals colors
[quote comment=”391724″][quote comment=”391722″]I don’t mind national teams wearing colors other than those in their flags; on the other hand, if the USA ever takes the field in green, orange, teal, and periwinkle, I’ll be just a bit miffed.[/quote]
Don’t put it past Nike.
We’ve cheered for the red, white and charcoal already in the last year or so.[/quote]
U.S. speedskaters wore black and powder blue in Vancouver, didn’t they?
[quote comment=”391731″][quote comment=”391724″][quote comment=”391722″]I don’t mind national teams wearing colors other than those in their flags; on the other hand, if the USA ever takes the field in green, orange, teal, and periwinkle, I’ll be just a bit miffed.[/quote]
Don’t put it past Nike.
We’ve cheered for the red, white and charcoal already in the last year or so.[/quote]
U.S. speedskaters wore black and powder blue in Vancouver, didn’t they?
Answering my own question…
Love the 1961 Black Hawks photo, although it’s odd to look at the numbers on the sleeves and see Bobby Hull wearing something other than No. 9. Just to make sure, I went to Wikipedia and found a roster with numbers: link The names were a trip back to my tabletop hockey days (which came a few years after 1961). I also noted that Elmer Vasko got his name on the Cup; I recall seeing him when he played for the North Stars and got into a monumental fight with Forbes Kennedy of the Flyers.
[quote comment=”391732″][quote comment=”391731″][quote comment=”391724″][quote comment=”391722″]I don’t mind national teams wearing colors other than those in their flags; on the other hand, if the USA ever takes the field in green, orange, teal, and periwinkle, I’ll be just a bit miffed.[/quote]
Don’t put it past Nike.
We’ve cheered for the red, white and charcoal already in the last year or so.[/quote]
U.S. speedskaters wore black and powder blue in Vancouver, didn’t they?
Answering my own question…
And Japan wore gold:
Then there’s skiing and ski jumping:
[quote comment=”391731″][quote comment=”391724″][quote comment=”391722″]I don’t mind national teams wearing colors other than those in their flags; on the other hand, if the USA ever takes the field in green, orange, teal, and periwinkle, I’ll be just a bit miffed.[/quote]
Don’t put it past Nike.
We’ve cheered for the red, white and charcoal already in the last year or so.[/quote]
U.S. speedskaters wore black and powder blue in Vancouver, didn’t they?
OK, but is speedskating an actual sport? ;)
[quote comment=”391735″][quote comment=”391731″][quote comment=”391724″][quote comment=”391722″]I don’t mind national teams wearing colors other than those in their flags; on the other hand, if the USA ever takes the field in green, orange, teal, and periwinkle, I’ll be just a bit miffed.[/quote]
Don’t put it past Nike.
We’ve cheered for the red, white and charcoal already in the last year or so.[/quote]
U.S. speedskaters wore black and powder blue in Vancouver, didn’t they?
OK, but is speedskating an actual sport? ;)[/quote]
Curling is!
A couple of people have mentioned that Mexico has NEVER worn back and that was true until recently. Theier change kit is now entirely black: link
[quote comment=”391719″][quote comment=”391685″][quote comment=”391683″]Feeling about goalies wearing scrum caps aside, what would they actually do? Ive been playing rugby for about 5 years now, and if one were to get kicked in the head, the little padding provided by the cap wouldnt do anything to protect the player. its only good to keep your ears on during a scrum.
Also, those American uniforms, specifically the primary one, is hideous. USA Soccer should stick with the sash[/quote]
Isn’t there the issue of running or getting jammed into the post?[/quote]
That’s why you need this helmet:
An outdoor Sockers photo? Thank you, that thing is beautiful.
[quote comment=”391719″][quote comment=”391685″][quote comment=”391683″]Feeling about goalies wearing scrum caps aside, what would they actually do? Ive been playing rugby for about 5 years now, and if one were to get kicked in the head, the little padding provided by the cap wouldnt do anything to protect the player. its only good to keep your ears on during a scrum.
Also, those American uniforms, specifically the primary one, is hideous. USA Soccer should stick with the sash[/quote]
Isn’t there the issue of running or getting jammed into the post?[/quote]
That’s why you need this helmet:
Those photos are of Alan Mayer, keeper for Baltimore and San Diego of the old NASL. He had a series of concussions and wore that helmet thereafter. Friends of mine who played in the league say he had a bad habit of diving headfirst at the feet of an onrushing attacker, rather than the preferred method of sliding sort of sideways to create more of a horizontal barrier.
Regarding goalkeepers and caps, I wore one myself in high school for two reasons: 1) I saw photos of Spain’s Ricardo Zamora wearing his trademark cap in the ’30s and thought it looked cool, and; 2) Our home games were played in the late afternoon on a field running east to west. One half was often spent looking into the setting sun.
[quote comment=”391738″][quote comment=”391719″][quote comment=”391685″][quote comment=”391683″]Feeling about goalies wearing scrum caps aside, what would they actually do? Ive been playing rugby for about 5 years now, and if one were to get kicked in the head, the little padding provided by the cap wouldnt do anything to protect the player. its only good to keep your ears on during a scrum.
Also, those American uniforms, specifically the primary one, is hideous. USA Soccer should stick with the sash[/quote]
Isn’t there the issue of running or getting jammed into the post?[/quote]
That’s why you need this helmet:
An outdoor Sockers photo? Thank you, that thing is beautiful.[/quote]
With Julie Veee no less!!! Beautiful! (yes there are 3 e’s in his name, real name Gyula Visnyei)
[quote comment=”391739″][quote comment=”391719″][quote comment=”391685″][quote comment=”391683″]Feeling about goalies wearing scrum caps aside, what would they actually do? Ive been playing rugby for about 5 years now, and if one were to get kicked in the head, the little padding provided by the cap wouldnt do anything to protect the player. its only good to keep your ears on during a scrum.
Also, those American uniforms, specifically the primary one, is hideous. USA Soccer should stick with the sash[/quote]
Isn’t there the issue of running or getting jammed into the post?[/quote]
That’s why you need this helmet:
Those photos are of Alan Mayer, keeper for Baltimore and San Diego of the old NASL. He had a series of concussions and wore that helmet thereafter. Friends of mine who played in the league say he had a bad habit of diving headfirst at the feet of an onrushing attacker, rather than the preferred method of sliding sort of sideways to create more of a horizontal barrier.
Regarding goalkeepers and caps, I wore one myself in high school for two reasons: 1) I saw photos of Spain’s Ricardo Zamora wearing his trademark cap in the ’30s and thought it looked cool, and; 2) Our home games were played in the late afternoon on a field running east to west. One half was often spent looking into the setting sun.[/quote]
Here’s a whole gallery of Alan Mayer, thanks to Dave Morrison’s MISL/NASL site:
Using the “Rising Sun” on the Japanese socks is akin to using the Swastika on German uniforms. Millions of Koreans, South Asians, and Americans would be greatly offended.
Completely off-topic, but I got a hole-in-one this week.
In shopping cart golf.
OK, I didn’t push mine between parked cars like Sergio, but it was quite the long putt. Highlight of my week.
[quote comment=”391633″][quote comment=”391622″]It’s fine people give soccer a chance, but the sport will always struggle in this country in terms of popularity, once you get past the youth level. Soccer does share some characteristics of other sports, but it doesn’t have much tradition in this country. There wasn’t any league to capitalize on 1950, the NASL failed, and MLS is struggling. I don’t even see soccer matching the NHL in popularity in the USA for that reason.[/quote]
Tradition starts now.
Soccer can easily pass the NHL, and it can compete with the other sports. Plain and simple, if the US keeps creeping up the FIFA standings, pulls off some upsets and contends for a Cup, it’ll get popular real fast.
The problem is, too many sports writers and talking heads say the same thing you do and people believe them. Most of them extol the virtues of a 1-0 pitchers duel in baseball, then turn around and sniff derisively at a 1-0 soccer match. Just because the score is low doesn’t mean there isn’t action. In fact, there’s more than in a typical baseball game.
Not to say that soccer isn’t without its problems. The time-wasting and gamesmanship are getting out of hand, and even Brazil’s “beautiful game” style of play is falling by the wayside as they become like any other team. Still, it’s no worse than the problems other sports are facing. I am eagerly awaiting the World Cup, and I would watch MLS over the NHL anytime.[/quote]
I have no problem with a 1-0 soccer game, but the other major team sports in this country have the huge advantage of time. Generations of fans have followed their hometown teams, in some cases, dating back to the 19th century. Even Expansion Six NHL hockey teams have a roughly 40 years head start over the MLS. That’s a tremendous obstacle to overcome, even if the USA pulls off another World Cup upset. The rest of the world has centuries of support for soccer, and we just can’t compete with that.
[quote comment=”391738″][quote comment=”391719″][quote comment=”391685″][quote comment=”391683″]Feeling about goalies wearing scrum caps aside, what would they actually do? Ive been playing rugby for about 5 years now, and if one were to get kicked in the head, the little padding provided by the cap wouldnt do anything to protect the player. its only good to keep your ears on during a scrum.
Also, those American uniforms, specifically the primary one, is hideous. USA Soccer should stick with the sash[/quote]
Isn’t there the issue of running or getting jammed into the post?[/quote]
That’s why you need this helmet:
An outdoor Sockers photo? Thank you, that thing is beautiful.[/quote]
I agree Kevin, and thanks Jim, those shots were superb. I especially love the first shot with the very perforated blue helmet.
[quote comment=”391716″][quote comment=”391684″][quote comment=”391655″][quote comment=”391650″][quote comment=”391646″][quote comment=”391639″]One of my favorite subjects, helmets. Now that we’re talking about footballer/goalkeeper headgear. I love the rugby style helmets, and there are some really fantastic designs out there nowadays.
My favorites are by KooGa, although that new Puma V Konstrukt is perdy slick.[/quote]
Did you also like the space program because of the cool helmets?[/quote]
Yes, and Star Wars too. ;o)[/quote]
Original Battlestar Galactica:
Now THAT is a helmet![/quote]
Ok, since we’re going there. I found this amazing site called, you guessed it, link My favorites are the link, especially the link(scroll to bottom). That Y Wing helmet inspired a football helmet design I have.
Also check out the badass original link[/quote]
You just made a new friend. My son loved the pics from that site.[/quote]
[quote comment=”391728″]Oh Danny Danny Danny! I applaud your amazing work!!! I may not agree with some of your designs but the effort is and many of the designs you made are incredible! I look forward to more of your work![/quote]
Hear, hear! I loved what Danny did to Serbia’s uniforms. The colors absolutely work great together. I especially enjoyed the red and yellow combination. Maybe then the yellow shoes could work, and the purple would definitely work with the white and blue jersey. Can’t get my head around the fact that they have to wear those color shoes?
The swoosh is back on Lincecum’s undershirt collar. Proof has been sent to Phil.
Wait, how has nobody commented on how offensive the “Rising Sun” socks are in Japan’s concept uni?
The Rising Sun flag was used during WWII by Imperial Japan. It’s sorta like the Nazi Swastika.
I’m pretty sure the Cubs got in trouble for using the Rising Sun flag in an advertisement featuring Fukodome a few years ago. People were outraged, and they had to apologize for being incompetent.
But I agree, they do look very cool.
[quote comment=”391749″]Wait, how has nobody commented on how offensive the “Rising Sun” socks are in Japan’s concept uni?
True. Interestingly enough, Japan would have been better off using a swastika, in that Asian sort of Buddhist way.
Ah, nothing like taking in a game at Fenway, eh?
Mizzou is wearing stripes and the old-school looking grays in teh big 12 tourny and they look great!
[quote comment=”391751″]Ah, nothing like taking in a game at Fenway, eh?
It would’ve been REAL interesting to watch a game had they had the Green Monster seats at the time.
[quote comment=”391749″]Wait, how has nobody commented on how offensive the “Rising Sun” socks are in Japan’s concept uni?[/quote]
Except…[url=http://www.uniwatchblog.com/2010/05/26/oh-danny-world-cup-edition/#comment-391742]somebody did.[/url] Over an hour before you did.
Remember the horribly racist things Cubs fans came up with when Fukdome first got there?
I really don’t want to argue about this but…
Yes, it was flown during World War II and it’s seen as a symbol of Japanese aggression by many, many people, but on the offensiveness scale, the rising sun really can’t compare to the swastika.
Also, the flag was in use decades before WWII and is link today.
Way off the beaten path, but where would you put the swastika, the stars and bars and the rising sun in order of offensiveness?
Since it’s 1:38 a.m., I’m sure the party is over. But I wanted to add to the World Cup discussion…
Someone asked why Germany wore those green change kits, and I had always thought it was in honor of Ireland, who was the first nation that agreed to play a German team after World War II.
These have been floating around the site for a while
NFL by number: link
NHL by number: link
NBA by number (this is not for those with heart conditions or those who are pregnant): link
I’m sorry, this post is absurd and enough is enough. I can tolerate the pointing out the most worthless findings and minutia in athletic fashion but please don’t endorse crappy, un-researched, do-whateva-the-hell-you-want uniform concepts from some ignorant dude (no offense).