The start of the short-season single-A baseball season is still five months away, and Inauguration Day in Washington is still a week away. You may think those two things have nothing in common, but the Brooklyn Cyclones beg to differ.
On Tuesday, June 23rd (the “inaugural Tuesday” of the NY-Penn League season), the Cyclones will temporarily rename themselves the Baracklyn Cyclones, in honor of Mr. Yes We Can. Festivities will include the following:
• The Cyclones will wear special jerseys. I don’t think they’ll all be No. 44, but it’s interesting to note that Obama’s presidential ordinal corresponds with such a storied baseball uni number (Hank, Reggie, Lastings, etc.).
• The first 2500 fans will get this bobblehead.
• There will be some politically themed giveaways and discounts
• They plan to keep four seats behind the plate available for the new First Family, “should they decide to attend the festivities.”
So why announce all of this in the dead of winter? Because tickets for this game are being made available on Inauguration Day.
Yeah, it’s all a bit hokey, but it’s one of the more amusing minor league stunts in recent memory, and it’s surprising and impressive that the marketing staff was able to get team ownership to agree to a politically themed promotion. Most interesting of all, the team has created a dedicated web site just for this game. Among other things, it includes some intriguing back-story info on how the promotion came about.
Of course, all this is contingent on the Cyclones not going bankrupt (along with every other business in America) by June 23rd, but hey, one thing at a time. And in the spirit of the house-rental frenzy that’s been going on in Washington as the inauguration approaches, I’m happy to announce that if anyone wants to attend this Cyclones game — or, hell, any Cyclones game — and can’t find a place to stay, I’ll happily make my apartment available for a mere $1000 per night. But you have to feed the cats.

The Proctor Files, Continued: Phil’s Sunday post about the Southern California Sun and some related 1970s uni designs prompted a dispatch from sporting goods maven Terry Proctor:
The Southern California Sun football uniforms were made by, of course, Sand-Knit. They did most of the World Football League (except for the Birmingham Americans, who were very provincial and wore Russell Athletic uniforms made in Alexander City, Alabama). Sand-Knit had the pastel shades of magenta, lavender, pale yellow, electric blue, and lime green, as well as Black Watch and MacGregor tartans (plaid patterns) in various color combinations.
The other chief offender in the wild uniform craze was Rawlings — they did the Atlanta Hawks’ lime green and royal uniform, the Floridians’ magenta and orange, the Bullets’ orange and navy “swoosh” design, and the Nets’ stars-and-stripes set.
Uni Watch News Ticker: Reprinted from yesterday’s comments: Worst color-on-color game ever: Illinois vs. Wisconsin, 2003. … Also from yesterday: Edgerrin James began Saturday’s Cards/Panthers game with his familiar visor but went visor-free later in the game. ”¦ Still more from yesterday: Neil Rackers’s pants were somewhat less than skin-tight on Saturday. ”¦ There was a car show in Boston over the weekend, and someone displayed this. Further details here (with thanks to Dan Lamothe). … Team Astana has a new kit (with thanks to Chris Warfford). ”¦ Other new cycling kits: Columbia-Highroad (plus there’s a black shorts option; additional info here) and Milram (with thanks to Jeff Mayer). ”¦ Stuart Greenlee was cleaning out his garage and came upon an old uni-patterned Giants apron. But it isn’t just designed after a Giants jersey — it includes the pants! “It’s made of the same kind of vinyl used to make shower curtains and is not exactly the best material to have next to your skin when you are in close proximity to a hot grill,” says Stuart. “I only tried using it once and that was enough.” ”¦ Sam Thornton notes that several of the Eagles’ linebackers have ribbed stitching on their shoulder areas, similar to what began showing up on the Bears’ linemen a few years back. ”¦ Hockey query from Todd Davis, who writes: “Was watching NHL Network the other night (really) and caught a video tribute to Wayne Gretzky’s 50 goals in 39 games. The five-goal 39th game was against the Cooperalls-Flyers, which was cool in its own right, but I noticed that one of the Flyers skaters was wearing an old-school fiberglass goalie-style facemask. I can’t tell from the video who it was, but I’m wondering if Teebz or anyone in the Hockey Wing would know anything about that.” … Jeff Newman might go down as the king of brimless catchers: He not only went brimless for at least two teams but also wore a team logo decal in both instances, a phenomenon previously seen only on Jim Essian (all this courtesy of Andy Chalifour). ”¦ Shea Stadium’s current state of disrepair can be seen here. Those shots were taken on Sunday by Alan Tompas, who lives in Queens. Meanwhile, in the latest Mets embarrassment, Citi Field is already beginning to rust. ”¦ If you’ve been dying to see LeBron James in a Browns uniform, your wait is over (with thanks to Brandon Yarian). ”¦ Before there were the Boston Celtics, there were the Original Celtics. Additional pics and info here (with thanks to Brad Keppler). ”¦ Jeremy Visser notes that Jamario Moon’s sneakers have his intials along with his team’s name and city. ”¦ Here are some more shots of Wayne Chism’s socks, courtesy of Josh Williams. ”¦ Look, another pitcher wearing a batting glove on his glove hand. Much like the Rollie Fingers photo from last week, this must’ve been taken during BP or pregame long-toss or some such (nice find by Patrick O’Sullivan). ”¦ Doug Keklak got this book for Christmas. Its many photos include this (interesting to see the dark outlining on the pant cuffs) and this. ”¦ Dustin Pomprowitz was watching Game 7 of the 1991 World Series last night on ESPN Classic and noticed two non-switch-hitters wearing double-flap helmets: Chuck Knoblauch and Jarvis Brown (sorry, no photo). Dustin also passed along this shot of Knoblauch. Yes, that’s a double-flap lid, but what really caught my eye was the Rawlings script on the helmet — should’ve have been a no-no, as brand logos have never been allowed on MLB headwear. ”¦ Color vs. color: Coastal Carolina vs. Liberty (with thanks to Mike Miller). ”¦ Best line yet about the Pro Bowl jerseys (from a thread on the Chris Creamer board): “The names on the back should be the players’ actual autograph, so it looks like they signed their own jersey, but in twill instead of ink.” … Everything from here to the end of the Ticker is from Phil: The spat between the Hockey Canada and Canadian Olympic Committee has spread to the editorial page. ”¦ Admit it, you’ve always wanted your favorite team’s logo on a Russian-style hat. ”¦ Latest team to wear camouflage: some obscure hockey squad you never heard of. ”¦ Who knew Tom Cruise was such an astute judge of uniforms?
According to CBS Newsradio, there are already rust marks on the front of Federal Bailout Field in Flushing.
Gretzky’s five goals against the Flyers was on Dec 30, 1981 and it was against Pete Peeters.
[quote comment=”309812″]Paul:
[quote comment=”309812″]Paul:
According to CBS Newsradio, there are already rust marks on the front of Federal Bailout Field in Flushing.[/quote]
According to CBS Newsradio, there are already rust marks on the front of Federal Bailout Field in Flushing.[/quote]
Oooh, I meant to add that to the Ticker. Thanks for reminding me! I’ll add it right now.
Paul is quoted in a Yahoo story about the Mets patch. link
Nice entry Paul!
Personally, I have a sewn replica Barack Obama “Punahou H.S.” basketball jersey….from when he played basketball back in the day ( link ).
I did some research, and found some (ohhhh no, Barack…STAY AWAY! link ) were not as accurate as others (the one I have….which they offer in blue or white/home or away… link|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50#ebayphotohosting )
This shirt is pretty cool too:
Perfect for inauguration day!
I believe all rookies had to wear double-flap helmets in the early 90’s. Wasn’t Knoblauch a rookie in 1991? I’m pretty confident that he didn’t wear it in susequent years. My guess is that you would see a lot a double-flap helmets in the early 90’s because of that old rookie rule.
Shea Stadium never looked so good!
Is that the late-’90s Cleveland Cavaliers font that those Pro Bowl jerseys are borrowing?
It’s like the designers of Pro Bowl jerseys are meeting in a secret smoke-filled room to see how far they can go in foisting egregiously ugly jerseys on the fans, and then having a big laugh about it afterward as they realize they’ve used this seldom-watched game to push the envelope even further.
Oil Kings are at the same level of Junior Hockey as my beloved Belleville Bulls that you have referenced in the past through some of my posts.
Here is a picture of the sweaters.
I found a photo of Jarvis Brown with double flap helmet from 1991..
As Terry Proctor noted (I love his insights, btw), the Birmingham Americans were the sole WFL team in ’74 not to wear Sand-Knit unis. That resulted in them being a) one of only two teams with sleeve, pant and sock striping different from the league’s “cookie cutter” look (Chicago Fire being the other; except Fire had the standard sock pattern) and b) the only WFL team that year with one-color numbers.
Here’s George Mira of the Americans (against the Sun)…
And Virgil Carter and the Fire against the Philadelphia Bell…
Shea is quite depressing looking. The snow makes it even more dreary looking.
I was doing some online shopping and found something very uni-worthy and wquite funny at gap.com:
It’s a bubble coat in a lavender-like color, named raven!
If you all recall, there was a very interesting discussion regarding Jim Harbaugh’s “purple” jacket a few months back!
Maybe the Mets can get Neil Young to perform on opening day to open Bailout Field and sing Rust Never Sleeps.
[quote comment=”309825″]Shea is quite depressing looking. The snow makes it even more dreary looking.[/quote]
I don’t really see any difference from this collaspse vs. the ones the Mets do every September…
[quote comment=”309818″]link[/quote]
[quote comment=”309821″]Is that the late-’90s Cleveland Cavaliers font that those Pro Bowl jerseys are borrowing?
It’s like the designers of Pro Bowl jerseys are meeting in a secret smoke-filled room to see how far they can go in foisting egregiously ugly jerseys on the fans, and then having a big laugh about it afterward as they realize they’ve used this seldom-watched game to push the envelope even further.[/quote]
The number font reminds me of that 1975 god awful N.Y. Giants helmet…
Ricko, thanks for posting that Fire pic. I was always intrigued by that helmet and think it is one of the coolest designs I have seen. That said, I found link page of helmets and think there are some other good designs – the Detroit Wheels, Charlotte Stars, and the San Antonio Wings also stand out to me.
I think the player in question regarding the Gretzky Flyers game would be defenseman #24 Bob Hoffmeyer. Hoffmeyer was something of a fighter and could have been wearing a mask to shield a broken nose.
Regarding Jeff Newman and Jim Essian: those are 1980 Topps cards, chances are the photos were taken during the 1979 season (or Spring Training).
Was there something unique about that year that two catchers on the same squad would opt for that brimless helmet?
It’s just such a rarity in general, seems odd that you’d have two guys on the same club with it. Especially since at that time, you still had a lot of players going sans earflap at the plate. So it’s not like it would be an equipment shortage, etc.
Didn’t Rickey Henderson use a flapless helmet during his early years with the A’s and later the Yanks?
From the Ticker: Who knew Tom Cruise was such an astute judge of uniforms?
How could he say this after wearing our splendid U.S. Navy uniforms in two movies and not saying the same thing???
[quote comment=”309830″]Ricko, thanks for posting that Fire pic. I was always intrigued by that helmet and think it is one of the coolest designs I have seen. That said, I found link page of helmets and think there are some other good designs – the Detroit Wheels, Charlotte Stars, and the San Antonio Wings also stand out to me.[/quote]
“Shreveport Steamers” sounds like a dirty term.
Cool helmets! Love it!
Paul, are you sure Sarah Palin isn’t gonna shoot and field dress the San Diego Chicken?
Regarding Obama and #44: I dearly want the Redskins to start winning again, but is it wrong to hope they don’t win the Super Bowl for the next few years? I just can’t wrap my head around a #44 jersey with anything but Riggo’s NOB.
“The Cyclones will wear special jerseys. I don’t think they’ll all be No. 44, but it’s interesting to note that Obama’s presidential ordinal corresponds with such a storied baseball uni number (Hank, Reggie, Lastings, etc.).
HAHAHA Lastings.
I’m not sure if helmets are included in the “no brand logos on headwear” rule- For years the ABC (american batting cap or american baseball cap- I can’t remember which it was, and I think Rawings bought them out) appeared on the backs of the helmets, and I know the Twins used to have Rawlings logos on the backs of their helmets in teh late 80’s.
Can’t say what they did later, but the first Charlotte helmet after the move from NY was a Chicago Bears wishbone “C” decal slapped over the Stars logo. I know because the game was on TV and it was clearly obvious that’s what it was. Perhaps later they used the plain oval usually shown, but that first game definitely was the Bears’ decal. Probably they were in a hurry, and used what they could get their hands on quickly for that game.
I’m investigating right now as to who wore the mask because that is news to me. I’ve seen the clip over and over, and never noticed anyone with any facial protection aside from Pete Peeters.
As an aside, I never saw it live. I was 2 years old when Gretzky set the mark for 50-in-50. LOL
Why does the LeBron Browns jersey has FNOB (First Name on Back)?
I saw this little blurb in an article on Philly.com. Does anybody have a pic of those jerseys?
The (Philadelphia) Phantoms will wear replica Campbell Conference all-star jerseys Sunday against the Albany River Rats at the Wachovia Spectrum. The jerseys commemorate the 1976 NHL All-Star Game that was played at the Spectrum. This is the Spectrum’s final season. The jerseys will be sold after the game.
[quote comment=”309819″]I believe all rookies had to wear double-flap helmets in the early 90’s. Wasn’t Knoblauch a rookie in 1991? I’m pretty confident that he didn’t wear it in susequent years. My guess is that you would see a lot a double-flap helmets in the early 90’s because of that old rookie rule.[/quote]
I believe he was a rookie in 91, but I didn’t know of that rule. I looked at first for pics of him, and not one of them were double-flapped (maybe that’s why it was so surprising to me last night). That’s a good note, and that would also explain why Jarvis Brown also went double-flapped, he made his MLB debut in 91 as well.
[quote comment=”309842″]I saw this little blurb in an article on Philly.com. Does anybody have a pic of those jerseys?
The (Philadelphia) Phantoms will wear replica Campbell Conference all-star jerseys Sunday against the Albany River Rats at the Wachovia Spectrum. The jerseys commemorate the 1976 NHL All-Star Game that was played at the Spectrum. This is the Spectrum’s final season. The jerseys will be sold after the game.[/quote]
I’m assuming they’re wearing the Campbell Conference since they’re the dark uni and back then that was the road uni.
[quote comment=”309844″][quote comment=”309842″]I saw this little blurb in an article on Philly.com. Does anybody have a pic of those jerseys?
The (Philadelphia) Phantoms will wear replica Campbell Conference all-star jerseys Sunday against the Albany River Rats at the Wachovia Spectrum. The jerseys commemorate the 1976 NHL All-Star Game that was played at the Spectrum. This is the Spectrum’s final season. The jerseys will be sold after the game.[/quote]
I’m assuming they’re wearing the Campbell Conference since they’re the dark uni and back then that was the road uni.[/quote]
OK, that link didn’t work, try this: link then click on the 75-76 season link.
[quote comment=”309845″][quote comment=”309844″][quote comment=”309842″]I saw this little blurb in an article on Philly.com. Does anybody have a pic of those jerseys?
The (Philadelphia) Phantoms will wear replica Campbell Conference all-star jerseys Sunday against the Albany River Rats at the Wachovia Spectrum. The jerseys commemorate the 1976 NHL All-Star Game that was played at the Spectrum. This is the Spectrum’s final season. The jerseys will be sold after the game.[/quote]
I’m assuming they’re wearing the Campbell Conference since they’re the dark uni and back then that was the road uni.[/quote]
OK, that link didn’t work, try this: link then click on the 75-76 season link.[/quote]
link, they will be wearing the white uniforms in order to reflect what the Flyers wore at the Spectrum.
[quote comment=”309819″]I believe all rookies had to wear double-flap helmets in the early 90’s.[/quote]
That would be news to me. I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I don’t remember it that way.
[quote comment=”309832″]Didn’t Rickey Henderson use a flapless helmet during his early years with the A’s and later the Yanks?[/quote]
From a quick look at that NHL uni page, that design that was worn in Philly at the all-star game was worn in the ASG from 1973 through 1978 and 1980 and 1981. There was a slight change in 1979 because there wasn’t an ASG but the series with the Soviets.
That design, and the black and orange were pretty consistent even when the design changed to more like the Rangers with “WALES” and “CAMPBELL” diagionally on the jersey. (This was my favorite).
With the hockey ASG a few weeks away, might Phil, Teebz and the hockey wing consider a retrospective of NHL ASG unis? You guys did such a kickass job with the hockey posts over the winter classic, just thought I’d throw it out there.
Powers…contain your excitement with the thought of more hockey talk!
Grumble grumble, Brooklyn Cyclones. They were the Pittsfield Mets when I was a wee lad (well, a lad). Still love going to Wahconah Park in the summers.
Phil and Paul! I’m pissed. I just got my final schedule for classes this Spring. One of my classes is 8:30 to 3:30, Saturday AND Sunday, 1 weekend a month.
Guess which weekend I have to be on the LIU campus, during January….
I’d trade SuperBowl Sunday for UniWatch in Brooklyn if I could (well, not if the Giants were playing…alas that’s no issue now…).
[quote comment=”309847″][quote comment=”309819″]I believe all rookies had to wear double-flap helmets in the early 90’s.[/quote]
That would be news to me. I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I don’t remember it that way.
[quote comment=”309832″]Didn’t Rickey Henderson use a flapless helmet during his early years with the A’s and later the Yanks?[/quote]
Paul, I think I can clear up the Henderson part of that. My memory is from pictures of baseball cards I had collected. I did a quick search and have found most helmets that Henderson wore IN GAME ACTION to have an earflap.
Where the confusion came in, is that I believe that Henderson wore a flapless helmet during batting practice rather just the cap and sometimes, the photos that end up on baseball cards are taken during BP.
Only this card from the ’83 Topps set (not his regular issue card, but a record breaker) shows him in what appears to be regular season game action (you can see Cal Ripken Jr in background in what appears to be standard white home uni, thus neither team is in BP jerseys as is custom in spring training) in a flapless model: link
He appears to be wearing a headband of some sort under his helmet a la Rod Carew.
Tom Cruise so rarely says anything that makes any sense, but this time he’s hit the nail on the head. I know most people find it impossible to seperate the kits from the cause, but the German uniforms were pretty brilliantly designed. Nobody in the 20th century has done better uniforms than the Third Reich did. Too bad it wasn’t done for better ends.
Did you know the jackets were deliberately cut short to make the wearer appear to have longer legs? Who was even thinking of this stuff in the 1930s?
We’ve seen something like this before, but check link out.
Note the top of the uniform. Kind of funky, the way three buttons are squished together. I’ve seen a picture on this site of Nolan Ryan (or his Mets jersey, can’t remember exactly) with this button alignment, but now that Tom Seaver is photographed with a similar jersey, I must ask: coincidence, or the start of a pattern?
[quote]With the hockey ASG a few weeks away, might Phil, Teebz and the hockey wing consider a retrospective of NHL ASG unis? You guys did such a kickass job with the hockey posts over the winter classic, just thought I’d throw it out there.[/quote]
there just might be something forthcoming regarding the ASG ;)
stay tuned
[quote comment=”309841″]Why does the LeBron Browns jersey has FNOB (First Name on Back)?[/quote]
It is just for a commercial
[quote comment=”309852″]Did you know the jackets were deliberately cut short to make the wearer appear to have longer legs? Who was even thinking of this stuff in the 1930s?[/quote]
Hugo Boss, who produced a great deal of them was.
[quote comment=”309847″][quote comment=”309819″]I believe all rookies had to wear double-flap helmets in the early 90’s.[/quote]
That would be news to me. I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I don’t remember it that way.
[quote comment=”309832″]Didn’t Rickey Henderson use a flapless helmet during his early years with the A’s and later the Yanks?[/quote]
I have had no luck finding this old rookie rule for wearing a double-flap helmet, but I am almost positive it did exist at one time. Does anyone else remember this rule?
SHITTY Field was doomed from the day they broke ground and now this? Typical Queens Baseball
Ricko — Just saw your comment last night about the Lions/Packers playoff game. I was watching the same game, and what amazed me was the sideline headgear. The hats (worn backwards and at jaunty angles) and bandanas were quite different from what you see today.
it appears that neil rakers is wearing something under his uniform…possibly sweats.
[quote comment=”309826″]I was doing some online shopping and found something very uni-worthy and wquite funny at gap.com:
It’s a bubble coat in a lavender-like color, named raven!
If you all recall, there was a very interesting discussion regarding Jim Harbaugh’s “purple” jacket a few months back![/quote]
That Gap coat is gray too.
[quote comment=”309857″][quote comment=”309847″][quote comment=”309819″]I believe all rookies had to wear double-flap helmets in the early 90’s.[/quote]
That would be news to me. I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I don’t remember it that way.
[quote comment=”309832″]Didn’t Rickey Henderson use a flapless helmet during his early years with the A’s and later the Yanks?[/quote]
I have had no luck finding this old rookie rule for wearing a double-flap helmet, but I am almost positive it did exist at one time. Does anyone else remember this rule?[/quote]
I don’t know about the rule but i have found a few photos of Craig Biggio with double flapps from his rookie years:
[quote comment=”309848″]From a quick look at that NHL uni page, that design that was worn in Philly at the all-star game was worn in the ASG from 1973 through 1978 and 1980 and 1981. There was a slight change in 1979 because there wasn’t an ASG but the series with the Soviets.
That design, and the black and orange were pretty consistent even when the design changed to more like the Rangers with “WALES” and “CAMPBELL” diagionally on the jersey. (This was my favorite).
With the hockey ASG a few weeks away, might Phil, Teebz and the hockey wing consider a retrospective of NHL ASG unis? You guys did such a kickass job with the hockey posts over the winter classic, just thought I’d throw it out there.
Powers…contain your excitement with the thought of more hockey talk![/quote]
No worries…The NBA ASG is also on it’s way.
Sneaker-wise, that is MY holiday season!
[quote comment=”309863″]
No worries…The NBA ASG is also on it’s way.
Sneaker-wise, that is MY holiday season![/quote]
Excuse my ignorance towards roundball, but…
… when is the NBA All-Star Game this year? And where?
[quote comment=”309865″][quote comment=”309863″]
No worries…The NBA ASG is also on it’s way.
Sneaker-wise, that is MY holiday season![/quote]
Excuse my ignorance towards roundball, but…
… when is the NBA All-Star Game this year? And where?[/quote]
phoenix…announced in 2007…paul’s already shown the leaked jerseys if you wanna do some searching…which i know you don’t
[quote comment=”309853″]We’ve seen something like this before, but check link out.
Note the top of the uniform. Kind of funky, the way three buttons are squished together. I’ve seen a picture on this site of Nolan Ryan (or his Mets jersey, can’t remember exactly) with this button alignment, but now that Tom Seaver is photographed with a similar jersey, I must ask: coincidence, or the start of a pattern?[/quote]
The Mets used this style quite a bit in the ’70s. Several examples linked in last year’s ESPN column on buttons, zippers, Velcro, etc.:
Here’s a better look at LeBron’s FNOB
And here he is in a sideline cape…
Think Nike will start making LeBron football cleats, a la the Jordan cleats???
[quote comment=”309866″][quote comment=”309865″][quote comment=”309863″]
No worries…The NBA ASG is also on it’s way.
Sneaker-wise, that is MY holiday season![/quote]
Excuse my ignorance towards roundball, but…
… when is the NBA All-Star Game this year? And where?[/quote]
link…paul’s already shown the leaked jerseys if you wanna do some searching…which i know you don’t[/quote]
Yeah, I’ll pass on the searching. Just wanted to know where it was being played.
Considering the Coyotes have no fans, I expect the Suns to have a full house. LOL
Great op-ed piece in the New York Times today by Doug Glanville about the Uniform . . .
re: the Russian style hats mentioned today (a second mention of Russia in as many days!)
went to tundragear.com and looked at the Russian style hats. pretty cool – but I noted that they sell you the hat and “an official team PIN.” I think this means the hats are not officially licensed. I’m wondering how long till NFL Properties says “stop that.” not saying they should or have the right to just saying the NFL wants a slice of the pie with just about everything (remember their effort to trademark the words “Super Bowl” a few years back?) and they may not be so happy about tundra hats.
[quote comment=”309836″]Regarding Obama and #44: I dearly want the Redskins to start winning again, but is it wrong to hope they don’t win the Super Bowl for the next few years? I just can’t wrap my head around a #44 jersey with anything but Riggo’s NOB.[/quote]
Along those lines, in the unlikely event the Eagles win the whole thing, they may not give him a #44 jersey, seing how that number is retired. They would probably give him a #1 jersey (or, perhaps, whatever his high school basketball number was . . . from the pictures I’ve seen, it was #23 in white and #25 in green)
[quote comment=”309872″][quote comment=”309836″]Regarding Obama and #44: I dearly want the Redskins to start winning again, but is it wrong to hope they don’t win the Super Bowl for the next few years? I just can’t wrap my head around a #44 jersey with anything but Riggo’s NOB.[/quote]
Along those lines, in the unlikely event the Eagles win the whole thing, they may not give him a #44 jersey, seing how that number is retired. They would probably give him a #1 jersey (or, perhaps, whatever his high school basketball number was . . . from the pictures I’ve seen, it was #23 in white and #25 in green)[/quote]
Oops . . . the school colors were blue and gold, not green and gold
Query to Todd Davis:
Do you know the number of the player wearing the mask? I don’t see the mask on any YouTube videos whatsoever.
And the Edmonton Oil Kings, the “obscure team” that is wearing the camouflage, have link. ;o)
[quote comment=”309873″][quote comment=”309872″][quote comment=”309836″]Regarding Obama and #44: I dearly want the Redskins to start winning again, but is it wrong to hope they don’t win the Super Bowl for the next few years? I just can’t wrap my head around a #44 jersey with anything but Riggo’s NOB.[/quote]
Along those lines, in the unlikely event the Eagles win the whole thing, they may not give him a #44 jersey, seing how that number is retired. They would probably give him a #1 jersey (or, perhaps, whatever his high school basketball number was . . . from the pictures I’ve seen, it was #23 in white and #25 in green)[/quote]
Oops . . . the school colors were blue and gold, not green and gold[/quote]
23 or 25? link
[quote comment=”309870″]Great op-ed piece in the New York Times today by Doug Glanville about the Uniform . . .
OUTSTANDING! As most of Glanville’s Op-Eds for the Times have been.
[quote comment=”309874″]Query to Todd Davis:
Do you know the number of the player wearing the mask? I don’t see the mask on any YouTube videos whatsoever.[/quote]
Didn’t see a number, no. And it -was- a regular skater as best I could tell. It was a smaller mask than the conventional goalie mask of the time in that it wasn’t any bigger than the face, and the view was from the side and back so the straps caught my attention more than the mask itself. I’ll try to catch it again since NHL Network runs the same five promos all damn day.
[quote comment=”309840″]I’m investigating right now as to who wore the mask because that is news to me. I’ve seen the clip over and over, and never noticed anyone with any facial protection aside from Pete Peeters.
As an aside, I never saw it live. I was 2 years old when Gretzky set the mark for 50-in-50. LOL[/quote]
I’ve seen that Gretzky tribute so many times on NHL network it’s almost annoying. In all the times I’ve seen it I’ve never noticed a ‘mask’. I’ll have to pay better attention next time.
I definitely didn’t see the 50 in 50 mark. I was about 10 months…….. from being born! LOL
[quote comment=”309850″]Phil and Paul! I’m pissed. I just got my final schedule for classes this Spring. One of my classes is 8:30 to 3:30, Saturday AND Sunday, 1 weekend a month.
Guess which weekend I have to be on the LIU campus, during January….
I’d trade SuperBowl Sunday for UniWatch in Brooklyn if I could (well, not if the Giants were playing…alas that’s no issue now…).
DAMN IT.[/quote]
which campus there johnny? brookville? ya know…ya could kinda blowoff the afternoon sesh and either (a) shoot down 107 and hop on the LIRR at hicksville or (b) drive to brooklyn and still get there by mid afternoon…and if you’re at the brooklyn campus, then you’re pretty close to begin with…
/just sayin’
The color on color game of Wisconsin vs. Illinois is from 2004 I believe. February 18th 2004 to be exact. Well, let me rephrase that. On February 18th 2004, Uw played at Illinois and Illinois wore orange at home, forcing a orange vs. red game that was completely unwatchable. My story behind it:
My wife was in the hospital in labor with our first son on the night of Feb. 18th. We are both huge Badger hoops fans, and we watched thi game in any effort to take her mind off the labor and the pain. Unfortunetly, the TV in the delivery room was a 13 inch non-HD TV. As you can imagine, telling which team was which on this TV was next to impossible. Really, we only knew who scored by watching if the crowd cheered and stood after a made basket, or if we remebered which direction the teams were going. The red on orange was completely ridiculous. I believe the Badgers ended up losing the game.
On a somewhat funny side note, my wife gave birth about three hours after the game. We just left the TV on after the game, which game was broadcast on local Fox (we were a bit distracted with the whole birthing thing. My son was born while Jerry Springer was on the TV 3 hours after the game. What a horrible welcome into this world. :)
Our friends at Mental Floss have given us another great uni-based quiz…
Michigan basketball will be wearing navy blue 1989 throwback jerseys for Saturday’s game against Ohio State, when they will be honoring the 20th anniversary of the NCAA championship team. The jerseys will then be auctioned off.
The jerseys in question:
Here’s to hoping they wear the throwback shorts (albeit without the 1989 length…)
Todd Davis,
Is it possible the player was wearing one of those old cooper cages, like what chris osgood still wears as a goalie? Back in those days all college hockey players wore that cage, not just goalies.
[quote comment=”309883″]Michigan basketball will be wearing navy blue 1989 throwback jerseys for Saturday’s game against Ohio State, when they will be honoring the 20th anniversary of the NCAA championship team. The jerseys will then be auctioned off.
The jerseys in question:
Here’s to hoping they wear the throwback shorts (albeit without the 1989 length…)[/quote]
I remember that NCAA Final quite vividly because it was the end of the first tournament that I paid attention to.
One interesting play in the final has always stuck with me.
At one point, PG Rumeal Robinson, (#21 in the SI cover pic), was given a boost by forward Loy Vaught, who later played for the Clippers.
The play was negated due to a rule that I had never heard of before.
I am always reminded of that play when I watch Jim Carrey jump off of someone’s back in “The Canle Guy” to make his slam dunk.
Remember those red NFL “practice jerseys” the NFL produced this season that were team fonts and colors on red jerseys and sold for $80.00?
I saw a whole rack of them at Meijer last night for $17.99. Nice job, NFL.
[quote comment=”309882″]Our friends at Mental Floss have given us another great uni-based quiz…
I thought I would do well, but I barely scraped by with 10 of 14 right (71%).
I loved the WFL – watched every single game on TV, loved the different guest TV announcer in the booth along with the regular crew each week. The unis were great for the times, a bit wild with the So. Cal Sun but so what – they had Pat Haden, Daryl Lamonica and Anthony Davis (A.D. !!!) – and the WFL unis were better than alot of the crap we see today. The singular team names, the second-chance NFL guys like Big Ben Davidson (wore his old bent-up AFL facemask) and Gary Collins, and Don Maynard and Georger Sauer, the QBs like Gary McAshan and Gary Valbuena ….
I still miss it !!!
GREATEST MEMORY – Big John Matuzak being led away from the Astrodome field by the cops after he jumped from the Oilers to the Texans MID-CONTRACT and the Oilers went to court and got a judge to rule that he couldn’t play or even be on the field with the Texans.
The expression on the Tuz’s face when the cops came said it all – I saw it on a wire-photo, a great photo, that I remember vividly to this day.
[quote comment=”309887″][quote comment=”309882″]Our friends at Mental Floss have given us another great uni-based quiz…
I thought I would do well, but I barely scraped by with 10 of 14 right (71%).[/quote]
Holy crud… I ran through the quiz without really thinking about it and got all but Catfish (or, as Norm Crosby would say, “Catfood”), Hunter. I thought I’d get maybe half. Huzzah!
UniWatch on the big screen:
My classroom had no heat today due to a mechanical malfunction, so I convened class in the the-atre, (in my best Robert Deniro as Max Cady “Cape Fear” drawl).
[quote comment=”309890″][quote comment=”309887″][quote comment=”309882″]Our friends at Mental Floss have given us another great uni-based quiz…
I thought I would do well, but I barely scraped by with 10 of 14 right (71%).[/quote]
Holy crud… I ran through the quiz without really thinking about it and got all but Catfish (or, as Norm Crosby would say, “Catfood”), Hunter. I thought I’d get maybe half. Huzzah![/quote]
I only got 79%, but I scored 100% on the Simpsons’ Springfield Softball quiz! (I definately feel better about myself now.)
[quote comment=”309833″]From the Ticker: Who knew Tom Cruise was such an astute judge of uniforms?
How could he say this after wearing our splendid U.S. Navy uniforms in two movies and not saying the same thing???[/quote]
Geez calm down dude, no offense but the U.S. Navy uniform is alot different than the Nazis. I mean for one it is not nearly as sinister looking. What all of a sudden someone is anti-american because they recognize the aesthetics of the military garb worn by a foreign nation? I agree with his sentiments, I bet it was pretty weird/creepy (or surreal) to be wearing a uniform that for the majority of people evokes some of the most disturbing images of our time. He meerly commented on how the Germans thought out the symbolism and look of thier uniforms…heck he even said it was perverted…GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE.
[quote comment=”309892″][quote comment=”309890″][quote comment=”309887″][quote comment=”309882″]Our friends at Mental Floss have given us another great uni-based quiz…
I thought I would do well, but I barely scraped by with 10 of 14 right (71%).[/quote]
Holy crud… I ran through the quiz without really thinking about it and got all but Catfish (or, as Norm Crosby would say, “Catfood”), Hunter. I thought I’d get maybe half. Huzzah![/quote]
I only got 79%, but I scored 100% on the Simpsons’ Springfield Softball quiz! (I definately feel better about myself now.)[/quote]
9 of 14
My membership should be revoked, although I could have sworn that there was a bru-ha-ha about Boggs as a Devil Ray.
The other 4, I never saw play…excuses, excuses. I’m starting to sound like this guy:
I can’t wait till 2-3 years from now when everyone starts to hate Obama (like how the country turns against every president ever) and people start defiling all this merchandise he is peddling nowadays.
Can’t wait till we see the first burned Obama basketball jersey on TV. I give it a half year
[quote comment=”309893″][quote comment=”309833″]From the Ticker: Who knew Tom Cruise was such an astute judge of uniforms?
How could he say this after wearing our splendid U.S. Navy uniforms in two movies and not saying the same thing???[/quote]
Geez calm down dude, no offense but the U.S. Navy uniform is alot different than the Nazis. I mean for one it is not nearly as sinister looking. What all of a sudden someone is anti-american because they recognize the aesthetics of the military garb worn by a foreign nation? I agree with his sentiments, I bet it was pretty weird/creepy (or surreal) to be wearing a uniform that for the majority of people evokes some of the most disturbing images of our time. He meerly commented on how the Germans thought out the symbolism and look of thier uniforms…heck he even said it was perverted…GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE.[/quote]
OK, here’s the thing. When “Top Gun” and “A Few Good Men” were in current release, Tom Cruise was a movie star and that’s about it. Today, Tom Cruise is perceived as a fucking wacko who happens to appear in the occasional film.
So back then, maybe he did comment on how nice the US Navy uniform looked. Would that have been newsworthy? Not at all.
Present-day Tom Cruise (full-time wacko/part-time movie star) opines that WWII-era German military uniforms are aesthetically pleasing? You bet someone’s running that story.
[quote comment=”309815″]Paul is quoted in a Yahoo story about the Mets patch. link
The link at the end of the article to other failed Mets patch ideas is hysterical. I especially like the one that just says “Hello”
[quote comment=”309894″][quote comment=”309892″][quote comment=”309890″][quote comment=”309887″][quote comment=”309882″]Our friends at Mental Floss have given us another great uni-based quiz…
I thought I would do well, but I barely scraped by with 10 of 14 right (71%).[/quote]
Holy crud… I ran through the quiz without really thinking about it and got all but Catfish (or, as Norm Crosby would say, “Catfood”), Hunter. I thought I’d get maybe half. Huzzah![/quote]
I only got 79%, but I scored 100% on the Simpsons’ Springfield Softball quiz! (I definately feel better about myself now.)[/quote]
9 of 14
My membership should be revoked, although I could have sworn that there was a bru-ha-ha about Boggs as a Devil Ray.
The other 4, I never saw play…excuses, excuses. I’m starting to sound like this guy:
I got 11 out of 14 myself…Matt there was some uproar about Boggs and the supposed “I’ll go in the Hall as a Devil Ray” clause of his contract, which Boggs denies. That is why now the choice is taken away from the players on what cap they get to wear.
[quote comment=”309898″][quote comment=”309894″][quote comment=”309892″][quote comment=”309890″][quote comment=”309887″][quote comment=”309882″]Our friends at Mental Floss have given us another great uni-based quiz…
I thought I would do well, but I barely scraped by with 10 of 14 right (71%).[/quote]
Holy crud… I ran through the quiz without really thinking about it and got all but Catfish (or, as Norm Crosby would say, “Catfood”), Hunter. I thought I’d get maybe half. Huzzah![/quote]
I only got 79%, but I scored 100% on the Simpsons’ Springfield Softball quiz! (I definately feel better about myself now.)[/quote]
9 of 14
My membership should be revoked, although I could have sworn that there was a bru-ha-ha about Boggs as a Devil Ray.
The other 4, I never saw play…excuses, excuses. I’m starting to sound like this guy:
I got 11 out of 14 myself…Matt there was some uproar about Boggs and the supposed “I’ll go in the Hall as a Devil Ray” clause of his contract, which Boggs denies. That is why now the choice is taken away from the players on what cap they get to wear.[/quote]
10/14 on the caps quiz (Sparky, Boggs, Winfield, Ryan)
8/9 on the softball quiz (Steve Sax)
Did better on Troy McClure Film or Actual Terrible Movie? than I thought I would (missed “The Electric Gigolo” & “Preacher with a Shovel”).
[quote comment=”309830″]Ricko, thanks for posting that Fire pic. I was always intrigued by that helmet and think it is one of the coolest designs I have seen. That said, I found link page of helmets and think there are some other good designs – the Detroit Wheels, Charlotte Stars, and the San Antonio Wings also stand out to me.[/quote]
How about some Detroit Wheels. Their helmet was pure bliss! Just an enigmatic WTF! I don’t know, but I like it.
[quote comment=”309883″]Michigan basketball will be wearing navy blue 1989 throwback jerseys for Saturday’s game against Ohio State, when they will be honoring the 20th anniversary of the NCAA championship team. The jerseys will then be auctioned off.
The jerseys in question:
Here’s to hoping they wear the throwback shorts (albeit without the 1989 length…)[/quote]
I love the SI cover using the pattern of the jersey for the blurb on the top
[quote comment=”309887″][quote comment=”309882″]Our friends at Mental Floss have given us another great uni-based quiz…
I thought I would do well, but I barely scraped by with 10 of 14 right (71%).[/quote]
I got 12/14, only missed Sparky Anderson and Bruce Sutter.
[quote comment=”309847″][quote comment=”309819″]I believe all rookies had to wear double-flap helmets in the early 90’s.[/quote]
That would be news to me. I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I don’t remember it that way.
[quote comment=”309832″]Didn’t Rickey Henderson use a flapless helmet during his early years with the A’s and later the Yanks?[/quote]
Don’t know how much this helps, but in an old uniwatch ticker item, there was a picture of Brady Anderson wearing a double flap from 1988, which was in his rookie season.
Also, if you look at this 1988 topps card, Casey Candaele was wearing a double flap helmet. The picture is most likely from his rookie season. of course, it could also be because he was a switch hitter.
I do not know if there was such a rule, but the pictures of the double flaps seem to come from this period (1988-1992 or so) and seem to be of rookies
[quote comment=”309897″][quote comment=”309815″]Paul is quoted in a Yahoo story about the Mets patch. link
The link at the end of the article to other failed Mets patch ideas is hysterical. I especially like the one that just says “Hello”
yeah, that blog mentioned at the end of the Yahoo article is a lot like my suggestion to Paul as to what could be done with that patch. My comment here on Friday was more or less that Paul should have people submit their own versions of that patch.
Here’s link.
The only reason I know who he is is because he’s the guy with the double-flapped Mets helmet.
Opinion question not tied to todays article at all…
It is said that Chrysler has been having trouble redesigning the PT Cruiser, the car that was originally designed to link. The only change over its lifetime on the road was a link
That being said, in these days of “link link every link link or so”, where do the Pirates go link? Will they always have the vest or will they bounce to link? *shudder*
I’ve thought of this a lot over the last couple years with the introduction of the link. I was reminded and decided to post it today because I saw this great shot of link in that script Pittsburgh jersey. I wonder if they’d go back to that. I love the whole “city of champions” idea to go all the same colors in the early 80’s, but its been a link since they’ve link been link at the same time.
I know this really isn’t the best forum for a question like this, but then again, it sort of is! :)
I enjoy the Proctor files also. My Dad was a sales rep for Sand-Knit in the late 60’s and 70’s through the WFL days. I still have a lavender WFL jersey (no numbering) and I remember the designs all being the same.
And I enjoyed the note about the “SandMark” basketball jerseys from a couple of days ago. We had samples of all of the Sandmark uniforms and each one was unique.
I think the facemake player from the Gretzky’s 50 in 39 is just a trick of the light because of the ugly lids they use to wear. They were black with a white strip or white word mark that from a distance looked like the stap of goalie mask.
Best selling NFL jerseys of 2008.
[quote comment=”309904″][quote comment=”309897″][quote comment=”309815″]Paul is quoted in a Yahoo story about the Mets patch. link
The link at the end of the article to other failed Mets patch ideas is hysterical. I especially like the one that just says “Hello”
yeah, that blog mentioned at the end of the Yahoo article is a lot like my suggestion to Paul as to what could be done with that patch. My comment here on Friday was more or less that Paul should have people submit their own versions of that patch.[/quote]
Geeman: How could he say this after wearing our splendid U.S. Navy uniforms in two movies and not saying the same thing???
Probably because Cruise always longed for an upgrade to the Marine Corps’ uniforms.
[quote comment=”309902″][quote comment=”309887″][quote comment=”309882″]Our friends at Mental Floss have given us another great uni-based quiz…
I thought I would do well, but I barely scraped by with 10 of 14 right (71%).[/quote]
I got 12/14, only missed Sparky Anderson and Bruce Sutter.[/quote]
I also got 12/14 correct.
But, as a Metro-Detroiter, there was no way I was getting Sparky Anderson wrong. I still can’t believe he went in as a Red.
[quote comment=”309912″][quote comment=”309902″][quote comment=”309887″][quote comment=”309882″]Our friends at Mental Floss have given us another great uni-based quiz…
I thought I would do well, but I barely scraped by with 10 of 14 right (71%).[/quote]
I got 12/14, only missed Sparky Anderson and Bruce Sutter.[/quote]
I also got 12/14 correct.
But, as a Metro-Detroiter, there was no way I was getting Sparky Anderson wrong. I still can’t believe he went in as a Red.[/quote]
I remember that to as a Metro-Detroiter. I remember him saying he was torn between which team to go in as, but chose CIN because they gave him his first chance in the MLB. Respectable answer I guess.
[quote comment=”309897″][quote comment=”309815″]Paul is quoted in a Yahoo story about the Mets patch. link
The link at the end of the article to other failed Mets patch ideas is hysterical. I especially like the one that just says “Hello”
We could use the top of that page as a quiz as well. Name each individual known for dubious achievements.
Kevin M. : Thank you for clearing up the Boggs issue. If the players can’t make logical decisions, MLB should make the choice for them.
Quick question…I grew up watching Gary Carter as a Met. Was he really that much better as an Expo? Same goes for Andre Dawson, Expos vs. Cubs.
Lindsey Nelson reincarnated?
And did somebody page Lastings Milledge?
[quote comment=”309903″][quote comment=”309847″][quote comment=”309819″]I believe all rookies had to wear double-flap helmets in the early 90’s.[/quote]
That would be news to me. I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I don’t remember it that way.
[quote comment=”309832″]Didn’t Rickey Henderson use a flapless helmet during his early years with the A’s and later the Yanks?[/quote]
Don’t know how much this helps, but in an old uniwatch ticker item, there was a picture of Brady Anderson wearing a double flap from 1988, which was in his rookie season.
Also, if you look at this 1988 topps card, Casey Candaele was wearing a double flap helmet. The picture is most likely from his rookie season. of course, it could also be because he was a switch hitter.
I do not know if there was such a rule, but the pictures of the double flaps seem to come from this period (1988-1992 or so) and seem to be of rookies[/quote]
Here is the other thing. Pursuant to Major League Baseball Rule 1.16, all minor league players have to wear double-flapped helmets. It seems very possible that some rookies, having been wearing double-flapped helmets recently in the minors, have chosen to wear them when they came to the majors, because they were used to them, before choosing later to go single-flap, as is their right under 1.16.
Re: German WWII uniforms: style over function sucks when the Russian winter sets in…
[quote comment=”309914″][quote comment=”309897″][quote comment=”309815″]Paul is quoted in a Yahoo story about the Mets patch. link
The link at the end of the article to other failed Mets patch ideas is hysterical. I especially like the one that just says “Hello”
We could use the top of that page as a quiz as well. Name each individual known for dubious achievements.
Kevin M. : Thank you for clearing up the Boggs issue. If the players can’t make logical decisions, MLB should make the choice for them.
Quick question…I grew up watching Gary Carter as a Met. Was he really that much better as an Expo? Same goes for Andre Dawson, Expos vs. Cubs.[/quote]
As to Gary Carter, he got the most publicity from being a Met but really only had 2 (maybe 3) good seasons with the Mets. He had the majority of his good seasons with the expos, including most of his all star appearences with the expos. In this regard, while I understand that the HOF wants to maintain some discretion as to the hat the player goes in under (such as to prevent the rumored situation involving Boggs), if their is a rational and logical reason for a player to go in with the team he chooses, I think the HOF should allow it. Carter played long enough with the Mets, had good seasons there, and won his only championship there. Putting him in as a Met would not be ridiculous.
That being said, I wonder how much of the decision to put him in as an expo was the HOF wanting to say that at least one player has been enshrined as an expo.
[quote comment=”309917″]Re: German WWII uniforms: style over function sucks when the Russian winter sets in…[/quote]
applicable for WWI as well…lol
Hey, my Uniwatch membership card is the So. Cal. Sun. My favorite uni ever.
[quote comment=”309914″]Quick question…I grew up watching Gary Carter as a Met. Was he really that much better as an Expo?[/quote]
I hated him with a fiery passion when he was a Met. As an Expo, I only disliked him intensely. That’s gotta count for something, right?
[quote]Same goes for Andre Dawson, Expos vs. Cubs.[/quote]
MVP and 4 ASG appearances as a Cub; ROY and 3ASGs as an Expo; unimpressive postseason stats for both teams; much longer tenure in Montreal; and not that HOF voters give a shit about defense most of the time, but he had 8 Gold Gloves as an Expo vs. 2 as a Cub. You could argue it either way, but if he ever makes it, I’d say it should be as an Expo.
Forgive me, for I was not alive, but why does everyone say that Andre Dawson’s MVP was undeserved?
Another logo mash-up for Paul — for the 1943 Pittsburgh/Philadelphia “Steagles.”
Linky: link
[quote comment=”309922″]Forgive me, for I was not alive, but why does everyone say that Andre Dawson’s MVP was undeserved?[/quote]
He played for a last-place team.
[quote comment=”309876″][quote comment=”309873″][quote comment=”309872″][quote comment=”309836″]Regarding Obama and #44: I dearly want the Redskins to start winning again, but is it wrong to hope they don’t win the Super Bowl for the next few years? I just can’t wrap my head around a #44 jersey with anything but Riggo’s NOB.[/quote]
Along those lines, in the unlikely event the Eagles win the whole thing, they may not give him a #44 jersey, seing how that number is retired. They would probably give him a #1 jersey (or, perhaps, whatever his high school basketball number was . . . from the pictures I’ve seen, it was #23 in white and #25 in green)[/quote]
Oops . . . the school colors were blue and gold, not green and gold[/quote]
23 or 25? link[/quote]
You actually think thats Obama?!!?!?! Have you put on the news or read a newspaper lately!??!! Obama is black that dude is white or asian…. WOW!
[quote comment=”309924″][quote comment=”309922″]Forgive me, for I was not alive, but why does everyone say that Andre Dawson’s MVP was undeserved?[/quote]
He played for a last-place team.[/quote]
well, that and he played for the cubs
…that’s redundant, innit?
Could someone direct me to some hi-res pics of last June 27’s Mets at Yankees day game (Mets in grey w/ blue caps)?
Yes, that’s a double-flap lid, but what really caught my eye was the Rawlings script on the helmet – should’ve have been a no-no, as brand logos have never been allowed on MLB headwear.
[quote comment=”309928″]Yes, that’s a double-flap lid, but what really caught my eye was the Rawlings script on the helmet – should’ve have been a no-no, as brand logos have never been allowed on MLB headwear.
Props to what I have always thought was one of the best player’s names “Mackey Sasser”. And to boot, he was a met.
As far as I know those LeBron photos are for a State Farm commercial. But I don’t think Nike will be all too happy to see LBJ wearing a Reebok NFL jersey (although I am sure he is wearing Nike cleats to compliment his Nike armbands).
[quote comment=”309896″][quote comment=”309893″][quote comment=”309833″]From the Ticker: Who knew Tom Cruise was such an astute judge of uniforms?
How could he say this after wearing our splendid U.S. Navy uniforms in two movies and not saying the same thing???[/quote]
Geez calm down dude, no offense but the U.S. Navy uniform is alot different than the Nazis. I mean for one it is not nearly as sinister looking. What all of a sudden someone is anti-american because they recognize the aesthetics of the military garb worn by a foreign nation? I agree with his sentiments, I bet it was pretty weird/creepy (or surreal) to be wearing a uniform that for the majority of people evokes some of the most disturbing images of our time. He meerly commented on how the Germans thought out the symbolism and look of thier uniforms…heck he even said it was perverted…GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE.[/quote]
OK, here’s the thing. When “Top Gun” and “A Few Good Men” were in current release, Tom Cruise was a movie star and that’s about it. Today, Tom Cruise is perceived as a fucking wacko who happens to appear in the occasional film.
So back then, maybe he did comment on how nice the US Navy uniform looked. Would that have been newsworthy? Not at all.
Present-day Tom Cruise (full-time wacko/part-time movie star) opines that WWII-era German military uniforms are aesthetically pleasing? You bet someone’s running that story.[/quote]
I have no problem with them running the story, and BTW I can’t stand Tom Cruise as an actor or a wacko, but I think to suggest that somehow he is “dissing” the U.S. Military for talking about a WWII Costume that he wore for a movie is ridiculous. Quite frankly, I wouldn’t have a problem is he would have said he didn’t like the U.S. navy uniforms…his right to an opinion.
And BTW why was this even run on a “Athletics Aesthetics” blog?
Now you’ve got every one taking a break from Metal Gear solid to give ol’ Tom a lecture on how to be an American.
[quote comment=”309924″][quote comment=”309922″]Forgive me, for I was not alive, but why does everyone say that Andre Dawson’s MVP was undeserved?[/quote]
He played for a last-place team.[/quote]
Yeah and he also played on knees that would have crumbled to pieces supporting most mortals. Long Live the Hawk.
[quote comment=”309925″] Obama is black[/quote]
WHAT? And I voted for him IN TWO SEPARATE ELECTIONS! Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod…
Why didn’t someone warn me?
[quote comment=”309933″][quote comment=”309925″] Obama is black[/quote]
WHAT? And I voted for him IN TWO SEPARATE ELECTIONS! Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod…
Why didn’t someone warn me?[/quote]
obama is also white
Re: Flyers/Gretzky;
#24 looks like he might be wearing a mask maybe? Steve Smith?
[quote comment=”309934″][quote comment=”309933″][quote comment=”309925″] Obama is black[/quote]
WHAT? And I voted for him IN TWO SEPARATE ELECTIONS! Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod…
Why didn’t someone warn me?[/quote]
obama is also white[/quote]
Yeah, link.
[quote comment=”309926″][quote comment=”309924″][quote comment=”309922″]Forgive me, for I was not alive, but why does everyone say that Andre Dawson’s MVP was undeserved?[/quote]
He played for a last-place team.[/quote]
well, that and he played for the cubs
…that’s redundant, innit?[/quote]
Ernie Banks won an MVP with the last place Cubs, and I have yet to hear anyone say—then or since—that he didn’t deserve it.
Just saying.
It is said that Chrysler has been having trouble redesigning the PT Cruiser, the car that was originally designed to link. The only change over its lifetime on the road was a link
That being said, in these days of “link link every link link or so”, where do the Pirates go link? Will they always have the vest or will they bounce to link? *shudder*
I’ve thought of this a lot over the last couple years with the introduction of the link. I was reminded and decided to post it today because I saw this great shot of link in that script Pittsburgh jersey. I wonder if they’d go back to that. I love the whole “city of champions” idea to go all the same colors in the early 80’s, but its been a link since they’ve link been link at the same time.
I know this really isn’t the best forum for a question like this, but then again, it sort of is! :)[/quote]
Eh, it was worth a shot. Guess my question is less important than Tom Cruise and Obama’s heritage today. *shrug*
[quote comment=”309937″]Ernie Banks won an MVP with the last place Cubs, and I have yet to hear anyone say—then or since—that he didn’t deserve it.
Actually, that’s not true. They were second division teams, but not last place. The Cubs finished in 5th place in both of his MVP seasons (’58 and ’59).
[quote comment=”309924″][quote comment=”309922″]Forgive me, for I was not alive, but why does everyone say that Andre Dawson’s MVP was undeserved?[/quote]
He played for a last-place team.[/quote]
He also helped the Cubs get 18 more wins than the year before…
[quote comment=”309939″][quote comment=”309937″]Ernie Banks won an MVP with the last place Cubs, and I have yet to hear anyone say—then or since—that he didn’t deserve it.
Actually, that’s not true. They were second division teams, but not last place. The Cubs finished in 5th place in both of his MVP seasons (’58 and ’59).[/quote]
and there were no divisions then… just 8 team leagues…so in 58 (tied for 5th) & 59 (also tied for 5th) there were two teams even worse than the cubbies
1958 & 1959>
[quote comment=”309941″][quote comment=”309939″][quote comment=”309937″]Ernie Banks won an MVP with the last place Cubs, and I have yet to hear anyone say—then or since—that he didn’t deserve it.
Actually, that’s not true. They were second division teams, but not last place. The Cubs finished in 5th place in both of his MVP seasons (’58 and ’59).[/quote]
and there were no divisions then… just 8 team leagues…so in 58 (tied for 5th) & 59 (also tied for 5th) there were two teams even worse than the cubbies
link & link[/quote]
Right. The top four finishers were referred to as “first division” and the bottom four were “second division.” 5th place = second division.
I think there was some kind of monetary incentive for finishing in the first division.
“and there were no divisions then… just 8 team leagues…so in 58 (tied for 5th) & 59 (also tied for 5th) there were two teams even worse than the cubbies”
‘Second Division’ was a term used to refer to the bottom four teams in each league.
[quote]Right. The top four finishers were referred to as “first division” and the bottom four were “second division.” 5th place = second division.
I think there was some kind of monetary incentive for finishing in the first division.[/quote]
[quote comment=”309943]’Second Division’ was a term used to refer to the bottom four teams in each league.[/quote]
oh…absolutely, i wasn’t correcting you guys, just mentioning that “5th place” today doesn’t sound as bad as 5th place in an 8 team league
/i apologize if i sounded pedantic
[quote comment=”309938″]It is said that Chrysler has been having trouble redesigning the PT Cruiser, the car that was originally designed to link. The only change over its lifetime on the road was a link
That being said, in these days of “link link every link link or so”, where do the Pirates go link? Will they always have the vest or will they bounce to link? *shudder*
I’ve thought of this a lot over the last couple years with the introduction of the link. I was reminded and decided to post it today because I saw this great shot of link in that script Pittsburgh jersey. I wonder if they’d go back to that. I love the whole “city of champions” idea to go all the same colors in the early 80’s, but its been a link since they’ve link been link at the same time.
I know this really isn’t the best forum for a question like this, but then again, it sort of is! :)[/quote]
Eh, it was worth a shot. Guess my question is less important than Tom Cruise and Obama’s heritage today. *shrug*[/quote]
Tony, thanks for posting the pic of Kiner…wasn’t sure where you were going with the whole PT cruiser but I see your point about the Bucs. I think incoporating the script BACK into thier unis would be cool. Although, I have to admit I think they are the only team that most sucessfully pulls off the vest look (ala Clemente).
But script could be cool
neil rackers’ pants are funny as balls.
[quote comment=”309944″][quote]Right. The top four finishers were referred to as “first division” and the bottom four were “second division.” 5th place = second division.
I think there was some kind of monetary incentive for finishing in the first division.[/quote]
[quote comment=”309943]’Second Division’ was a term used to refer to the bottom four teams in each league.[/quote]
oh…absolutely, i wasn’t correcting you guys, just mentioning that “5th place” today doesn’t sound as bad as 5th place in an 8 team league
/i apologize if i sounded pedantic[/quote]
Oh, yeah, “second division”. Hadn’t thought about that term in YEARS.
My bad about last place, guess was thinking “they sucked”, remembered Cubs being not-so-good, Banks hitting 50+ home runs and assumed there were last. When you’ve been following the Cubs since ’55 or so you start to think like that.
So, yeah, the truth was Banks won MVP for a “second division” team, and that wasn’t all that common, either.
People forget a big, unspoken reason why Dawson won the MVP: The previous winter was the off-season during which the owners were later shown to have engaged in collusion. Dawson was a free agent and wanted very badly to play for the Cubs (he thought the grass outfield would be better for his knees, plus maybe he wanted to have his nights free to, y’know, “explore the city”), but neither they nor anyone else would make him an offer. His agent finally presented the Cubs with a signed contract and said, “You can fill in the salary.” They wrote in $750,000 — a criminally low figure for a player of his caliber, even back then.
Dawson then went out and had the best season of his career. It’s long been thought that his MVP award was a tacit thank-you by the writers for helping to expose the owners’ collusion and for keeping up his end of a bargain weighted against him.
[quote comment=”309948″]People forget a big, unspoken reason why Dawson won the MVP: The previous winter was the off-season during which the owners were later shown to have engaged in collusion. Dawson was a free agent and wanted very badly to play for the Cubs (he thought the grass outfield would be better for his knees, plus maybe he wanted to have his nights free to, y’know, “explore the city”), but neither they nor anyone else would make him an offer. His agent finally presented the Cubs with a signed contract and said, “You can fill in the salary.” They wrote in $750,000 — a criminally low figure for a player of his caliber, even back then.
Dawson then went out and had the best season of his career. It’s long been thought that his MVP award was a tacit thank-you by the writers for helping to expose the owners’ collusion and for keeping up his end of a bargain weighted against him.[/quote]
Sorry disagree…maybe you should stick to discussion surrounding stir-ups that seems to be your niche. Dawson won the MVP because he led the league with 49 homers and 137 RBI. Your theory on the sports writers thing doesn’t hold much water since Dawson was known for often avoiding sports writers…particularly when he was in the “hitting zone”. If I were you, I’d stick to my love affair with the Mets and leave the Cubs alone.
Powers, I’ve got your kind of quiz right here. link
andre dawson salary in 1987
#148! ($700K)
/holy shit
[quote comment=”309949″][quote comment=”309948″]People forget a big, unspoken reason why Dawson won the MVP: The previous winter was the off-season during which the owners were later shown to have engaged in collusion. Dawson was a free agent and wanted very badly to play for the Cubs (he thought the grass outfield would be better for his knees, plus maybe he wanted to have his nights free to, y’know, “explore the city”), but neither they nor anyone else would make him an offer. His agent finally presented the Cubs with a signed contract and said, “You can fill in the salary.” They wrote in $750,000 — a criminally low figure for a player of his caliber, even back then.
Dawson then went out and had the best season of his career. It’s long been thought that his MVP award was a tacit thank-you by the writers for helping to expose the owners’ collusion and for keeping up his end of a bargain weighted against him.[/quote]
Sorry disagree…maybe you should stick to discussion surrounding stir-ups that seems to be your niche. Dawson won the MVP because he led the league with 49 homers and 137 RBI. Your theory on the sports writers thing doesn’t hold much water since Dawson was known for often avoiding sports writers…particularly when he was in the “hitting zone”. If I were you, I’d stick to my love affair with the Mets and leave the Cubs alone.[/quote]
I didn’t say Dawson didn’t have a great year. I just said he had a little intangible working for him.
[quote comment=”309849″]Grumble grumble, Brooklyn Cyclones. They were the Pittsfield Mets when I was a wee lad (well, a lad). Still love going to Wahconah Park in the summers.[/quote]
Is that true? Because As I recall it, the Cyclones were once the Queen’s Kings who before their breif existence were the St. Catharines Stompers in Southern Ontario and were a farm team of the Toronto Blue Jays
[quote comment=”309816″]This shirt is pretty cool too:
Perfect for inauguration day![/quote]
Maybe a little cold to wear that, the current forecast high for inauguration day is 36. Now I don’t know about you Canadians, but here in Arizona, 65 is frigid.
[quote comment=”309924″][quote comment=”309922″]Forgive me, for I was not alive, but why does everyone say that Andre Dawson’s MVP was undeserved?[/quote]
He played for a last-place team.[/quote]
Then much could be said for Albert “Sour Puss” Pujols MVP award this year for a 4th place team.
Chism is wearing those ridiculous socks again tonight.
[quote comment=”309849″]Grumble grumble, Brooklyn Cyclones. They were the Pittsfield Mets when I was a wee lad (well, a lad). Still love going to Wahconah Park in the summers.[/quote]
It is a great park, but the atmosphere might be diminished this summer if the summer collegiate team is outfitted in camo uniforms.
[quote comment=”309835″]Paul, are you sure Sarah Palin isn’t gonna shoot and field dress the San Diego Chicken?[/quote]
Seeing that this will be an occasion to celebrate Obama, what better clown to bring to KeySpan Park to play the role of the Famous Chicken (his official name these days, IIRC) than Obama’s buddy Rod Blagojevich.
[quote comment=”309858″]SHITTY Field was doomed from the day they broke ground and now this? Typical Queens Baseball[/quote]
If you’d like to see rust and a LOT of it, I invite you to lovely Candlestick Park.
PS that Boston Red Sox themed car, a Metropolitan? I think; is THE BOMB.
I’ve never used that expression before, but I believe it to be appropriate.
They’re showing the ’47 series on MLBN and Yogi was wearing #35. Catcher Aaron Robinson I think was wearing #8. Was 8 just the number issued to Yankee catchers until they retired it for Dickey and Berra or what?
now this is an unusual cross-sport association link bull riding and baseball?
Sounds like the Cyclones might be getting a lawyer letter soon: link
[quote comment=”309959″][quote comment=”309858″]SHITTY Field was doomed from the day they broke ground and now this? Typical Queens Baseball[/quote]
If you’d like to see rust and a LOT of it, I invite you to lovely Candlestick Park.[/quote]
I miss that rust.