In late July I got a note from longtime reader Richard Craig, who’d stumbled upon an interesting uni-related attraction in an unlikely place:
Last weekend I was cruising through the wine country out here in California, doing a few tastings but mostly just enjoying the scenery. Driving along the Silverado Trail in Calistoga, I was just about to sail on past the Silver Rose Winery when at the last moment I noticed a little sign near the driveway. I did a double-take, hit the brakes and went inside.
It turns out that the guy who runs the winery has a private collection of football helmets that he’s recently put on display in the lobby of the winery. He’s got old leather helmets and NFL “helmet evolution” sets (check out the Redskins, Eagles, and Giants progressions at left). He also has helmets from the USFL, the CFL, the Arena league, even the XFL.
It was a surprise to find this in a winery (though if you own a winery, I’m sure you can afford a helmet collection). I got the guy’s contact info in case you’re interested in talking to him.
And that’s how I recently found myself speaking with Derrick Dumont, who, I think it’s safe to say, is the only vintner in America who also has a world-class football helmet collection. Here’s how our discussion went down:
Uni Watch: You’re obviously a football fan. Did you play football when you were younger?
Derrick Dumont: I did play Division II college, back I the early ’80s. Always loved the sport.
UW: What position?
DD: I was a receiver. Even after college, I was always looking for flag football leagues to play in. I think the last time I played in an organized flag league was about 12 years ago, when I was 37.
UW: How long have you been in the winery biz?
DD: We’ve had the property since 1985, and I joined the family business in ’93. We’re what you call a resort winery — we have a small hotel on-site with 20 guestrooms, as well as a small winery where we produce less than 2000 cases a year.
UW: And how’d you get into the helmet thing?
DD: Prior to joining the family business, I had another job that involved a lot of travel, and — well, actually, to tell the story properly, you have go back to fourth grade, when I was on my first team and my dad helped me paint all the helmets so they all matched.
UW: A Pop Warner team?
DD: This was actually just organizing our own little group to play against another elementary school. Even in our pick-up games when I was a little kid, I’d paint my own jersey out of a T-shirt so I could pretend to be a particular player.
UW: So you were thinking in uni-related terms very early on. Was that important to you, to have your helmet be just so?
DD: Yes, definitely.
UW: And when your dad helped you paint your team’s helmets, did you ask him to help you, or was it his idea? Like, was he saying that you kids needed to look good out there?
DD: No, it was me asking for his help, because I wasn’t very good at spray-painting. I designed a little “A” for our logo, because our school was called Addison. So we made a stencil, sprayed it on, and sprayed a stripe. He showed me how to do that.
UW: It must have killed you when the paint got chipped or got dirty during the game, right?
DD: No, it held up fine. Our collisions weren’t that intense.
UW: Do you still have that original helmet?
DD: No. But that’s how I got started.
UW: Did you also collect the little mini gumball helmets?
DD: Yeah, I had those for a while. And football cards. I don’t know what happened to all that stuff. Then, a few years after I got out of college, I went to visit one of my old roommates. And he had his high school helmet, plus our college helmet. And I said, “Wow, how did you get that? That is so cool!” And I thought, “I’ve gotta do that. I need to make replica helmets for all the teams I played for.”
UW: So he had made these helmets himself? He hadn’t gotten them from the schools?
DD: Exactly, he did it himself. And I thought that was the greatest thing, so I started with that, making my Pop Warner, high school junior college, and college helmets, and from there it just kinda went crazy.
UW: So all the helmets that you have displayed at the winery — you made all of those?
DD: A few of them were bought. But 95% of them I’ve made. Some of them were beat-up old helmets I found garage sales and flea markets. And when I was traveling for my old job, whenever I was in a town I’d look up the oldest sporting goods store, tell them about my project, and we’d go down in the basement and find these brand-new helmets that were 20, 30 years old.
UW: And you’d buy those?
DD: Sometimes they just gave them to me! Most of the time they’d charge me a little, almost nothing, because they didn’t know what to do with ’em. And they knew I wasn’t going to be using them on my head, or on anyone else’s head, so they felt comfortable letting them go like that. So then I’d sand them down, repaint them, and then I either painted the logo, made the logo, or was able to obtain the logo.
UW: When you say “obtain,” you mean you got a decal?
DD: Yeah. Because those are usually pretty readily available. And I’ve always tried to keep things matched up, so that I’m using the right helmet for the era of a particular logo.
UW: In other words, you wouldn’t use a 1990s Riddell helmet for a 1960s Redskins design.
DD: Exactly.
UW: And I can see from the photos that you obviously keep the facemasks era-appropriate as well.
DD: Yes. So, slowly but surely, I’ve been able to keep the collection growing, adding the USFL designs, and then the WFL from the ’70s, and the XFL. And since I was born in Canada, I’ve added the Canadian Football League, back to the ’60s. Now I’ve gotta look at this new UFL. I haven’t done any of the girls’ leagues yet.
UW: I’ve gotta get you talking with Bill Jones. He’s this guy in Texas who’s the king of gumball helmets — he makes them himself, and he’s found every obscure league you can imagine. Like, if there’s a women’s over-50 league in Australia, he’s done their helmets. And he’s always looking for more — it’s like an addiction with him. I think that’s where you’re headed.
DD: Possibly, yeah.
UW: How many helmets do you have displayed there at the winery?
DD: About 250. And I have a few hundred helmets on hand that I can make into new designs. I still have some gaps to fill — I don’t have all of the 1960 designs from the AFL, for example, and I’ve only done about half of the arena league. So it’s still a work in progress.
UW: What’s the story with the leather helmets?
DD: Those aren’t replicas — those are old, original helmets that I’ve managed to acquire. I’ve got one for every decade that leather helmets were used.
UW: When did you start displaying your helmets at the winery?
DD: In early June.
UW: Oh, so it’s a very new thing.
DD: Yes.
UW: So up until now, you’ve just been pursuing this privately, in your basement or whatever.
DD: Exactly.
UW: Did you have them displayed, like in your rec room or something like that?
DD: Some of them. But most of them were just sitting in boxes until we decided, “Well, we need something to attract people to our winery.” You know, we’re a small operation here in Napa Valley, and we need a reason for people to come to our tasting room instead of all the other ones out there.
UW: So you saw a way for your collector obsession to be put to use as a bit of marketing.
DD: Yeah, that’s what we’re hoping. Actually, we’re going through a bit of a transition here, because our goal is to become more of a wine sports bar.
UW: Does your helmet museum have an official name?
DD: Right now we’re just saying, “Silver Rose Presents 100 Years of Pro Football History.”
UW: You don’t charge admission for this, do you?
DD: No.
UW: Have you tried to promote via the local media?
DD: One of the local papers wrote something, but I haven’t really had a chance yet to publicize it. But we’ve updated our sign out front — originally it just said, “Football Helmet Museum,” but now it includes a blue helmet.
UW: So how has the response been so far? Has anyone come in specifically to see the helmets?
DD: There have definitely been people who’ve come in because they saw the sign. And a few of the locals came by when that article ran in the local paper.
UW: What about people who were coming for the wine and didn’t realize that they’d be surrounded by all these football helmets?
DD: It’s been amazingly great. People are pretty impressed — they think it’s cool. Some of them are a bit confused, they’ll say, “Why football helmets?” And we’ll just say, “Well, we want to be different than everyone else.” Other wineries might have some fancy artwork or Ansel Adams photos, but we’re kind of bucking the trend with our sweaty football helmets.
UW: I guess it really is bucking the trend, or even somewhat counterintuitive, because the standard perception is that the intersection of football and alcohol begins and ends with beer. You think of football fans drinking beer, sports bars serving beer, and obviously there’s lots of beer advertising during NFL games. When you think about football fans, you don’t usually think about wine. For that matter, when you think of wine, you don’t generally think about football.
DD: We haven’t had any problem in that regard. When people see how many helmets we have and the history behind them, they appreciate it. And I’ve put together a catalog that has a picture of every helmet on our wall, the story behind it, what style it is”¦
UW: Oh, you’ve put together a guide to the museum, sort of a program?
DD: Right. I’ve put together a catalog, in a binder, so people can take a look and get more information about the helmets.
UW: What about women? I’d think that the wine demographic has a higher concentration of women than you’d normally find among football fans. If a couple comes in, does the guy get all excited when he sees the helmets and then the woman is sitting there rolling her eyes?
DD: Not really. I mean, maybe a couple of times, but overall it’s been really well received. A lot better than I expected, in fact. That’s what’s been so exciting.
UW: You were worried it might not go over so well?
DD: I wasn’t 100% sure how people would take it. But I’ve been very pleasantly surprised. It’s made me proud of what I’ve accomplished.
UW: You should be! What about your family, what do they think? Are you married?
DD: Yes, and I have four boys. They all play football. In fact, everyone in the family is a football fan, including my wife.
UW: And what has she thought of your hobby over the years?
DD: She’s been pretty supportive. She’s just glad to have a little more room in the house now that I’ve moved the helmets over to the winery.
UW: What about your kids? Do they share your passion for getting a uniform just right?
DD: Yeah, when they’re getting ready for game, they have their little rituals, just like I did when I played.
UW: What sort of rituals did you have?
DD: When I was in high school, I always had to tape my shoes so they looked nice and white. I’d tape ’em up and then repaint the stripes on ’em. And I always used knee pads for my hip pads, before they got a little stricter about the padding. If I could’ve gone without padding, I probably would have.
UW: How much money would you estimate you’ve spent on this hobby over the years?
DD: Hmmmm”¦ [Long pause.]
UW: Ballpark.
DD: I’d say I average about $30 a helmet. So that figure, times 250 helmets, means about $7500. Actually, it could have been a lot more — I’m kind of a stickler about price, so I’ve turned down some helmets that I’ve seen for sale, because I thought they were overpriced.
UW: And do those helmets now haunt your memory?
DD: Yeah. I passed up some beat-up old Riddell helmets, and now you don’t see those anymore, even on eBay.
UW: What about college football helmets? You have lots of pro leagues represented in your collection, but not much in the way of college.
DD: I’ve done a few college helmets, but only ones were I really liked the logo or the history, like the Michigan and Texas. Air Force, too. But I’ve really concentrated on pro football.
UW: What if you want to expand the museum? How much more room for on the walls do you have?
DD: I still have some open hooks”¦
UW: Yeah, how’d you come up with that hook system? It looks ingeniously simple.
DD: I saw something similar somewhere — where was that? Anyway, I saw something where they just had the hook in the earhole, and it gives it just a little tip especially when you’re looking up, so it works really well. I haven’t counted exactly how many open hooks I still have, but my guess would be about 20 or so.
UW: And you mentioned that you wanted to have a wine sports bar. Would that be in this same space, where the helmets are now?
DD: Yeah.
UW: And do you envision expanding that concept, where you’d have maybe a chain of these wine sports bars or something ike that?
DD: That is a possibility — replicating this concept. Especially when you have companies like Helmet Hut creating such amazing helmet product. I think I’m pretty fussy, but I think the Helmet Hut product is absolutely perfect.
UW: Do you know those guys personally?
DD: No.
UW: They’re really amazing people, and they’re such sticklers for historical details.
DD: Yeah, I’ve bought some of their helmets and have really been blown away by how authentic they are. And it’s great that they sell the old facemasks, and even the old clips for the facemasks, because those can get brittle and break, so it’s great to have a place to buy those. For someone like me, it’s a dream come true. And, actually, it’s helped me start my own custom-helmet business, which is called Your Helmet Your Way.
UW: And how is that different from Gridiron Memories?
DD: They aren’t taking the logo thing as far as I am. If someone wants to do a replica of their high school or Pop Warner helmet, I’m willing to do just one, as long as they can get me a photo. No one was really doing that, so I’ve got a little niche there. I started that a little over a year ago.
UW: And how has that gone?
DD: Surprisingly well, considering how the economy has gone. Some corporations have actually hired me to do helmets for them.
UW: You mean, like a company’s logo on a football helmet, as a promotional item, even if they never had anything to do with football?
DD: Right.
UW: Wow, you’re gonna be way past the wine business before you know it. That’s really interesting. And do you promote this operation of yours within the museum at the winery?
DD: I do have one small display for the business, yes.
Faaaaascinating. Big thanks to Derrick for sharing his collection, and to Richard Craig for tipping me wise to this great story. But I’m still sticking with beer.

Uni Watch Stirrup Club Update: Comrade Robert Marshall has just returned from the front lines of the stirrup revolution. He offers this report of the proceedings:
1) Our third-party supplier fed me some misinformation. Turns out the cardinal stirrup is not a “standard” design but a special order, and as such it takes four weeks to produce, not two. When this is coupled with the upcoming Uni Watch vacation, we need to offer up the next selection before our current order arrives in order to stay on our monthly schedule.
2) My disappointment with our previous dealer (for numerous reasons) has led me to take steps to ensure we have a direct connection with Twin City Knitting. How will that affect things? First and foremost, it means cheaper hosiery for all, and I should also be able to accommodate a wider variation of size requests. But most importantly, it means I now have TCK’s ear, and I am already trying to work on new offerings to better satisfy the people. No matter how abstract the message may sometimes be here, do not doubt my commitment to the spread of right proper hosiery through direct action.
3) This months choices are pure chicago, with four separate offerings. That’s right, we were able to handle two, so I am going to try to offer four per month from now on. So what with the increased choices, and the previously stated changes, I beg of you, even if you think you know what to do, please read the abbreviated instructions carefully, and follow the directions precisely.
Raffle Results: The 10 winners of the Bill Henderson MLB jersey guide are Brennan Barber, Eric Buettner, Bryan Duklewski, David Frost, Rob Ullman, Chris Stoppel, Bill Sour, Chris Milea, David Jackson, and Jerry Meyerowitz. All of you should contact me asap with your shipping addresses. Thanks!
Uni Watch News Ticker: A New Jersey politician doesn’t like the Nets’ new road jersey (with thanks to Timothy Collins). ”¦ Oooh, check out the cool cartoon on the cover of this year’s Patriots media guide (with thanks to Yancy Yeater). ”¦ New Bobcats unis visible in this video clip. Apparently they’ll have pinstripes. ”¦ New logo for the 2009 FIVB Men’s Club World Volleyball Championship, to be played in Qatar in November (with thanks to Jeremy Brahm). ”¦ The Red Sox had to buy a vowel over the weekend (great find by Tom Mulgrew). ”¦ More slop from the UFL here (with thanks to Marc Altieri). ”¦ It’s tough to see for sure, but Gabe Greenbaum says this minor leaguer is wearing stirrups with no sannies! ”¦ Are you an artist? Wanna create something for the Marlins’ new ballpark? Then you’ll wanna take a look at this page (thanks, Kirsten). ”¦ Ray Emery’s new mask is a tribute to Philadelphia boxing (with thanks to Enrico Campitelli Jr.). ”¦ Great article saluting single-bar facemasks here (big thanks to Larry Kurtze). … Here’s one guy’s assessment of the best Steelers by uni number (with thanks to David Potter). ”¦ The saga of the A’s helmet decals continues. Looks like Adam Kennedy is back to the old helmet style, plus his decal appears to be sitting a bit low (good spot by Brandon Davis). ”¦ The Massachusetts lottery has introduced a new Patriots-themed scratch-off ticket, and Bob Kraft presented a jersey to Massachusetts State Treasurer Timothy Cahill with a “Massachusetts” NOB and the number 351, for all of the cities and towns in the state (with thanks to Scott Davis). … Excellent spot from Brent Hardman, who notes that Bengie Molina appears to have a small pocket, or something like that, sewn into the chest of his jersey. ”¦ Brent also sent along this great shot of himself and his son at Falcons training camp. “One fan dressed in full uniform (old logo) in the 90-degree heat, while the actual team was practicing in helmets and shorts,” he says.

Nineteen days isn’t so long: Beginning tomorrow, Uni Watch will go on summer hiatus through the end of August. We’ll be open for business again on September 1st. No need to send Ticker contributions during this period, although college football news is very welcome. I’ll have at least two ESPN columns running while the blog is inactive. If you want to stay up to date, sign up for my mailing list, which will keep you in the loop.
Enjoy the break — see you in a few weeks.
good article here about single bar face masks
Someone asked (again) yesterday about George Hendrick. This photo shows about as low as Hendrick ever wore his pantlegs. But, because it was so uncommon he is generally, and wrongly, thought to have originated the No Sock Showing Whatsoever look. That came later with guys like Jose Lind and Jose Offerman (speaking of with lowcut shoes; a number of players’ pants reached their hightops as that style cleat came into fashion).
And, there was yesterday’s discussion of the Washington Post and it’s decision not to run a particular Tank McNamara strip.
Wonder if they’d have okayed this one.
(also my “have a great Summer Vacation, everyone” Benchies, I suppose)…
If the new UFL team is the “California Redwoods”, where the heck is the red in their uniforms? I know they are named after the trees, but they are named REDWOOD for a reason.
Oh snap!!! Flickr(ed) again. Why is it that this photo hosting site is so commonly firewalled/blocked?
Here are a couple pretty good shots of Virginia Tech’s unis from this year’s media day:
Normally I’d send this to Paul to post in the ticker but I’ll try to squeeze this in…
In England, Arsenal striker Nicklas Bendtner switched his number from 26 to 52 for the coming season, and is offering a personal refund to fans who bought his “Bendtner 26′ jersey.
The New Jersey politician’s name is oddly appropriate, because he’s acting like a complete “O’Toole” about the whole situation there.
tip of the helmet to derrek dumont!
i may have to become a sommeleir
and sir ricko: great benchies!
Although well deserved for you, Paul, and all your cronies, BUT… this vacation puts a REAL damper on my daily routine and a small bit of enjoyment I get in my boring life will be gone. You are temporarily “dead” to me.
An OU wide receiver (Cameron Kenney) is wearing soccer shoes…It’ll be interesting to see if he wears them on game day. They look kind of silver so we may have a modern day Joe Washington in Norman this fall. Kevin Wilson (OC) was giving him a hard time about the choice…I love it.
Fast forward to pic # 6 in the gallery.
[quote comment=”345279″]wow!
tip of the helmet to derrek dumont!
i may have to become a sommeleir
and sir ricko: great benchies![/quote]
I’ll drink to all of the above statements!
Okay, I gotta nitpick, though. The USFL Pittsburgh Maulers helmet link (bottom right) needs a bit of a correction with the circle part of the logo. The original looked like this link with an orange-ish red circle.
Then a few games into the season they outlined the guy in white so it looked like this link
A few other USFL teams had some minor helmet progressions, so it’s good you have room for more.
My brother-in-law lives in San Jose, so next time we visit and he suggests going to wine country, I know where I want to go! Great job, Derrick.
nice article on the Cleveland Browns helmet: link scroll down.
The UFL uniform scream to me that they really don’t expect to play beyond this season.
With all those helmets in the photos they look like a mini helmet collection. Full-size helmets like that on the wall must be very impressive to see in person.
Wow….do they really think people will buy these? link
The Redwoods look kind of like an updated Sacramento Surge uniform….
I don’t think Molina has a pocket, it looks more like a repair job or reinforcement. Or there’s something sewn into the inside of his jersey.
while the UW is on hiatus for roughly the next three weeks, I suggest we go to the archives of the UW. I think all past blogs and entries are preserved.
You may enjoy the trip down memory lane and probably pick up many tidbits along the way. Can see what the buzz was when.
I’ll be starting tomorrow.
Take care Paul and Phil and see you 9/1.
That Falcons fan is wearing the wrong socks.
The black home jersey from that era was worn with black socks, while the white road jersey was worn with red socks.
That single-bar facemask says Garo Yepremian was the last NFL player to play without any facemask, in 1966. But Tommy McDonald never wore one and he played through 1968. And unlike Yepremian, he wasn’t a kicker.
Interesting helmet information, especially the helmet evolution.
Except for original Chargers helmet the Redskins burgundy helmet with arrow has always been one of my favorites.
Aside from the Redwoods uniform looking crappy, the name “Locomotives” for LV doesn’t sound appealing. Disappointed, UFL…very. I hope these are just ‘place-holder’ uni’s until they get real teams. Otherwise, I’m gonna have to hope the 2010 resurrection of the USFL comes to fruition.
Here is all the versions of the Pitt uniforms (sans helmet change if there is one).
[quote comment=”345293″]Here is all the versions of the Pitt uniforms (sans helmet change if there is one).
link [/quote]
Better: link
I love this guy’s winery. It is different, which is what you need. He’s done a fantastic job and is very detail-oriented. Awesome.
[quote comment=”345296″]I love this guy’s winery. It is different, which is what you need. He’s done a fantastic job and is very detail-oriented. Awesome.[/quote]
agreed, but how was the wine?
[quote comment=”345294″][quote comment=”345293″]Here is all the versions of the Pitt uniforms (sans helmet change if there is one).
link [/quote]
Better: link
I miss white numbers with colored outlines. Sleeves are getting shorter and shorter. Sooner or later all players will be in tank tops Amani Toomer style.
These are def an upgrade.
Tory Holt has been wearing a unique undershirt during training camp:
I’ve never got the New York vs New Jersey sports argument.
New York is a metropolitan area, which includes New York City (the largest and recognizable city in the area) and suburbs in the states of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania.
The Giants and Jets are regional teams, that have a stadium in a part of the New York metro area, that happens to be in the state of New Jersey. Should they change their city name to New Jersey? No. They are still the marquee teams in the largest market in the country, named for the city next door.
The Nets, Devils (and Islanders) traditionally catered to a smaller segment of the market, with the Nets and Devils using the “New Jersey” name, but they still are in the NY Metro area. They are not state teams, as they are blacked out in South Jersey, which is part of the Philadelphia market. Should the NBA and NHL allow the Nets and Devils, if they stay in NJ, expand their market to South Jersey? I don’t see why not, but Comcast wouldn’t like it.
Similar to why the Angels strapped “Los Angeles” to their name, despite not playing in LA proper. They are in the LA metro area. Or how the Washington Redskins play in Landover, MD. They’re still a DC team.
Concerning Orioles outfielder Willie Tasby reportedly played without shoes from yesterday…
This article gives the date and the venue – Memorial Stadium:
But this book implies it happened at Fenway:
I’m sure that it only happened once, and to get a shot of it would mean checking the library sports pages for that date and that shot.
Oh, it was in Baltimore and he was with the Orioles in ’59. I remember reading about it in the paper when it happened. Yeah, it was 50 years ago, but that kinda stuff sticks in the mind of 13-year baseball fan forever.
Baron Davis’ lawyers are link due to his stolen laptop.
You wonder if “private images” is akin to the NSFW stuff. Maybe Davis is trying to be the “other LA team’s Wilt Chamberlain”? LOL
[quote comment=”345302″]Oh, it was in Baltimore and he was with the Orioles in ’59. I remember reading about it in the paper when it happened. Yeah, it was 50 years ago, but that kinda stuff sticks in the mind of 13-year baseball fan forever.
A 13-year baseball fan, eh? LOL
Another Michael Vick reference (albeit a clever one)? Can’t we let sleeping dogs lie?!
BTW, Vick’s number should be 44.
I thought MPowers would enjoy this
[quote comment=”345304″][quote comment=”345302″]Oh, it was in Baltimore and he was with the Orioles in ’59. I remember reading about it in the paper when it happened. Yeah, it was 50 years ago, but that kinda stuff sticks in the mind of 13-year baseball fan forever.
A 13-year baseball fan, eh? LOL[/quote]
Yeah, there were many more 13 year old fans back when baseball was still the national pastime.
[quote comment=”345307″][quote comment=”345304″][quote comment=”345302″]Oh, it was in Baltimore and he was with the Orioles in ’59. I remember reading about it in the paper when it happened. Yeah, it was 50 years ago, but that kinda stuff sticks in the mind of 13-year baseball fan forever.
A 13-year baseball fan, eh? LOL[/quote]
Yeah, there were many more 13 year old fans back when baseball was still the national pastime.[/quote]
Except that Ricko was/is a 13-year fan. Not a 13 year-old fan. LOL
[quote comment=”345304″][quote comment=”345302″]Oh, it was in Baltimore and he was with the Orioles in ’59. I remember reading about it in the paper when it happened. Yeah, it was 50 years ago, but that kinda stuff sticks in the mind of 13-year baseball fan forever.
A 13-year baseball fan, eh? LOL[/quote]
Just noting how for most of us here, some of our most precise, accurate and enduring recollections are from our early years of being a fan.
[quote comment=”345308″][quote comment=”345307″][quote comment=”345304″][quote comment=”345302″]Oh, it was in Baltimore and he was with the Orioles in ’59. I remember reading about it in the paper when it happened. Yeah, it was 50 years ago, but that kinda stuff sticks in the mind of 13-year baseball fan forever.
A 13-year baseball fan, eh? LOL[/quote]
Yeah, there were many more 13 year old fans back when baseball was still the national pastime.[/quote]
Except that Ricko was/is a 13-year fan. Not a 13 year-old fan. LOL[/quote]
Yeah, that’s what I meant. The Tasby story kinda stuck in my mind, being as it was during my kidhood.
[quote comment=”345310″][quote comment=”345308″][quote comment=”345307″][quote comment=”345304″][quote comment=”345302″]Oh, it was in Baltimore and he was with the Orioles in ’59. I remember reading about it in the paper when it happened. Yeah, it was 50 years ago, but that kinda stuff sticks in the mind of 13-year baseball fan forever.
A 13-year baseball fan, eh? LOL[/quote]
Yeah, there were many more 13 year old fans back when baseball was still the national pastime.[/quote]
Except that Ricko was/is a 13-year fan. Not a 13 year-old fan. LOL[/quote]
Yeah, that’s what I meant. The Tasby story kinda stuck in my mind, being as it was during my kidhood.
I’m just needling you, Ricko. ;o)
I totally got what you said, but for those who don’t know that you watched for the first Olympic Games in Greece, it would seem that a 13-year fan may not remember 1959 very well. LOL
[quote comment=”345307″][quote comment=”345304″][quote comment=”345302″]Oh, it was in Baltimore and he was with the Orioles in ’59. I remember reading about it in the paper when it happened. Yeah, it was 50 years ago, but that kinda stuff sticks in the mind of 13-year baseball fan forever.
A 13-year baseball fan, eh? LOL[/quote]
Yeah, there were many more 13 year old fans back when baseball was still the national pastime.[/quote]
rick even saved the copy of the program of the first game he went to
[quote comment=”345312″][quote comment=”345307″][quote comment=”345304″][quote comment=”345302″]Oh, it was in Baltimore and he was with the Orioles in ’59. I remember reading about it in the paper when it happened. Yeah, it was 50 years ago, but that kinda stuff sticks in the mind of 13-year baseball fan forever.
A 13-year baseball fan, eh? LOL[/quote]
Yeah, there were many more 13 year old fans back when baseball was still the national pastime.[/quote]
rick even saved the copy of the program of the link[/quote]
Woman sitting next to me was wearing a dress that looked a lot like Oregon’s new football jerseys…with a lovely, frilly neck decoration. She was so sweet, the way she kept yelling, “Throw inside, you chickenshit motherfucker.”
Good times, so long ago.
People say that the ’76 White Sox uniforms are the ugliest duds ever. I think they finally have competition from the UFL.
[quote comment=”345314″]People say that the ’76 White Sox uniforms are the ugliest duds ever. I think they finally have competition from the UFL.[/quote]
’76 White Sox uni at least designed from a point-of-view. They were supposed to have strong elements of the team’s vintage unis. ’76 WAS the Bicentennial, remember.
Point of view of those UFL sets is…I dunno, one of Topher Grace’s shirts from THAT 70’S SHOW?
[quote comment=\”345300\”]I’ve never got the New York vs New Jersey sports argument.
New York is a metropolitan area, which includes New York City (the largest and recognizable city in the area) and suburbs in the states of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania.
The Giants and Jets are regional teams, that have a stadium in a part of the New York metro area, that happens to be in the state of New Jersey. Should they change their city name to New Jersey? No. They are still the marquee teams in the largest market in the country, named for the city next door.
The Nets, Devils (and Islanders) traditionally catered to a smaller segment of the market, with the Nets and Devils using the “New Jersey” name, but they still are in the NY Metro area. They are not state teams, as they are blacked out in South Jersey, which is part of the Philadelphia market. Should the NBA and NHL allow the Nets and Devils, if they stay in NJ, expand their market to South Jersey? I don’t see why not, but Comcast wouldn’t like it.
The problem is New York being a state as well as a regional metro area. Many people don’t view “New York” in the same way as “New England”. New York is the state. New York City is the city. So… at least to some people, a team playing in the state of New Jersey should not be named New York.
I personally would love to see the Jets and Giants stop sharing the same stadium and let one of those teams play in the state of New York instead. Although thinking about this now makes me want to try to find out how many times the Jets have played the Giants as the “home” team – just to point out how ridiculous it is for the Giants to be visitors in “Giants Stadium”.
getting back, for a second, to that 1885 program from rick’s first game…
pretty impressive lineup sported by the chicago ball club
recognize anyone besides cap anson and king kelly? check the guy in the lower right …
hello derrick. santa rosan looking forward to stopping by next time in beautiful calistoga. nice sports connections in calistoga – dick vermeil, tom seaver, former eagle giammona…
[quote comment=”345317″]getting back, for a second, to that 1885 program from rick’s first game…
pretty impressive link sported by the chicago ball club
recognize anyone besides cap anson and king kelly? check the guy in the lower right …[/quote]
More famous for his non-baseball public life, I’d say.
how ridiculous it is for the Giants to be visitors in “Giants Stadium”.
Following Hurricane Katrina, the Saints played their first “home” game against the Giants in Giants stadium, in effect giving the New Yorkers 9 home games that year. The rest of New Orleans home games were split between LSU and San Antonio.
just sayin….
[quote comment=”345305″]Another Michael Vick reference (albeit a clever one)? Can’t we let sleeping dogs lie?!
BTW, Vick’s number should be 44.
ok. i missed it.
[quote comment=”345321″][quote comment=”345305″]Another Michael Vick reference (albeit a clever one)? Can’t we let sleeping dogs lie?!
BTW, Vick’s number should be 44.
ok. i missed it.[/quote]
It’s in comment #3.
[quote comment=”345320″]how ridiculous it is for the Giants to be visitors in “Giants Stadium”.
Following Hurricane Katrina, the Saints played their first “home” game against the Giants in Giants stadium, in effect giving the New Yorkers 9 home games that year. The rest of New Orleans home games were split between LSU and San Antonio.
just sayin….[/quote]
That was a rather unique situation though, and it wasn’t really fair to the Saints. They were the “home” team, with absolutely no fans there to support them, in addition to everything else they had to deal with. I think it would have been better to shuffle the schedules and play that game later in the season.
To continue on why a team playing in NJ shouldn’t be called New York – does anyone living on the Jersey side of the border actually consider themselves to be “New Yorkers”? I seriously doubt it.
[quote comment=”345319″][quote comment=”345317″]getting back, for a second, to that 1885 program from rick’s first game…
pretty impressive link sported by the chicago ball club
recognize anyone besides cap anson and king kelly? check the guy in the lower right …[/quote]
More famous for his non-baseball public life, I’d say.[/quote]
[quote comment=”345319″][quote comment=”345317″]getting back, for a second, to that 1885 program from rick’s first game…
pretty impressive link sported by the chicago ball club
recognize anyone besides cap anson and king kelly? check the guy in the lower right …[/quote]
More famous for his non-baseball public life, I’d say.[/quote]
is the fact that he’s the only non-mustachioed player pictured a clue to his post-playing career?
Oops. Musta double-clicked the “quote this commment” link or something.
[quote comment=”345324″][quote comment=”345319″][quote comment=”345317″]getting back, for a second, to that 1885 program from rick’s first game…
pretty impressive link sported by the chicago ball club
recognize anyone besides cap anson and king kelly? check the guy in the lower right …[/quote]
More famous for his non-baseball public life, I’d say.[/quote]
[quote comment=”345319″][quote comment=”345317″]getting back, for a second, to that 1885 program from rick’s first game…
pretty impressive link sported by the chicago ball club
recognize anyone besides cap anson and king kelly? check the guy in the lower right …[/quote]
More famous for his non-baseball public life, I’d say.[/quote]
is the fact that he’s the only non-mustachioed player pictured a clue to his post-playing career?[/quote]
Actually, kinda sorta maybe.
Phil, your ruling?
[quote comment=”345324″][quote comment=”345319″][quote comment=”345317″]getting back, for a second, to that 1885 program from rick’s first game…
pretty impressive link sported by the chicago ball club
recognize anyone besides cap anson and king kelly? check the guy in the lower right …[/quote]
More famous for his non-baseball public life, I’d say.[/quote]
[quote comment=”345319″][quote comment=”345317″]getting back, for a second, to that 1885 program from rick’s first game…
pretty impressive link sported by the chicago ball club
recognize anyone besides cap anson and king kelly? check the guy in the lower right …[/quote]
More famous for his non-baseball public life, I’d say.[/quote]
is the fact that he’s the only non-mustachioed player pictured a clue to his post-playing career?[/quote]
you may remember him better for his post baseball look
Hint…Sinatra mentions him when singin’ ’bout “that toddlin’ town.”
(did I give it away, Phil?)
[quote comment=”345328″]Hint…Sinatra mentions him when singin’ ’bout “that toddlin’ town.”
(did I give it away, Phil?)[/quote]
and jerry mentions him “in a shot-gun, ragtime band”
ricko~ pooch? wait for it. ba dum bump. let me know which ones you want, they are yours.
jim mothervilker~ working on a new game, rice hole.
phil~ i’m late, i think you’re gon’a be a papa.
and the rest of y’all, see you here in september!
Very nice piece on Derrick and the Silver Rose Winery. I definitely compliment him on his hobby and the neat idea to integrate it into his family’s winery.
Though, there’s a gigantic disconnect that you really should address. You spend all that time and energy on meticulous detail with each of the helmets … and absolutely ZERO time on the design of your signage (and judging by the catalog, it’s serviceable but not attractively designed).
Feedback from visitors is that they’re pleasantly surprised. Well, what if you actually allocated time/energy/financial resources to flesh out how the winery brand + your budding helmet idea combine to tell a unique story (among the ubiquity of Napa wineries)?
There’s just no integration at this point. And you’re giving the helmet idea the “short shrift” with the low-end road sign.
Obviously, you just hung the helmets two months ago. Now spend some time thinking strategically about how you can position this helmet museum/wine sports bar within the context of your winery/inn. And, for goodness sake, place the same level of meticulousness you have for your hobby on the graphic design that is used on the signs/catalogs/web/etc.
Do that, and you’re on your way!
[quote comment=”345329″][quote comment=”345328″]Hint…Sinatra mentions him when singin’ ’bout “that toddlin’ town.”
(did I give it away, Phil?)[/quote]
and jerry mentions him “in a shot-gun, ragtime band”[/quote]
Oh, I figured out who he is before I posted that. I just found it interesting that he was the only clean-shaven one. (except Mr. Corcoran, maybe? Dunno, looks like he’s at least trying to grow something above his lip.)
New batting helmet is receiving some resistance.
[quote comment=”345332″][quote comment=”345329″][quote comment=”345328″]Hint…Sinatra mentions him when singin’ ’bout “that toddlin’ town.”
(did I give it away, Phil?)[/quote]
and jerry mentions him “in a shot-gun, ragtime band”[/quote]
Oh, I figured out who he is before I posted that. I just found it interesting that he was the only clean-shaven one. (except Mr. Corcoran, maybe? Dunno, looks like he’s at least trying to grow something above his lip.)[/quote]
Never heard of him.
[quote comment=”345331″]Though, there’s a gigantic disconnect that you really should address. You spend all that time and energy on meticulous detail with each of the helmets … and absolutely ZERO time on the design of your signage (and judging by the catalog, it’s serviceable but not attractively designed).[/quote]
I meant to mention this as well but I got sidetracked and it slipped my mind.
To me, the sign actually makes the whole thing that much cooler. Endearing, you might say. It kinda fits well with the (mostly) DIY helmet collection.
Sort of like Uncle Phil’s One Last Little Baseball History Quiz Before Summer Vacation.
“Okay, now, who can tell me who Billy Sunday was?”
[quote comment=”345333″]New batting helmet is receiving some resistance.
sammy concurs
250 helmets and not a NFL Dish Network HDTV in sight. …refreshing!
[quote comment=”345337″][quote comment=”345333″]New batting helmet is receiving some resistance.
403 on that link.
I take it that it was link?
Enjoy your well deserved vacation, and we’ll see you on the 1st.
Enjoy your break, Uniwatch!
[quote comment=”345340″]link
On, man, I loved those Reds vested unis…all the versions, from the first ones in ’56 through…’68, I guess it was.
[quote comment=”345333″]New batting helmet is receiving some resistance.
This is the same bunch of fashion mavens that don’t don’t show stirrup and don’t complain about two-tone batting helments, right?
Slide show on Fast Company about “The Secret Design History of 12 Famous Brands.” link? Didn’t know that the iconic Campbell’s Soup label was inspired by a Cornell football game.
Now, regarding the USFL helmets: I always liked that Michigan Panthers helmet. Some teams should work with an enlarged wrap-around logo. Still, the Boston/New Orleans/Portland Breakers helmet was a classic. Simple, clean and distinctive enough to travel to three cities.
[quote comment=”345343″][quote comment=”345340″]link
On, man, I loved those Reds vested unis…all the versions, from the first ones in ’56 through…’68, I guess it was.[/quote]
Forgot that Vada Pinson was with the Reds. What a classy guy. Did that one gal have a wardrobe malfunction in the burlesque shot?
[quote comment=”345305″]
BTW, Vick’s number should be 44.[/quote]
I’d vote for an 86 on Vick’s NFL career.
[quote comment=”345336″]
“Okay, now, who can tell me who Billy Sunday was?”[/quote]
Being a Chicagoan, all I know about him is he tried and failed to shut the city down.
[quote comment=”345347″][quote comment=”345343″][quote comment=”345340″]link
On, man, I loved those Reds vested unis…all the versions, from the first ones in ’56 through…’68, I guess it was.[/quote]
Forgot that Vada Pinson was with the Reds. What a classy guy. Did that one gal have a wardrobe malfunction in the burlesque shot?[/quote]
Reds in VERY wrinkled road unis for bp at Crosley Field (also note they’re wearing the pinstriped white home hats). Must have been breaking in a new set of grays or something.
Robinson and Pinson…teammates leading the vanguard as stirrups crept ever higher in 1961. Mays and McCovey, too.
“Okay, now, who can tell me who Billy Sunday was?”
Rick Monday’s predecessor?
Wow…. what is wrong with this picture? link? haha.
Stirrup Club, check out this cover…
[quote] Did that one gal have a wardrobe malfunction in the burlesque shot?[/quote]
unfortunately for us
Pinson and Robinson were high school teammates at McClymonds High School in Oakland, CA, along with Curt Flood. Bill Russell played basketball there as well.
NickNOB at the 5 second mark of this video.
Someone is selling several of these….different teams.
If those are the Pitt uniforms for this year (all colors), then I think the gold on the blue jersey is out of wack considering the more matte finish on all the other golds present…
You decide:
i may have missed the train, but know about this?
The article on Lebron’s Shoe: link.
Also (for some reason wont let me hyperlink again via tags): link
[quote comment=”345357″]Someone is selling several of these….different teams.
“Today’s 1971 Washington Senators”
Tomorrow’s 1972 Texas Rangers
(Saw Curt Flood in a cameo)
[quote comment=”345320″]how ridiculous it is for the Giants to be visitors in “Giants Stadium” [/quote]
Technically, I think, when the Jets are the home team, the facility is known as “The Meadowlands”. It’s only known as Giants Stadium, when the Giants are the home team.
[quote comment=”345361″][quote comment=”345320″]how ridiculous it is for the Giants to be visitors in “Giants Stadium” [/quote]
Technically, I think, when the Jets are the home team, the facility is known as “The Meadowlands”. It’s only known as Giants Stadium, when the Giants are the home team.[/quote]
What about link?
wow. i have to say, the USFL had some really super great helmets and logos.
oakland invaders, boston breakers, michigan panthers…all top notch. really, i love about 8 of them.
[quote comment=”345314″]People say that the ’76 White Sox uniforms are the ugliest duds ever. I think they finally have competition from the UFL.[/quote]
i donno…that uniform might be salvagable if you went old school on the worst features
even if you remove the sleeves and keep the dropshadow numbers, but get rid of the ridiculous striping and side piping…
I dunno, overall the UFL look is pretty appropriate.
“I play football.
AND… (cue dramatic fanfare,cut to image on right in Phil’s post)…
I work at SONIC!”
link (Warning: Roy McMillan’s bare butt. I warned you.)
i guess i’d be remiss if i didn’t share this with the board
powers just sent this to my phone
guess he’s alone in camden
/nice seats tho
[quote comment=”345363″]wow. i have to say, the USFL had some really super great helmets and logos.
oakland invaders, boston breakers, michigan panthers…all top notch. really, i love about 8 of them.[/quote]
They were all great, and if the new USFL does play next year, they wouldn’t have to do anything to the helmets. Classics.
Okay, I give up trying to convince people the UFL unis are better than a handful of NFL teams, BUT…can we agree they’re better than these WFL monstrositites?
[quote comment=”345364″][quote comment=”345314″]People say that the ’76 White Sox uniforms are the ugliest duds ever. I think they finally have competition from the UFL.[/quote]
i donno…that uniform might be salvagable if you link on the worst features
even if you link and keep the dropshadow numbers, but get rid of the ridiculous striping and side piping…[/quote]
You had me until you lost the sleeves. If you do that you need Ricko’s striped compression shirts underneath.
[quote comment=”345340″]link
Cincinnati Reds 1961-1966. Best. Unis. Ever.
And I’m a Pirates fan.
Ahhh, Baseball in Baghdad by the Bay.
Wish I coulda been there, when the PCL—because distance, time differences and technology made it so—was almost a third major league unto itself.
Of course, people from the East didn’t/don’t see how that could be so. But it was.
[quote comment=”345323″]To continue on why a team playing in NJ shouldn’t be called New York – does anyone living on the Jersey side of the border actually consider themselves to be “New Yorkers”? I seriously doubt it.[/quote]
No. No, I don’t.
California Redwoods is an OK name.
Las Vega Locomotives? WTF does that have to do with LV?
Florida Tuskers, again, WTF?
If I have to wager, the New York team’s primary color is going to be black. I really hate this idea of each team incorporating the colors of the league logo. It’s a cheap concept. No team will have an identity. What’s really the point of even naming them? Just call them “New York,” “Florida,” “Las Vegas,” & “California.”
That OP shirt is sweet. I think I had one in 1982 as well.
Speaking of stirrups: I\’ve always wanted a pair like those the Washington Nationals/Senators wore during the 1950s. Can the stirrup guys produce them? Surely they’ve been made for many stage productions of Damn Yankees over the years.
[quote comment=”345374″]That OP shirt is sweet. I think I had one in 1982 as well.[/quote]
:: giggles ::
Great pull, Rich…
[quote comment=”345375″]Speaking of stirrups: I\’ve always wanted a pair like those the Washington Nationals/Senators wore during the 1950s. Can the stirrup guys produce them? Surely they’ve been made for many stage productions of Damn Yankees over the years.[/quote]
ding ding, we have a winner. that is indeed one of next months stirrups.
[quote comment=”345372″][quote comment=”345323″]To continue on why a team playing in NJ shouldn’t be called New York – does anyone living on the Jersey side of the border actually consider themselves to be “New Yorkers”? I seriously doubt it.[/quote]
No. No, I don’t.[/quote]
Okay, we’ve heard from Jersey: now how about CT?
Or even what is usually called “upstate” New York? Would they call themselves New Yorkers, especially if the ESPN film was of someone flipping off the opponent at either Yankee Stadium or Shea?
[quote comment=”345369″][quote comment=”345364″][quote comment=”345314″]People say that the ’76 White Sox uniforms are the ugliest duds ever. I think they finally have competition from the UFL.[/quote]
i donno…that uniform might be salvagable if you link on the worst features
even if you link and keep the dropshadow numbers, but get rid of the ridiculous striping and side piping…[/quote]
You had me until you lost the sleeves. If you do that you need Ricko’s striped compression shirts underneath.[/quote]
so…like this then?
[quote comment=”345351″]Rick Monday’s predecessor?[/quote]Rimshot.
Tuesday Weld reference coming up tomrrow? Or are we day late for that?
[quote comment=”345371″]Ahhh, Baseball in Baghdad by the Bay.
Wish I coulda been there, when the PCL—because distance, time differences and technology made it so—was almost a third major league unto itself.
[/quote]The “Sealettes” would have a very different set of admission rules/requirements today.
This is from yesterday’s Squiddie-pedia entry:
[quote comment=”345262″]
So were those usher cap numbers given out by seniority or what? That guy is number 2-he must have been there when they were digging the foundations.
[quote comment=”345378″][quote comment=”345372″][quote comment=”345323″]To continue on why a team playing in NJ shouldn’t be called New York – does anyone living on the Jersey side of the border actually consider themselves to be “New Yorkers”? I seriously doubt it.[/quote]
No. No, I don’t.[/quote]
Okay, we’ve heard from Jersey: now how about CT?
I’m from New Haven, and whenever I travel in Europe I say I am “from the New York area”, only because people can easily identify with it.
Since New Haven is officially in the New York Metro Statistical area, it is not entirely untrue.
But stateside, I simply say I’m from Connecticut, as I don’t really consider New Haven as being part of NYC. It doesn’t bother me if people think of us as part of New York though.
Northern Connecticut, past Hartford and in the eastern parts of the state, the tendencies lean more towards Boston.
Also from yesterday’s comments on the much-anticipated ProLog NFL preview issue: an early indication of my geekiness/over-the-top fanaticism: I well remember putting a small mark on my parent’s calendar on the day that the magazine came out at the local drugstore, and then transferring the mark in Decemeber to the “new” calandar so I’d know when to start looking NEXT summer. I’m sure that went on for more than one summer. :-)
Either my parents never knew or they thought it was something innocent: like obessesing over some girl who was also a preteen.
WOW. I am a helmet collector going back to the gumball helmets from Shredded Wheat or my 1960;s Steeler helmet when I was a kid.
Very impressive helmet collection today.WOW
[quote comment=”345380″][quote comment=”345351″]Rick Monday’s predecessor?[/quote]Rimshot.
Tuesday Weld reference coming up tomrrow? Or are we day late for that?[/quote]
I was thinking Jeff Saturday.. but wrong sport..
[quote comment=”345387″]I was thinking Jeff Saturday.. but wrong sport..[/quote]
DANG. Dang dang dang. Ya got me on that one.
I KNEW there was a “Saturday” athlete somewhere, but I couldn’t decide if he was a NASCAR driver or a basketball player or what. Couldn’t quite get the first name. You did though. Nice one. :-)))
[quote comment=”345367″]i guess i’d be remiss if i didn’t share this with the board
powers just sent this link
guess he’s alone in camden
/nice seats tho[/quote]
What’s the over/under on number of innings he’ll actually be sitting in them? About 3?
[quote comment=”345389″][quote comment=”345367″]i guess i’d be remiss if i didn’t share this with the board
powers just sent this link
guess he’s alone in camden
/nice seats tho[/quote]
What’s the over/under on number of innings he’ll actually be sitting in them? About 3?[/quote]
Er… shoulda said “…he actually was sitting in them…” since the game’s over.
Brent Hardimen pictures at the very end of today’s main post: you have to wonder if the guy who dressed up was trying to get on the field as an imposter: he would have been royally PO’d when the team showed up in shells. :-)
And nice pic of your son: looks like he’s getting into the “sticker” phase. If you start using the Band-Aids with cartoon characters, that boy will have more “oww-ees” than ever before. :-))
[quote comment=”345390″]What’s the over/under on number of innings he’ll actually be sitting in them? About 3?[/quote]You thinking the rest of the time he’s in the holding cell?? ;-)
[quote comment=”345379″][quote comment=”345369″][quote comment=”345364″][quote comment=”345314″]People say that the ’76 White Sox uniforms are the ugliest duds ever. I think they finally have competition from the UFL.[/quote]
i donno…that uniform might be salvagable if you link on the worst features
even if you link and keep the dropshadow numbers, but get rid of the ridiculous striping and side piping…[/quote]
You had me until you lost the sleeves. If you do that you need Ricko’s striped compression shirts underneath.[/quote]
That’s a bit more palatable. Don’t get me wrong, I liked the shoulder loops on your first one, but without sleeves it doesn’t look the same.
Team Canada hockey jerseys preview. I like ‘em (the First Nations images is subtle – but a nice touch)
[quote comment=”345392″][quote comment=”345390″]What’s the over/under on number of innings he’ll actually be sitting in them? About 3?[/quote]You thinking the rest of the time he’s in the holding cell?? ;-)[/quote]
Something like that.
[quote comment=”345395″]Team Canada hockey jerseys preview. I like ‘em (the First Nations images is subtle – but a nice touch)
Nice. I really like the way the white one looks, although the shoulder yoke looks a bit odd the way it gets broken up at the sleeve seams instead of continuing on in one unbroken line.
The Team Canada jersey:[quote comment=”345395″]http://bit.ly/M1tzb[/quote]
Nice, I could do without the “yoke” look on the white jerseys but good job overall. I didn’t even see the “First Nations” tribute at first glance (no pun intended).
BTW Teebz, kindly note that someone else is using this one: ICETHETICS
[quote comment=”345396″][quote]You thinking the rest of the time he’s in the holding cell?? ;-)[/quote]
Something like that.[/quote]
Well, its that or the actual seats he paid for in the Uecker section.
Or the Baltimore version of Heavenly Bodies. ;-)
[quote comment=”345397″][quote comment=”345395″]Team Canada hockey jerseys preview. I like ‘em (the First Nations images is subtle – but a nice touch)
Nice. I really like the way the white one looks, although the shoulder yoke looks a bit odd the way it gets broken up at the sleeve seams instead of continuing on in one unbroken line.[/quote]
I wonder where the sleeve numbers will go.
[quote comment=”345398″]The Team Canada jersey:[quote comment=”345395″]http://bit.ly/M1tzb[/quote]
Nice, I could do without the “yoke” look on the white jerseys but good job overall. I didn’t even see the “First Nations” tribute at first glance (no pun intended).
BTW Teebz, kindly note that someone else is using this one: ICETHETICS[/quote]
BTW kindly note I’m not sure why you’d direct that at me for any reason.
BTW kindly note that he has been using that name since 2007, and that his blog has been featured on UW several times.
BTW kindly note that I’m fully aware of his blog, and I’m not changing my blog’s name for any reason.
BTW kindly note that I’m done. :o)
Round 3 of the UFL uni-party. These are the unis for the Florida Tuskers. I actually like these ones except for the stripe across the front. The only strange thing is the colouring of the pants being a different colour on each leg.
The UFL online store has these for sale and looking at the Vegas uniforms, they don’t look as bad as it seemed. link
Appropriately, my anti-spam word is GONE.
Everyone, Paul, Phil, Ricko, Marshall, Teebz etc. have a fun, safe and uni-filled rest of August, and I’ll definitely be champing at the bit to get back here in September.
Phish tour will be keeping me company through the weekend but after that I will be counting the days till the Return.
[quote comment=”345372″][quote comment=”345323″]To continue on why a team playing in NJ shouldn’t be called New York – does anyone living on the Jersey side of the border actually consider themselves to be “New Yorkers”? I seriously doubt it.[/quote]
No. No, I don’t.[/quote]
Allow me to elaborate — I have zero problem with the Giants being called the “New York Giants.” (Likewise with the Jets, but I’m a Giants fan, so…) New York, in this case, is a reference to the city, not the state, and Northern New Jersey is part of the New York metropolitan area. Prexy Hater said it very, very well in Comment #29. Add Pontiac : Detroit and Irving/Arlington : Dallas to that list. And the New York Islanders, who don’t play in New York City.
[quote comment=”345323″]That was a rather unique situation though, and it wasn’t really fair to the Saints. They were the “home” team, with absolutely no fans there to support them, in addition to everything else they had to deal with. I think it would have been better to shuffle the schedules and play that game later in the season.[/quote]
Seriously? I can’t disagree more. Putting the game at a neutral site, I can completely understand. (And that was Plan A, B, C, D and E, as I recall.) But to think that it would be anything but a huge undertaking to “shuffle the schedules” is ignorant thinking.
[quote comment=”345403″]Appropriately, my anti-spam word is GONE.
Everyone, Paul, Phil, Ricko, Marshall, Teebz etc. have a fun, safe and uni-filled rest of August, and I’ll definitely be champing at the bit to get back here in September.
Phish tour will be keeping me company through the weekend but after that I will be counting the days till the Return.[/quote]
You too, Matt! HBIC will still be running because I’m a slave to the game, and I’ll help Rick get the Benchies blog up and running for daily Benchies fun!
[quote comment=”345401″]BTW kindly note I’m not sure why you’d direct that at me for any reason.
BTW kindly note that he has been using that name since 2007, and that his blog has been featured on UW several times.
BTW kindly note that I’m fully aware of his blog, and I’m not changing my blog’s name for any reason.
BTW kindly note that I’m done. :o)[/quote]
Simply because you’re well-known around here as the resident hockey expert, and a combo of “asthetics” and “ice” would be a natural for anyone with interests in hockey and also in this blog’s subject matter.
Hey, I forgot to put the smiley on the end of my post. I didn’t mean it as an insult to you: more of a nod to a good turn of a phrase by this blogger (who I personally had never heard of before) along with a reference to the person who is probably this blog’s most consistently hockey-oriented commenter/contributor.
Peace out.
[quote comment=”345406″]
Simply because you’re well-known around here as the resident hockey expert, and a combo of “asthetics” and “ice” would be a natural for anyone with interests in hockey and also in this blog’s subject matter.
Hey, I forgot to put the smiley on the end of my post. I didn’t mean it as an insult to you: more of a nod to a good turn of a phrase by this blogger (who I personally had never heard of before) along with a reference to the person who is probably this blog’s most consistently hockey-oriented commenter/contributor.
Peace out.[/quote]
I wasn’t serious at all. It’s all good, anotherguy. No offence taken whatsoever… and I realize that the smiley at the end of mine maybe doesn’t cover off the perceived harshness above it. All good here, though. :o)
Fellow Uniwatchers, do something fun with your time away from unigeek speak. I start the DipDrip at 0100 hours. Please don’t hesitate to send me any cool shit, if you got it. Wake me up before you go go, Sept.1st.
Enjoy the respite, everyone.
I’ll be taking that lil drive north to wine country some time soon fer sure. Nice article today.
I’m catching up for the week and have some thoughts to share:
*Loved the Target Field pictures from yesterday. Green grass will go nice with green seats, and that LF corner party suite area reminds me of some other stadiums too. Sunshine will be nice there too.
*I went to Monday’s Marlins game vs Astros, and wasn’t surprised that Houston wore red again. The game was great, (but empty), and I sure enjoyed the Mermaids in their faux stirrups with short shorts. Also saw two balks called, and almost caught Erstad’s homer.
*The Marlins’ new stadium will have royalish blue seats, which kinda matches up with those old Miami Marlins uniforms. I wonder if they’ll go to orange and blue uniforms, or if the seats are just a neutral color that don’t look bad when empty.
*Mexico’s soccer grass pattern today has those link all over the field. Check it out on Telemundo or highlights after the game.
*I thought vacation started after tomorrow, which also caused me to miss the raffle. Darn on both accounts. Hope everyone enjoys their “time off” too, and experiences new things too. Will be fun for all, and will make September that much more exciting.
Mr. Dumont’s helmet collection is quite impressive. The sports-n-wine bar could be a major hit!
The New York Mets today announced they will honor their National League heritage by wearing throwback uniforms inspired by the turn of the century New York Giants uniforms when they play the San Francisco Giants August 14-16 at Citi Field.
The cream-colored jerseys feature an oversized blue “NY” on the front, blue and orange piping on the sleeves and a Mr. Met patch on the right sleeve.
I’d like to be added to the mailing list but I cannot get that link to work.
[quote comment=”345412″]Mr. Dumont’s helmet collection is quite impressive. The sports-n-wine bar could be a major hit![/quote]
I completely agree.
I spent some time in Napa Valley with my wife (girlfriend at the time) and I know that the trip would have been much more enjoyable if such a place had existed back then.
I don’t dislike wine by any stretch, but the vast majority of the time, I’d much rather drink beer.
I’ve got to think there are a hell of a lot of folks out there that would be pleasantly surprised to stumble upon the Silver Rose Winery if they get dragged along on a wine tasting trip by the significant other (not that I was actually “dragged along”).
[quote comment=”345414″]I’d like to be added to the mailing list but I cannot get that link to work.[/quote]
Just send a message to the normal Uni Watch address with the “Please add me to the Uni Watch mailing list” as the subject.
i dunno if anyone caught this already, but on the MLB page @ espn.com, jeets is using an angels bat weight.
[quote comment=”345284″]“The UFL uniform scream to me that they really don’t expect to play beyond this
[quote comment=”345403″]Appropriately, my anti-spam word is GONE.
Everyone, Paul, Phil, Ricko, Marshall, Teebz etc. have a fun, safe and uni-filled rest of August, and I’ll definitely be champing at the bit to get back here in September.
Phish tour will be keeping me company through the weekend but after that I will be counting the days till the Return.[/quote]
holy crap, you included me in the list of people that would be on the uw rushmore. i bet in 3 days my skin will be crawling from withdraw, and that might be one of the reasons i got one last stirrup order in:) still, i need to get back to concentrating on the studio, so i am going to look at the break as a positive.
The Tampa Bay Rays have acquired an interest in the ownership of the new Florida franchise in the upstart United Football League.
With a nod to some 1950’s/1960’s surfer music, See You in September.
[quote comment=”345413″]The New York Mets today announced they will honor their National League heritage by wearing throwback uniforms inspired by the turn of the century New York Giants uniforms when they play the San Francisco Giants August 14-16 at Citi Field.
The cream-colored jerseys feature an oversized blue “NY” on the front, blue and orange piping on the sleeves and a Mr. Met patch on the right sleeve.[/quote]
The evolution of helmet part of the collection is darn cool
Quite a discussion going on on NESN between Don Orsillo and Dennis Eckersley about the high stirrup look. Eck isn’t a fan.
[quote comment=”345422″][quote comment=”345413″]The New York Mets today announced they will honor their National League heritage by wearing throwback uniforms inspired by the turn of the century New York Giants uniforms when they play the San Francisco Giants August 14-16 at Citi Field.
The cream-colored jerseys feature an oversized blue “NY” on the front, blue and orange piping on the sleeves and a Mr. Met patch on the right sleeve.[/quote]
[quote comment=”345426″][quote comment=”345422″][quote comment=”345413″]The New York Mets today announced they will honor their National League heritage by wearing throwback uniforms inspired by the turn of the century New York Giants uniforms when they play the San Francisco Giants August 14-16 at Citi Field.
The cream-colored jerseys feature an oversized blue “NY” on the front, blue and orange piping on the sleeves and a Mr. Met patch on the right sleeve.[/quote]
*mumbles to self* “great, another uni graphic to make”
In Japanese, the number 4 has two readings. One way is “yon” the other is “shi”. “Shi” is also the base kanji of the verb “shinu” meaning to die. As a result the number is taboo. Some buildings in Japan don’t have a fourth floor. Two is read as “ni” so “42” “shini”, or “Die!”.
I imagine that the 40’s have to be used by someone and it is very common for western players to wear them. Randy Bass wore 44 during his time here. I can see why many would choose 42. I do not think NPB or any teams are trying to insult their players, but it does intimidate some people. Probably not the players on the other teams but possibly their fans.
[quote comment=”345427″][quote comment=”345426″][quote comment=”345422″][quote comment=”345413″]The New York Mets today announced they will honor their National League heritage by wearing throwback uniforms inspired by the turn of the century New York Giants uniforms when they play the San Francisco Giants August 14-16 at Citi Field.
The cream-colored jerseys feature an oversized blue “NY” on the front, blue and orange piping on the sleeves and a Mr. Met patch on the right sleeve.[/quote]
*mumbles to self* “great, another uni graphic to make”[/quote]
Y’know, link…
How often do you see both right fielders in the same game wearing #51 (Ichiro/Alex Rios)? Or for that matter, two non-pitchers in the same game wearing that number?
So long, folks. See you in September. During the outage, I think I’m gonna try my hand at a couple DIY projects. They’ll be strictly entry-level/remedial in nature, because that’s about all I’m capable of at this point. I’ll document them, but they probably won’t even be worthy of a mention in the ticker.
and on that noteÂ
see ya in three weeks
Okay, Paul or Phil, whoever’s in the UW home office last: make sure all major appliances are unplugged, turn off the water and switch off all the lights. Now go have a great vacation!
I don’t know if this has been mentioned yet, but you can clearly see the new style jerseys at Packer camp. They look very tight, with stretchy side panels:
Biker Shorts alert:
Have the Pack always have their numbers in their white stripe? And you can really see the stitching of the practice jersey here:
Also.. I don’t have pics yet, but the entrance to the Atrium at Lambeau Field has been given a slight cosmetic change. When I got married their, and for the past 6 years, the entrance was the Miller Brewing Company entrance. Their logo on either side was the High Life shield:
The change is that it is now the “Miller Lite Entrance”, and they are using the new Miller Lite logo. I am glad I got all my wedding pictures before this corporate cosmetic change. It isn’t that big of a change, but I prefer the older style. I will tray and get pics as soon as I can.
i hate wednesday, and this up all night BS…here
click on the games, read the summaries. 7 k’s in 4 softball games?!! it deserved a little extra.
~enjoy the vacation friends
figures to the nobody reading this late…
that read wrong, only meant i am the only ass~clown that has to be up this late.
So all the UFL uniforms will have ‘black’ in them. Oh boy. Hopefully, like i said before, this is just for the premiere season.
[quote comment=”345437″]So all the UFL uniforms will have ‘black’ in them. Oh boy. Hopefully, like i said before, this is just for the premiere season.[/quote]
Look like the football unis for a Beyonce video.
Check this out. Stupid Nets!