By Phil Hecken, with Rick Pearson
Back again with more NFL uni tweaks, but this first section, entirely envisioned and described by Ricko, is, in a word, “brilliant.” Whereas our previous “tweaks” were designed to solve our own misgivings about certain teams uni-choices, these are actual practical solutions to real problems. What is that real problem? Well, unless you’ve been living in a cave for the past decade, you’ve most likely noticed that the sleeve on the football uniform, with the exception of a few quarterbacks, a wide receiver or two, and kickers, is basically a vestigial element now. While this may not be such a big deal in the overall scheme of uniform design, it is a MAJOR headache for teams who still choose to put stripes on what were once full sleeves. You’ve seen the half-assed solutions being proffered by designers who are admittedly clueless apparently at a loss for ways around the new uniform cuts. Some have apparently no stripes at all. Or they end up stretched onto the chest. I mean, c’mon. This is getting ridiculous.
Enter Ricko. What he’s about to offer up is a simple, straightforward and logical answer to the “disappearing sleeve” on the NFL uniform. And with that, I give you Ricko:

Talk About Wearing Things On Your Sleeve
by Rick Pearson
First of all, this is NOT about re-designing anyone’s unis, so let’s not get our hackles up. This is about what to do with sleeve stripes when you have no sleeves to put them on.
A while ago on UW I asked, not altogether rhetorically, Why not put the stripes on the sleeves of the compression shirts? That makes this about an “Apparel Innovation.” Nothing more.
The central notion, then is: Let’s give up trying to make stripes work on today’s shortie jersey sleeves, shall we? The hell with it; put ”˜em somewhere else. Say, where they belong? That way, TV numbers and logos could move back to (when appropriate or desired) the more traditional position on the sleeves. Also, TVs could return to the customary 4-inch size”¦in some cases in the past, even larger.
This idea WOULD require development of a half-sleeve compression shirt in addition to the full-length and “armpit”-length versions typically produced. Secondly, it would be nice if the NFL adopted a Uni Rule reading: “Shoulder pads and armpits must be completely covered by the player’s jersey and/or under sleeves”. But that’s not realistic, I suppose. I think today’s players really get off on showing their guns. “Chicks Dig It” is the rationale, I imagine.
So, without a lot of explanation of what you’re about to see, here’s what you’d get (presented in no particular order)”¦Redskins, Packers, Giants white, 49ers, Browns (yes, I added stripes to the brown pants; couldn’t help myself [white socks too — that pic was taken from last year’s preseason game when the Brown’s first broke out the Brown pants with Brown leggings — they have since switched to white socks [–PH]), Steelers, Vikings throwbacks and Bears.
I did mess around with Cardinals, taking elements of their St. Louis and early Arizona unis (especially the whites) to show how a team could to do some unique things with the compression sleeve stripes. The “5-stripes same width” look is derivative of their throwback socks from 1994. Taken to the dark uni, it’s interesting, but a bit much. This combination — more like the 1980’s — for home and road may look old-fashioned to some, but it’s clean”¦and interesting. A sort of “minimalist” spin on their St. Louis duds.
And, yes, I did the Bengals, not to criticize their current uni, but to show that a team could really go nuts, actually making the compression sleeves the uni’s “signature element“. I certainly could have done the same concept for the Hamilton Tiger-Cats or Princeton University, so please don’t take it as slam on the Bengals. No white version of these sleeves with this one. Imagine them, black sleeves and colored stripes, with a white jersey. Yowsa.
Conclusion (mine, anyway)? It could work.
BAD news for fans: Two separate garments needed to get “official” game day look.
But that’s the GOOD news for the NFL merchandising arm (no pun intended). Plus, they’d probably sell a boatload of just the striped compression shirts, too.
Okay, I’m done.
Phil here. Great job with that Ricko. You may have seen some of these designs in the comments section before, but never in a full-blown post. This is an idea the NFL should seriously consider, especially for teams who still, ya know, wear striped jersey sleeves.
After Ricko came to me (and you via the comments) with the idea of the comp sleeves, one of UW’s readers, Patrick “pflava” Woody provided me with a graphic set of Ricko’s proposals, which I’ll present here, and which gives another idea of how both the long and short sleeved comp sleeves could look (in a couple of cases, Patrick’s template designs differ from Ricko’s, but the idea is the same): Redskins, (which is more of a throwback look than Rick’s compression sleeve idea for the current uniform) Vikings (throwback), Steelers, Browns, 49ers, Giants (road), and Bears.
Fantastic job with those Patrick. I also wanted to show you the same concept, brought to you by Fred Strom, who took Ricko’s Packers idea and made this mockup. But he didn’t stop there: Fred also mocked up the Steelers, da Bears, and (my favorite), the Browns. Great job Fred. (By the way, Fred is the guy who gave us one of the first neon snot green Seahawks — created shortly after Paul’s April Fool’s Day post — and who saw my piece on them last weekend, but whose work I wasn’t familiar with at the time). So, I’m including Fred’s Neon Green Seahawks concepts here.
I’m sure I’ll be featuring more great works from Patrick and Fred as the season wears on. But props to them for helping to bring Ricko’s Comp Sleeve proposals to us today as well.
Getting Loopy On You
by Phil & Rick
Moving along to a joint effort between Ricko and myself, we’re sure you’ve noticed that not only have sleeves disappeared on NFL jerseys, so too have the once prevalent and beautiful shoulder loops (or “arches” as Ricko refers to them) that at one time once graced NFL uniforms in varying degrees. Whether their disappearance into truncated stubs like this, this and this is a function of the new jersey cuts, or simply manufacturer’s sloth isn’t really important. What is important is that even teams who sport truncated loops still have players who wear full loops with the current jersey.
Obviously, then, there is no real reason why the loop has basically disappeared. Sure, the newer cuts might make it a tad more difficult to design a uniform with actual loops but this truncated garbage is horrible. Ricko and I differ a bit on solutions to this, since technically, most teams “loops” weren’t actually full loops (as I like) but “arches” (as Ricko calls them), which are more approximations of loops, as seen in the UCLA style guide (although some teams did use full loops and some were full but tapered). I prefer the full loop, whereas Rick would prefer to end them under (or close to) the armpit, but either way, the appearance of a full loop is what is needed.
So, in my tweak, the Colts get full loops whereas in Ricko’s redesign, he gives them “arches” and ends them at the armpit. The New York Jets get the full treatment in redesign as do The Titans of New York, whereas Ricko would again end the loop (arch) under the arm. After looking at both of those options, perhaps neither one is perfect, but both are better than the truncated loop. As a compromise, we’d both move to taper the loops as they pass under the arm, yielding a look like this. Much better, no?
OK. That’s it for today on this bit of uniform fixing. But you gotta give big ups to Rick Pearson for the Comp Sleeve idea. Seriously, Mr. Goodell … Are you listening?
UW’s biggest Seahawks fan, Michael Princip has a fantastic ongoing project over at his Illustrated NFL site. If you haven’t seen it, check it out. Mike recently added a few more illustrations over in the Artists Section. Most notably, a new entry for Lon Keller and his amazing true vintage football illustrations. Michael totally digs this one of Tom Fears (80) & Elroy (Crazylegs) Hirsch (40).
Great stuff! Be sure to check that out if you haven’t already!
UW Mystery Jersey “square” — My doubles partner and UW West Coast Correspondent Brinke Guthrie has found the latest UW mystery. Check out this Huskie…what in god’s name is that dark square on his belly? I first thought it was a sweat stain, due to the new jersey cuts (which are giving unis a weird two-tone look), but now I’m pretty sure there is more to it than that. Different material? Anyone wanna take any guesses? Neither Brinke nor I can ever remember seeing anything like that before.
I don’t usually pay much mind to “top 10 best” or “worst” lists of uniforms. I mean, we here on UW should have the final word on that sort of thing anyway, right? But Ricko sent me this one. This one is a head shaker. Plus the guy who wrote it is either a homophobe or a bad comedian. Probably both. But check out the choices and the rationales. Here’s a typical quote: “The Dolphins uniforms should be San Fransisco’s uniforms. It’s hard to imagine a uniform that better represents fruit than these.” Right. Not quite sure how old it is, but it’s definitely not from this season. Still, this gets a huge “WTF?”

Our man in the street, Jim Vilk brings you his “Top 5” Best and one WORST college football uni matchup from yesterday:
5. Wyoming/Colorado – Throwbacks save the day.
4. Florida State/BYU – Cougars matched up well with FSU…well, looks-wise, that is.
3. Florida Atlantic/South Carolina – If FAU played as good as they looked, they’d be champs.
2. Southern California/Washington – Upset game; uniforms not upsetting at all.
1. Giants vs. Colts Duke/Kansas – The greatest game ever played…in Lawrence, Kansas…this weekend.
And the baddie worst uni matchup of the weekend: Cincinnati/Oregon State – A veritable black hole.
Nice work Jim. How you couldn’t put the throwback Buff’s higher is beyond me, but hey…at least they made the list. Those helmets are the bomb.

Guess The Game From The Scoreboard: Got another scoreboard submission from SlimandSlam today. Not quite sure about the level of difficulty, but you guys should be able to get it without too much difficulty. Stadium should be obvious, as are the teams — it only comes down to the date and the final score. Might be tricky. Ready? Guess The Game. As always, please link to the answer thru Retrosheet or Baseball Almanac. Thanks for the submission, Slim!

Well, the football season is in full gear now…and the boys of Benchies are back on the gridiron. I asked Rick how come Mike wears adidas, Mick wears Nike, and the defender in this clip wears Puma. Rick’s answer? “It’s just until I get my shoe contract.” Of course. Anyway, enjoy your Sunday Benchies. Bonus points to anyone who can name the sweatband manufacturer.
And that’s a wrap for this Sunday folks. If you missed yesterday, there was a “Design A Cap Contest” you all should check out. Keep those submissions coming!
Please make sure to compliment Patrick & Fred for their efforts as today as well. Good stuff there. And for the love of god…can somebody get the NFL front offices on the line and convince them that Ricko has the answer to the disappearing sleeve? Not only would the comp sleeves solve the disappearing/shrinking stripe problems, but they’ll be able to move one more piece of merch in the process. It’s a win-win! Cheers.
Great work guys.
Horvath from the Bucs needs to be stopped!
I had a feeling that you were going to be talking about striped compression shirts…
I think I agree with the entire post today.
The Guess the Game answer:
That’s 8/14/97 at County Stadium. Todd Greene is hitting a 3 run HR in he bottom of the 4th. Easy to get. Greene’s only game against Milwaukee as an Anaheim Angel. That team name plus the Brewers in the AL made it easy to track down.
Loved the Buffs Helmets, enjoyed the jerseys, the pants could have been improved. Found this helmet from 1998, the last time the team did something “throwback-ish/alternate” link
And yes, I was at that game.
[quote comment=”349057″]Loved the Buffs Helmets, enjoyed the jerseys, the pants could have been improved. Found this helmet from 1998, the last time the team did something “throwback-ish/alternate” link
And yes, I was at that game.[/quote]
Yup, don’t think yesterday’s particular silver helmet has been since the mid- to late-50’s, when Boyd Dowler (wearing #44) was in the Buffs’ single-wing backfield. And that’s a LONG time ago; Dowler went on to become the flanker for Lombardi’s Packers, with Max McGee or Carroll Dale (depending on the year) as the split end.
If you’re old enough, you can still hear Ray Scott on CBS, “To the left McGee, to the right Dowler…Starr…throws…Touchdown, Dowler.”
Scott was so beautifully minimalist.
Great job guys.
I also wouldn’t rule out the following solution. Under the basic premise of you have to “follow the money” and merchandise sales are a huge part of the money trail for the NFL, then they should take a cue from the NHL. I could be wrong by this, but what was I thought the large motivator for the NHL for getting rid of the Cooperall look of the early 1980’s – was that it looked horrible. The NFL should just impose design criteria, and indicate a jersey sleeve has to touch the lower arm, when bent at the elbow at 90 degree angle.
Also love the Colarado Buffalos retro helmet.
THIS, however, is NOT “beautifully minimalist”.
Thanks (sorta) to JTH, who posted it late last night.
I think you guys are on a mission to make every NFL team look damn near the same.
Also, I thought that Notre Dame/Michigan State was pretty easy on the eyes. Normally I am not a fan of the white pants/white jersey look, but MSU seems to pull it off for some reason.
“I think you guys are on a mission to make every NFL team look damn near the same.”
How could you POSSIBLY get that out of today’s post?
Today was entirely about details of jersey/sleeve construction, other for two concepts that crticized no one’s unis, just showed examples of how teams could mess around with striped comp sleeves…IF THEY CHOSE TO DO SO.
And everyone with virtually no sleeves doesn’t already look the same?
[quote comment=”349062″]”I think you guys are on a mission to make every NFL team look damn near the same.”
How could you POSSIBLY get that out of today’s post?
Today was entirely about details of jersey/sleeve construction, other for two concepts that crticized no one’s unis, just showed examples of how teams could mess around with striped comp sleeves…IF THEY CHOSE TO DO SO.
And everyone with virtually no sleeves doesn’t already look the same?
I was referring more to the collection of recent posts that convert any “newer” uniform style back to a traditional look.
I love all of the work you guys have done. I really appreciate the time spent on these uniform tweaks. Please don’t misread my post as hateful in anyway.
My point is just that I love the classic uniforms of the Bears and Packers and the like. I think having…lets say “interesting”…uniform designs is what makes me appreciate the classics that much more.
I like when designers try to be progressive in new uniform styles. Sometimes they swing and miss, but sometimes they hit a home run. The fact is that football uniforms are in a huge transition right now (Giants uniform cuts) and unfortunately we may not be able to hold on to the traditional looks.
I believe the sweatband manufacturer is SARNAC.
For the umpteenth time, we never said this was “Our Plan to Re-Design the NFL”.
We said that if we got at a shot at any of these unis, this is what we’d change.
Said many times, I don’t have problems with most teams, just that few of them really have mis-fired…and that some simply went maybe 15 percent too far with what they’re doing.
For example, I posted yesterday that the only problem I have with the Texans probably could be solved if someone should hang this photo–HUGE–everywhere in the team’s facility…
[quote comment=”349063″][quote comment=”349062″]”I think you guys are on a mission to make every NFL team look damn near the same.”
How could you POSSIBLY get that out of today’s post?
Today was entirely about details of jersey/sleeve construction, other for two concepts that crticized no one’s unis, just showed examples of how teams could mess around with striped comp sleeves…IF THEY CHOSE TO DO SO.
And everyone with virtually no sleeves doesn’t already look the same?
I was referring more to the collection of recent posts that convert any “newer” uniform style back to a traditional look.
I love all of the work you guys have done. I really appreciate the time spent on these uniform tweaks. Please don’t misread my post as hateful in anyway.
My point is just that I love the classic uniforms of the Bears and Packers and the like. I think having…lets say “interesting”…uniform designs is what makes me appreciate the classics that much more.
I like when designers try to be progressive in new uniform styles. Sometimes they swing and miss, but sometimes they hit a home run. The fact is that football uniforms are in a huge transition right now (Giants uniform cuts) and unfortunately we may not be able to hold on to the traditional looks.[/quote]
My interpretation of what Ricko and Phil have done over the last few weeks is to say:
We prefer a more traditionalist look to NFL, here’s what each team that has adopted more modern striping pattern would look like, which ones do you like best? No way is it espousing that each team take that direction.
Question – other than very briefly the California Golden Seals – they may have just been the California Seals at that point – has any hockey team (minors and college included) adopted the spiral shoulder stripe?
I know what you gentleman were doing with this idea of stripes on the compression shirts and I like how you are trying to save sleeve stripes. Here’s the problem though: everyone else that cares about football wouldn’t get it. I only know this cause I showed this to my wife and she said, “Why would teams do that?” I like how on uniwatch we’re about saving certain looks, but I would have to see this actually out on the field before I would endorse this idea.
[quote comment=”349060″]THIS, however, is NOT “beautifully minimalist”.
Thanks (sorta) to JTH, who posted it late last night.
You’re welcome. Or maybe I owe you an apology.
the Oregon-Utah game… well, it hurt the eyes.
yet another example of why having too many uni combos is bad.
[quote comment=”349067″]I know what you gentleman were doing with this idea of stripes on the compression shirts and I like how you are trying to save sleeve stripes. Here’s the problem though: everyone else that cares about football wouldn’t get it. I only know this cause I showed this to my wife and she said, “Why would teams do that?” I like how on uniwatch we’re about saving certain looks, but I would have to see this actually out on the field before I would endorse this idea.[/quote]
Get her a replica jersey for the 49ers, since those have the sleeve stripes intentionally cut off. She’ll see how stupid that looks and understand.
Well, it is a “top matchups” list, innit?
Frankly, I don’t think link deserved to make the top 5 — Maybe “honorable mention” just for the throwbacks or something.
That Wyoming uni is a major turd in the punchbowl (color scheme-related pun not intended). If they had played along and worn some throwbacks, we might have a top 5 contender.
Here is a shot of Boise State’s quarterback from the infamous Boise State-Oregon game.
Here is your square on the quarterback.
It has to be a different material
Guys like this poor sap who wrote that “10 Worst” list are the reason we keep getting the sh** we’ve been getting from places like Denver, Minnesota, Atlanta, Arizona, Cincinnati, Tennessee, and Jacksonville. The last non-retro uniform update that substantially improved the team’s look was Tampa Bay.
Jerry Jones and his edifice complex.
I like the stripes on compression sleeves idea. But why oh why did Ricko need to mock up the Packers with the ‘G’ on the stripes? link
That uni-element takes me back to the craptacular Forrest Gregg heyday in the ’80s. link
Re: Duke vs. Kansas football uniform matchup
Have to disagree with the view that Duke vs. Kansas was a good uniform matchup. Duke’s helmets are fine, but there’s no need to copy the Indy Colts for the jersey and pants. Nothing wrong with a single blue stripe, for example.
Kansas is even worse, what is with this fascination with copying NFL teams? Why is KU trying to look like the Giants? The best Kansas uniforms always had a big Jayhawk on the helmet, the KU logo should be on the jersey instead.
If I was still playing pro football, I would have a difficult time wearing compression sleeves.
I think that teams should make all of the jerseys the same way (like most QB’s wear them). If a player wants to alter it, they will have to cut in half, or remove anything in their path. They will look ridiculous, as they do now, but that’s nothing new.
I’m more disgusted with the helmet trend. The helmet is the greatest aspect of a football uniform, and these new models are destroying that. Whatever that type is that most of BYU is wearing, could you imagine the Rams wrapping their horns around that?
Peyton Manning seems like a sweet kid. However, looking at his truncated stripes, his bulbous helmet, and his basketball hoop rebound attachment thingy of a facemask, he’s hard to love.
The compression shirts are a pretty good idea, but I think I would be uncomfortable.
How can the MSU/Notre Dame game not make (or arguably top) the best uni match-up list?!
[quote comment=”349075″]I like the stripes on compression sleeves idea. But why oh why did Ricko need to mock up the Packers with the ‘G’ on the stripes? link
That uni-element takes me back to the craptacular Forrest Gregg heyday in the ’80s. link
Did the Packer “G” only to show that it wouldn’t have to be just stripes on the comp sleeves. Wanted to use something that at one time had been used, rather than invent something.
[quote comment=”349079″][quote comment=”349075″]I like the stripes on compression sleeves idea. But why oh why did Ricko need to mock up the Packers with the ‘G’ on the stripes? link
That uni-element takes me back to the craptacular Forrest Gregg heyday in the ’80s. link
Did the Packer “G” only to show that it wouldn’t have to be just stripes on the comp sleeves. Wanted to use something that at one time had been used, rather than invent something.
Here’s the first version, before I thought maybe I should include a graphic on one of the mockups…
Great concept and execution on today’s main theme. Couldn’t the new rule specify no skin displayed between the elbows and the neck?
Glad that the Buffs showed me up on my comment that the 1937 team could beat them — and that they looked so good so doing.
Those Oregon duds yesterday were unbelievable. I think that’s the first time I’ve seen a team wear mismatched helmet and pants where neither item was in a team color.
What the heck is this? (On front page of Si.com)
“Why is KU trying to look like the Giants? The best Kansas uniforms always had a big Jayhawk on the helmet, the KU logo should be on the jersey instead.”
Not sure, but I think Kansas was wearing that look (with silver pants and all) before the Giants went back to their current retro unis.
So, yeah, maybe they did go to school a little on the Giants. But it was, at the time, the “vintage” Giants, not the current team.
[quote comment=”349082″]What the heck is this? (On front page of Si.com)
A weekend for introducing concepts. That’s the revolutionary new Slip n’ Slide competition jersey.
[quote]I think you guys are on a mission to make every NFL team look damn near the same.[/quote]
if that’s your impression, then i guess we’ve failed…the thought line all along is to pick several teams who we think could use a tweak or three and show (rather than just simply say “buffalo’s uni is the worst in football”) what we would offer as suggestions as to what we might do to make it better; anyone complain — we attempted to suggest what we think might make it better
the goal is most certainly NOT to make every team look the “same” but rather to fight the urge most uni manufacturers have to “modernize for the sake of modernizing” — if just one team (take the broncos for example) has a “look” that’s fine and we didn’t criticize them for that … when MANY teams adopt that look, without any seeming rhyme or reason, well, we offer alternatives; you notice for 99% of the changes, all we did was add (or usually remove) what appear to us to be unnecessary changes…we didn’t change fonts, colors, logos, helmets, wordmarks at all…in essense, keeping current “identities” in tact
i don’t think saying monochrome leotards look bad or that teams should put stripes on their pants (not saying same stripes, colors patterns, just some kind of stripes) is trying to make all teams look the same
anyway, these are just opinions, and i (not speaking for ricko) have no problem if you disagree
if you would like to offer up any other suggestions, please do — would love to see what other ideas people have
“The compression shirts are a pretty good idea, but I think I would be uncomfortable.”
Most players were some sort of compression shirt virtually every day in practice, especially when it’s just shirts and shorts. It wouldn’t be anything new to them.
The first time you wear them, they do feel a little funny. After awhile you don’t even notice.
Plus, there are versions that keep you cool, and versions that keep you warm. That would allow a great deal of flexibility in use.
Not trying to persuade you, just letting you know I did think about such things first.
Great idea with these compression sleeves Ricko. A step closer in getting players back to wearinglink
[quote comment=”349084″][quote comment=”349082″]What the heck is this? (On front page of Si.com)
I noticed the same thing while watching the Oregon/Utah game….
Here’s another shot with the darker fabric(?)visable in other areas of the jersey.
A weekend for introducing concepts. That’s the revolutionary new Slip n’ Slide competition jersey.[/quote]
[quote comment=”349071″]
Well, it is a “top matchups” list, innit?
Frankly, I don’t think link deserved to make the top 5 — Maybe “honorable mention” just for the throwbacks or something.
That Wyoming uni is a major turd in the punchbowl (color scheme-related pun not intended). If they had played along and worn some throwbacks, we might have a top 5 contender.[/quote]
Exactly, James, it’s a “matchup” list. Otherwise Florida Atlantic would be number one every week.
I threw in that game because Wyoming had their least offensive uni (I like the white helmet with white jersey, but not with the brown), and because of the throwbacks. Without them it’s nowhere near the top 5. I’m in the minority who think brown and yellow can work (with little margin for error), so I wanted to showcase them once against a good looking team.
Amazing Oregon hasn’t made dishonorable mention yet, huh? They were close, but Utah’s not that terrible-looking to me.
We can ignore the jackass who wrote “The 10 Worst NFL Uniforms”, one because it’s from last February and because of this statement, “It should be noted that the new black jersey is fantastic. Perhaps the Lions should look at adding a little more black highlights to compliment their blue.”
[quote comment=”349090″]We can ignore the jackass who wrote “The 10 Worst NFL Uniforms”, one because it’s from last February and because of this statement, “It should be noted that the new black jersey is fantastic. Perhaps the Lions should look at adding a little more black highlights to compliment their blue.”[/quote]
Oh, I dunno, dumb is kinda timeless, isn’t it?
The Benchies Sweatband Manufacturer is APEX.
I remember rocking a Marino jersey by them when I was about 6 years old.
Re: baddie worst uni matchup
Why is this the worst uni match-up? Neither UC’s or OSU’s unis are terrible and both together just aren’t that bad. There were much better choices…like Cal/Minnesota (terrible) or Utah/Oregon (horrific).
[quote comment=”349092″]The Benchies Sweatband Manufacturer is APEX.
I remember rocking a Marino jersey by them when I was about 6 years old.[/quote]
Nope, I vote Saranac.
That black stomach box is visible here too.
[quote comment=”349095″]That black stomach box is visible here too.
New Uniwatch term “BSB” Black Stomach Box…love it!
Falcons rockin’ the 1966 throwbacks today.
Maybe some of the misunderstanding here stems from the fact that many fans from, let’s say, the under age 30 bracket see truncated stripes & arches as “new design” or “evolutionary” whereas older fans see them as a desecration of old design or “half-assed.”
Personally I say if sleeves have disappeared then sleeve stripes should disappear also. So long, nice to have known ya. There will always be something classic about a 3/4-length Durene jersey with stripes (preferably a 49er one worn by Susan Saint James), but, you know, leather helmets are classic too…
MFTSOM=new uniwatch term. Modernize for the Sake of Modernization.
And I agree with the people that have said it over the last two weekends…it sure seems like you guys are trying to make every team in the league look basically the same.
You always say you give the Broncos a free pass because they were the first to try something new or whatever. Well, maybe the Bills are the first to try something newer than the Bronco…and the Titans something newer…and the same goes for all the other teams you chose. So that argument is kind of weak.
Think about the NHL. Do the Sabres get a free pass on their piece of crap uniforms just because they switched to the “new” look a year before everyone else? No, I doubt it. They get ripped on as much here as just about every other NHL team that went with the standard Reebok template.
I dunno, just my thoughts on the matter.
And while I do kind of like Ricko’s idea of the stripes on the compression shirts, then you have the whole problem of getting guys to wear those correctly.
I’ll throw my hat into the ring on this “making the entire NFL look the safe” business.
At some point in the last couple of weeks (maybe last weekend) you guys did a post where you basically took every team in the NFL that has some sort of “modern” design and removed those elements, maybe adding some more traditional striping along the way.
In my mind, that may not qualify as “making everybody the same” but it does seem kind of narrow-minded.
I think today’s post highlights exactly why these “modern” designs exist. The fact of the matter is, jersey style and technology has progressed past the point where some of these traditional designs are truly feasible. Now, I’m more than happy to have teams that have always worn these designs continue to do just for the sake of tradition, but if a team is going to redesign its uniforms then it really doesn’t make sense to have traditional sleeve stripes or shoulder loops or any of those things, because they just don’t fit on today’s jerseys.
See, the Colts and Jets doing what they’ve done with shoulder loops seems like a pretty good solution, and realistically the only solution. As much as I agree with you that it would be nice if they went all the way around, most players’ jerseys are not cut to make that a possibility. A few players still have jerseys that allow it, and then the manufacturers do it, but in the days of “less fabric” there just isn’t a viable way to make those loops go all the way around on most jerseys.
So what have teams done? They’ve come up with new, more “modern” designs. Some may be better than others, but I just don’t see how we’re ever going to go back to the days of having either sleeve stripes or shoulder loops on every team, because the jersey’s just don’t fit that mold.
Some of the ideas teams come up with are pretty neat, and some are less neat. Personally, I really like the Atlanta Falcons current uniforms. I think they work really well and are an excellent modern look. The Vikings not so much, both because things don’t seem to line up correctly, and it’s too much purple.
The equipment is changing, and newer designs serve themselves well to evolve with the equipment. I applaud designers for working on doing this. They may not always succeed, but hanging on to old design practices just because that’s how it’s always been done doesn’t make sense to me.
In summary, I think it’s time to start embracing some of these newer designs, and maybe try to come up with ways to make them better (while still being modern) instead of trying to make them fit classic jersey designs.
To be fair, today’s idea is an interesting one that tries to straddle the fence between classic in modern. Unfortunately, I think if these were actually produced it would look really weird to have a skin tight sleeve stripe start right below a shoulder pad that adds several inches of width/height to the player. Creative solution, just not sure it quite works. I think the current solution is still better.
Ok I know that I am going to be in the major minority on this one, especially around here where everything in 1980 looked better than 2009 (and please, I love uniwatch and usually agree, I’m not here to hate) but while Ricko’s solution is really ingenious, I think short sleves look WAY better on a football uniform than elbow length do. While I hope there is some way to get stripes onto the short sleeved jersey’s, I hope its not to extend the uniform down to the elbows, because it makes the whole jersey look out of proportion. The NFL is the only major sports league that looks better today than it did in the past (I’m talking about modern cuts for classic looks, not Vikings, Bengals, Jags, etc.), and I actually think the short sleeves are a big part of that. Just my two cents.
[quote comment=”349078″]How can the MSU/Notre Dame game not make (or arguably top) the best uni match-up list?!
They were in contention, but I was looking for a little variety. Had Colorado not gone throwback on us, they might have been there. Plus, MSU was a little too plain with the all white and no stripes.
Why are Jets and Patriots not wearing the throwback jerseys? I thought every game between original AFL teams were going to wear throwbacks?
Raiders are @ Chiefs (frickin frick frick whenever the Rayduhz are on the road and the Niners are home we get no other 10am game frickin frick frick.)
Never seen this; AUDIBLE ZONE QUIET PLEASE was flashing on the side scoreboards. It’s so loud the Chiefs have called 2 TOs, Casell comes off the field, easy to read his lips, “I can’t hear what the F you’re saying!!!’
My personal opinion on this whole modern vs. classic debate:
The look of the 1970s and 80s is exactly that. The jerseys that NFL players wear today are not the same as they were back then, just as the jerseys that they wore in the 70s and 80s were not the same as they were back in the 20s, 50s, etc. Classic designs were great back in the day, but they just dont work on the modern uniforms.
Like a few other people have said, teams like the Colts and Jets have transformed their former “loops” or “arches” into the stripes that Manning and Sanchez wear today, and I personally think that is a very clean, pleasing look. If they do throwbacks, like the original eight AFL teams this year, sure, do what you can to replicate the look of the 60s, but in the case of Indianapolis, the modern jersey cuts just don’t work for the loops, and they come out looking forced and unnatural, the same thing that Phil has been trying to eliminate with these past few columns.
How many more times I gotta say that we NEVER SAID every last one of the changes should be made?
Hell, I LIKE the Rams, and the Titans, and the original Ravens, and the Patriots, and the Seahawks, and plenty of other newer unis basically just the way they are. Colleges, too (such as the Gophers the past two weeks; minus the two-tone, of course).
And I’ve said I think the neon green Seahawks jersey would be great fun on a gloomy, late-season Seattle Sunday.
But things like the Alouettes or the Bills are just bad, clunky, scheme-less design. Good design leads the eye where the designer wants it to go. Where does the eye go on the either of those unis? Everywhere and nowhere. If the designer doesn’t KNOW where they want the eye to go, then there’s no real design. Or no real designer.
And today’s post is based on the simple thought that, if sleeve stripes are important to the NFL, here’s a way to keep them…an idea that also offers some interesting new, radical design concepts of its own, if anyone bothered to think about it. What, no one here has ever seen the spider webs, etc., on downhill skiers, or the wild stuff speed skaters wear?
Great work guys.
I disagree that its bad for fans (who’d have to buy two garments). Unlike hockey or baseball, what the fans buy is pretty radically different than what the players wear on the field. Kickers aside, actual player jerseys hardly look like shirts. Look at some of the game-worn stuff on ebay – that’s now what the fans are buying.
This idea would let teams like the Packers and Bears keep their classic striped designs on the field and they can keep selling replicas with proper sleeves (and the same design as worn on the field) to fans. Its a win-win.
That idea is brilliant, Ricko. I want the sleeve stripes back, the players want the jersey sleeve to tuck under the pads. Put ’em on the compression shirt and we both get what we want.
I’m glad Forrest Gregg’s sleeve G was just a for-instance. I want Lombardi’s sleeve stripes back, especially the alternating green/gold on the road jersey.
Jerry Jones and his edifice complex.
Ha! Spot-on. Most guys his age, with his apparent issue, just pop a blue pill.
Great ideas, guys! And an interesting old vs. new discussion going on here today.
I tend to like the older style, mostly because of this: the uniforms looked fine until the major sports manufacturers, in their quest to sell more expensive uniforms, justify them by adding all these goofy “performance enhancing” claims. C’mon, these players who say they’re so tough shouldn’t be worrying, “Oh no, my moisture’s not wicking away from me! Someone design me a better uniform!” If so many teams want to look tough by wearing black, how about looking tough by wearing a simple, regular-cut jersey? If you’re good enough, it doesn’t matter what you wear.
Now that DOESN’T mean I’m against all new designs. Some people are shocked when I say the UFL unis have redeeming qualities. I don’t want a cookie-cutter league, but I wouldn’t mind seeing those unis added to the roster of available designs.
All I’m saying is, quit goofing around with the cut and the fabric of the jersey. Mess around with the colors, stripes, logos, fonts, etc. if you like.
I guess this means I feel today’s tweaks mask the problem instead of solving it, but I’m a realist. I doubt the uni-maufacturers are going to listen to me, so let the players look better in spite of them. Good work, Ricko and Phil.
Meanwhile, all is well in the world as the Rams are wearing gold pants with their blue jerseys.
Phil, Rick, et al. – great work as usual. I guess the next step is to convince the NFL that they have a problem.
Wouldn’t a singular Washington athlete be a “Husky” – just as a singular Colorado baseball player should be a “Rocky” ? Considering Washington plays at Husky Stadium. Just sayin’.
[quote comment=”349074″]“Tonight…
“Jerry Jones and his edifice complex.
Haven’t said this in a while…
DAMN IT, RICKO! That was funny!
[quote comment=”349082″]What the heck is this? (On front page of Si.com)
Surprised no one’s made this connection yet: link
See, here’s a case of a newer look that I kinda like: link
Maybe it’s because the yellow doesn’t leap out at you when mixed with the white. Now if it were a different set of colors, I may not like that same look.
I don’t know about the other guys who like the older designs, but you can’t fit me neatly into the old vs. new argument. The good old days weren’t always good, and tomorrow’s not always as bad as it seems, to paraphrase Mr. Joel.
Some designs were better left in the past. Some should never change. Some new looks fit in, and I’m sure there are designs to come that will impress me. There’s room for all of them.
To me it’s not old vs. new, it’s good vs. bad.
[quote comment=”349100″]I’ll throw my hat into the ring on this “making the entire NFL look the safe” business.
At some point in the last couple of weeks (maybe last weekend) you guys did a post where you basically took every team in the NFL that has some sort of “modern” design and removed those elements, maybe adding some more traditional striping along the way.
In my mind, that may not qualify as “making everybody the same” but it does seem kind of narrow-minded.
I think today’s post highlights exactly why these “modern” designs exist. The fact of the matter is, jersey style and technology has progressed past the point where some of these traditional designs are truly feasible. Now, I’m more than happy to have teams that have always worn these designs continue to do just for the sake of tradition, but if a team is going to redesign its uniforms then it really doesn’t make sense to have traditional sleeve stripes or shoulder loops or any of those things, because they just don’t fit on today’s jerseys.
See, the Colts and Jets doing what they’ve done with shoulder loops seems like a pretty good solution, and realistically the only solution. As much as I agree with you that it would be nice if they went all the way around, most players’ jerseys are not cut to make that a possibility. A few players still have jerseys that allow it, and then the manufacturers do it, but in the days of “less fabric” there just isn’t a viable way to make those loops go all the way around on most jerseys.
So what have teams done? They’ve come up with new, more “modern” designs. Some may be better than others, but I just don’t see how we’re ever going to go back to the days of having either sleeve stripes or shoulder loops on every team, because the jersey’s just don’t fit that mold.
Some of the ideas teams come up with are pretty neat, and some are less neat. Personally, I really like the Atlanta Falcons current uniforms. I think they work really well and are an excellent modern look. The Vikings not so much, both because things don’t seem to line up correctly, and it’s too much purple.
The equipment is changing, and newer designs serve themselves well to evolve with the equipment. I applaud designers for working on doing this. They may not always succeed, but hanging on to old design practices just because that’s how it’s always been done doesn’t make sense to me.
In summary, I think it’s time to start embracing some of these newer designs, and maybe try to come up with ways to make them better (while still being modern) instead of trying to make them fit classic jersey designs.
To be fair, today’s idea is an interesting one that tries to straddle the fence between classic in modern. Unfortunately, I think if these were actually produced it would look really weird to have a skin tight sleeve stripe start right below a shoulder pad that adds several inches of width/height to the player. Creative solution, just not sure it quite works. I think the current solution is still better.[/quote]
I have only one comment here: The idea that “it’s time to start embracing” newer designs, simply because (a) they’re here, so get used to them, and/or (b) everyone’s sick of hearing complaints about them, is sort of like the classic old line, “If rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it.”
Good design is good design; bad design is bad design. You can have your own ideas about what constitutes good and bad, but today’s post reflects Phil’s and Ricko’s ideas. If you don’t agree with their tastes, that’s fine. But suggesting that they (or anyone) should “embrace” something they don’t like is asking them not to be true to themselves.
If you really like the modern templates, defend them on the merits, not on the basis of “You sneer, but they’re here, get used to it.”
Never saw this before:
pro-football-reference.com has a neat little color-coded graphic that shows what numbers a player wore for each team throughout his career.
Not a uni question, just curious to hear what you guys think: anyone tired of the “breaking the invisible plane of the goal line” rule? Charles Woodson just ran back an interception and placed the ball on the ground in the endzone…a literal “touch down,” if you will. I always thought that’s how you should score a touchdown – some kind of contact (ball, feet, body) with the endzone, not just sticking the ball over the line.
[quote comment=”349116″]Never saw this before:
pro-football-reference.com has a neat little color-coded graphic that shows what numbers a player wore for each team throughout his career.
Thank you for posting that! I noticed it a couple weeks ago, and meant to post it here.
One odd thing, though, for players who played only for the NY Titans and not the Jets (such as Al Dorow and Art Powell), they show their numbers in green and white. Yet they differentiate other teams strangely….even showing both the Colts navy-white (dark helmets with horseshoes on the rear) and the royal-white. Raymond Berry, for example, played only for the Colts and wore both those uniforms, but they show his #82 twice, once in each color scheme.
[quote comment=”349117″]Not a uni question, just curious to hear what you guys think: anyone tired of the “breaking the invisible plane of the goal line” rule? Charles Woodson just ran back an interception and placed the ball on the ground in the endzone…a literal “touch down,” if you will. I always thought that’s how you should score a touchdown – some kind of contact (ball, feet, body) with the endzone, not just sticking the ball over the line.[/quote]
Sorta relates to plays such as the non-touchdown in the Raider game Monday night. If a player is holding the ball securely in the air in the endzone, wouldn’t it be a TD the moment any part of his body touches the ground IN that end zone (assuming he’s nowhere near the sideline, of course)? I mean, what, he has to hit the ground and fill out his tax return before he’s ruled as having possession?
Just sayin’ seems like kind of the same thing.
First glance at the Falcons retros on halftime highlights … damn, they’re awesome.
[quote comment=”349118″][quote comment=”349116″]Never saw this before:
pro-football-reference.com has a neat little color-coded graphic that shows what numbers a player wore for each team throughout his career.
Thank you for posting that! I noticed it a couple weeks ago, and meant to post it here.
One odd thing, though, for players who played only for the NY Titans and not the Jets (such as Al Dorow and Art Powell), they show their numbers in green and white. Yet they differentiate other teams strangely….even showing both the Colts navy-white (dark helmets with horseshoes on the rear) and the royal-white. Raymond Berry, for example, played only for the Colts and wore both those uniforms, but they show his #82 twice, once in each color scheme.
I noticed that. Some color scheme changes are accounted for and some are not. Probably a work in progress. Note also that Jets, Colts and Cardinals are shown in white for years when they didn’t really have a third color.
LOL…As well they should be.
No BFBS at pro-football-reference.com, thankfully.
[quote comment=”349116″]Never saw this before:
pro-football-reference.com has a neat little color-coded graphic that shows what numbers a player wore for each team throughout his career.
why are there 2 different color blocks for sanders when he played for the falcons and cowboys? i’m uncertain about an atlanta uni change, but i’m pretty sure the cowboys didn’t change anything.
[quote comment=”349119″][quote comment=”349117″]Not a uni question, just curious to hear what you guys think: anyone tired of the “breaking the invisible plane of the goal line” rule? Charles Woodson just ran back an interception and placed the ball on the ground in the endzone…a literal “touch down,” if you will. I always thought that’s how you should score a touchdown – some kind of contact (ball, feet, body) with the endzone, not just sticking the ball over the line.[/quote]
Sorta relates to plays such as the non-touchdown in the Raider game Monday night. If a player is holding the ball securely in the air in the endzone, wouldn’t it be a TD the moment any part of his body touches the ground IN that end zone (assuming he’s nowhere near the sideline, of course)? I mean, what, he has to hit the ground and fill out his tax return before he’s ruled as having possession?
Just sayin’ seems like kind of the same thing.
I finally saw that today. Yeah, he caught it, had possession with two feet in the endzone. Shoulda been a touchdown, followed by meaningless ball-popping-loose fall down. Classic NFL overthink.
Another example that some new designs are good:
When we were enjoying CFL retro week, I had said I think the Eskimos’ new unis are probably among the best they’ve ever had, if not the best.
As for the Argos, if this uni hadn’t been designed first link
then the newest ones would be my favorite.
[quote comment=”349115″][quote comment=”349100″]I’ll throw my hat into the ring on this “making the entire NFL look the safe” business.
In summary, I think it’s time to start embracing some of these newer designs, and maybe try to come up with ways to make them better (while still being modern) instead of trying to make them fit classic jersey designs.
To be fair, today’s idea is an interesting one that tries to straddle the fence between classic in modern. Unfortunately, I think if these were actually produced it would look really weird to have a skin tight sleeve stripe start right below a shoulder pad that adds several inches of width/height to the player. Creative solution, just not sure it quite works. I think the current solution is still better.[/quote]
I have only one comment here: The idea that “it’s time to start embracing” newer designs, simply because (a) they’re here, so get used to them, and/or (b) everyone’s sick of hearing complaints about them, is sort of like the classic old line, “If rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it.”
Good design is good design; bad design is bad design. You can have your own ideas about what constitutes good and bad, but today’s post reflects Phil’s and Ricko’s ideas. If you don’t agree with their tastes, that’s fine. But suggesting that they (or anyone) should “embrace” something they don’t like is asking them not to be true to themselves.
If you really like the modern templates, defend them on the merits, not on the basis of “You sneer, but they’re here, get used to it.”[/quote]
On the flip side of that, Paul, all I feel like I hear some people saying is “They’re here, and they shouldn’t be, because they aren’t what they’ve always looked like.”
The thing I like about today’s post is that they are trying to come up with ideas of what can be done about it instead of just complaining. I fully support that, even if I don’t think the idea works. In that regard, I think this is a much better post than the one about “fixing” all of the new uniforms.
Maybe I’m missing something, but the only thing I hear people usually say about the modern designs are “they don’t look like the old ones.”
The problem is, with modern jersey cuts (which are a performance issue, not a design issue, and therefore aren’t going anywhere) a “new classic” design would not look good because there isn’t a place for real strips or real loops.
Some of the new stuff is definitely bad. Buffalo’s uniforms? A bad design. Minnesota? Probably requires too much matching between jersey and pants, but I’d be curious to see what they looked like in a different color.
Designs like the ones Arizona and Atlanta have though are pretty good in my opinion. Pannels like the ones they use on those jerseys are a good way to add unique design elements to a uniform with the current cut.
I agree, “it’s here so embrace it” isn’t a good excuse. But neither is “it’s classic so it’s still good, no matter what.”
[quote comment=”349125″]Another example that some new designs are good:
When we were enjoying CFL retro week, I had said I think the Eskimos’ new unis are probably among the best they’ve ever had, if not the best.
As for the Argos, if this uni hadn’t been designed first link
then the newest ones would be my favorite.[/quote]
That Holloway era set from the early 80’s is my favorite Argo uni (followed by those from the Theismann years). Considering it’s basically the Redskins look sans dark pants on the road, never really understood why they jettisoned it. Still works for the ‘Skins.
[quote comment=”349120″]First glance at the Falcons retros on halftime highlights … damn, they’re awesome.[/quote]
Watching NFL RedZone channel for the first time. Free with Comcast cable. Great for Uni-Watching across the entire NFL.
Can somebody remind me where Vince Grzegorek was from?
[quote comment=”349129″]Can somebody remind me where Vince Grzegorek was from?[/quote]
Well, Chad Ochocinco was able to do his Lambeau Leap. Took a few seconds to find someone accomodating, though. During his leap, one Packers fans flipped the bird for everyone watching CBS to see.
Looks like sarkasian-san really made the U-Dub Huskies his own. For about three years, the numbers on their football jerseys resembled the University of Miami’s style. Look where THAT got the ‘Norwest Dawgs!
Sarkasian, however, decided to go with the style seen on the “Staubach-era” Dallas Cowboy unis. Not too shabby…and them Dawgs are 1-1, with USC’s scalp now safely in their belt!
We may not make the Rose Bowl…but the Sun Bowl might be a good mark to aim for this year!
During his leap, one Packers fans flipped the bird for everyone watching CBS to see.
Then it was shown again on the replay, and it’s bound to make the highlight clips. Didn’t exactly make me proud to be a Packers fan.
[quote comment=”349132″]Looks like sarkasian-san really made the U-Dub Huskies his own. For about three years, the numbers on their football jerseys resembled the University of Miami’s style. Look where THAT got the ‘Norwest Dawgs!
Sarkasian, however, decided to go with the style seen on the “Staubach-era” Dallas Cowboy unis. Not too shabby…and them Dawgs are 1-1, with USC’s scalp now safely in their belt!
We may not make the Rose Bowl…but the Sun Bowl might be a good mark to aim for this year!
I’d like to see them in El Paso. That’s one of my favorite bowls, mostly because of the great views…and the fact that Vern Lundquist has been calling the game recently. This year’s unis would look good there.
Speaking of football in Texas, don’t know if this line’s been used, but I thought of it when I saw the scoreboard at Cowboys Stadium: “I went to a movie theatre and a football game broke out.”
[quote comment=”349131″]Well, Chad Ochocinco was able to do his Lambeau Leap. Took a few seconds to find someone accomodating, though. During his leap, one Packers fans flipped the bird for everyone watching CBS to see.[/quote]
Better than having beer thrown on him – the dog pound treatment.
As bad as the Bengals uni is, it’s aesthetically not a bad looking game.
[quote comment=”349100″]I’ll throw my hat into the ring on this “making the entire NFL look the safe” business.
At some point in the last couple of weeks (maybe last weekend) you guys did a post where you basically took every team in the NFL that has some sort of “modern” design and removed those elements, maybe adding some more traditional striping along the way.
In my mind, that may not qualify as “making everybody the same” but it does seem kind of narrow-minded.
I think today’s post highlights exactly why these “modern” designs exist. The fact of the matter is, jersey style and technology has progressed past the point where some of these traditional designs are truly feasible. Now, I’m more than happy to have teams that have always worn these designs continue to do just for the sake of tradition, but if a team is going to redesign its uniforms then it really doesn’t make sense to have traditional sleeve stripes or shoulder loops or any of those things, because they just don’t fit on today’s jerseys.
See, the Colts and Jets doing what they’ve done with shoulder loops seems like a pretty good solution, and realistically the only solution. As much as I agree with you that it would be nice if they went all the way around, most players’ jerseys are not cut to make that a possibility. A few players still have jerseys that allow it, and then the manufacturers do it, but in the days of “less fabric” there just isn’t a viable way to make those loops go all the way around on most jerseys.
So what have teams done? They’ve come up with new, more “modern” designs. Some may be better than others, but I just don’t see how we’re ever going to go back to the days of having either sleeve stripes or shoulder loops on every team, because the jersey’s just don’t fit that mold.
Some of the ideas teams come up with are pretty neat, and some are less neat. Personally, I really like the Atlanta Falcons current uniforms. I think they work really well and are an excellent modern look. The Vikings not so much, both because things don’t seem to line up correctly, and it’s too much purple.
The equipment is changing, and newer designs serve themselves well to evolve with the equipment. I applaud designers for working on doing this. They may not always succeed, but hanging on to old design practices just because that’s how it’s always been done doesn’t make sense to me.
In summary, I think it’s time to start embracing some of these newer designs, and maybe try to come up with ways to make them better (while still being modern) instead of trying to make them fit classic jersey designs.
To be fair, today’s idea is an interesting one that tries to straddle the fence between classic in modern. Unfortunately, I think if these were actually produced it would look really weird to have a skin tight sleeve stripe start right below a shoulder pad that adds several inches of width/height to the player. Creative solution, just not sure it quite works. I think the current solution is still better.[/quote]
thank you for that zach
that was an excellent post — you didn’t give me (or rick) the standard “it’s here so deal with it line”, you defended your views and gave excellent rebuttals…i wish we could have more discourse like this…in fact, i’d like to offer you to work with me on a future column…if you’re interested…i’d like you to provide kind of a “point counterpoint” with me on the new unis … if you’re interested, gimme a shout
im sure i come off like an “old fart” in a lot of my columns — most of it is from the heart some of it is playing the role of ‘defense of the old guard’ as it were…honestly, i don’t hate all the new designs…i also do recognize that with the new jersey cuts, 50 year old traditions (such as stripe sleeves) are facing extinction…im sure the best buggy-whip maker in the business made a helluva product, but no one would argue that he too was fighting against the rising tide of the automobile
but…what i will not do is “accept” that bad design is a necessary side effect of the more modern uniform…i’ve never once argued against the players wearing whatever they feel will help the perform the best…im simply proffering what i feel are fair compromises given the newer looks…but a bad design is a bad design, no matter WHEN it was — there are plenty of older uniform designs i didn’t get or didn’t like…
i’d gladly trade the uniform designs of today, even if i don’t like them, for the ridiculous looking monochrome looks…take the jets (which im finally getting to watch) today…ok, so they cant replicate the namath arches…but they look freakin’ GORGEOUS…the pats, who look MUCH BETTER in blue over silver, also top notch…maybe it’s the weather, but neither team has leotard pants (white pants with white socks are acceptable to me), or a monochrome look
very pleasing game to watch, even if im not in love with either team’s uniforms–still don’t like the (almost invisible) side panel or the wide pants stripe on the pats, but ok…it’s still a solid uniform
i think a lot of you guys took my tweaks the past few weeks as an indictment of the ENTIRE uniform — not so…and of the four “newest” teams to enter the league (jax, carolina, ‘tennessee’ and houston) until jax went to their new mess, for the most part i liked the new unis (don’t like tennessee’s mix and match propensity, but that navy over white and white over powder are really nice…even with the yoke)…for teams like atlanta (like the red and black, just think there’s too many bumper stickers), minnesota (c’mon…does anyone think that’s a good design?), buffalo and arizona…i just think they were trying way too hard
anyway, sorry to ramble, but i’ll defend my decision to speak out against what i feel is either a bad design or a design that isn’t bad but just tries too hard…it has nothing to do with the “new look NFL”…but i see others’ points and im sorry if i come off as an angry old fart…there is definitely room for compromise and i’d welcome the opportunity to discuss any ideas
On a completely different note, I recently received a Yankees authentic jersey I got on e-bay, and I was hoping for a little help in getting an approximate date. It’s made by Russel, and there’s no MLB logo on the back. I don’t remember when they switched makers and when they put the logo on the back, but I’m pretty sure there are people here who do know.
So does anyone have an idea of the dates on those two things?
hey, why aren’t the Chiefs and Raiders in throwbacks? i thought all original AFL teams were gonna kick it old school whene’er they meet? was I, alas, misinformed?
One of the things today’s post hits on, besides the disappearing sleeves, is that football jerseys have evolved to a point where they aren’t really jerseys anymore – rather, they are more of an outer shell that goes over pads. Because the one constant in football is large numbers on the front and back, actual real estate for design simply doesn’t exist on the modern NFL jersey. This is why we end up with goofy piping and odd panels – the Falcons are a perfect example. Designers, who seem to have no concept of restraint, are trying to cram far too much onto a shrinking template, resulting in the clown suits so many people here complain about. Is a plain jersey such an affront to the whole idea of designing uniforms? And have football jerseys passed the point where you even CAN design them? This is why I like Ricko’s idea so much – it expands that shrinking template in a realistic way.
It’s not that “everything old looked good and everything new doesn’t”, like people here tend to generalize. But I do think the modern football jersey template has brought on an era of forced overdesign that has been around for several years now.
[quote comment=”349138″]hey, why aren’t the Chiefs and Raiders in throwbacks? i thought all original AFL teams were gonna kick it old school whene’er they meet? was I, alas, misinformed?[/quote]
Yes. link.
[quote comment=”349139″]One of the things today’s post hits on, besides the disappearing sleeves, is that football jerseys have evolved to a point where they aren’t really jerseys anymore – rather, they are more of an outer shell that goes over pads. Because the one constant in football is large numbers on the front and back, actual real estate for design simply doesn’t exist on the modern NFL jersey. This is why we end up with goofy piping and odd panels – the Falcons are a perfect example. Designers, who seem to have no concept of restraint, are trying to cram far too much onto a shrinking template, resulting in the clown suits so many people here complain about. Is a plain jersey such an affront to the whole idea of designing uniforms? And have football jerseys passed the point where you even CAN design them? This is why I like Ricko’s idea so much – it expands that shrinking template in a realistic way.
It’s not that “everything old looked good and everything new doesn’t”, like people here tend to generalize. But I do think the modern football jersey template has brought on an era of forced overdesign that has been around for several years now.[/quote]
Jerseys are more like “game tunics” or “football singlets”.
Not being sarcastic, that’s really what they’ve become.
That white Urlacher mockup is missing its 2nd navy sleeve stripe. Compressed sleeves is an interesting idea. Enforcing players to wear it is another thing. I don’t think the NFL would bother selling official jerseys without the long sleeves or stripes included. I’ve been saying for years the NFL should go back to 3/4er sleeves. Unfortunately I don’t think the NFL cares about sleeves.
anyone watching buffalo v. tampa?
in the bright sun (and in HD)…it’s almost unwatchable
im sorry, but buffalo’s uniform is the worst clusterfuck in the game, and it looks like tampa has reached a new low in terms of lack of material on their jerseys…led, of course, by chris hovan…which is too bad, because for the most part, i dig tampa’s unis
fortunately, i can turn the channel to the bears and stillers…(and get more pissed off at the sleeve stripes)…but at least aesthetically, it’s a fine looking game
I do like this idea to put stripes on undershirts, if aesthetically desired. If the link was sold too, I’m sure many will sell since they aren’t too different than other NFL shirts, and people would want a team logoed compression shirt.
Two things:
(1) How much of the Colorado gear from yesterday was throwback. I know the helmet, but the jersey had elements of the new style (like the shoulder stuff) Was it alternates with a throwback helmet?
(2) As for the black stomach box on some of the Nike jerseys. They aren’t black, they’re just darker team colors, like a darker purple for Washington and a darker green for Oregon. It’s called sweat. It’s not just in the box, but the underarm area too. In the new style Nike jerseys those areas show sweat the other non mesh parts don’t.
The Mystery Washington square is caused because that part of the jersey is a more mesh material. When the player gets wet or sweats it appears in the “sweatbox” more then the other material on the UNIs. The same is happening with the Oregon’s Jersey’s.
[quote comment=”349144″]I do like this idea to put stripes on undershirts, if aesthetically desired. If the link was sold too, I’m sure many will sell since they aren’t too different than other NFL shirts, and people would want a team logoed compression shirt.[/quote]
That was my thinking on how the NFL would merchandise them, yes. I should have mocked that up as a Steelers shirt, too. Or Bears. Just to show what others might look like.
[quote comment=”349147″][quote comment=”349144″]I do like this idea to put stripes on undershirts, if aesthetically desired. If the link was sold too, I’m sure many will sell since they aren’t too different than other NFL shirts, and people would want a team logoed compression shirt.[/quote]
That was my thinking on how the NFL would merchandise them, yes. I should have mocked that up as a Steelers shirt, too. Or Bears. Just to show what others might look like.
Or maybe a black one where the entire sleeve, from shoulder seam to wrist, is Bengals’ tiger stripes on orange. Yikes, Zubaz sleeves. That would be interesting under a game jersey.
There are some good photos of the Oregon “Sweatbox Effect” in the football section of GoDucks.com
“How much of the Colorado gear from yesterday was throwback. I know the helmet, but the jersey had elements of the new style (like the shoulder stuff) Was it alternates with a throwback helmet?”
Was kind of a hodge podge co-mingle throwback, on purpose.
Jersey is an homage to Whizzer White.
Helmet is from the mid- to late-50’s, well after White played at Colorado.
As I understand it, they weren’t attempting any precise history, just sort of a “sampling”.
Although I agree that jersey length should be codified, I have to say I am not a fan of the “compression” solution. I happen to come from the school that “less is more.” In that respect, I agree with those who suggest we eliminate stripes, loops and fancy piping altogether and treat football jerseys in the same way we treat basketball tops. The length of the football jersey has evolved to such a degree that it really is closer in size to a basketball jersey than the football jerseys of yore. If you want to maintain the distinctive quality of the original design, my solution would be to incorporate such a design into the trim of the jersey.
[quote comment=”349146″]The Mystery Washington square is caused because that part of the jersey is a more mesh material. When the player gets wet or sweats it appears in the “sweatbox” more then the other material on the UNIs. The same is happening with the Oregon’s Jersey’s.[/quote]
“Let’s see, what can I do that will make people look at a big lineman’s equally big belly?”
There’s a solid approach to designing something that will look good on a football player.
[quote comment=”349100″]
To be fair, today’s idea is an interesting one that tries to straddle the fence between classic in modern.[/quote]
I know what you’re saying
I’d argue that its some teams trying to straddle the fence between classic and modern. Bears, packers, giants whites, colts, all trying to maintain their traditional look with the new jersey cuts – they’re the ones straddling. I see todays post as saying “if you’re going to try to maintain a classic look, here’s how you pull it off”
I like the look of the Falcons and Seahawks making the modern look work. Its the teams I mentioned above, trying to keep their classic look alive, that sometimes end up looking bad in the process.
The Drive…The Fumble…and now…The Pants.
Brownies going down hard in Denver. Wonder where Green Bay’s striped endzones went? They moved to Denver and they look fine. Too bad the unis don’t match.
Something just a wee bit wrong with this caption?
Very interesting column today. I do not like the recent trend that had had the sleeves basically disappear. What is the real reason they have become so short that stripes on them do not look as good as they used to?
Many Buckeye fans have been mad about Ohio State ditching the traditional gray sleeve stripes for the current one that is the exact same pattern as the helmet stripe and pants stripe. Suppsedly witht he new material and length they got rid of the classic gray sleeves that had been worn since the late 1940’s
Now I have a question or comment about sleeve length and sleeves. Years ago all teams wore long sleeves. No matter where. All the southern teams wore them as did the west coast teams. In college football that is. Pro teams also always wore long sleeves.
Imagine how hot it was in the south to wear long sleeves and wool at that. I am not sure exactly when teams began wearing short sleeves. I may try and pinpoint the years. I would say the 1950’s
[quote comment=”349061″]I think you guys are on a mission to make every NFL team look damn near the same.
Also, I thought that Notre Dame/Michigan State was pretty easy on the eyes. Normally I am not a fan of the white pants/white jersey look, but MSU seems to pull it off for some reason.[/quote]
I was wondering what others think about the white on white that is more prevalent these days. In watching highlights from yesterday there were quite a few white and white.
Cowboys wearing a new ‘Cowboys Stadium’ patch.
I like Jim’s top 5 uni games of the week too. Nice to see somebodies opinion on that.
ready for some football?
can’t think boys and giants without thinking about this classic from a scant few years ago…
TO jersey issues…classic
[quote comment=”349162″]ready for some football?
can’t think boys and giants without thinking about link from a scant few years ago…
TO jersey issues…classic[/quote]
And *I* can’t think “TO jersey issues” without thinking of link.
Ok, so how long until the Cowboys decide they need to build a new stadium?
Why on earth do Pro sports teams need new stadiums every 20-30 or so years?
Colosseum in Rome lasts 2000 years, But pro football, baseball and basketball need new arenas and stadiums as often as the do.
[quote comment=”349161″]I like Jim’s top 5 uni games of the week too. Nice to see somebodies opinion on that.[/quote]
Thanks, and about your question on white-on-white unis – for me it depends. In short…
No – link
NO – link
Yes – link
Yes! – link
YES!! – link
[quote comment=”349164″]Ok, so how long until the Cowboys decide they need to build a new stadium?
Why on earth do Pro sports teams need new stadiums every 20-30 or so years?
Colosseum in Rome lasts 2000 years, But pro football, baseball and basketball need new arenas and stadiums as often as the do.[/quote]
well…they built the colosseum right the first time, with luxury suites and a retractable roof…SRO didn’t approach cowboys stadium, but then the romans didn’t play night games at first
nero may have been a narcissistic prick, but at least he didn’t demand a new stadium during his ownership of the gladiators
[quote comment=”349164″]Ok, so how long until the Cowboys decide they need to build a new stadium?
Why on earth do Pro sports teams need new stadiums every 20-30 or so years?
Colosseum in Rome lasts 2000 years, But pro football, baseball and basketball need new arenas and stadiums as often as the do.[/quote]
I think this one will be around for awhile. I was at the second-ever home game @ TX Stadium- I’d like to see this stadium, too. They build ’em big in Texas, it seems.
[quote comment=”349166″][quote comment=”349164″]Ok, so how long until the Cowboys decide they need to build a new stadium?
Why on earth do Pro sports teams need new stadiums every 20-30 or so years?
Colosseum in Rome lasts 2000 years, But pro football, baseball and basketball need new arenas and stadiums as often as the do.[/quote]
well…they built the colosseum right the first time, with link and a link…SRO didn’t approach cowboys stadium, but then the romans didn’t play link at first
nero may have been a narcissistic prick, but at least he didn’t demand a new stadium during his ownership of the gladiators[/quote]
haha Phil. Good take on Roman history. I love the history of the Roman empire. The Roman army and gladiators. Besides sports history, Roman history has always interested me. I even bought a Roman shield and sandals that the soldiers wore.
[quote comment=”349168″][quote comment=”349166″][quote comment=”349164″]Ok, so how long until the Cowboys decide they need to build a new stadium?
Why on earth do Pro sports teams need new stadiums every 20-30 or so years?
Colosseum in Rome lasts 2000 years, But pro football, baseball and basketball need new arenas and stadiums as often as the do.[/quote]
well…they built the colosseum right the first time, with link and a link…SRO didn’t approach cowboys stadium, but then the romans didn’t play link at first
nero may have been a narcissistic prick, but at least he didn’t demand a new stadium during his ownership of the gladiators[/quote]
haha Phil. Good take on Roman history. I love the history of the Roman empire. The Roman army and gladiators. Besides sports history, Roman history has always interested me. I even bought a Roman shield and sandals that the soldiers wore.[/quote]
Bread and circuses in Big D.
[quote comment=”349142″]That white Urlacher mockup is missing its 2nd navy sleeve stripe. Compressed sleeves is an interesting idea. Enforcing players to wear it is another thing. I don’t think the NFL would bother selling official jerseys without the long sleeves or stripes included. I’ve been saying for years the NFL should go back to 3/4er sleeves. Unfortunately I don’t think the NFL cares about sleeves.[/quote]
I think you’re absolutely correct about the NFL not caring about sleeves. There is, however, one area in the game where players do care about sleeves, when it’s cold. Now, sell it to the players that it’s tough and looks hip to wear sleeves in the cold.
[quote comment=”349170″][quote comment=”349142″]That white Urlacher mockup is missing its 2nd navy sleeve stripe. Compressed sleeves is an interesting idea. Enforcing players to wear it is another thing. I don’t think the NFL would bother selling official jerseys without the long sleeves or stripes included. I’ve been saying for years the NFL should go back to 3/4er sleeves. Unfortunately I don’t think the NFL cares about sleeves.[/quote]
I think you’re absolutely correct about the NFL not caring about sleeves. There is, however, one area in the game where players do care about sleeves, when it’s cold. Now, sell it to the players that it’s tough and looks hip to wear sleeves in the cold.[/quote]
Or that those horizontal stripes actually would make their biceps looke bigger. Because it would.
I know you aren’t trying to redesign the NFL, but I wish you would. Start with these comp sleeves. They work beautifully. However, just think how bad Reebok and the likes will butcher this idea. It’s inevetible. Should look good for a couple of years though before diamondplate or those dots on the baseball undershirt elbows would make there way in. Yuk.
One complaint. Why did you give that top 10 worst list the time of day and the free link? Boo.
[quote comment=”349169″][quote comment=”349168″][quote comment=”349166″][quote comment=”349164″]Ok, so how long until the Cowboys decide they need to build a new stadium?
Why on earth do Pro sports teams need new stadiums every 20-30 or so years?
Colosseum in Rome lasts 2000 years, But pro football, baseball and basketball need new arenas and stadiums as often as the do.[/quote]
well…they built the colosseum right the first time, with link and a link…SRO didn’t approach cowboys stadium, but then the romans didn’t play link at first
nero may have been a narcissistic prick, but at least he didn’t demand a new stadium during his ownership of the gladiators[/quote]
haha Phil. Good take on Roman history. I love the history of the Roman empire. The Roman army and gladiators. Besides sports history, Roman history has always interested me. I even bought a Roman shield and sandals that the soldiers wore.[/quote]
Bread and circuses in Big D.[/quote]
If they ever scheduled an exhibition game between the Saints and Lions there, that would be eerie.
[quote comment=”349172″]I know you aren’t trying to redesign the NFL, but I wish you would. Start with these comp sleeves. They work beautifully. However, just think how bad Reebok and the likes will butcher this idea. It’s inevetible. Should look good for a couple of years though before diamondplate or those dots on the baseball undershirt elbows would make there way in. Yuk.
One complaint. Why did you give that top 10 worst list the time of day and the free link?
Cuz was SO stupid was good comedy.
the mariners third base coach was wearing stirrups today, don’t know if thats been mentioned on this sight, i’ve never seen it before
[quote comment=”349173″][quote comment=”349169″][quote comment=”349168″][quote comment=”349166″][quote comment=”349164″]Ok, so how long until the Cowboys decide they need to build a new stadium?
Why on earth do Pro sports teams need new stadiums every 20-30 or so years?
Colosseum in Rome lasts 2000 years, But pro football, baseball and basketball need new arenas and stadiums as often as the do.[/quote]
well…they built the colosseum right the first time, with link and a link…SRO didn’t approach cowboys stadium, but then the romans didn’t play link at first
nero may have been a narcissistic prick, but at least he didn’t demand a new stadium during his ownership of the gladiators[/quote]
haha Phil. Good take on Roman history. I love the history of the Roman empire. The Roman army and gladiators. Besides sports history, Roman history has always interested me. I even bought a Roman shield and sandals that the soldiers wore.[/quote]
Bread and circuses in Big D.[/quote]
If they ever scheduled an exhibition game between the Saints and Lions there, that would be eerie.[/quote]
In that league, the Lions were undefeated, weren’t they?
What the heck is the deal with the Giants shoes?
[quote comment=”349176″][quote comment=”349173″][quote comment=”349169″][quote comment=”349168″][quote comment=”349166″][quote comment=”349164″]Ok, so how long until the Cowboys decide they need to build a new stadium?
Why on earth do Pro sports teams need new stadiums every 20-30 or so years?
Colosseum in Rome lasts 2000 years, But pro football, baseball and basketball need new arenas and stadiums as often as the do.[/quote]
well…they built the colosseum right the first time, with link and a link…SRO didn’t approach cowboys stadium, but then the romans didn’t play link at first
nero may have been a narcissistic prick, but at least he didn’t demand a new stadium during his ownership of the gladiators[/quote]
haha Phil. Good take on Roman history. I love the history of the Roman empire. The Roman army and gladiators. Besides sports history, Roman history has always interested me. I even bought a Roman shield and sandals that the soldiers wore.[/quote]
Bread and circuses in Big D.[/quote]
If they ever scheduled an exhibition game between the Saints and Lions there, that would be eerie.[/quote]
In that league, the Lions were undefeated, weren’t they?[/quote]
Yep the Lions were a powerhouse back in that era
[quote comment=”349172″]I know you aren’t trying to redesign the NFL, but I wish you would. Start with these comp sleeves. They work beautifully. However, just think how bad Reebok and the likes will butcher this idea. It’s inevetible. Should look good for a couple of years though before diamondplate or those dots on the baseball undershirt elbows would make there way in. Yuk.
One complaint. Why did you give that top 10 worst list the time of day and the free link?
Thanks, btw, for getting it.
[quote comment=”349177″]What the heck is the deal with the Giants shoes?[/quote]
i believe every player has his own shoe deal…some are rbk, some are nike…
[quote comment=”349177″]What the heck is the deal with the Giants shoes?[/quote]
Brandon Jacobs sholder Reebok vecter looks gray like it was peeled off or something. Not white like the rest.
Wow. That’s a lot of steel inside that scoreboard.
[quote comment=”349180″][quote comment=”349177″]What the heck is the deal with the Giants shoes?[/quote]
i believe every player has his own shoe deal…some are rbk, some are nike…[/quote]
No I mean the metallic looking red jellies like look to them. On that tripping replay especially
[quote comment=”349181″][quote comment=”349177″]What the heck is the deal with the Giants shoes?[/quote]
Brandon Jacobs sholder Reebok vecter looks gray like it was peeled off or something. Not white like the rest.
Wow. That’s a lot of steel inside that scoreboard.[/quote]
DALLAS, Texas—A booming punt tonight dislodged the new Cowboys scoreboard, sending it crashing to the turf below, plunging down on the Cowboys’ bench. After the game, Keith Olberman remarked, “The Cowboys looked a little flat after that.”
[quote comment=”349182″][quote comment=”349180″][quote comment=”349177″]What the heck is the deal with the Giants shoes?[/quote]
i believe every player has his own shoe deal…some are rbk, some are nike…[/quote]
No I mean the metallic looking red jellies like look to them. On that tripping replay especially[/quote]
i know larry…sorry ;)
[quote comment=”349179″][quote comment=”349172″]I know you aren’t trying to redesign the NFL, but I wish you would. Start with these comp sleeves. They work beautifully. However, just think how bad Reebok and the likes will butcher this idea. It’s inevetible. Should look good for a couple of years though before diamondplate or those dots on the baseball undershirt elbows would make there way in. Yuk.
One complaint. Why did you give that top 10 worst list the time of day and the free link?
Thanks, btw, for getting it.[/quote]
Says right there on my Uniwatch membership card. I “get it”! :)
My conversation just now with Tony Romo went something like this.
Me: “Tony?”
TR: “Yeah, hey, what’s up?”
Me: “Well, you know how last week, you wore blue?”
TR: “Yeah.”
Me: “You’re not wearing blue tonight.”
TR: “We’re not?”
Me: “No. So stop throwing it to blue jerseys.”
TR: “OK. Yeah, I see. OK.”
[quote comment=”349186″]My conversation just now with Tony Romo went something like this.
Me: “Tony?”
TR: “Yeah, hey, what’s up?”
Me: “Well, you know how last week, you wore blue?”
TR: “Yeah.”
Me: “You’re not wearing blue tonight.”
TR: “We’re not?”
Me: “No. So stop throwing it to blue jerseys.”
TR: “OK. Yeah, I see. OK.”[/quote]
Cutler did just the opposite. Last week he thought the Bears wore forest green.
[quote comment=”349183″][quote comment=”349181″][quote comment=”349177″]What the heck is the deal with the Giants shoes?[/quote]
Brandon Jacobs sholder Reebok vecter looks gray like it was peeled off or something. Not white like the rest.
Wow. That’s a lot of steel inside that scoreboard.[/quote]
DALLAS, Texas—A booming punt tonight dislodged the new Cowboys scoreboard, sending it crashing to the turf below, plunging down on the Cowboys’ bench. After the game, Keith Olberman remarked, “The Cowboys looked a little flat after that.”[/quote]
After the obligatory “From way downtown…BANG!”
Every punter is channeling Al Davis…”The scoreboard must come down, and it must come down hard.”
Looks like Brandon Jacobs’s NOB just got messed up on that long run. Screen shot, anyone..?
[quote comment=”349189″]Looks like Brandon Jacobs’s NOB just got messed up on that long run. Screen shot, anyone..?[/quote]
OMG, do you think it can be repaired?
Hey, anyone wanna see pics of my white link? Or maybe it’s link.
No? Too bad.
no offense, but those compression sleeve stripe things look retarted. I hope they never make it to the field, which I’m pretty positive they won’t.
[quote comment=”349191″]Hey, anyone wanna see pics of my white link? Or maybe it’s link.
No? Too bad.[/quote]
What are those things on your arms? Oh yeah, sleeves…I remember those…
You need to DIY some high striped socks to go with them.
[quote]those compression sleeve stripe things look retarted[/quote]
well it took 139 posts, but that’s the comment of the day
[quote comment=”349172″]I know you aren’t trying to redesign the NFL, but I wish you would. Start with these comp sleeves. They work beautifully. However, just think how bad Reebok and the likes will butcher this idea. It’s inevetible. Should look good for a couple of years though before diamondplate or those dots on the baseball undershirt elbows would make there way in.[/quote]
Or ads??
[quote comment=”349196″][quote comment=”349172″]I know you aren’t trying to redesign the NFL, but I wish you would. Start with these comp sleeves. They work beautifully. However, just think how bad Reebok and the likes will butcher this idea. It’s inevetible. Should look good for a couple of years though before diamondplate or those dots on the baseball undershirt elbows would make there way in.[/quote]
Or ads??[/quote]
Don’t worry. Won’t happen. Whole idea is “retarted”.
[quote comment=”349193″][quote comment=”349191″]Hey, anyone wanna see pics of my white link? Or maybe it’s link.
No? Too bad.[/quote]
What are those things on your arms? Oh yeah, sleeves…I remember those…
You need to DIY some high striped socks to go with them.[/quote]
4th quarter — guy in front of me in the men’s room had some Bears socks on. Needless to say, I was quite jealous.
>>>Your punchline here<<<
And I am not a fan of the Browns brown pants.
how BOUT dem g-men
Is it a matter of time before football jerseys will be like basketball jerseys? Since the sleeves are shrinking over time. Tank tops on the way?
And while sleeves on football jerseys have run out of room. Basketball shorts are practically sweatpants length.
[quote comment=”349201″]Is it a matter of time before football jerseys will be like basketball jerseys? Since the sleeves are shrinking over time. Tank tops on the way?
And while sleeves on football jerseys have run out of room. Basketball shorts are practically sweatpants length.[/quote]
If your knees don’t show, they’re basketball PANTS. Seriously, they’re longer than football pants, right?
Has the “call the time-out just before the snap to ice the kicker” thing ever worked?
“Milton Bradley, you know, has been walking a tightrope, well, today he definitely crossed that tightrope.”
– Daryl Hawks, WMAQ TV
It is mentioned within this article:
Possibly a new shade of blue as the primary color, as the stadium seating will be blue?
It is mentioned within this article:
Possibly a new shade of blue as the primary color, as the stadium seating will be blue?[/quote]
Yay, maybe they’ll finally look like… link
It is mentioned within this article:
Possibly a new shade of blue as the primary color, as the stadium seating will be blue?[/quote]
I think replacing teal with blue would be a mistake, like the error made by the Tampa Rays a couple years ago. The color teal was unique to the Marlins, never saw anything wrong with it, I wonder how Marlins fans think about this. Even with this new stadium, it will take a miracle for Miami to ever reach the Series again.
[quote comment=”349198″][quote comment=”349193″][quote comment=”349191″]Hey, anyone wanna see pics of my white link? Or maybe it’s link.
No? Too bad.[/quote]
What are those things on your arms? Oh yeah, sleeves…I remember those…
You need to DIY some high striped socks to go with them.[/quote]
4th quarter — guy in front of me in the men’s room had some Bears socks on. Needless to say, I was quite jealous.
>>>Your punchline here<<<[/quote]
You didn’t tell him you liked his hose, did you?
Sleeve stripes are cool and maybe we are all want for the days when they could be used intact but yall jumped the shark with todays post.
No alternate ideas yet but at least you got me thinking.
Black Boxes on Bellies appears to be a Nike malfunction. The same Nike deformity has been appearing on Oregon’s Nike football jerseys.
I suspect it is all the high fallutin’ Nike technology that is supposed to wick sweat and moisture away from the body and Nike jersey. Oregon’s green Nike jerseys have also shown a strong Nike discoloration across the shoulders and underarm areas.
I don’t know what other teams have the fancy new Nike technology for their Nike jerseys, but suspect that certain Nike colors will probably be more prone to display this Nike abnormality. (e.g. Didn’t notice any discoloration in the white jerseys)
[quote comment=”349207″]
I think replacing teal with blue would be a mistake, like the error made by the Tampa Rays a couple years ago. The color teal was unique to the Marlins, never saw anything wrong with it, I wonder how Marlins fans think about this. Even with this new stadium, it will take a miracle for Miami to ever reach the Series again.[/quote]
We don’t know if it’ll be royal blue or any shade of blue, but teal is awful, awful color. In the early 1990s, almost all of my clothes were teal or purple or both and I hated it. The Marlins realized having teal as a primary color was a huge mistake, and with each update, there was less and less teal. And I don’t see what was so special about the old Tampa Rays colors either.
[quote comment=”349094″][quote comment=”349092″]The Benchies Sweatband Manufacturer is APEX.
I remember rocking a Marino jersey by them when I was about 6 years old.[/quote]
Nope, I vote Saranac.[/quote]
At one point, Jerry Rice wore Saranac gloves.
[quote comment=”349470″][quote comment=”349207″]
I think replacing teal with blue would be a mistake, like the error made by the Tampa Rays a couple years ago. The color teal was unique to the Marlins, never saw anything wrong with it, I wonder how Marlins fans think about this. Even with this new stadium, it will take a miracle for Miami to ever reach the Series again.[/quote]
We don’t know if it’ll be royal blue or any shade of blue, but teal is awful, awful color. In the early 1990s, almost all of my clothes were teal or purple or both and I hated it. The Marlins realized having teal as a primary color was a huge mistake, and with each update, there was less and less teal. And I don’t see what was so special about the old Tampa Rays colors either.[/quote]
As a Marlins fan, i personally like the teal. It gave them identity, standing out from the typical red/blues of the league. Black is so freaking generic that it pains the retina. The ultimate thing for me is that When they move to the new stadium and change to the “miami” Marlins, they adopt the aqua and orange color scheme from the Paul Soto uni’s ;)~!