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Ladies and Gentlemen, Your New Orleans Hornets, Mardi Gras Edition


Yes, it’s purple (at least on the front). Yes, it’s two-tone. Yes, it has an abbreviation. Yes, I love it.

Full details over on ESPN. — Paul

Comments (79)

    I think I just threw up, and it looks better than that. I’ll give the designers, team, and league props for having the balls to do something different though.

    Could have been A LOT worse!
    I’m assuming that the numbers are a mock up and that player numbers will be regular player numbers, but will all the players be going “HNOB” (Holiday Name on Back)?

    reminds me of everything teal-and-purple from my nineties youth. It’s like a G2 Transformer.

    Oh my, I absolutely love them. I live down here in NOLA, and indeed they adhere VERY authentically to the culture- which I was not expecting from the NBA.

    They have to ditch their current unis and go with these full-time.

    Maybe it’s because I’m from New Orleans and have seen those three colors together on a regular basis, but I LOVE THIS JERSEY!

    it could have been WAY worse:


    paul, you like a jersey with purple in it… uniwatch will colse it’s doors tomorrow! haha.

    for the record, i don’t like the different color front and back at all.

    the font is great though, and the beads and side panels are rally cool

    I really like this, I haven’t been so excited about a new uni in ages. It is unique, but uniquely authentic. More! More of that!

    I guess Paul got infected with the Purple Appreciation Virus when he went down to LSU a few weeks ago.

    There’s parts of this I really hate. There’s parts of this I really love.
    Not a huge fan of the two-tone, but I can see the thinking behind it.
    As many have mentioned, if you’ve been to Mardi Gras, it’s big and over the top.
    I do love the attention to detail that they put into it. The Mardi Gras beads and the special tagging.
    I’m almost always a hater when it comes to unnecessary side-panels, but I think that those are my favorite part.
    I probably wouldn’t wear it, but it will be visually pleasing. At least to me.

    each time i see it, it grows on me…if ONLY the whole thing were green, i’d like it more…im just remembering the 2008 ASG disaster, although this won’t cause the same viewing problems because the opponent will (obviously?) be wearing white

    waaaaaay too busy, but it’s a one-time thing (which is when these garish things should be worn…once), and it’s NOLA and it’s mardi gras, so i get the whole design…and yeah…purple and green are appropriate colors, but just green would have been even better, imho (although less in keeping with the spirit of the occasion on which it will be worn)

    all in all, i spose it could be worse

    [quote comment=”361387″]Oh my, I absolutely love them. I live down here in NOLA, and indeed they adhere VERY authentically to the culture- which I was not expecting from the NBA.

    They have to ditch their current unis and go with these full-time.[/quote]

    Not sure about full-time, but I could easily see them wearing these every winter during Carnival. I too wasn’t expecting much from the league’s designers, but they did all right.

    [quote comment=”361393″]And you’re the only one that likes it, That uni looks like shit[/quote]

    Ahem…it’s for Mardi Gras. You were expecting the equivalent of a tuxedo?

    It’s loud, wacky and maybe a little tacky. In other words, pretty much perfect.

    Designs don’t exist in a a vacuum. You have to take into account what they’re supposed to represent, too.


    GAH…didn’t see that “The Hornets just unveiled a new Mardi Gras uniform, which they’ll be wearing for four games in February.”

    that’s like three too many


    [quote comment=”361399″]GAH…didn’t see that “The Hornets just unveiled a new Mardi Gras uniform, which they’ll be wearing for four games in February.”

    that’s like three too many


    At which time they’ll give them up for Lent.
    Again, perfect.
    (Well, except maybe it’s not that big a sacrifice).


    [quote comment=”361396″]each time i see it, it grows on me…if ONLY the whole thing were green, i’d like it more…im just remembering the 2008 ASG disaster, although this won’t cause the same viewing problems because the opponent will (obviously?) be wearing white

    waaaaaay too busy, but it’s a one-time thing (which is when these garish things should be worn…once), and it’s NOLA and it’s mardi gras, so i get the whole design…and yeah…purple and green are appropriate colors, but just green would have been even better, imho (although less in keeping with the spirit of the occasion on which it will be worn)

    all in all, i spose it could be worse[/quote]

    picture the new “nola” jersey… but instead of purple on the front, and green on the back… a thick stripe pattern of purple and green, kinda like the sleeves of the ‘vaders jersey:


    same bead design, same side panels, but stripes! photoshop please anyone?

    Wow those are terrible. They look like the uniforms that are worn in celebrity games. Just gaudy. There is so much I want to say, yet words can’t be used.

    I’m completely with Paul on this. This uni is the opposite of the new Twins duds: I dislike just about every element of Hornets uni in theory, but love the actual result in practice. Agreed that this, or something very like it, should be the regular Hornets uni.

    I understand the concept behind it but damn this is FUGLY. I would like to petition the Worst Uniform Contest to reopen. They remind me of the crazy 3rd jerseys the NHL gave us in the 1990’s. Sorry – Fail

    Not that it matters, but Paul, I have to strongly disagree with you. (And I love Purple in sports) it’s funny because you have written how you think green and gold are perfect together but purple is like the devil. Now the three have come together. Your glowing review makes it seem like in your opinion that is the best NBA Uniform, in history. I think, this is a terrible look, and an unnecessary gimmick jersey that is right up there with Alternates, St. Patrick’s Day Stuff, Cavaliers Mash-Up Throwbacks, Latin Nights, Valentine’s Day Red at Home, Christmas Green vs. Red, and on and on. Representing a holiday or a community being said, it just does not look good. There are plenty of other creative ideas that could have been incorporated. Masks are an intimidating look, just thinking off the top of my head. I always though Mardi Gras was nonstop drinking and eating jelly donuts. Beads on a man? Hmmmmm Maybe I am not “Mr. Know everything about Mardi Gras,” but no matter what I know about what this uniform represents, I thinks it’s ugly.

    Can’t wait ’til the Bulls come out with their Pulaski Day Uniforms. link

    PS – I think Colorado is switching to the Silver for full time at home.

    PSS – Uni Watch on the iPhone is sweet, well it because extra sweet this past week.

    [quote comment=”361393″]And you’re the only one that likes it, That uni looks like shit[/quote]

    Thanks for stating our opinions for us, Rudy. Now I don’t have to waste my time typing a comment. Hey, wait…

    I’m surprised I’m the first one to say this.

    I like the 09 on the front and 10 on the back, for 2009-’10. Probably the only jersey with two different numbers since that Jaquizz/James Rodgers Oregon State jersey.

    It’s gaudy and ugly…yet I LIKE IT! For me It qualifies as one of those “it’s so ugly but yet so cool” things. Like the Astros “Tequila Sunrise” jerseys.
    Isn’t Mardi Gras all about gaudy, bright & festive colors anyways?

    [quote comment=”361394″]I guess Paul got infected with the Purple Appreciation Virus when he went down to LSU a few weeks ago.[/quote]

    I was waiting for someone to make that connection. I’m definitely gonna be drummed out of the Anti Purple Corps soon…

    I refuse to believe Paul wrote this. I’m not saying it’s bad, I don’t like it as much as the guy that hacked into Paul’s ESPN column, but there is no way in hell the real Paul said “Yes, I love it.”

    [quote comment=”361398″][quote comment=”361393″]And you’re the only one that likes it, That uni looks like shit[/quote]

    Ahem…it’s for Mardi Gras. You were expecting the equivalent of a tuxedo?

    It’s loud, wacky and maybe a little tacky. In other words, pretty much perfect.

    Designs don’t exist in a a vacuum. You have to take into account what they’re supposed to represent, too.


    And, once again…it’s for their fans, not for those who aren’t. New Orleanians understand. Others obviously don’t.

    Yeah, it ain’t that pretty. But sports is about fun, not always about regimentation. Sorry if it throws off some folks’ lives.

    You’ll get over it. Seriously, you will.

    “Yes, it’s purple (at least on the front). Yes, it’s two-tone. Yes, it has an abbreviation. Yes, I love it.”

    And I for one welcome our Alien Overlords that have taken over Uniwatch…

    [quote comment=”361408″][quote comment=”361396″]each time i see it, it grows on me…if ONLY the whole thing were green, i’d like it more…im just remembering the 2008 ASG disaster, although this won’t cause the same viewing problems because the opponent will (obviously?) be wearing white

    waaaaaay too busy, but it’s a one-time thing (which is when these garish things should be worn…once), and it’s NOLA and it’s mardi gras, so i get the whole design…and yeah…purple and green are appropriate colors, but just green would have been even better, imho (although less in keeping with the spirit of the occasion on which it will be worn)

    all in all, i spose it could be worse[/quote]

    picture the new “nola” jersey… but instead of purple on the front, and green on the back… a thick stripe pattern of purple and green, kinda like the sleeves of the ‘vaders jersey:


    same bead design, same side panels, but stripes! photoshop please anyone?[/quote]

    oh good lord…

    is this what you want?

    I was thinking the same [quote comment=”361434″][quote comment=”361408″][quote comment=”361396″]each time i see it, it grows on me…if ONLY the whole thing were green, i’d like it more…im just remembering the 2008 ASG disaster, although this won’t cause the same viewing problems because the opponent will (obviously?) be wearing white

    waaaaaay too busy, but it’s a one-time thing (which is when these garish things should be worn…once), and it’s NOLA and it’s mardi gras, so i get the whole design…and yeah…purple and green are appropriate colors, but just green would have been even better, imho (although less in keeping with the spirit of the occasion on which it will be worn)

    all in all, i spose it could be worse[/quote]

    picture the new “nola” jersey… but instead of purple on the front, and green on the back… a thick stripe pattern of purple and green, kinda like the sleeves of the ‘vaders jersey:


    same bead design, same side panels, but stripes! photoshop please anyone?[/quote]

    oh good lord…

    is link?[/quote]

    I was thinking exactly that, except with vertical stripes instead of horizontal. Think FC Barcelona.

    Wow thats brutal. I could live with it if it was 2 main colors, but 3 main colors with a different color front and back. Yikes

    Its going to look like there are 3 teams on the court. Not good

    [quote comment=”361434″][quote comment=”361408″][quote comment=”361396″]each time i see it, it grows on me…if ONLY the whole thing were green, i’d like it more…im just remembering the 2008 ASG disaster, although this won’t cause the same viewing problems because the opponent will (obviously?) be wearing white

    waaaaaay too busy, but it’s a one-time thing (which is when these garish things should be worn…once), and it’s NOLA and it’s mardi gras, so i get the whole design…and yeah…purple and green are appropriate colors, but just green would have been even better, imho (although less in keeping with the spirit of the occasion on which it will be worn)

    all in all, i spose it could be worse[/quote]

    picture the new “nola” jersey… but instead of purple on the front, and green on the back… a thick stripe pattern of purple and green, kinda like the sleeves of the ‘vaders jersey:


    same bead design, same side panels, but stripes! photoshop please anyone?[/quote]

    oh good lord…

    is link?[/quote]

    Oh, good lord! That’s certainly what I want!

    I really enjoy that. Much better than that back/front garbage.

    Same creative risk, cleaner on-court product.

    Well, other than the two tone front/back thing, I actually like these a LOT more than I thought I would. These uni’s absolutely scream Mardi Gras and New Orleans, which is the entire point. I love the detail in the side panels – nice touch. Honestly if they toned these down a bit (all green or all purple, New Orleans instead of NOLA), I’d like to see them used as the full time set. There, I said it!

    [quote comment=”361440″][quote comment=”361434″][quote comment=”361408″][quote comment=”361396″]each time i see it, it grows on me…if ONLY the whole thing were green, i’d like it more…im just remembering the 2008 ASG disaster, although this won’t cause the same viewing problems because the opponent will (obviously?) be wearing white

    waaaaaay too busy, but it’s a one-time thing (which is when these garish things should be worn…once), and it’s NOLA and it’s mardi gras, so i get the whole design…and yeah…purple and green are appropriate colors, but just green would have been even better, imho (although less in keeping with the spirit of the occasion on which it will be worn)

    all in all, i spose it could be worse[/quote]

    picture the new “nola” jersey… but instead of purple on the front, and green on the back… a thick stripe pattern of purple and green, kinda like the sleeves of the ‘vaders jersey:


    same bead design, same side panels, but stripes! photoshop please anyone?[/quote]

    oh good lord…

    is link?[/quote]

    Oh, good lord! That’s certainly what I want!

    I really enjoy that. Much better than that back/front garbage.

    Same creative risk, cleaner on-court product.[/quote]

    NOW it works for me! great work phil!!!

    This is off the subject but it is the answer to what men suffer from. I can’t wait to see which pro athlete endorses this product. Maybe a new sponser for UniWatch? This problem is a part of every uniform.


    Some pics from the uniform unveiling at Mardi Gras World, which if I’m not mistaken is a warehouse/factory/museum across the river from the French Quarter where many of the floats are made. I may need to buy a pair of these shorts:


    I like it. I agree with the guy who said they should make it one color and turn it into their full time set. I’m thinking green and then make the beads purple to give it all three mardi gras colors.

    [quote comment=”361444″]This is off the subject but it is the answer to what men suffer from. I can’t wait to see which pro athlete endorses this product. Maybe a new sponser for UniWatch? This problem is a part of every uniform.


    I take it young guys have quit showering regularly?

    Spokesperson? Hmmmm…. Oooo, I got it!
    That girl soccer player. Y’know, the ponytail puller.


    [quote comment=”361446″]I like it. I agree with the guy who said they should make it one color and turn it into their full time set. I’m thinking green and then make the beads purple to give it all three mardi gras colors.[/quote]

    All PURPLE with yellow-gold and kelly trim and you have a latter day version of Pistol Pete and the Jazz.

    Colorwise, that was widly misunderstood uniform. Outside the Big Easy, that is.


    Ricko beat me to it – I was having a mild case of deja vu, thinking “didn’t the Jazz wear something chromatically similar to this”? Which was a uni I had no problem with as a kid.

    Visually, Mardi Gras is all about huge expanses of brightly colored silks and satins, many of them with ornate bricabrac patterns, and trinkets & trash.

    Stripes, not so much.

    So while the striped version isn’t a bad looking slightly loopy uniform, it’s off target for Mardi Gras.


    [quote comment=”361448″][quote comment=”361446″]I like it. I agree with the guy who said they should make it one color and turn it into their full time set. I’m thinking green and then make the beads purple to give it all three mardi gras colors.[/quote]

    All PURPLE with yellow-gold and kelly trim and you have a latter day version of Pistol Pete and the Jazz.

    Colorwise, that was widly misunderstood uniform. Outside the Big Easy, that is.

    Yeah, but the Hornets aren’t the Jazz. Green unis, especially this shade of green that’s bluer and less saturated than the Celtics’ color, will give a nod to the city in the same way as the Jazz’ purple and get rid of the teal without drastically altering the visual identity of the Hornets, who have always had a teal and purple scheme.

    [quote comment=”361459″][quote comment=”361448″][quote comment=”361446″]I like it. I agree with the guy who said they should make it one color and turn it into their full time set. I’m thinking green and then make the beads purple to give it all three mardi gras colors.[/quote]

    All PURPLE with yellow-gold and kelly trim and you have a latter day version of Pistol Pete and the Jazz.

    Colorwise, that was widly misunderstood uniform. Outside the Big Easy, that is.

    Yeah, but the Hornets aren’t the Jazz. Green unis, especially this shade of green that’s bluer and less saturated than the Celtics’ color, will give a nod to the city in the same way as the Jazz’ purple and get rid of the teal without drastically altering the visual identity of the Hornets, who have always had a teal and purple scheme.[/quote]

    No, no, no. I meant that would be reason TO do what you said; that it had been done before, and that those colors are perfectly appropriate to New Orleans.


    I like them. They’re whacked.

    However, that trumpet logo on the butt should have been the jersey logo (minus the stupid basketball—why? why? why?) and there should be no butt logos ever in the world of sports or all of clothing.

    Damn! I can get a Snuggie for my DOG now!
    Holy shit, this is bigger news than Ball State being on TV.


    from march of this year

    by J-Dub on 03.10.09 1:22 pm |

    kylesh1 said:

    The color combo of the JH Rose jersey is a product of the way the school was formed. Two high schools were basically put together to form Rose during integration in the 70’s, meaning that the two dominant colors of the old schools were put together to form the colors of the new school. Rampants, their mascot, comes from the rams and panthers from the previous two high schools.

    Sorta the same thing happened out here in Chicagoland when they combined Waukegan West (school colors: green and gold) and Waukegan East (school colors: purple and gold) High Schools to come up with Mardi Gras outfits used by Waukegan High School: (scroll though the team photos) link…, or this: link

    [quote comment=”361393″]And you’re the only one that likes it, That uni looks like shit[/quote]
    I’m from the NOLA area…born and raised. Mardi Gras is one of my favorite times of year. I LOVE the design and it will go over GREAT down here.

    I said it as soon as the Hornets announced the move down to NOLA, they needed to drop the teal and go with the purple, green and gold the Jazz sported years ago.

    [quote comment=”361445″]Some pics from the uniform unveiling at Mardi Gras World, which if I’m not mistaken is a warehouse/factory/museum across the river from the French Quarter where many of the floats are made.[/quote]
    The unveiling was actually at the new Mardi Gras world on the same side of the river as the French Quarter…practically under the Crescent City Connection bridge next to the Morial Convention Center.

    It would never happen but…….. teams that have relocated to a city where there nickname no longer makes sense should really be forced to change the nickname and the Mardi Gras tie in just proves it. Keeping an area specific nickname in a new city is not only lame and in a way creating less of a connection to the new city/region, it makes tie ins like the Mardi Gras uniforms feel less organic and connected to a city and more forced. Maybe Utah and New Orleans could trade nicknames after all Utah is the Beehive state. The Lakers of course have to be next in line.

    [quote comment=”361460″][quote comment=”361459″][quote comment=”361448″][quote comment=”361446″]I like it. I agree with the guy who said they should make it one color and turn it into their full time set. I’m thinking green and then make the beads purple to give it all three mardi gras colors.[/quote]

    All PURPLE with yellow-gold and kelly trim and you have a latter day version of Pistol Pete and the Jazz.

    Colorwise, that was widly misunderstood uniform. Outside the Big Easy, that is.

    Yeah, but the Hornets aren’t the Jazz. Green unis, especially this shade of green that’s bluer and less saturated than the Celtics’ color, will give a nod to the city in the same way as the Jazz’ purple and get rid of the teal without drastically altering the visual identity of the Hornets, who have always had a teal and purple scheme.[/quote]

    No, no, no. I meant that would be reason TO do what you said; that it had been done before, and that those colors are perfectly appropriate to New Orleans.

    In that case, good comment. I applaud you, sir. :P

    [quote comment=”361419″]I understand the concept behind it but damn this is FUGLY. I would like to petition the Worst Uniform Contest to reopen. They remind me of the crazy 3rd jerseys the NHL gave us in the 1990’s. Sorry – Fail[/quote]
    I’m gonna have to veto that petition. If it’s possible to veto a petition.

    Wait. Do I have the authority to veto it?

    Anyway, I think I have a new favorite NBA alternate uni of all time. Sorry, link.

    [quote comment=”361480″][quote comment=”361419″]I understand the concept behind it but damn this is FUGLY. I would like to petition the Worst Uniform Contest to reopen. They remind me of the crazy 3rd jerseys the NHL gave us in the 1990’s. Sorry – Fail[/quote]
    I’m gonna have to veto that petition. If it’s possible to veto a petition.

    Wait. Do I have the authority to veto it?

    Anyway, I think I have a new favorite NBA alternate uni of all time. Sorry, link.[/quote]
    Oh God, it’s like they put antlers on the Buffaslug. It’s a Slugalope!

    [quote comment=”361474″]It would never happen but…….. teams that have relocated to a city where there nickname no longer makes sense should really be forced to change the nickname and the Mardi Gras tie in just proves it. Keeping an area specific nickname in a new city is not only lame and in a way creating less of a connection to the new city/region, it makes tie ins like the Mardi Gras uniforms feel less organic and connected to a city and more forced. Maybe Utah and New Orleans could trade nicknames after all Utah is the Beehive state. The Lakers of course have to be next in line.[/quote]

    “Los Angeles Vikings” isn’t gonna make much sense, either.

    Well, at least they’re purple and gold. So the teams with names that don’t compute will have the same color scheme.


    [quote comment=”361481″][quote comment=”361480″][quote comment=”361419″]I understand the concept behind it but damn this is FUGLY. I would like to petition the Worst Uniform Contest to reopen. They remind me of the crazy 3rd jerseys the NHL gave us in the 1990’s. Sorry – Fail[/quote]
    I’m gonna have to veto that petition. If it’s possible to veto a petition.

    Wait. Do I have the authority to veto it?

    Anyway, I think I have a new favorite NBA alternate uni of all time. Sorry, link.[/quote]
    Oh God, it’s like they put antlers on the Buffaslug. It’s a Slugalope![/quote]

    Good idea. Cuz “BuckSlug” is just gonna sound…well, bad.


    [quote comment=”361434″][quote comment=”361408″][quote comment=”361396″]each time i see it, it grows on me…if ONLY the whole thing were green, i’d like it more…im just remembering the 2008 ASG disaster, although this won’t cause the same viewing problems because the opponent will (obviously?) be wearing white

    waaaaaay too busy, but it’s a one-time thing (which is when these garish things should be worn…once), and it’s NOLA and it’s mardi gras, so i get the whole design…and yeah…purple and green are appropriate colors, but just green would have been even better, imho (although less in keeping with the spirit of the occasion on which it will be worn)

    all in all, i spose it could be worse[/quote]

    picture the new “nola” jersey… but instead of purple on the front, and green on the back… a thick stripe pattern of purple and green, kinda like the sleeves of the ‘vaders jersey:


    same bead design, same side panels, but stripes! photoshop please anyone?[/quote]

    oh good lord…

    is link?[/quote]

    I’d wear that uni.

    [quote comment=”361483″][quote comment=”361481″][quote comment=”361480″][quote comment=”361419″]I understand the concept behind it but damn this is FUGLY. I would like to petition the Worst Uniform Contest to reopen. They remind me of the crazy 3rd jerseys the NHL gave us in the 1990’s. Sorry – Fail[/quote]
    I’m gonna have to veto that petition. If it’s possible to veto a petition.

    Wait. Do I have the authority to veto it?

    Anyway, I think I have a new favorite NBA alternate uni of all time. Sorry, link.[/quote]
    Oh God, it’s like they put antlers on the Buffaslug. It’s a Slugalope![/quote]

    Good idea. Cuz “BuckSlug” is just gonna sound…well, bad.

    Personally, I’ve always thought Sluggalo sounded better than Buffaslug. It just rolls off the tongue. Course, when mocking something you probably want to give the most ridiculous name possible.

    [quote comment=”361487″][quote comment=”361434″][quote comment=”361408″][quote comment=”361396″]each time i see it, it grows on me…if ONLY the whole thing were green, i’d like it more…im just remembering the 2008 ASG disaster, although this won’t cause the same viewing problems because the opponent will (obviously?) be wearing white

    waaaaaay too busy, but it’s a one-time thing (which is when these garish things should be worn…once), and it’s NOLA and it’s mardi gras, so i get the whole design…and yeah…purple and green are appropriate colors, but just green would have been even better, imho (although less in keeping with the spirit of the occasion on which it will be worn)

    all in all, i spose it could be worse[/quote]

    picture the new “nola” jersey… but instead of purple on the front, and green on the back… a thick stripe pattern of purple and green, kinda like the sleeves of the ‘vaders jersey:


    same bead design, same side panels, but stripes! photoshop please anyone?[/quote]

    oh good lord…

    is link?[/quote]

    I’d wear that uni.[/quote]
    What if you reversed it? Like if you put the gold with the vévé pattern as the main field and the green and purple stripes running down the sides? I guess you’d have to change the lettering to green or purple with the other as the outline, too.

    [quote comment=”361496″][quote comment=”361487″][quote comment=”361434″][quote comment=”361408″][quote comment=”361396″]each time i see it, it grows on me…if ONLY the whole thing were green, i’d like it more…im just remembering the 2008 ASG disaster, although this won’t cause the same viewing problems because the opponent will (obviously?) be wearing white

    waaaaaay too busy, but it’s a one-time thing (which is when these garish things should be worn…once), and it’s NOLA and it’s mardi gras, so i get the whole design…and yeah…purple and green are appropriate colors, but just green would have been even better, imho (although less in keeping with the spirit of the occasion on which it will be worn)

    all in all, i spose it could be worse[/quote]

    picture the new “nola” jersey… but instead of purple on the front, and green on the back… a thick stripe pattern of purple and green, kinda like the sleeves of the ‘vaders jersey:


    same bead design, same side panels, but stripes! photoshop please anyone?[/quote]

    oh good lord…

    is link?[/quote]

    I’d wear that uni.[/quote]
    What if you reversed it? Like if you put the gold with the vévé pattern as the main field and the green and purple stripes running down the sides? I guess you’d have to change the lettering to green or purple with the other as the outline, too.[/quote]

    I agree with everyone ha! I like the two-tone but I wish the purple side wouldn’t be shiny/glossy. I’m a fan of the ‘dri-fit’ material like on the back. However, all green with purple outlines on the gold numbers would have been fantastic. In the end, not disappointed at all. 8.34 outta 10.

    Possibly small purple pinstripes on the all green uniform? Anyone be able to photoshop that up? About as small as their current stripes but just purple on green, don’t know if you could even seen the purple from a distance but it might create a good look?

    [quote comment=”361494″]
    Personally, I’ve always thought Sluggalo sounded better than Buffaslug. It just rolls off the tongue. Course, when mocking something you probably want to give the most ridiculous name possible.[/quote]
    Well, sluggalo rhymes with juggalo, so it’s got that going for it.

    [quote comment=”361500″][quote comment=”361494″]
    Personally, I’ve always thought Sluggalo sounded better than Buffaslug. It just rolls off the tongue. Course, when mocking something you probably want to give the most ridiculous name possible.[/quote]
    Well, sluggalo rhymes with juggalo, so it’s got that going for it.[/quote]
    Which is nice.

    [quote comment=”361480″][quote comment=”361419″]I understand the concept behind it but damn this is FUGLY. I would like to petition the Worst Uniform Contest to reopen. They remind me of the crazy 3rd jerseys the NHL gave us in the 1990’s. Sorry – Fail[/quote]
    I’m gonna have to veto that petition. If it’s possible to veto a petition.

    Wait. Do I have the authority to veto it?

    Anyway, I think I have a new favorite NBA alternate uni of all time. Sorry, link.[/quote]

    you don’t have the authority to, but i do ;)

    actually, thinking about shitty unis, did we get even one nomination for the 2008 ASG unis? prolly not, since no one cared and no one watched that trainwreck

    perhaps, somewhere down the line when we run out of interesting things to poll…we can do worst/best ASG unis…

    [quote comment=”361389″]it could have been WAY worse:



    What was wrong with Cool Cat?! Couldn’t they have just kept it as a furry mascot? I like it better than link

    It would never happen but…….. teams that have relocated to a city where there nickname no longer makes sense should really be forced to change the nickname and the Mardi Gras tie in just proves it. Keeping an area specific nickname in a new city is not only lame and in a way creating less of a connection to the new city/region, it makes tie ins like the Mardi Gras uniforms feel less organic and connected to a city and more forced. Maybe Utah and New Orleans could trade nicknames after all Utah is the Beehive state. The Lakers of course have to be next in line.

    It may be too late for the Lakers. Too much history. I’d always thought of a three-way trade between New Orleans, Utah, and Memphis. You could end up with the New Orleans Jazz, Utah Grizzlies, and Memphis Blues (Yes, that’s the new name of the bunch, but it fits the area, and the current color scheme of the team. No need to take everything away). It would also free up the name “Hornets” for Charlotte if, for some reason, they saw fit to reclaim it (the name does go back to Revolutionary War days, after all).

    Isn’t this uni gonna be a problem for their home game against the Celtics on 2/10. From the back won’t both teams be wearing in green?

    [quote comment=”361692″]Isn’t this uni gonna be a problem for their home game against the Celtics on 2/10. From the back won’t both teams be wearing in green?[/quote]

    one would expect the road team to be wearing white against those unis, so it should not be a problem

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