Many of you know Philly-based Bill Henderson as the man behind the essential MLB Game-Worn Jerseys of the Double Knit Era reference guide (which, if you don’t already own it, you should really purchase right now). But he’s also a world traveler who has spread the gospel of uniforms via his collection. Here’s a great story he recently shared with me:
My family and I lived in Japan in 2002-03. While there, I was invited to play baseball in a men’s league. I was so flattered; they saw me taking batting practice at a Tokyo batting cage (real slick — projectors with movies of real pitchers on the screen ahead of you, so the pitcher winds up and deliver and the pitch comes at you like magic right out of his hand). I was puffed up with pride that they admired my Spalding Guide swing.
Anyway, I went to practice and was shocked to discover that half the players were U.S. Military personnel — guys who could put the ball on the roof of the warehouse across the street. Me, once I hit a ball that hit the wall on two bounces. These men were just giant, a different breed from me. But they let me play! It took me three weeks to figure out that they invited me to join because they found out I had a car — a minivan at that, a rarity in Japan because of the cost and difficulty getting a driver’s license. But because I had a car, I could drive several of their best players to and from the games, which were at a field far outside metro Tokyo. To find any open space there, you have to drive 30 miles, which costs a good $20 in tolls plus gas, all of which I paid for.
I was not proud. I kept my secret to myself and played first base and got a bunch of singles and tried to make as few errors as possible.
ANYWAY ”¦ The Japanese teams we played all had fancy tailored professional uniforms. We didn’t. Not only that, we made no effort whatsoever to dress alike. There was every combination of softball garb, sweats, and cutoffs.
After a few weeks of this I couldn’t stand it any more. Like any other addict, I had brought a sizeable part of my game-worn uniform collection with me to Japan (no addict can stray far from his stash). I probably have about 20 unis with pants, so after about the third game, I began to arrive for the games dressed in FULL MLB game-worn uniforms (that’s a 2002 throwback uniform I bought from the Pirates).
Nobody on my team ever said a damn thing. But here I was, showing up every week in full 1970s Oakland A’s white (sorry, I had to wear black shoes), as an L.A. Dodger, a 1990 Texas Ranger, a 1979 Oriole with Scotty Ericson’s orange game jersey, a mid-1980s baby blue Phillies road uniform, or even as a 1986 Astro. Yes, that’s a real ’80s rainbow jersey, not a replica. I don’t have 1980s Astros pants, however, so those are Orioles pants from the 1980s. No one seemed to notice. The Japanese just stared at me — I don’t think they knew what to say.
The Rays/Yankees 2003 season opener took place in Japan while I was living there. I went in full Devil Rays regalia and attracted a lot of attention. As you can imagine, everyone there was wearing Yankees stuff ”¦ except me. Don Zimmer laughed when he saw me — he was a Rays coach that year. I danced with the Rays mascot (whatever the hell he/she/it is), got on the big TV, embarrassed my kids.
I have many more photos from this period, like me wearing MLB uniforms at every tourist site in Japan. Everyone stared at me. So I stared back.
Bill sent me that dispatch last week. Then, a day or two ago, he sent me a note on another matter, which concluded with the following: “P.S. I have been re-reading, entry for entry, EVERY SINGLE column and blog entry you have published from Jan. 2007 to present. You are one prolific dude. Good lord there is a lot of stuff there.” Despite this blatant brown-nosing, Bill gets points for putting his uni where his mouth is (or something like that) while on foreign soil. Well done, sir.
Uni Watch News Ticker: Some nice footage from the 1961 World Series here. ”¦ “I was in Halifax, Nova Scotia this past week and went to the Pier 21 museum (like Ellis Island but for Canada),” writes Trevor Ulmer. “I had just missed this exhibit on an early-1900s Vancouver baseball team consisting of Japanese immigrants. The league folded during WWII, as most Japanese immigrants were forced into camps at that time. I didn’t have my camera, so I googled it today and found this. I did get to see this uniform. Hard to tell from the photo, but the fabric is very heavy, like a thicker, softer canvas-type material.” ”¦ Wanna paint your body in your school’s colors? You can’t if you go to Grassfield High in Virginia. Details here (with thanks to Tris Wykes). ”¦ The Oilers released their alternate jersey yesterday — another straight throwback. ”¦ The Browns will be wearing throwbacks this Monday against the Giants. According to this article: “[T]he only real change will be on the helmet, where the two brown stripes down the middle have been removed, leaving only a single white one. In addition, the players’ jersey numbers appear on both sides of their helmets” (with thanks to Ross Hazlett). ”¦ This rugby jersey is causing quite a stir. ”¦ Latest System of Dress team: Memphis (with thanks to Chris Yarbrough). ”¦ Hosiery note from Dan Bingham-Pankratz, who writes: “A high school coach in Racine, Wisconsin, got everyone on the team the same type of black socks, which were previously not part of the uniform, as a tribute to an injured player.” ”¦ Lots of you have been asking for a good photo of Riddell’s Revolution Speed helmet. Here’s a good view of it, as worn by Oklahoma’s Travis Lewis (thanks to Darrell Hatfield). ”¦ Michigan’s new Adidas hoops uniforms have been unveiled. … The mighty Fleer Sticker Project has posted a four-page spread from 1960, showing a bunch of early NFL youth merchandising (the full entry is here). “I hadn’t realized the NFL was merchandising its teams so aggressively as early as 1960,” says webmaster JC Helf. “I guess with the AFL coming on board that year, NFL Enterprises (which would later become NFL Properties) realized it was time to start heavily marketing the league.” ”¦ JC’s also being going thru the Sports Illustrated vault and came up with some interesting stuff, including the Blackhawks’ barber pole design, great striped sleeves being worn by Princeton and Slippery Rock (note the black-stockinged official, too), the Rams’ yellow jerseys, and some gorgeous pics of Notre Dame. ”¦ Great work by Ryan Hossner and his shutterbug galpal Bonnie Noble, who attended last night’s Blazers/Kings preseason game and noticed that Donte Green’s “2” was upside-down. “We made sure to catch him next to Shelden Williams, so you can see the difference,” says Ryan.
The biggest change of the browns throwbacks are the wonderful socks, which I am sure Paul loves.
Those EDM unis are amazing. I LOVE the old orange and blue.
They look pretty good when comparing to the actual thing.
Collar seems to have been modified and striping seems a little thin, but I am very happy. Can’t wait to see it in action. Hope they wear color appropriate pants/socks/helmets/gloves though…
The Memphis unis are a welcome change from the aymmetrical disasters that they had been wearing!
This is a GREAT picture of the Revo Speed, however, reader U-2 Hornh, found some AWESOME pics of Chris Cooley’s helmet and posted them inm last night’s comments:
[quote comment=”293916″]They look pretty good when comparing to the actual thing.
who’s that dude with grant fuhr?
Some other ‘interesting’ kits from Rugby and soccer
Also, a good article on the start of shirt sponsorship in the Bundesliga and how the league tried to stop it
[quote comment=”293919″][quote comment=”293916″]They look pretty good when comparing to the actual thing.
who’s that dude with grant fuhr?[/quote]
I think it might be this guy:
But who is this GretKZY dude?
[quote comment=”293919″][quote comment=”293916″]They look pretty good when comparing to the actual thing.
who’s that dude with grant fuhr?[/quote]
I forget his name, doesn’t matter, never amounted to anything… :)
I had no idea that the great Bill Henderson (I love that uni guide) had lived in Japan!
I play in an amateur league here in Japan too (and also play first base, and also try to just hit singles and not make too man errors). My company has a team, and then I’m on another team with friends. We have some link. (Unfortunately they aren’t helping my hitting, as I’m pretty sure I popped to the catcher in this at-bat!)
[quote comment=”293922″][quote comment=”293919″][quote comment=”293916″]They look pretty good when comparing to the actual thing.
who’s that dude with grant fuhr?[/quote]
I think it might be this guy:
But who is this GretKZY dude?[/quote]
I am still amazed that no one caught that and he made it to gametime with no one noticing.
Or that HE didn’t notice.
[quote comment=”293925″][quote comment=”293922″]
But who is this GretKZY dude?[/quote]
I am still amazed that no one caught that and he made it to gametime with no one noticing.
Or that HE didn’t notice.[/quote]
obviously the NOB isn’t important
So in 1960 little kids could look like the pros except for their socks.
He kept it and gave it to his dad though. Would probalby make a good penny if he were to ever auction it off.
With the kind of money his kid is supporting him with though, I doubt he’ll ever need to.
On a completely different note, those link look great with the colored tops. Why haven’t more teams tried that with solid color tops- black sets them off much better.
Other then the heat, what’s the excuse for only using white and gray? There are plenty of teams that don’t seem to care about tradition, but they still use white.
from today’s paper:
The Vancouver Canucks captain, forbidden by NHL rules from wearing the letter on his jersey because he’s a goalie, sported a “C” on his mask Sunday night against Anaheim in the final exhibition game.
“It can stand for whatever he wants it to stand for,” Vancouver General Manager Mike Gillis said when asked if the “C” stood for Canucks or captain. The former Panther is the first goalie in 61 seasons to serve as a captain. …
[quote comment=”293929″]from today’s paper:
The Vancouver Canucks captain, forbidden by NHL rules from wearing the letter on his jersey because he’s a goalie, sported a “C” on his mask Sunday night against Anaheim in the final exhibition game.
“It can stand for whatever he wants it to stand for,” Vancouver General Manager Mike Gillis said when asked if the “C” stood for Canucks or captain. The former Panther is the first goalie in 61 seasons to serve as a captain. …[/quote]
is that a weekly?
[quote comment=”293921″]Also, a good article on the start of shirt sponsorship in the Bundesliga and how the league tried to stop it
I’ve thought for years that if a company wanted to get into on uniform sponsorship of american sports they should start a sportswear division and supply the uniforms.
[quote comment=”293925″][quote comment=”293922″][quote comment=”293919″][quote comment=”293916″]They look pretty good when comparing to the actual thing.
who’s that dude with grant fuhr?[/quote]
I think it might be this guy:
But who is this GretKZY dude?[/quote]
I am still amazed that no one caught that and he made it to gametime with no one noticing.
Or that HE didn’t notice.[/quote]
[quote comment=”293925″][quote comment=”293922″][quote comment=”293919″][quote comment=”293916″]They look pretty good when comparing to the actual thing.
who’s that dude with grant fuhr?[/quote]
I think it might be this guy:
But who is this GretKZY dude?[/quote]
I am still amazed that no one caught that and he made it to gametime with no one noticing.
Or that HE didn’t notice.[/quote]
Oh, he noticed. It’s one of those one-off, only-one-of-its-kind “errors” that end up getting sold for a prince’s ransom, like a quarter with two heads or something. Gretzky was wearing three different jerseys per game at the end of his career so he could sell three times as many game-worn jerseys.
Those EDM unis are amazing. I LOVE the old orange and blue.
They look pretty good when comparing to the actual thing.
Collar seems to have been modified and striping seems a little thin, but I am very happy. Can’t wait to see it in action. Hope they wear color appropriate pants/socks/helmets/gloves though…
If they would only get rid of that superfluous NHL logo “webbing” on the neck, it would glorious.
I’m with you Jim MI, I’d love to see someone go old school with a pair of gloves (Winwell, with the high cufs and the laces taken out (although orange laces might look cool too).
I think Donte Green’s upside down “2” looks better than the right-side-up “2” on Shelden Williams.
My wife rolls her eyes when I talk about wanting to complete my Astros cap collection (only need the red 1971-74 cap, BO caps need not apply) so if I told her I wanted to start buying game used uniforms, she’d probably fall to the floor laughing! Hell, she rolls her eyes when I talk about wanting a 1952 Tampa Smokers jersey (link ) as my cigar smoking jacket…
Bill has an awesome collection, and a very understanding wife apparently…
[quote comment=”293936″]My wife rolls her eyes when I talk about wanting to complete my Astros cap collection (only need the red 1971-74 cap, BO caps need not apply) so if I told her I wanted to start buying game used uniforms, she’d probably fall to the floor laughing! Hell, she rolls her eyes when I talk about wanting a 1952 Tampa Smokers jersey (link ) as my cigar smoking jacket…
Bill has an awesome collection, and a very understanding wife apparently…[/quote]
Very much like my wife and my sneaker collection! She has decided that it’s like the tide…it’s inevitable.
BTW, the pic of the “mixed-up” 2 is the do-now for my students today!
[quote comment=”293915″]The biggest change of the browns throwbacks are the wonderful socks, which I am sure Paul loves.
They have no TV numbers also
[quote comment=”293935″]I think Donte Green’s upside down “2” looks better than the right-side-up “2” on Shelden Williams.[/quote]
That barber pole Hawks jersey is a classic. I got one years back from Ebbits Field I think that is a real knit sweater with the felt crest and number. I’ll have to get a picture of it here one of these days.
In reference to Luongo and his captaincy designation. Goalies are not allowed to be captains because there is a rule stating that they can not cross the blue line unless they’re going to their bench on a delayed panalty, a time-out or otherwise instructed by the referee. Captains many times meet up with referees to discuss penalties at the referee’s crease (the half circle near the scorer’s table) which would require the goalie to cross the blue line, effectivly forcing the team to switch goalies untill the next stoppage in play.
I came across a mint condition Cleveland Lumberjacks jersey for a buck at a garage sale just like link. I had to buy it. I love how they have used the edge of a saw blade into their jersey.
Those Riddel Speed helmets look soooo much better than the revolution. There is just something dorky about the Revolution helmets. Just an FYI, the Kansas City Chiefs seem to be the only team in the league that has Riddel helmets for every single player. I have not seen any other style, I was at training camp and did not notice any changes.
Regarding the Memphis unis, they are sooooo much better too, those old adidas unis were terrible.
Michigan unis are ugly too.
That barber pole Hawks jersey is a classic. I got one years back from Ebbits Field I think that is a real knit sweater with the felt crest and number. I’ll have to get a picture of it here one of these days.
It has been reported that the Blackhawks will wear a version for the Winter Classic at Wrigley Field on Jan. 1.
Also, according to the great NHL Uniforms website (link), the Oilers will be wearing matching helmets and pants when they wear the throwbacks.
Cubs Loyalty link
[quote comment=”293943″]That barber pole Hawks jersey is a classic. I got one years back from Ebbits Field I think that is a real knit sweater with the felt crest and number. I’ll have to get a picture of it here one of these days.
It has been reported that the Blackhawks will wear a version for the Winter Classic at Wrigley Field on Jan. 1.
I’ve heard both the Hawks and Wings will be wearing throwbacks. I forget to note that the Hawks wore these jerseys in the 75 Anniversary season.
Also, according to the great NHL Uniforms website (link), the Oilers will be wearing matching helmets and pants when they wear the throwbacks.[/quote]
[quote comment=”293941″]I came across a mint condition Cleveland Lumberjacks jersey for a buck at a garage sale just like link. I had to buy it. I love how they have used the edge of a saw blade into their jersey.[/quote]
[quote comment=”293941″]I came across a mint condition Cleveland Lumberjacks jersey for a buck at a garage sale just like link. I had to buy it. I love how they have used the edge of a saw blade into their jersey.[/quote]
Always like this one, too, with the oil derricks incorporated (not to mention that’s it a great team name).
[quote comment=”293947″][quote comment=”293941″]I came across a mint condition Cleveland Lumberjacks jersey for a buck at a garage sale just like link. I had to buy it. I love how they have used the edge of a saw blade into their jersey.[/quote]
Always like this one, too, with the oil derricks incorporated (not to mention that’s it a great team name).
(click on the Calgary Roughnecks)
“The Oilers released their alternate jersey yesterday – another straight throwback.”
Maybe the throwbacks are so popular because the clown outfits Reebok has forced on the teams aren’t selling. I’m sure they don’t care what the fans think, but if it’s all about marketing.
[quote comment=”293944″]Cubs Loyalty link[/quote]
are you shitting me?
[quote comment=”293950″][quote comment=”293944″]Cubs Loyalty link[/quote]
are you shitting me?[/quote]
[quote comment=”293951″][quote comment=”293950″][quote comment=”293944″]Cubs Loyalty link[/quote]
are you shitting me?[/quote]
Hell if I were a cubs fan I would just give it away
[quote comment=”293952″][quote comment=”293951″][quote comment=”293950″][quote comment=”293944″]Cubs Loyalty link[/quote]
are you shitting me?[/quote]
Hell if I were a cubs fan I would just give it away[/quote]
I just wish I’d thought of it.
[quote comment=”293945″]I forget to note that the Hawks wore these jerseys in the 75 Anniversary season.
And they actually wore them a lot more that season than was originally planned because other teams asked them to do it.
[quote comment=”293924″]I had no idea that the great Bill Henderson (I love that uni guide) had lived in Japan!
I play in an amateur league here in Japan too (and also play first base, and also try to just hit singles and not make too man errors). My company has a team, and then I’m on another team with friends. We have some link. (Unfortunately they aren’t helping my hitting, as I’m pretty sure I popped to the catcher in this at-bat!)[/quote]
check out the catcher, no chest protector.
I’m a Cub fan and I’m not wavering in my love for the team. Yea they stunk up the post season, but let’s look at the big picture – it was a great season. As said, it’s not the destination, it’s the journey, and while the last leg of this year’s journey sucked, the rest of it was pretty enjoyable, especialy in April when I took b Dad to a game in the Wrigley bleachers.
[quote comment=”293953″][quote comment=”293952″][quote comment=”293951″][quote comment=”293950″][quote comment=”293944″]Cubs Loyalty link[/quote]
are you shitting me?[/quote]
Hell if I were a cubs fan I would just give it away[/quote]
I just wish I’d thought of it.[/quote]
[quote comment=”293957″][quote comment=”293953″][quote comment=”293952″][quote comment=”293951″][quote comment=”293950″][quote comment=”293944″]Cubs Loyalty link[/quote]
are you shitting me?[/quote]
Hell if I were a cubs fan I would just give it away[/quote]
I just wish I’d thought of it.[/quote][/quote]
That’s odd. The “Ditto” should have been at the bottom, not halfway down.
Article and photos of Devils’ Martin Brodeur’s new mask design
[quote comment=”293959″]Article and photos of Devils’ Martin Brodeur’s new mask design
As a fan of goaltender mask art, I’m kinda sad to see Brodeur change his mask simply to promote his own website. I think he has/had one of the cleanest, sharpest masks in the league. You could make out every detail from far away.
My guideline for a good mask is that you shouldn’t have to be right on top of the goalie to figure out what’s on the mask. While I think a mask like DiPiator’s is cool up close, it’s hard to figure out what’s going on from far away.
[quote comment=”293960″][quote comment=”293959″]Article and photos of Devils’ Martin Brodeur’s new mask design
As a fan of goaltender mask art, I’m kinda sad to see Brodeur change his mask simply to promote his own website. I think he has/had one of the cleanest, sharpest masks in the league. You could make out every detail from far away.
My guideline for a good mask is that you shouldn’t have to be right on top of the goalie to figure out what’s on the mask. While I think a mask like DiPiator’s is cool up close, it’s hard to figure out what’s going on from far away.[/quote]
Disapointted to see him change his mask, even if it is for one game.
Love how the ‘Gallery’ of past Broduer masks has……. 2 pics in it. lol
Goes to show how when you have a good mask like broduer you don’t need to change it. Surprised to see they didn’t include his Olympic/International masks in the ‘Gallery”. Notice he is wearing #29 in one of those pics.
[quote comment=”293942″]Those Riddel Speed helmets look soooo much better than the revolution. There is just something dorky about the Revolution helmets. Just an FYI, the Kansas City Chiefs seem to be the only team in the league that has Riddel helmets for every single player. I have not seen any other style, I was at training camp and did not notice any changes.
Regarding the Memphis unis, they are sooooo much better too, those old adidas unis were terrible.
Michigan unis are ugly too.[/quote]
I’m always playing this game, when watching football!
The Chiefs are usually all Riddell, however when Neil Smith played, he wore a Schutt Air helmet:
Seahawks: except for a few players like Deion Branch
Vikings: are traditionally all Riddell, except for players like Darren Sharper
Titans: Very few players wear non-Riddell, like LenDale White.
TOSU=Only Riddell
VaTEch=Only Riddell
BC=Only Riddell
Texas A&M=Almost all Riddell
Kansas=Only Riddell
Mizzou=Only Riddell
Wisconsin=Only Riddell
Penn State=Only Schutt
Illinois=Only Schutt
West Virginia=Only Schutt
The other day I asked if anyone knew a place to get a Devils Christmas Elves jersey and I know Jim MI was also wanting one besides beeing on ebay. Well I think I have found it. Lookie here at this site link
About that link: Shouldn’t that be one of the pillbox caps? Or were those the caps they wore for that particular occasion?
I remember the throwbacks they wore the following year in Milwaukee were all-yellow with the black pillbox cap. It was the day of the infamous Randall Simon sausage race incident.
[quote comment=”293962″][quote comment=”293942″]Those Riddel Speed helmets look soooo much better than the revolution. There is just something dorky about the Revolution helmets. Just an FYI, the Kansas City Chiefs seem to be the only team in the league that has Riddel helmets for every single player. I have not seen any other style, I was at training camp and did not notice any changes.
Regarding the Memphis unis, they are sooooo much better too, those old adidas unis were terrible.
Michigan unis are ugly too.[/quote]
I’m always playing this game, when watching football!
The Chiefs are usually all Riddell, however when Neil Smith played, he wore a Schutt Air helmet:
Seahawks: except for a few players like Deion Branch
Vikings: are traditionally all Riddell, except for players like Darren Sharper
Titans: Very few players wear non-Riddell, like LenDale White.
TOSU=Only Riddell
VaTEch=Only Riddell
BC=Only Riddell
Texas A&M=Almost all Riddell
Kansas=Only Riddell
Mizzou=Only Riddell
Wisconsin=Only Riddell
Penn State=Only Schutt
Illinois=Only Schutt
West Virginia=Only Schutt[/quote]
Add the Bengals to the Riddell list, except for Palmer, Schutt Air XP, and occasionally, Ocho Cinco. He varies between Schutt Air and Revo.
[quote comment=”293964″] It was the day of the infamous Randall Simon sausage race incident.[/quote]
Crappy picture link. Video link.
[quote comment=”293965″][quote comment=”293962″][quote comment=”293942″]Those Riddel Speed helmets look soooo much better than the revolution. There is just something dorky about the Revolution helmets. Just an FYI, the Kansas City Chiefs seem to be the only team in the league that has Riddel helmets for every single player. I have not seen any other style, I was at training camp and did not notice any changes.
Regarding the Memphis unis, they are sooooo much better too, those old adidas unis were terrible.
Michigan unis are ugly too.[/quote]
I’m always playing this game, when watching football!
The Chiefs are usually all Riddell, however when Neil Smith played, he wore a Schutt Air helmet:
Seahawks: except for a few players like Deion Branch
Vikings: are traditionally all Riddell, except for players like Darren Sharper
Titans: Very few players wear non-Riddell, like LenDale White.
TOSU=Only Riddell
VaTEch=Only Riddell
BC=Only Riddell
Texas A&M=Almost all Riddell
Kansas=Only Riddell
Mizzou=Only Riddell
Wisconsin=Only Riddell
Penn State=Only Schutt
Illinois=Only Schutt
West Virginia=Only Schutt[/quote]
Add the Bengals to the Riddell list, except for Palmer, Schutt Air XP, and occasionally, Ocho Cinco. He varies between Schutt Air and Revo.[/quote]
Another Chief to wear Schutt: Dan Saleaumua:
[quote comment=”293964″]About that link: Shouldn’t that be one of the pillbox caps? Or were those the caps they wore for that particular occasion?
I remember the throwbacks they wore the following year in Milwaukee were all-yellow with the black pillbox cap. It was the day of the infamous Randall Simon sausage race incident.[/quote]
ah yes…link
[quote comment=”293962″][quote comment=”293942″]Those Riddel Speed helmets look soooo much better than the revolution. There is just something dorky about the Revolution helmets. Just an FYI, the Kansas City Chiefs seem to be the only team in the league that has Riddel helmets for every single player. I have not seen any other style, I was at training camp and did not notice any changes.
Regarding the Memphis unis, they are sooooo much better too, those old adidas unis were terrible.
Michigan unis are ugly too.[/quote]
I’m always playing this game, when watching football!
The Chiefs are usually all Riddell, however when Neil Smith played, he wore a Schutt Air helmet:
Seahawks: except for a few players like Deion Branch
Vikings: are traditionally all Riddell, except for players like Darren Sharper
Titans: Very few players wear non-Riddell, like LenDale White.
TOSU=Only Riddell
VaTEch=Only Riddell
BC=Only Riddell
Texas A&M=Almost all Riddell
Kansas=Only Riddell
Mizzou=Only Riddell
Wisconsin=Only Riddell
Penn State=Only Schutt
Illinois=Only Schutt
West Virginia=Only Schutt[/quote]
University of Iowa is straight Riddel as well.
Back in the 90s, Dan Salemua the DT for the chiefs also wore the schutt(AIR) helmet, as well as Deron Cherry.
[quote comment=”293968″][quote comment=”293964″]About that link: Shouldn’t that be one of the pillbox caps? Or were those the caps they wore for that particular occasion?
I remember the throwbacks they wore the following year in Milwaukee were all-yellow with the black pillbox cap. It was the day of the infamous Randall Simon sausage race incident.[/quote]
ah yes…link[/quote]
I was at the Flyers/Phantoms scrimmage last night, it was the last time the Flyers were playing at the Spectrum, both teams wore a commemorative patch, i didnt get a good shot of it there, but here it is:link
[quote comment=”293963″]The other day I asked if anyone knew a place to get a Devils Christmas Elves jersey and I know Jim MI was also wanting one besides beeing on ebay. Well I think I have found it. Lookie here at this site link
I want this jersey and put Shanahan #11 on it…
Good find Kevin!
[quote comment=”293970″][quote comment=”293968″][quote comment=”293964″]About that link: Shouldn’t that be one of the pillbox caps? Or were those the caps they wore for that particular occasion?
I remember the throwbacks they wore the following year in Milwaukee were all-yellow with the black pillbox cap. It was the day of the infamous Randall Simon sausage race incident.[/quote]
ah yes…link[/quote]
Well, yes, and I suppose as long as we’re picking on the poor guy (Henderson, not Simon), which he doesn’t deserve because he couldn’t take EVERYTHING to Japan… it should have been a black hat, too. Gold over black was pretty much always the black hat.
Deron Cherry…nice call Jason Gomez!
I had all but forgoten about him and the worst facemask in football:
The last player in the NFL to wear a mask similar to that was Sam Gash:
TOSU=Only Riddell
VaTEch=Only Riddell
BC=Only Riddell
Texas A&M=Almost all Riddell
Kansas=Only Riddell
Mizzou=Only Riddell
Wisconsin=Only Riddell
Penn State=Only Schutt
Illinois=Only Schutt
West Virginia=Only Schutt
Illinois is over 50% Riddell, and West Virginia have several players in Riddell helmets.
Other teams that are heavy Riddell are:
Iowa State
Wash. State
I think the only 1-A school that is 100% Schutt is Penn State.
[quote comment=”293974″]Deron Cherry…nice call Jason Gomez!
I had all but forgoten about him and the worst facemask in football:
The last player in the NFL to wear a mask similar to that was Sam Gash:
Thanks….I have been spending the last 20 minutes for visual proof, I have a card at home but not with me. Yeah that mask was terrible as well as the cross mask.
Another all-Schutt team:
The Dillon link
Crap. There should have been another link in that last post:
[quote comment=”293963″]Lookie here at this site link
You sir, are a god among men. Now I can finally get a Whalers sweater.
[quote comment=”293941″]I came across a mint condition Cleveland Lumberjacks jersey for a buck at a garage sale just like link. I had to buy it. I love how they have used the edge of a saw blade into their jersey.[/quote]
The old all sport logo is the best part of it
[quote comment=”293973″]
Well, yes, and I suppose as long as we’re picking on the poor guy (Henderson, not Simon), which he doesn’t deserve because he couldn’t take EVERYTHING to Japan… it should have been a black hat, too. Gold over black was pretty much always the black hat.[/quote]
I was really just curious whether the Pirates were employing a bit of revisionist history when they wore the throwbacks in ’02. I couldn’t find any visual evidence one way or the other.
I didn’t mean for it to come off like I was haranguing him for wearing an inappropriate cap. I apologize if it came off that way.
Jean – pierre Szaszkiewicz, now there’s a NOB for ya, it wraps around his shoulders so much you can’t even read it all:
[quote comment=”293980″][quote comment=”293941″]I came across a mint condition Cleveland Lumberjacks jersey for a buck at a garage sale just like link. I had to buy it. I love how they have used the edge of a saw blade into their jersey.[/quote]
The old all sport logo is the best part of it[/quote]
that’s not still made anymore, is it? tasted like shit…gatorade still rocks…did powerade take them over, or was that a pepsi knockoff?
Off of the Icethetics website:
Atlanta’s new third jersey was leaked
The jersey looks unreal. I love the numbers in the front.
[quote comment=”293982″][quote comment=”293973″]
Well, yes, and I suppose as long as we’re picking on the poor guy (Henderson, not Simon), which he doesn’t deserve because he couldn’t take EVERYTHING to Japan… it should have been a black hat, too. Gold over black was pretty much always the black hat.[/quote]
I was really just curious whether the Pirates were employing a bit of revisionist history when they wore the throwbacks in ’02. I couldn’t find any visual evidence one way or the other.
I didn’t mean for it to come off like I was haranguing him for wearing an inappropriate cap. I apologize if it came off that way.[/quote]
My guess is that day Bill wished he’d had a black hat to wear. If anyone knows his stuff…
So was one of those “all on the same side” deals when I brought it up. And, while I think of it, just exactly how cool is that closet of his, anyway. Damn.
That Deron Cherry facemask brings back happy memories…
Shot of the Phantoms – Flyers game (sadly, the patch is hard to see)…
Also, Click on the 2nd photo to see how far Goalie Masks have come (I laughed when I saw Marty’s new one)
[quote comment=”293958″][quote comment=”293957″][quote comment=”293953″][quote comment=”293952″][quote comment=”293951″][quote comment=”293950″][quote comment=”293944″]Cubs Loyalty link[/quote]
are you shitting me?[/quote]
Hell if I were a cubs fan I would just give it away[/quote]
I just wish I’d thought of it.[/quote][/quote]
That’s odd. The “Ditto” should have been at the bottom, not halfway down.[/quote]
Am I the only one that sees a bit of irony in selling one’s loyalty to the highest bidder?
Chalk me up as greatly appreciating today’s entry. I own multiple editions of Bill Henderson’s incredible guide and review it frequently, so it was nice to see some coverage of The Man himself.
Now when can we expect to see an entry on the author of the other Bible (yes, there are two baseball Bibles, in my opinion), Marc Okkonen?
On the link, the couple on the far right is wearing “Rams wear” that looks to have a logo (albeit small and distorted) very similar to the Rams current angry running ram logo. Does anyone have a closer look at it?
[quote comment=”293917″]The Memphis unis are a welcome change from the aymmetrical disasters that they had been wearing!
Agreed. As much as I dislike SOD, for Memphis it’s a HUGE improvement. Those asymmetrical things from the past few seasons are maybe the worst uniforms I’ve ever seen in a Final Four.
Now if they could just remember that their school colors are blue and gray, not blue and BLACK.
Blog about Maryland’s new helmet decals today…
[quote comment=\”293991\”]On the 1960s NFL Equipment Link, the couple on the far right is wearing \”Rams wear\” that looks to have a logo (albeit small and distorted) very similar to the Rams current angry running ram logo. Does anyone have a closer look at it?[/quote]
… also … I like that the colors more closely resemble today’s Rams colors. Plus, reading through the description at the bottom of the page … I wonder where they got their inspiration for those shirt names:
The gentleman behind her models the Marlboro “Kent” …
Wiki has it so it must be true…
“All Sport is a sports drink similar to Gatorade and POWERade. It was created by PepsiCo, as their response to The Coca-Cola Company’s POWERade. All Sport originally was carbonated, but many athletes and consumers objected to this, as it was not consistent with the healthful nature of sports drinks. With PepsiCo’s acquisition of the Quaker Oats Company, the makers of Gatorade, in 2001, All Sport was sold off to the The Monarch Beverage Company, of Atlanta, Georgia. In 2007, All Sport was purchased by Gary Smith who is currently the Chairman & CEO of All Sport, Inc. based in Austin, Texas.”
thanks, rodd
Sounds like Pepsi said, “well this stuff sucks.. let’s just buy the real thing”
[quote comment=”293997″]Sounds like Pepsi said, “well this stuff sucks.. let’s just buy the real thing“[/quote]
interesting choice of words ;)
I’m gonna throw my two cents in on the New Martin Brodeur mask, ’cause Marty’s was my inspiration for my Uniwatch membership card doncha know. Anyway, I really don’t mind an update to Brodeur’s mask, but I think this one was botched.
I feel that Marty had the cleanest mask in hockey, but it always bothered me that he kept the N-less J on his mask when he was clearly not going to sent to the minors ever again. (The design was done to work for both the Utica Devils, then NJ’s farm club, or the New Jersey Devils.) I know that it became his trademark, but it always looked dorky and unfinished to me.
Now having said that, the updated logo is not good. I’m OK with personalizing the horns and tail and not going with the standard issue NJ logo, but the MB30 is clunky designwise and insulting to fans. Every Devils fan knows who number 30 is, hell every hockey fan whose hasn’t been in a coma for ten years knows would know who you are talking about if you put a Devils tail on the number 30. Plus, as I have discussed with fellow Devil fans, this is really boarderline advertising for Brodeur’s new website MartinBrodeur30.com. Talk about branding/logo creep issues.
The way to go was to put the tail and the horns on a 30 and leave it at that. Clean and simple.
University of Minnesota has new uniforms. I assume they are system of dress. They have the same neckline as a team that unveiled last week (OU I think).
Thrashers\’ third jersey unveiling is accompanied by NHL uni chat tonight:
[quote comment=”293985″]Off of the Icethetics website:
Atlanta’s new third jersey was leaked
The jersey looks unreal. I love the numbers in the front.[/quote]
those are god awful, and there should never be a number on the front of a hockey jersey
[quote comment=”293979″][quote comment=”293963″]Lookie here at this site link
You sir, are a god among men. Now I can finally get a Whalers sweater.[/quote]
Now, if I could only find that Cleveland Barons jersey I’ve been looking for….
My understanding is that the throwbacks are to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Oilers’ entry in the NHL. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a new third jersey for them for next year.
[quote comment=”293949″]”The Oilers released their alternate jersey yesterday – another straight throwback.”
Maybe the throwbacks are so popular because the clown outfits Reebok has forced on the teams aren’t selling. I’m sure they don’t care what the fans think, but if it’s all about marketing.[/quote]
[quote comment=”293935″]I think Donte Green’s upside down “2” looks better than the right-side-up “2” on Shelden Williams.[/quote]
Next to Sheldon Williams, ANYTHING looks better.
[quote comment=”293992″][quote comment=”293917″]The Memphis unis are a welcome change from the aymmetrical disasters that they had been wearing!
Agreed. As much as I dislike SOD, for Memphis it’s a HUGE improvement. Those asymmetrical things from the past few seasons are maybe the worst uniforms I’ve ever seen in a Final Four.
Now if they could just remember that their school colors are blue and gray, not blue and BLACK.[/quote]
The change also proves that Coach Calipari has NO brand loyalty.
Reebok, Notice the I3 logo on the shorts, that is Iverson’s Reebok logo:
S.O.D. which means a switch to Nike:
[quote comment=”294006″][quote comment=”293992″][quote comment=”293917″]The Memphis unis are a welcome change from the aymmetrical disasters that they had been wearing!
Agreed. As much as I dislike SOD, for Memphis it’s a HUGE improvement. Those asymmetrical things from the past few seasons are maybe the worst uniforms I’ve ever seen in a Final Four.
Now if they could just remember that their school colors are blue and gray, not blue and BLACK.[/quote]
The change also proves that Coach Calipari has NO brand loyalty.
Reebok, Notice the I3 logo on the shorts, that is Iverson’s Reebok logo:
S.O.D. which means a switch to Nike:
Lets try the Reebok again:
[quote comment=”294003″][quote comment=”293979″][quote comment=”293963″]Lookie here at this site link
You sir, are a god among men. Now I can finally get a Whalers sweater.[/quote]
Now, if I could only find that Cleveland Barons jersey I’ve been looking for….[/quote]
Or the Kansas City Scouts
Just in case you guys missed that yesterday…
[quote comment=”294007″][quote comment=”294006″][quote comment=”293992″][quote comment=”293917″]The Memphis unis are a welcome change from the aymmetrical disasters that they had been wearing!
Agreed. As much as I dislike SOD, for Memphis it’s a HUGE improvement. Those asymmetrical things from the past few seasons are maybe the worst uniforms I’ve ever seen in a Final Four.
Now if they could just remember that their school colors are blue and gray, not blue and BLACK.[/quote]
The change also proves that Coach Calipari has NO brand loyalty.
Reebok, Notice the I3 logo on the shorts, that is Iverson’s Reebok logo:
S.O.D. which means a switch to Nike:
Lets try the Reebok again:
When Calipari took over at Memphis they were origionally a Reebok (I3) team, all wore Iversons but then switched, and havent noticed another team do the same since.
[quote comment=”293985″]Off of the Icethetics website:
Atlanta’s new third jersey was leaked
The jersey looks unreal. I love the numbers in the front.[/quote]
I’m going to be sick.
[quote]The change also proves that Coach Calipari has NO
Does anyone know how much longer Reebok has the contract with the NFL? I would like to see like Wilson or Russell get a deal. Have an orgional apperell company do it. Be just like the NBA and have NO logo on the actual uniforms.
[quote comment=”294012″][quote]The change also proves that Coach Calipari has NO
Any change from Reebok is a “good” change.
[quote comment=”294015″][quote comment=”294007″][quote comment=”294006″][quote comment=”293992″][quote comment=”293917″]The Memphis unis are a welcome change from the aymmetrical disasters that they had been wearing!
Agreed. As much as I dislike SOD, for Memphis it’s a HUGE improvement. Those asymmetrical things from the past few seasons are maybe the worst uniforms I’ve ever seen in a Final Four.
Now if they could just remember that their school colors are blue and gray, not blue and BLACK.[/quote]
The change also proves that Coach Calipari has NO brand loyalty.
Reebok, Notice the I3 logo on the shorts, that is Iverson’s Reebok logo:
S.O.D. which means a switch to Nike:
Lets try the Reebok again:
Thanks, PL…I messed up with the copy and paste function.
If this has been posted already, sorry but the Entry title reads: “Mr. Baseball, UniWatch Verison”.
Shouldn’t it be Version?
[quote comment=”294017″]If this has been posted already, sorry but the Entry title reads: “Mr. Baseball, UniWatch Verison”.
Shouldn’t it be Version?[/quote]
i don’t believe this…what’s next? somebody going to tell him how to take a crap?
[quote comment=”294017″]If this has been posted already, sorry but the Entry title reads: “Mr. Baseball, UniWatch Verison”.
Shouldn’t it be Version?[/quote]
Wow … major mea culpa. Now fixed.
[quote comment=”294013″]Does anyone know how much longer Reebok has the contract with the NFL? I would like to see like Wilson or Russell get a deal. Have an orgional apperell company do it. Be just like the NBA and have NO logo on the actual uniforms.[/quote]
The original contract link, but it could of course be extended.
Well, unfortunately, it looks like that “Cubs Loyalty” eBay auction has been pulled.
It was up over 2 grand last time I checked.
So it’s mid afternoon in the East and it appears no one has brought up the “last hot dog sold at Shea” auction? Cubs loyalty? That’s it? Did Paul put a bid in on this?
[quote comment=”294020″][quote comment=”294013″]Does anyone know how much longer Reebok has the contract with the NFL? I would like to see like Wilson or Russell get a deal. Have an orgional apperell company do it. Be just like the NBA and have NO logo on the actual uniforms.[/quote]
The original contract link, but it could of course be extended.[/quote]
It would be nice if they moved awy from the “NFL Equipment” badge and back to the NFL shield on the collars. I always liked that better.
[quote comment=\”294019\”][quote comment=\”294017\”]If this has been posted already, sorry but the Entry title reads: \”Mr. Baseball, UniWatch Verison\”.
Shouldn\’t it be Version?[/quote]
Wow … major mea culpa. Now fixed.[/quote]
We\’re even!!!
BTW…bad news for me!!!
One of my eight period students was wearing a Stonehill College sweatshirt. I instantly made him turn it inside out, becuase they beat my alma mater this year in football in what was supposed to be a \”Given\” win.
He laughed about it and then with a grin asked: \”What\’s the name of the Bryant College mascot, cuz my sister goes there?\”
I actually didn\’t know, so i decided to google it. As I was bragging about how I played lacrosse in college with their A.D., Their main web page displayed this:
Diabolical ploy by a 14 year-old!!!
eighth, because[quote comment=”294024″][quote comment=\”294019\”][quote comment=\”294017\”]If this has been posted already, sorry but the Entry title reads: \”Mr. Baseball, UniWatch Verison\”.
Shouldn\’t it be Version?[/quote]
Wow … major mea culpa. Now fixed.[/quote]
Wow, and I corrected Paul?
We’re even!!!
BTW…bad news for me!!!
One of my eighth period students was wearing a Stonehill College sweatshirt. I instantly made him turn it inside out, because they beat my alma mater this year in football, in what was supposed to be a “Given” win.
He laughed about it and then with a grin asked: “What’s the name of the Bryant College mascot, cuz my sister goes there?”
I actually didn’t know, so I decided to google it. As I was bragging about how I played lacrosse in college with their A.D., Their main web page displayed this:
Diabolical ploy by a 14 year-old!!![/quote]
You know your fantasy football league is screwed up when:
Johnnie Lee Higgins is a top-20 receiver.
[quote comment=”294023″][quote comment=”294020″][quote comment=”294013″]Does anyone know how much longer Reebok has the contract with the NFL? I would like to see like Wilson or Russell get a deal. Have an orgional apperell company do it. Be just like the NBA and have NO logo on the actual uniforms.[/quote]
The original contract link, but it could of course be extended.[/quote]
It would be nice if they moved awy from the “NFL Equipment” badge and back to the NFL shield on the collars. I always liked that better.[/quote]
I dunno about that. I mean, JUST because its an NFL shield on football equipment, do you think people are going to be able to figure out it’s NFL Equipment? My recommmendation would be a legal paragraph encompassed on the patch explaining that the patch on a piece of NFL equipemnt is an idication that that particular piece of equipment is authorized for use in the NFL, and that is why the patch is there. It might not be a bad idea, however, to have another paragraph below that paragraph explaining why that paragraph was put there in the first place.
[quote comment=”294027″][quote comment=”294023″][quote comment=”294020″][quote comment=”294013″]Does anyone know how much longer Reebok has the contract with the NFL? I would like to see like Wilson or Russell get a deal. Have an orgional apperell company do it. Be just like the NBA and have NO logo on the actual uniforms.[/quote]
The original contract link, but it could of course be extended.[/quote]
It would be nice if they moved awy from the “NFL Equipment” badge and back to the NFL shield on the collars. I always liked that better.[/quote]
I dunno about that. I mean, JUST because its an NFL shield on football equipment, do you think people are going to be able to figure out it’s NFL Equipment? My recommmendation would be a legal paragraph encompassed on the patch explaining that the patch on a piece of NFL equipemnt is an idication that that particular piece of equipment is authorized for use in the NFL, and that is why the patch is there. It might not be a bad idea, however, to have another paragraph below that paragraph explaining why that paragraph was put there in the first place.[/quote]
I’ve always hated that patch.
It’s like people walking around in t-shirts labeled “PROPERTY OF THE NEW YORK GIANTS”. No, pal, it isn’t. You bought that at Kohl’s.
Don’t know if this what the ice really looks like in Fort Wayne home of the IHL’s Komets, but wow.
here is their homepage
[quote comment=”294028″]link[/quote]
Portland Timbers FC? I’m all for it.
Anyone know when the Flyers are going to unveil their third jersey?
[quote comment=”294030″]Don’t know if this what the ice really looks like in Fort Wayne home of the IHL’s Komets, but wow.
here is their homepage
Yet the boards are clean as … well … ice!
[quote comment=”294031″][quote comment=”294028″]link[/quote]
Portland Timbers FC? I’m all for it.[/quote]
Seeings that it’s the same owner, I’d be willing to bet that it’d keep the same name. One can hope…
[quote comment=”294032″]Anyone know when the Flyers are going to unveil their third jersey?[/quote]
apparently not until november 28, according to icethetics
The Flyers are also going for tradition, bringing back the predominantly orange jersey the club wore at home when it joined the NHL in 1967-68. White shoulder piping will again run the length of each arm, with orange numbers trimmed in black. A large black stripe is affixed to the tip of each arm. A broad white stripe adorns the bottom of the uniform. The Flyers’ stylized “P” black logo with the orange dot is on the front.
there have been leaks, and it’s apparently almost identical to the pre-edge sweater
Since Princeton was mentioned in the ticker, I feel the need to display perhaps my favorite uniform in college football:
And some old-school from 1903:
This guy ran ALL OVER Ricko!!!
[quote comment=”294036″]Since Princeton was mentioned in the ticker, I feel the need to display perhaps my favorite uniform in college football:
And some old-school from 1903:
This guy ran ALL OVER Ricko!!![/quote]
That’s not fair. Ricko was in his 50s then. He never had a chance.
[quote comment=”294037″][quote comment=”294036″]Since Princeton was mentioned in the ticker, I feel the need to display perhaps my favorite uniform in college football:
And some old-school from 1903:
This guy ran ALL OVER Ricko!!![/quote]
That’s not fair. Ricko was in his 50s then. He never had a chance.[/quote]
Hey, hey, hey…I was 49.
But it’s okay, his sister never had a chance, either. Heh heh heh. She liked my Stutz.
[quote comment=”294038″][quote comment=”294037″][quote comment=”294036″]Since Princeton was mentioned in the ticker, I feel the need to display perhaps my favorite uniform in college football:
And some old-school from 1903:
This guy ran ALL OVER Ricko!!![/quote]
That’s not fair. Ricko was in his 50s then. He never had a chance.[/quote]
Hey, hey, hey…I was 49.
But it’s okay, his sister never had a chance, either. Heh heh heh. She liked my Stutz.[/quote]
Oh, wait. 1903? I didn’t have my Stutz yet.
Must be thinking of some other guy with a sister who ran me over.
NY Times just announced that the Syracuse Crunch will hang Paul Newman’s #7 Reggie Dunlop Johnstown Chiefs jersey from Slap Shot in the rafters this Saturday (some scenes filmed there).
Also the Johnstown Chiefs are working on a sleeve patch.
[quote comment=”294040″]NY Times just announced that the Syracuse Crunch will hang Paul Newman’s #7 Reggie Dunlop Johnstown Chiefs jersey from Slap Shot in the rafters this Saturday (some scenes filmed there).
Also the Johnstown Chiefs are working on a sleeve patch.
That…is cool.
[quote comment=”294040″]NY Times just announced that the Syracuse Crunch will hang Paul Newman’s #7 Reggie Dunlop Johnstown Chiefs jersey from Slap Shot in the rafters this Saturday (some scenes filmed there).
Also the Johnstown Chiefs are working on a sleeve patch.
That is awsome. The first thing I thought when I head of the passing of Newman was that Reg is dead. I’m glad the hockey community is going to give him the respect he deserves for playing such a great role in a movie that is essential viewing for any fan of hockey.
[quote comment=”294035″][quote comment=”294032″]Anyone know when the Flyers are going to unveil their third jersey?[/quote]
apparently not until november 28, according to icethetics
The Flyers are also going for tradition, bringing back the predominantly orange jersey the club wore at home when it joined the NHL in 1967-68. White shoulder piping will again run the length of each arm, with orange numbers trimmed in black. A large black stripe is affixed to the tip of each arm. A broad white stripe adorns the bottom of the uniform. The Flyers’ stylized “P” black logo with the orange dot is on the front.
there have been leaks, and it’s apparently almost identical to the pre-edge sweater[/quote]
Thanks for the info.
[quote comment=”293939″][quote comment=”293935″]I think Donte Green’s upside down “2” looks better than the right-side-up “2” on Shelden Williams.[/quote]
someone call the king’s this needs to become permanent
Did anyone notice Fred Taylor’s gloves the other night? Much like what Julian Peterson and Deion Branch do with the Seahawks’s snot green accents, Taylor went with gold gloves:
IMO, a VERY underrated uniform, except for the “Hairball” face of the jaguar!
[quote comment=”294045″]Did anyone notice Fred Taylor’s gloves the other night? Much like what Julian Peterson and Deion Branch do with the Seahawks’s snot green accents, Taylor went with gold gloves:
IMO, a VERY underrated uniform, except for the “Hairball” face of the jaguar![/quote]
Yeah, always figured that helmet cat’s name probably was, “Gak”.
[quote comment=”294045″]Did anyone notice Fred Taylor’s gloves the other night? Much like what Julian Peterson and Deion Branch do with the Seahawks’s snot green accents, Taylor went with gold gloves:
IMO, a VERY underrated uniform, except for the “Hairball” face of the jaguar![/quote]
I noticed that Taylor has Reebok gloves on but has a pair of Nike Superbads on….he has been a Reebok geek the past few years.
[quote comment=”294045″]Did anyone notice Fred Taylor’s gloves the other night? Much like what Julian Peterson and Deion Branch do with the Seahawks’s snot green accents, Taylor went with gold gloves:
IMO, a VERY underrated uniform, except for the “Hairball” face of the jaguar![/quote]
Taylor hasbeen wearing those all year. It seems as though they should be illegal for being shiny, but apparently they are not. During day games, he could blind somebody with those things.
[quote comment=”294045″]Did anyone notice Fred Taylor’s gloves the other night? Much like what Julian Peterson and Deion Branch do with the Seahawks’s snot green accents, Taylor went with gold gloves:
IMO, a VERY underrated uniform, except for the “Hairball” face of the jaguar![/quote]
Give that helmet a decent-looking logo and ditch the sleeve logo altogether and that uniform probably cracks my NFL top 5.
Hell, I can live with the sleeve logo, just as long as they don’t pair that jersey with the link.
[quote comment=”294047″][quote comment=”294045″]Did anyone notice Fred Taylor’s gloves the other night? Much like what Julian Peterson and Deion Branch do with the Seahawks’s snot green accents, Taylor went with gold gloves:
IMO, a VERY underrated uniform, except for the “Hairball” face of the jaguar![/quote]
I noticed that Taylor has Reebok gloves on but has a pair of Nike Superbads on….he has been a Reebok geek the past few years.[/quote]
And aren’t the Jags supposed to wear black cleats? The black tape helps some, but those cleats look predominantly white. Don’t know if he does it with the Saints, but Jeremy Shockey used to do that last year as well with the G-Men.
[quote comment=”294048″][quote comment=”294045″]Did anyone notice Fred Taylor’s gloves the other night? Much like what Julian Peterson and Deion Branch do with the Seahawks’s snot green accents, Taylor went with gold gloves:
IMO, a VERY underrated uniform, except for the “Hairball” face of the jaguar![/quote]
Taylor hasbeen wearing those all year. It seems as though they should be illegal for being shiny, but apparently they are not. During day games, he could blind somebody with those things.[/quote]
First thing that came to mind when I noticed those gloves: Threepio.
Not that that’s bad, just what I thought of.
[quote comment=”294051″][quote comment=”294048″][quote comment=”294045″]Did anyone notice Fred Taylor’s gloves the other night? Much like what Julian Peterson and Deion Branch do with the Seahawks’s snot green accents, Taylor went with gold gloves:
IMO, a VERY underrated uniform, except for the “Hairball” face of the jaguar![/quote]
Taylor hasbeen wearing those all year. It seems as though they should be illegal for being shiny, but apparently they are not. During day games, he could blind somebody with those things.[/quote]
First thing that came to mind when I noticed those gloves: Threepio.
Not that that’s bad, just what I thought of.[/quote]
Its bad. lol. I thought that is what Brady Quinn should have worn in his ND days, but most especially in this pic. link
Wasn’t Zimmer the Yankees’ bench coach in 2003? I thought it was the 2003 ALCS when Pedro threw him to the ground…
[quote comment=”294053″]Wasn’t Zimmer the Yankees’ bench coach in 2003? I thought it was the 2003 ALCS when Pedro threw him to the ground…[/quote]
Good catch. Yes, it was the ’03 ALCS. It was 2004 that he Rays & Yankees played in Japan.
Was just browsing around Youtube some, and came to link. It seems to be an old news feature on the Pilots. A bunch of nice stadium shots, uni shots, and of course the interesting shots of players stretching. You’ll know which ones I mean.
[quote comment=”293969″][quote comment=”293962″][quote comment=”293942″]Those Riddel Speed helmets look soooo much better than the revolution. There is just something dorky about the Revolution helmets. Just an FYI, the Kansas City Chiefs seem to be the only team in the league that has Riddel helmets for every single player. I have not seen any other style, I was at training camp and did not notice any changes.
Regarding the Memphis unis, they are sooooo much better too, those old adidas unis were terrible.
Michigan unis are ugly too.[/quote]
I’m always playing this game, when watching football!
The Chiefs are usually all Riddell, however when Neil Smith played, he wore a Schutt Air helmet:
Seahawks: except for a few players like Deion Branch
Vikings: are traditionally all Riddell, except for players like Darren Sharper
Titans: Very few players wear non-Riddell, like LenDale White.
TOSU=Only Riddell
VaTEch=Only Riddell
BC=Only Riddell
Texas A&M=Almost all Riddell
Kansas=Only Riddell
Mizzou=Only Riddell
Wisconsin=Only Riddell
Penn State=Only Schutt
Illinois=Only Schutt
West Virginia=Only Schutt[/quote]
University of Iowa is straight Riddel as well.
Is there another team such as the Hawkeyes that is straight Riddell Revolution? I remember the entire team switching to them the year they came out because I hated the goofy-looking facemasks.
Since I’m a geezer and remember the Princeton and Slippery Rock striped-arm jerseys — shoulder to cuff — I have to wonder why few, if any, teams, at any level, no longer have them. Full-length arm stripes are part of football’s heritage, and they look damn nice, far better than some of the contemporary designer’s atrocities.
Bring ’em back, I say. :)
NFL Shop now has a retro helmet t-shirt for every team. I stubbled across it while looking at my favorite team, and decided to check the other teams out.
The Broncos and The Bills are among those who use old helmet logos: link
while the buccaneers do not.. link
The freshman football coach at the high school I went to put together a pretty nice website for the team. Most of it has to do with the freshman team, but I think it has a pretty nice photo gallery, which he updates fairly often.
He put a new picture up which, if is what he says it is, is a newspaper scan of the team in 1956, playing on the same field the New York Giants played their first game on.
Our school still plays football there, sadly not the same field. A new stadium was put in next to it where the football team plays, the Connecticut Wolves soccer team played before they went under, and the New England Revolution has had a couple games over the fast few years.
The original field was paved over for a parking lot for the New Britain Rock Cats (Twins minor league team) And there is also Beehive Stadium, where the New Britain Red Sox used to call home. The park has a bit of history.
anyway heres the link, check out the other pictures from al the different generations, there lots of pictures of both the team, and people who played for the school who now play in college, or in the NFL so there are plenty of different uniforms in there.
[quote comment=”294047″][quote comment=”294045″]Did anyone notice Fred Taylor’s gloves the other night? Much like what Julian Peterson and Deion Branch do with the Seahawks’s snot green accents, Taylor went with gold gloves:
IMO, a VERY underrated uniform, except for the “Hairball” face of the jaguar![/quote]
I noticed that Taylor has Reebok gloves on but has a pair of Nike Superbads on….he has been a Reebok geek the past few years.[/quote]
I noticed that too and found it to be quite odd! First of all non-Reeboks and second of all older model Super Bad 1 or Super Speeds!
[quote comment=”294058″]NFL Shop now has a retro helmet t-shirt for every team. I stubbled across it while looking at my favorite team, and decided to check the other teams out.
The Broncos and The Bills are among those who use old helmet logos: link
while the buccaneers do not.. link
That’s because Malcolm Glazer is so depressed with the Orange Crush/Buccaneer Bruce era that he refuses to authorize the NFL to market any merchandise pertaining to them.
(See, everyone? I actually made a uni-centric comment!)
[quote comment=”294057″]Since I’m a geezer and remember the Princeton and Slippery Rock striped-arm jerseys — shoulder to cuff — I have to wonder why few, if any, teams, at any level, no longer have them. Full-length arm stripes are part of football’s heritage, and they look damn nice, far better than some of the contemporary designer’s atrocities.
Bring ’em back, I say. :)[/quote]
I agree. When I was a kid, I saw many a game at Yale Bowl and always thought the Princeton unis were the best. In fact, I had read they were the inspiration for the Bengals’ uniforms. Unfortunately now that uniforms are designed by graphic artists, it appears that Princeton is following the example of the Bengals rather than the other way around.
The caption for that SI Vault photo featuring the Rams yellow jerseys mentions the picture was taken at an exhibition game versus the Giants. Giants appear to be clad in all white, no stripes, blue (not red) numerals, etc. Almost like practice gear. I wonder if that was common for that time.
[quote comment=”293974″]Deron Cherry…nice call Jason Gomez!
I had all but forgoten about him and the worst facemask in football:
The last player in the NFL to wear a mask similar to that was Sam Gash:
that facemask reminds me of the facemasks 6 year olds wear in my town
[quote comment=”294063″]The caption for that SI Vault photo featuring the Rams yellow jerseys mentions the picture was taken at an exhibition game versus the Giants. Giants appear to be clad in all white, no stripes, blue (not red) numerals, etc. Almost like practice gear. I wonder if that was common for that time.[/quote]
Don’t think you could say it was common, but it certainly wasn’t uncommon. Back then probably half a team’s exhibition games would be played on neutral sites. Absent the TV contracts of today, it was for promotional purposes and also because of a sort of “spring training” mentality absorbed from baseball. Teams played more exhibitions than now, and they weren’t emphasized, especially the first couple (and they certainly weren’t included in a season ticket purchase). As I recall, the very first Viking exhibition game in ’61 (which you’d think they’d have been eager to play at Met Stadium) was played at night in Sioux Falls on a high school field. Beat the Lions, I think it was. I’m not even sure it was broadcast on the radio.
Plus, in the many instances where NFL and MLB teams shared home fields, the general thinking was to play a good share of NFL exhibitions elsewhere, rather than try to coordinate schedules, and because it also elminated wear and tear on the turf for late season baseball games. Baseball was still the Big Kahuna at the time, remember.
Anyway, if I had to make an educated guess regarding that SI photo, I’d say the Giants wore their training camp jerseys, which evidently had royal numbers, and because they were required to wear kneehigh socks for games, the equipment guys simply grabbed the royal ones rather than the regular red because they matched. After all, the game almost surely wasn’t televised, it being a low-profile exhibition game played in Portland. In that case NFL “wardrobe requirements” would have been pretty loose. Wasn’t exactly an era of standards for the sake of apparel marketing.
For many years after that, even practice was less “tight”. Somewhere in my files I have a photo of Bart Starr rolling out during Packer drills wearing baggy gray sweatpants and a #77 home jersey.
Not exactly like it is today, huh.
[quote comment=”294064″][quote comment=”293974″]Deron Cherry…nice call Jason Gomez!
I had all but forgoten about him and the worst facemask in football:
The last player in the NFL to wear a mask similar to that was Sam Gash:
that facemask reminds me of the facemasks 6 year olds wear in my town[/quote]
As usual, Jordan is on the money!
The only difference is…six year olds don’t “get It”. They’ll wear whatever is given to them.
Back in Pop Warner and up through to High School, mid 90’s, the teams I was on had MANY of those, and I despised them.
In High School,two of us ended up ordering what was known as the triple-full with the bull ring.
There was only 3 of us on the Varsity with “decent” facemasks that weren’t cut with a hacksaw!
I actually have 3 pics from High School, that:
A. Show the facemask in use
B. Shows the tied-up jersey look that was brought up earlier this week in the ticker with a picture of Keith Bullock.
C. The black-and-white pics are actually from the game against Bullocks Clarkstown North team.
[quote comment=”294067″]bullocks?[/quote]
Thanks, Phil…as usual!
[quote comment=”294068″][quote comment=”294067″]bullocks?[/quote]
Thanks, Phil…as usual![/quote]
link, i think
I’ve been a fan of the Thrashers since they joined the league, transplanted Flyers fan. Gotta say I’ve always liked the white and blue(land) jerseys. Never was a fan of the bird in flight T. But link horrible.
[quote comment=”293956″]I’m a Cub fan and I’m not wavering in my love for the team. Yea they stunk up the post season, but let’s look at the big picture – it was a great season. As said, it’s not the destination, it’s the journey, and while the last leg of this year’s journey sucked, the rest of it was pretty enjoyable, especialy in April when I took b Dad to a game in the Wrigley bleachers.[/quote]
This is why Cubs fans are losers and why the Cubs always suck
damn, sorry
let’s try again
thrasher terrible new jerseyhttp://thrashers.nhl.com/team/app/?service=page&page=NewsPage&articleid=385554
The helmets posted in this pic:
that had grey padding on the nose bumper were made by Maxpro…AWFUL!!!
When I was a sophomore, I wore the Air helmet I, #34, was pictured in. My junior year, I had to settle on a Riddell VSR-4, which I also disliked greatly.
That summer, was when my interest in helmets began, and I was determined to get another AiR helmet senior year.
I was issued another Riddell, but I snuck my way back into the Equipment room. In a pile of old helmets that the reconditioner had denied, I found my old AiR helmet. I only wore it for games until the second or third game when it’s nicks would not have been noticed as out of place!
[quote comment=”294073″]damn, sorry
let’s try again
thrasher terrible new jerseyhttp://thrashers.nhl.com/team/app/?service=page&page=NewsPage&articleid=385554[/quote]
see post 157 ;)
Nevermind, too busy (throwing up in my mouth) to try again
No real info, but I’m surprised there hasn’t been more chatting about the terrible new Thrashers third jerseys.
Oh it’s the Thrashers, that’s why.
But those things are awful, nice font though.
Is it wrong if i LOOOOOVEEE this Thrashers third jersey? It is honestly my favorite NHL jersey other than Chicago’s home jereys. I love it. The maroon/red, the Thrashers text and that lovely number on the front. It’s simply wonderful.
[quote comment=”294071″][quote comment=”293956″]I’m a Cub fan and I’m not wavering in my love for the team. Yea they stunk up the post season, but let’s look at the big picture – it was a great season. As said, it’s not the destination, it’s the journey, and while the last leg of this year’s journey sucked, the rest of it was pretty enjoyable, especialy in April when I took b Dad to a game in the Wrigley bleachers.[/quote]
This is why Cubs fans are losers and why the Cubs always suck[/quote]
Because they love their team no matter what? Is there something wrong with that? Yankees bombed out horribly this year, yet I can’t wait for next April. Pats are, most likely, not going anywhere in the playoffs this year, yet I still watch every game. It’s called being a fan. Anyone who can’t appreciate that is really a loser.
The Thrashers third jersey is embarrassing… so is their ‘third hosiery’. YUCK! What’s worse is that their ‘Ice Blue’ color seems nowhere to be found in this new look… yet the players’ gear, like gloves, have ice blue accents. Really not thought out very well.
Don’t get me started on the shoulder-mounted bird heads.
i did a quick search of this page and i don’t think anybody’s mentioned it but it looks strange to see a short-sleeved quarter back in those notre dame pics. pics from that era usually show the 3/4 sleeve jerseys. it appears the the ND qb altered his own jersey. that really jumped off the page at me.
The only complaint I have about the Michigan basketball uniforms is a personal one – somehow, the number “0” by itself doesn’t quite look right on the basketball jersey. (I’m partial to “00”.)
[quote comment=”294030″]Don’t know if this what the ice really looks like in Fort Wayne home of the IHL’s Komets, but wow.
here is their homepage
Well, it’s almost certainly their arena and rink. The Ft. Wayne War Memorial is one of the strange old rinks where the teams sit across from each other, and the penalty bench is off to the side, not at center ice.
As for the Ice, in the words of the WWE’s Ron Simmons…
Any facemask that’s good enough for Earl is good enough for me
[quote comment=\”294011\”][quote comment=\”293985\”]Off of the Icethetics website:
Atlanta\’s new third jersey was leaked
The jersey looks unreal. I love the numbers in the front.[/quote]
I\’m going to be sick.[/quote]
The numbers wouldn\’t so bad if they weren\’t in the equivalent of 40 pt. font. Shrink those down to 4\” instead of 6\” or 8\” and they might not be so bad.
[quote comment=”294008″][quote comment=”294003″][quote comment=”293979″][quote comment=”293963″]Lookie here at this site link
You sir, are a god among men. Now I can finally get a Whalers sweater.[/quote]
Now, if I could only find that Cleveland Barons jersey I’ve been looking for….[/quote]
Or the Kansas City Scouts[/quote]
The Barons jerseys are also on that website.
I have a KC Scouts replica jersey. I got it at the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto. So I’m sure they can be purchased SOMEWHERE. They also had a Colorado Rockies and some other teams that no longer exist.
[quote comment=”293980″][quote comment=”293941″]I came across a mint condition Cleveland Lumberjacks jersey for a buck at a garage sale just like link. I had to buy it. I love how they have used the edge of a saw blade into their jersey.[/quote]
The old all sport logo is the best part of it[/quote]
Is that velcro on the upper right chest to stick a “C” or “A” on?
I bought a bottle of All Sport a couple of weeks ago. I think it tasted better WITH the carbonation.
For someone who takes an amazing amount of pride in his jersey collection, Mr. Henderson sure doesn’t like to match it with the era-appropriate cap.
1. As someone else mentioned in an earlier comment, the yellow top/black pants Pirates’ uni should have the pillbox cap with it.
2. In his 1986 Astros uni, he wears an orange cap. Houston only wore navy caps that year, and for several seasons surrounding ’86.
3. In Japan, he wore a 2nd incarnation of the Devil Rays’ uni…yet he wore an alternate cap from the 1st color scheme.
Not to rain on his parade of amazing jerseys…but not having the proper cap reaches a “fingernails-on-a-chalkboard” level of annoying to me.
Loved the old photo of the Rams’ yellow jerseys…
as a kid in LA I recall it was their iconic look..but in ’57, the league made teams wear either ‘dark’ jerseys or white. Dan Reeves tried to fight the league and go with a very pale yellow, but the league said no. If you see some old photos from ’57 the rams wear yellow in some road games and white in others. Today, it wouldn’t matter because the rule in ’57 was made with black & white TV in mind.
[quote comment=”293915″]The biggest change of the browns throwbacks are the wonderful socks, which I am sure Paul loves.
Actually the Browns throwbacks contain striped socks instead of solid, a much thinner stripe on the pants, no TV numbers on the jersey and a helmet with a single stripe and uni numbers on the sides. perhaps the only thing not different are the shoes.