There was some discussion of this in the comments yesterday afternoon and, especially, last night. But as I often have to remind myself, many (most?) of the site’s readers don’t actually pore through the comments every day, so…
At first glance, you might think the Broncos really blew it last night by wearing yellow-striped throwback pants on the road. According to Football Uniforms Past and Present, they wore white-striped pants on the road back in the day, which makes sense — if you’re wearing a white-striped helmet, a white jersey, and white-striped socks, yellow trim on your pants looks way out of place. It’s like watching something in black-and-white, except one element is in color. Why couldn’t they spring for a set of road pants as part of this season’s throwback program?
But if you look at some old photos, it turns out that Denver never had white-striped road pants in 1960 and ’61. I haven’t been able to find any color pics, but even black-and-white images make it clear that the pants striping had to have been yellow. I’ve compiled a bunch of additional examples here.
So here’s what we can conclude from this episode:
1) The Broncos had only one set of pants in 1960 and ’61, and it had yellow stripes. If they ever had a white-striped set, I haven’t seen visual evidence of it (and Ricko, who was there, confirms the yellow-only theory).
2) Judging by last night’s game — the first time most of us have ever seen the road uni in color — this means the Broncos’ early uniforms were even more poorly designed than we originally thought.
3) The Broncos deserve credit for getting this detail right and being true to their history, warts and all.
4) Football Uniforms Past and Present is wrong. And not for the first time, either. It’s a great site, but there are lots of errors floating about in there. I believe Ricko and Phil will be bringing more of them to light shortly.
All of which is just reinforces something I seem to find myself saying every month or two: Don’t treat uni history web sites as gospel truth. Yes, they’re useful, they’re great starting points for historical discussion, etc., but they’re far from perfect.
Unfortunately, some people haven’t yet gotten this message. Last night, someone on the Creamer boards started a thread entitled “broncos in wrong pants vs. chargers mnf.” As of this morning, the thread had 16 posts, and nobody had bothered to point out that the pants were actually correct.

November Happenings: Two items of note for NYC-area folks:
• As some of you may recall, two winters ago I wrote this article about the once-proud New York tradition of the beefsteak (in this context, “beefsteak” refers to an event, not a particular cut of meat). On November 8th, that tradition will return to Brooklyn after an absence of too many decades. I will definitely be attending, plus I may also be giving a short presentation of some sort — not sure about that last part yet. Either way, it’s gonna be a blast.
• After taking a week to recover from the beefsteak, we should be ready for a Uni Watch party the following Sunday, November 15th. Let’s pencil it in for 2pm at Sheep Station, with official confirmation to follow shortly-ish.
Uni Watch News Ticker: The Grizzlies have unveiled an alternate uniform. Additional details (and a misleading headline) here. ”¦ Yesterday I noted that Kendry Morales’s left-sleeve piping has been frayed during the postseason. But Alex Rocklein says it’s been that way at least since August 2nd. ”¦ There’s a school called “Bojo”? Nope — that’s Bowie High in Texas, and “Bojo” stands for — get this — “Boost our Jackrabbits onward.” They even have a jackrabbit logo (or at least that’s what Andy McNeel says). ”¦ Interesting marketing partnership between the Red Sox and a UK soccer team. ”¦ Just what the world needs: a replica throwback in a box (thanks, Kek). ”¦ Bit of a T-shirt controversy involving Nick Swisher. Further details here (thanks, Phil). ”¦ Ronald Covert has a friend who makes custom-painted sports-themed cornhole boards. Very cool. ”¦ Last year I linked to some artwork by Brian Jungen, who at the time was making Native American-themed art out of Air Jordans. Now Kirsten informs me that he has a show at the National Museum of the American Indian in DC, and some of the material is amazing. In addition to Air Jordans, he’s also working with baseball gloves, golf bags (I think that’s what those are, right?), and jerseys. ”¦ We all know various high school teams have pinched NFL team logos. Until now, though, I’d never seen a school using Bucco Bruce (with thanks to Tris Wykes). ”¦ UConn will be adding a “JH” helmet decal in memory of Jasper Howard (as reported by Matt O’Brien). ”¦ Teebz‘s excellent Hockey Blog in Canada has a new entry about the Preston Rivulettes, and it’s chock-full of amazing old photos of women’s hockey and softball teams. Great historical info, too — highly recommended reading. ”¦ According to the last four grafs of this article, Clemson and Coastal Carolina will go color-on-color on Halloween (with thanks to Mike Miller). … In a related item, Tennessee wanted to go color-on-color for this Saturday’s game against Alabama, but the Crimson Tide said no (big thanks to Andrew Dockery).
Chargers v. Broncos; uni do v. don’t.
In another blow to the city of Detroit…they are losing their WNBA team…to Tulsa of all places…
I’m not a WNBA fan, but for the city of Detroit…in a weird way, I feel bad for them…
Thanks for the link, Paul. Much credit needs to go to Phil who originally started the entire Rivulettes research on my part.
Thank you, Phil. More is being done in terms of digging up info on these women of 1930s, so there may be more to come yet!
Interesting article on Marucci bats:
• The Red Sox/Fulham deal echoes the Yankees/Man U deal earlier in the decade. Except at the time Man U was possibly the best and most popular soccer team in the world.
• Worse than a high school using Bucko Bruce: The link. The school uses a ripoff Vikings profile logo, a ripoff Wisconsin motion-W, and Packers green and gold. As a native Minnesotan, that combination almost makes my head explode.
[quote comment=”355304″]• Worse than a high school using Bucko Bruce: The link. The school uses a ripoff Vikings profile logo, a ripoff Wisconsin motion-W, and Packers green and gold. As a native Minnesotan, that combination almost makes my head explode.[/quote]
… And the fact that the Wodbridge High athletics website page title is “Viking’s Athletics” does make my head explode.
The Washington Post has a review of the Brian Jungen show in today’s paper.
Clarkstown South High School uses the Vikings logo but wears it in brown and yellow, now gold ala Wyoming and St. Bonaventure!
to Tulsa of all places…
What you mean?
[quote comment=”355307″]Clarkstown South High School uses the Vikings logo but wears it in brown and yellow, now gold ala Wyoming and St. Bonaventure!
I just realized that the field pictured is not theirs. Last year, they played their home games at Tappan Zee High School while their own was built.
Clemson and Coastal Carolina will go color-on-color on Halloween (with thanks to Mike Miller).
Luckily, not many viewers will be subjected to this dog. Sets will be clicked off (I mean remotes will be surfing) after the first quarter, and not because of the color scheme.
Swisher salutes with his left hand, which is the military equivalent of “hey fuck you”.
Something cool…I found an awesome website for helmets:
[quote comment=”355312″]Something cool…I found an awesome website for helmets:
Penn State with a gray facemask:
LSU, using the high hookup, which they never do:
TOSU: Looks off in so many ways:First off, it’s a schutt, they don’t wear any schutts, ala VaTech:
My morning will officially be shot now:
Check out these SICK Navy helmets:
I am referring more to the fact that Tulsa has 1/3 the population and really is more a minor league city when compared to Detroit.
Detroit is going through a very rough time, and the fact they have many sports teams (which I understand suffer a bit too but still have a solid fan base), but the fact the NFL does the blackout thing to the Lions (so people have even less of a distraction), and I am sure the Shock were near the bottom of Detroit sports fans minds, it surely had to provide some distraction and a bright spot (they were a very successful franchise)…to move to an untested, significanlly smaller market…I wasn’t knocking Tulsa directly (that’s too easy), I don’t understand the logic
[quote comment=”355301″]In another blow to the city of Detroit…they are losing their WNBA team…to Tulsa of all places…
I’m not a WNBA fan, but for the city of Detroit…in a weird way, I feel bad for them…[/quote]
I don’t think losing the Shock is going to crush anyone in Detroit. I live near the Palace of Auburn Hills and couldn’t tell you who is on the team, who is the coach, or when a game is.
cool gallery of the custom cornhole boards – pretty sure i saw the wake forest ones at homecoming two weeks ago, they looked very nice – of course ours had WF logos as well, but no football field look to it
Nice details…USFL nose bumper
[quote comment=”355316″][quote comment=”355301″]In another blow to the city of Detroit…they are losing their WNBA team…to Tulsa of all places…
I’m not a WNBA fan, but for the city of Detroit…in a weird way, I feel bad for them…[/quote]
I don’t think losing the Shock is going to crush anyone in Detroit. I live near the Palace of Auburn Hills and couldn’t tell you who is on the team, who is the coach, or when a game is.[/quote]
Oh, I understand that…same way with the Liberty…or any of those teams…I was just saying how it reflects on the state of Detroit..
Small note, something I missed from the past weekend, it appears Blackhawk captain Jonathan Toews has switched from his Easton helmet:
To a Bauer helmet:
Has he made the swap this whole year, or was it a one game try out?
Some petty niggling about a trifle (or, Picking Fly Shit Out of Pepper):
Yesterday, there was a very brief discussion about UCLA Stripes and Northwestern Stripes. The UniWatch Glossary described UCLA Stripes thusly:
“A triple-striped knit panel inserted in between the sleeve and shoulder.” Contrast this description with the illustration provided by keystone combo Ricko and LIPhil:
Clearly, one of the samples does not have a triple stripe. I believe if the Glossary is to be regarded as a viable reference work, it should leave no question as to the veracity of its definitions and descriptions.
On a related note; I find it ironic that Northwestern, “Pioneer” of the Northwestern Stripe, now sports color wedges on their shoulders.
In closing, I believe the Broncos should start wearing their road stockings at home, forcing their opponents to wear their home stockings at an away game.
detroit is a state? ;)
actually, i think the move to tulsa will be good…those smaller markets will probably really support a minor league sport (and that’s being kind) like the WNBA … despite the parent league (NBA) propping up all these franchises, they’re not gonna be successful at all in the larger cities, where they need to compete for the entertainment dollar with the real clubs — i may have watched two or three WNBA games, and not for all that long … their market is families and families with young girls, and while, in theory, you could probably make a case that there are more of this target audience in the larger cities, the reality is that they’re just not the fannies in the seats in any great meaure
put a WNBA team in a city with no profesional franchises and you’re not only going to attract the families and young girls, but you might also attract the very valuable 25-40 demographic with the spending power…plus, a city like tulsa is probably or likely the next market to GET a full-time professional franchise, and this will be a decent litmus test as to whether they can support it
yes, it’s sad to see the shock move, but it’s even more shocking to see the WNBA still in existence
[quote comment=”355319″][quote comment=”355316″][quote comment=”355301″]In another blow to the city of Detroit…they are losing their WNBA team…to Tulsa of all places…
I’m not a WNBA fan, but for the city of Detroit…in a weird way, I feel bad for them…[/quote]
I don’t think losing the Shock is going to crush anyone in Detroit. I live near the Palace of Auburn Hills and couldn’t tell you who is on the team, who is the coach, or when a game is.[/quote]
Oh, I understand that…same way with the Liberty…or any of those teams…I was just saying how it reflects on the state of Detroit..[/quote]
I don’t even think it is a reflection on Detroit. I think it is more of a result of Bill Davidson passing away and the family not wanting to deal with owning the shock anymore. If you have something you don’t want and someone comes along and wants to buy it…
Thank you Phil! That actually makes alot of sense…
Now, explain the Islanders situation!! (just kidding) ;)
[quote comment=”355320″]Small note, something I missed from the past weekend, it appears Blackhawk captain Jonathan Toews has switched from his Easton helmet:
To a Bauer helmet:
Has he made the swap this whole year, or was it a one game try out?[/quote]
He has been wearing it all season long thus far. While he’s not a Bauer-endorsed athlete, he has switched sticks from Easton to Bauer as well.
[quote comment=”355316″][quote comment=”355301″]In another blow to the city of Detroit…they are losing their WNBA team…to Tulsa of all places…
I’m not a WNBA fan, but for the city of Detroit…in a weird way, I feel bad for them…[/quote]
I don’t think losing the Shock is going to crush anyone in Detroit. I live near the Palace of Auburn Hills and couldn’t tell you who is on the team, who is the coach, or when a game is.[/quote]
The Shock were dead the minute Bill Davidson died (pardon the pun). The only thing keeping the Shock in Detroit was a promise Davidson made to David Stern to keep the team in Detroit. They drew less than 5,000 per game and the upper deck of the Palace was curtained off every game. The Palace can fill those dates with concerts and make more money. I am sure most of the people at the Shock game were part of free ticket giveaways.
As for the Lions, can we petition the NFL to black out the away games as well? Last week vs. the Packers the Lions defense bit on a play fake to no one. The running back went the wrong way, Rogers still play faked to an invisible running back and the defense still bit.
I wasn’t knocking Tulsa directly (that’s too easy), I don’t understand the logic
You are correct; Tulsa is no Detroit. Hard to compete with an eroding municipality that was the inspiration for Robocop. Nice mayor, too.
The logic could revolve around the fact that there is now an NBA team in Okie City.
[quote comment=”355327″]I wasn’t knocking Tulsa directly (that’s too easy), I don’t understand the logic
You are correct; Tulsa is no Detroit. Hard to compete with an eroding municipality that was the inspiration for Robocop. Nice mayor, too.
The logic could revolve around the fact that there is now an NBA team in Okie City.[/quote]
What is wrong with the mayor of Detroit?
[quote comment=”355328″][quote comment=”355327″]I wasn’t knocking Tulsa directly (that’s too easy), I don’t understand the logic
You are correct; Tulsa is no Detroit. Hard to compete with an eroding municipality that was the inspiration for Robocop. Nice mayor, too.
The logic could revolve around the fact that there is now an NBA team in Okie City.[/quote]
What is wrong with the mayor of Detroit?
I think he was talking about former mayor Kwame.
[quote comment=”355329″][quote comment=”355328″][quote comment=”355327″]I wasn’t knocking Tulsa directly (that’s too easy), I don’t understand the logic
You are correct; Tulsa is no Detroit. Hard to compete with an eroding municipality that was the inspiration for Robocop. Nice mayor, too.
The logic could revolve around the fact that there is now an NBA team in Okie City.[/quote]
What is wrong with the mayor of Detroit?
I think he was talking about former mayor Kwame.[/quote]
I know, just making a funny. On a related note, if anyone wants to be the mayor of Detroit all you have to do is be “from the street” or be a former basketball player. It is just too easy.
[quote comment=”355328″][quote comment=”355327″]I wasn’t knocking Tulsa directly (that’s too easy), I don’t understand the logic
You are correct; Tulsa is no Detroit. Hard to compete with an eroding municipality that was the inspiration for Robocop. Nice mayor, too.
The logic could revolve around the fact that there is now an NBA team in Okie City.[/quote]
What is wrong with the mayor of Detroit?
If he doesn’t work out, maybe Kevin Porter is available.
I think another problem with the WNBA is playing the cavernous arenas and drawing a few thousand fans per game. I’m outside of orlando and we lost the Miracle years ago to Mohecan Sun. We lost our IHL team when the league folded and never had success again with a hockey team here. Part of the reason is the cost to run the Amway Arena for a few thousand fans. Hockey, it cost $10G per game to convert the surface from basketball to ice which was a big deal, then you drew a decent croud for the solar bears, but you still have maybe 4000 people in a building that holds 16k. WNBA never really took off here.
Now in tulsa, you might have a decent fan base in that theres no other professional sports there, and they might use the building the most, as well in tulsa I’m guessing they don’t have a 16k seat arena.
I think one of the secrets to keeping a minor league team in a medium size city like orlando or tulsa is building an arena that fits the business plan. Course, the fact that theres nearly no decent minor league hockey league in the SE means orlando will probably never succeed in a decent minor hockey league, travel plans cost prohibitive.
UConn is wearing a JH patch for Jasper Howard, who was killed this weekend.
This weekend, West Virginia, UConn’s football opponent will ALSO wear a “6” on their helmet, as a show of support.
Classy move by them.
[quote comment=”355332″]I think another problem with the WNBA is playing the cavernous arenas and drawing a few thousand fans per game. I’m outside of orlando and we lost the Miracle years ago to Mohecan Sun. We lost our IHL team when the league folded and never had success again with a hockey team here. Part of the reason is the cost to run the Amway Arena for a few thousand fans. Hockey, it cost $10G per game to convert the surface from basketball to ice which was a big deal, then you drew a decent croud for the solar bears, but you still have maybe 4000 people in a building that holds 16k. WNBA never really took off here.
Now in tulsa, you might have a decent fan base in that theres no other professional sports there, and they might use the building the most, as well in tulsa I’m guessing they don’t have a 16k seat arena.
I think one of the secrets to keeping a minor league team in a medium size city like orlando or tulsa is building an arena that fits the business plan.
Course, the fact that theres nearly no decent minor league hockey league in the SE means orlando will probably never succeed in a decent minor hockey league, travel plans cost prohibitive.[/quote]
The Tulsa Oilers play in the same arena that will house the basketball team. The Oilers are part of the Central Hockey League, and have a decent following in Tulsa due to their foothold on the city as a pro sports organization. They’re small potatoes compared to the NHL or AHL, but I assume their costs are similar to that of Orlando’s costs, yet they make it work.
It will be interesting to see how this new tenant will affect the Oilers.
[quote comment=”355327″]I wasn’t knocking Tulsa directly (that’s too easy), I don’t understand the logic
You are correct; Tulsa is no Detroit. Hard to compete with an eroding municipality that was the inspiration for Robocop. Nice mayor, too.
The logic could revolve around the fact that there is now an NBA team in Okie City.[/quote]
The cities are going in totally opposite directions.
Oklahoma City is growing and younger, demographically speaking
Detroit sems en route to vanishing, and is aging, too.
Where would you put your women’s basketball team, given those two choices? Where does it have the better chance to catch on? I five years, what will those cities be like?
Tulsa Shock sounds a little too close to “Culture Shock”. I assume they will be changing their name.
[quote comment=\”355325\”][quote comment=\”355320\”]Small note, something I missed from the past weekend, it appears Blackhawk captain Jonathan Toews has switched from his Easton helmet:
To a Bauer helmet:
Has he made the swap this whole year, or was it a one game try out?[/quote]
He has been wearing it all season long thus far. While he\’s not a Bauer-endorsed athlete, he has switched sticks from Easton to Bauer as well.[/quote]
Actually, he\’s gone to Warrior from the looks of it too:
I really got to keep up on the hockey gear ;)
This weekend, West Virginia, UConn’s football opponent will ALSO wear a “6″ on their helmet, as a show of support.
Don’t let Sanchez near those decals.
[quote comment=”355336″]Tulsa Shock sounds a little too close to “Culture Shock”. I assume they will be changing their name.[/quote]
“Tulsa Wildcatters” would be just about perfect for a women’s team.
[quote comment=”355337″][quote comment=\”355325\”][quote comment=\”355320\”]Small note, something I missed from the past weekend, it appears Blackhawk captain Jonathan Toews has switched from his Easton helmet:
To a Bauer helmet:
Has he made the swap this whole year, or was it a one game try out?[/quote]
He has been wearing it all season long thus far. While he\’s not a Bauer-endorsed athlete, he has switched sticks from Easton to Bauer as well.[/quote]
Actually, he\’s gone to Warrior from the looks of it too:
I really got to keep up on the hockey gear ;)[/quote]
I was just checking older photos, but you’re right with Warrior in some of the more recent pictures. Maybe his deal with Easton ended, and he wanted to use something else?
2nd “Wildcat” reference I came across today:
From Rob Ullman’s site
[quote comment=”355339″][quote comment=”355336″]Tulsa Shock sounds a little too close to “Culture Shock”. I assume they will be changing their name.[/quote]
“Tulsa Wildcatters” would be just about perfect for a women’s team.
One of the potential owners last name is “Box”. Hold your breath.
The venue:
[quote comment=”355339″][quote comment=”355336″]Tulsa Shock sounds a little too close to “Culture Shock”. I assume they will be changing their name.[/quote]
“Tulsa Wildcatters” would be just about perfect for a women’s team.
The Texas Wildcatters were a former ECHL team in Beaumont, Texas. They moved to Ontario, California to become the Ontario Reign.
Officially, “Wildcatters” is available for a new southern-based club.
[quote comment=”355339″][quote comment=”355336″]Tulsa Shock sounds a little too close to “Culture Shock”. I assume they will be changing their name.[/quote]
“Tulsa Wildcatters” would be just about perfect for a women’s team.
I like it. They’ll probably end up naming them after another meteorological event, like the “Tulsa Softball-Sized Hail” or something.
[quote comment=”355301″]As for the Lions, can we petition the NFL to black out the away games as well? Last week vs. the Packers the Lions defense bit on a play fake to no one. The running back went the wrong way, Rogers still play faked to an invisible running back and the defense still bit.[/quote]
is there video of this gem? I would love to see it. did Rogers complete the pass?
[quote comment=”355339″][quote comment=”355336″]Tulsa Shock sounds a little too close to “Culture Shock”. I assume they will be changing their name.[/quote]
“Tulsa Wildcatters” would be just about perfect for a women’s team.
gotta say ricko, that may just be the best possible name for a “new” team i’ve heard in a while…was gonna suggest Cougars but wildcatters works so much better and on so many more levels
[quote comment=”355346″][quote comment=”355339″][quote comment=”355336″]Tulsa Shock sounds a little too close to “Culture Shock”. I assume they will be changing their name.[/quote]
“Tulsa Wildcatters” would be just about perfect for a women’s team.
gotta say ricko, that may just be the best possible name for a “new” team i’ve heard in a while…was gonna suggest Cougars but wildcatters works so much better and on so many more levels[/quote]
just reminds me of Speed… every time.
[quote comment=”355321″]
On a related note; I find it ironic that Northwestern, “Pioneer” of the Northwestern Stripe, now sports color wedges on their shoulders.
To me, that NU does not wear their eponymous stripes is one of the most significant uniform travesties in college football.
I just checked and the BOK center holds almost 20k, but surely that is not for a basketball set up.
um…the secret to mariano’s success????
seriously, WTF???
[quote comment=”355350″]um…the secret to link????
seriously, link???[/quote]
Fox cut away from the shot when the spit was near-level with the ball, for all we know it kept going. But perhaps there was also a second spitter.
[quote comment=”355351″][quote comment=”355350″]um…the secret to link????
seriously, link???[/quote]
Fox cut away from the shot when the spit was near-level with the ball, for all we know it kept going. But perhaps there was also a second spitter.[/quote]
There’s even a grassy knoll in the outfield there, right?
I just read a tweet I thought you would all enjoy. @badbanana says, “I’d watch C-SPAN more if Congress wore throwback uniforms every once in a while.”
[quote comment=”355350″]um…the secret to link????
seriously, link???[/quote]
As unconfirmed as that spit is, I’m quite sure that someone over the course of his entire career would have noticed something like this if he has been doing it for so long.
Then again, if he’s lost some of his stuff, it may have started recently. But you would think that the other umpires would have noticed something as obvious as spitting on the ball.
I’m going to unofficially conclude that, based upon his career stats, Rivera is not spitting on the ball. Besides, his cutter is a sonuvabeech to hit without anything on it.
[quote comment=”355354″][quote comment=”355350″]um…the secret to link????
seriously, link???[/quote]
As unconfirmed as that spit is, I’m quite sure that someone over the course of his entire career would have noticed something like this if he has been doing it for so long.
Then again, if he’s lost some of his stuff, it may have started recently. But you would think that the other umpires would have noticed something as obvious as spitting on the ball.
I’m going to unofficially conclude that, based upon his career stats, Rivera is not spitting on the ball. Besides, his cutter is a sonuvabeech to hit without anything on it.[/quote]
especially with one of these:
[quote comment=”355352″][quote comment=”355351″][quote comment=”355350″]um…the secret to link????
seriously, link???[/quote]
Fox cut away from the shot when the spit was near-level with the ball, for all we know it kept going. But perhaps there was also a second spitter.[/quote]
There’s even a grassy knoll in the outfield there, right?[/quote]
wow…it was mcdowell
[quote comment=”355355″][quote comment=”355354″][quote comment=”355350″]um…the secret to link????
seriously, link???[/quote]
As unconfirmed as that spit is, I’m quite sure that someone over the course of his entire career would have noticed something like this if he has been doing it for so long.
Then again, if he’s lost some of his stuff, it may have started recently. But you would think that the other umpires would have noticed something as obvious as spitting on the ball.
I’m going to unofficially conclude that, based upon his career stats, Rivera is not spitting on the ball. Besides, his cutter is a sonuvabeech to hit without anything on it.[/quote]
especially with one of these:
With the way that Vladdy is swinging the bat at balls bouncing off the dirt, they might want to see if he has a better one-timer with one of those. LOL
The Broncos’ 6-0 start has come in five different uniforms, including five different ones in the past five weeks:
@ Cincy – blue current;
vs. Cleveland – blue current;
@ Oakland – white current;
vs. Dallas – orange alt current;
vs. Boston – yellow throwback; and
@ SD – white throwback.
I wonder if any other NFL team has worn different unis for five consecutive weeks. November will be more staid. Probably white on 11/1 and blue for the rest of the month. I hope the blue pants are retired, but that would make a sixth uni possible.
[quote comment=”355350″]um…the secret to link????
seriously, link???[/quote]
Back … and to the right. Back … and to the right.
Seriously, as much as it would make my decade for any Yankee to be disgraced and run out of the sport for cheating — why the hell is A-Roid still playing? — I have to assume that the clip is a trick of perspective. Seen from a camera 90 degrees to either side, we’d probably see his spit not come within three feet of the ball.
[quote comment=”355314″]My morning will officially be shot now:
Check out these SICK Navy helmets:
Those are SICK, too cool. From that site, I’m diggin’ this Dan Fouts Oregon repro.
[quote comment=”355359″][quote comment=”355350″]um…the secret to link????
seriously, link???[/quote]
Back … and to the right. Back … and to the right.
Seriously, as much as it would make my decade for any Yankee to be disgraced and run out of the sport for cheating — why the hell is A-Roid still playing? — I have to assume that the clip is a trick of perspective. Seen from a camera 90 degrees to either side, we’d probably see his spit not come within three feet of the ball.[/quote]
Why wouldn’t A-Rod still be playing?
Didn’t the gambler get in trouble for something similar a few years ago?
[quote comment=”355358″]The Broncos’ 6-0 start has come in five different uniforms, including five different ones in the past five weeks:
@ Cincy – blue current;
vs. Cleveland – blue current;
@ Oakland – white current;
vs. Dallas – orange alt current;
vs. Boston – yellow throwback; and
@ SD – white throwback.
I wonder if any other NFL team has worn different unis for five consecutive weeks. November will be more staid. Probably white on 11/1 and blue for the rest of the month. I hope the blue pants are retired, but that would make a sixth uni possible.[/quote]
That type of thing gets really hard to track when you go back in time. If anyone has, it’s probably the Titans. At one point they had the possibility of 8 different combinations. (Technically 9, but with the NFL only allowing 2 uses of alt jerseys they could only actually do 8 in a season)
Am I the only one who just found out about this?
[quote comment=”355362″]Didn’t the gambler get in trouble for something similar a few years ago?
The breathing on his hands, along with the pine tar, was an issue as well, I believe.
[quote comment=”355365″][quote comment=”355362″]Didn’t the gambler get in trouble for something similar a few years ago?
The breathing on his hands, along with the pine tar, was an issue as well, I believe.[/quote]
he was allowed to “go to his hands” as the parlance is, since it was below a certain temperature…the pine tar…not so much
la russa didn’t make a big deal out of it (in fact, apparently, while someone was in the clubhouse watching on the CSTV and brought it to la russa’s attention, he still didn’t make a big deal out of it)…fox was the one who made the big deal out of it
basically, the umpires were also made aware of it and they told him something to the effect of “just get that shit off of there next time you’re on the bump” … and that was that
re:There’s a school called “Bojo”? Nope – that’s Bowie High in Texas, and “Bojo” stands for – get this – “Boost our Jackrabbits onward.” They even have a jackrabbit logo (or at least that’s what Andy McNeel says)
Grove City High School (suburban Columbus Ohio)
Has the school nickname ‘Greyhounds’ link
Their football team uses the nickname DAWGS link
DAWGS stands for Defense Always Wins Games
Lame right?
[quote comment=”355366″][quote comment=”355365″][quote comment=”355362″]Didn’t the gambler get in trouble for something similar a few years ago?
The breathing on his hands, along with the pine tar, was an issue as well, I believe.[/quote]
he was allowed to “go to his hands” as the parlance is, since it was below a certain temperature…the pine tar…not so much
la russa didn’t make a big deal out of it (in fact, apparently, while someone was in the clubhouse watching on the CSTV and brought it to la russa’s attention, he still didn’t make a big deal out of it)…fox was the one who made the big deal out of it
basically, the umpires were also made aware of it and they told him something to the effect of “just get that shit off of there next time you’re on the bump” … and that was that[/quote]
Don’t both managers have to agree that the added moisture on the hands from “going to the hands” is ok before the game starts? I thought that was an unofficial rule.
High schools and smaller colleges have been adapting and using pro and college logos for close to 50 years, and MOST times the higher level teams didn’t (and still don’t) mind. They figure–and rightly so–that it’s good marketing and good to know your brand is held high in high esteem (that kids think it’s good to look like you)…and if you don’t lose any great money on it, who cares.
So could we…
a) stop acting as if we’ve made some big discovery
b) stop acting act like it’s really unusual
c) stop calling it a “ripoff”. Only a ripoff if you steal from someone who’d rather you didn’t.
Granted, I don’t understand it as much these days with computer design capabilities everywhere…but there’s still that “look like the Colts” factor that likely isn’t going anywhere
So instead of “blowing the whistle” and thinking we’re some kind of crimefighters…let’s just evaluate how they adapted it and if they did a good job of it.
BTW…I’m in for Sheep Station!
[quote]stop calling it a “ripoff”. Only a ripoff if you steal from someone who’d rather you didn’t.[/quote]
like the motion w?
[quote comment=”355371″][quote]stop calling it a “ripoff”. Only a ripoff if you steal from someone who’d rather you didn’t.[/quote]
like the link?[/quote]
That’s precisely why I said “MOST times”
[quote comment=”355372″][quote comment=”355371″][quote]stop calling it a “ripoff”. Only a ripoff if you steal from someone who’d rather you didn’t.[/quote]
like the link?[/quote]
That’s precisely why I said “MOST times”
You also said “acting act”. LOL ;o)
[quote comment=”355371″][quote]stop calling it a “ripoff”. Only a ripoff if you steal from someone who’d rather you didn’t.[/quote]
like the link?[/quote]
Good point – even if you’re willing to re-define “stealing” in the broadest possible sense, any use of the motionsick W is stealing.
Nice work on the Broncos “yellow stripe” issue. I was wondering about that last night. While those uniforms are indeed horrid, I think it’s great that the Broncos have such a great sense of humour and history. The one thing they are doing differently in those uniforms that the original team didn’t do is they are winning.
[quote comment=”355363″][quote comment=”355358″]The Broncos’ 6-0 start has come in five different uniforms, including five different ones in the past five weeks:
@ Cincy – blue current;
vs. Cleveland – blue current;
@ Oakland – white current;
vs. Dallas – orange alt current;
vs. Boston – yellow throwback; and
@ SD – white throwback.
I wonder if any other NFL team has worn different unis for five consecutive weeks. November will be more staid. Probably white on 11/1 and blue for the rest of the month. I hope the blue pants are retired, but that would make a sixth uni possible.[/quote]
That type of thing gets really hard to track when you go back in time. If anyone has, it’s probably the Titans. At one point they had the possibility of 8 different combinations. (Technically 9, but with the NFL only allowing 2 uses of alt jerseys they could only actually do 8 in a season)[/quote]
Yikes! And we all thought Oregon corned the market on uni-combos in a season.
[quote comment=”355373″][quote comment=”355372″][quote comment=”355371″][quote]stop calling it a “ripoff”. Only a ripoff if you steal from someone who’d rather you didn’t.[/quote]
like the link?[/quote]
That’s precisely why I said “MOST times”
You also said “acting act”. LOL ;o)[/quote]
Hey, I’m a work. Usually these need to be sent before I can get the one final proofread I’d like….cuz someone walks in and, can you believe this, they actually expect me to DO something once in awhile. Sheesh. The nerve of people, huh.
[quote comment=”355345″]hey AFLFAN
[quote comment=”355301″]As for the Lions, can we petition the NFL to black out the away games as well? Last week vs. the Packers the Lions defense bit on a play fake to no one. The running back went the wrong way, Rogers still play faked to an invisible running back and the defense still bit.[/quote]
is there video of this gem? I would love to see it. did Rogers complete the pass?[/quote]
I don’t know if there is video of it, but yes the pass was complete. They even showed the replay with Daryl Johnston commenting of the play fake to no one.
[quote comment=”355376″][quote comment=”355363″][quote comment=”355358″]The Broncos’ 6-0 start has come in five different uniforms, including five different ones in the past five weeks:
@ Cincy – blue current;
vs. Cleveland – blue current;
@ Oakland – white current;
vs. Dallas – orange alt current;
vs. Boston – yellow throwback; and
@ SD – white throwback.
I wonder if any other NFL team has worn different unis for five consecutive weeks. November will be more staid. Probably white on 11/1 and blue for the rest of the month. I hope the blue pants are retired, but that would make a sixth uni possible.[/quote]
That type of thing gets really hard to track when you go back in time. If anyone has, it’s probably the Titans. At one point they had the possibility of 8 different combinations. (Technically 9, but with the NFL only allowing 2 uses of alt jerseys they could only actually do 8 in a season)[/quote]
Yikes! And we all thought Oregon corned the market on uni-combos in a season.[/quote]
Oregon still has that crown. The Ducks have..what, 4 jerseys and 4 pants, plus different helmets…and a throwback, and as far as I know NCAA doesn’t limit the number of times any uniforms can be worn.
The Titans, at least for one season, had 3 jerseys & 3 pants, which were all interchangable, except they were only allowed to wear the one jersey twice per NFL rules. I’m honestly not sure if the Titans navy jersey is still officially in use or not. The white pants seem to have kinda phased out too.
[quote comment=”355377″][quote comment=”355373″][quote comment=”355372″][quote comment=”355371″][quote]stop calling it a “ripoff”. Only a ripoff if you steal from someone who’d rather you didn’t.[/quote]
like the link?[/quote]
That’s precisely why I said “MOST times”
You also said “acting act”. LOL ;o)[/quote]
Hey, I’m a work. Usually these need to be sent before I can get the one final proofread I’d like….cuz someone walks in and, can you believe this, they actually expect me to DO something once in awhile. Sheesh. The nerve of people, huh.
Those jerks! ;o)
Speaking of work, I’m in the process of booking off five days for the UW Winter Classic. Ricko, do you recommend any hotels that won’t turn my weekend trip into a luxury vacation?
I think I stayed at the Days Inn-MoA the last time I was in Minny. Decent place, good rates.
[quote comment=”355379″]
Oregon still has that crown. The Ducks have..what, 4 jerseys and 4 pants, plus different helmets…and a throwback, and as far as I know NCAA doesn’t limit the number of times any uniforms can be worn.
The Titans, at least for one season, had 3 jerseys & 3 pants, which were all interchangable, except they were only allowed to wear the one jersey twice per NFL rules. I’m honestly not sure if the Titans navy jersey is still officially in use or not. The white pants seem to have kinda phased out too.[/quote]
The Seahawks are in the same boat, if they actually wanted to be silly enough to wear the green again with different pants, or wear the navy pants again with another jersey. The option is there but I really don’t think we’ll see it happen.
[quote comment=”355374″][quote comment=”355371″][quote]stop calling it a “ripoff”. Only a ripoff if you steal from someone who’d rather you didn’t.[/quote]
like the link?[/quote]
Good point – even if you’re willing to re-define “stealing” in the broadest possible sense, any use of the motionsick W is stealing.[/quote]
If I sit on my porch, waving and watching you pick apples from my apple tree without saying anything about it, you aren’t stealing.
If I tell you to stop, and you continue, you’re stealing.
If I post a sign that says, “No Apple Picking” and you still pick them, you’re stealing.
[quote comment=”355382″][quote comment=”355374″][quote comment=”355371″][quote]stop calling it a “ripoff”. Only a ripoff if you steal from someone who’d rather you didn’t.[/quote]
like the link?[/quote]
Good point – even if you’re willing to re-define “stealing” in the broadest possible sense, any use of the motionsick W is stealing.[/quote]
If I sit on my porch, waving and watching you pick apples from my apple tree without saying anything about it, you aren’t stealing.
If I tell you to stop, and you continue, you’re stealing.
If I post a sign that says, “No Apple Picking” and you still pick them, you’re stealing.
If I take the apples without you knowing about it, that’s stealing.
Unless and until you give me permission, even the implied permission of a wave. The University of Wisconsin will give them no such wave, so yes. The high school is stealing.
quote comment=”355304″]• The Red Sox/Fulham deal echoes the Yankees/Man U deal earlier in the decade. Except at the time Man U was possibly the best and most popular soccer team in the world.
• Worse than a high school using Bucko Bruce: The link. The school uses a ripoff Vikings profile logo, a ripoff Wisconsin motion-W, and Packers green and gold. As a native Minnesotan, that combination almost makes my head explode.[/quote]
Fulham? No offense to loyal west Londoners, but Fulham is MAYBE the fifth-most popular team in just their city, let alone the entire league. Are they really the best deal the Red Sox could make?
As for the Broncos streak of different uniforms, it is kind of strange the NFL allowed them to have a standard alternate jersey (the orange one) in the same season they used a throwback – especially considering the AFL teams actually have two throwbacks this season since they have home and road versions.
Do any of the other AFL “legacy” teams have an alternate jersey for this year?
[quote comment=”355383″][quote comment=”355382″][quote comment=”355374″][quote comment=”355371″][quote]stop calling it a “ripoff”. Only a ripoff if you steal from someone who’d rather you didn’t.[/quote]
like the link?[/quote]
Good point – even if you’re willing to re-define “stealing” in the broadest possible sense, any use of the motionsick W is stealing.[/quote]
If I sit on my porch, waving and watching you pick apples from my apple tree without saying anything about it, you aren’t stealing.
If I tell you to stop, and you continue, you’re stealing.
If I post a sign that says, “No Apple Picking” and you still pick them, you’re stealing.
If I take the apples without you knowing about it, that’s stealing.
Unless and until you give me permission, even the implied permission of a wave. The University of Wisconsin will give them no such wave, so yes. The high school is stealing.[/quote]
Apples make a really bad analogy for copyright issues.
The whole point of trademark protection with logos is to prevent consumer confusion and not allow Party B to use Party A’s logo to make money by causing people to confuse the two.
In the case of a high school using a green version of the W, is there really anyone stupid enough to think that this high school is representing the university of Wisconsin?
From the Baltimore Sun:
NEW YORK – The Maryland football team will wear uniforms with camouflage designs for its game against Virginia Tech on Nov. 14, two days before Veterans Day.
An announcement was scheduled Tuesday by Maryland and South Carolina, which is planning a similar tribute for its Nov. 14 game. The effort will honor those who have served in the military and promote the Wounded Warrior Project.
The black and tan camouflage uniforms, designed by Under Armour, will have a Wounded Warrior logo patch. The jerseys worn by the Gamecocks and Terrapins will have words such as courage, loyalty and integrity on their backs.
Maryland plays at home against No. 15 Virginia Tech on Nov. 14, while No. 23 South Carolina hosts No. 2 Florida.
The Wounded Warrior Project provides services and programs for injured military men and women.
[quote comment=”355383″][quote comment=”355382″][quote comment=”355374″][quote comment=”355371″][quote]stop calling it a “ripoff”. Only a ripoff if you steal from someone who’d rather you didn’t.[/quote]
like the link?[/quote]
Good point – even if you’re willing to re-define “stealing” in the broadest possible sense, any use of the motionsick W is stealing.[/quote]
If I sit on my porch, waving and watching you pick apples from my apple tree without saying anything about it, you aren’t stealing.
If I tell you to stop, and you continue, you’re stealing.
If I post a sign that says, “No Apple Picking” and you still pick them, you’re stealing.
If I take the apples without you knowing about it, that’s stealing.
Unless and until you give me permission, even the implied permission of a wave. The University of Wisconsin will give them no such wave, so yes. The high school is stealing.[/quote]
I think they make such a big deal out of it because it’s not that great of a design, and they know it, but all the fuss makes people think it’s so cool.
I never liked it. Give me a good old-fashioned block W the way the Winnipeg Blue Bombers had. link
Disappointed that Alabama vetoed the color vs. color matchup with Tennessee. Back in the sixties, that was another one of those matchups like USC-UCLA that was always a color vs. color. In fact, one of my oldest Sports Illustrated memories was a photo of a dejected orange-clad kicker with a bunce of crimson-clad players celebrating in the background.
[quote comment=”355385″]As for the Broncos streak of different uniforms, it is kind of strange the NFL allowed them to have a standard alternate jersey (the orange one) in the same season they used a throwback – especially considering the AFL teams actually have two throwbacks this season since they have home and road versions.
Do any of the other AFL “legacy” teams have an alternate jersey for this year?[/quote]
I’m pretty sure the Chargers are planning on using their modern powder blue this season too. The Bills & Jets throwbacks already were their alternates, so no issues there. KC & Oakland don’t have alts. The Pats & Titans have both used alts in the past, but I’m not sure if either is still considered current.
[quote comment=”355383″][quote comment=”355382″][quote comment=”355374″][quote comment=”355371″][quote]stop calling it a “ripoff”. Only a ripoff if you steal from someone who’d rather you didn’t.[/quote]
like the link?[/quote]
Good point – even if you’re willing to re-define “stealing” in the broadest possible sense, any use of the motionsick W is stealing.[/quote]
If I sit on my porch, waving and watching you pick apples from my apple tree without saying anything about it, you aren’t stealing.
If I tell you to stop, and you continue, you’re stealing.
If I post a sign that says, “No Apple Picking” and you still pick them, you’re stealing.
If I take the apples without you knowing about it, that’s stealing.
Unless and until you give me permission, even the implied permission of a wave. The University of Wisconsin will give them no such wave, so yes. The high school is stealing.[/quote]
Indeed. The metaphor was that for the better part of the past half century MOST pro teams and colleges have just sat on the porch and waved…believing it didn’t hurt anything and was, in fact, creating additional brand awareness. And most apparently still do, because high-profile suits such as Wisconsin’s are few and far between.
Even that World’s Ugliest Uni the other day was the Bengals helmet turned inside out. Or sideways. Or something.
Perhaps schools ARE being contacted quietly with a letter from an team or league attorney to the school board, etc. But given that such “logo adoptions” are still so widespread, the leagues clearly haven’t made policing them a top priority…or they’d be running ads in coaching mags, et al, saying “Don’t use our logos”. To my knowledge, that is not the case.
If the teams who own the logos don’t get their noses out of joint over it, why should we? Or why should we think we’re onto something insidious. Talking about “they ripped off…” really is a No shit, Sherlock moment.
RE: Stealing….
So, then the “MEATS” shirt, which uses the Mets font & colors isn’t stealing?
RE: Titans
The navy jerseys are now an alternate and are usually paired with the white pants. I only wish they would pair the light blue jerseys and white pants. That would be their best option. Actually, the CFL would be their BEST options.
[quote comment=”355372″][quote comment=”355371″][quote]stop calling it a “ripoff”. Only a ripoff if you steal from someone who’d rather you didn’t.[/quote]
like the link?[/quote]
That’s precisely why I said “MOST times”
That’s an interesting admission, since I’m the one who introduced the word “ripoff” into the thread, and I was specifically talking about Wisconsin’s motion W.
But I still say all such uses of pro or collegiate logos by high schools are ripoffs. Maybe not in the legal or moral sense of being theft — though in point of fact nearly all high school logo appropriations are that — but in the sense of being unoriginal copycatism. And more importantly, in the sense of ripping off the school’s students.
Every high school in America has among its student body a few students with the artistic and design talent to create an original logo for their school, particularly with guidance and review from teachers. When school administrators use a ripoff pro logo, they’re not telling the students that they’re as good as the pros. They’re telling the students that they’re not good enough to represent themselves, and also that nobody cares enough about the school to give it its own identity. Regardless of whether the ripoff logo is a legal or moral crime against the logo’s owners, it is a pedagogical crime against the schools’ students.
My own high school was nicknamed the Eagles — just like half the other schools in our conference! — and back in the day they replaced their Philly-ripoff eagle-wing helmets with logos designed by students (with the help of art teachers and alumni boosters). Not NFL-quality logos, to be sure, but quite good for a high school, and I can tell you that we took a hell of a lot more pride in the team when we had our own logos that stood for us. And the great thing is that the school still uses both of the student-developed logos to this day for all sports and for the school itself, more than 20 years after abandoning the pro ripoff logo.
Simply put, even the worst original logo is better, from the point of view of what a high school exists to do, than the best recycled pro logo.
[quote comment=\”355314\”]My morning will officially be shot now:
Check out these SICK Navy helmets:
[quote comment=”355395″][quote comment=\”355314\”]My morning will officially be shot now:
Check out these SICK Navy helmets:
Meant to say that Jolly Roger Helmet is amazing!!
[quote comment=”355392″]RE: Stealing….
So, then the “MEATS” shirt, which uses the Mets font & colors isn’t stealing?[/quote]
I’d say that falls under the legal protection of being a Parody.
Fun uni related game here:
“The Broncos deserve credit for getting this detail right and being true to their history, warts and all.”
The current Broncos deserve the credit. The ’60 Broncos, on the other hand…
I like the home uni, but last night’s white and brown socks were distracting, to put it kindly. The rest of the uni was cool, though.
Even more credit goes to the Chargers for those awesome endzones. link
[quote comment=”355394″][quote comment=”355372″][quote comment=”355371″][quote]stop calling it a “ripoff”. Only a ripoff if you steal from someone who’d rather you didn’t.[/quote]
like the link?[/quote]
That’s precisely why I said “MOST times”
That’s an interesting admission, since I’m the one who introduced the word “ripoff” into the thread, and I was specifically talking about Wisconsin’s motion W.
But I still say all such uses of pro or collegiate logos by high schools are ripoffs. Maybe not in the legal or moral sense of being theft — though in point of fact nearly all high school logo appropriations are that — but in the sense of being unoriginal copycatism. And more importantly, in the sense of ripping off the school’s students.
Every high school in America has among its student body a few students with the artistic and design talent to create an original logo for their school, particularly with guidance and review from teachers. When school administrators use a ripoff pro logo, they’re not telling the students that they’re as good as the pros. They’re telling the students that they’re not good enough to represent themselves, and also that nobody cares enough about the school to give it its own identity. Regardless of whether the ripoff logo is a legal or moral crime against the logo’s owners, it is a pedagogical crime against the schools’ students.
My own high school was nicknamed the Eagles — just like half the other schools in our conference! — and back in the day they replaced their Philly-ripoff eagle-wing helmets with logos designed by students (with the help of art teachers and alumni boosters). Not NFL-quality logos, to be sure, but quite good for a high school, and I can tell you that we took a hell of a lot more pride in the team when we had our own logos that stood for us. And the great thing is that the school still uses both of the student-developed logos to this day for all sports and for the school itself, more than 20 years after abandoning the pro ripoff logo.
Simply put, even the worst original logo is better, from the point of view of what a high school exists to do, than the best recycled pro logo.[/quote]
And I agreed with that notion when I said it doesn’t make sense with some much computer design technology available these days.
My point (again) is that by not vigorously clamping down on logo adoptions and the like for the past 50 years, the pros and major colleges have created an atmosphere where such things are seen as no big deal.
To insert some kind of moral indignation (other than your point about not tapping into the skills of the students) when there is no such indignation from the owners of the material is just…silly.
Hey Paul,
Boston.com stole a page right out of your book with their “Rate the AFL Uniforms” survey. link
Coincidence? HA HA
[quote comment=”355308″]to Tulsa of all places…
What you mean?[/quote]
Yeah, I live in Tulsa.
[quote comment=”355311″]Swisher salutes with his left hand, which is the military equivalent of “hey fuck you”.[/quote]
Swisher salutes with his left hand because his glove is on his right.
[quote comment=”355375″]Paul,
Nice work on the Broncos “yellow stripe” issue. I was wondering about that last night. While those uniforms are indeed horrid, I think it’s great that the Broncos have such a great sense of humour and history. The one thing they are doing differently in those uniforms that the original team didn’t do is they are winning.[/quote]
Am I crazy for not thinking what the Broncos wore last night was “horrid?” If you fix the pant stripes to match the socks and helmet, I think that look is actually AWESOME. I know the vertical striped sock is very bizarre, but wouldn’t it be cool if the Broncos wore them all the time, just to be different?
I’ll go as far to say they update the 1960’s look into their current color scheme and make that their permenant uniform set.
I get the impression I’m in the vast minority here, is that right?
[quote comment=”355402″]Hey Paul,
Boston.com stole a page right out of your book with their “Rate the AFL Uniforms” survey. link
Coincidence? HA HA[/quote]
That reminds me.
On the subject of slightly cream-colored white helmets…
Some of it was the discoloration effect of the sealers, yes.
But (and you’re gonna think this is dumb unless you remember that newscasters never wore white shirts back then), another issue is that pure white on a “clossy” surface such as a plastic helmet was WAY too “hot” for b&w TV, especially on bright, sunny days.
Blumed like crazy.
In the case of a high school using a green version of the W, is there really anyone stupid enough to think that this high school is representing the university of Wisconsin?
Suppose the logo is rendered in black and white. Now the possibility of confusion is present. This is why clever organizations take out trademark protection over full-color and single-color versions of their logo. Or, stipulate restrictions on its use so as not to step into a possible violation (such as North Dakota’s requirement that another University trademark be used with their “ND” monogram, so as not to risk confusion with Notre Dame).
Coach Spurrier unveiled the Gamecocks Wounded Warrior jersey at his presser today. There may also be camo on the pants, gloves, cleats, and probably the jocks fwiw. As a Gamecock, I support the cause, but I’m not crazy about the camo use on our uniforms.
Here are the Under Armour cleats the Gamecocks will wear –
[quote comment=”355390″][quote comment=”355385″]As for the Broncos streak of different uniforms, it is kind of strange the NFL allowed them to have a standard alternate jersey (the orange one) in the same season they used a throwback – especially considering the AFL teams actually have two throwbacks this season since they have home and road versions.
Do any of the other AFL “legacy” teams have an alternate jersey for this year?[/quote]
I’m pretty sure the Chargers are planning on using their modern powder blue this season too. The Bills & Jets throwbacks already were their alternates, so no issues there. KC & Oakland don’t have alts. The Pats & Titans have both used alts in the past, but I’m not sure if either is still considered current.[/quote]
Why would you wear a throwback, then an alternate that is meant to evoke the throwback. That’s just dumb.
[quote comment=”355406″][quote comment=”355375″]Paul,
Nice work on the Broncos “yellow stripe” issue. I was wondering about that last night. While those uniforms are indeed horrid, I think it’s great that the Broncos have such a great sense of humour and history. The one thing they are doing differently in those uniforms that the original team didn’t do is they are winning.[/quote]
Am I crazy for not thinking what the Broncos wore last night was “horrid?” If you fix the pant stripes to match the socks and helmet, I think that look is actually AWESOME. I know the vertical striped sock is very bizarre, but wouldn’t it be cool if the Broncos wore them all the time, just to be different?
I’ll go as far to say they update the 1960’s look into their current color scheme and make that their permenant uniform set.
I get the impression I’m in the vast minority here, is that right?[/quote]
About the pants stripe, if they altered them, they wouldn’t really be throwing back, it’d be a half-assed attempted. If they had done that, they would have been crucified here.
[quote comment=”355411″][quote comment=”355406″][quote comment=”355375″]Paul,
Nice work on the Broncos “yellow stripe” issue. I was wondering about that last night. While those uniforms are indeed horrid, I think it’s great that the Broncos have such a great sense of humour and history. The one thing they are doing differently in those uniforms that the original team didn’t do is they are winning.[/quote]
Am I crazy for not thinking what the Broncos wore last night was “horrid?” If you fix the pant stripes to match the socks and helmet, I think that look is actually AWESOME. I know the vertical striped sock is very bizarre, but wouldn’t it be cool if the Broncos wore them all the time, just to be different?
I’ll go as far to say they update the 1960’s look into their current color scheme and make that their permenant uniform set.
I get the impression I’m in the vast minority here, is that right?[/quote]
About the pants stripe, if they altered them, they wouldn’t really be throwing back, it’d be a half-assed attempted. If they had done that, they would have been crucified here.[/quote]Nevermind
About the pants stripe, if they altered them, they wouldn’t really be throwing back, it’d be a half-assed attempted. If they had done that, they would have been crucified here.
Actually, the pants stripe is much narrower on the original. Don’t know how thought-out it was, but it prevented the look of the stripe bleeding right down into the socks-this was much worse with the yellow stripe than last night’s whites. (begin nailing).
[quote comment=”355402″]Hey Paul,
Boston.com stole a page right out of your book with their “Rate the AFL Uniforms” survey. link
Coincidence? HA HA[/quote]
Paul’s book?
Anyway, on the subject of HS/NFL ripoff logos, my high school: link. That’s great for a school in the suburbs of Chicago, eh?
link (when I was there, the colors weren’t metallic — just plain old forest green and athletic gold).
And then there’s link, which is about 2 miles from my house. The Nickname is Vikings and their teams play/train at Holmgren Athletic Complex. Yep, link.
At least link is original.
About the pants stripe, if they altered them, they wouldn’t really be throwing back, it’d be a half-assed attempted. If they had done that, they would have been crucified here.
Nevermind what I said then. :)
[quote comment=”355411″][quote comment=”355406″][quote comment=”355375″]Paul,
Nice work on the Broncos “yellow stripe” issue. I was wondering about that last night. While those uniforms are indeed horrid, I think it’s great that the Broncos have such a great sense of humour and history. The one thing they are doing differently in those uniforms that the original team didn’t do is they are winning.[/quote]
Am I crazy for not thinking what the Broncos wore last night was “horrid?” If you fix the pant stripes to match the socks and helmet, I think that look is actually AWESOME. I know the vertical striped sock is very bizarre, but wouldn’t it be cool if the Broncos wore them all the time, just to be different?
I’ll go as far to say they update the 1960’s look into their current color scheme and make that their permenant uniform set.
I get the impression I’m in the vast minority here, is that right?[/quote]
About the pants stripe, if they altered them, they wouldn’t really be throwing back, it’d be a half-assed attempted. If they had done that, they would have been crucified here.[/quote]
Precisely, this is not about improving the past. That’s ludicrous.
It’s about recreating the past. Or at the least the look of it.
View the unis and either approve or disapprove. IMprove isn’t exactly an issue. If they’d “improved” them or “healed” them (as some teams did in ’94, and the Cowboys are still doing) we’d have been all over them.
[quote]Why would you wear a throwback, then an alternate that is meant to evoke the throwback. That’s just dumb.[/quote]
great point stu
i did a comparison of the two unis (chargers “throwback” vs “alternate”) and there are actually 9 different things about the throwback, but yeah…it’s pretty much the same principle
if flickr were working, i’d post the side by side…but it appears down
anyone else having problems with flickr?
How come the Chargers’ coaching staff weren’t wearing LA Chargers gear last night?
[quote comment=”355415″]We all know various high school teams have pinched NFL team logos. Until now, though, I’d never seen a school using Bucco Bruce (with thanks to Tris Wykes).[/quote]
Belleville High School (New Jersey) has used Bucco Bruce for as long as I can remember…
[quote comment=”355417″][quote]Why would you wear a throwback, then an alternate that is meant to evoke the throwback. That’s just dumb.[/quote]
great point stu
i did a comparison of the two unis (chargers “throwback” vs “alternate”) and there are actually 9 different things about the throwback, but yeah…it’s pretty much the same principle
if flickr were working, i’d post the side by side…but it appears down
anyone else having problems with flickr?[/quote]
Had they done the actual ’60 Los Angeles Chargers, there would have been a lot more differences. In the details, sure, but different.
Imagine the Colts of that era…but everywhere the Colts used stripes, the Chargers used lightning bolts. That’s the design philosophy of what the original Chargers wore. And it was quite the innovation in pro football unis. Really was. Other than the Broncos, the Chargers got the most AFL uni attention.
[quote comment=”355417″][quote]Why would you wear a throwback, then an alternate that is meant to evoke the throwback. That’s just dumb.[/quote]
great point stu
i did a comparison of the two unis (chargers “throwback” vs “alternate”) and there are actually 9 different things about the throwback, but yeah…it’s pretty much the same principle
if flickr were working, i’d post the side by side…but it appears down
anyone else having problems with flickr?[/quote]
Just use link instead. You don’t need an account. You can just upload a file and they’ll host it.
[quote comment=”355420″][quote comment=”355417″][quote]Why would you wear a throwback, then an alternate that is meant to evoke the throwback. That’s just dumb.[/quote]
great point stu
i did a comparison of the two unis (chargers “throwback” vs “alternate”) and there are actually 9 different things about the throwback, but yeah…it’s pretty much the same principle
if flickr were working, i’d post the side by side…but it appears down
anyone else having problems with flickr?[/quote]
Had they done the actual ’60 Los Angeles Chargers, there would have been a lot more differences. In the details, sure, but different.
Imagine the Colts of that era…but everywhere the Colts used stripes, the Chargers used lightning bolts. That’s the design philosophy of what the original Chargers wore. And it was quite the innovation in pro football unis. Really was. Other than the Broncos, the Chargers got the most AFL uni attention.
I would have liked to see that uni. Seems like the Chargers are pulling an Al Davis, implying their history didn’t start until they moved to San Diego.
[quote comment=”355414″][quote comment=”355402″]Hey Paul,
Boston.com stole a page right out of your book with their “Rate the AFL Uniforms” survey. link
Coincidence? HA HA[/quote]
Paul’s book?
Anyway, on the subject of HS/NFL ripoff logos, my high school: link. That’s great for a school in the suburbs of Chicago, eh?
link (when I was there, the colors weren’t metallic — just plain old forest green and athletic gold).
And then there’s link, which is about 2 miles from my house. The Nickname is Vikings and their teams play/train at Holmgren Athletic Complex.
Yep, link.
At least link is original.[/quote]
There is a historically black DII college, Elizabeth City State, nicknamed the “Vikings”. Although perhaps it has been modernized, their logo is very much like Minnesota’s. Not sure when they began playing football, but the school was founded in the 1890’s. Any of you lawyers out there interested?
[quote comment=”355421″]
Just use link instead. You don’t need an account. You can just upload a file and they’ll host it.[/quote]
thanks james…problem is i did the side-by-side on the home computer, and im in the office, so i rely upon flickr for that sort of thing…that pic is at home, so i got nothing to upload
[quote comment=”355387″]From the Baltimore Sun:
NEW YORK – The Maryland football team will wear uniforms with camouflage designs for its game against Virginia Tech on Nov. 14, two days before Veterans Day.
An announcement was scheduled Tuesday by Maryland and South Carolina, which is planning a similar tribute for its Nov. 14 game. The effort will honor those who have served in the military and promote the Wounded Warrior Project.
The black and tan camouflage uniforms, designed by Under Armour, will have a Wounded Warrior logo patch. The jerseys worn by the Gamecocks and Terrapins will have words such as courage, loyalty and integrity on their backs.
Maryland plays at home against No. 15 Virginia Tech on Nov. 14, while No. 23 South Carolina hosts No. 2 Florida.
The Wounded Warrior Project provides services and programs for injured military men and women.[/quote]
Last time I checked my calendar Veteran’s Day was still on 11 November.
[quote comment=”355424″][quote comment=”355421″]
Just use link instead. You don’t need an account. You can just upload a file and they’ll host it.[/quote]
thanks james…problem is i did the side-by-side on the home computer, and im in the office, so i rely upon flickr for that sort of thing…that pic is at home, so i got nothing to upload[/quote]
Yeah, I can see how that might present a problem.
[quote comment=”355418″]How come the Chargers’ coaching staff weren’t wearing LA Chargers gear last night?[/quote]
Yeah, Norv should have come out in a bow tie, horn-rimmed specs, smoking a pipe.
[quote comment=”355427″][quote comment=”355418″]How come the Chargers’ coaching staff weren’t wearing LA Chargers gear last night?[/quote]
Yeah, Norv should have come out in a bow tie, horn-rimmed specs, smoking a pipe.[/quote]
Well, for one thing, the players weren’t wearing LA Chargers gear, either.
Here, Chargers throwback & Chargers alternate:
And, yes I agree, the differences between the two are subtle enough that they shouldn’t need to wear both of them in the same season.
Since we’re talking some AFL here today…
Without looking it up, Which team led the 1960 AFL in scoring?
[quote comment=”355430″]Since we’re talking some AFL here today…
Without looking it up, Which team led the 1960 AFL in scoring?
Was Joe Namath playing in 1960?
[quote comment=”355430″]Since we’re talking some AFL here today…
Without looking it up, Which team led the 1960 AFL in scoring?
Yeah, like I’m going to not look up something like that.
Although it is amusing and not who I thought it would be.
Maryland Camo Jerseys:
[quote comment=”355380″][quote comment=”355377″][quote comment=”355373″][quote comment=”355372″][quote comment=”355371″][quote]stop calling it a “ripoff”. Only a ripoff if you steal from someone who’d rather you didn’t.[/quote]
like the link?[/quote]
That’s precisely why I said “MOST times”
You also said “acting act”. LOL ;o)[/quote]
Hey, I’m a work. Usually these need to be sent before I can get the one final proofread I’d like….cuz someone walks in and, can you believe this, they actually expect me to DO something once in awhile. Sheesh. The nerve of people, huh.
Those jerks! ;o)
Speaking of work, I’m in the process of booking off five days for the UW Winter Classic. Ricko, do you recommend any hotels that won’t turn my weekend trip into a luxury vacation?
I think I stayed at the Days Inn-MoA the last time I was in Minny. Decent place, good rates.[/quote]
Probably as good as any. A bit of a pull to site of the Pond Hockey, but you’re close to airport and, of course, MOA, which has lots of stuff to peruse.
Otherwise check Days Inns (or similar) along 394 (also called Wayzata Blvd) in suburbs like St. Louis Park, Hopkins, Minnetonka, Plymouth). Those are easily accessible to downtown and much closer to Pond Hockey.
[quote comment=”355434″]Maryland Camo Jerseys:
Ugly as sin, but at least they got the camo pattern right. Wonder what the rest of the uniform will look like.
Too bad Bama would not agree to the color on color game with the Vols.
Here are 3 old pictures of when that game was color on color from the 1960’s
And I like the reactions in this one
[quote comment=”355434″]Maryland Camo Jerseys:
Perhaps they could also honor their fans by winning a game.
[quote comment=”355437″]Too bad Bama would not agree to the color on color game with the Vols.
Here are 3 old pictures of when that game was color on color from the 1960’s
There’s an SI cover shot of one of those games, too, if you want to go looking, Larry.
Bama WR Dennis Homan, I think it is. Or maybe Ray Perkins.
And I like the reactions in this one
[quote comment=”355437″]Too bad Bama would not agree to the color on color game with the Vols.
Here are 3 old pictures of when that game was color on color from the 1960’s
And I like the reactions in this one
#12=Kenny Stabler?
(Well, screwed that up)
There’s an SI cover shot of one of those games, too, if you want to go looking, LarryB.
Bama WR Dennis Homan, I think it is. Or maybe Ray Perkins.
[quote comment=”355440″][quote comment=”355437″]Too bad Bama would not agree to the color on color game with the Vols.
Here are 3 old pictures of when that game was color on color from the 1960’s
And I like the reactions in this one
#12=Kenny Stabler?[/quote]
Yes…who at Alabama once threw the ball out of bounds to stop the clock. On fourth down.
No thoughts who might have led the ’60 AFL in scoring?
[quote comment=”355441″](Well, screwed that up)
There’s an SI cover shot of one of those games, too, if you want to go looking, LarryB.
Bama WR Dennis Homan, I think it is. Or maybe Ray Perkins.
I did save those pics from the SI vault. I was a teen and remember that issue also
which team, that is.
[quote comment=”355443″]No thoughts who might have led the ’60 AFL in scoring?[/quote]
Well I thought it was the Oilers, but it wasn’t.
I’ll let you tell everyone the real answer.
Here is b&w action from an early 1960’s Broncos Chargers game with the Chargers in the dark.
And as todays columns and last nights comments stated see the Broncos pants stripe is darker than what white would be
Love the Beefsteak link, we used to run an event at my fraternity in PA, as a big fund raiser, it was the most popular event on campus. The Germanic heritage of the area was a significant factor. They were a blast. Beef and Natty Light
[quote comment=”355444″][quote comment=”355441″](Well, screwed that up)
There’s an SI cover shot of one of those games, too, if you want to go looking, LarryB.
Bama WR Dennis Homan, I think it is. Or maybe Ray Perkins.
I did save those pics from the SI vault. I was a teen and remember that issue also[/quote]
Here you go…
[quote comment=”355304″]The link. The school uses a ripoff Vikings profile logo[/quote]
Langley HS (also in Northern VA, about 30 miles from Woodbridge) has been using the green and gold Vikings logo since at least the 80s, if not longer… not sure how long Woodbridge has been using it for, but it seems like a rip-off of a rip-off…
[quote comment=”355447″]Here is b&w action from an early 1960’s Broncos Chargers game with the Chargers in the dark.
And as todays columns and last nights comments stated see the Broncos pants stripe is darker than what white would be
Tell you what, spend three hours watching one of those games live on ABC, even in black and white, and a chimp can tell the pants stripes are darker than the white jerseys and socks.
Just sayin’, on some of these things you may just have to take my word for it. Unless you can find someone else who was sitting there watching, too, and looking for things like that.
God, I’m old.
[quote comment=”355447″]Here is b&w action from an early 1960’s Broncos Chargers game with the Chargers in the dark.
And as todays columns and last nights comments stated see the Broncos pants stripe is darker than what white would be
The Chargers blue looks a hell of a lot darker there too. I knew the current version was too light, but damn.
And the highest scoring team in the 1960 AFL was….
(drum roll)
The team no one thought was worth watching…
(drum roll)
The team an entire city didn’t see was part of something with a future (and some media members, I think, are still a little embarrassed about that to this day…
The most prolific aerial circus in a league of aerial circuses…
your NEW YORK TITANS, ladies and gentlemen!!!!
[quote comment=”355453″]And the highest scoring team in the 1960 AFL was….
(drum roll)
The team no one thought was worth watching…
(drum roll)
The team an entire city didn’t see was part of something with a future (and some media members, I think, are still a little embarrassed about that to this day…
The most prolific aerial circus in a league of aerial circuses…
your NEW YORK TITANS, ladies and gentlemen!!!!
(they also just happened to give up more points than they scored)
[quote comment=”355452″][quote comment=”355447″]Here is b&w action from an early 1960’s Broncos Chargers game with the Chargers in the dark.
And as todays columns and last nights comments stated see the Broncos pants stripe is darker than what white would be
The Chargers blue looks a hell of a lot darker there too. I knew the current version was too light, but damn.[/quote]
That’s ’61 cuz bolts are yellow gold. And they wore dead solid royal blue that year, same color as Colts.
And I’m still pretty sure the LA Chargers wore almost navy. First time I saw the SD Chargers on TV (yes, b&w) I noticed the gold bolts and that the new obviously Colts-royal jerseys were a new color, definitely NOT as dark as the year before.
[quote comment=”355455″][quote comment=”355452″][quote comment=”355447″]Here is b&w action from an early 1960’s Broncos Chargers game with the Chargers in the dark.
And as todays columns and last nights comments stated see the Broncos pants stripe is darker than what white would be
The Chargers blue looks a hell of a lot darker there too. I knew the current version was too light, but damn.[/quote]
That’s ’61 cuz bolts are yellow gold. And they wore dead solid royal blue that year, same color as Colts.
And I’m still pretty sure the LA Chargers wore almost navy. First time I saw the SD Chargers on TV (yes, b&w) I noticed the gold bolts and that the new obviously Colts-royal jerseys were a new color, definitely NOT as dark as the year before.
—Ricko[/quote]Am I wrong or were the 1960 LA Chargers just Blue and White, No Yellow?
[quote comment=”355449″][quote comment=”355444″][quote comment=”355441″](Well, screwed that up)
There’s an SI cover shot of one of those games, too, if you want to go looking, LarryB.
Bama WR Dennis Homan, I think it is. Or maybe Ray Perkins.
I did save those pics from the SI vault. I was a teen and remember that issue also[/quote]
Here you go…
Yep That is the cover I remember. I have that SI someplace. I started to get them in 1966 some and then subscribed in 1967
JFTHOI, I looked up some other minutiae from 1960:
as previously related they gave up 399 pts., last in the league. Just as a point of comparison, in the NFL, the Browns scored 362 (vs. 382 for Titans), while giving up 217. The Browns played 12 games (8-3-1) the Titans 14 (7-7). Cleveland finished 2nd in the NFC east, BTW.
The first 3 Alabama vs Tennessee color on color were from 1965
These 3 are from that 1967 SI Ricko put the cover on. So here are 3 from the 67 Vols Bama game
I note the quality of the color pics in SI improved from 1965-67
[quote comment=”355459″]The first 3 Alabama vs Tennessee color on color were from 1965
These 3 are from that 1967 SI Ricko put the cover on. So here are 3 from the 67 Vols Bama game
I note the quality of the color pics in SI improved from 1965-67[/quote]
why are all the players caucasian? (roll eyes)
[quote comment=”355426″][quote comment=”355424″][quote comment=”355421″]
Just use link instead. You don’t need an account. You can just upload a file and they’ll host it.[/quote]
thanks james…problem is i did the side-by-side on the home computer, and im in the office, so i rely upon flickr for that sort of thing…that pic is at home, so i got nothing to upload[/quote]
Yeah, I can see how that might present a problem.[/quote]
ok…i know the jeff already posted one
but chargers throwback vs. alternate (thank you flickr for returning)
see if you can spot the 9 differences between the two
My brother Dan recently got 2 more AFL history dvds. The Bills and the Chargers. I just finished screen shot of the Bills last night. In the near future I plan on sending them to Paul and Phil
Here is color action of the Chargers and Oilers 1961 championship. Note the darker blue of the Chargers as Ricko pointed out. Almost like the Colts. And I like the Oilers better with the red numbers.
see if you can spot the 9 differences between the two
I only see 6 differences.
Mark Sanchez
[quote comment=”355463″]see if you can spot the 9 differences between the two
I only see 6 differences.
Mark Sanchez[/quote]
[quote comment=”355461″]
see if you can spot the 9 differences between the two[/quote]
From a non-football guy… this is what is noticeably different on the first picture compared to the second when I look at them.
1. Number on the side of the helmet vs. none in picture #2.
2. Shoulder stripes are significantly different.
3. TV numbers are on the sleeve as compared to the shoulder.
4. Font for the numbers is different.
5. There is no “CHARGERS” below the neckline.
6. Pants have no stripe.
7. Lightning bolt on the pants is significantly different.
8. Black shoes vs. white shoes.
9. Gray facemasks vs. black facemasks.
10. Outline colours on the numbers are different.
11. Blue collars vs. white collars on the jerseys.
12. The patch is pretty obvious.
I think that’s everything?
[quote comment=”355401″][quote comment=”355394″]
My point (again) is that by not vigorously clamping down on logo adoptions and the like for the past 50 years, the pros and major colleges have created an atmosphere where such things are seen as no big deal.
To insert some kind of moral indignation (other than your point about not tapping into the skills of the students) when there is no such indignation from the owners of the material is just…silly.
Couldn’t agree more, with perhaps a couple of small exceptions.
First, how strongly the victim of a crime feels about the offense done him is generally not considered a legitimate factor in judging the guilt of the offender. If someone steals my car, and then is caught, the rest of society rightly does not care if I say, “No big deal, I got my car back, let the perp go free.” Rather, the crime is punished by society, not by the victim, on the theory that the violation of the law harms the commonwealth as a whole.
Second, it’s a perfectly defensible position to prefer original to unoriginal, interesting to boring, and to express some measure of disapproval against unoriginality as such. And again, the lack of indignation on the part of the people whose original work is being passed off by someone else as his own is neither here nor there where this kind of aesthetic preference is concerned. If someone forges Rembrandt paintings, we don’t wait to hear what Rembrant thinks about it, we call the forger out and dismiss him as a hack, even if no legal sanction is ever applied.
I should perhaps say that even though my wife is a U of Wisconsin alum, neither of us would ever try to turn Woodbridge High in to the IP cops in Madison or anything. My biggest problem with Woodbridge High’s use of logos is the cognitive dissonance involved in seeing the Vikings logo represented in Packers colors with a Badgers W. That’s just freaky!
[quote comment=”355465″][quote comment=”355461″]
see if you can spot the 9 differences between the two[/quote]
From a non-football guy… this is what is noticeably different on the first picture compared to the second when I look at them.
1. Number on the side of the helmet vs. none in picture #2.
2. Shoulder stripes are significantly different.
3. TV numbers are on the sleeve as compared to the shoulder.
4. Font for the numbers is different.
5. There is no “CHARGERS” below the neckline.
6. Pants have no stripe.
7. Lightning bolt on the pants is significantly different.
8. Black shoes vs. white shoes.
9. Gray facemasks vs. black facemasks.
10. Outline colours on the numbers are different.
11. Blue collars vs. white collars on the jerseys.
12. The patch is pretty obvious.
I think that’s everything?[/quote]
12 must be metric for 9 :^J
[quote comment=”355467″][quote comment=”355465″][quote comment=”355461″]
see if you can spot the 9 differences between the two[/quote]
From a non-football guy… this is what is noticeably different on the first picture compared to the second when I look at them.
1. Number on the side of the helmet vs. none in picture #2.
2. Shoulder stripes are significantly different.
3. TV numbers are on the sleeve as compared to the shoulder.
4. Font for the numbers is different.
5. There is no “CHARGERS” below the neckline.
6. Pants have no stripe.
7. Lightning bolt on the pants is significantly different.
8. Black shoes vs. white shoes.
9. Gray facemasks vs. black facemasks.
10. Outline colours on the numbers are different.
11. Blue collars vs. white collars on the jerseys.
12. The patch is pretty obvious.
I think that’s everything?[/quote]
12 must be metric for 9 :^J[/quote]
We sticklers for details in Canada. LOL
[quote comment=”355468″][quote comment=”355467″][quote comment=”355465″][quote comment=”355461″]
see if you can spot the 9 differences between the two[/quote]
From a non-football guy… this is what is noticeably different on the first picture compared to the second when I look at them.
1. Number on the side of the helmet vs. none in picture #2.
2. Shoulder stripes are significantly different.
3. TV numbers are on the sleeve as compared to the shoulder.
4. Font for the numbers is different.
5. There is no “CHARGERS” below the neckline.
6. Pants have no stripe.
7. Lightning bolt on the pants is significantly different.
8. Black shoes vs. white shoes.
9. Gray facemasks vs. black facemasks.
10. Outline colours on the numbers are different.
11. Blue collars vs. white collars on the jerseys.
12. The patch is pretty obvious.
I think that’s everything?[/quote]
12 must be metric for 9 :^J[/quote]
We sticklers for details in Canada. LOL[/quote]
WE’RE… spelling isn’t important, though. LOL
[quote comment=”355461″][quote comment=”355426″][quote comment=”355424″][quote comment=”355421″]
Just use link instead. You don’t need an account. You can just upload a file and they’ll host it.[/quote]
thanks james…problem is i did the side-by-side on the home computer, and im in the office, so i rely upon flickr for that sort of thing…that pic is at home, so i got nothing to upload[/quote]
Yeah, I can see how that might present a problem.[/quote]
ok…i know the jeff already posted one
but link (thank you flickr for returning)
see if you can spot the 9 differences between the two[/quote]
I see 11…
Facemask: I’m not a fan of dark facemasks on white helmets — advantage throwback.
Numbered vs. numberless helmet: I like the numbers, but I can live without them — draw.
Modern helmet logo has three colors. I actually like the inclusion of the powder blue — advantage modern.
CHARGERS wordmark on jersey is unnecessary — advantage throwback.
Number font — advantage throwback.
Single outline on numbers vs. double outline — advantage throwback.
TV numbers look better on the sleeves with shoulder loops — advantage throwback.
Shoulder bolt — advantage throwback.
Pants bolt — advantage throwback.
Pants: I like the addition of the stripe — advantage modern.
Black shoes vs white: hmm… normally I’m in favor of them, but this is a uni that works well with white — advantage modern.
Final score: Throwback 7, Modern 3.
[quote comment=”355469″][quote comment=”355468″][quote comment=”355467″][quote comment=”355465″][quote comment=”355461″]
see if you can spot the 9 differences between the two[/quote]
From a non-football guy… this is what is noticeably different on the first picture compared to the second when I look at them.
1. Number on the side of the helmet vs. none in picture #2.
2. Shoulder stripes are significantly different.
3. TV numbers are on the sleeve as compared to the shoulder.
4. Font for the numbers is different.
5. There is no “CHARGERS” below the neckline.
6. Pants have no stripe.
7. Lightning bolt on the pants is significantly different.
8. Black shoes vs. white shoes.
9. Gray facemasks vs. black facemasks.
10. Outline colours on the numbers are different.
11. Blue collars vs. white collars on the jerseys.
12. The patch is pretty obvious.
I think that’s everything?[/quote]
12 must be metric for 9 :^J[/quote]
We sticklers for details in Canada. LOL[/quote]
WE’RE… spelling isn’t important, though. LOL[/quote]
OK, I missed the white collar but I don’t think the patch should be included. When they break out the alts this year, I’m pretty sure it’ll be on there.
As for the collar, advantage throwback.
Updated score: throwback 8, modern 3.
[quote comment=”355456″][quote comment=”355455″][quote comment=”355452″][quote comment=”355447″]Here is b&w action from an early 1960’s Broncos Chargers game with the Chargers in the dark.
And as todays columns and last nights comments stated see the Broncos pants stripe is darker than what white would be
The Chargers blue looks a hell of a lot darker there too. I knew the current version was too light, but damn.[/quote]
That’s ’61 cuz bolts are yellow gold. And they wore dead solid royal blue that year, same color as Colts.
And I’m still pretty sure the LA Chargers wore almost navy. First time I saw the SD Chargers on TV (yes, b&w) I noticed the gold bolts and that the new obviously Colts-royal jerseys were a new color, definitely NOT as dark as the year before.
—Ricko[/quote]Am I wrong or were the 1960 LA Chargers just Blue and White, No Yellow?[/quote]
Had yellow-gold trim on everything but the socks.
1961 card, 1960 uni…
[quote comment=”355398″]Fun uni related game here:
UGH…2:30 for all 24
[quote comment=”355473″][quote comment=”355398″]Fun uni related game here:
UGH…2:30 for all 24[/quote]
0:59, but I typed a little slowly
On June 26th it was in the ticker that Missouri(Kansas City) had a new CHL hockey team (the Mavericks). It was mentioned that it was an outrage becauses the teams colors were revealed to be orange and blue, and the mascot was horse – too close to the Denver Broncos for the Chiefs hometown.
I’m a big fan of blue, and orange, and think they look great together. I’ve also grown up being an alumnus of schools with a horse mascot, so I don’t mind the horse. But I am a Chiefs fan and I don’t know what the “creative team” for the Mavericks was thinking!!!
As a season ticket holder to this new team (I’m thrilled to have hockey back in the area), I’ve taken it upon myself to make what “should’ve been.” I’ve gone with a lesser used color scheme – Light Blue and Burgundy, with Grey. I believe minor league teams should be set apart (unique names and colors – though not abusrd.)
(I used MS Paint. Couldn’t figure out how to change the shoulder numbers. When I can figure out how to change the logo/use photoshop…I will)
Is it possible for a team to copyright its team colors, assuming it “created” the colors to begin with? Or … are all colors in, as it were, the “public domain”?
[quote comment=”355423″][quote comment=”355414″][quote comment=”355402″]Hey Paul,
Boston.com stole a page right out of your book with their “Rate the AFL Uniforms” survey. link
Coincidence? HA HA[/quote]
Paul’s book?
Anyway, on the subject of HS/NFL ripoff logos, my high school: link. That’s great for a school in the suburbs of Chicago, eh?
link (when I was there, the colors weren’t metallic — just plain old forest green and athletic gold).
And then there’s link, which is about 2 miles from my house. The Nickname is Vikings and their teams play/train at Holmgren Athletic Complex.
Yep, link.
At least link is original.[/quote]
There is a historically black DII college, Elizabeth City State, nicknamed the “Vikings”. Although perhaps it has been modernized, their logo is very much like Minnesota’s. Not sure when they began playing football, but the school was founded in the 1890’s. Any of you lawyers out there interested?
There is a very old, historic African-American/Black social organization in New Orleans called “The Vikings”. Very prominent Black men, goes back many, many years.
I wonder if there isn’t some type of origin or history to that – I know, not back to Norway or wherever – but an American tradition of “Viking” being adopted by older Black organizations for some tradition or reason …….?
[quote comment=”355476″]Is it possible for a team to copyright its team colors, assuming it “created” the colors to begin with? Or … are all colors in, as it were, the “public domain”?[/quote]
You can trademark a color combo, but not a single color. And trademarks are different from copyright.
Ie, I can trademark 60% Powder blue, 25% neon green, 8% black and 7% red for use in my packaging, so that somebody selling a similar product wouldn’t be able to use that color scheme to mislead consumers.
I don’t think a sports team would be able to use that though, unless there was a situation where a new LA team took silver and black as their color scheme and took the name Los Angeles Raid or something like that.
Can anyone confirm or deny if Broncs-Chargers was the first ever NFL game where both teams wore numbers on the sides of their helmets? Obviously this same matchup would have happened in the AFL. Would Pittsburgh and Cleveland possibly have matched up with helmet-side numerals?
[quote comment=”355406″][quote comment=”355375″]Paul,
Nice work on the Broncos “yellow stripe” issue. I was wondering about that last night. While those uniforms are indeed horrid, I think it’s great that the Broncos have such a great sense of humour and history. The one thing they are doing differently in those uniforms that the original team didn’t do is they are winning.[/quote]
Am I crazy for not thinking what the Broncos wore last night was “horrid?” If you fix the pant stripes to match the socks and helmet, I think that look is actually AWESOME. I know the vertical striped sock is very bizarre, but wouldn’t it be cool if the Broncos wore them all the time, just to be different?
I’ll go as far to say they update the 1960’s look into their current color scheme and make that their permenant uniform set.
I get the impression I’m in the vast minority here, is that right?[/quote]
I can deal with the uni being “HORRID” because the uni being HORRID is part of the fun, part of the deal …
The original AFL teams are wearing uniforms similar to those that these teams wore in the early 1960’s. For the Broncos, almost exactly like those worn in 1960.
The other teams should have worn EXACTLY those worn in the year of 1960 for a number of reasons -thus completing the effect – and eliminating the nit-picking debates and criticism seen here and MANY, MANY other places over what really is a good thing.
The point of the event is to honor or celebrate 50 years, and the 50th Aniversary, of the AFL.
How hideous the unis might be is only a detail to the celebration.
[quote comment=”355443″]No thoughts who might have led the ’60 AFL in scoring?[/quote]
Cino Cappelleti!
[quote comment=”355480″][quote comment=”355406″][quote comment=”355375″]Paul,
Nice work on the Broncos “yellow stripe” issue. I was wondering about that last night. While those uniforms are indeed horrid, I think it’s great that the Broncos have such a great sense of humour and history. The one thing they are doing differently in those uniforms that the original team didn’t do is they are winning.[/quote]
Am I crazy for not thinking what the Broncos wore last night was “horrid?” If you fix the pant stripes to match the socks and helmet, I think that look is actually AWESOME. I know the vertical striped sock is very bizarre, but wouldn’t it be cool if the Broncos wore them all the time, just to be different?
I’ll go as far to say they update the 1960’s look into their current color scheme and make that their permenant uniform set.
I get the impression I’m in the vast minority here, is that right?[/quote]
I can deal with the uni being “HORRID” because the uni being HORRID is part of the fun, part of the deal …
The original AFL teams are wearing uniforms similar to those that these teams wore in the early 1960’s. For the Broncos, almost exactly like those worn in 1960.
The other teams should have worn EXACTLY those worn in the year of 1960 for a number of reasons -thus completing the effect – and eliminating the nit-picking debates and criticism seen here and MANY, MANY other places over what really is a good thing.
The point of the event is to honor or celebrate 50 years, and the 50th Aniversary, of the AFL.
How hideous the unis might be is only a detail to the celebration.[/quote]
And on the subject of half-assing it, the “AFL Legacy” games will include all of the original 8, plus the Dolphins as well as an NFL team (Cowboys) but NOT the Bengals. Has anyone heard a reason for this?
[quote comment=”355482″][quote comment=”355480″][quote comment=”355406″][quote comment=”355375″]Paul,
Nice work on the Broncos “yellow stripe” issue. I was wondering about that last night. While those uniforms are indeed horrid, I think it’s great that the Broncos have such a great sense of humour and history. The one thing they are doing differently in those uniforms that the original team didn’t do is they are winning.[/quote]
Am I crazy for not thinking what the Broncos wore last night was “horrid?” If you fix the pant stripes to match the socks and helmet, I think that look is actually AWESOME. I know the vertical striped sock is very bizarre, but wouldn’t it be cool if the Broncos wore them all the time, just to be different?
I’ll go as far to say they update the 1960’s look into their current color scheme and make that their permenant uniform set.
I get the impression I’m in the vast minority here, is that right?[/quote]
I can deal with the uni being “HORRID” because the uni being HORRID is part of the fun, part of the deal …
The original AFL teams are wearing uniforms similar to those that these teams wore in the early 1960’s. For the Broncos, almost exactly like those worn in 1960.
The other teams should have worn EXACTLY those worn in the year of 1960 for a number of reasons -thus completing the effect – and eliminating the nit-picking debates and criticism seen here and MANY, MANY other places over what really is a good thing.
The point of the event is to honor or celebrate 50 years, and the 50th Aniversary, of the AFL.
How hideous the unis might be is only a detail to the celebration.[/quote]
And on the subject of half-assing it, the “AFL Legacy” games will include all of the original 8, plus the Dolphins as well as an NFL team (Cowboys) but NOT the Bengals. Has anyone heard a reason for this?[/quote]
I believe that the Dolphins should wear their very first uniforms, and the Bengals also.
what I believe would be really cool – though inaccurate – would be for the Bengals to wear their original CONCEPT uniforms – with the original 1968 pants and helmet – but with the ORANGE jerseys with Black numerals that were promoted and released to the public in the AFL publicity materials prior to their going to the Browns-coles unis immediately prior to the season.
Also, I still say that the Dolphins’ original “Aqua” color was alot closer to green than the current Aqua.
Any thoughts ….?
[quote comment=”355483″]
Also, I still say that the Dolphins’ original “Aqua” color was alot closer to green than the current Aqua.
Any thoughts ….?[/quote]
what the hell is this?
Detroit is a state. A state of mind, that is.
I for one find myself paying more attention to the comments here. For that matter, I usually go to the bottom of the list and work up.
I’m going to guess that whereever the cornhole or beanbag game is popular, there’s some people who will customize a game for you in local teams’ colors.
[quote comment=”355434″]Maryland Camo Jerseys:
Am I the only one that finds this extremely interesting that they’re doing this against Virginia Tech, a school known for its outstanding Corps of Cadets. Now don’t get me wrong, I understand the cause, but I’m not sure wearing camo against a school that has a significant student population training to be in the military is that wise.
Little known fact, VaTech has the most graduates to be awarded the Medal of Honor outside of the military academies.
[quote comment=”355486″][quote comment=”355434″]Maryland Camo Jerseys:
Am I the only one that finds this extremely interesting that they’re doing this against Virginia Tech[/quote]
[quote]Am I the only one that finds this extremely interesting that they’re doing this against Virginia Tech[/quote]
[quote comment=”355486″][quote comment=”355434″]Maryland Camo Jerseys:
Am I the only one that finds this extremely interesting that they’re doing this against Virginia Tech, a school known for its outstanding Corps of Cadets. Now don’t get me wrong, I understand the cause, but I’m not sure wearing camo against a school that has a significant student population training to be in the military is that wise.
Little known fact, VaTech has the most graduates to be awarded the Medal of Honor outside of the military academies.[/quote]
[quote comment=”355488″][quote]Am I the only one that finds this extremely interesting that they’re doing this against Virginia Tech[/quote]
Cool, just checkin!
Oh, and FYI, Nike is making VT wear the “special uniform” for the Maryland game. It’ll be white with the already mentioned checkerboard motif on the helmet and pants. Not sure if the helmet will be maroon or white.
So I guess the good part of the whole GT loss last weekend is that nobody is going to care enough to watch us in those embarrassments that weekend.
[quote comment=”355491″]Oh, and FYI, Nike is making VT wear the “special uniform” for the Maryland game. It’ll be white with the already mentioned checkerboard motif on the helmet and pants. Not sure if the helmet will be maroon or white.
So I guess the good part of the whole GT loss last weekend is that nobody is going to care enough to watch us in those embarrassments that weekend.[/quote]
So there’ll be a V on one glove and a T on the other?
The CORNIEST stadium in all of sports:
[quote comment=”355492″][quote comment=”355491″]Oh, and FYI, Nike is making VT wear the “special uniform” for the Maryland game. It’ll be white with the already mentioned checkerboard motif on the helmet and pants. Not sure if the helmet will be maroon or white.
So I guess the good part of the whole GT loss last weekend is that nobody is going to care enough to watch us in those embarrassments that weekend.[/quote]
So there’ll be a V on one glove and a T on the other?[/quote]
I would assume so. Either that, or one half the HokieBird on one, and the other half on the other.
Now that we’re going back to the throwback look full-time next year, it’ll be interesting to see if the stacked VT makes a comeback. It is currently on the neck of both the white and maroon “throwback” unis, but isn’t used anywhere else, as the “square root of 1” logo took over in the 80s. If it really is making a comeback, that logo would be my guess on what will make up the whole glove thing.
[quote comment=”355478″][quote comment=”355476″]Is it possible for a team to copyright its team colors, assuming it “created” the colors to begin with? Or … are all colors in, as it were, the “public domain”?[/quote]
You can trademark a color combo, but not a single color. And trademarks are different from copyright.
Ie, I can trademark 60% Powder blue, 25% neon green, 8% black and 7% red for use in my packaging, so that somebody selling a similar product wouldn’t be able to use that color scheme to mislead consumers.[/quote]
Phil, think you could whip up a uni with that color combo?
This might have already been posted (I don’t have time to read through all the posts), but ESPN Classic is showing (at 6 pm ET) a replay of the Baltimore Stars – Oakland Invaders championship game.
From yesterday about the Virginia Tech uniforms. Is it confirmed that they will use the old style uniforms next year?
[quote comment=”355416″][quote comment=”355411″][quote comment=”355406″][quote comment=”355375″]Paul,
Nice work on the Broncos “yellow stripe” issue. I was wondering about that last night. While those uniforms are indeed horrid, I think it’s great that the Broncos have such a great sense of humour and history. The one thing they are doing differently in those uniforms that the original team didn’t do is they are winning.[/quote]
Am I crazy for not thinking what the Broncos wore last night was “horrid?” If you fix the pant stripes to match the socks and helmet, I think that look is actually AWESOME. I know the vertical striped sock is very bizarre, but wouldn’t it be cool if the Broncos wore them all the time, just to be different?
I’ll go as far to say they update the 1960’s look into their current color scheme and make that their permenant uniform set.
I get the impression I’m in the vast minority here, is that right?[/quote]
About the pants stripe, if they altered them, they wouldn’t really be throwing back, it’d be a half-assed attempted. If they had done that, they would have been crucified here.[/quote]
Precisely, this is not about improving the past. That’s ludicrous.
It’s about recreating the past. Or at the least the look of it.
View the unis and either approve or disapprove. IMprove isn’t exactly an issue. If they’d “improved” them or “healed” them (as some teams did in ’94, and the Cowboys are still doing) we’d have been all over them.
My point wasn’t whether the uniforms were historically accurate or not, my point was, if you change the pant stripes from mustard to white, the Bronco’s unis last night would have looked AMAZING.
Most people are reserved to the point that the throwbacks are ugly but they should get credit for being historically accurate. I say, regardless of the accuracy I like the look itself.
[quote comment=”355497″]From yesterday about the Virginia Tech uniforms. Is it confirmed that they will use the old style uniforms next year?[/quote]
The guy who was quoted in the ticker designed the look of the logos that VT uses on their athletics website. He also leaked the VT basketball jerseys last year on his own site before they were unveiled by the school.
He’s in a position to know.
[quote comment=”355498″]
My point wasn’t whether the uniforms were historically accurate or not, my point was, if you change the pant stripes from mustard to white, the Bronco’s unis last night would have looked AMAZING.[/quote]
OK, if we’re going that route, I think the better move would be to add some yellow trim to the jersey numbers, change the helmet stripe to yellow and wear the home socks.
[quote comment=”355500″][quote comment=”355498″]
My point wasn’t whether the uniforms were historically accurate or not, my point was, if you change the pant stripes from mustard to white, the Bronco’s unis last night would have looked AMAZING.[/quote]
OK, if we’re going that route, I think the better move would be to add some yellow trim to the jersey numbers, change the helmet stripe to yellow and wear the home socks.[/quote]
Yellow-stripéd helmet would also be worn with yellow jerseys.
Sorry if this has been posted, yet, some very cool shots of AFL memorabilia in the Hall at Patriots Place.
[quote comment=”355464″][quote comment=”355463″]see if you can spot the 9 differences between the two
I only see 6 differences.
Mark Sanchez[/quote]
Don’t encourage me. :)
[quote comment=”355496″]This might have already been posted (I don’t have time to read through all the posts), but ESPN Classic is showing (at 6 pm ET) a replay of the Baltimore Stars – Oakland Invaders championship game.[/quote]
Aaaaah! I didn’t know that…and half the people I know don’t get ESPN Classic. Off to my friend’s house, tape in hand…
When I was a kid, a school in Delaware called Caravel Academy used Bucco Bruce as its athletic logo. When looking for evidence of this, I found that they followed the lead of the NFL Buccaneers and have poached their new logo: link
[quote comment=”355504″]Off to my friend’s house, tape in hand…[/quote]
Tape? You mean like masking tape? Gonna do some painting?
[quote comment=”355495″][quote comment=”355478″]I can trademark 60% Powder blue, 25% neon green, 8% black and 7% red for use in my packaging, so that somebody selling a similar product wouldn’t be able to use that color scheme to mislead consumers.[/quote]
Phil, think you could whip up a uni with that color combo?[/quote]
jim, you are a sick, sick man
proportions are probably way off, but whatever
[quote comment=”355507″][quote comment=”355495″][quote comment=”355478″]I can trademark 60% Powder blue, 25% neon green, 8% black and 7% red for use in my packaging, so that somebody selling a similar product wouldn’t be able to use that color scheme to mislead consumers.[/quote]
Phil, think you could whip up a uni with that color combo?[/quote]
jim, you are a sick, sick man
proportions are probably way off, but whatever[/quote]
So now we have an idea what UFL unis would look like if red was in their color pallette.
[quote comment=”355507″][quote comment=”355495″][quote comment=”355478″]I can trademark 60% Powder blue, 25% neon green, 8% black and 7% red for use in my packaging, so that somebody selling a similar product wouldn’t be able to use that color scheme to mislead consumers.[/quote]
Phil, think you could whip up a uni with that color combo?[/quote]
jim, you are a sick, sick man
proportions are probably way off, but whatever[/quote]
Thanks Phil. Now if only 300 lb defensive tackles looked as good as that template of yours, we’d be in business.
[quote comment=”355484″][quote comment=”355483″]
Also, I still say that the Dolphins’ original “Aqua” color was alot closer to green than the current Aqua.
Any thoughts ….?[/quote]
Remember that cover well. Always figured was either a mockup jersey or one of the worst color corrections of all time.
[quote comment=”355493″]The CORNIEST stadium in all of sports:
What the hell is on that guy’s head?
“Blue Light Special in the rug department…”
“- After taking a week to recover from the beefsteak, we should be ready for a Uni Watch party the following Sunday, November 15th. Let’s pencil it in for 2pm at Sheep Station, with official confirmation to follow shortly-ish.”
Done and Done!! I’m RSVPing right now for both! I missed the last BK gathering and what red blooded, Uni Watch card carrying, American Man wouldn’t enjoy a Sunday afternoon of unlimited Steak and Beer?!?
Now, what to wear?…..
Terence M. K.
[quote comment=”355498″][quote comment=”355416″][quote comment=”355411″][quote comment=”355406″][quote comment=”355375″]Paul,
Nice work on the Broncos “yellow stripe” issue. I was wondering about that last night. While those uniforms are indeed horrid, I think it’s great that the Broncos have such a great sense of humour and history. The one thing they are doing differently in those uniforms that the original team didn’t do is they are winning.[/quote]
Am I crazy for not thinking what the Broncos wore last night was “horrid?” If you fix the pant stripes to match the socks and helmet, I think that look is actually AWESOME. I know the vertical striped sock is very bizarre, but wouldn’t it be cool if the Broncos wore them all the time, just to be different?
I’ll go as far to say they update the 1960’s look into their current color scheme and make that their permenant uniform set.
I get the impression I’m in the vast minority here, is that right?[/quote]
About the pants stripe, if they altered them, they wouldn’t really be throwing back, it’d be a half-assed attempted. If they had done that, they would have been crucified here.[/quote]
Precisely, this is not about improving the past. That’s ludicrous.
It’s about recreating the past. Or at the least the look of it.
View the unis and either approve or disapprove. IMprove isn’t exactly an issue. If they’d “improved” them or “healed” them (as some teams did in ’94, and the Cowboys are still doing) we’d have been all over them.
My point wasn’t whether the uniforms were historically accurate or not, my point was, if you change the pant stripes from mustard to white, the Bronco’s unis last night would have looked AMAZING.
Most people are reserved to the point that the throwbacks are ugly but they should get credit for being historically accurate. I say, regardless of the accuracy I like the look itself.[/quote]
Now, if the platform is that we’re talking about what would make any of the throwbacks work as regular unis in 2010, that’s pants of a different color.
But you’re right, to just say, pants stripe should have been white is kinda dumb. Or that the officials look stupid in Yipes Stripes. Well, jeez, let’s just fire off letters to the Broncos and the AFL and backdate them 50 years. Because last night they were just as they should be.
See the distinction I’m making?
Now in the other discussion, yeah, add a white stripe to the pants, gold edge to the road numbers, make the helmet stripe gold, and keep both the home and road socks…and it has a chance at being a wildly unique 2010 uni. Largely because not only are the colors unique, but the signature element is the socks, instead of farting around trying to make every piece of the uni a signature element.
Might even work with white pants, as someone said, especially with the white jerseys.
But fine everybody who wears “twistys” until their checkbooks bleed.
[quote comment=”355506″][quote comment=”355504″]Off to my friend’s house, tape in hand…[/quote]
Tape? You mean like masking tape? Gonna do some painting?[/quote]
Fern green.
–Mike Engle as LI Phil
[quote comment=”355350″]um…the secret to link????
seriously, link???[/quote]
[quote comment=”355515″][quote comment=”355350″]um…the secret to link????
seriously, link???[/quote]
they can say that all they want but if he goes to his mouth, puts a hand in his pocket, turns his back on home plate, etc you watch the world come crashing down on him. they’ll be watching.
The beefsteak description reminds me of a college dining hall “tradition” that may just have been a legend, but was impressive, nonetheless.
I heard stories of Viking Night – no utensils, lots of grunting, no bending at the elbow.
I found this photo of the 1958 Western Michigan University baseball team and it’s so cool that I wanted to share. This is how a baseball uniform should look.
“Small Potatoes” just brought Donald Trump’s douchebaggery to a whole new level for me.
I’m way late on this, but I can’t believe no one else saw that #56 on the Broncos, Robert Ayers, “barberpoled” his socks, twisting them so that the stripes were wrapped around his leg.
[quote comment=”355479″]Can anyone confirm or deny if Broncs-Chargers was the first ever NFL game where both teams wore numbers on the sides of their helmets? Obviously this same matchup would have happened in the AFL. Would Pittsburgh and Cleveland possibly have matched up with helmet-side numerals?[/quote]
The Steelers and Browns played like this from 1957-1960.
[quote comment=”355520″]I’m way late on this, but I can’t believe no one else saw that #56 on the Broncos, Robert Ayers, “barberpoled” his socks, twisting them so that the stripes were wrapped around his leg.
gaffney‘s been barberpoling them since their first practice
Here’s the artwork for the South Carolina Gamecocks camo uniforms
The Maryland/SC Wounded Warrior jerseys follow last year’s Army/Navy concept: “CVOB” – Core Value on Back.
Way late to the party on this one, but link. Those link were teh suck, especially compared to the link.
Of course, I’m sure they’ll do the road as their next one-time-only limited edition.
the fix is obviously in way out west
[quote comment=”355524″]The Maryland/SC Wounded Warrior jerseys follow last year’s Army/Navy concept: “CVOB” – Core Value on Back.[/quote]
I don’t think its a follow up, since Army/Navy are Nike. More like steal.
[quote comment=”355387″]From the Baltimore Sun:
NEW YORK – The Maryland football team will wear uniforms with camouflage designs for its game against Virginia Tech on Nov. 14, two days before Veterans Day.
An announcement was scheduled Tuesday by Maryland and South Carolina, which is planning a similar tribute for its Nov. 14 game. The effort will honor those who have served in the military and promote the Wounded Warrior Project.
The black and tan camouflage uniforms, designed by Under Armour, will have a Wounded Warrior logo patch. The jerseys worn by the Gamecocks and Terrapins will have words such as courage, loyalty and integrity on their backs.
Maryland plays at home against No. 15 Virginia Tech on Nov. 14, while No. 23 South Carolina hosts No. 2 Florida.
The Wounded Warrior Project provides services and programs for injured military men and women.[/quote]
here’s a link with a pick of maryland’s jersey…
could be worse, I guess…
[quote comment=”355527″][quote comment=”355524″]The Maryland/SC Wounded Warrior jerseys follow last year’s Army/Navy concept: “CVOB” – Core Value on Back.[/quote]
I don’t think its a follow up, since Army/Navy are Nike. More like steal.[/quote]
It’s like the old moviemaking axiom. Homages are for hacks. Geniuses steal.
the folks at UA = geniuses
[quote comment=”355526″]the fix is obviously in way out west[/quote]
If the games were fixed, the dodgers would be at least tied with Philadelphia.
[quote comment=”355519″]”Small Potatoes” just brought Donald Trump’s douchebaggery to a whole new level for me.[/quote]
Yeah, it was to the point that I could ALMOST see a Macy’s commercial of him without cringing, but now…
Anyway, as painful as that chapter is, it’s still a great show, from what I’ve seen. I got to see bits and pieces, but now that I have it on tape (two copies, just in case) I’ll be watching it all week.
[quote comment=”355506″][quote comment=”355504″]Off to my friend’s house, tape in hand…[/quote]
Tape? You mean like masking tape? Gonna do some painting?[/quote]
Nope, still doing the VHS thing. Only reason we have a DVD player is someone got us one for Christmas a few years ago. Now if “Small Potatoes” comes out on DVD, I want a copy.
Weird feeling tonight – I got to see the end of the ’85 USFL championship…back at my parents’ house where I watched it the first time. Then I showed them how to use their VCR (again) while taping that game and “Small Potatoes.” All I need now is a documentary on the MISL and my viewing schedule for the rest of the year would be complete.
[quote comment=”355507″][quote comment=”355495″][quote comment=”355478″]I can trademark 60% Powder blue, 25% neon green, 8% black and 7% red for use in my packaging, so that somebody selling a similar product wouldn’t be able to use that color scheme to mislead consumers.[/quote]
Phil, think you could whip up a uni with that color combo?[/quote]
jim, you are a sick, sick man
proportions are probably way off, but whatever[/quote]
Okay, maybe I wouldn’t wear THAT uni…but if I played around with the possibilities I’m sure I could find a worthwhile combination. ;)
[quote comment=”355532″][quote comment=”355506″][quote comment=”355504″]Off to my friend’s house, tape in hand…[/quote]
Tape? You mean like masking tape? Gonna do some painting?[/quote]
Nope, still doing the VHS thing. Only reason we have a DVD player is someone got us one for Christmas a few years ago. Now if “Small Potatoes” comes out on DVD, I want a copy.
Weird feeling tonight – I got to see the end of the ’85 USFL championship…back at my parents’ house where I watched it the first time. Then I showed them how to use their VCR (again) while taping that game and “Small Potatoes.” All I need now is a documentary on the MISL and my viewing schedule for the rest of the year would be complete.[/quote]
My guess would be that ESPN won’t release individual mini-films on DVD, but rather the entire “30 for 30” series in a box set for a ridiculous price.
I mentioned the JH memorial stickers on UConn’s helmets yesterday, and in addition to those and West Virginia wearing number 6 stickers during this Saturdays game, Clemson’s quarterback, a high school teammate of Jasper Howard will be wearing number 6.
Also, at UConn, #6 will go unworn until 2011, when jasper should have graduated, and the only people with similar traits in character will wear the number after that.
Here’s what I learned from Small Potatoes:
1. Those uniforms were simply gorgeous. My God, Boston’s helmet was perfect.
2. Tampa Bay can field a good football team.
3. Donald Trump is a giant, pompous dick.
Dear Nick Swisher’s agent,
You can’t register your trademark unless there’s a product attached to the mark. So, the application/registration may be filed, but it’s not something innocent, it’s because there’s an actual product to sell.
Anthony – your friendly, neighborhood trademark attorney
And if you happen to run a small t-shirt business, you really, really, really should speak to an intellectual property attorney about all your rights (or lack thereof) in your products.
(Not that I’d ever make a shameless plug.)
[quote comment=”355405″][quote comment=”355311″]Swisher salutes with his left hand, which is the military equivalent of “hey fuck you”.[/quote]
Swisher salutes with his left hand because his glove is on his right.[/quote]
Then he should remove the glove.