Tremendous moment at Yankee Stadium yesterday, as my ESPN colleague Jim Caple and CC Sabathia had the following exchange during an afternoon press conference (you can watch the exchange by skipping ahead to the 7:02 mark of this video clip):
Caple: CC, this is a little [bit of a] goofy question. It’s always been considered a great honor to wear the Yankee pinstripes, and there’s been a lot of speculation that since you are such a broad-shouldered, broad-chested man, that perhaps you have more pinstripes on your jersey than any Yankee in history. I’m wondering whether you’ve ever considerd that? Have you ever counted the pinstripes and where you think you may rank with the other Yankee greats?
Sabathia [smiling]: I don’t know. I mean, I never thought about that, never counted ’em. I do know I probably have the biggest uniform in the history of baseball, though. Proud o’ that.
By “a lot of speculation,” of course, Caple was referring to this column I wrote last December (to my knowledge, nobody else has ever addressed the topic). As you can see, Sabathia handled the question rather adroitly, but others were less amused. Over on WFAN (New York’s top sports talk station), afternoon blowhard Mike Francesa abruptly terminated the station’s coverage of the press conference after Caple’s query, declaring it the dumbest question he’d ever heard, and then dispatched a gopher to determine who’d had the temerity to pose such a worthless query within the hallowed halls of Yankee Stadium. (If you watch the rest of the presser video, you’ll see that the more “serious” questions were real deep-thought material like, “Does the weather forecast concern you?” and “What does it mean to be the ace of a staff?” — soooo much more illuminating that Caple’s question.)
And if the press conference question was enough to raise Francessa’s blood pressure, then he’ll probably bust an artery when he sees this video clip that Caple and I shot at Yankee Stadium yesterday afternoon. (And yes, you can all go ahead and crucify Jim for his jersey choice, but the wardrobe dept. was a bit strapped yesterday.)
Naturally, I’m pleased that Caple has revived this discussion. My only gripe: He asked the question almost apologetically, labeling it “goofy” before the fact. Never apologize, Jim — no compromises, no apologies! In fact, Caple tells me that several reporters asked him for further details on the pinstripe topic after the presser was over, which just goes to show that there are other media folks who take uni-related storylines seriously, even if a certain radio windbag doesn’t.
Research Request: Got this note yesterday from reader Bruce Genther:
I am writing and illustrating a book on the various professional franchises that have called Baltimore home and the uniforms they wore during their tenure. The sports include baseball, football, basketball, hockey, indoor and outdoor soccer, lacrosse, and indoor football. Almost finished, but information on the 1992-98 Baltimore Spirit soccer uniforms is hard to come by, so I would like the membership’s help. Any photos, descriptions, etc. would be greatly appreciated. Any and all information can be sent directly to me via e-mail. Thanks very much.
Stirrup Club Reminder: Robert Marshall has a new set of stirrups — and football socks! — available for order. For details, look here.
Uni Watch News Ticker: A high school x-country runner was disqualified for wearing black compression shorts with white stitching, which violated a rule against contrast-color stitching. ”¦ A Massachusetts high school is changing its logo because it looks too much like Virginia Tech’s (with thanks to Scott Kaplan). ”¦ Dana Czerwinski notes that Nebraska’s sleeve stripes were slightly off-white on Saturday. Anyone know more about that? ”¦ New rugby kit for Fiji (“Pretty epic,” says Adam Hainsfurther). ”¦ Another pair of interesting practice socks for Raheem Brock (with thanks to Jonathan Mayer). ”¦ Speaking of socks, why not get some for your furniture? For further examples, click on “Products” here (nice find, Kirsten). ”¦ Tremendous little video clip of Blackhawks logo crests being chain-stitched in a Quebec City factory here. It’s in French, but whatever, chain-stitching is the universal language of beauty, non? (Big thanks to Matt Smith.) ”¦ The first time I wrote about my uni catalog collection, way back in July of 2006, I included a paragraph about this Harv-Al catalog. Yesterday I got the following note from Bernadette Lipkin: “My son found your 1966 Harv-Al Catalog on the internet. What a great surprise! My husband is the ‘Harv’ in the Harv-al; his partner at that time was ‘Al’ Rimer, who passed away years ago. They were both young entrepreneurs from Winnipeg. The company was owned by my husband until 2002, when it was sold to Badger Athletic Teamwear of Statesville, North Carolina, where my son now works. I believe the company was started in 1950 or so. In 1972 a branch was opened in Fargo, North Dakota, and then it was moved to Ranger, Texas, in 1979 for marketing and business reasons. What a lot of memories come back when seeing the catalog out there!” ”¦ Now there’s a supermarket name! Too bad they don’t sell uniforms (great find by the Baroness Karen McBurnie). ”¦ If you liked the curling photos in yesterday’s entry, you’ll love this old curling footage from 1952 (great find by Nathan Haas). ”¦ Josh Jedwab has created a set of Mets-themed hockey jerseys. “I’ve lurked around uni web sites long enough to know that people like what they like and hate what they hate, so feedback isn’t my primary aim here. The fact is, I like them. What’s more, I like them enough to be interested in having a prototype of each one fabricated.” Anyone know a likely source where he could get that done? ”¦ Reprinted from last night’s comments: Ricko posted some pics of Lincoln High, a Minnesota school that wore vertically striped hose in the early ’60s. … Check out this old shot of Johnny Ramone in a Miami Dolphins tee (and yes, some fan in an Adidas tee, who cares). That’s from this photo exhibit, which is half a mile from my house. I’ll be checking it out shortly. ”¦ The Lakers got their rings (further ring info here, and additional photos here and here) and raised their banner last night, and then wore their Opening Night championship patches while beating the Clippers. ”¦ We also got our first look at the new NBA officiating attire, which looks very odd from behind.
I think the link is wrong on your should be link
I havent read the rest of today’s column, but I cant until I make a comment about Mike Francesa’s comment and your opinion Paul. Look, I realize this is YOUR blog and your opinions make it go round, but lately, Your ego has started to show up here too much. Mike Francesa was right to say that the question was stupid, b/c basically it came from another useless ESPN Moron who has NOTHING but vile and hate to write about. Caple’s last column was about how post season games would go on for MONTHS and innings would take days… It was a stupid question, it was something about you, which made you get a stiffy, but other than that, it was a stupid EGOTISTICAL question by a useless ESPN ‘columist’
Its going to take me a while to get used to the new NBA ref uniforms. Too much of an uneeded change.
Frankly, the pinstripe topic is quite silly. As such, the interview plays out this silliness. And the Phils deserve some credit for playing along with some insightful, silly responses. Simple enough.
What could be in question is the quality of Jim Caple’s work. It’s unprofessional as a member of a supposedly “neutral” or objective media network to wear a team’s jersey in a piece. Even if the piece has a sarcastic tone. Bush League.
Second, his interview/production quality, particularly when interviewing Paul and during the closing, isn’t fit for a high school TV media class. How this is considered production quality for national ESPN air (even if it’s just web-based) is beyond me?
Nothing wrong with silly. Unless it’s marred by poor overall quality.
Granted, yes, in light of things it was a somewhat dumb (out of place?) question that only people in the uni-atmosphere would love and appreciate, as I would have had I watched said conference. Most times we get overly wrapped up in uniform watching when 90% of the population doesn’t care that the Rays got the Astros pants stripes wrong last year.
But honestly, like Paul said, can ANYONE sit through another press conference of listening to much stupider questions like “whats it going to take to win this series?”
Actually Adam, I pointed it out here on yesterday’s blog more about Francesa’s attitude when it happened…and I don’t believe it had anything to do with “EGO”…Paul’s article was a detailed account of an esoteric topic which provided a ton of unique information.
Francesa is the one with the (super) Ego, rarely admitting when he is wrong, making it sound like his time is so unworthy to us who do not live sports or have the access he does. He speaks down more to anyone I’ve listened too.
I believe a light-hearted question every now and then from reporters to break the monotony of the lack of true journalism or serious questions that are never asked anymore…because sports writers don’t have balls (not all, most) anymore to ask real questions (like what happened to Jim Gray about Pete Rose, and look who was right 10 years later…).
Just because Francesa says something, doesn’t make it so.
Keep up the great Uni reporting Paul that’s literaly ahead of it’s time!
Francesa hosts a good show on the Fan, however he does come across as an arrogant, condescending ass.
[quote comment=”356842″]I havent read the rest of today’s column, but I cant until I make a comment about Mike Francesa’s comment and your opinion Paul. Look, I realize this is YOUR blog and your opinions make it go round, but lately, Your ego has started to show up here too much. Mike Francesa was right to say that the question was stupid, b/c basically it came from another useless ESPN Moron who has NOTHING but vile and hate to write about. Caple’s last column was about how post season games would go on for MONTHS and innings would take days… It was a stupid question, it was something about you, which made you get a stiffy, but other than that, it was a stupid EGOTISTICAL question by a useless ESPN ‘columist'[/quote]
Egotistical? Pointless, maybe. But egotistical? Really?
Most interviews with players and coaches are usually full of stupid questions anyway. “Hey coach, you guys just got your asses kicked today, do you think you could have played better and maybe not lost?” “There’s 20mph winds and a few inches of snow out there, do you think it’s going to affect your gameplan?”
[quote comment=”356846″]Actually Adam, I pointed it out here on yesterday’s blog more about Francesa’s attitude when it happened…and I don’t believe it had anything to do with “EGO”…Paul’s article was a detailed account of an esoteric topic which provided a ton of unique information.
Francesa is the one with the (super) Ego, rarely admitting when he is wrong, making it sound like his time is so unworthy to us who do not live sports or have the access he does. He speaks down more to anyone I’ve listened too.
I believe a light-hearted question every now and then from reporters to break the monotony of the lack of true journalism or serious questions that are never asked anymore…because sports writers don’t have balls (not all, most) anymore to ask real questions (like what happened to Jim Gray about Pete Rose, and look who was right 10 years later…).
Just because Francesa says something, doesn’t make it so.
Keep up the great Uni reporting Paul that’s literaly ahead of it’s time![/quote]
1)I see YOU QUOTED HERE yesterday when it happened, Sorry I dont have the time to read thru every one’s comments…or care for that matter…
2) I Dont listen to Fransessa or care to, i live in FLA, 1000 miles from his mouth…thankfully
3) Kiss asses like you and your eco-friendly nonsense is what is wrong with this country…
[quote comment=”356842″]Mike Francesa was right to say that the question was stupid, b/c basically it came from another useless ESPN Moron who has NOTHING but vile and hate to write about. Caple’s last column was about how post season games would go on for MONTHS and innings would take days… It was a stupid question, it was something about you, which made you get a stiffy, but other than that, it was a stupid EGOTISTICAL question by a useless ESPN ‘columist'[/quote]
Mike Francesa is an idiot who couldn’t find his ass with both hands and a map. He’s a blowhard, and a fine example of all that’s wrong with sports talk radio. Jim Caple is often interesting… I know you might hate him because he had the gall to write a book bashing the Yanks, but as someone living well outside of New York, I find him infinitely preferable to Francesa.
If you don’t like Paul’s opinions and find him egotistical or inane, please, stop reading his blog. (Luckily, I don’t get WFAN where I live, so it would be tough for me to listen to your boy Mike’s insane ramblings.)
[quote comment=”356849″]
3) Kiss asses like you and your eco-friendly nonsense is what is wrong with this country…[/quote]
So it’s ass kissing and eco-friendliness that’s the problem? Damn, and here I thought it was all the greed and general stupidity.
The more you know. (TM)
I posted this yesterday, but it was pretty late, so I don’t know if anyone caught it.
The Cavs dancers wore uniform tops in the color scheme of their third jersey (blue, with gold lettering outlined in wine), but with the late-80s ball-in-hoop wordmark on them. Since they’re selling a late-80s jersey in the current primary road colors, does that mean they’ll sell one with this color palette as well?
Caple is a goober. He’s one of the reasons I don’t read Page 2, except to read your columns, Paul.
Yes, it is because of enlightened individuals like yourself Adam that have pre-conceived notions of who/what every person is. Just because someone has job with a particular company, you immediately assume/know what they are about and what in their lives they stand for.
Thank you so much for opening my eyes, and that the comments of some stranger who claims to be from Florida have now changed not only my life, but my career, my company’s mission & products and the millions of people who watch/use our products.
Without you, I would have become someone who may have had a career, loved sports uniforms & discussing them and realized everything I do hurt you…I am sorry.
I will forever leave this blog because I have obviously offended you.
Paul, Phil…please block me from posting ever again. Apparently I am supposed to you write dispareging hateful comments that attack you & your choices, I cannot do this. I am sorry.
[quote comment=”356844″] a supposedly “neutral” or objective media network [/quote]
Wait, what?
/where’s fluffy?
I noticed some of the sleeves stripes being off as well for the Cornhuskers…I don’t have FSNHD here in Fayetteville so I thought it may just be the standard def. Maybe they’re trying to adopt their school colors a little bit (scarlet & cream)? Nah.
Nebraska’s sleeve stripes have been off-white all season, after decades of being the same shade of white as whatever else is on the sleeve (whether it be a number or an “N”).
The issue has been making me crazy, and I have been asking the folks who I know in Lincoln for an answer, without success. All I know is that it looks terrible.
3) Kiss asses like you and your eco-friendly nonsense is what is wrong with this country…
It’s okay, Adam. Them crazy big city folk, with their leavity and whimsy will learn the hard way. Just wrap yourself up in your walmart bought amurrican flag, turn on espnnews and fall back asleep.
Anyone know why the Celts wore White yesterday @ Cleveland?
And this has been bugging me for a while, but I haven’t really found the forum to ask until now and it’s probably something simple, so sorry if it is, but is there a specific direction that NFL logos face? Example, the Eagles logo seems to always face left, regardless of garment. On Andy Reid’s has and shirt, the Eagle faces left. I was watching the AZ Cardinals the other day and noticed that the Cardinal faced left or right on various different pieces of clothing. Why the consistency in Philly and not in AZ?
Let’s just say, generally speaking, there a lot of ego with sports journalists across the board. It is frustrating sometimes because many of the people that I do think do good work (and I put Francesa in this list, especially when compared to other sports talk people) can really get big heads at times.
Probably wishful thinking, but I think people sometimes need to a breath and realize they yes they do great work in what they do but keep it perspective, and not make themselves out to be bigger than what they really are.
Edit: Face left as you’re looking at them.
[quote comment=”356843″]Its going to take me a while to get used to the new NBA ref uniforms. Too much of an uneeded change.[/quote]
No wonder they went on strike.
“I believe the company was started in 1950 or so. In 1972 a branch was opened in Fargo, North Dakota, and then it was moved to Ranger, Texas, in 1979 for marketing and business reasons. ”
Ranger, Texas…Mystery solved:
Who’s bright idea was it to clean the Lakers’ rings with steel wool?
[quote comment=”356865″]Who’s bright idea was it to clean the Lakers’ rings with steel wool?[/quote]
WHOSE… sorry, internet.
[quote comment=”356860″]
And this has been bugging me for a while, but I haven’t really found the forum to ask until now and it’s probably something simple, so sorry if it is, but is there a specific direction that NFL logos face? Example, the Eagles logo seems to always face left, regardless of garment. On Andy Reid’s has and shirt, the Eagle faces left. I was watching the AZ Cardinals the other day and noticed that the Cardinal faced left or right on various different pieces of clothing. Why the consistency in Philly and not in AZ?[/quote]
We did discuss this a while ago. I think the Eagles team shop had only 1 item with the logo facing the “other” way at the time. Cards go either way. Bills logo leaps toward the right, generally.
[quote comment=”356864″]”I believe the company was started in 1950 or so. In 1972 a branch was opened in Fargo, North Dakota, and then it was moved to Ranger, Texas, in 1979 for marketing and business reasons. ”
Ranger, Texas…Mystery solved:
OK, all comments regarding eco-shopping habits, Wal-Mart, and all the rest can stop now. Thanks.
The Big Ego
[quote comment=”356869″]OK, all comments regarding eco-shopping habits, Wal-Mart, and all the rest can stop now. Thanks.
The Big Ego[/quote]
But can we continue to call you Paul “The Big Ego” Lukas? Like Darius “I Can See For Miles And” Miles?
A better question for Caple to ask CC is if the Yankees and NY as a whole are offended by the Phuck The Yankees shirt from sportscrack?
This is clearly hate mongering right Paul?
“Dana Czerwinski notes that Nebraska’s sleeve stripes were slightly off-white on Saturday. Anyone know more about that?”
Perhaps the sleeve stripes are a little darker than usual but Nebraska’s colors are scarlet and cream…not white. The sleeve stripes are cream…not white. I learned that years ago when Nebraska played LSU in the Sugar Bowl.
[quote comment=”356871″]A better question for Caple to ask CC is if the Yankees and NY as a whole are offended by the Phuck The Yankees shirt from sportscrack?
This is clearly hate mongering right Paul?[/quote]
I’m sure they’re probably equal opportunity offenders. When Phily loses, they’ll get a Yankee colored Phaillies shirt or something.
Congrats Paul for getting more uni-related coverage on The Uno.
All roads lead to…..unimart!
The questions regarding the appropriateness of the pinstripe question aside, I find it fascinatingly awesome that CC is “proud” that he has the biggest uniform in the history of baseball.
The world record for pinstripes question isn’t silly.
It’s whimsical and quirky. A sidebar.
But so many media types today are too concerned with looking all-knowing and puffing up their chests that they can’t bring themselves to find anything “fun” about sports these days.
And feel compelled to act superior to anyone who does.
In other words, they’re unbelievably boring, droning on about, say, how many time Cliff Lee has won on Thursdays…and thinking that’s offering real insight.
Generally, the only time they’re interested in personality is if they find someone who’s a schmuck. “Oooo! Oooo! Look what Larry Johnson just said on his twitter!!!!”
Many pro football players are assholes? Whoa, there’s big news.
Uni-Mart is the dominant convenient store chain in State College PA
everyone knows the real place to shop is S-Mart.
Shop Smart. Shop S-Mart.
Supposedly, link are 2 of the Twins’ new unis.
I’m still trying to track down a more official word on that, but I really don’t have any connections outside of my ticket sales dude, so I seriously doubt that I’ll be able find it.
[quote comment=”356860″]Anyone know why the Celts wore White yesterday @ Cleveland?
And this has been bugging me for a while, but I haven’t really found the forum to ask until now and it’s probably something simple, so sorry if it is, but is there a specific direction that NFL logos face? Example, the Eagles logo seems to always face left, regardless of garment. On Andy Reid’s has and shirt, the Eagle faces left. I was watching the AZ Cardinals the other day and noticed that the Cardinal faced left or right on various different pieces of clothing. Why the consistency in Philly and not in AZ?
The Eagles bird head faces left when by itself and right when used with “EAGLES”
(I used to work at a design agency and the Eagles were our client)
the cardinals bird head, unlike the eagles, cannot only face one way as it appears on the helmet in both directions
[quote comment=”356869″]OK, all comments regarding eco-shopping habits, Wal-Mart, and all the rest can stop now. Thanks.
The Big Ego[/quote]
You know, that’s a great idea for a classic pro wrestling heel. The Big Ego. He could interrupt everyone’s mic time like Kanye did at the VMAs. Inject himself into every storyline, etc.
As far as the Nebraska unis go….
the numbers are tackle twill
and the sleeves are printed
so in my estimation it is just color fade
which happens with the chemicals we use for laundry and stuff as equipment managers.
It is no bid deal-could be an older set of jerseys-etc.
Common things-do not like when it happens but I have seen it before.
here’s a few pages with both uses
Josh, I know you specifically asked to not give feedback because I’m going to do anyway, because, hey, this is the internet, where everyone has an opinion. (Of course we know what opinions are like, right?)
Your Mets’ hockey jerseys/sweaters are out of sight! I prefer the home and aways to the alt but solid effort on all. I love the bridge motif and I really dig the diagonal Rangers style with the Mets’ font.
Well done. I don’t know how/where you could get those done as I’m not a DIY guy, but if/when you do, please share photos.
“I do know I probably have the biggest uniform in the history of baseball, though”.
I guess there are a number of ways to define “biggest” but Hondo’s was pretty big in his day (and he wasn’t a man of larger carriage).
[quote comment=”356884″]As far as the Nebraska unis go….
the numbers are tackle twill
and the sleeves are printed
so in my estimation it is just color fade
which happens with the chemicals we use for laundry and stuff as equipment managers.
It is no bid deal-could be an older set of jerseys-etc.
Common things-do not like when it happens but I have seen it before.
No, the sleeve stripes are cream…as in Nebraska’s school colors of crimson and cream. The helemts pants and jersey numerals are true white but the jersey stripes are cream. I remember reading this when Nebraska played LSU in the Sugar Bowl in 1985 (or again in 1987). I saw their red (scarlet) jerseys up close and indeed the sleeve stripes were off white (cream) while the numerals were white. The difference was subtle and hard to see on TV or in photos, but according to the article I read back then the difference was intentional. Perhaps Nebraska is now emphasizing the cream in their school colors by slightly darkening the sleeve stripes.
[quote comment=”356886″]Josh, I know you specifically asked to not give feedback because I’m going to do anyway, because, hey, this is the internet, where everyone has an opinion. (Of course we know what opinions are like, right?)
Your Mets’ hockey jerseys/sweaters are out of sight! I prefer the home and aways to the alt but solid effort on all. I love the bridge motif and I really dig the diagonal Rangers style with the Mets’ font.
Well done. I don’t know how/where you could get those done as I’m not a DIY guy, but if/when you do, please share photos.[/quote]
I second that…I like them as well!
[quote comment=”356885″]here’s a few pages with both uses
Unlike the Cardinals, that’s not just a mirror image. The right facing bird is rotated at a different angle than the left facing version.
It’s gotta be just an individual team preference. The Cardinals use a mirrored image, the Eagles mirror and rotate, the Chiefs have 2 different logos entirely. There’s no standard.
[quote comment=”356880″]everyone knows the real place to shop is S-Mart.
Shop Smart. Shop S-Mart.[/quote]
Buy your 40’s here. Get S-Faced.
[quote comment=”356881″]Supposedly, link are 2 of the Twins’ new unis.
I’m still trying to track down a more official word on that, but I really don’t have any connections outside of my ticket sales dude, so I seriously doubt that I’ll be able find it.[/quote]
Now those are different and creative!
[quote comment=”356881″]Supposedly, link are 2 of the Twins’ new unis.
I’m still trying to track down a more official word on that, but I really don’t have any connections outside of my ticket sales dude, so I seriously doubt that I’ll be able find it.[/quote]
I’m not prepared to say what the Twins will be wearing next season. But I’m very prepared to say that that ain’t it.
Powerlifting with striped socks:
[quote comment=”356890″][quote comment=”356885″]here’s a few pages with both uses
Unlike the Cardinals, that’s not just a mirror image. The right facing bird is rotated at a different angle than the left facing version.
It’s gotta be just an individual team preference. The Cardinals use a mirrored image, the Eagles mirror and rotate, the Chiefs have 2 different logos entirely. There’s no standard.[/quote]
Well, at least the Eagles are very consistant in one area… crapping the bed in the NFC title game
[quote comment=”356884″]As far as the Nebraska unis go….
the numbers are tackle twill
and the sleeves are printed
so in my estimation it is just color fade
which happens with the chemicals we use for laundry and stuff as equipment managers.
It is no bid deal-could be an older set of jerseys-etc.
Common things-do not like when it happens but I have seen it before.
Interesting. I have not observed this problem in past seasons, however. Is Adidas doing something different with their jerseys these days?
[quote comment=”356887″]”I do know I probably have the biggest uniform in the history of baseball, though”.
I guess there are a number of ways to define “biggest” but Hondo’s was pretty big in his day (and he wasn’t a man of larger carriage).
Well, being the “silly” dork who brought it up in the first place, I was thinking of the number of pinstripes around the hips, or a single thigh.
Was a reflection of how unis are worn today.
Now, if Ted Kluszeski had said, “Yeah, I do like showing off the guns”…we’d still remember it.
Lighten up, Talking Heads, how ’bout baseball being fun (besides the rapidly-getting-trite pie in the face) once in a while?
[quote comment=”356895″][quote comment=”356890″][quote comment=”356885″]here’s a few pages with both uses
Unlike the Cardinals, that’s not just a mirror image. The right facing bird is rotated at a different angle than the left facing version.
It’s gotta be just an individual team preference. The Cardinals use a mirrored image, the Eagles mirror and rotate, the Chiefs have 2 different logos entirely. There’s no standard.[/quote]
Well, at least the Eagles are very consistant in one area… crapping the bed in the NFC title game[/quote]
Except that one time that they puked the huddle in the Super bowl.
[quote comment=”356881″]Supposedly, link are 2 of the Twins’ new unis.
I’m still trying to track down a more official word on that, but I really don’t have any connections outside of my ticket sales dude, so I seriously doubt that I’ll be able find it.[/quote]
These are FANTASTIC. Glad the M is gone from the hats (although they did wear that during the franchise’s best years) I hope these are “permanent” and not just a one year new stadium thing. Take note Mets, no black for the sake of black.
In response to the awesome Fiji rugby jersey, KoogGa has come out with a couple of great ones this year
Here is Kenya’s, which has a similar idea behind it
Unrelated to today’s column, but some good vintage footage here of WVU vs Washington and Lee in 1952. Very cool band unis and football unis, cars etc…
You can see that the all gold look for WVU has some history behind it (but I still hate it)
Has there EVER, in the history of media coverage of sports, been a single player or coach interview or press conference that revealed anything of substance? No player/coach is going to reveal anything of value for opponents to take advantage of, thus it’s the same, tired questions answered with the same, tired, stock replies…again, and again, and again. Guess what? I don’t care one iota what a player thinks – I can get everything I need to know from the performance on the field of play. Ban all player/coach press conferences. Waste…of…time.
Numbering question for the class. The Astros hired Brad Mills yesterday, and during the presser, he was presented with th #2 ( So does that mean they are severing ties with Darin Erstad? I know he’s a free agent, but isn’t that a pretty good indicator you are NOT coming back, OR you get new digits? Thoughts?
[quote]When Phily loses, they’ll get a Yankee colored Phaillies shirt or something.[/quote]
when? they weren’t supposed to get this far, and they’re the defending champs…
perhaps “if” is a better word
why do the Lakers use the outline of the NY Rangers shield on their championship banners?
[quote comment=”356905″]why do the Lakers use the outline of the NY Rangers shield on their championship banners?[/quote]
Maybe they are tired of winning and figure once every 60-70 years is trendy…(oh, I am Rangers fan and I just made myself sad…)
“Ban all player/coach press conferences. Waste…of…time.”
Before that happens, can all sideline interviews, especially at football games, be done away with?
I half expect some of these sportschix to ask the coach about his wife’s favorite recipes. And the leading questions they ask perceived-to-be inarticulate players: they’re condescending and pointless. The “degree” questions especially, like “how hard was it to…” , “how meaningful was…”. christ, sometimes I think Joe Namath had the right idea.
[quote comment=”356907″]”Ban all player/coach press conferences. Waste…of…time.”
Before that happens, can all sideline interviews, especially at football games, be done away with?
[quote comment=”356902″]Has there EVER, in the history of media coverage of sports, been a single player or coach interview or press conference that revealed anything of substance?[/quote]
I learned that Allen Iverson doesn’t care about practice. That was kind of interesting.
[quote comment=\”356908\”][quote comment=\”356907\”]\”Ban all player/coach press conferences. Waste…of…time.\”
Before that happens, can all sideline interviews, especially at football games, be done away with?
Double NO!
[quote comment=”356909″][quote comment=”356902″]Has there EVER, in the history of media coverage of sports, been a single player or coach interview or press conference that revealed anything of substance?[/quote]
I learned that Allen Iverson doesn’t care about practice. That was kind of interesting.[/quote]
Does, “I’m a man! I’m 40” ring any bells. No new info there either.
Reading today’s article by Malloy….she references a Yankee Mascot from the 80’s named “Dandy”,..I don’t ever remember this…
Help anyone…Pics?
[quote comment=”356912″]Reading today’s article by Malloy….she references a Yankee Mascot from the 80’s named “Dandy”,..I don’t ever remember this…
Help anyone…Pics?[/quote]
there’s your dandy.
[quote comment=”356901″]Unrelated to today’s column, but some good vintage footage here of WVU vs Washington and Lee in 1952. Very cool band unis and football unis, cars etc…
You can see that the all gold look for WVU has some history behind it (but I still hate it)[/quote]
GREAT clip! Thanks for posting!
sorry if someone posted this. i skipped through the comments after the 9th ego post.
Let me if I may put in a plug for Bruce Genther and his upcoming book.
I have met with Bruce earlier this year and saw some of his work. It is IMPRESSIVE. I am sure that when his book on Baltimore sports comes, it will be a tremendous piece of work. A very nice and good man.
Good luck, Bruce!
[quote comment=”356909″][quote comment=”356902″]Has there EVER, in the history of media coverage of sports, been a single player or coach interview or press conference that revealed anything of substance?[/quote]
I learned that Allen Iverson doesn’t care about practice. That was kind of interesting.[/quote]
I learned that the Bears are who we thought they were.
Jim Mora’s Diddly Poo and Herm Edwards’ reasoning for actually playing the games would have not become a part of posterity had it not beem for press conferences.
Coors wouldn’t have any ad ideas either.
[quote comment=”356915″]sorry if someone posted this. i skipped through the comments after the 9th ego post.
As someone who plays way too many guitar video games, that’s awesome.
[quote comment=”356910″][quote comment=\”356908\”][quote comment=\”356907\”]\”Ban all player/coach press conferences. Waste…of…time.\”
Before that happens, can all sideline interviews, especially at football games, be done away with?
She’s wearing clothes, so what good is that?
Double NO!
I said Namath had it right (even if it was susie).
You need to renew your subscrition to Maxim.
“Coors wouldn’t have any ad ideas either.”
Where’s the “idea” ?
[quote comment=”356858″]Nebraska’s sleeve stripes have been off-white all season, after decades of being the same shade of white as whatever else is on the sleeve (whether it be a number or an “N”).
The issue has been making me crazy, and I have been asking the folks who I know in Lincoln for an answer, without success. All I know is that it looks terrible.[/quote]
I liked the “N” on the Cornhusker sleeves during the Mike Rozier era. One thing that’s bothered me is why the Big 12 did not grandfather in the Nebraska-Oklahoma annual game from the Big 8 days. I understand the scheduling issue with two divisions, and a dozen teams, but not playing that game every year is akin to Michigan not playing Ohio State annually.
Seriously, is it too much for those newspapers to link or include visual reference in their stories?
I’m talking about the Massachusetts high school/Virginia Tech logo similarity story. They ‘describe’ the logo in the article, but I’d rather see a side-by-side comparison. Is that too difficult a task for them?
True, Nebraska’s colors are scarlet and cream, but they have never included a true ‘cream’ in the uniform in the past.
In fact, not all of the team had cream stripes saturday. Ndamukong Suh had white stripes:
I honestly think it’s more of a fail than an attempt to utilize the true colors. It is ugly, and very distracting. Although, you don’t notice it in person, I’ve been to most of the games, and I had no idea until I actually watched a game on tv.
Press hop, anyone?
[quote comment=”356864″]”I believe the company was started in 1950 or so. In 1972 a branch was opened in Fargo, North Dakota, and then it was moved to Ranger, Texas, in 1979 for marketing and business reasons. ”
Ranger, Texas…Mystery solved:
Did I miss the mystery? There is indeed a Ranger, Texas (I drive through Ranger on my way from Dallas to Odessa, to see my wife’s family) The mystery may be way any company would move to Ranger, TX.
[quote comment=”356902″]Has there EVER, in the history of media coverage of sports, been a single player or coach interview or press conference that revealed anything of substance? No player/coach is going to reveal anything of value for opponents to take advantage of, thus it’s the same, tired questions answered with the same, tired, stock replies…again, and again, and again. Guess what? I don’t care one iota what a player thinks – I can get everything I need to know from the performance on the field of play. Ban all player/coach press conferences. Waste…of…time.[/quote]
Don’t forget the on-field interviews – get rid of those, too! Just give me the game.
[quote comment=”356919″]Jim Mora’s Diddly Poo and Herm Edwards’ reasoning for actually playing the games would have not become a part of posterity had it not beem for press conferences.
Coors wouldn’t have any ad ideas either.[/quote]
And the world would be a better place.
[quote comment=”356908″][quote comment=”356907″]”Ban all player/coach press conferences. Waste…of…time.”
Before that happens, can all sideline interviews, especially at football games, be done away with?
matt, do you ever use the pseudonym michael david barrett?
[quote comment=”356892″][quote comment=”356881″]Supposedly, link are 2 of the Twins’ new unis.
I’m still trying to track down a more official word on that, but I really don’t have any connections outside of my ticket sales dude, so I seriously doubt that I’ll be able find it.[/quote]
Now those are different and creative![/quote]
New and Creative? That’s sarcasm, right?
The Twins road uni looks like a copy of the 2009 Washington road jersey.
[quote comment=”356883″][quote comment=”356869″]OK, all comments regarding eco-shopping habits, Wal-Mart, and all the rest can stop now. Thanks.
The Big Ego[/quote]
You know, that’s a great idea for a classic pro wrestling heel. The Big Ego. He could interrupt everyone’s mic time like Kanye did at the VMAs. Inject himself into every storyline, etc.[/quote]
LMAO!!!! His delivery would HAVE to be like that of the late, great Billy Mays. “Hi, Big Ego here…”
That curling footage was great! Now I really understand the rationale behind the brooms. They came in handy for sweeping away the water (I assume they weren’t playing on a real lake or river, since it seemed a bit warm to be standing on ice).
I also liked the link yesterday to the Chicago Curling Club. I looked at the rules, and saw that they begin with the “Spirit of Curling” – I’d love to see their words in every sports’ rule book (just change the name of the sport):
“Curlers play to win, but never to humble their opponents. A true curler never attempts to distract opponents, nor to prevent them from playing their best, and would prefer to lose rather than to win unfairly.
Curlers never knowingly break a rule of the game, nor disrespect any of its traditions. Should they become aware that this has been done inadvertently, they will be the first to divulge the breach.
While the main object of the game of curling is to determine the relative skill of the players, the spirit of curling demands good sportsmanship, kindly feeling and honourable conduct.”
I believe that is Johnny Ramone. Joey is the one singing. Dee Dee played bass.
i followed that link to the exhibit featuring the johnny ramone shot and found a photo of little richard. i always thought he looked a bit… not human? link proves the dude’s made of wax.
[quote comment=”356934″]I believe that is Johnny Ramone. Joey is the one singing. Dee Dee played bass.[/quote]
paul got it right… he said johnny
Curling probably not an activity Leo Durocher would have enjoyed.
link That is the Virginia Tech logo.
Check out this link on this history of the VT and Virginia Cavaliers logo. This might be of some interest as a follow-up to the “design-a-cap” competition since the UVa sword motif was suggested.
I expected to see a picture of the back of the Lakers warm-ups with all thie rchampionships graphically represented
So I’m actually quite intrigued by the Virginia Tech story. There are COUNTLESS high schools around the country that knock off professional logos. Given how anal the NFL is about protecting its intellectual property rights, I always assumed that they had enacted some policy allowing high schools to co-opt the logos (a rare good-faith gesture on the part of the NFL toward the schools that train its future employees, perhaps?). Is that not the case with the NCAA? I’m no expert on high school logos, so can anybody else chime in as to how many high schools use NCAA logos as compared to NFL logos? Overall it seems like a bonehead move by VA Tech to me, but would I expect anything less from the campus that produced the Vick brothers?
I’ll just say that the pinstripe question is more relevant than 98 percent of the questions asked at Super Bowl Media Day (“Doug Williams, how long have you been a black quarterback?”)
And I wonder how many folks will get the reference of the headline on today’s post? Could be more fun than “Guess the Game.”
[quote comment=”356907″]can all sideline interviews, especially at football games, be done away with?[/quote]
No way. The high comedy that was Lovie Smith telling the sideline reporter that his team had seized momentum after kicking a field goal to cut the score to 31-3 at the half was the best part of the Bears-Bengals game this past Sunday.
[quote comment=”356940″]So I’m actually quite intrigued by the Virginia Tech story. There are COUNTLESS high schools around the country that knock off professional logos. Given how anal the NFL is about protecting its intellectual property rights, I always assumed that they had enacted some policy allowing high schools to co-opt the logos (a rare good-faith gesture on the part of the NFL toward the schools that train its future employees, perhaps?). Is that not the case with the NCAA? I’m no expert on high school logos, so can anybody else chime in as to how many high schools use NCAA logos as compared to NFL logos? Overall it seems like a bonehead move by VA Tech to me, but would I expect anything less from the campus that produced the Vick brothers?[/quote]
I wonder if it’s just a case of us hearing about it more because of the internet. If they did this 20 years ago, who besides the high school would know about it?
[quote comment=”356941″]I’ll just say that the pinstripe question is more relevant than 98 percent of the questions asked at Super Bowl Media Day (“Doug Williams, how long have you been a black quarterback?”)[/quote]
I’ve always wanted to be a black quarterback, but my Swedish ancestry’s holding me back.
[quote comment=”356942″][quote comment=”356907″]can all sideline interviews, especially at football games, be done away with?[/quote]
No way. The high comedy that was Lovie Smith telling the sideline reporter that his team had seized momentum after kicking a field goal to cut the score to 31-3 at the half was the best part of the Bears-Bengals game this past Sunday.[/quote]
Seriously? LMAO… I hadn’t heard that one yet.
No Nebraska is not trying to bring out the “cream” in their color scheme.
Why would they do they stripes and not everything else?
That makes zero sense.
Bruce Genther:
I was looking for Baltimore Spirit pics, but the only thing I found so far is on eBay:
The picture they show includes a Sprit player – here’s a blurry closeup: link
$3.99 for the whole set? That’s some pretty inexpensive research.
[quote comment=”356947″]Bruce Genther:
I was looking for Baltimore Spirit pics, but the only thing I found so far is on eBay:
The picture they show includes a Sprit player – here’s a blurry closeup: link
$3.99 for the whole set? That’s some pretty inexpensive research.[/quote]
Well, the closeup doesn’t seem to work, but you can enlarge it on the original eBay page.
Speaking of the 2010 twins I found the new 2010 spring training/ BP flex-fit hats!
Paul– Just a head’s up: You might want to inquire as to a tragic mistake being made with regard to the New Jersey Devils’ St. Patrick’s Day special uniforms.
[quote comment=”356938″]link That is the Virginia Tech logo.
Check out this link on this history of the VT and Virginia Cavaliers logo. This might be of some interest as a follow-up to the “design-a-cap” competition since the UVa sword motif was suggested.[/quote]
Vocational Tech=VT
[quote comment=”356927″][quote comment=”356864″]”I believe the company was started in 1950 or so. In 1972 a branch was opened in Fargo, North Dakota, and then it was moved to Ranger, Texas, in 1979 for marketing and business reasons. ”
Ranger, Texas…Mystery solved:
Did I miss the mystery? There is indeed a Ranger, Texas (I drive through Ranger on my way from Dallas to Odessa, to see my wife’s family) The mystery may be way any company would move to Ranger, TX.[/quote]
A common policy on UW is to refer to the ballclub from Arlington as the Texas Texases because their jerseys say so.
Ranger, Texas might explay why on their home unis, Texas is written across the chest.
[quote comment=”356930″][quote comment=”356908″][quote comment=”356907″]”Ban all player/coach press conferences. Waste…of…time.”
Before that happens, can all sideline interviews, especially at football games, be done away with?
matt, do you ever use the pseudonym michael david barrett?[/quote]
You are just itching for a songgirl pic aren’t you?
My take on pinstripe-gate:
Asking the question during the individual player interviews, especially of players like Matt Stairs who probably don’t have too many reporters around their table, is fine. Asking it during a press conference, with the Game 1 starter, when there is limited time and access is not.
ESPN used one of the limited number of press credentials for that question. Who knows, maybe that credential could have gone to a small paper from upstate NY, or maybe even a college reporter covering the series. Maybe the question that wasn’t asked, because that one was, would have given us new insight into the game.
It reminds me of a similar situation mentioned in a recent Sports Illustrated article on Charlie Manuel. Apparently, after the Phillies won the World Series, some of the media types were a bit frustrated when a reporter from a Japanese media outlet asked Manuel questions about So Taguchi (who barely played during the playoffs) and took up precious time during the press conference.
[quote comment=”356933″]That curling footage was great! Now I really understand the rationale behind the brooms. They came in handy for sweeping away the water (I assume they weren’t playing on a real lake or river, since it seemed a bit warm to be standing on ice).
I also liked the link yesterday to the Chicago Curling Club. I looked at the rules, and saw that they begin with the “Spirit of Curling” – I’d love to see their words in every sports’ rule book (just change the name of the sport):
“Curlers play to win, but never to humble their opponents. A true curler never attempts to distract opponents, nor to prevent them from playing their best, and would prefer to lose rather than to win unfairly.
Curlers never knowingly break a rule of the game, nor disrespect any of its traditions. Should they become aware that this has been done inadvertently, they will be the first to divulge the breach.
While the main object of the game of curling is to determine the relative skill of the players, the spirit of curling demands good sportsmanship, kindly feeling and honourable conduct.”[/quote]
A few curling thoughs:
I don’t know if this has been mentioned but the reason for sweeping in the modern game is to break down the pebble causing the rock to move further and curl less. “Pebble” is little drops of water that are sprayed onto the ice and freeze to create a gliding surface for the rocks. The effect is a bunch of little mountains of ice on top of the main ice surface. I imagine people got the idea after a rain storm.
I curled competitively as a teenager and I can tell you that in general curlers are the best bunch of athletes out there. Although you get the odd hot head who gets mad at teammates or slams their broom on the ice, the vast majority of players, even at the highest level, are friendly and genuinely interested in both teams playing well. It’s not like any other sport I’ve ever played. Most players get excited when their opponents make a great shot, even if they are a little heartbroken. Curling is also a sport that requires the winners of games to buy the first round in the bar.
I was reading a curling book a few years ago, and a former Brier champion was explaining how things worked there. He said every year a couple of teams would make it for the first time and spend most of the week getting drunk and enjoying the party atmosphere. Naturally their play would suffer, but that didn’t matter. Hard to imagine that happening at the premier national event in any other sport.
The most amazing part of that video is how different the indoor and outdoor curling games are. I hope sweaters make a big comeback soon!
[quote comment=”356954″][quote comment=”356930″][quote comment=”356908″][quote comment=”356907″]”Ban all player/coach press conferences. Waste…of…time.”
Before that happens, can all sideline interviews, especially at football games, be done away with?
matt, do you ever use the pseudonym michael david barrett?[/quote]
You are just itching for a songgirl pic aren’t you?[/quote]
What’s a songgirl? (bats eyes innocently)
[quote comment=”356941″]
And I wonder how many folks will get the reference of the headline on today’s post? Could be more fun than “Guess the Game.”[/quote]
Dan Rather vs. Richard Nixon.
[quote comment=”356955″]My take on pinstripe-gate:
Asking the question during the individual player interviews, especially of players like Matt Stairs who probably don’t have too many reporters around their table, is fine. Asking it during a press conference, with the Game 1 starter, when there is limited time and access is not.
ESPN used one of the limited number of press credentials for that question. Who knows, maybe that credential could have gone to a small paper from upstate NY, or maybe even a college reporter covering the series. Maybe the question that wasn’t asked, because that one was, would have given us new insight into the game.
It reminds me of a similar situation mentioned in a recent Sports Illustrated article on Charlie Manuel. Apparently, after the Phillies won the World Series, some of the media types were a bit frustrated when a reporter from a Japanese media outlet asked Manuel questions about So Taguchi (who barely played during the playoffs) and took up precious time during the press conference.[/quote]
Valid points.
I guess I feel that it pointless to ask a player a question that can just as easily be answered in July. I doubt CC cares about the number of pinstripes, as well the majority of the media. But hey, it was Caple’s question and he could use it however he wanted to.
[quote comment=”356955″]…It reminds me of a similar situation mentioned in a recent Sports Illustrated article on Charlie Manuel. Apparently, after the Phillies won the World Series, some of the media types were a bit frustrated when a reporter from a Japanese media outlet asked Manuel questions about So Taguchi (who barely played during the playoffs) and took up precious time during the press conference.[/quote]
i don’t know if the sabathia and manuel interviews are comparable. the sabathia question was (as caple admitted) “goofy,” but the japanese reporter was asking about a japanese player which was what the fans he was reporting to were interested in hearing. an american reporter in japan would have done the same — likely to the consternation of japanese reporters. the bottom line is the reporters should just chill out. caple added some levity and a uni-friendly twist to a (mostly) stale format.
Attention Josh Jedwab…
Re: Your Mets hockey jerseys.
Check out link (Shameless plug!)
If you decide to call, ask for Paul.
You may have a copyright issue though…
[quote comment=”356960″][quote comment=”356955″]…It reminds me of a similar situation mentioned in a recent Sports Illustrated article on Charlie Manuel. Apparently, after the Phillies won the World Series, some of the media types were a bit frustrated when a reporter from a Japanese media outlet asked Manuel questions about So Taguchi (who barely played during the playoffs) and took up precious time during the press conference.[/quote]
i don’t know if the sabathia and manuel interviews are comparable. the sabathia question was (as caple admitted) “goofy,” but the japanese reporter was asking about a japanese player which was what the fans he was reporting to were interested in hearing. an american reporter in japan would have done the same — likely to the consternation of japanese reporters. the bottom line is the reporters should just chill out. caple added some levity and a uni-friendly twist to a (mostly) stale format.[/quote]
Levity? In a press conference?
Surely you jest.
This is the time to impress everyone with the vast and superior knowledge behind your interrogatory.
In other words, ask your questions one-handed, like everyone else in the room does.
According to the school paper (The Exponent) here at Purdue, the players like the black-on-black and are keeping it for the rest of the season, and will keep the black pants for road games too.
[quote comment=”356962″]Levity? In a press conference?
Surely you jest.
This is the time to impress everyone with the vast and superior knowledge behind your interrogatory.
LOL. Perhaps if reporters weren’t trying to out-think each other all the time and just ask what’s on their mind, we might get more interesting pressers. personally, i liked caple’s question. i wish someone would ask c.c. something along the lines of what he likes to put on the grill. there hasn’t been anything fresh baseball-wise in press conferences since the days of link.
[quote comment=”356952″][quote comment=”356927″][quote comment=”356864″]”I believe the company was started in 1950 or so. In 1972 a branch was opened in Fargo, North Dakota, and then it was moved to Ranger, Texas, in 1979 for marketing and business reasons. ”
Ranger, Texas…Mystery solved:
Did I miss the mystery? There is indeed a Ranger, Texas (I drive through Ranger on my way from Dallas to Odessa, to see my wife’s family) The mystery may be way any company would move to Ranger, TX.[/quote]
A common policy on UW is to refer to the ballclub from Arlington as the Texas Texases because their jerseys say so.
Ranger, Texas might explay why on their home unis, Texas is written across the chest.[/quote]
Makes sense now
[quote comment=”356901″]Unrelated to today’s column, but some good vintage footage here of WVU vs Washington and Lee in 1952. Very cool band unis and football unis, cars etc…
You can see that the all gold look for WVU has some history behind it (but I still hate it)[/quote]
WOW great color clip
[quote comment=”356945″][quote comment=”356942″][quote comment=”356907″]can all sideline interviews, especially at football games, be done away with?[/quote]
No way. The high comedy that was Lovie Smith telling the sideline reporter that his team had seized momentum after kicking a field goal to cut the score to 31-3 at the half was the best part of the Bears-Bengals game this past Sunday.[/quote]
Seriously? LMAO… I hadn’t heard that one yet.[/quote]
He really said that. I’m trying to find a clip online but I’m coming up empty.
The best I could find is a passing reference to it link.
[quote comment=”356920″][quote comment=”356915″]sorry if someone posted this. i skipped through the comments after the 9th ego post.
As someone who plays way too many guitar video games, that’s awesome.[/quote]
looks like a lot of work, for not that much fun… kinda like kayaking!
[quote comment=”356924″]Seriously, is it too much for those newspapers to link or include visual reference in their stories?
I’m talking about the Massachusetts high school/Virginia Tech logo similarity story. They ‘describe’ the logo in the article, but I’d rather see a side-by-side comparison. Is that too difficult a task for them?[/quote]
The print edition did have the logos side by side, and there’s no doubt they’re identical – except for the coloring.
Sometimes newspapers like to provide more content to their readers who actually pay for the product, ya know.
[quote comment=”356961″]Attention Josh Jedwab…
Re: Your Mets hockey jerseys.
Check out link (Shameless plug!)
If you decide to call, ask for Paul.
You may have a copyright issue though…[/quote]
check out what’s on that site. nice!!!:
origins of all nba’s team names
The Thursday Night Football uniforms for link… to be worn tomorrow night against North Carolina.
FYI, its the ‘Orange Effect’ game for the VaTech fanbase, so be prepared to see a lot of orange if you decide to watch this game instead of Game 2 of the World Series.
[quote comment=”356972″]origins of all nba’s team names
Horrible decision by Washington to even consider dropping the Bullets nickname.
[quote comment=”356955″]My take on pinstripe-gate:
It reminds me of a similar situation mentioned in a recent Sports Illustrated article on Charlie Manuel. Apparently, after the Phillies won the World Series, some of the media types were a bit frustrated when a reporter from a Japanese media outlet asked Manuel questions about So Taguchi (who barely played during the playoffs) and took up precious time during the press conference.[/quote]
They were frustrated because they hadn’t thought of asking that question. Every reporter is looking for something to ask and of course they get frustrated when their important time (sitting with other writers from numerous papers in a huge press conference room).
The questions that should have already been asked are “Do you need thermal underwear when you are pitching?” or “Should pitchers wear a helmet on the mound?”
[quote comment=”356946″]No Nebraska is not trying to bring out the “cream” in their color scheme.
Why would they do they stripes and not everything else?
That makes zero sense.
IIRC, Indiana tried to emphasize their “crimson and cream” heritage a few years back; they didn’t stick with it for very long.
[quote comment=”356973″]The Thursday Night Football uniforms for link… to be worn tomorrow night against North Carolina.
FYI, its the ‘Orange Effect’ game for the VaTech fanbase, so be prepared to see a lot of orange if you decide to watch this game instead of Game 2 of the World Series.[/quote]
Wow, that should be called the “Vomit Inducing Effect” game. Good Lord is that awful.
[quote comment=”356923″]
I liked the “N” on the Cornhusker sleeves during the Mike Rozier era. One thing that’s bothered me is why the Big 12 did not grandfather in the Nebraska-Oklahoma annual game from the Big 8 days. I understand the scheduling issue with two divisions, and a dozen teams, but not playing that game every year is akin to Michigan not playing Ohio State annually.[/quote]
Not that it makes any difference, but expansion/consolidation has victimized a lot of traditional rivalries. The ACC basketball people weren’t real happy with their expansion, and the “Third Saturday in October” people were (and maybe still are) hopping mad over the SEC expansion.
[quote comment=”356974″]Horrible decision by Washington to even consider dropping the Bullets nickname.[/quote]
IIRC the decision was made by the owner, and his rationale was that the nickname somehow contributed to the violence in DC.
I personally haven’t seen much of a difference in the level of violence since he went to Wizards, but… whatever.
[quote comment=”356847″]Francesa hosts a good show on the Fan, however he does come across as an arrogant, condescending ass.[/quote](90% of sports radio employees) host a good show on (any sports radio station), however he/she does come across as an arrogant, condescending ass.
[quote comment=”356976″][quote comment=”356946″]No Nebraska is not trying to bring out the “cream” in their color scheme.
Why would they do they stripes and not everything else?
That makes zero sense.
IIRC, Indiana tried to emphasize their “crimson and cream” heritage a few years back; they didn’t stick with it for very long.[/quote]
No, there never was an effort to emphasize the cream and crimson. The effort was to standardize the colors and logos used by the various athletic teams.
Prior to 2002, crimson was being worn by very few teams. When I was there, basketball, baseball and soccer all wore what was probably best described as a “true red.” The wrestling team wore a burgundy color similar to what the Redskins wear. Football was the only program I was aware of that had a color anywhere close to crimson. A few years after I left, they went to link.
The athletic department put a stop to that.
[quote comment=”356978″][quote comment=”356923″]
I liked the “N” on the Cornhusker sleeves during the Mike Rozier era. One thing that’s bothered me is why the Big 12 did not grandfather in the Nebraska-Oklahoma annual game from the Big 8 days. I understand the scheduling issue with two divisions, and a dozen teams, but not playing that game every year is akin to Michigan not playing Ohio State annually.[/quote]
Not that it makes any difference, but expansion/consolidation has victimized a lot of traditional rivalries. The ACC basketball people weren’t real happy with their expansion, and the “Third Saturday in October” people were (and maybe still are) hopping mad over the SEC expansion.[/quote]
The basketball people might not have been happy with expansion, but money doesn’t really come from basketball, it comes from the ludicrous bowl system and the Conference Championship Games in football. Yeah, killing off rivalries were bad, but if those 2 leagues never expanded, they were going to fall waaaaay behind everyone else in funding if they didn’t expand.
I seriously doubt any SEC school is going to complain about the killed off rivalries when they’re making as much money off of ESPN as they are right now, and that all began with their expansion and Championship Game. And the only ones in the ACC that are complaining are the fans in North Carolina whose school suck a royal fatty in football and rake in profits in basketball regardless of television contracts. However, you’d be very hard pressed to find anyone who actually has an understanding of the situations that would honestly say expansion was a bad idea.
In fact, if I were the Big East football schools, I’d break away from the rest of that conference, invite in schools like Marshall, East Carolina, etc and create their own conference so they can have exclusive rights to all football and basketball revenue. Its stupid that schools like UConn, UofL, WVU, and Pitt are splitting up their basketball revenues 16 ways when they could have their own conference where they play each other more frequently and be able to capitalize even greater on the ludicrous amount of money that is in the football landscape with Conference Title games.
[quote comment=”356979″][quote comment=”356974″]Horrible decision by Washington to even consider dropping the Bullets nickname.[/quote]
IIRC the decision was made by the owner, and his rationale was that the nickname somehow contributed to the violence in DC.
I personally haven’t seen much of a difference in the level of violence since he went to Wizards, but… whatever.[/quote]
Good to see you were paying attention to what was written in the article that was linked.
Some of you may continue to disagree but I still say that the stripes on Nebraska’s scarlet jerseys are, and have been, cream and not white. Check out the 2005 and 2006 photo galleries at the Nebraska web site. The difference between the sleeve stripes and the white on the rest of the uniform is subtle…like off-white vs. white, but it’s different.
Back around 1985 or 1987 I read a newspaper article in New Orleans, where Nebraska was playing LSU in the Sugar Bowl, which specifically pointed out that the sleeve stripes were actually cream and not white as they might appear on a casual glance.
link about NFL teams wearing white at home with a shout-out to UniWatch at the bottom of the article.
[quote comment=”356981″][quote comment=”356976″][quote comment=”356946″]No Nebraska is not trying to bring out the “cream” in their color scheme.
Why would they do they stripes and not everything else?
That makes zero sense.
IIRC, Indiana tried to emphasize their “crimson and cream” heritage a few years back; they didn’t stick with it for very long.[/quote]
No, there never was an effort to emphasize the cream and crimson. The effort was to standardize the colors and logos used by the various athletic teams.
Prior to 2002, crimson was being worn by very few teams. When I was there, basketball, baseball and soccer all wore what was probably best described as a “true red.” The wrestling team wore a burgundy color similar to what the Redskins wear.
Football was the only program I was aware of that had a color anywhere close to crimson. A few years after I left, they went to link.
The athletic department put a stop to that.[/quote]
You were there and don’t know that the school colors are scarlet and cream…not CRIMSON? LOL…
any idea why the Celtics wore white last night in Cleveland while the Cavs wore their standard away jerseys?
[quote comment=”356945″][quote comment=”356942″][quote comment=”356907″]can all sideline interviews, especially at football games, be done away with?[/quote]
No way. The high comedy that was Lovie Smith telling the sideline reporter that his team had seized momentum after kicking a field goal to cut the score to 31-3 at the half was the best part of the Bears-Bengals game this past Sunday.[/quote]
Seriously? LMAO… I hadn’t heard that one yet.[/quote]
The humble and non-egotisical Adam here…anyways, I must have replayed that literally 50 times on the Tivo. None of us in the room (okay, there were only 3 of us) could actually believe he said that…
[quote comment=”356983″]
Good to see you were paying attention to what was written in the article that was linked.[/quote]
No not at all; strictly going by my own memory.
IIRC=If I recall correctly.
But really, thanks for the comment. That added a lot. Glad you felt the need to chime in. Really nice of you. Did you respond to the original comment too?
[quote comment=\”356982\”][quote comment=\”356978\”][quote comment=\”356923\”]
I liked the \”N\” on the Cornhusker sleeves during the Mike Rozier era. One thing that\’s bothered me is why the Big 12 did not grandfather in the Nebraska-Oklahoma annual game from the Big 8 days. I understand the scheduling issue with two divisions, and a dozen teams, but not playing that game every year is akin to Michigan not playing Ohio State annually.[/quote]
Not that it makes any difference, but expansion/consolidation has victimized a lot of traditional rivalries. The ACC basketball people weren\’t real happy with their expansion, and the \”Third Saturday in October\” people were (and maybe still are) hopping mad over the SEC expansion.[/quote]
money doesn\’t really come from basketball, it comes from the ludicrous bowl system and the Conference Championship Games in football.[/quote]
You sure about that?
[quote comment=”356982″]The basketball people might not have been happy with expansion, but money doesn’t really come from basketball, it comes from the ludicrous bowl system and the Conference Championship Games in football. Yeah, killing off rivalries were bad, but if those 2 leagues never expanded, they were going to fall waaaaay behind everyone else in funding if they didn’t expand.[/quote]
Football rules the roost and that’s why the ACC Tobacco Road group was overruled.
I think most of these moves are defensive in nature, trying to grab someone before another conference moves in. Schools like BC, Baylor, and a few others get to go for the ride but the major movers/shakers were Miami, Texas, Tex. A&M and Florida State.
Somewhere along the line we’ll see consolidation in one form or another, and schools that are determined to be drags on revenue will be dropped.
how entertaning!!!
GO Rocky Ford Meloneers!!!!!! (melons from Rocky Ford are the best)
[quote comment=”356986″][quote comment=”356981″][quote comment=”356976″][quote comment=”356946″]No Nebraska is not trying to bring out the “cream” in their color scheme.
Why would they do they stripes and not everything else?
That makes zero sense.
IIRC, Indiana tried to emphasize their “crimson and cream” heritage a few years back; they didn’t stick with it for very long.[/quote]
No, there never was an effort to emphasize the cream and crimson. The effort was to standardize the colors and logos used by the various athletic teams.
Prior to 2002, crimson was being worn by very few teams. When I was there, basketball, baseball and soccer all wore what was probably best described as a “true red.” The wrestling team wore a burgundy color similar to what the Redskins wear.
Football was the only program I was aware of that had a color anywhere close to crimson. A few years after I left, they went to link.
The athletic department put a stop to that.[/quote]
You were there and don’t know that the school colors are scarlet and cream…not CRIMSON? LOL…[/quote]
Well, that’s pretty interesting considering that the words “fight for the cream and crimson” appear in both of the school’s fight songs.
How come no on mentions Jumbo Brown when the Yanks stripes are counted? He’s obscure, sure, but he pitched from 32-36 and is listed at 295 pounds.
Can’t Jim Caple check in with the Yankees equipment guy and find out what size CC wears, and how does it compare to Dave Wells’ or Frank Howards’ unis (he was a coach and is listed at 6’7″ and 255).
[quote comment=”356923″][quote comment=”356858″]Nebraska’s sleeve stripes have been off-white all season, after decades of being the same shade of white as whatever else is on the sleeve (whether it be a number or an “N”).
The issue has been making me crazy, and I have been asking the folks who I know in Lincoln for an answer, without success. All I know is that it looks terrible.[/quote]
I liked the “N” on the Cornhusker sleeves during the Mike Rozier era. One thing that’s bothered me is why the Big 12 did not grandfather in the Nebraska-Oklahoma annual game from the Big 8 days. I understand the scheduling issue with two divisions, and a dozen teams, but not playing that game every year is akin to Michigan not playing Ohio State annually.[/quote]
They should have followed the SEC’s lead and kept a “permanent rival” from the other division. This maintained rivalries despite the rotating schedule for West teams playing East teams
For example:
Auburn (West) vs. Georgia (East)
Alabama (West) vs. Tennessee (East)
Hell, from ’92 to ’01 it was 2 permanent opponents, and Auburn had to play Florida and Georgia every year. They dropped it to 1 permanent and 2 rotating for ’02.
[quote comment=”356888″][quote comment=”356884″]As far as the Nebraska unis go….
the numbers are tackle twill
and the sleeves are printed
so in my estimation it is just color fade
which happens with the chemicals we use for laundry and stuff as equipment managers.
It is no bid deal-could be an older set of jerseys-etc.
Common things-do not like when it happens but I have seen it before.
No, the sleeve stripes are cream…as in Nebraska’s school colors of crimson and cream. The helemts pants and jersey numerals are true white but the jersey stripes are cream. I remember reading this when Nebraska played LSU in the Sugar Bowl in 1985 (or again in 1987). I saw their red (scarlet) jerseys up close and indeed the sleeve stripes were off white (cream) while the numerals were white. The difference was subtle and hard to see on TV or in photos, but according to the article I read back then the difference was intentional. Perhaps Nebraska is now emphasizing the cream in their school colors by slightly darkening the sleeve stripes.[/quote]
Noticed them when Tech played them a couple of weeks ago. I really, really like it! Not sure why…. but am totally diggin’ the cream stripes!
[quote comment=”356880″]everyone knows the real place to shop is S-Mart.
Shop Smart. Shop S-Mart.[/quote]
That’s where I bought my boomstick.
It’s got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel, and a hair trigger. Made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. You can find it in the Sporting Goods Department.
[quote comment=”356989″][quote comment=”356983″]
Good to see you were paying attention to what was written in the article that was linked.[/quote]
No not at all; strictly going by my own memory.
IIRC=If I recall correctly.
But really, thanks for the comment. That added a lot. Glad you felt the need to chime in. Really nice of you. Did you respond to the original comment too?[/quote]
So, in other words, you didn’t bother reading what was written in the piece that was linked. Y’know the thing that actually sheds a little light on the reasons Abe Pollin decided to change his team’s nickname.
Oh, and thanks for that li’l lesson on internet initialisms. I thought you were referring to the link.
[quote comment=”356978″][quote comment=”356923″]
I liked the “N” on the Cornhusker sleeves during the Mike Rozier era. One thing that’s bothered me is why the Big 12 did not grandfather in the Nebraska-Oklahoma annual game from the Big 8 days. I understand the scheduling issue with two divisions, and a dozen teams, but not playing that game every year is akin to Michigan not playing Ohio State annually.[/quote]
Not that it makes any difference, but expansion/consolidation has victimized a lot of traditional rivalries. The ACC basketball people weren’t real happy with their expansion, and the “Third Saturday in October” people were (and maybe still are) hopping mad over the SEC expansion.[/quote]
As a fan involved in the Third Saturday in October, Alabama Still plays Tennessee each year, but now it sometimes falls on the 4th Saturday. A small price to pay for the HUGE revenues of the SEC Championship Game. The game that Alabama actually moved from their schedule was Vanderbilt, so that sucks that an automatic W was lost, but I think it’s better for everyone.
[quote comment=”356919″]Jim Mora’s Diddly Poo and Herm Edwards’ reasoning for actually playing the games would have not become a part of posterity had it not beem for press conferences.
Coors wouldn’t have any ad ideas either.[/quote]
And there’s generally hoopla involved.
“magic mud” for baseballs… interesting: link
[quote comment=”356941″]I’ll just say that the pinstripe question is more relevant than 98 percent of the questions asked at Super Bowl Media Day (“Doug Williams, how long have you been a black quarterback?”)
And I wonder how many folks will get the reference of the headline on today’s post? Could be more fun than “Guess the Game.”[/quote]
I think it’s a rather brilliant historical reference!
It appears that historically, Nebraska WAS crimson & cream and has progressed to scarlet & cream. Not that I can find any sort of traditions or official school colors on the UNL website. The newspaper is called The Scarlet too. But hey… they are called Big Red!
[quote comment=”356998″][quote comment=”356880″]everyone knows the real place to shop is S-Mart.
Shop Smart. Shop S-Mart.[/quote]
That’s where I bought my boomstick.
It’s got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel, and a hair trigger. Made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. You can find it in the Sporting Goods Department.[/quote]
So says Ash Williams
Re: the Mets hockey sweater
Here’s a place that does link, they also apparently now do custom hockey pants as well.
Dunno how much it’d cost to do a oneoff, and don’t think you could do many beyond a team due to licensing issues unless you had somebody else do the shield in tackle twill and had them put on later.
Which tangentially brings me to another point. Why doesn’t the NHL make gym shorts in the style of their hockey pants(asides from the fact that too many are monochrome.)
I did a DIY of the Rangers pants and while the seamstress did a crap job up the sides, people still remark on them.
[quote comment=”357001″][quote comment=”356919″]Jim Mora’s Diddly Poo and Herm Edwards’ reasoning for actually playing the games would have not become a part of posterity had it not beem for press conferences.
Coors wouldn’t have any ad ideas either.[/quote]
And there’s generally hoopla involved.[/quote]
I wonder how much those coaches got paid for those spots?
[quote comment=”356987″]any idea why the Celtics wore white last night in Cleveland while the Cavs wore their standard away jerseys?[/quote]
I think NBA teams have been wearing road jerseys for home openers for several years now. Everyone with DirecTV can see if that’s the case, because we have a free NBA preview this week.
[quote comment=”357004″]It appears that historically, Nebraska WAS crimson & cream and has progressed to scarlet & cream. Not that I can find any sort of traditions or official school colors on the UNL website. The newspaper is called The Scarlet too. But hey… they are called Big Red![/quote]
The Cornhuskers’ colors have been scarlet and cream since 1900.
[quote comment=”356944″][quote comment=”356941″]I’ll just say that the pinstripe question is more relevant than 98 percent of the questions asked at Super Bowl Media Day (“Doug Williams, how long have you been a black quarterback?”)[/quote]
I’ve always wanted to be a black quarterback, but my Swedish ancestry’s holding me back.[/quote]
My vote for comment of the day.
[quote comment=”356999″]
So, in other words, you didn’t bother reading what was written in the piece that was linked. Y’know the thing that actually sheds a little light on the reasons Abe Pollin decided to change his team’s nickname.[/quote]
Much better reading comprehension this time around Jim. That’s correct. And I certainly don’t know why you would have assumed an obscure governmental report was being referenced instead of common internet acronyms.
“Bother” has an interesting connotation in this usage. Your thought is that no one is allowed to comment unless they’ve read the link? I can’t agree, especially when I’ve lived thru the incident. Sorry, I’m just not one of those people who accepts everything on the internet as gospel. You’re certainly welcome to though; that’s up to you. Helmet Hut? White at Home? Wikipedia? All on the net, yet not accepted.
Does the link somehow contradict the idea that the owner dropped the nickname because he thought it contributed to violence?
Long story short: what’s your problem TODAY?
Here are 2 color pictures of Nebraska in 1959 or 60
[quote comment=”356976″]IIRC, Indiana tried to emphasize their “crimson and cream” heritage a few years back; they didn’t stick with it for very long.[/quote]
According to a poster here, 1992 with Wyche. Post #13.
[quote comment=”356961″]Attention Josh Jedwab…
Re: Your Mets hockey jerseys.
Check out link (Shameless plug!)
If you decide to call, ask for Paul.
You may have a copyright issue though…[/quote]
It’s only a copyright issue if he tries to sell the jerseys. If he just makes one for his own personal use, it’s not an infringement, because he’s not trying to profit from trading on the Mets’ good(?) name.
[quote comment=”357014″][quote comment=”356976″]IIRC, Indiana tried to emphasize their “crimson and cream” heritage a few years back; they didn’t stick with it for very long.[/quote]
According to a poster here, 1992 with Wyche. Post #13.
And, whatever this means from the official Indiana site (dated 2002): the pictures don’t look like cream to me but they claim it is.
This is the first year that all of the Indiana sports teams will be wearing the same shades of crimson and cream.
[quote comment=”356987″]any idea why the Celtics wore white last night in Cleveland while the Cavs wore their standard away jerseys?[/quote]
The Cavs seem to prefer wearing color at home. They wear either their wine or blue jerseys about as often as the league will let them.
[quote comment=”357010″][quote comment=”357004″]It appears that historically, Nebraska WAS crimson & cream and has progressed to scarlet & cream. Not that I can find any sort of traditions or official school colors on the UNL website. The newspaper is called The Scarlet too. But hey… they are called Big Red![/quote]
The Cornhuskers’ colors have been scarlet and cream since 1900.[/quote]
We Sooner & Husker fans get a little touchy when referring our rivals in our school colors but so be it.
The Sooners introduced a hoops uni against USC last year that was cream but that’s been the only cream as far as I remember in Sooner sports. See here: link
It’s kind of funny because the “cream” for OU, Nebraska, & Indiana is the same thing as calling hockey jerseys “sweaters” in my opinion. All are close to our hearts but not necessarily dead on.
[quote comment=”356949″]Speaking of the 2010 twins I found the new 2010 spring training/ BP flex-fit hats!
I pray that those are NOT the new Spring Training/BP hats. They look like those ridiculous trucker hats.
If they are the new ST/BP hats, looks like I won’t be buying a new one until styles change.
[quote comment=”357012″][quote comment=”356999″]
So, in other words, you didn’t bother reading what was written in the piece that was linked. Y’know the thing that actually sheds a little light on the reasons Abe Pollin decided to change his team’s nickname.[/quote]
Much better reading comprehension this time around Jim. That’s correct. And I certainly don’t know why you would have assumed an obscure governmental report was being referenced instead of common internet acronyms.
“Bother” has an interesting connotation in this usage. Your thought is that no one is allowed to comment unless they’ve read the link? I can’t agree, especially when I’ve lived thru the incident. Sorry, I’m just not one of those people who accepts everything on the internet as gospel. You’re certainly welcome to though; that’s up to you. Helmet Hut? White at Home? Wikipedia? All on the net, yet not accepted.
Does the link somehow contradict the idea that the owner dropped the nickname because he thought it contributed to violence?
Long story short: what’s your problem TODAY?[/quote]
My problem TODAY is that you can post 50 inane comments a day without regard for facts but any time someone someone calls you on your bullshit, you have to cry about it.
TODAY is a perfect example of that.
[quote comment=”357015″][quote comment=”356961″]Attention Josh Jedwab…
Re: Your Mets hockey jerseys.
Check out link (Shameless plug!)
If you decide to call, ask for Paul.
You may have a copyright issue though…[/quote]
It’s only a copyright issue if he tries to sell the jerseys. If he just makes one for his own personal use, it’s not an infringement, because he’s not trying to profit from trading on the Mets’ good(?) name.[/quote]
If I request a custom jersey incorporating aspects of the Mets jersey, I don’t have a copywrite issue. But…
Does (and Paul) have a copywrite problem, since they will be making some profit on the job?
The Mets Hockey Uni can be found if you look hard enough. Nike about 5 years ago put out a series of them for the Yankees and Mets, I own a Yankees sweater, and I wear it rather religiously. navy blue with grey and white accent striping, ball in hat logo on both sleeve patches and interlocking NY on the front chest. I’ll get a picture up eventually.
[quote comment=”357016″][quote comment=”357014″][quote comment=”356976″]IIRC, Indiana tried to emphasize their “crimson and cream” heritage a few years back; they didn’t stick with it for very long.[/quote]
According to a poster here, 1992 with Wyche. Post #13.
And, whatever this means from the official Indiana site (dated 2002): the pictures don’t look like cream to me but they claim it is.
This is the first year that all of the Indiana sports teams will be wearing the same shades of crimson and cream.[/quote]
Sam Wyche was the football coach in 1983.
[quote comment=”357023″][quote comment=”357016″][quote comment=”357014″][quote comment=”356976″]IIRC, Indiana tried to emphasize their “crimson and cream” heritage a few years back; they didn’t stick with it for very long.[/quote]
According to a poster here, 1992 with Wyche. Post #13.
And, whatever this means from the official Indiana site (dated 2002): the pictures don’t look like cream to me but they claim it is.
This is the first year that all of the Indiana sports teams will be wearing the same shades of crimson and cream.[/quote]
Sam Wyche was the football coach in 1983.[/quote]
I think the Indiana helmet was also redesigned at that time, and yellow was added to the uniform color scheme. This may have lasted only a season, they had a shitty year but a receiver named Dwayne Gunn was a high NFL draft choice off that team.
[quote comment=”357020″][quote comment=”357012″][quote comment=”356999″]
So, in other words, you didn’t bother reading what was written in the piece that was linked. Y’know the thing that actually sheds a little light on the reasons Abe Pollin decided to change his team’s nickname.[/quote]
Much better reading comprehension this time around Jim. That’s correct. And I certainly don’t know why you would have assumed an obscure governmental report was being referenced instead of common internet acronyms.
“Bother” has an interesting connotation in this usage. Your thought is that no one is allowed to comment unless they’ve read the link? I can’t agree, especially when I’ve lived thru the incident. Sorry, I’m just not one of those people who accepts everything on the internet as gospel. You’re certainly welcome to though; that’s up to you. Helmet Hut? White at Home? Wikipedia? All on the net, yet not accepted.
Does the link somehow contradict the idea that the owner dropped the nickname because he thought it contributed to violence?
Long story short: what’s your problem TODAY?[/quote]
My problem TODAY is that you can post 50 inane comments a day without regard for facts but any time someone someone calls you on your bullshit, you have to cry about it.
TODAY is a perfect example of that.[/quote]
[quote comment=”356923″][quote comment=”356858″]Nebraska’s sleeve stripes have been off-white all season, after decades of being the same shade of white as whatever else is on the sleeve (whether it be a number or an “N”).
The issue has been making me crazy, and I have been asking the folks who I know in Lincoln for an answer, without success. All I know is that it looks terrible.[/quote]
I liked the “N” on the Cornhusker sleeves during the Mike Rozier era. One thing that’s bothered me is why the Big 12 did not grandfather in the Nebraska-Oklahoma annual game from the Big 8 days. I understand the scheduling issue with two divisions, and a dozen teams, but not playing that game every year is akin to Michigan not playing Ohio State annually.[/quote]
Totally agree that Nebraska should play Olklahoma EVERY year. The test should be that if the game was annually telecast by ABC in the pre-cable, one-two games per weekend days of college broadcasts, then it is likely a rivalry important enough to continue playing today.
Cream in place od White on football unis are usually a rancid disaster. remember the Sam wyche Indiana Hoosiers Cream jerseys and pants in the 1980’s. I still think of stale milk when I think about them.
Nebraska has had a series of pretty good unis, but the looked best with the “UCLA” striping and trim, especially in the years when everybody wore the same jersey and the same helmet lettering, as there wete some years when “N” and “NU” were worn by different players at the same time, and the RB’s wore plain Red jerseys, probably tear-aways, while others wore UCLA stripes.
[quote comment=”357020″]
My problem TODAY is that you can post 50 inane comments a day without regard for facts but any time someone someone calls you on your bullshit, you have to cry about it.
TODAY is a perfect example of that.[/quote]
Yeah, it’s a factual problem. Why didn’t you point that out in the first place?
Which one of my facts is wrong?
Inane? Yeah, thanks for your opinion.
Christ almighty, talk about crying…
[quote comment=”356979″]
IIRC the decision was made by the owner, and his rationale was that the nickname somehow contributed to the violence in DC.
I personally haven’t seen much of a difference in the level of violence since he went to Wizards, but… whatever.[/quote]
Facts and bullshit.
During the 1995-96 season, Abe Pollin, owner of the Washington Bullets, decided the team nickname conveyed a negative image because “bullets” had nothing to do with basketball but everything to do with people being injured or killed by shooting incidents in Washington DC and the surrounding communities.
Both on the net; one is fact, the other is bullshit. You decide.
(My comment counter will be up later in the day.)
BTW, feel free to call me on bullshit, but try to get it right when you do.
[quote comment=”357025″]Tiresome.[/quote]
“Inane” is the vocabulary word of the day though.
And that’s a fact, jack.
This is my 17th post (inane or otherwise) of the day. I’ve got 33 more to go.
Enough whining!
Take a look at this picture…every one of you will laugh:
[quote comment=”357023″][quote comment=”357016″]
According to a poster here, 1992 with Wyche. Post #13.
Sam Wyche was the football coach in 1983.[/quote]
Yep, I incorrectly put in 1992. They referenced Wyche, but not the year.
[quote comment=”357032″]Take a look at this picture…every one of you will laugh:
Sometimes you need total inan…er, a nonsense picture. A robot, with a wineglass, in front of a house with children in the foreground?
That’s one of those that needs a caption.
[quote comment=”357034″][quote comment=”357032″]Take a look at this picture…every one of you will laugh:
Sometimes you need total inan…er, a nonsense picture. A robot, with a wineglass, in front of a house with children in the foreground?
That’s one of those that needs a caption.[/quote]
There are SO many things in that fucking picture that makes me laugh out loud.
[quote comment=”357026″][quote comment=”356923″][quote comment=”356858″]Nebraska’s sleeve stripes have been off-white all season, after decades of being the same shade of white as whatever else is on the sleeve (whether it be a number or an “N”).
The issue has been making me crazy, and I have been asking the folks who I know in Lincoln for an answer, without success. All I know is that it looks terrible.[/quote]
I liked the “N” on the Cornhusker sleeves during the Mike Rozier era. One thing that’s bothered me is why the Big 12 did not grandfather in the Nebraska-Oklahoma annual game from the Big 8 days. I understand the scheduling issue with two divisions, and a dozen teams, but not playing that game every year is akin to Michigan not playing Ohio State annually.[/quote]
Totally agree that Nebraska should play Olklahoma EVERY year. The test should be that if the game was annually telecast by ABC in the pre-cable, one-two games per weekend days of college broadcasts, then it is likely a rivalry important enough to continue playing today.
Cream in place od White on football unis are usually a rancid disaster. remember the Sam wyche Indiana Hoosiers Cream jerseys and pants in the 1980’s. I still think of stale milk when I think about them.
Nebraska has had a series of pretty good unis, but the looked best with the “UCLA” striping and trim, especially in the years when everybody wore the same jersey and the same helmet lettering, as there wete some years when “N” and “NU” were worn by different players at the same time, and the RB’s wore plain Red jerseys, probably tear-aways, while others wore UCLA stripes.[/quote]
Not uniform related, but former Husker RB I.M. Hipp has to be considered one of the best player names ever.
Quite simply, the greatest football jersey ever:
[quote comment=”357037″]Quite simply, the greatest football jersey ever:
I hope that you were drinking the same stuff as the robot above.
[quote comment=”357032″]Enough whining!
Take a look at this picture…every one of you will laugh:
powers, you outdid last year‘s costume!
Awesome video, Paul and Jim!
That Francesca comment is why I listen to Michael Kay on 1050 ESPN Radio. For those of you who don’t know, he used to describe the uniforms that the teams were wearing when he did the color analysis on the Yankee radio broadcasts.
[quote comment=”357039″][quote comment=”357032″]Enough whining!
Take a look at this picture…every one of you will laugh:
powers, you link‘s costume![/quote]
The funny thing is, the picture was taken in June!
[quote comment=”357041″][quote comment=”357039″][quote comment=”357032″]Enough whining!
Take a look at this picture…every one of you will laugh:
powers, you link‘s costume![/quote]
The funny thing is, the picture was taken in June![/quote]
you dressed as the joker in june?
[quote comment=”357042″][quote comment=”357041″][quote comment=”357039″][quote comment=”357032″]Enough whining!
Take a look at this picture…every one of you will laugh:
powers, you link‘s costume![/quote]
The funny thing is, the robot picture was taken in June![/quote]
you dressed as the joker in june?[/quote]
Ah, Hell.
[quote comment=”357031″]This is my 17th post (inane or otherwise) of the day. I’ve got 33 more to go.[/quote]
no, you don’t
Yesterday, a series of comments consisted of nothing but one-line acting credits from Hawaii Five-0.
Today, complaints about “inane posts”. :-)
[quote comment=”357045″]Yesterday, a series of comments consisted of nothing but one-line acting credits from Hawaii Five-0.
Today, complaints about “inane posts”. :-)[/quote]
Dog Him, Danno!
“Doc” Emrick, broadcaster for the New Jersey Devils, just went with this line while discussing the Buffalo Sabres uniform:
“Donald Trump is a nice guy, but his hair does not belong on a hockey jersey.”
(paraphrasing as best as I can remember)
The comment was made with about 2 minutes left in the 2nd period.
Quote of the night from Mike Emrick during tonight’s Sabres-Devils game: “Donald Trump may be a nice guy, but his hair does not belong on a hockey jersey.”
Looks like a nice night in New York.
If you’re a duck.
cliff lee has 3 L’s on his jersey. it says “philllies.”
[quote comment=”357048″]”Doc” Emrick, broadcaster for the New Jersey Devils, just went with this line while discussing the Buffalo Sabres uniform:
“Donald Trump is a nice guy, but his hair does not belong on a hockey jersey.”
(paraphrasing as best as I can remember)
The comment was made with about 2 minutes left in the 2nd period.[/quote]
[quote comment=”357049″]Quote of the night from Mike Emrick during tonight’s Sabres-Devils game: “Donald Trump may be a nice guy, but his hair does not belong on a hockey jersey.”[/quote]
doc musta seen this and claimed it as his own
Why is Myers credited as Madson in the video, those eyebrows are unmistakable.
[quote comment=”357047″][quote comment=”357045″]Yesterday, a series of comments consisted of nothing but one-line acting credits from Hawaii Five-0.
Today, complaints about “inane posts”. :-)[/quote]
Dog Him, Danno![/quote]
“Be here. Aloha.”
Gamecocks debuted new hoops unis at tonight’s student-only event. Nike baggy pants as usual, but a total makeover including a grey 3rd uni (replacing garnet which is, you know, only the school’s main color). Interesting font choice and I like that they’ve used Gamecocks as opposed to Carolina. FB/BB unis and equip are all Under Armour and I don’t know how much longer the Nike deal runs. Hopefully not for long.
Dear Mr. Anotherguy:
Been trying to contact you, but your listed e-mail doesn’t seem to work. Could you please shoot me a note at link ?
Paul, Phil: it’s okay.
See you some other time.
Does Chase Utley use Fop or Dapper Dan in his hair?
[quote comment=”357058″]Does Chase Utley use Fop or Dapper Dan in his hair?[/quote]
i think he uses carsten charles’ “who’s your daddy” mousse
[quote comment=”357058″]Does Chase Utley use Fop or Dapper Dan in his hair?[/quote]
(Oh, now, I’m not dumping on the Phillies, just impossible to walk away from a straight line like that one).
[quote comment=”357029″]BTW, feel free to call me on bullshit, but try to get it right when you do.[/quote]
I really don’t know what that’s supposed to mean. If you think that book excerpt you posted somehow proves your assertion that Abe Pollin felt that the Bullets’ nickname led to violence in DC, then congratulations.
If you were trying to escalate things to full-on fight status, you’re barking up the wrong tree. That isn’t going to happen.
Anyone watching “Friday Night Lights?” I only caught a glimpse of it, but it looks like East Dillon High’s got some leftover unis from the 80s. I’m drawing a blank on the term for it, but the jerseys have that short, untucked thing going on link.
Nebraska has had a series of pretty good unis, but the looked best with the “UCLA” striping and trim, especially in the years when everybody wore the same jersey and the same helmet lettering, as there wete some years when “N” and “NU” were worn by different players at the same time, and the RB’s wore plain Red jerseys, probably tear-aways, while others wore UCLA stripes.
That catch by Cliff Lee was great.
Josh, Love the concepts. In particular the baseball stiching on the sleeves and the cityscape. I did a Met’s hockey concept a while back that hit the ticker, but I like yours better.
BTW, we still don’t know how many pinstripes are on CC’s uni… we???
[quote comment=”357061″][quote comment=”357029″]BTW, feel free to call me on bullshit, but try to get it right when you do.[/quote]
I really don’t know what that’s supposed to mean. If you think that book excerpt you posted somehow proves your assertion that Abe Pollin felt that the Bullets’ nickname led to violence in DC, then congratulations.
If you were trying to escalate things to full-on fight status, you’re barking up the wrong tree. That isn’t going to happen.
Anyone watching “Friday Night Lights?” I only caught a glimpse of it, but it looks like East Dillon High’s got some leftover unis from the 80s. I’m drawing a blank on the term for it, but the jerseys have that short, untucked thing going on link.[/quote]
That’s what they’re called.
(Just in case anybody missed it the day we talked about them).
[quote comment=”357064″]That catch by Cliff Lee was great.
Josh, Love the concepts. In particular the baseball stiching on the sleeves and the cityscape. I did a Met’s hockey concept a while back that hit the ticker, but I like yours better.
BTW, we still don’t know how many pinstripes are on CC’s uni… we???[/quote]
Sorry, a METS (not Met’s) concept. It’s getting late.
Nebraska unis, I’d take anything with sleeves. Then the stripes would work. Until sleeves reappear, just make it a solid color, no trimwork.
kill the messenger
[quote comment=”357065″]
That’s what they’re called.
(Just in case anybody missed it the day we talked about them).
YES! And it was within the last couple weeks that they were discussed, wasn’t it?
[quote comment=”357067″]kill the messenger[/quote]
Aw, she was pretty good. One of the first things I saw – I forgot about game 1 because I’ve been checking out my free NBA preview. Guess I was wrong about home teams wearing road jerseys for opening week. Didn’t they do that in the past, though?
OK, I guess it was more like link.
The entire Yankees grounds crew are wearing #27 jerseys. What assholes.
I don\’t have a screengrab, but Fox showed them working on the mound during the bottom of the 7th inning if that helps anybody.
It looks like all the Yankees ground crew are wearing #27 t-shirts.
Hi all. First, of all thank you Paul for posting my query and for posting the jerseys. Thanks, also to the readers who provided feedback and leads about fabricating prototypes.
As to the copyright issue, as it happens, I’m an attorney, and although intellectual property isn’t my field, I know enough to be comfortable that neither I nor a fabricator would be violating the copyright laws.
Now, if I were to try to sell the jerseys without the express written consent of the Mets, that would be a whole other story.
Once again, thanks to all.
Anyone see the Yankees’ batboy uni jersey?
No first season patch, yet a Majestic logo. Wazzup with dat?
[quote comment=”357066″][quote comment=”357064″]That catch by Cliff Lee was great.
Josh, Love the concepts. In particular the baseball stiching on the sleeves and the cityscape. I did a Met’s hockey concept a while back that hit the ticker, but I like yours better.
BTW, we still don’t know how many pinstripes are on CC’s uni… we???[/quote]
Sorry, a METS (not Met’s) concept. It’s getting late.
Nebraska unis, I’d take anything with sleeves. Then the stripes would work. Until sleeves reappear, just make it a solid color, no trimwork.[/quote]
That’s why I prefer the Roger Craig era Husker jerseys with the “N”, I think Nebraska went to the stripes at the bottom of the sleeves and removed the “N”, the season after losing the Orange Bowl game to Miami.
Oklahoma has had a couple uniform changes that may have gone unnoticed. First, around 1981, the Sooners put the name Oklahoma above the jersey number. By the mid 80s, that would be replaced by the current Sooners name. Second, in a one year experiment, during the season Howard Schnellberger(wrong spelling, I know) coached the Sooners, the OU logo appeared on the pants.
The Mets hockey jerseys are, ahem, cool.
So cool, in fact, they’re actually better looking than the actual blue white and orange jerseys worn by their potential Willets Point neighbors, the Islanders.
Strange, that.
When did Brian Bruney switch to #99? When I first saw it, I thought there was a jersey mishap. Wild Thing Vaughn tribute?
How much of a factor in Lee’s pitching performance tonight was that he was missing the blue button on top of his cap?
[quote comment=”356893″][quote comment=”356881″]Supposedly, link are 2 of the Twins’ new unis.
I’m still trying to track down a more official word on that, but I really don’t have any connections outside of my ticket sales dude, so I seriously doubt that I’ll be able find it.[/quote]
I’m not prepared to say what the Twins will be wearing next season. But I’m very prepared to say that that ain’t it.[/quote]
…is that to say that you know something, Paul? It may be pre-tundra season up here, but the Twins are never far from mind. They’re putting the finishing touches on landscaping around Target Field right now.
[quote comment=”357076″][quote comment=”357066″][quote comment=”357064″]That catch by Cliff Lee was great.
Josh, Love the concepts. In particular the baseball stiching on the sleeves and the cityscape. I did a Met’s hockey concept a while back that hit the ticker, but I like yours better.
BTW, we still don’t know how many pinstripes are on CC’s uni… we???[/quote]
Sorry, a METS (not Met’s) concept. It’s getting late.
Nebraska unis, I’d take anything with sleeves. Then the stripes would work. Until sleeves reappear, just make it a solid color, no trimwork.[/quote]
That’s why I prefer the Roger Craig era Husker jerseys with the “N”, I think Nebraska went to the stripes at the bottom of the sleeves and removed the “N”, the season after losing the Orange Bowl game to Miami.
Oklahoma has had a couple uniform changes that may have gone unnoticed. First, around 1981, the Sooners put the name Oklahoma above the jersey number. By the mid 80s, that would be replaced by the current Sooners name. Second, in a one year experiment, during the season Howard Schnellberger(wrong spelling, I know) coached the Sooners, the OU logo appeared on the pants.[/quote]
didn’t OU go with sleeve stripes one year around the time howard was there? i swear i remember something like that.
[quote comment=”357081″][quote comment=”357076″][quote comment=”357066″][quote comment=”357064″]That catch by Cliff Lee was great.
Josh, Love the concepts. In particular the baseball stiching on the sleeves and the cityscape. I did a Met’s hockey concept a while back that hit the ticker, but I like yours better.
BTW, we still don’t know how many pinstripes are on CC’s uni… we???[/quote]
Sorry, a METS (not Met’s) concept. It’s getting late.
Nebraska unis, I’d take anything with sleeves. Then the stripes would work. Until sleeves reappear, just make it a solid color, no trimwork.[/quote]
That’s why I prefer the Roger Craig era Husker jerseys with the “N”, I think Nebraska went to the stripes at the bottom of the sleeves and removed the “N”, the season after losing the Orange Bowl game to Miami.
Oklahoma has had a couple uniform changes that may have gone unnoticed. First, around 1981, the Sooners put the name Oklahoma above the jersey number. By the mid 80s, that would be replaced by the current Sooners name. Second, in a one year experiment, during the season Howard Schnellberger(wrong spelling, I know) coached the Sooners, the OU logo appeared on the pants.[/quote]
didn’t OU go with sleeve stripes one year around the time howard was there? i swear i remember something like that.[/quote]
You may well be right, it would be great to see a photo, I think this was in the mid 1990s.
just found a couple shots of the sooners with sleeve stripes here
found two better shots
france 2010/2011 adidas home kit leaked: link