By Phil Hecken and Jim Vilk
OK, so I’m back with Jim Vilk, the man who loves ALL uniforms. Or so it seems. And we’re here to take a look back at one of those defunct professional leagues you may remember well — The UFL The USFL. I’ll be exploring other long gone leagues as the American Football Season progresses, with some other guests, but for today, we’ll take a first look (and this is a two-parter) at the United States Football League. While I’m reticent to ever use Wikipedia as THE authoritative source for anything, if you need a refresher course, want background or just plain don’t know what the USFL was (and may be again?) … check it out. Jim lists some other very good links below as well.
And with that, here’s Jim:
Phil and others probably think I’m the Will Rogers of sports uniforms – that I never met a uni I didn’t like. Although my tastes are all over the place and they’re not easily categorized, I’m actually quite picky. You wouldn’t know it, though, when it came to one of my favorite leagues ever, the USFL.
From 1983 to 1985, the United States Football League came along and captured my youthful imagination. I loved everything about it – the teams, the names, the subtle rule differences, the territorial draft, playing in the spring and summer … and yes, all of the uniforms. I was born and raised an NFL fan, and still am to this day, but it hasn’t been the same in the past quarter of a century — not since my USFL was taken away from me. Who knows…after all these years I may get a chance at a reunion, as there is talk of a new USFL playing in 2010. We’ll see. If you want some history, stats and other details about the original league, check out these very fine informational web sites.
I could go on all day about this league, but for your sakes I’ll stick to talking about the uniforms here. Since this is a two-parter, we’ll divide it by the conferences they had in 1984. That was the year the USFL had 18 teams, the most in league history. All teams will be covered, even those that didn’t play that year. Today we will look at the Western Conference (nope, no East Coast bias here), which includes the Pacific and Central Divisions. Next time we will look at the Southern and Atlantic Divisions of the Eastern Conference. Okay? Here we go.
Arizona Wranglers: This town had a real identity crisis in the USFL. Three years, three different teams, three different looks. You’ll see the third look later. Right now we’ll stick to the two teams that were called the Wranglers. The 1983 version sported colorful home uniforms, with copper helmets, blue jerseys, yellow numbers and pants with a little red trim. The road unis had blue numbers on the white jerseys. I like how the team used the colors of the state flag in this version. Then in 1984, the Wranglers traded franchises with the Chicago Blitz. The old Blitz/new Wranglers kept the cool helmet with the branding iron logo, but went with a hotter look with the rest of the uniform. The logo was added to the sleeves, the numbers switched to red on the white jerseys and the pants switched to copper with a flaming trim down the sides. So hot it’s cool, eh? The ’84 Wranglers wore the white jerseys all season long (do you blame them, since they played out at Sun Devil Stadium in the summer?), so they never got to show off their new red jerseys. Too bad some other team didn’t wear white at home so we could have seen them in action.
Denver Gold: I guess they thought a Gold Rush was a nice complement to the Orange Crush. This Denver team came out in ’83 with black and old gold unis, making them look more like the Steelers than the Broncos. They looked the same in ’84, but the following year they switched to white pants and an even more Steeler-ish yellow trim. Being a Stillers fan, of course I love the colors. I also like how the Gold tweaked them just enough to give the unis an identity of their own.
Los Angeles Express: Randy Newman sang “I Love LA.” If I wrote the song it would have gone, “I Love that LA Logo.” It was beauty in simplicity — a few lines added to the letters to signify motion. The rest of the uniform looked a little too much like the Cowboys for me in ’83. They said there was a burgundy trim as well, but I didn’t see it until ’84. In ’85 the burgundy is quite visible, plus they added the LA logo to the sleeves. Hey Jaguars, if you end up in LA, I got your uniforms right here.
Oakland Invaders: They rhymed with the Raiders but they sure didn’t look like them! The light-blue-and-gold-clad Invaders didn’t need to wear black to look tough, not with that great logo of the powerful fist holding the lightning bolt. Oakland was the only team to have alternate white pants for night games. They used those for the first two seasons, then in ’85 they ditched the gold pants altogether and switched to easier-to-read white numbers on the blue jerseys. I never thought I’d like a team from Oakland, but for those three years I did.
Chicago Blitz: Yes, it’s another one of those ’80s singular nicknames, but it’s one of the best, I believe. I love shoulder loops and TV numbers on sleeves, and the Blitz were the only USFL team to utilize both features on its jerseys. The ’83 Blitz had a classic look – almost like the Pat Patriot-era New England Patriots but with silver pants and helmets and a cool name logo. In ’84, the old Wranglers/new Blitz added an upgrade to the unis. If we were engaging in Chicago-style voting, I’d be tempted to cast several votes for this being my favorite USFL uni, because they added my other favorite feature, a different sleeve color from the rest of the jersey. The addition of the logo and sleeve stripe may have been one bumper sticker too many, as Phil says, but it didn’t detract much from this uni’s appeal for me. Alas, the Blitz didn’t live to play the ’85 season. But by then most fans in that town were preoccupied with their other football team shuffling off to glory. I miss the Blitz, though.
Houston Gamblers: “But Jim, you’re not a big fan of black uniforms,” you may say. If I were you, I’d say that too, especially since these look a little like Jerry Glanville’s Falcons (which I did not like). So what gives? The difference is that ingenious logo. Who knew you could fit the whole state of Texas into the letter G? Oh, and the logo is red, so unlike a black falcon on a black helmet, you can really see this one. The red-in-white helmet stripe helps break up the black as well. The Gamblers started in ’84 and didn’t roll the dice with new uniforms in ’85, so we’re done with them.
Michigan Panthers: Royal plum and champagne silver? Sounds like a British cocktail party, not a football uniform. Ah, but add some light blue trim and another cool logo, and wow. This was another team that didn’t change much in its two years of existence. The only change appeared to be the facemask, going from champagne silver in ’83 to royal plum in ’84. In ’85 the Panthers headed west and were absorbed into the Invaders. Just curious — anyone else out there ever wondered what the Carolina Panthers would look like with these colors?
Oklahoma/Arizona Outlaws: “But Jim, you REALLY don’t like all-black uniforms, and you like these?” Another great question. Actually, these are my least favorite USFL unis, but they’re not bad. The big red-in-white pants stripe helps. Plus, they reminded me a little of the Ottawa Rough Riders, whom I liked, and who sported this look for a short while. The Outlaw logo blends into the helmet too much. It bugged me a little in ’84 and it bugged me more in their second season, when they moved west and merged with the Wranglers. I can accept a black helmet, but in Arizona? The Outlaws kept the jersey design of the Wranglers, but used the colors and logo of the Outlaws. Well, they kept the copper pants, at least. This was an improvement from the ’84 Outlaws, but a big step down from the Wranglers.
San Antonio Gunslingers: Finally, we find a logo that didn’t appeal to me that much. It looked like a skeleton from a distance. I wasn’t too crazy about the name, either, but the unis made up for it. Green helmets and blue jerseys with green and white trim? That is one woefully underused combination, and it looked anything but woeful on these guys. Silver pants accompanied this uni, as well as the traveling one with white jerseys and green numbers. This uniform remained unchanged from ’84 to ’85. Hmmm, I wonder what it would look like if they switched to lime green…
That wraps up the Western Conference. Next time we’ll look at a group of teams that were much more stable, at least as far as their uniforms. The west may have been a little wilder, but the east had some good looks as well.
So there you have it. Half the uniforms from the USFL and not a one Jim didn’t like. I’d say “Now that’s thinkin’ with yer dipstick, Jimmy” but really, there’s no point. But what about you? Love ’em? Hate ’em? Wish you could see ’em again?
Thanks, Jim, for the trip down memory lane. It just won’t be the same when if they bring back the USFL in twenty-ten … what with four point field goals and other gimmicks. At least the unis probably won’t suck as much as the UFL (unless their plan is to merge with the UFL). But that’s a story for another day.

Simply the worst…
Yesterday, we revealed the scores that our top five teams received in the survey to determine how the NFL home uniforms stack up in the eyes of the Uni Watch readers. Today we present to you the other side of the coin, the bottom feeders, if you will.
When it came to determining which is the worst-dressed team in the NFL, it was really no contest. A whopping 34% of you nominated a team for the worst of the worst. We also asked you to rate each team’s uniform from zero to five points. Well, this same team averaged less than one point per response (0.92). The rest of the bottom five was a bit more competitive. The second place team collected an average score of 1.46 (they were mentioned 12% of the time as the worst), #3 averaged 1.49 (8%), 1.60 for #4 (11%) and 1.76 for #5 (7%). Betcha can’t guess who that worst team is … oh wait, since 34% of you already did, you probably know. Feel free to take a guess at it below.
We expect to have a brand new poll next weekend. Again, we really appreciate everyone’s participation. Thank you for helping us bring this to life.

UW #1 Seahawks Fan Michael Princip has been tracking the Oregon Ducks and all of their 2,456 possible uniform combinations this season. He’ll be updating it after each game. Last evening Oregon took WSC behind the woodshed in the first half, dressed in … well, at least ONE of their official colors — just click on the linkie to see the final score and their combo. Thanks for the Ducktrack, Mike!

Guess The Game From The Scoreboard: Alright, we’re gonna try something new today. And I don’t know how well it’s going to go over, but well … lets give it a shot. Finding shots of football scoreboards isn’t all that easy, particularly ones with what appear to be enough clues to help you identify the game. But this one should fall into that category. Teams are obvious, as is the location. All that’s left if for you to figure out the score. Ready? Guess The Game. As with the baseball game, you can find the reference answer here. So if you guess the game, use the link to post your answer. Thanks. If there is interest in this game, we can try it again, so let me know what you think. And if you have pics of football scoreboards, drop me a line.

Our man in the street, Jim Vilk brings you his “Top 5” Best and one WORST college football uni matchup from yesterday. Jim apologizes that there is no new photo of him this week. I’m sure we are all heartbroken ;)
And so, the top 5:
5. UCLA/Stanford: California Dreaming…of a classic matchup.
4. USF/Syracuse: My color palette special of the day.
3. New Mexico/Texas Tech: I’m seeing red, but I’m not angry.
2. Tulane/Army: Wave hello to the runners-up for the day.
1. LSU/Georgia: Even if it wasn’t a sunny day in Athens, it would look like it with those unis.
And the worst uniform matchup: East Carolina/Marshall – I like lots of color, but let’s break it up a bit.

Hokie dokie, that’s it for today. Thanks again to Jim for the first look at the USFL. He’ll be back again in a couple weeks when we finish it up. Enjoy the football today — don’t forget it’s breast cancer awareness month. I’m hoping the NFL doesn’t let the opportunity pass to really show how much it cares. No legacy games today, unfortunately, but maybe to make up for it, one or two guys will wear pink shoes. Or maybe more. Surely they won’t turn a worthy cause into a sartorial disaster, right? Right??? It will be understated and classy, as always.
And don’t forget, there’s still a MLB race to be decided. Or maybe not. Twinkies & Tiggers are all knotted up, with one game to play. Two teams, one playoff spot. Have a great Sunday.
Props to Jim for best and worst matchups of the day. I caught a little of the Marshall/ECU game on the radio but the announcers just couldn’t quite paint that picture.
In the nobody asked me department: when I saw photos of the Cincinnati Bearcats game LAPD squad cars kept coming to mind (“To Protect and Serve”).
Also, Clemson’s paw print mania was distracting. The trail extends from helmet to shoulder pads (really need tv numbers here) to socks:
Lastly, noticed that the “C” on this Maryland captains jersey appears in lieu of the ACC pennant thingie on the others:
Lastly, noticed that the “C” on this Maryland captains jersey appears in lieu of the ACC pennant thingie on the others:
Never mind, no it doesn’t. That teammates reach around is obscuring the pennant thingie. (Should leave this Uni Watching to the pros-what time is it anyway)?
[quote comment=”351860″]
Also, Clemson’s paw print mania was distracting. The trail extends from helmet to shoulder pads (really need tv numbers here) to socks:
It could be worse. Or better, I guess, depending on your perspective. Imagine a wide orange stripe down the pants with a whole line of paw prints going up it.
Answer to the football scoreboard
No love for the link?
Ah, IU probably doesn’t deserve to be mentioned in a top 5 list (top anything, really) two weeks in a row.
Nice job with this USFL writeup fellas. Also lookin’ forward to the Part 2 installment, because I’m sure there will be some link content. One of my favorite USFL uniforms. Also, like the Jacksonville Bulls; maroon, orange, silver, and black.
It struck me almost instantly that the 1983 Chicago Blitz in red look like the fictional Washington Sentinels in “The Replacements.”
“USF/Syracuse: My color palette special of the day.”
Loved it!
Yes, the USFL had some good logos and uniforms, but it seemed like the LA Express was trying to copy the Dallas Cowboys. The Houston Gamblers did show more imagination, not just with their uniforms, but the Gambler offensive scheme found its way to the NFL a few years later.
I remember the SI spread with all of the USFL helmets right before they started officially playing. I stared at it for hours. Years.
That Gunslinger logo is one of the raddest. It reminds me of some of the old cartoonish ABA logos.
I prefer the Invader logo that Phil made for black players.
Lest we forget, the Dallas Stars pretty much ripped the logo from Philly/Baltimore.
[quote comment=”351865″]Nice job with this USFL writeup fellas. Also lookin’ forward to the Part 2 installment, because I’m sure there will be some link content. One of my favorite USFL uniforms. Also, like the Jacksonville Bulls; maroon, orange, silver, and black.[/quote]
Along with the Blitz and Panthers, you just mentioned two more of my absolute favorites! Wranglers and Stars are close behind them.
[quote comment=”351864″]No love for the link?
Ah, IU probably doesn’t deserve to be mentioned in a top 5 list (top anything, really) two weeks in a row.[/quote]
That this Penn State/Michigan fan put the Bucks on the list once this season is a tribute to my journalistic integrity. ;) Actually, their road unis aren’t as good as the home ones IMO. The white and gray blend in too much. Hoosiers looked good, though.
Besides, this probably was USF’s only shot at top-5 glory.
[quote comment=”351872″][quote comment=”351864″]No love for the link?
Ah, IU probably doesn’t deserve to be mentioned in a top 5 list (top anything, really) two weeks in a row.[/quote]
Indiana has the fattest helmet stripes I have ever seen.
That this Penn State/Michigan fan put the Bucks on the list once this season is a tribute to my journalistic integrity. ;) Actually, their road unis aren’t as good as the home ones IMO. The white and gray blend in too much. Hoosiers looked good, though.
Besides, this probably was USF’s only shot at top-5 glory.[/quote]
[quote comment=”351873″][quote comment=”351872″][quote comment=”351864″]No love for the link?
Ah, IU probably doesn’t deserve to be mentioned in a top 5 list (top anything, really) two weeks in a row.[/quote]
Indiana has the fattest helmet stripes I have ever seen.
That this Penn State/Michigan fan put the Bucks on the list once this season is a tribute to my journalistic integrity. ;) Actually, their road unis aren’t as good as the home ones IMO. The white and gray blend in too much. Hoosiers looked good, though.
Besides, this probably was USF’s only shot at top-5 glory.[/quote][/quote]
Indiana has the fattest helmet stripes I have ever seen.
Oh, and Phil, love the Billy Joel reference in today’s headline. ;)
[quote comment=”351875″]Oh, and Phil, love the Billy Joel reference in today’s headline. ;)[/quote]
BILLY JOEL?????????
[quote comment=”351876″][quote comment=”351875″]Oh, and Phil, love the Billy Joel reference in today’s headline. ;)[/quote]
BILLY JOEL?????????[/quote]
Yeah, WTF? I thought it was the Monkees…
[quote comment=”351876″][quote comment=”351875″]Oh, and Phil, love the Billy Joel reference in today’s headline. ;)[/quote]
BILLY JOEL?????????[/quote]
I know, I know, he covered that tune. He did it in the 80s though, so I felt the reference was better suited for a USFL article. Plus I wanted to see how long it would take to get a reaction. Not very…
Rochester Amerks wore REALLLLY nice throwbacks last night for the home opener…
[quote comment=”351879″]Rochester Amerks wore REALLLLY nice throwbacks last night for the home opener…
I think that’d be a great uniform for a US Olympic team.
But I hate names like that for regular sports teams. Americans, Nationals, to a lesser degree Texans… it just bothers me.
[quote comment=”351872″][quote comment=”351864″]No love for the link?
Ah, IU probably doesn’t deserve to be mentioned in a top 5 list (top anything, really) two weeks in a row.[/quote]
That this Penn State/Michigan fan put the Bucks on the list once this season is a tribute to my journalistic integrity. ;) Actually, their road unis aren’t as good as the home ones IMO. The white and gray blend in too much. Hoosiers looked good, though.
Besides, this probably was USF’s only shot at top-5 glory.[/quote]
Hey, I think USF will recover, they just might win the Big East this year. Not bad for a program that didn’t even exist until the late 1990s. I like their logo and color scheme, but the Bulls need a better uniform overall.
*lol* Just a few minutes ago on the NFL Today pregame, they asked the question if Jim Mora should have called out the kicker(Olindo Mare) for losing the game, by missing two field goals. Bill Cowher’s response was sort of in the middle(voted more towards yes), however, said something along the lines of; “can you blame him, look at the jersey the poor kid had to wear.” *lol*
[quote comment=”351881″][quote comment=”351872″][quote comment=”351864″]No love for the link?
Ah, IU probably doesn’t deserve to be mentioned in a top 5 list (top anything, really) two weeks in a row.[/quote]
That this Penn State/Michigan fan put the Bucks on the list once this season is a tribute to my journalistic integrity. ;) Actually, their road unis aren’t as good as the home ones IMO. The white and gray blend in too much. Hoosiers looked good, though.
Besides, this probably was USF’s only shot at top-5 glory.[/quote]
Hey, I think USF will recover, they just might win the Big East this year. Not bad for a program that didn’t even exist until the late 1990s. I like their logo and color scheme, but the Bulls need a better uniform overall.[/quote]
As a student at USF, I’ve been hoping they would get better uniforms for a while. I must admit, I like the move they made last season with moving from Nike to Under Armor and changing the numbers to match the USF script. I would love to see them wear white pants with the green home jersey, or possibly even gold, though Im not sure how it would look. As for the helmet, I loved the white helmet with the green U they wore in their bowl game last year a lot more than the gold one with the black U. I dont understand why they use a black U though.
YAAAAYYYYY!!!! Finally, the USFL write-up I’ve been waiting for! YAAAY! Although it does exclude my favorite team (the Generals) and one of my favorite uniforms (Jacksonville Bulls), I’ll look forward to seeing those next time.
Don’t know if it’s appeared in the comments yet, but I gather the 1984 Arizona Wranglers (BEST uni in USFL history, IMHO) never actually had the red jerseys made. Whether this was because they never intended to wear them, couldn’t pay for them, or some problem with the manufacturer, I’m really not sure. I think they would have at least had them available if they could, in case as Phil & Jim suggested, another team chose to wear white at home (not unlikely in a summer league with teams in the deep south & west coast).
Ahh, the USFL. I do miss it so. Especially, in retrospect, the unfiroms; compared to what the NFL has been doing lately, USFL uniforms were, pretty much across the board, excellent designs. Great logos, great color combos (esp. Panthers, Gunslingers, Bulls, ’84 Wranglers, ’85 Outlaws), great striping & logo placement, just all-around nice mix of creativity and traditional looks.
[quote comment=”351874″][quote comment=”351873″][quote comment=”351872″][quote comment=”351864″]No love for the link?
Ah, IU probably doesn’t deserve to be mentioned in a top 5 list (top anything, really) two weeks in a row.[/quote]
Indiana has the fattest helmet stripes I have ever seen.
That this Penn State/Michigan fan put the Bucks on the list once this season is a tribute to my journalistic integrity. ;) Actually, their road unis aren’t as good as the home ones IMO. The white and gray blend in too much. Hoosiers looked good, though.
Besides, this probably was USF’s only shot at top-5 glory.[/quote][/quote]
Indiana has the fattest helmet stripes I have ever seen.[/quote]
You call me a link? Hello… people dere… in TV land.
Given who their uni provider is, it could be link.
OchoCinco in white chip strap
Bears/Lions observations.
1) Officials are wearing their chilly weather trousers. It’s in the mid 50s and sunny.
2) Lovie Smith has a cap with the helmet logo today (not the old-school B). The brim is hot pink.
3) Questionable call on the facemask? Horseshit call.
Apparently the Captains patches are in pink this week for Breast Cancer Awareness Month (at least they are in Indy-Seattle
some pink cleats going on too – Mason and Flacco for Ballmer – and countless wristbands and elbow strips.
Carson Palmer’s pink Captain ‘C’ is just close enough to the orange to induce nausea.
Wait a second. Excuse my possible USFL naiveté, but does this picture show them playing on a hard surface??? What gives?
(heres the URL if the link i put in didn’t work)
Dave, if memory serves that’s the artificial turf of Nickerson Field, home of Boston U. and the Breakers. It certainly looks like painted concrete, doesn’t it? (I know the Gunslingers are in black, but I seem to recall the Breakers being a white-at-home team.)
Before that, playing there were the Patriots (only with grass).
Before that, the baseball Boston Braves, if memory serves.
[quote comment=”351891″]Dave, if memory serves that’s the artificial turf of Nickerson Field, home of Boston U. and the Breakers. It certainly looks like painted concrete, doesn’t it? (I know the Gunslingers are in black, but I seem to recall the Breakers being a white-at-home team.)
Before that, playing there were the Patriots (only with grass).
Before that, the baseball Boston Braves, if memory serves.[/quote]
That can’t be Nickerson Field because the Breakers only played there in ’83, and the Outlaws didn’t exist until ’84. That’s probably Skelly Stadium in Tulsa; link another look.
Sorry. Meant to say that’s the Outlaws in all black. But I do think that’s an Outlaws-at-Breakers game.
I remember the epic overtime game that Steve Young played in (longest pro game ever, right?) with the L.A. Express at the Coliseum, but I can’t recall the opponent.
It certainly could be Skelly Stadium, Graf.
The Outlaws didn’t exist in ’83? Huh.
[quote comment=”351892″][quote comment=”351891″]Dave, if memory serves that’s the artificial turf of Nickerson Field, home of Boston U. and the Breakers. It certainly looks like painted concrete, doesn’t it? (I know the Gunslingers are in black, but I seem to recall the Breakers being a white-at-home team.)
Before that, playing there were the Patriots (only with grass).
Before that, the baseball Boston Braves, if memory serves.[/quote]
That can’t be Nickerson Field because the Breakers only played there in ’83, and the Outlaws didn’t exist until ’84. That’s probably Skelly Stadium in Tulsa; link another look.[/quote]
It appears in link that the turf is wet. That’s why it resembles painted concrete. A lot of the Astroturf fields in the ’80s looked like that.
[quote comment=”351893″]Sorry. Meant to say that’s the Outlaws in all black. But I do think that’s an Outlaws-at-Breakers game.
I remember the epic overtime game that Steve Young played in (longest pro game ever, right?) with the L.A. Express at the Coliseum, but I can’t recall the opponent.[/quote]
That was a playoff game in ’84 against the defending-champion Michigan Panthers. Mel Gray scored the winning TD in triple-OT on a 6-yard run, and broke his arm on the play. Panthers K Novo Bojovic missed 2 OT FGs.
A lot of the Astroturf fields in the ’80s looked like that.
They sure did, didn’t they?
In the ’70s, too; that famous Joe Washington Monday night game in the rain (Colts at New England) sticks in my mind for how glossy the field looked under the lights.
[quote comment=”351894″]It certainly could be Skelly Stadium, Graf.
The Outlaws didn’t exist in ’83? Huh.[/quote]
Mel Gray scored the winning TD in triple-OT
There it is! It’s coming back to me now.
Triple OT. God, they probably all looked like Kellen Winslow after the Epic in Miami.
I’m gonna be out of the house the rest of the day, so I have a favor to ask of all of you: In addition to watching for uni-related stuff, please let me know if you spot any NFL players behaving like jerks today — showboating, celebrating over something routine, etc. In other words, standard NFL behavior. If you can provide screen shots of the jerk-ish behavior, even better.
I’ll explain later.
[quote comment=”351900″]I’m gonna be out of the house the rest of the day, so I have a favor to ask of all of you: In addition to watching for uni-related stuff, please let me know if you spot any NFL players behaving like jerks today — showboating, celebrating over something routine, etc. In other words, standard NFL behavior. If you can provide screen shots of the jerk-ish behavior, even better.
I’ll explain later.
Ochocinco being restrained from heading toward the “Dawg Pound” by his teammate after catching a TD pass count?
Outstanding work Vilk!!!! My beloved USFL. I have love for that league, even my lowly 1984 Pittsburgh Maulers. I think only the Washington Federals were a worse franchise.
As a fan of the Pitt script, old colors motif, I LOVED that Oakland Invaders’ kit. They did a bright yellow and while most think of Pitt script in the mustard, they did the bright yellow in the mid to late 80s as well.
I loved that Outlaws’ logo and the Gamblers’ logo might be my favorite creative use of negative space ever.
[quote comment=”351895″][quote comment=”351892″][quote comment=”351891″]Dave, if memory serves that’s the artificial turf of Nickerson Field, home of Boston U. and the Breakers. It certainly looks like painted concrete, doesn’t it? (I know the Gunslingers are in black, but I seem to recall the Breakers being a white-at-home team.)
Before that, playing there were the Patriots (only with grass).
Before that, the baseball Boston Braves, if memory serves.[/quote]
That can’t be Nickerson Field because the Breakers only played there in ’83, and the Outlaws didn’t exist until ’84. That’s probably Skelly Stadium in Tulsa; link another look.[/quote]
It appears in link that the turf is wet. That’s why it resembles painted concrete. A lot of the Astroturf fields in the ’80s looked like that.[/quote]
That type of turf FELT like concrete, too. Players hated it.
And it’s Skelly Stadium, most definitely. Outlaws were in Okalahoma for only one season and, as JimV noted, that was the season no team other Arizona wore white at home. Plus, as someone else also mentioned, Breakers had left Boston by the time Oklahoma came into the leage.
I’m probably wrong and I learned something today, but watching the Oklahoma Outlaws play live on TV several times (including against teams that wore red, such as the second Blitz), I’d have sworn the Outlaws wore black and orange, not black and red. Have some VHS of those games. Guess I’ll have to doublecheck one of these days.
But, if it says so on that website…
I hadn’t remembered the Michigan Panthers’ helmets, but looking at them now, it seems as if the negative space created by the Panther was designed to suggest the shape on the University of Michigan’s famous helmets. If so, kudos to whoever created the Panthers’ unis.
SF_49ers QB Shaun Hill is on the field warming up. He is also wearing white and pink football cleats to support breast cancer awareness month.
Seeing how it’s 57 and sunny in Chicago, the referee crew for the Lions/Bears game has chosen to break out the black snowpants.
It’s the craven move of anti-stirrupites.
[quote comment=”351903″][quote comment=”351895″][quote comment=”351892″][quote comment=”351891″]Dave, if memory serves that’s the artificial turf of Nickerson Field, home of Boston U. and the Breakers. It certainly looks like painted concrete, doesn’t it? (I know the Gunslingers are in black, but I seem to recall the Breakers being a white-at-home team.)
Before that, playing there were the Patriots (only with grass).
Before that, the baseball Boston Braves, if memory serves.[/quote]
That can’t be Nickerson Field because the Breakers only played there in ’83, and the Outlaws didn’t exist until ’84. That’s probably Skelly Stadium in Tulsa; link another look.[/quote]
It appears in link that the turf is wet. That’s why it resembles painted concrete. A lot of the Astroturf fields in the ’80s looked like that.[/quote]
That type of turf FELT like concrete, too. Players hated it.
And it’s Skelly Stadium, most definitely. Outlaws were in Okalahoma for only one season and, as JimV noted, that was the season no team other Arizona wore white at home. Plus, as someone else also mentioned, Breakers had left Boston by the time Oklahoma came into the leage.
Thats really interesting, but I still find it hard to believe that surface is actually astroturf. I’d expect it the turf to look like a hard surface from above, even without the rain (see veteran’s stadium), but from that ground-level angle, not being able to see a single blade of “grass” is pretty extraordinary.
Interesting how the NFL version of the breast cancer awareness thing uses a much darker, “macho” pink, closer to magenta – which isn’t even the color of the cause, is it? Compare that to the pink bats used by MLB…
[quote comment=”351904″]I hadn’t remembered the Michigan Panthers’ helmets, but looking at them now, it seems as if the negative space created by the Panther was designed to suggest the shape on the University of Michigan’s famous helmets. If so, kudos to whoever created the Panthers’ unis.[/quote]
My Bloomington (IN) South high school team in the fall 1985 used the USFL Panthers logo on our helmets — played against future NFLs Jeff George & Anthony Thompson and future columnist Jason Whitlock.
[quote]Thats really interesting, but I still find it hard to believe that surface is actually astroturf. I\’d expect it the turf to look like a hard surface from above, even without the rain (see veteran\’s stadium), but from that ground-level angle, not being able to see a single blade of \”grass\” is pretty extraordinary.[/quote]
I very much remember playing on similar surfaces that felt like pavement and had similar drainage capability. Astroturf rarely aged well, be it due to weather or UV exposure.
Kind of a strange request, I realize, but any idea what font the Mpls. Star-Tribune used on the 1991 Homer Hankies? Sort of resembled link.
[quote comment=”351904″]I hadn’t remembered the Michigan Panthers’ helmets, but looking at them now, it seems as if the negative space created by the Panther was designed to suggest the shape on the University of Michigan’s famous helmets. If so, kudos to whoever created the Panthers’ unis.[/quote]
That, sir, is an EXCELLENT observation. I always thought the design of that helmet logo was a little “off”; the shape sort of suggests a Panther growing out of the ground like a tree, rather than an actual Panther. But I think you have alighted upon the reason for its odd design. Good eye.
[quote comment=”351908″]Interesting how the NFL version of the breast cancer awareness thing uses a much darker, “macho” pink, closer to magenta – which isn’t even the color of the cause, is it? Compare that to the pink bats used by MLB…
I dunno if it’s more “macho” but it certainly does stand out a bit more.
And it seems to me like they should have gone with pink dots instead of green today for the radio-equipped helmets.
link found a decent pic of this blog’s favaourite Dutchman with his new team
Worst: Bills
[quote comment=”351913″][quote comment=”351908″]Interesting how the NFL version of the breast cancer awareness thing uses a much darker, “macho” pink, closer to magenta – which isn’t even the color of the cause, is it? Compare that to the pink bats used by MLB…
I dunno if it’s more “macho” but it certainly does stand out a bit more.
And it seems to me like they should have gone with pink dots instead of green today for the radio-equipped helmets.[/quote]
I guess macho isn’t the right word. “Bold” would be a better description. The captaincy patches appear to be the more subtle shade of pink.
[quote comment=”351916″][quote comment=”351913″][quote comment=”351908″]Interesting how the NFL version of the breast cancer awareness thing uses a much darker, “macho” pink, closer to magenta – which isn’t even the color of the cause, is it? Compare that to the pink bats used by MLB…
I dunno if it’s more “macho” but it certainly does stand out a bit more.
And it seems to me like they should have gone with pink dots instead of green today for the radio-equipped helmets.[/quote]
I guess macho isn’t the right word. “Bold” would be a better description. The captaincy patches appear to be the more subtle shade of pink.[/quote]
And if I may re-choose a word, they could have replaced the green dots with pink ones for the occasion.
Thats really interesting, but I still find it hard to believe that surface is actually astroturf.
Tartan Turf
Chicago Bears TE Greg Olsen was supposed to be wearing pink cleats & gloves:
I see the pink cleats, but, gloves? –
[quote comment=”351921″]Chicago Bears TE Greg Olsen was supposed to be wearing pink cleats & gloves:
I see the pink cleats, but, gloves? –
also seems weird that the team is wearing black shoes, but the pink ones are white with pink accents. pretty sure i saw examples of black shoes with pink accents
[quote comment=”351922″][quote comment=”351921″]Chicago Bears TE Greg Olsen was supposed to be wearing pink cleats & gloves:
I see the pink cleats, but, gloves? –
also seems weird that the team is wearing black shoes, but the pink ones are white with pink accents. pretty sure i saw examples of black shoes with pink accents[/quote]
complete opposite in NE. team=white cleats, moss=black w/pink
Some skins and bucs coaches wearing hats w/pink rims.
[quote comment=”351911″]Kind of a strange request, I realize, but any idea what font the Mpls. Star-Tribune used on the 1991 Homer Hankies? Sort of resembled link.[/quote]
Rockwell would be my guess.
[quote comment=”351923″][quote comment=”351922″][quote comment=”351921″]Chicago Bears TE Greg Olsen was supposed to be wearing pink cleats & gloves:
I see the pink cleats, but, gloves? –
also seems weird that the team is wearing black shoes, but the pink ones are white with pink accents. pretty sure i saw examples of black shoes with pink accents[/quote]
complete opposite in NE. team=white cleats, moss=black w/pink[/quote]
based on what i’m seeing on nfl redzone, i’m thinking reebok when black w/pink and nike went white
[quote comment=”351927″][quote comment=”351923″][quote comment=”351922″][quote comment=”351921″]Chicago Bears TE Greg Olsen was supposed to be wearing pink cleats & gloves:
I see the pink cleats, but, gloves? –
also seems weird that the team is wearing black shoes, but the pink ones are white with pink accents. pretty sure i saw examples of black shoes with pink accents[/quote]
complete opposite in NE. team=white cleats, moss=black w/pink[/quote]
based on what i’m seeing on nfl redzone, i’m thinking reebok when black w/pink and nike went white[/quote]
You’re right, there was a news story in Cincinnati with Palmer saying he thought nike did a better job with white and pink than reebok with pink and black.
[quote comment=”351928″][quote comment=”351927″][quote comment=”351923″][quote comment=”351922″][quote comment=”351921″]Chicago Bears TE Greg Olsen was supposed to be wearing pink cleats & gloves:
I see the pink cleats, but, gloves? –
also seems weird that the team is wearing black shoes, but the pink ones are white with pink accents. pretty sure i saw examples of black shoes with pink accents[/quote]
complete opposite in NE. team=white cleats, moss=black w/pink[/quote]
based on what i’m seeing on nfl redzone, i’m thinking reebok when black w/pink and nike went white[/quote]
You’re right, there was a news story in Cincinnati with Palmer saying he thought nike did a better job with white and pink than reebok with pink and black.[/quote]
thanks for the info. seems odd that the shoe companies couldn’t do both.
[quote comment=”351907″][quote comment=”351903″][quote comment=”351895″][quote comment=”351892″][quote comment=”351891″]Dave, if memory serves that’s the artificial turf of Nickerson Field, home of Boston U. and the Breakers. It certainly looks like painted concrete, doesn’t it? (I know the Gunslingers are in black, but I seem to recall the Breakers being a white-at-home team.)
Before that, playing there were the Patriots (only with grass).
Before that, the baseball Boston Braves, if memory serves.[/quote]
That can’t be Nickerson Field because the Breakers only played there in ’83, and the Outlaws didn’t exist until ’84. That’s probably Skelly Stadium in Tulsa; link another look.[/quote]
It appears in link that the turf is wet. That’s why it resembles painted concrete. A lot of the Astroturf fields in the ’80s looked like that.[/quote]
That type of turf FELT like concrete, too. Players hated it.
And it’s Skelly Stadium, most definitely. Outlaws were in Okalahoma for only one season and, as JimV noted, that was the season no team other Arizona wore white at home. Plus, as someone else also mentioned, Breakers had left Boston by the time Oklahoma came into the leage.
Thats really interesting, but I still find it hard to believe that surface is actually astroturf. I’d expect it the turf to look like a hard surface from above, even without the rain (see veteran’s stadium), but from that ground-level angle, not being able to see a single blade of “grass” is pretty extraordinary.[/quote]
That was Skelly Stadium, and that was the first game the Outlaws played – a 7-3 victory over my dearly departed Pittsburgh Maulers. It was played in a driving rain (as was Pittsburgh’s last game, a 26-2 loss to Jacksonville). Skelly’s turf wasn’t like today’s stuff. It was much shorter, and with all the rain the spaces filled with water, making it look as if they were playing on a parking lot.
Even when the rain subsided, the turf looked like concrete: link
[quote comment=”351926″][quote comment=”351911″]Kind of a strange request, I realize, but any idea what font the Mpls. Star-Tribune used on the 1991 Homer Hankies? Sort of resembled link.[/quote]
Rockwell would be my guess.[/quote]
Looks about right. Now if only my Photoshop skills were better.
Ricko, you have USFL games on VHS? Let’s talk…
My favorite team, playin’ ball in my favorite city. Totally wish I was there. Sure, they’re gonna lose, but what a beautiful uni matchup!
Saints in white at home vs. the Jets.
62 degrees and sunny at the ‘Stick (thanks Intellicast) and the officials are wearing the arctic pants. Jeez.
Does the “poor behavior” request extend to coaches? Harbaugh must have dropped some choice words to get the Ravens bench a 15-yard penalty.
In ’83, the Breakers did indeed wear white for some home games, including this one: link
Man, I miss Keith Jackson…
And I think the TV color was off, because Nickerson Filed looks blue, but I highly doubt that it was. I think it was just severely weather-beaten.
[quote comment=”351935″]62 degrees and sunny at the ‘Stick (thanks Intellicast) and the officials are wearing the arctic pants. Jeez.[/quote]
Same thing in Denver — 55° and it looks pretty sunny.
Those pants should be pink.
Plenty of USFL highlights on YouTube these days, but this one gives you a good overview (even with no audio): link
[quote comment=”351937″]In ’83, the Breakers did indeed wear white for some home games, including this one: link
Man, I miss Keith Jackson…
And I think the TV color was off, because Nickerson Filed looks blue, but I highly doubt that it was. I think it was just severely weather-beaten.[/quote]
I used to have a coaster that was made out of the Soldier Field turf after they ripped it out and put grass back in. To call the color “blue” would be pushing it but “seafoam green” would not be too far off.
[quote comment=”351936″]Does the “poor behavior” request extend to coaches? Harbaugh must have dropped some choice words to get the Ravens bench a 15-yard penalty.[/quote]Tough loss for the Ravens. Not blaming the zebras, but there needs to be some consistency on illegal contact penalties when the offense initiates the contact. Also there was an obvious intent by that crew to protect the QBs with bubble-wrap. Not like Harbaugh to lose his cool.
[quote comment=”351896″][quote comment=”351893″]Sorry. Meant to say that’s the Outlaws in all black. But I do think that’s an Outlaws-at-Breakers game.
I remember the epic overtime game that Steve Young played in (longest pro game ever, right?) with the L.A. Express at the Coliseum, but I can’t recall the opponent.[/quote]
That was a playoff game in ’84 against the defending-champion Michigan Panthers. Mel Gray scored the winning TD in triple-OT on a 6-yard run, and broke his arm on the play. Panthers K Novo Bojovic missed 2 OT FGs.[/quote]
Here it is: link
Back to unis – Broncos in orange alts. Colorful bright sunny color matchup w/ the Cowboys.
Uni mismatch of great proportions – all white Dolphins outclassing the monochrome Bills.
[quote comment=”351943″]Back to unis – Broncos in orange alts. Colorful bright sunny color matchup w/ the Cowboys.[/quote]
I don’t know if it’s just because I grew up seeing the Broncos in orange, but I really like their orange alts.
OK, it’s still a bad design, so I don’t actually like them, but I think they look a hell of a lot better than their standard unis with either the white or the navy jerseys.
I watched the USFL, but didn’t love it. Damned if I don’t have some USFL nostalgia going today thanks to UW and its denizens. Perhaps it’s a more general nostalgia. ;-)
By the way, there’s a USFL documentary upgcomin on the WWL, aka ESPN. Premiere is Oct. 20.
Considering ESPN was one of the USFL’s TV home, there should be no shortage of game footage.
FYI, I have the super rare “FOOTBALL FUNNIES” on VHS. This is a blooper tape consisting entirely of USFL footage.
I have a few games on tape from when they would air them on ESPN Classic as well, but I’d have to dig them out.
Let me know if that can be of any help.
[quote comment=”351945″][quote comment=”351943″]Back to unis – Broncos in orange alts. Colorful bright sunny color matchup w/ the Cowboys.[/quote]
I don’t know if it’s just because I grew up seeing the Broncos in orange, but I really like their orange alts.
OK, it’s still a bad design, so I don’t actually like them, but I think they look a hell of a lot better than their standard unis with either the white or the navy jerseys.[/quote]
I couldn’t have put it any better myself.
[quote comment=”351945″][quote comment=”351943″]Back to unis – Broncos in orange alts. Colorful bright sunny color matchup w/ the Cowboys.[/quote]
I don’t know if it’s just because I grew up seeing the Broncos in orange, but I really like their orange alts.
OK, it’s still a bad design, so I don’t actually like them, but I think they look a hell of a lot better than their standard unis with either the white or the navy jerseys.[/quote]
I feel pretty much the same way. Broncos should be in orange all the time.
[quote comment=”351942″][quote comment=”351896″][quote comment=”351893″]Sorry. Meant to say that’s the Outlaws in all black. But I do think that’s an Outlaws-at-Breakers game.
I remember the epic overtime game that Steve Young played in (longest pro game ever, right?) with the L.A. Express at the Coliseum, but I can’t recall the opponent.[/quote]
That was a playoff game in ’84 against the defending-champion Michigan Panthers. Mel Gray scored the winning TD in triple-OT on a 6-yard run, and broke his arm on the play. Panthers K Novo Bojovic missed 2 OT FGs.[/quote]
Here it is: link
Great find! I’m amused by the guy (George Grande, perhaps?) narrating the replay as if he didn’t know its outcome.
The USFL was a strange surreal trip for Baltimore football fans. We got the Philly Stars but then they played in College Park, never in Baltimore. The hurt of the Colts leaving was still fresh and the football was played in the spring and… well, it was complicated.
[quote comment=”351947″]FYI, I have the super rare “FOOTBALL FUNNIES” on VHS. This is a blooper tape consisting entirely of USFL footage.
I have a few games on tape from when they would air them on ESPN Classic as well, but I’d have to dig them out.
Let me know if that can be of any help.[/quote]
I used to have the Funnies tape. I still have bits of some games from when I had USFL classic. They only showed ESPN games, though. I’d love to have some ABC Keith Jackson games.
Oh, and if some of you guys want USFL shirts(or WFL, or other sports leagues) check out link
[quote comment=”351942″][quote comment=”351896″][quote comment=”351893″]Sorry. Meant to say that’s the Outlaws in all black. But I do think that’s an Outlaws-at-Breakers game.
I remember the epic overtime game that Steve Young played in (longest pro game ever, right?) with the L.A. Express at the Coliseum, but I can’t recall the opponent.[/quote]
That was a playoff game in ’84 against the defending-champion Michigan Panthers. Mel Gray scored the winning TD in triple-OT on a 6-yard run, and broke his arm on the play. Panthers K Novo Bojovic missed 2 OT FGs.[/quote]
Here it is: link
Both Mel Gray and Steve Young were a couple of examples of USFL players who also moved over to the NFC after the USFL died. In fact, the NFC captured most of the USFL talent, and that played a key role in the domination of the NFC over the AFC for about about a decade.
With the exception of Jim Kelly(great QB, but lousy super bowl performances), the AFC did a poor job acquiring USFL talent. When you look at the NFC super bowl champs during that era, you see key players with USFL roots.
Got the Giants BB game on as well as 49ers (October is a great month).
SD in those camo tops. What’s that big ol’ white patch on the chest?
[quote comment=”351950″][quote comment=”351942″][quote comment=”351896″][quote comment=”351893″]Sorry. Meant to say that’s the Outlaws in all black. But I do think that’s an Outlaws-at-Breakers game.
I remember the epic overtime game that Steve Young played in (longest pro game ever, right?) with the L.A. Express at the Coliseum, but I can’t recall the opponent.[/quote]
That was a playoff game in ’84 against the defending-champion Michigan Panthers. Mel Gray scored the winning TD in triple-OT on a 6-yard run, and broke his arm on the play. Panthers K Novo Bojovic missed 2 OT FGs.[/quote]
Here it is: link
Great find! I’m amused by the guy (George Grande, perhaps?) narrating the replay as if he didn’t know its outcome.[/quote]
I’m not sure who that was. The play-by-play guy was Jim Lampley or Tim Brant, I believe. Lampley worked with Lee Corso, but that wasn’t the old coach there.
Wiki says Brant was paired with Lee Grosscup, so that sounds right to me.
The Wake Forest gold jerseys should make the ranking next time they wear ’em
[quote comment=”351946″]I watched the USFL, but didn’t love it. Damned if I don’t have some USFL nostalgia going today thanks to UW and its denizens. Perhaps it’s a more general nostalgia. ;-)
By the way, there’s a USFL documentary upgcomin on the WWL, aka ESPN. Premiere is Oct. 20.
Considering ESPN was one of the USFL’s TV home, there should be no shortage of game footage.[/quote]
That’s one of the reasons part two of this article is in two weeks…to be a sort of warmup to the premiere of that documentary (which had better be available on DVD!)
Say, ESPN, you wanna do a documentary on the MISL next? Please?
Getting back to the ’70s and 80s artficial turf fields – so many were dangerous, splotchy and downright ugly for watching on television or on film. Every major college program and a majority of the pros played on some version of the fuzzy concrete.
There was nothing worse than when the one game on featured two dull uniforms playing on gray-ish green carpet.
[quote comment=”351953″][quote comment=”351942″][quote comment=”351896″][quote comment=”351893″]Sorry. Meant to say that’s the Outlaws in all black. But I do think that’s an Outlaws-at-Breakers game.
I remember the epic overtime game that Steve Young played in (longest pro game ever, right?) with the L.A. Express at the Coliseum, but I can’t recall the opponent.[/quote]
That was a playoff game in ’84 against the defending-champion Michigan Panthers. Mel Gray scored the winning TD in triple-OT on a 6-yard run, and broke his arm on the play. Panthers K Novo Bojovic missed 2 OT FGs.[/quote]
Here it is: link
Both Mel Gray and Steve Young were a couple of examples of USFL players who also moved over to the NFC after the USFL died. In fact, the NFC captured most of the USFL talent, and that played a key role in the domination of the NFC over the AFC for about about a decade.
With the exception of Jim Kelly(great QB, but lousy super bowl performances), the AFC did a poor job acquiring USFL talent. When you look at the NFC super bowl champs during that era, you see key players with USFL roots.[/quote]
Forgot to mention it just wasn’t players. Jim Mora and Carl Petersen moved over from the Stars to the Saints and made New Orleans a playoff team.
[quote comment=”351953″][quote comment=”351942″][quote comment=”351896″][quote comment=”351893″]Sorry. Meant to say that’s the Outlaws in all black. But I do think that’s an Outlaws-at-Breakers game.
I remember the epic overtime game that Steve Young played in (longest pro game ever, right?) with the L.A. Express at the Coliseum, but I can’t recall the opponent.[/quote]
That was a playoff game in ’84 against the defending-champion Michigan Panthers. Mel Gray scored the winning TD in triple-OT on a 6-yard run, and broke his arm on the play. Panthers K Novo Bojovic missed 2 OT FGs.[/quote]
Here it is: link
Both Mel Gray and Steve Young were a couple of examples of USFL players who also moved over to the NFC after the USFL died. In fact, the NFC captured most of the USFL talent, and that played a key role in the domination of the NFC over the AFC for about about a decade.
With the exception of Jim Kelly(great QB, but lousy super bowl performances), the AFC did a poor job acquiring USFL talent. When you look at the NFC super bowl champs during that era, you see key players with USFL roots.[/quote]
Don’t forget Kelly’s center in Buffalo, who would have been his center in New Jersey in ’86, Kent Hull. But yea, now that I think about it, the NFC did get Steve Young, Reggie White, Herschel Walker, Maurice Carthon, Bobby Hebert, Anthony Carter, Kelvin Bryant, Doug Williams, Gary Clark, Sam Mills, Bart Oates, Gary Zimmerman, Sean Landeta and Roger Ruzek.
Besides Kelly and Hull, the AFC got… uh… JoJo Townsell, Mike Rozier, Gary Anderson, Vince Evans, Craig James and Tim Spencer.
Ricky Sanders, too.
Denver vs. Dallas
Brandon Marshall is wearing all white socks with 2 pink armbands around his ankles. Everyone else has the standard blue top on their socks
Hi all, I got a baseball book last Christmas from Amazon UK (I live in England by the way) “Team by Team Encyclopaedia of Major League Baseball” by Dennis Purdy. I have just reached W and Washington and found this out about the Expos. I am not sure if anyone else knows this or even if it is true.
The book says “1972 during the season outfielder Ken Singleton was forced to the bench for severe allergies. It was eventually discovered that the spurce of his problem was the wool in his uniform so a special double knit uniform was made just for him. By the end of 1973 all Expo players, as well as all teams in the majors wore double knit uniforms.”
Anyway on a different note I saw in the Premier League game Bolton v Tottenham on Saturday an assistance referee wearing baseball style cap to shade his eyes from the sun. Caps are not standard wear for officials in soccer matches and I have never seen this before.
Also I though i saw Tottenham wearing blue “oversocks” on top of white “undersocks. The Tottenham kit is made by Puma and is there current standard design. This is something I have not come across in soccer kits before either. I saw this when Wilson Palacios was fouled by Tamir Cohen after about 30 minutes and the trainer came on to look at Palacios ankle.
If I can get any pictures I will do.
Why didn’t you guys say the Broncos had the diamond-pattern endzones? I just turned the game on my jaw about dropped. I like those even better than the diagonal slants.
[quote comment=”351964″]Why didn’t you guys say the Broncos had the diamond-pattern endzones? I just turned the game on my jaw about dropped. I like those even better than the diagonal slants.[/quote]
that seems like something they would do for a throwback game. any reason they’re doing it for this one?
hopefully the marlins don’t get any ideas from the dolphins aqua and pink hats
Good job guys on the USFL.They did have some interesting uniforms and helmets. A few years ago I got decals made to make pocketpro USFL helmets. I also bought a Pittsburgh Maulers mini helmet.
oh man…finally back to where i can actually watch football today…saw (at lunch, on a tv in the restaurant) about 10 minutes of the g-men
had to explain to some folks about “all that pink” they were noticing; apparently the NFL didn’t do a good job getting the word out about october being bc awareness month
comments ranged from “HAH-THAT GUYS WEARING PINK SHOES” to “WTF”…once i ‘explained’ the deal, people (male and female) all generally expressed the opinion that this was one of the more stupid things the NFL ever did
one guy even misheard me when i said ‘breast cancer awareness’ — i guess he didn’t hear the last word or thought he was being funny when he said, “so the NFL’s promoting breast cancer now? is there anything they won’t do?”
on another note, love the broncos in orange, love the endzone striping, and the bills are certainly living up to their worst uni reputation down at jimmy buffet stadium
[quote comment=”351963″]Hi all, I got a baseball book last Christmas from Amazon UK (I live in England by the way) “Team by Team Encyclopaedia of Major League Baseball” by Dennis Purdy. I have just reached W and Washington and found this out about the Expos. I am not sure if anyone else knows this or even if it is true.
The book says “1972 during the season outfielder Ken Singleton was forced to the bench for severe allergies. It was eventually discovered that the spurce of his problem was the wool in his uniform so a special double knit uniform was made just for him. By the end of 1973 all Expo players, as well as all teams in the majors wore double knit uniforms.”
Anyway on a different note I saw in the Premier League game Bolton v Tottenham on Saturday an assistance referee wearing baseball style cap to shade his eyes from the sun. Caps are not standard wear for officials in soccer matches and I have never seen this before.
Also I though i saw Tottenham wearing blue “oversocks” on top of white “undersocks. The Tottenham kit is made by Puma and is there current standard design. This is something I have not come across in soccer kits before either. I saw this when Wilson Palacios was fouled by Tamir Cohen after about 30 minutes and the trainer came on to look at Palacios ankle.
If I can get any pictures I will do.
Thanks, Craig – great stuff there.
What do you think of Tottenham’s unis? With West Bromwich Albion being relegated, Tottenham’s probably my favorite EPL team, but I’m not real happy with this year’s kits.
I could see the addition of yellow in the away kits link but why did they add it to the home unis? They still look better than Bolton, though.
Now Burnley (in the cool striped socks) link may be my favorite team looks-wise this year.
Thanks for the feedback
I must admit I think the yellow in Tottenham’s kits is just a touch too bright. for my taste. Spurs are always blue and white only for me.
Bolton’s kit is a prime example where the designer just could stop adding flashes and gadgets. its like enough already. The pocket on the jersey where the club logo is just looks plain stupid. It is for Kleenex? a wallet? car keys? I would love to know Reebok’s explanation.
I like Burnley’s 50s style kit and Wolves simple kit also this year. Clear kits that are easily identifiable.
In light of today’s article:
Doesn’t this link look better than this? link (although the grass at Reliant looks better)
[quote comment=”351971″]In light of today’s article:
Doesn’t this link look better than this? link (although the grass at Reliant looks better)[/quote]
jim, are you trying to say the gamblers look better than the raiders?
And here’s that rainy game at Skelly Stadium we were discussing earlier (rest in peace, Tom Mees).
[quote comment=”351972″][quote comment=”351971″]In light of today’s article:
Doesn’t this link look better than this? link (although the grass at Reliant looks better)[/quote]
jim, are you trying to say the gamblers look better than the raiders?[/quote]
I’m not trying…I’m saying. At least the Gamblers added some red. Raiders are too blah. Of course it suits them perfectly…
Likewise, doesn’t this link look better than this? link
Hey, where’s my Sunday Benchies?
Our HS football team uses the old Pittsburgh Mauler decal on our helmets…looks good done in athletic gold on royal helmets.
[quote comment=”351977″]Our HS football team uses the old Pittsburgh Mauler decal on our helmets…looks good done in athletic gold on royal helmets.[/quote]
Where is that, I’d love to see it.
On a semi-related note, I remember pumping quarters into gumball machines to get the NFL team and being delighted with my 2 USFL finds: Denver Gold and Philly Stars.
I remember my Dad and I sketching out if the USFL would have been absorbed into the NFL in a merger similar to the AFL/NFL deal. I don’t remember too much of it other than a third conference, the USFC was added to the league and we took the teams where there wasn’t overlap in cities (with exceptions, I believe, in Chi-town and LA).
Of course an odd number of conferences wouldn’t work, it was a fun little project.
just so we’re clear, jim
this is better than this?
Considering how we got Favred last week with :02 on the clock..I’m glad to see the Niners all over the Rams. Didn’t see a lot of pink here. Pretty bright sun today, hard to pick it up
[quote comment=”351886″]OchoCinco in white chip strap[/quote]
Why is this news? So what…?
[quote comment=”351960″][quote comment=”351953″][quote comment=”351942″][quote comment=”351896″][quote comment=”351893″]Sorry. Meant to say that’s the Outlaws in all black. But I do think that’s an Outlaws-at-Breakers game.
I remember the epic overtime game that Steve Young played in (longest pro game ever, right?) with the L.A. Express at the Coliseum, but I can’t recall the opponent.[/quote]
That was a playoff game in ’84 against the defending-champion Michigan Panthers. Mel Gray scored the winning TD in triple-OT on a 6-yard run, and broke his arm on the play. Panthers K Novo Bojovic missed 2 OT FGs.[/quote]
Here it is: link
Both Mel Gray and Steve Young were a couple of examples of USFL players who also moved over to the NFC after the USFL died. In fact, the NFC captured most of the USFL talent, and that played a key role in the domination of the NFC over the AFC for about about a decade.
With the exception of Jim Kelly(great QB, but lousy super bowl performances), the AFC did a poor job acquiring USFL talent. When you look at the NFC super bowl champs during that era, you see key players with USFL roots.[/quote]
Don’t forget Kelly’s center in Buffalo, who would have been his center in New Jersey in ’86, Kent Hull. But yea, now that I think about it, the NFC did get Steve Young, Reggie White, Herschel Walker, Maurice Carthon, Bobby Hebert, Anthony Carter, Kelvin Bryant, Doug Williams, Gary Clark, Sam Mills, Bart Oates, Gary Zimmerman, Sean Landeta and Roger Ruzek.
Besides Kelly and Hull, the AFC got… uh… JoJo Townsell, Mike Rozier, Gary Anderson, Vince Evans, Craig James and Tim Spencer.[/quote]
Right on, I would add the Dallas Cowboys Super Bowl teams had another important USFL contributor, Pro Bowl guard Nate Newton was a former Tampa Bay Bandit. It is ironic how the current Ohio State uniforms are now almost identical to the Bandits.
My beloved Tampa Bay Bandits were an almost direct rip off of Ohio State’s uniforms. They could have done a much better job of picking colors.
Since Burt Reynolds was involved and Bandits was the name of the team, I would have figured that they would have gone with a black and old gold scheme.
[quote comment=”351978″][quote comment=”351977″]Our HS football team uses the old Pittsburgh Mauler decal on our helmets…looks good done in athletic gold on royal helmets.[/quote]
Where is that, I’d love to see it.[/quote]
im prolly off on the colors, but something like this?
[quote comment=”351981″][quote comment=”351886″]OchoCinco in white chip strap[/quote]
Why is this news? So what…?[/quote]
He was making noise about wearing a pink chinstrap and matching whatever fine the NFL was going to hand down.
[quote comment=”351964″]Why didn’t you guys say the Broncos had the diamond-pattern endzones? I just turned the game on my jaw about dropped. I like those even better than the diagonal slants.[/quote]
Those were quite slick. Didn’t they used to fill in the diamonds back in the day with orange?
Steelers in the throwbacks, in four previous games they’ve only lost once in them.
Wish that SD was wearing road AFL throwbacks too.
nice picture from the episode of Glee two weeks ago. Nothing like cheeleaders in striped socks. And bikini tops.
OK, I was out walking my dog before this game and I live a 20 minutes from Heinz Field. These refs DO NOT need the cold weather gear.
[quote comment=”351988″]Steelers in the throwbacks, in four previous games they’ve only lost once in them.[/quote]
who’d they lose to?
and, yes, i know it wouldn’t be historically correct, but i really think the stillers should look like this.
the white pants didn’t make sense then and don’t now…gold helmet, gold stripes, gold numbers and white pants? huh?
[quote comment=”351991″][quote comment=”351988″]Steelers in the throwbacks, in four previous games they’ve only lost once in them.[/quote]
who’d they lose to?
and, yes, i know it wouldn’t be historically correct, but i really think the stillers link.
the white pants didn’t make sense then and don’t now…gold helmet, gold stripes, gold numbers and white pants? huh?[/quote]
Lost to the Giants last year.
Full record:
9/16/07: Buffalo, W
11/5/07: Baltimore, W
9/29/08: Baltimore, W
10/25/08: NYG, L
I love that link you include, it would look great no doubt, but I do like the white pants as a change of pace.
[quote comment=”351991″][quote comment=”351988″]Steelers in the throwbacks, in four previous games they’ve only lost once in them.[/quote]
who’d they lose to?
and, yes, i know it wouldn’t be historically correct, but i really think the stillers link.
the white pants didn’t make sense then and don’t now…gold helmet, gold stripes, gold numbers and white pants? huh?[/quote]
Gold pants are historically correct for Steelers. Just depends on what year you’re talking about. They wore gold pants with that “look” through most of the 50’s. Steelers went to white pants shortly after Bobby Layne joined them, in the era when pretty much the only way to “brighten” your uniforms for black and white TV was to add white somewhere (mostly this was accomplished by the addition of white edges to numbers and stripes).
Question about NFL officals’ black pants:
Does the league mandate what they wear, or do invidividual crews make their own decision?
It may just be that some crews like the dark pants better, or maybe just find them more comfortable.
Honestly, I’d think they would be. I know most here don’t want to hear this, but “pajama” pants for baseball/softball are considerably more comfortable than having the elastic around your legs that wearing short pants invloves.
Un-tuck ’em for the last time this season boys:
*sigh* Maybe next year there will be playoff baseball in Milwaukee again.
Of course the Tampa Bay Bandits unis were a knockoff of Ohio State. Truly comes under “Duh, Really.” But, no one in the pros wore it, so what the hell, why not. It’s a great look.
What I liked about them was the choice of black numbers on the white jerseys (OSU’s are red, of course). That didn’t look quite so much like the Buckeyes.
As far a Burt Reynolds being part of the Bandits ownership group…I must have missed something. Why black and gold? He played college football at Florida State, so garnet and gold might have been more likely. Actually, I always figured if there were a back story it was that the red and black might have sprung from the MEAN MACHINE.
Also, the Breakers wore both blue and white at home in ’83, their only season in Boston (let’s hear it for Frank Lockett, Nolan Franz and Jon Walton, among others). Loved their helmets, btw. Actually, lotta good looking lids in USFL.
And I NEVER missed a Gamblers game on TV. Man, they were fun to watch. Still remember their cadre of wideouts/slotbacks: Johnson, Sanders, McGee, Moser, Verdin, McNeil and others. Didn’t even have a TE on roster.
There was a game in LA where Jim Kelly and Steve Young absolutely lit it up, but I think there were only about nine people actually in the stands. SI did a big story on the great game nobody saw.
[quote comment=”351986″][quote comment=”351964″]Why didn’t you guys say the Broncos had the diamond-pattern endzones? I just turned the game on my jaw about dropped. I like those even better than the diagonal slants.[/quote]
Those were quite slick. Didn’t they used to fill in the diamonds back in the day with orange?[/quote]
Accounts vary. Some say the diamonds were blue.
i know it’s kind of sacrilege to be talking about tweaking the stillers, but since they’re in their “throwbacks” tonight, and i DO like the idea of white pants…just not with the black jersey/gold stripes & numbers…
what do you all think of this?
and, as long as they don’t go monochrome or leotard, how about if they try black pants with white jersey?
[quote comment=”351996″]Of course the Tampa Bay Bandits unis were a knockoff of Ohio State. Truly comes under “Duh, Really.” But, no one in the pros wore it, so what the hell, why not. It’s a great look.
What I liked about them was the choice of black numbers on the white jerseys (OSU’s are red, of course). That didn’t look quite so much like the Buckeyes.
As far a Burt Reynolds being part of the Bandits ownership group…I must have missed something. Why black and gold? He played college football at Florida State, so garnet and gold might have been more likely. Actually, I always figured if there were a back story it was that the red and black might have sprung from the MEAN MACHINE.
Also, the Breakers wore both blue and white at home in ’83, their only season in Boston (let’s hear it for Frank Lockett, Nolan Franz and Jon Walton, among others). Loved their helmets, btw. Actually, lotta good looking lids in USFL.
And I NEVER missed a Gamblers game on TV. Man, they were fun to watch. Still remember their cadre of wideouts/slotbacks: Johnson, Sanders, McGee, Moser, Verdin, McNeil and others. Didn’t even have a TE on roster.
There was a game in LA where Jim Kelly and Steve Young absolutely lit it up, but I think there were only about nine people actually in the stands. SI did a big story on the great game nobody saw.
They called it BanditBall, for the wide open offense, quarterbacked by John Reaves. RB Gary Anderson and WR Eric Truvillion were the other weapons. Interesting thing, had the USFL survived, the Bandits had a real shot at overtaking the Buccaneers in popularity. The Bucs were horrible during the mid 1980s, this was during the era of the John McKay and start of the Leeman Bennett eras.
Getting back to uniforms, I also liked how the Jacksonville Bulls helmet had the team nickname located in the back, very unique.
Jim Vilk,
You ate the brown acid, didn’t you?
[quote comment=”351996″]
As far a Burt Reynolds being part of the Bandits ownership group…I must have missed something. Why black and gold?[/quote]
[quote comment=”351998″]i know it’s kind of sacrilege to be talking about tweaking the stillers, but since they’re in their “throwbacks” tonight, and i DO like the idea of white pants…just not with the black jersey/gold stripes & numbers…
and, as long as they don’t go monochrome or leotard, how about if they try link?
Nice! I love the white jerseys and black pants. Also, think those unis they’re wearing tonight would look better with gold pants. A matte gold to be exact.
[quote comment=”351998″]i know it’s kind of sacrilege to be talking about tweaking the stillers, but since they’re in their “throwbacks” tonight, and i DO like the idea of white pants…just not with the black jersey/gold stripes & numbers…
and, as long as they don’t go monochrome or leotard, how about if they try link?
I like the all white and like your throwback. Not crazy about white pants with black jersey or black pants with white.
Can you do a yellow jersey with black pants?
[quote comment=”352003″][quote comment=”351998″]i know it’s kind of sacrilege to be talking about tweaking the stillers, but since they’re in their “throwbacks” tonight, and i DO like the idea of white pants…just not with the black jersey/gold stripes & numbers…
and, as long as they don’t go monochrome or leotard, how about if they try link?
I like the all white and like your throwback. Not crazy about white pants with black jersey or black pants with white.
Can you do a yellow jersey with black pants?[/quote]
How about a carbon jersey with steel pants?
[quote comment=”352004″][quote comment=”352003″][quote comment=”351998″]i know it’s kind of sacrilege to be talking about tweaking the stillers, but since they’re in their “throwbacks” tonight, and i DO like the idea of white pants…just not with the black jersey/gold stripes & numbers…
and, as long as they don’t go monochrome or leotard, how about if they try link?
I like the all white and like your throwback. Not crazy about white pants with black jersey or black pants with white.
Can you do a yellow jersey with black pants?[/quote]
How about a carbon jersey with steel pants?[/quote]
“Dude, that would be, like, a ripoff of the Seahawks or Oregon. (sniffles). But I can’t talk now. Gotta get back to Red Bull, Nutter Butters and Madden.”
[quote comment=”352005″][quote comment=”352004″][quote comment=”352003″][quote comment=”351998″]i know it’s kind of sacrilege to be talking about tweaking the stillers, but since they’re in their “throwbacks” tonight, and i DO like the idea of white pants…just not with the black jersey/gold stripes & numbers…
and, as long as they don’t go monochrome or leotard, how about if they try link?
I like the all white and like your throwback. Not crazy about white pants with black jersey or black pants with white.
Can you do a yellow jersey with black pants?[/quote]
How about a carbon jersey with steel pants?[/quote]
“Dude, that would be, like, a ripoff of the Seahawks or Oregon. (sniffles). But I can’t talk now. Gotta get back to Red Bull, Nutter Butters and Madden.”[/quote]
Green carbon?!?!? (off to the lab)
[quote comment=”352006″][quote comment=”352005″][quote comment=”352004″][quote comment=”352003″][quote comment=”351998″]i know it’s kind of sacrilege to be talking about tweaking the stillers, but since they’re in their “throwbacks” tonight, and i DO like the idea of white pants…just not with the black jersey/gold stripes & numbers…
and, as long as they don’t go monochrome or leotard, how about if they try link?
I like the all white and like your throwback. Not crazy about white pants with black jersey or black pants with white.
Can you do a yellow jersey with black pants?[/quote]
How about a carbon jersey with steel pants?[/quote]
“Dude, that would be, like, a ripoff of the Seahawks or Oregon. (sniffles). But I can’t talk now. Gotta get back to Red Bull, Nutter Butters and Madden.”[/quote]
Green carbon?!?!? (off to the lab)[/quote]
“No, man, I meant that really cool drab looking video game stuff. I fuckin’ love that look. So much like reality. Like football in The Matrix. Cool.”
[quote comment=”351998″]i know it’s kind of sacrilege to be talking about tweaking the stillers, but since they’re in their “throwbacks” tonight, and i DO like the idea of white pants…just not with the black jersey/gold stripes & numbers…
what do you all think of this?
and, as long as they don’t go monochrome or leotard, how about if they try black pants with white jersey?
I like every single one of those combos.
[quote comment=”352003″]Can you do a yellow jersey with black pants?[/quote]
does the pope shit in the woods?
[quote comment=”351997″][quote comment=”351986″][quote comment=”351964″]Why didn’t you guys say the Broncos had the diamond-pattern endzones? I just turned the game on my jaw about dropped. I like those even better than the diagonal slants.[/quote]
Those were quite slick. Didn’t they used to fill in the diamonds back in the day with orange?[/quote]
Accounts vary. Some say the diamonds were blue.[/quote]
well played
[quote comment=”352009″][quote comment=”352003″]Can you do a yellow jersey with black pants?[/quote]
Reminds me of something Tom Cruise wore when he played for…oh, yeah, a high school team.
[quote comment=”351979″]just so we’re clear, jim
link is better than link?[/quote]
See, Phil, there are unis I don’t like. The Raiders are one of them. I only like black unis if you have a bright color to offset them. I don’t consider silver bright enough. I’m talking red, or yellow, even light blue.
The design of the Raiders is fine. It’s a simple classic. But I don’t like it. It’s a step below Jerry Glanville’s “let’s overcompensate with black to pretend we’re tough” look.
[quote comment=”352008″][quote comment=”351998″]i know it’s kind of sacrilege to be talking about tweaking the stillers, but since they’re in their “throwbacks” tonight, and i DO like the idea of white pants…just not with the black jersey/gold stripes & numbers…
and, as long as they don’t go monochrome or leotard, how about if they try link?
I like every single one of those combos.[/quote]
Same here.
Hey, that reminds me. Wasn’t there a thoughtful fellow about a week ago saying that the Steelers would look good with white jerseys and black pants. If memory serves, he caught some shit for it. Now who was that?
Oh, yeah. It was ME.
[quote comment=”351983″]My beloved Tampa Bay Bandits were an almost direct rip off of Ohio State’s uniforms. They could have done a much better job of picking colors.
Since Burt Reynolds was involved and Bandits was the name of the team, I would have figured that they would have gone with a black and old gold scheme.[/quote]
Yeah, they looked too much like the Bucks…except on the road. A slight difference, but…hey, now…tune in in two weeks. Then we’ll break down the Bandits’ unis.
[quote comment=”351986″][quote comment=”351964″]Why didn’t you guys say the Broncos had the diamond-pattern endzones? I just turned the game on my jaw about dropped. I like those even better than the diagonal slants.[/quote]
Those were quite slick. Didn’t they used to fill in the diamonds back in the day with orange?[/quote]
Yes, but I like these just the way they are. Either look is great, though.
[quote comment=”351991″][quote comment=”351988″]Steelers in the throwbacks, in four previous games they’ve only lost once in them.[/quote]
who’d they lose to?
and, yes, i know it wouldn’t be historically correct, but i really think the stillers link.
the white pants didn’t make sense then and don’t now…gold helmet, gold stripes, gold numbers and white pants? huh?[/quote]
I’d like to see this all the time.
[quote comment=”352004″]
How about a carbon jersey with steel pants?[/quote]
brown acid
[quote comment=”352014″][quote comment=”351983″]My beloved Tampa Bay Bandits were an almost direct rip off of Ohio State’s uniforms. They could have done a much better job of picking colors.
Since Burt Reynolds was involved and Bandits was the name of the team, I would have figured that they would have gone with a black and old gold scheme.[/quote]
Yeah, they looked too much like the Bucks…except on the road. A slight difference, but…hey, now…tune in in two weeks. Then we’ll break down the Bandits’ unis.[/quote]
Actually, in a startup league where such things would seem to be more controllable, I thought it was more that the Blitz and the Bandits looked, generally speaking, too much alike. I know, know, the details vary, but still…maybe Bandits should have worn black jerseys (not at home in Florida, of course)? That would have been a hybrid of Ohio State and teh Raiders and might have looked pretty good.
[quote comment=”352009″][quote comment=”352003″]Can you do a yellow jersey with black pants?[/quote]
I could live with black pants if they did this.
[quote comment=”352000″]Jim Vilk,
You ate the brown acid, didn’t you?[/quote]
Well, I didn’t swallow…
I assume this is in reference to the Panthers/Blitz looking better than the Lions/Bears? ;)
[quote comment=”352017″][quote comment=”352004″]
How about a carbon jersey with steel pants?[/quote]
Yellow helmet?
[quote comment=”352016″][quote comment=”351991″][quote comment=”351988″]Steelers in the throwbacks, in four previous games they’ve only lost once in them.[/quote]
who’d they lose to?
and, yes, i know it wouldn’t be historically correct, but i really think the stillers link.
the white pants didn’t make sense then and don’t now…gold helmet, gold stripes, gold numbers and white pants? huh?[/quote]
I’d like to see this all the time.[/quote]
Like them good ol’ days when they sucked…
By way of review, did this a couple weekends ago…
[quote comment=”352020″][quote comment=”352000″]Jim Vilk,
You ate the brown acid, didn’t you?[/quote]
Well, I didn’t swallow…
I assume this is in reference to the Panthers/Blitz looking better than the Lions/Bears? ;)[/quote]
Partially. There’s also that matter of the Gamblers/Invaders looking better than the Texans/Raiders.
[quote comment=”352018″][quote comment=”352014″][quote comment=”351983″]My beloved Tampa Bay Bandits were an almost direct rip off of Ohio State’s uniforms. They could have done a much better job of picking colors.
Since Burt Reynolds was involved and Bandits was the name of the team, I would have figured that they would have gone with a black and old gold scheme.[/quote]
Yeah, they looked too much like the Bucks…except on the road. A slight difference, but…hey, now…tune in in two weeks. Then we’ll break down the Bandits’ unis.[/quote]
Actually, in a startup league where such things would seem to be more controllable, I thought it was more that the Blitz and the Bandits looked, generally speaking, too much alike. I know, know, the details vary, but still…maybe Bandits should have worn black jerseys (not at home in Florida, of course)? That would have been a hybrid of Ohio State and teh Raiders and might have looked pretty good.
They had a few similar looks: Bandits/Blitz/Showboats, Gamblers/Outlaws, Stallions/Stars. They did fix that a little, with the Stallions going to white pants and the Outlaws switching to copper. Still, a league that small coulda bought a bigger box of crayons.
And, by the way, they and Iowa looked alike even then. It is not without foundation to say the Iowa and the Steelers have looked alike for the better part of the past 55 years or so. There’s a kind of odd “tradition” in that.
[quote]Hey, that reminds me. Wasn’t there a thoughtful fellow about a week ago saying that the Steelers would look good with white jerseys and black pants. If memory serves, he caught some shit for it. Now who was that?
Oh, yeah. It was ME.[/quote]
who gave you shit? wasn’t me, was it?
[quote comment=”352022″]By way of review, did this a couple weekends ago…
yup…it does look good; the thing is they MUST wear white socks tho, just like you mocked
so, who doesn’t like the stillers in black pants?
[quote comment=”352017″][quote comment=”352004″]
How about a carbon jersey with steel pants?[/quote]
Needs more link
[quote comment=”352011″][quote comment=”352009″][quote comment=”352003″]Can you do a yellow jersey with black pants?[/quote]
Reminds me of something Tom Cruise wore when he played for…oh, yeah, a high school team.
Go Ampipe High!!!!
[quote comment=”352026″][quote]Hey, that reminds me. Wasn’t there a thoughtful fellow about a week ago saying that the Steelers would look good with white jerseys and black pants. If memory serves, he caught some shit for it. Now who was that?
Oh, yeah. It was ME.[/quote]
who gave you shit? wasn’t me, was it?
[quote comment=”352022″]By way of review, did this a couple weekends ago…
yup…it does look good; the thing is they MUST wear white socks tho, just like you mocked
so, who doesn’t like the stillers in black pants?[/quote]
My hand is raised, because you KNOW they couldn’t resist the temptation to go all-black if they have them. They’ll end up being like Hamilton: link
[quote comment=”352028″][quote comment=”352011″][quote comment=”352009″][quote comment=”352003″]Can you do a yellow jersey with black pants?[/quote]
Reminds me of something Tom Cruise wore when he played for…oh, yeah, a high school team.
Go Ampipe High!!!![/quote]
And what NFL team doesn’t dream of achieving a high school look. When you finally reach the NFL who doesn’t want to wear the same budget-crunched, cheap-looking shitbird stuff you wore in high school. Might as well remove all the sod down the center of the field, too. Get that really attractive “we can’t afford to re-sod” feel going.
[quote comment=”352029″]
My hand is raised, because you KNOW they couldn’t resist the temptation to go all-black if they have them. They’ll end up being like Hamilton: link
and if they didn’t go black leotard, you’d hate this?
you don’t hate anything
well, except the raiders
did anyone else get to see the giants/chiefs game today? i was looking for the changes in the jerseys that joe skiba hinted at to keep them from bunching up. i did notice they looked a little different. the name plates were gone and the names were stitched directly to the jerseys. also, the sleeves appeared to be constructed differently. there seemed to be something of a yoke or what i might call top-of-the-sleeve panel that ran from the collar to the sleeve hem. this caused the stripes to not go all the way around on some of the tighter jerseys.
btw, this might just get my vote for the dopiest looking of the new style pants trim. Considering what’s out there, that’s saying something.
[quote comment=”352030″][quote comment=”352028″][quote comment=”352011″][quote comment=”352009″][quote comment=”352003″]Can you do a yellow jersey with black pants?[/quote]
Reminds me of something Tom Cruise wore when he played for…oh, yeah, a high school team.
Go Ampipe High!!!![/quote]
And what NFL team doesn’t dream of achieving a high school look. When you finally reach the NFL who doesn’t want to wear the same budget-crunched, cheap-looking shitbird stuff you wore in high school. Might as well remove all the sod down the center of the field, too. Get that really attractive “we can’t afford to re-sod” feel going.
ummm, what?
I’m pretty sure that the Steelers actually had a design very much like that but the league wouldn’t approve it. Not sure of the pants, but it was a yellow alternate jersey and I’d guess that it wasn’t going to be a monochrome yellow look.
[quote comment=”352031″][quote comment=”352029″]
My hand is raised, because you KNOW they couldn’t resist the temptation to go all-black if they have them. They’ll end up being like Hamilton: link
and if they didn’t go black leotard, link?
you don’t hate anything
well, except the raiders[/quote]
I would lump that in with the Okla. Outlaws then. I don’t dislike it, but It’s nowhere near my preferred look.
The Raiders’ uni is one of a few I dislike. It’s not just a too-much-black thing – there are other unis I wouldn’t wear.
And Jeff Reed is back, people!
[quote comment=”352034″][quote comment=”352030″][quote comment=”352028″][quote comment=”352011″][quote comment=”352009″][quote comment=”352003″]Can you do a yellow jersey with black pants?[/quote]
Reminds me of something Tom Cruise wore when he played for…oh, yeah, a high school team.
Go Ampipe High!!!![/quote]
And what NFL team doesn’t dream of achieving a high school look. When you finally reach the NFL who doesn’t want to wear the same budget-crunched, cheap-looking shitbird stuff you wore in high school. Might as well remove all the sod down the center of the field, too. Get that really attractive “we can’t afford to re-sod” feel going.
ummm, what?
I’m pretty sure that the Steelers actually had a design very much like that but the league wouldn’t approve it. Not sure of the pants, but it was a yellow alternate jersey and I’d guess that it wasn’t going to be a monochrome yellow look.[/quote]
Dan Rooney was contemplating a yellow jersey when the Jags were still in the AFC Central with Pittsburgh. He wanted something different to wear, because they always played in Jax when it was African hot. I guess after re-alignment the idea was put on the shelf.
Okay Phil, We saw an all-black…how ’bout an all-yellow?
[quote comment=”352029″]who gave you shit? wasn’t me, was it?[/quote]
I don’t know. Maybe I imagined the whole thing.
[quote comment=”352034″][quote comment=”352030″][quote comment=”352028″][quote comment=”352011″][quote comment=”352009″][quote comment=”352003″]Can you do a yellow jersey with black pants?[/quote]
Reminds me of something Tom Cruise wore when he played for…oh, yeah, a high school team.
Go Ampipe High!!!![/quote]
And what NFL team doesn’t dream of achieving a high school look. When you finally reach the NFL who doesn’t want to wear the same budget-crunched, cheap-looking shitbird stuff you wore in high school. Might as well remove all the sod down the center of the field, too. Get that really attractive “we can’t afford to re-sod” feel going.
ummm, what?
I’m pretty sure that the Steelers actually had a design very much like that but the league wouldn’t approve it. Not sure of the pants, but it was a yellow alternate jersey and I’d guess that it wasn’t going to be a monochrome yellow look.[/quote]
Wasn’t saying you were saying that, Kek. Just made me think of how I don’t get some teams’ thinking.
[quote comment=”352037″][quote comment=”352029″]who gave you shit? wasn’t me, was it?[/quote]
I don’t know. Maybe I imagined the whole thing.[/quote]
I might have gently chided you, but that’s all. I could understand you wanting less yellow, what with you seeing it twice a year from my 2nd-favorite team…
[quote comment=”351996″]Of course the Tampa Bay Bandits unis were a knockoff of Ohio State. Truly comes under “Duh, Really.” But, no one in the pros wore it, so what the hell, why not. It’s a great look.
What I liked about them was the choice of black numbers on the white jerseys (OSU’s are red, of course). That didn’t look quite so much like the Buckeyes.
As far a Burt Reynolds being part of the Bandits ownership group…I must have missed something. Why black and gold? He played college football at Florida State, so garnet and gold might have been more likely. Actually, I always figured if there were a back story it was that the red and black might have sprung from the MEAN MACHINE.
The use of the black and gold would have capatalized on the successful “Smokey and The Bandit” movie series. The last movie had been released in 1983 so it would be fresh in people’s minds.
The cars and the trucks were painted black and gold. I know Pontiac sold a lot of the black and gold TA’s. I still have mine.
[quote comment=”352038″][quote comment=”352034″][quote comment=”352030″][quote comment=”352028″][quote comment=”352011″][quote comment=”352009″][quote comment=”352003″]Can you do a yellow jersey with black pants?[/quote]
Reminds me of something Tom Cruise wore when he played for…oh, yeah, a high school team.
Go Ampipe High!!!![/quote]
And what NFL team doesn’t dream of achieving a high school look. When you finally reach the NFL who doesn’t want to wear the same budget-crunched, cheap-looking shitbird stuff you wore in high school. Might as well remove all the sod down the center of the field, too. Get that really attractive “we can’t afford to re-sod” feel going.
ummm, what?
I’m pretty sure that the Steelers actually had a design very much like that but the league wouldn’t approve it. Not sure of the pants, but it was a yellow alternate jersey and I’d guess that it wasn’t going to be a monochrome yellow look.[/quote]
Wasn’t saying you were saying that, Kek. Just made me think of how I don’t get some teams’ thinking.
gotcha ricko, there are some color schemes that are high-schoolish, but I don’t think black and yellow/gold is one. I do feel red and columbia blue would fit that bill (although it looks great on Skyline High out of Dallas).
Vilk, that’s the story I remember, because the Jag(offs) always made the Steelers wear the black. Wasn’t the rule that the alt jersey had to be worn exclusively at home?
I clearly recall Cowher saying that Rooney “was too nice” and took from that that he didn’t think the boss fought the league enough for the right to wear said jersey.
[quote comment=”352040″][quote comment=”351996″]Of course the Tampa Bay Bandits unis were a knockoff of Ohio State. Truly comes under “Duh, Really.” But, no one in the pros wore it, so what the hell, why not. It’s a great look.
What I liked about them was the choice of black numbers on the white jerseys (OSU’s are red, of course). That didn’t look quite so much like the Buckeyes.
As far a Burt Reynolds being part of the Bandits ownership group…I must have missed something. Why black and gold? He played college football at Florida State, so garnet and gold might have been more likely. Actually, I always figured if there were a back story it was that the red and black might have sprung from the MEAN MACHINE.
The use of the black and gold would have capatalized on the successful “Smokey and The Bandit” movie series. The last movie had been released in 1983 so it would be fresh in people’s minds.
The cars and the trucks were painted black and gold. I know Pontiac sold a lot of the black and gold TA’s. I still have mine.[/quote]
I hadn’t thought of that, even though I love that movie. But the Bandit (and the Bandit was him, not the TransAm) wore a red shirt, did he not?
Who knows, maybe the Denver Gold had filed those colors with the league first. So as Plan B the Bandits went with black and red cuz of THE LONGEST YARD.
[quote comment=”352036″]
Okay Phil, We saw an all-black…how ’bout an all-yellow?[/quote]
now you’re just being silly, jim
[quote comment=”352041″][quote comment=”352038″][quote comment=”352034″][quote comment=”352030″][quote comment=”352028″][quote comment=”352011″][quote comment=”352009″][quote comment=”352003″]Can you do a yellow jersey with black pants?[/quote]
Reminds me of something Tom Cruise wore when he played for…oh, yeah, a high school team.
Go Ampipe High!!!![/quote]
And what NFL team doesn’t dream of achieving a high school look. When you finally reach the NFL who doesn’t want to wear the same budget-crunched, cheap-looking shitbird stuff you wore in high school. Might as well remove all the sod down the center of the field, too. Get that really attractive “we can’t afford to re-sod” feel going.
ummm, what?
I’m pretty sure that the Steelers actually had a design very much like that but the league wouldn’t approve it. Not sure of the pants, but it was a yellow alternate jersey and I’d guess that it wasn’t going to be a monochrome yellow look.[/quote]
Wasn’t saying you were saying that, Kek. Just made me think of how I don’t get some teams’ thinking.
gotcha ricko, there are some color schemes that are high-schoolish, but I don’t think black and yellow/gold is one. I do feel red and columbia blue would fit that bill (although it looks great on Skyline High out of Dallas).
Vilk, that’s the story I remember, because the Jag(offs) always made the Steelers wear the black. Wasn’t the rule that the alt jersey had to be worn exclusively at home?
I clearly recall Cowher saying that Rooney “was too nice” and took from that that he didn’t think the boss fought the league enough for the right to wear said jersey.[/quote]
I don’t think colors are high school. It’s how you use them, how they’re cominbed. Some combos work, other are ghastly and cheap-looking.
Final thought for the day.
The Metrodome may not get much love anymore, but think it’s gonna be the U.S. sports world’s center of attention for the next couple nights or anything?
Can you spell “decibel level”?
[quote comment=”352043″][quote comment=”352036″]
Okay Phil, We saw an all-black…how ’bout an all-yellow?[/quote]
now you’re just link, jim[/quote]
good lord! that reminds me of when the University of Missouri went with an all yellow uni for a game or two back in the 80s. i think the burn-in on my tv lasted for a few days.
[quote comment=”352045″]Final thought for the day.
The Metrodome may not get much love anymore, but think it’s gonna be the U.S. sports world’s center of attention for the next couple nights or anything?
Can you spell “decibel level”?
T-wolves playing a preseason game there or something?
[quote comment=”352043″][quote comment=”352036″]
Okay Phil, We saw an all-black…how ’bout an all-yellow?[/quote]
now you’re just link, jim[/quote]
Now if I were being silly, I’d want a yellow helmet too. Ah, what they hey, let’s be silly…
[quote comment=”352048″][quote comment=”352043″][quote comment=”352036″]
Okay Phil, We saw an all-black…how ’bout an all-yellow?[/quote]
now you’re just link, jim[/quote]
Now if I were being silly, I’d want a yellow helmet too. Ah, what they hey, let’s be silly…[/quote]
you know, just because you didn’t swallow the tab, as long as you put it on your tongue, that’s all that’s necessary…was it four-by windowpane?
[quote comment=”352049″][quote comment=”352048″][quote comment=”352043″][quote comment=”352036″]
Okay Phil, We saw an all-black…how ’bout an all-yellow?[/quote]
now you’re just link, jim[/quote]
Now if I were being silly, I’d want a yellow helmet too. Ah, what they hey, let’s be silly…[/quote]
you know, just because you didn’t swallow the tab, as long as you put it on your tongue, that’s all that’s necessary…was it four-by windowpane?
Now I know what a bug’s last words are before hitting the bug zapper: “It’s so bright…so beautiful…I can’t take my eyes off it!”
[quote comment=”352049″][quote comment=”352048″][quote comment=”352043″][quote comment=”352036″]
Okay Phil, We saw an all-black…how ’bout an all-yellow?[/quote]
now you’re just link, jim[/quote]
Now if I were being silly, I’d want a yellow helmet too. Ah, what they hey, let’s be silly…[/quote]
you know, just because you didn’t swallow the tab, as long as you put it on your tongue, that’s all that’s necessary…was it four-by windowpane?
Hamilton Tiger-Cats, 1950’s.
Sorta. Ti-Cats had shoulder loops.
But the same notion.
[quote comment=”352018″][quote comment=”352014″][quote comment=”351983″]My beloved Tampa Bay Bandits were an almost direct rip off of Ohio State’s uniforms. They could have done a much better job of picking colors.
Since Burt Reynolds was involved and Bandits was the name of the team, I would have figured that they would have gone with a black and old gold scheme.[/quote]
Yeah, they looked too much like the Bucks…except on the road. A slight difference, but…hey, now…tune in in two weeks. Then we’ll break down the Bandits’ unis.[/quote]
Actually, in a startup league where such things would seem to be more controllable, I thought it was more that the Blitz and the Bandits looked, generally speaking, too much alike. I know, know, the details vary, but still…maybe Bandits should have worn black jerseys (not at home in Florida, of course)? That would have been a hybrid of Ohio State and teh Raiders and might have looked pretty good.
They still would have played road games in Florida against the Jacksonvill Bulls and the Orlando Renegades.
Ti-Cats did that all-yellow look in the 50s, complete with shoulder loops. I got that on tape, but I can’t do a screen shot right now. If the Stillers promise to go all-yellow as well, I could handle an all-black look occasionally. As long as they don’t overdo it the way my high school did: link
[quote comment=”352050″]Now I know what a bug’s last words are before hitting the bug zapper: “It’s so bright…so beautiful…I can’t take my eyes off it!”[/quote]
alright, jim…just listen…everything is going to be fine…try taking some vitamin B complex, vitamin C complex…if you have a beer, go ahead and drink it…just remember you’re a living organism on this planet, and you’re very safe
relax, stay inside and listen to some music, okay? do you have any allman brothers?
[quote comment=”352051″][quote comment=”352049″][quote comment=”352048″][quote comment=”352043″][quote comment=”352036″]
Okay Phil, We saw an all-black…how ’bout an all-yellow?[/quote]
now you’re just link, jim[/quote]
Now if I were being silly, I’d want a yellow helmet too. Ah, what they hey, let’s be silly…[/quote]
you know, just because you didn’t swallow the tab, as long as you put it on your tongue, that’s all that’s necessary…was it four-by windowpane?
Hamilton Tiger-Cats, 1950’s.
Sorta. Ti-Cats had shoulder loops.
But the same notion.[/quote]
Yep. Was thinking the same thing. link
[quote comment=”352054″][quote comment=”352050″]Now I know what a bug’s last words are before hitting the bug zapper: “It’s so bright…so beautiful…I can’t take my eyes off it!”[/quote]
alright, jim…just listen…everything is going to be fine…try taking some vitamin B complex, vitamin C complex…if you have a beer, go ahead and drink it…just remember you’re a living organism on this planet, and you’re very safe
relax, stay inside and listen to some music, okay? do you have any allman brothers?[/quote]
Allman Brothers…they’re like Duran Duran with a little twang, right?
[quote comment=”352042]I hadn’t thought of that, even though I love that movie. But the Bandit (and the Bandit was him, not the TransAm) wore a red shirt, did he not?
Who knows, maybe the Denver Gold had filed those colors with the league first. So as Plan B the Bandits went with black and red cuz of THE LONGEST YARD.
Or, it could have been None Of The Above. LOL
It’s all good…
[quote comment=”352042″][quote comment=”352040″][quote comment=”351996″]Of course the Tampa Bay Bandits unis were a knockoff of Ohio State. Truly comes under “Duh, Really.” But, no one in the pros wore it, so what the hell, why not. It’s a great look.
What I liked about them was the choice of black numbers on the white jerseys (OSU’s are red, of course). That didn’t look quite so much like the Buckeyes.
As far a Burt Reynolds being part of the Bandits ownership group…I must have missed something. Why black and gold? He played college football at Florida State, so garnet and gold might have been more likely. Actually, I always figured if there were a back story it was that the red and black might have sprung from the MEAN MACHINE.
The use of the black and gold would have capatalized on the successful “Smokey and The Bandit” movie series. The last movie had been released in 1983 so it would be fresh in people’s minds.
The cars and the trucks were painted black and gold. I know Pontiac sold a lot of the black and gold TA’s. I still have mine.[/quote]
I hadn’t thought of that, even though I love that movie. But the Bandit (and the Bandit was him, not the TransAm) wore a red shirt, did he not?
Who knows, maybe the Denver Gold had filed those colors with the league first. So as Plan B the Bandits went with black and red cuz of THE LONGEST YARD.
Or, it could have been None Of The Above. LOL
It’s all good…
Great job voicing your opinions of the USFL jerseys, especially mentioning the never-used 1984 red Wranglers “road” jerseys.
Did you ever notice that the movie “The Replacements” had jerseys and helmets VERY similar to the Chicago Blitz? Here are the images from IMDB.com: link