By Phil Hecken, With Noel Basnight
A couple weeks ago, reader Noel Basnight (who posts as the pseudonymous “Leon”) noticed the recent reference to Super Bowl patches on the blog, and — as fate would have it — Leon attended Super Bowl XXIV. As fate would further have it, a patch from that Super Bowl was discussed on Uni Watch.
That sent Leon scrambling into the depths of his sock drawer, where he rediscovered a wonderful item from the bottom of that treasure trove. I’ll let him regale you with both the following album and and it’s accompanying story. Here’s that story:
It has been my good fortune to attend one Super Bowl, number XXIV (24) in New Orleans, where the 49ers and Broncos squared off. I didn’t have, and still don’t have, any rooting interest in either team, but I like football and what could be more compelling than a hard-fought, down-to-the”“wire contest between the best the NFL had to offer? However, my story is not about that nail-biter, but about my introduction to Super Bowl schwag.
The recent UW item about Super Bowl patches (specifically the image of the album) reminded me of something that had been placed under every seat in the Superdome that Sunday twenty years ago. Inside that “Special Collector’s Edition” were 40 trading cards displayed in clear plastic pocketed pages. Naturally, most of them were of the players from both teams. There was also a Superdome action shot, an AFC card, and an NFC card, with the 1989 standings on the reverse.
Something that was new to me (I last collected cards circa 1963) were coaches cards (Broncos Coach Reeves and 49ers Coach Siefert). I can’t imagine Lombardi and Paul Brown had their own cards, but maybe I’m wrong. I was also curious about two rookies for the Broncos, Bobby Humphrey and Steve Atwater, who were shown in their college unis, Alabama and Arkansas, respectively.
I’m not a card guy, but this would seem to indicate the cards in this album weren’t hot off the press and may have been recycled from the previous season. The entire album can be viewed here.
While putting this entry together, I began to wonder about other Big Game giveaways. These are a common site at Fedex Field and before that at RFK. Was GTE (or whatever it’s called now) the only sponsor of this stuff or had others done it, as well? Diving into the popular reference work, E-Bay, I found some answers.
It appears seat cushions are the most popular premiums, as I found 13 various Roman-Numeraled years available. The oldest was from Super Bowl XIX. This doesn’t seem like the first time there would have been a giveaway, but it’s the earliest I could unearth.
Other sponsors included Sprint, E-Trade, and more recently, the ubiquitous Bridgestone. Perhaps some of you saw these draped over the seats at this year’s game.
Hopefully, these were not given out this year in lieu of cushions. Its availablity mere days after the game are a measure of it’s worth. I know the economy’s bad, but c’mon Bridgestone. Just two years ago, you presented the ticket buyers these pleather beauties. (Wonder if Andy Rooney still has his)? A gallery of my findings can be found here.
By the way, I didn’t discover any other years where trading card albums were the schwag of choice, but my search is admittedly incomplete and I’m hoping others can fill in some of the blanks.
Returning to 1990, I would be remiss if I didn’t include an image or two that I snapped at the event. Of course, the people who are in attendance are a story unto themselves: I never saw the recently deceased Denver Broncos Barrel Man, but did run into this duo. Oh yeah, couldn’t leave town without going “under the helmets.”
Well, thank you Leon, for that great little story and for keeping all those cards and that album to this day (after all, they’re older than some of our readers — seems like yesterday, tho). Any of you guys and gals collect Super Bowl memorabelia or other swag? Let’s hear it!

From The Squiddie Files: After a smashing return last weekend, Lance Smith (“Squiddie”) checks back in with this fantastic look at the bobsleigh from the 1956 Winter Olympics:
The 1956 Olympics were held in Cortina d’Ampezzo in the Dolomite Mountains of Northern Italy. Being on home ground, the Italians dominated the bobsled (or bobsleigh) events taking gold and silver in the two-man and silver in the four-man. The current track at Cortina d’Ampezzo is named after Eugenio Monti who piloted both the two-man and four-man silver medal winners.
Let’s take a look at some photos:
Looking like they’re straight out of central casting, The British team arrives in a clapped out Bentley
Clifford Schellenberg and John Rainforth model helmets with visors more often associated with motor sports of the time.
A British driver displays the D-rings steering. And a pipe. You can see the steering, but not the pipe, in use here.
The blades are the important thing. Italian, British and American teams working on their runners. Being the home team, Italy probably had the best equipped shop.
One of the Swedish sleds with minimal fairing and a steering wheel. Leather helmets were looking dated by 1956.
This Norwegian sled looks like it was designed by a Swedish automotive engineer.
Waightman Washbond and Piet Biesiadecki in USA 1 with football like headgear. Arthur Tyler & Edgar Seymour in the second US sled wearing slightly different helmets. In this (reversed!) shot for Life, the helmets are slightly different than the mixture worn on in the event.
The Swiss I sled took bronze. Max Angst (yes, that’s the pilot’s name) looks like he got his equipment from a World War I flying ace.
The flying V sweaters are pretty sweet, but who’s this Susi? In blurry color.
The German sleds wear similar V sweaters but use a more modern font. (Helmets by Rawlings?) Close-up of the other German sled with a reversed color scheme.
Specialized footware not always required. Chucks (or the European equivalent) will do.
The Polish team went with leather jackets and light goggles/helmets. Nice socks on the brakeman.
Andre Robin and Lucien Grosso wearing horizontal tricolore striped sweaters in France I.
While sleek and stylish, the Liechtenstein sled was a DNF. However, the team was probably the best dressed at the competition.
Thanks for that awesome look-back, Lance. Since the bobsleigh events are being held in Vancouver this weekend, this was an extra special treat!

Guess The Game From The Scoreboard: Bit of a departure from the “normal” major sports (or even hockey) scoreboard today — and in a way, it’s extremely timely. Enough of a hint? I think so. Guess The Game From The Scoreboard. It’s definitely possible to find a link for this, so please do so. Date, location and final score, please, and be sure to link to your answer. And, as always, if you enjoy the game, please send me some new scoreboards! Drop me a line. Thanks!

Back again with more Uniform Tweaks, Concepts and Revisions today. Taking a look at all sports from here on out, so, if you have a tweak, change or concept for any sport, send them my way.
One of our ‘multi-tweakers,’ James Comfort, is back with a new batch today, concepting the Jags, Broncos, Eagles & Cards:
For my next trick, I will make the Jaguars… reappear. Their uni change left them with very little character, so step one was inserting some gold back into the mix. After that I updated their classic look to a far more new school set. Home. Road. Alternate.
Staying in the AFC, the Broncos need a definite lesson in toning it down. This uni set was designed to do just that. Home. Road. Alternate.
In tackling the Eagles I had to decide if their old silver or their newer black was a better third color. I chose neither. Home. Road.
In keeping with the birds, I decided the Cardinals needed to gas up the Delorean and find some uni’s a bit more old school. I love their matte finish red, and with a design like this they’d really look terrific. Home. Road.
-James Comfort
Next up is Shane Milberger, who also has some NFL tweaks for the Bills, Browns, Steelers and Broncos:
Hello, I have four tweaks for four different teams. Here they are:
Bills: I thought the Bills’ uni wasn’t particularly ugly, and took away a few things that had made the uniform ugly in the first place.
Browns: The Browns have a classic uniform, but they do need a few tweaks, so I changed the lettering, the pants, and made it a bit more modern than it is now.
Steelers: I didn’t bother messing with the home uniform since it was perfect, but I did change the away pants to black and has a gold stripe, and added an alternate all gold jersey.
Broncos: These Broncos uniform was the most drastic change, I changed the home uniform to orange, changed the away uniform, gave it blue pants w/ orange stripe and made an alternate with blue jerseys and orange pants.
Hope you like it, Thanks!
Moving along, we find “a different sort of tweak” from Caleb Borchers:
This isn’t so much a tweak (unless a team gets moved to Tokyo), but after playing a little Super Mario Brothers Wii, I just couldn’t help myself. The face mask mustache is totally unlikely, but still fun. And of course, brown cleats.
That will conclude today’s Uni Tweaks — you may have noticed they’re all NFL today — still have a few more of those, but tomorrow, we’ll begin phase one of the NFL “Design-A-Uni” Contest, so we’ll take a break from the NFL in the “tweak section” until we’re through with the contest. Keep your uni designs coming! You know where to send them.

Everyone’s favorite fashion uniform critic, the ubiquitously sinuous closet ice dancing affectionado, Jim Vilk, has graciously compiled a cornucopia of figure skating fashion wins and faux-pas’ for our viewing pleasure. Today, Jim shares with us not one, but TWO editions of his ever-popular “5 & 1.”
Here’s Jim:
5. Amanda Evora/Mark Ladwig, USA: Bright, tasteful, restrained…everything you expect from America…isn’t it?
4. Nicole Della Monica/Yannick Kocon, Italy: Very nice. You’ll see them again.
Bronze: Ekaterina Kostenko/Roman Talan, Ukraine: Wouldn’t want the Arizona Cardinals to adopt this look, but it works here.
Silver: Annabelle Langlois/Cody Hay, Canada: Love that color.
Gold: Maria Sergejeva/Ilja Glebov, Estonia: Very bright, very fun.
And “Don’t come near my podium wearing that”: Tatiana Volosozhar/Stanislav Morozov, Ukraine: They looked more like speed skaters than figure skaters.
5. Maylin Hausch/Daniel Wende, Germany: Figure skaters aren’t tough? Say that to him and he’ll go all gladiator on you.
4. Vanessa James/Yannick Bonheur, France: These outfits just seemed to say “Winter.”
Bronze: Maria Sergejeva/Ilja Glebov, Estonia: 19th out of 20 on the ice, but they nailed the wardrobe part twice.
Silver: Annabelle Langlois/Cody Hay, Canada: No host-country favoritism here — they earned both of my silvers.
Gold: Nicole Della Monica/Yannick Kocon, Italy: Very, VERY nice…even with the rhinestones on Yannick’s pants.
And “Don’t come near my podium wearing that”: Anais Morand/Antoine Dorsaz, Switzerland: Norway’s curling pants I like — these outfits, on the other hand, were a bit too much.
Thanks there Jim. But you still didn’t answer the question that must be on everyone’s lips — how many of those outfits would you wear?

You may have noticed, as several readers did, that there was no “Benchies” last weekend. Well, unfortunately, there was a rather sad reason why that was, as Rick let me know early Monday morning. Rick explains:
My cousin Ron grew up in San Diego, but came to Minnesota for college and stayed. During our childhood, his family drove back here every summer so, me being an only child, he was the closest thing I ever had to a little brother. In 1976, we were watching the White Sox and their new tails-out unis. He said, “They look like a dispirited softball team.” And I thought, “That’s a pretty good premise for a comic strip.” When I finally got to noodling with it, I picked “Bub’s Pub” because when Ron was little everyone called him “Bub” or “Bubber.” Last Saturday night, Ron collapsed at his home and died in the ER. He was 61. So, thanks for the inspiration, “Bub”, and RIP.
Thanks Ricko, and please accept everyone’s heartfelt condolences on your loss. “Bub” sounded like a wonderful gentleman. Rest in peace.
And on that note, here’s Today’s Benchies.
OK, folks, let’s put this one in the books. Enjoy the Olympics and whatever other sports you may find on your schedule today. Tomorrow I’ll have the first batch (35 out of 69) of the NFL “Design-a-Uniform” contest entries, so it’s going to be a big day.
Everyone have a great Saturday. Peace.
Im hoping the nail biter he was talking about was sarcasm. 55-10 isnt a nail biter.
Reed Richards and Sue Storm…
Ben’s over at the 4-man bobsled run. When a team is ready he hands them their sled.
Johnny? He was flaming in men’s figure skating, of course.
Oh crap.
Reed and Sue…
Stumbled onto the article from the NY Time Fashionista section. “Let the Games Be Stylish”
One paragraph (third from the end) ties right into todays skating fashion section:
“Historically, it is at the figure skating rink that the Olympics has provided the best examples of truly terrible fashion. (And may still.) Why is that? Can it be that after years of practicing in frozen ice arenas, skaters become numb to the horrors of ostrich-feather trim, sequined ornament, Charlie Chaplin costumes or “nude” illusion effects? Somehow this week there was a game change. There were more costumes to approve than hoot about. True, some unfortunate face-painting snuck into the men’s figure skating finals, as the French skater Florent Amodio impersonated a marionette. True, there was sequin overkill as well as a plague of dégradé effects. But generally speaking, the athletes were outfitted in clothes that caught the eye without offending it, that hugged their physiques without making them look as if they had side jobs at Chippendales.”
Neat bobsledding pics.
I started drawing uniforms when I was 5. During the 80 Olympics (age 7), I was fascinated by the bobsleds and the competitors’ helmets. Back then, it seemed like all designs were flagcentric.
Nevertheless, I grabbed our 1966 “F” encyclopedia and drew a shit ton of bobsleds. I didn’t even consider how ridiculous some of my choices were geographically.
Saudi Arabia? Greece? Great flags = great sleds and helmets.
I have a lot of my drawings from my childhood, but I don’t have those.
Yes, those are Rawlings (RP version made of rubber/plastic) helmets on the Germans. It seems like quite a few of the helmets in the photos were in fact football helmets (Rawlings, Wilson, MacGregprs, etc.)
I see these
and I think Hogan’s Heroes and I don’t know why.
[quote comment=”378688″]I see these
and I think Hogan’s Heroes and I don’t know why.[/quote]
Well, link reminds me a little of Col. Crittendon. (He’s probably closer to Col. Blimp.)
Thanks for the back story on the origin of Benchies.
Heartfelt sympathies on Ron’s passing.
[quote comment=”378689″][quote comment=”378688″]I see these
and I think Hogan’s Heroes and I don’t know why.[/quote]
Well, link reminds me a little of Col. Crittendon. (He’s probably closer to Col. Blimp.)[/quote]
I think it was more the helmets.
Got to say nice job to Shane Milberger with those tweaks, however, I really hate that template. No matter how good the uniform is, that template always manages to make it look like a clown suit.
[quote comment=”378686″]Neat bobsledding pics.
I started drawing uniforms when I was 5. During the 80 Olympics (age 7), I was fascinated by the bobsleds and the competitors’ helmets. Back then, it seemed like all designs were flagcentric.
Nevertheless, I grabbed our 1966 “F” encyclopedia and drew a shit ton of bobsleds. I didn’t even consider how ridiculous some of my choices were geographically.
Saudi Arabia? Greece? Great flags = great sleds and helmets.
I have a lot of my drawings from my childhood, but I don’t have those.[/quote]
Hey, if Jamaica can have a team, I think you’re in the clear.
No need for a contest. It’s gonna be Caleb Borchers in a landslide.
Shane- Enjoyed the Browns tweak. Good job.
Today’s scoreboard:
If there’s a better link I couldn’t find it.
(Canada won that game, beat the Americans the next day in the semifinals and then walloped Finland to win the gold medal)
Your 2010 USA World Cup Away Jersey, with crest!
Ha! I have that Pro Set giveaway too! I didn’t go to the game, but I think you could get one free by collecting enough packs of Pro Set or something. Still, the Superdome card is cool.
What’s that? You want more bobsled photos? OK. These are from the 1948 Olympics at St. Moritz.
link Bonus close up of the link strapped in and the link.
I not certain what’s happening link, but I like to think this is the Argentinian team of De Ridder and Tomasi who finished 15th just above Great Britain 2.
link It originated in St. Moritz.
Reed Richards and Sue Storm…
Ben’s over at the 4-man bobsled run. When a team is ready he hands them their sled.
Johnny? He was flaming in men’s figure skating, of course.
Hadn’t thought of that – good catch.
When I watch old NFL films I can’t help but notice how funny, entertaining, and individualistic so many of the old head coaches were – including sartorially. Moreso than the vast majority of the star players, even back in the ’70s which was the heyday of “characters.” For this reason I WISH there were trading cards for coaches (by the way, “trading cards”? Who the hell trades them anymore?). Was there ever a set of coach cards? I seem to remember baseball cards that at least depicted a thumbnail pic of each team’s manager.. and I remember a Casey Stengel card showing him at repose in the dugout looking as old as Methusalah. No equivalent for NFL coaches?
[quote comment=”378699″]link[/quote]
is that robert marshall with his smoker (not seen)? cuz i could see him randomly showing up at one of those things…
[quote comment=”378685″]”Can it be that after years of practicing in frozen ice arenas, skaters become numb to the horrors of ostrich-feather trim, sequined ornament, Charlie Chaplin costumes or “nude” illusion effects? Somehow this week there was a game change. There were more costumes to approve than hoot about. True, some unfortunate face-painting snuck into the men’s figure skating finals, as the French skater Florent Amodio impersonated a marionette. True, there was sequin overkill as well as a plague of dégradé effects. But generally speaking, the athletes were outfitted in clothes that caught the eye without offending it, that hugged their physiques without making them look as if they had side jobs at Chippendales.”
Yeah, the “nude illusion” look is one of my pet peeves. You see more of that in ice dancing and ballroom dancing. I prefer outfits that, conceiveably, you and your partner could wear at a dance.
Not a fan of the face painting either, so Mr. Amodio is a candidate for tomorrow’s non-winner. He had a lot of competition, though. Stay tuned.
Those Mario uniforms are INCREDIBLE! Props to Caleb Borchers!
[quote comment=”378699″]What’s that? You want more bobsled photos? OK. These are from the 1948 Olympics at St. Moritz.
link Bonus close up of the link strapped in and the link.
I not certain what’s happening link, but I like to think this is the Argentinian team of De Ridder and Tomasi who finished 15th just above Great Britain 2.
link It originated in St. Moritz.
Those are great, as were the ones in today’s article. Thanks!
I’ll have to look through the archives for some old ski jumping photos, link back before the V-style form took over.
Nice job, Leon! Good to know the NFL gives back a little something for the outrageously priced Super Bowl tickets.
Probably my favorite seat cushion:
Yeah, I’d sit on that.
Uni tweaks:
James, the Cardinals were my favorite, but I like the no-stripe look the helmets have always had.
Shane, the only way I’d like black pants on the Steelers is with yellow helmets, so your road uni looks good.
Caleb, I think my son would wear your unis.
Thanks, guys.
[quote comment=”378699″]link[/quote]
I need one of those sweaters, like, yesterday.
[quote comment=”378708″][quote comment=”378699″]link[/quote]
I need one of those sweaters, like, yesterday.[/quote]
I think the man second from the right is still wearing his eight years later at Cortina. link of him working on the runners.
[quote comment=”378709″][quote comment=”378708″][quote comment=”378699″]link[/quote]
I need one of those sweaters, like, yesterday.[/quote]
I think the man second from the right is still wearing his eight years later at Cortina. link of him working on the runners.[/quote]
hey lance…i’d assume those are blue, with red and white stripes, yes?
don’t suppose there’s any color shots anywhere…just gorgeous
and all imo say is…the US better have shot rock here
Help me here. I’m watching US men’s curling (live I think) came in late around the 6th end, saw SWE tie in the 10th. Now it seems like they have started over completely, but sounds like it’s a replay not live. What happened in the match?
[quote comment=”378712″]Rhil,
Help me here. I’m watching US men’s curling (live I think) came in late around the 6th end, saw SWE tie in the 10th. Now it seems like they have started over completely, but sounds like it’s a replay not live. What happened in the match?[/quote]
yeah, that was Phil, and I’m watching online
[quote comment=”378713″][quote comment=”378712″]Rhil,
Help me here. I’m watching US men’s curling (live I think) came in late around the 6th end, saw SWE tie in the 10th. Now it seems like they have started over completely, but sounds like it’s a replay not live. What happened in the match?[/quote]
yeah, that was Phil, and I’m watching online[/quote]
so walt…you saw the last end then? or no…
won’t spoil it for ya if ya didn’t
[quote comment=”378714″][quote comment=”378713″][quote comment=”378712″]Rhil,
Help me here. I’m watching US men’s curling (live I think) came in late around the 6th end, saw SWE tie in the 10th. Now it seems like they have started over completely, but sounds like it’s a replay not live. What happened in the match?[/quote]
yeah, that was Phil, and I’m watching online[/quote]
so walt…you saw the last end then? or no…
won’t spoil it for ya if ya didn’t[/quote]
OK, scores were updated online finally, know the outcome. Going to try and speed up the replay so I can see the 11th end, just to see how it all happened
[quote comment=”378715″]OK, scores were updated online finally, know the outcome. Going to try and speed up the replay so I can see the 11th end, just to see how it all happened[/quote]
was a good end…bit o’drama there
[quote comment=”378716″][quote comment=”378715″]OK, scores were updated online finally, know the outcome. Going to try and speed up the replay so I can see the 11th end, just to see how it all happened[/quote]
was a good end…bit o’drama there
what a bag of crap…
damn replay doesn’t have the 11th end. someone down at NBC needs a serious kit in the nuts
[quote comment=”378717″][quote comment=”378716″][quote comment=”378715″]OK, scores were updated online finally, know the outcome. Going to try and speed up the replay so I can see the 11th end, just to see how it all happened[/quote]
was a good end…bit o’drama there
what a bag of crap…
damn replay doesn’t have the 11th end. someone down at NBC needs a serious kit in the nuts[/quote]
The Super Bowl XL cushion has a Sprint logo. There’s also a pouch with a couple of items: a tiny flashlight for use during the halftime show and a radio that picked up TV sound. (There was also some marketing stuff that I wouldn’t identify if I remembered what it was.)
[quote comment=”378710″][quote comment=”378709″][quote comment=”378708″][quote comment=”378699″]link[/quote]
I need one of those sweaters, like, yesterday.[/quote]
I think the man second from the right is still wearing his eight years later at Cortina. link of him working on the runners.[/quote]
hey lance…i’d assume those are blue, with red and white stripes, yes?
don’t suppose there’s any color shots anywhere…just gorgeous[/quote]
Not that I can find immediately. The photos from St. Moritz are all black and white.
I’m guessing it’s similar to this link from 1956. (Here are members of link by the ski jump.)
The New York Times has a story about the curling team called The Neighborhood Curling Team. Not sure if you have to sign in to read it.
At the moment there’s a video on the front page where they’re wandering around in their Polo gear and showing people their IDs to prove they’re on the Olympic team. Worth it for their reaction to how much the same Polo stuff costs in a store.
[quote comment=”378720″][quote comment=”378710″][quote comment=”378709″][quote comment=”378708″][quote comment=”378699″]link[/quote]
I need one of those sweaters, like, yesterday.[/quote]
I think the man second from the right is still wearing his eight years later at Cortina. link of him working on the runners.[/quote]
hey lance…i’d assume those are blue, with red and white stripes, yes?
don’t suppose there’s any color shots anywhere…just gorgeous[/quote]
Not that I can find immediately. The photos from St. Moritz are all black and white.
I’m guessing it’s similar to this link from 1956. (Here are members of link by the ski jump.)[/quote]
I’ve got to say, ski jumping is so fuckin’ uni hip. I want to design a helmet and goggles for ski jumping. Would be lookin’ like one suave goggles pizano mofo.
[quote comment=”378722″]
I’ve got to say, ski jumping is so fuckin’ uni hip. I want to design a helmet and goggles for ski jumping. Would be lookin’ like one suave goggles pizano mofo.[/quote]
Would it come with link?
[quote comment=”378723″][quote comment=”378722″]
I’ve got to say, ski jumping is so fuckin’ uni hip. I want to design a helmet and goggles for ski jumping. Would be lookin’ like one suave goggles pizano mofo.[/quote]
Would it come with link?[/quote]
Man, look at that freakin’ crease, these guys are serious.
[quote comment=”378722″]I’ve got to say, ski jumping is so fuckin’ uni hip. I want to design a helmet and goggles for ski jumping. Would be lookin’ like one suave goggles pizano mofo.[/quote]
I’ve always loved ski jumping helmets. And this year I love the bibs, too. The unis are usually more tastefully understated than those of the downhill skiers.
Ski jumper:
Downhill skier:
One more trip back to St. Moritz:
Explain again why figure skaters can’t dress like link.
The link again. Love the shoes, too. I think those are link above the patch.
Another shot of the link. You can buy replicas of this so google it to see it in color.
The link isn’t for everyone, but if you can pull it off definitely wear it with sunglasses.
link? Sign me up!
Seriously, look at that knit. Amazing. And the cream color that it almost certainly is with the red and white badge popping out… It’s simple, elegant and otherwise amazing.
We all know about the breast cancer support with pink trim, but Arkansas State University went one step too far.
NOB on a pink nameplate. FUGLY!
[quote comment=”378729″]mmmmmmmmmmmuirhead[/quote]
She is an awesome skip for only being 19 years old.
Didn’t look at any of the figure skating fashion. Neither did I watch any of it on teevee. But, I’m sure Vilk nailed it. Just seeing him in that Seahawks jersey is credibility enough for me. Ohio!
I covered Super Bowl XXV and got a patch and a collection of Silver Anniversary NFL cards. “Supermen of the Super Bowl,” I believe it is. It’s around here somewhere.
Also, there was a small album with postcard-like things with the program covers of the first 25 games. That should be around here somewhere as well.
LI Phil,
Did you see those rockhead? They were AWESOME!
Get you new hat here
can you wear one of them there rockheads whilst curling? and would it be a faux pas to wear a blue rock while throwing reds?
[quote comment=”378736″]can you wear one of them there rockheads whilst curling? and would it be a faux pas to wear a blue rock while throwing reds?[/quote]
Why not, if Shuster can wear a hat and Norway can wear them pants you should be able to wear a rockhead. Be safe, buy all three and then you can change depending on what color you are.
Anyone watching the Oklahoma game – they are definitely wearing cream v. white…
more curling drama
bonus baby
but can they steal another point?
[quote comment=”378741″]but can they steal another point?[/quote]
To quote Pedro Cerrano
[quote comment=”378741″]but can they steal another point?[/quote]
i’d say that’s a yes
The brakeman for Germany 1 bobsled has his calfs exposed. Looks like he does not have socks on.
[quote comment=”378744″]The brakeman for Germany 1 bobsled has his calfs exposed. Looks like he does not have socks on.[/quote]
That’s pretty common in this sport, if I’m not mistaken. Always wondered about that, and the fact that a lot of speedskaters have bare ankles.
Bad Olympics’unis:
One question about curling: why does the one throwing the rock carry their broom? it doesn’t appear to me to actually serve a purpose, they just hold it at their side.
[quote comment=”378745″][quote comment=”378744″]The brakeman for Germany 1 bobsled has his calfs exposed. Looks like he does not have socks on.[/quote]
That’s pretty common in this sport, if I’m not mistaken. Always wondered about that, and the fact that a lot of speedskaters have bare ankles.[/quote]
Yeah, I have seen a lot more since I posted that. I just noticed him because the driver had tights down to his shoes.
[quote comment=”378747″]One question about curling: why does the one throwing the rock carry their broom? it doesn’t appear to me to actually serve a purpose, they just hold it at their side.[/quote]
To keep their balance when they throw the rock. If you saw Denmark’s women yesterday their number three had a plastic device she used instead of her broom.
[quote comment=”378747″]One question about curling: why does the one throwing the rock carry their broom? it doesn’t appear to me to actually serve a purpose, they just hold it at their side.[/quote]
im sure one of the canadians could better answer, but 1) it’s partially for balance on the throw, and 2) they can and sometimes DO need to sweep the rock on a particularly tricky shot…saw all FOUR guys sweeping in one match earlier today (or maybe it was yesterday)
[quote comment=”378749″][quote comment=”378747″]One question about curling: why does the one throwing the rock carry their broom? it doesn’t appear to me to actually serve a purpose, they just hold it at their side.[/quote]
To keep their balance when they throw the rock. If you saw Denmark’s women yesterday their number three had a plastic device she used instead of her broom.[/quote]
You can kind of see it in this picture. Best I could find
[quote comment=”378750″][quote comment=”378747″]One question about curling: why does the one throwing the rock carry their broom? it doesn’t appear to me to actually serve a purpose, they just hold it at their side.[/quote]
im sure one of the canadians could better answer, but 1) it’s partially for balance on the throw, and 2) they can and sometimes DO need to sweep the rock on a particularly tricky shot…saw all FOUR guys sweeping in one match earlier today (or maybe it was yesterday)[/quote]
Yes, it was against the USA men today that all four were sweeping.
Do any of the curlers have a broom like this?
[quote comment=”378753″]Do any of the curlers have a broom like this?
haven’t seen any in this bonspiel.
I miss these brooms
[quote comment=”378732″]Didn’t look at any of the figure skating fashion. Neither did I watch any of it on teevee. But, I’m sure Vilk nailed it. Just seeing him in that Seahawks jersey is credibility enough for me. Ohio![/quote]
I should get these pants link to go with the jersey, then take to the ice myself. If I couldn’t impress the judges, I could at least blind them…
[quote comment=”378755″]I miss these brooms
I think the women’s teams are glad they’re gone. People aren’t as tempted to make this comparison, then:
[quote comment=”378751″][quote comment=”378749″][quote comment=”378747″]One question about curling: why does the one throwing the rock carry their broom? it doesn’t appear to me to actually serve a purpose, they just hold it at their side.[/quote]
To keep their balance when they throw the rock. If you saw Denmark’s women yesterday their number three had a plastic device she used instead of her broom.[/quote]
You can kind of see it in this picture. Best I could find
robert marshallluchalibre uses a stabilizer for his throws/wuss
Purdue Pete update…
By the way, am I the only person who thinks the Purdue vegas gold looks much better than the Mizzou old gold? Oh well…
Holy crap, short track speed skater J.R. Celski was wearing a dickey (dickie?) under his uniform. Who knows, they probably all do.
Thought we had another “Harvard Beats Yale 29-29” moment: The BBC soccer site said, “Everton come from behind to continue their superb recent run with a deserved 2-2 victory over title-chasing Manchester United.” Once I clicked on the story, though, I found out Everton won 3-1. Whoops.
In other European action, ever see a ref in pink?
That’s from an Italian match between Inter Milan and Sampadoria.
Also, Spain’s Racing Santander in a half & half uni vs. Barcelona:
[quote comment=”378750″][quote comment=”378747″]One question about curling: why does the one throwing the rock carry their broom? it doesn’t appear to me to actually serve a purpose, they just hold it at their side.[/quote]
im sure one of the canadians could better answer, but 1) it’s partially for balance on the throw, and 2) they can and sometimes DO need to sweep the rock on a particularly tricky shot…saw all FOUR guys sweeping in one match earlier today (or maybe it was yesterday)[/quote]
When you’re first learning to curl, you need the broom for balance very badly. You start off with the head of the broom on the ice and the shaft wrapped around your arm. By the time you get your delivery completely figured out (which might take a couple of years) you’ve been curling with a broom for a couple of years and it would be very hard to give up.
Plus it feels very weird to be on the ice without a broom. Every curler has one all the time and you feel really feel naked without it.
I don’t like the Stabilizer. It looks like its made out of used plumbing supplies. In the league I used to curl in, any guy who used one was mocked and nicknamed “Nancy”.
Love the write-up on Super Bowl schwag. Too bad this year’s game had a crappy plastic bag stuck to the seat with the Bridgestone logo on it with that horrible excuse for a towel inside. That was it. Nothing else. AT ALL. I’m pretty jealous now of all the cool goodies people got at the previous games. I would have been satisfied with a patch or seat cushion.
[quote comment=”378760″]Holy crap, short track speed skater J.R. Celski was wearing a dickey (dickie?) under his uniform. Who knows, they probably all do.[/quote]
I am relatively sure it is a neck protector, to keep ones throat from getting sliced by their shiny, sharp skate blades.
wow…10th end rendition of o canada
is that like the 7th inning stretch or something?
I know I am a homer, but this seems to be very promising:
[quote comment=”378758″][quote comment=”378751″][quote comment=”378749″][quote comment=”378747″]One question about curling: why does the one throwing the rock carry their broom? it doesn’t appear to me to actually serve a purpose, they just hold it at their side.[/quote]
To keep their balance when they throw the rock. If you saw Denmark’s women yesterday their number three had a plastic device she used instead of her broom.[/quote]
You can kind of see it in this picture. Best I could find
link uses a link for his throws
Yeah, but he needed it that day because he had barrettes in his hair and they threw off his balance.
[quote comment=”378746″]Bad Olympics’unis: