Way back in March, I conducted an interview with David Frost, who’s one of the more accomplished DIYers out there. Then I was lazy about transcribing the tape, and then David sent me a bunch of additional material that was sort of overwhelming, and then, as many of you know, my life got very complicated in May and June. So the whole thing got back-burnered, which was embarrassing for me and no doubt very frustrating for David. Now I’ve finally put the whole package together, and I think you’ll agree that it was worth the wait.
You can see a bunch of David’s jerseys here, here, here, and here. And he’s provided some tips and step-by-step insights into his DIY process here.
Here we go:
Uni Watch: How old are you, where do you live, and what do you do for a living?
David Frost: I’m 35. I’m originally from Milwaukee, but now I live in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. What brought me here is that I worked in minor league baseball for 13 years. I was lucky enough to build a couple of different ballparks and be part of a front-office staff. Basically, if a town was building a new ballpark, I was on the list of “Guys who can help you get your franchise started.”
UW: So are you a minor league executive, or a consultant..?
DF: I was until about four years ago. But then I got married and had a family, and working minor league baseball hours wasn’t going to cut it in terms of having a family. So I got out, and now I’m in real estate property management.
UW: Now tell me about all these jerseys you’ve made. As I’m sure you’re aware, yours are much more professional-looking than some of the other DIYs we’ve featured on the site. That doesn’t mean they’re better, but they do have a more polished look.
DF: Thanks, I appreciate that — that’s what I strive for. In college I worked as a buyer at a sports store, so I knew a little bit about uniforms and manufacturers, and that helped me get into working in minor league baseball, where I really cut my teeth in merchandising. I also have background in art, so I’ve also designed some minor league and college logos. But when I say, “designed,” I was more of the drawing guy, and then I had a friend who could put the drawing on the computer and make it look better.
Anyway, as a jersey collector, one of my biggest frustrations is that I always wanted one of the early Milwaukee Brewers jerseys. So about five years ago, I asked my mother-in-law to teach me how to sew. She’s a quilter, and at that time I just wanted to sew a patch on a jersey. So she showed me how to do that, and then I started looking at the jerseys in my collection, and I’m thinking, “OK, that’s a zigzag stitch, this is this stitch”¦”
UW: Oh, so she showed you on a machine, not just by hand?
DF: Right.
UW: Do you have a machine of your own now?
DF: Well, my wife has a machine that had never been used. So I’m looking at all my jerseys and now the wheels are really turning. I’m thinking to myself that if I can just get my hands on some twill and some piping, I might be able to make the Brewers jersey myself. So that was the very first jersey I tried, and man, it was a grease fire. I should have been practicing more on other materials first.
UW: You were like the guy who runs a marathon without stretching first.
DF: Exactly. So I really practiced a lot. Believe it a not, I was stitching underwear.
UW: I believe we’re veering into the realm of too much information, David.
DF: Right. Anyway, I got a bit more confident, and I started calling up some of my old friends in the [sportswear] manufacturing world — places like Rawlings, AIS, or what have you — and said, “Hey, I’m just looking for scraps.” So I might get a box that had a piece of twill, and I’d start pinning it up the way I wanted it. The heat press I’d bought for the local minor league park 10 years earlier was still there, and they let me use it. So using that method, I was able to complete my collection, and I’ve also been able to create new jerseys that I put up on eBay. And I’ll say in my listing, “If you have a jersey you want me to make, shoot me an e-mail.” And I thought I’d get people asking for their old high school jersey. And I did get some of that, but what I really got a lot of was, “Hey, Mitchell & Ness doesn’t make this specific year of Padres jersey — can you do that?”
UW: So you just get jersey blanks?
DF: Yes. I used to spend a lot of time looking for blanks on eBay, but then I realized I could call upon my old relationships with vendors and salespeople. And they provide me with the blanks. So if I need, say, a white jersey with navy pinstripes, I can just call up this one guy, and I’m basically like one of his regular accounts. I get a great rate, I know it’s going to be a quality jersey, and that’s basically my canvas.
UW: What about logos and patches and things?
DF: Anything tackle twill, I cut by hand.
UW: I’m looking at a photo of a Braves jersey that you did, and the Braves script almost looks embroidered.
DF: I made that by hand. What I do is, I get the logos from Chris Creamer’s site. And all I know how to use is Adobe Illustrator — I don’t know CAD or anything like that. So I tweak the logos as needed and then I print them on card stock to make a stencil.
UW: And what about sleeve patches?
DF: Some I make, some I do the Willabee & Ward thing. See that gray jersey that has “Socks” on it? That pair of socks is basically a logo that I ripped from Creamer and then I cut all the pieces individually.
UW: So that’s not a stitched patch — it’s pieces of tackle twill?
DF: Exactly. Like on that Braves jersey we were just talking about, the tomahawk is all twill. I went in there and added all the little red pieces, all the gold pieces. And then for some of the border, I set the sewing machine for a really thin setting, almost like a chain stitch, and went from there.
UW: And what about heavy-duty things, like this Milwaukee script baseball jacket?
DF: That’s tackle twill as well. The jacket itself is something I found on eBay for $11. It was some kid’s high school letterman jacket — it had a swimming patch on it and all this other crap, which I removed. But it fit me perfect. I mean, that’s a jacket I wear every day. I just went home to Milwaukee, and people were stopping me, saying, “Where did you get that jacket?” And I’m like, “Well, if I told you I made it, would you believe me?” and they just laugh. And I say, “If you want, look me up on Facebook or eBay.”
UW: OK, so now I’m looking at this early Astros jersey, with the shooting star. Now, on the original version that the team wore back in the 1960s, the tails or streamers on the star were all chain-stitched, which I gather is something you were not able to do.
DF: That is correct. About 99% of what I do is tackle twill. I have dabbled with felt a little bit lately, but I’m very upfront in saying I use today’s materials. So sometimes I’ll get someone who says, “I want an old White Sox jersey with a zipper,” and I’ll say, “Well, I don’t know how to do zippers — yet.” For some people, that’s a dealbreaker; for others, they don’t care as long as you can give them the basic look. And the look is definitely something I can do.
UW: What about something like the captain’s stripes on the Pilots and Brewers jerseys?
DF: Oh, that’s actually a good story. To make those, I take a gold piece of twill, and then the blue is a piece of 3/8″ braid. I have a stencil that I use for this, to make guide marks on the twill, and then I use Liquid Stitch to glue the braid onto the twill nice and straight. It dries overnight, and then I stitch it to the twill. And then the twill has the heat-adhesive bottom, so I can position it how I want it and then stitch it onto the sleeve.
UW: So you started doing this about five years ago. How many jerseys would you say you’ve done in that time?
DF: Probably 80 or 90.
UW: Do you wear these around, or keep them in the closet, or what?
DF: My personal collection is about 50 jerseys, and I made about half of those. I’ll wear them when I’m playing cards with the guys on a Saturday night or something like that.
UW: And mot of the others you made either in response to specific customer requests, or just to put up on eBay?
DF: Right.
UW: What do you charge?
DF: It depends on the jersey. I just got an inquiry from a guy who wants a 1943 Senators jersey. And that’s basically just putting one row of horseshoe piping or braid around the collar, a navy “W,” and the “Health” patch, which I can find on eBay for maybe $7. So a jersey like that, I’d say maybe $85. Now something like that Braves jersey, that’s much more intricate. That would be $260, which is the most I’ve ever charged.
But the main thing is that I enjoy it. It’s turned into my late-night hobby, which I like. My wife will be sitting on the couch watching The Bachelor, and I’ll be next to here cutting out letters. So that’s gonna be a big part of our quality time together. Wait, don’t write that, Paul. Seriously, though, I watched the World Series last year, but I didn’t actually watch much of it — I mostly just listened to it.
UW: A lot of Uni Watch is written under similar circumstances. You’re taking it to a different level than most of the other DIYers, because you’re using real blank jerseys instead of a long-sleeve tee from Wal-Mart, plus you’re using real braid, and so on.
DF: I have some customers who’ll send me their old shirts, and I’ll reproduce them. Being from Wisconsin, for instance, I’ve made a lot of older Green Bay Packers jerseys.
UW: Right, with the padded elbows and all.
DF: Right, and that guy sent me a J. Peterman sweatshirt — you know, Peterman, the guy Elaine worked for on Seinfeld — and he dyed it himself, because he was really anal about the color. And he said, “If I dye it, will you do the rest?” And I said, “I’d be honored.” I’ve now done five more jerseys for him, for his kids.
UW: Were you surprised to see other people making their own jerseys?
DF: Very much so. But the thing is, I’m not just making them for myself or even for my customers. With my kids playing travel ball, I’m kind of like the team mom. There was this tournament a year or two ago where they had to have a sleeve patch, and the coach said, “OK, we need to have this patch on all the jerseys by tomorrow — who can do it?” And he’s looking at all the moms. And I just raised my hand and said, “Give ’em to me.” And he says, “Does your wife sew?” And I say, “Just give ’em to me.”
Thanks for all the info and photos, David — and thanks also for your patience. Sorry it took so long to get your story out there. And again, if you missed the link near the top of the entry, there’s a step-by-step example of how David creates a jersey here.
Research Request: My Page 2 colleague Patrick Hruby is going to be spending a day with one of the Smithsonian’s curators and checking out their sports collection. “I’m going to focus on strange and unusual stuff, and also the stories around and behind acquiring and preserving items,” he tells me. “For instance: they have a condom with Mickey Mantle’s picture on it (reason #1,021 why the Mick was fortunate Deadspin did not exist in his era). I’m just wondering if you have suggestions of things to look for or ask about.”
I’m not all that familiar with the Smithsonian’s collection, but maybe some of you folks are. If so, please feel free to contact Patrick directly. Thanks!
Uni Watch News Ticker: FSN Florida was in such a hurry to salute Mark Buehrle’s performance yesterday that they made a rather unfortunate typo when describing his accomplishment (brilliant screen capture by S. Finch). ”¦ Speaking of yesterday’s perfecto, this article includes the nugget that Buehrle and the home plate ump in yesterday’s game, Eric Cooper, both wear No. 56 (with thanks to James Huening). ”¦ Big kudos to Brandon Davis, who pointed out something I’d forgotten about: Rajai Davis wasn’t the first one to wear those A’s logo stirrups. Esteban Loaiza wore them back in 2007. ”¦ Meanwhile, I heard from A’s equipment manager Steve Vucinich, who explains the situation as follows: “Rajai needed a new pair of stirrups and saw the logoed stirrups and decided to try them. He had four RBIs — a Rajai record! — which cemented the thought of wearing them daily the rest of the year. Loaiza might have been the first to wear the logo stirrups.” ”¦ And sure enough, Davis was wearing the logo-emblazoned hose again last night (screen shot courtesy of Chris Gordon, who also notes that Mark Ellis was wearing a gray-underbrimmed cap). ”¦ Bryan’s latest cycling crash? Nope, it’s a shot from the 1930 Tour de France. Lots of additional pics here (nice find by Vince LoBosco). ”¦ I may have linked to this in the past, but just in case: Here’s a nice site devoted to Phil Neel, the artist who drew all of Auburn’s program covers from the 1950s through the ’80s, along with ticket art and other graphics. Great, great stuff (big thanks to Jeff Hunter). ”¦ Reprinted from yesterday’s comments: According to this game report, Manny wore civvies under his uniform on Wednesday. Key passage: “‘I was just trying to get a good pitch to hit,’ said Ramirez, who arrived at his locker and peeled off his Dodgers shirt and white pants to reveal street clothes.” ”¦ Very cool NFL lunchbox available here (with thanks to Marc Swanson). ”¦ Jesse Gavin checks in with lots of observations from the Iowa State Softball Tourney, including teams wearing basketball-style tank tops, tie-dye-ish jerseys, pinstriped shorts (ugh), bizarro piping with a sublimated clipper ship, and odd helmet striping, plus a player wearing No. 02 and a facemasked pitcher. Also, Jesse didn’t mention this, but it looks to me like the baserunner’s helmet in this photo has a molded ponytail channel. I’ve seen ponytail holes before, but never a separate channel like that. ”¦ Good article on the Vikings’ equipment manager here (with thanks to Brian Schulz). ”¦ Remember, Doug Keklak is putting together a western PA Uni Watch outing to a minor league ballgame. If you want in, contact Kek pronto. ”¦ Speaking of Kek, he was watching a documentary about Barrett Robbins and noticed that Robbins and his TCU teammates all had first initials on their NOBs in the early 1990s. ”¦ Shortest hockey pants ever? Could be, could be (with thanks to Gabriel Manga). ”¦ “Green is the new pink,” says Kenn Tomasch, who reports that the Chicago Red Stars will go green this Sunday. ”¦ Reprinted from yesterday’s comments: Next year’s MLB All-Star Game logo has been released. ”¦ Tons of awesome baseball photos in the University of California archives (with thanks to Mike Hersh). ”¦ With AC Milan and Chelsea set to play a match in Baltimore, The Baltimore Sun has posted a tremendous slideshow of Baltimore soccer history (with thanks to Coachie Ballgames). … My Page 2 buddy Jim Caple muscled in on my act yesterday by writing a story about Ebbets Field Flannels outfitting the Iraqi baseball team. … The Mets announced that they’ll deny press-box access to New York Post reporters in retaliation for the Post having published nude photos of Tony Bernazard. As soon as this news came over the wire, all the other NYC papers promptly published the photos too so they could avoid having to cover the Mets anymore this season.
That NFL lunchbox isn’t from 1962 as the ad claims; the AFC and NFC logos show that. Based on the standing buffalo Bills helmet and green-wing Eagles helmet, I’d make it 1970 or 71.
David Frost (I take it not the old PGA player), that stuff is exactly what I’ve been craving to do for ever! GREAT work. I just can’t seem to find the time I need. Same thing here, I listen to every Cards game on TV while working on my “projects”. That’s why baseball rocks, it goes on for three hours EVERY night for six months. Dude, I’ve got to get in touch with you about this stuff!
I’m afraid I have no choice but to report David Frost to the MLB copyright protection agency.
Only kidding! Great work there. I’m actually in the process of making my first DIY jersey. A Jerry Remy #2 Red Sox jersey.
Also, Paul… could you throw a link on to David’s eBay page? I would be interested in seeing what is available on there currently.
fantastic stuff mr. frost
Great work, David! I wanted to bid on his Astros jerseys back when they were on eBay but they were not the size I needed… No clue why I haven’t added you as a friend on Facebook yet to get advice on making my own jerseys…
Paul – As for the softball helmet with the molded ponytail channel, I have seen those for several years now. Back when I was a college equipment manager, I went to the National Equipment Managers Association convention in 1999 and there were lots of vender displays set up. Schutt showed the ponytail helmet as a new product, and they still sell it ( link )
I like the Angels/2010 All Star logo, but I don’t “love” it…
At first glance, it looks like the Texas Rangers are hosting the game, then you notice the halo.
[quote comment=”341835″]That NFL lunchbox isn’t from 1962 as the ad claims; the AFC and NFC logos show that. Based on the standing buffalo Bills helmet and green-wing Eagles helmet, I’d make it 1970 or 71.[/quote]
Not to mention that the two leagues didn’t merge until 1970. Or, that instead of an AFL logo, there is an AFC logo. But, that’s just semantics.
Can anyone direct me to the site showcasing vintage NFL team socks?
I must be blind because I’m not seeing the typo in the FSN screen capture.
I believe the “double” of the game refers to this being his second no-hitter. Makes sense to me.
Or am I missing the obvious?
“Meanwhile, I heard from A’s equipment manager Steve Vucinich, who explains the situation as follows: “Rajai needed a new pair of stirrups and saw the logoed stirrups and decided to try them. He had four RBIs – a Rajai record! – which cemented the thought of wearing them daily the rest of the year. Loaiza might have been the first to wear the logo stirrups.” … And sure enough, Davis was wearing the logo-emblazoned hose again last night.”
So my question is, “WHERE did Davis see the logoed stirrups? Did Vucinich have a pair on hand? Was someone browsing the TC Knitting catalog? What?”
I ask cuz would be nice to hear that an MLB player might be so interested in unis that he looks for such things. Or that Vucinich is inventive enough to keep something new around.
Whatever, it’s a fun story even if what we learned today is all we ever know.
Phil Neel is absolutely amazing. Along with his work with Auburn, Neel also did work for Clemson, The Citadel, East Carolina, Grambling, the Birmingham Americans/Vulcans, and probably several other teams I am not aware of.
I looked through the gallery of Baltimore soccer history. If you click through to the last image, you will notice that the caption states that the player in white is the great Pele.
Not only does the player in this image look nothing like Pele in 1972, but Pele was still playing in Brazil for Santos. Pele did not come state-side until 1975.
It is good to see that Baltimore is proud of its soccer history, but to say that Pele traveled from Brazil just to play the relatively unknown Baltimore Bay is really bold.
I must be really stupid. What is the Mark Buehrle typo?
[quote comment=”341849″]I must be really stupid. What is the Mark Buehrle typo?[/quote]
(in on-screen graphics)
The lunchbox is probably from 1972, because of the blue Oiler helmet (which was silver in 1971).
[quote comment=”341849″]I must be really stupid. What is the Mark Buehrle typo?[/quote]
I think the correct term for Buehrle’s accomplishment is a “No-Hitter” not a “Ho-Hitter” That would be Pac-Man Jones’ accomplishment.
“Speaking of yesterday’s perfecto, this article includes the nugget that Buehrle and the home plate ump in yesterday’s game, Eric Cooper, both wear No. 56”
Another coincidence about yesterday’s perfect game was that Eric Cooper was also the home plate ump when Buehrle threw his 1st no-hitter in 2007 vs. the Rangers.And there were a bunch of other weird similarities between both of Buehrle’s no-nos:
[quote comment=”341849″]I must be really stupid. What is the Mark Buehrle typo?[/quote]I was wondering the same thing. At first, I figured they must have spelled “Buehrle” wrong, but they didn’t.
Was it referring to the perfect game as his “2nd career no-hitter”? Because that’s true, too.
[quote comment=”341853″]”Speaking of yesterday’s perfecto, this article includes the nugget that Buehrle and the home plate ump in yesterday’s game, Eric Cooper, both wear No. 56″
Another coincidence about yesterday’s perfect game was that Eric Cooper was also the home plate ump when Buehrle threw his 1st no-hitter in 2007 vs. the Rangers.And there were a bunch of other weird similarities between both of Buehrle’s no-nos:
Not weird, but interesting:
ESPN noted this a.m. that the Rays are the third-highest scoring team right now. That’s the highest-such-ranked team ever to be the victim of a Perfecto. Most times, it has been teams weak in run production.
My blindness confirmed.
…and yet, no one has no-hit the mets this year
[quote comment=”341857″]…and yet, no one has no-hit the mets this year[/quote]
It’s only July.
Paul–Phil Neel also drew end of year schedule posters with rosters, coaches names and game by game results. The centerpiece of the poster was a football player wearing the school’s uni, and the season’s year as the jersey number. Great stuff. My high school commissioned him to draw them for each player. If I can dig one up, I’ll scan it in and send it off..
[quote comment=”341852″]That would be Pac-Man Jones’ accomplishment.[/quote]
Oh, I don’t think that Mr. Jones is the only pro athlete who’s ever said “I’d hit that” upon seeing a ho.
Thanks to Paul for the ink…truly an honor being part of UW: a bunch of people with the same sickness that I have. I have much respect for all that give DYI a try.
I’ve pretty much moved off of replicating MLB marks; now doing more challenging work: Fantasy baseball jerseys for those rotisserie folks, DJ’s, and my TRUE favorite: CONCEPTS. In fact – soon we will be showing off some of the fantastic concept art of Pretty Boy Paul Soto and Chance Michaels that has been featured here on UW coming to life in jersey and thread form. These guys are true pros.
Anyone wanting to get a hold of me direct: link
Take care everyone –
[quote comment=”341852″][quote comment=”341849″]I must be really stupid. What is the Mark Buehrle typo?[/quote]
I think the correct term for Buehrle’s accomplishment is a “No-Hitter” not a “Ho-Hitter” That would be Pac-Man Jones’ accomplishment.[/quote]
Actually that would be Brandon Marshall. Pac-Man has never been accused of hitting women (to my knowledge)
[quote comment=”341855″]
Not weird, but interesting:
ESPN noted this a.m. that the Rays are the third-highest scoring team right now. That’s the highest-such-ranked team ever to be the victim of a Perfecto. Most times, it has been teams weak in run production.[/quote]
Also in the “interesting” category: Ozzie started a few reserves, including the catcher (not just the day game after a night game, but also traveling for a day/night doubleheader today) so if nothing else the defense behind Buehrle had a greater possibility of miscommunication.
And that was the third time Buehrle has gone out and faced 27 batters: his no-hitter plus a two hitter where he got two double plays right after giving up singles.
The Sox announcers were split: Hawk Harrelson had no problem telling people about the possible perfecto during the game; Ed Farmer adhered to longtime baseball superstition and avoided those words.
[quote comment=”341863″]Actually that would be Brandon Marshall. Pac-Man has never been accused of hitting women (to my knowledge)[/quote]It’s kind of a sad commentary when I can’t keep my heinous criminals straight, but Pac Man was in a strip club when a shooting broke out, correct?
Who was the football player who killed a woman (wife or girlfriend) and then just took off?? The cops found him hiding in the trunk of a car IIRC.) I sort of recall that he played in the NFL in one of the Southeastern states.
-Great stuff on those jerseys. I love that Pilots jersey. Really fun inspirational article today. Cheers. I’ve bookmarked the tips page so I hope it stays up for a while.
-Got my Red Sox stirrups yesterday. Thanks Robert!
[quote comment=”341854″][quote comment=”341849″]I must be really stupid. What is the Mark Buehrle typo?[/quote]I was wondering the same thing. At first, I figured they must have spelled “Buehrle” wrong, but they didn’t.
Was it referring to the perfect game as his “2nd career no-hitter”? Because that’s true, too.[/quote]
Is says HO- hitter, not no hitter
[quote comment=”341864″][quote comment=”341855″]
Not weird, but interesting:
ESPN noted this a.m. that the Rays are the third-highest scoring team right now. That’s the highest-such-ranked team ever to be the victim of a Perfecto. Most times, it has been teams weak in run production.[/quote]
Also in the “interesting” category: Ozzie started a few reserves, including the catcher (not just the day game after a night game, but also traveling for a day/night doubleheader today) so if nothing else the defense behind Buehrle had a greater possibility of miscommunication.
And that was the third time Buehrle has gone out and faced 27 batters: his no-hitter plus a two hitter where he got two double plays right after giving up singles.
The Sox announcers were split: Hawk Harrelson had no problem telling people about the possible perfecto during the game; Ed Farmer adhered to longtime baseball superstition and avoided those words.[/quote]
Not starting a debate, just asking a question. In almost every no-no or pefecto, there’s a signature defensive play that stands out. But has there ever been a better one (at least by an outfielder) than Wise’s catch yesterday?
Again, not lobbying, just asking.
(Actually that would make a pretty good Baseball Tonight or Sports Center web gem segment…Top 10 defensive plays that saved no-nos).
[quote comment=”341865″][quote comment=”341863″]Actually that would be Brandon Marshall. Pac-Man has never been accused of hitting women (to my knowledge)[/quote]It’s kind of a sad commentary when I can’t keep my heinous criminals straight, but Pac Man was in a strip club when a shooting broke out, correct?
Who was the football player who killed a woman (wife or girlfriend) and then just took off?? The cops found him hiding in the trunk of a car IIRC.) I sort of recall that he played in the NFL in one of the Southeastern states.[/quote]
Rae Carruth. Had someone else shoot her. They found him hiding in a car trunk.
[quote comment=”341865″][quote comment=”341863″]Actually that would be Brandon Marshall. Pac-Man has never been accused of hitting women (to my knowledge)[/quote]It’s kind of a sad commentary when I can’t keep my heinous criminals straight, but Pac Man was in a strip club when a shooting broke out, correct?
Who was the football player who killed a woman (wife or girlfriend) and then just took off?? The cops found him hiding in the trunk of a car IIRC.) I sort of recall that he played in the NFL in one of the Southeastern states.[/quote]
That’s Rae Carruth, then of the Carolina Panthers.
Yes Pac-Man was Makin it Rain in a scrip club in Vegas.
I guess I’m thinking in terms of in the 9th inning.
[quote comment=”341846″]So my question is, “WHERE did Davis see the logoed stirrups? Did Vucinich have a pair on hand? Was someone browsing the TC Knitting catalog? What?[/quote]
Vucinich had some on hand and Davis saw them.
[quote comment=”341868″] In almost every no-no or pefecto, there’s a signature defensive play that stands out. But has there ever been a better one (at least by an outfielder) than Wise’s catch yesterday?[/quote]
Here’s Hawk Harrelson’s view (not quite verbatim, but close): “under the circumstances, the greatest catch I have seen in my 50 years of pro baseball”.
Here’s how calm the Buehrle family was: husband and wife are seated on a couch, Mark is taking a call from Obama on one side, Mrs. Buehrle is on the other side holding their baby (born during Spring Training ’09) and texting.
That reminds me, last year I named my fantasy football team Makin’ it Rain, after the Cowboys signed Adam Jones. This year I called it Drafting Under the Influence, for many reasons. Does anyone else out there come up with different names for their teams?
[quote comment=”341873″][quote comment=”341846″]So my question is, “WHERE did Davis see the logoed stirrups? Did Vucinich have a pair on hand? Was someone browsing the TC Knitting catalog? What?[/quote]
Vucinich had some on hand and Davis saw them.[/quote]
Thanks. That would have been my educated guess. Vucinich seems to know what he’s doing. And, of course, his input here is always interesting. Good job going to source, too, Paul.
[quote comment=”341867″]Is says HO- hitter, not no hitter[/quote]
Yeah, I saw that after I posted. Funny stuff.
And that was the third time Buehrle has gone out and faced 27 batters: his no-hitter plus a two hitter where he got two double plays right after giving up singles.
In his 2007 no-hitter, the only baserunner was Sosa, who walked. Buerhrle picked him off, I believe.
Who was the football player who killed a woman (wife or girlfriend) and then just took off?? The cops found him hiding in the trunk of a car IIRC.) I sort of recall that he played in the NFL in one of the Southeastern states.
Fred Lane, Carolina Panthers
Not starting a debate, just asking a question. In almost every no-no or pefecto, there’s a signature defensive play that stands out. But has there ever been a better one (at least by an outfielder) than Wise’s catch yesterday?
ESPN did a piece on that yesterday.
[quote comment=”341870″] in a scrip club in Vegas.[/quote]I imagine a lot of people wouldn’t mind using scrip in those places.
(It would be interesting to see if any of the California scrip turned up in a “gentlemen’s club”.)
[quote comment=”341878″]In his 2007 no-hitter, the only baserunner was Sosa, who walked. Buerhrle picked him off, I believe.[/quote]
Gee, hard to believe Sammy didn’t have his head in the game.
Who was the football player who killed a woman (wife or girlfriend) and then just took off?? The cops found him hiding in the trunk of a car IIRC.) I sort of recall that he played in the NFL in one of the Southeastern states.
Fred Lane, Carolina Panthers
OOps! I had that one bas-ackwards. It was Carruth.
In almost every no-no or pefecto, there’s a signature defensive play that stands out. But has there ever been a better one (at least by an outfielder) than Wise’s catch yesterday?
Here’s Hawk Harrelson’s view (not quite verbatim, but close): “under the circumstances, the greatest catch I have seen in my 50 years of pro baseball”.
That’s why I asked, because I had almost exactly the same reaction. 50+ years of following the game and, in that kind of situation, maybe never a better catch…that I know of.
(Ump said if he hadn’t “re-caught” it on the way down it wouldn’t have been a catch, btw)
Looking forward to seeing your work Mr. Frost, damn work blocking photobucket and such!!!
[quote comment=”341881″]OOps! I had that one bas-ackwards. It was Carruth.[/quote]
Ironically, many of Mr. Carruth’s new friends have asked him to pose bass-ackwards.
Nothing in those softball pics that is really unusual…..
As an umpire, you see more and more pitchers wearing the face masks – and sometimes 3B, too. Guaranteed that in five years it will be mandatory in a majority of the associations…especially for HS.
[quote comment=”341882″]That’s why I asked, because I had almost exactly the same reaction. 50+ years of following the game and, in that kind of situation, maybe never a better catch…that I know of.
(Ump said if he hadn’t “re-caught” it on the way down it wouldn’t have been a catch, btw)[/quote]
And if you see right after that, Wise was not only holding up the ball, but also waiting to get the ump’s call. He might have gone full metal “George Brett” if the ump had given him the safe sign. :-)
[quote comment=”341885″]As an umpire, you see more and more pitchers wearing the face masks – and sometimes 3B, too. Guaranteed that in five years it will be mandatory in a majority of the associations…especially for HS.[/quote]
I’d say that I’m pretty surprised that it’s NOT mandatory right now for all infielders.
[quote comment=”341882″]In almost every no-no or pefecto, there’s a signature defensive play that stands out. But has there ever been a better one (at least by an outfielder) than Wise’s catch yesterday?
Here’s Hawk Harrelson’s view (not quite verbatim, but close): “under the circumstances, the greatest catch I have seen in my 50 years of pro baseball”.
That’s why I asked, because I had almost exactly the same reaction. 50+ years of following the game and, in that kind of situation, maybe never a better catch…that I know of.
(Ump said if he hadn’t “re-caught” it on the way down it wouldn’t have been a catch, btw)
Yeah, I heard Buster Olney mention that last night. It’s easy for the ump to say that after the fact since the catch was made, but if Wise hadn’t have made the “re-catch” I really wonder what the call would have been.
[quote comment=”341879″][quote comment=”341870″] in a scrip club in Vegas.[/quote]I imagine a lot of people wouldn’t mind using scrip in those places.
(It would be interesting to see if any of the California scrip turned up in a “gentlemen’s club”.)[/quote]
if you’ve ever heard adam jones talk, thats how he says it. not strip, scrip.
Any intel on the new Nike Pitt football unis?
[quote comment=”341853″]”Speaking of yesterday’s perfecto, this article includes the nugget that Buehrle and the home plate ump in yesterday’s game, Eric Cooper, both wear No. 56″
Another coincidence about yesterday’s perfect game was that Eric Cooper was also the home plate ump when Buehrle threw his 1st no-hitter in 2007 vs. the Rangers.And there were a bunch of other weird similarities between both of Buehrle’s no-nos:
I read/heard somewhere yesterday that one of the other umps was also working the bases for the 2007 no-no.
[quote comment=”341889″]
if you’ve ever heard adam jones talk, thats how he says it. not strip, scrip.[/quote]
Ah, okay-now I get it. Thanks.
I have to admit that I don’t make it a point to listen to ol’ Pac Man. :-)
[quote comment=”341891″][quote comment=”341853″]”Speaking of yesterday’s perfecto, this article includes the nugget that Buehrle and the home plate ump in yesterday’s game, Eric Cooper, both wear No. 56″
Another coincidence about yesterday’s perfect game was that Eric Cooper was also the home plate ump when Buehrle threw his 1st no-hitter in 2007 vs. the Rangers.And there were a bunch of other weird similarities between both of Buehrle’s no-nos:
I read/heard somewhere yesterday that one of the other umps was also working the bases for the 2007 no-no.[/quote]
i also heard the same manager and many players were also at the 2007 no-no
whoa–this is like the lincoln-kennedy assassination coinkidinks
[quote comment=”341878″]Fred Lane, Carolina Panthers[/quote]
He was the one that was killed by his wife/gf, correct?
“Fred Lane, Carolina Panthers”
Actually Lane’s wife killed him shortly after he was traded to the Colts. I think she just got released.
Hawk Harrelson had no problem telling people about the possible perfecto during the game
Blasphemy. I seem to recall him as the first player to wear a golf glove at bat, wearing aviator sunglasses on the field and also one of the first to wear white cleats.
JTH, pickup from last night:
-Harrelson did mention the no-hitter/perfect game, but OTOH Farmio did not.
-It will be refreshing if Vick gets turned down cold by each and every NFL team. I know I don’t want him anywhere near the Bears; hope most NFL fans/sponsors make it clear to their respective front offices that they don’t want him either.
[quote comment=”341895″]I think she just got released.[/quote]Maybe she’ll catch on with another club.
i also heard the same manager and many players were also at the 2007 no-no
Especially Chicago manager and players. :)
[quote comment=”341898″][quote comment=”341895″]I think she just got released.[/quote]Maybe she’ll catch on with another club.[/quote]
[quote comment=”341878″]And that was the third time Buehrle has gone out and faced 27 batters: his no-hitter plus a two hitter where he got two double plays right after giving up singles.
In his 2007 no-hitter, the only baserunner was Sosa, who walked. Buerhrle picked him off, I believe.
Who was the football player who killed a woman (wife or girlfriend) and then just took off?? The cops found him hiding in the trunk of a car IIRC.) I sort of recall that he played in the NFL in one of the Southeastern states.
Fred Lane, Carolina Panthers
Not starting a debate, just asking a question. In almost every no-no or pefecto, there’s a signature defensive play that stands out. But has there ever been a better one (at least by an outfielder) than Wise’s catch yesterday?
ESPN did a piece on that yesterday.[/quote]
Actually, Fred Lane was killed by his wife.
The ticker item about Buehrle and the home plate umpire Cooper having the same uniform number reminded me of something, I think– was there a Uni Watch post or column at some point about why umpires and referees have numbers to begin with?
As always keep up the great work Paul.
[quote comment=”341873″][quote comment=”341846″]So my question is, “WHERE did Davis see the logoed stirrups? Did Vucinich have a pair on hand? Was someone browsing the TC Knitting catalog? What?[/quote]
Vucinich had some on hand and Davis saw them.[/quote]
If Vucinich had them on hand, how could you be upset with Davis for requesting them. How was he to know they weren’t part of part of Oakland’s official wardrobe?
[quote comment=”341893″][quote comment=”341891″][quote comment=”341853″]”Speaking of yesterday’s perfecto, this article includes the nugget that Buehrle and the home plate ump in yesterday’s game, Eric Cooper, both wear No. 56″
Another coincidence about yesterday’s perfect game was that Eric Cooper was also the home plate ump when Buehrle threw his 1st no-hitter in 2007 vs. the Rangers.And there were a bunch of other weird similarities between both of Buehrle’s no-nos:
I read/heard somewhere yesterday that one of the other umps was also working the bases for the 2007 no-no.[/quote]
i also heard the same manager and many players were also at the 2007 no-no
whoa–this is like the lincoln-kennedy assassination coinkidinks[/quote]
OK, I’ve got one more for ya. Take a look at where link. That’s significant because in a 1958 game, Billy Pierce retired the first 26 batters he faced, but he lost the perfecto/no-no when he gave up a double that landed just inches fair.
Ok, I’ll try this again. A while back, I believe it was in the ticker, a short writeup was linked to a site that featured vintage NFL striped socks. It’s where I got this link. Anyone know the site I’m referring to? Thanks.
[quote comment=”341853″]”Speaking of yesterday’s perfecto, this article includes the nugget that Buehrle and the home plate ump in yesterday’s game, Eric Cooper, both wear No. 56″
Another coincidence about yesterday’s perfect game was that Eric Cooper was also the home plate ump when Buehrle threw his 1st no-hitter in 2007 vs. the Rangers.And there were a bunch of other weird similarities between both of Buehrle’s no-nos:
Something they missed: in both games, Buehrle faces the minimum 27 batters.
I believe he is the only pitcher in MLB history to face the minimum twice.
[quote comment=”341904″]. That’s significant because in a 1958 game, Billy Pierce retired the first 26 batters he faced, but he lost the perfecto/no-no when he gave up a double that landed just inches fair.[/quote]
Good point JTH. I saw the Pierce tribute and remembered that many people have compared the two, saying Buerhle is the best WS lefty since Pierce.
[quote comment=”341897″]JTH, pickup from last night:
-Harrelson did mention the no-hitter/perfect game, but OTOH Farmio did not.
-It will be refreshing if Vick gets turned down cold by each and every NFL team. I know I don’t want him anywhere near the Bears; hope most NFL fans/sponsors make it clear to their respective front offices that they don’t want him either.[/quote]
Michael Vick has paid his debt to society.
It’s society that owes him a second chance.
NOT the NFL.
No one—repeat, no one—has a RIGHT to a pro football career.
I really hope he is not reinstated. I don’t particularly like the message, “Well, yes, you’ve been engaged in organized crime and apparently are a borderline sociopath/psychopath, but, hey…you’ve had a jail house conversion and, damn, you can play football, so welcome back.”
[quote comment=”341906″]
Something they missed: in both games, Buehrle faces the minimum 27 batters.
I believe he is the only pitcher in MLB history to face the minimum twice.[/quote]He’s done it three times in his career.
A two-hitter (against the Indians, IIRC). Two DP’s.
[quote comment=”341908″]I really hope he is not reinstated. I don’t particularly like the message, “Well, yes, you’ve been engaged in organized crime and apparently are a borderline sociopath/psychopath, but, hey…you’ve had a jail house conversion and, damn, you can play football, so welcome back.”[/quote]
I could not possibly agree more. That’s why if the commish chickens out, I really hope that the fans of each team (and the SPONSORS) make it very clear they don’t want him around.
If Goddell doesn’t have the stones, then his employers should.
[quote comment=”341882″]In almost every no-no or pefecto, there’s a signature defensive play that stands out. But has there ever been a better one (at least by an outfielder) than Wise’s catch yesterday?
Here’s Hawk Harrelson’s view (not quite verbatim, but close): “under the circumstances, the greatest catch I have seen in my 50 years of pro baseball”.
That’s why I asked, because I had almost exactly the same reaction. 50+ years of following the game and, in that kind of situation, maybe never a better catch…that I know of.
(Ump said if he hadn’t “re-caught” it on the way down it wouldn’t have been a catch, btw)
Well, has someone who watches Hawk all the time, let me just say he’s prone to a lot of hyperbole.
There are many plays currently tied for the best he’s seen, under the circumstances, in the past 50 years.
Still, he’s probably right on this one- but you gotta take everything he says with a grain of salt.
[quote comment=”341909″][quote comment=”341906″]
Something they missed: in both games, Buehrle faces the minimum 27 batters.
I believe he is the only pitcher in MLB history to face the minimum twice.[/quote]He’s done it three times in his career.
A two-hitter (against the Indians, IIRC). Two DP’s.[/quote]
Thank you! I KNEW he did that, and I was searching for info on it. When they said his no-hitter was 27 batters, I figured I was just mixing things up. But in the back of my head I swore he did the 27 in a game that wasn’t a no-hitter.
[quote comment=”341911″]
Well, has someone who watches Hawk all the time, let me just say he’s prone to a lot of hyperbole.
[/quote]Who, Silent Ken?
Cape Cod League All-Star game was on NESN last night and some great socks were featured.
Lots of photos here:
[quote comment=”341888″][quote comment=”341882″]In almost every no-no or pefecto, there’s a signature defensive play that stands out. But has there ever been a better one (at least by an outfielder) than Wise’s catch yesterday?
Here’s Hawk Harrelson’s view (not quite verbatim, but close): “under the circumstances, the greatest catch I have seen in my 50 years of pro baseball”.
That’s why I asked, because I had almost exactly the same reaction. 50+ years of following the game and, in that kind of situation, maybe never a better catch…that I know of.
(Ump said if he hadn’t “re-caught” it on the way down it wouldn’t have been a catch, btw)
Yeah, I heard Buster Olney mention that last night. It’s easy for the ump to say that after the fact since the catch was made, but if Wise hadn’t have made the “re-catch” I really wonder what the call would have been.[/quote]
It was obvious that he did not have complete control of that ball until he grabbed it with the bare hand. ML umps hardly ever say anything like that, so he obviously wanted to make that point!
[quote comment=”341912″]…he did the 27 in a game that wasn’t a no-hitter.[/quote]
Here: in another Kennedy/Lincoln coincidence, almost exactly 5 years ago:
[quote comment=”341908″][quote comment=”341897″]JTH, pickup from last night:
-Harrelson did mention the no-hitter/perfect game, but OTOH Farmio did not.
-It will be refreshing if Vick gets turned down cold by each and every NFL team. I know I don’t want him anywhere near the Bears; hope most NFL fans/sponsors make it clear to their respective front offices that they don’t want him either.[/quote]
Michael Vick has paid his debt to society.
It’s society that owes him a second chance.
NOT the NFL.
No one—repeat, no one—has a RIGHT to a pro football career.
I really hope he is not reinstated. I don’t particularly like the message, “Well, yes, you’ve been engaged in organized crime and apparently are a borderline sociopath/psychopath, but, hey…you’ve had a jail house conversion and, damn, you can play football, so welcome back.”
Totally agree with the psychopath tag. I mean, Dahmer started off torturing and killing animals. I thought Vick’s status was determined, or, was it speculation that Goodell said he would be suspended the first four games of the season, no matter which team picks him up?
[quote comment=”341887″][quote comment=”341885″]As an umpire, you see more and more pitchers wearing the face masks – and sometimes 3B, too. Guaranteed that in five years it will be mandatory in a majority of the associations…especially for HS.[/quote]
I’d say that I’m pretty surprised that it’s NOT mandatory right now for all infielders.[/quote]
It takes time for organizations like ASA, NCAA, etc to do things like that. I can’t see it being mandatory for ALL infielders, but certainly for P and 3B – most 3B in girls softball play SO close to HP….closer than the P, actually.
Like I said…it’ll be within five years…if not sooner.
Many of the program covers on this site are designed by Otis Shepard, who designed some of the Cubs uniforms from the 40’s and 50’s for PK Wrigley.
[quote comment=”341917″]Totally agree with the psychopath tag. I mean, Dahmer started off torturing and killing animals. I thought Vick’s status was determined, or, was it speculation that Goodell said he would be suspended the first four games of the season, no matter which team picks him up?[/quote]
Right now it’s the top story on Yahoo.
Yahoo says that he should sign with teams like NE or Pittsburgh where there’s a top, established QB in place. Yuck for the fans of Pittsburgh or NE.
[quote comment=”341857″]…and yet, no one has no-hit the mets this year[/quote]
This reminds me: I noticed this morning that si.com posted a photo gallery of the pitchers who threw the last no-hitter for each team, but for some reason they forgot to include the Mets…
[quote comment=”341921″][quote comment=”341857″]…and yet, no one has no-hit the mets this year[/quote]
This reminds me: I noticed this morning that si.com posted a photo gallery of the pitchers who threw the last no-hitter for each team, but for some reason they forgot to include the Mets…
I am assuming that was sarcasm…
[quote comment=”341922″]I am assuming that was sarcasm…[/quote]Yeah, I think there’s a few disgruntled Mets fans on this blog.
low blow mr. caple:
In other words, the team is the Pittsburgh Pirates of the Middle East, only it doesn’t plan to trade away its best players.
[quote comment=”341920″][quote comment=”341917″]Totally agree with the psychopath tag. I mean, Dahmer started off torturing and killing animals. I thought Vick’s status was determined, or, was it speculation that Goodell said he would be suspended the first four games of the season, no matter which team picks him up?[/quote]
Right now it’s the top story on Yahoo.
Yahoo says that he should sign with teams like NE or Pittsburgh where there’s a top, established QB in place. Yuck for the fans of Pittsburgh or NE.[/quote]
Why should he be signed anywhere? If the NFL finds that his criminal activities and personality are not the kind of things they want in their organization then that is their right, just as it is the right of any other employer or group of employers.
Does he have the right to work? Absolutely, but not in a specific field or job. Pro football is not his only possible career path. Certainly he could find employment in, say, a slaughterhouse. The pay wouldn’t be as good, but apparently he’d enjoy the work.
[quote]If the NFL finds that his criminal activities and personality are not the kind of things they want…[/quote]
good one!
oh wait…you’re serious
[quote comment=”341921″][quote comment=”341857″]…and yet, no one has no-hit the mets this year[/quote]
This reminds me: I noticed this morning that si.com posted a photo gallery of the pitchers who threw the last no-hitter for each team, but for some reason they forgot to include the Mets…
Just flipping through it, I don’t see link there, either.
“Here’s Hawk Harrelson’s view (not quite verbatim, but close): “under the circumstances, the greatest catch I have seen in my 50 years of pro baseball”.
How about Hawk’s call as Bartlett grounded out to Alexei Ramirez? It was: ALEXEEEEEEEIIIIIIIII…..YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!
Hawk is truly one of the best if not the best Chicago announcers right now (present day, not all time). It is truly great watching White Sox games and listening to his banter and all of his catchphrases. Mercy!
Be glad that baseball is still somewhat pure…i.e. some guys still in stirrups and basically still a traditional feel, because softball has gone off the deep end…
This is one of the more popular brands of mens softball pants
[quote comment=”341927″][quote comment=”341921″][quote comment=”341857″]…and yet, no one has no-hit the mets this year[/quote]
This reminds me: I noticed this morning that si.com posted a photo gallery of the pitchers who threw the last no-hitter for each team, but for some reason they forgot to include the Mets…
Just flipping through it, I don’t see link there, either.[/quote]
He’s in there, but they used a link.
[quote comment=”341927″][quote comment=”341921″][quote comment=”341857″]…and yet, no one has no-hit the mets this year[/quote]
This reminds me: I noticed this morning that si.com posted a photo gallery of the pitchers who threw the last no-hitter for each team, but for some reason they forgot to include the Mets…
Just flipping through it, I don’t see link there, either.[/quote]
He’s in there, but with his Sox jersey on. page 24 or 25
[quote comment=”341931″][quote comment=”341927″][quote comment=”341921″][quote comment=”341857″]…and yet, no one has no-hit the mets this year[/quote]
This reminds me: I noticed this morning that si.com posted a photo gallery of the pitchers who threw the last no-hitter for each team, but for some reason they forgot to include the Mets…
Just flipping through it, I don’t see link there, either.[/quote]
He’s in there, but with his Sox jersey on. page 24 or 25[/quote]
Ah, that’s how I missed it.
You can take the pitcher out of Milwaukee, but you can’t take the Milwaukee out of the pitcher – watch him rock the untucked shirttail.
About next year’s All Star Game logo:
Great concept, but the execution is marred by excess.
Imagine just the star (without bevels and shadows) with the Angels halo over the top point, and the text–much smaller–below.
It would be striking in its simplicity, rather than the blob it is now.
[quote comment=”341933″]About next year’s All Star Game logo:
Great concept, but the execution is marred by excess.
Imagine just the star (without bevels and shadows) with the Angels halo over the top point, and the text–much smaller–below.
It would be striking in its simplicity, rather than the blob it is now.[/quote]
And it looks like a good bet next year’s Home Run Derby will again be the home team in red jerseys and hats, road team in navy jerseys and hats.
OMG, how will MLB sell anything new???? Better put the NL in gray or something.
Holliday traded to Cardinals – what will be his new Uni Number – I think 5 is pretty much spoken for…..
[quote comment=”341925″][quote comment=”341920″][quote comment=”341917″]Totally agree with the psychopath tag. I mean, Dahmer started off torturing and killing animals. I thought Vick’s status was determined, or, was it speculation that Goodell said he would be suspended the first four games of the season, no matter which team picks him up?[/quote]
Right now it’s the top story on Yahoo.
Yahoo says that he should sign with teams like NE or Pittsburgh where there’s a top, established QB in place. Yuck for the fans of Pittsburgh or NE.[/quote]
Why should he be signed anywhere? If the NFL finds that his criminal activities and personality are not the kind of things they want in their organization then that is their right, just as it is the right of any other employer or group of employers.
Does he have the right to work? Absolutely, but not in a specific field or job. Pro football is not his only possible career path. Certainly he could find employment in, say, a slaughterhouse. The pay wouldn’t be as good, but apparently he’d enjoy the work.
I don’t know, I mean Frank Abagnale (Catch Me If You Can) made lots of money kiting checks and when he got out, he basically does the same thing, but on the other side of the coin by working for the FBI and his own consulting company to help industry prevent such fraud.
I know it’s hardly the same thing, but I don’t know how in our society we are ok with giving some people multiple chances (Darryl Strawberry, Doc Gooden, Steve Howe), yet others, it’s like “there is no way”.
The NFL should reinstate him with no four-game suspension and let the process play itself out. It might be a humbling experience because I don’t think too many teams want him right now. Probably more from the image side of things than skills.
If I was in the Vick Camp, I’d highly suggest he play in the upstart UFL. He’d have all the focus and attention on him, get live, real game experience to knock of the rust and be ready by December should an NFL team suffer some injuries and come calling. (They are playing a six-game season with title game around Thanksgiving). It’d have him in much better shape than, oh, I don’t know, throwing passes to high school kids in Mississippi.
I believe the CFL closed the loophole that let Ricky Williams play there during his ban, so if the NFL wouldn’t reinstate him, he wouldn’t be eligible to play up there. (Correct me if I’m wrong friends up north)
The guy’s profession is professional football player. He’s spent time in the federal pen, a place that would destroy a lot of us. I think he deserves a “chance” to come back and play football. I’m not saying he deserves a roster spot the second he’s a free man. What I am saying is that he deserves the right to try and sell himself on the open job market. If there are no takers, than yes, go find other employment, like the slaughterhouse you suggest (things have improved since the days when The Jungle was written haven’t they?)
But barring any post-incarceration issues, I don’t think the league should mandate anymore suspensions.
I think it’s time a lot of us wake up and smell the coffee and just except that the lives of professional athletes are in no way the same as us Regular Joes, so I cringe when I hear “if that was me, my job wouldn’t be waiting for me when I got out of jail”. Parallels between the lives of athletes and us are just not easily drawn folks, simple as that.
I realize I’ll probably get bashed for my opinion here and fully understand that, I just appreciate being allowed to voice a different take.
It’s ironic because I’m hardly a Vick fan, I thought he was HIGHLY overrated as a player and more a creation of ESPN/Nike-driven media hype. Aside from that road playoff win in Green Bay and that amazing OT game against the Vikes I really can’t pinpoint any great leadership qualities that made me think he could win a championship.
sure, he was a human highlight reel, but so wast Dominique Wilkins, and he doesn’t have any rings either.
[quote comment=”341923″][quote comment=”341922″][i]”I am assuming that was sarcasm…”[/i][/quote][b][i]”Yeah, I think there’s a few disgruntled Mets fans on this blog.”[/i][/b][/quote]
Not to mention a few happy Phillies fans…
[quote comment=”341923″][quote comment=”341922″]“I am assuming that was sarcasm…”[/quote]“Yeah, I think there’s a few disgruntled Mets fans on this blog.”[/quote]
Not to mention a few happy Phillies fans…
EDIT: Fixed the taggage.
[quote comment=”341936″][quote comment=”341925″][quote comment=”341920″][quote comment=”341917″]Totally agree with the psychopath tag. I mean, Dahmer started off torturing and killing animals. I thought Vick’s status was determined, or, was it speculation that Goodell said he would be suspended the first four games of the season, no matter which team picks him up?[/quote]
Much more eloquently put than I could have.
Right now it’s the top story on Yahoo.
Yahoo says that he should sign with teams like NE or Pittsburgh where there’s a top, established QB in place. Yuck for the fans of Pittsburgh or NE.[/quote]
Why should he be signed anywhere? If the NFL finds that his criminal activities and personality are not the kind of things they want in their organization then that is their right, just as it is the right of any other employer or group of employers.
Does he have the right to work? Absolutely, but not in a specific field or job. Pro football is not his only possible career path. Certainly he could find employment in, say, a slaughterhouse. The pay wouldn’t be as good, but apparently he’d enjoy the work.
I don’t know, I mean Frank Abagnale (Catch Me If You Can) made lots of money kiting checks and when he got out, he basically does the same thing, but on the other side of the coin by working for the FBI and his own consulting company to help industry prevent such fraud.
I know it’s hardly the same thing, but I don’t know how in our society we are ok with giving some people multiple chances (Darryl Strawberry, Doc Gooden, Steve Howe), yet others, it’s like “there is no way”.
The NFL should reinstate him with no four-game suspension and let the process play itself out. It might be a humbling experience because I don’t think too many teams want him right now. Probably more from the image side of things than skills.
If I was in the Vick Camp, I’d highly suggest he play in the upstart UFL. He’d have all the focus and attention on him, get live, real game experience to knock of the rust and be ready by December should an NFL team suffer some injuries and come calling. (They are playing a six-game season with title game around Thanksgiving). It’d have him in much better shape than, oh, I don’t know, throwing passes to high school kids in Mississippi.
I believe the CFL closed the loophole that let Ricky Williams play there during his ban, so if the NFL wouldn’t reinstate him, he wouldn’t be eligible to play up there. (Correct me if I’m wrong friends up north)
The guy’s profession is professional football player. He’s spent time in the federal pen, a place that would destroy a lot of us. I think he deserves a “chance” to come back and play football. I’m not saying he deserves a roster spot the second he’s a free man. What I am saying is that he deserves the right to try and sell himself on the open job market. If there are no takers, than yes, go find other employment, like the slaughterhouse you suggest (things have improved since the days when The Jungle was written haven’t they?)
But barring any post-incarceration issues, I don’t think the league should mandate anymore suspensions.
I think it’s time a lot of us wake up and smell the coffee and just except that the lives of professional athletes are in no way the same as us Regular Joes, so I cringe when I hear “if that was me, my job wouldn’t be waiting for me when I got out of jail”. Parallels between the lives of athletes and us are just not easily drawn folks, simple as that.
I realize I’ll probably get bashed for my opinion here and fully understand that, I just appreciate being allowed to voice a different take.
It’s ironic because I’m hardly a Vick fan, I thought he was HIGHLY overrated as a player and more a creation of ESPN/Nike-driven media hype. Aside from that road playoff win in Green Bay and that amazing OT game against the Vikes I really can’t pinpoint any great leadership qualities that made me think he could win a championship.
sure, he was a human highlight reel, but so wast Dominique Wilkins, and he doesn’t have any rings either.[/quote]
[quote comment=”341936″]I think it’s time a lot of us wake up and smell the coffee and just except that the lives of professional athletes are in no way the same as us Regular Joes, so I cringe when I hear “if that was me, my job wouldn’t be waiting for me when I got out of jail”. Parallels between the lives of athletes and us are just not easily drawn folks, simple as that.
I realize I’ll probably get bashed for my opinion here and fully understand that, I just appreciate being allowed to voice a different take.
I don’t think anybody’s going to “bash” you for your opinion. They might bash your opinion, but not you.
As far as that opinion goes, you’re right that athletes are not like other people. But that doesn’t mean that they’re owed a job. Playing in the NFL is a privilege, not a right.
The League would be perfectly justified in saying “We don’t want his bad press, so he’ll never play another down again.”
[quote comment=”341936″][quote comment=”341925″][quote comment=”341920″][quote comment=”341917″]Totally agree with the psychopath tag. I mean, Dahmer started off torturing and killing animals. I thought Vick’s status was determined, or, was it speculation that Goodell said he would be suspended the first four games of the season, no matter which team picks him up?[/quote]
Right now it’s the top story on Yahoo.
Yahoo says that he should sign with teams like NE or Pittsburgh where there’s a top, established QB in place. Yuck for the fans of Pittsburgh or NE.[/quote]
Why should he be signed anywhere? If the NFL finds that his criminal activities and personality are not the kind of things they want in their organization then that is their right, just as it is the right of any other employer or group of employers.
Does he have the right to work? Absolutely, but not in a specific field or job. Pro football is not his only possible career path. Certainly he could find employment in, say, a slaughterhouse. The pay wouldn’t be as good, but apparently he’d enjoy the work.
I don’t know, I mean Frank Abagnale (Catch Me If You Can) made lots of money kiting checks and when he got out, he basically does the same thing, but on the other side of the coin by working for the FBI and his own consulting company to help industry prevent such fraud.
I know it’s hardly the same thing, but I don’t know how in our society we are ok with giving some people multiple chances (Darryl Strawberry, Doc Gooden, Steve Howe), yet others, it’s like “there is no way”.
The NFL should reinstate him with no four-game suspension and let the process play itself out. It might be a humbling experience because I don’t think too many teams want him right now. Probably more from the image side of things than skills.
If I was in the Vick Camp, I’d highly suggest he play in the upstart UFL. He’d have all the focus and attention on him, get live, real game experience to knock of the rust and be ready by December should an NFL team suffer some injuries and come calling. (They are playing a six-game season with title game around Thanksgiving). It’d have him in much better shape than, oh, I don’t know, throwing passes to high school kids in Mississippi.
I believe the CFL closed the loophole that let Ricky Williams play there during his ban, so if the NFL wouldn’t reinstate him, he wouldn’t be eligible to play up there. (Correct me if I’m wrong friends up north)
The guy’s profession is professional football player. He’s spent time in the federal pen, a place that would destroy a lot of us. I think he deserves a “chance” to come back and play football. I’m not saying he deserves a roster spot the second he’s a free man. What I am saying is that he deserves the right to try and sell himself on the open job market. If there are no takers, than yes, go find other employment, like the slaughterhouse you suggest (things have improved since the days when The Jungle was written haven’t they?)
But barring any post-incarceration issues, I don’t think the league should mandate anymore suspensions.
I think it’s time a lot of us wake up and smell the coffee and just except that the lives of professional athletes are in no way the same as us Regular Joes, so I cringe when I hear “if that was me, my job wouldn’t be waiting for me when I got out of jail”. Parallels between the lives of athletes and us are just not easily drawn folks, simple as that.
I realize I’ll probably get bashed for my opinion here and fully understand that, I just appreciate being allowed to voice a different take.
It’s ironic because I’m hardly a Vick fan, I thought he was HIGHLY overrated as a player and more a creation of ESPN/Nike-driven media hype. Aside from that road playoff win in Green Bay and that amazing OT game against the Vikes I really can’t pinpoint any great leadership qualities that made me think he could win a championship.
sure, he was a human highlight reel, but so wast Dominique Wilkins, and he doesn’t have any rings either.[/quote]
What i meant to say:
That was much more eloquently put than i could have written.
He absolutely does NOT, legally speaking, have a right to play pro football again, or even a chance to play again. To suggest he does is complete nonsense. No one’s only possible career path is pro football. That’s absurd.
I’d love to see the look on a Judge’s face if Vick were to contend the only possible way he can make is living is playing pro football.
[quote comment=”341925″][quote comment=”341920″][quote comment=”341917″]Totally agree with the psychopath tag. I mean, Dahmer started off torturing and killing animals. I thought Vick’s status was determined, or, was it speculation that Goodell said he would be suspended the first four games of the season, no matter which team picks him up?[/quote]
Right now it’s the top story on Yahoo.
Yahoo says that he should sign with teams like NE or Pittsburgh where there’s a top, established QB in place. Yuck for the fans of Pittsburgh or NE.[/quote]
Why should he be signed anywhere? If the NFL finds that his criminal activities and personality are not the kind of things they want in their organization then that is their right, just as it is the right of any other employer or group of employers.
Does he have the right to work? Absolutely, but not in a specific field or job. Pro football is not his only possible career path. Certainly he could find employment in, say, a slaughterhouse. The pay wouldn’t be as good, but apparently he’d enjoy the work.
WHy wouldn’t he be reinstated? He served his time, there are people playing in the league who have done much worse things than kill dogs, Leonard Little, Pacman Jones, etc. Its like people care more about dogs lives than humans just because they have a cute puppy at home. Let each person make their own descision, if he signs with someone and you find it morally offesive don’t watch him or support any product he may endorse.
[quote comment=”341936″]
I believe the CFL closed the loophole that let Ricky Williams play there during his ban, so if the NFL wouldn’t reinstate him, he wouldn’t be eligible to play up there. (Correct me if I’m wrong friends up north).[/quote]
The “Ricky Williams Rule”, as it is affectionately known up here, prevents any player suspended by the NFL from playing in the CFL. It was enacted in 2007 by former CFL Commish Tom Wright.
Essentially, the CFL will not be a haven for the NFL’s problems. :o)
[quote comment=”341936″][quote comment=”341925″][quote comment=”341920″][quote comment=”341917″]Totally agree with the psychopath tag. I mean, Dahmer started off torturing and killing animals. I thought Vick’s status was determined, or, was it speculation that Goodell said he would be suspended the first four games of the season, no matter which team picks him up?[/quote]
Right now it’s the top story on Yahoo.
Yahoo says that he should sign with teams like NE or Pittsburgh where there’s a top, established QB in place. Yuck for the fans of Pittsburgh or NE.[/quote]
Why should he be signed anywhere? If the NFL finds that his criminal activities and personality are not the kind of things they want in their organization then that is their right, just as it is the right of any other employer or group of employers.
Does he have the right to work? Absolutely, but not in a specific field or job. Pro football is not his only possible career path. Certainly he could find employment in, say, a slaughterhouse. The pay wouldn’t be as good, but apparently he’d enjoy the work.
I don’t know, I mean Frank Abagnale (Catch Me If You Can) made lots of money kiting checks and when he got out, he basically does the same thing, but on the other side of the coin by working for the FBI and his own consulting company to help industry prevent such fraud.
I know it’s hardly the same thing, but I don’t know how in our society we are ok with giving some people multiple chances (Darryl Strawberry, Doc Gooden, Steve Howe), yet others, it’s like “there is no way”.
The NFL should reinstate him with no four-game suspension and let the process play itself out. It might be a humbling experience because I don’t think too many teams want him right now. Probably more from the image side of things than skills.
If I was in the Vick Camp, I’d highly suggest he play in the upstart UFL. He’d have all the focus and attention on him, get live, real game experience to knock of the rust and be ready by December should an NFL team suffer some injuries and come calling. (They are playing a six-game season with title game around Thanksgiving). It’d have him in much better shape than, oh, I don’t know, throwing passes to high school kids in Mississippi.
I believe the CFL closed the loophole that let Ricky Williams play there during his ban, so if the NFL wouldn’t reinstate him, he wouldn’t be eligible to play up there. (Correct me if I’m wrong friends up north)
The guy’s profession is professional football player. He’s spent time in the federal pen, a place that would destroy a lot of us. I think he deserves a “chance” to come back and play football. I’m not saying he deserves a roster spot the second he’s a free man. What I am saying is that he deserves the right to try and sell himself on the open job market. If there are no takers, than yes, go find other employment, like the slaughterhouse you suggest (things have improved since the days when The Jungle was written haven’t they?)
But barring any post-incarceration issues, I don’t think the league should mandate anymore suspensions.
I think it’s time a lot of us wake up and smell the coffee and just except that the lives of professional athletes are in no way the same as us Regular Joes, so I cringe when I hear “if that was me, my job wouldn’t be waiting for me when I got out of jail”. Parallels between the lives of athletes and us are just not easily drawn folks, simple as that.
I realize I’ll probably get bashed for my opinion here and fully understand that, I just appreciate being allowed to voice a different take.
It’s ironic because I’m hardly a Vick fan, I thought he was HIGHLY overrated as a player and more a creation of ESPN/Nike-driven media hype. Aside from that road playoff win in Green Bay and that amazing OT game against the Vikes I really can’t pinpoint any great leadership qualities that made me think he could win a championship.
sure, he was a human highlight reel, but so wast Dominique Wilkins, and he doesn’t have any rings either.[/quote]
You’re not seriously comparing failing a drug test to running a major dog fighting ring are you? Please while I am not condoning recreational drug use clearly what Vick did is a far more heinous crime.
And by the way we all seem to forget that tested positive for marijuana shortly before he was sentanced in 2007. Shouldn’t he have to serve a 4 game suspension on top of what ever else Godell hands down?
[quote comment=”341940″][quote comment=”341936″]I think it’s time a lot of us wake up and smell the coffee and just except that the lives of professional athletes are in no way the same as us Regular Joes, so I cringe when I hear “if that was me, my job wouldn’t be waiting for me when I got out of jail”. Parallels between the lives of athletes and us are just not easily drawn folks, simple as that.
I realize I’ll probably get bashed for my opinion here and fully understand that, I just appreciate being allowed to voice a different take.
I don’t think anybody’s going to “bash” you for your opinion. They might bash your opinion, but not you.
As far as that opinion goes, you’re right that athletes are not like other people. But that doesn’t mean that they’re owed a job. Playing in the NFL is a privilege, not a right.
The League would be perfectly justified in saying “We don’t want his bad press, so he’ll never play another down again.”[/quote]
This is where I see the disconnect.
“we don’t want this bad press”
He is qualified for the job. They do not have a policy of not letting people who have committed crimes and done their sentence play in the NFL, See Little, Leonard; Jones, Adam; Irvin, Michael et. al.
So I do not see the justification. Are they within their rights to say, you’re fired? Yes. Arthur Blank did that. Are they within their rights to impose additional suspension? Yes. Goodell almost certainly will. But to out and out ban him? Why? to what end? Would there be the same outcry if it were a player who had run a Ponzi scheme, gotten caught and sent to jail? I don’t know.
I guess I feel that the ultimate court is the Court of Law, not the Court of Public Opinion.
The man is an idiot, and he committed crimes. But the U.S. Justice System saw fit to punish him for his crimes. You are correct to say playing in the NFL is not a “right”, however the NFL must be held to the same standard as any other EOE.
I know this is not the popular opinion, and I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t know what the correct opinion is. But I just don’t understand the ban him for life argument. Thank you for listening to my rant.
[quote comment=”341945″]
And by the way we all seem to forget that tested positive for marijuana shortly before he was sentanced in 2007. Shouldn’t he have to serve a 4 game suspension on top of what ever else Godell hands down?[/quote]
That would depend on whether he was previously in the NFL’s drug program (which I am currently drawing a blank on). Those rules are different than the conduct policy.
I just want to clarify that i am in no way saying that the only career opportunity for Vick is the NFL. I am in complete agreement that he could go out and get any job for which he is qualified.
“In almost every no-no or pefecto, there’s a signature defensive play that stands out. But has there ever been a better one (at least by an outfielder) than Wise’s catch yesterday?”
Robin Yount’s diving catch to end Juan Nieves’ no-hitter was spectacular.
No blackout this year at FSU (good.) Something else “very special” planned instead (bad.) FSU’s home uniforms with the garnet top and gold pants is the sharpest uniform in all of sports. Why mess with that?
[quote comment=”341943″]WHy wouldn’t he be reinstated? He served his time, there are people playing in the league who have done much worse things than kill dogs, Leonard Little, Pacman Jones, etc. Its like people care more about dogs lives than humans just because they have a cute puppy at home. Let each person make their own descision, if he signs with someone and you find it morally offesive don’t watch him or support any product he may endorse.[/quote]
What Little and Jones did was abhorrent and they each got off lightly. But I’m sorry, when exactly were they running an ongoing criminal enterprise?
It’s not just the torture and slaughter of dogs. Vick was the head of an elaborate illegal conspiracy. Not something to be waved away or dismissed.
[quote comment=”341922″][quote comment=”341921″][quote comment=”341857″]…and yet, no one has no-hit the mets this year[/quote]
This reminds me: I noticed this morning that si.com posted a photo gallery of the pitchers who threw the last no-hitter for each team, but for some reason they forgot to include the Mets…
I am assuming that was sarcasm…[/quote]
Correct. I thought about adding a sarcasm tag but was pretty sure this group would figure it out.
[quote comment=”341951″][quote comment=”341943″]WHy wouldn’t he be reinstated? He served his time, there are people playing in the league who have done much worse things than kill dogs, Leonard Little, Pacman Jones, etc. Its like people care more about dogs lives than humans just because they have a cute puppy at home. Let each person make their own descision, if he signs with someone and you find it morally offesive don’t watch him or support any product he may endorse.[/quote]
What Little and Jones did was abhorrent and they each got off lightly. But I’m sorry, when exactly were they running an ongoing criminal enterprise?
It’s not just the torture and slaughter of dogs. Vick was the head of an elaborate illegal conspiracy. Not something to be waved away or dismissed.[/quote]
Precisely. And it involved, peripherally at least, gambling.
Maybe it’s just me, but I found this Wembley Cup logo to be rather creative. More so than a lot of things in soccer recently.
I also came across this bizarre 1938 University of Michigan hockey photo. Several different jerseys and.. it’s autographed by everyone in the photo.
To interrupt the daily Vick chatter, I present you this ABCNews article…
Starbucks will be introducing a chain of Cafes starting in Seattle that will not only serve coffee, lattes, etc, but will also serve wine and beer and have live music. And no, thats not the ground-breaking part… Are you seated? Good…
The new Cafes will be completely link. There will be no sign outside the store, there will be no ‘Starbucks’ name or logo anywhere. The stores will be named based on whatever neighborhood they’re in, and anything you can buy in there will have the Starbucks wordmark and logo replaced by the store’s name. Oh, and even better, if you want a coffee, you don’t have to sound like an elitist douchebag by saying all these French and Italian words, just say “Large Coffee”.
Umm… I hate Starbucks, but major props to them for this. As badly as we’re getting oversaturated by corporate logos nowadays, its nice to know some companies are trying to scale back.
[quote comment=”341948″]Ricko,
I just want to clarify that i am in no way saying that the only career opportunity for Vick is the NFL. I am in complete agreement that he could go out and get any job for which he is qualified.[/quote]
so, it’s basically an all or nothing deal with the nfl then
Vick has repaid his debt to society. He committed a crime and was sentenced to prison for that crime. By completing his sentence he’s repaid his debt and really we should all not be judgmental about what he goes on to do. Society shouldn’t impose another sentence/ostracise him when he has served his sentence.
That said, I would not support my football team (nor any team) that hired him.
[quote comment=”341929″]Be glad that baseball is still somewhat pure…i.e. some guys still in stirrups and basically still a traditional feel, because softball has gone off the deep end…
This is one of the more popular brands of mens softball pants[/quote]
Mens softball pants? There’s guys out there who are that serious about softball?
FINA says no to swimsuits:
PS- my take on Vick, for what it’s worth, IE not much:
First disclaimer: link.
So that clarifies I am an animal lover.
What he did was beyond inhumane. It’s thuggish behavior at best, and barbaric at its worst.
If he wants to reapply for the NFL..fine. He’s paid his debt. Doesn’t mean they have to accept him. And I do N O T want him playing in the Bay Area. Niners? NO Way. Raiders? He’s fit in with the rest of the psychos. But, no thanks.
[quote comment=”341835″]That NFL lunchbox isn’t from 1962 as the ad claims; the AFC and NFC logos show that. Based on the standing buffalo Bills helmet and green-wing Eagles helmet, I’d make it 1970 or 71.[/quote]
It’s early ’70s alright, and that’s MY lunchbox! Well, I had one exactly like it. Gotta check Mom and Dad’s house, but I’m thinking we had to pitch mine eventually. That was my all-time favorite.
Great work David.
Very talented guy
[quote comment=”341958″][quote comment=”341948″]Ricko,
I just want to clarify that i am in no way saying that the only career opportunity for Vick is the NFL. I am in complete agreement that he could go out and get any job for which he is qualified.[/quote]
so, it’s basically an all or nothing deal with the nfl then[/quote]
Well, except for that slaughterhouse gig.
And he might find something in Columbia, I suppose.
Chippendale’s still around?
[quote comment=”341960″][quote comment=”341929″]Be glad that baseball is still somewhat pure…i.e. some guys still in stirrups and basically still a traditional feel, because softball has gone off the deep end…
This is one of the more popular brands of mens softball pants[/quote]
Mens softball pants? There’s guys out there who are that serious about softball?[/quote]
Yes. And if you want awesomely striped socks, I suggest going with rugby socks. I have a pair, and they are rugged and look fantastic.
I find my stance on Vick playing in the NFL softening every day. I think right now I trust the teams to make their own decisions. Barry Bonds is still making himself available to teams but no one wants him. I don’t think Goodell needs to ban him for life, if the league doesn’t want him they will show it by not signing him. If fans don’t want him they will show it. If sponsors don’t want him they won’t sponsor. I think it will work out however it’s supposed to work out without Goodell having to step out and make it happen.
We may be past these days:
“Regardless of the verdict of juries, …will ever play professional…”
Forgive me if this has been discussed already, but I went to see the new Harry Potter movie and couldnt help but think that their Quidditch uniforms looked to be recycled Adidas soccer kits.
immediately reminded me of:
Nike giving back the LeBron tape.
Speaking of which:
[quote comment=”341966″][quote comment=”341960″][quote comment=”341929″]Be glad that baseball is still somewhat pure…i.e. some guys still in stirrups and basically still a traditional feel, because softball has gone off the deep end…
This is one of the more popular brands of mens softball pants[/quote]
Mens softball pants? There’s guys out there who are that serious about softball?[/quote]
Yes. And if you want awesomely striped socks, I suggest going with rugby socks. I have a pair, and they are rugged and look fantastic.[/quote]
Aaaaaaw yeeeeeaaaah! I played rugby for 16 years before getting hurt and becoming a ref. I have a cornucopia of rugby socks and I use them for every sport I play. It’s funny, the socks I got from the Red Sox equipment guys were basically rugby socks.
Rugby socks rule.
[quote comment=”341959″]Vick has repaid his debt to society. He committed a crime and was sentenced to prison for that crime. By completing his sentence he’s repaid his debt and really we should all not be judgmental about what he goes on to do. Society shouldn’t impose another sentence/ostracise him when he has served his sentence.[/quote]
Wait, why the hell not?
Serving his sentence means his legal slate is clear, but it doesn’t undo his crimes. Doesn’t mean we have to pretend he didn’t do what he did.
Heck with it. I’ll stay with =bg=.
[quote comment=”341935″]Holliday traded to Cardinals – what will be his new Uni Number – I think 5 is pretty much spoken for…..[/quote]
. . . and 25 is pretty much out of the question too.
I could be wrong but I don’t think Ricky Williams was a convicted felon when he went to the CFL. I don’t know if Vick could even visit Canada let alone get work there.
[quote comment=”341971″][quote comment=”341959″]Vick has repaid his debt to society. He committed a crime and was sentenced to prison for that crime. By completing his sentence he’s repaid his debt and really we should all not be judgmental about what he goes on to do. Society shouldn’t impose another sentence/ostracise him when he has served his sentence.[/quote]
Wait, why the hell not?
Serving his sentence means his legal slate is clear, but it doesn’t undo his crimes. Doesn’t mean we have to pretend he didn’t do what he did.[/quote]
Honestly, the state has determined a sentence that fits his crime. Who are we to impose further sentences? Should there be a court of societal punishment after federal punishment? A bunch of our peers decided this was adequate punishment, at what point do we stop punishing Vick?
Don’t get me wrong, what he did was depsicable, and I personally would not buy anything he endorses nor root for a team he plays for, and additionally I would love to see the fallout from the fans of the team that hires him. I don’t think anyone is willing to take that risk this season, team would suffer massive boycotts. But yeah, we shouldn’t punish him any further, but man, we are going to.
Jeez, what is this “Moral Relativity Friday”? Regardless of your feelings about dogfighting, let’s not forget that the real reason Vick went to jail was due to “The Man” not getting his share of the tax money from the gambilng that went on. I would say little men whipping horses around a track is inhumane, but since the tax coffers get filled, it most be ok.
[quote comment=”341928″]”Here’s Hawk Harrelson’s view (not quite verbatim, but close): “under the circumstances, the greatest catch I have seen in my 50 years of pro baseball”.
How about Hawk’s call as Bartlett grounded out to Alexei Ramirez? It was: ALEXEEEEEEEIIIIIIIII…..YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!
Hawk is truly one of the best if not the best Chicago announcers right now (present day, not all time). It is truly great watching White Sox games and listening to his banter and all of his catchphrases. Mercy![/quote]
Harrelson sucks ass and makes me want to blow my brains out when I hear him.
Okay, I ask again – why can’t we ostracize Vick?
He’s done his time, which frees him from any additional legal consequences. But that has never meant all consequences, that we must all pretend that his crimes never happened.
Heck, we ostracize people even when they don’t get convicted. Unless you think that Hertz is unjustly punishing OJ Simpson by not including him in their latest ad campaign, or ESPN by not hiring him to replace Kornheiser on Monday Night Football.
[quote comment=”341862″]Thanks to Paul for the ink…truly an honor being part of UW: a bunch of people with the same sickness that I have. I have much respect for all that give DYI a try.
I’ve pretty much moved off of replicating MLB marks; now doing more challenging work: Fantasy baseball jerseys for those rotisserie folks, DJ’s, and my TRUE favorite: CONCEPTS. In fact – soon we will be showing off some of the fantastic concept art of Pretty Boy Paul Soto and Chance Michaels that has been featured here on UW coming to life in jersey and thread form. These guys are true pros.
Anyone wanting to get a hold of me direct: link
Take care everyone –
Hey, you’re the Frosty with the wife who looks like Samantha from “Bewitched”! link
Fantastic DIY work, and mighty good taste, Frosty…
Can’t wait to see your concept jerseys.
[quote comment=”341971″][quote comment=”341959″]Vick has repaid his debt to society. He committed a crime and was sentenced to prison for that crime. By completing his sentence he’s repaid his debt and really we should all not be judgmental about what he goes on to do. Society shouldn’t impose another sentence/ostracise him when he has served his sentence.[/quote]
Wait, why the hell not?
Serving his sentence means his legal slate is clear, but it doesn’t undo his crimes. Doesn’t mean we have to pretend he didn’t do what he did.[/quote]
Very well put.
Legally, he can apply for gainful employment anywhere. Its up to his potential employer whether they want to accept him.
If the NFL wants to ban him for life (or some other period of time), that’s their decision as a potential employer.
Is this really that confusing?
Pefect compromise: Let Vick play for the Raiders. He fits the image and he won’t have a chance of contending…
[quote comment=”341970″][quote comment=”341966″][quote comment=”341960″][quote comment=”341929″]Be glad that baseball is still somewhat pure…i.e. some guys still in stirrups and basically still a traditional feel, because softball has gone off the deep end…
This is one of the more popular brands of mens softball pants[/quote]
Mens softball pants? There’s guys out there who are that serious about softball?[/quote]
Yes. And if you want awesomely striped socks, I suggest going with rugby socks. I have a pair, and they are rugged and look fantastic.[/quote]
Aaaaaaw yeeeeeaaaah! I played rugby for 16 years before getting hurt and becoming a ref. I have a cornucopia of rugby socks and I use them for every sport I play. It’s funny, the socks I got from the Red Sox equipment guys were basically rugby socks.
Rugby socks rule.[/quote]
Speaking of which, this pair is link.
[quote comment=”341976″]Jeez, what is this “Moral Relativity Friday”? Regardless of your feelings about dogfighting, let’s not forget that the real reason Vick went to jail was due to “The Man” not getting his share of the tax money from the gambilng that went on. I would say little men whipping horses around a track is inhumane, but since the tax coffers get filled, it most be ok.[/quote]
Yeah. I’m sure that’s what it is.
[quote comment=”341982″][quote comment=”341970″][quote comment=”341966″][quote comment=”341960″][quote comment=”341929″]Be glad that baseball is still somewhat pure…i.e. some guys still in stirrups and basically still a traditional feel, because softball has gone off the deep end…
This is one of the more popular brands of mens softball pants[/quote]
Mens softball pants? There’s guys out there who are that serious about softball?[/quote]
Yes. And if you want awesomely striped socks, I suggest going with rugby socks. I have a pair, and they are rugged and look fantastic.[/quote]
Aaaaaaw yeeeeeaaaah! I played rugby for 16 years before getting hurt and becoming a ref. I have a cornucopia of rugby socks and I use them for every sport I play. It’s funny, the socks I got from the Red Sox equipment guys were basically rugby socks.
Rugby socks rule.[/quote]
Speaking of which, this pair is link.[/quote]
[quote comment=”341983″][quote comment=”341976″]Jeez, what is this “Moral Relativity Friday”? Regardless of your feelings about dogfighting, let’s not forget that the real reason Vick went to jail was due to “The Man” not getting his share of the tax money from the gambilng that went on. I would say little men whipping horses around a track is inhumane, but since the tax coffers get filled, it most be ok.[/quote]
Yeah. I’m sure that’s what it is.[/quote]
Sorry, forgot to put the sarcasm tags on the last part of my comment, now I’ve gone and confused people.
No big surprise here, but
(BBC report with video.)
[quote comment=”341983″][quote comment=”341976″]Jeez, what is this “Moral Relativity Friday”? Regardless of your feelings about dogfighting, let’s not forget that the real reason Vick went to jail was due to “The Man” not getting his share of the tax money from the gambilng that went on. I would say little men whipping horses around a track is inhumane, but since the tax coffers get filled, it most be ok.[/quote]
Yeah. I’m sure that’s what it is.[/quote]
Well, whatever the reason is, nflshop.com still won’t let you order a “VICK” jersey.
Kinda sad though. What if you’re a law-abiding fan and your name happens to be Steve Vick?
“No jersey for you!”
[quote comment=”341975″][quote comment=”341971″][quote comment=”341959″]Vick has repaid his debt to society. He committed a crime and was sentenced to prison for that crime. By completing his sentence he’s repaid his debt and really we should all not be judgmental about what he goes on to do. Society shouldn’t impose another sentence/ostracise him when he has served his sentence.[/quote]
Wait, why the hell not?
Serving his sentence means his legal slate is clear, but it doesn’t undo his crimes. Doesn’t mean we have to pretend he didn’t do what he did.[/quote]
Honestly, the state has determined a sentence that fits his crime. Who are we to impose further sentences? Should there be a court of societal punishment after federal punishment? A bunch of our peers decided this was adequate punishment, at what point do we stop punishing Vick?
Don’t get me wrong, what he did was depsicable, and I personally would not buy anything he endorses nor root for a team he plays for, and additionally I would love to see the fallout from the fans of the team that hires him. I don’t think anyone is willing to take that risk this season, team would suffer massive boycotts. But yeah, we shouldn’t punish him any further, but man, we are going to.[/quote]
Saying again, he does not have a RIGHT to play pro football, even if he’s served all his time. And NFL has no legal obligation to allow him back. They can say, “Thanks, but no” just like any other company choosing not to re-hire a former employee for the reasons they could cite in this instance. That would NOT be further punishing him. It would be exercising their rights as an employer.
Hell, they can be even stricter if they choose to be. How many of us have a so-called “morals clause” in our work contract/agreement?
Granted, it may not work out that way. Some team may actually sign the guy. But the fact remains, society doesn’t owe Michael Vick a second chance at an NFL career.
If we’re OWED such chances, how come I never got my first one? Whom do I sue regarding that?
For the record, I would take Vick on my favorite team, the Browns, and if he made the Pro-Bowl, I would probably buy his jersey.
Question: is Michael Vick a completely free man right now or is he out on parole? If it’s the latter, does that in any way affect his status in the NFL?
Mens softball pants? There’s guys out there who are that serious about softball?
Dynamite work Frosty – you deserve one of these
Another of those Kennedy/Lincoln coincidences no one has mentioned
[quote comment=”341987″][quote comment=”341983″][quote comment=”341976″]Jeez, what is this “Moral Relativity Friday”? Regardless of your feelings about dogfighting, let’s not forget that the real reason Vick went to jail was due to “The Man” not getting his share of the tax money from the gambilng that went on. I would say little men whipping horses around a track is inhumane, but since the tax coffers get filled, it most be ok.[/quote]
Yeah. I’m sure that’s what it is.[/quote]
Well, whatever the reason is, nflshop.com still won’t let you order a “VICK” jersey.
Kinda sad though. What if you’re a law-abiding fan and your name happens to be Steve Vick?
“No jersey for you!”[/quote]
Go to David Frost, then!
[quote comment=”341989″]For the record, I would take Vick on my favorite team, the Browns, and if he made the Pro-Bowl, I would probably buy his jersey.[/quote]
You might buy it, but would link?
[quote comment=”341990″]Question: is Michael Vick a completely free man right now or is he out on parole? If it’s the latter, does that in any way affect his status in the NFL?[/quote]
From what I’ve read he’s on parole but I haven’t seen any mention of his ability to travel for work being restricted. From what I understand as long as you inform your PO of your travel plans ahead of time you can travel for the purpose of gainful employment.
[quote comment=”341987″][quote comment=”341983″][quote comment=”341976″]Jeez, what is this “Moral Relativity Friday”? Regardless of your feelings about dogfighting, let’s not forget that the real reason Vick went to jail was due to “The Man” not getting his share of the tax money from the gambilng that went on. I would say little men whipping horses around a track is inhumane, but since the tax coffers get filled, it most be ok.[/quote]
Yeah. I’m sure that’s what it is.[/quote]
Well, whatever the reason is, nflshop.com still won’t let you order a “VICK” jersey.
Kinda sad though. What if you’re a law-abiding fan and your name happens to be Steve Vick?
“No jersey for you!”[/quote]
However, Mussolini, Stalin, Lenin… all are OK.
Kill hundreds of thousands of humans = your name on an NFL jersey!
Kill dozens (hundred?) dogs = no way jose!
Not saying, I’m taking the slaughter of dogs lightly, but, jeesh, maybe the NFL should rethink their name filters a little.
[quote comment=”341993″][quote comment=”341989″]For the record, I would take Vick on my favorite team, the Browns, and if he made the Pro-Bowl, I would probably buy his jersey.[/quote]
You might buy it, but would link?[/quote]
Maybe he’s one of those guys.
[quote comment=”341995″][quote comment=”341987″][quote comment=”341983″][quote comment=”341976″]Jeez, what is this “Moral Relativity Friday”? Regardless of your feelings about dogfighting, let’s not forget that the real reason Vick went to jail was due to “The Man” not getting his share of the tax money from the gambilng that went on. I would say little men whipping horses around a track is inhumane, but since the tax coffers get filled, it most be ok.[/quote]
Yeah. I’m sure that’s what it is.[/quote]
Well, whatever the reason is, nflshop.com still won’t let you order a “VICK” jersey.
Kinda sad though. What if you’re a law-abiding fan and your name happens to be Steve Vick?
“No jersey for you!”[/quote]
However, Mussolini, Stalin, Lenin… all are OK.
Kill hundreds of thousands of humans = your name on an NFL jersey!
Kill dozens (hundred?) dogs = no way jose!
Not saying, I’m taking the slaughter of dogs lightly, but, jeesh, maybe the NFL should rethink their name filters a little.[/quote]
There was an interesting article on that like a year ago. A guy with the last name Gay who also happened to be homosexual sued the NFL because they weren’t allowing his NOB.
[quote comment=”341997″][quote comment=”341995″][quote comment=”341987″][quote comment=”341983″][quote comment=”341976″]Jeez, what is this “Moral Relativity Friday”? Regardless of your feelings about dogfighting, let’s not forget that the real reason Vick went to jail was due to “The Man” not getting his share of the tax money from the gambilng that went on. I would say little men whipping horses around a track is inhumane, but since the tax coffers get filled, it most be ok.[/quote]
Yeah. I’m sure that’s what it is.[/quote]
Well, whatever the reason is, nflshop.com still won’t let you order a “VICK” jersey.
Kinda sad though. What if you’re a law-abiding fan and your name happens to be Steve Vick?
“No jersey for you!”[/quote]
However, Mussolini, Stalin, Lenin… all are OK.
Kill hundreds of thousands of humans = your name on an NFL jersey!
Kill dozens (hundred?) dogs = no way jose!
Not saying, I’m taking the slaughter of dogs lightly, but, jeesh, maybe the NFL should rethink their name filters a little.[/quote]
There was an interesting article on that like a year ago. A guy with the last name Gay who also happened to be homosexual sued the NFL because they weren’t allowing his NOB.[/quote]
You mean link??!?!
OK the guy didn’t sue. (Yay him!) But he did alert the media and got things changed. (Yay him again!)
However, Mussolini, Stalin, Lenin… all are OK.
Kill hundreds of thousands of humans = your name on an NFL jersey!
??? I believe they all 3 played prior to 1960 so no NOB to worry about.
[quote comment=”341969″]Nike giving back the LeBron tape.
Speaking of which:
Sure, Nike releases the footage now that pretty much everyone has seen it and most of the commentary is along the lines of “eh, it wasn’t THAT bad of a dunk. What’s the big deal”.
I wonder if spokespersons come up with these lame statements and release them thinking that anyone buys them? Riiiiiiiiiiight, it wasn’t confiscated because of the dunk. Mind you, it just so happens that LeBron walked over to a Nike rep and immediately afterward they started confiscating the tapes, but I guess we’re supposed to believe that was just a coincidence.
re: yesterday’s field trip video(s).
Far out helmet on the foundry guy.
Also: I’d like to commend Ms. Ellis on her bas relief.
[quote comment=”341994″][quote comment=”341990″]Question: is Michael Vick a completely free man right now or is he out on parole? If it’s the latter, does that in any way affect his status in the NFL?[/quote]
From what I’ve read he’s on parole but I haven’t seen any mention of his ability to travel for work being restricted. From what I understand as long as you inform your PO of your travel plans ahead of time you can travel for the purpose of gainful employment.[/quote]
yesterday was the last day or home confinement for Vick. Rumor was that he went to a strip club, his people denied it.
[quote comment=”341986″]No big surprise here, but
(BBC report with video.)[/quote]
I probably shouldn’t criticize because I’ve got this.
I’m not sure it’s that awful. It’s just very out of character for Newcastle. It’s about as logical as them being in the Championship or letting Michael Owen go.
[quote comment=”341956″]I also came across this bizarre 1938 University of Michigan hockey photo. Several different jerseys and.. it’s autographed by everyone in the photo.
That’s not unusual. I’ve seen a bunch of the same thing at Clarkson with he old photos posted up in the arena. They would introduce new jerseys, but they wouldn’t make whole sets, guys would continue wearing their old jerseys. I don’t know if they did that for games or just for photos to show the class the player was in, But I suspect it was done to save money.
As for the Autographs? The photo could have been a gift that everyone signed, some fan got the players to sign it, what have you.
i think we have outgrown being a “club” and moved into being a “society”. first thing we need is a .
[quote comment=”341995″][quote comment=”341987″][quote comment=”341983″][quote comment=”341976″]Jeez, what is this “Moral Relativity Friday”? Regardless of your feelings about dogfighting, let’s not forget that the real reason Vick went to jail was due to “The Man” not getting his share of the tax money from the gambilng that went on. I would say little men whipping horses around a track is inhumane, but since the tax coffers get filled, it most be ok.[/quote]
Yeah. I’m sure that’s what it is.[/quote]
Well, whatever the reason is, nflshop.com still won’t let you order a “VICK” jersey.
Kinda sad though. What if you’re a law-abiding fan and your name happens to be Steve Vick?
“No jersey for you!”[/quote]
However, Mussolini, Stalin, Lenin… all are OK.
Kill hundreds of thousands of humans = your name on an NFL jersey!
Kill dozens (hundred?) dogs = no way jose!
Not saying, I’m taking the slaughter of dogs lightly, but, jeesh, maybe the NFL should rethink their name filters a little.[/quote]
I suspect that while you could place the order on the NFL’s website, you’d find a nice discreet cancellation email in your Inbox as soon as the first human reviewed it.
[quote comment=”341960″][quote comment=”341929″]Be glad that baseball is still somewhat pure…i.e. some guys still in stirrups and basically still a traditional feel, because softball has gone off the deep end…
This is one of the more popular brands of mens softball pants[/quote]
Mens softball pants? There’s guys out there who are that serious about softball?[/quote]
Um, Yeah!
It is good to see that Baltimore is proud of its soccer history, but to say that Pele traveled from Brazil just to play the relatively unknown Baltimore Bay is really bold.[/quote]
I believe that maybe Pele. Santos FC did come and play the Baltimore Bay in ’72.
NY Times covered Santos v. Bay too. I’m surprised they played such a small club too.
[quote]There’s guys out there who are that serious about softball?[/quote]
this sounds like a perfect time for this…
[quote comment=”342001″][quote comment=”341969″]Nike giving back the LeBron tape.
Speaking of which:
Sure, Nike releases the footage now that pretty much everyone has seen it and most of the commentary is along the lines of “eh, it wasn’t THAT bad of a dunk. What’s the big deal”.
I wonder if spokespersons come up with these lame statements and release them thinking that anyone buys them? Riiiiiiiiiiight, it wasn’t confiscated because of the dunk. Mind you, it just so happens that LeBron walked over to a Nike rep and immediately afterward they started confiscating the tapes, but I guess we’re supposed to believe that was just a coincidence.[/quote]
and did you see that Vince Carter dunk? He LEAPED OVER THE GUY’S HEAD. I had never seen that one. Ouch.
[quote comment=”342012″][quote]There’s guys out there who are that serious about softball?[/quote]
this sounds like a perfect time for this…
don’t even need to watch this, i am already familiar. the “stats leagues” i do are poster children for this rant.
[quote comment=”342012″][quote]There’s guys out there who are that serious about softball?[/quote]
this sounds like a perfect time for this…
I know guys that love their softball but there’s already pants for guys to wear, baseball pants. What are softball pants? What are mens softball pants?
[quote comment=”342010″]It is good to see that Baltimore is proud of its soccer history, but to say that Pele traveled from Brazil just to play the relatively unknown Baltimore Bay is really bold.[/quote]
I believe that maybe Pele. Santos FC did come and play the Baltimore Bay in ’72.[/quote]
I\’m positive that\’s Santos. They did indeed make a U.S. tour in 1967. Pele was their cash cow and they would play dozens of overseas games for the right price.
I’m positive that’s Santos. They did indeed make a U.S. tour in 1967. Pele was their cash cow and they would play dozens of overseas games for the right price.
I’m less positive that’s Pele. He seems a little thin, especially in the legs. But he is wearing Puma boots, and that’s right for the time. His face seems to have some odd highlighting that obscures his features a little.
[quote comment=”341999″]OK the guy didn’t sue. (Yay him!) But he did alert the media and got things changed. (Yay him again!)
This article links to the words you cannot customize an NFL Jersey with:
Interesting how BUDWEISER is listed and no other alcohol is…. Coors must have paid extra in their contract to be the official beer of the NFL to get Budweiser on the naughty list
[quote comment=”342017″][quote comment=”341999″]OK the guy didn’t sue. (Yay him!) But he did alert the media and got things changed. (Yay him again!)
This article links to the words you cannot customize an NFL Jersey with:
Interesting how BUDWEISER is listed and no other alcohol is…. Coors must have paid extra in their contract to be the official beer of the NFL to get Budweiser on the naughty list[/quote]
And in the spirit of today’s judgment passing, you cannot use this name either:
[quote comment=”341991″]Mens softball pants? There’s guys out there who are that serious about softball?
Dynamite work Frosty – you deserve one of these
Another of those Kennedy/Lincoln coincidences no one has mentioned
trust me, there are people that serious about softball!
third time is the charm…
i think we have outgrown being a “club” and moved into being a “society”. first thing we need is a link.
believe Sandy Koufax may have faced the minimum 27 batters twice.
State College Spikes are wearing Camo jerseys (with deer on them) on Saturday and auctioning them off for charity.
I hate to keep the fires burning, but Vick is a piece of shit. Let him play football? Sure. He did his time, but what he did can never be forgotten. Same goes for Leonard Little, and the rest. And those guys got off easy. Not even joking, I would probably kill myself. I don’t know.
The difference between the DWI killers and Vick? Those guys fucked up, while Vick premeditated every heinous act.
And enough with the, “They’re just dogs”. You have to be incredibly stupid and barbaric to do that to any living creature. Nothing is just “something” when it is tortured and mutilated. People making this sad case need to wake up. Big time.
For the record, I don’t agree with racing horses either. That includes greyhounds (mine looks like a horse).
For everything that Michael Vick did, and what he did was heinous, make no doubt about it, there’s a special place reserved in Hell for people like Leonard Little.
Not only did he drive drunk and kill someone’s wife and mother, not only did he receive a slap on the wrist, not only did his team NOT cut him and still continues paying him millions to this day, he actually went out and got busted for driving drunk again. Given a second chance, that’s how Leonard Little decided to make the most out of it.
Michael Vick is being given his second chance now. Let’s see what he does with it.
Tigers and the White Sox in a day/night double header (I miss the twi-night doubleheaders) with the Sox in black tops this afternoon and the greys this evening.
Tigers in white both games.
[quote comment=”342023″]I hate to keep the fires burning, but Vick is a piece of shit. Let him play football? Sure. He did his time, but what he did can never be forgotten. Same goes for Leonard Little, and the rest. And those guys got off easy. Not even joking, I would probably kill myself. I don’t know.
The difference between the DWI killers and Vick? Those guys fucked up, while Vick premeditated every heinous act.
And enough with the, “They’re just dogs”. You have to be incredibly stupid and barbaric to do that to any living creature. Nothing is just “something” when it is tortured and mutilated. People making this sad case need to wake up. Big time.
For the record, I don’t agree with racing horses either. That includes greyhounds (mine looks like a horse).[/quote]
well said, marty
just out of curiosity, you a vegetarian?
If I was in the Vick Camp, I’d highly suggest he play in the upstart UFL. He’d have all the focus and attention on him, get live, real game experience to knock of the rust and be ready by December should an NFL team suffer some injuries and come calling. (They are playing a six-game season with title game around Thanksgiving). It’d have him in much better shape than, oh, I don’t know, throwing passes to high school kids in
Vick will attempt to play for somebody again, but I believe that it will not be in the NFL in 2009.
First, on the merits, he will only be able to marginally assist the most horrible of teams in 2009, given his inactivity, his layoff, and his style of play.. You just don’t get back at it after this physical and mental layoff.
Second, he will be suspended at least for half the year, if not the entire year. On the merits, he’d be next to useless when he comes back.
THIRD, the UFL needs him, and he needs them. They won’t ban him, and he can work out his rust and cobwebs ON THE FIELD, not on the sidelines wearing Coogi duds in a skullcap.
[quote comment=”342026″][quote comment=”342023″]I hate to keep the fires burning, but Vick is a piece of shit. Let him play football? Sure. He did his time, but what he did can never be forgotten. Same goes for Leonard Little, and the rest. And those guys got off easy. Not even joking, I would probably kill myself. I don’t know.
The difference between the DWI killers and Vick? Those guys fucked up, while Vick premeditated every heinous act.
And enough with the, “They’re just dogs”. You have to be incredibly stupid and barbaric to do that to any living creature. Nothing is just “something” when it is tortured and mutilated. People making this sad case need to wake up. Big time.
For the record, I don’t agree with racing horses either. That includes greyhounds (mine looks like a horse).[/quote]
well said, marty
just out of curiosity, you a vegetarian?[/quote]
No. And I felt that one coming.
I’ve tried on several occasions (4 years being the longest), but my will power is minimal. I’ve realized for many years that my views can be pretty hypocritical. I don’t want animals used in sport, but I somehow let horrific happenings on factory farms slip past my filter.
However, I do feel eating animals is a little different than using them for entertainment purposes and monetary gain.
I knew I should have kept quiet.
I definitely feel that horse racing is the lesser of these “evils”. Dog fighting being purely evil.
The horses tend to get better treatment than the hounds. Greyhounds are extremely sweet dogs, but they are are traditionally discarded when their careers are waning.
I hope my adopting a greyhound will outshine any of my hypocrisies.
I should stop talking.
I think I might let a midget whip me for two minutes a week if I got lots of exercise and rub downs and good organic grains that race horses get.
[quote comment=”342029″]I think I might let a midget whip me for two minutes a week if I got lots of exercise and rub downs and good organic grains that race horses get.[/quote]
No mention of the morning rides, usually by a girl?
I have had the HONOR of being in contact with Frosty for some time now.
His work is beyond professional and should be the baseball standard here on this site.
[quote comment=”342028″][quote comment=”342026″][quote comment=”342023″]I hate to keep the fires burning, but Vick is a piece of shit. Let him play football? Sure. He did his time, but what he did can never be forgotten. Same goes for Leonard Little, and the rest. And those guys got off easy. Not even joking, I would probably kill myself. I don’t know.
The difference between the DWI killers and Vick? Those guys fucked up, while Vick premeditated every heinous act.
And enough with the, “They’re just dogs”. You have to be incredibly stupid and barbaric to do that to any living creature. Nothing is just “something” when it is tortured and mutilated. People making this sad case need to wake up. Big time.
For the record, I don’t agree with racing horses either. That includes greyhounds (mine looks like a horse).[/quote]
well said, marty
just out of curiosity, you a vegetarian?[/quote]
No. And I felt that one coming.
I’ve tried on several occasions (4 years being the longest), but my will power is minimal. I’ve realized for many years that my views can be pretty hypocritical. I don’t want animals used in sport, but I somehow let horrific happenings on factory farms slip past my filter.
However, I do feel eating animals is a little different than using them for entertainment purposes and monetary gain.
I knew I should have kept quiet.
I definitely feel that horse racing is the lesser of these “evils”. Dog fighting being purely evil.
The horses tend to get better treatment than the hounds. Greyhounds are extremely sweet dogs, but they are are traditionally discarded when their careers are waning.
I hope my adopting a greyhound will outshine any of my hypocrisies.
I should stop talking.[/quote]
not at all, and i wasn’t busting chops in any way
i know a few “vegetarians” who aren’t quite that (what’s the term — vegan?) who will eat eggs, or fish and the like…it’s extremely difficult (not to mention, if not done properly, possibly even life-threatening) to be a “strict” or “true” vegetarian
i have no problem whatsoever with those who choose to eat meat yet oppose cruelty (in any way) to animals (bet you don’t eat veal tho)
it’s very hard to reconcile the two
i’m in the camp who feel animals should not be used (and especially not abused) for sport and entertainment, such as ron mexico and countless others engage in
and as far as adopting a grayhound…GOOD ON YOU!…when i was married, my (then) wife and i would have adopted one, but our house was simply too small…likewise with ‘rescue dogs’ (my aunt had one)
vick is a piece of shit, whether his debt to society has been paid is irrelevant…hopefully the time will have made him a better person and while i may find it possible to forgive his atrocious actions, i will NEVER forget
i’m betting the nfl has a shorter memory
it is “anal about the color” …?
I think not
Not necessarily uniform related … but cool as hell:
[quote comment=”342032″]vick is a piece of shit, [/quote]
That’s the end of the argument as far as I’m concerned. People can talk all they want about leather belts, leather shoes, vegans, etc. None of that changes the fact that Mike Vick organized dogfights and lied about it. He’s subhuman in my book.
[quote comment=”342032″]i’m betting the nfl has a shorter memory[/quote]I hope that this isn’t true. More that that, I hope “the NFL” as an entitity isn’t so money-grubbing; and more than even that I hope that whichever owner tries to sign him gets raped in his wallet (which is the only place that person will understand pain).
Hope that made sense.
LI Phil,
Thanks for not busting my “chops”. By the way, excellent word choice.
I should have stated that I never considered my self a vegetarian when I didn’t eat meat. Pure vegans are the only true vegetarians in my book. I simply didn’t eat anything with a face.
You’re right about the veal. No lamb,either. I could never cook a lobster, and fur just looks ridiculous. However, it looked pretty good on Puddy. Gotta support the team. Yea that’s right.
I’ve been especially sensitive about greyhounds lately since mine has been ailing. His back legs started failing, and he was six hours away from an appointment to be put to sleep. Three G’s later and he’s not truly diagnosed, but he’s doing MUCH better.
To anyone who has never met a greyhound… DO SO.
They are as sweet as the original Bad News Bears is funny.
[quote comment=”342035″][quote comment=”342032″]vick is a piece of shit, [/quote]
That’s the end of the argument as far as I’m concerned. People can talk all they want about leather belts, leather shoes, vegans, etc. None of that changes the fact that Mike Vick organized dogfights and lied about it. He’s subhuman in my book.
[quote comment=”342032″]i’m betting the nfl has a shorter memory[/quote]I hope that this isn’t true. More that that, I hope “the NFL” as an entitity isn’t so money-grubbing; and more than even that I hope that whichever owner tries to sign him gets raped in his wallet (which is the only place that person will understand pain).
Hope that made sense.[/quote]
It made perfect sense, and I couldn’t agree more.
[quote comment=”342036″]However, it looked pretty good on Puddy. [/quote]
Kramer too.
(sorry about the mini-pic.)
Baseball Tonight just did a thing on the greatest baseball # of all time. It was 5.
I hope this isn’t old news.
I can’t believe I just came up stairs to type this. And now, I’m still going to send it.
Some kid on Sportcenter just said, “Holliday now a red bird, and Halladay is still a blue bird.”
I guess the Cardinald should only wear red hats, or the Blue Jays should be accepted in black hats.
Just to note… “Should” is a terrible word.
I regards to the greatest catches to save a no-hitter….one happened two weeks ago when Aaron Rowand made an unbelievable grab to save Jonathan Sanchez\’s no-hitter, and that was with one out in the ninth.
[quote]Halladay is still a blue bird.[/quote]
until tomorrow
when he becomes a fightin
Just caught the O’s BoSox highlight on SportsCenter.
Worst. Uni matchup. Ever! Balmer in black vs. Boston in red. Ugh!
I noticed tonight that Tampa Bay wore their gray tops tonight versus Toronto’s retro jerseys. It looked different seeing as most other road teams wore their colored tops this year. But it was a much better look.
I found the Rockies’ hat I bought in 1996. It has me thinking.
I don’t know why I keep coming up stairs to write this stuff.
For real.
The Nets are removing “New Jersey” from their road uniforms.
The shirt today over at: link really looks like a Rob Ullman pin up girl. No?
Matt Holliday wore DeRosa’s batting gloves and Wellenmeyer’s shoes.
Nobody is reading this.
[quote comment=”342048″]Matt Holliday wore DeRosa’s batting gloves and Wellenmeyer’s shoes.
Nobody is reading this.[/quote]
I am.
[quote comment=”342049″][quote comment=”342048″]Matt Holliday wore DeRosa’s batting gloves and Wellenmeyer’s shoes.
Nobody is reading this.[/quote]
I am.[/quote]
not me. oh wait, me too.
[quote comment=”342050″][quote comment=”342049″][quote comment=”342048″]Matt Holliday wore DeRosa’s batting gloves and Wellenmeyer’s shoes.
Nobody is reading this.[/quote]
I am.[/quote]
not me. oh wait, me too.[/quote]
Very nice to hear.
[quote comment=”342043″]Just caught the O’s BoSox highlight on SportsCenter.
Worst. Uni matchup. Ever! Balmer in black vs. Boston in red. Ugh![/quote]
Seriously. That shit was truly link.
[quote comment=”342051″][quote comment=”342050″][quote comment=”342049″][quote comment=”342048″]Matt Holliday wore DeRosa’s batting gloves and Wellenmeyer’s shoes.
Nobody is reading this.[/quote]
I am.[/quote]
not me. oh wait, me too.[/quote]
Chaka Khan!
Very nice to hear.[/quote]
[quote comment=”342041″]I regards to the greatest catches to save a no-hitter….one happened two weeks ago when Aaron Rowand made an unbelievable grab to save Jonathan Sanchez\’s no-hitter, and that was with one out in the ninth.
Unbelievable? Really? It was a nice catch but the hop at the end was definitely superfluous. A cynic might call it Sorianoesque. (Hey, what team did Aarond Rowand win a World Series with four years ago? Another Lincoln/Kennedy coinkidink?)
[quote comment=”342039″]Baseball Tonight just did a thing on the greatest baseball # of all time. It was 5.
I hope this isn’t old news.
I can’t believe I just came up stairs to type this. And now, I’m still going to send it.[/quote]
Albert Pujols: THE GREATEST #5 IN THE HISTORY OF EVER! Where does this happen? Missouri, natch. Another terrific example of why Cardinals fans are the best in baseball. Joe DiMaggio? What the fuck did he ever do besides make coffee maker commercials?
Great work David, love your stuff! Thanks for the call out. Especially like the vintage Braves on halloween. CUP CHECK!
David Frost. Wasn’t he the guy who Tricky Dick Nixon once asked if he did any fornicating the night before his big interview?
Nice blog!!
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