By Phil Hecken, with Jim Vilk
Back again with the Man who never met a uniform he didn’t like, Jim Vilk, with our look at the Eastern Division of the USFL. So, what’s with the header (“Tiny Spuds”)? Well, in case you didn’t know, it’s part of a larger quote from one Donald Trump, who once derisively referred to the USFL as “small potatoes.” In in a serendipitous bit on timing, ESPN (which is running their wonderful 30 for 30 series over the next several weeks and months) is running “Small Potatoes: Who Killed the USFL” this Tuesday … and Wednesday … and Thursday (check here for full listing). While the title promises a hard look at the Donald and others who brought about the USFL’s demise, it will also promise to be a uni-bonanza. Especially since some of the footage has likely never been seen. After watching the other 30 for 30‘s, I say this is gonna be must-see TV.
With that being said, Jim’s back to bring you his look at the Eastern Conference and their unis. Will he find one he doesn’t like? You’ll just have to read below. Here’s Jimmy:
In our last look back at the USFL, we saw quite a bit of uniform change amongst the Western Conference teams in just three seasons. This time, as we look at the Eastern Conference, you will see fewer changes. That’s to be expected, though, when you pretty much nailed your look the first time. In fact, only one eastern team went through a dramatic overhaul. We’ll see them at the end. Oh, and before we begin, I realized I did not talk about any of the teams’ socks in part one. For consistency, I will leave commentary on them out of part two as well. Do yourself a favor, though, as you look at all of the teams’ unis — check out the socks. There are some pretty classic looks for every team in the league. Okay? Let’s resume our trip through the USFL by heading south.
EASTERN CONFERENCE – Southern Division
Birmingham Stallions: One thing you’ll see this time is a lot of red, beginning with the Stallions. They were one of six teams in 1984 that wore red — that’s a third of the league (actually, seven teams had red jerseys in ’84, but Arizona never wore theirs). The Southern Division itself had three of the red teams. Anyway, the Stallions looked good with a red horse logo and a single stripe on an old gold helmet. The red jerseys and gold pants were complemented with some classic Steeler-ish striping. This look remained untouched for all three seasons. On the road, however, there was one change. The normally fantastic and extremely accurate OurSports Central web site says the Stallions’ only road uniform consisted of white jerseys and pants, but that was in ’84 and ’85. In ’83 the road pants were old gold. At first, all I had was my memory, but I finally found a shot of the ’84 media guide showing action from the previous season. The picture at the bottom of the guide confirms the gold pants. I think they made the change to differentiate themselves from another team we’ll see later. Either look, however, was very nice.
Jacksonville Bulls: Real bulls don’t actually see red, but these guys sure did in this division. They didn’t wear any themselves, though, going with a burgundy and silver look with orange and black details added. Alongside the Chicago Blitz and the Michigan Panthers, the Bulls had one of my favorite uniforms. It started with the helmet — an innovation in those days with a bull in motion wrapping around both sides, with the word BULLS on the back of the helmet. The logo was inserted in the silver stripe on both the burgundy and white jerseys as well. The home pants were silver with a burgundy and orange double stripe, while the road pants were burgundy with silver and orange striping. It’s an ’80s look, but I think it stands the test of time. It didn’t change during the Bulls’ two seasons in ’84 and ’85, and if they had survived until now I still wouldn’t change it.
Memphis Showboats: In 1983, Chicago and Tampa Bay came out with silver helmets and pants with red jerseys. The following year, the expansion Showboats piled on with the same color scheme. Yawn. At least they had a simple, cool helmet logo of a paddle wheel cover. Had they gone with their other logo, a mean-looking boat carrying a ball, I wouldn’t have been so easy on them. The red jerseys had silver numbers and double sleeve stripes, and the silver pants had a single red stripe. The white jerseys had red numbers and sleeve stripes. There were no changes in the ’85 season. If Memphis had come along first in the league, I would have said, “Nice job with the unis.” Since they didn’t, I say, “You should have bought a bigger box of crayons.”
Boston/New Orleans/Portland Breakers: Three years, three cities, one FANTASTIC look. I mentioned my other favorite uniforms, but this one is right there with them. It may even be my first pick, if I was forced to make a decision. I like when teams use two shades of blue and I LOVE that helmet. A real case of beauty in simplicity here, with a light blue, silver and dark blue wave wrapping around the white helmet. Okay, I don’t know what shades Ocean Blue and Breaker Blue are, so I’ll call the home jersey royal blue with big white sleeve stripes on top of smaller dark blue and silver stripes. The white numbers are thinly outlined. The white jerseys have big dark blue sleeve stripes on smaller light blue and silver stripes, with royal numbers thinly outlined. The pants were the same for both sets — silver with dark blue, light blue and white stripes. I think this look stands the test of time even more than Jacksonville’s uniform. I wouldn’t alter this uni a bit. Ever.
Tampa Bay Bandits: I’ll bet this is one of Phil’s favorite USFL unis. For three years, the Bandits consistently used a red-in-white-in-black stripe on the silver helmets, both the red and white jerseys, the silver pants and yes, the socks, too. That’s nice, but if you know me, you know the answer to this question: What’s worse than a home uni that looks a little too much like Ohio State? A road uni that looks like a cross between Ohio State and the Raiders. Did Jack Tatum design these? Still, I liked the Bandits, but that was because I liked Steve Spurrier and his Bandit Ball offense. The simple silhouette logo of the bandit on horseback, which was on the sleeves as well as the helmets, redeemed the look for me. I also liked the team for its owner, the late John Bassett, who believed spring football could succeed … unlike some other guy …
EASTERN CONFERENCE – Atlantic Division
New Jersey Generals: And then there is that other guy. No, Donald Trump didn’t single-handedly cause the downfall of the USFL, but if he wouldn’t have gotten involved, I still might be enjoying spring football, small potatoes or not. Looking on the bright side, when Trump bought into the Generals after the 1983 season, at least he didn’t change those beautiful red and white uniforms. Plus, he signed Doug Flutie, so with the USFL’s relaxed numbering system I was able to enjoy a quarterback wearing #22. The Generals were the team I chose to root against, but I couldn’t hate them — not with Flutie, Herschel Walker and the wonderfully simple design of their unis. The white facemask set off the striking red helmet, while the logo of five gold stars and a gold wreath added a touch of class. The red jerseys had white numbers trimmed in royal blue, including big TV numbers on the sleeves that I like, and no other trim. The white pants had a red-in-blue stripe down the side. The white jerseys had red numbers trimmed in blue. The Generals reminded me of a red version of the Giants … except the Giants are much bigger potatoes, of course…
Philadelphia/Baltimore Stars: This is purely coincidence, but we’re ending with my three favorite teams. The Stars were my favorite in 1983, simply because the territorial draft meant they got all the Pitt and Penn State players. Little did I know they would go on to become the class team of the league, appearing in all three championships and winning the last two. The unis were pretty classy as well, although the red and old gold was close to Birmingham’s look. While the striping was similar, the Stars had no helmet stripe, white facemasks instead of red and gold numbers instead of white. The differences were smaller on the road unis as they both had red numbers. I think that’s why the Stallions eventually switched to white pants. The only change the Stars made was to the helmet logo. The name and the star in motion looked cool, but it kind of blended into the helmet in ’83. They fixed that simply enough by adding a white outline to the logo the following year. I’d take this team over the current residents of Philly or Baltimore anyday.
Pittsburgh Maulers: The Stars slipped to second place on my list when Pittsburgh got an expansion team in ’84. The Maulers only lasted one season, though, merging into the Stars in ’85. I wasn’t expecting this team to be so bad … neither was I expecting purple, reddish orange and gray uniforms. They grew on me quickly, though. The Mauler logo suffered from the same problem as the Stars’ logo — it blended in too much. A few games into the season they added some white highlighting. Along with the logo, the purple helmet had a white-in-purple-in-orange stripe, which was identical to the striping on the gray pants. Both the purple jersey with white numbers and the white jersey with purple numbers had a white sleeve stripe between two purple-in-orange stripes. Oh well, I may not see these last two teams in real life anymore, but I can always see them on my electric football field.
Washington Federals/Orlando Renegades: Someday the lowly ’84 Feds will grace my electric football field as well, but I’m not done painting them. They were my third favorite team until they were sold and moved to Orlando. I never went to a Federals game, but one of own readers, “Leon”, did. He has the ticket stub to prove it, and they even gave him a souvenir. “A terrible towel for a terrible team,” I believe is how he put it. The Federals and Renegades didn’t look as bad as they played, for sure. The striping may drive Phil nuts, though. The ’83 Feds had a white helmet with a green-in-white-in-black stripe, while the white pants had a black-in-white-in-green stripe. The sleeves on the white jerseys matched the pants. The green jerseys, however, appeared to have white sleeve stripes with two small black stripes in the middle of them. I liked the black and green eagle with the star on its neck. That helmet logo survived the uniform upgrade in ’84, but the helmet itself, along with the pants, switched to silver. The striping seemed to match better, except on the jerseys. The greens had two white sleeve stripes with a silver star over them, while the whites had two green sleeve stripes with a green star over them. After the move to Orlando, the team overhauled the name, logo and colors. The Renegades went back to a white helmet, but with a gray-in-blue stripe, matching the white pants. The new logo was a feathered tomahawk with the team name written above it. The royal-ish blue jerseys with white numbers had gray-in-blue-in-white sleeve stripes, while the white jerseys with blue numbers had gray-in-white-in-blue sleeve stripes. Despite the inconsistencies, I liked all three unis, but I’m kind of partial to the ’84 version.
I liked a lot of things about 1984, so I also painted the Arizona Wranglers to commemorate the Wranglers/Stars championship game from that year. That’s small potatoes, though, compared to what one guy has done, taking some NFL figures and DIYing them to look like USFL players. Hmm, I wonder if he could make me a Sean Landeta figure someday. He was the last of the USFL players, retiring from the NFL 25 years after the Stars’ first game. If the proposed new USFL really happens in 2010, I’d love to see someone sign him to punt at least once. If they don’t bring him back, I hope they at least bring back these great uniforms.
Thanks, Jim, for the second trip down the USFL memory lane. And to answer your questions, yes, I did (and still do) love the striping (I love how the helmet matches the sleeves which matches the pants, which matches the socks) on the Bandits … the colors — not so much. In fact, my favorite team, color-wise, in this Eastern Division look-back is easily the Feds. I know I’m out of the norm in my enjoyment of black and green (particularly black and hunter), but kelly green as well. I love it on the Fighting Sioux and I love it on the Celtics (and I shouldn’t on the Bostonian team, since theirs is simply BFBS). Also a huge fan of the Generals unis. Those rocked.
I’d like to take a look at other “defunct” football leagues, including, but not limited to the uniforms of the WFL, but also the WLAF and maybe even some arena (and, god help us all, the UFL) — if anyone is interested in assisting with one of those leagues, give me a shout. Thanks again, Jimmy — now you’re thinkin’ with yer dipstick!

Ah…jogging. A time to relax and enjoy nature and be at peace with oneself. Right? I mean — you don’t come to a uniform board expecting to have a political debate break out, do ya? Tsk-tsk. Sometimes…stuff happens. Enjoy your Sunday Benchies.

Guess The Game From The Scoreboard: Another Sunday, another football scoreboard. If you’re…well…over 35, you could probably do this one from memory, and if you’re younger than that, you may need to look it up. Kind of a famous game depicted here, but oh was a great game it was. Still love seeing old Marlboro ads in stadia. So…quaint. Anyway, please find a link to this game somewhere and don’t post the answer directly in the comments. Final score and teams are easy, so should the location be. Ready? Guess The Game From The Scoreboard. And if you remember where you were when this … ahem, catch happened … you’re old, dude.

UW #1 Seahawks Fan Michael Princip has been tracking the Oregon Ducks and all of their 2,456 possible uniform combinations this season. He’ll be updating it after each game. Yesterday, the Ducklings were idle (or would that be a “bye week”?), so there is no updating for Mike to do. Big conference game next weekend against the surprising Huskies (2-1 in the Pac 10, 3-3 overall) while the green and yellow look to remain undefeated in conference play. So, although there’s no change to the chart, Here’s Your Updated Ducktracker.

ATTENTION UNI TRACKERS — If you’re on of those insane lunatics, like me, who has kept track of your teams’ uniform combinations for all 162 (or, if you track the Twins, all 163) games this season, think about gathering all of your data, plus a final writeup, for your tracking. While my own tracking of the Mets is complete, the writeup was too long to be included in this post. If, however, you’re interested, here is the final count of the uniforms the Mets wore.
I’d to gather everyone’s tracking and Paul has given me the OK to place them into one big file for inclusion in the archives (thanks Paul!). When you have your stuff ready, send them to me with the subject line “UNI TRACKING – (your team)”. If you made it this far, I thank you for all your efforts. You don’t need to be terribly brief in your write-up, but please don’t compose a novel either. Make sure you list any particular trends or unique factors.
This will be a fairly intensive undertaking, so please try to make sure your records are correct and you send me any and all graphics you have created so far (in jpg or bmp format, if possible). When complete, we will be adding everyone’s tracking into the Uni Watch Research Projects (links appear on the right sidebar of the page — currently we have three: “White At Home,” “Pro Football Uni History” and the Glossary. This would make the fourth). Thanks!

Our man in the street, Jim Vilk brings you his “Top 5” Best and one WORST college football uni matchup from yesterday:
5. St. Francis (PA) vs. Robert Morris: Surprise!
4. Northwestern/Michigan State: Because matchup-wise, it was a slow week.
3. USC/Notre Dame: If the Irish wore green this would have been #1.
2. Iowa/Wisconsin: Doesn’t take a hawk eye to see that this is a nice matchup.
1. OU/Texas: I like Texas’ all-white unis better, but this matchup ain’t too shabby.
And the worst matchup: Louisville/UConn: This matchup would look better during basketball season…but not by much.
And that’s all folks. Don’t forget there’s another legacy game today (Oilers vs. Boston Pats), and in one we can all see (except Jim) tomorrow: Broncos in their ROAD brown and white socks at San Diego. Lets see if some guys try to pull the barber pole with the socks again. Uni Trackers…start sending them in. Next week, results of the Road Uni poll, plus the announcement of our next poll — and it’s gonna be a doozy — one we need your help to create. Stay tuned. Everyone have a great Sunday.
Nice job on those electric football players. I almost wish I still had some of those… almost.
I think electric football is like Warhammer for football fans. You’ll spend countless hours painting your teams, and never actually play the game. Even 20 years ago as an 8yr old kid, I had an electric football set, and trying to paint semi-accurate Bengals helmets was far more interesting than actually turning on the board.
Re: the scoreboard:
Yeah, I’m old.
You ain’t kiddin’. I was watching link last night thinking that it was actually a contender despite the link.
One thing (among many) that the USFL had going for it as a spring league was it’s unis. As a “new league” group, about as good as it gets. The WFL and NFL Europe fight it out for second. The AFL, despite original ideas (Charger bolts) and memorable innovations (Bronco socks) suffers because uni styles changed a lot in the years between their startup and the next time someone took a shot at a whole new league.
Of the group listed today, I always liked the Bandits’ roads and Bulls’ home, but agree with JimV that the Breakers were something special. And the first Federals (kelly & white) were great. Super helmet logo and nice departure from stereotypical red, white and blue we’d have expected from a D.C.-based team: Green, white and black…like the money (that’s where it came from, btw; a couple of ex-Federals sold ad space for that Redskins pub I worked on during ’83 NFL season, and we talked about such things).
My nod for worst uni matchup would have been Stanford at Arizona. Not so much for the Cardinal (I still hate merit decals though)but…WTF Arizona? Monochrome blue and the red apron string goes around to the back, flares out and has SNOB? Very distracting to the game and the eye.
The TB Bandits’ road unis remind more of an Ohio State/(old) Falcons combo than an Ohio State/Raiders combo. I think it’s because of the black numbers outlined in red.
[quote comment=”354938″]One thing (among many) that the USFL had going for it as a spring league was it’s unis. As a “new league” group, about as good as it gets. The WFL and NFL Europe fight it out for second. The AFL, despite original ideas (Charger bolts) and memorable innovations (Bronco socks) suffers because uni styles changed a lot in the years between their startup and the next time someone took a shot at a whole new league.
Of the group listed today, I always liked the Bandits’ roads and Bulls’ home, but agree with JimV that the Breakers were something special. And the first Federals (kelly & white) were great. Super helmet logo and nice departure from stereotypical red, white and blue we’d have expected from a D.C.-based team: Green, white and black…like the money (that’s where it came from, btw; a couple of ex-Federals sold ad space for that Redskins pub I worked on during ’83 NFL season, and we talked about such things).
Denver’s link has green and white for the same reason.
[quote comment=”354940″]The TB Bandits’ road unis remind more of an Ohio State/(old) Falcons combo than an Ohio State/Raiders combo. I think it’s because of the black numbers outlined in red.[/quote]
I never had a big problem with Bandits doing their version of Ohio State. Red jerseys with silver helmets/pants is a good look, and at the time no pro team was doing it. 49ers had about 20 years earlier, and Showboats would the following season.
Although, because is a Florida team, always thought that Bandit uni would be interesting with orange (bright orange, NOT Buc orange) replacing the red, and maybe navy replacing black. Don’t know that anyone anywhere has ever paired orange jerseys with silver helmets/pants.
I’ve always been a proponent of stripe consistency, but the Bandits were too much. I would have mixed it up a little with the sleeves, and then matched the socks to those. Keep the helmet to pants combination.
I’ve always loved that Breakers’ helmet. However, I never understood the gray pants with the blue jersey and white helmet.
The Federals logo was one of my favorites as a kid. I thought their colors were forest green and kelly. That’s how I drew them at first. Kind of like the Millwaukee Buck’s at the time.
[quote comment=”354943″]I’ve always been a proponent of stripe consistency, but the Bandits were too much. I would have mixed it up a little with the sleeves, and then matched the socks to those. Keep the helmet to pants combination.
I’ve always loved that Breakers’ helmet. However, I never understood the gray pants with the blue jersey and white helmet.
The Federals logo was one of my favorites as a kid. I thought their colors were forest green and kelly. That’s how I drew them at first. Kind of like the Millwaukee Buck’s at the time.[/quote]
Wanna DIY a Federals hat or polo shirt?
A look at USFL helmets…
[quote comment=”354935″]Nice job on those electric football players. I almost wish I still had some of those… almost.
I think electric football is like Warhammer for football fans. You’ll spend countless hours painting your teams, and never actually play the game. Even 20 years ago as an 8yr old kid, I had an electric football set, and trying to paint semi-accurate Bengals helmets was far more interesting than actually turning on the board.[/quote]
Yeah, I’ve done more painting and less playing, for sure. Trying to get my son interested, but the attention span isn’t there yet. If nothing else, we play “The Candy Bowl” every New Years Day. I figure if I can bribe him with candy he’s more likely to play.
my dad had Stars season tix that first year and i went to several games. If memory serves me correctly, the owner went to Central HS in Phila, and selected the same color palate for the Stars.
[quote comment=”354944″][quote comment=”354943″]I’ve always been a proponent of stripe consistency, but the Bandits were too much. I would have mixed it up a little with the sleeves, and then matched the socks to those. Keep the helmet to pants combination.
I’ve always loved that Breakers’ helmet. However, I never understood the gray pants with the blue jersey and white helmet.
The Federals logo was one of my favorites as a kid. I thought their colors were forest green and kelly. That’s how I drew them at first. Kind of like the Millwaukee Buck’s at the time.[/quote]
Wanna DIY a Federals hat or polo shirt?
Phil and I were discussing something similar last night. He wants a Feds jersey, and I’d kinda like an ’84 jersey myself. I’ll add that to the list of projects…
One thing I do remember thinking is that the Bandits helmet logo was seriously nondescript.
And I believe the Breakers likely went with silver pants because most of the time (in all three cities) they wore white at home.
Yeah, I’m old. And I’m a Niner fan, so I definitely remember where I was for that game.
I would like to nominate TCU/Colorado St. as one of the worst uni matchups of the season. Nearly the same colors as the Michigan St./Northwestern matchup, but something went horribly wrong…
This is Michigan State-Northwestern.
This is Michigan State-Northwestern on drugs.
[quote comment=”354945″]A look at USFL helmets…
I love that site, mainly for the fact that you can get such nice 360 deg views of these awesome helmets.
Jacksonville Bulls:
Kudos to Phil and Jim for the wonderful USFL part 2 stuff today. Was lookin’ forward to it.
Craig James (yes, THAT Craig James) Federals ’84 jersey…on sale, too.
Da Feds.
Feds’ color breaks and PMS specs…
Whole league is here…
Breakers’ helmet is perfect example of how colors (especially blues) get darker on helmets.
Colors were process blue (Air Force Blue in uni argot) and royal.
But helmet looks more like royal and navy.
Or even navy and black.
Which BCS conference do think has the best set of uniforms overall?
I would have to imagine that the Big Ten and Big 12 have to be near the top.
Can’t wait for the snot-green paint option package.
[quote comment=”354959″]link
Can’t wait for the snot-green paint option package.[/quote]
Told ya, it’s a hot color with designers these days (Holiday Inn’s new look, for example).
You’ll see more of it in the next six months or so, I’ll wager.
[quote comment=”354960″][quote comment=”354959″]link
Can’t wait for the snot-green paint option package.[/quote]
Told ya, it’s a hot color with designers these days (Holiday Inn’s new look, for example).
You’ll see more of it in the next six months or so, I’ll wager.
so…snot green is the new teal?
[quote comment=”354961″][quote comment=”354960″][quote comment=”354959″]link
Can’t wait for the snot-green paint option package.[/quote]
Told ya, it’s a hot color with designers these days (Holiday Inn’s new look, for example).
You’ll see more of it in the next six months or so, I’ll wager.
so…snot green is the new teal?[/quote]
If you ever sneeze that color, I suggest going to a doctor.
I have always wondered what team was used in all of the sunday circulars for electronics ads…
The breakers!
BTW…whcih team sported the Nike glove thing yesterday?
seems like the g-men have ghosting issues again
/love the “road” pants with the blue jerseys too
Looks like UConn football is going to be having a uni-memorial from now on.
Starting CB Jasper Howard was killed in an off campus stabbing only hours after recording 11 tackles, 1 forced fumble and a fumble recovery in UConn’s win against UofL yesterday.
[quote comment=”354964″]seems like the g-men have ghosting issues again
/love the “road” pants with the blue jerseys too[/quote]
Wish I could see it. I am stuck watching my crappy Lions perform as usual.
Did you really like the first two 30-30’s. Gretkzy and the Colt band doc. I thought they were decidedly mediocre.
[quote comment=”354966″][quote comment=”354964″]seems like the g-men have ghosting issues again
/love the “road” pants with the blue jerseys too[/quote]
Wish I could see it. I am stuck watching my crappy Lions perform as usual.[/quote]
It really is a pretty matchup. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say it’s the best of the weekend. (Yes, that includes the AFL legacy games). Honestly, I’m shocked that we’re getting this game. With the Bears not playing until tonight, I assumed it would be Packers/Lions on Fox.
We might have to redo the road uni survey because that Giants combo might be the best road uni in the history of ever.
In fact, two tweaks and it’s damn near perfect: lose the link on the helmet and put some stripes on those socks.
pretty well organized strat-o-matic here
Good job today on the USFL unis, The USFL is supposed to be the story on this next episode of 30 for 30 on ESPN.
Being a Buckeye fan I did like the Tampa Bay Bandits and the Blitz. I also like the Maulers and the helmet logo they had.
I am not a huge fan of all black unis but I did think Purdue looked good yesterday. With white numbers and stripes on the pants. And darn the fact that the Boilers team looked good too and Ohio State played lousy.
The black vs white game to me was eye appealing.
[quote comment=”354935″]Nice job on those electric football players. I almost wish I still had some of those… almost.
I think electric football is like Warhammer for football fans. You’ll spend countless hours painting your teams, and never actually play the game. Even 20 years ago as an 8yr old kid, I had an electric football set, and trying to paint semi-accurate Bengals helmets was far more interesting than actually turning on the board.[/quote]
I agree. I had and still have an old Tudor game from early 1960’s. I had the all red guys vs the all yellow ones. As a kid I painted mine green and black vs red and silver. About 10 years ago I wanted them back to the original colors so I used paint remover.
I was on a kick where my brother and I bought a lot of teams and found some painted ones too. It was more about collecting teams than playing.
I did enjoy playing the game when I was a kid.But kids had to have more imagination in those days.
Ah the days of dice baseball and electric football.Wiffleball and other dice sports games.
[quote comment=”354963″]I have always wondered what team was used in all of the sunday circulars for electronics ads…
The breakers!
BTW…whcih team sported the Nike glove thing yesterday?[/quote]
I was looking for that, too. I went back and looked at the blurb Paul wrote about it and apparently that’s not happening until the middle of November.
Watching Giants/Saints… I think I like the Giants’ usual ‘home’ pants better. It’s a subtle thing but I think the spacing between the stripes on the ‘road’ pants make the striping a bit weaker and I think it gets overpowered a bit by the blue jersey. The ‘road’ pants look good with the white jerseys though.
[quote comment=”354971″]Good job today on the USFL unis, The USFL is supposed to be the story on this next episode of 30 for 30 on ESPN.
Being a Buckeye fan I did like the Tampa Bay Bandits and the Blitz. I also like the Maulers and the helmet logo they had.
I am not a huge fan of all black unis but I did think Purdue looked good yesterday. With white numbers and stripes on the pants. And darn the fact that the Boilers team looked good too and Ohio State played lousy.
The black vs white game to me was eye appealing.[/quote]
I’m not in love with when the Boilers go all-black. I liked it much better in the previous set when they went with gold pants. At the minimum, they need to go “pro” socks with some gold stripes to break-up the black leotard affect.
That said, they finally took advantage of someone else crapping the bed, unlike the 5 games in which they did the crapping this year……
I do like Purdue better with gold pants. I just mean the all black to me looked better than I thought. For the most part I do not like black on black.
The Columbus Dispatch has a blog with old pictures, This week they had this one of Ohio State and Purdue in 1940. How about those Purdue unis with plenty of stripes.
Purdue also has its school yearbook online. A while back I went through it and saved a bunch of pictures.
[quote comment=”354964″]
/love the “road” pants with the blue jerseys too[/quote]
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: link should be their only pants, home or road. I wonder if they’re going to phase out the “home” pants by next season…
What is the story behind the Iowa and Steeler unis and their similarities?
Josh Cribbs is wearing the Brown’s striped socks as arm sleeves today against Pittsburgh.
[quote comment=”354978″]What is the story behind the Iowa and Steeler unis and their similarities?[/quote]
From what I know it was when Hayden Frye was at Iowa. He asked the Steelers if they could use that style.
If you see Hawkeye and Steeler uniforms from the 1960’s they look the same back then too. When both teams had the yellow helmet
[quote comment=”354978″]What is the story behind the Iowa and Steeler unis and their similarities?[/quote]
paging rick pearson…rick pearson?…dr. pearson, we have a question for you
Jags RBK log is ghosted too.
Someone mentioned this few weeks ago and I agree: New Orleans needs a white stripe down the middle of those pants so that the striping matches the helmet. If they did that those unis would be perfect, black jersey or white.
[quote comment=”354983″]Someone mentioned this few weeks ago and I agree: New Orleans needs a white stripe down the middle of those pants so that the striping matches the helmet. If they did that those unis would be perfect, black jersey or white.[/quote]
yup — i not only mocked those, i did some templates for them, with proper pants (and socks) stripes…here’s the templates (with a white pants option, and a gold jersey option):
set one
set two
for the saints mockups, go here, scroll past the cap contest stuff, and check out the “New Orleans Saints” (first team listed) tweaks
[quote comment=”354968″][quote comment=”354966″][quote comment=”354964″]seems like the g-men have ghosting issues again
/love the “road” pants with the blue jerseys too[/quote]
Wish I could see it. I am stuck watching my crappy Lions perform as usual.[/quote]
It really is a pretty matchup. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say it’s the best of the weekend. (Yes, that includes the AFL legacy games). Honestly, I’m shocked that we’re getting this game. With the Bears not playing until tonight, I assumed it would be Packers/Lions on Fox.
We might have to redo the road uni survey because that Giants combo might be the best road uni in the history of ever.
In fact, two tweaks and it’s damn near perfect: lose the link on the helmet and put some stripes on those socks.[/quote]
…and then there’s the CBS game, which is the polar opposite of Saints/Giants. The Metrodome has a major uni trainwreck in progress, but it’s one hell of a game.
[quote]…and then there’s the CBS game, which is the polar opposite of Saints/Giants. The Metrodome has a major uni trainwreck in progress, but it’s one hell of a game.[/quote]
yup…and NOW i have to miss the ending (just saw the go ahead field goal) and CBS cut-away mid fucking kickoff to bring me commercials before they show me the jets game
are you kidding me? you couldn’t stay with that game until conclusion?
[quote comment=”354986″][quote]…and then there’s the CBS game, which is the polar opposite of Saints/Giants. The Metrodome has a major uni trainwreck in progress, but it’s one hell of a game.[/quote]
yup…and NOW i have to miss the ending (just saw the go ahead field goal) and CBS cut-away mid fucking kickoff to bring me commercials before they show me the jets game
are you kidding me? you couldn’t stay with that game until conclusion?
FOX did the same thing to me on the STL-JAX overtime. Something about NFL TV restrictions.
[quote comment=”354986″][quote]…and then there’s the CBS game, which is the polar opposite of Saints/Giants. The Metrodome has a major uni trainwreck in progress, but it’s one hell of a game.[/quote]
yup…and NOW i have to miss the ending (just saw the go ahead field goal) and CBS cut-away mid fucking kickoff to bring me commercials before they show me the jets game
are you kidding me? you couldn’t stay with that game until conclusion?
One of those idiotic league rules. They’re only allowed to show the conclusion of one game per time slot or something like that.
DAMMIT. Wide left. Vikes win.
[quote]FOX did the same thing to me on the STL-JAX overtime. Something about NFL TV restrictions.[/quote]
[quote]One of those idiotic league rules. They’re only allowed to show the conclusion of one game per time slot or something like that.[/quote]
oh, i know the rule (in fact, there was even on of those disclaimers about 1 minute before the cutaway, and then one at the cutaway)…
i just think it’s bullshit…especially to get those goddam commercials in — if you have to cut from one game to the ‘regional’ game, i understand, but at least bump it right up until the next game’s kickoff…do i really need (i guess so) that appliance and beer commercial when you’re in the last minute of a great game???
/done…just needed to vent
[quote comment=”354983″]Someone mentioned this few weeks ago and I agree: New Orleans needs a white stripe down the middle of those pants so that the striping matches the helmet. If they did that those unis would be perfect, black jersey or white.[/quote]
Like link? And link?
Does anyone else think that during the AFL Legacy games, the announcers should refer to the teams as the teams they represent i.e. the Titans as Oilers, the Chiefs as Texans, & the Jets as Titans.
How beautiful is Oilers at Patriots in legacy uniforms in the snow?
PERFECTION ALERT!!! New England rockin’ their AFL throwbacks against the Titans in really nice Houston Oiler throwbacks and… THEY ARE PLAYING IN THE SNOW! visually this game is about as appealing as it gets.
[quote comment=”354993″]PERFECTION ALERT!!! New England rockin’ their AFL throwbacks against the Titans in really nice Houston Oiler throwbacks and… THEY ARE PLAYING IN THE SNOW! visually this game is about as appealing as it gets.[/quote]
Yellow snow line really stands out, too.
Hmmm… I wasn’t counting on snow in
BostonFoxboro.OilersTitans @ Pats might just take the top spot over Giants @ Saints.[quote comment=”354994″]Check out these unis from last night. Really good stuff:
This link is to porn
Do not click
Paul, LI Phil, you may want to ban this user.
The Hoodie is going Double-Hoodie today in the snow.
[quote comment=”354997″][quote comment=”354994″]Check out these unis from last night. Really good stuff:
This link is to porn
Do not click
Paul, LI Phil, you may want to ban this user.[/quote]
thanks jay
it will be dealt with accordingly
If[quote comment=”354993″]PERFECTION ALERT!!! New England rockin’ their AFL throwbacks against the Titans in really nice Houston Oiler throwbacks and… THEY ARE PLAYING IN THE SNOW! visually this game is about as appealing as it gets.[/quote]
If only the snow would cover Flying Elvis at midfield.
[quote comment=”354999″]Great picture from a local high school game. Tremendous stripage:
This link is to porn
Do not click
Paul, LI Phil, you may want to ban this user.
[quote comment=\”354965\”]Looks like UConn football is going to be having a uni-memorial from now on.
Starting CB Jasper Howard was killed in an off campus stabbing only hours after recording 11 tackles, 1 forced fumble and a fumble recovery in UConn\’s win against UofL yesterday.[/quote]
This is a real shame. As a season ticket holder, I get a rare chance to see some of these players grow up with me before my eyes. Jasper was a true success story. He came from a tough Miami neighborhood and worked his way to college through football. He was also a consistent defensive force, punt returner, and an overall joy to watch on the field. Rest in peace, Jasper.
long strip of half-frozen helmet stripe hanging off the back of chris brown’s helmet in Foxboro
[quote comment=\”355004\”][quote comment=\\\”354965\\\”]Looks like UConn football is going to be having a uni-memorial from now on.
Starting CB Jasper Howard was killed in an off campus stabbing only hours after recording 11 tackles, 1 forced fumble and a fumble recovery in UConn\\\’s win against UofL yesterday.[/quote]
This is a real shame. As a season ticket holder, I get a rare chance to see some of these players grow up with me before my eyes. Jasper was a true success story. He came from a tough Miami neighborhood and worked his way to college through football. He was also a consistent defensive force, punt returner, and an overall joy to watch on the field. Rest in peace, Jasper.[/quote]
Full story here
[quote comment=”354981″][quote comment=”354978″]What is the story behind the Iowa and Steeler unis and their similarities?[/quote]
paging rick pearson…rick pearson?…dr. pearson, we have a question for you[/quote]
When Hayden Fry took over an Iowa program in disarray, he said, “I want them to dress like winners.” Since the Steel Curtain was about the winningest team around, and the colors were the same, the Steelers were the model. His notion was, of course, “Look good, feel good, do good.”
Curious thing about it is that also through the ’50s and most of the ’60s Iowa and the Steelers looked very much alike, especially at home. Gold helmets and pants, black jerseys with NW style stripes. That means that most of the time for the better part of the last half-century or more, the two teams have virtually mirrored one another. Some kind of odd tradition there, I imagine.
Too bad you can’t mute just announcers. [heavy sigh]
Thankfully, I’m getting Oilers-Pats as second game on Fox, cuz CBS is giving us Eagles at Oakland. Imagine my thrill. Although Oakland is ahead right now, 10-3.
[quote comment=”354992″]How beautiful is Oilers at Patriots in legacy uniforms in the snow?[/quote]
It’s the only reason I’m watching! If this was a regular game I’d be outside hiking or something. Absolutely beautiful.
[quote comment=”354992″]How beautiful is Oilers at Patriots in legacy uniforms in the snow?[/quote]
That is what I was thinking. They sure do.
The story with the Bulls uniforms was garnet for FSU, orange for UF, silver for UGA. Larry Munson was the broadcaster for the Bulls and UGA at the time.
[quote comment=”354970″]corrected:
I’m gonna have to take a look at this. Larry mentioned something about dice baseball too. My dad and brother used to play a whole season of dice baseball and and football. I think that would be fun.
Buffalo’s back up QB is wearing a Zenith helmet. He’s from Harvard and I think the inventor was a lineman at Harvard. Anyone know if it is comfortable? I know it costs a lot of money…although so does rehab from brain damage.
[quote comment=”354949″]One thing I do remember thinking is that the Bandits helmet logo was seriously nondescript.
And I believe the Breakers likely went with silver pants because most of the time (in all three cities) they wore white at home.
I remember the Boston Breakers wearing white at home, but I don’t recall that in NO or Portland.
I do recall seeing this uni-riffic game between the Blitz and Breakers: link
I guess I should say “Xenith”.
[quote comment=”354954″]Da Feds.
I love that shot. I have that pic, and a few others framed in a USFL collage downstairs. Wish I had the actual program.
So is anyone still watching that snow game? I went out to rake leaves and the score was 7-0. I come back and…
I’m think I’ve spotted a trend here today. The better-looking the matchup, the more lopsided the score.
I’m think? Cripes.
Me fail English? That’s unpossible.
Bears in navy pants tonight.
Falcons red over white.
The Bills Ryan Fitzpatrick is wearing the new Xenith helmet:
I guess that becasue he’s one of those smaht kids from Hahvad, he’s got something to protect up there!
Up there thy put math equations on the walls of the locker room!
[quote comment=”355022″]So is anyone still watching that snow game? I went out to rake leaves and the score was 7-0. I come back and…
I’m think I’ve spotted a trend here today. The better-looking the matchup, the more lopsided the score.[/quote]
It got so out of hand the network switched to the Bills/Jets on me. I’m all for going for the jugular in the first half, but after Brady to Moss put them in the 50s, I think they should have agreed to run the ball every time after that.
[quote comment=”355023″]I’m think? Cripes.
Me fail English? That’s unpossible.[/quote]
Aw, I bent my Wookiee
Could’ve sworn I heard Dan Fouts refer to him as “Patrick Fitzryan” once.
Worst uni-matchup of the day…North of the Border version: Alouettes go BFBS vs. the Ti-Cats
[quote comment=”355016″][quote comment=”354970″]corrected:
I’m gonna have to take a look at this. Larry mentioned something about dice baseball too. My dad and brother used to play a whole season of dice baseball and and football. I think that would be fun.[/quote]
I still have some of my seasons of dice baseball games saved. I am talking about the 2-HR 3-double 4 single 5 out or DP 6 or 3&3 was a walk. 12 was a triple. My brother got APBA baseball but that was not until I was in my late 20’s I also had a Cadaco spin a dial baseball game. That had cards with areas designated for a HR or different things. It was cool because it had past greats like Babe Ruth and stars like that.
But I had a blast playing the dice baseball games during summers and recording the innings and scores. The versions I played for dice football I kind of forget the rules but think there was a multiplier for pass plays and odd or even were complete and incomplete.
I also was marble basketball powerhouse. I used a whip cram cup lid. The kind that were wider at the one side and narrow on the bottom. They resembled a basket. I taped it or used a pin to attachi it to a cardboard box. Then took 20 marbles for a quarter and alternated shots vs an opponent. At the end we both shot 10 foul shots so the scores would end up with some odd numbers. I played that game kneeling or laying on the floor. I think I got the idea for that game after one of my birthdays. My cake had a little basketball figure with a marble sized plastic ball and a small backboard and hoop for the cake.
On the USFL unis and helmets again. I have been a longtime collector of gumball helmets. I like the older style more. At some point in the 1980’s either me or my brother somehow got a Birmingham Stallions helmet that was mixed in with the NFL. So I think there was some company that made the USFL gumballs. Later with guys making there own decals for all to use I made the USFL. Did the same thing for pocketpros from the USFL and WFL
Before I had a computer and saw that guys would have decals for college teams and USFL and so. I used to use football magazines like Athlon and Lindys to cut out teams logos and glue them to painted gumball helmets. I still have those in the cellar.
By the way I did like Birminghams gold and red helmet. I thought most of the USFL teams looked good.
I liked the Stallions helmet a lot more than the Stars because of the red stripe and not the shadow or whatever effect of the Stars. I did not care much for that helmet. The Panthers helmet was good in my opinion.
[quote comment=”354992″]How beautiful is Oilers at Patriots in legacy uniforms in the snow?[/quote]
Perfection. C’mon Titans, [B]keep[/B] these unis! Swap out the derrick for the current logo and yer good to go.
One problem with the Oilers uniforms, apologize if not the first to mention it – CBS showed clips of their first meeting in 1960, the Houston road jerseys had RED numbers – so what the Titans wore was inaccurate. They went with the traditional block number font the next year, but the numbers were still red (per pix of the Denver (in brown/yellow) v. Houston in ’61…
[quote comment=”355035″]One problem with the Oilers uniforms, apologize if not the first to mention it – CBS showed clips of their first meeting in 1960, the Houston road jerseys had RED numbers – so what the Titans wore was inaccurate. They went with the traditional block number font the next year, but the numbers were still red (per pix of the Denver (in brown/yellow) v. Houston in ’61…[/quote]
Oiler socks wrong, too. See early in the day yesterday.
[quote comment=”355031″][quote comment=”355016″][quote comment=”354970″]corrected:
I’m gonna have to take a look at this. Larry mentioned something about dice baseball too. My dad and brother used to play a whole season of dice baseball and and football. I think that would be fun.[/quote]
I still have some of my seasons of dice baseball games saved. I am talking about the 2-HR 3-double 4 single 5 out or DP 6 or 3&3 was a walk. 12 was a triple. My brother got APBA baseball but that was not until I was in my late 20’s I also had a Cadaco spin a dial baseball game. That had cards with areas designated for a HR or different things. It was cool because it had past greats like Babe Ruth and stars like that.
But I had a blast playing the dice baseball games during summers and recording the innings and scores. The versions I played for dice football I kind of forget the rules but think there was a multiplier for pass plays and odd or even were complete and incomplete.
I also was marble basketball powerhouse. I used a whip cram cup lid. The kind that were wider at the one side and narrow on the bottom. They resembled a basket. I taped it or used a pin to attachi it to a cardboard box. Then took 20 marbles for a quarter and alternated shots vs an opponent. At the end we both shot 10 foul shots so the scores would end up with some odd numbers. I played that game kneeling or laying on the floor. I think I got the idea for that game after one of my birthdays. My cake had a little basketball figure with a marble sized plastic ball and a small backboard and hoop for the cake.[/quote]
I’ve been considering getting an APBA game. link
They have a few sports, with online versions as well. The computer baseball game uses Ernie Harwell’s voice. Despite that temptation, I’ll probably just get a dice game someday.
Your marble basketball sounds cool. I have some Lego basketball guys I’ve painted. I made a few ’76 NBA teams, as well as an ’85 Villanova Ed Pinckney figure. They’re fun to shoot around with sometimes, with or without the kids.
Favorite USFL uniforms…
Chicago Blitz – In ’83 VERY ‘Ohio State’ish’, as commented by players at the time.
Michigan Panthers – The plum was like a reddish-black
Oakland Invaders – Shades of a retro-Chargers scheme…
BOS/NOLA/POR Breakers – Can’t count how many times that jersey has been used in print advertising since…
Philadelphia Stars – I called them the Philadelphia Marines with the red/gold…
Tampa Bay Bandits – Quarterback John Reeves did a pretty good Joe Theisman impersonation with the single facemask.
My main gripe with the uniforms was just too many teams in Red…
[quote comment=”354987″][quote comment=”354986″][quote]…and then there’s the CBS game, which is the polar opposite of Saints/Giants. The Metrodome has a major uni trainwreck in progress, but it’s one hell of a game.[/quote]
yup…and NOW i have to miss the ending (just saw the go ahead field goal) and CBS cut-away mid fucking kickoff to bring me commercials before they show me the jets game
are you kidding me? you couldn’t stay with that game until conclusion?
FOX did the same thing to me on the STL-JAX overtime. Something about NFL TV restrictions.[/quote]
To bad Fox could not have cut away the Detroit game before it started here in Detroit. The Lions are so bad they bit on a fake handoff to NO ONE. Green Bay’s running back went the wrong way, Rogers faked to nobody and the defense bit.
[quote comment=”355038″]Favorite USFL uniforms…
Chicago Blitz – In ’83 VERY ‘Ohio State’ish’, as commented by players at the time.
Michigan Panthers – The plum was like a reddish-black
Oakland Invaders – Shades of a retro-Chargers scheme…
BOS/NOLA/POR Breakers – Can’t count how many times that jersey has been used in print advertising since…
Philadelphia Stars – I called them the Philadelphia Marines with the red/gold…
Tampa Bay Bandits – Quarterback John Reeves did a pretty good Joe Theisman impersonation with the single facemask.
My main gripe with the uniforms was just too many teams in Red…[/quote]
I always loved how the Breakers moved from coastal town to coastal town to coastal town — they could maintain the “Breakers” nickname without losing dignity (ahem L.A. Lakers and Utah Jazz).
[quote comment=”355037″][quote comment=”355031″][quote comment=”355016″][quote comment=”354970″]corrected:
I’m gonna have to take a look at this. Larry mentioned something about dice baseball too. My dad and brother used to play a whole season of dice baseball and and football. I think that would be fun.[/quote]
I still have some of my seasons of dice baseball games saved. I am talking about the 2-HR 3-double 4 single 5 out or DP 6 or 3&3 was a walk. 12 was a triple. My brother got APBA baseball but that was not until I was in my late 20’s I also had a Cadaco spin a dial baseball game. That had cards with areas designated for a HR or different things. It was cool because it had past greats like Babe Ruth and stars like that.
But I had a blast playing the dice baseball games during summers and recording the innings and scores. The versions I played for dice football I kind of forget the rules but think there was a multiplier for pass plays and odd or even were complete and incomplete.
I also was marble basketball powerhouse. I used a whip cram cup lid. The kind that were wider at the one side and narrow on the bottom. They resembled a basket. I taped it or used a pin to attachi it to a cardboard box. Then took 20 marbles for a quarter and alternated shots vs an opponent. At the end we both shot 10 foul shots so the scores would end up with some odd numbers. I played that game kneeling or laying on the floor. I think I got the idea for that game after one of my birthdays. My cake had a little basketball figure with a marble sized plastic ball and a small backboard and hoop for the cake.[/quote]
I’ve been considering getting an APBA game. link
They have a few sports, with online versions as well. The computer baseball game uses Ernie Harwell’s voice. Despite that temptation, I’ll probably just get a dice game someday.
Your marble basketball sounds cool. I have some Lego basketball guys I’ve painted. I made a few ’76 NBA teams, as well as an ’85 Villanova Ed Pinckney figure. They’re fun to shoot around with sometimes, with or without the kids.[/quote]
I remember one of the cereal companies (Kellogg, I think) had games you played with playing cards. I remember hockey, bowling, baseball, basketball. I am sure they had football as well. We also had a game that was a huge wood box with lights and two sets of buttons. Each set of buttons had four black buttons and a red button. Each play would push a black and red button and one of 20 lights would light up and tell you the out come. They had a football field painted on the box and it had layovers for basketball, baseball, hockey and soccer. Can’t remember the name of it. I think we still have it here somewhere.
I also remember we had an electric baseball game as well.
[quote comment=”355041″][quote comment=”355037″][quote comment=”355031″][quote comment=”355016″][quote comment=”354970″]corrected:
I’m gonna have to take a look at this. Larry mentioned something about dice baseball too. My dad and brother used to play a whole season of dice baseball and and football. I think that would be fun.[/quote]
I still have some of my seasons of dice baseball games saved. I am talking about the 2-HR 3-double 4 single 5 out or DP 6 or 3&3 was a walk. 12 was a triple. My brother got APBA baseball but that was not until I was in my late 20’s I also had a Cadaco spin a dial baseball game. That had cards with areas designated for a HR or different things. It was cool because it had past greats like Babe Ruth and stars like that.
But I had a blast playing the dice baseball games during summers and recording the innings and scores. The versions I played for dice football I kind of forget the rules but think there was a multiplier for pass plays and odd or even were complete and incomplete.
I also was marble basketball powerhouse. I used a whip cram cup lid. The kind that were wider at the one side and narrow on the bottom. They resembled a basket. I taped it or used a pin to attachi it to a cardboard box. Then took 20 marbles for a quarter and alternated shots vs an opponent. At the end we both shot 10 foul shots so the scores would end up with some odd numbers. I played that game kneeling or laying on the floor. I think I got the idea for that game after one of my birthdays. My cake had a little basketball figure with a marble sized plastic ball and a small backboard and hoop for the cake.[/quote]
I’ve been considering getting an APBA game. link
They have a few sports, with online versions as well. The computer baseball game uses Ernie Harwell’s voice. Despite that temptation, I’ll probably just get a dice game someday.
Your marble basketball sounds cool. I have some Lego basketball guys I’ve painted. I made a few ’76 NBA teams, as well as an ’85 Villanova Ed Pinckney figure. They’re fun to shoot around with sometimes, with or without the kids.[/quote]
I remember one of the cereal companies (Kellogg, I think) had games you played with playing cards. I remember hockey, bowling, baseball, basketball. I am sure they had football as well. We also had a game that was a huge wood box with lights and two sets of buttons. Each set of buttons had four black buttons and a red button. Each play would push a black and red button and one of 20 lights would light up and tell you the out come. They had a football field painted on the box and it had layovers for basketball, baseball, hockey and soccer. Can’t remember the name of it. I think we still have it here somewhere.
I also remember we had an electric baseball game as well.[/quote]
Wow cool I do remember some games from cereal boxes. I never had an electric baseball game though. I did have one of those baseball games sort of like the arcade version where you would use the bat to hit a marble and see where it landed.
I also had a Hasbro spin a dial football game. Real cheap game that only had 5 yard increments. It was fun though.
Here is the football game from Pop-Tarts
cliff lee has no squatchee on his hat again
here is baseball
Growing up in a neighborhood with no kids until I was seven, these were great.
I do not remember those football or baseball games but I know games of that type were all fun
This was the electric baseball game
[quote comment=”354967″]Phil,
Did you really like the first two 30-30’s. Gretkzy and the Colt band doc. I thought they were decidedly mediocre.[/quote]
wow…how did i miss this one earlier
must confess i only saw bits and pieces of the gretkzy one, but the band that wouldn’t die was incredible…but then again, im a huge barry levinson fan
of course, im not wearing any underwear
[quote comment=”355047″]This was the electric baseball game
The only other electric game I had was one with tanks and some course. I had seen some of the older electric games at this flea market type consignment store before it closed down a few years ago. There was also a race game.
I’m back from New Orleans, don’t worry I’m alive…tough one.
[quote comment=”355050″]I’m back from New Orleans, don’t worry I’m alive…tough one.[/quote]
jerseys looked good tho…how does the league feel about the “ghosting“? cuz, personally i love it
/you’ll git ’em in january, when it matters
not uni related but noticed tonight that Atlanta has both “Atlanta” and “Falcons” painted in their endzones, instead of just their team name. wondering how many other teams do that? most endzones just have team name like “Packers” or “Cowboys.”
[quote comment=”354965″]Looks like UConn football is going to be having a uni-memorial from now on.
Starting CB Jasper Howard was killed in an off campus stabbing only hours after recording 11 tackles, 1 forced fumble and a fumble recovery in UConn’s win against UofL yesterday.[/quote]
It was actually on campus, not off, just outside the Student Union across the street from Gampel Pavilion.
I’m glad I was at that game yesterday, but i was not in my usual seats in the student section, but up in the sky box, so the uni match up did not look as bad from up there.
R.I.P Jasper
During the Pats-Titans
drubbinggame I swear that the Titans RB (Chris Johnson is it?) lost part of his helmet’s center stripe. Anyone with DVR grab a picture?Vilk, another great job with the USFL stuff.
Regarding the Stallions, I never noticed the similarity of the uni design with the Steelers as far as striping. Might that have had something to do with Birmingham’s steel making history (I think they were known as the Pittsburgh of the South).
I’ll always remember the Maulers selling out Three Rivers and everyone thinking that the we were going to be this great USFL market. They were there for one reason and one reason only, to harass Cliff Stoudt, who jumped ship from the Steelers. They probably never drew half of what they did in any single home game in the rest of the season.
I always loved that Bulls’ helmet design, it was SO innovative. Great shot of the rear design.
I can’t wait for Tuesday for the 30 for 30.
Dearest Hibbsy,
If you happen to be perusing the comments section of this blog, I would like to inform you that I have just returned home after witnessing a Wilco performance. ’Twas a smashing recital and great fun was had by all. (Maybe not the guy who was about 10 feet away from me and had to be carried out by the medical staff.)
However, I still stand by my earlier assertion that Pearl Jam is a better live band.
Yours truly,
P.S. In order to keep this relevant (sort of), there was a point in the show where something was tossed onstage. Jeff Tweedy said something to the effect of, “Why did someone throw a viking hat up here?” Many in the audience booed. Jeff continued, “Oh yeah… sports. Well, it’s just gonna sit there… until I need a hat with horns on it… which might just be in a couple minutes.”
Does anyone remember the field goal kicking game that was on the back of the wheaties box. It must have been in the late 80’s, early 90’s and I loved that thing.
[quote comment=”355052″]not uni related but noticed tonight that Atlanta has both “Atlanta” and “Falcons” painted in their endzones, instead of just their team name. wondering how many other teams do that? most endzones just have team name like “Packers” or “Cowboys.”[/quote
Both of the Charger’s end zones say ‘San Diego’ until San Diego State’s season is over, then they replace one with ‘Chargers’. Although I do think at certain times they will change it. This is just a guess, but they may have an endzone with Chargers for monday night.
Actually, because of the Ponsetia/Holiday Bowls – I believe they keep ‘San Diego’ in both end zones, and then they have to re-sod over where all the sponsor logos were….
[quote comment=”355054″]During the Pats-Titans
drubbinggame I swear that the Titans RB (Chris Johnson is it?) lost part of his helmet’s center stripe. Anyone with DVR grab a picture?[/quote]i posted on that earlier. i would have paused it and taken a pic but my camera was stolen and i haven’t gotten a new one. that piece of tape was just sticking straight out the back of the helmet since it was so cold there.
[quote comment=”355055″]Vilk, another great job with the USFL stuff.
Regarding the Stallions, I never noticed the similarity of the uni design with the Steelers as far as striping. Might that have had something to do with Birmingham’s steel making history (I think they were known as the Pittsburgh of the South).
I’ll always remember the Maulers selling out Three Rivers and everyone thinking that the we were going to be this great USFL market. They were there for one reason and one reason only, to harass Cliff Stoudt, who jumped ship from the Steelers. They probably never drew half of what they did in any single home game in the rest of the season.[/quote]
Rollie Dotsch had been an assistant coach with the Steelers before taking the Stallions job, so I’m sure that was a factor.
I can’t believe I never went to a Maulers game. I didn’t have a license until later that year, but I could have talked my brother or somebody into taking me. If I had to do it over I would’ve found a way.
[quote comment=”355052″]not uni related but noticed tonight that Atlanta has both “Atlanta” and “Falcons” painted in their endzones, instead of just their team name. wondering how many other teams do that? most endzones just have team name like “Packers” or “Cowboys.”[/quote]
I think Lambeau has “Green Bay” at one end and “Packers” at the other. When Pitt’s done playing, they put “Steelers” where the slash marks were and keep “Pittsburgh” at the other end. Don’t know what the Cards and Seahawks do at home, but when they were in the Super Bowl the league put the city and the team names in their endzones.
[quote comment=”355057″]Does anyone remember the field goal kicking game that was on the back of the wheaties box. It must have been in the late 80’s, early 90’s and I loved that thing.[/quote]
Don’t know about that one, but it sounds like something I’d enjoy. I have two new and vastly-improved versions of the old Super Toe kicker guys – one is really small and the other is the size of the ones they had in the ’70s.
[quote comment=”354958″]Which BCS conference do think has the best set of uniforms overall?
I would have to imagine that the Big Ten and Big 12 have to be near the top.[/quote]
Gotta include the SEC in that conversation.
I love the USFL! I remember watching games as a kid and was just in love with it. I used to have a signed Sean Landeta (Stars) pic, but sadly I have no idea what happened to it.
The USFL had, by far, the best unis in history. The only ones I didn’t care for were the Maulers and the Renegades (though I might be biased on that last one since I lost my Feds to Orlando).
The Patriots current unis remind me of the USFL for some reason. Very nice!
Every day I check the New USFL site for updates, but since 9/20, when a Press Conference was supposed to be announced in “a week or two” there has been nothing. Ticks me off!!!
I want spring football and I want the New USFL!!!