You’ll often hear me say I’m doing a raffle or some other promotion in conjunction with “our friends from Distant Replays.” Chief among those friends is DR founder/owner Andy Hyman, who’s been a Uni Watch charter advertiser for two years now. He’s always been enthusiastic and supportive, and I like to think I’ve been the same toward him, but we’d never really had a substantive conversation until early October, when I got the following note from him:
I love many of the drawings that folks send in to your site, so I thought you might get a kick out of these that I did back when I was a kid. Found them in my garage and framed up for my three-year-old’s bedroom. I have more of this cool stuff, if you’re interested.
Naturally, this is precisely the sort of thing I love, plus it basically explains how Distant Replays came into being, so I told Andy to crank up the scanner and send me everything he had. It took him a little while to find the old drawings and such (and he says there’s still a lot more that he hasn’t located yet), but it was worth the wait. After he sent me the scans, I gave him a call to go over all the particulars. Here’s how it went down:
Uni Watch: When did you start doing these drawings?
Andy Hyman: Probably when I was about nine.
UW: And how old are you now?
AH: Forty-eight.
UW: So it would have been the late ’60s.
AH: Right. I realized I loved sports when I was nine — the year of the Jets/Colts Super Bowl.
UW: And where were you growing up at the time?
AH: Huntington, New York.
UW: Ah, you were a Long Island kid, just like me! But you’ve previously told me you were a Colts fan, right?
AH: I was. Because my cousin Larry, who was six years older than me, was a Strat-O-Matic football fanatic. He loved the Baltimore Colts and he brainwashed me to love the Colts. So he had, like, these 8-milimeter films of Bubba Smith, and Mike Curtis ripping off Roman Gabriel’s head, and that was it — I was hooked. Even though I was from New York and the Jets were, you know, the thing. My sister loved Joe Namath and had pictures of him all over her wall. And when the Colts lost that Super Bowl to the Jets, I cried, and I tried ripping down those pictures. And she beat me up.
UW: Was she older than you?
AH: Yeah, by six years.
UW: So, getting back to the drawings, you just started doing them, the way kids start doing things?
AH: Yeah, it was all about the colors. I just loved the way the uniforms looked.
UW: Did you have color TV at that time?
AH: I did not.
UW: So how did you know which colors to use?
AH: I went and bought Sport magazine and Sports Illustrated, and I went over to my friend’s house — he had a color TV.
UW: Did you use colored penvils, or crayons..?
AH: Everything. Magic Markers, Crayola —
UW: Man, wouldn’t it be great if Crayola had a line crayons in team-based colors?
AH: That’d be awesome.
UW: So did you show these drawings to friends, or bring them to show-and-tell at school, or were they just squirreled away in your bedroom?
AH: It was just me, my cousin, and a couple of our friends who were in this little world of ours. So we kind of passed them back and forth to each other. But I just liked to draw.
UW: Why did you use the same pose for all these early drawings? Was it based on a particular photograph?
AH: No, it just seemed like that was the most basic thing. I was very into lining things up and making things straight, and I think that’s why I did it like that.
UW: What about the maniacal grin on everyone’s face?
AH: It was just my style. I don’t know. It was just — I just don’t know!
UW: Now, part of the fun of uniform drawings is getting to replicate the team logos. But you drew all these football players facing head-on, so you couldn’t do the full logos. Wasn’t that frustrating?
AH: I didn’t really have the skill, or didn’t really want to put the effort into getting the logos just right.
UW: Ahhh, so that’s like when you can’t draw hands or fingers very well, so you keep drawing people with their hands behind their back.
AH: I guess. The only one I really wanted to do in full was the Colts — that one I always did from the side.
UW: – Were the drawings supposed to be specific players? Like, you’ve got a Cleveland Browns guy wearing No. 44, who would have been Leroy Kelly back in that era — except you drew him as a white guy.
AH: Some of them definitely were specific players. And for some of them, I don’t know why I did what I did. Sometimes the Magic Markers would blend and the guy’s face would turn out green. There are things like that that I wish I could go back and change.
UW: Yeah, there are some interesting color choices here. Like, there’s this one drawing where it looks like you’ve got the Eagles wearing yellow. Is that a situation where the colors just faded over the years?
AH: Yeah, probably.
UW: OK, let’s move on to another one of your early projects: Your Strat-O-Matic newspaper.
AH: Yes, that was The Strat-O-Matic Tribune. Basically, I played hundreds of games. Every day, that’s what I did, I played Strat-O-Matic.
UW: Against your cousin and those two friends you mentioned earlier?
AH: Well, you can play Strat-O-Matic solo. I played the majority of the games solo. I would just go crazy — I’d be there at the dining room table screaming, “Oh my god, back-to-back home runs!” or “A no-hitter!” or whatever it was. But my mother’s at work while I’m doing this, so nobody knows, and I’m thinking, “Gosh, if only someone could know the excitement I’m going through here!”
UW: So that’s what the newspaper was for — to share the excitement?
AH: Well, yeah, it was. And keep a little box score for each game write a headline for it, and I’d do that for each game. Or I’d create a game recap, like a news account, complete with a photo. And I played literally hundreds and hundreds of games. And then I’d go, “How can I”¦” — uh, how did you just put it?
UW: Share the excitement?
AH: Right! So I’d be thinking, how can I let my cousin know, let the world know? And that’s why I did The Strat-O-Matic Tribune.
UW: And how many issues of this do you produce?
AH: I probably did 30 or 40 issues — of the regular one, which was a one-pager. But then I did The Strat-O-Matic Tribune Special, which there were like 10 of. Those were eight pages long, and that’s what I haven’t been able to find, and it’s killing me. I had color drawings, and I’d take photos out of magazines and paste them in, to make believe those photos were happening in the game I was playing.
UW: Would you xerox these?
AH: I wouldn’t. I’d just make one.
UW: An edition of one?
AH: One, yup, one copy. I’d let my cousin read it. Of course, nobody else in the world would care — it was just me and him. So I’d send him one of the issues”¦
UW: You’d send it — so he lived somewhere else?
AH: He lived in Scarsdale.
UW: So you’d mail these to him?
AH: I’d mail them to him, yes. And he wrote The Strato-Gazette — that was his paper.
UW: Oh, he had one too?
AH: Yeah, but he didn’t come close to keeping up with me. He wasn’t as interested.
UW: So when you’d mail these to him, would you want them back?
AH: I did, yes. And one of them came up missing — issue No. 9!
UW: So this was a loan, like a library?
AH: Yeah, you could say that.
UW: Now I have to ask you about this “Certificate of Strato” — what is that?
AH: Basically, when we were gettin’ a little older — maybe 13, 14 — I got a few friends in my neighborhood to get into it, and we had this marathon of games, y’know? We’d have a sleep-over and we’d start at eight o’clock — or wait, we might actually start right after school, so maybe three o’clcok — and we’d play until we got bored or fell asleep. We did this several times. One time we played like 11 games, another time 15 games. It was intense.
UW: It was epic!
AH: It was epic! And one of the guys was Russian, another one was Polish, and I was Jewish, so we wrote “Polok Jew Russian United” on the certificate.
UW: Sort of a gesture of eastern European solidarity.
AH: Y’know, it was just about trying to make this cool-looking certificate as neatly as I could with my writing. I don’t know, we just had to make sure everyone knew we’d played this many games.
UW: It looks like you kept your records in a Strat-O-Matic folder..?
AH: Yeah, that’s where I kept all the stats.
UW: So this was like the Elias of its day.
AH: Exactly. And after seven games I’d have an All-Star Game. See, it takes months to play seven games for all 28 teams. That’s one thing that always bothered me: You’d get the new cards for the 1972 season, say, based on stats from 1971, and you’d start playing out the season, and in your dreams you could play a regulation 162-game season. But then the real baseball season starts — the regular one, that the real players are playing — and immediately it’s like, “Oh no, I’m falling behind.”
UW: Because they can play a dozen games in one day, which is a more than you can do.
AH: Right. So Richie Allen’s hitting .200, or whatever, but in my league he’s hitting .300 and it starts feeling old. So I’d do All-Star Games after seven games — I’d compile all the records and choose the players who were doing the best and get ’em in there.
UW: Tell me about this state report on the state of Maryland.
AH: Oh, the reason I included that with all this other stuff is to show how I was so consumed with the Colts. I don’t think I got an F on that — maybe a D.
UW: What grade was this?
AH: Third grade, I think. Maybe fourth grade. I basically put all of my efforts into drawing that Colts helmet, as opposed to actually doing the report, which I totally plagiarized on the last day. Because Maryland is about sports!
UW: Did you choose to do Maryland?
AH: No, it was assigned to me!
UW: Wow, you must have loved that! Hey, speaking of the Colts, what’s with this Bubba Smith image?
AH: That was a woodcut, or linoleum print — I did that in art class. I thought it was pretty cool.
UW: And what about this Larry Brown drawing? That’s a little more advanced than your earlier ones.
AH: I think I copied that from this book of Sunoco football stamps in the early 1970s.
UW: Yes, I had those! You’d buy the album, which had blank pages, at the Sunoco station, and then you’d get the free individual player stamps to paste into the album. That’s something I really wish I’d saved. I’d kill to have that back [although it turns out there’s plenty of them available on eBay, which I may have to pursue now that Andy’s reminded me about it].
AH: I made my mom go to every Sunoco and get the stamps, because I had to have every damn one of ’em.
UW: I remember I’d draw the ones I didn’t have. I specifically remember drawing Vic Washington, who was a running back on the 49ers. I didn’t have his stamp, and of course I had to have the complete 49ers page filled in, because they were my favorite team, so I just drew his stamp and put it in there. It was a really bad drawing, too. Anyway, that’s where you took that Larry Brown pose from?
AH: Yeah, and I ended up doing it over and over until I had it down. I could do that right now, in fact. Instead of writing rock bands on my book covers, I was doing drawings like that one.
UW: I understand you were a big boxing fan, too.
AH: Again, that was because of my cousin was a big Smokin’ Joe Frazier fan, and one day I thought to myself, “Hmmm, let’s do Strat-O-Boxing.” And I kind of invented it all on my own. I used the same principles, with the three dice and all, and I had a lot of fun with it.
UW: Did you ever send a letter to the Strat-O-Matic people to tell them you’d invented a new game?
AH: I never did. But my wife, when she saw all this, she said, “You should send this to Strat-O-Matic.” So I might just do that.
UW: Now what about this hockey illustration — is that paint-by-numbers?
AH: Right. I did a lot of that. But they kind of annoyed me because the colors they specified for the ice never looked real. So I struggled: Should I paint this the colors they want, because that’s what the rules say? Or should I color it the way I want, because I think their colors look like crap?
UW: That’s pretty much the dilemma of life in a nutshell right there, right?
AH: It also bothered me that most of the color-by-numbers goalies didn’t have masks, and this was right around the time most goalies were wearing masks, so it looked wrong.
UW: I had one of those tabletop hockey games — and old one, because it had belonged to my older brothers. The players were made of metal, not plastic, and the goalies didn’t have masks. But by the time I was playing the game, every goalie in the league wore a mask except for Andy Brown of the Red Wings. So I draw little masks for each goalie, cut them out, and taped them to the goalies’ faces — except for the Detroit goalie, who I left bare-faced.
AH: Man, when we were done playing Strat, we’d play that game too!
UW: So do you have more of this stuff, or has it been thrown out, or is it in storage, or what?
AH: You know, a lot of it I can’t find right now. But I know it’s around — it’s just a matter of finding it after moving so many times over the years. My mother still has some of it, I think.
UW: Speaking of your mom, what did your parents think of all this at the time?
AH: They were as happy as they could be.
UW: They didn’t say, “Why are wasting you time on this stuff”?
AH: No, never. I mean, sometimes they’d say, “You can’t play until you do your homework,” but that’s all. They totally were supportive of it.
UW: Were they sports fans?
AH: Not really, no.
UW: Were they happy that you were drawing, because it meant you were being artistic and creative?
AH: Yeah. My dad is an amazing watercolor artist, my mom’s a great artist, my brother, too. He did the murals outside the Distant Replays store.
UW: Oh, so the artistic thing runs in your family.
AH: Yeah, I’m the least talented one.
UW: And now, of course, your career is based on vintage sports graphics.
AH: Yup. And my mom likes to say, “I always knew keeping all those records and statistics would help you one day.”
UW: So you were born to do this.
AH: I think I was, yeah.
UW: Do you still play Strat-O-Matic?
AH [somewhat sheepishly]: I don’t.
UW: Why did you stop?
AH: I went to college and, you know, other stuff took over.
UW: Did you play sports as a kid, in addition to playing Strat?
AH: Yes. We played youth football, and I played lacrosse all through junior high, high school, and college. There’s a good picture of me, showing my afro, on the Distant Replays site.
UW: Whoa — dude, that’s, uh, really something. What about your pee-wee football days — did you have cool uniforms?
AH: My first year we were the Browns. White helmet with a brown stripe, boring. My next year we were the Vikings. We had gold jerseys with yellow and white stripes on the shoulders, but again, white helmets with a purple stripe and maybe a “V” on the helmet.
UW: Did you wear your uniform just so, with everything tucked in just right and all that?
AH: Of course. I wanted, head to toe, to look like Bubba, so I had the hand pads and the arm pads. But the frustrating thing is that all the helmets had the two-bar quarterback facemask. How could I look like a defensive lineman with that kind of helmet?
How indeed. Such equipment-based annoyances notwithstanding, Andy’s artwork ranks alongside that of Marty Hick (profiled here) and Tyler Kepner (profiled here) in the homespun uni drawings sweepstakes. Totally charming, totally inspired. Good on ya and all that, Andy.
Uni Watch News Ticker: I don’t usually crow about non-uni vintage clothing acquisitions, but I’m all jazzed about this 1960s Norfolk jacket I picked up over the weekend — complete with belt and rear box pleat. The fabric is this gorgeous brown/hunter/burgundy herringbone pattern, and I don’t mind saying that the thing looks pretty damn swank (but yes, I really need to clean that mirror). ”¦ Some great old 1958 Giants/Lions footage available here. ”¦ Pete Carroll has finally confirmed what’s long been rumored: USC and UCLA will both wear their colored home jerseys this Saturday. And there was dancing and happiness throughout the land. ”¦ In a vaguely related item, Idaho State and BYU had a went color-vs.-color last Saturday (with thanks to Frank Mercogliano). ”¦ And there’s a good clip here on Shea Stadium’s construction, featuring Casey Stengel holding forth on a variety of topics. ”¦ Craig Bates recently found an old Oilers helmet lamp (and yes, it still works). ”¦ Missing letter, or just a fold in the fabric? (As spotted by Matt Edwards.) ”¦ Last year we noted that several of the Cowboys were wearing Strap-Loks (that little white plastic clip on the high strap). Now Matt Powers has noticed several of the Broncos wearing them as well. ”¦ Harvard’s women’s hockey team debuted new black tops and socks on Saturday (with thanks to A.J. Frey). ”¦ Here’s something you don’t often see: high school throwbacks. That’s Steinert and Hamilton, both of New Jersey, playing the 50th installment of their rivalry. Additional pics here (with thanks to Robert Carabelli). ”¦ Yesterday I noted that some Thousand Oaks players had white helmets while others had green. Here’s the explanation, courtesy of Thousand Oaks grad John Hartman: “The tradition of the ‘green helmet at Thousand Oaks goes back to the ’70s. It’s actually an award given out to players who excel on defense (no offensive equivalent). The tradition was lost a few years ago when all the white helmets were changed to green, but somebody made the right decision this year to go back to white, thus the ‘green helmet’ was reborn. The running joke we always heard from other teams was ‘What’s the matter, you guys can’t afford matching helmets?’ They quickly shut up when they were lit up by a green helmet recipient.” ”¦ Last week I linked to a shot of Jim Abbott bunting. Andy Chalifour reports that the flip side of that card shows something almost as rare: Abbott on the bases. ”¦ Tons of old Nebraska bowl photos, some dating back to the 1940s, here (with thanks to David McGee). ”¦ Good article here about NC State using the new Xenith helmet (with thanks to Wayne Koehler). ”¦ “This isn’t uni-related, but The Price Is Right decided to paint the Big Wheel purple,” writes James Leroux. “The result was so ugly, it’s only being used for one week.” ”¦ Benjamin Page notes that Chester Taylor of the Vikings wear a “C. Taylor” nameplate, even though the Vikes haven’t had another Taylor since Travis Taylor in 2006. “However, they start three Williamses on defense (Kevin, Pat, and Madieu), none of whom has a first initial,” he adds. ”¦ Louisiana-Lafayette will be wearing throwbacks tonight. The “USL” insignia refers to the school’s previous name, University of Southwestern Louisiana (courtesy of Chris Mycoskie). ”¦ Japanese ballplayer Hichori Morimoto was recently given a pay cut — a rarity in Japan — and here’s how he reacted at a press conference (with thanks to, of course, Jeremy Brahm). ”¦ Are those rosary beads on MJ’s right wrist or what? ”¦Notable sights from last night’s Jags/Texans game: Houston doused in cocktail sauce, Jack Del Rio in leather fetishwear, and Steve Slaton with a slight decal glitch. ”¦ The mighty Fleer Sticker Project site is taking its second annual look at endearingly kitschy Sears Wishbook catalog merch. Check it out here. ”¦ Anyone know why Texas A&M was wearing a jersey patch on Thanksgiving? ”¦ Reprinted from last night’s comments: Back in his college days at Michigan, Marty Turco wore mismatched leg pads.
I remember watching Turco play for UofM when I was a young lad…. ahhh the memories.
I heard something about the Aggies wearing $th Infantry division emblems. link here’s the link (hopefully)
GREAT interview paul…thanks andy…uni geeks are great!
/*makes mental note to buy something from DR for the holidays*
//those drawings remind me of ricko’s stuff from here
Ah, the Sunoco stamp book! My dad had this and my brother and I enjoyed countless hours looking through it. Plus, somewhere I have tons of doubles my dad obtained in getting the complete set.
It’s one of those prized family possessions, not necessarily in monetary value, but in sentimental value. One of the things that my brother and I can’t bring ourselves to discuss since dad passed away. We just leave it at Mom’s for the time being.
Now I’m going to have to find it and put the scanner to work!
As if we needed more reassurance that there are others out there just like us, the UW interviews really prove that we UniWatchers are not alone.
Last night, I was wastching MNF while running on the treadmill at the gym and I noticed a few things:
1. David Garrard’s helmet sits very close to his face:
2. Mario Williams and Steve Slaton have the same issue:
Fred Taylor has switched from his normal Riddell VSR-4 to the Revo Speed:
He is alos wearing spatted Nike Super Speed D cleats. He has been a Reebok guy for some time now.
In general, both team’s helmets looked Great last night.
They were both a pleasant surprise since it is not often that I get to see either team.
Overall, the Jags unis are very nice, minus the Hairball cat!
Paul, I see some records and cds in one of those photos. Are you a collector? I have 3500+ cds and another 750 LPs, so I have obsessions that extend beyond uniforms and was wondering whether you suffer from this problem as well.
More Adidas NCAA gear:
[quote comment=”303003″]Paul, I see some records and cds in one of those photos. Are you a collector? I have 3500+ cds and another 750 LPs, so I have obsessions that extend beyond uniforms and was wondering whether you suffer from this problem as well.[/quote]
I was the manager of a student-run record store in college and was a rock critic for over a decade after that. Lots and lots of records.
[quote comment=”303006″][quote comment=”303003″]Paul, I see some records and cds in one of those photos. Are you a collector? I have 3500+ cds and another 750 LPs, so I have obsessions that extend beyond uniforms and was wondering whether you suffer from this problem as well.[/quote]
I was the manager of a student-run record store in college and was a rock critic for over a decade after that. Lots and lots of records.[/quote]
[Envy showing] Have you ever had a gig that most of us would not consider to be a dream job? Record store manager, rock critic, Uni Overlord . . . damn.
Apologies if this has been posted before, but I saw these in a store the other day and thought they would be a hit with the Uni Watchers.
Slaton is wearing mis-matched shoes.
Of course with those unis, who would notice.
PS. My wife has an excellent recipe for removing wine stains from clothing if the Texans equipment manager wants to borrow it.
all this sports art is making me yearn for another Art special (in the vein of
Mark Penxa/Ullman/Jay Kaplan)…
Paul, any other sports artists out there that stand out that we haven’t discovered yet?
Flood of memories from reading today’s entry, Paul. Good interview with Andy. Made me think of the autumns of my youth, where I’d draw and color each NFL team’s helmet and then display them for the season on my bedroom wall. I’d also make my dad get gas at the Sunoco station so I could get my book of stamps!
Great stuff, Paul, and thank you for Uni Watch.
[quote comment=”303009″]Slaton is wearing mis-matched shoes.
Of course with those unis, who would notice.
PS. My wife has an excellent recipe for removing wine stains from clothing if the Texans equipment manager wants to borrow it.[/quote]
no he isnt, thats how the cleats are…they are a solid color on the inside
Texas A&M is wearing the shoulder insignia of the US Army’s 4th Infantry Division, much like Army and Navy wear the insignia of the major units. I was in the 1st Infantry Division in my Army days, so when I watch the Army-Navy game, I always look for the Army player wearing that patch and root for him. Go Army – Beat Navy !
As far as Turco’s pads go, Heaton made several strange mismatched/inverted-graphic designs over the years. Anything to distract the shooter – that’s why everybody wears white now, much like the late 80’s/early 90’s. White looks bigger, so after the lockout and the reduction in the size of goalie gear, white came back in force. I’m guilty of it myself; it’s also good when you play beer-league hockey and have a different uniform every year – you never clash with the sweater!
Outstanding stuff, but how did he know that the Broncos would eventually switch to link?
[quote comment=”303007″][quote comment=”303006″][quote comment=”303003″]Paul, I see some records and cds in one of those photos. Are you a collector? I have 3500+ cds and another 750 LPs, so I have obsessions that extend beyond uniforms and was wondering whether you suffer from this problem as well.[/quote]
I was the manager of a student-run record store in college and was a rock critic for over a decade after that. Lots and lots of records.[/quote]
[Envy showing] Have you ever had a gig that most of us would not consider to be a dream job? Record store manager, rock critic, Uni Overlord . . . damn.[/quote]
Don’t forget food writer and travel writer…. Yes, I’ve been very fortunate to be able to write about things I love. Lucky fella.
[quote comment=”303008″]Apologies if this has been posted before, but I saw these in a store the other day and thought they would be a hit with the Uni Watchers.
Dude, look in the right-hand rail — they’re one of our advertisers!
[quote comment=”303010″]all this sports art is making me yearn for another Art special (in the vein of
Mark Penxa/Ullman/Jay Kaplan)…
Paul, any other sports artists out there that stand out that we haven’t discovered yet?[/quote]
Actually, yeah, I have a couple of other artists on my list of people I want to interview. Soon, soon….
[quote comment=”303009″]Slaton is wearing mis-matched shoes.
Of course with those unis, who would notice.
PS. My wife has an excellent recipe for removing wine stains from clothing if the Texans equipment manager wants to borrow it.[/quote]
Your observation of Slaton’s shoes are keen, however wrong.
The Nike Super Speed D has different color blocking on the inside (medial) side as opposed to the outside of the shoe:
360 Degree Multi-View:
Greatest exchange, ever, in Uniwatch:
AH: Right. I did a lot of that. But they kind of annoyed me because the colors they specified for the ice never looked real. So I struggled: Should I paint this the colors they want, because that’s what the rules say? Or should I color it the way I want, because I think their colors look like crap?
UW: That’s pretty much the dilemma of life in a nutshell right there, right?
Re: Jack Del Rio’s leather jacket
What a horrible, Reebok-influenced outfit. I was worried that the Jags’ disappointing season would mean both suited coaches would be fired by the end of the year. If Del Rio is going to wear an out-of-fashion leather blazer with a logo instead of a real suit, I say fire the guy. No doubt this is Reebok pushing their influence on the coaches’ attire. I liked Mike Nolan and Jack Del Rio in their attempt to buck the system. Unfortunately…the system wins.
Does anyone know the names of the typeface used on the shirts in on the left in this link? link
[quote comment=”303018″]Greatest exchange, ever, in Uniwatch:
AH: Right. I did a lot of that. But they kind of annoyed me because the colors they specified for the ice never looked real. So I struggled: Should I paint this the colors they want, because that’s what the rules say? Or should I color it the way I want, because I think their colors look like crap?
UW: That’s pretty much the dilemma of life in a nutshell right there, right?
I’m still partial to this:
“Fuck this,” he said, heading over to an equipment locker, “I’ll make my own motherfucking stirrups.”
Great interview Paul, can’t wait for the next episode of the Uni art files….
During a rather pointless discussion here at work, found an interesting link on Santa’s Uni and how the current Santa came to be
It just shows the power of ads
Wow. Drew Carey looks fatter than ever.
[quote comment=”303021″][quote comment=”303018″]Greatest exchange, ever, in Uniwatch:
AH: Right. I did a lot of that. But they kind of annoyed me because the colors they specified for the ice never looked real. So I struggled: Should I paint this the colors they want, because that’s what the rules say? Or should I color it the way I want, because I think their colors look like crap?
UW: That’s pretty much the dilemma of life in a nutshell right there, right?
I’m still partial to this:
“Fuck this,” he said, heading over to an equipment locker, “I’ll make my own motherfucking stirrups.”[/quote]
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I originally read Paul’s Camden Riversharks piece, I TOTALLY skipped over the section that talked about the other guy to throw out the first pitch, described by Paul as, “the other one was a small planetoid who I believe plays for Philadelphia’s arena football team, although I was too busy trying to avoid his gravitational field to catch all the details. ”
That is Phillip Bogle, one of my HS teammates and a good friend of mine!!!
Mr. Powers, do you know if Aaron Smith of the Pittsburgh Steelers wears an odd type of helmet that makes it fit the way it does on his head or is it a conventional model just sized smaller?
[quote comment=”303023″]Wow. Drew Carey looks fatter than ever.[/quote]
That’s what happens after you stop doing Adkins…
and the Price is Wrong with that barney painted wheel!
[quote comment=”303025″]Mr. Powers, do you know if Aaron Smith of the Pittsburgh Steelers wears an odd type of helmet that makes it fit the way it does on his head or is it a conventional model just sized smaller?[/quote]
Smith wears the first generation Riddell Revolution.
What makes it seemingly fit strangely on his head is the facemask.
Usually, the Revo masks cover more of the face because of it’s lower ear and jaw coverage, whereas this one is based upon this later Boomer style mask:
Nice pumps in pic 1.
By the way, while we’re on the subject of the Steelers and helmets:
Last week someone was asking about Big Ben’s facemask:
It was similar to McNabb’s from Cuse:
Colvin, Kiwanuka, and Jacobs wear variations:
Add Matt Jones to the collection:
With the Jags, on a Schutt, no less:
At Arkansas, also on a Schutt,
Sure the guys gained a little (more) weight, but calling him “The Big Wheel”? … ok … maybe that fits … but still, it’s just a purple tie, they didn’t paint him.
Usually I find the interviews aren’t that interesting (for me, I’m sure others find they are the best articles) but I couldn’t stop reading today. I didn’t even notice that my boss came in and has been sitting just off behind me for who knows how long (she is doing her own thing, not sitting watching me, thankfully). And I don’t even know what strat-o-matic is.. I think I’m too young. I thought it was that football game where that vibrated the players all over the place until dice were mentioned. Regardless it reminded me of when I was a kid and my friend and I would do shootouts and keep stats of which players did the best. (one of us would be the goalie and one would be the shooter, alternating between 5 NHL players that we picked that day)
While looking at the Sears Wishbook picture, my eyes were drawn to the Raiders shirt (I’m from Oakland,) and all these painful memories came rushing back. You see, every team has the city included on the shirt (San Francisco 49ers, Dallas Cowboys and etc.) … except for my team.
Why? Because Al Davis is a heartbreaker.
It’s a practice they continue to this day. Most of their merchandise is sans “Oakland.”
Commitment to Can’t Commit.
[quote comment=”303028″]Sure the guys gained a little (more) weight, but calling him “The Big Wheel”? … ok … maybe that fits … but still, it’s just a purple tie, they didn’t paint him.[/quote]
Just more fat bashing from the skinner-than-thou UW set!!!!
[quote comment=”303030″]While looking at the Sears Wishbook picture, my eyes were drawn to the Raiders shirt (I’m from Oakland,) and all these painful memories came rushing back. You see, every team has the city included on the shirt (San Francisco 49ers, Dallas Cowboys and etc.) … except for my team.
Why? Because Al Davis is a heartbreaker.
It’s a practice they continue to this day. Most of their merchandise is sans “Oakland.”
Commitment to Can’t Commit.[/quote]
This goes for their time in LA too. There was a Starter coaches cap that was quite popular: simple wool cap, solid color on crown and bill, plain block letters of the team’s name with the city name in smaller letters above it.
Except for the Raiders’ cap: just said RAIDERS.
[quote comment=”303027″][quote comment=”303025″]Mr. Powers, do you know if Aaron Smith of the Pittsburgh Steelers wears an odd type of helmet that makes it fit the way it does on his head or is it a conventional model just sized smaller?[/quote]
Smith wears the first generation Riddell Revolution.
What makes it seemingly fit strangely on his head is the facemask.
Usually, the Revo masks cover more of the face because of it’s lower ear and jaw coverage, whereas this one is based upon this later Boomer style mask:
Nice pumps in pic 1.
By the way, while we’re on the subject of the Steelers and helmets:
Last week someone was asking about Big Ben’s facemask:
It was similar to McNabb’s from Cuse:
Colvin, Kiwanuka, and Jacobs wear variations:
Add Matt Jones to the collection:
With the Jags, on a Schutt, no less:
At Arkansas, also on a Schutt,
Thanks, I knew you’d be able to help!
Pete Carroll should be an honorary Uniwatch member.
Carroll wanted to wear the USC home red jersey this weekend at UCLA and return a tradition of both teams wearing home uniforms. This tradition was abandoned in the early 80’s when the NCAA required one team to wear white.
Carroll said they will wear the red jersey anyway and the NCAA said fine…but they would be restricted to 2 timeouts per half. Carroll agreed.
Dumb or awesome decision on Carroll’s part? I think I know what this website will think….
[quote comment=”303033″][quote comment=”303027″][quote comment=”303025″]Mr. Powers, do you know if Aaron Smith of the Pittsburgh Steelers wears an odd type of helmet that makes it fit the way it does on his head or is it a conventional model just sized smaller?[/quote]
Smith wears the first generation Riddell Revolution.
What makes it seemingly fit strangely on his head is the facemask.
Usually, the Revo masks cover more of the face because of it’s lower ear and jaw coverage, whereas this one is based upon this later Boomer style mask:
Nice pumps in pic 1.
By the way, while we’re on the subject of the Steelers and helmets:
Last week someone was asking about Big Ben’s facemask:
It was similar to McNabb’s from Cuse:
Colvin, Kiwanuka, and Jacobs wear variations:
Add Matt Jones to the collection:
With the Jags, on a Schutt, no less:
At Arkansas, also on a Schutt,
Thanks, I knew you’d be able to help![/quote]
The reason these masks look a little different is because they are all XL and are only suppose to be worn on size XL helmets.
A while back someone brought up Frank Minnifield of the Browns who would drill extra holes for his chin strap hook ups, thus making his helmet fit tighter onto his head.
A few players today REALLY bring this to mind:
Lendale White:
Chris Johnson:
Marion Barber:
Devin Hester:
Marshawn Lynch:
Stephen Jackson:
Dre Bly:
Santana Moss:
Kevin Boss:
They all wear this mask:
Almost all of them, except Lynch, and I believe Johnson wear Schutts.
A few od them have Dreads, but not all.
Unique team photo (scroll down to the Phil. Rockets section)…two goalies wearing the same number, but different color sweaters…
teebz…any info why?
Correction, the Titans Chris Johnson DOES wear a Schutt.
also, AHL: San Antonio Rampage and The Amerks are on pace to break the Binghamton Whalers record for worst season a dishonor that currently belongs to the 1988-89 Binghamton Whalers (11-60-9).
lazy logo too: link
[quote comment=”303034″]Pete Carroll should be an honorary Uniwatch member.
Carroll wanted to wear the USC home red jersey this weekend at UCLA and return a tradition of both teams wearing home uniforms. This tradition was abandoned in the early 80’s when the NCAA required one team to wear white.
Carroll said they will wear the red jersey anyway and the NCAA said fine…but they would be restricted to 2 timeouts per half. Carroll agreed.
Dumb or awesome decision on Carroll’s part? I think I know what this website will think….
The Trojans probably won’t need any of their timeouts to beat UCLA…remember what BYU did to the Bruins….BYU???!!!???
[quote comment=”303027″][quote comment=”303025″]Mr. Powers, do you know if Aaron Smith of the Pittsburgh Steelers wears an odd type of helmet that makes it fit the way it does on his head or is it a conventional model just sized smaller?[/quote]
Smith wears the first generation Riddell Revolution.
What makes it seemingly fit strangely on his head is the facemask.
Usually, the Revo masks cover more of the face because of it’s lower ear and jaw coverage, whereas this one is based upon this later Boomer style mask:
Nice pumps in pic 1.
By the way, while we’re on the subject of the Steelers and helmets:
Last week someone was asking about Big Ben’s facemask:
It was similar to McNabb’s from Cuse:
Colvin, Kiwanuka, and Jacobs wear variations:
Add Matt Jones to the collection:
With the Jags, on a Schutt, no less:
At Arkansas, also on a Schutt,
I brought that up last week, was watching the game last night and it was the first thing I thought of when Matt Jones caught his first pass. Great minds think alike?
[quote comment=”303040″][quote comment=”303034″]Pete Carroll should be an honorary Uniwatch member.
Carroll wanted to wear the USC home red jersey this weekend at UCLA and return a tradition of both teams wearing home uniforms. This tradition was abandoned in the early 80’s when the NCAA required one team to wear white.
Carroll said they will wear the red jersey anyway and the NCAA said fine…but they would be restricted to 2 timeouts per half. Carroll agreed.
Dumb or awesome decision on Carroll’s part? I think I know what this website will think….
The Trojans probably won’t need any of their timeouts to beat UCLA…remember what BYU did to the Bruins….BYU???!!!???[/quote]
Oh…and yes, I do realize this was covered in the ticker. I just thought it should get more play. I wasn’t going to watch this game, but now…
This question is off topic from the interview but Paul said to post it here. I am looking for information about the Arizona Wildcats Football uniforms worn in the 1989 Copper Bowl game against NC State. I would love to see photos but knowing that is a long shot, I need to know about the pants, color and whether (and type) there were stripe(s) on the side, and also, shoes, brand, and color. Plus socks, color and height on leg (full, half, etc). I have good information on the jersey and helmet already. Thanks for any help in this matter, greatly appreciated.
Great Kornheiser quote from MNF last night. He said the Texans looked like bottles of ketchup.
[quote comment=”303045″]Great Kornheiser quote from MNF last night. He said the Texans looked like bottles of ketchup.[/quote]
Nothing that man says is “great”….nothing…I hate MNF on ESPN/ABC/Disney…
[quote comment=”303020″]Does anyone know the names of the typeface used on the shirts in on the left in this link? link
I don’t believe Century Gothic was around back then – but if you are looking to mimic it, you might try that with an edit to the lower case letter height.
That MNF game was so hard to watch on so many levels. In addition to the unis, Del Rio’s jacket and the ref’s slacks, I was annoyed by the blue ring from the stadium lights reflected in both team’s helmets all night. Just a horrendous visual experience all the way around.
Here’s an OK example of the reflection issue:
[quote comment=”303034″]Pete Carroll should be an honorary Uniwatch member.
Carroll wanted to wear the USC home red jersey this weekend at UCLA and return a tradition of both teams wearing home uniforms. This tradition was abandoned in the early 80’s when the NCAA required one team to wear white.
Carroll said they will wear the red jersey anyway and the NCAA said fine…but they would be restricted to 2 timeouts per half. Carroll agreed.
Dumb or awesome decision on Carroll’s part? I think I know what this website will think….
You beat me to it, posted on ESPN.com as well:
[quote comment=”303048″]That MNF game was so hard to watch on so many levels. In addition to the unis, Del Rio’s jacket and the ref’s slacks, I was annoyed by the blue ring from the stadium lights reflected in both team’s helmets all night. Just a horrendous visual experience all the way around.
Here’s an OK example of the reflection issue:
From that gallery, there’s a much better pic of Taylor’s Revo Speed:
[quote comment=”303050″][quote comment=”303048″]That MNF game was so hard to watch on so many levels. In addition to the unis, Del Rio’s jacket and the ref’s slacks, I was annoyed by the blue ring from the stadium lights reflected in both team’s helmets all night. Just a horrendous visual experience all the way around.
Here’s an OK example of the reflection issue:
From that gallery, there’s a much better pic of Taylor’s Revo Speed:
Behind Taylor, check out the Texan with the Player Exclusive Air Jordan VI cleats.
He’ll probably get fined considering they’re base black and they wore White last night.
[quote comment=”303037″]Unique team photo (scroll down to the Phil. Rockets section)…two goalies wearing the same number, but different color sweaters…
teebz…any info why?[/quote]
And a coach with a vertically striped tie!:
Loved the interview. When I was a kid, I’d take typing paper, put it behind a newspaper or magazine page and trace the athlete – generally a football player – then redo the uniform as I thought it should be using color pencils. Wish I had hung on to those drawings, but there were reams and reams of them and my mother thought it was such a huge waste of paper, so I had to do it covertly. Besides, it was such a nerdy thing to do. My friends were actually playing sports. I remember in particular the difficulty doing facemasks. (The Chiefs had some weird facemask protocol going on back then.) For some reason, I was fixated on helmet stripes and pant stripes, then sleeve stripes and stocking stripes. The inconsistencies drove me batty. Now, it’s pretty much whatever, i.e. Bills.
[quote]Just more fat bashing from the skinner-than-thou UW set!!!![/quote]
we need to put you on the “powers does the treadmill” plan douggie ;)
I have a uniform problem that needs to be be solved. My dad, Mike Okray, is the equipment manager and the athletic facilities manager at the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point (UWSP) in Stevens Point, WI. (Actually, Paul did an interview with him in March of ’07)
Anyways… he has run into a problem with the baseball uniforms yet again. The pants are re-used every year, and every other year or so the pants change players who of course have a different number. Before my dad was in charge of things, people usually wrote with sharpie the number of the player on the tag in the back. Well, after a few years, there are a bunch of numbers on there and after some washes it bleeds a bit and my dad has a tough time telling which numbers are current and what are from years ago, and even has a hard time reading the numbers anyways. He wants some sort of system that he can read clearly, but start fresh the next year. He has thought of a possible velcro patch in the back, but would this come off in the wash? Are there any other suggestions? Let me know and I will forward the suggestions to my dad.
great blog! i am 40 years old and still play an hour or so of strat-o-matic computer hockey each night. :-)
[quote comment=”303037″]Unique team photo (scroll down to the Phil. Rockets section)…two goalies wearing the same number, but different color sweaters…
teebz…any info why?[/quote]
One is the starter, and wears the team uniform. The other is the practice/back-up goalie, and wears the alternate colour. Both men wore #1 since you could only dress one goalie during that time.
Harvey Jessimen is the man with the dark sweater on. He played 38 games in the 1947-48 season. Maurice Courteau is the goalie in the white sweater. He played a total of 30 games that season. Courteau was in the decline of his career during this season, and retired in 1950. Courteau went a horrible 8-21-1-1 that season… earning him the backup role.
[quote comment=”303034″]Pete Carroll should be an honorary Uniwatch member.
Carroll wanted to wear the USC home red jersey this weekend at UCLA and return a tradition of both teams wearing home uniforms. This tradition was abandoned in the early 80’s when the NCAA required one team to wear white.
Carroll said they will wear the red jersey anyway and the NCAA said fine…but they would be restricted to 2 timeouts per half. Carroll agreed.
Dumb or awesome decision on Carroll’s part? I think I know what this website will think….
A long time ago, when this was first being discussed, I remember reading that USC wearing red while away at UCLA in home blues would warrant a lost timeout for each half AND a 15-yard penalty. In that same article, UCLA coach Rick Neuheisel indicated he would even it out by declining the penalty and burning his first timeout as quickly as possible.
Give Rick Neuheisel some Uni Watch credit too. He could have taken advantage of the 15 yards and extra timeouts, but it’s clear he likes a good-looking, traditional, red vs blue game as much as Pete Carroll.
[quote comment=”303055″]I have a uniform problem that needs to be be solved. My dad, Mike Okray, is the equipment manager and the athletic facilities manager at the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point (UWSP) in Stevens Point, WI. (Actually, Paul did an interview with him in March of ’07)
Anyways… he has run into a problem with the baseball uniforms yet again. The pants are re-used every year, and every other year or so the pants change players who of course have a different number. Before my dad was in charge of things, people usually wrote with sharpie the number of the player on the tag in the back. Well, after a few years, there are a bunch of numbers on there and after some washes it bleeds a bit and my dad has a tough time telling which numbers are current and what are from years ago, and even has a hard time reading the numbers anyways. He wants some sort of system that he can read clearly, but start fresh the next year. He has thought of a possible velcro patch in the back, but would this come off in the wash? Are there any other suggestions? Let me know and I will forward the suggestions to my dad.[/quote]
What about an old-fashioned, sewn-in laundry label? It could be link and replaced each year (or whenever) without doing damage to the fabric and wouldn’t irritate the players the way a velcro patch might.
I would have liked to have asked why all the Mitchell and Ness stuff is so #$%^ expensive.
It’s not the costs to create them. Of course, they probably have an exclusive licence, but the leagues should insist that their fans not be gouged.
[quote comment=”303055″]I have a uniform problem that needs to be be solved. My dad, Mike Okray, is the equipment manager and the athletic facilities manager at the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point (UWSP) in Stevens Point, WI. (Actually, Paul did an interview with him in March of ’07)
Anyways… he has run into a problem with the baseball uniforms yet again. The pants are re-used every year, and every other year or so the pants change players who of course have a different number. Before my dad was in charge of things, people usually wrote with sharpie the number of the player on the tag in the back. Well, after a few years, there are a bunch of numbers on there and after some washes it bleeds a bit and my dad has a tough time telling which numbers are current and what are from years ago, and even has a hard time reading the numbers anyways. He wants some sort of system that he can read clearly, but start fresh the next year. He has thought of a possible velcro patch in the back, but would this come off in the wash? Are there any other suggestions? Let me know and I will forward the suggestions to my dad.[/quote]
Get iron-on tags with players’ names and numbers. Then when the players graduate or change their waist sizes, lay a new tag over it.
(More labor intensive, but still the same idea: sew them in, and when necessary, remove and replace with an up-to-date label.)
Man he’s got a lot of shit around his waist. Towel, check. Wristband with play calls, check. Gloves, check. Hand muff, check.
[quote] the leagues should insist that their fans not be gouged.[/quote]
of course
[quote comment=”303062″]Man he’s got a lot of shit around his waist. Towel, check. Wristband with play calls, check. Gloves, check. Hand muff, check.
he’s also loaded for adidas bear, but he’s got a UA turtleneck…and … is that a cup or is he really happy to be under center?
[quote comment=”303054″][quote]Just more fat bashing from the skinner-than-thou UW set!!!![/quote]
we need to put you on the “powers does the treadmill” plan douggie ;)[/quote]
Is that the club where the rules state I have to wear Nike shoes, socks, windpants, t-shirt, windbreaker, wristbands and headband?!?!?
Just teasin’ Powers, much love!
[quote comment=”303062″]Man he’s got a lot of shit around his waist. Towel, check. Wristband with play calls, check. Gloves, check. Hand muff, check.
Kenny, it definitely seems like he could use one of these: link
Maybe they can come up with a school-specific model for him.
[quote comment=”303044″]This question is off topic from the interview but Paul said to post it here. I am looking for information about the Arizona Wildcats Football uniforms worn in the 1989 Copper Bowl game against NC State. I would love to see photos but knowing that is a long shot, I need to know about the pants, color and whether (and type) there were stripe(s) on the side, and also, shoes, brand, and color. Plus socks, color and height on leg (full, half, etc). I have good information on the jersey and helmet already. Thanks for any help in this matter, greatly appreciated.[/quote]
As a former Wildcat(backup PK 98,99), this was in my wheelhouse. Here is Chuck Cecil wearing the pants that would have still been used in 89 Copper Bowl. link or like these from the 94 season. link Starter was the manufacturer and the team rarely went monochrome with the uniforms.
I am not too sure when the switch from blue-white-red was made to red-white-blue. Blue pants (same template) were worn with white jerseys. They had the script Cats on the pants as well. Hope this helps.
My guess is the Jim Abbott pics are from Sunday, April 8th, 1990. (Regular season started on the 9th that year because of the lockout.) He pitched in that day’s “Freeway Series” (another commenter mentioned these games last week) exhibition game vs the Dodgers in LA, according to news articles I’ve found. NL park, he was probably in the lineup. And the blue fence suggests Dodger Stadium.
[quote comment=”303057″][quote comment=”303037″]Unique team photo (scroll down to the Phil. Rockets section)…two goalies wearing the same number, but different color sweaters…
teebz…any info why?[/quote]
One is the starter, and wears the team uniform. The other is the practice/back-up goalie, and wears the alternate colour. Both men wore #1 since you could only dress one goalie during that time.
Harvey Jessimen is the man with the dark sweater on. He played 38 games in the 1947-48 season. Maurice Courteau is the goalie in the white sweater. He played a total of 30 games that season. Courteau was in the decline of his career during this season, and retired in 1950. Courteau went a horrible 8-21-1-1 that season… earning him the backup role.[/quote]
Once again, I would like to announce my love for old hockey photos. Could look at them all day long and not get bored.
Anyone notice something about the goalie equipment? Anyone? Bueller?
[quote comment=”303069″][quote comment=”303044″]This question is off topic from the interview but Paul said to post it here. I am looking for information about the Arizona Wildcats Football uniforms worn in the 1989 Copper Bowl game against NC State. I would love to see photos but knowing that is a long shot, I need to know about the pants, color and whether (and type) there were stripe(s) on the side, and also, shoes, brand, and color. Plus socks, color and height on leg (full, half, etc). I have good information on the jersey and helmet already. Thanks for any help in this matter, greatly appreciated.[/quote]
As a former Wildcat(backup PK 98,99), this was in my wheelhouse. Here is Chuck Cecil wearing the pants that would have still been used in 89 Copper Bowl. link or like these from the 94 season. link Starter was the manufacturer and the team rarely went monochrome with the uniforms.
I am not too sure when the switch from blue-white-red was made to red-white-blue. Blue pants (same template) were worn with white jerseys. They had the script Cats on the pants as well. Hope this helps.[/quote]
Thanks for the info. I have some information already, I am working on a gift item for a family member of a team player from that year. He was told by the player in question that the Wildcats wore blue jerseys, and blue pants in that game only (and blue shoes which doesn’t jive with photos which show white shoes). All the photos I have found confirm what you indicated, white pants with blue jersey’s. They must have tried something new for the bowl game. I am not doubting blue pants, but if so, was there a stripe? This is turning out to be a tough find.
Again, thanks for the help orlandor
could you be refering to fact that NO blocker pad and the goalies could switch stick hands ?
I absolutely adore that coat. I’m jealous. It’s even better than that “sweater” (I can’t remember how you referred to it) that you were wearing recently at Shea.
Thanks again for another round of recognition, Paul.
[quote comment=”303072″][quote comment=”303069″][quote comment=”303044″]This question is off topic from the interview but Paul said to post it here. I am looking for information about the Arizona Wildcats Football uniforms worn in the 1989 Copper Bowl game against NC State. I would love to see photos but knowing that is a long shot, I need to know about the pants, color and whether (and type) there were stripe(s) on the side, and also, shoes, brand, and color. Plus socks, color and height on leg (full, half, etc). I have good information on the jersey and helmet already. Thanks for any help in this matter, greatly appreciated.[/quote]
As a former Wildcat(backup PK 98,99), this was in my wheelhouse. Here is Chuck Cecil wearing the pants that would have still been used in 89 Copper Bowl. link or like these from the 94 season. link Starter was the manufacturer and the team rarely went monochrome with the uniforms.
I am not too sure when the switch from blue-white-red was made to red-white-blue. Blue pants (same template) were worn with white jerseys. They had the script Cats on the pants as well. Hope this helps.[/quote]
Thanks for the info. I have some information already, I am working on a gift item for a family member of a team player from that year. He was told by the player in question that the Wildcats wore blue jerseys, and blue pants in that game only (and blue shoes which doesn’t jive with photos which show white shoes). All the photos I have found confirm what you indicated, white pants with blue jersey’s. They must have tried something new for the bowl game. I am not doubting blue pants, but if so, was there a stripe? This is turning out to be a tough find.
Again, thanks for the help orlandor[/quote]
Have you tried contacting the school?
Maybe they have yearbooks with pictures or maybe there’s someone in the athletic dept. who knows…
[quote comment=”303071″][quote comment=”303057″][quote comment=”303037″]Unique team photo (scroll down to the Phil. Rockets section)…two goalies wearing the same number, but different color sweaters…
teebz…any info why?[/quote]
One is the starter, and wears the team uniform. The other is the practice/back-up goalie, and wears the alternate colour. Both men wore #1 since you could only dress one goalie during that time.
Harvey Jessimen is the man with the dark sweater on. He played 38 games in the 1947-48 season. Maurice Courteau is the goalie in the white sweater. He played a total of 30 games that season. Courteau was in the decline of his career during this season, and retired in 1950. Courteau went a horrible 8-21-1-1 that season… earning him the backup role.[/quote]
Once again, I would like to announce my love for old hockey photos. Could look at them all day long and not get bored.
Anyone notice something about the goalie equipment? Anyone? Bueller?[/quote]
Now that you mention it, Jim/Teebz, I have a question. I tinkered as a goalie (as much as any Northern Kentucky kid could) and I have to ask. In regards to this picture: link
it appears that they are wearing dual gloves; how the devil were they able to not only hold on to the stick, but to be able to use it in a successful manner?
Yes, that jacket looks great with your 1997 goatee!
[quote comment=”303075″][quote comment=”303072″][quote comment=”303069″][quote comment=”303044″]This question is off topic from the interview but Paul said to post it here. I am looking for information about the Arizona Wildcats Football uniforms worn in the 1989 Copper Bowl game against NC State. I would love to see photos but knowing that is a long shot, I need to know about the pants, color and whether (and type) there were stripe(s) on the side, and also, shoes, brand, and color. Plus socks, color and height on leg (full, half, etc). I have good information on the jersey and helmet already. Thanks for any help in this matter, greatly appreciated.[/quote]
As a former Wildcat(backup PK 98,99), this was in my wheelhouse. Here is Chuck Cecil wearing the pants that would have still been used in 89 Copper Bowl. link or like these from the 94 season. link Starter was the manufacturer and the team rarely went monochrome with the uniforms.
I am not too sure when the switch from blue-white-red was made to red-white-blue. Blue pants (same template) were worn with white jerseys. They had the script Cats on the pants as well. Hope this helps.[/quote]
Thanks for the info. I have some information already, I am working on a gift item for a family member of a team player from that year. He was told by the player in question that the Wildcats wore blue jerseys, and blue pants in that game only (and blue shoes which doesn’t jive with photos which show white shoes). All the photos I have found confirm what you indicated, white pants with blue jersey’s. They must have tried something new for the bowl game. I am not doubting blue pants, but if so, was there a stripe? This is turning out to be a tough find.
Again, thanks for the help orlandor[/quote]
Have you tried contacting the school?
Maybe they have yearbooks with pictures or maybe there’s someone in the athletic dept. who knows…[/quote]
I have an email to one of the football coaches who played on that team and another to a public relations person, haven’t heard back from either, although just sent out yesterday. I have posted threads on fan forum sites with some response but not the details I am looking for, at least not yet. Am open to other ideas though. Thanks for the suggestions
[quote comment=”303077″]Yes, that jacket looks great with your 1997 goatee![/quote]
Geez, ripping on Paul’s goatee is about as original ripping on fat people.
What’s the great dot on the back of the QB’s helmet? (Have you guys noticed that defensive players have it this year too?)
I know, I know, I should just STFU and start my own website!!!!!!!
[quote comment=”303079″][quote comment=”303077″]Yes, that jacket looks great with your 1997 goatee![/quote]
Geez, ripping on Paul’s goatee is about as original ripping on fat people.
What’s the GREEN dot on the back of the QB’s helmet? (Have you guys noticed that defensive players have it this year too?)
I know, I know, I should just STFU and start my own website!!!!!!!
[quote comment=”303073″]could you be refering to fact that NO blocker pad and the goalies could switch stick hands ?[/quote]
Ding Ding!!
This actually reminded me of a semi-recent case of this, but it was two blockers. Dan Blackburn (former UofM and NYR) had nerve damage or something weird in his elbow/shoulder and had a tough time closing his hand in time to catch a puck, so he did this…
Thats a Victoria Salmon Kings Jersey….actually.,…arent they part of the Canucks now?
why would have been wearing that Jersey…he never played for the Salmon Kings…
[quote comment=”303074″]I absolutely adore that coat. I’m jealous. It’s even better than that “sweater” (I can’t remember how you referred to it) that you were wearing recently at Shea.
Thanks again for another round of recognition, Paul.[/quote]
Hey, I had one those in the very early 70’s, in a medium brown pinwhale corduroy.
Often wore it with an ivory fisherman’s cable turtleneck sweater. Very professorial. Perfect for ponderously puffing a pipe, or posing poised and polished at a Princeton pre-game. Except I was only 24, and I didn’t go Princeton.
[quote comment=”303083″]why would have been wearing that Jersey…he never played for the Salmon Kings…
The guy pictured isn’t Mike Dunham.
[quote comment=”303085″][quote comment=”303083″]why would have been wearing that Jersey…he never played for the Salmon Kings…
The guy pictured isn’t Mike Dunham.[/quote]
It’s Dan Blackburn
[quote comment=”303084″][quote comment=”303074″]I absolutely adore that coat. I’m jealous. It’s even better than that “sweater” (I can’t remember how you referred to it) that you were wearing recently at Shea.
Thanks again for another round of recognition, Paul.[/quote]
Hey, I had one those in the very early 70’s, in a medium brown pinwhale corduroy.
Often wore it with an ivory fisherman’s cable turtleneck sweater. Very professorial. Perfect for ponderously puffing a pipe, or posing poised and polished at a Princeton pre-game. Except I was only 24, and I didn’t go Princeton.
Did somebody say corduroy?
They’re my pants of choice. I only wear blue jeans when my cords are dirty…
I love my pants.
[quote comment=”303086″][quote comment=”303085″][quote comment=”303083″]why would have been wearing that Jersey…he never played for the Salmon Kings…
The guy pictured isn’t Mike Dunham.[/quote]
It’s Dan Blackburn[/quote]
I know. He grabbed the wrong person’s statistics.
[quote comment=”303066″][quote comment=”303054″][quote]Just more fat bashing from the skinner-than-thou UW set!!!![/quote]
we need to put you on the “powers does the treadmill” plan douggie ;)[/quote]
Is that the club where the rules state I have to wear Nike shoes, socks, windpants, t-shirt, windbreaker, wristbands and headband?!?!?
Just teasin’ Powers, much love![/quote]
No worries, Kek.
With the weather getting cooler and the sunlight becoming scarce, I find itharder and harder to get up for the gym at 6AM.
So last night, I went to the gym after the kids were down and today’s clothes were pressed.
The gym had recently moved locations and the new spot just installed flat screens above the treadmill, elliptical area.
So as I ran, I listened to my Ipod, watched MNF and made mental uni-notes, I did wear these:
Conveniently, Oregon gear matches Wagner gear very closely.
[quote comment=\”303078\”][quote comment=\”303075\”][quote comment=\”303072\”][quote comment=\”303069\”][quote comment=\”303044\”]This question is off topic from the interview but Paul said to post it here. I am looking for information about the Arizona Wildcats Football uniforms worn in the 1989 Copper Bowl game against NC State. I would love to see photos but knowing that is a long shot, I need to know about the pants, color and whether (and type) there were stripe(s) on the side, and also, shoes, brand, and color. Plus socks, color and height on leg (full, half, etc). I have good information on the jersey and helmet already. Thanks for any help in this matter, greatly appreciated.[/quote]
As a former Wildcat(backup PK 98,99), this was in my wheelhouse. Here is Chuck Cecil wearing the pants that would have still been used in 89 Copper Bowl. link or like these from the 94 season. link Starter was the manufacturer and the team rarely went monochrome with the uniforms.
I am not too sure when the switch from blue-white-red was made to red-white-blue. Blue pants (same template) were worn with white jerseys. They had the script Cats on the pants as well. Hope this helps.[/quote]
Thanks for the info. I have some information already, I am working on a gift item for a family member of a team player from that year. He was told by the player in question that the Wildcats wore blue jerseys, and blue pants in that game only (and blue shoes which doesn\’t jive with photos which show white shoes). All the photos I have found confirm what you indicated, white pants with blue jersey\’s. They must have tried something new for the bowl game. I am not doubting blue pants, but if so, was there a stripe? This is turning out to be a tough find.
Again, thanks for the help orlandor[/quote]
Have you tried contacting the school?
Maybe they have yearbooks with pictures or maybe there\’s someone in the athletic dept. who knows…[/quote]
I have an email to one of the football coaches who played on that team and another to a public relations person, haven\’t heard back from either, although just sent out yesterday. I have posted threads on fan forum sites with some response but not the details I am looking for, at least not yet. Am open to other ideas though. Thanks for the suggestions[/quote]
Rob Brown,
No stripes, just Cats. Look here: link
[quote comment=”303077″]Yes, that jacket looks great with your 1997 goatee![/quote]
Comments like this crack me up. I grew my beard in 1992, and I was about four years late by NYC standards — at least if you view it as something tied to a particular era. But I don’t wear it based on the calendar; I wear it because (a) I think I look better with it than without it, and (b) I hate shaving.
Paul, My favorite detail from the photos of your new jacket had nothing to do with fabric, belts, or pleats — your cat jumping on the table to (I assume) sit on the jacket. My cats do the same thing any time I lay out clothing.
[quote comment=”303088″][quote comment=”303086″][quote comment=”303085″][quote comment=”303083″]why would have been wearing that Jersey…he never played for the Salmon Kings…
The guy pictured isn’t Mike Dunham.[/quote]
It’s Dan Blackburn[/quote]
I know. He grabbed the wrong person’s statistics.[/quote]
I figured you knew Hemogoblin, I was correcting the other guy. Should have quoted his post. Sorry
My Bad,…thanks for correcting that!
[quote comment=\”303089\”][quote comment=\”303066\”][quote comment=\”303054\”][quote]Just more fat bashing from the skinner-than-thou UW set!!!![/quote]
we need to put you on the \”powers does the treadmill\” plan douggie ;)[/quote]
Is that the club where the rules state I have to wear Nike shoes, socks, windpants, t-shirt, windbreaker, wristbands and headband?!?!?
Just teasin\’ Powers, much love![/quote]
No worries, Kek.
I did wear these, though:
Diarrhea of the keyboard notwithstanding.
I just find it weird that Blackburn was wearing a Rangers Mask with them…
[quote comment=”303090″][quote comment=\”303078\”][quote comment=\”303075\”][quote comment=\”303072\”][quote comment=\”303069\”][quote comment=\”303044\”]This question is off topic from the interview but Paul said to post it here. I am looking for information about the Arizona Wildcats Football uniforms worn in the 1989 Copper Bowl game against NC State. I would love to see photos but knowing that is a long shot, I need to know about the pants, color and whether (and type) there were stripe(s) on the side, and also, shoes, brand, and color. Plus socks, color and height on leg (full, half, etc). I have good information on the jersey and helmet already. Thanks for any help in this matter, greatly appreciated.[/quote]
As a former Wildcat(backup PK 98,99), this was in my wheelhouse. Here is Chuck Cecil wearing the pants that would have still been used in 89 Copper Bowl. link or like these from the 94 season. link Starter was the manufacturer and the team rarely went monochrome with the uniforms.
I am not too sure when the switch from blue-white-red was made to red-white-blue. Blue pants (same template) were worn with white jerseys. They had the script Cats on the pants as well. Hope this helps.[/quote]
Thanks for the info. I have some information already, I am working on a gift item for a family member of a team player from that year. He was told by the player in question that the Wildcats wore blue jerseys, and blue pants in that game only (and blue shoes which doesn\’t jive with photos which show white shoes). All the photos I have found confirm what you indicated, white pants with blue jersey\’s. They must have tried something new for the bowl game. I am not doubting blue pants, but if so, was there a stripe? This is turning out to be a tough find.
Again, thanks for the help orlandor[/quote]
Have you tried contacting the school?
Maybe they have yearbooks with pictures or maybe there\’s someone in the athletic dept. who knows…[/quote]
I have an email to one of the football coaches who played on that team and another to a public relations person, haven\’t heard back from either, although just sent out yesterday. I have posted threads on fan forum sites with some response but not the details I am looking for, at least not yet. Am open to other ideas though. Thanks for the suggestions[/quote]
Rob Brown,
No stripes, just Cats. Look here: link
thanks for posting the picture. I have seen the all blue pants but only in later years (mid-90’s on)so I wasn’t sure if they wore those in 1989. I will likely have to assume that to be the case if I don’t hear anything different though. Once again, thanks for helping out.
[quote comment=”303091″][quote comment=”303077″]Yes, that jacket looks great with your 1997 goatee![/quote]
Comments like this crack me up. I grew my beard in 1992, and I was about four years late by NYC standards — at least if you view it as something tied to a particular era. But I don’t wear it based on the calendar; I wear it because (a) I think I look better with it than without it, and (b) I hate shaving.[/quote]
Nope. You just look like an out-of-style midwesterner. (Or Long Islander. Same thing.)
[quote]I love my pants.[/quote]
thanks for sharing, kenny
I do enjoy wathcing video of goalies from the 40s & 50s before the position became more specialized (bigger pads, blockers, catching gloves and masks)back then
[quote comment=”303099″][quote]I love my pants.[/quote]
thanks for sharing, kenny[/quote]
Phil, you’re just angry that you’re not in my pants right now.
They’re that comfortable.
[quote comment=”303098″][quote comment=”303091″][quote comment=”303077″]Yes, that jacket looks great with your 1997 goatee![/quote]
Comments like this crack me up. I grew my beard in 1992, and I was about four years late by NYC standards — at least if you view it as something tied to a particular era. But I don’t wear it based on the calendar; I wear it because (a) I think I look better with it than without it, and (b) I hate shaving.[/quote]
Nope. You just look like an out-of-style midwesterner. (Or Long Islander. Same thing.)[/quote]
As long as the “dude abides” the goatee shall remain timeless.
[quote comment=”303092″]Paul, My favorite detail from the photos of your new jacket had nothing to do with fabric, belts, or pleats — your cat jumping on the table to (I assume) sit on the jacket. My cats do the same thing any time I lay out clothing.[/quote]
I’m pretty sure that’s in the cat bylaws.
1) Must claw end of couch.
2) Must puke on the floor once a week.
3) Must lay on clothes laid out to be worn.
3a) Must shed excessively.
How do you feel about this advertising? As a teacher, this seems like a decent way to get help. Thoughts Powers???
[quote comment=”303103″][quote comment=”303092″]Paul, My favorite detail from the photos of your new jacket had nothing to do with fabric, belts, or pleats — your cat jumping on the table to (I assume) sit on the jacket. My cats do the same thing any time I lay out clothing.[/quote]
I’m pretty sure that’s in the cat bylaws.
1) Must claw end of couch.
2) Must puke on the floor once a week.
3) Must lay on clothes laid out to be worn.
3a) Must shed excessively.[/quote]
My cat never does #2. I don’t know how you lost that one… my advice is to get short-haired cats… they have more fun.
[quote comment=”303105″][quote comment=”303103″][quote comment=”303092″]Paul, My favorite detail from the photos of your new jacket had nothing to do with fabric, belts, or pleats — your cat jumping on the table to (I assume) sit on the jacket. My cats do the same thing any time I lay out clothing.[/quote]
I’m pretty sure that’s in the cat bylaws.
1) Must claw end of couch.
2) Must puke on the floor once a week.
3) Must lay on clothes laid out to be worn.
3a) Must shed excessively.[/quote]
My cat never does #2. I don’t know how you lost that one… my advice is to get short-haired cats… they have more fun.[/quote]
Lucky you. Unfortunately, my cats always seem to pick me, not me picking them so I get what I get.
[quote comment=”303102″][quote comment=”303098″][quote comment=”303091″][quote comment=”303077″]Yes, that jacket looks great with your 1997 goatee![/quote]
Comments like this crack me up. I grew my beard in 1992, and I was about four years late by NYC standards — at least if you view it as something tied to a particular era. But I don’t wear it based on the calendar; I wear it because (a) I think I look better with it than without it, and (b) I hate shaving.[/quote]
Nope. You just look like an out-of-style midwesterner. (Or Long Islander. Same thing.)[/quote]
As long as the “dude abides” the goatee shall remain timeless.[/quote]
The Dude always abides…..
[quote]My cat never does #2.[/quote]
he needs more fiber
[quote comment=”303097″][quote comment=”303090″][quote comment=\”303078\”][quote comment=\”303075\”][quote comment=\”303072\”][quote comment=\”303069\”][quote comment=\”303044\”]This question is off topic from the interview but Paul said to post it here. I am looking for information about the Arizona Wildcats Football uniforms worn in the 1989 Copper Bowl game against NC State. I would love to see photos but knowing that is a long shot, I need to know about the pants, color and whether (and type) there were stripe(s) on the side, and also, shoes, brand, and color. Plus socks, color and height on leg (full, half, etc). I have good information on the jersey and helmet already. Thanks for any help in this matter, greatly appreciated.[/quote]
As a former Wildcat(backup PK 98,99), this was in my wheelhouse. Here is Chuck Cecil wearing the pants that would have still been used in 89 Copper Bowl. link or like these from the 94 season. link Starter was the manufacturer and the team rarely went monochrome with the uniforms.
I am not too sure when the switch from blue-white-red was made to red-white-blue. Blue pants (same template) were worn with white jerseys. They had the script Cats on the pants as well. Hope this helps.[/quote]
Thanks for the info. I have some information already, I am working on a gift item for a family member of a team player from that year. He was told by the player in question that the Wildcats wore blue jerseys, and blue pants in that game only (and blue shoes which doesn\’t jive with photos which show white shoes). All the photos I have found confirm what you indicated, white pants with blue jersey\’s. They must have tried something new for the bowl game. I am not doubting blue pants, but if so, was there a stripe? This is turning out to be a tough find.
Again, thanks for the help orlandor[/quote]
Have you tried contacting the school?
Maybe they have yearbooks with pictures or maybe there\’s someone in the athletic dept. who knows…[/quote]
I have an email to one of the football coaches who played on that team and another to a public relations person, haven\’t heard back from either, although just sent out yesterday. I have posted threads on fan forum sites with some response but not the details I am looking for, at least not yet. Am open to other ideas though. Thanks for the suggestions[/quote]
Rob Brown,
No stripes, just Cats. Look here: link
thanks for posting the picture. I have seen the all blue pants but only in later years (mid-90’s on)so I wasn’t sure if they wore those in 1989. I will likely have to assume that to be the case if I don’t hear anything different though. Once again, thanks for helping out.[/quote]
okay, I was able to find one photo provided by someone at the Insight Bowl which answered my question, thanks to all who responded with information. Greatly appreciated. great site.
[quote comment=”303105″][quote comment=”303103″][quote comment=”303092″]Paul, My favorite detail from the photos of your new jacket had nothing to do with fabric, belts, or pleats — your cat jumping on the table to (I assume) sit on the jacket. My cats do the same thing any time I lay out clothing.[/quote]
I’m pretty sure that’s in the cat bylaws.
1) Must claw end of couch.
2) Must puke on the floor once a week.
3) Must lay on clothes laid out to be worn.
3a) Must shed excessively.[/quote]
My cat never does #2. I don’t know how you lost that one… my advice is to get short-haired cats… they have more fun.[/quote]
Your cat never does #2? Well, makes cleaning the box easy, but you probably should take it to the vet.
[quote comment=”303110″][quote comment=”303105″][quote comment=”303103″][quote comment=”303092″]Paul, My favorite detail from the photos of your new jacket had nothing to do with fabric, belts, or pleats — your cat jumping on the table to (I assume) sit on the jacket. My cats do the same thing any time I lay out clothing.[/quote]
I’m pretty sure that’s in the cat bylaws.
1) Must claw end of couch.
2) Must puke on the floor once a week.
3) Must lay on clothes laid out to be worn.
3a) Must shed excessively.[/quote]
My cat never does #2. I don’t know how you lost that one… my advice is to get short-haired cats… they have more fun.[/quote]
Your cat never does #2? Well, makes cleaning the box easy, but you probably should take it to the vet.[/quote]
[quote comment=”303108″][quote]My cat never does #2.[/quote]
he needs more fiber[/quote]
I meant on the list, you twits.
Yeah, but we’re a great set of twits.
Pete Carroll is so determined to wear home colors against UCLA he is willing to give up a time out per half – the NCAA penalty for violating the rules on wearing color when you’re the visitor. much more on this here:
I appreciate Carroll’s love for his home colors but you have to wonder how the fans will feel if the game turns out to be a little tougher than USC expects (2006 anyone?) and they need a time out at the end….
[quote comment=”303104″]http://www.usatoday.com/news/education/2008-12-01-test-ads_N.htm
How do you feel about this advertising? As a teacher, this seems like a decent way to get help. Thoughts Powers???[/quote]
I am going to sit atop the fence with this one.
I am against the over-commercialization yet I can empathize with the teachers from districts in budget crisis.
When ads are used in order to fund yearbooks, or line the outfield fence of a little league field, I don’t mind.
However, in this case, it just seems a bit wrong.
Once this starts, where does it stop?
[quote comment=”303114″][quote comment=”303104″]http://www.usatoday.com/news/education/2008-12-01-test-ads_N.htm
How do you feel about this advertising? As a teacher, this seems like a decent way to get help. Thoughts Powers???[/quote]
I am going to sit atop the fence with this one.
I am against the over-commercialization yet I can empathize with the teachers from districts in budget crisis.
When ads are used in order to fund yearbooks, or line the outfield fence of a little league field, I don’t mind.
However, in this case, it just seems a bit wrong.
Once this starts, where does it stop?[/quote]
don’t you have nike ads all over your classroom?
[quote comment=”303096″]I just find it weird that Blackburn was wearing a Rangers Mask with them…[/quote]
Dan Blackburn played for the Rangers before being injured just before the lockout of 2004-05. He sustained nerve damage in his glove-hand shoulder, and had surgery to try to correct the problem. Unfortunately, the surgery affected his nerves even more, and he was unable to rotate his wrist afterwards.
He attempted to make a comeback and signed with Vancouver’s ECHL affiliate in Victoria on Feb. 1, 2005, and began playing in two blockers to protect his wrist. Unfortunately, he was never the same. He sported a 3-9-0 record and a 3.54 GAA with the SalmonKings, and he retired shortly thereafter.
Had he made it back to the NHL for the start of the ’05-06 season, he would have forfeited a $6 million insurance payout for his injury. Life’s been good since, though. He enrolled at Arizona State University, and got himself a degree in business.
[quote comment=”303013″]Texas A&M is wearing the shoulder insignia of the US Army’s 4th Infantry Division, much like Army and Navy wear the insignia of the major units. I was in the 1st Infantry Division in my Army days, so when I watch the Army-Navy game, I always look for the Army player wearing that patch and root for him. Go Army – Beat Navy ![/quote]
…some discussion the other day about this.
Juan Grande pointed me to this great photo of the patch,
Also, although I love to hate USC, Pete Carroll’s decision to wear Red (maroon) for the UCLA game is a breath of fresh air in the sports uni world. From the ESPN article today, “In the meantime, the Pacific 10 Conference has forwarded a request to NCAA football rules committee secretary Rogers Redding, seeking to change the rule. Pac 10 commissioner Tom Hansen said he expected to a decision by Tuesday.” Anyone hear of the ruling yet?
[quote comment=”303034″]Pete Carroll should be an honorary Uniwatch member.
Carroll wanted to wear the USC home red jersey this weekend at UCLA and return a tradition of both teams wearing home uniforms. This tradition was abandoned in the early 80’s when the NCAA required one team to wear white.
Carroll said they will wear the red jersey anyway and the NCAA said fine…but they would be restricted to 2 timeouts per half. Carroll agreed.
Dumb or awesome decision on Carroll’s part? I think I know what this website will think….
It made sense for UCLA and USC to wear home jerseys when they shared the L.A. Coliseum. Also, UCLA has a light enough color that it could contrast with USC’s color. Given the history of the rivalary, this is probably a good thing, but it wouldn’t work for everyone.
[quote comment=”303108″][quote]My cat never does #2.[/quote]
he needs more fiber[/quote]
Phil, now that you have your non-gray box, are you still qualified to win comment of the day?
[quote comment=”303076″]
Now that you mention it, Jim/Teebz, I have a question. I tinkered as a goalie (as much as any Northern Kentucky kid could) and I have to ask. In regards to this picture: link
it appears that they are wearing dual gloves; how the devil were they able to not only hold on to the stick, but to be able to use it in a successful manner?[/quote]
Goalies back then didn’t use the sticks to propel the puck. They were used to poke-check and block pucks. Switching hands is easy since you lay the shaft of the stick in the webbing, and hold onto the end while the stick blade protruded from the end of the glove.
What dual-catching goalies did is swapped the stick depending on which side of the rink players were coming down on. If the players were on the left wing, the goalie would use the stick in his right hand in order to be able to sweep it around the net for a poke-check and to block the “short-side” of the net. The opposite is also true. The glove hand always stayed closest to the middle of the ice.
[quote comment=”303119″][quote comment=”303108″][quote]My cat never does #2.[/quote]
he needs more fiber[/quote]
Phil, now that you have your non-gray box, are you still qualified to win comment of the day?[/quote]
we can give it to ricko…he’d have posted sooner if he wasn’t still using a typewriter and loaded up with day-quil
/feelin better rick?
[quote comment=”303034″]Pete Carroll should be an honorary Uniwatch member.
Carroll wanted to wear the USC home red jersey this weekend at UCLA and return a tradition of both teams wearing home uniforms. This tradition was abandoned in the early 80’s when the NCAA required one team to wear white.
Carroll said they will wear the red jersey anyway and the NCAA said fine…but they would be restricted to 2 timeouts per half. Carroll agreed.
Dumb or awesome decision on Carroll’s part? I think I know what this website will think….
Why does the NCAA have that rule, anyway? As long as the colors aren’t too similar (like purple and navy blue, or orange and red) it shouldn’t matter as long as you can tell them apart. I mean, if they let Mizzou and Georgia Tech and Vandy wear gold sometimes instead of white, I don’t see the problem between a red and sky blue matchup. Or in basketball, where they let OKState and Illinois wear orange at home. It makes no sense, really.
[quote comment=”303115″][quote comment=”303114″][quote comment=”303104″]http://www.usatoday.com/news/education/2008-12-01-test-ads_N.htm
How do you feel about this advertising? As a teacher, this seems like a decent way to get help. Thoughts Powers???[/quote]
I am going to sit atop the fence with this one.
I am against the over-commercialization yet I can empathize with the teachers from districts in budget crisis.
When ads are used in order to fund yearbooks, or line the outfield fence of a little league field, I don’t mind.
However, in this case, it just seems a bit wrong.
Once this starts, where does it stop?[/quote]
don’t you have nike ads all over your classroom?[/quote]
Yes, I do have many Nike posters in my lab.
I have many hundreds of ads from different types of “school-appropriate” ads hung in the room, however they all serve an educational purpose as per the state curriculum for my course.
In Design and Drawing for Production, Graphic Design and Desktop Publishing are major units touched upon. What better examples than those that bring their companies millions of dollars?
In no way do the companies, whose posters hang in this room, fund or support my classroom or anything within the school district.
For those who haven’t seen:
i have to say, as an everyday reader, today was perhaps my favourite. we had a reference to strat(i hand made fronts to my cards), table hockey(i still custom make/sell games with hand painted players), and while i am reading the interview, i am thinking to myself, why does the DR-dude not try to get those old sears football jerseys back on the market? and then at the end of the ticker, a reference to the sears bible, er, catalogue.is there something magical about that fabric “blend” that i don’t know about that makes these unpossible to manufacture? i am not a jersey guy, but damn if i wouldn’t own a jim zorn, doug williams, greg landry, and, of course, bert freakin’ jones. can somebody please tell me why someone isn’t still making these? sewn on stripes, vibrant colour, and screen printed team name in it’s full glory. remember how the numbers would crack, and would be as sharp as razors? oh, memories.
[quote comment=”303091″][quote comment=”303077″]Yes, that jacket looks great with your 1997 goatee![/quote]
Comments like this crack me up. I grew my beard in 1992, and I was about four years late by NYC standards — at least if you view it as something tied to a particular era. But I don’t wear it based on the calendar; I wear it because (a) I think I look better with it than without it, and (b) I hate shaving.[/quote]
Not to turn this into grooming-watch but… don’t you find that with the goatee you’re actually shaving/trimming more? I always felt this way and that the upkeep of facial hair was actually an added burden on grooming, and if I have enough time to throw some gel through my hair in the morning I’m lucky. Plus I have sensitive skin that breaks out with too much shaving. I’m lucky enough to have a job right now that’s away from the general public so I can shave Monday mornings. Period. Of course by sunday night the wife is like “when is the last time your face saw a razor!”
As far as goatees, well, I’m not the most in tune with what’s fashionable, but I think if you’ve had it that long then it becomes part of your identity and it wouldn’t look right if you did shave it. Maybe it’s something grandfathered, where it’s not stylish to grow one new, but you’ve earned the right to keep it because you’ve had it so long.
I was married on 7/22/00 and that is the last day I saw my brother clean shaven. At my mother’s request, he got rid of the goatee while he was best man, but grew it right back after the wedding. nearly 8 1/2 yards later, he’d look crazy without it.
Same with me with my sideburns. I’d have to go back to high school to remember the last time my hair was clipped to above my ear. Now, I’m not rocking mutton chops but they normally extend down to the bottom of my earlobe. Like I said, not really stylish to have now probably (maybe not, I don’t know) but I’ve had them so long, it wouldn’t be ME if I shaved them off.
But the bottom line is, do what the f— you want to not what society says!!
[quote comment=”303123″][quote comment=”303115″][quote comment=”303114″][quote comment=”303104″]http://www.usatoday.com/news/education/2008-12-01-test-ads_N.htm
How do you feel about this advertising? As a teacher, this seems like a decent way to get help. Thoughts Powers???[/quote]
I am going to sit atop the fence with this one.
I am against the over-commercialization yet I can empathize with the teachers from districts in budget crisis.
When ads are used in order to fund yearbooks, or line the outfield fence of a little league field, I don’t mind.
However, in this case, it just seems a bit wrong.
Once this starts, where does it stop?[/quote]
don’t you have nike ads all over your classroom?[/quote]
Yes, I do have many Nike posters in my lab.
I have many hundreds of ads from different types of “school-appropriate” ads hung in the room, however they all serve an educational purpose as per the state curriculum for my course.
In Design and Drawing for Production, Graphic Design and Desktop Publishing are major units touched upon. What better examples than those that bring their companies millions of dollars?
In no way do the companies, whose posters hang in this room, fund or support my classroom or anything within the school district.
For those who haven’t seen:
The desks/stool set up brings high school chemestry flashbacks to me….. just got the chills :/
Where are all your kids @ 2PM?
[quote comment=”303126″]
The desks/stool set up brings high school chemestry flashbacks to me….. just got the chills :/
Where are all your kids @ 2PM?[/quote]
Love the Tim Burton flair, Powers. Nightmare Before Christmas and Corpse Bride were phenomenal movies, and should be seen by everyone.
Where do I sign up for this course? I’ll listen until you get to the football part. LOL
For those who haven’t seen:
The desks/stool set up brings high school chemestry flashbacks to me….. just got the chills :/
Where are all your kids @ 2PM?
Staff Development Day, hence UW is up on the MM screen.
i wasn’t implying your nike ads (and other various and sundry posters) were for anything other than purely educational purposes…i simply found that you might somehow be ‘fence sitting’ on this matter to be incongruous with your self-professed swoosh-love…you’d give them free props on your walls, but you’d have a problem if they paid for your textbooks?
not uni-related but your cat an Hemingway? :)
Speaking of UCLA, does anyone know why both Ohio State and UCLA wore their home jerseys in the 1976 Rose Bowl? Since it was an even numbered year, it was the Big Ten champ’s turn to be the home team, so the Buckeyes were in scarlet. However the Bruins were in blue, and this was when they called the Coliseum home, so it wasn’t as if they were at their home stadium. Wondering the reason for this jersey anomaly has bugged me for ages.
[quote comment=”303127″][quote comment=”303126″]
The desks/stool set up brings high school chemestry flashbacks to me….. just got the chills :/
Where are all your kids @ 2PM?[/quote]
Love the Tim Burton flair, Powers. Nightmare Before Christmas and Corpse Bride were phenomenal movies, and should be seen by everyone.
Where do I sign up for this course? I’ll listen until you get to the football part. LOL[/quote]
Sorry, what course do you teach?
[quote comment=”303132″][quote comment=”303127″][quote comment=”303126″]
The desks/stool set up brings high school chemestry flashbacks to me….. just got the chills :/
Where are all your kids @ 2PM?[/quote]
Love the Tim Burton flair, Powers. Nightmare Before Christmas and Corpse Bride were phenomenal movies, and should be seen by everyone.
Where do I sign up for this course? I’ll listen until you get to the football part. LOL[/quote]
Sorry, what course do you teach?[/quote]
Design and Drawing for Production
It combines old school Mechanical Drafting and CAD, with Aesthetic Art and Art History in addition to Desktop Publishing and Graphic Design.
I have a complete production lab full of power tools and bench top machines as well as two dozen laptops.
I love my job!
And Phil…I actually agree with you, my actions and decorations contradict what I had said about advertising, however the ads do serve a very useful prurpose.
[quote comment=”303125″][quote comment=”303091″][quote comment=”303077″]Yes, that jacket looks great with your 1997 goatee![/quote]
Comments like this crack me up. I grew my beard in 1992, and I was about four years late by NYC standards — at least if you view it as something tied to a particular era. But I don’t wear it based on the calendar; I wear it because (a) I think I look better with it than without it, and (b) I hate shaving.[/quote]
Not to turn this into grooming-watch but… don’t you find that with the goatee you’re actually shaving/trimming more? I always felt this way and that the upkeep of facial hair was actually an added burden on grooming, and if I have enough time to throw some gel through my hair in the morning I’m lucky. Plus I have sensitive skin that breaks out with too much shaving. I’m lucky enough to have a job right now that’s away from the general public so I can shave Monday mornings. Period. Of course by sunday night the wife is like “when is the last time your face saw a razor!”
As far as goatees, well, I’m not the most in tune with what’s fashionable, but I think if you’ve had it that long then it becomes part of your identity and it wouldn’t look right if you did shave it. Maybe it’s something grandfathered, where it’s not stylish to grow one new, but you’ve earned the right to keep it because you’ve had it so long.
I was married on 7/22/00 and that is the last day I saw my brother clean shaven. At my mother’s request, he got rid of the goatee while he was best man, but grew it right back after the wedding. nearly 8 1/2 yards later, he’d look crazy without it.
Same with me with my sideburns. I’d have to go back to high school to remember the last time my hair was clipped to above my ear. Now, I’m not rocking mutton chops but they normally extend down to the bottom of my earlobe. Like I said, not really stylish to have now probably (maybe not, I don’t know) but I’ve had them so long, it wouldn’t be ME if I shaved them off.
But the bottom line is, do what the f— you want to not what society says!![/quote]
and that, ladies and germs, is why i go with the full beard … it is the lazy man’s razor
Re: Sears Wishbook
I had one of those jerseys with pants and helmet (I think it was Tony Eason?). I used it for a couple of Halloween costumes: one with the old “Pat Patriot” logo and one — a couple of years later — with a Bledsoe jersey, the helmet spray painted silver, and the new logo hand-drawn, cut out, and taped on.
That takes me back.
[quote comment=”303131″]Speaking of UCLA, does anyone know why both Ohio State and UCLA wore their home jerseys in the 1976 Rose Bowl? Since it was an even numbered year, it was the Big Ten champ’s turn to be the home team, so the Buckeyes were in scarlet. However the Bruins were in blue, and this was when they called the Coliseum home, so it wasn’t as if they were at their home stadium. Wondering the reason for this jersey anomaly has bugged me for ages.
I think the article mentioned that the NCAA’s rule about requiring one team in white dated from the 1980s, so this would be an example of a situation in which the jerseys were suitably dissimilar and both teams could wear home colors.
Hey Powers, are you teaching in a modular?
[quote comment=”303133″][quote comment=”303132″][quote comment=”303127″][quote comment=”303126″]
The desks/stool set up brings high school chemestry flashbacks to me….. just got the chills :/
Where are all your kids @ 2PM?[/quote]
Love the Tim Burton flair, Powers. Nightmare Before Christmas and Corpse Bride were phenomenal movies, and should be seen by everyone.
Where do I sign up for this course? I’ll listen until you get to the football part. LOL[/quote]
Sorry, what course do you teach?[/quote]
Design and Drawing for Production
It combines old school Mechanical Drafting and CAD, with Aesthetic Art and Art History in addition to Desktop Publishing and Graphic Design.
I have a complete production lab full of power tools and bench top machines as well as two dozen laptops.
I love my job!
And Phil…I actually agree with you, my actions and decorations contradict what I had said about advertising, however the ads do serve a very useful prurpose.[/quote]
As a Design Engineer/Program Manager that sounds like a dream class to take.
[quote comment=”303112″]Yeah, but we’re a great set of twits.[/quote]
Hahaha, if there was a trophy for the best comment… you’d be awarded the first ever D Cup trophy.
Went to a memorbilla store at lunch and saw this:
even using the vintage logos…
link signage to be changed to University of Oregon… I wonder if they will pass on their horrible design… I wish (and hope) they keep Made In Oregon. Who would want to see Ducks every day on Burnside…
Go Beavers.
[quote comment=”303104″]http://www.usatoday.com/news/education/2008-12-01-test-ads_N.htm
How do you feel about this advertising? As a teacher, this seems like a decent way to get help. Thoughts Powers???[/quote]
I think it’s an absolute scandal to expose children to advertising in a school — ESPECIALLY on a test. Forget about the revenue. Certain things should not be for sale — a kid’s impressionable brain is one of them.
[quote comment=”303142″][quote comment=”303104″]http://www.usatoday.com/news/education/2008-12-01-test-ads_N.htm
How do you feel about this advertising? As a teacher, this seems like a decent way to get help. Thoughts Powers???[/quote]
I think it’s an absolute scandal to expose children to advertising in a school — ESPECIALLY on a test. Forget about the revenue. Certain things should not be for sale — a kid’s impressionable brain is one of them.[/quote]
I would like to see an Essay test sponsered by SCANTRON! Oh the IRONY!
[quote comment=”303141″]link signage to be changed to University of Oregon… I wonder if they will pass on their horrible design… I wish (and hope) they keep Made In Oregon. Who would want to see Ducks every day on Burnside…
Go Beavers.[/quote]
As one of the 46 resident commenters from the University of Oregon, I say:
WTFG, U of O, ruin a landmark.
[quote comment=”303144″][quote comment=”303141″]link signage to be changed to University of Oregon… I wonder if they will pass on their horrible design… I wish (and hope) they keep Made In Oregon. Who would want to see Ducks every day on Burnside…
Go Beavers.[/quote]
As one of the 46 resident commenters from the University of Oregon, I say:
WTFG, U of O, ruin a landmark.[/quote]
the comments following that article are where it’s at:
“Will Phil Knight&Co dress the deer in a new uniform every week?”
“The university of zero is in eugene. Buying a little joke campus under the burnside bridge does not mean it can hype nike u above it.
“What kind of ass clowns rubberstamped this one?
“Portland state university is the city’s university. UofhO is just a pimple on the states hippie ass.”
the university of zero!
that’s fckn priceless
[quote comment=”303145″][quote comment=”303144″][quote comment=”303141″]link signage to be changed to University of Oregon… I wonder if they will pass on their horrible design… I wish (and hope) they keep Made In Oregon. Who would want to see Ducks every day on Burnside…
Go Beavers.[/quote]
As one of the 46 resident commenters from the University of Oregon, I say:
WTFG, U of O, ruin a landmark.[/quote]
the comments following that article are where it’s at:
“Will Phil Knight&Co dress the deer in a new uniform every week?”
“The university of zero is in eugene. Buying a little joke campus under the burnside bridge does not mean it can hype nike u above it.
“What kind of ass clowns rubberstamped this one?
“Portland state university is the city’s university. UofhO is just a pimple on the states hippie ass.”
the university of zero!
that’s fckn priceless[/quote]
Sorry, I couldn’t hear you through all the patchouli. What was that?
[quote comment=”303142″][quote comment=”303104″]http://www.usatoday.com/news/education/2008-12-01-test-ads_N.htm
How do you feel about this advertising? As a teacher, this seems like a decent way to get help. Thoughts Powers???[/quote]
I think it’s an absolute scandal to expose children to advertising in a school — ESPECIALLY on a test. Forget about the revenue. Certain things should not be for sale — a kid’s impressionable brain is one of them.[/quote]
Couldn’t agree more.
Almost as bad to my mind is the fact that this will only exasperate the problem – what incentive will school districts have to fully fund schools if they think they can get ad revenue?
So not only is it morally repugnant, it’s terrible public policy.
[quote comment=”303136″][quote comment=”303131″]Speaking of UCLA, does anyone know why both Ohio State and UCLA wore their home jerseys in the 1976 Rose Bowl? Since it was an even numbered year, it was the Big Ten champ’s turn to be the home team, so the Buckeyes were in scarlet. However the Bruins were in blue, and this was when they called the Coliseum home, so it wasn’t as if they were at their home stadium. Wondering the reason for this jersey anomaly has bugged me for ages.
I think the article mentioned that the NCAA’s rule about requiring one team in white dated from the 1980s, so this would be an example of a situation in which the jerseys were suitably dissimilar and both teams could wear home colors.[/quote]
1962 Rose Bowl. Minnesota in maroon, UCLA in powder blue.
(Not offering an opinon, just pointing out another such game that took place after “road white” had become a regular policy.)
[quote comment=”303142″][quote comment=”303104″]http://www.usatoday.com/news/education/2008-12-01-test-ads_N.htm
How do you feel about this advertising? As a teacher, this seems like a decent way to get help. Thoughts Powers???[/quote]
I think it’s an absolute scandal to expose children to advertising in a school — ESPECIALLY on a test. Forget about the revenue. Certain things should not be for sale — a kid’s impressionable brain is one of them.[/quote]
Was I the only one who – when first viewing that photo – thought it was about the checkmark looking like a swoosh, and not the printed line of text at the bottom of the test?
Ah, I see in story that ’62 Rose Bowl was first coast-to-coast color telecast of a college game. Probably explains the powder blue on UCLA.
Am I the only person that thinks that the Rams should bring back road yellows?
[quote comment=”303150″]Ah, I see in story that ’62 Rose Bowl was first coast-to-coast color telecast of a college game. Probably explains the powder blue on UCLA.[/quote]
Do you not remember this?
[quote comment=”303149″][quote comment=”303142″][quote comment=”303104″]http://www.usatoday.com/news/education/2008-12-01-test-ads_N.htm
How do you feel about this advertising? As a teacher, this seems like a decent way to get help. Thoughts Powers???[/quote]
I think it’s an absolute scandal to expose children to advertising in a school — ESPECIALLY on a test. Forget about the revenue. Certain things should not be for sale — a kid’s impressionable brain is one of them.[/quote]
Was I the only one who – when first viewing that photo – thought it was about the checkmark looking like a swoosh, and not the printed line of text at the bottom of the test?[/quote]
What bothers me the most is the principal’s response: “It’s not like, ‘This test is brought to you by McDonald’s or Nike.’ ”
Maybe it’s just me, but I’d try to say something more along the lines of, “Maybe we should properly fund our school systems.”
At least he didn’t say: “Now we’ve found another stream of revenue for the football team.”
And my anti-spam word sums this up nicely. It was “fine”
[quote comment=”303151″]Am I the only person that thinks that the Rams should bring back road yellows?[/quote]
I’d like to think you are, but I fear others may feel the same way. Please don’t ruin what was once a good thing (until they added blue and white pants to the mix).
[quote comment=”303154″][quote comment=”303151″]Am I the only person that thinks that the Rams should bring back road yellows?[/quote]
I’d like to think you are, but I fear others may feel the same way. Please don’t ruin what was once a good thing (until they added blue and white pants to the mix).[/quote]
I don’t think you seem to understand…
Old school yellow Rams jerseys… nothing new.
[quote comment=”303156″][quote comment=”303154″][quote comment=”303151″]Am I the only person that thinks that the Rams should bring back road yellows?[/quote]
I’d like to think you are, but I fear others may feel the same way. Please don’t ruin what was once a good thing (until they added blue and white pants to the mix).[/quote]
I don’t think you seem to understand…
Old school yellow Rams jerseys… nothing new.[/quote]
link was what I was alluding to.
[quote comment=”303152″][quote comment=”303150″]Ah, I see in story that ’62 Rose Bowl was first coast-to-coast color telecast of a college game. Probably explains the powder blue on UCLA.[/quote]
Do you not remember this?[/quote]
Watched the game, sure. That’s why I posted it as another “both teams in color” game. Didn’t have a color TV, though. So I guess, yeah, I’d forgotten the “color telecast” hype.
(Checked my card file drawings, too, to see if I’d noted anything about it, but nope).
[quote comment=”303157″][quote comment=”303156″][quote comment=”303154″][quote comment=”303151″]Am I the only person that thinks that the Rams should bring back road yellows?[/quote]
I’d like to think you are, but I fear others may feel the same way. Please don’t ruin what was once a good thing (until they added blue and white pants to the mix).[/quote]
I don’t think you seem to understand…
Old school yellow Rams jerseys… nothing new.[/quote]
link was what I was alluding to.[/quote]
something crazy legs wore then
[quote comment=”303159″][quote comment=”303157″][quote comment=”303156″][quote comment=”303154″][quote comment=”303151″]Am I the only person that thinks that the Rams should bring back road yellows?[/quote]
I’d like to think you are, but I fear others may feel the same way. Please don’t ruin what was once a good thing (until they added blue and white pants to the mix).[/quote]
I don’t think you seem to understand…
Old school yellow Rams jerseys… nothing new.[/quote]
link was what I was alluding to.[/quote]
something link wore then[/quote]
What is it about you, my comments, and legs?
[quote comment=”303159″][quote comment=”303157″][quote comment=”303156″][quote comment=”303154″][quote comment=”303151″]Am I the only person that thinks that the Rams should bring back road yellows?[/quote]
I’d like to think you are, but I fear others may feel the same way. Please don’t ruin what was once a good thing (until they added blue and white pants to the mix).[/quote]
I don’t think you seem to understand…
Old school yellow Rams jerseys… nothing new.[/quote]
link was what I was alluding to.[/quote]
something link wore then[/quote]
Check “NFL’s 1994 Throwbacks” link to the right for some shots of that look nicely updated(although I say again, this is the guy who thinks NFL teams didn’t wear hlemts in the 30s; other than than it’s an job well done).
[quote comment=”303113″]Pete Carroll is so determined to wear home colors against UCLA he is willing to give up a time out per half – the NCAA penalty for violating the rules on wearing color when you’re the visitor. much more on this here:
I appreciate Carroll’s love for his home colors but you have to wonder how the fans will feel if the game turns out to be a little tougher than USC expects (2006 anyone?) and they need a time out at the end….[/quote]
One has to wonder about the common sense of the NCAA if they wish to penalize a team purely on the basis of its jersey color. Aren’t there more pressing matters for the Indianapolis suits to worry about?
Enough typos. I’m gonna lie down. LOL
Couple things about the 1980 set of Sears jerseys. Wonder why the white jerseys all have black numbers.
Here’s my guess on the players intended by the number choice, any disagreements or enlightenments?:
Mike Livingston?
No clue on Vikings
Charlie Young?
Bottom row center is Doug Williams, I think (I also think you just skipped it).
And three kids are F. Harris, Haden and Staubach.
Rest you got right, pretty sure.
Vikings? I think they screwed up and put Kramer’s 9 upside down…cuz Vikes had no “6” of note well, ever.
Why black? Cuz all they used were black and white numbers (see Rams’ white numbers).
[quote comment=”303165″]
Vikings? I think they screwed up and put Kramer’s 9 upside down…cuz Vikes had no “6” of note well, ever.[/quote]
Not Bucky Dils? ;-) Hope I got the name right.
See Lweidy smack forehead.
[quote comment=”303167″][quote comment=”303165″]
Vikings? I think they screwed up and put Kramer’s 9 upside down…cuz Vikes had no “6” of note well, ever.[/quote]
Not Bucky Dils? ;-) Hope I got the name right.[/quote]
Steve Dils was #12. Carried a mean clipboard.
[quote comment=”303153″][quote comment=”303149″][quote comment=”303142″][quote comment=”303104″]http://www.usatoday.com/news/education/2008-12-01-test-ads_N.htm
How do you feel about this advertising? As a teacher, this seems like a decent way to get help. Thoughts Powers???[/quote]
I think it’s an absolute scandal to expose children to advertising in a school — ESPECIALLY on a test. Forget about the revenue. Certain things should not be for sale — a kid’s impressionable brain is one of them.[/quote]
Was I the only one who – when first viewing that photo – thought it was about the checkmark looking like a swoosh, and not the printed line of text at the bottom of the test?[/quote]
What bothers me the most is the principal’s response: “It’s not like, ‘This test is brought to you by McDonald’s or Nike.’ ”
Maybe it’s just me, but I’d try to say something more along the lines of, “Maybe we should properly fund our school systems.”
At least he didn’t say: “Now we’ve found another stream of revenue for the football team.”
And my anti-spam word sums this up nicely. It was “fine”[/quote]
Ok, as a teacher, I’ll put this out there. Most districts out there are sending most of their money to the classrooms. Principals are simply divviying up the money that is given to them, which is what most central ofices are doing at the next level up. While its sad that the teacher had to resort to this, the other option is not providing enough practice to AP kids, and I’ll be honest, as an AP teacher, I’d rather sell ad space on a high schooler’s test than not have them take the test in a realistic manner.
In short (too late, I know) when the public passes bond issues or votes for property tax increases, schools won’t have to resort to this indignity, but until themn, I say “by any means necessary”
Uni question, can anyone find a picture of the Purdue men’s basketball team wearing the shorts with the train tracks on the side?
[quote comment=”303166″]Why black? Cuz all they used were black and white numbers (see Rams’ white numbers).[/quote]
Holy shirt, I didn’t even notice the pattern! I got the Skins one in ’81 and it had the burgundy numbers but it also had the team name a la Sooners.
As long as Pete is resurrecting the tradition of USC wearing their colors at UCLA, how about if he tells Nike to take those two-toned, black and white cleats that some sap at Nike designed and slapped on his team and stick them up their a@#!!!! They ruin the USC uniform!!
I can totally relate to this:
[quote]But the frustrating thing is that all the helmets had the two-bar quarterback facemask. How could I look like a defensive lineman with that kind of helmet?[/quote]
When I was 12, I was playing defensive tackle and offensive center/guard with a facemask like link, which wasn’t a quarterback facemask, but it sure as hell wasn’t one a lineman should be wearing. I wore my glasses when I played, so one of my friends pointed out that I had kind of a link thing going on.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
In other uni-related news, a coworker of mine was shopping at a mall over lunch and he ran into Derrick Rose, who was making no attempt to keep a low profile by wearing team-issued warm-up pants and winter hat.
Unfortunately, there are no photographs.
[quote comment=”303169″][quote comment=”303167″][quote comment=”303165″]
Vikings? I think they screwed up and put Kramer’s 9 upside down…cuz Vikes had no “6” of note well, ever.[/quote]
Not Bucky Dils? ;-) Hope I got the name right.[/quote]
Steve Dils was #12. Carried a mean clipboard.[/quote]
Did the Vi-queens ever have a Bucky at QB? Sorry about the name calling, have a Bears fan that calls his rivals Fudge-packers and Li-downs. Gives me a chuckle.
[quote comment=”303172″]As long as Pete is resurrecting the tradition of USC wearing their colors at UCLA, how about if he tells Nike to take those two-toned, black and white cleats that some sap at Nike designed and slapped on his team and stick them up their a@#!!!! They ruin the USC uniform!![/quote]
Been wondering when someone was ganna mention that it’s sometimes hard to tell these days what’s a black shoe and what’s a white shoe.
Or, in Plaxico Burress’ case, what’s a black shoe and what’s a red shoe.
… and since mascots wear uniforms, too …
(for the record, if I had to wear that tree in public, I’d make sure I was drunk first, too)
[quote comment=”303174″][quote comment=”303169″][quote comment=”303167″][quote comment=”303165″]
Vikings? I think they screwed up and put Kramer’s 9 upside down…cuz Vikes had no “6” of note well, ever.[/quote]
Not Bucky Dils? ;-) Hope I got the name right.[/quote]
Steve Dils was #12. Carried a mean clipboard.[/quote]
Did the Vi-queens ever have a Bucky at QB? Sorry about the name calling, have a Bears fan that calls his rivals Fudge-packers and Li-downs. Gives me a chuckle.[/quote]
#13, Bucky Scribner, P,Kansas, 1987-1989
You’re maybe thinking of…
#6, Bubby Brister, QB,NE Louisiana, 2000
Just found this site…
[quote comment=”303175″]Or, in Plaxico Burress’ case, what’s a black shoe and what’s a red shoe.[/quote]
here’s all plax needs to know about his future footwear
[quote comment=”303141″]link signage to be changed to University of Oregon… I wonder if they will pass on their horrible design… I wish (and hope) they keep Made In Oregon. Who would want to see Ducks every day on Burnside…
Go Beavers.[/quote]
UPDATE: link and here is the link Well… As long there’s no Zero… or Nike stamp.. or whatever else LilPhil mentioned :)
Plaxico who?
Don’t you guys mean Harris Smith?
And hey, he didn’t do anything wrong.
Just got shot up at an Applebee’s.
You know how intense those karaoke sessions get.
[quote comment=”303177″][quote comment=”303174″][quote comment=”303169″][quote comment=”303167″][quote comment=”303165″]
Vikings? I think they screwed up and put Kramer’s 9 upside down…cuz Vikes had no “6” of note well, ever.[/quote]
Not Bucky Dils? ;-) Hope I got the name right.[/quote]
Steve Dils was #12. Carried a mean clipboard.[/quote]
Did the Vi-queens ever have a Bucky at QB? Sorry about the name calling, have a Bears fan that calls his rivals Fudge-packers and Li-downs. Gives me a chuckle.[/quote]
#13, Bucky Scribner, P,Kansas, 1987-1989
You’re maybe thinking of…
#6, Bubby Brister, QB,NE Louisiana, 2000
Just found this site…
Alright, Scribner was the guy I was thinking of. Forgot he was a punter. Knew you knew.
[quote comment=”303180″]Plaxico who?
Don’t you guys mean Harris Smith?[/quote]
Anyone try to order a #17 Giants Harris jersey on Shop NFL.com yet? Better get ’em before someone gets wise.
[quote comment=”303174″]
Did the Vi-queens ever have a Bucky at QB? Sorry about the name calling, have a Bears fan that calls his rivals Fudge-packers and Li-downs. Gives me a chuckle.[/quote]
Dont’ forget the Fuckinqueers. They used to be divisional rivals.
[quote comment=”303183″][quote comment=”303180″]Plaxico who?
Don’t you guys mean Harris Smith?[/quote]
Anyone try to order a #17 Giants Harris jersey on Shop NFL.com yet? Better get ’em before someone gets wise.[/quote]
Harris Smith. Wonder if it will become this year’s #7 Mexico Falcons jersey. Give him credit he didn’t go with ‘John Smith’.
[quote comment=”303184″][quote comment=”303174″]
Did the Vi-queens ever have a Bucky at QB? Sorry about the name calling, have a Bears fan that calls his rivals Fudge-packers and Li-downs. Gives me a chuckle.[/quote]
Dont’ forget the Fuckinqueers. They used to be divisional rivals.[/quote]
That’s not what they are called? That might explain all the beer showers I get at RayJa.
[quote comment=”303185″][quote comment=”303183″][quote comment=”303180″]Plaxico who?
Don’t you guys mean Harris Smith?[/quote]
Anyone try to order a #17 Giants Harris jersey on Shop NFL.com yet? Better get ’em before someone gets wise.[/quote]
Harris Smith. Wonder if it will become this year’s #7 Mexico Falcons jersey. Give him credit he didn’t go with ‘John Smith’.[/quote]
Buy a Steve Smith 12 and move the NOB to your Plaxico jersey, maybe?
He shoulda gone with “Harry Johnson”.
Or maybe “Bulletin Thigh”.
he shoulda said chad ocho cinco
[quote comment=”303185″][quote comment=”303183″][quote comment=”303180″]Plaxico who?
Don’t you guys mean Harris Smith?[/quote]
Anyone try to order a #17 Giants Harris jersey on Shop NFL.com yet? Better get ’em before someone gets wise.[/quote]
Harris Smith. Wonder if it will become this year’s #7 Mexico Falcons jersey. Give him credit he didn’t go with ‘John Smith’.[/quote]
i always preferred this to ron mex
[quote comment=”303183″][quote comment=”303180″]Plaxico who?
Don’t you guys mean Harris Smith?[/quote]
Anyone try to order a #17 Giants Harris jersey on Shop NFL.com yet? Better get ’em before someone gets wise.[/quote]
Too late. link was posted 2 hours ago.
As a teacher, I am opposed to add space anywhere in the classroom. That is a natural truth.
People should wear facial hair as they please. Another natural truth. Personally, I prefer the full beard. I would look ridiculous without it. I’ve never been a fan of the goatee. Mainly due to the high percentage of D-bags that sport them. However, that is a stupid rationale considering the amount of idiots that have full beards. To each is own on that one. It suits you, Paul.
Another natural truth? Helmet stripes should match pants stripes, or sock stripes.
Ignore evrything I said except for the part about helmet stripes and such.
I’m better off not chiming in.
[quote comment=”303001″]Ah, the Sunoco stamp book! My dad had this and my brother and I enjoyed countless hours looking through it. Plus, somewhere I have tons of doubles my dad obtained in getting the complete set.
It’s one of those prized family possessions, not necessarily in monetary value, but in sentimental value. One of the things that my brother and I can’t bring ourselves to discuss since dad passed away. We just leave it at Mom’s for the time being.
Now I’m going to have to find it and put the scanner to work![/quote]
You are positively fer-reakin’ right on the Sunoco album. Carried that to school, ahem, Mariemont Middle School, every day in fall 72. Gonna have to get one on eBay.
[quote comment=”303175″][quote comment=”303172″]As long as Pete is resurrecting the tradition of USC wearing their colors at UCLA, how about if he tells Nike to take those two-toned, black and white cleats that some sap at Nike designed and slapped on his team and stick them up their a@#!!!! They ruin the USC uniform!![/quote]
Been wondering when someone was ganna mention that it’s sometimes hard to tell these days what’s a black shoe and what’s a white shoe.
Or, in Plaxico Burress’ case, what’s a black shoe and what’s a red shoe.[/quote]
With the red shoe, it makes it easier to shoot with your pistol; easier to see.
Plaxico’s tooooooooooooooooooast.
Non-football injury list.
Suspended for conduct detrimental (or whatever it’s called), can’t play in playoffs, either.
Cost him a LOT of money.
[quote comment=”303172″]As long as Pete is resurrecting the tradition of USC wearing their colors at UCLA, how about if he tells Nike to take those two-toned, black and white cleats that some sap at Nike designed and slapped on his team and stick them up their a@#!!!! They ruin the USC uniform!![/quote]
Nike Super Bad 2:
Nike Super Speed D:
Nike Vapor Jet:
Just saw an ad on tv for a local hardware store Wynnton Hardware. What stood out to me was they used the Hartford Whalers logo but instead of a Whale Tail on top it was a hammer. Too bad they don’t have a website.
Wow, I owned that #12 Pittsburgh Steelers shirt (“A” in the Sears catalog); it was one of my favorite pieces of clothing. I sometimes wore it when my friend and I played one-on-one football with a red soft-plastic football (with white stripes).
[quote comment=”303194″][quote comment=”303175″][quote comment=”303172″]As long as Pete is resurrecting the tradition of USC wearing their colors at UCLA, how about if he tells Nike to take those two-toned, black and white cleats that some sap at Nike designed and slapped on his team and stick them up their a@#!!!! They ruin the USC uniform!![/quote]
Been wondering when someone was ganna mention that it’s sometimes hard to tell these days what’s a black shoe and what’s a white shoe.
Or, in Plaxico Burress’ case, what’s a black shoe and what’s a red shoe.[/quote]
With the red shoe, it makes it easier to shoot with your pistol; easier to see.[/quote]
It is extremely poetic that last year, Plaxico Burress was the LAST player in the NFL to continue wearing the Nike Zoom Vick V after they yanked them off of the shelves!
[quote comment=”303200″][quote comment=”303194″][quote comment=”303175″][quote comment=”303172″]As long as Pete is resurrecting the tradition of USC wearing their colors at UCLA, how about if he tells Nike to take those two-toned, black and white cleats that some sap at Nike designed and slapped on his team and stick them up their a@#!!!! They ruin the USC uniform!![/quote]
Been wondering when someone was ganna mention that it’s sometimes hard to tell these days what’s a black shoe and what’s a white shoe.
Or, in Plaxico Burress’ case, what’s a black shoe and what’s a red shoe.[/quote]
With the red shoe, it makes it easier to shoot with your pistol; easier to see.[/quote]
It is extremely poetic that last year, Plaxico Burress was the LAST player in the NFL to continue wearing the Nike Zoom Vick V after they yanked them off of the shelves!
[quote comment=”303195″]Plaxico’s tooooooooooooooooooast.
Non-football injury list.
Suspended for conduct detrimental (or whatever it’s called), can’t play in playoffs, either.
Cost him a LOT of money.[/quote]
I happen to think that shooting himself was punishment enough.
[quote comment=”303203″][quote comment=”303195″]Plaxico’s tooooooooooooooooooast.
Non-football injury list.
Suspended for conduct detrimental (or whatever it’s called), can’t play in playoffs, either.
Cost him a LOT of money.[/quote]
I happen to think that shooting himself was punishment enough.[/quote]
No prosecution either? If someone breaks his leg in a DUI crash, he should walk too? (no pun intended) I make the comparison because you didn’t mention any punishment other than his wound, that not what you really meant, is it?
[quote comment=”303204″][quote comment=”303203″][quote comment=”303195″]Plaxico’s tooooooooooooooooooast.
Non-football injury list.
Suspended for conduct detrimental (or whatever it’s called), can’t play in playoffs, either.
Cost him a LOT of money.[/quote]
I happen to think that shooting himself was punishment enough.[/quote]
No prosecution either? If someone breaks his leg in a DUI crash, he should walk too? (no pun intended) I make the comparison because you didn’t mention any punishment other than his wound, that not what you really meant, is it?[/quote]
No, I only meant on the football side.
[quote comment=”303205″][quote comment=”303204″][quote comment=”303203″][quote comment=”303195″]Plaxico’s tooooooooooooooooooast.
Non-football injury list.
Suspended for conduct detrimental (or whatever it’s called), can’t play in playoffs, either.
Cost him a LOT of money.[/quote]
I happen to think that shooting himself was punishment enough.[/quote]
No prosecution either? If someone breaks his leg in a DUI crash, he should walk too? (no pun intended) I make the comparison because you didn’t mention any punishment other than his wound, that not what you really meant, is it?[/quote]
No, I only meant on the football side.[/quote]
It’s my understanding that he has been disciplined by the club 20 to 30 times in 3½ years, I think this would be the text book definition of “last straw”.
[quote comment=”303207″][quote comment=”303205″][quote comment=”303204″][quote comment=”303203″][quote comment=”303195″]Plaxico’s tooooooooooooooooooast.
Non-football injury list.
Suspended for conduct detrimental (or whatever it’s called), can’t play in playoffs, either.
Cost him a LOT of money.[/quote]
I happen to think that shooting himself was punishment enough.[/quote]
No prosecution either? If someone breaks his leg in a DUI crash, he should walk too? (no pun intended) I make the comparison because you didn’t mention any punishment other than his wound, that not what you really meant, is it?[/quote]
No, I only meant on the football side.[/quote]
It’s my understanding that he has been disciplined by the club 20 to 30 times in 3½ years, I think this would be the text book definition of “last straw”.[/quote]
And he’s their best player.
Retards around!
(that’s 3 meld, for you pinochle players)
[quote]he’s their best player[/quote]
and UO is an ivy league school
[quote comment=”303209″][quote]he’s their best player[/quote]
and UO is an ivy league school[/quote]
Compared to his replacements and the shape that the offense would be without him in comparison to what it would be without other players, he’s their best player.
I should have said most important.
please stop…he’s as important to the giant machine as shockey was last year
he wasn’t even the best receiver on the team this year, much less player
…he may, however, have taken the giants best defensive player down with him…and that shit’s not cool
Through last weekend’s games, Burress ranks 75th in NFL receiving.
I really have no problem with a high school teacher selling a single line of text at the bottom of a sheet of paper.
Coming from a family of teachers, a lot of times the school issued funds run out and teachers are left paying out of pocket (sad but true), and they don’t make enough as is.
Sorry, but in an ideal world we could have all school supplies paid for…we do not live in such a world.
I stopped, Phil.
speaking of potential “shooting themselves”
another spring football league…
these will never work…when will these people learn
[quote comment=”303214″]I stopped, Phil.
WHAT NOW?!![/quote]
caption this
[quote comment=”303215″]speaking of potential “shooting themselves”
another spring football league…
these will never work…when will these people learn
“a new professional outdoor fall football league”
Right on their website. What are you going off of?
[quote comment=”303216″][quote comment=”303214″]I stopped, Phil.
WHAT NOW?!![/quote]
Plaxico puts the “deaf” back in Def Jam.
Check out this years Lax jerseys for Syracuse:
Interesting wordmark placement.
The Fort Wayne Tincaps unveiled their new unis. I think they look pretty solid.
I mis-read the “won’t be going head to head with the NFL” as Spring….where it actually means Friday nights…
my bad x2 today…
[quote comment=”303220″]Check out this years Lax jerseys for Syracuse:
Interesting wordmark placement.[/quote]
3 Nike logo’s alone in the pic!!
Spot the NIKE!!
BTW…if you go to the home page there is a better view of the unis.
[quote comment=”303215″]speaking of potential “shooting themselves”
another spring football league…
these will never work…when will these people learn
If you go to the home page of the league you can submit names for the future teams. I couldn’t resist submitting: Monterrey Jacks and Hartford Whalers, of course! Can you imagine a version of that Whalers logo on a football helmet?
[quote comment=”303151″]Am I the only person that thinks that the Rams should bring back road yellows?[/quote]
How about the Rams bringing back the “Blue and Whites”.
There’s a beautiful vision…when it was a game…!!!
[quote comment=”303229″][quote comment=”303151″]Am I the only person that thinks that the Rams should bring back road yellows?[/quote]
How about the Rams bringing back the “Blue and Whites”.
There’s a beautiful vision…when it was a game…!!![/quote]
Just ask Mr. D. Jones
Oops – here’s a link to the pic:
I just read a book called “Tribal Leadership” and it mentioned Michael Jordan and the story of his beaded bracelets
[quote comment=”303066″][quote comment=”303054″][quote]Just more fat bashing from the skinner-than-thou UW set!!!![/quote]
we need to put you on the “powers does the treadmill” plan douggie ;)[/quote]
Is that the club where the rules state I have to wear Nike shoes, socks, windpants, t-shirt, windbreaker, wristbands and headband?!?!?[/quote]
no…that’s just paul’s vision of hell
here is the link
[quote comment=”303234″]Oops – here’s a link to the pic:
Outstanding image of the “Deacon”…circa 1969…ahhh, the memories of a bygone era…!!!
I believe Martin Brodeur used to wear inverted colour goalie pads for the Devils as well. Not sure if he still does or not. If I remember one leg had red on the side and the other had black.
much like this
Texas A&M was wearing the shoulder sleeve insignia of the US Army’s 4th Infantry Division. Before a move to Fort Carson, Colorado they were stationed in TX at Fort Hood. Not sure why they were wearing it but it was nice to see. I wear the patch on my uniform every day as I served a combat tour in Iraq with the 4ID and am allowed to wear it for the rest of my time in the Army.
[quote comment=”303151″]Am I the only person that thinks that the Rams should bring back road yellows?[/quote]
Not at all. Rich yellow (sometimes called “Athletic Gold”) jerseys, as well as true Old Gold jerseys, look pretty good on many teams. Old Gold looks particularly good when worn outdoors. I always thought that the Saints should have worn Old Gold jerseys, particularly for road games outdoors when the home team wears White.
Imagine the Saints in true Old Gold helmets and jerseys, with White Pants. That would look great !!! How about LSU with Rich Yellow jerseys WITH THE REAL UCLA STRIPING (!!!), with regular yellow helmets and white pants.
The problem in recent years are that Nike/Russell/etc. no longer offers true Old Gold uniforms, and instead has forced Gold wearing teams to dress instead in “Vegas Gold”, which is 3/4ths closer to White than Old Gold. The result is that “Vegas Gold” can not be worn as a dark jersey. I consider that color to be the equivilent of weakened Cat Piss.
Interestingly, the University of Tenn. – Chattanooga football team wears a very dark Old Gold that is the best I have seen in years.
More interestingly, they wore that jersey against Oklahoma in an early season road game, where the Sooners wore their home Maroon jerseys, which should qualify as a color vs. color jersey game.
I’d love to know Where UTC gets their uniforms.
HUGE news Paul and gang… WVU is going to wear White at home this weekend against USF in honor of Pat White. Supposidly this is against NCAA rules but I’ve heard WVU is going to do it anyways. Pretty sweet. But that in the ticker. Good stuff.
[quote comment=”303242″]Texas A&M was wearing the shoulder sleeve insignia of the US Army’s 4th Infantry Division. Before a move to Fort Carson, Colorado they were stationed in TX at Fort Hood. Not sure why they were wearing it but it was nice to see. I wear the patch on my uniform every day as I served a combat tour in Iraq with the 4ID and am allowed to wear it for the rest of my time in the Army.[/quote]
Thank you for serving, Liam. I hope you hear that everyday, sir. That goes for every veteran and active member of our armed services who happens to read this site.
Not sure if this has been discussed, but when coach Lane Kiffin was introduced as head coach here at UT he was presented with a #1 jersey with his name on it and an adidas logo right over his name, unlike our regular game jerseys. Apparently Bruce Pearl was presented with a #14 jersey when he came here, because he was the 14th head coach, but I haven’t found any pictures of that. If they went by that, why wouldn’t Kiffin’s jersey be #21? Anyways, pictures of Coach Kiffin’s jersey can be found in link gallery, picture #16. Also, you guys may want to check out Lane’s wife as well. I’m just saying…..
[quote comment=”303221″]The Fort Wayne Tincaps unveiled their new unis. I think they look pretty solid.
Since when is there a team called the Tincaps?
[quote comment=”303260″][quote comment=”303221″]The Fort Wayne Tincaps unveiled their new unis. I think they look pretty solid.
Since when is there a team called the Tincaps?[/quote]
Since the team decided to drop the Wizards nickname earlier this fall.
As Andy Hyman’s aforementioned cousin, I can verify the authenticity of all his comments. He still has not forgiven me for losing the special Tribune issue. … He forgot to mention that some of his classic issues included flash editions of fallen sports stars such as Don Wilson and Roberto Clemente. He often even rendered their tragic demise for a much needed photo caption.
Here is an obscure question for someone. In the mid-1980’s the Southern Miss Golden Eagles football team were rewarded with “pride” stickers of an eagle. This would have been in the years just before Brett Favre played or maybe his freshman year. Is there anyone out there in Uniwatch land who might know what this eagle looked like? And as a secondary question, what about any pictures of the football team in the 1985-1988 years (other than the Brett Favre ones which are easily found). More specifically, pictures of the team in Black jersey’s with white pants.
This might have already been mentioned, but after the Monday night game, Steve Young said that he thought that next to the Chargers’ uniforms, the all red Texans’ uniforms are his favorites. But who really cares what he thinks anyway?
Regarding Harvard’s black uniforms:
Up until about four or five years ago, the men and women wore the same design with number and wordmark on the front.
The women’s team then went to dazzle fabric and the “H” shield on the shoulder instead of the “VE RI TAS” crest.
That being said, the black look is boss.