Although I live in New York, I don’t watch many Jets games. Part of this is because I’m never been a Jets fan, and part of it is that I tend to watch the Giants each Sunday — one game a week is usually enough for me. But of course I watched the Jets/Chargers game two days ago, and I was surprised to see that punter Steve Weatherford had his socks pulled up over his pant cuffs (plus he wears his wedding band on the field, but we noted that in the Ticker a few years ago).
I meant to check some old photos of Weatherford to see if this was just a one-game thing, but I forgot. Then, yesterday morning, I got the following note from reader Jarrett Mattina:
Do you have any info on why the hell Jets punter Steve Weatherford pulls his socks above his knees and over his pants? He looks ridiculous. As a Jets fan, it’s embarrassing.
I asked Jarrett if this was a new thing for Weatherford, and he quickly replied, “Nothing new — he’s been doing it all year.”
In fact, it turns out that Weatherford has worn this style for four different teams in his short career. Here’s a quick timeline:
2006-07: Begins his NFL career in New Orleans, where he wears the Saints’ black-topped socks pulled up high on both of the team’s pant designs.
2008: Waived by the Saints. Signs with the Chiefs and is on their roster for 13 days, during which time he manages to wear high white socks over KC’s red pants and high red-topped socks over the white pants. Waived by the Chiefs and then signs with the Jaguars, where he goes high-hosed with both of the Jags’ pant designs.
2009: Signs with the Jets.
(And how did Weatherford wear his socks in college? It’s sort of a trick question, because he went to Illinois, which doesn’t wear full-length socks. … Wait, update! As has now been pointed out in today’s comments, he wore normal-length socks at Illinois at least once.)
The most surprising thing about all this is that it hasn’t come up here on the site before. Just another case of punters getting no respect, I guess. Personally, I’m gonna be rooting for the Colts on Sunday, but it would almost be worth it for the Jets to win, just so I can get one of my reporter friends to ask Weatherford about his socks on Super Bowl Media Day. That’d go over about as well as Jim Caple asking CC Sabathia about his pinstripes.
Speaking of this weekend’s AFC title tilt, reader James Crossman notes that there will be only three team colors on display in that game: green, blue, and white. Must be a record low, no?

IMPORTANT Membership Update: I have now set up an Amazon Payments account, which will be the new e-payment system for the membership program. If you already have a credit card registered with Amazon, it’s extremely simple to use; if you don’t, it takes only a few minutes to get set up. Complete details are now posted on the membership sign-up page.
But if you’ve been thinking about signing up, now’s the time to do it, because card designer Scott M.X. Turner is about to embark on some travels that will soon force us to stop processing new orders for at least a few weeks. We will process every order I receive by the end of tomorrow but will then take a temporary hiatus, so get crackin’. (If you choose to pay by mailing me a check, just send me an e-mail with all the particulars regarding your card design and we’ll process your order even if the payment doesn’t arrive until later.)

Research Query: Got a note yesterday from Zack Hample, better known as the guy who’s snagged over 4,000 baseballs at MLB games. In his words:
There’s a baseball scene in the movie called ‘Roommates,’ and I’m analyzing it for a book I’m writing. Among other things, I’m trying to figure out what the uniforms say.
The scene takes place in Pittsburgh in 1963, but the movie came out in 1995, and it was filmed in Indianapolis. The logos on the uniforms in this scene are weird and only partially visible — I’ve posted some screen shots on my blog.
The uniforms aren’t familiar to me, but I bet someone reading this can identify them. If so, please contact Zack directly and fill him in. Thanks.
Contest Reminder: Remember, next Friday, January 29th, is the deadline for the Cooperstown Hawkeye logo design contest. Full details here.
Uni Watch News Ticker: What’s with the gray sneakers? According to this story: “Several Wizards players decided to honor the late Martin Luther King Jr. by wearing some special gray Nikes, with red, black and green trim. The colors represent, respectively, the blood that unites people of African ancestry, the people, and the natural wealth of the continent. Andray Blatche, Dominic McGuire, Randy Foye, Earl Boykins, and Brendan Haywood all wore the shoes.” ”¦ In other NBA news, George Alfano notes that the Grizzlies wore color at home yesterday, and so did the Hawks. Was that an MLK Day thing or what? ”¦ There’s even more to the Alexander Pechurski story, which I first mentioned yesteday: He had to borrow Marc-Andre Fleury’s pads, because his own pads weren’t legal by NHL standards. Full explanation in this video clip (with thanks to Tyler Hull, who also notes that European teams are now selling ads on goalie stick blades). ”¦ Wanna dress up as a World Cup soccer ref? Here’s your chance (with thanks to James Craven). … Whoa, anyone know which Expos minor league affiliate wore this jersey? (Nice find by Jeff Barak.) ”¦ Update: Several readers have now informed me that that’s a Rockford Expos jersey. … David Ariel reports that the Buffalo hoops team has added a memorial patch in memory of former school president William Greiner. ”¦ Okay, the super-stretchy thing has officially gotten waaaay out of hand, as you can see in this high school basketball shot (with thanks to Steve Johnston). ”¦ There is soooo much to like in this old meat ad (with thanks to Steven Tatar). ”¦ As I suggested yesterday, the Cardinals’ logo does look pretty good outlined in white on a black helmet. That’s Metamora H.S. in Illinois (with thanks to Omar Sofradzija). ”¦ If you scroll down to the middle of this page, you can find Alex Gordon of the Royals discussing the team’s powder blues (with thanks to Robert Eden). ”¦ Big uni news in the Premier League, as Birmingham City has inked a £7.1m sponsorship deal with the Chinese sportswear company Xtep. “It’s the first Chinese-based company to produce kits for a Premier League club,” says Michael Orr. “The deal starts in August, so no more Umbro or F&C Investments for Birmingham’s shirts.” ”¦ Also from Michael: “Here’s a wee clip from the 1982 Scottish League Cup final between Celtic and Rangers. Check out how the Celtic players don’t have numbers on their shirts but instead have numbers on the front of one side of their shorts and on the back of the other. Very weird, never seen it before. I don’t know if that was their look for the whole season or if it was special for the Cup final.” ”¦ Jim Vilk reports that the Cactus Bowl — the D2 all-star game — was played on January 8th. “Rather no-frills-y on the unis, as you can see in this video clip, and they swap helmet stickers the way guys did in the old Blue-Gray games,” he says. “If you get the same advertisement before the video that I had, you’ll be treated to a commercial for a sporting goods place that shows cap-embroidering and screen-printing, among other things.” ”¦ Most unfortunate uni photo ever? “It’s gotta at least be in the discussion,” says Hugh McBride. ”¦ Brian Erni reports that the Islanders’ broadcast team mentioned something on the air yesterday that most of us already know: The retro alts will be the team’s full-time uni next season. ”¦ John Muir heard something uni-related during yesterday’s Isles game too: “The announcers talked about a recent practice where John Tavares had to hold up his end of a bet with Isles captain Doug Weight. It was simple: Canada wins the World Juniors, Weight wears a Canada Jersey; USA wins, Tavares dons stars and stripes. The jersey Tavares wore was the 2002 model, but it had two strange openings on the back, where the ends of the nameplate would be. Thing is, there was no remnant of a nameplate. Teams will affix velcro to the backs of jerseys during mini and training camps so nameplates can be switched out. My guess is that this was a camp jersey from ’02.” You can see more of John’s screen shots here. ”¦ What’s this? It’s a scene from a 17-minute French animated film called Logorama, which looks at the increasing role of brands in modern life. I haven’t been able to find an online source for the film itself, or even for a trailer, but there’s an interesting analysis of the film here. ”¦ Big roller derby news from the Rev. Nørb, who passed along some new uni number rules issued by the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association: “A player’s number may contain up to four characters. ”¦ A player’s number must be alphanumeric with at least one numerical digit. For example: L5 is an acceptable number, but LV is not. Numbers cannot contain symbols. ”¦ A player may have small characters preceding or following her player number on her jersey (e.g., 55 mph, where “mph” is considerably smaller than “55”). These small characters are not considered part of the skater’s number and they may not inhibit the legibility of the player’s number whatsoever. The maximum size for the small characters is two (2) inches.” Nørb explains: “This exciting and draconian rule prohibits players from using the pi symbol, question marks, integrals, words, Jesus-fish-with-Darwin-feet symbols, etc., as jersey numbers. In an unrelated matter, I thought both the Paper Dolls’ and Rollergirl Regiment’s new unis looked very nice Saturday night.” ”¦ Speaking of fringe leagues, check out this report from Coachie Ballgames: “Women’s Professional Soccer is adding two teams, the Atlanta Beat and the Philadelphia Independence, for its second season. Two truly uninspired logos.” You can see the rest of this season’s WPS jerseys here. ”¦ Here’s a great example of proto-uni-watching: a 1963 newspaper article about NFL helmets! Trevor Williams found it in the Lawrence Journal-World archives. ”¦ Even by the standards of some photos we’ve seen in the past, this photo showing the Lakers’ old color-match problems is pretty bad (with thanks to Brady Phelps). ”¦ Jared Camden wore this outfit to the OSU/Michigan game in Ann Arbor last fall. “Their fans actually enjoyed the work I put into the shirt,” he claims. “Sorry this is so late but we thought the camera was lost for a longggg time… damn drinking.” ”¦ Got a cool note yesterday from Gary Cieradkowski, the guy who designed many of the graphics at Camden Yards: “I attached a few shots of some movie prop Negro League scorecards I designed a few years ago for a film that was never made. I actually designed complete eight-page scorecards for all six Negro National League teams and a few others, like the KC Monarchs, for the 1945 season. Was a hell of a fun job and I take them out every once in a while for fun. Since the film was never made, I have a quantity of these in my attic and was thinking of selling them on eBay or something eventually.” Gary also designs his own realistic-looking baseball cards. The Babe Ruth one is his actual business card, showing the Babe as an Oriole in 1914. … Eric Snyder reports that Spanish soccer club Racing Santander is wearing some seriously whacked-out two-tone jerseys this year. “They don’t always do the full-on sock dichotomy — sometimes they wear two green socks,” he says. “But at Real Madrid they went all-out.” … Defense Secretary Robert Gates has instructed his aides at the Pentagon to stop wearing combat fatigues and switch to dress uniforms.
Weatherford looks fine with his socks pulled over his pants. I don’t think it’s either embarrassing or ridiculous.
In that 1963 newspaper article it mentions the Boston Patriots and their “freedom torch” helmet logo. What the heck is that??? I’ve never seen a Pats helmet logo that would fit that description. ?????
In ’92, Calderon played nine games for the West Palm Beach Expos.
My guess on the uni name that I emailed to Zack:
“Clowns,” as in Indianapolis Clowns, a negro league team from way back in the day (40s).
Logically, it doesn’t fit, what with estimated dates/location. See the Wiki entry:
That said, it looks like Clowns, so I’m taking a wild guess.
[quote comment=”373070″]In that 1963 newspaper article it mentions the Boston Patriots and their “freedom torch” helmet logo. What the heck is that??? I’ve never seen a Pats helmet logo that would fit that description.
That’s what I said. “Freedom torch?”
One of our local boys!
That’s not entirely true that he didn’t have long socks at Illinois. He wore them ‘normal’ in this picture: link
I haven’t been able to find any pictures of him in High School though.
I might be able to find pics of him in HS here at the TV station.
[quote comment=”373071″]In ’92, Calderon played nine games for the West Palm Beach Expos.[/quote]
That’s what I was thinking, couldn’t find a link though. I figured it was a rehab stint.
[quote comment=”373074″]One of our local boys!
That’s not entirely true that he didn’t have long socks at Illinois. He wore them ‘normal’ in this picture: link
I haven’t been able to find any pictures of him in High School though.
I might be able to find pics of him in HS here at the TV station.[/quote]
He also has knee and thigh pads in college… could that have something to do with it?
[quote comment=”373075″][quote comment=”373071″]In ’92, Calderon played nine games for the West Palm Beach Expos.[/quote]
That’s what I was thinking, couldn’t find a link though. I figured it was a rehab stint.[/quote]
What about the Harrisburg Expos?
“Also from Michael: “Here’s a wee clip from the 1982 Scottish League Cup final between Celtic and Rangers. Check out how the Celtic players don’t have numbers on their shirts but instead have numbers on the front of one side of their shorts and on the back of the other. Very weird, never seen it before. I don’t know if that was their look for the whole season or if it was special for the Cup final.”
link – and at first, those were only worn on the sleeves, until that was banned. In Europe, they were made to number their jerseys, and did so as crudely as possible – plain black, no outline or plain patch.
That Atlanta Beat logo looks like it came straight out of Microsoft Paint after a 16 year-old messed around for an hour. Far more embarrassing than Weatherford’s socks, and that dude’s socks are a dreadful idea.
I think the Expos Jersey may have been the
Rockford Expos – A – Midwest League – 1988-1992
Thats the only R related Expos Farm Team I can find.
Here is the list I found.
Refering to the meat ad, is “oftener” a word?
oops, typo, sleeve numbers were used at the start of the link, in an attempt to get around the Scottish Football League’s requirements for numbered jerseys. They failed and went with deliberately indistinguishable plain green numbers in the end, before going to rather nice green on a tight, white rectangle
The ATL Beat is an old soccer club that was disbanded about 4-5 years ago cuz the league fell through. They’ve simply took the old badge and changed the colors of it to those of the ATL Flames. I’m more of a fan of the old baby blue and purple beat.
I suppose the 1960 title game between Philadelphia and Green Bay could tie the record of three: green, gold and white (except that the Eagles wore a kelly green.)
The all-time NFL color record is two for those mid-’60s matchups between the Colts and Rams (blue and white, with no gold, thank you very much.)
[quote comment=”373079″]That Atlanta Beat logo looks like it came straight out of Microsoft Paint after a 16 year-old messed around for an hour.[/quote]
and don’t the players look happy to be wearing those kits
those retro baseball cards are great
but is “FIDAL” a typo?
[quote comment=”373080″]I think the Expos Jersey may have been the
Rockford Expos – A – Midwest League – 1988-1992
Thats the only R related Expos Farm Team I can find.
Here is the list I found.
Rockford Expos is correct
my goodness, Gary Cieradkowsk and his team are amazing! GREAT artwork, thanks for sharing!
a couple of links on his site are not working, but there is plenty of content to keep you busy for… oh… say… the rest of the day?
Something posted late yesterday:
Combined with Robert’s comment:
“this looks like a game that needs the over the top excited players box”
Equates to a delightful post featuring two of my favorite obsessions: irony and misspellings.
Emailed this to a mess of people last night.
Figured I’d post it here in case I missed anyone.
DEEP FREEZE Schedule of Events
* = Non-Specific Events (Improvisation WILL be involved)
Friday, January 22…
* Breakfast (Paul will not be at this breakfast, btw)
Noonish: Meet on Lake Nokomis / US National Pond Hockey Championships
Outdoor spectating and unique-sweater appreciation
3-ish: “Bonspiel” Curling Tournament (St. Paul Winter Carnival)
Come watch curling, for another kind of sweater-consciousness
Click on “01/22/10 Winter Carnival Bonspiel” to right.
* 5:30-8:00: “Open Time” (touch football? broom hockey? Might be too dark by then)
* Dinner
8:00-???: UW Gathering at Grumpys
1111 Washington Ave., near Metrodome
(LRT’s Metrodome stop)
Saturday, January 23…
* Breakfast
10-ish: Meet at Lake Minnetonka (at Maynard’s?) / North American Pond Hockey Championship
Check out the OTHER Pond Hockey Tourney.
Noon-2:30: Back to Lake Nokomis / US National Pond Hockey Championships
In case we just can’t get enough (Hey, it IS “Hockey Day in Minnesota”)
* 2:30-5:00: Touch Football near hotel? (If not played Friday)
* 5:00: U of Minnesota Hockey vs. St. Cloud State
Mariucci Arena, U of M
* 8:00: Minnesota Wild vs. Columbus Blue Jackets
Excel Energy Center, downtown St. Paul
Steve Mariucci has an arena named for him in Minnesota? Learn something new everyday.
[quote comment=”373070″]In that 1963 newspaper article it mentions the Boston Patriots and their “freedom torch” helmet logo. What the heck is that??? I’ve never seen a Pats helmet logo that would fit that description.
Good question. Just bopping around Remember the AFL site link and haven’t come across any reference. However, there is a photo of a 1960 Pats helmet using the Tri-Point hat as a logo [middle of page] link. The rest all have Pat the Patriot.
[quote comment=”373069″]Weatherford looks fine with his socks pulled over his pants. I don’t think it’s either embarrassing or ridiculous.[/quote]
Exactly. If i were so horrendous-looking wouldn’t you think it would have been noticed and discussed here a long time ago?
Kinda hard to call something untoward if it’s been in plain sight for years and no one noticed.
Probably because he wears everything else correctly. No low ankle socks. No taped shoes. Colors all match. I dunno, in the ranking of garish personalization, this one’s pretty low.
Maybe a practical thing, too. Much easier to just pull your socks over the pants than keep trying to tuck them up and under. Also, considering he’s a punter the way his legs “feel” to him might be…sorta relevant, maybe?
[quote comment=”373093″] If i were so horrendous-looking wouldn’t you think it would have been noticed and discussed here a long time ago?[/quote]
nobody says that about you…as far as you know
The Philadelphia Independence logo, with its pointed rather than flat bottom, reminds me of the linklink Call me jaded but I’m tired of Pennsylvania sports teams – or Pennsylvania anything – working the keystone into their logos. I suppose it’s an instant identifier of location, though, like New Mexico’s Zia and South Carolina’s palmetto and crescent.
[quote comment=”373094″][quote comment=”373093″] If i were so horrendous-looking wouldn’t you think it would have been noticed and discussed here a long time ago?[/quote]
nobody says that about you…as far as you know[/quote]
That’s entirely different.
It’s only just lately that I’ve become horrendous-looking.
That Atlanta Beat logo looks like it came straight out of Microsoft Paint after a 16 year-old messed around for an hour.
Was this name based on the album by the Go-Go’s ? If not, it’s an interesting choice for a woman’s team (ironic, even).
Who cares about Simon VanLangevelde’s pinkie defense, let’s see that NOB!
[quote comment=”373092″][quote comment=”373070″]In that 1963 newspaper article it mentions the Boston Patriots and their “freedom torch” helmet logo. What the heck is that??? I’ve never seen a Pats helmet logo that would fit that description.
Good question. Just bopping around Remember the AFL site link and haven’t come across any reference. However, there is a photo of a 1960 Pats helmet using the Tri-Point hat as a logo [middle of page] link. The rest all have Pat the Patriot.[/quote]
That’s not the only questionable thing in that column. I’ll give him a pass for saying the Bears have a white C on a black helmet, but the writer also stated that the “Steelers have yet to come forth with something while the Cleveland Browns and San Francisco 49ers use fore-to-aft stripe combinations.” OK, even if he wasn’t realize that the Steelers started wearing the logo on one side of the helmet, the helmets still had stripes on them.
[quote comment=”373092″][quote comment=”373070″]In that 1963 newspaper article it mentions the Boston Patriots and their “freedom torch” helmet logo. What the heck is that??? I’ve never seen a Pats helmet logo that would fit that description.
Good question. Just bopping around Remember the AFL site link and haven’t come across any reference. However, there is a photo of a 1960 Pats helmet using the Tri-Point hat as a logo [middle of page] link. The rest all have Pat the Patriot.[/quote]
The guy’s talking through his patriot hat.
Trust me, at that point in time, unis were WAY down on most everyone’s list…and photos weren’t quite so easily accessible.
Either that or he’d never looked closely at “Pat” and figured it was a image of…something. Or he asked someone equally as clueless.
Hell, the first year of the bird on the Cardinals helmet, I thought it was a kind of winged crown with a jewel in it. All I had to look at was a weekly b&w NFL highlights show with no closeups…on about a 12-inch screen. In those long shots, the bird’s light-colored bill blended into the helmet so the shape was misleading.
When I finally realized it was a cardinal head was a serious eyeroll-forehead smack-“du-uh” moment.
Where’s that damned EDIT button?
Props to Gary Cieradkowski and his crew.
Great, great stuff. When that kind of work seems to come to life as you look at it, and for a nano-second feels like time travel is indeed possible…you have accomplished the extraordinary.
You can find info on LOGORAMA by going to IMDb.com. The link is huge so I’m not c/p-ing.
Use this
Wha hoppen to my tiny url for LOGORAMA? trying again –
[quote comment=”373104″]Wha hoppen to my tiny url for LOGORAMA? trying again –
I found the trailer link and link.
[quote comment=”373101″]Where’s that damned EDIT button?[/quote]
Btw, your proposed solution to the “Win Skeebz’ Giant Balls!” contest last night was not funny..
[quote comment=”373106″][quote comment=”373101″]Where’s that damned EDIT button?[/quote]
Btw, your proposed solution to the “Win Skeebz’ Giant Balls!” contest last night was not funny..
Good, because it wasn’t supposed to be funny.
RE: the hockey mom photo.
Some things you just can’t “un-see”….
RE: ads on goalie sticks.
Stop the world, I want to get off.
[quote comment=”373090″]Emailed this to a mess of people last night.
Figured I’d post it here in case I missed anyone.
DEEP FREEZE Schedule of Events
* = Non-Specific Events (Improvisation WILL be involved)
Friday, January 22…
* Breakfast (Paul will not be at this breakfast, btw)
Noonish: Meet on Lake Nokomis / US National Pond Hockey Championships
Outdoor spectating and unique-sweater appreciation
3-ish: “Bonspiel” Curling Tournament (St. Paul Winter Carnival)
Come watch curling, for another kind of sweater-consciousness
Click on “01/22/10 Winter Carnival Bonspiel” to right.
* 5:30-8:00: “Open Time” (touch football? broom hockey? Might be too dark by then)
* Dinner
8:00-???: UW Gathering at Grumpys
1111 Washington Ave., near Metrodome
(LRT’s Metrodome stop)
Saturday, January 23…
* Breakfast
10-ish: Meet at Lake Minnetonka (at Maynard’s?) / North American Pond Hockey Championship
Check out the OTHER Pond Hockey Tourney.
Noon-2:30: Back to Lake Nokomis / US National Pond Hockey Championships
In case we just can’t get enough (Hey, it IS “Hockey Day in Minnesota”)
* 2:30-5:00: Touch Football near hotel? (If not played Friday)
* 5:00: U of Minnesota Hockey vs. St. Cloud State
Mariucci Arena, U of M
* 8:00: Minnesota Wild vs. Columbus Blue Jackets
Excel Energy Center, downtown St. Paul
Thanks Ricko. I look forward to putting some names with faces.
For those coming to MSP…weather somewhat un-January like according to latest forecasts. Low to mid 30s with rain/freezing rain. Outdoor hockey could be interesting…and sloppy.
Glad to have you here no matter what the elements though. See all Friday night.
[quote comment=”373109″]
For those coming to MSP…weather somewhat un-January like according to latest forecasts. Low to mid 30s with rain/freezing rain. Outdoor hockey could be interesting…and sloppy.
Glad to have you here no matter what the elements though. See all Friday night.[/quote]
the ice won’t melt, right? … i don’t wanna have a “its a wonderful life” moment with paul, ya know
From 1963 newspaper article, below helmet discussion:
“But the word, at least semi-officially, is that we will have at least one TV pro game a week, the Cardinals, and two to watch when the Chiefs are on the road.”
Two games a week… MAXIMUM… how did we, as a nation, ever survive such barbaric conditions???
Does anyone know what the Saints officail home uniform is for the 2009-2010 season? I know they wore white at home for 4 games in 2008, for 3 games in 2009, and I believe white was even their official home uniform all the way back in 2006. I’m curious about 2009 given how much they’ve switched it up.
[quote comment=”373110″][quote comment=”373109″]
For those coming to MSP…weather somewhat un-January like according to latest forecasts. Low to mid 30s with rain/freezing rain. Outdoor hockey could be interesting…and sloppy.
Glad to have you here no matter what the elements though. See all Friday night.[/quote]
the ice won’t melt, right? … i don’t wanna have a “its a wonderful life” moment with paul, ya know[/quote]
Low to mid 30s with rain/freezing rain? Well, I should feel right at home.
Well, I’d rather Steve Weatherford pull his socks over his pants than go barefoot…
By the way, this picture of him link shows one of my all-time favorite uni-matchups. Throw in some gray skies, a little mud and that goes from a great picture to a real piece of art.
[quote comment=”373110″][quote comment=”373109″]
For those coming to MSP…weather somewhat un-January like according to latest forecasts. Low to mid 30s with rain/freezing rain. Outdoor hockey could be interesting…and sloppy.
Glad to have you here no matter what the elements though. See all Friday night.[/quote]
the ice won’t melt, right? … i don’t wanna have a “its a wonderful life” moment with paul, ya know[/quote]
If it does, blame it on El Nino. The ice could be weaker.
[quote comment=”373110″][quote comment=”373109″]
For those coming to MSP…weather somewhat un-January like according to latest forecasts. Low to mid 30s with rain/freezing rain. Outdoor hockey could be interesting…and sloppy.
Glad to have you here no matter what the elements though. See all Friday night.[/quote]
the ice won’t melt, right? … i don’t wanna have a “its a wonderful life” moment with paul, ya know[/quote]
Leave us don’t forget…it refreezes overnight.
[quote comment=”373081″]Refering to the meat ad, is “oftener” a word?[/quote]
Irregardless of that, Sarran. it’s still a most delectable ad. ;)
[quote comment=”373117″][quote comment=”373081″]Refering to the meat ad, is “oftener” a word?[/quote]
Irregardless of that, Sarran. it’s still a most delectable ad. ;)[/quote]
Sure is, never heard of a waters oftener?
Loved seeing that Celtic FC video. Did you know that’s the team Rod Stewart refers to in his song “You’re In My Heart”?
“You’re Celtic, United, but baby I’ve decided you’re the best team I’ve ever seen. Woo woo woo!”
Never liked that song as a kid because I thought of the Boston Celtics. It’s on my iPod now, though.
Speaking of Celtic FC, I have this jersey: link
Is there any way to get that NTL ad off without ruining the jersey?
Not bad.
Hey, the rule for our long standing Sunday morning touch football pickup game (1965-1992 or so qualifies as “long standing”, I believe) was…20F or above, we play. And we played at 9 a.m.
Think “layers”, good footwear, good gloves and a hat. Wear a hat.
(Says the guy who got hypothermic on Thanksgiving morning of 2005 and whose fingers still get cold way too fast because of it. But, it was only 4 above zero that day, so this forecast is certainly manageable).
[quote comment=”373120″]Loved seeing that Celtic FC video. Did you know that’s the team Rod Stewart refers to in his song “You’re In My Heart”?
“You’re Celtic, United, but baby I’ve decided you’re the best team I’ve ever seen. Woo woo woo!”
Never liked that song as a kid because I thought of the Boston Celtics. It’s on my iPod now, though.
Speaking of Celtic FC, I have this jersey: link
Is there any way to get that NTL ad off without ruining the jersey?[/quote]
That brings back memories. There was a year or two, back there before everyone had color TV, that English soccer was a regular Saturday afternoon thing…on ABC, maybe it was. The three teams that stick in my mind to this day are: Celtic United, Leeds and Tottenham Hotspur.
Had no IDEA what colors any of them they were wearing. Only maybe at the beginning of the telecast would announcers address that.
But, man, it was fun to watch. So cool to see how huge it was on the other side of the world.
[quote comment=”373117″][quote comment=”373081″]Refering to the meat ad, is “oftener” a word?[/quote]
Irregardless of that, Sarran. it’s still a most delectable ad. ;)[/quote]
Supposably, the use of irregardless is considered laxadaisacal.
[quote comment=”373115″]If it does, blame it on El Nino. The ice could be weaker.[/quote]
that is one of my worst nightmares
[quote comment=”373116″]
Leave us don’t forget…it refreezes overnight.[/quote]
always a possiblity
[quote comment=”373112″]Does anyone know what the Saints officail home uniform is for the 2009-2010 season? I know they wore white at home for 4 games in 2008, for 3 games in 2009, and I believe white was even their official home uniform all the way back in 2006. I’m curious about 2009 given how much they’ve switched it up.[/quote]
NFL teams don’t have official “home” and “road” uniforms. Just Dark and White, the home team picks what jersey they wear for any game, and the road team adjusts accordingly.
[quote comment=”373095″]The Philadelphia Independence logo, with its pointed rather than flat bottom, reminds me of the linklink Call me jaded but I’m tired of Pennsylvania sports teams – or Pennsylvania anything – working the keystone into their logos. I suppose it’s an instant identifier of location, though, like New Mexico’s Zia and South Carolina’s palmetto and crescent.[/quote]
Other than the Independence, which PA sports team uses the Keystone?
Flyers, Eagles, Phillies, Sixers, and Union don’t from Philadelphia.
Pens, Steelers, and Pirates don’t from Pittsburgh.
Are the various Minor league teams on a big Keystone kick these days?
[quote comment=”373095″]The Philadelphia Independence logo, with its pointed rather than flat bottom, reminds me of the linklink Call me jaded but I’m tired of Pennsylvania sports teams – or Pennsylvania anything – working the keystone into their logos. I suppose it’s an instant identifier of location, though, like New Mexico’s Zia and South Carolina’s palmetto and crescent.[/quote]
And here I was going to say I love the keystone, and wish more PA teams would use it. I always liked it on the road signs: link
Ah well, to each his own…
A keystone here, a keystone there,
here a keystone, there a keystone,
everywhere a keystone…
“Put in on the railroad!”
[quote comment=”373127″][quote comment=”373095″]The Philadelphia Independence logo, with its pointed rather than flat bottom, reminds me of the linklink Call me jaded but I’m tired of Pennsylvania sports teams – or Pennsylvania anything – working the keystone into their logos. I suppose it’s an instant identifier of location, though, like New Mexico’s Zia and South Carolina’s palmetto and crescent.[/quote]
And here I was going to say I love the keystone, and wish more PA teams would use it. I always liked it on the road signs: link
Ah well, to each his own…[/quote]
Let me try another one: link
And I can’t think of a professional team that’s used the keystone. Maybe the Pottsville Maroons?
I’m not a big NBA guy, so forgive me, but last night on the Magic/Lakers game it looked like Vince Carter was wearing a black shirt under the blue uni. It appeared tight, like a compression type thing, but I still found this odd for a few reasons:
1. I thought it was illegal to wear shirts under the jersey in the association.
2. Even if it were legal, wouldnt the shirt have to match the tanktop?
I’m assuming this is allowed because of some preexisting injury but I found it odd also after the league crackdown on tights.
Pennzoil went, um, another route…
i bet ricko remembers this
what comes after 4G?
[quote comment=”373132″]Pennzoil went, um, another route…
Or link?
[quote comment=”373134″][quote comment=”373132″]Pennzoil went, um, another route…
Or link?[/quote]
That’s a cross. I understand your focus may be a little…lower, but that’s a red cross.
[quote comment=”373135″][quote comment=”373134″][quote comment=”373132″]Pennzoil went, um, another route…
Or link?[/quote]
That’s a cross. I understand your focus may be a little…lower, but that’s a red cross.[/quote]
no…the shape of the hat, slappy
[quote comment=”373136″][quote comment=”373135″][quote comment=”373134″][quote comment=”373132″]Pennzoil went, um, another route…
Or link?[/quote]
That’s a cross. I understand your focus may be a little…lower, but that’s a red cross.[/quote]
no…the shape of the hat, slappy[/quote]
Indeed, the insidious subliminal keystone.
Damn Freemasons. They’re everywhere.
I know cuz The History Channel says so.
[quote comment=”373136″][quote comment=”373135″][quote comment=”373134″][quote comment=”373132″]Pennzoil went, um, another route…
Or link?[/quote]
That’s a cross. I understand your focus may be a little…lower, but that’s a red cross.[/quote]
no…the shape of the hat, slappy[/quote]
Ah, yes. The hair distracted me.
maybe these guys might have used keystones if they ever came to fruition. i can’t place the time frame exactly, but i vaguely remember jack fleming and myron cope yammering about the keystoners story when the steagles came up in conversation during a steelers radio broadcast way back.
[quote comment=”373122″]
That brings back memories. There was a year or two, back there before everyone had color TV, that English soccer was a regular Saturday afternoon thing…on ABC, maybe it was. The three teams that stick in my mind to this day are: Celtic United, Leeds and Tottenham Hotspur.
(Nitpick: Celtic is Scottish football). But I also remember English – and German – football on TV in the ’70s… shown on PBS oddly enough. The names that stayed with me were Ipswich, Crystal Palace, and Nottingham Forest, because they sounded so exotic.
[quote comment=”373140″][quote comment=”373122″]
That brings back memories. There was a year or two, back there before everyone had color TV, that English soccer was a regular Saturday afternoon thing…on ABC, maybe it was. The three teams that stick in my mind to this day are: Celtic United, Leeds and Tottenham Hotspur.
(Nitpick: Celtic is Scottish football). But I also remember English – and German – football on TV in the ’70s… shown on PBS oddly enough. The names that stayed with me were Ipswich, Crystal Palace, and Nottingham Forest, because they sounded so exotic.[/quote]
Exotic, yeah, that’s what it was. Good word.
And, hey, I could well have things scrambled. Was a long time ago, the ’60s.
Was it perhaps “Leeds United”? Was SOMEBODY “United”, I know, and Tottenham Hotspur. Didn’t google anything; was just dredging up kidhood memories. Could well be the Rod Stewart song mashed them together in my mind. Coulda sworn “Celtic” was in there somewhere, though. Maybe they televised some Scottish games and I didn’t realize it at the time.
Ah, who knows, I’m even older than the memories.
I meant the EARLY ’60s.
Before lava lamps.
[quote comment=”373139″]maybe these guys might have used keystones if they ever came to fruition. i can’t place the time frame exactly, but i vaguely remember jack fleming and myron cope yammering about the keystoners story when the steagles came up in conversation during a steelers radio broadcast way back.
Jack Fleming – he was a very good announcer. They named a bridge after him in his home state of West Virginia. link
Sounds impressive, but when I drove over it last fall I thought, “This is it?” It’s just a small overpass.
I really want to know what sort of award that awkward mom-in-hockey-pants photo supposedly won, as described in its caption.
[quote comment=”373122″][quote comment=”373120″]Loved seeing that Celtic FC video. Did you know that’s the team Rod Stewart refers to in his song “You’re In My Heart”?
“You’re Celtic, United, but baby I’ve decided you’re the best team I’ve ever seen. Woo woo woo!”
Never liked that song as a kid because I thought of the Boston Celtics. It’s on my iPod now, though.
Speaking of Celtic FC, I have this jersey: link
Is there any way to get that NTL ad off without ruining the jersey?[/quote]
That brings back memories. There was a year or two, back there before everyone had color TV, that English soccer was a regular Saturday afternoon thing…on ABC, maybe it was. The three teams that stick in my mind to this day are: Celtic United, Leeds and Tottenham Hotspur.
Had no IDEA what colors any of them they were wearing. Only maybe at the beginning of the telecast would announcers address that.
But, man, it was fun to watch. So cool to see how huge it was on the other side of the world.
I would get to see English ‘Old’ First Division matches (and German Bundesliga for that matter) on PBS — on Sunday IIRC. Flopppy socks and muddy pitches every match… Nirvana!
this was the late 70’s, early 80’s and teams such as Ipswich Town, Arsenal, Nottingham forest and Hotspur were in their glory! good times.
Re: Weatherfords socks. I tend to agree with the comment that the reason he did not pull them up at Illinois was that he was wearing knee pads. I remember when I played in high school I did not like to wear knee pads, but had to keep them on the sidelines because they were required and some refs would make me put them in. Do they still require full pads in high school – do they require them in college?
[quote comment=”373122″][quote comment=”373120″]Loved seeing that Celtic FC video. Did you know that’s the team Rod Stewart refers to in his song “You’re In My Heart”?
“You’re Celtic, United, but baby I’ve decided you’re the best team I’ve ever seen. Woo woo woo!”
Never liked that song as a kid because I thought of the Boston Celtics. It’s on my iPod now, though.
Speaking of Celtic FC, I have this jersey: link
Is there any way to get that NTL ad off without ruining the jersey?[/quote]
That brings back memories. There was a year or two, back there before everyone had color TV, that English soccer was a regular Saturday afternoon thing…on ABC, maybe it was. The three teams that stick in my mind to this day are: Celtic United, Leeds and Tottenham Hotspur.
Had no IDEA what colors any of them they were wearing. Only maybe at the beginning of the telecast would announcers address that.
But, man, it was fun to watch. So cool to see how huge it was on the other side of the world.
I would get to see English ‘Old’ First Division matches (and German Bundesliga for that matter) on PBS — on Sunday IIRC. Flopppy socks and muddy pitches every match… Nirvana!
this was the late 70’s, early 80’s and teams such as Ipswich Town, Arsenal, Nottingham forest and Hotspur were in their glory! Toby Charles would do the commentary and the programming was prefaced by ‘Shame’ by Evelyn Champagne King. awesomely, good times!
[quote comment=”373144″]I really want to know what sort of award that awkward mom-in-hockey-pants photo supposedly won, as described in its caption.[/quote]
Yeah, what mom doesn’t routinely think a really cool idea for a family photo would be “The boys in their hockey gear and pregnant me in my bra”?
I mean, it’s just been done to death. Talk about cliche.
[quote comment=”373147″][quote comment=”373122″][quote comment=”373120″]Loved seeing that Celtic FC video. Did you know that’s the team Rod Stewart refers to in his song “You’re In My Heart”?
“You’re Celtic, United, but baby I’ve decided you’re the best team I’ve ever seen. Woo woo woo!”
Never liked that song as a kid because I thought of the Boston Celtics. It’s on my iPod now, though.
Speaking of Celtic FC, I have this jersey: link
Is there any way to get that NTL ad off without ruining the jersey?[/quote]
That brings back memories. There was a year or two, back there before everyone had color TV, that English soccer was a regular Saturday afternoon thing…on ABC, maybe it was. The three teams that stick in my mind to this day are: Celtic United, Leeds and Tottenham Hotspur.
Had no IDEA what colors any of them they were wearing. Only maybe at the beginning of the telecast would announcers address that.
But, man, it was fun to watch. So cool to see how huge it was on the other side of the world.
I would get to see English ‘Old’ First Division matches (and German Bundesliga for that matter) on PBS — on Sunday IIRC. Flopppy socks and muddy pitches every match… Nirvana!
this was the late 70’s, early 80’s and teams such as Ipswich Town, Arsenal, Nottingham forest and Hotspur were in their glory! Toby Charles would do the commentary and the programming was prefaced by ‘Shame’ by Evelyn Champagne King. awesomely, good times![/quote]
Evelyn Champagne King…there’s a name I haven’t heard in years.
We’ve gone from Rod Stewart to Ms. King. How many degrees of separartion until we get to Kevin Bacon?
In regards to the Lakers mismatch, we all now the shades were different due to fabric differences. But the difference may not be nearly as bad as the picture indicates. The high degree of mismatch might be due to the stadium camera flash reflecting differently off each material. Looking at them under the stadium lighting during a game would probably looks slightly mismatched but when the press flash goes off that (likely yellow) light can make the colors look different.
[quote comment=”373144″]I really want to know what sort of award that awkward mom-in-hockey-pants photo supposedly won, as described in its caption.[/quote]
“The Biscuit in the Basket”
Paul Lukas said:
“As I suggested yesterday, the Cardinals’ logo does look pretty good outlined in white on a black helmet.”
It looks good on a silver helmet, too.
That’s Mentor High School, east of Cleveland.
[quote comment=”373128″]A keystone here, a keystone there,
here a keystone, there a keystone,
everywhere a keystone…
More Keystones
[quote comment=”373099″][quote comment=”373092″][quote comment=”373070″]In that 1963 newspaper article it mentions the Boston Patriots and their “freedom torch” helmet logo. What the heck is that??? I’ve never seen a Pats helmet logo that would fit that description.
Good question. Just bopping around Remember the AFL site link and haven’t come across any reference. However, there is a photo of a 1960 Pats helmet using the Tri-Point hat as a logo [middle of page] link. The rest all have Pat the Patriot.[/quote]
That’s not the only questionable thing in that column. I’ll give him a pass for saying the Bears have a white C on a black helmet, but the writer also stated that the “Steelers have yet to come forth with something while the Cleveland Browns and San Francisco 49ers use fore-to-aft stripe combinations.” OK, even if he wasn’t realize that the Steelers started wearing the logo on one side of the helmet, the helmets still had stripes on them.[/quote]
Seems to me the Bears did have the orange and white reversed on the wishbone C for awhile. (Dig that cowcatcher.) link
[quote comment=”373155″][quote comment=”373099″][quote comment=”373092″][quote comment=”373070″]In that 1963 newspaper article it mentions the Boston Patriots and their “freedom torch” helmet logo. What the heck is that??? I’ve never seen a Pats helmet logo that would fit that description.
Good question. Just bopping around Remember the AFL site link and haven’t come across any reference. However, there is a photo of a 1960 Pats helmet using the Tri-Point hat as a logo [middle of page] link. The rest all have Pat the Patriot.[/quote]
That’s not the only questionable thing in that column. I’ll give him a pass for saying the Bears have a white C on a black helmet, but the writer also stated that the “Steelers have yet to come forth with something while the Cleveland Browns and San Francisco 49ers use fore-to-aft stripe combinations.” OK, even if he wasn’t realize that the Steelers started wearing the logo on one side of the helmet, the helmets still had stripes on them.[/quote]
Seems to me the Bears did have the orange and white reversed on the wishbone C for awhile. (Dig that cowcatcher.) link
That looks like a painting of the great Butkus. But what an awesome pose… it’s evil incarnate.
[quote comment=”373151″]In regards to the Lakers mismatch, we all now the shades were different due to fabric differences. But the difference may not be nearly as bad as the picture indicates. The high degree of mismatch might be due to the stadium camera flash reflecting differently off each material. Looking at them under the stadium lighting during a game would probably looks slightly mismatched but when the press flash goes off that (likely yellow) light can make the colors look different.[/quote]
Yeah, flash can do all sorts of weird things. Check out these photos of the Oklahoma Outlaws vs. the Houston Gamblers: link
The Outlaws’ black pants looked solid black on TV, but check out photos #8, 16, and 23 in particular.
WOW! ever see this pic:
[quote comment=”373155″][quote comment=”373099″][quote comment=”373092″][quote comment=”373070″]In that 1963 newspaper article it mentions the Boston Patriots and their “freedom torch” helmet logo. What the heck is that??? I’ve never seen a Pats helmet logo that would fit that description.
Good question. Just bopping around Remember the AFL site link and haven’t come across any reference. However, there is a photo of a 1960 Pats helmet using the Tri-Point hat as a logo [middle of page] link. The rest all have Pat the Patriot.[/quote]
That’s not the only questionable thing in that column. I’ll give him a pass for saying the Bears have a white C on a black helmet, but the writer also stated that the “Steelers have yet to come forth with something while the Cleveland Browns and San Francisco 49ers use fore-to-aft stripe combinations.” OK, even if he wasn’t realize that the Steelers started wearing the logo on one side of the helmet, the helmets still had stripes on them.[/quote]
Seems to me the Bears did have the orange and white reversed on the wishbone C for awhile. (Dig that cowcatcher.) link
First “C” was just white with no orange; began with the ’60s, lasted through the decade (much of the Sayers-Butkus era and into the Bobby Douglas years).
Orange edged in white came in the very early ’70s sometime, while Douglas was the starting QB.
See, no orange.
[quote comment=”373147″][quote comment=”373122″][quote comment=”373120″]Loved seeing that Celtic FC video. Did you know that’s the team Rod Stewart refers to in his song “You’re In My Heart”?
“You’re Celtic, United, but baby I’ve decided you’re the best team I’ve ever seen. Woo woo woo!”
Never liked that song as a kid because I thought of the Boston Celtics. It’s on my iPod now, though.
Speaking of Celtic FC, I have this jersey: link
Is there any way to get that NTL ad off without ruining the jersey?[/quote]
That brings back memories. There was a year or two, back there before everyone had color TV, that English soccer was a regular Saturday afternoon thing…on ABC, maybe it was. The three teams that stick in my mind to this day are: Celtic United, Leeds and Tottenham Hotspur.
Had no IDEA what colors any of them they were wearing. Only maybe at the beginning of the telecast would announcers address that.
But, man, it was fun to watch. So cool to see how huge it was on the other side of the world.
I would get to see English ‘Old’ First Division matches (and German Bundesliga for that matter) on PBS — on Sunday IIRC. Flopppy socks and muddy pitches every match… Nirvana!
this was the late 70’s, early 80’s and teams such as Ipswich Town, Arsenal, Nottingham forest and Hotspur were in their glory! Toby Charles would do the commentary and the programming was prefaced by ‘Shame’ by Evelyn Champagne King. awesomely, good times![/quote]
Here’s the song:
I miss disco…
I want it duly noted for the record:
I DID NOT WRITE ‘I miss disco’. That was JimVilk!!!
[quote comment=”373162″]I want it duly noted for the record:
I DID NOT WRITE ‘I miss disco’. That was JimVilk!!![/quote]
Right on!
[quote comment=”373162″]I want it duly noted for the record:
I DID NOT WRITE ‘I miss disco’. That was JimVilk!!![/quote]
Hit it, Bob!
[quote comment=”373159″][quote comment=”373155″][quote comment=”373099″][quote comment=”373092″][quote comment=”373070″]In that 1963 newspaper article it mentions the Boston Patriots and their “freedom torch” helmet logo. What the heck is that??? I’ve never seen a Pats helmet logo that would fit that description.
Good question. Just bopping around Remember the AFL site link and haven’t come across any reference. However, there is a photo of a 1960 Pats helmet using the Tri-Point hat as a logo [middle of page] link. The rest all have Pat the Patriot.[/quote]
That’s not the only questionable thing in that column. I’ll give him a pass for saying the Bears have a white C on a black helmet, but the writer also stated that the “Steelers have yet to come forth with something while the Cleveland Browns and San Francisco 49ers use fore-to-aft stripe combinations.” OK, even if he wasn’t realize that the Steelers started wearing the logo on one side of the helmet, the helmets still had stripes on them.[/quote]
Seems to me the Bears did have the orange and white reversed on the wishbone C for awhile. (Dig that cowcatcher.) link
First “C” was just white with no orange; began with the ’60s, lasted through the decade (much of the Sayers-Butkus era and into the Bobby Douglas years).
Orange edged in white came in the very early ’70s sometime, while Douglas was the starting QB.
question: Did the Bears go from Billy Wade right to Bobby Douglass? Or is there a journeyman in there for good measure?
{that I DID NOT consider Wade and Douglass journeymen is quite humorous in and of itself}
[quote comment=”373156″][quote comment=”373155″][quote comment=”373099″][quote comment=”373092″][quote comment=”373070″]In that 1963 newspaper article it mentions the Boston Patriots and their “freedom torch” helmet logo. What the heck is that??? I’ve never seen a Pats helmet logo that would fit that description.
Good question. Just bopping around Remember the AFL site link and haven’t come across any reference. However, there is a photo of a 1960 Pats helmet using the Tri-Point hat as a logo [middle of page] link. The rest all have Pat the Patriot.[/quote]
That’s not the only questionable thing in that column. I’ll give him a pass for saying the Bears have a white C on a black helmet, but the writer also stated that the “Steelers have yet to come forth with something while the Cleveland Browns and San Francisco 49ers use fore-to-aft stripe combinations.” OK, even if he wasn’t realize that the Steelers started wearing the logo on one side of the helmet, the helmets still had stripes on them.[/quote]
Seems to me the Bears did have the orange and white reversed on the wishbone C for awhile. (Dig that cowcatcher.) link
That looks like a painting of the great Butkus. But what an awesome pose… it’s evil incarnate.[/quote]
Not “flipped” – just a white C on blue helmet. The orange outline wasn’t added until the early 1970s.
[quote comment=”373166″][quote comment=”373159″][quote comment=”373155″][quote comment=”373099″][quote comment=”373092″][quote comment=”373070″]In that 1963 newspaper article it mentions the Boston Patriots and their “freedom torch” helmet logo. What the heck is that??? I’ve never seen a Pats helmet logo that would fit that description.
Good question. Just bopping around Remember the AFL site link and haven’t come across any reference. However, there is a photo of a 1960 Pats helmet using the Tri-Point hat as a logo [middle of page] link. The rest all have Pat the Patriot.[/quote]
That’s not the only questionable thing in that column. I’ll give him a pass for saying the Bears have a white C on a black helmet, but the writer also stated that the “Steelers have yet to come forth with something while the Cleveland Browns and San Francisco 49ers use fore-to-aft stripe combinations.” OK, even if he wasn’t realize that the Steelers started wearing the logo on one side of the helmet, the helmets still had stripes on them.[/quote]
Seems to me the Bears did have the orange and white reversed on the wishbone C for awhile. (Dig that cowcatcher.) link
First “C” was just white with no orange; began with the ’60s, lasted through the decade (much of the Sayers-Butkus era and into the Bobby Douglas years).
Orange edged in white came in the very early ’70s sometime, while Douglas was the starting QB.
question: Did the Bears go from Billy Wade right to Bobby Douglass? Or is there a journeyman in there for good measure?
{that I DID NOT consider Wade and Douglass journeymen is quite humorous in and of itself}[/quote]
Working from memory, Rudy Bukich was in there after Wade for a couple years (he may actually have led the NFL in passing one season; yes, a Bears quarterback), then Jack Concannon had the job for a while.
Probably missing one (may more), but can’t say for sure.
“Not “flipped” — just a white C on blue helmet. The orange outline wasn’t added until the early 1970s.”
Bears never wore white with orange outline.
Went from white to current orange edged in white while Douglas was the QB.
If was home could dig out and scan photos of Douglas in first one, then the other.
(or did you just “oops” in your post, and should be, “Oh, wait, flip that?”)
[quote comment=”373165″][quote comment=”373162″]I want it duly noted for the record:
I DID NOT WRITE ‘I miss disco’. That was JimVilk!!![/quote]
Hit it, Bob!
Even better: link
Gotta think about it before I say “I’d wear those outfits.” :)
[quote comment=”373125″]
NFL teams don’t have official “home” and “road” uniforms. Just Dark and White, the home team picks what jersey they wear for any game, and the road team adjusts accordingly.[/quote]
Actually, they do have declared uniforms for each home game in the NFL (see the specific NFL rule at the end of my post) My question relates to what happens when a home team wants to deviate from a declared jersey color for specific game (e.g., wear white instead of team color if team color had been previously declared). It’s my understanding is that the visiting team has to approve the change if the home team wants to switch from the declared home jersey.
I’m mainly just trying to find out what the Saints are planning to wear against the Vikings this weekend because the Saints have been wearing a mix of white and black for their home games this year. White was their declared home uniform for 2006 and all but the Bengals agreed to change that year. In the end, this is a pretty obscure question and one that will be rendered moot in a few days. No biggie. :)
Rule 5, Section 4, Article 2 of 2009 NFL Rulebook:
Pursuant to the official colors established for each NFL club in the League Constitution and Bylaws, playing squads are permitted to wear only those colors or a combination of those colors for helmets, jerseys, pants, and stockings; provided that white is also an available color for jerseys and mandatory color for the lower portion of stockings [see 5-3-3-(f), “Stockings,” below]. Each player on a given team must wear the same colors on his uniform as all other players on his team in the same game. Before July 1 each year, home clubs are required to report to the League office their choice of jersey color (either white or official team color) for their home games of that forthcoming season (including postseason, in the event that the club should become a host for such a game), and visiting clubs must wear the opposite. For preseason, regular season, or postseason games, the two competing teams may wear jerseys in their official colors (non-white), provided the Commissioner determines that such colors are of sufficient contrast.
I think I found the inspiration for the Texans’ Battle Red unis. Check out bass player Louis Johnson: link
[quote comment=”373169″]”Not “flipped” — just a white C on blue helmet. The orange outline wasn’t added until the early 1970s.”
Bears never wore white with orange outline.
Went from white to current orange edged in white while Douglas was the QB.
If was home could dig out and scan photos of Douglas in first one, then the other.
(or did you just “oops” in your post, and should be, “Oh, wait, flip that?”)
Well, flip me….
Yep, that’d be one of those “oops” things, right there.
Former USC quarterback Rudy Bukich, according to some, may have been possessor of the strongest arm in NFL history. It has been reported he had, more than once in practice, thrown a football 100 yards in the air.
For the sake of clarification, I was not calling attention to the writer stating that the Bears had a white C back in 1963 (or actually, 1962, as that column was written before the 1963 season started). I was pointing out that he misidentified the color of the helmet as black.
And I failed to point out that he listed the Broncos as one of the teams still looking for a logo. By that point, they’d already had the big sock bonfire and made the switchover to the is-it-brown-or-is-it-blue-nope-we’re-gonna-make-it-white-instead “drunken donkey” logo.
[quote comment=”373174″]Former USC quarterback Rudy Bukich, according to some, may have been possessor of the strongest arm in NFL history. It has been reported he had, more than once in practice, thrown a football 100 yards in the air.
i thought that was ol’ #7
/that’s not faked is it?
re: celtic and rod stewart –
the line from “you’re in my heart” is referring to celtic and manchester united. rod’s parents are scottish and he’s a celtic man, but he also was (and i suppose still could be) a fan on manchester united. they play in different leagues (celtic in scotand, man united in england) so it’s not exactly the same as rooting for the giants and 49ers… or something like that. :)
and that is most likely the united you would watch back in the day. yes, leeds united was in the first division as well, but when “united” is mentioned it almost universally refers to manchester united. unless you’re in leeds, where it probably refers to LUFC, or scotland, where it refers to dundee united.
as for getting rid of the NTL from your shirt (2001-2003 model) without ruining it – impossible. it’s heat-pressed on there, and even if you do manage to get it off without tearing the shirt, you’ll see the outline of the logo.
[quote comment=”373174″]Former USC quarterback Rudy Bukich, according to some, may have been possessor of the strongest arm in NFL history. It has been reported he had, more than once in practice, thrown a football 100 yards in the air.
From the L.A. Times archive…
There are many tales of Bukich’s passing prowess, and none is taller than one told by (Al) Carmichael (later a Packer and original Bronco halfback):
“One day we asked Rudy how far he could throw the ball. He went into the end zone and ran up to the goal line like a javelin thrower. Well, it was incredible. That ball landed in the other end zone.
“Besides throwing so far, he threw so hard that we’d tell him to stop trying to knock us down.”
Full story…
[quote comment=”373153″]Paul Lukas said:
“As I suggested yesterday, the Cardinals’ logo does look pretty good outlined in white on a black helmet.”
It looks good on a silver helmet, too.
That’s Mentor High School, east of Cleveland.[/quote]
The positioning of the Cardinal logos on the two helmets in that photo are vastly different.
Here’s a pic of an odd-looking practice jersey for the Cowboys, probably late 90s, or at least prior to 2002, when Nike supplied their unis. Looks like a vertical stripe on the shoulder and sleeve.
More for anyone’s memory banks.
Jack Concannon, wearing still my favorite Bears’ number for its unmatched simplicity (certainly for DIY purposes, too)…
[quote comment=”373171″]It’s my understanding is that the visiting team has to approve the change if the home team wants to switch from the declared home jersey.[/quote]
I don’t think that’s true at all. If it were, why would Dallas ever have to wear the blue?
[quote comment=”373180″]Here’s a pic of an odd-looking practice jersey for the Cowboys, probably late 90s, or at least prior to 2002, when Nike supplied their unis. Looks like a vertical stripe on the shoulder and sleeve.
It’s gotta be 98 or 99 because that’s when Chan Gailey coached the Cowboys.
[quote comment=”373182″][quote comment=”373171″]It’s my understanding is that the visiting team has to approve the change if the home team wants to switch from the declared home jersey.[/quote]
I don’t think that’s true at all. If it were, why would Dallas ever have to wear the blue?[/quote]
Someone brought that up a while back, but said it was a NCAA football rule. Don’t know if it’s true, just that was context in which it was mentioned.
[quote comment=”373169″]”Not “flipped” — just a white C on blue helmet. The orange outline wasn’t added until the early 1970s.”
Bears never wore white with orange outline.
Went from white to current orange edged in white while Douglas was the QB.
If was home could dig out and scan photos of Douglas in first one, then the other.
(or did you just “oops” in your post, and should be, “Oh, wait, flip that?”)
For the record, 1973 was the exact year for the change from a white C to the orange C (with white outline).
More Concannon, in what HAS to be among the easiest DIY NFL jerseys imaginable. I mean…seriously.
Toby Charles did those “Soccer Made in Germany” matches on PBS. I think it was Mario Machado who did the English “Star Soccer” English league matches on PBS in the 70’s.
For me, the high moment of SMIG was when the camera had a close up of the Bayern Munich “trainer” (coach), a Hungarian chap named Gyula Lorant. Toby said, “That’s Gyula Lorant…(Lorant then “digs for gold”)…and if he’s looking for substitutes, I don’t think he’ll find any in there!!”
[quote comment=”373153″]Paul Lukas said:
“As I suggested yesterday, the Cardinals’ logo does look pretty good outlined in white on a black helmet.”
It looks good on a silver helmet, too.
That’s Mentor High School, east of Cleveland.[/quote]
The decals on those two aren’t applied at the same angle are they? Or is it just me?
[quote comment=”373182″][quote comment=”373171″]It’s my understanding is that the visiting team has to approve the change if the home team wants to switch from the declared home jersey.[/quote]
I don’t think that’s true at all. If it were, why would Dallas ever have to wear the blue?[/quote]
The rule is, I believe, that they have to declare for each game, as in game 1 white, game 2 white, game 3 blue, rather than this season we will wear white at home.
That has always been my understanding, that there is no Season color, but that each team is required to plan out each individual game prior to the season.
With regards to the quoted rule, NFL or not, I read that as declare per game, not per season.
(I’m not a lawyer but my job is interpreting insurance code, which is similarly convoluted.)
[quote comment=”373152″][quote comment=”373144″]I really want to know what sort of award that awkward mom-in-hockey-pants photo supposedly won, as described in its caption.[/quote]
“The Biscuit in the Basket”[/quote]
my mind was going there too but I wonder if the scoring play was a wrap around or 5 hole.
[quote comment=”373177″]re: celtic and rod stewart –
the line from “you’re in my heart” is referring to celtic and manchester united. rod’s parents are scottish and he’s a celtic man, but he also was (and i suppose still could be) a fan on manchester united. they play in different leagues (celtic in scotand, man united in england) so it’s not exactly the same as rooting for the giants and 49ers… or something like that. :)
and that is most likely the united you would watch back in the day. yes, leeds united was in the first division as well, but when “united” is mentioned it almost universally refers to manchester united. unless you’re in leeds, where it probably refers to LUFC, or scotland, where it refers to dundee united.
as for getting rid of the NTL from your shirt (2001-2003 model) without ruining it – impossible. it’s heat-pressed on there, and even if you do manage to get it off without tearing the shirt, you’ll see the outline of the logo.[/quote]
Thanks, dgm. Didn’t know about the ManU connection. Supposedly, Rod and comedian Billy Connolly are the only two people that have lifetime tickets for Celtic FC.
jth~woke up at 5am, and made it back to court in bloomington~normal so you will not be illegally transporting me across state lines thursday.
on my way out of town after court i saw two curious sites. first, a crazed looking man in a motorized wheel chair was riding down the street with an unattached prosthetic leg on the foot~stand, yet the driver had two legs with feet. was this a stolen wheelchair? a stolen leg? i then stopped in the post office to mail pineapple keys to my studio so she has a place to stay while she attends her art opening in chicago friday. unfortunately, two windows down i noticed the PO lady handing a young couple(like 15) a measuring tape, they proceeded to measure their baby in the standard triple direction of a package. i didn’t stay to see why, and i left bloomington~normal like a bat out of hell before i was kindly asked to squeal. wtf?!
[quote comment=”373174″]Former USC quarterback Rudy Bukich, according to some, may have been possessor of the strongest arm in NFL history. It has been reported he had, more than once in practice, thrown a football 100 yards in the air.
Didn’t Harold Carmichael throw one a hundred yards as well?
[quote comment=”373190″][quote comment=”373152″][quote comment=”373144″]I really want to know what sort of award that awkward mom-in-hockey-pants photo supposedly won, as described in its caption.[/quote]
“The Biscuit in the Basket”[/quote]
my mind was going there too but I wonder if the scoring play was a wrap around or 5 hole.[/quote]
Need plenty of tape on that stick.
you can’t make this shit up, can you roberto
/the man spins a yarn unlike any others
[quote comment=”373194″][quote comment=”373190″][quote comment=”373152″][quote comment=”373144″]I really want to know what sort of award that awkward mom-in-hockey-pants photo supposedly won, as described in its caption.[/quote]
“The Biscuit in the Basket”[/quote]
my mind was going there too but I wonder if the scoring play was a wrap around or 5 hole.[/quote]
Need plenty of tape on that stick.[/quote]
Somebody got nine months for a poke check.
[quote comment=”373195″]you can’t make this shit up, can you roberto
/the man spins a yarn unlike any others[/quote]
succinctly stated.
[quote comment=”373193″][quote comment=”373174″]Former USC quarterback Rudy Bukich, according to some, may have been possessor of the strongest arm in NFL history. It has been reported he had, more than once in practice, thrown a football 100 yards in the air.
Didn’t Harold Carmichael throw one a hundred yards as well?[/quote]
Ah, that’s why they gave him #17.
He was the emergency and/or Hail Mary QB.
Damn tough to throw the alley oop to himself, though.
NOBODY’s that fast.
[quote comment=”373196″][quote comment=”373194″][quote comment=”373190″][quote comment=”373152″][quote comment=”373144″]I really want to know what sort of award that awkward mom-in-hockey-pants photo supposedly won, as described in its caption.[/quote]
“The Biscuit in the Basket”[/quote]
my mind was going there too but I wonder if the scoring play was a wrap around or 5 hole.[/quote]
Need plenty of tape on that stick.[/quote]
Somebody got nine months for a poke check.[/quote]
The contract signed by the rookie will last much, much longer.
I’m thinking they may need expand their front office by hiring a team therapist. LOL
rpm said…
“crazed looking man in a motorized wheel chair was riding down the street with an unattached prosthetic leg on the foot~stand, yet the driver had two legs with feet.”
Placekicker late for practice?
Spare has square toe?
[quote comment=”373186″]More Concannon, in what HAS to be among the easiest DIY NFL jerseys imaginable. I mean…seriously.
If it weren’t for the sleeve stripes and the Halas monogram…okay, and the NFL logo…this would be even simpler:
[quote comment=”373195″]you can’t make this shit up, can you roberto
/the man spins a yarn unlike any others[/quote]
granted i am exhausted, but i swear it’s all true. who would even think of measuring a baby in a post office for shipping? it is unpossible that it would occurred to me. you could think of a three legged lunatic riding a motorized wheelchair down the centre of the street, but never a toddlerivery.
[quote comment=”373200″]rpm said…
“crazed looking man in a motorized wheel chair was riding down the street with an unattached prosthetic leg on the foot~stand, yet the driver had two legs with feet.”
Placekicker late for practice?
Spare has square toe?
I’m thinking the future RPM with an art project. He’s on his way to his studio 40 years from now, and he didn’t recognize his younger self staring at him from across the street. LOL
[quote comment=”373201″][quote comment=”373186″]More Concannon, in what HAS to be among the easiest DIY NFL jerseys imaginable. I mean…seriously.
If it weren’t for the sleeve stripes and the Halas monogram…okay, and the NFL logo…this would be even simpler:
Well, there’s at least ONE team with an I in it, now, isn’t there?
[quote comment=”373180″]Here’s a pic of an odd-looking practice jersey for the Cowboys, probably late 90s, or at least prior to 2002, when Nike supplied their unis. Looks like a vertical stripe on the shoulder and sleeve.
looks more like t-shirt being worn in OTA’s than a practice uni.
[quote comment=”373202″][quote comment=”373195″]you can’t make this shit up, can you roberto
/the man spins a yarn unlike any others[/quote]
granted i am exhausted, but i swear it’s all true. who would even think of measuring a baby in a post office for shipping? it is unpossible that it would occurred to me. you could think of a three legged lunatic riding a motorized wheelchair down the centre of the street, but never a toddlerivery.[/quote]
Is it possible they were measuring the pumpkin seat the baby was in, as opposed to the baby itself?
Then again, the place may be Bloomington, but it sure aint Normal!
When I lived in Bloomington Normal I bought a Guindon shirt that said:
ISU, Corn and a few weirdos
That about sums it up.
[quote comment=”373200″]rpm said…
“crazed looking man in a motorized wheel chair was riding down the street with an unattached prosthetic leg on the foot~stand, yet the driver had two legs with feet.”
Placekicker late for practice?
Spare has square toe?
Nah, man, it was OJ:
[quote comment=”373175″]For the sake of clarification, I was not calling attention to the writer stating that the Bears had a white C back in 1963 (or actually, 1962, as that column was written before the 1963 season started). I was pointing out that he misidentified the color of the helmet as black.[/quote]
To be fair, their navy was so dark as to be easily confused for black, considering the televisions of the time and the fact that the Bears probably didn’t make it to Lawrence, Kansas much. I have several books from back in the day with color shots of the Bears and you could be forgiven for mistaking the helmets for “black.” Doesn’t explain why you’d mistake Pat Patriot for a freedom torch, however.
In any case, the orange C with white trim was around at least as far back as 1974 because of the famous WFL New York/Charlotte Stars story.
Bears’ regular QBs (most passing attempts) from 1960-1971:
1960 – Zeke Bratkowski
1961 – Billy Wade
1962 – Billy Wade
1963 – Billy Wade
1964 – Billy Wade
1965 – Rudy Bukich
1966 – Rudy Bukich
1967 – Jack Concannon
1968 – Jack Concannon
1969 – Jack Concannon
1970 – Jack Concannon
1971 – Bobby Douglass
And Harold Carmichael was supposedly able to throw a football from end zone to end zone as well. Or so the legend went.
[quote comment=”373201″][quote comment=”373186″]More Concannon, in what HAS to be among the easiest DIY NFL jerseys imaginable. I mean…seriously.
If it weren’t for the sleeve stripes and the Halas monogram…okay, and the NFL logo…this would be even simpler:
Had thought of that, yes. But no one in the Bears’ sans stripe era wore #1 so, well, y’know, if someone one were psycho-manic about DIY authenticity they’d have to opt for Concannon’s look, and remain rigidly double-digit.
“To be fair, their navy was so dark as to be easily confused for black, considering the televisions of the time.”
Also because most televisions, and game telecasts, in 1962 also were black and white.
[quote comment=”373209″][quote comment=”373175″]For the sake of clarification, I was not calling attention to the writer stating that the Bears had a white C back in 1963 (or actually, 1962, as that column was written before the 1963 season started). I was pointing out that he misidentified the color of the helmet as black.[/quote]
To be fair, their navy was so dark as to be easily confused for black, considering the televisions of the time and the fact that the Bears probably didn’t make it to Lawrence, Kansas much. I have several books from back in the day with color shots of the Bears and you could be forgiven for mistaking the helmets for “black.” Doesn’t explain why you’d mistake Pat Patriot for a freedom torch, however.
In any case, the orange C with white trim was around at least as far back as 1974 because of the famous WFL New York/Charlotte Stars story.
Bears’ regular QBs (most passing attempts) from 1960-1971:
1960 – Zeke Bratkowski
1961 – Billy Wade
1962 – Billy Wade
1963 – Billy Wade
1964 – Billy Wade
1965 – Rudy Bukich
1966 – Rudy Bukich
1967 – Jack Concannon
1968 – Jack Concannon
1969 – Jack Concannon
1970 – Jack Concannon
1971 – Bobby Douglass
And Harold Carmichael was supposedly able to throw a football from end zone to end zone as well. Or so the legend went.[/quote]
Nice to know my memory’s still pretty good.
Once in a while, anyway.
[quote comment=”373186″]More Concannon, in what HAS to be among the easiest DIY NFL jerseys imaginable. I mean…seriously.
Sock-ré bleu! I did not know that the stripe-free jerseys were paired with similarly unstripèd socks.
[quote comment=”373211″]”To be fair, their navy was so dark as to be easily confused for black, considering the televisions of the time.”
Also because most televisions, and game telecasts, in 1962 also were black and white.
To be fair? I said I was giving him a pass for the color confusion.
[quote comment=”373189″][quote comment=”373182″][quote comment=”373171″]It’s my understanding is that the visiting team has to approve the change if the home team wants to switch from the declared home jersey.[/quote]
I don’t think that’s true at all. If it were, why would Dallas ever have to wear the blue?[/quote]
The rule is, I believe, that they have to declare for each game, as in game 1 white, game 2 white, game 3 blue, rather than this season we will wear white at home.
That has always been my understanding, that there is no Season color, but that each team is required to plan out each individual game prior to the season.
With regards to the quoted rule, NFL or not, I read that as declare per game, not per season.
(I’m not a lawyer but my job is interpreting insurance code, which is similarly convoluted.)[/quote]
Yeah in the NFL its done by game not season. The home team gets the choice of dark or white. In College Football, the visiting team has to approve a change deviating from the “home jersey”. Which is why LSU has had to wear their purple jerseys at home a few times in their history. What I am NOT sure about is whether or not the NCAA REQUIRES dark jerseys at home, unless the visiting team approves it.
[quote comment=”373214″][quote comment=”373211″]”To be fair, their navy was so dark as to be easily confused for black, considering the televisions of the time.”
Also because most televisions, and game telecasts, in 1962 also were black and white.
To be fair? I said I was giving him a pass for the color confusion.[/quote]
Sorry. Just meant technology back then led to a lot of uni misidentification.
“Looks black, must BE black.”
[quote comment=”373188″][quote comment=”373153″]Paul Lukas said:
“As I suggested yesterday, the Cardinals’ logo does look pretty good outlined in white on a black helmet.”
It looks good on a silver helmet, too.
That’s Mentor High School, east of Cleveland.[/quote]
The decals on those two aren’t applied at the same angle are they? Or is it just me?[/quote]
No, it’s not just you. The kid in front has the logo way down by his helmet warning sticker.
[quote comment=”373216″][quote comment=”373214″][quote comment=”373211″]”To be fair, their navy was so dark as to be easily confused for black, considering the televisions of the time.”
Also because most televisions, and game telecasts, in 1962 also were black and white.
To be fair? I said I was giving him a pass for the color confusion.[/quote]
Sorry. Just meant technology back then led to a lot of uni misidentification.
“Looks black, must BE black.”[/quote]
Like brown ponies that some think are blue?
Actually, my comment was more a response to KT than to you.
[quote comment=”373216″]technology back then led to a lot of uni misidentification.
“Looks blue, must BE brown.”[/quote]
[quote comment=”373213″][quote comment=”373186″]More Concannon, in what HAS to be among the easiest DIY NFL jerseys imaginable. I mean…seriously.
Sock-ré bleu! I did not know that the stripe-free jerseys were paired with similarly unstripèd socks.[/quote]
Style for a lot a players back then was to keep stirrups low enough, and crews high enough, to cover the stripes. If more Bears were shown in that photo, we’d probably see the familiar striped socks on many of them.
Bears never, to my knowledge anyway, issued solid socks during that era.
I mean, maybe the equipment guys kept a few around for players who liked that look, but never was the official uni.
[quote comment=”373220″][quote comment=”373213″][quote comment=”373186″]More Concannon, in what HAS to be among the easiest DIY NFL jerseys imaginable. I mean…seriously.
Sock-ré bleu! I did not know that the stripe-free jerseys were paired with similarly unstripèd socks.[/quote]
Style for a lot a players back then was to keep stirrups low enough, and crews high enough, to cover the stripes. If more Bears were shown in that photo, we’d probably see the familiar striped socks on many of them.
Bears never, to my knowledge anyway, issued solid socks during that era.
I mean, maybe the equipment guys kept a few around for players who liked that look, but never was the official uni.
Yeah, after I posted that, I took another look at the pic and it looks like there are stripes showing through under the crew sock.
They only wore those plain-sleeve jerseys for a handful of early-season games over the course of two or three seasons, right?
sorry, didn’t mean for this to interrupt this much, but…
teebowski~it seriously did make me think about a few things, and future me. but with the thick fog that gripped central illinois, and a gentle snow falling, it was all the more chilling. don’t know if i can really do it justice.
squidde~ the guy was rolling down main just south of washington. and yes, i think you nailed b~n.
jimwa~pumpkin seat? what the hell is that? and is it completely customizable to the exact size of your baby? and if you were going to ship a pumkin seat, would you not have it with you? obviously there is no way that someone would ship a baby, so you might be onto something here. then again i nary heard of a pumpkin seat, so just because i hadn’t heard of toddlerivery doesn’t necessarily mean you people are not shipping babies everyday.
[quote comment=”373218″][quote comment=”373216″][quote comment=”373214″][quote comment=”373211″]”To be fair, their navy was so dark as to be easily confused for black, considering the televisions of the time.”
Also because most televisions, and game telecasts, in 1962 also were black and white.
To be fair? I said I was giving him a pass for the color confusion.[/quote]
Sorry. Just meant technology back then led to a lot of uni misidentification.
“Looks black, must BE black.”[/quote]
Like brown ponies that some think are blue?
Actually, my comment was more a response to KT than to you.[/quote]
Instead of something someone surmised/assumed in 1998 or whenever, 35 or 40 years after the fact, show me any kind of news report from 1962 that mentions the Broncos using a brown horse instead of blue on their new orange helmets, after making a huge promotional deal about changing their colors to orange and blue.
We’re supposed to believe that happened and no one noticed?
No one used it to help show what a bunch of screwups the AFL was?
If you were alive and paying attention at the time, you know sportswriters wouldn’t have let that one get away.
[quote comment=”373219″][quote comment=”373216″]technology back then led to a lot of uni misidentification.
as luck may have it, we might be playing a “jelly bean” guessing game on friday for a 1/1 print featuring, in part,this image on friday. that is if i get it done. thought of it on the ride back from b~n today, glad this subject came up.
Ricko said…
“For the record, 1973 was the exact year for the change from a white C to the orange C (with white outline).”
I was scrolling the list of comments waiting for someone to list the exact year or I would have myself. I was a young Dolphin fan and uniform nut in the summer of ’73, and went to pre-season games against the Bears and Rams in the Orange Bowl. I always remembered the “Pro!” program listing the uniform changes for the ’73 season including the Bears orange C and the Rams adding gold to blue and white, and seeing them both in person. The Dolphins wore aqua in both night games, and seeing the Rams in white jerseys with the gold pants for the first time (in one of the first games wearing the new colors) was a big uniform moment at the time.
[quote comment=”373215″]
Yeah in the NFL its done by game not season. The home team gets the choice of dark or white. In College Football, the visiting team has to approve a change deviating from the “home jersey”. Which is why LSU has had to wear their purple jerseys at home a few times in their history. What I am NOT sure about is whether or not the NCAA REQUIRES dark jerseys at home, unless the visiting team approves it.[/quote]
The NCAA rule just implies that the home team shall wear a “dark” jersey. The exact NCAA wording:
The visiting team shall wear white jerseys; however, the home team may wear white jerseys if the teams have agreed in writing before the season.
[quote comment=”373211″]”To be fair, their navy was so dark as to be easily confused for black, considering the televisions of the time.”
Also because most televisions, and game telecasts, in 1962 also were black and white.
Did you not think that’s what I meant?
[quote comment=”373218″]Actually, my comment was more a response to KT than to you.[/quote]
Forgive-moi. I should have said “As you so aptly pointed out, given your status as a gentleman and a scholar, not to mention a handsome and powerful man, to be fair, their navy was so dark as to be easily confused for black, considering the televisions of the time.”
[quote comment=”373222″]obviously there is no way that someone would ship a baby…people are not shipping babies everyday.[/quote]
oh no?
[quote comment=”373229″][quote comment=”373222″]obviously there is no way that someone would ship a baby…people are not shipping babies everyday.[/quote]
oh no?[/quote]
actually i was saying he had a viable explanation because it does not make sense to me that you could mail such a thing. but why were they measuring the baby that daddy was holding in his arm? maybe people do ship baby? i mean i didn’t know babies need pumpkins to sit on, so maybe parents measure their babies and ship them usps, and i just never knew. see, this site is really informative.
[quote comment=”373227″][quote comment=”373211″]”To be fair, their navy was so dark as to be easily confused for black, considering the televisions of the time.”
Also because most televisions, and game telecasts, in 1962 also were black and white.
Did you not think that’s what I meant?[/quote]
Duh. Read that 100 mph at work. Sorry.
In Regard to the Philadelphia Independence. They included a the opening phrase of the U.S. Constitution “We the people”. They didn’t name the team the “Federals” or the “Constitutionals” they named it Independence. The country had been independent, won a war, signed a treaty, and went through one government after Independence had been declared, and before the words “We the People” were placed in the Constitution.
I wonder if anyone caught this in design and discussed it? Or maybe decided “We the people” looks better than “When in the course of Human events….” The opening line of the Declaration of Independence. I know, I’m probably nitpicking, but the details are what we are all about here, right?
So, the news is that Tiger Woods reportedly is at a sex rehab clinic in Mississippi.
Sex rehab? Mississippi?
“First, do no one closer than your cousin.”
[quote comment=”373233″]So, the news is that Tiger Woods reportedly is at a sex rehab clinic in Mississippi.
Sex rehab? Mississippi?
“First, do no one closer than your cousin.”
isn’t your qb from mississippi?
That Atlanta Beat logo link
looks suspiciously familiar. Hmmm… link
I really miss the preview feature here!
Could have been worse…
At least he gave his kid a real name instead of calling him “Jets.” Still…
I just wanted to point out the the Dick Butkus photo discussed earlier today also features a navy jersey with no orange and white sleeve striping. I believe it was the 71 season, which also featured this link
Notice the block numbers? Off the top of my head, I believe it had something to do with giving new mesh jerseys a tryout. They may not have worn them the whole season, either.
[quote comment=”373234″][quote comment=”373233″]So, the news is that Tiger Woods reportedly is at a sex rehab clinic in Mississippi.
Sex rehab? Mississippi?
“First, do no one closer than your cousin.”
isn’t your qb from mississippi?[/quote]
I don’t have a quarterback.
I’ll look around my apartment to double check.
Nope, no quarterback.
[quote comment=”373237″]Could have been worse…
At least he gave his kid a real name instead of calling him “Jets.” Still…[/quote]
If there is a God, the kid’ll grow up to be an All-America guard and get drafted by the Patriots.
Beautiful color on color with Illinois vs. Purdue
[quote comment=”373228″][quote comment=”373218″]I should have said “… given your status as a gentleman and a scholar, not to mention a handsome and powerful man…”[/quote]
Crap. Fucked that up.
[quote comment=”373228″]I should have said “… given your status as a gentleman and a scholar, not to mention a handsome and powerful man…”[/quote]
[quote comment=”373241″]
Beautifulcolor on color with Illinois vs. Purdue[/quote]Yep.
[quote comment=”373193″][quote comment=”373174″]Former USC quarterback Rudy Bukich, according to some, may have been possessor of the strongest arm in NFL history. It has been reported he had, more than once in practice, thrown a football 100 yards in the air.
Didn’t Harold Carmichael throw one a hundred yards as well?[/quote]
no no no no……. you’ve got that confused with RAndall Cunningham PUNTING one 100 yards. :)
I know… cunningham, carmichael… same difference, right?
[quote comment=”373201″][quote comment=”373186″]More Concannon, in what HAS to be among the easiest DIY NFL jerseys imaginable. I mean…seriously.
If it weren’t for the sleeve stripes and the Halas monogram…okay, and the NFL logo…this would be even simpler:
Easier than this one????
[quote comment=”373246″][quote comment=”373201″][quote comment=”373186″]More Concannon, in what HAS to be among the easiest DIY NFL jerseys imaginable. I mean…seriously.
If it weren’t for the sleeve stripes and the Halas monogram…okay, and the NFL logo…this would be even simpler:
Easier than this one????
If you’re cutting the numbers by hand, the Bears one is still easier. Nothing but straight lines there.
[quote comment=”373247″][quote comment=”373246″][quote comment=”373201″][quote comment=”373186″]More Concannon, in what HAS to be among the easiest DIY NFL jerseys imaginable. I mean…seriously.
If it weren’t for the sleeve stripes and the Halas monogram…okay, and the NFL logo…this would be even simpler:
Easier than this one????
If you’re cutting the numbers by hand, the Bears one is still easier. Nothing but straight lines there.[/quote]
what’s a couple of squiggly numbers if you can avoid cutting and attaching stripes??
[quote comment=”373245″][quote comment=”373193″][quote comment=”373174″]Former USC quarterback Rudy Bukich, according to some, may have been possessor of the strongest arm in NFL history. It has been reported he had, more than once in practice, thrown a football 100 yards in the air.
Didn’t Harold Carmichael throw one a hundred yards as well?[/quote]
no no no no……. you’ve got that confused with RAndall Cunningham PUNTING one 100 yards. :)
I know… cunningham, carmichael… same difference, right?[/quote]
The difference was in the short game. I believe I read somewhere that Carmichael could chuck it in practices, but when he tried to throw short he couldn’t hit anyone from 5-10 yards.
Just think if they played at the same time. What a combo.
[quote comment=”373248″][quote comment=”373247″][quote comment=”373246″][quote comment=”373201″][quote comment=”373186″]More Concannon, in what HAS to be among the easiest DIY NFL jerseys imaginable. I mean…seriously.
If it weren’t for the sleeve stripes and the Halas monogram…okay, and the NFL logo…this would be even simpler:
Easier than this one????
If you’re cutting the numbers by hand, the Bears one is still easier. Nothing but straight lines there.[/quote]
what’s a couple of squiggly numbers if you can avoid cutting and attaching stripes??[/quote]
No stripes on Concannon’s jersey, though. If I did Jaeger’s jersey and you did Baugh’s, we might finish in a tie, but Ricko would be waiting for us wearing his Concannon jersey.
[quote comment=”373249″][quote comment=”373245″][quote comment=”373193″][quote comment=”373174″]Former USC quarterback Rudy Bukich, according to some, may have been possessor of the strongest arm in NFL history. It has been reported he had, more than once in practice, thrown a football 100 yards in the air.
Didn’t Harold Carmichael throw one a hundred yards as well?[/quote]
no no no no……. you’ve got that confused with RAndall Cunningham PUNTING one 100 yards. :)
I know… cunningham, carmichael… same difference, right?[/quote]
The difference was in the short game. I believe I read somewhere that Carmichael could chuck it in practices, but when he tried to throw short he couldn’t hit anyone from 5-10 yards.
Just think if they played at the same time. What a combo.[/quote]
I agree… also think how good the Eagle’s charity basketball team would have been!
Isn’t Lincoln’s birthday next month?
I know, I read the caption…
[quote comment=”373252″]Isn’t Lincoln’s birthday next month?
I know, I read the caption…[/quote]
The beards were given to the first 1,000 fans at the game to support Kansas State guard Jacob Pullen’s beard.
What happened to his beard? Was it afflicted with a terrible disease? A career- and/or life-threatening injury? Is the beard a recovering alcoholic? Is it in that sex rehab clinic with Tiger? Should the beard be in my prayers tonight?
[quote comment=”373250″][quote comment=”373248″][quote comment=”373247″][quote comment=”373246″][quote comment=”373201″][quote comment=”373186″]More Concannon, in what HAS to be among the easiest DIY NFL jerseys imaginable. I mean…seriously.
If it weren’t for the sleeve stripes and the Halas monogram…okay, and the NFL logo…this would be even simpler:
Easier than this one????
If you’re cutting the numbers by hand, the Bears one is still easier. Nothing but straight lines there.[/quote]
what’s a couple of squiggly numbers if you can avoid cutting and attaching stripes??[/quote]
No stripes on Concannon’s jersey, though. If I did Jaeger’s jersey and you did Baugh’s, we might finish in a tie, but Ricko would be waiting for us wearing his Concannon jersey.[/quote]
You’re right about that…. i’m so inept w/ that type of stuff that any attempt at a Sammy jersey might resemble a tie.
Sorry, couldn’t resist that one.
[quote comment=”373253″][quote comment=”373252″]Isn’t Lincoln’s birthday next month?
I know, I read the caption…[/quote]
The beards were given to the first 1,000 fans at the game to support Kansas State guard Jacob Pullen’s beard.
What happened to his beard? Was it afflicted with a terrible disease? A career- and/or life-threatening injury? Is the beard a recovering alcoholic? Is it in that sex rehab clinic with Tiger? Should the beard be in my prayers tonight?[/quote]
Maybe it was starting to go gray. You know what happens to athletes with gray beards…
[quote comment=”373255″][quote comment=”373253″][quote comment=”373252″]Isn’t Lincoln’s birthday next month?
I know, I read the caption…[/quote]
The beards were given to the first 1,000 fans at the game to support Kansas State guard Jacob Pullen’s beard.
What happened to his beard? Was it afflicted with a terrible disease? A career- and/or life-threatening injury? Is the beard a recovering alcoholic? Is it in that sex rehab clinic with Tiger? Should the beard be in my prayers tonight?[/quote]
Maybe it was starting to go gray. You know what happens to athletes with gray beards…
A lot to be proud of in that commercial, NY sports fans…
[quote comment=”373253″][quote comment=”373252″]Isn’t Lincoln’s birthday next month?
I know, I read the caption…[/quote]
The beards were given to the first 1,000 fans at the game to support Kansas State guard Jacob Pullen’s beard.
What happened to his beard? Was it afflicted with a terrible disease? A career- and/or life-threatening injury? Is the beard a recovering alcoholic? Is it in that sex rehab clinic with Tiger? Should the beard be in my prayers tonight?[/quote]
Are we absolutely certain he isn’t auditioning for a Geico commercial?
[quote comment=”373256″]
A lot to be proud of in that commercial, NY sports fans…[/quote]
i was never an emmitt smith fan
I’m surprised the punter’s allowed to wear his socks that way. Doesn’t the NFL regulate everything else regarding uniforms?
I was thinking it was a carryover from soccer. Soccer guys aren’t afraid to yank their socks up high like that on a cold day.
[quote comment=”373258″][quote comment=”373256″]
A lot to be proud of in that commercial, NY sports fans…[/quote]
i was never an emmitt smith fan[/quote]
I meant Keith and Clyde. My brother and I grew up thinking Frazier was the epitome of cool. Now I just wince at his commercials.
[quote comment=”373123″][quote comment=”373117″][quote comment=”373081″]Refering to the meat ad, is “oftener” a word?[/quote]
Irregardless of that, Sarran. it’s still a most delectable ad. ;)[/quote]
Supposably, the use of irregardless is considered laxadaisacal.[/quote]
Are you becoming contemplacent, Leon?
[quote comment=”373241″]Beautiful color on color with Illinois vs. Purdue[/quote]
Very bad color on color, especially Purdue’s stealth numbers: link
A better color on color, Norhtern Iowa vs. Wichita State: link
Same sport, different subject – if this is an SoD uni it’s my favorite one so far: link I’d sooner wear that than any of the others…
[quote comment=”373130″][quote comment=”373127″][quote comment=”373095″]The Philadelphia Independence logo, with its pointed rather than flat bottom, reminds me of the linklink Call me jaded but I’m tired of Pennsylvania sports teams – or Pennsylvania anything – working the keystone into their logos. I suppose it’s an instant identifier of location, though, like New Mexico’s Zia and South Carolina’s palmetto and crescent.[/quote]
And here I was going to say I love the keystone, and wish more PA teams would use it. I always liked it on the road signs: link
Ah well, to each his own…[/quote]
Let me try another one: link
And I can’t think of a professional team that’s used the keystone. Maybe the Pottsville Maroons?[/quote]
My apologies to the board. Maybe there aren’t as many keystones used as sports logos as I thought. I guess I just find its use so ubiquitous elsewhere that seeing it somewhere else just piles on in my imagination. Maybe I should be driving less and taking public transportation more?
[quote comment=”373081″]Refering to the meat ad, is “oftener” a word?[/quote]
…it is when consuming meat in those quantities. Talk about the all-time worst link.
Jets – Colts will be one of the best games Uni wise. Both team’s uniforms are almost identical to what they were in Super Bowl III.
re: Gordon KC Royals uni changes- The team has never worn powder blue hats. They’d be new for 2010.