Meet Tom. Unlike all those people who call their Thanksgiving turkeys Tom without actually knowing its gender, we know for a fact that our Tom was a male, because he was a capon, which means he was male by definition. And he was every bit as delicious as he looks here.
Tom was the star attraction in a spread that also featured apple/cherry/walnut stuffing, port-braised onions (Kirsten’s idea — unbelievably good), cranberry relish, roasted root vegetables, and gravy. Plus Kirsten whipped some cream into a stick of butter and used the resulting buttermilk to make a swell batch of biscuits. For dessert we had an apple-cherry pie (better-looking than that photo indicates), plus I sliced some more apples, tossed them in some rendered capon fat, sugar, cinnamon, and Calvados, and baked them. Came out great, but we were too stuffed to do more than nibble at it.
And as a modest centerpiece, we had a sprig of parsley from Kirsten’s garden and a sprig of rosemary from mine. Isn’t that nice? Hope your day was just as fine as ours.
As for today: I’m not quite on board with the entire Buy Nothing Day agenda (how am I supposed to read all 37 of Ricko’s comments if I don’t turn on my computer?), but I agree with its general line of thought. Or to put it another way: Wouldn’t it be nice if you spent the day someplace other than the mall? Let some other clowns get trampled to death — it’s just natural selection, after all.
Uni Watch News Ticker: Here are the dates (and a good photo) for the Warriors’ throwbacks. ”¦ Two new killer tees from No Mas: 1970s Sport magazine and Wiffle Ball. ”¦ Reprinted from Wednesday’s comments: Check out Emporia State’s striped helmets from the 1990s. Never seen that type of pattern on a helmet before. ”¦ Throwbacks on tap for Dayton hoops (with thanks to Tom Hirt). ”¦ How is it possible that the Panthers’ team store in their own stadium has the wrong NFL logo? (As spotted by Frank Mercogliano.) ”¦ Very beautiful collection of typewriter ribbon tins here (thanks, Kirsten). ”¦ European hockey? Nope — it’s the Kalamazoo Wings of the ECHL (with thanks to Adam Walter). ”¦ This was supposedly Missouri’s first football squad. One of the uniforms survives to this day (with thanks to Kate Sutter). ”¦ The Harvard football stadium has a cool dedication (with thanks to Tris Wykes). … The Hawks debuted out their “ATL” alts last night.
Is that a Sam Smith’s Oatmeal Stout on your table? If it is, good taste…I finally agree with you on something.
[quote comment=”363516″]Is that a Sam Smith’s Oatmeal Stout on your table? If it is, good taste…I finally agree with you on something.[/quote]
Yes — my favorite beer.
How come the ones who say they don’t agree with me on anything are always the ones making the first comments of the day?
Oddly, as I key this—I have a Yankee capon. To add to the sad punnage—it is fittingly(!), the VA Tech Hokies/NYY cap.
They have bicycle cops at the mall today. What a country…
[quote comment=”363517″]how am I supposed to read all 37 of Ricko’s comments if I don’t turn on my computer?[/quote]
i’m gonna dig myself a hole…gonna lay down in it til i satisfy my soul
[quote comment=”363517″][quote comment=”363516″]Is that a Sam Smith’s Oatmeal Stout on your table? If it is, good taste…I finally agree with you on something.[/quote]
Yes — my favorite beer.
How come the ones who say they don’t agree with me on anything are always the ones making the first comments of the day?[/quote]
I’m a daily reader, not a frequent commenter. I’m your average light beer swilling, nike wearing fratboy type…but I love the site for the info on new stuff and really love Sam Smith’s. Don’t always agree with everyone I like.
Paul – Your meals always look so wonderful! I expect they taste wonderful too. Any thoughts of a Uni Watch cookbook in the future?
While the suckers shop I am going to the NY Historical Society today support the arts then I am eating leftovers.
Not to get into a huge rant but Christmas is insane do you really need all that shit they’re selling does your kid really need that tickle me Elmo or whatever the hot new toy is and do you realllly need a 70 inch Sony plasma death ray TV?! This is why Thanksgiving is such a awesome holiday: No gifts, no cards, you eat and spend time with family and there’s always football lately it’s been shitty football but whatever.
Wow…I didn’t know the NFL had altered their logo. But as i look at the new and old side-by-side…I like the old one.
[quote comment=”363517″][quote comment=”363516″]Is that a Sam Smith’s Oatmeal Stout on your table? If it is, good taste…I finally agree with you on something.[/quote]
Yes — my favorite beer.
How come the ones who say they don’t agree with me on anything are always the ones making the first comments of the day?[/quote]
Not belittling the Samuel Smith’s, but Kirsten’s Newcastle Brown Ale is MY FAVORITE!
So much so, that I seriosuly considered purchasing these:
Was watching on the MLB Network some of the All Star Games, and noticed at the awesome 71 game in Detroit (20 future HOF’ers…Reggie’s MONSTER shot that almost blacked out the ballpark when it hit a transformer), that the batboys were wearing ‘American’ and ‘National’ unis…no screen shots, but I do have it on my HDD recorder – can ANYbody tell me how to get shots off this?
Also, I used to work retail back in the 80’s and we were calling today Black Friday LONG before the media caught on….
[quote comment=”363519″][quote comment=”363517″]how am I supposed to read all 37 of Ricko’s comments if I don’t turn on my computer?[/quote]
i’m gonna dig myself a hole…gonna lay down in it til i satisfy my soul[/quote]
[quote comment=”363519″][quote comment=”363517″]how am I supposed to read all 37 of Ricko’s comments if I don’t turn on my computer?[/quote]
i’m gonna dig myself a hole…gonna lay down in it til i satisfy my soul[/quote]
There are many ways to define and classify people:
1. Which of the 4 Beatles do you most identify with.
2. Love or Hate “The Catcher in the Rye”
3. Love or Hate Dylan
4. Love or Hate Steely Dan.
1. George
2. Thumbs down on Salinger cuz I can’t stand Holden Caufield.
3. I just don’t “Get Him”
4. You can keep Rockabilly ar Fusion, whatever it is
[quote comment=”363518″]Oddly, as I key this—I have a Yankee capon. To add to the sad punnage—it is fittingly(!), the VA Tech Hokies/NYY cap.
They have bicycle cops at the mall today. What a country…[/quote]
Very clever
[quote comment=”363525″]Was watching on the MLB Network some of the All Star Games, and noticed at the awesome 71 game in Detroit (20 future HOF’ers…Reggie’s MONSTER shot that almost blacked out the ballpark when it hit a transformer), that the batboys were wearing ‘American’ and ‘National’ unis…no screen shots, but I do have it on my HDD recorder – can ANYbody tell me how to get shots off this?
Also, I used to work retail back in the 80’s and we were calling today Black Friday LONG before the media caught on….[/quote]
Just take a pic of it with your cellphone = screenshot.
Hey Paul, where is your cat? My cat was on full alert during the turkey prep and beyond!
“I just saw Super Chicken! I just saw Super Chicken!”
“You just saw SuperChicken?”
“Yes, I just saw SuperChicken!!!”
“How do you know it was SuperChicken?”
“He had a capon.”
“THIRTY-SEVEN! Ricko posted 37 comments!”
“In a row?”
I tried the maple syrup/bourbon combo on my pancakes this morning. Yowza, that was delicious.
The kids couldn’t get enough of it, either.
Nah, just kidding. Those philistines put Cool Whip on theirs.
[quote comment=”363526″][quote comment=”363519″][quote comment=”363517″]how am I supposed to read all 37 of Ricko’s comments if I don’t turn on my computer?[/quote]
i’m gonna dig myself a hole…gonna lay down in it til i satisfy my soul[/quote]
[quote comment=”363519″][quote comment=”363517″]how am I supposed to read all 37 of Ricko’s comments if I don’t turn on my computer?[/quote]
i’m gonna dig myself a hole…gonna lay down in it til i satisfy my soul[/quote]
There are many ways to define and classify people:
1. Which of the 4 Beatles do you most identify with.
2. Love or Hate “The Catcher in the Rye”
3. Love or Hate Dylan
4. Love or Hate Steely Dan.
1. George
2. Thumbs down on Salinger cuz I can’t stand Holden Caufield.
3. I just don’t “Get Him”
4. You can keep Rockabilly ar Fusion, whatever it is[/quote]
Ginger or Mary Ann?
Dogs or cats?
Money or people?
Mets black or Mets no black?
O’Reilly or Olberman?
Coffee or tea?
Wine or beer?
Sarah Palin because she’s right or because she’s kinda hot?
(oh, lord, this is gonna on all day, isn’t it)
Stan’s right on this – Thanksgiving is an awesome holiday…probably tied with Christmas for my favorite. Just wish yesterday wasn’t swallowed up by the way-too-early Christmas stuff…
I’m not shopping today, but that’s just because I don’t like crowds and traffic. As Paul said, let others get trampled. Besides, I’ve already exercised my capitalist muscles and I only have one gift left to buy. Not turning off my computer, either.
Paul, normally your pictures make me hungry, but I’m still a little full. Nice shots, though.
Okay, uni stuff: Last night someone commented on a Thanksgiving HS football game between Phillipsburg (NJ) and Easton (PA). Easton’s pants are white on front, black in the back. This page contains a photo gallery: link
I miss Thanksgiving HS football in Akron…
[quote comment=”363532″][quote comment=”363526″][quote comment=”363519″][quote comment=”363517″]how am I supposed to read all 37 of Ricko’s comments if I don’t turn on my computer?[/quote]
i’m gonna dig myself a hole…gonna lay down in it til i satisfy my soul[/quote]
[quote comment=”363519″][quote comment=”363517″]how am I supposed to read all 37 of Ricko’s comments if I don’t turn on my computer?[/quote]
i’m gonna dig myself a hole…gonna lay down in it til i satisfy my soul[/quote]
There are many ways to define and classify people:
1. Which of the 4 Beatles do you most identify with.
2. Love or Hate “The Catcher in the Rye”
3. Love or Hate Dylan
4. Love or Hate Steely Dan.
1. George
2. Thumbs down on Salinger cuz I can’t stand Holden Caufield.
3. I just don’t “Get Him”
4. You can keep Rockabilly ar Fusion, whatever it is[/quote]
Ginger or Mary Ann?
Dogs or cats?
Money or people?
Mets black or Mets no black?
O’Reilly or Olberman?
Coffee or tea?
Wine or beer?
Sarah Palin because she’s right or because she’s kinda hot?
(oh, lord, this is gonna on all day, isn’t it)[/quote]
Uh huh!
BTW, Paul, my daughter was looking at the pics of the spread. She wants to know why there were three seats.
[quote comment=”363533″]Stan’s right on this – Thanksgiving is an awesome holiday…probably tied with Christmas for my favorite. Just wish yesterday wasn’t swallowed up by the way-too-early Christmas stuff…
I’m not shopping today, but that’s just because I don’t like crowds and traffic. As Paul said, let others get trampled. Besides, I’ve already exercised my capitalist muscles and I only have one gift left to buy. Not turning off my computer, either.
Paul, normally your pictures make me hungry, but I’m still a little full. Nice shots, though.
Okay, uni stuff: Last night someone commented on a Thanksgiving HS football game between Phillipsburg (NJ) and Easton (PA). Easton’s pants are white on front, black in the back. This page contains a photo gallery: link
I miss Thanksgiving HS football in Akron…[/quote]
I had teammates in college from both of those high schools.
Mens Health did a great story, last month I believe, on the alumni game played between thos two schools.
IIRC, Peton and Eli Manning coached.
[quote comment=”363534″]BTW, Paul, my daughter was looking at the pics of the spread. She wants to know why there were three seats.[/quote]
Duh. That’s the traditional extra seat for Elijah.
Or maybe it’s for John Madden?
Was Easton/Philipsburg on TV this year? I know it’s been on ESPN in year’s past, but I didn’t turn from the Parade and I watched most of the dog show despite the first game starting.
Seriously, could those three NFL games have been worse yesterday? Best game of the day was Texas/Texas A&M
Samantha or Jeannie?
“Less Filling!” or “Tastes Great!”?
NY-style or Chicago-style? (pizza, that is)
DH or no DH?
Never have been, and never will be a Black Friday Shopper. I just don’t understand the dopes…er shoppers, who stand in line at 2AM to shop at 5AM for an item that a particular store may only have 3 of in stock.
[quote comment=”363537″]Was Easton/Philipsburg on TV this year? I know it’s been on ESPN in year’s past, but I didn’t turn from the Parade and I watched most of the dog show despite the first game starting.
Seriously, could those three NFL games have been worse yesterday? Best game of the day was Texas/Texas A&M[/quote]
I was thinking about all the talk of Detroit having its Thanksgiving game taken away. Why don’t they just move the Lions game to the NFL network until the team improves? That way, Fox and CBS don’t have to worry about showing the damn game.
[quote comment=”363538″]Samantha or Jeannie?
“Less Filling!” or “Tastes Great!”?
NY-style or Chicago-style? (pizza, that is)
DH or no DH?[/quote]
Ahh, the important questions of life…
Tastes great
New York
But one important question was missing
Ginger or Mary Ann
And, of course, the New York baseball debate of almost mythic proprotions…
Mays, Mantle or Snider?
(or the fourth group that maintains DiMaggio was better than any of ’em?)
[quote comment=”363541″][quote comment=”363538″]Samantha or Jeannie?
“Less Filling!” or “Tastes Great!”?
NY-style or Chicago-style? (pizza, that is)
DH or no DH?[/quote]
Ahh, the important questions of life…
Tastes great
New York
But one important question was missing
Ginger or Mary Ann[/quote]
Scroll up, lol.
(Would never forget that one)
Paul, I am an Emporia State graduate, and the helmet design you showed in the Friday post is the helmet design that the team wore my freshman year (1998) it was replaced the next year. It doesn’t come across well in that photo of Brian Shay, but the striped pattern tapers to a point on the back of the helmet, it is supposed to emulate a stinger (Emporia State’s Mascot is the Hornet). At the time I hated the helmet design, but now I feel like at least it is unique, and I have a sentimental love of it.
[quote comment=”363532″][quote comment=”363526″][quote comment=”363519″][quote comment=”363517″]how am I supposed to read all 37 of Ricko’s comments if I don’t turn on my computer?[/quote]
i’m gonna dig myself a hole…gonna lay down in it til i satisfy my soul[/quote]
[quote comment=”363519″][quote comment=”363517″]how am I supposed to read all 37 of Ricko’s comments if I don’t turn on my computer?[/quote]
i’m gonna dig myself a hole…gonna lay down in it til i satisfy my soul[/quote]
There are many ways to define and classify people:
1. Which of the 4 Beatles do you most identify with.
2. Love or Hate “The Catcher in the Rye”
3. Love or Hate Dylan
4. Love or Hate Steely Dan.
1. George
2. Thumbs down on Salinger cuz I can’t stand Holden Caufield.
3. I just don’t “Get Him”
4. You can keep Rockabilly ar Fusion, whatever it is[/quote]
Ginger or Mary Ann?
Dogs or cats?
Money or people?
Mets black or Mets no black?
O’Reilly or Olberman?
Coffee or tea?
Wine or beer?
Sarah Palin because she’s right or because she’s kinda hot?
(oh, lord, this is gonna on all day, isn’t it)[/quote]
Fun exercise, but not everyone falls neatly into two categories. However, I’ll give it a shot:
1. Ginger or Mary Ann — both, and at the same time.
2. Cats or dogs — both if you’re married, cats if you’re single and travel.
3. Money or people — people.
4. No Mets black.
5. Olberman or O’Reilly — neither, unless Bush is in office, in which case Olberman only as a sanity check (term used loosely).
6. Beer, definitely (unless you’re in Little Italy and eating pasta, in which case both).
7. Sarah Palin ONLY because she is hot (and not because her views are disagreeable, which they may or may not be, but only because she doesn’t do her homework, uses the dog-ate-my-homework excuse, and is full of herself).
[quote comment=”363540″][quote comment=”363537″]Was Easton/Philipsburg on TV this year? I know it’s been on ESPN in year’s past, but I didn’t turn from the Parade and I watched most of the dog show despite the first game starting.
Seriously, could those three NFL games have been worse yesterday? Best game of the day was Texas/Texas A&M[/quote]
I was thinking about all the talk of Detroit having its Thanksgiving game taken away. Why don’t they just move the Lions game to the NFL network until the team improves? That way, Fox and CBS don’t have to worry about showing the damn game.[/quote]
I’m not a big Lions fan, but that game is what I look forward to every Thanksgiving. I got over them leaving Tiger Stadium, but if they take away that game I’ll skip watching TV and play the Pack and Lions on electric football instead.
There were years where the Lions had some pretty bad teams, but they still played an entertaining Thanksgiving Day game. A lot of years, that game is the only national exposure the Lions got.
Don’t mess with the game. If the NFL’s that emabarrassed with having the first 0-16 team on TV, then schedule another game at the same time on NFL network – just leave my tradition alone.
By the way, uni-wise the game still looked good. In a way, it was like a throwback game. They just threw back to the era when teams didn’t wear throwbacks…
[quote comment=”363545″][quote comment=”363532″][quote comment=”363526″][quote comment=”363519″][quote comment=”363517″]how am I supposed to read all 37 of Ricko’s comments if I don’t turn on my computer?[/quote]
i’m gonna dig myself a hole…gonna lay down in it til i satisfy my soul[/quote]
[quote comment=”363519″][quote comment=”363517″]how am I supposed to read all 37 of Ricko’s comments if I don’t turn on my computer?[/quote]
i’m gonna dig myself a hole…gonna lay down in it til i satisfy my soul[/quote]
There are many ways to define and classify people:
1. Which of the 4 Beatles do you most identify with.
2. Love or Hate “The Catcher in the Rye”
3. Love or Hate Dylan
4. Love or Hate Steely Dan.
1. George
2. Thumbs down on Salinger cuz I can’t stand Holden Caufield.
3. I just don’t “Get Him”
4. You can keep Rockabilly ar Fusion, whatever it is[/quote]
Ginger or Mary Ann?
Dogs or cats?
Money or people?
Mets black or Mets no black?
O’Reilly or Olberman?
Coffee or tea?
Wine or beer?
Sarah Palin because she’s right or because she’s kinda hot?
(oh, lord, this is gonna on all day, isn’t it)[/quote]
Fun exercise, but not everyone falls neatly into two categories. However, I’ll give it a shot:
1. Ginger or Mary Ann — both, and at the same time.
2. Cats or dogs — both if you’re married, cats if you’re single and travel.
3. Money or people — people.
4. No Mets black.
5. Olberman or O’Reilly — neither, unless Bush is in office, in which case Olberman only as a sanity check (term used loosely).
6. Beer, definitely (unless you’re in Little Italy and eating pasta, in which case both).
7. Sarah Palin ONLY because she is hot (and not because her views are disagreeable, which they may or may not be, but only because she doesn’t do her homework, uses the dog-ate-my-homework excuse, and is full of herself).[/quote]
I forgot one — coffee, unless it’s sweet iced tea and you’re at a barbecue joint in the South.
Lions invented Thanksgiving football.
Would be an absolute disgrace to say, “Oh, sorry, you suck these days, so we’re taking the game away from you.”
(posted this the other day but heard there were issues with the link…so we’lll try this.
[quote comment=”363521″]Paul – Your meals always look so wonderful! I expect they taste wonderful too. Any thoughts of a Uni Watch cookbook in the future?[/quote]
I agree all your dishes look so good. You should cook dinner for me sometime. I would definitely buy a cook book if you put one out.
I have to say i’m in the Vilk/Ricko camp on the Lions. It’s a tradition. So what if the team stinks. And for the record, they have the ship moving in the right direction.
Detroit and Dallas should get the day games and keep the NFL Network game at night and try to do a better job of getting an attractive third game.
Army and Navy don’t cancel the game if one of them is 0-10. I’m tired of people complaining about the Lions on Thanksgiving.
[quote comment=”363519″][quote comment=”363517″]how am I supposed to read all 37 of Ricko’s comments if I don’t turn on my computer?[/quote]
i’m gonna dig myself a hole…gonna lay down in it til i satisfy my soul[/quote]
Bravo. Well played.
And in a perfect touch, my anti-spam word for this post was “dan”.
[quote comment=”363548″]Lions invented Thanksgiving football.
Would be an absolute disgrace to say, “Oh, sorry, you suck these days, so we’re taking the game away from you.”
(posted this the other day but heard there were issues with the link…so we’lll try this.[/quote]
Amen Ricko,
Look I live in the Detroit area and I am not a huge Lions fan (I have serious issues with the Fords running of the team) but it is a tradition in Detroit and taking it away from Detroit, especially with the problems Michigan is having would be tragic to the state. So often these days we get rid of traditon. Whatever happened to the Reds playing the very first game of the baseball season? Next thing you know the Maple Leafs won’t be on Hockey Night in Canada on Saturday night.
[quote comment=”363550″]I have to say i’m in the Vilk/Ricko camp on the Lions. It’s a tradition. So what if the team stinks. And for the record, they have the ship moving in the right direction.
Detroit and Dallas should get the day games and keep the NFL Network game at night and try to do a better job of getting an attractive third game.
Army and Navy don’t cancel the game if one of them is 0-10. I’m tired of people complaining about the Lions on Thanksgiving.[/quote]
I totally agree. I just think that it’s a way for Fox and CBS to have their cake and eat it, too.
[quote comment=”363530″]”I just saw Super Chicken! I just saw Super Chicken!”
“You just saw SuperChicken?”
“Yes, I just saw SuperChicken!!!”
“How do you know it was SuperChicken?”
“He had a capon.”
All together now…
When you find yourself in danger,
When you’re threatened by a stranger,
When it looks like you will take a lickin’, (cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck)
There is someone waiting who
Will hurry up and rescue you,
just call- for link! (cluck, awk!)
Fred, if you’re afraid, you’ll have to overlook it,
Besides you knew the job was dangerous when you took it! (cluck, awk!)
He will drink his super sauce
And throw the bad guys for a loss
And he will bring them in, alive and kickin’ (cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck)
There is one thing you should learn
When there is no one else to turn to
Call- for Super Chicken! (cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck)
Call…for Super Chicken! (cluck, awk!)
[quote comment=”363550″]I have to say i’m in the Vilk/Ricko camp on the Lions. It’s a tradition. So what if the team stinks. And for the record, they have the ship moving in the right direction.
Detroit and Dallas should get the day games and keep the NFL Network game at night and try to do a better job of getting an attractive third game.
Army and Navy don’t cancel the game if one of them is 0-10. I’m tired of people complaining about the Lions on Thanksgiving.[/quote]
There’s a story line worth following in just about any game. Just have to realize that, and look for it. Recently, of course, it’s been seeing how much damage the visitors can inflict on the Lions on Thanksgiving. Keep thinking of Peyton Manning and the Colts (in their mid-’50s throwbacks) lighting it up a few years. Was worth watching.
And yesterday there were several things to look for…
How good is Stafford (his first time on nat’l TV)?
How well would he play hurt?
Would winning a close one the Sunday before lift the Lions some?
How good/bad are the Packers, what with their o-line problems and all? Sometimes you can tell a lot (tell more?) about a team by how they perform against a skunky team than against a good one.
Yeah, banning the Lions would be like the Harlem Globetrotters refusing to play the Washington Generals.
Just kidding, Lions fans.. hope that brighter days are coming.
Sam Smith’s Oatmeal Stout is pretty good, but I prefer Founder’s Oatmeal Stout. It is brewed in Grand Rapids, MI (one of my favorite brewers for stouts)and I think is a better drink than Sam Smith.
Also, if you get a chance, try Founder’s Kentucky Breakfast Stout and the Canadian Breakfast Stout. Wow.
(Paul, hope you didn’t drink that wonderful beer right out of the bottle!)
With most of today’s “either/or” questions, I can’t decide. Don’t even know if that makes me wishy or washy…
Here’s one choice I can make – Emporia State’s striped helmet: link or the current one: link
Striped helmet all the way.
I watched the ESPN 30 on 30 yesterday… it was great to see the USFL in all its glory again (the Dallas/Oakland was a bit boring).
So we now have two teams wearing their airport designations, ATL and PHX. I wonder when Orlando will start wearing MCO.
[quote comment=”363523″]Wow…I didn’t know the NFL had altered their logo. But as i look at the new and old side-by-side…I like the old one.[/quote]
This post triggered me to do a bit of attic digging (along with the Xmas ornaments) as to exactly when the NFL did an ever so slight tweak of the shield back in the 80’s. What the NFL did to the shield was to shave off a very slight flair to the upper left and upper right tips of the points of the shield and thicken the blue outline to the lower half of the shield.
I had originally thought it was in the laste 80’s (1987 or 1988 or so). I was wrong. If my Super Bowl programs are any proper indication, the wee tweak occurred in 1981. The SB XV prog (1980 season) shows the thin blue outlines NFL shield and the SB XVI prog (1981 season) shows the modified logo used thru 2007.
I doubt that anyone gives an obese rodent’s rear about this, but here it is, for the record.
[quote comment=”363531″]”THIRTY-SEVEN! Ricko posted 37 comments!”
“In a row?”
no…that would be anotherguy
late of jimmy hoffa’s address
All of the Airport codes for NBA teams. (IATA codes. cities with multiple airports used higher traffic airport)
BOS Boston
JFK New York
EWR New Jersey
PHL Philadelphia
YYZ Toronto
ORD Chicago
CLE Cleveland
DTW Detroit
IND Indiana
MKE Milwaukee
ATL Atlanta
CLT Charlotte
MIA Miami
MCO Orlando
IAD Washington
DEN Denver
MSP Minnesota
OKC Oklahoma City
PDX Portland
SLC Utah
OAK Golden State
LAX Los Angeles Clippers
LAX Los Angeles Lakers
PHX Phoenix
SMF Sacramento
DFW Dallas
IAH Houston
MEM Memphis
MSY New Orleans
SAT San Antonio
Not a lot of good choices there…
Being that I’m from Missouri, I’m intrigued by that old pic today. I wonder why there are a few “U’s” and one guy with an “S”.
I put a little Old Crow in my cranberry sauce this year.
I was surprised to see Steely Dan in a “Do we get along” quiz.
I’ve always just asked people how they feel about “Pee Wee’s Big Adventure”. If they don’t, I don’t waist another minute of breath.
[quote comment=”363532″][quote comment=”363526″]
There are many ways to define and classify people:
1. Which of the 4 Beatles do you most identify with.
2. Love or Hate “The Catcher in the Rye”
3. Love or Hate Dylan
4. Love or Hate Steely Dan.
Ginger or Mary Ann?
Dogs or cats?
Money or people?
Mets black or Mets no black?
O’Reilly or Olberman?
Coffee or tea?
Wine or beer?
Sarah Palin because she’s right or because she’s kinda hot?
fine, i’ll play
first section:
1. john
2. loved it
3. robert zimmerman=genius songwriter, awful singer (probably the only recording artist where covers of his songs are better than his own versions)
4. steely dan…since my quote started this whole thing, i think you know the answer
second section:
1. mary ann…two times
2. dogs
3. um…is there a third choice?
4. really?
5. o’rly?
6. coffee…all day long
7. back in the day…beer
8. tina fey
Only on the Friday after thanksgiving can you tune into a college football game early on ABC and end up watching The View
Courtesy of someone’s heads up earlier I started watching the MLB Network’s All Star game marathon. Just saw Joel Youngblood of the Mets come to bat with an Atlanta Braves helmet that had a strange sticker to the left of the “A.” Love this marathon.
[quote comment=”363558″]With most of today’s “either/or” questions, I can’t decide. Don’t even know if that makes me wishy or washy…
The only one I have a strong opinion on is the pizza question. And I don’t even have a definitive answer for that one because it depends on where you are and whether you want a meal or a snack.
And with few exceptions, you can’t get a decent pizza outside of those two towns (or their surrounding areas). You can get decent approximation but in the end, it’s just a pale impostor.
There’s a reason that when the original Pizzeria Uno opened a second location down the street, they called it Pizzeria Due. It’s because there should only be one of them. The chain restaurants called “Uno Chicago Grill” should all be bulldozed.
California Pizza Kitchen? They shouldn’t even be allowed to call that pizza. I’m not saying it’s not good. I’m just saying it isn’t pizza.
[quote comment=”363567″]Only on the Friday after thanksgiving can you tune into a college football game early on ABC and end up watching The View[/quote]
More importantly, are you wearing your Tuskers or Locos gear (depending on your preference, of course)?
Hmmm…evidently the pre-game show on Versus includes a discussion of prostate problems. Interesting choice.
(Gotta love UFL. Yesterday their website said game was at 2 p.m. PST. Today says noon PST. Probably someone who bought a hundred tickets wanted an earlier kickoff).
[quote comment=”363566″]
3. robert zimmerman=genius songwriter, awful singer (probably the only recording artist where covers of his songs are better than his own versions)
I see your Robert Zimmerman and raise you a Leonard Cohen.
New Blackhawks Alternate! link
Basically the winter classic from last year combined with some retro tomahawks.
Here is a video of the players with it link
[quote comment=”363570″][quote comment=”363567″]Only on the Friday after thanksgiving can you tune into a college football game early on ABC and end up watching The View[/quote]
More importantly, are you wearing your Tuskers or Locos gear (depending on your preference, of course)?
Hmmm…evidently the pre-game show on Versus includes a discussion of prostate problems. Interesting choice.
(Gotta love UFL. Yesterday their website said game was at 2 p.m. PST. Today says noon PST. Probably someone who bought a hundred tickets wanted an earlier kickoff).
I like the Locos to avenge their two regular season losses to the Tuskers
[quote comment=”363534″]BTW, Paul, my daughter was looking at the pics of the spread. She wants to know why there were three seats.[/quote]
That table actually has four seats, but you can’t see the fourth one in the photo. Only two place settings (although I now see that it kinda looks like the butter plate is a third setting — it isn’t).
Just had apple pie for breakfast. Now that’s livin’.
On those new Atlanta Hawks alternates: WTH. Why is it that NBA jerseys have become so avant garde? That said, since the NBA has the smallest area front of a sports uniform, it makes sense to have as few letters as possible. Hence why I always thought “PHILA” worked. The Bulls alternates, “CHICAGO” is way too clunky & has double trim.
If you have even the slightest interest in exceptional logo design and marketing and illustration you must click on the Typewriter Ribbon Tin link above.
They are so stunningly exquisite it breaks your heart. Unbelievable.
[quote comment=”363522″]While the suckers shop I am going to the NY Historical Society today support the arts then I am eating leftovers.
Not to get into a huge rant but Christmas is insane do you really need all that shit they’re selling does your kid really need that tickle me Elmo or whatever the hot new toy is and do you realllly need a 70 inch Sony plasma death ray TV?! This is why Thanksgiving is such a awesome holiday: No gifts, no cards, you eat and spend time with family and there’s always football lately it’s been shitty football but whatever.[/quote]
+1. I totally get it. This going to sound sexist, but only in America could we have the best kind of holiday (mainly about food) followed immediately by the absolute most lame (shopping Black Friday). What kind of a dipshit camps out at Best Buy starting on Wednesday?? This is why I don’t bother with keeping up on the technology trends because it’s a total waste of money. If I went to grade school today I’d be outcast because I refuse to have a cell phone.
[quote comment=”363524″][quote comment=”363517″][quote comment=”363516″]Is that a Sam Smith’s Oatmeal Stout on your table? If it is, good taste…I finally agree with you on something.[/quote]
Yes — my favorite beer.
How come the ones who say they don’t agree with me on anything are always the ones making the first comments of the day?[/quote]
Not belittling the Samuel Smith’s, but Kirsten’s Newcastle Brown Ale is MY FAVORITE!
So much so, that I seriosuly considered purchasing these:
do the have a bass ale version?
[quote comment=”363534″][quote comment=”363532″][quote comment=”363526″][quote comment=”363519″][quote comment=”363517″]how am I supposed to read all 37 of Ricko’s comments if I don’t turn on my computer?[/quote]
i’m gonna dig myself a hole…gonna lay down in it til i satisfy my soul[/quote]
[quote comment=”363519″][quote comment=”363517″]how am I supposed to read all 37 of Ricko’s comments if I don’t turn on my computer?[/quote]
i’m gonna dig myself a hole…gonna lay down in it til i satisfy my soul[/quote]
There are many ways to define and classify people:
1. Which of the 4 Beatles do you most identify with.
2. Love or Hate “The Catcher in the Rye”
3. Love or Hate Dylan
4. Love or Hate Steely Dan.
1. George
2. Thumbs down on Salinger cuz I can’t stand Holden Caufield.
3. I just don’t “Get Him”
4. You can keep Rockabilly ar Fusion, whatever it is[/quote]
Ginger or Mary Ann?
Dogs or cats?
Money or people?
Mets black or Mets no black?
O’Reilly or Olberman?
Coffee or tea?
Wine or beer?
Sarah Palin because she’s right or because she’s kinda hot?
(oh, lord, this is gonna on all day, isn’t it)[/quote]
Uh huh!
BTW, Paul, my daughter was looking at the pics of the spread. She wants to know why there were three seats.[/quote]
always save a seat for connelly? you never know when i’ll drop in! hahaha
[quote comment=”363577″][quote comment=”363522″]While the suckers shop I am going to the NY Historical Society today support the arts then I am eating leftovers.
Not to get into a huge rant but Christmas is insane do you really need all that shit they’re selling does your kid really need that tickle me Elmo or whatever the hot new toy is and do you realllly need a 70 inch Sony plasma death ray TV?! This is why Thanksgiving is such a awesome holiday: No gifts, no cards, you eat and spend time with family and there’s always football lately it’s been shitty football but whatever.[/quote]
+1. I totally get it. This going to sound sexist, but only in America could we have the best kind of holiday (mainly about food) followed immediately by the absolute most lame (shopping Black Friday). What kind of a dipshit camps out at Best Buy starting on Wednesday?? This is why I don’t bother with keeping up on the technology trends because it’s a total waste of money. If I went to grade school today I’d be outcast because I refuse to have a cell phone.[/quote]
quick (i think funny story) bout ‘black friday’
16 years ago yesterday i got married, which was the day after thanksgiving (think the leon lett game — that was the year -1993)
two of my groomsmen worked retail
both of them told me, about 6 months in advance, that ‘the friday after thanksgiving is the biggest day of the year and we don’t know if we can get the day off — could you consider changing the date‘
are you fucking kidding me?
change the date of my wedding because of “black friday”?
to this day (obviously, dont celebrate my anniversary anymore), i will NEVER set foot in a store on the day after thanksgiving
biggest load of shit ever foisted upon us by the consumer industry…and i for one, will never take part in it
holy mother of corn, what a long day/night. i hope eveyone had a gobble gobble of a turkey day, mine was long, and ended bourbon filled a twist of over indulgence. i need grease-spoon diner stat, but while i am eating, i will upload the video from the parade, from the time before i became a bumble-fumble mess. it was a blast. that’s pineapple and me.
paul, i LOVE what you did with the pretzels and the old barbicide jar!!! how clever! just hope you cleaed it out first ;-)
great pics, thanks for sharing!
Dear Lord,
All I want for Black Friday is a win over Alabama.
Every Auburn fan on the planet.
[quote comment=”363583″]Dear Lord,
All I want for Black Friday is a win over Alabama.
Every Auburn fan on the planet.[/quote]
dear jonathon
i will be rooting for war eagle in today’s iron bowl…sure to make jim’s special saturday edition of the top 5 matchups from thanksgiving and black friday
“biggest load of shit ever foisted upon us by the consumer industry”
Are you referring to Black Friday or …..?
[quote comment=”363582″]paul, i LOVE what you did with the pretzels and the old barbicide jar!!! how clever! just hope you cleaed it out first ;-)
great pics, thanks for sharing![/quote]
He’s referring to this, which was in the background of one of the photos:
Thanks, Ryan. It’s actually a NEW Barbicide jar — or it was when I bought it about 15 years ago. King Research, which makes Barbicide, used to be based right here in Brooklyn (now they’re in Milwaukee), so I just went over there one day and bought a jar from them. Knew all along that I wanted to use it for pretzel rods, and that’s what I’ve done ever since.
Yeah, Phil’s experience sucks, no doubt about it.
But no one put a gun to consumers’ heads and forced them to head out the day after Thanksgiving, long ago making it the busiest shopping day of the year.
Retailers are simply maximizing the snot out of it. And they probably should. As we all know, for many of them, small AND large, November-December makes or breaks their entire year.
Doesn’t mean that hearing about it doesn’t get old, though.
And it isn’t truly a sexist thing. After all, can’t we say the same thing about those who camp out waiting for the latest version of Madden?
As Ron (Tater Salad) White has said, “I wouldn’t spend that much time camping if I was…camping.”
(Taking my daughter to work at Mall of America at 3 pm. Thank God don’t have to park, can just drop her off. I bet it’s an absolute MESS out there.)
[quote comment=”363574″][quote comment=”363534″]BTW, Paul, my daughter was looking at the pics of the spread. She wants to know why there were three seats.[/quote]
That table actually has four seats, but you can’t see the fourth one in the photo. Only two place settings (although I now see that it kinda looks like the butter plate is a third setting — it isn’t).
Just had apple pie for breakfast. Now that’s livin’.[/quote]
Sonofabitch, now I have to have apple pie for breakfast.
God how I love Thanksgiving weekend.
I read Catcher in the Wry by Bob Uecker….Does that count?
Black Friday really irritates my route to work.
Golf or Tennis? Golf. Most definately.
Slap Shot or Strange Brew? Hmmm. Tossup.
Kentucky Colonels or Spirits of St.Louis? Colonels. No good reason.
[quote comment=”363583″]Dear Lord,
All I want for Black Friday is a win over Alabama.
Every Auburn fan on the planet.[/quote]
Hey, is this true? I heard there are some Auburn/Alabama fans (forget which, could be both) who, if their team loses the Iron Bowl, will not put up a Christmas tree that year – the rest of their year is shot. I heard that a long time ago on the radio and wondered if it’s for real.
By the way, I too am rooting for Auburn, and Phil is right. The Iron Bowl is a Top 5 lock. Assuming they don’t mess with the unis.
[quote comment=”363586″][quote comment=”363582″]paul, i LOVE what you did with the pretzels and the old barbicide jar!!! how clever! just hope you cleaed it out first ;-)
great pics, thanks for sharing![/quote]
He’s referring to this, which was in the background of one of the photos:
Thanks, Ryan. It’s actually a NEW Barbicide jar — or it was when I bought it about 15 years ago. King Research, which makes Barbicide, used to be based right here in Brooklyn (now they’re in Milwaukee), so I just went over there one day and bought a jar from them. Knew all along that I wanted to use it for pretzel rods, and that’s what I’ve done ever since.[/quote]
oh nice! great idea!
penguins wearing baby blue on the road vs. phil’s islanders…
[quote comment=”363580″]
quick (i think funny story) bout ‘black friday’
16 years ago yesterday i got married, which was the day after thanksgiving (think the leon lett game — that was the year -1993)
two of my groomsmen worked retail
both of them told me, about 6 months in advance, that ‘the friday after thanksgiving is the biggest day of the year and we don’t know if we can get the day off — could you consider changing the date‘
are you fucking kidding me?
change the date of my wedding because of “black friday”?
to this day (obviously, dont celebrate my anniversary anymore), i will NEVER set foot in a store on the day after thanksgiving
biggest load of shit ever foisted upon us by the consumer industry…and i for one, will never take part in it[/quote]
What made you decide to have your wedding the day after Thanksgiving? Family already in the area?
hmmm… islanders in white at home. nice to see!
Phil’s story reminds me – 25 Black Fridays ago my family was getting ready to go to a wedding reception. Good thing it took me a little longer to get ready, becasue I was able to see the end of the BC/Miami game: link
Jiminy Cricket, that was some game!
[quote comment=”363593″]
What made you decide to have your wedding the day after Thanksgiving? Family already in the area?[/quote]
her family got a good deal on the reception hall
/i shit you not
[quote comment=”363593″][quote comment=”363580″]
quick (i think funny story) bout ‘black friday’
16 years ago yesterday i got married, which was the day after thanksgiving (think the leon lett game — that was the year -1993)
two of my groomsmen worked retail
both of them told me, about 6 months in advance, that ‘the friday after thanksgiving is the biggest day of the year and we don’t know if we can get the day off — could you consider changing the date‘
are you fucking kidding me?
change the date of my wedding because of “black friday”?
to this day (obviously, dont celebrate my anniversary anymore), i will NEVER set foot in a store on the day after thanksgiving
biggest load of shit ever foisted upon us by the consumer industry…and i for one, will never take part in it[/quote]
What made you decide to have your wedding the day after Thanksgiving? Family already in the area?[/quote]
Hey UniWatcher’s….Hope everyone had a happy link.
LI Phil – Special holiday wishes to my Long Island comrade.
I was in retail management for about 5 years in my early 20’s and I don’t care if my associates gave me 3 years notice, there was no getting off for Black Friday. I was in the store at 3am (with bagels for the staff) and did not leave until 10pm (at the earliest).
Since I left retail, I have not been back to shop once during this day.
As far as the lists go, here’s mine.
Elvis or Beatles – Elvis
Beer or wine – Beer
Betty or Veronica – Betty
Wii, Xbox 360 or PS3 – Wii
PC or MAC – PC
Ski or Snowboard – Ski
Get itâ„¢ or Don’t Get Itâ„¢ – GET ITâ„¢
“O’Reilly or Olberman?”
O’Reilly does football highlights too? ;)
“PC or MAC”
Good question. I’m a MAC trapped in a PC’s body.
“Ginger or Mary Ann?”
What, no love for Mrs. Howell?
Hey guys – off topic, but here’s a link to the new Blackhawks alternates…
[quote comment=”363578″][quote comment=”363524″][quote comment=”363517″][quote comment=”363516″]Is that a Sam Smith’s Oatmeal Stout on your table? If it is, good taste…I finally agree with you on something.[/quote]
Yes — my favorite beer.
How come the ones who say they don’t agree with me on anything are always the ones making the first comments of the day?[/quote]
Not belittling the Samuel Smith’s, but Kirsten’s Newcastle Brown Ale is MY FAVORITE!
So much so, that I seriosuly considered purchasing these:
do the have a bass ale version?[/quote]
Nope, only a Heineken:
So I’m in the Olympic Spirit Store on Wednesday in
link link and come across link.Is it me or does it look like it was designed by the same person who designed link?
[quote comment=”363565″]Being that I’m from Missouri, I’m intrigued by that old pic today. I wonder why there are a few “U’s” and one guy with an “S”.
I put a little Old Crow in my cranberry sauce this year.
I was surprised to see Steely Dan in a “Do we get along” quiz.
I’ve always just asked people how they feel about “Pee Wee’s Big Adventure”. If they don’t, I don’t waist another minute of breath.[/quote]
PWBA is one of my alltime faves.
Here’s another wrinkle:
David Lee Roth/Sammie Hagar
Doutzen Kroes/Denise Richards:
Phil Simms/Eli Manning
[quote comment=”363583″]Dear Lord,
All I want for Black Friday is a win over Alabama.
Every Auburn fan on the planet.[/quote]
Off to a good start. Big play on a reverse, then a trick onside kick, followed by a scoring drive to put ’em up 14. All this and a beauty of a uni-matchup!
O’Reilly or Olberman?
How is that even a debate? Millions of viewers against 11????
Blackhawks new look has some subtle adjustments made as compared to what was worn in last season’s Winter Classic. First time they will be worn is December 1.
If anyone cares, the Nashville Predators take to the ice in their new alternates tonight against the Blues.
[quote comment=”363564″]All of the Airport codes for NBA teams. (IATA codes. cities with multiple airports used higher traffic airport)
New York
New Jersey
Oklahoma City
Golden State
Los Angeles Clippers
Los Angeles Lakers
New Orleans
San Antonio
Not a lot of good choices there…[/quote]
I like that the Bucks can go by ‘Mike’.
[quote comment=”363603″]So I’m in the Olympic Spirit Store on Wednesday in
link link and come across link.Is it me or does it look like it was designed by the same person who designed link?[/quote]
In the background of the hat pic…it looks like a soldier’s flag drapped casket.
[quote comment=”363605″]Caddyshack/Slapshot[/quote]
There you go. Still a tossup.
Nike Combat or Reebok EDGE
[quote comment=”363611″][quote comment=”363605″]Caddyshack/Slapshot[/quote]
There you go. Still a tossup.
Nike Combat or Reebok EDGE[/quote]
I’d go with Nike Combat. They both make me want to kill myself but the Nike’s sound like they can help.
Tulsa has new logo on their helmets. It appears to be a typical hurricane with a “TU” in the middle.
Also sporting the canary yellow Uni’s for the 2nd time this season. They won’t make a bowl this year so you may as well get some wear out of them.
[quote comment=”363613″]Tulsa has new logo on their helmets. It appears to be a typical hurricane with a “TU” in the middle.[/quote]
Can anyone get screen shots or photos of this game?
1. George… if only for the super hot wife and post-Beatle work
2. thumbs down on Holden caulfield
3. Finally got Dylan
4. and used to love S Dan…now, not so much—-are points 3 and 4 related?
5. Lite beer?? no gracias
6. crispy, Sicilian pie w/ Anchovies.
7. NO DH!
8. Mays, ’51-’60
9. Ginger and MaryAnn. at once.
10. Dogs
11. Can’t win w/ ppl or $$$
12. Blue Mets
13. not keith, not luffa man–but ‘lean, mean’ Lou Dobbs. :)
14. Coffee and for summer, my Nonas’ iced coffee.
15. tina frey—‘i can see Russia from my front yard’.
16. Tennis… any day of the week!
17. Slapshot. Snatch by the pool
18. New Orleans Bucs/Memphis Tams/Memphis Sounds
19. Van Halen: pre 1984/post 1984?
20. Jeanie everyday of the week and twice Sunday!
[quote comment=”363611″][quote comment=”363605″]Caddyshack/Slapshot[/quote]
There you go. Still a tossup.
Nike Combat or Reebok EDGE[/quote]
Reebok Edge
Allows for the tighter fitting ‘look’ of the actual throwback style. Granted, the fabric is too thin and many teams are really fucking it up with piping, but teams like Philly, Buffalo, NYI, Edmonton, etc are getting it right with going back to the old look. Not only that, but its starting to look like they’re fixing their biggest mistake. Note on the new Blackhawk 3rds… No bib. Yeah, thats progress…
Nike Pro Combat is an abortion.
[quote comment=”363613″]Tulsa has new logo on their helmets. It appears to be a typical hurricane with a “TU” in the middle.[/quote]
(waiting for leon to say “FUCK”)
guess i put in a busted link earlier. link is the pineapple on the teevee with her jive turkey.
[quote comment=”363618″][quote comment=”363613″]Tulsa has new logo on their helmets. It appears to be a typical hurricane with a “TU” in the middle.[/quote]
(waiting for leon to say “FUCK”)[/quote]
Does anybody know the deal with the Dookie unis? Plain color on front, some sort of geometric pattern on the back.
[quote comment=”363619″]guess i put in a busted link earlier. link is the pineapple on the teevee with her jive turkey.[/quote]
Robert Marshall…the Funky Turkey!
[quote comment=”363615″][quote comment=”363613″]Tulsa has new logo on their helmets. It appears to be a typical hurricane with a “TU” in the middle.[/quote]
Can anyone get screen shots or photos of this game?[/quote]
No, but it is on CBS College Sports. The decal is not that great, and the uni’s should only be looked at with proper UV protection. I was going to make a comment on how difficult it would be to see your other players since the helmet color matches their opponents (The Memphis…Don’t call me “State” Tigers) but with the color of those uni’s their QB has no excuse not find his own receivers.
[quote comment=”363619″]guess i put in a busted link earlier. link is the pineapple on the teevee with her jive turkey.[/quote]
just what everyone on UW needed the day after thanksgiving
a shot of wild turkey
Just watching ESPN News and all they have got is the story on Tiger Woods smashing into his neighbors tree with his Caddy. NOW do you thing he’ll go back to Butch Harmon to get help with his driving?
[quote comment=”363625″]Just watching ESPN News and all they have got is the story on Tiger Woods smashing into his neighbors tree with his Caddy. NOW do you thing he’ll go back to Butch Harmon to get help with his driving?[/quote]
too soon?
[quote comment=”363600″]”Ginger or Mary Ann?”
What, no love for Mrs. Howell?[/quote]
Is today Cougar Friday? How could I forget?
[quote comment=”363618″][quote comment=”363613″]Tulsa has new logo on their helmets. It appears to be a typical hurricane with a “TU” in the middle.[/quote]
(waiting for leon to say “FUCK”)[/quote]
Phil’s lyin’.
He got married on Friday for the same reason the last time I got married it was on a Friday.
If it didn’t work out, it wouldn’t mess up the whole weekend.
I just saw the Tulsa uni’s. Why to team insist on using the color that my aunt use to call baby shit yellow.
[quote comment=”363625″]Just watching ESPN News and all they have got is the story on Tiger Woods smashing into his neighbors tree with his Caddy. NOW do you thing he’ll go back to Butch Harmon to get help with his driving?[/quote]
And Buick.
Here is a picture from the Michigan High School Athletic Association Division 8 final between Beal City (white) and Crystal Falls Forest Park (black). Forest Park has striped socks.
Here is another shot showing the full Beal City uniform
After seeing Mike Bibby and those hideous Hawks jerseys, I am reminded why I don’t watch basketball.
Three words….Freaks…On…Parade
I was saddened by the retirement of Allen “One More Bumper Sticker” Iverson. (Yeah, right.)
And Ricko doesn’t post 37 posts a day, its 137 posts a day! LOL
[quote comment=”363632″]Here is a picture from the Michigan High School Athletic Association Division 8 final between Beal City (white) and Crystal Falls Forest Park (black). Forest Park has striped socks.
Are those socks ribbed?
[quote comment=”363635″][quote comment=”363632″]Here is a picture from the Michigan High School Athletic Association Division 8 final between Beal City (white) and Crystal Falls Forest Park (black). Forest Park has striped socks.
Are those socks ribbed?[/quote]
They didn’t look like it on TV. The story according to the broadcast is that the kids saw pictures in the school hallway of the late 70’s championship team with the striped socks and they wanted them. They are from the western end of the UP and have been in the last six Division 8 championship games. The coach was on the championship team in the 70’s.
[quote comment=\”363564\”]All of the Airport codes for NBA teams. (IATA codes. cities with multiple airports used higher traffic airport)
Sacramento – SMF
Not a lot of good choices there…[/quote]
The Kings could go throwback:
Cincinnati – CVG
[quote comment=”363635″][quote comment=”363632″]Here is a picture from the Michigan High School Athletic Association Division 8 final between Beal City (white) and Crystal Falls Forest Park (black). Forest Park has striped socks.
Are those socks ribbed?[/quote]
For your pleasure.
[quote comment=”363638″][quote comment=”363635″][quote comment=”363632″]Here is a picture from the Michigan High School Athletic Association Division 8 final between Beal City (white) and Crystal Falls Forest Park (black). Forest Park has striped socks.
Are those socks ribbed?[/quote]
For your pleasure.[/quote]
Not mine, hers.
You must be wearing ’em inside out.
As the resident Beergeek/Beeradvocate, I must say Lukas wins HANDS DOWN in the Sammy Smith Oatmeal vs. Newcastle Brown Ale debate.
I’m not going to sit here and bash Powers, b/c hey… the Brown Ale is better than anything BMC (Bud/Miller/Coors for the non-beergeeks). But Sam Smith Oatmeal Stout is one beautifully tasting/well constructed brew….Samuel Smith makes many a good brew, but if you’re into the Newcastle, try Sam Smith’s Nut Brown Ale. It’s OUTSTANDING.
Anyway…. I’m a “no-black for the Mets, coffee-drinking, beer advocating, Sarah-Palin-is-an-asshole, would listen to Dylan all day kinda guy”.
[quote comment=”363634″]And Ricko doesn’t post 37 posts a day, its 137 posts a day! LOL[/quote]
all of them better than yours! LOL
[quote comment=”363641″]As the resident Beergeek/Beeradvocate, I must say Lukas wins HANDS DOWN in the Sammy Smith Oatmeal vs. Newcastle Brown Ale debate.
I’m not going to sit here and bash Powers, b/c hey… the Brown Ale is better than anything BMC (Bud/Miller/Coors for the non-beergeeks). But Sam Smith Oatmeal Stout is one beautifully tasting/well constructed brew….Samuel Smith makes many a good brew, but if you’re into the Newcastle, try Sam Smith’s Nut Brown Ale. It’s OUTSTANDING.
Anyway…. I’m a “no-black for the Mets, coffee-drinking, beer advocating, Sarah-Palin-is-an-asshole, would listen to Dylan all day kinda guy”.
I’m open minded…I’d be glad if one of you sent me a case of Sam Smith…for research purposes.
And Palin is HOT!!!!
[quote comment=”363622″][quote comment=”363619″]guess i put in a busted link earlier. link is the pineapple on the teevee with her jive turkey.[/quote]
Robert Marshall…the Funky Turkey![/quote]
No shit…is that really Marshall?
[quote comment=”363564″]All of the Airport codes for NBA teams. (IATA codes. cities with multiple airports used higher traffic airport)
Not a lot of good choices there…[/quote]
Toronto could use YYZ – the code has taken on a life of its own, at least in part because of the AWESOME Rush song of that name. They could do YYZ uniforms, get Geddy Lee to sing the anthem, play nothing but Rush songs at the breaks. I’d buy a ticket.
[quote comment=”363641″]As the resident Beergeek/Beeradvocate, I must say Lukas wins HANDS DOWN in the Sammy Smith Oatmeal vs. Newcastle Brown Ale debate.
I’m not going to sit here and bash Powers, b/c hey… the Brown Ale is better than anything BMC (Bud/Miller/Coors for the non-beergeeks). But Sam Smith Oatmeal Stout is one beautifully tasting/well constructed brew….Samuel Smith makes many a good brew, but if you’re into the Newcastle, try Sam Smith’s Nut Brown Ale. It’s OUTSTANDING.
Anyway…. I’m a “no-black for the Mets, coffee-drinking, beer advocating, Sarah-Palin-is-an-asshole, would listen to Dylan all day kinda guy”.
When it comes to beer, I’m simple…From May to September it’s Corona…for the rest of the year, its Newcastle.
My wife loves the Octoberfest by Sam Adams.
There’s a Honey beer, Boddington’s that I also LOVE…but you can only drink so much of it.
[quote comment=”363646″]When it comes to
beereverything, I’m simple…[/quote](fixed)
A Jiminy at Auburn/Alabama. Alas, no Cricket.
[quote comment=”363643″]
And Palin is HOT!!!![/quote]
I’ll give you hot. or possibly even Hot. and maybe I’d go as high as HOt! after a dozen or so Sam Smiths.
But all caps and four exclamation points? Absolutely not.
[quote comment=”363646″][quote comment=”363641″]As the resident Beergeek/Beeradvocate, I must say Lukas wins HANDS DOWN in the Sammy Smith Oatmeal vs. Newcastle Brown Ale debate.
I’m not going to sit here and bash Powers, b/c hey… the Brown Ale is better than anything BMC (Bud/Miller/Coors for the non-beergeeks). But Sam Smith Oatmeal Stout is one beautifully tasting/well constructed brew….Samuel Smith makes many a good brew, but if you’re into the Newcastle, try Sam Smith’s Nut Brown Ale. It’s OUTSTANDING.
Anyway…. I’m a “no-black for the Mets, coffee-drinking, beer advocating, Sarah-Palin-is-an-asshole, would listen to Dylan all day kinda guy”.
When it comes to beer, I’m simple…From May to September it’s Corona…for the rest of the year, its Newcastle.
My wife loves the Octoberfest by Sam Adams.
There’s a Honey beer, Boddington’s that I also LOVE…but you can only drink so much of it.[/quote]
You just like Boddingtons because of the cute little bumble bee logo. That stuff isn’t very good… but at least you’re trying. Sammy’s Octoberfest is pretty solid stuff! But PLEASE stay away from the Corona…. that stuff is the punch line to many beergeek jokes.
I’m pretty sure I can think of an excuse or 2 for a few of us to get together and “sample” a Sam Smith twelver!
Oh and you’re right… Palin is hot. But she’s still an asshole :)
Now I’m off to see Army-Canisius hockey… I’ll see you all later! Go Knights!
[quote comment=”363641″]As the resident Beergeek/Beeradvocate, I must say Lukas wins HANDS DOWN in the Sammy Smith Oatmeal vs. Newcastle Brown Ale debate.
I’m not going to sit here and bash Powers, b/c hey… the Brown Ale is better than anything BMC (Bud/Miller/Coors for the non-beergeeks). But Sam Smith Oatmeal Stout is one beautifully tasting/well constructed brew….Samuel Smith makes many a good brew, but if you’re into the Newcastle, try Sam Smith’s Nut Brown Ale. It’s OUTSTANDING.
Anyway…. I’m a “no-black for the Mets, coffee-drinking, beer advocating, Sarah-Palin-is-an-asshole, would listen to Dylan all day kinda guy”.
I can anyone “win” or “lose” when it comes to beer choice? Comparing an oatmeal stout to a brown ale is worse than apple and oranges.
As a member in brewing family, one thing that I have learned is that there is no such thing as the perfect beer for all. I don’t look any different at someone who drinks an expensive imported beer vs. someone who picks up a 30 pack of natty light.
Once you do, you are a beer snob (much like those on
how can*
[quote comment=”363628″][quote comment=”363618″][quote comment=”363613″]Tulsa has new logo on their helmets. It appears to be a typical hurricane with a “TU” in the middle.[/quote]
(waiting for leon to say “FUCK”)[/quote]
[quote comment=”363651″][quote comment=”363641″]As the resident Beergeek/Beeradvocate, I must say Lukas wins HANDS DOWN in the Sammy Smith Oatmeal vs. Newcastle Brown Ale debate.
I’m not going to sit here and bash Powers, b/c hey… the Brown Ale is better than anything BMC (Bud/Miller/Coors for the non-beergeeks). But Sam Smith Oatmeal Stout is one beautifully tasting/well constructed brew….Samuel Smith makes many a good brew, but if you’re into the Newcastle, try Sam Smith’s Nut Brown Ale. It’s OUTSTANDING.
Anyway…. I’m a “no-black for the Mets, coffee-drinking, beer advocating, Sarah-Palin-is-an-asshole, would listen to Dylan all day kinda guy”.
I can anyone “win” or “lose” when it comes to beer choice? Comparing an oatmeal stout to a brown ale is worse than apple and oranges.
As a member in brewing family, one thing that I have learned is that there is no such thing as the perfect beer for all. I don’t look any different at someone who drinks an expensive imported beer vs. someone who picks up a 30 pack of natty light.
Once you do, you are a beer snob (much like those on[/quote]
I sure as hell do. I don’t plan on EVER getting caught red-handed with Natty Light. It’s quality vs quantity. Or, “I just need liquid for beer pong.” And since I don’t play beer pong (yes, Hemogoblin, get incredulous here), I’ll take six of a REAL beer (often an import, but Canada’s got some really good domestics) any day.
–University student still mourning the lack of Pilsner Urquell’s availability in Montreal stores.
[quote comment=”363653″][quote comment=”363628″][quote comment=”363618″][quote comment=”363613″]Tulsa has new logo on their helmets. It appears to be a typical hurricane with a “TU” in the middle.[/quote]
(waiting for leon to say “FUCK”)[/quote]
In a gesture of solidarity with the NFL Network, my response to this beauty will be limited to “Frig”. I only wish they had finished off the ensemble with red pants.
[quote comment=”363540″][quote comment=”363537″]Was Easton/Philipsburg on TV this year? I know it’s been on ESPN in year’s past, but I didn’t turn from the Parade and I watched most of the dog show despite the first game starting.
Seriously, could those three NFL games have been worse yesterday? Best game of the day was Texas/Texas A&M[/quote]
I was thinking about all the talk of Detroit having its Thanksgiving game taken away. Why don’t they just move the Lions game to the NFL network until the team improves? That way, Fox and CBS don’t have to worry about showing the damn game.[/quote]
They should not move it for two good reasons;
1. Tradition should count, particularly as it relates to holidays and generational bridges – here, we are all, Grandpa, Dad and kids, traditionally prepared for and expecting a Detriot game and a Dallas game, and there are no good reasons to change that. What few traditions that haven’t been Douchefied by greed and money and trends that sicken should be left alone.
2. Those that watch NFL FOOTBALL on a holiday like Thanksgiving are going to watch it whether it is the Lions vs. Packers or any ther teams, no matter how high up in the standings. You watch NFL FOOTBALL, you watch that game, if you don’t, you won’t. PERIOD.
[quote comment=”363649″][quote comment=”363643″]
And Palin is HOT!!!![/quote]
I’ll give you hot. or possibly even Hot. and maybe I’d go as high as HOt! after a dozen or so Sam Smiths.
But all caps and four exclamation points?
Absolutely not.[/quote]
I think she is highly attractive…in a naughty librarian kind of way.
[quote comment=”363644″][quote comment=”363622″][quote comment=”363619″]guess i put in a busted link earlier. link is the pineapple on the teevee with her jive turkey.[/quote]
Robert Marshall…the Funky Turkey![/quote]
No shit…is that really Marshall?[/quote]
afraid so mr powers, i was the turkey in chicago’s thanksgiving parade. it was brutal hot in the suit, and i thought i was going to have a stroke. unfortunately, the purple band in front of me stopped playing by this time, but i was getting down pretty good just before i got on the teevee. pineapple was my handler, and made sure i didn’t fall down any manholes. working on a chicago “does anyone really know” version too, but link you go mr powers.
[quote comment=”363583″]Dear Lord,
All I want for Black Friday is a win over Alabama.
Every Auburn fan on the planet.[/quote]
17-16 Auburn with two blocked punts returned for TD’s would be have been pretty good … alas, wait ’til next year.
[quote comment=”363658″][quote comment=”363644″][quote comment=”363622″][quote comment=”363619″]guess i put in a busted link earlier. link is the pineapple on the teevee with her jive turkey.[/quote]
Robert Marshall…the Funky Turkey![/quote]
No shit…is that really Marshall?[/quote]
afraid so mr powers, i was the turkey in chicago’s thanksgiving parade. it was brutal hot in the suit, and i thought i was going to have a stroke. unfortunately, the purple band in front of me stopped playing by this time, but i was getting down pretty good just before i got on the teevee. pineapple was my handler, and made sure i didn’t fall down any manholes. working on a chicago “does anyone really know” version too, but link you go mr powers.[/quote]
That’s great…How on Earth did you score that gig?
Dont tell me this wasy your work as well.
Full name on back alert – Pitt player Mick Williams. The team roster also lists a Manny Williams, but I haven’t seen him yet.
[quote comment=”363660″][quote comment=”363658″][quote comment=”363644″][quote comment=”363622″][quote comment=”363619″]guess i put in a busted link earlier. link is the pineapple on the teevee with her jive turkey.[/quote]
Robert Marshall…the Funky Turkey![/quote]
No shit…is that really Marshall?[/quote]
afraid so mr powers, i was the turkey in chicago’s thanksgiving parade. it was brutal hot in the suit, and i thought i was going to have a stroke. unfortunately, the purple band in front of me stopped playing by this time, but i was getting down pretty good just before i got on the teevee. pineapple was my handler, and made sure i didn’t fall down any manholes. working on a chicago “does anyone really know” version too, but link you go mr powers.[/quote]
That’s great…How on Earth did you score that gig?[/quote]
there is a guy who used to play on my softball team before i cut him, yes he was that bad, who is one of the parade organizers. he needed a tall goofball, and i am a tall goofball.
The new Florida Panthers 3rd uniforms look exactly like Pittsburgh. Does anyone in the NHL know anything about this stuff? They look like the CFL with 2 jersey type for all teams the teams to share.
[quote comment=”363649″][quote comment=”363643″]
And Palin is HOT!!!![/quote]
I’ll give you hot. or possibly even Hot. and maybe I’d go as high as HOt! after a dozen or so Sam Smiths.
But all caps and four exclamation points?
Absolutely not.[/quote]
I’m glad I am not alone in noticing an example of separated at birth — even if they’re both cartoon figures.
[quote comment=”363663″][quote comment=”363660″][quote comment=”363658″][quote comment=”363644″][quote comment=”363622″][quote comment=”363619″]guess i put in a busted link earlier. link is the pineapple on the teevee with her jive turkey.[/quote]
Robert Marshall…the Funky Turkey![/quote]
No shit…is that really Marshall?[/quote]
afraid so mr powers, i was the turkey in chicago’s thanksgiving parade. it was brutal hot in the suit, and i thought i was going to have a stroke. unfortunately, the purple band in front of me stopped playing by this time, but i was getting down pretty good just before i got on the teevee. pineapple was my handler, and made sure i didn’t fall down any manholes. working on a chicago “does anyone really know” version too, but link you go mr powers.[/quote]
That’s great…How on Earth did you score that gig?[/quote]
there is a guy who used to play on my softball team before i cut him, yes he was that bad, who is one of the parade organizers. he needed a tall goofball, and i am a tall goofball.[/quote]
and hopefully he does not read that comment, because he does read this site now and again. oops.
“The third jersey is supposed to be different. We evaluated and did an exploration with the club of their concepts and objectives. We wanted to create an identity unique to the Panthers.”
– Keith Leach, Reebok’s Dir. Of Merchandising.
I’m not sure what he finds unique about this
[quote comment=”363665″][quote comment=”363649″][quote comment=”363643″]
And Palin is HOT!!!![/quote]
I’ll give you hot. or possibly even Hot. and maybe I’d go as high as HOt! after a dozen or so Sam Smiths.
But all caps and four exclamation points?
Absolutely not.[/quote]
I’m glad I am not alone in noticing an example of separated at birth — even if they’re both cartoon figures.
I like the Victoria’s Secret model/bombshell actress version from comment #88.
Doutzen Kroes:
Denise Richards:
Mrs. Powers1634:
[quote comment=”363661″]
Dont tell me this wasy your work as well.[/quote]
no, that one wasn’t me. i did it once before for a fundraiser in july, brutal. i believe that one was dan
This is probably it for the evening since I plan on going out and sampling some Samuel Smith’s but another choice:
The Who/Zeppelin
Mrs. Powers1634:
Outkicked your coverage, didn’t you?
[quote comment=”363666″][quote comment=”363663″][quote comment=”363660″][quote comment=”363658″][quote comment=”363644″][quote comment=”363622″][quote comment=”363619″]guess i put in a busted link earlier. link is the pineapple on the teevee with her jive turkey.[/quote]
oops, had it set to private.
Robert Marshall…the Funky Turkey![/quote]
No shit…is that really Marshall?[/quote]
afraid so mr powers, i was the turkey in chicago’s thanksgiving parade. it was brutal hot in the suit, and i thought i was going to have a stroke. unfortunately, the purple band in front of me stopped playing by this time, but i was getting down pretty good just before i got on the teevee. pineapple was my handler, and made sure i didn’t fall down any manholes. working on a chicago “does anyone really know” version too, but link you go mr powers.[/quote]
That’s great…How on Earth did you score that gig?[/quote]
there is a guy who used to play on my softball team before i cut him, yes he was that bad, who is one of the parade organizers. he needed a tall goofball, and i am a tall goofball.[/quote]
and hopefully he does not read that comment, because he does read this site now and again. oops.[/quote]
[quote comment=”363670″]This is probably it for the evening since I plan on going out and sampling some Samuel Smith’s but another choice:
The Who/Zeppelin
Big Bang Theory
Bat and golf left, throw right
Air Force
Duran Duran
Ketchup on burgers, mustard on hot dogs
[quote comment=”363671″]Mrs. Powers1634:
Outkicked your coverage, didn’t you?[/quote]
if i had a nickel for every time that was said whenever matt posted a pic of her…
Cheers/Seinfeld …salut
Pepsi/Coke … coffee
Left/Right … dress left
Army/Navy … what’s the spread?
Public/Private … hs/college
The Who/Zeppelin … dead
Ketchup/Mustard … salsa
Luke/Anakin … han
Boxers/Briefs … depends
[quote comment=”363675″][quote comment=”363671″]Mrs. Powers1634:
Outkicked your coverage, didn’t you?[/quote]
if i had a nickel for every time that was said whenever matt posted a pic of her…[/quote]
Picture? What picture?
(Seriously, the link is broken.)
[quote comment=”363677″][quote comment=”363675″][quote comment=”363671″]Mrs. Powers1634:
Outkicked your coverage, didn’t you?[/quote]
if i had a nickel for every time that was said whenever matt posted a pic of her…[/quote]
Picture? What picture?
(Seriously, the link is broken.)[/quote]
See comment #151.
I really the phone number at the Powers residence is unlisted.
[quote comment=”363654″][quote comment=”363651″][quote comment=”363641″]As the resident Beergeek/Beeradvocate, I must say Lukas wins HANDS DOWN in the Sammy Smith Oatmeal vs. Newcastle Brown Ale debate.
I’m not going to sit here and bash Powers, b/c hey… the Brown Ale is better than anything BMC (Bud/Miller/Coors for the non-beergeeks). But Sam Smith Oatmeal Stout is one beautifully tasting/well constructed brew….Samuel Smith makes many a good brew, but if you’re into the Newcastle, try Sam Smith’s Nut Brown Ale. It’s OUTSTANDING.
Anyway…. I’m a “no-black for the Mets, coffee-drinking, beer advocating, Sarah-Palin-is-an-asshole, would listen to Dylan all day kinda guy”.
I can anyone “win” or “lose” when it comes to beer choice? Comparing an oatmeal stout to a brown ale is worse than apple and oranges.
As a member in brewing family, one thing that I have learned is that there is no such thing as the perfect beer for all. I don’t look any different at someone who drinks an expensive imported beer vs. someone who picks up a 30 pack of natty light.
Once you do, you are a beer snob (much like those on[/quote]
I sure as hell do. I don’t plan on EVER getting caught red-handed with Natty Light. It’s quality vs quantity. Or, “I just need liquid for beer pong.” And since I don’t play beer pong (yes, Hemogoblin, get incredulous here), I’ll take six of a REAL beer (often an import, but Canada’s got some really good domestics) any day.
–University student still mourning the lack of Pilsner Urquell’s availability in Montreal stores.[/quote]
I also don’t feel it necessary for any of you shit beer drinkers to call me a beer snob. I’m educated enough on the topic to know there’a quite a bit of SHIT out there… and that most the good stuff comes from microbreweries or select very high standard breweries overseas.
Beer snob? No. Beer educated, as to avoid the total garbage which uses the term “beer” loosely… Yes.
Cheers! As I clankity-clank my Dogfish Head 90 minute IPA.
[quote comment=”363530″]“I just saw Super Chicken! I just saw Super Chicken!”
“You just saw SuperChicken?”
“Yes, I just saw SuperChicken!!!”
“How do you know it was SuperChicken?”
“He had a capon.”[/quote]
Haven’t said this in a while…
Cheers/Seinfeld …salut
Pepsi/Coke … Pepsi
Left/Right … Left
Public/Private … Public!
The Who/Zeppelin … Zeppelin
Ketchup/Mustard … mustard
Luke/Anakin … Anakin
Boxers/Briefs … Briefs[/quote]
maybe good guys do wear white…if only they’d wear mustard lids with script pitt
How much do you love stripes, Paul? Do you love them link much?
What is with half the Nevada players having a big stripe on their helmets and half not having a stripe?
(As seen on the third rotating image on this page: link )
[quote comment=”363679″][quote comment=”363654″][quote comment=”363651″][quote comment=”363641″]As the resident Beergeek/Beeradvocate, I must say Lukas wins HANDS DOWN in the Sammy Smith Oatmeal vs. Newcastle Brown Ale debate.
I’m not going to sit here and bash Powers, b/c hey… the Brown Ale is better than anything BMC (Bud/Miller/Coors for the non-beergeeks). But Sam Smith Oatmeal Stout is one beautifully tasting/well constructed brew….Samuel Smith makes many a good brew, but if you’re into the Newcastle, try Sam Smith’s Nut Brown Ale. It’s OUTSTANDING.
Anyway…. I’m a “no-black for the Mets, coffee-drinking, beer advocating, Sarah-Palin-is-an-asshole, would listen to Dylan all day kinda guy”.
I can anyone “win” or “lose” when it comes to beer choice? Comparing an oatmeal stout to a brown ale is worse than apple and oranges.
As a member in brewing family, one thing that I have learned is that there is no such thing as the perfect beer for all. I don’t look any different at someone who drinks an expensive imported beer vs. someone who picks up a 30 pack of natty light.
Once you do, you are a beer snob (much like those on[/quote]
I sure as hell do. I don’t plan on EVER getting caught red-handed with Natty Light. It’s quality vs quantity. Or, “I just need liquid for beer pong.” And since I don’t play beer pong (yes, Hemogoblin, get incredulous here), I’ll take six of a REAL beer (often an import, but Canada’s got some really good domestics) any day.
–University student still mourning the lack of Pilsner Urquell’s availability in Montreal stores.[/quote]
I also don’t feel it necessary for any of you shit beer drinkers to call me a beer snob. I’m educated enough on the topic to know there’a quite a bit of SHIT out there… and that most the good stuff comes from microbreweries or select very high standard breweries overseas.
Beer snob? No. Beer educated, as to avoid the total garbage which uses the term “beer” loosely… Yes.
Cheers! As I clankity-clank my Dogfish Head 90 minute IPA.[/quote]
Sorry, Johnny.
No Samuel Smith where I just returned from, so I went the Captain and Ginger route.
[quote comment=”363678″][quote comment=”363677″][quote comment=”363675″][quote comment=”363671″]Mrs. Powers1634:
Outkicked your coverage, didn’t you?[/quote]
if i had a nickel for every time that was said whenever matt posted a pic of her…[/quote]
Picture? What picture?
(Seriously, the link is broken.)[/quote]
See comment #151.
I really the phone number at the Powers residence is unlisted.[/quote]
Oh yeah!
[quote comment=”363654″][quote comment=”363651″][quote comment=”363641″]As the resident Beergeek/Beeradvocate, I must say Lukas wins HANDS DOWN in the Sammy Smith Oatmeal vs. Newcastle Brown Ale debate.
I’m not going to sit here and bash Powers, b/c hey… the Brown Ale is better than anything BMC (Bud/Miller/Coors for the non-beergeeks). But Sam Smith Oatmeal Stout is one beautifully tasting/well constructed brew….Samuel Smith makes many a good brew, but if you’re into the Newcastle, try Sam Smith’s Nut Brown Ale. It’s OUTSTANDING.
Anyway…. I’m a “no-black for the Mets, coffee-drinking, beer advocating, Sarah-Palin-is-an-asshole, would listen to Dylan all day kinda guy”.
I can anyone “win” or “lose” when it comes to beer choice? Comparing an oatmeal stout to a brown ale is worse than apple and oranges.
As a member in brewing family, one thing that I have learned is that there is no such thing as the perfect beer for all. I don’t look any different at someone who drinks an expensive imported beer vs. someone who picks up a 30 pack of natty light.
Once you do, you are a beer snob (much like those on[/quote]
I sure as hell do. I don’t plan on EVER getting caught red-handed with Natty Light. It’s quality vs quantity. Or, “I just need liquid for beer pong.” And since I don’t play beer pong (yes, Hemogoblin, get incredulous here), I’ll take six of a REAL beer (often an import, but Canada’s got some really good domestics) any day.
–University student still mourning the lack of Pilsner Urquell’s availability in Montreal stores.[/quote]
I only do it for recreational purposes, first off.
Secondly, you thoroughly gasted my flabber.
Lastly, check out link
Also, I realize that the previous comment is incredibly incriminating.
Therefore, I counter it by saying these words:
Widmer Hefeweizen
Deschutes Brewery
I have atoned for my sins.
Really cool database on all of the Michigan high school nicknames. Pretty easy and amusing to look through.
The blog post is on topic; the video at the bottom is great:
[quote comment=”363689″][quote comment=”363678″]
I really the phone number at the Powers residence is unlisted.[/quote]
Oh yeah![/quote]
Yeah, that should’ve said “I really hope the phone number…”
It often helps when sentences have verbs.
[quote comment=”363690″]I only do it for recreational purposes, first off.
Secondly, you thoroughly gasted my flabber.
Lastly, check out link[/quote]
What? No carbon? No steel?
It started recreational.
It ended kinda medical…
I bought a Jay Cutler Bears jersey this year and there isn’t a new NFL logo to be found on it
[quote comment=”363693″]The blog post is on topic; the video at the bottom is great:
I have that mag.It should be called “The Hall of Fame’s greatest jerseys”.It’s not worth the 9 bucks, you have seen them all.