When Kirsten and I were working on our Candela Structures exhibit from last fall through this past spring, one of our most helpful sources was a woman named Mary Ellen Coghlan. We first encountered her when we posted some research queries on a World’s Fair message board, where she was an active participant and used Lady Met as her avatar. She responded to our queries and helped get the ball rolling on our research.
Over the next several months, Mary Ellen would periodically pop out of the ether and send me a helpful note. “You should get in touch with this guy, because I think he has lots of Candela photos,” she’d say, or “This guy’s father worked on the World’s Fair — I’m sure he could provide you with some good information,” and then I wouldn’t hear from her again for a while. Her leads always turned out to be useful, and each time I found myself wondering, “Hmmm, why didn’t she tell me about that guy, like, five months ago?”
Mary Ellen didn’t respond to my repeated requests for a quick phone chat, so we maintained this odd system in which she sort of parceled out little morsels of information to me. Maybe she was testing me, making sure I was worthy. In any case, by the time our show opened back in May, I’d come to think of her as our guardian research angel, so of course I invited her to the opening reception. She didn’t respond to that either, and she didn’t show up at the reception (or at least didn’t identify herself — I had no idea what she looked like or if she even lived in the New York area), but she later sent me a note indicating that she’d seen the exhibit and approved of how it had turned out. Nice.
And that might have been the end of that. But Mary Ellen popped out of the ether again about five weeks ago by sending me a note on Facebook, of all places (we had never communicated via that method before). “Hey Paul,” she wrote, “check out my piece of Shea Stadium.”
My heart jumped and sank at the same time. I was pretty sure I knew exactly what was in that photo. And if I was right, it meant Mary Ellen was in possession of the one baseball artifact I would give almost anything to own.
“OK, I’ll bite,” I wrote back. “What is it?”
“It is an exterior panel that hung on the cables outside of Shea in 1964,” she responded, confirming my initial reaction. “They were blue & orange.”
Mary Ellen was referring, of course, to the amazing corrugated metal panels that adorned Shea Stadium for the first 16 years of its existence. I’ve written about them several times over the years and had always been told that they’d been discarded shortly after they were removed in 1980. So how did Mary Ellen get one?
Through the simplest means imaginable, as it turns out: She bought it on eBay less than two months ago. And for a ridiculously reasonable price, too. Or to put it another way, one of my holy grails was up for auction right under my nose and I didn’t realize it. That bruise on my ass is where I’ve been kicking myself for the past few weeks.
I congratulated Mary Ellen on her purchase, to which she blithely replied, “Someday I will bring the Shea organ in from my garage into my house too. I miss Shea Stadium. Can you tell?”
Wait a minute — she also had the organ from Shea? Jane Jarvis’s organ?!
At this point I sort of half-begged, half-demanded that Mary Ellen let me interview her. To my pleasant surprise, she readily agreed. Here’s how it went down:
Uni Watch: Tell me a little about yourself. Did you grow up in New York City?
Mary Ellen Coghlan: No. I’m from New Jersey, Bergen County.
UW: And did you attend the World’s Fair yourself?
MEC: You know, the funny thing is that I attended the Fair before it opened. My father was known as “The Bamboo Man” in the 1960s. He sold bamboo from our house in Upper Saddle River, and he became this quirky ’60s icon to some people. He got to be a guest on Johnny Carson”¦
UW: Talking about bamboo?!
MEC: Yes. He was also a guest on To Tell the Truth. Bamboo became the rage when he was selling it.
UW: Was this for tiki bars and things like that?
MEC: No. For people to grow in their homes. It’s a very hearty plant. Everyone was into Japanese stuff back then, in the late ’50s, early ’60s. It’s a lovely plant. Anyway, he was contacted by the African pavilion at the Fair, because they wanted some bamboo. I didn’t even know they had bamboo in Africa. But anyway, when he delivered it, I went along for the ride. And it was this crazy thing, running around the World’s Fair a couple of weeks before it opened.
UW: So this would have been in early 1964.
MEC: Yes.
UW: How old were you then?
MEC: Ten years old.
UW: And what did you think of the Fair?
MEC: Oh, I was blown away by it. It was a kid’s delight. When we got back home, I wanted my mother to bring us back to the Fair when it was open, but I never got there. She figured we’d all get lost at the Fair, and that was not gonna happen.
UW: So you didn’t even get to go back and see your father’s bamboo? What a shame. Now, how does Shea Stadium play into all of this?
MEC: Well, I’ve always been a Mets fan, and the Fair was right next door.
UW: Did you attend lots of Mets games during that period? Did you go to Shea during that first season in 1964?
MEC: Probably. I don’t recall specifically, but my father took us to Yankee Stadium and to Shea, and I remember how Shea had those confetti panels on the outside. It was so amazing! I’m very sad that it’s gone. I’m not a big fan of Citi Field.
UW: I hear ya, Mary Ellen. Now, how did you acquire one of the confetti panels?
MEC: Well, I always search eBay for things relating to Shea Stadium and the World’s Fair, or any of my other quirky interests. I’m a big fan of the Brown Derby restaurant in L.A., for example. Anyway, someone on the Baseball Fever web site had posted that one of the panels was available on eBay. So I checked it out, and the guy selling it explained how he’d gotten it. He’d gone to a Mets/Dodgers game at Shea in 1980, which was the year they took the panels down, and he saw the panels laying in a pile. I think he said they were near the bullpen. He was there with a buddy of his — he grabbed a blue one and his buddy grabbed an orange one. They threw ’em in the trunk of their car and drove home with them. He’s a professor or teacher in California now, and the panel was in his parents’ garage in Queens, and they were finally giving him the ultimatum — “You’ve gotta get rid of this thing.”
UW: When did put the listing up on eBay?
MEC: Pretty recently — in early July.
UW [incredulous]: Of this year? Like, last month?
MEC: Right.
UW: You’re lucky I didn’t know about it — I would have bid a lot!
MEC: I was so surprised that it showed up there. And to be honest with you, I didn’t think I was going to win.
UW: How many other bids were there?
MEC: Eight, I think.
UW: What was the starting price?
MEC: A hundred dollars.
UW: And your winning bid?
MEC: A little over $500.
UW: How high would you have been willing to go?
MEC: I would have gone to $1000. I can’t believe I got it for barely half of that — I thought for sure I’d be outbid. I think maybe he didn’t title the auction properly. He just wrote “Shea Stadium — Original Blue Rectangle.”
UW: Yeah, that doesn’t really tell the full story. So once you won the auction, how did they ship it to you?
MEC: As soon as I paid for it, I jumped into my pickup truck and got it. I didn’t want someone else to make him an offer on the side and I’d be screwed! It was still at his parents’ house in Queens. When I arrived to pick it up, his mother said, “I can’t believe anyone would pay for this thing. It’s been kicking around in our garage for years.”
UW: Was it a hassle to transport? How big is it, how heavy is it?
MEC: It’s three feet by four feet. And it weighs nothing — I think it’s just corrugated aluminum. I thought it would be corrugated steel, and I was worried that it would be a real struggle. But it’s not heavy at all, you can lift it with one hand, no problem. [Here it is being held by Mary Ellen’s niece and nephews. — PL]
UW: Interesting.
MEC: I’m sure it’s original, but I’d like to get it authenticated somehow, just to be sure. It has drips of orange paint on the back — that seems pretty convincing.
UW: What about the orange one that the seller’s buddy took — does he still have it?
MEC: I asked his mother that, because I figured I’d buy the orange one too. But she said he’d thrown it in the trash years ago.
UW: Seriously?!
MEC: Yeah. It would’ve been great to have a blue one and an orange one together.
UW: So yours is maybe the only one left, like, anywhere.
MEC: To my knowledge it is, yeah. Nobody on Baseball Fever was aware of any others that have survived. I’m sure someone else has gotta have one or two in a garage, I would think. But who knows.
UW: Do you have any other memorabilia from Shea?
MEC: I bought a set of seats. And I bought something from the dedication at the stadium’s groundbreaking — it’s a Lucite block with a shovel embedded in it.
UW: So now that you have the confetti panel, what are you going to do with it?
MEC: I have an old bar in my house, and I have all sorts of World’s Fair signs and things like that in there. I’ll probably put it in there. When I pass away years from now, I’ll leave it to the Baseball Hall of Fame, if they want it.
UW: Now, what’s the story with this organ?
MEC: It’s in my garage. It weighs a ton!
UW: How’d you get that?
MEC: Again, on eBay, for about $500. The person selling it lived way upstate, between Syracuse and Buffalo. I called her up and she said, “The person we purchased the house from used to work at Shea Stadium, and they took the organ when the Mets were getting rid of it in 1979,” which I think was the last year Jane Jarvis played there. [That’s correct, at least according to Wikipedia. — PL]
UW: So was this the original organ at the stadium?
MEC: I don’t think so, because I’ve looked at some photos of Jane Jarvis from 1964 or ’65, when she started playing there. It’s a Thomas organ, and I have the serial numbers, so I have to contact Thomas to see if they can trace it.
UW: Can you play the organ?

MEC: No. It’s just another, like, dopey thing I’ve bought.
Mary Ellen also gave me the contact info for the guy who sold her the panel. I’ll be getting in touch with him shortly and will post an update once I speak with him, but I wanted today’s entry to belong to Mary Ellen. I pleaded with her to provide a photo of herself holding the panel, but she says she doesn’t like to have her picture taken. I prefer to think maybe she just likes to maintain an air of mystery. Either way, she’s aces — thanks for all the help and support you’ve provided over the past year, Mary Ellen, and thanks also for sharing your story.As for me, I’m super-duper happy to know that one of the Shea panels escaped the scrap heap, and even happier to know it’s in the hands of someone who deserves it and will take good care of it, even if that someone isn’t me. But hey, Mary Ellen, if the Hall of Fame doesn’t want that panel, I know someone else who’ll gladly take custody of it.Membership Update: A nice little surge-let of membership orders just before the August break (including Masao Okazaki’s Rollerball treatment, shown at right) has put us only three enrollees shy of cracking the 800-member mark. You can help push us over the top here.
Raffle Reminder: Speaking of which, all membership enrollees will get three bonus chances to win the college football helmet from Gridiron Memories that I’m currently raffling off. For details, look here.
Uni Watch News Ticker: Hill on Hill! (Good spot by Dylan Buell.) ”¦ Here’s more on David Wright and the S100. Meanwhile, Shane Victorino tried the S100 on Thursday night, but Rawlings didn’t send him a double-flap model, so we got to see the rare sight of Victorino going single-flapped. After two ABs, he went back to his usual helmet. Further details in the last section of this page (with thanks to Bernie Langer). ”¦ Steve Luft notes that the Blackhawks have changed the design of their red line. ”¦ Here’s a fantastic look at the anti-drugs patch that the Rams wore in 1988 (big thanks to William Schaefer). ”¦ What’s going on here? Jonathan Sluss explains: “Throwback uniforms were presented to players from the Old Dominion teams of the 1930s (the last decade of football there before this year). The colors are green and yellow because the school was then known as William and Mary Norfolk Division. This page has a short video about this, and also includes a shot of a great old letterman sweater at the very end, plus the accompanying article has a neat story about how they accepted an invitation to play Miami even though the invitation was intended for the main William and Mary campus.” ”¦ The baseball season is almost over, and Clint Glaze just noticed a uni change that the rest of us all overlooked: The Padres removed the city name from their sleeve patch. Sure enough, this change is reflected in the graphics shown in the MLB Style Guide, but it wasn’t called out as one of the uni changes for this season. Kudos to Clint for picking up on something the rest of us missed. ”¦ Douchebag alert from Scott Holcomb, who spotted Bo Jackson addressing the Auburn football team with Band-Aids covering the Under Armour logo on his T-shirt. ”¦ Speaking of douchebaggery, the Swedish Hockey League has finally figured out exactly what the world needs: ads on goalie pads (with thanks to Tyler Hull). ”¦ The Mavericks are unveiling an alternate jersey on Sept. 21st. ”¦ I’ve seen all the new MLB designs for next season and can report that another team is going to have a powder blue alternate jersey, plus one team is adding a powder blue alt cap. And no, I can’t say anything more than that, so don’t ask. ”¦ Didn’t realize the Cardinals wore striped belts in the early 1980s. Those photos both come from a book that Jim Vilk was nice enough to give me when I met him in Cleveland earlier this summer. ”¦ If you click through the first four photos in this gallery, you’ll see that C.J. Wilson wears a red glove when the Rangers wear their red jerseys, and a blue glove the rest of the time (good spot by Rachel Johnson). ”¦ Benji Boyter reports that Tennessee’s offensive line includes two brothers named Cody and Cory Sullins. “They use first and third initials on their jerseys — CD Sullins and CR Sullins,” he says. No pic yet. ”¦ The Orioles did the Negro Leagues thing on Saturday, dressing up as the Baltimore Elite Giants. Nice job with the batting helmets. In fact, they even went the extra mile with the catcher’s helmet. Some nice video footage here, if you’re so inclined. ”¦ Three years ago, City Reliquary founder and all-around good guy Dave Herman gave me this very excellent Xmas present. Unfortunately, it has languished in my T-shirt drawer since then, because (a) it’s too big, and (b) I almost always wear blue Levi’s, so I prefer not to go blue-on-blue. I’ve been meaning to scan the logo, change the colors, and create a new Zazzle version for myself, and I finally got around to doing it a few days ago (with a big assist from Kirsten, who retraced the logo in Illustrator) — voila! I made a tote bag too, but I haven’t actually ordered that for myself yet. ”¦ Major thrift shop score by Jeff Santos, who found some authentic — and maybe game-used — Phoenix Suns throwback shorts at a Goodwill store in North Attleboro, Mass. Only $3.99! ”¦ Bobby Cox once again wore the wrong cap on Sunday (with thanks to Joseph Stuhrenberg). ”¦ Prince Fielder’s belly is now so big that it’s generated its own force field. ”¦ The Bears have demoted Will Ta’ufo’ou to the practice squad, thereby denying us the chance to see more of this great NOB. ”¦ Here’s one I’ve never seen before: Surrattsville High in Maryland uses the Superman logo on their helmets (with thanks to Marc Nelson Jr.). ”¦ Good article on UNC’s championship rings here (with thanks to Benn Wineka). ”¦ And speaking of UNC’s national titles, here’s a nice group shot of their championship jerseys (as forwarded by Joey Morris). ”¦ The Titans aren’t the only team wearing a Steve McNair memorial decal. They’re also wearing one at Mississippi Valley State (good spot by Chris Buttgen). ”¦ Ever seen this Bills logo before? How about this Oilers logo? Scott Little put these and a bunch of other obscure AFL logos on this page. I’d definitely seen the Bengals one before, but most of the others are new to me. ”¦ Remember the old “America Needs Farmers” decal that Iowa wore back in the Hayden Fry days? They were wearing it again on Saturday — albeit a much smaller version — apparently because Fry was in attendance at the game. “I had thought that the NCAA banned such stickers and that was why Iowa stopped wearing them in the first place,” says Scott Mason. Anyone know more about this? ”¦ Meanwhile, as you may have noticed in that last shot, Iowa has history’s hugest rear-helmet uni numbers.
The Prine Fielder fiasco is a total mockery. A team that is eliminated from everything before Labor Day orchestrating a walk-off HR celebration!!
ESPN radio is wondering why the commissioner doesn’t fine Prince. Maybe because he owns the team!!
Just for the record, it’s Hayden Fry, not Frye.
And to poster No. 1, Bud Selig hasn’t owned the team in years – Mark Antonasio is the owner.
The Rollerball membership card is fantastic. I rank it second only to my own in terms of sheer coolness.
ESPN radio is wondering why the commissioner doesn’t fine Prince. Maybe because he owns the team!!
Except that he doesn’t. Selig sold the Brewers in January 2005 to a group led by Mark Attanasio.
Speaking of Wright’s helmet, etc., anyone notice how huge Miami’s helmets looked last night?
It’s the wave of the future, gang.
Flyers are going to unveil their Winter Classic jersey this Friday per Ice. According to Icethetics:
The Philadelphia Flyers will unveil their 2010 Winter Classic jersey this Friday at 2 PM in a rather unusual way. Three players will shoot pucks at a block of ice concealing the new sweater. I’m looking forward to seeing that
[quote comment=”346301″]The Rollerball membership card is fantastic. I rank it second only to my own in terms of sheer coolness.[/quote]
Thanks, Robert!
I think there’s something fishy going on with those AFL logos.
They’re all drawn in the same style, and by the time the Bengals existed, the Broncos weren’t wearing orange helmets anymore. The Raiders guy being in a white helmet is a bit weird too.
I’ve got a feeling that wherever these are from, they were never official, or at best, they’re the 60’s equivalent to these:
I’ve been meaning to scan the logo, change the colors, and create a new Zazzle version for myself, and I finally got around to doing it a few days ago (with a big assist from Kirsten, who retraced the logo in Illustrator)
Be careful..I put up the same design on Cafepress and it was taken down in less than 24 hours for copyright infringement. I even got a nice little note from MLB’ s lawyer!
Didn’t McNair go to Alcorn State? Why would Mississippi Valley State have a memorial for him?
[quote comment=”346306″]I think there’s something fishy going on with those AFL logos.
They’re all drawn in the same style, and by the time the Bengals existed, the Broncos weren’t wearing orange helmets anymore. The Raiders guy being in a white helmet is a bit weird too.
I’ve got a feeling that wherever these are from, they were never official, or at best, they’re the 60’s equivalent to these:
Sports Illusrated did that sort of thing at least twice…creating their version of team representations for a league-wide graphic, both times in season preview issues. I have them somewhere and have been meaning to scan and post one day. They never were presented as official or intended to be taken as offical. Just graphics.
The entire SWAC is wearing the McNair decals this season.
[quote comment=”346310″]The entire SWAC is wearing the McNair decals this season.[/quote]
Of course. He represents the American dream: Become a famous pro athlete, make a lot of dough and be a hound.
Anyone gonna tell me that ISN’T what young players dream of?
re: AFL logos
i posted this like a week ago, and uploaded it to my flickr account months ago (prolly posted it then too)…so, it’s prolly an “official” logo … not sure where i found the pic (or if someone may have sent it to me — i think larry b or larry w may have sent it to me as a screen grab, since it was uploaded the same day as the infamous all purple vikings game)
fantastic post paul! love the panel & organ info
Is that the same Mary Ellen Coghlan who was a member of the Weather Underground?
Lots going on in her recroom: Elvis, Beatles, 50’s Caddy, Dodgers, Texaco, Smokey Bear. How about a virtual tour of the rest of your place, Mary Ellen (if that is in fact your real name)?
Looks like the Blackhawks are going throwback with the center line. Used to be that the center line was dotted like that in order to differentiate it from the blue lines back when TV was black & white.
Re:The Hill on Hill photo;
Anyone got a picture of Jeris White covering Jerry Rice?
[quote comment=”346315″]Re:The Hill on Hill photo;
Anyone got a picture of Jeris White covering Jerry Rice?[/quote]
i came close
The ODU article is absolutely amazing! I suggest that every one take a look at it.
Just a little hint on next year’s powder blues? Please…………we won’t tell. Promise.
[quote comment=”346312″]re: AFL logos
i posted link like a week ago, and uploaded it to my flickr account months ago (prolly posted it then too)…so, it’s prolly an “official” logo … not sure where i found the pic (or if someone may have sent it to me — i think larry b or larry w may have sent it to me as a screen grab, since it was uploaded the same day as the link game)
fantastic post paul! love the panel & organ info[/quote]
Ooops, meant to say “official” doesn’t necessarily means the team ever used it, just that they authorized it, most likely to some merchandiser.
Good job by the Orioles on the throwbacks and getting the details like the catcher’s helmet done right…now, about the orange on the shoes…and batting gloves….
Self correction:
Jeris White last played in 1982.
Jerry Rice first played in 1985.
So…well you get the idea.
[quote comment=\”346323\”]Self correction:
Jeris White last played in 1982.
Jerry Rice first played in 1985.
So…well you get the idea.[/quote]
There\’s still the possibility of Reggie White nailing him in the backfield on a failed reverse or something…right? Maybe?
I like how the “Meats” tote is offered in black…
So what’s up with that “True Seminole” crap the players, coaches and fans were wearing last night?
[quote comment=”346303″]Speaking of Wright’s helmet, etc., anyone notice how huge Miami’s helmets looked last night?
It’s the wave of the future, gang.
I’m sure Miami’s large helmets have something to do with safety (like the S100), but I’m also sure they have something to do with accomodating the abundant dreadlocks that can be found on many of their players. Travis Benjamin, for example:
(from a different game)
[quote comment=”346319″]Just a little hint on next year’s powder blues? Please…………we won’t tell. Promise.[/quote]
Hint: Their home is New York, and it’s not the Mets.
Was watching sportscenter when the prince fielder highlights came on, my wife looks at him and says, “wow, that’s a BIG baseball player.”
[quote comment=”346319″]Just a little hint on next year’s powder blues? Please…………we won’t tell. Promise.[/quote]
Please let it be the link!
The link looked awesome in powder blue for many, many years, and I got the impression that they only switched to dull gray in the early 1990s because everyone else was doing it. Their current blue tops are a pale imitation.
I’m really hoping for it to be the link. They’ve had only one uniform change (the faux throwbacks) in the last 16 years, and on the road they haven’t changed anything at all. The old 1970s-80s road uniforms are wildly popular and I hope they make a comeback.
I think powder blue looks great when blue is your team’s primary color. The Cubs looked pretty good in it link (even if you don’t like link), and the Expos and Royals looked even better (their grays were totally forgettable). Maybe it’s because the Phillies had no other color than burgundy that they were able to pull off the blue.
My educated guess as to who will add a powder blue alt for next season:
The only reason I would say them is that they have participated in a throwback game with this uniform and a lot of the the all star game merchandise featured a familiar color:
Maybe they got a good feedback from their fans?
As far as adding a Powder blue cap…Royals? Who else would look good with it?
[quote comment=”346329″][quote comment=”346319″]Just a little hint on next year’s powder blues? Please…………we won’t tell. Promise.[/quote]
Hint: Their home is New York, and it’s not the Mets.[/quote]
Right. The Yankees are going powder blue.
Logic would lead to maybe the Rays or Padres at home, seeing as powder blue already is part of their color schemes as an accent (in Pads case, is in the logo). Logic, though, is often irrelevant these days.
I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
I did a search on uniwatch for this but nothing came up so I’m guessing it hasn’t been discussed yet.
NOB on Tennessee football players (this past Saturday) for Cody and Cory Sullins, CD SULLINS and CR SULLINS.
[quote comment=”346334″][quote comment=”346329″][quote comment=”346319″]Just a little hint on next year’s powder blues? Please…………we won’t tell. Promise.[/quote]
Hint: Their home is New York, and it’s not the Mets.[/quote]
Right. The Yankees are going powder blue.
Logic would lead to maybe the Rays or Padres at home, seeing as powder blue already is part of their color schemes as an accent (in Pads case, is in the logo). Logic, though, is often irrelevant these days.
I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
Wow, totally forgot about the Rays. Wasn’t there a solid rumor when they first unveiled their uniforms that a powder blue would be on the horizon?
They have to be getting either the alt or the cap.
[quote comment=”346335″]I did a search on uniwatch for this but nothing came up so I’m guessing it hasn’t been discussed yet.
NOB on Tennessee football players (this past Saturday) for Cody and Cory Sullins, CD SULLINS and CR SULLINS.[/quote]
Not a fan of the ticker? lol
[quote comment=”346336″][quote comment=”346334″][quote comment=”346329″][quote comment=”346319″]Just a little hint on next year’s powder blues? Please…………we won’t tell. Promise.[/quote]
Hint: Their home is New York, and it’s not the Mets.[/quote]
Right. The Yankees are going powder blue.
Logic would lead to maybe the Rays or Padres at home, seeing as powder blue already is part of their color schemes as an accent (in Pads case, is in the logo). Logic, though, is often irrelevant these days.
I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
Wow, totally forgot about the Rays. Wasn’t there a solid rumor when they first unveiled their uniforms that a powder blue would be on the horizon?
They have to be getting either the alt or the cap.[/quote]
“Solid rumor” — stop, you’re killin’ me!
Seeing as it’s two different teams, though, I’d guess the powder hats are the Royals (because they looked good in that promotional game this year), and the jersey change is the Rays or Padres.
(Oh, lord, please don’t let it be the Twins).
[quote comment=”346338″][quote comment=”346336″][quote comment=”346334″][quote comment=”346329″][quote comment=”346319″]Just a little hint on next year’s powder blues? Please…………we won’t tell. Promise.[/quote]
Hint: Their home is New York, and it’s not the Mets.[/quote]
Right. The Yankees are going powder blue.
Logic would lead to maybe the Rays or Padres at home, seeing as powder blue already is part of their color schemes as an accent (in Pads case, is in the logo). Logic, though, is often irrelevant these days.
I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
Wow, totally forgot about the Rays. Wasn’t there a solid rumor when they first unveiled their uniforms that a powder blue would be on the horizon?
They have to be getting either the alt or the cap.[/quote]
“Solid rumor” — stop, you’re killin’ me![/quote]
Sorry for the oxymoron, but I thought I remembered something along the lines of:
Just for the record, the AFL logos were in an old AFL program. They were pretty small, and when blown up looked crappy because all the printing flaws blew up with the scans. Took my brother and I a couple days to get em in that good of shape.
[quote comment=”346338″]”Solid rumor” — stop, you’re killin’ me![/quote]
Makes me think of the PS3 commercial that’s been running lately. The Sony “Director of Rumor Conformation” is asked to comment on the PS3 price drop. His response:
“You can’t believe everything you read on the Internet. That’s how World War I got started.”
NOB on Tennessee football players (this past Saturday) for Cody and Cory Sullins, CD SULLINS and CR SULLINS.
Why don’t uni manufacturers come up with a simple way to distinguish between two players with identical last names on the same team? Very large numerals comes to mind.
[quote comment=”346339″]Seeing as it’s two different teams, though, I’d guess the powder hats are the Royals (because they looked good in that promotional game this year), and the jersey change is the Rays or Padres.
(Oh, lord, please don’t let it be the Twins).
Oh lord please let it be the Mets. This is a sweet hat.
[quote comment=”346342″][quote comment=”346338″]”Solid rumor” — stop, you’re killin’ me![/quote]
Makes me think of the PS3 commercial that’s been running lately. The Sony “Director of Rumor Conformation” is asked to comment on the PS3 price drop. His response:
“You can’t believe everything you read on the Internet. That’s how World War I got started.”[/quote]
I still don’t understand why someone on the Titanic didn’t just use their satellite phone.
[quote comment=”346343″]NOB on Tennessee football players (this past Saturday) for Cody and Cory Sullins, CD SULLINS and CR SULLINS.
Why don’t uni manufacturers come up with a simple way to distinguish between two players with identical last names on the same team? Very large numerals comes to mind.[/quote]
Y’know, that could work. Put ’em on the front and back. Maybe smaller ones on shoulder or sleeves (such as they are), too?
Damn, you’re onto something, leon.
So remember those cool NFL sideline knit caps a few years ago with the stripes running down the middle:
Last years were OK:
This year is a giant step back. I really hope these aren’t the ones the players will actually wear:
Obligatory Prince Fielder story response:
The Crew have underachieved yet again this year. This looked promising right before the All Star break. They stunk it up and will not make the playoffs again. Just let them have some fun! Are people really that opposed to fun? The NFL has already made that league a joke by fining players for TD celebrations and wearing the wrong colored chin strap. It’s a total joke. The Brewers were not showing up the Giants by their celebration. In a dismal year where things didn’t go right, I would much rather see my favorite team have fun, than be a bunch of grumpy and frustrated players in the dugout. Plus, what do you want them to do on a walk off home run in the bottom of the 12th? Shake hand politely with each other? No, the team is going to meet the player at home plate anyways… why not have some fun with with it? Plus, the Crew were at home! I could see if they did this on the road, but they are embracing the crowd, and thanking the 37,000 fans who still came out on a Sunday afternoon even when they are out of the playoff race.
To make this uni related, I love the un-tucking of the jersey, but I don’t know if Prince should do it anymore…his does look like a dress.
[quote comment=”346344″][quote comment=”346339″]Seeing as it’s two different teams, though, I’d guess the powder hats are the Royals (because they looked good in that promotional game this year), and the jersey change is the Rays or Padres.
(Oh, lord, please don’t let it be the Twins).
Oh lord please let it be the Mets. This is a sweet hat.
And the Mets’ history with, or connection to, powder blue is….?
[quote comment=”346347″]So remember those cool NFL sideline knit caps a few years ago with the stripes running down the middle:
Last years were OK:
This year is a giant step back. I really hope these aren’t the ones the players will actually wear:
Obligatory Prince Fielder story response:
The Crew have underachieved yet again this year. This looked promising right before the All Star break. They stunk it up and will not make the playoffs again. Just let them have some fun! Are people really that opposed to fun? The NFL has already made that league a joke by fining players for TD celebrations and wearing the wrong colored chin strap. It’s a total joke. The Brewers were not showing up the Giants by their celebration. In a dismal year where things didn’t go right, I would much rather see my favorite team have fun, than be a bunch of grumpy and frustrated players in the dugout. Plus, what do you want them to do on a walk off home run in the bottom of the 12th? Shake hand politely with each other? No, the team is going to meet the player at home plate anyways… why not have some fun with with it? Plus, the Crew were at home! I could see if they did this on the road, but they are embracing the crowd, and thanking the 37,000 fans who still came out on a Sunday afternoon even when they are out of the playoff race.
To make this uni related, I love the un-tucking of the jersey, but I don’t know if Prince should do it anymore…his does look like a dress.[/quote]
Second link doesn’t work. Here is what the hats last year looked like:
[quote comment=”346340″][quote comment=”346338″][quote comment=”346336″][quote comment=”346334″][quote comment=”346329″][quote comment=”346319″]Just a little hint on next year’s powder blues? Please…………we won’t tell. Promise.[/quote]
Hint: Their home is New York, and it’s not the Mets.[/quote]
Right. The Yankees are going powder blue.
Logic would lead to maybe the Rays or Padres at home, seeing as powder blue already is part of their color schemes as an accent (in Pads case, is in the logo). Logic, though, is often irrelevant these days.
I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
Wow, totally forgot about the Rays. Wasn’t there a solid rumor when they first unveiled their uniforms that a powder blue would be on the horizon?
They have to be getting either the alt or the cap.[/quote]
“Solid rumor” — stop, you’re killin’ me![/quote]
Sorry for the oxymoron, but I thought I remembered something along the lines of:
that’s a rumor been around since late 2007…and then they went with navy blue instead…
if any team just adds a powder blue top, it will be another softball jersey in the throng of them out there…someone needs to take the full jump and return to (or create a new) powder blue uni
and before you think your team will look like the shit in powder blue…think again
So remember those cool NFL sideline knit caps a few years ago with the stripes running down the middle:
Last years were OK:
This year is a giant step back. I really hope these aren’t the ones the players will actually wear:
You mentioned that over the weekend, Johnny O, and you’re right. The new ones have a “someone threw a mud pie at me” look. It doesn’t suggest “uniform”. Suggests “camo”. Oh, wait, that IS a uniform look these days, isn’t it. Maybe injured players not dressing for the game should wear duck waders on the sideline. Ooo, macho.
and before you think your team will look like the shit in powder blue…think again
Oh, yeah, that looks MUCH better than gray.
Story on Melanie Oudin’s shoes at the U.S. Open.
[quote comment=”346327″]So what’s up with that “True Seminole” crap the players, coaches and fans were wearing last night?[/quote]
i have the same question, and what is that design supposed to be on fsu’s collar?
A few random disinterested thoughts in response to obligatory Prince Fielder story response.
It remains to be seen if the Giants felt they were being shown up, especially the pitcher. Do they meet again this year?
This is probably a reflection of my age, but I find these manufactured theatrics tiring. Wasn’t the drama generated by the walk-off enough?
When all is said and done I don’t really care what they do: I’m not a Brewers or Giants fan. Please don’t feel it necessary to generate a counter-point.
[quote comment=”346348″][quote comment=”346344″][quote comment=”346339″]Seeing as it’s two different teams, though, I’d guess the powder hats are the Royals (because they looked good in that promotional game this year), and the jersey change is the Rays or Padres.
(Oh, lord, please don’t let it be the Twins).
Oh lord please let it be the Mets. This is a sweet hat.
And the Mets’ history with, or connection to, powder blue is….?[/quote]
Exactly the same connection and/or history as the Cardinals and Phillies and Cubs had to powder blue when they started wearing it in the 1970s.
What’s wrong with wearing powder blue as an alt. cap? Especially if they dropped the black.
Does every new uniform change have to have some connection to history?
Uh, no mention of the stirrups worn by some of the Baltimore “Elite Giants” Saturday?? Come on Lucas, doll out some props
[quote comment=”346347″]So remember those cool NFL sideline knit caps a few years ago with the stripes running down the middle:
Last years were OK:
This year is a giant step back. I really hope these aren’t the ones the players will actually wear:
Obligatory Prince Fielder story response:
The Crew have underachieved yet again this year. This looked promising right before the All Star break. They stunk it up and will not make the playoffs again. Just let them have some fun! Are people really that opposed to fun? The NFL has already made that league a joke by fining players for TD celebrations and wearing the wrong colored chin strap. It’s a total joke. The Brewers were not showing up the Giants by their celebration. In a dismal year where things didn’t go right, I would much rather see my favorite team have fun, than be a bunch of grumpy and frustrated players in the dugout. Plus, what do you want them to do on a walk off home run in the bottom of the 12th? Shake hand politely with each other? No, the team is going to meet the player at home plate anyways… why not have some fun with with it? Plus, the Crew were at home! I could see if they did this on the road, but they are embracing the crowd, and thanking the 37,000 fans who still came out on a Sunday afternoon even when they are out of the playoff race.
To make this uni related, I love the un-tucking of the jersey, but I don’t know if Prince should do it anymore…his does look like a dress.[/quote]
That’s not what the ski cap looked like for a Seahawks preseason game. TJ might be wearing the coaches version, however, which has that thin strip similar to a lot of the hats being worn this season.
From that article about the UNC rings:
Ummmm… OK, so how long before Nike (and Adidas, UA, etc.) run with this as a way of circumventing the $415 price ceiling? They can provide gaudier rings at “discount prices” and slap their logos all over them.
re: walk off home run celebrations
that is all
Please tell me the Mets are getting rid of the black jerseys.
[quote comment=”346358″]That’s not what the ski cap looked like for a Seahawks preseason game. TJ might be wearing the coaches version, however, which has that thin strip similar to a lot of the hats being worn this season.
Yeah, those are supposedly the coaches’ lids. Apparently they’re available in both link and link versions.
The only other dot-matrix players’ hats I’ve seen so far are for the link.
Does every new uniform change have to have some connection to history?
Just meant it affects the likelihood of the Mets being the team adding a powder blue hat.
That’s all.
And, technically, the teams u mentioned never used powder as a team color, was solely an alternative to gray on the road. Didn’t any of them use it for anything other than that. No hats, sleeves, stirrups, etc.
So that’s what I meant. Sorry if I sounded like was a rule or something.
[quote comment=”346361″]Please tell me the Mets are getting rid of the black jerseys.
I heard a solid rumor that the Mets are adding black pants to their repertoire in 2010
I’m willing to bet that the team that goes with a powder blue cap would be the Royals
It’s most likely the Cardinals will go back to a powder blue jersey but I pray one day the Phils go back to their powder blue/burgundy set. Those were some fine uniforms!
FSU press release on link.
link (circa 1952)
[quote comment=”346362″][quote comment=”346358″]That’s not what the ski cap looked like for a Seahawks preseason game. TJ might be wearing the coaches version, however, which has that thin strip similar to a lot of the hats being worn this season.
Yeah, those are supposedly the coaches’ lids. Apparently they’re available in both link and link versions.
The only other dot-matrix players’ hats I’ve seen so far are for the link.[/quote]
Isn’t Reebok basically cribbing this design from Nike’s MLB undershirts, circa 2006?
[quote comment=”346356″][quote comment=”346348″][quote comment=”346344″][quote comment=”346339″]Seeing as it’s two different teams, though, I’d guess the powder hats are the Royals (because they looked good in that promotional game this year), and the jersey change is the Rays or Padres.
(Oh, lord, please don’t let it be the Twins).
Oh lord please let it be the Mets. This is a sweet hat.
And the Mets’ history with, or connection to, powder blue is….?[/quote]
Exactly the same connection and/or history as the Cardinals and Phillies and Cubs had to powder blue when they started wearing it in the 1970s.
What’s wrong with wearing powder blue as an alt. cap? Especially if they dropped the black.
Does every new uniform change have to have some connection to history?[/quote]
Actually, as Mark in Shiga pointed out, the Cubs did have a link with powder blue.
That being said, I agree with you. Why can’t the Mets wear powder blue? It would look a hell of a lot better than the black does. It would also look better than a royal blue or orange alt.
[quote comment=”346360″]re: walk off home run celebrations
that is all[/quote]
Damn, I miss the days when dudes in suits and ties could go on the field and help lead the player to home plate (and then return to their advertising jobs).
[quote comment=”346360″]re: walk off home run celebrations
that is all[/quote]
This. This. A million times this.
Also, sigh. 17 years since Sid Slid. Thanks for nothin’, Barry.
[quote comment=”346366″]FSU press release on link.
link (circa 1952)[/quote]
It’s often overlooked that the Seminole introduced saddle shoes to European explorers.
[quote comment=”346371″][quote comment=”346366″]FSU press release on link.
link (circa 1952)[/quote]
It’s often overlooked that the Seminole introduced saddle shoes to European explorers.[/quote]
Thought they rode bareback!?
Wonder how many Seminoles actually attend FSU.
True that, Nike.
[quote comment=”346372″][quote comment=”346371″][quote comment=”346366″]FSU press release on link.
link (circa 1952)[/quote]
It’s often overlooked that the Seminole introduced saddle shoes to European explorers.[/quote]
Thought they rode bareback!?[/quote]
Well. considering they’d never seen horses til the Spaniards arrived, that whole thing about them inventing “saddle” shoes does seem like myth, doesn’t it.
(What? There are flaws in history???)
Re: Bo Jackson
Looks like “Bo Knows Buffet”
Best college football uni matchup of the past weekend?
Just to get the ball rolling, I’ll say Oklahoma and BYU. Certainly two of the more traditional unis.
A little known aspect to the fsu true promotion is the schools collaboration with nike on the development of a sports drink to rival gatorade. One suggested name: seminole fluid.
[quote comment=”346376″]Best college football uni matchup of the past weekend?
Just to get the ball rolling, I’ll say Oklahoma and BYU. Certainly two of the more traditional unis.
Don’t really mean designs, just combination of colors, light pants vs. dark pants, etc., etc.
[quote comment=”346378″][quote comment=”346376″]Best college football uni matchup of the past weekend?
Just to get the ball rolling, I’ll say Oklahoma and BYU. Certainly two of the more traditional unis.
Don’t really mean designs, just combination of colors, light pants vs. dark pants, etc., etc.[/quote]
How about lsu vs. washington (i know, some might say too much purple).
[quote comment=”346377″]A little known aspect to the fsu true promotion is the schools collaboration with nike on the development of a sports drink to rival gatorade. One suggested name: seminole fluid.[/quote]
oh leon
anyone know the secret ingredient?
[quote comment=”346376″]Best college football uni matchup of the past weekend?
Just to get the ball rolling, I’ll say Oklahoma and BYU. Certainly two of the more traditional unis.
I’m gonna go with the 49ers @ the Chargers on Friday night.
[quote comment=”346381″][quote comment=”346376″]Best college football uni matchup of the past weekend?
Just to get the ball rolling, I’ll say Oklahoma and BYU. Certainly two of the more traditional unis.
I’m gonna go with the 49ers @ the Chargers on Friday night.[/quote]
True. Especially cuz 49ers evidently have decided to de-emphasize football and focus on academics.
[quote comment=”346382″][quote comment=”346381″][quote comment=”346376″]Best college football uni matchup of the past weekend?
Just to get the ball rolling, I’ll say Oklahoma and BYU. Certainly two of the more traditional unis.
Although I can’t fault them because ‘Mooning 101’ should be required coursework for all college athletes. I hear they even had Dr. Randall Moss, PhD. of Gluteal Display as a guest lecturer.
I’m gonna go with the 49ers @ the Chargers on Friday night.[/quote]
True. Especially cuz 49ers evidently have decided to de-emphasize football and focus on academics.[/quote]
[quote comment=”346360″]re: walk off home run celebrations
that is all[/quote]
I disagree. The congregation at home plate for meaningless regular season homerun celebrations has ruined the walk-off celebration.
Had Prince Fielder hit a fly ball for an out, you don’t see the defenders charging in from the outfield to perform an obligatory rain dance or jumping session around the pitcher’s mound, do you?
If this was Prince hitting a playoff-clinching walk-off homerun, no problem. But the game means nothing to them in terms of a playoff spot.
Is it a big deal that Prince hit a walk-off? Sure, it is when talking about individual stats. But it means NOTHING in the big picture of MLB this season or to the Brewers this season. It’s just a “W” in the win column.
So why are they celebrating? For winning one game? Why doesn’t anyone maul a guy at first base for a game-winning bunt? Take a helluva lot more skill to bunt than it does to hit a potential out in my view.
[quote comment=”346382″][quote comment=”346381″][quote comment=”346376″]Best college football uni matchup of the past weekend?
Just to get the ball rolling, I’ll say Oklahoma and BYU. Certainly two of the more traditional unis.
I’m gonna go with the 49ers @ the Chargers on Friday night.[/quote]
True. Especially cuz 49ers evidently have decided to de-emphasize football and focus on academics.[/quote]
Although I can’t fault them because ‘Mooning 101′ should be required coursework for all college athletes. I hear they even had Dr. Randall Moss, PhD. of Gluteal Display as a guest lecturer.
[quote comment=”346380″][quote comment=”346377″]A little known aspect to the fsu true promotion is the schools collaboration with nike on the development of a sports drink to rival gatorade. One suggested name: seminole fluid.[/quote]
anyone know the secret ingredient?[/quote]
[quote comment=”346385″][quote comment=”346382″][quote comment=”346381″][quote comment=”346376″]Best college football uni matchup of the past weekend?
Just to get the ball rolling, I’ll say Oklahoma and BYU. Certainly two of the more traditional unis.
I’m gonna go with the 49ers @ the Chargers on Friday night.[/quote]
True. Especially cuz 49ers evidently have decided to de-emphasize football and focus on academics.[/quote]
Although I can’t fault them because ‘Mooning 101′ should be required coursework for all college athletes. I hear they even had Dr. Randall Moss, PhD. of Gluteal Display as a guest lecturer.
In defense of Professor Moss (and obviously beyond the ken of Joe Buck), NFL players know Packer fans have a long tradition of ACTUALLY mooning opposing teams as they walk from the stadium to the team bus after games. The Professor was just givin’ it back them. And was a pantomime, too, not like he did the real thing.
[quote comment=”346379″][quote comment=”346378″][quote comment=”346376″]Best college football uni matchup of the past weekend?
Just to get the ball rolling, I’ll say Oklahoma and BYU. Certainly two of the more traditional unis.
Don’t really mean designs, just combination of colors, light pants vs. dark pants, etc., etc.[/quote]
How about lsu vs. washington (i know, some might say too much purple).[/quote]
I wouldn’t say that. In fact, this link was quite pleasing to my eyes.
My new favorite team, at least uni-wise, is Florida Atlantic. This link was quite the nice uni-matchup as well.
But yeah, BYU/OU looked pretty swell, too.
[quote comment=”346359″]From that article about the UNC rings:
Ummmm… OK, so how long before Nike (and Adidas, UA, etc.) run with this as a way of circumventing the $415 price ceiling? They can provide gaudier rings at “discount prices” and slap their logos all over them.[/quote]
As long as the logo isn’t obvious, I’m in favor of them circumventing the price ceiling. Popular D1 NCAA sports, whether the NCAA cares to admit it or not, are basically pro leagues. The schools and programs make millions of dollars a year, and the students get nothing of it. They get full scholarships, which really are cheap for the schools. Doesn’t cost much to have one extra guy in a class.
Honestly, if they win a championship, the least the NCAA can do for a group of guys who earned millons of dollars for the university is let them have a ring with real diamonds on it.
Did anyone notice the first base umpire wearing a red hat during yesterdays Red Sox – White Sox game? I can’t track a photo down..
This guy had “Harry IV” as his NOB Saturday:
There are no other players by the last name of “Harry” on the Missou roster this year; much less THREE OTHER PLAYERS NAMED HARRY.
Stupid, or “always done this way”?
[quote comment=”346391″]This guy had “Harry IV” as his NOB Saturday:
There are no other players by the last name of “Harry” on the Missou roster this year; much less THREE OTHER PLAYERS NAMED HARRY.
Perhaps he’s the fourth member of the Harry Clan to be named “Jake Harry”?
Stupid, or “always done this way”?[/quote]
[quote comment=”346390″]Did anyone notice the first base umpire wearing a red hat during yesterdays Red Sox – White Sox game? I can’t track a photo down.[/quote]Didn’t work: the White Sox won. :-)
[quote comment=”346387″][quote comment=”346385″][quote comment=”346382″][quote comment=”346381″][quote comment=”346376″]Best college football uni matchup of the past weekend?
Just to get the ball rolling, I’ll say Oklahoma and BYU. Certainly two of the more traditional unis.
I’m gonna go with the 49ers @ the Chargers on Friday night.[/quote]
True. Especially cuz 49ers evidently have decided to de-emphasize football and focus on academics.[/quote]
Although I can’t fault them because ‘Mooning 101′ should be required coursework for all college athletes. I hear they even had Dr. Randall Moss, PhD. of Gluteal Display as a guest lecturer.
In defense of Professor Moss (and obviously beyond the ken of Joe Buck), NFL players know Packer fans have a long tradition of ACTUALLY mooning opposing teams as they walk from the stadium to the team bus after games. The Professor was just givin’ it back them. And was a pantomime, too, not like he did the real thing.
Well to be honest Sir Ricko, I am in favor of ANYTHING that gets Joe Buck bent out of shape. I hate (HATE) him with a passion. (Makes being a Cowboys fan difficult) On the topic of celebrations, I have never seen one that I did not absolutely enjoy. Moss, Joe Horn, T.O., Chad Ochocinco (nee Johnson), I love all of them. I don’t watch baseball with a religious fervor, so I thought the Fielder celebration was brilliant.
It is interesting to me, as a 26(27 during this upcoming season) yr old, that while the NFL caters it’s rules changes to the older men with the money, for obvious reasons, they are beginning to turn off the people in my age bracket who over the next 10 to 15 years (or sooner) will begin to be those guys in the Loge seats, and then the Suites. It is an interesting dynamic in my mind, because I want to see the NFL let them play, but that is not happening.
[quote comment=”346391″]This guy had “Harry IV” as his NOB Saturday:
There are no other players by the last name of “Harry” on the Missou roster this year; much less THREE OTHER PLAYERS NAMED HARRY.
Stupid, or “always done this way”?[/quote]
Crap… lemme fix that.
Perhaps he’s the fourth member of the Harry Clan to be named “Jake Harry”?
Much better.
Oh, the proofreader in me can’t believe this:
The caption says Bo Pelini is having a conversation with an umpire. I think the large “H” on the back of the uni suggests he might just be talking to the head linesman…
That reminds me of my pet peeve with announcers who comment on “the referees.” There’s one referee on the field. Collectively, his team should be described as “the officials.”
Oh, it’s his NAME.
Over the weekend, I mentioned wondering if maybe he had the flu and that was to let the trainers know which guy was supposed to be hooked up and take in fluids during the game.
[quote comment=”346392″]
Perhaps he’s the fourth member of the Harry Clan to be named “Jake Harry”?[/quote]
No doubt, but do teams put Junior (or for that matter, Senior) on the back of jerseys?
I could see trying to clear up confusion: but I don’t think Dad, Grandpa and Great-Grandpa were on scholarship this year. :-)
[quote comment=”346397″]Oh, it’s his NAME.
Over the weekend, I mentioned wondering if maybe he had the flu and that was to let the trainers know which guy was supposed to be hooked up and take in fluids during the game.[/quote]
I’d kind of like to see “Henry VIII” on one of those huge O-lineman. :-)
Speaking of Mets’ black jerseys — I was at *Shea on Saturday. It was a bright, sunny, hot day, and the Mets were in black hats and tops. I’m not sure if it’s been discussed before, but isn’t this a competitive disadvantage for the Mets? Dark colors absorb heat, as white reflects it (much like how Miami (NFL) makes visiting teams wear their darks at *Joe Robbie). Wearing the black unis at night — while still ugly — at least gives no competitive disadvantage.
[quote comment=”346398″][quote comment=”346392″]
Perhaps he’s the fourth member of the Harry Clan to be named “Jake Harry”?[/quote]
No doubt, but do teams put Junior (or for that matter, Senior) on the back of jerseys?
I could see trying to clear up confusion: but I don’t think Dad, Grandpa and Great-Grandpa were on scholarship this year. :-)[/quote]
No, I agree that it’s a vanity nameplate. However, if he is legally registered with the university as “Jacob Harry IV”, he may have asked that it include the “fourth” designation. And since that website lists him as “IV”, I’m gonna say that he wants it used whenever and where ever he can.
[quote comment=”346384″][quote comment=”346360″]re: walk off home run celebrations
that is all[/quote]
I disagree. The congregation at home plate for meaningless regular season homerun celebrations has ruined the walk-off celebration.
Had Prince Fielder hit a fly ball for an out, you don’t see the defenders charging in from the outfield to perform an obligatory rain dance or jumping session around the pitcher’s mound, do you?
If this was Prince hitting a playoff-clinching walk-off homerun, no problem. But the game means nothing to them in terms of a playoff spot.
Is it a big deal that Prince hit a walk-off? Sure, it is when talking about individual stats. But it means NOTHING in the big picture of MLB this season or to the Brewers this season. It’s just a “W” in the win column.
So why are they celebrating? For winning one game? Why doesn’t anyone maul a guy at first base for a game-winning bunt? Take a helluva lot more skill to bunt than it does to hit a potential out in my view.[/quote]
I’m not saying what the Crew did wasn’t slightly over the top, but again, what in the world do you want the team to do? Let Prince walk in the dugout and just have his teammates shake his hand for a job well done? If you think “meaningless regular season walk off home run celebrations” are terrible, then I want you complaining in February when hockey players all hug and grope each other after they score a “meaningless game winning” goal and their team is no longer in contention. No victory is meaningless. A win is a win.
What do you propose as an alternate for a walk off home run in the regular season? Smiles? Hand shakes? I don’t mean to get on your case Teebz, I’m just saying every sport has celebrations for what you call “meaningless victories”. I say who cares as long as they are having fun, and not showing up the other team. I don’t think the Brewers were showing up the Giants at all, and have no intentions of showing up teams bu un-tucking their jersey after a “W”.
[quote comment=”346400″]Speaking of Mets’ black jerseys — I was at *Shea on Saturday. It was a bright, sunny, hot day, and the Mets were in black hats and tops. I’m not sure if it’s been discussed before, but isn’t this a competitive disadvantage for the Mets? Dark colors absorb heat, as white reflects it (much like how Miami (NFL) makes visiting teams wear their darks at *Joe Robbie). Wearing the black unis at night — while still ugly — at least gives no competitive disadvantage.[/quote]
I think maybe (even though I’ve played more than enough games in navy blue when it was 100 degrees, thank you) MLB’s thinking is that half the time the players are in the dugout shade, or the relative cool of the tunnel or even the clubhouse. Football doesn’t offer than kind of escape and, let’s face, there’s a helluva lot more just standing in baseball.
The guys to pity are the umps. They’re in the sun the whole time.
My help with the Iowa football helmets. Fry was back in Iowa City as the school was naming a stretch of road in Coralville near Kinnick Stadium “Hayden Fry Way”. Also, there was a “Fry Fest” in celebration of the event.
BTW, Iowa still wears the ANF sticker on the helmet, though in a different way. On the rear left (next to the hideously huge numbers), there is an outline of the state with the letters “A-N-F” going from approx. Sioux City to Keokuk.
That’s northwest to southeast for those not in the know.
[quote comment=”346404″]My help with the Iowa football helmets. Fry was back in Iowa City as the school was naming a stretch of road in Coralville near Kinnick Stadium “Hayden Fry Way”. Also, there was a “Fry Fest” in celebration of the event.
BTW, Iowa still wears the ANF sticker on the helmet, though in a different way. On the rear left (next to the hideously huge numbers), there is an outline of the state with the letters “A-N-F” going from approx. Sioux City to Keokuk.
That’s northwest to southeast for those not in the know.[/quote]
Sioux City has been moved?
[quote comment=”346402″]
I’m not saying what the Crew did wasn’t slightly over the top, but again, what in the world do you want the team to do? Let Prince walk in the dugout and just have his teammates shake his hand for a job well done? If you think “meaningless regular season walk off home run celebrations” are terrible, then I want you complaining in February when hockey players all hug and grope each other after they score a “meaningless game winning” goal and their team is no longer in contention. No victory is meaningless. A win is a win.[/quote]
I do complain about some of the elaborate, useless celebrations in hockey. Alex Ovechkin’s “hot stick” routine last season? Complete and utter BS. Score the winning goal, high-five the bench as you skate by, do your little spin for being the first star, and get off the ice. It’s a team game, not a “me” game. Save the celebration for something meaningful.
If the Islanders wanna throw a party after Tavares scores a meaningless goal in mid-February, do it in the bloody dressing room. It means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Oh, right… they end the season with 54 points instead of 52? They won a game? Whoopty-frigging-do. That’s what they get paid to do.
[quote comment=”346402″]What do you propose as an alternate for a walk off home run in the regular season? Smiles? Hand shakes? I don’t mean to get on your case Teebz, I’m just saying every sport has celebrations for what you call “meaningless victories”. I say who cares as long as they are having fun, and not showing up the other team. I don’t think the Brewers were showing up the Giants at all, and have no intentions of showing up teams bu un-tucking their jersey after a “W”.[/quote]
I’m not saying they were showing up the Giants, but they planned an elaborate celebration to get their 10 seconds on SportsCenter.
If I played in MLB, and I hit a walk-off HR for a non-playoff team in Game 67, I’d be giving high fives on the way back to the dugout, maybe a curtain call to acknowledge the fans, and then crack a beer in the dressing room for a job well done. Why? Because I’d rather save the celebration for accomplishing something more than boosting my own personal stats.
But that’s just me. I’m not saying I’m right or wrong, but I find this celebration of nothingness to be dumb.
[quote comment=”346405″][quote comment=”346404″]My help with the Iowa football helmets. Fry was back in Iowa City as the school was naming a stretch of road in Coralville near Kinnick Stadium “Hayden Fry Way”. Also, there was a “Fry Fest” in celebration of the event.
BTW, Iowa still wears the ANF sticker on the helmet, though in a different way. On the rear left (next to the hideously huge numbers), there is an outline of the state with the letters “A-N-F” going from approx. Sioux City to Keokuk.
That’s northwest to southeast for those not in the know.[/quote]
Sioux City has been moved?[/quote]
Oh, wait, my military left. Sorry about that. LOL
[quote comment=”346402″][quote comment=”346384″][quote comment=”346360″]I’m not saying what the Crew did wasn’t slightly over the top, but again, what in the world do you want the team to do? Let Prince walk in the dugout and just have his teammates shake his hand for a job well done? If you think “meaningless regular season walk off home run celebrations” are terrible, then I want you complaining in February when hockey players all hug and grope each other after they score a “meaningless game winning” goal and their team is no longer in contention. No victory is meaningless. A win is a win.
What do you propose as an alternate for a walk off home run in the regular season? Smiles? Hand shakes? I don’t mean to get on your case Teebz, I’m just saying every sport has celebrations for what you call “meaningless victories”. I say who cares as long as they are having fun, and not showing up the other team. I don’t think the Brewers were showing up the Giants at all, and have no intentions of showing up teams bu un-tucking their jersey after a “W”.[/quote]
Johnny O has a point. I’ve seen worse. Crakcing down too much on this stuff sends the wrong message – “you can only have fun if you’re winning a championship.” Sports is supposed to be fun, not a business. Yes, the pros are paid to play and should act like role models, but not like corporate employees. Lighten up.
[quote comment=”346401″]No, I agree that it’s a vanity nameplate. However, if he is legally registered with the university as “Jacob Harry IV”, he may have asked that it include the “fourth” designation. And since that website lists him as “IV”, I’m gonna say that he wants it used whenever and where ever he can.[/quote]I agree that its his vanity. IMHO, there doesn’t seem to be any reason to put in the Junior; or III or IV.
Methinks that when and if he makes it to the NFL, a few veteran players may have some thoughts on the matter.
I can’t even remember seeing a Junior nameplate in any sport, even though I’m sure they exist. So to answer my own question: stupid.
[quote comment=”346409″][quote comment=”346401″]No, I agree that it’s a vanity nameplate. However, if he is legally registered with the university as “Jacob Harry IV”, he may have asked that it include the “fourth” designation. And since that website lists him as “IV”, I’m gonna say that he wants it used whenever and where ever he can.[/quote]I agree that its his vanity. IMHO, there doesn’t seem to be any reason to put in the Junior; or III or IV.
Methinks that when and if he makes it to the NFL, a few veteran players may have some thoughts on the matter.
I can’t even remember seeing a Junior nameplate in any sport, even though I’m sure they exist. So to answer my own question: stupid.[/quote]
If he makes it to the NFL, he has Ocho Cinco clearing a path for him down the vanity trail.
[quote]What do you propose as an alternate for a walk off home run in the regular season? Smiles? Hand shakes?[/quote]
[quote comment=”346408″][quote comment=”346402″][quote comment=”346384″][quote comment=”346360″]I’m not saying what the Crew did wasn’t slightly over the top, but again, what in the world do you want the team to do? Let Prince walk in the dugout and just have his teammates shake his hand for a job well done? If you think “meaningless regular season walk off home run celebrations” are terrible, then I want you complaining in February when hockey players all hug and grope each other after they score a “meaningless game winning” goal and their team is no longer in contention. No victory is meaningless. A win is a win.
What do you propose as an alternate for a walk off home run in the regular season? Smiles? Hand shakes? I don’t mean to get on your case Teebz, I’m just saying every sport has celebrations for what you call “meaningless victories”. I say who cares as long as they are having fun, and not showing up the other team. I don’t think the Brewers were showing up the Giants at all, and have no intentions of showing up teams bu un-tucking their jersey after a “W”.[/quote]
Johnny O has a point. I’ve seen worse. Crakcing down too much on this stuff sends the wrong message – “you can only have fun if you’re winning a championship.” Sports is supposed to be fun, not a business. Yes, the pros are paid to play and should act like role models, but not like corporate employees. Lighten up.[/quote]
Playing baseball is fun?
Good message.
As far as showing up the Giants pitcher, really doubt that was the intent. Besides, that ship sorta already sailed when Prince hit the shit out of the ball.
So if Giants are pissed, they need to lighten the hell up.
One would presume that Jacob Harry IV’s father would be Jacob Harry III. His name is listed as “Skip”.(Oh, wait, maybe it was Skip’s dad who was the third).
[quote comment=”346408″]Johnny O has a point. I’ve seen worse. Crakcing down too much on this stuff sends the wrong message – “you can only have fun if you’re winning a championship.” Sports is supposed to be fun, not a business. Yes, the pros are paid to play and should act like role models, but not like corporate employees. Lighten up.[/quote]
I have no problem with celebrations. I think spontaneous celebrations are great.
Actually, I like some of the premeditated ones, if they’re clever (pulling a phone out of a goalpost pad, digging a Sharpie out of a sock).
This one just seemed a bit cheesy. Come to think of it, that’s perfect for Wisconsin.
Sports is supposed to be fun, not a business.
So now pro sport is not a business?
[quote comment=”346415″]Sports is supposed to be fun, not a business.
So now pro sport is not a business?[/quote]
sports, like teh internets, is a serius business
[quote comment=”346416″][quote comment=”346415″]Sports is supposed to be fun, not a business.
So now pro sport is not a business?[/quote]
sports, like teh internets, is a serius business[/quote]
That’s how World War I started, after all. LOL
[quote comment=”346413″]One would presume that Jacob Harry IV’s father would be Jacob Harry III. His name is listed as “Skip”.(Oh, wait, maybe it was Skip’s dad who was the third).[/quote]
Or maybe Skip is just Jacob Harry III’s nickname. Kinda like Harry Christopher Caray, Jr. and Harry Christopher Caray III were/are better know as Skip and Chip, respectively.
[quote comment=”346418″][quote comment=”346413″]One would presume that Jacob Harry IV’s father would be Jacob Harry III. His name is listed as “Skip”.(Oh, wait, maybe it was Skip’s dad who was the third).[/quote]
Or maybe Skip is just Jacob Harry III’s nickname. Kinda like Harry Christopher Caray, Jr. and Harry Christopher Caray III were/are better know as Skip and Chip, respectively.[/quote]
Or maybe the name Harry “skipped” a generation.
oops, that should have been Jacob.
[quote comment=”346418″][quote comment=”346413″]One would presume that Jacob Harry IV’s father would be Jacob Harry III. His name is listed as “Skip”.(Oh, wait, maybe it was Skip’s dad who was the third).[/quote]
Or maybe Skip is just Jacob Harry III’s nickname. Kinda like Harry Christopher Caray, Jr. and Harry Christopher Caray III were/are better know as Skip and Chip, respectively.[/quote]
So future generations will be listening to Flip and Bip and…?
[quote comment=”346417″]That’s how World War I started, after all. LOL[/quote]Exactly, over an internet dispute.
[quote]Harry Christopher Caray, Jr. and Harry Christopher Caray III were/are better know as Skip and Chip, respectively.[/quote]
chip off the ol skip
…and Slip, undubiously.
[quote comment=”346415″]Sports is supposed to be fun, not a business.
So now pro sport is not a business?[/quote]
Okay, it’s a business that still is supposed to be fun.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been in jobs where we had all kinds of hokey “fun” team-building exercises, but that’s corporate-mandated “fun.” If these guys make up their celebrations on their own, and they’re not showboating or doing it on the road, I don’t have much of a problem.
[quote comment=”346411″][quote]What do you propose as an alternate for a walk off home run in the regular season? Smiles? Hand shakes?[/quote]
There is nothing I would like better for this to become a reality Phil… but it isn’t going to happen any time soon. Which is unfortunate.
Emotions get the best of people. And if there is a game winning home run, hit, bunt, walk, anything really… that player is going to be mobbed by his teammates.
[quote comment=”346417″][quote comment=”346416″][quote comment=”346415″]Sports is supposed to be fun, not a business.
So now pro sport is not a business?[/quote]
sports, like teh internets, is a serius business[/quote]
That’s how World War I started, after all. LOL[/quote]
Yes, Franz Ferdinand wanted iTunes to carry their whole catalog, but iTunes said no…
Phil: Loved your weekend spots…also, I think you could’ve done whole “designs go to die” for Canadian College football, but still loved the articles!
[quote comment=”346410″]If he makes it to the NFL, he has Ocho Cinco clearing a path for him down the vanity trail.[/quote]
That’s true, but Chad didn’t become Mr. Ocho Cinco until he was an established NFL vet.
IIRC, the Bears drafted a punter who showed up at training camp straight out of college with license plates that referenced “Thunderfoot”. The vets were less than amused by him and his attitude. (The guy had a pretty long NFL career-but not with the Bears.)
[quote comment=”346419″]Or maybe the name Harry “skipped” a generation.[/quote]There’s a basketball guard who’s known as Skip Pass.
[quote comment=”346428″][quote comment=”346410″]If he makes it to the NFL, he has Ocho Cinco clearing a path for him down the vanity trail.[/quote]
That’s true, but Chad didn’t become Mr. Ocho Cinco until he was an established NFL vet.
IIRC, the Bears drafted a punter who showed up at training camp straight out of college with license plates that referenced “Thunderfoot”. The vets were less than amused by him and his attitude. (The guy had a pretty long NFL career-but not with the Bears.)[/quote]
Herman Weaver. Lions.
[quote comment=”346430″]
Herman Weaver. Lions.[/quote]
Gotcha, I know he is the ORIGINAL Thunderfoot: this guy who the Bears drafted was much more recent. IIRC, out of the Carolinas or the general ACC vicinity.
[quote comment=”346431″][quote comment=”346430″]
Herman Weaver. Lions.[/quote]
Gotcha, I know he is the ORIGINAL Thunderfoot: this guy who the Bears drafted was much more recent. IIRC, out of the Carolinas or the general ACC vicinity.[/quote]
As punters go, tough to beat Hunter “The Punter” Smith.
[quote comment=”346431″][quote comment=”346430″]
Herman Weaver. Lions.[/quote]
Gotcha, I know he is the ORIGINAL Thunderfoot: this guy who the Bears drafted was much more recent. IIRC, out of the Carolinas or the general ACC vicinity.[/quote]
Ah, didn’t know there was a “THUNDERFOOT II”.
Wonder if Cowboys’ punter will get nicknamed “DO OVER”?
[quote comment=”346432″][quote comment=”346431″][quote comment=”346430″]
Herman Weaver. Lions.[/quote]
Gotcha, I know he is the ORIGINAL Thunderfoot: this guy who the Bears drafted was much more recent. IIRC, out of the Carolinas or the general ACC vicinity.[/quote]
As punters go, tough to beat Hunter “The Punter” Smith.[/quote]
It was Todd Sauerbrun — a SECOND ROUND draft pick out of West Virginia. His license plate was “HNGTIME” or some such.
[quote comment=”346406″]If I played in MLB, and I hit a walk-off HR for a non-playoff team in Game 67, I’d be giving high fives on the way back to the dugout, maybe a curtain call to acknowledge the fans, and then crack a beer in the dressing room for a job well done. Why? Because I’d rather save the celebration for accomplishing something more than boosting my own personal stats.[/quote]
Personal stats? We’re talking about a guy hitting a walk-off homer to win the game. Win — as in a [i]team[/i] stat. Winning the only game that they could win that day.
You might as well forgive players for loafing on the field and not running out grounders, because hey, a playoff spot isn’t on the line.
Come on, Teebz; your logic basically means that the vast majority of the athletes in the vast majority of games will be playing like they’re punching a time clock, with only the most important games between the champion-caliber teams being worthy of emotion. The Pirates have just clinched their 17th straight losing year; I suppose their players have forfeited all rights to show some joy when they do win, because they’re not going to the all-important playoffs?
And if your team is assured of not making the playoffs after just 67 games, you’ve probably got to enjoy those rare happy moments whenever they come.
Prince might be over the top, and he might be immature at times, but celebrations in general are an essential part of the game, and should be an athlete’s right whenever he helps his team win, no matter what their position in the standings might be.
[quote comment=”346411″][quote]What do you propose as an alternate for a walk off home run in the regular season? Smiles? Hand shakes?[/quote]
I vote for “act like you’ve been there.”
[quote comment=”346434″]Wonder if Cowboys’ punter will get nicknamed “DO OVER”?[/quote]
Says the man from the place where baseballs went to die :-P
McBriar is on record saying he doesn’t forsee any problems with the board. He certainly had no problems during the preseason.
[quote comment=”346374″]
Well. considering they’d never seen horses til the Spaniards arrived, that whole thing about them inventing “saddle” shoes does seem like myth, doesn’t it.
(What? There are flaws in history???)[/quote]
Excuse the historical nitpicking, but the Seminole Nation was an amalgamation of members of different tribes/ethnic groups that coalesced in the 1700s. There was no Spanish-Seminole culture shock confrontation per se because the various Indians (and Africans as some Seminoles were) would have already been familiar with Spanish and English colonists & their horses by the time they were calling themselves Seminoles. Just to make this uni-related, go and check out the Seminole Tribe of Florida website. They do some amazing things with stripes.
[quote comment=”346435″]It was Todd Sauerbrun — a SECOND ROUND draft pick out of West Virginia. His license plate was “HNGTIME” or some such.[/quote]
Yes, thanks; I knew he had a plate that the vets got all over him about but I forgot the exact reference. Thunderfoot or Hangtime, the older guys didn’t like a rookie doing that.
Highly unusual for the Bears to draft a punter that high-especially during the Wanny years when so many pieces were not in place.
[quote comment=”346433″]Ah, didn’t know there was a “THUNDERFOOT II”.[/quote]Well, there really wasn’t of course.
I did make the Thunderfoot/Hangtime error, but OTOH it’s not that much of a stretch to think Sauerbrun wouldn’t mind having that nickname.
“An amalgamation….that coalesced.”
I love this site.
[quote]Phil: Loved your weekend spots…also, I think you could’ve done whole “designs go to die” for Canadian College football, but still loved the articles![/quote]
wait…canada has colleges?
[quote comment=”346436″]
Prince might be over the top, and he might be immature at times, but celebrations in general are an essential part of the game, and should be an athlete’s right whenever he helps his team win, no matter what their position in the standings might be.[/quote]
Celebrations are essential in life, but you don’t celebrate things that are entirely meaningless unless your season has been meaningless.
It was orchestrated, planned, and designed to be attention-grabbing.
Spontaneous celebrations like Carlton Fisk’s historic homerun? Absolutely. It has meaning.
Choreographed celebrations like the Brew Crew for winning a game that will not make one iota of difference in their standings? Useless and unneccesary.
Then again, a Cubs’ hitter hit a pop foul in a close game over the weekend. The Pirates’ third baseman and catcher converged on the Pirates’ dugout railing. Ball landed on top step of dugout. None of the three Pirates’ players leaning on the railing appeared to say a word or even move to get out of the way and help one of their teammates catch the ball.
That’s the other way of approaching the game when you’re out of things, I guess.
Teebz, we’re just going to have to disagree. I think that each and every game is meaningful and could never accept the words “entirely meaningless” for a hit that ended any official game.
The Brewers are one game behing Houston, and have a shot at finishing over .500, something that until recently they couldn’t often do. If they can do it again this year, each one of those 82 wins will have been essential.
[quote comment=”346444″][quote comment=”346436″]
Prince might be over the top, and he might be immature at times, but celebrations in general are an essential part of the game, and should be an athlete’s right whenever he helps his team win, no matter what their position in the standings might be.[/quote]
Celebrations are essential in life, but you don’t celebrate things that are entirely meaningless unless your season has been meaningless.
It was orchestrated, planned, and designed to be attention-grabbing.
Spontaneous celebrations like Carlton Fisk’s historic homerun? Absolutely. It has meaning.
Choreographed celebrations like the Brew Crew for winning a game that will not make one iota of difference in their standings? Useless and unneccesary.[/quote]
Just out of curiosity, what did you do to celebrate link?
Congratulations, by the way.
By the way, saddle shoes were invented by a famous Native American called Chief Buster Brown.
[quote comment=”346444″][quote comment=”346436″]
Prince might be over the top, and he might be immature at times, but celebrations in general are an essential part of the game, and should be an athlete’s right whenever he helps his team win, no matter what their position in the standings might be.[/quote]
Celebrations are essential in life, but you don’t celebrate things that are entirely meaningless unless your season has been meaningless.
It was orchestrated, planned, and designed to be attention-grabbing.
Spontaneous celebrations like Carlton Fisk’s historic homerun? Absolutely. It has meaning.
Choreographed celebrations like the Brew Crew for winning a game that will not make one iota of difference in their standings? Useless and unneccesary.[/quote]
Fisk and the Sox lost that series, btw, so looking back it really had no “meaning”…
You know, in the grand scheme of the cosmos, is winning a World Series or a Super Bowl really that “meaningful”? Let’s not elevate the world of sports to a place where it does not belong. Life is short – have some fun with it, no matter where you are in the standings.
[quote comment=”346448″]By the way, saddle shoes were invented by a famous Native American called Chief Buster Brown.[/quote]
Well, he did LIVE in a shoe, after all.
[quote comment=”346403″][quote comment=”346400″]
The guys to pity are the umps. They’re in the sun the whole time.
For game in cooler weather I say put the umps back in classic blazers instead of windbreakers.
As for powder blues, I doubt it’s the Cardinals. They haven’t shown to be the alt jersey types. My guess is the Rays or Pads. For the hat, probably KC but I wish they wouldn’t.
Also, the color powder blue doesn’t have to be electric blue like the Mets link above. Just like gray doesn’t have to be flat like EVERY team wears. A combination bluish gray would look great for a team like the Mets or especially the Cubs.
[quote comment=”346449″][quote comment=”346444″][quote comment=”346436″]
Prince might be over the top, and he might be immature at times, but celebrations in general are an essential part of the game, and should be an athlete’s right whenever he helps his team win, no matter what their position in the standings might be.[/quote]
Celebrations are essential in life, but you don’t celebrate things that are entirely meaningless unless your season has been meaningless.
It was orchestrated, planned, and designed to be attention-grabbing.
Spontaneous celebrations like Carlton Fisk’s historic homerun? Absolutely. It has meaning.
Choreographed celebrations like the Brew Crew for winning a game that will not make one iota of difference in their standings? Useless and unneccesary.[/quote]
Fisk and the Sox lost that series, btw, so looking back it really had no “meaning”…
You know, in the grand scheme of the cosmos, is winning a World Series or a Super Bowl really that “meaningful”? Let’s not elevate the world of sports to a place where it does not belong. Life is short – have some fun with it, no matter where you are in the standings.[/quote]
Was my point about the Pirates just standing there on that pop foul. Being mathematically eliminated doesn’t mean “Quit Trying, Quit Caring, Quit Having Fun, Quit Being a Team.”
[quote comment=”346451″][quote comment=”346403″][quote comment=”346400″]
The guys to pity are the umps. They’re in the sun the whole time.
For game in cooler weather I say put the umps back in classic blazers instead of windbreakers.
As for powder blues, I doubt it’s the Cardinals. They haven’t shown to be the alt jersey types. My guess is the Rays or Pads. For the hat, probably KC but I wish they wouldn’t.
Also, the color powder blue doesn’t have to be electric blue like the Mets link above. Just like gray doesn’t have to be flat like EVERY team wears. A combination bluish gray would look great for a team like the Mets or especially the Cubs.[/quote]
Arrrrg…..damn HTML technocrap!
[quote comment=”346406″][quote comment=”346402″]
I’m not saying what the Crew did wasn’t slightly over the top, but again, what in the world do you want the team to do? Let Prince walk in the dugout and just have his teammates shake his hand for a job well done? If you think “meaningless regular season walk off home run celebrations” are terrible, then I want you complaining in February when hockey players all hug and grope each other after they score a “meaningless game winning” goal and their team is no longer in contention. No victory is meaningless. A win is a win.[/quote]
I do complain about some of the elaborate, useless celebrations in hockey. Alex Ovechkin’s “hot stick” routine last season? Complete and utter BS. Score the winning goal, high-five the bench as you skate by, do your little spin for being the first star, and get off the ice. It’s a team game, not a “me” game. Save the celebration for something meaningful.
If the Islanders wanna throw a party after Tavares scores a meaningless goal in mid-February, do it in the bloody dressing room. It means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Oh, right… they end the season with 54 points instead of 52? They won a game? Whoopty-frigging-do. That’s what they get paid to do.
[quote comment=”346402″]What do you propose as an alternate for a walk off home run in the regular season? Smiles? Hand shakes? I don’t mean to get on your case Teebz, I’m just saying every sport has celebrations for what you call “meaningless victories”. I say who cares as long as they are having fun, and not showing up the other team. I don’t think the Brewers were showing up the Giants at all, and have no intentions of showing up teams bu un-tucking their jersey after a “W”.[/quote]
I’m not saying they were showing up the Giants, but they planned an elaborate celebration to get their 10 seconds on SportsCenter.
If I played in MLB, and I hit a walk-off HR for a non-playoff team in Game 67, I’d be giving high fives on the way back to the dugout, maybe a curtain call to acknowledge the fans, and then crack a beer in the dressing room for a job well done. Why? Because I’d rather save the celebration for accomplishing something more than boosting my own personal stats.
But that’s just me. I’m not saying I’m right or wrong, but I find this celebration of nothingness to be dumb.[/quote]
Teebz must be channeling Don Cherry today.
[quote comment=”346446″]Teebz, we’re just going to have to disagree. I think that each and every game is meaningful and could never accept the words “entirely meaningless” for a hit that ended any official game.
The Brewers are one game behing Houston, and have a shot at finishing over .500, something that until recently they couldn’t often do. If they can do it again this year, each one of those 82 wins will have been essential.[/quote]
Each game is meaningful when you have a shot at something. Don’t get me wrong, Mark: playing until the final buzzer sounds is entirely the point of sport. One second in a game can change the outcome of a season.
But when you’re out, don’t be a spectacle. And if you’re going to be proud of an 82-win season after going 90-72 last season and earning the Wild Card, you might want to re-check your priorities. They’re 11.5 games back in the Wild Card as it stands right now.
I don’t know about this, but maybe someone should tell them to put their work boots on and focus on winning games than elaborate dance ceremonies? You don’t see the Rockies, Giants, Rangers, and Red Sox planning dance moves at home plate, do you?
Perhaps someone can point them in the direction of the Colorado Rockies of 2007. You know, those guys who rallied hard and won the Wild Card in September. Milwaukee, in my view, has more talent than the Rockies did in 2007.
“But that’s just me. I’m not saying I’m right or wrong, but I find this celebration of nothingness to be dumb.”
So you didn’t like Seinfeld, then? ;)
[quote comment=”346447″]
Just out of curiosity, what did you do to celebrate link?
Congratulations, by the way.[/quote]
In this order: high-fives, handshakes with the other team, off to our sponsor, had a celebratory beer (or six) with a few teammates, and laughed about the season’s highlights and lowlights.
No pre-planned celebrations despite how much it meant to a few guys.
And thanks. :o)
[quote comment=”346456″]”But that’s just me. I’m not saying I’m right or wrong, but I find this celebration of nothingness to be dumb.”
So you didn’t like Seinfeld, then? ;)[/quote]
I get the joke, but I’ll explain anyway. It’s the exact opposite. They mocked how vain and materialistic society is. That’s why it’s gold, Jerry! Gold! LOL
South Alabama played their first college football game last Saturday. The uni unveiling last spring only showed the road uni (all-white look). They finally debuted the home jersey, and it’s red, which is good b/c they needed something to break up the white helmet and white pants.
[quote]Fisk and the Sox lost that series, btw, so looking back it really had no “meaning”…[/quote]
jim, i love you buddy, but there is a huge difference in hitting a game winning, extra-inning home run in the world series that forces a 7th game (whether you win that game or not), and a choreographed, ridiculous “LOOK AT ME” shenanigans like the crew pulled
it’s not just them either, but between the untucked shirts and the i’m
kingprince fielder, bow to my awesomeness, they take it to a new lowi remember back in i donno, may or early june, when for like three straight games the yankees had either a walkoff homer or a walkoff hit to win games, and each player, during the “post game bee-essing with kim jones” would get a pie (really shaving cream) in the face…
jesus christ, isn’t that something you do for a guy who wins his first game or hits his first major league dinger? does A-roid really need that? for hitting a homer in the 10th?
of course, it followed the obligatory fist pumped, trot around the bases, the tossing off of the helmut and then the ‘dance’ that now is a requirement (except for the brewers) for a walkoff homerun
and that’s after the game was long over, not even on the field (well, it was in front of the dugout, but not in front of the opposition)
it’s just all gotten completely out of hand
/but it made sportscenter, so it’s alright
One of the most wonderful things about baseball, for me, is the idea that every day you might see something you’ve never seen before and that each and every game is a completely different experience. Some games are more exciting than others and there’s no way to tell which way a game will tug on you until pitches are thrown. Sometimes a ‘meaningless’ game turns into the most exciting thing that’s ever happened in your life, ie, David Wells, Mark Buehrle, etc. I think watching grown men acting like boys and celebrating a hard-fought or draining or plain, old exciting win is one of the things we go to the ballpark for in the first place. There’s nothing wrong with getting excited about winning, etc and you shouldn’t feel bad about it just because you ‘get paid’ to do it. In fact, sometimes those celebrations become more memorable and powerful than the accomplishments themselves. If you don’t believe me, find a clip of the Arizona catcher just after Randy Johnson completed his perfect game. HOWEVER… I do think that the premeditated, thought out, practiced, planned, rehearsed celebrations have no place in baseball or any other game. Excitement is great. Excitement is wonderful. Excitement is the point of sports in the first place… But if, after your big moment, you have the presence of mind to initiate a rehearsed celebration… you weren’t really that excited in the first place.
[quote comment=”346461″]HOWEVER… I do think that the premeditated, thought out, practiced, planned, rehearsed celebrations have no place in baseball or any other game. Excitement is great. Excitement is wonderful. Excitement is the point of sports in the first place… But if, after your big moment, you have the presence of mind to initiate a rehearsed celebration… you weren’t really that excited in the first place.[/quote]
BINGO. As one commentor said earlier, “Act like you’ve been there before”.
[quote comment=”346443″][quote]Phil: Loved your weekend spots…also, I think you could’ve done whole “designs go to die” for Canadian College football, but still loved the articles![/quote]
wait…canada has colleges?[/quote]
Apparently,no..they have Universties!! Who knew!
Hmmm… powder blue alternate jersey, I would have picked retro Milwaukee since K.C. & Toronto already have them, then possibly even the Rangers, but then somebody said Rays and that seems like the most logical. They would have to do some color flip-flopping with the cap logo if it matches. My only other guess for MLB changes will be the Twins script tweek. Unfortunately nothing major like the Astros going back to navy & orange, the Pads going to brown & yellow, A’s going back to kelly green & gold, Brewers to royal & yellow or the White Sox switching the silver with red.
For once, I believe Phil and I are on the same page. LOL
Awhile back, we discussed “Q’s” on hats, uni’s, as the main Logo…I think I have found the first “Q” (Canadian) College Football
[quote comment=”346462″][quote comment=”346461″]HOWEVER… I do think that the premeditated, thought out, practiced, planned, rehearsed celebrations have no place in baseball or any other game. Excitement is great. Excitement is wonderful. Excitement is the point of sports in the first place… But if, after your big moment, you have the presence of mind to initiate a rehearsed celebration… you weren’t really that excited in the first place.[/quote]
BINGO. As one commentor said earlier, “Act like you’ve been there before”.[/quote]
Was Bud Grant, actually.
[quote comment=”346460″]of course, it followed the obligatory fist pumped, trot around the bases, the tossing off of the helmut and then the ‘dance’ that now is a requirement (except for the brewers) for a walkoff homerun[/quote]
They give some German dude a “happy ending” in celebration?
OK, that really is over the line. Someone really needs to put a stop to that immediately.
[quote comment=”346457″][quote comment=”346447″]
Just out of curiosity, what did you do to celebrate link?
Congratulations, by the way.[/quote]
In this order: high-fives, handshakes with the other team, off to our sponsor, had a celebratory beer (or six) with a few teammates, and laughed about the season’s highlights and lowlights.
No pre-planned celebrations despite how much it meant to a few guys.
And thanks. :o)[/quote]
No planned celebrations? I guess because winning the Cup isn’t as important as beating a rookie goalie in Tampa for your 50th goal.
[quote comment=”346468″][quote comment=”346460″]of course, it followed the obligatory fist pumped, trot around the bases, the tossing off of the helmut and then the ‘dance’ that now is a requirement (except for the brewers) for a walkoff homerun[/quote]
They give some German dude a “happy ending” in celebration?
OK, that really is over the line. Someone really needs to put a stop to that immediately.[/quote]
where helmut eats after the game
[quote comment=”346467″][quote comment=”346462″][quote comment=”346461″]HOWEVER… I do think that the premeditated, thought out, practiced, planned, rehearsed celebrations have no place in baseball or any other game. Excitement is great. Excitement is wonderful. Excitement is the point of sports in the first place… But if, after your big moment, you have the presence of mind to initiate a rehearsed celebration… you weren’t really that excited in the first place.[/quote]
BINGO. As one commentor said earlier, “Act like you’ve been there before”.[/quote]
Was Bud Grant, actually.[/quote]
Before my time, Ricko. ;o) LOL
I hate showboating as much as anyone, but my point was…
Better a team have fun and celebrate a win (Brewers),
than stand numb-minded in the dugout looking up a foul ball, thinking, “Oh, is there a game going on?” (Pirates).
Given the choice of only those two extremes for teams whose seasons are less-than-stellar, I’ll take the Fielder Flop damn near every time.
[quote comment=”346469″]
No planned celebrations? I guess because winning the Cup isn’t as important as beating a rookie goalie in Tampa for your 50th goal.[/quote]
He scored 65 the season before. Where was the staged, elaborate celebration in the previous season? Or maybe, just maybe, do you think he was more appreciative of the act of scoring 50 goals rather than the act of the celebration of reaching that pinnacle?
Because there’s a huge difference between those two acts.
As for celebrations, I think most of these major league players should take the approach of “hey we’re not done yet”.
Winning a round of NHL playoffs should be followed by “good job” on to the next one, we haven’t won anything yet.
The brewers celebrating like that is wrong, the mood should have been cheerful, but more along the lines, of hey, good game, nice hit, we won that one but are still 5 games under 500 which means we’ve been stinking up the place this year.
It’s like not keeping score in little league, and “everybodies a winner”. The brewers have accomplished absolutely NOTHING this year but think they have reasons to throw elaborate celebrations, when really theres other teams out there that do have a reason to celebrate.
[quote comment=”346460″][quote]Fisk and the Sox lost that series, btw, so looking back it really had no “meaning”…[/quote]
jim, i love you buddy, but there is a huge difference in hitting a game winning, extra-inning home run in the world series that forces a 7th game (whether you win that game or not), and a choreographed, ridiculous “LOOK AT ME” shenanigans like the crew pulled[/quote]
There is indeed a difference, but I just don’t think it’s that huge. Yes, I would prefer a spontaneous celebration, but no matter how you celebrate it, it’s just a game. Yes, it’s a paycheck for the players, but for the rest of us, it’s a game. Whether it’s game 6 of the Series or the wiffleball I played on Sunday, it’s a game.
It wasn’t as if Fielder did it during the game. Then I’d have a problem. The game was over, though.
I’ve done the occasional spike or spinning of the football when I played street ball. We had a goofy handshake on our old bowling team (which never came close to winning our league title). Should I have just been a robot, finished the game and trudged home? Heck no. I play to have fun. I want the guys I watch to have fun as well. As long as it’s not mean-spirited, I really don’t care.
[quote comment=”346474″]As for celebrations, I think most of these major league players should take the approach of “hey we’re not done yet”.
Winning a round of NHL playoffs should be followed by “good job” on to the next one, we haven’t won anything yet.
The brewers celebrating like that is wrong, the mood should have been cheerful, but more along the lines, of hey, good game, nice hit, we won that one but are still 5 games under 500 which means we’ve been stinking up the place this year.
It’s like not keeping score in little league, and “everybodies a winner”. The brewers have accomplished absolutely NOTHING this year but think they have reasons to throw elaborate celebrations, when really theres other teams out there that do have a reason to celebrate.[/quote]
No joy in sports. Joy bad. Zero joy.
[quote comment=”346476″]
No joy in sports. Joy bad. Zero joy.[/quote]
There’s a huge difference between “spontaneous” and “choreographed”, Ricko. That’s the point I was making.
Have all the fun you want. If you plan it out, however, you’re focused on the wrong part of the joy.
[quote comment=”346465″]For once, I believe Phil and I are on the same page. LOL[/quote]
And I seem to be on Ricko’s team today. How ’bout a little two-on-two to settle this? ;)
I think those that have a problem with Fielder’s move (myself included) aren’t saying the team shouldn’t celebrate. They’re saying it shouldn’t be orchestrated. Big difference.
Crap like this starts bad trends. It comes off as amateur.
[quote comment=”346478″][quote comment=”346465″]For once, I believe Phil and I are on the same page. LOL[/quote]
And I seem to be on Ricko’s team today. How ’bout a little two-on-two to settle this? ;)[/quote]
What sport, Jim? I don’t know if Ricko’s fragile, 100-year-old body can take hockey. (How ’bout that trash-talkin’? LOL)
[quote comment=”346477″][quote comment=”346476″]
No joy in sports. Joy bad. Zero joy.[/quote]
There’s a huge difference between “spontaneous” and “choreographed”, Ricko. That’s the point I was making.
Have all the fun you want. If you plan it out, however, you’re focused on the wrong part of the joy.[/quote]
Again, my point is that at least they’re paying attention.
By comparison, if looked like under the same circumstances, half the Pirate bench would have said, “Oh, did we win?”
Be advised, though, If the Brewers ever do that again, I’d drill every one of ’em next game.
[quote comment=”346480″][quote comment=”346478″][quote comment=”346465″]For once, I believe Phil and I are on the same page. LOL[/quote]
And I seem to be on Ricko’s team today. How ’bout a little two-on-two to settle this? ;)[/quote]
What sport, Jim? I don’t know if Ricko’s fragile, 100-year-old body can take hockey. (How ’bout that trash-talkin’? LOL)[/quote]
The way I feel today, channel surfing might be too much. :)
[quote comment=”346481″][quote comment=”346477″][quote comment=”346476″]
No joy in sports. Joy bad. Zero joy.[/quote]
There’s a huge difference between “spontaneous” and “choreographed”, Ricko. That’s the point I was making.
Have all the fun you want. If you plan it out, however, you’re focused on the wrong part of the joy.[/quote]
Again, my point is that at least they’re paying attention.
By comparison, if looked like under the same circumstances, half the Pirate bench would have said, “Oh, did we win?”
By comparison, you’re talking about a team that just set the new futility record in baseball for consecutive losing campaigns versus a team with huge potential upside.
The Brewers go from a playoff team to watching in October. Different situations completely, but both, in October, are in exactly the same spot: both aren’t playing.
So again, why are they celebrating like they just won Game One of the World Series? Because they won’t be 81-83? Definition of a Pyrrhic victory.
[quote comment=”346484″][quote comment=”346481″][quote comment=”346477″][quote comment=”346476″]
No joy in sports. Joy bad. Zero joy.[/quote]
There’s a huge difference between “spontaneous” and “choreographed”, Ricko. That’s the point I was making.
Have all the fun you want. If you plan it out, however, you’re focused on the wrong part of the joy.[/quote]
Again, my point is that at least they’re paying attention.
By comparison, if looked like under the same circumstances, half the Pirate bench would have said, “Oh, did we win?”
By comparison, you’re talking about a team that just set the new futility record in baseball for consecutive losing campaigns versus a team with huge potential upside.
The Brewers go from a playoff team to watching in October. Different situations completely, but both, in October, are in exactly the same spot: both aren’t playing.
So again, why are they celebrating like they just won Game One of the World Series? Because they won’t be 81-83? Definition of a Pyrrhic victory.[/quote]
Just saying, when I saw the Pirates playing stupor ball, I thought, “Jesus, that’s far worse than the Fielder thing. Good, bad or in the middle, at least keep your heads in the frickin’ game.”
And all my observations are ONLY in that context.
(my asterisk statement)
Few people know that Nathan Hale ACTUALLY said, “My only regret is that I have but one ass to risk for my country.”
[quote]Whether it’s game 6 of the Series or the wiffleball I played on Sunday, it’s a game.[/quote]
if you think the wiffleball game you played sunday is of equal importance to game 6 of the 75 series…
*must be nice*
lets say the two don’t compare
back to apples vs. apples, however
i am not sure anyone is bemoaning some sort of spontaneous celebration, especially the act of winning a baseball game via the walkoff — arguably one of the most awesome ways to conclude a game —
we’re saying that the continual contrived celebratory gimmicks that now seem to pervade every accomplishment (big or small) not only take away from the true spontaneous (and rightful) celebrations, and diminish the true joy that does arise from such unbridled emotional outpouring
someone mentioned randy johnson’s last no-no (think it was a perfecto)…that might be a tad understated a reaction, but that’s what’s appropriate
touchdown spike? totally cool…you deserve it
seven guys making a circle and then dancing around after only one of them actually scored? see bunch, fun
sorry…not in my house
but hey…we’ve thrown sportsmanship out the window … that ship sailed years ago
in the kid leagues, everyone gets a ribbon, so winning and losing don’t matter…in the pros, it’s cool to show up the opposition because you’ll get your 10 second spot on SC
winning gracefully? a concept no longer adhered to obviously
harry peter grant was right…but he may as well be dead
Am I the only one who’s ever wondered…
“Who the hell names their kid ‘Harry Peter’?”
[quote comment=”346485″]
Just saying, when I saw the Pirates playing stupor ball, I thought, “Jesus, that’s far worse than the Fielder thing. Good, bad or in the middle, at least keep your heads in the frickin’ game.”
And all my observations are ONLY in that context.
(my asterisk statement)
Few people know that Nathan Hale ACTUALLY said, “My only regret is that I have but one ass to risk for my country.”
I agree that it looks poorly on the Pirates. I’m not downplaying that they are being paid to play, and should be giving 110% from opening pitch to last out.
We’re good on that part, Ricko. Now we just need you to get back on the channel surfing. ;o) LOL
[quote comment=”346488″][quote comment=”346485″]
Just saying, when I saw the Pirates playing stupor ball, I thought, “Jesus, that’s far worse than the Fielder thing. Good, bad or in the middle, at least keep your heads in the frickin’ game.”
And all my observations are ONLY in that context.
(my asterisk statement)
Few people know that Nathan Hale ACTUALLY said, “My only regret is that I have but one ass to risk for my country.”
I agree that it looks poorly on the Pirates. I’m not downplaying that they are being paid to play, and should be giving 110% from opening pitch to last out.
We’re good on that part, Ricko. Now we just need you to get back on the channel surfing. ;o) LOL[/quote]
I repeat. If Brewers do such a thing AGAIN, I’m aiming at their earholes.
[quote comment=”346486″]
we’re saying that the continual contrived celebratory gimmicks that now seem to pervade every accomplishment (big or small) not only take away from the true spontaneous (and rightful) celebrations, and diminish the true joy that does arise from such unbridled emotional outpouring
I’ll add one thing to this statement.
Look at Joe Carter’s walk-off homer to win the World Series. The guy went bananas after the ball cleared the fence, jumping up and down as he rounded the bases.
Now replace Carter’s unbridled joy and happiness with Fielder’s shenanigans.
De-values the whole concept of “joy” and “celebration”, doesn’t it?
[quote comment=”346490″][quote comment=”346486″]
we’re saying that the continual contrived celebratory gimmicks that now seem to pervade every accomplishment (big or small) not only take away from the true spontaneous (and rightful) celebrations, and diminish the true joy that does arise from such unbridled emotional outpouring
I’ll add one thing to this statement.
Look at Joe Carter’s walk-off homer to win the World Series. The guy went bananas after the ball cleared the fence, jumping up and down as he rounded the bases.
Now replace Carter’s unbridled joy and happiness with Fielder’s shenanigans.
De-values the whole concept of “joy” and “celebration”, doesn’t it?[/quote]
Anyone know, was it Fielder’s idea or did they decide as a team to do if they got another walk off? Doesn’t change much, but the back story would seem worth knowing.
[quote comment=”346489″]
I repeat. If Brewers do such a thing AGAIN, I’m aiming at their earholes.[/quote]
Apparently, you Minnesota-bred guys are all the same, Ricko.
“When asked his reaction to Fielder leaping onto home plate and his teammates falling down like bowling pins, [former Twins outfielder Torii] Hunter shook his head and rolled his eyes.
“‘I guess it’s a different game,’ he said. ‘It’s all TV, acting, until someone gets hit with a pitch in the chin. I’m old-school. I could never do that.'”
From link.
[quote comment=”346489″]
I repeat. If Brewers do such a thing AGAIN, I’m aiming at their earholes.[/quote]
Haven’t we established that as the wrong way to do it if you actually want to hit someone with a pitch?
[quote comment=”346487″]Am I the only one who’s ever wondered…
“Who the hell names their kid ‘Harry Peter’?”[/quote]
That would be someone from Wisconsin.
[quote comment=”346491″]
Anyone know, was it Fielder’s idea or did they decide as a team to do if they got another walk off? Doesn’t change much, but the back story would seem worth knowing.[/quote]
According to one site, “He didn’t even know the team was going to do that. They cooked it up while he was on deck and/or batting. He had very little to say about it to reporters afterwards. In fact, no one did. The team (as a whole) would not come out of the clubhouse for post-game interviews. They wanted to see the celebration replayed over and over. Fox Sports Wisconsin was happy to oblige”.
[quote comment=”346480″][quote comment=”346478″][quote comment=”346465″]For once, I believe Phil and I are on the same page. LOL[/quote]
And I seem to be on Ricko’s team today. How ’bout a little two-on-two to settle this? ;)[/quote]
What sport, Jim? I don’t know if Ricko’s fragile, 100-year-old body can take hockey. (How ’bout that trash-talkin’? LOL)[/quote]
I can’t skate, so unless it’s street hockey (I was a pretty good winger in the day, though) it’d have to be something else. I think we could all handle some wiffleball, huh?
[quote comment=”346495″][quote comment=”346491″]
Anyone know, was it Fielder’s idea or did they decide as a team to do if they got another walk off? Doesn’t change much, but the back story would seem worth knowing.[/quote]
According to one site, “He didn’t even know the team was going to do that. They cooked it up while he was on deck and/or batting. He had very little to say about it to reporters afterwards. In fact, no one did. The team (as a whole) would not come out of the clubhouse for post-game interviews. They wanted to see the celebration replayed over and over. Fox Sports Wisconsin was happy to oblige”.[/quote]
However, link states that he “gestured several times to his bench while on his way to second base, presumably to make sure his teammates were ready to carry through the plan”.
I tend to go with the professional in this case. Meaning it was pre-planned.
The powder blues could be just about anyone, not just the teams that used to wear them. Powder blue wasn’t really in anyone’s color scheme any more than gray is. Those are just the alternate color for their standard uniform.
That being said, no one has mentioned the Brewers or Rangers, both of whom used to wear powder blue. Personally, I’d love to see my Rangers in powder blue but only if it was going to be the entire uniform. The top alone just doesn’t look right.
My money is the Rays go with an alternate top while the Royals–who wore a gray cap with their road grays several years ago–add the powder blue lid.
[quote comment=”346486″][quote]touchdown spike? totally cool…you deserve it
seven guys making a circle and then dancing around after only one of them actually scored? link
but hey…we’ve thrown sportsmanship out the window … that ship sailed years ago[/quote]
As you said, let’s compare apples to apples. The fun bunch belongs in Billy White Shoes territory. You can’t compare that to T.O. dissing the Cowboys. One is fun, the other is classless.
By the way, Paul, I wondered how they got that confetti look at Old Shea – now I know. Thanks for the cool article.
[quote comment=”346497″][quote comment=”346495″][quote comment=”346491″]
Anyone know, was it Fielder’s idea or did they decide as a team to do if they got another walk off? Doesn’t change much, but the back story would seem worth knowing.[/quote]
According to one site, “He didn’t even know the team was going to do that. They cooked it up while he was on deck and/or batting. He had very little to say about it to reporters afterwards. In fact, no one did. The team (as a whole) would not come out of the clubhouse for post-game interviews. They wanted to see the celebration replayed over and over. Fox Sports Wisconsin was happy to oblige”.[/quote]
However, link states that he “gestured several times to his bench while on his way to second base, presumably to make sure his teammates were ready to carry through the plan”.
I tend to go with the professional in this case. Meaning it was pre-planned.[/quote]
To be fair, rob neyer was just quoting andrew baggerly..
[quote comment=”346491″][quote comment=”346490″][quote comment=”346486″]
we’re saying that the continual contrived celebratory gimmicks that now seem to pervade every accomplishment (big or small) not only take away from the true spontaneous (and rightful) celebrations, and diminish the true joy that does arise from such unbridled emotional outpouring
Fielder was asked in a post game interview if the celebration was rehearsed and his response was, “I guess so”. So either he had no knowledge of it, or just didn’t admit it.
I am still confused about those who say teams that are out of the playoffs don’t play meaningful games. So should Pirates and Red call it a year and not play anymore? Because what is the point of even showing up anymore?
You play to win the game. No matter what your record is, you should have fun and celebrate as long as you are not taunting or showing the other team up. Should there be choreographed celebrations? No. Is it OK if there is? Yes. But that is my opinion, and to each their own.
I’ll add one thing to this statement.
Look at Joe Carter’s walk-off homer to win the World Series. The guy went bananas after the ball cleared the fence, jumping up and down as he rounded the bases.
Now replace Carter’s unbridled joy and happiness with Fielder’s shenanigans.
De-values the whole concept of “joy” and “celebration”, doesn’t it?[/quote]
Anyone know, was it Fielder’s idea or did they decide as a team to do if they got another walk off? Doesn’t change much, but the back story would seem worth knowing.[/quote]
[quote comment=”346484″][quote comment=”346481″][quote comment=”346477″][quote comment=”346476″]
No joy in sports. Joy bad. Zero joy.[/quote]
There’s a huge difference between “spontaneous” and “choreographed”, Ricko. That’s the point I was making.
Have all the fun you want. If you plan it out, however, you’re focused on the wrong part of the joy.[/quote]
Again, my point is that at least they’re paying attention.
By comparison, if looked like under the same circumstances, half the Pirate bench would have said, “Oh, did we win?”
By comparison, you’re talking about a team that just set the new futility record in baseball for consecutive losing campaigns versus a team with huge potential upside.
The Brewers go from a playoff team to watching in October. Different situations completely, but both, in October, are in exactly the same spot: both aren’t playing.
So again, why are they celebrating like they just won Game One of the World Series? Because they won’t be 81-83? Definition of a Pyrrhic victory.[/quote]
As bad as the Pirates losing record is, it doesn’t hold a candle to the Cubs 102 year futility in World Series competition. Also, it’s much worse to be one of the seven MLB cities which has NEVER won a world title.
This will be a good looking game this coming weekend. Especially good since ISU got rid of the last generation of uniforms. Might not be very “pretty” to watch, though, as both schools had trouble in their opening games.
[quote comment=”346486″][quote]Whether it’s game 6 of the Series or the wiffleball I played on Sunday, it’s a game.[/quote]
if you think the wiffleball game you played sunday is of equal importance to game 6 of the 75 series…
*must be nice*
lets say the two don’t compare
back to apples vs. apples, however
i am not sure anyone is bemoaning some sort of spontaneous celebration, especially the act of winning a baseball game via the walkoff — arguably one of the most awesome ways to conclude a game —
we’re saying that the continual contrived celebratory gimmicks that now seem to pervade every accomplishment (big or small) not only take away from the true spontaneous (and rightful) celebrations, and diminish the true joy that does arise from such unbridled emotional outpouring
someone mentioned randy johnson’s last no-no (think it was a perfecto)…that might be a tad understated a reaction, but that’s what’s appropriate
touchdown spike? totally cool…you deserve it
seven guys making a circle and then dancing around after only one of them actually scored? link
but hey…we’ve thrown sportsmanship out the window … that ship sailed years ago
in the kid leagues, everyone gets a ribbon, so winning and losing don’t matter…in the pros, it’s cool to show up the opposition because you’ll get your 10 second spot on SC
winning gracefully? a concept no longer adhered to obviously
harry peter grant was right…but he may as well be dead[/quote]
Hey, I’m not saying everyone should have a premeditated celebration handy, but I’m just trying to keep it in perspective.
Some of these guys can be annnoying, but if we’re talking sportsmanship, I have a MUCH bigger problem with fighting in hockey (sorry Teebz, but yes, I said it), managers and players getting in the umpires’ faces and kicking dirt on them, intentionally hitting a batter (yep, I said that too – getting the guy out next time up is the best revenge), soccer players wagging their fingers in the refs’ faces, not shaking hands after the game (I’m talking to you, LeBron), trash talk, etc.
Yes, play hard. Play very hard. Take your effort seriously, but after you’ve done your best, it’s a game. Play with class and have some fun. Premeditated celebrations fall very low on my list of things that bug me.
[quote comment=”346498″]The powder blues could be just about anyone, not just the teams that used to wear them.
That being said, no one has mentioned the Brewers or Rangers, both of whom used to wear powder blue. [/quote]
Actually I did, about an hour ago. Tho if we all read every single comment, we’d never get any work done. A powder blue jersey with “TEXAS” on it would look very retro.
[quote comment=”346505″]
Some of these guys can be annnoying, but if we’re talking sportsmanship, I have a MUCH bigger problem with fighting in hockey (sorry Teebz, but yes, I said it), managers and players getting in the umpires’ faces and kicking dirt on them, intentionally hitting a batter (yep, I said that too – getting the guy out next time up is the best revenge), soccer players wagging their fingers in the refs’ faces, not shaking hands after the game (I’m talking to you, LeBron), trash talk, etc.
Yes, play hard. Play very hard. Take your effort seriously, but after you’ve done your best, it’s a game. Play with class and have some fun. Premeditated celebrations fall very low on my list of things that bug me.[/quote]
At the January UW meetup, I may have to launch into a diatribe about the importance of fighting in hockey. LOL
Anyone know, was it Fielder’s idea or did they decide as a team to do if they got another walk off?
I scored it a fielder’s choice. :)
I have an old pennant that has that Jets logo on it, it’s actually the guy blasting off out of a cartoon of Shea Stadium. I’ll try to send it in.
[quote comment=”346503″]Also, it’s much worse to be one of the seven MLB cities which has NEVER won a world title.[/quote]
I’m going to disagree on this one.
The Rockies, Rays, Giants, Padres and Astros have all won pennants since the Pirates’ streak of losing seasons started.
As for the other two, the Brewers made the playoffs last year and the Rangers had 3 playoff appearances in the mid/late 90s.
So at least those teams have accomplished something in the last 17 years.
[quote comment=”346477″][quote comment=”346476″]
No joy in sports. Joy bad. Zero joy.[/quote]
There’s a huge difference between “spontaneous” and “choreographed”, Ricko. That’s the point I was making.
Have all the fun you want. If you plan it out, however, you’re focused on the wrong part of the joy.[/quote]
Exactly, if I was the coach I’d tell those gys to practice hitting the ball and winning games. once they’ve perfected that (or at least winning WS) don’t practice your dance moves until then.
[quote comment=”346494″]Am I the only one who’s ever wondered…
“Who the hell names their kid ‘Harry Peter’?”[/quote]
james and lily peter?
[quote comment=”346511″][quote comment=”346477″][quote comment=”346476″]
No joy in sports. Joy bad. Zero joy.[/quote]
There’s a huge difference between “spontaneous” and “choreographed”, Ricko. That’s the point I was making.
Have all the fun you want. If you plan it out, however, you’re focused on the wrong part of the joy.[/quote]
Exactly, if I was the coach I’d tell those gys to practice hitting the ball and winning games. once they’ve perfected that (or at least winning WS) don’t practice your dance moves until then.[/quote]
Tom Kelly, after 1992 W-S on the discussion he and Jack Morris had about whether Morris should stay in Game 7: “It’s just a fuckin’ ballgame.”
Dan Synder strikes again…
I agree, the players should balk at getting paid millions of bucks per year and agree to $100k tops. $5M per year Steinbrenner? Its just a fucking ballgame, gimme $100k and I’ll be fine.
Kelly and Morris were being facetious.
Although the truth, of course, is that at moments like those the money IS irrelevant. At that point, they’re just guys who want to win.
And if it happens to be fun, too, so much the better.
And you thought him kicking Happy Gilmore’s ass was a fluke.
[quote comment=”346508″]Anyone know, was it Fielder’s idea or did they decide as a team to do if they got another walk off?
I scored it a fielder’s choice. :)[/quote]
Fielder was asked in a post game interview if the celebration was pre-meditated and he replied, “I guess it was.”
Don’t know if he was being coy, or if he didn’t know his teammates were going to do it.
And those who care and are watching the Mother Ship, They are going to be talking about Fielder’s celebration on Around the Horn shortly.
[quote comment=”346507″][quote comment=”346505″]
Some of these guys can be annnoying, but if we’re talking sportsmanship, I have a MUCH bigger problem with fighting in hockey (sorry Teebz, but yes, I said it), managers and players getting in the umpires’ faces and kicking dirt on them, intentionally hitting a batter (yep, I said that too – getting the guy out next time up is the best revenge), soccer players wagging their fingers in the refs’ faces, not shaking hands after the game (I’m talking to you, LeBron), trash talk, etc.
Yes, play hard. Play very hard. Take your effort seriously, but after you’ve done your best, it’s a game. Play with class and have some fun. Premeditated celebrations fall very low on my list of things that bug me.[/quote]
At the January UW meetup, I may have to launch into a diatribe about the importance of fighting in hockey. LOL[/quote]
It’d be interesting, I’m sure, but I figure if they don’t have it in college or the Olympics, they don’t need it in the pros. I would be more willing to change my tune on premeditated celebrations than on this subject.
Oh yeah, forgot to add flopping to my high-priority list of sports peeves. I may not like fighting, but I ain’t no sissy either…
[quote]Oh yeah, forgot to add flopping to my high-priority list of sports peeves. I may not like fighting, but I ain’t no sissy either…[/quote]
dick fosbury would like a word with you
[quote comment=”346520″][quote]Oh yeah, forgot to add flopping to my high-priority list of sports peeves. I may not like fighting, but I ain’t no sissy either…[/quote]
dick fosbury would like a word with you[/quote]
[quote comment=”346519″]
At the January UW meetup, I may have to launch into a diatribe about the importance of fighting in hockey. LOL[/quote]
It’d be interesting, I’m sure, but I figure if they don’t have it in college or the Olympics, they don’t need it in the pros. I would be more willing to change my tune on premeditated celebrations than on this subject.
Oh yeah, forgot to add flopping to my high-priority list of sports peeves. I may not like fighting, but I ain’t no sissy either…[/quote]
Don’t worry. I have a premeditated set of rules on fighting. Needless to say, the Olympics and amateur hockey competitions are covered. :o)
Dun dun dunnnnn!
The Nets have taken that first step on the uni sponsor slippery slope.
[quote comment=”346522″][quote comment=”346519″]
At the January UW meetup, I may have to launch into a diatribe about the importance of fighting in hockey. LOL[/quote]
It’d be interesting, I’m sure, but I figure if they don’t have it in college or the Olympics, they don’t need it in the pros. I would be more willing to change my tune on premeditated celebrations than on this subject.
Oh yeah, forgot to add flopping to my high-priority list of sports peeves. I may not like fighting, but I ain’t no sissy either…[/quote]
Don’t worry. I have a premeditated set of rules on fighting. Needless to say, the Olympics and amateur hockey competitions are covered. :o)[/quote]
Is it on your blog? I’d like to read it.
[quote comment=”346524″][quote comment=”346522″][quote comment=”346519″][quote]
At the January UW meetup, I may have to launch into a diatribe about the importance of fighting in hockey. LOL[/quote]
It’d be interesting, I’m sure, but I figure if they don’t have it in college or the Olympics, they don’t need it in the pros. I would be more willing to change my tune on premeditated celebrations than on this subject.
Oh yeah, forgot to add flopping to my high-priority list of sports peeves. I may not like fighting, but I ain’t no sissy either…[/quote]
Don’t worry. I have a premeditated set of rules on fighting. Needless to say, the Olympics and amateur hockey competitions are covered. :o)[/quote]
Is it on your blog? I’d like to read it.[/quote]
I think I may have explained “the code” and why I’m pro-fighting. I’ll take a look for it.
NFL team’s logo painted in wrong place on field
One day after the Bears finished the preseason with a game against the Cleveland Browns at the stadium run by the Chicago Park District. The turf was chewed up, and it was visible where the grounds crew had originally painted the ”C” at the 50-yard line in the wrong place. — Chicago Sun-Times …..Ben’s Take: Best story of the day, NFL grounds crew doesn’t know where to put the team logo. Right out of a bad Hollywood sports movie.
[quote comment=”346298″]The Prine Fielder fiasco is a total mockery. A team that is eliminated from everything before Labor Day orchestrating a walk-off HR celebration!!
ESPN radio is wondering why the commissioner doesn’t fine Prince. Maybe because he owns the team!![/quote]
If I’m a Giants P, I am making a note of it for next season. Just in case. You know.
Ok, I’ve spoken about fighting in several pieces.
link – the examination of the enforcer.
link – explaining the code.
link – evolution of the enforcer.
The link.
link on fighting in hockey.
An link of fighting in hockey.
My view on fighting in junior hockey.
[quote comment=”346528″]Ok, I’ve spoken about fighting in several pieces.
link – the examination of the enforcer.
link – explaining the code.
link – evolution of the enforcer.
The link.
link on fighting in hockey.
An link of fighting in hockey.
Fixed that last link.
[quote comment=”346510″][quote comment=”346503″]Also, it’s much worse to be one of the seven MLB cities which has NEVER won a world title.[/quote]
I’m going to disagree on this one.
The Rockies, Rays, Giants, Padres and Astros have all won pennants since the Pirates’ streak of losing seasons started.
As for the other two, the Brewers made the playoffs last year and the Rangers had 3 playoff appearances in the mid/late 90s.
So at least those teams have accomplished something in the last 17 years.[/quote]
You’d be right if the history of baseball started 17 years ago. Last time I checked, it didn’t, and pennants aren’t world series titles. Only three other franchises have won more world titles, so the Pirates are still easily a better overall franchise than any of the clubs you mentioned.
[quote comment=”346387″][quote comment=”346385″][quote comment=”346382″][quote comment=”346381″][quote comment=”346376″]Best college football uni matchup of the past weekend?
Just to get the ball rolling, I’ll say Oklahoma and BYU. Certainly two of the more traditional unis.
I’m gonna go with the 49ers @ the Chargers on Friday night.[/quote]
True. Especially cuz 49ers evidently have decided to de-emphasize football and focus on academics.[/quote]
Although I can’t fault them because ‘Mooning 101′ should be required coursework for all college athletes. I hear they even had Dr. Randall Moss, PhD. of Gluteal Display as a guest lecturer.
In defense of Professor Moss (and obviously beyond the ken of Joe Buck), NFL players know Packer fans have a long tradition of ACTUALLY mooning opposing teams as they walk from the stadium to the team bus after games. The Professor was just givin’ it back them. And was a pantomime, too, not like he did the real thing.
I have had it. I covered the Packers for several years in the 1980s and 1990s. I saw players from the visiting team walk to the bus. I never in that time saw anyone moon them. I have gone to games in Green Bay since 1967. I have never seen anyone mooning players. Unless you have some photographic proof – I won’t insist you post it here, so don’t worry, Paul – I’d appreciate not hearing that charge again.
[quote comment=”346528″]Ok, I’ve spoken about fighting in several pieces.
link – the examination of the enforcer.
link – explaining the code.
link – evolution of the enforcer.
The link.
link on fighting in hockey.
An link of fighting in hockey.
My view on fighting in junior hockey.[/quote]
great shit teebz…i still miss the mid-70’s with the broad street bullies and the isles, but what’re ya gonna do…
at least there’s still a pro hockey team in philly
best quote from your piece:
[quote]where a player cannot fight, the player who refuses the fight should issue a “raincheck” for a future encounter.[/quote]
*you gonna fight me meat?*
*not today, kind sir, would you be so kind as to issue me a rainchecque for an altercation at a future, as yet to be unnamed, date?*
*you’re dead, you pussy*
[quote comment=”346533″]link[/quote]
[quote comment=”346533″]link[/quote]What is in those landing mats? Sponges?
[quote comment=”346467″]
Was Bud Grant, actually.[/quote]
Chicago vs. Minnesota: I’ve heard it attributed to Gale Sayers.
[quote comment=”346530″][quote comment=”346510″][quote comment=”346503″]Also, it’s much worse to be one of the seven MLB cities which has NEVER won a world title.[/quote]
I’m going to disagree on this one.
The Rockies, Rays, Giants, Padres and Astros have all won pennants since the Pirates’ streak of losing seasons started.
As for the other two, the Brewers made the playoffs last year and the Rangers had 3 playoff appearances in the mid/late 90s.
So at least those teams have accomplished something in the last 17 years.[/quote]
You’d be right if the history of baseball started 17 years ago. Last time I checked, it didn’t, and pennants aren’t world series titles. Only three other franchises have won more world titles, so the Pirates are still easily a better overall franchise than any of the clubs you mentioned.[/quote]
Well, two of those teams didn’t even exist the last time the Pirates had a plus-.500 season.
You could argue that winning championships at some point in your history trumps never winning. But at the end of the day, you’re still looking up at nearly two consecutive decades of not only losing, but also unloading any player that shows promise, thus eliminating any hope of winning any time soon.
I couldn’t read a lot of the comments. By the time I got to Uneewatch today, it was at 270.
Just wanted to say…
the Brewers are stupid. That little deal they did wasn’t fun.
They have no time for fun such as that. It’s just stupid.
I apologize to those that like that type of shit. But that’s what it is. Shit.
I can not even begin to get my head around the planning of that. Who lead it? I want footage of the planning stages. That is everything I aspire not to be.
P.S. Nice bedazzling in your gold piping.
[quote comment=”346537″]I couldn’t read a lot of the comments. By the time I got to Uneewatch today, it was at 270.
Just wanted to say…
the Brewers are stupid. That little deal they did wasn’t fun.
They have no time for fun such as that. It’s just stupid.
I apologize to those that like that type of shit. But that’s what it is. Shit.
I can not even begin to get my head around the planning of that. Who lead it? I want footage of the planning stages. That is everything I aspire not to be.
P.S. Nice bedazzling in your gold piping.[/quote]
I meant 226. Sorry Charlie.
[quote comment=”346536″][quote comment=”346530″][quote comment=”346510″][quote comment=”346503″]Also, it’s much worse to be one of the seven MLB cities which has NEVER won a world title.[/quote]
I’m going to disagree on this one.
The Rockies, Rays, Giants, Padres and Astros have all won pennants since the Pirates’ streak of losing seasons started.
As for the other two, the Brewers made the playoffs last year and the Rangers had 3 playoff appearances in the mid/late 90s.
So at least those teams have accomplished something in the last 17 years.[/quote]
You’d be right if the history of baseball started 17 years ago. Last time I checked, it didn’t, and pennants aren’t world series titles. Only three other franchises have won more world titles, so the Pirates are still easily a better overall franchise than any of the clubs you mentioned.[/quote]
Well, two of those teams didn’t even exist the last time the Pirates had a plus-.500 season.
You could argue that winning championships at some point in your history trumps never winning. But at the end of the day, you’re still looking up at nearly two consecutive decades of not only losing, but also unloading any player that shows promise, thus eliminating any hope of winning any time soon.[/quote]
Just realized something… No WS titles for Seattle. So that makes 8 MLB cities never to have won it all. Also 8 franchises — take the Giants out and add the Natinals.
[quote comment=”346536″][quote comment=”346530″][quote comment=”346510″][quote comment=”346503″]Also, it’s much worse to be one of the seven MLB cities which has NEVER won a world title.[/quote]
I’m going to disagree on this one.
The Rockies, Rays, Giants, Padres and Astros have all won pennants since the Pirates’ streak of losing seasons started.
As for the other two, the Brewers made the playoffs last year and the Rangers had 3 playoff appearances in the mid/late 90s.
So at least those teams have accomplished something in the last 17 years.[/quote]
You’d be right if the history of baseball started 17 years ago. Last time I checked, it didn’t, and pennants aren’t world series titles. Only three other franchises have won more world titles, so the Pirates are still easily a better overall franchise than any of the clubs you mentioned.[/quote]
Well, two of those teams didn’t even exist the last time the Pirates had a plus-.500 season.
You could argue that winning championships at some point in your history trumps never winning. But at the end of the day, you’re still looking up at nearly two consecutive decades of not only losing, but also unloading any player that shows promise, thus eliminating any hope of winning any time soon.[/quote]
Winning championships is why they play the game, and that will always trump pennants. Pittsburgh has also had a ton of great players, unlike all the teams you mentioned. As for the present day, time will tell, the Padres and Astros are in the same situation as the Pirates. Do you honestly think any of the seven teams you listed will win the world series anytime soon? No way, the Rays are already dismantling their team.
When any of those seven teams reaches five world titles, then we can talk about comparing them to Pittsburgh.
[quote comment=”346539″][quote comment=”346536″][quote comment=”346530″][quote comment=”346510″][quote comment=”346503″]Also, it’s much worse to be one of the seven MLB cities which has NEVER won a world title.[/quote]
I’m going to disagree on this one.
The Rockies, Rays, Giants, Padres and Astros have all won pennants since the Pirates’ streak of losing seasons started.
As for the other two, the Brewers made the playoffs last year and the Rangers had 3 playoff appearances in the mid/late 90s.
So at least those teams have accomplished something in the last 17 years.[/quote]
You’d be right if the history of baseball started 17 years ago. Last time I checked, it didn’t, and pennants aren’t world series titles. Only three other franchises have won more world titles, so the Pirates are still easily a better overall franchise than any of the clubs you mentioned.[/quote]
Well, two of those teams didn’t even exist the last time the Pirates had a plus-.500 season.
You could argue that winning championships at some point in your history trumps never winning. But at the end of the day, you’re still looking up at nearly two consecutive decades of not only losing, but also unloading any player that shows promise, thus eliminating any hope of winning any time soon.[/quote]
Just realized something… No WS titles for Seattle. So that makes 8 MLB cities never to have won it all. Also 8 franchises — take the Giants out and add the Natinals.[/quote]
No, the Giants stay in, San Francisco has never won a world series
[quote comment=”346541″][quote comment=”346539″][quote comment=”346536″][quote comment=”346530″][quote comment=”346510″][quote comment=”346503″]Also, it’s much worse to be one of the seven MLB cities which has NEVER won a world title.[/quote]
I’m going to disagree on this one.
The Rockies, Rays, Giants, Padres and Astros have all won pennants since the Pirates’ streak of losing seasons started.
As for the other two, the Brewers made the playoffs last year and the Rangers had 3 playoff appearances in the mid/late 90s.
So at least those teams have accomplished something in the last 17 years.[/quote]
You’d be right if the history of baseball started 17 years ago. Last time I checked, it didn’t, and pennants aren’t world series titles. Only three other franchises have won more world titles, so the Pirates are still easily a better overall franchise than any of the clubs you mentioned.[/quote]
Well, two of those teams didn’t even exist the last time the Pirates had a plus-.500 season.
You could argue that winning championships at some point in your history trumps never winning. But at the end of the day, you’re still looking up at nearly two consecutive decades of not only losing, but also unloading any player that shows promise, thus eliminating any hope of winning any time soon.[/quote]
Just realized something… No WS titles for Seattle. So that makes 8 MLB cities never to have won it all. Also 8 franchises — take the Giants out and add the Natinals.[/quote]
No, the Giants stay in, San Francisco has never won a world series[/quote]
Yes, I know that. But the New York Giants did win a few. That’s why I pointed out that the number of franchises is also 8 because you have to take the Giants out of the list and add the Nats.
[quote comment=”346542″][quote comment=”346541″][quote comment=”346539″][quote comment=”346536″][quote comment=”346530″][quote comment=”346510″][quote comment=”346503″]Also, it’s much worse to be one of the seven MLB cities which has NEVER won a world title.[/quote]
I’m going to disagree on this one.
The Rockies, Rays, Giants, Padres and Astros have all won pennants since the Pirates’ streak of losing seasons started.
As for the other two, the Brewers made the playoffs last year and the Rangers had 3 playoff appearances in the mid/late 90s.
So at least those teams have accomplished something in the last 17 years.[/quote]
You’d be right if the history of baseball started 17 years ago. Last time I checked, it didn’t, and pennants aren’t world series titles. Only three other franchises have won more world titles, so the Pirates are still easily a better overall franchise than any of the clubs you mentioned.[/quote]
Well, two of those teams didn’t even exist the last time the Pirates had a plus-.500 season.
You could argue that winning championships at some point in your history trumps never winning. But at the end of the day, you’re still looking up at nearly two consecutive decades of not only losing, but also unloading any player that shows promise, thus eliminating any hope of winning any time soon.[/quote]
Just realized something… No WS titles for Seattle. So that makes 8 MLB cities never to have won it all. Also 8 franchises — take the Giants out and add the Natinals.[/quote]
No, the Giants stay in, San Francisco has never won a world series[/quote]
Yes, I know that. But the New York Giants did win a few. That’s why I pointed out that the number of franchises is also 8 because you have to take the Giants out of the list and add the Nats.[/quote]
No, world titles always belong to where they were won, San Francisco has never experienced a world title in baseball.
[quote]No, world titles always belong to where they were won, San Francisco has never experienced a world title in baseball.[/quote]
then add montreal to that list
plus, if you’re a cleveland browns fan, using their logic, the giants not only have to leave their WS crowns, but their name in NY
Today’s feature on the panel, like the panel itself, is a beauty. Thank you.
[quote comment=”346311″][quote comment=”346310″]The entire SWAC is wearing the McNair decals this season.[/quote]
Of course. He represents the American dream: Become a famous pro athlete, make a lot of dough and be a hound.
Anyone gonna tell me that ISN’T what young players dream of?
This fits right into Jason Whitlock’s recent article on “Why Athletes Should Never Marry”.
He opines as to how Pro locker rooms breed infidelity, and how athlete’s wives stop having sex with their husbands once the become “wives AND mothers” ….
I’ll try to find the article and post it …
[quote comment=”346344″][quote comment=”346339″]Seeing as it’s two different teams, though, I’d guess the powder hats are the Royals (because they looked good in that promotional game this year), and the jersey change is the Rays or Padres.
(Oh, lord, please don’t let it be the Twins).
Oh lord please let it be the Mets. This is a sweet hat.
My guess, it is going to be the BLUE JAYS.
Why shouldn’t a team with BLUE in its name, named after a bird that is BLUE, not actually wear BLUE?
[quote comment=”346544″][quote]No, world titles always belong to where they were won, San Francisco has never experienced a world title in baseball.[/quote]
then add montreal to that list
plus, if you’re a cleveland browns fan, using their logic, the giants not only have to leave their WS crowns, but their name in NY[/quote]
I feel teams that relocate should adopt a new nickname for their new city in a perfect world. Although San Francisco obviously kept the Giants nickname when the team moved, the fact remains San Fran has never celebrated a world title in baseball.
[quote comment=”346548″][quote comment=”346544″][quote]No, world titles always belong to where they were won, San Francisco has never experienced a world title in baseball.[/quote]
then add montreal to that list
plus, if you’re a cleveland browns fan, using their logic, the giants not only have to leave their WS crowns, but their name in NY[/quote]
I feel teams that relocate should adopt a new nickname for their new city in a perfect world. Although San Francisco obviously kept the Giants nickname when the team moved, the fact remains San Fran has never celebrated a world title in baseball.[/quote]
In football, neither has Minnesota. I guess that makes the Lions a superior franchise.
[quote comment=”346529″][quote comment=”346528″]Ok, I’ve spoken about fighting in several pieces.
link – the examination of the enforcer.
link – explaining the code.
link – evolution of the enforcer.
The link.
link on fighting in hockey.
An link of fighting in hockey.
Fixed that last link.[/quote]
Very nice read, Teebz. It didn’t sway me, but at least I know you’re not another Don Cherry.
Maybe it’s because all I ever played is street hockey, and I was a goal scorer, not a defender, but I just don’t get the need for fighting. I took my hits, and I got in the face of the guy who tried to neuter me with his stick, but I never considered fighting. I even helped break up the one near-fight our teams had.
It just seems that if the NCAA and the Olympics can do it, why can’t the pros? (rhetorical – I know why; it’s because the fans like it and the NHL more than other leagues is dependent on buns in the seats)
I’m about the only one who sits in his seat during a hockey fight; but as I said, I didn’t really play, so I’m not judging. I just wonder why we can’t reach a happy medium between the enforcers and goons vs. the floppers and divers. I just want to see some good, honest, clean, and yes – hard-hitting – hockey. When curling’s not on, that is…
[quote comment=”346543″][quote comment=”346542″][quote comment=”346541″][quote comment=”346539″][quote comment=”346536″][quote comment=”346530″][quote comment=”346510″][quote comment=”346503″]Also, it’s much worse to be one of the seven MLB cities which has NEVER won a world title.[/quote]
I’m going to disagree on this one.
The Rockies, Rays, Giants, Padres and Astros have all won pennants since the Pirates’ streak of losing seasons started.
As for the other two, the Brewers made the playoffs last year and the Rangers had 3 playoff appearances in the mid/late 90s.
So at least those teams have accomplished something in the last 17 years.[/quote]
You’d be right if the history of baseball started 17 years ago. Last time I checked, it didn’t, and pennants aren’t world series titles. Only three other franchises have won more world titles, so the Pirates are still easily a better overall franchise than any of the clubs you mentioned.[/quote]
Well, two of those teams didn’t even exist the last time the Pirates had a plus-.500 season.
You could argue that winning championships at some point in your history trumps never winning. But at the end of the day, you’re still looking up at nearly two consecutive decades of not only losing, but also unloading any player that shows promise, thus eliminating any hope of winning any time soon.[/quote]
Just realized something… No WS titles for Seattle. So that makes 8 MLB cities never to have won it all. Also 8 franchises — take the Giants out and add the Natinals.[/quote]
No, the Giants stay in, San Francisco has never won a world series[/quote]
Yes, I know that. But the New York Giants did win a few. That’s why I pointed out that the number of franchises is also 8 because you have to take the Giants out of the list and add the Nats.[/quote]
No, world titles always belong to where they were won, San Francisco has never experienced a world title in baseball.[/quote]
Are you even reading what I’m writing?
I skipped the last 75 comments, so maybe someone’s made this point about the Giants and Brew Crew, but here’s my $.02:
That choreography was totally over the top and uncalled for. I have no problem with joyful celebrations and mobbing the guy at the plate, but before you tell the G’s to “lighten up,” imagine you are a member of the losing team. Most of us have played sports and been on the wrong end of a tough loss. You’re pissed and frustrated, and then the winning team goes and does something like that. Even if it’s not their intent, I’d feel like they were pointing and laughing. (and remember, this was the Giants’ third loss in which they gave up a *total* of five runs in a week…of course they’re gonna be grumpy!)
even the Bud Light and Coke logos on the Blackhawks ice is different from last year too
[quote comment=”346550″]
I’m about the only one who sits in his seat during a hockey fight; but as I said, I didn’t really play, so I’m not judging. I just wonder why we can’t reach a happy medium between the enforcers and goons vs. the floppers and divers. I just want to see some good, honest, clean, and yes – hard-hitting – hockey. When curling’s not on, that is…[/quote]
Agreed, Jim. I’m not defending hockey fights in the sense that they are a required part of the game. The difference in the Olympics is that you have the best of the best from each country playing. That level of skill is necessary to win a gold medal. If you fill your team with goons, you’re asking for an early exit.
The NCAA is a tough one, in my books. I am not condoning fighting in the NCAA because the players are students first, athletes second. However, when you see players getting destroyed in hits from behind, you worry about safety. The one advantage that the NCAA has is that all players are required to wear full shields and cages to protect from errant stickwork.
Again, though, I believe that if you’re in a development league, you should be banned from dropping the gloves. You’re there to develop as a player. Once you hit the pro ranks and sign a contract, you can do whatever you like.
Good discussion, Jim. Very much appreciated. :o)
[quote comment=”346345″][quote comment=”346342″][quote comment=”346338″]”Solid rumor” — stop, you’re killin’ me![/quote]
Makes me think of the PS3 commercial that’s been running lately. The Sony “Director of Rumor Conformation” is asked to comment on the PS3 price drop. His response:
“You can’t believe everything you read on the Internet. That’s how World War I got started.”[/quote]
I still don’t understand why someone on the Titanic didn’t just use their satellite phone.[/quote]
Especially since you were on the damn boat!
I would like to see that Rays cap become a reality.
[quote comment=”346546″][quote comment=”346311″][quote comment=”346310″]The entire SWAC is wearing the McNair decals this season.[/quote]
Of course. He represents the American dream: Become a famous pro athlete, make a lot of dough and be a hound.
Anyone gonna tell me that ISN’T what young players dream of?
This fits right into Jason Whitlock’s recent article on “Why Athletes Should Never Marry”.
He opines as to how Pro locker rooms breed infidelity, and how athlete’s wives stop having sex with their husbands once the become “wives AND mothers” ….
I’ll try to find the article and post it …[/quote]
A very well-known former NFL player (and I mean VERY well-known) once told me, “The best thing about playing pro football is that you can stay 14 forever.”
The only way most of them relate to a relationship with a woman around the house IS with their/a mother. Women who marry them discover that real quick, I think. And they accept the wealthy lifestsyle in exchange for having a chronically unfaithful husband.
By the way, he was long-time married and still a serious hound. Because younger women still practically threw themselves at him, for one thing.
Granted, there are exceptions, but that seems to be the paradigm.
Hence, I would tend to agree with—on face value anwyay—the title of Whitlcok’s article.
[quote comment=”346555″][quote comment=”346345″][quote comment=”346342″][quote comment=”346338″]”Solid rumor” — stop, you’re killin’ me![/quote]
Makes me think of the PS3 commercial that’s been running lately. The Sony “Director of Rumor Conformation” is asked to comment on the PS3 price drop. His response:
“You can’t believe everything you read on the Internet. That’s how World War I got started.”[/quote]
I still don’t understand why someone on the Titanic didn’t just use their satellite phone.[/quote]
Especially since you were on the damn boat!
I would like to see that Rays cap become a reality.[/quote]
Nope, wasn’t on the boat. Lost my tickets in a poker game. Some guy named “Dalton”. From Wisconsin, if I remember correctly.
[quote]A very well-known former NFL player (and I mean VERY well-known) once told me, “The best thing about playing pro football is that you can stay 14 forever.”[/quote]
jacobus franciscus thorpe?
Any DIY people out here who can recommend a website that sells ringer T-shirts? I’ve googled a few but wonder if any of the crowd here has a favorite place to buy from.
[quote comment=”346312″]re: AFL logos
i posted link like a week ago, and uploaded it to my flickr account months ago (prolly posted it then too)…so, it’s prolly an “official” logo … not sure where i found the pic (or if someone may have sent it to me — i think larry b or larry w may have sent it to me as a screen grab, since it was uploaded the same day as the link game)
fantastic post paul! love the panel & organ info[/quote]
Yes those were from one my screen grabs. So I enjoyed the AFL logos today.
[quote comment=”346558″][quote]A very well-known former NFL player (and I mean VERY well-known) once told me, “The best thing about playing pro football is that you can stay 14 forever.”[/quote]
jacobus franciscus thorpe?[/quote]
Nope. Not George Halas, either.
[quote comment=”346560″][quote comment=”346312″]re: AFL logos
i posted link like a week ago, and uploaded it to my flickr account months ago (prolly posted it then too)…so, it’s prolly an “official” logo … not sure where i found the pic (or if someone may have sent it to me — i think larry b or larry w may have sent it to me as a screen grab, since it was uploaded the same day as the link game)
fantastic post paul! love the panel & organ info[/quote]
Yes those were from one my screen grabs. So I enjoyed the AFL logos today.[/quote]
Back then, teams/leagues often licensed those “pretend” logos. Every once in a while you see them turn up on those little white felt patches on ebay, for example. They’re much fussier about branding and quality nowdays. And rightly so. Those things were pretty cheap and cheesy.
[quote comment=”346379″][quote comment=”346378″][quote comment=”346376″]Best college football uni matchup of the past weekend?
Just to get the ball rolling, I’ll say Oklahoma and BYU. Certainly two of the more traditional unis.
I liked the LSU Washington game. Visually. I was pulling for the Huskies. We went to Ohio State at Washington game recently. Very neat setting for a game.
Don’t really mean designs, just combination of colors, light pants vs. dark pants, etc., etc.[/quote]
How about lsu vs. washington (i know, some might say too much purple).[/quote]
Reading alot about Fielder and the Brewers situation. Alot of negative reaction. I disagree. A long time ago my T-ball coach told me simply to go out and have fun. Winning and losing didn’t matter. Yes the Brewers are out of the push for the playoffs, however does that mean that they should just go about the rest of their season with their heads hanging down? Of course not. Someone said that there were 30,000 fans at the park that night. What would they think if the Brew Crew simply didn’t celebrate? It all comes back to why originally sports are such a successful business. People want to be entertained. When the players show emotion and show that they do care, even when they know their season overall was not the greatest, it lets people know that they still want to win that game that night. Count me as a fan who likes to see players have fun, and enjoy playing the game as much as any of us would if we were givin the chance.
Found the new powder blue….oh wait, what year is it?
[quote comment=”346564″]Reading alot about Fielder and the Brewers situation. Alot of negative reaction. I disagree. A long time ago my T-ball coach told me simply to go out and have fun. Winning and losing didn’t matter. Yes the Brewers are out of the push for the playoffs, however does that mean that they should just go about the rest of their season with their heads hanging down? Of course not. Someone said that there were 30,000 fans at the park that night. What would they think if the Brew Crew simply didn’t celebrate? It all comes back to why originally sports are such a successful business. People want to be entertained. When the players show emotion and show that they do care, even when they know their season overall was not the greatest, it lets people know that they still want to win that game that night. Count me as a fan who likes to see players have fun, and enjoy playing the game as much as any of us would if we were givin the chance.[/quote]
Did you just seriously compare children’s t-ball to Major League Baseball? Seriously?
I can’t even begin to explain why you’ll never comprehend the argument Phil and I are making.
They didn’t show they wanted to win one iota. They showed that they care about being on SportsCenter. If they cared about winning, they wouldn’t be 11.5 games out, and they wouldn’t be choreographing idiotic home plate celebrations.
Number of times the Yankees have done this? Do you think they care less than the Brewers about winning?
Number of times the Cardinals have done this? Do you think they care less than the Brewers about winning?
Instead, those teams are committed to winning WHILE having fun. The difference is that they are committed to winning more than being committed to “fun”. Perhaps the Brewers should adopt that mentality, and then I’ll give them some slack.
Not sure about this, but the commitment to winning seemed to work pretty well for the Rays in 2008, and those “idiots” from Boston that won in 2004. And they had tons of fun off the field, according to reports.
[quote comment=”346564″]Reading alot about Fielder and the Brewers situation. Alot of negative reaction. I disagree. A long time ago my T-ball coach told me simply to go out and have fun. Winning and losing didn’t matter. Yes the Brewers are out of the push for the playoffs, however does that mean that they should just go about the rest of their season with their heads hanging down? Of course not. Someone said that there were 30,000 fans at the park that night. What would they think if the Brew Crew simply didn’t celebrate? It all comes back to why originally sports are such a successful business. People want to be entertained. When the players show emotion and show that they do care, even when they know their season overall was not the greatest, it lets people know that they still want to win that game that night. Count me as a fan who likes to see players have fun, and enjoy playing the game as much as any of us would if we were givin the chance.[/quote]
The Unwritten Code In Baseball Says:
Tho Shalt Not Show Up the Other Team Or Rub Their Face In It for a HR.
Everyone knows it, and you can write it down and file it in the clip and save folder: A Brewer will get hit the first time SF plays Mil in 2010. No doubt.
And speaking of big pieces of Met’s stadiums, it looks like Jerry Seinfeld is having some issues…
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
re: Cardinals red and white striped belt
I have a copy of the 1983 Athlon’s Pro Football preview magazine and was able to scan a color shot of the belt. The striped weren’t as deep a red as is seen on the rest of the uniform but it’s still pretty sharp looking.
awsome to see Will Ta’ufo’ou from the great city of san carlos. His family owned a great ice cream shop here until a few years ago. I played sports with will and his little borther, great kids, hope to see will making plays soon
Going to the UT game this weekend. Ill see if i can get a shot of the CR and CD Sullins