I threw myself a birthday party on Saturday afternoon, and everyone who showed up asked, “So what have you done so far on your special day?” And for once I had a really good answer: “I spent the morning flushing a toilet at the Mets’ new stadium.”
Here’s the deal: When you’re opening a big building — like, say, a stadium in Queens — you have to check the plumbing under “game conditions,” as it were. That basically means you have to get a few hundred people to flush all the toilets at once. There’s nothing particularly unique about this (the Yankees did it for their new stadium back on February 28th), except the Mets’ stadium has the distinction of being located in Flushing, which added a bit of ironic resonance to the proceedings. The 300 volunteer flushers were comprised of the plumbing contractor’s staff and their families. As for me, a reader tipped me off on this one a few weeks ago, and I was able to convince the contractor to let me come along as an “incognito plumber.”
All of which explains how I found myself kibitzing with a bunch of plumbers inside a 20-stall women’s bathroom located off the right field corner of the field-level concourse. The main thing I learned as we waited for the flushing test to commence was that plumbers don’t use the word “toilet”; instead, they say, “bowl” (as in, “I hear they got over 300 bowls in this stadium” or “Holy shit, 20 bowls in one bathroom!”).
Eventually, a guy on the P.A. gave us instructions on precisely when to flush. Over the course of about 10 minutes, I flushed this toilet bowl about 20 times. There was some random chuckling along the way, because the sound of flushing is sort of inherently humorous, and then we were told that the test was over and that the plumbing system had passed with flying colors, prompting a lot of cheering and high fives. (Sorry, ladies, I didn’t test out the tampon machine, but I assume it was shipshape.)
The whole thing was a hoot. Everyone was given a T-shirt (mine’s going straight to eBay), and afterward they served us burgers, dogs, and fries at one of the concession stands. Not a bad start to my birthday, right?
As for the stadium itself, it’s nice enough. Some parts of it are still wrapped in plastic, under construction, or unfinished (I assume the right-hand half of that banner will be installed shortly), but here are some rough impressions and observations:
• The sightlines are very, very good.
• The skyline that used to be atop the Shea Stadium scoreboard is now part of a concession stand.
• Here’s what the out of town scoreboard looks like.
• Guess who’s providing all the ATMs.
• Odd combination of elements here. I love the old Pepsi script, natch, but it doesn’t pair well with the new Pepsi globe.
• Hard not to like the lettering on the exterior gates.
• The best thing about the new stadium, from my perspective, is its location. Bear with me here while I explain: Shea was situated such that it was surrounded by parking lots and Roosevelt Ave., which has an elevated subway that pretty much seals off any visual access to the surrounding neighborhood. In other words, Shea was completely isolated in its own little space, largely cut off from the surrounding community. But as you can see in that satellite photo, the new stadium is in Shea’s old parking lot, which means it’s right on 126th St. — and 126th St. is the western edge of the Iron Triangle, a glorious mess of auto salvage shops, muffler shops, tire shops, and so on, most of them housed in rusting Quonset huts. It’s a gritty but vibrant scene, which of course means it can’t be allowed to exist next to the Wilpons’ new toy, so the city is in the process of condemning and redeveloping the Triangle. This will eventually result in dozens of businesses being forced to close, but for now the Triangle is still going strong. So when the Wilpons look across the street from their shiny new stadium, this is what they see, and I bet it bugs the shit out of them. Or at least I hope it does — serves them right.
Busy day: As many of you are aware, there was a big uni-related story over the weekend. I’ve got a column about it on ESPN.
Plus I also have a bracketology story on ESPN today (and don’t miss how Page 2 is pimping it — you should have seen the big smile on my face when I got my first look at that graphic).
Uni Watch News Ticker: Faaaaaascinating story from Jeremy Brahm, who reports: “Swedish swimmer Therese Alshammar broke the world record in the 50-meter butterfly last Tuesday. However, she was soon stripped of the record because she wore two swimsuits. The second swimsuit was a ‘modesty suit,’ but the event took place in Australia, which has a prohibiting a second suit because it may provide extra buoyancy in the pool.” ”¦ Did you know Venezuelan prex Hugo Chavez threw out the first pitch at a 1999 Mets game? Go ahead and make the obvious joke about him being a lefty (with thanks to Morris Levin). ”¦ Little piece about Nyjer Morgan’s stirrups here. ”¦ Wimberly! More on Uni Watch’s new favorite player here. ”¦ New white football pants for Hawaii. Here’s a closer look. ”¦ Decent page devoted to Red Sox uni numbers here (with thanks to Ilana Hardesty). ”¦ What the hell is this uniform? It’s from a 1979 SI article about what football would be like in the year 2000. Hilarious stuff. To read the article, go here, click on “View This Issue,” and click ahead to page 48 (nice find by Ian Nichols). ”¦ Odd tagging error discovered by Peter Kaszczak, who ordered a 1994 Pirates cap from Dugout Memories and found a Phillies logo on the label. ”¦ The Nuggets will be wearing green uniforms on April 2nd and 4th — not for an Irish-themed promotion, but as part of an NBA environmental-awareness initiative. ”¦ The Lions are retiring Corey Smith’s number for one season (with thanks to Alan Borock). ”¦ Attention Matt Powers: Here’s a class you should be teaching (with thanks to Ryan S. Rearick). ”¦ Serious color-on-color game: Auburn vs. Tulsa (with thanks to Jeff McClendon). ”¦ Ieasia Walker, who plays on the Copiague High School girls’ hoops team, likes to wear striped socks (with thanks to Vince Alongi). ”¦ A snowstorm broke out during a recent soccer game in Japan, so they had to switch from the regular silver ball to a high-visibility orange ball (as reported by Jeremy Brahm). ”¦ Carlos Gomez wore an advertising tattoo and some very glittery trunks for his heavyweight title bout against Vitali Klitschko on Saturday night. Anyone know why the ref wore a black armband? ”¦ You’ve got to be kidding me. ”¦ Steve K. found this 1974 Giants media guide on eBay. “The weird thing is that it has the discofied ‘NY’ logo that wasn’t introduced as the team’s official logo until 1975,” he says. “And to boot, it has a red/blue combo, which I’ve never seen before.” ”¦ Now that‘s an NOB (with thanks to Chris Salove). ”¦ The four Oakland policemen who were killed over the weekend may be memorialized on the A’s uniforms when the regular season starts, and Chisox skipper Ozzie Guillen wore “OPD” on his cap (for Oakland Police Dept.) for yesterday’s A’s/Sox spring training game. Details here (with thanks to Brinke Guthrie). ”¦ Jim Pericotti attended the New England Game Worn Hockey Jersey Expo on Saturday and photographed some good stuff, including a Thomas Pöck UMass jersey, complete with umlaut (something the Rangers didn’t bother to include), the Bruins’ wonderful 50th-anniversary patch (here’s a closer look), and Eddie Shore’s Springfield Indians coaching jacket. “I’m also sending some close-ups of my Ice Cats jersey,” says Jim. “The numbers are styled with ‘claw mark’ notches, but what’s interesting is the material used. The white and teal layers are tackle twill, but the darker blue middle layer is some type of shiny plastic. I’ve never seen that material before used on a jersey, so maybe someone can shed some light on it.” Anyone..? … Good view of Dave Maloney’s FNOB here with thanks to Casey Wurzbach). ”¦ Excellent view of the Celtics’ Reggie Lewis memorial band from 1993-94 here. The black-on-black number always made it very hard to see the “35” unless the light was hitting it just right (big thanks to Nick Tavares).
Very cool bowl duty.
Those new bathrooms are rather drab and ugly, though, considering how much is being spent on the stadium. Bare concrete? Minimalist fixtures?
I’ll have to give the Texas Rangers some credit on this front, as their bathrooms were nicely tiled and still look great fifteen years after their ballpark opened.
Look at this guy with the long sleeves and high socks. It’s getting so basketball players don’t look like basketball players anymore. Gosh, that’s got to be uncomfy and hot.
Comprehensive breakdown of the Rockies uniforms and how it affected their games in 2008 here: link
I wish I had known about the NE Game Worn Hockey Jersey Expo. Son of a…………
i was not entirely disappointed to see the mets loo facilities were not made of 14 carat gold with diamond inlays and crystal chandelliers like those in the bronx’ are…
i forgot to ask you saturday if the button you used to flush the “bowl” (much like the celebrity chosen to “illuminate” the ESB), was actually controlled by a dummy switch, and you weren’t actually performing any “flushing in flushing” at all
(next trip to
sheaciti, we need pics of the apple!)[quote comment=”318959″]i was not entirely disappointed to see the mets loo facilities were not made of 14 carat gold with diamond inlays and crystal chandelliers like those in the bronx’ are…
i forgot to ask you saturday if the button you used to flush the “bowl” (much like the celebrity chosen to “illuminate” the ESB), was actually controlled by a dummy switch, and you weren’t actually performing any “flushing in flushing” at all
(next trip to
sheaciti, we need pics of the apple!)[/quote]Actually, the flushing action is scanner-activated with a push-button backup system. The little scanner “eyes”/sensors/etc. were still taped over (that’s how they come from the manufacturer), so the scanner-flush system wasn inoperative. The only way to flush was via the push-button.
I’ve gotta say, pushing a button isn’t quite as satisfying as pulling a lever.
I had some drinks here on Friday night:
That’s for you Robert Marshall!
CJ Anderson, Xavier had his socked taped up
There was some random chuckling along the way, because the sound of flushing is sort of inherently humorous
Soon to be replaced by a giant sucking sound.
Wow Mr Lukas, that meat article is both the best thing I’ve seen on Page 2 in a long time, and the worst thing to read before breakfast. I’m STARVING, and I don’t think Cheerios are going to taste that good right now.
The swimmer who had a world record stripped didn’t seem too be worrying about modesty too much here.
Before you get all gushy about the sightlines at Citi, take a look at the “out of town scoreboard” photo again. Look at the bottom of the upper deck. Notice how you can’t see the first row of seats? They are hidden by the ribbon board.
Apparently, the Mets and their architects got the sightlines right for every seat. But they forgot that the ribbon boards were taller than the front wall of the upper deck. When the boards were installed, they created a partial obstruction of the first row — a row that was sold at a premium.
I have seen photos from seats looking out to the field showing the obstruction. A friend of a friend got his seats changed because of the problem.
Now comes the rumor part: The Mets will fix the problem by lowering the attachment point for the boards, but this won’t be done until next season because they need to bring in cranes to do it and they don’t want to risk causing problems to the newly sodded field.
Paul or Phil,
Is there anyway you guys could do an analysis of the NCAA Hockey tournament unis? I know the basketball one gets alot of coverage, but the frozen guys get no love and I think it’d be a great way to introduce some teams (Bemidji State) to uniwatch
just a thought and request
The difference between the Suit in this pic and the one she was probally wearing for the event, is that this one has a layer of fabric on the inside that prevents the suit from showing every body line detail.
The other suit was probally the new Speedo XLR (or what ever it is called) which has no inside fabric.
Fantastic piece on the meat madness. Saving it for lunch break where I will have meat to go with it, but the first part was great.
It was interesting to me how the ATMs are the removable type, not built into the stadium. I know at the Ballpark in Arlington the ATM is part of the stadium. Maybe they know they will have to take them out soon.
[quote comment=”318962″]CJ Anderson, Xavier had his socked taped up
Kinda looks like he’s wearing sweatbands on his calves. Either way, it looks odd.
Wow. I’ve never seen pictures of the Iron Triangle before. Terrific. Real businesses going about their business.
God forbid we should be exposed to such depravity while attending a baseball game.
Somehow I’m not surprised that a couple of New Yorkers (no offense) can take some of Kentucky’s finest, add “Yankees” to it and pretend it’s something different/better.
Anyone willing to shell out some bucks for “Yankees Sod”, contact me and I’ll hook you up with a superior product (home grown) for half the price. After that, we can begin negotiations for a particular bridge in Brooklyn…
[quote comment=”318973″]Somehow I’m not surprised that a couple of New Yorkers (no offense) can take some of Kentucky’s finest, add “Yankees” to it and pretend it’s something different/better.
Anyone willing to shell out some bucks for “Yankees Sod”, contact me and I’ll hook you up with a superior product (home grown) for half the price. After that, we can begin negotiations for a particular bridge in Brooklyn…[/quote]
looks like it’s actually new jersey’s finest…
[quote comment=”318955″]Very cool bowl duty.[/quote]
Oh, man, Paul, you were wearing that greatest-of-all sports garments: Mr & Mrs Met long-sleeve! I’ll stop quivering any minute.
[quote comment=”318968″]
Is there anyway you guys could do an analysis of the NCAA Hockey tournament unis? I know the basketball one gets alot of coverage, but the frozen guys get no love and I think it’d be a great way to introduce some teams (Bemidji State) to uniwatch…
I’ll second that motion. College hockey unis have a great history, and some of the recent versions are still pretty cool.
[quote comment=”318974″][quote comment=”318973″]Somehow I’m not surprised that a couple of New Yorkers (no offense) can take some of Kentucky’s finest, add “Yankees” to it and pretend it’s something different/better.
Anyone willing to shell out some bucks for “Yankees Sod”, contact me and I’ll hook you up with a superior product (home grown) for half the price. After that, we can begin negotiations for a particular bridge in Brooklyn…[/quote]
looks like it’s actually new jersey’s finest…[/quote]
You can take the grass out of Kentucky, but you can’t take the Kentucky out of the grass.
[quote comment=”318968″]Paul or Phil,
Is there anyway you guys could do an analysis of the NCAA Hockey tournament unis? I know the basketball one gets alot of coverage, but the frozen guys get no love and I think it’d be a great way to introduce some teams (Bemidji State) to uniwatch
just a thought and request[/quote]
I may tackle this on my blog. I had thoughts about comparing the actual seeding to their respective uniforms.
In regards to the IceCats, that plastic layer was added due to weight, according to my customization guy. Three layers of twill on a hockey jersey being Z-stitched would literally be a nightmare for sewers. Not only would you wreck needles on sewing machines like nothing else, but the back of the jersey would outweigh the front considerably, thus pulling the collar into the throat of the player. Especially if the jersey was wet.
A couple of NHL teams used the plastic for a while, but the plastic has the ability to chip and make the jersey’s numbering look cheap. From what my guy said, this was a common thing for three-coloured AHL teams to save on costs.
[quote comment=”318968″]Paul or Phil,
Is there anyway you guys could do an analysis of the NCAA Hockey tournament unis? I know the basketball one gets alot of coverage, but the frozen guys get no love and I think it’d be a great way to introduce some teams (Bemidji State) to uniwatch
just a thought and request[/quote]
wait…there’s a hockey nc2a tourney? who knew?
[quote comment=”318979″][quote comment=”318968″]Paul or Phil,
Is there anyway you guys could do an analysis of the NCAA Hockey tournament unis? I know the basketball one gets alot of coverage, but the frozen guys get no love and I think it’d be a great way to introduce some teams (Bemidji State) to uniwatch
just a thought and request[/quote]
wait…there’s a hockey nc2a tourney? who knew?[/quote]
The Frozen Four!
The Wisconsin women just won their third title in four years this past weekend, and the regional tournament starts this weekend for the men.
Cornell made the draw as the #10 seed out the 16 qualifiers, Phil. That should pique your interest a little. LOL
Personally, I think this shot of Therese is best.
Camp Randall Hockey: I just HATE those stupid “sparkle” additions in drawings. Totally unnecessary. Good show Badgers: you’re just like Disney on Ice. What time does Ariel make an appearance? Is Shrek on the bill?:-(
Miami University Cheerleader of the Week: good choice.
North Lawndale: Maybe it is unfair to give them a technical once they got downstate (instead of doing it far earlier in the season) but the state athletic association spokesman claims the coach was notified on more than one occasion. And BTW, this is the same team that had their star player booted off the team for failing math. His mother SUED HER CHILD’S SCHOOL: and she got a TRO. So at the very least it’s been an unusual season.
1907 Chicago White Sox magazine cover: I like the submast: “Devoted to baseball, trap shooting and general sports.” As if the combination of baseball and trap shooting doesn’t cover it all…
Finally, as a White Sox fan here is my favorite joke from 2005; all of you New Yorkers can use starting this in a few weeks. What part of World Series history do the Cubs have in common with (insert your favorite NYC team here)???
(This started with a Cubs & Cardinals reference.)
[quote comment=”318979″]
wait…there’s a hockey nc2a tourney? who knew?[/quote]
Don’t worry- they’ll put “ICE HOCKEY” on the boards just so everyone knows what’s going on.
[quote comment=”318977″][quote comment=”318974″][quote comment=”318973″]Somehow I’m not surprised that a couple of New Yorkers (no offense) can take some of Kentucky’s finest, add “Yankees” to it and pretend it’s something different/better.
Anyone willing to shell out some bucks for “Yankees Sod”, contact me and I’ll hook you up with a superior product (home grown) for half the price. After that, we can begin negotiations for a particular bridge in Brooklyn…[/quote]
looks like it’s actually new jersey’s finest…[/quote]
You can take the grass out of Kentucky, but you can’t take the Kentucky out of the grass.[/quote]
but what about the fried chicken???
I prefer a nice Featherbed Bent.
[quote comment=”318973″]but what about the fried chicken???[/quote]
Well you can dump Colonel Sanders in a random Japanese river, but you’ll suffer the consequences.
[quote comment=”318985″]I prefer a nice Featherbed Bent.[/quote]
it’s a hybrid
Mizzou is cracking down on high schools using their tiger logo. Harrisburg High School in South Dakota was told to change. Here is the story.
What? Capicola didn’t make it into the tourney? They weren’t the regular season AND tournament champions of the Cold Cut Conference? Were there sanctions imposed that forbade postseason competition?
I disagree with the outcomes of many of those matchups, but one thing is dead on the money: filet mignon is for chumps. There’s a reason it’s usually wrapped in bacon.
[quote comment=”318980″][quote comment=”318979″][quote comment=”318968″]Paul or Phil,
Is there anyway you guys could do an analysis of the NCAA Hockey tournament unis? I know the basketball one gets alot of coverage, but the frozen guys get no love and I think it’d be a great way to introduce some teams (Bemidji State) to uniwatch
just a thought and request[/quote]
wait…there’s a hockey nc2a tourney? who knew?[/quote]
The Frozen Four!
The Wisconsin women just won their third title in four years this past weekend, and the regional tournament starts this weekend for the men.
Cornell made the draw as the #10 seed out the 16 qualifiers, Phil. That should pique your interest a little. LOL[/quote]
Frozen Four comin to Erie in 2011 !! Exciting stuff for a 90K city.
If anyone hasn’t taken the time to go into that old SI issue and read that ridiculous “Football in the Future” article, do it. Its worth the laugh. Personally I love digging into the old SI issues for all the articles. Who knew that Fred Willard did ads for beer?
[quote comment=”318986″][quote comment=”318973″]but what about the fried chicken???[/quote]
Well you can dump Colonel Sanders in a random Japanese river, but you’ll suffer the consequences.[/quote]
ha! those wacky japanese… gotta love ’em!!! i guess the river thought it was finger lickin’ good too seeing as how they had to dive back down to get his hands. thankfully the colonel is safe and sound now! honey, you think KFC’s still open…
[quote comment=”318989″]What? Capicola didn’t make it into the tourney? They weren’t the regular season AND tournament champions of the Cold Cut Conference? Were there sanctions imposed that forbade postseason competition?
He also missed mortadella, coppa di testa, Lebanon bologna, liverwurst, bresaola, and sopressata. All worthy contendahs.
[quote comment=”318988″]Mizzou is cracking down on high schools using their tiger logo. Harrisburg High School in South Dakota was told to change. Here is the story.
Good for Mizzou.
Paul, you got a lot of that meat article right, especially your love for the incredible chicken tail. I do want to point out that there is indeed a song titled Pork Tenderloin. It’s on ‘The C Album’ by the amazing Canadian band Moxy Fruvous. Fruvous has been on hiatus since 2001, but we’re still hoping for a comeback.
[quote comment=”318994″]Paul, you got a lot of that meat article right, especially your love for the incredible chicken tail. I do want to point out that there is indeed a song titled Pork Tenderloin. It’s on ‘The C Album’ by the amazing Canadian band Moxy Fruvous. Fruvous has been on hiatus since 2001, but we’re still hoping for a comeback.[/quote]
Yeah, I’ve gotten a few emails about that this morning. Didn’t know about that song. Now that I’ve listened to it, it’s not really about meat — just a novelty song that uses “pork tenderloin” as a recurring rhyme. Pfeh.
Some discussion of the Jax Jags new look on jaguars.com’s “Ask Vic”:
Rook from Chicago, IL: Do you think the reason for getting new uniforms is to symbolize that this is the beginning of a new era for the Jaguars organization and that we are putting the 2008 season behind us, or do you not put any stock into that?
Vic: That’s a nice story and I never try to let the facts get in the way of a good story, but I think the Jaguars were headed for this uniform change regardless of the changes in their hierarchy. Long before last season began, I heard rumblings about Wayne Weaver wanting a cleanup and standardization of the uniform design. The concern was that there were too many combinations and that the Jaguars were losing identity. What are their true colors and which is their dominant color? I think the new uniform design is going to define the team’s colors and provide distinct home and away combinations.
I think this will mean a lessening of the color black for the team’s road unis. The black has become pervasive with the shoes, numbers and pants (used to be teal numbers and white pants/shoes). I went to New Orleans in 2007 to see Jax play the Saints. I wore a teal Fred Taylor home jersey. A lady sitting behind me politely asked why if teal was the Jags color, then where was the teal on their road uniform. I couldn’t really give her a good answer, other than to say that it made them look tougher by wearing a lot of black on the road instead of teal pants.
Man I hope this new look isn’t a total joke.
Everybody knows fried chicken is just a football factory…
I think this will mean a lessening of the color black for the team’s road unis. The black has become pervasive with the shoes, numbers and pants (used to be teal numbers and white pants/shoes). I went to New Orleans in 2007 to see Jax play the Saints. I wore a teal Fred Taylor home jersey. A lady sitting behind me politely asked why if teal was the Jags color, then where was the teal on their road uniform. I couldn’t really give her a good answer, other than to say that it made them look tougher by wearing a lot of black on the road instead of teal pants.
Man I hope this new look isn’t a total joke.[/quote]
That part was my comment, not Vic’s.
I’m seriously troubled by your off-handed dismissal of “Canadian Bacon” in the meat bracket! Clearly, you’ve never had real peameal bacon, here in Canada.
Next time you’re in Toronto, it’s very important that you go to the link, proceed to Carousel Bakery (ignore the various imposter/wannabes) and order the Peameal on a Bun. Heaven in meat form. (And makes at least the round of 16, if not regional final!)
Seriously, though… Hilariously awesome piece, man!
Paul, that Page 2 Meat Bracket was utterly ridiculous.
…and I mean that as an utmost complement!!!!
maybe this is a hint?
[quote comment=”318987″][quote comment=”318985″]I prefer a nice Featherbed Bent.[/quote]
it’s a hybrid[/quote]
“This is a hybrid. This is a cross of Kentucky Bluegrass, Featherbed Bent, and Northern California Sensemilia.”
Just in case people missed it over the weekend… the University of Wisconsin has unveiled their logo for their outdoor hockey game next year. They are calling it the Camp Randall Hockey Classic:
Another note: The Women’s Frozen Four had an awesome logo this year! Go Badgers! :
[quote comment=”318999″]Paul,
I’m seriously troubled by your off-handed dismissal of “Canadian Bacon” in the meat bracket! Clearly, you’ve never had real peameal bacon, here in Canada.
Next time you’re in Toronto, it’s very important that you go to the link, proceed to Carousel Bakery (ignore the various imposter/wannabes) and order the Peameal on a Bun. Heaven in meat form. (And makes at least the round of 16, if not regional final!)
Seriously, though… Hilariously awesome piece, man![/quote]
I’ve been to the St. Lawrence Market. I’ve also eaten — and written about — peameal bacon, which I agree is quite nice (but is too much of a fringe product here in America to qualify for the bracket).
For people who don’t know what we’re talking about, look here:
[quote comment=”318993″][quote comment=”318988″]Mizzou is cracking down on high schools using their tiger logo. Harrisburg High School in South Dakota was told to change. Here is the story.
Good for Mizzou.
I have always been under the assumption that when many high schools and many small colleges purchase uniforms or merchandise they choose their logos and artwork from what the manufactures have on file. Say if you’re nickname was the bulldogs or the pirates, most manufactures would have several bulldog and pirate logos to choose from. I am wondering if the Collegiate Licensing Co goes after the manufactures as hard as they go after high schools?
[quote comment=”318958″]I wish I had known about the NE Game Worn Hockey Jersey Expo. Son of a…………[/quote]
Me too! Where and when was it?
[quote comment=”319004″][quote comment=”318993″][quote comment=”318988″]Mizzou is cracking down on high schools using their tiger logo. Harrisburg High School in South Dakota was told to change. Here is the story.
Good for Mizzou.
I have always been under the assumption that when many high schools and many small colleges purchase uniforms or merchandise they choose their logos and artwork from what the manufactures have on file. Say if you’re nickname was the bulldogs or the pirates, most manufactures would have several bulldog and pirate logos to choose from. I am wondering if the Collegiate Licensing Co goes after the manufactures as hard as they go after high schools?[/quote]
I’m confident that they do, because if they don’t they risk losing their ownership over the marks.
I’m sure that some of these schools are being ripped off by unscrupulous manufacturers. But some are doing the stealing themselves. Either way, the real owners are required by law to defend their intellectual property.
Yankee Sod. Brought to you by PT Barnum Enterprises, whose slogan is “There’s a sucker born every minute. And we’re here to prove it.”
[quote comment=”318992″][quote comment=”318989″]What? Capicola didn’t make it into the tourney? They weren’t the regular season AND tournament champions of the Cold Cut Conference? Were there sanctions imposed that forbade postseason competition?
He also missed mortadella, coppa di testa, Lebanon bologna, liverwurst, bresaola, and sopressata. All worthy contendahs.[/quote]
Olive loaf too. Talk about an underdog.
Picanha would have been my pick. Check it out.
That is one memorable afternoon. Seriously, very cool.
As for the Carnegie Mellon class, I am so in!
Thats funny about the pirates “1994” hat.
My phillies “1980” hat has a solid burgundy P, and not an outline. silly american needle.
The professor is even wearing a LS tee with the classic “Flight” logo reminiscent of Sidneys’ Air Flight Lites in “White Men Can’t Jump”, which are back on shelves as I type.
I wonder if Paul saw that old SI illo long ago. It may have contributed to his thesis that sports uniforms are evolving toward superhero costumes.
Love the meat bracket even if I disagree with some choices. No Pancetta, Thuringer, Elk?
Next you’re in Denver, try some barbecued bison ribs from Big Papa’s — they’re delicious and way bigger than ribs of mere hogs or kine.
[quote comment=”319002″]
Another note: The Women’s Frozen Four had an awesome logo this year! Go Badgers! :
Check out 2010 in Detroit for the men’s event. Phenomenally awesome.
as long as head cheese and rocky mountain oysters didn’t make it to the big dance, it’s all good
Superhero? More like video game characters.
Either way, sports is moving it’s image away from reality. Too bad, because the beauty of sports is that people actually DO the activity. They aren’t just working their thumbs while sitting on their ever-widening butts mainlining Nutter Butters…and then claiming they’ve actually accomplished something. It’s called “Virtual” Reality, because IT ISN’T REAL.
Being good at Madden ranks with wearing your Vulcan-ears to the big ComicCon.
[quote comment=”319013″][quote comment=”319002″]
Another note: The Women’s Frozen Four had an awesome logo this year! Go Badgers! :
Check out 2010 in Detroit for the men’s event. Phenomenally awesome.[/quote]
Or, I can host and post. Here’s the link.
[quote comment=”319016″][quote comment=”319013″][quote comment=”319002″]
Another note: The Women’s Frozen Four had an awesome logo this year! Go Badgers! :
Check out 2010 in Detroit for the men’s event. Phenomenally awesome.[/quote]
Or, I can host and post. Here’s the link.[/quote]
Cool. Actual visual representation of freezing your rear end.
Nahhh…fun logo, actually.
I’ve never seen a man happier to be standing in a public restroom at a baseball stadium.
[quote comment=”318973″]Somehow I’m not surprised that a couple of New Yorkers (no offense) can take some of Kentucky’s finest, add “Yankees” to it and pretend it’s something different/better.
Anyone willing to shell out some bucks for “Yankees Sod”, contact me and I’ll hook you up with a superior product (home grown) for half the price. After that, we can begin negotiations for a particular bridge in Brooklyn…[/quote]
If Lowe’s sold Pirates PNC grass I’d scoop some up.
I did get a glimpse of the out of town scoreboard when I went to a Mets Astros game back in August. Points for the retro-ness.
The Pepsi Cola sign reminds me of the John Hancock sign at Fenway.
did they make a brick backstop? I hate new parks with brick backstops. It’s overkill in my book.
[quote comment=”319018″]I’ve never seen a man happier to be standing in a public restroom at a baseball stadium.[/quote]
you’ve obviously never been to a game with larry craig
[quote comment=”319008″]
Olive loaf too. Talk about an underdog.
Picanha would have been my pick. Check it out.
Is that Brazilian rodizio-style? If you live in NJ try Solar do Minho in Belleville. Good stuff.
[quote comment=”318979″]
wait…there’s a hockey nc2a tourney? who knew?[/quote]
I knew, and I’m going. The East Regional is in Bridgeport, CT.
I better get used to the color blue.. three of the four teams are Michigan, Yale and Air Force. At least there will be some Vermont green to mix it up.
It just occurred to me that link (by Moe.) was the song playing on my radio as I pulled up at work this morning.
[quote comment=”319021″][quote comment=”319018″]I’ve never seen a man happier to be standing in a public restroom at a baseball stadium.[/quote]
you’ve obviously never been to a game with larry craig[/quote]
Wow. link. Impressive.
That SI article about football in 2000 is great! Some of the things obviously sound rediculous now (no contact below the waist was predicted), but they actually got some things right (specialty players like pass rushers). Apparently John Madden thought the coaches would be some sort of robots. They did also talk about technology in the football to know if it’s advanced far enough for a first down.
[quote comment=”319021″][quote comment=”319018″]I’ve never seen a man happier to be standing in a public restroom at a baseball stadium.[/quote]
you’ve obviously never been to a game with larry craig[/quote]
Larry does his best work sitting, though, right?
[quote comment=”319025″][quote comment=”319021″][quote comment=”319018″]I’ve never seen a man happier to be standing in a public restroom at a baseball stadium.[/quote]
you’ve obviously never been to a game with larry craig[/quote]
Wow. link. Impressive.[/quote]
Okay, I’ll mention Roger Craig. Make it Mets-relevant.
Cutline for today’s photo?:
“I’m not really a professional toiler flusher,
but I do play one online.”
Men’s Frozen Four…
2011 — Erie
2010 — Detroit
2009 — Washington, DC (got my tickets — can’t wait)
[quote comment=”319022″][quote comment=”319008″]
Olive loaf too. Talk about an underdog.
Picanha would have been my pick. Check it out.
Is that Brazilian rodizio-style? If you live in NJ try Solar do Minho in Belleville. Good stuff.[/quote]
Yes sir. If you happen to be in Philly, I highly suggest Picanha Brazilian Grill in the Northeast. Not fancy, but incredibly good and much lower pricing than the couple of “high end” churrasco’s in town. Bring a 6-pack!
[quote comment=”319029″]Men’s Frozen Four…
2011 — Erie
2010 — Detroit
2009 — Washington, DC (got my tickets — can’t wait)
I had heard the burgh was in the running for a bid, but heck, Erie is just as good (if I don’t get to an OHL game before then, this would be a great chance to meet with you Tony).
College hockey is great. Along with the ECHL, it was my saving grace during that lost NHL season.
[quote comment=”319031″][quote comment=”319029″]Men’s Frozen Four…
2011 — Erie
2010 — Detroit
2009 — Washington, DC (got my tickets — can’t wait)
I had heard the burgh was in the running for a bid, but heck, Erie is just as good (if I don’t get to an OHL game before then, this would be a great chance to meet with you Tony).
College hockey is great. Along with the ECHL, it was my saving grace during that lost NHL season.[/quote]
Being from Erie, originally, I think they should push it up a month and play outside on the bay.
Frozen February Classic!
Would be a good marketing gimmick.
[quote comment=”318978″]In regards to the IceCats, that plastic layer was added due to weight, according to my customization guy. Three layers of twill on a hockey jersey being Z-stitched would literally be a nightmare for sewers. Not only would you wreck needles on sewing machines like nothing else, but the back of the jersey would outweigh the front considerably, thus pulling the collar into the throat of the player. Especially if the jersey was wet.[/quote]
Thanks Teebz. This is the first jersey I’ve seen done that way. I’ve seen other 3-color number teams’ jerseys up close and Worcester’s is the only one done with the plastic.
The blue plastic layer is glued onto the teal layer. Only the teal and white layers are sewn on.
Took some digging but I found it.
I can’t wait
Today’s other ESPN column is now up:
[quote comment=”319035″]Today’s other ESPN column is now up:
Interesting take on the issue. If the team ignored warnings, then it’s their own fault.
And shouldn’t the article have a more recent date in the byline?
i enjoyed the bracket as much as i i thought i would. excellently written, you wooed me on some “teams”, if not others, and a great cinderella story.
the baseball cherub sculpture portion of the project is done(sans tweaking), but i regret to inform you that packer stripes still will not work, even with an elongated hose-al region. i knew this on the 21st, but did not want to rain on your parade. will be off the grid for a couple hours getting more supplies, and paying back rent, but will be around this evening, talk to you soon.
[quote comment=”318983″][quote comment=”318979″]
wait…there’s a hockey nc2a tourney? who knew?[/quote]
Don’t worry- they’ll put “ICE HOCKEY” on the boards just so everyone knows what’s going on.[/quote]
But they won’t put “NC2A” anywhere because that wouldn’t look right there, nor anywhere.
And one more thing: I enjoyed the Meat Madness very much. Great writing, reading, and eating.
And by the way…
I do love chicken tails, usually on yakitori occasions, but I think the real piece from the chicken is the oyster, under the breast next to the leg.
I understand that’s not a technical “cut” and probably excluded from the tourney for that reason, but dam. Those suckers are GOOD. Maybe a cheerleader or scorekeeper/stats position for them?
[quote comment=”319032″][quote comment=”319031″][quote comment=”319029″]Men’s Frozen Four…
2011 — Erie
2010 — Detroit
2009 — Washington, DC (got my tickets — can’t wait)
I had heard the burgh was in the running for a bid, but heck, Erie is just as good (if I don’t get to an OHL game before then, this would be a great chance to meet with you Tony).
College hockey is great. Along with the ECHL, it was my saving grace during that lost NHL season.[/quote]
Being from Erie, originally, I think they should push it up a month and play outside on the bay.
Frozen February Classic!
Would be a good marketing gimmick.[/quote]
You guys do realize Erie is hosting the Women’s Frozen Four, right?
oh… quick story!!! uni-related!!! went to the pens game friday night with a few friends… wore our favorite jerseys. went to the nudie bar afterwards. my friends are married, it was their big night out, and their choice of post-game festivities, blah, blah, blah… needless to say i wasnt dragged kicking & screaming… anyways, to the point:
me, friend 1, and friend 2 were lined up in that order at the stage. me wearing my baby-blue pens jersey. friend 1 wearing his yellow lemieux throwback. friend 2 weraing the current home letang jersey. a stripper “danced” up to us… danced for me for a second… paused, leaned down and said “hey, you guys are sitting in order”. we were confused and said “what?!!”… she said “jersey order”. so we looked at eachother, looked at ouselves, looked back at eachother… and ME, of all people that read… NO… STUDY this blog ALMOST EVERYDAY said “nuh-uh! no were not!”… she said, as clear as day “yes you are! they wore blue in the 70’s, yellow in the 80’s, and obviously that home jersy now”
…extra tips! i felt like an ass! the nekked-ness and the fact that they actually wear my version of the blue now probably confused me, but i was never more proud of a pittsburgh stripper!!!
[quote comment=”319041″]oh… quick story!!! uni-related!!! went to the pens game friday night with a few friends… wore our favorite jerseys. went to the nudie bar afterwards. my friends are married, it was their big night out, and their choice of post-game festivities, blah, blah, blah… needless to say i wasnt dragged kicking & screaming… anyways, to the point:
me, friend 1, and friend 2 were lined up in that order at the stage. me wearing my baby-blue pens jersey. friend 1 wearing his yellow lemieux throwback. friend 2 weraing the current home letang jersey. a stripper “danced” up to us… danced for me for a second… paused, leaned down and said “hey, you guys are sitting in order”. we were confused and said “what?!!”… she said “jersey order”. so we looked at eachother, looked at ouselves, looked back at eachother… and ME, of all people that read… NO… STUDY this blog ALMOST EVERYDAY said “nuh-uh! no were not!”… she said, as clear as day “yes you are! they wore blue in the 70’s, yellow in the 80’s, and obviously that home jersy now”
…extra tips! i felt like an ass! the nekked-ness and the fact that they actually wear my version of the blue now probably confused me, but i was never more proud of a pittsburgh stripper!!![/quote]
Did you get her name/digits?
And not her performing name, either. LOL
[quote] i was never more proud of a pittsburgh stripper!!![/quote]
only her mom was prouder
Then she went out and OD’d on crack.
[quote comment=”319042″][quote comment=”319041″]oh… quick story!!! uni-related!!! went to the pens game friday night with a few friends… wore our favorite jerseys. went to the nudie bar afterwards. my friends are married, it was their big night out, and their choice of post-game festivities, blah, blah, blah… needless to say i wasnt dragged kicking & screaming… anyways, to the point:
me, friend 1, and friend 2 were lined up in that order at the stage. me wearing my baby-blue pens jersey. friend 1 wearing his yellow lemieux throwback. friend 2 weraing the current home letang jersey. a stripper “danced” up to us… danced for me for a second… paused, leaned down and said “hey, you guys are sitting in order”. we were confused and said “what?!!”… she said “jersey order”. so we looked at eachother, looked at ouselves, looked back at eachother… and ME, of all people that read… NO… STUDY this blog ALMOST EVERYDAY said “nuh-uh! no were not!”… she said, as clear as day “yes you are! they wore blue in the 70’s, yellow in the 80’s, and obviously that home jersy now”
…extra tips! i felt like an ass! the nekked-ness and the fact that they actually wear my version of the blue now probably confused me, but i was never more proud of a pittsburgh stripper!!![/quote]
Did you get her name/digits?
And not her performing name, either. LOL[/quote]
ha! i was to “awe-struck” in many ways! i totally forget.
but pittsburgh really, a place where your local stripper can not only name the year her team has won the superbowl… name the mvp’s from each game… name the losing teams… and a GREAT chance that she hooked up with the past 2 mvp’s, i mean c’mon people!!! is this city great or what?!?!
if you like the Page 2 illustration, check out whats on the ESPN Front Page
[quote comment=”319046″]if you like the Page 2 illustration, check out whats on the ESPN Front Page
That’s me at age six!
Or it could have been…
[quote comment=”319047″][quote comment=”319046″]if you like the Page 2 illustration, check out whats on the ESPN Front Page
That’s me at age six!
Or it could have been…[/quote]
I rushed over here to make sure someone had pointed that picture out already. Truly priceless. And I totally agree with the cereal bracket winner, although Lucky Charms should have been in the final over Frosted Flakes.
(In case they take it down, the picture on ESPN’s front page is an adorable little kid, next to a bowl a cheerios, holding a fork with an enormous sausage on it.)
[quote comment=”319048″][quote comment=”319047″][quote comment=”319046″]if you like the Page 2 illustration, check out whats on the ESPN Front Page
That’s me at age six!
Or it could have been…[/quote]
I rushed over here to make sure someone had pointed that picture out already. Truly priceless. And I totally agree with the cereal bracket winner, although Lucky Charms should have been in the final over Frosted Flakes.
(In case they take it down, the picture on ESPN’s front page is an adorable little kid, next to a bowl a cheerios, holding a fork with an enormous sausage on it.)[/quote]
Okay, their fruit loops, not cheerios. But you get the idea.
Did anybody notice Mike Schmidt wearing his uniform top over his jacket last night in the World Baseball Classic. I don’t have a screen shot of it, but it was definitely a jacket…..
[quote comment=”319031″][quote comment=”319029″]Men’s Frozen Four…
2011 — Erie
2010 — Detroit
2009 — Washington, DC (got my tickets — can’t wait)
I had heard the burgh was in the running for a bid, but heck, Erie is just as good (if I don’t get to an OHL game before then, this would be a great chance to meet with you Tony).
College hockey is great. Along with the ECHL, it was my saving grace during that lost NHL season.[/quote]
Buffalo is hosting the 2011 World Junior Championships.
only a moron mets fan would put a shirt like that on ebay. if i had a phillies shirt from super flush day before CBP opened, you better believe that would become part of my regular rotation. this is yet another reason why the mets and their fans suck.
[quote comment=”319045″][quote comment=”319042″][quote comment=”319041″]oh… quick story!!! uni-related!!! went to the pens game friday night with a few friends… wore our favorite jerseys. went to the nudie bar afterwards. my friends are married, it was their big night out, and their choice of post-game festivities, blah, blah, blah… needless to say i wasnt dragged kicking & screaming… anyways, to the point:
me, friend 1, and friend 2 were lined up in that order at the stage. me wearing my baby-blue pens jersey. friend 1 wearing his yellow lemieux throwback. friend 2 weraing the current home letang jersey. a stripper “danced” up to us… danced for me for a second… paused, leaned down and said “hey, you guys are sitting in order”. we were confused and said “what?!!”… she said “jersey order”. so we looked at eachother, looked at ouselves, looked back at eachother… and ME, of all people that read… NO… STUDY this blog ALMOST EVERYDAY said “nuh-uh! no were not!”… she said, as clear as day “yes you are! they wore blue in the 70’s, yellow in the 80’s, and obviously that home jersy now”
…extra tips! i felt like an ass! the nekked-ness and the fact that they actually wear my version of the blue now probably confused me, but i was never more proud of a pittsburgh stripper!!![/quote]
Did you get her name/digits?
And not her performing name, either. LOL[/quote]
ha! i was to “awe-struck” in many ways! i totally forget.
but pittsburgh really, a place where your local stripper can not only name the year her team has won the superbowl… name the mvp’s from each game… name the losing teams… and a GREAT chance that she hooked up with the past 2 mvp’s, i mean c’mon people!!! is this city great or what?!?![/quote]
Very true, Ry. Was this a trip to McKees Rocks, Oakland/Shadyside, downtown, or the Strip?
[quote comment=”319052″]only a moron mets fan would put a shirt like that on ebay. if i had a phillies shirt from super flush day before CBP opened, you better believe that would become part of my regular rotation. this is yet another reason why the mets and their fans suck.[/quote]
Translation: This guy’s gonna be first in line to bid on the shirt.
I have no interest in wearing the shirt myself because it’s a 2XL, it’s an awful design, and there’s no way I’d ever wear anything with the Bovis logo on it (not in NYC, anyway). I’ll never wear anything with the words “Citi Field” on it either…. But the main reason I’m gonna eBay it is that I’m really curious to see if anyone will bid on it — seems like an interesting litmus test to see how nuts people are about anything even vaguely sports-related….
[quote comment=”319052″]only a moron mets fan would put a shirt like that on ebay. if i had a phillies shirt from super flush day before CBP opened, you better believe that would become part of my regular rotation. this is yet another reason why the mets and their fans suck.[/quote]
So it would have been the Philadelphia Phillie Phlush? Phantasitc!!
[quote comment=”319055″][quote comment=”319052″]only a moron mets fan would put a shirt like that on ebay. if i had a phillies shirt from super flush day before CBP opened, you better believe that would become part of my regular rotation. this is yet another reason why the mets and their fans suck.[/quote]
Translation: This guy’s gonna be first in line to bid on the shirt.
I have no interest in wearing the shirt myself because it’s a 2XL, it’s an awful design, and there’s no way I’d ever wear anything with the Bovis logo on it (not in NYC, anyway). I’ll never wear anything with the words “Citi Field” on it either…. But the main reason I’m gonna eBay it is that I’m really curious to see if anyone will bid on it — seems like an interesting litmus test to see how nuts people are about anything even vaguely sports-related….[/quote]
2XL.. Guess they’re really playing to the plumber stereotype.
[quote comment=”319057″][quote comment=”319055″][quote comment=”319052″]only a moron mets fan would put a shirt like that on ebay. if i had a phillies shirt from super flush day before CBP opened, you better believe that would become part of my regular rotation. this is yet another reason why the mets and their fans suck.[/quote]
Translation: This guy’s gonna be first in line to bid on the shirt.
I have no interest in wearing the shirt myself because it’s a 2XL, it’s an awful design, and there’s no way I’d ever wear anything with the Bovis logo on it (not in NYC, anyway). I’ll never wear anything with the words “Citi Field” on it either…. But the main reason I’m gonna eBay it is that I’m really curious to see if anyone will bid on it — seems like an interesting litmus test to see how nuts people are about anything even vaguely sports-related….[/quote]
2XL.. Guess they’re really playing to the plumber stereotype.[/quote]
Actually, they had other sizes made up but ran out of those early on. By the time I got to the T-shirt table, 2XL was all that was left.
As for the “plumber stereotype,” Kirsten had suggested that I wear some low-rider pants for the occasion. I declined.
[quote comment=”319055″][quote comment=”319052″]only a moron mets fan would put a shirt like that on ebay. if i had a phillies shirt from super flush day before CBP opened, you better believe that would become part of my regular rotation. this is yet another reason why the mets and their fans suck.[/quote]
Translation: This guy’s gonna be first in line to bid on the shirt.
I have no interest in wearing the shirt myself because it’s a 2XL, it’s an awful design, and there’s no way I’d ever wear anything with the Bovis logo on it (not in NYC, anyway). I’ll never wear anything with the words “Citi Field” on it either…. But the main reason I’m gonna eBay it is that I’m really curious to see if anyone will bid on it — seems like an interesting litmus test to see how nuts people are about anything even vaguely sports-related….[/quote]
Hey! I’d bid on it. Not because I like the Mets, Citi, or toilets, but because I’m a fan of unique shirts. What a great conversation starter. To bad I’m not nearly a 2X….
[quote comment=”318972″]Wow. I’ve never seen pictures of the Iron Triangle before. Terrific. Real businesses going about their business.
God forbid we should be exposed to such depravity while attending a baseball game.[/quote]
I actually had body work done on my car somewhere in there about a decade ago… it’s a real nightmare, and I couldn’t wait to “escape”…
just saw this tidbit come across my twitter account: link
two games, four classic unis … like it
and Paul, i’m a 2x, so expect at least one bid from this uniwatcher
[quote comment=”319061″]just saw this tidbit come across my twitter account: link
two games, four classic unis … like it
and Paul, i’m a 2x, so expect at least one bid from this uniwatcher[/quote]
Once the auction is up (which should be by tomorrow morning), I’ll post the link.
[quote comment=”319061″]just saw this tidbit come across my twitter account: link
two games, four classic unis … like it
and Paul, i’m a 2x, so expect at least one bid from this uniwatcher[/quote]
Just saw this on packers.com.
Skip to the bottom for other details on opening weekend, and who is playing.
hey……does anyone know a reliable site to get stirrups?
[quote comment=”319058″]
As for the “plumber stereotype,” Kirsten had suggested that I wear some low-rider pants for the occasion. I declined.[/quote]
Blue & orange Zubaz would have been a nice touch.
[quote comment=”319064″]hey……does anyone know a reliable site to get stirrups?[/quote]
But they only sell in bulk (minimum order is a dozen, I think). For single pairs, try eBay. Amazon sometimes has them, too — search on “baseball stirrups.”
thanks. i looked on amazon. i need a weird color (columbia blue) so i dont know if they will have it
Pepsi…of course they would be the Mets’ sponsor. Worst soft drink ever.
Go Coke! Go Braves!
[quote comment=”319061″]just saw this tidbit come across my twitter account: link
two games, four classic unis … like it[/quote]
I wonder what the Bills will wear in that game. If New England wears their dark unis (hopfully the red with Pat Patriot on the helmet), Buffalo will probably wear white. Their “current throwbacks” are blue.
A red vs. blue matchup would be SWEET.
[quote comment=”319035″]Today’s other ESPN column is now up: [quote comment=”319035″]Was the state official who ordered the technical on a power trip? Probably. [/quote][/quote]And was the coach who ignored repeated warnings about the rule violation on a power trip too? Probably.
Sorry: all that coach had to do was communicate with the state association and/or buy some t-shirts with iron-on numbers. He decided to do neither. If the state association doesn’t enforce its rule in a televised, final four game how could they ever enforce it in the future?
There’s plenty of blame to go around, but in this case power trips certainly aren’t limited to one side of the argument.
why plummers pants are bad:
they look like this
[quote comment=”319068″]Pepsi…of course they would be the Mets’ sponsor. Worst soft drink ever.
Go Coke! Go Braves![/quote]
Since Pepsi HQ is mere miles from Flushing, just like Coca-Cola is only a few miles/blocks away in Atlanta, they probably support their nearby teams a little bit more than others. Yes, both companies are global, but they do have roots in those respective areas.
Here’s another place you can get single pairs of stirrups…
some great vintage hockey shots:
If I can finish it today, I have a good piece on the NCAA logos going up. It provides a little history on who won, and what NHL stars came from the NCAA ranks as well.
A very interesting look at how the logo has evolved over the years.
Okay, enough of the plumbers crack jokes. And sometimes, there’s way TMI…
Visiting the English in-laws this week, and Saturday got to attend my first pro soccer match in England, a Championship (i.e. second-division) tussle at SE London side Charlton Athletic vs. Preston. Late in the game a Preston player came away from a contested header with a bloody head wound, and a trainer ran onto the field with a spare jersey, which thanks to this site I immediately recognized as a “blood jersey.” And I was delighted to see it was a BOB (Blank on Back). I’m sure nobody there appreciated it as much as I did. Can’t find a photo, unfortunately.
[quote]I’m sure nobody there appreciated it as much as I did.[/quote]
excepting possibly the player himself
/BOB? wouldn’t that be NNOB, or was it #less as well?
In response to the “shiny plastic” on the jersey, it looks to be similar to the reflective stripes on airline jackets. I have a few of my grandfather’s old Eastern Airlines jackets and they have what looks to be that material. Was the material flexible or stiff? The material on my jackets are flexible.
Wow, that bracket article was hilarious! Very clever.
Meat’s still disgusting, though. There, I said it.
Surprised none of the puck heads mentioned this dog:
Frozen 4 – Tampa? Please be a piss-take!
Can anybody tell me what posting contains the link to the scan of the article about the MLB uniform specifications from the early 60’s I think? Thanks in advance.
[quote comment=”319001″]maybe this is a hint?
You’re 9 days early, I hope.
As far as the Celtics memorial bands, from what I remember having the number on it (or in Johnny Most’s case his name) was standard. Can’t find a good picture of one, however.
[quote comment=”319080″]In response to the “shiny plastic” on the jersey, it looks to be similar to the reflective stripes on airline jackets. I have a few of my grandfather’s old Eastern Airlines jackets and they have what looks to be that material. Was the material flexible or stiff? The material on my jackets are flexible.[/quote]
Surprisingly flexible. Moreso than the tackle twill numbers on some of the jerseys I own.
joe morgan makes me want to punch a nun
[quote comment=”319082″]Surprised none of the puck heads mentioned this dog:
Frozen 4 – Tampa? Please be a piss-take!
You talking about the logo? I hope so. As for the location? link.
Good God, I’d love to see the Jags wearing link next year.
Lies, all lies:
The best part is the “Don’t Miss” link about a third of the way down….
ah yes…but there’s the ever important disclaimer:
[quote]What we need to keep in mind about this study is that it does not prove that red meat causes increased death[/quote]
and that’s good enough for me…
And they once held the Frozen Four in Anaheim a few years ago.
Just picture Darryl Strawberry taking aim at 126th Street. Who do you think is going to be the first left handed hitter to nail someone or something out there?
[quote comment=”319088″]joe morgan makes me want to punch a nun[/quote]
He makes me crazy also! He drones on and on and thinks he knows everything!
Check out pg. 20/21 of that vintage SI.
For some reason, that ad is a whole shitload more believable than anything I’ve read over the past year…
Don’t know if this is new news or not – team accessed technical foul in semi-final HS state tourney game for non-conforming uniforms – end up link.
Little upset that Linguica didn’t make it to the dance. They’d be my odds on favorite to win the NIT (Nation Indigestion Tournament?).
Some unsolicited advice: Ditch the facial mullet. It makes you look like Jack Haley in the movie, “Little Children.”
Of course, pix of you stalking bathrooms don’t exactly dispel the child molester image, either …
[quote comment=”319094″][…] Als je in het nieuwe Mets Stadion bent en je moet hoognodig, wees dan gerust; de toiletten doen het. Dat is tenminste de uitkomst van een grote toiletten-test die dit weekend is gehouden. 300 vrijwilligers kwamen opdraven om evenveel wc’s door te trekken! Zo’n enorme test schijnt niet eens zo bijzonder te zijn voor grote bouwprojecten, maar ik kan me alleen maar voorstellen hoe raar dat moet zijn geweest. Een van de vrijwilligers heeft een verslag van de toilettest gemaakt op zijn blog en dat kun je HIER lezen. Hij moest in tien minuten tijd twintig keer doortrekken. De blogger merkt terecht op dat het extra grappig is dat de actie in Flushing (’spoeling’) plaatsvond. Het idee achter de wc-test is om te zien of de riolering het aankan als iedereen in de pauzes tegelijkertijd naar het toilet gaat. Het antwoord is ja, dus gaat met een gerust hart en een volle blaas naar de wedstrijden. Het nieuwe Mets stadion – Citi Field – kent op 13 april z’n eerste officiële wedstrijd. Lees ook:Afscheid van het Yankee Stadium Lees ook:Ingemetseld Red Sox shirt moet Yankees ongeluk brengen Lees ook:US Open viert 40ste editie Lees ook:Tweeduizend high fives in drie kwartier, in New Yorkse metro Lees ook:NYC heeft na 20 jaar weer een nieuw metrostation Heb jij NewYork.Blog nog steeds niet toegevoegd aan je Google homepage of Reader? Klik hier! […][/quote]
I couldn’t agree more…
Anyone know where I can find a mets fitted hat size 7 1/2 with the 2007 All-Star game (San Fran) patch on it? been looking all over for one can’t find it, any stores, or website suggestions are welcome. thanks