Spent the whole weekend upstate in Ulster County. Not far from NYC in terms of distance (about two and a half hours), but a universe away in all other respects. A little hiking, a little road-tripping, a little “Holy bejeesus, look at that foliage!,” a little cooking this bizarre-o smoked pork roast stuffed with a length of kielbasa — nice. Yesterday’s activities included stops at two tremendous roadhouse taverns, both of which had Nascar on the TV, which was a bit of a kick in the head. I mean, if I walk into a bar on an October Sunday, I should be able to expect to see football and/or baseball, am I right? But when in Rome and all that, so I looked at the TV and made grunts of appreciation whenever there was a crash, which as we all know is the whole point.
At least nobody laughed me out of the bar when I asked if they knew how the Brewers/Phillies game had ended. But I knew better than to ask if anyone had seen any of the season-opening NHL games. That’s right, while you were focusing on baseball and football and maybe Nascar, the NHL season got started over the weekend, with four games in Prague and Stockholm (sort of like MLB opening its season in Japan, only with lots of pickled herring instead of sushi). My annual ESPN season-preview column won’t run until Thursday, when the rest of the season starts, because at least three teams are slated to unveil their new alternate jerseys between now and then, but here are some initial observations based on the four European games:
• All four teams playing over the weekend wore “NHL Premiere” commemorative patches. The ones worn by the Sens and Pens featured the word “Stockholm” and a Swedish flag motif, while the ones worn by the Rangers (who, in keeping with longstanding team custom, put the patch on their shoulder instead of their chest) and Lightning had the word “Prague” and a Czech flag motif.
• Remember how the new Reebok jerseys last year had those awful scoop hems, and how the Rangers custom-tailored their uniforms to create a more traditional straight hemline? Reader Alex Argon notes that they don’t appear to be doing that this year.
• Reader Kelly Phillips actually attended one of the Sens/Pens games in Stockholm and filed the following report: “I saw more bizarre jerseys than one could even imagine. Just about every NHL team, and every version of the Sens and Pens, German teams, even the Belfast Giants. But, nothing could compare to this sighting — note the Frankfurt Lions jersey being worn under the Leafs sweater. Honorable mention goes to the guy wearing a Sundin jersey and a kilt!” Which would no doubt have been a huge hit in those roadhouse bars I was in.
Friendly Reminder: This Friday and Saturday will mark the debut of the Forewords (my lecture/slideshow collaboration with Liz Clayton), as we open two shows for the Magnetic Fields. We don’t know how we’re going to be received by an audience that’s expecting to see an opening band, so it’d be nice to pack the house with some friendly faces, if you get my drift. Tix for the Friday show in Minneapolis are available here, and tix for the Saturday show in Madison can be had here.
Uni Watch News Ticker: On the subject of Titans defenders having strings hanging off of their jerseys, Chance Wilmoth notes that Pacman Jones used to do it. Anyone know if he’s still doing this in Dallas? Also, Chance Wilmoth reports that Tony Brown had his strings hanging out of his sleeves yesterday. ”¦ Awesome T-shirt concept here (great find by Adam Reiffen). ”¦ According to this article, one reason Vince Dooley changed UGA’s pants from silver to white for several years was because a student cheer of “Go you silver britches” sounded vulgar when chanted rapidly (with thanks to Brent Hardman). ”¦ Fans of the old Mattell handheld football games will enjoy the cool box illustrations shown here and here. Plus the same site is showcasing some basketball and hockey designs (big thanks to Paul Ricciardi). ”¦ The hockey-themed rock band the Zambonis will be performing at the NHL Face-Off Event in Times Square this Friday. “We’re already debating which of our 350 hockey jerseys we’ll don onstage,” writes drummer Mat Zamboni (who’s got a Whalers-patterned kit). “One cool perk has been receiving some vintage throwback tees, including an elusive Hartford Whalers tee (that’s me). I don’t know the reason official Whalers throwback gear has been impossible to find, but this gives fans at least a little hope.” ”¦ On Friday I asked if this character might have been the prototype mascot who lost an “applause vote” to Pat Patriot during halftime of a 1979 game. Based on this account (sent my way by Bob Jones), which describes the prototype character as “a colonial-era superhero,” I’d say we have a match. ”¦ I’ve probably learned more oddball factoids from Jeremy Brahm in the last two years than from everyone else put together. Here’s the latest one: “In sumo wrestling, when a yokozuna loses a match to a makunouchi-level wrestler, the crowd tosses their cushions in an act of celebration. Now the sumo association is trying to put a stop to this practice by replacing the old cushions with new ones that are held together with rope.” ”¦ Minor tweaking for Tennessee hoops, going from this to this (with thanks to Luke Pellegra). ”¦ Reprinted from Friday’s comments: Nike is now making prosthetics. ”¦ TNOB (team name on back) alert: the Covington (Kentucky) Catholic Colonels (with thanks to Craig McGlone). ”¦ Amare Stoudemire may have to wear goggles (with thanks to Dominick Carfello). ”¦ Gorgeous (and, alas, very overpriced) jacket here (with thanks to Scotty Johnson). ”¦ Reprinted from Friday’s comments: I knew the bicentennial patch had been worn in Super Bowl X, but I didn’t realize it had also been worn five months earlier in the 1975 Hall of Fame Game. Larry Weiderecht says the other team in that game, the Bengals, also wore it. ”¦ Bob Wilmot came across this amazing photo on eBay (dig that facemask) and soon found his way to the seller’s Photobucket page, which is loaded with old wire service pics. ”¦ Even high schools have helmet carts, although that one, from Lakeland High School in Florida, doesn’t have a facemask (thanks to Wayne Koehler). ”¦ Back in May, I was told that the Saints’ old Sir Saint spokescharacter would be revived. And sure enough, he’s back — sort of. Not nearly as much charm as before. Plus his hands have five fingers — a massive faux pas, since everyone knows cartoon characters have only four fingers, it’s the law! ”¦ Jordan Eichenblatt notes that an SMU player — No. 7 in this photo — had a missing nameplate on Saturday ”¦ Looks like Minnesota has a different collar this year compared to last year. Anyone know more about the rest of the jersey? ”¦ I don’t know anything about Canadian politics, but Jean Gagnier tells me that this is Stéphane Dion, leader of the Liberal Party of Canada (the official opposition), wearing an old CCM Canadiens jersey. ”¦ I think we’ve shown this map before, but just in case (with thanks to L.I. Phil). ”¦ Great job by Ryan Perkins, who captured two Eli Manning helmets in the same shot. ”¦ We’ve been talking about the maddening inconsistencies in the Bengals’ side panels for years, but Nick Waeltz captured a particularly vivid example of it. ”¦ Good little article here about the designer who created the NHL Winter Classic logo, among other marks (with thanks to Steve Stovall). ”¦ Matt Garza was wearing earplugs yesterday (thanks, Vince). ”¦ “I spent this past weekend at the Skytop Lodge in Canadensis, Pennsylvania, in the Poconos,” writes Bill Burke. “While in the activity room, I spotted this jersey hanging on the wall with an accompanying letter, which was from a woman whose husband played hockey for the lodge team during the 1930-31 season. She was clearing out his personal effects and thought that the lodge would like the sweater returned. It is basic but classic, and I only wish I could have seen if it had a number on the back.” ”¦ Bruce Bates took one of those tablecloths sold in a lot of NFL home party kits and customized the end zones to match the field from Super Bowl LXI. “I made the goalposts out of straws and Play-doh, and the end zones were combos of wrapping paper and carefully cut fonts,” he says. ”¦ David Greenwald notes that Angels catcher Mike Napoli has conflicting logos. … New anniversary patch for the Timberwolves. … Odd scene in yesterday’s Dolphins/Chargers game, where Ronnie Brown spent part of the game wearing these weird partial gloves that only covered his thumbs while leaving the rest of his fingers bare. Anyone know more about this?
No Hartford Whalers gear is available because the city of Hartford actually owns the copyright for the name, symbol, etc. and they want nothing to do with licensing it and marketing it. Even now w/the throwback craze.
Sour grapes!
Super Bowl LXI = 61
Super Bowl XLI = 41
Some Weekend NHL points:
Good article about how Luongo is ‘sticking to the man’ and putting a ‘C’ on his uni anyways. Be it on his helmet, but it’s still there!
Paul mentioned the Premiere Patches worn my the NHL teams in Europe over the weekend, but I wanted to give kudos for the Rangers on putting it on their shoulders instead of the chest.
Made it look less cluttered for their captains and alterate captains. And it had me beiung reminded of this look all game.
NYR have had a history of putting patches on their shoulders.
Good thing one team got it right…
Sheesh, TB has a shoulder logo already but good god that looks awlful.
Lastly, watching the TB play horriible this weekend, noticed Lecavalier had his name on his mouthgaurd. (no Pic). Don’t think I’ve seen that before, but very nessesary if they wash/sanitize them as a team. Yuck, wouldn’t want to get those mixed up…
the Ronnie brown glove looks like a thumb stabalizer. It is like taping up a thumb that might be strained
Re: the lack of NOB on SMU’s #7…college players sometimes change jerseys during the game to avoid having two players with the same number on the field. This typically happens on special teams, when a player will put on an extra jersey with no NOB. Not sure if that’s the case here, though.
What about the six foot tall link on the left of him?
[quote comment=”293473″]What about the six foot tall link on the left of him?[/quote]
hmmm…not quite sure that’s a penguin…could just be the dude’s a link
RE: Titans jerseys
Hello all…I’m glad to be back!
The practice of having strings hang from the jerseys is an effect of tying up the sleeves at the hem.
As for Mr. Bulluck, from the above picture, whom I wore my jersey against in High School,
In 1994, we were both seniors in High School. My team had scored and we were kicking off to Clarkstown North, Bulluck’s team. Actually, it was probably the opening of the second half, since we probably didn’t score. Anyway, he caught the kickoff and returned it…I hit him square, with about as much as I had. The high hook-up of the hin strap on my AiR helmet came undone, thus causing the u-bar, or bull-ring as we called it, to smash down onto the bridge of my nose. We both got up and while smiling, Bulluck looks at me and says, “Not bad, Powers, not bad”. Brought me down to Earth a bit!!!
He then went off to star at Syracuse and the Titans and I am glad to be able to say that I knew him and have subsequently coached and taught a few of his relatives, who always have the COOLEST “Cuse and Titans gear! One of whom, KJ Smith, also starred at Cuse and was with the Dolphins!
And people wonder why I think nipple numbers should be banned from the NHL. Damn, if you must have front numbers, why not use the right thigh? Generally vacant real estate on the breezers/pants, and it works for soccer. But please, get that clutter off the N
ASCARHL jerseys!And now for something completely different, is it odd Sir Saint has five right fingers and four left fingers?
The revived Sir Saint looks like Quagmire’s long-lost brother.
[quote comment=”293476″]And people wonder why I think nipple numbers should be banned from the NHL. Damn, if you must have front numbers, why not use the right thigh? Generally vacant real estate on the breezers/pants, and it works for soccer. But please, get that clutter off the N
ASCARHL jerseys!And now for something completely different, is it odd Sir Saint has five right fingers and four left fingers?[/quote]
perhaps he was modeled after a link (one who actually WON a world series)
Paul the high school helmet cart is from Lakeland High not Lakewood.
[quote comment=”293474″][quote comment=”293473″]What about the six foot tall link on the left of him?[/quote]
hmmm…not quite sure that’s a penguin…could just be the dude’s a link
The dude has yellow covers over his feet, is waring all black, and you can barely see the eyes on the top of his head.
Speaking of old school hockey attire, does anyone know where I can get my hands on a New Jersey Devils “Christmas Elves” style jersey?
[quote comment=”293481″]Speaking of old school hockey attire, does anyone know where I can get my hands on a New Jersey Devils “Christmas Elves” style jersey?[/quote]
If you find somewhere besides Ebay, let me know. That jersey is definitely on my Wish List.
I assume the 2 Manning helmets is in case of radio malfunction as was the case when Jeff Garcia replaced an injured Brian Greise yesterday. Garcia kept having to run over to the sidelines to get the play (why not just send the play in with a back or receiver?) until his replacement helmet was found.
Apparently, Linda Cohn prefers non-edge hockey Jersey’s….
On the homemade football field, shouldn’t there only be 4 yard markers between the lines? There are 5 there. That makes it a field that is big even for the CFL!
[quote comment=”293475″]RE: Titans jerseys
Hello all…I’m glad to be back!
The practice of having strings hang from the jerseys is an effect of tying up the sleeves at the hem.
As for Mr. Bulluck, from the above picture, whom I wore my jersey against in High School,
In 1994, we were both seniors in High School. My team had scored and we were kicking off to Clarkstown North, Bulluck’s team. Actually, it was probably the opening of the second half, since we probably didn’t score. Anyway, he caught the kickoff and returned it…I hit him square, with about as much as I had. The high hook-up of the hin strap on my AiR helmet came undone, thus causing the u-bar, or bull-ring as we called it, to smash down onto the bridge of my nose. We both got up and while smiling, Bulluck looks at me and says, “Not bad, Powers, not bad”. Brought me down to Earth a bit!!!
He then went off to star at Syracuse and the Titans and I am glad to be able to say that I knew him and have subsequently coached and taught a few of his relatives, who always have the COOLEST “Cuse and Titans gear! One of whom, KJ Smith, also starred at Cuse and was with the Dolphins![/quote]
Dude, I didn’t know you played football!
Ever score 5 touchdowns in one game?
The origins of this are unknown, whether its a prank or an alternate due to a colour clash. But this is what the goalkeeper of the Sutton United football team of the Isthmian Premier League (a semi-pro league deep below the EPL) was wearing on Saturday… ye gods….
It’s Pringle-tastic!
Ha. Ted Bundy = best comment ever
Is it just me or did the losing Pats character look a little too much like SNL’s ambiguously gay duo?
Did anyone notice the neck bumpers on Auburn’s helmets the other night against Vandy?
They were actually only on the Riddell helmets!
They had “War Eagle” decals!
[quote comment=”293488″]Ha. Ted Bundy = best comment ever[/quote]
I think you’ve got your Bundys confused. Al Bundy was the one who scored five touchdowns in a single game. Ted Bundy killed five coeds on a single campus.
[quote comment=”293491″][quote comment=”293488″]Ha. Ted Bundy = best comment ever[/quote]
I think you’ve got your Bundys confused. Al Bundy was the one who scored five touchdowns in a single game. Ted Bundy killed five coeds on a single campus.[/quote]
And I’ve got my history confused. There were five coeds who were killed in Gainesville, but that wasn’t Bundy’s work.
Re: Sir Saint. I spent 9 years in Louisiana, just moved this summer back to Alabama. But while in the drive thru at a burger joint before I moved, I saw a Saints window decal for season ticket holders. It had some writing about season ticket holder, then it also has Sir Saint (the old one) on it too.
[quote comment=\”293487\”]The origins of this are unknown, whether its a prank or an alternate due to a colour clash. But this is what the goalkeeper of the Sutton United football team of the Isthmian Premier League (a semi-pro league deep below the EPL) was wearing on Saturday… ye gods….
It\’s Pringle-tastic![/quote]
That\’s nearly as awesome as the Marseille change strips, but not quite.
And that\’s the Ryman league, no? (I follow AFC Wimbledon, I remember that league well.)
And of course, the baseball team territory map is sponsored by our good “friends” at Nike. Too bad, I would have considered getting one (if possible) otherwise.
[quote comment=”293490″]Did anyone notice the neck bumpers on Auburn’s helmets the other night against Vandy?
They were actually only on the Riddell helmets!
They had “War Eagle” decals![/quote]
Additionally, I asked this yesterday, but when did Auburn go to white shoes/socks? They do this all year or was it new vs Vandy?
Good point about the Rangers and their shoulder placement, Jim. The Rangers have never cluttered up the front of their jerseys with anything. It’s a time-honoured tradition in the MSG it seems, and one I can definitely approve of.
That jersey that Stéphane Dion is wearing is a replica. The logo on the front of it is way too small for it to be a pro-style jersey. Like the jersey he is wearing, most of his campaign is pretty phony too.
[quote comment=”293495″][quote comment=\”293487\”]The origins of this are unknown, whether its a prank or an alternate due to a colour clash. But this is what the goalkeeper of the Sutton United football team of the Isthmian Premier League (a semi-pro league deep below the EPL) was wearing on Saturday… ye gods….
It\’s Pringle-tastic![/quote]
That\’s nearly as awesome as the Marseille change strips, but not quite.
And that\’s the Ryman league, no? (I follow AFC Wimbledon, I remember that league well.)[/quote]
yup its the Ryman League which AFC Wimbledon finally escaped from last year. It’s also as bad as the Dulwich Hamlet or Corinthian Casuals monstrosities either but in a totally different way.
Here’s a rare find:
DET jersey with a font only used in 1982…
I don’t have links or pics, unfortunately, but BU has an interesting situation witn this year’s hockey names on backs. Brothers Victor and Vinny Saponari are on this year’s squad. Since both of em start out with ‘Vi-‘ I was wondering/hoping that meant their jerseys would have ‘Vin Saponari’ and Vic Saponari’ on their backs. Victor was a healthy scratch, but Vinny’s jersey did in fact have ‘Vin Saponari’ on the back. Not technically full name on back, but still pretty cool.
I just think we should call them the Vega brothers, after Tarantino’s characters in Reservoir Dogs (Vic Vega – Madsen) and Pulp Fiction (Vincent Vega – Travolta).
[quote comment=”293491″][quote comment=”293488″]Ha. Ted Bundy = best comment ever[/quote]
I think you’ve got your Bundys confused. Al Bundy was the one who scored five touchdowns in a single game. Ted Bundy killed five coeds on a single campus.[/quote]
how do we know matt didn’t do both?
I threw this picture into the comments section yesterday showing the creative use of helmet stickers by Arizona State…
But it doesn’t stop there. RB Keegan Herring also wears a right and left helmet sticker on his back pad…
Do other schools put their helmet stickers all over their stuff like this?
[quote comment=”293489″]Is it just me or did the losing Pats character look a little too much like SNL’s ambiguously gay duo?[/quote]
Great minds think alike…
Read that Silver Britches article on Friday. Best part was Richt and the players all agreeing that the team will never wear black helmets or pants. I was at the blackout game Saturday, and was very worried that they’d come out in all black. I love the pop that the red helmet and silver britches get from that black jersey.
[quote comment=”293503″][quote comment=”293491″][quote comment=”293488″]Ha. Ted Bundy = best comment ever[/quote]
I think you’ve got your Bundys confused. Al Bundy was the one who scored five touchdowns in a single game. Ted Bundy killed five coeds on a single campus.[/quote]
how do we know matt didn’t do both?[/quote]
Now, Now Phil!
Interesting finds from yesterday’s NFL games:
Apparently Derrick Ward used a sharpie to color in the medial sole of his Nike Huarache 2k4 cleats.
Some good views of Julian Peterson’s snot-green(the actual clor is called Cactus) accented Nike Super Bad 2’s.
The Bears went with all-white again yesterday. Too bad, I like the dark pants and socks:
I wonder if the new Sir Saint’s attire presages a future gold jersey.
[quote comment=”293504″]I threw this picture into the comments section yesterday showing the creative use of helmet stickers by Arizona State…
But it doesn’t stop there. RB Keegan Herring also wears a right and left helmet sticker on his back pad…
Do other schools put their helmet stickers all over their stuff like this?[/quote]
Very cool, stuby. The linebacker? in the first pic is covering up the Power Logo, however the back in the second doesn’t look as good:
a. Because he’s getting smacked
b. The Sparky decals are too big!
[quote comment=”293506″]link
In the TV movie about Ted Bundy (“DELIBERATE STRANGER”, maybe?), Mark Harmon played the part. HE played football (UCLA quarterback, #7 in your programs). Maybe HE scored five TDs in a game somewhere along the line, maybe even in high school like Al did.
(We need to get this resolved before someone accuses of us of having our Bundys in an undle.)
Luongo is wearing a C this season. Just not on the jersey. No photo yet.
[quote comment=”293486″][quote comment=”293475″]RE: Titans jerseys
Hello all…I’m glad to be back!
The practice of having strings hang from the jerseys is an effect of tying up the sleeves at the hem.
Actually, this has been discussed on this site before…
Steve Young was one of the main culprits to popularize this trend while with Tampa:
I know, I know, I’m old…but the Bears in all-white, like the Giants (esp. their whites), are SO wonderfully like the 50s (when all TV was black and white) that it is just a treat to watch them.
Please indulge some of old coots for enjoying the experience of getting to see those unis in color? Finally.
Also not bad for teams to remind folks how long the franchise has been around (“We were here before nike, adidas or reebok, so leave our unis the hell alone!”)
Virginia Tech unveiled a fashion disaster Saturday. I think I like the 2005 orange sleeve better.
They had great uniforms when Michael Vick was there and they have progressively deteriorated.
I was covering AHL preseason action yesterday, and caught Hartford Wolfpack’s PA Parenteau sporting a FNOB on the back:
Oh good lord….
[quote comment=”293513″]Luongo is wearing a C this season. Just not on the jersey. No photo yet.
here it is
[quote comment=”293511″][quote comment=”293504″]I threw this picture into the comments section yesterday showing the creative use of helmet stickers by Arizona State…
But it doesn’t stop there. RB Keegan Herring also wears a right and left helmet sticker on his back pad…
Do other schools put their helmet stickers all over their stuff like this?[/quote]
Very cool, stuby. The linebacker? in the first pic is covering up the Power Logo, however the back in the second doesn’t look as good:
a. Because he’s getting smacked
b. The Sparky decals are too big![/quote]
Then how about an upside-down flyin’ Sparky…
[quote comment=”293520″][quote comment=”293511″][quote comment=”293504″]I threw this picture into the comments section yesterday showing the creative use of helmet stickers by Arizona State…
But it doesn’t stop there. RB Keegan Herring also wears a right and left helmet sticker on his back pad…
Do other schools put their helmet stickers all over their stuff like this?[/quote]
Very cool, stuby. The linebacker? in the first pic is covering up the Power Logo, however the back in the second doesn’t look as good:
a. Because he’s getting smacked
b. The Sparky decals are too big![/quote]
Then how about an upside-down flyin’ Sparky…
Isn’t anybody going to say, “Well, at ASU maybe then don’t know their heads from their…” ?
(Hey, hey, don’t get pissed. It’s only that it’s a tough straight line to walk away from.)
I’m pretty sure that Nike prosthetic is just a concept. Yanko is known for showcasing student work, in this case, branded for an added realism.
Interesting find from the EPL this weekend. As long as I can remember, Blackburn Rovers have worn red numbers on the back of their blue and white home kit. This season, it looks like they’ve changed the numbers to link. With all the rain on Saturday, it was pretty hard to make them out.
rare that the 15 years between league championship series appearances for the phils has seen zero change in their unis:
the braves went without changes from 1991 to 2005, so the phils have bested that gap by 1 year.
[quote comment=”293490″]Did anyone notice the neck bumpers on Auburn’s helmets the other night against Vandy?
They were actually only on the Riddell helmets!
They had “War Eagle” decals![/quote]
Auburn was also rocking the white shoes for the first time since 2002.
“Summer of” could be one of the strangest NOB (i know, Summer of 69). seriously, though, what would Bryan Adams say?
[quote comment=”293525″]rare that the 15 years between league championship series appearances for the phils has seen zero change in their unis:
the braves went without changes from 1991 to 2005, so the phils have bested that gap by 1 year.[/quote]
But the Braves didn’t really have a ‘gap’ of 15 years as they had multiple appearances in the NLCS in that span. The Yanks between ’81 and ’96, however, did – also with no uni changes.
[quote comment=”293525″]rare that the 15 years between league championship series appearances for the phils has seen zero change in their unis:
the braves went without changes from 1991 to 2005, so the phils have bested that gap by 1 year.[/quote]
How about the Yankees between 1981 and 1996?
That archive of old wire photos is wonderful, and this is just a great pic….
[quote comment=”293526″][quote comment=”293490″]Did anyone notice the neck bumpers on Auburn’s helmets the other night against Vandy?
They were actually only on the Riddell helmets!
They had “War Eagle” decals![/quote]
Auburn was also rocking the white shoes for the first time since 2002.[/quote]
One thing they weren’t rocking, though, was an offense.
And regarding those possible Saints gold jerseys: It was in 2002, I believe, at home against tonight’s opponents, the Vikings, that the Saints wore gold jerseys and black pants for the first (and so far, only time). The Vikings wore purple. This was the game where Daunte Culpepper dropped the snap on the two-point conversion at the end of the game and still managed to pick it up and run into the end zone for the win. Hopefully those gold jerseys never see the light of day . . . just like those all-black combos the Bengals wore yesterday (and the Saints have worn before).
And another question: Have the Bengals ever worn orange pants?
[quote comment=”293529″][quote comment=”293525″]rare that the 15 years between league championship series appearances for the phils has seen zero change in their unis:
the braves went without changes from 1991 to 2005, so the phils have bested that gap by 1 year.[/quote]
How about the Yankees between 1981 and 1996?[/quote]
good call.
[quote comment=”293531″][quote comment=”293526″][quote comment=”293490″]Did anyone notice the neck bumpers on Auburn’s helmets the other night against Vandy?
They were actually only on the Riddell helmets!
They had “War Eagle” decals![/quote]
Auburn was also rocking the white shoes for the first time since 2002.[/quote]
One thing they weren’t rocking, though, was an offense.
And regarding those possible Saints gold jerseys: It was in 2002, I believe, at home against tonight’s opponents, the Vikings, that the Saints wore gold jerseys and black pants for the first (and so far, only time). The Vikings wore purple. This was the game where Daunte Culpepper dropped the snap on the two-point conversion at the end of the game and still managed to pick it up and run into the end zone for the win. Hopefully those gold jerseys never see the light of day . . . just like those all-black combos the Bengals wore yesterday (and the Saints have worn before).
And another question: Have the Bengals ever worn orange pants?[/quote]
[quote comment=”293531″]And regarding those possible Saints gold jerseys: It was in 2002, I believe, at home against tonight’s opponents, the Vikings, that the Saints wore gold jerseys and black pants for the first (and so far, only time). The Vikings wore purple…Hopefully those gold jerseys never see the light of day.[/quote]
i liked those link…but it pissed me off that the golds didn’t match…
[quote comment=”293534″][quote comment=”293531″][quote comment=”293526″][quote comment=”293490″]Did anyone notice the neck bumpers on Auburn’s helmets the other night against Vandy?
They were actually only on the Riddell helmets!
They had “War Eagle” decals![/quote]
Auburn was also rocking the white shoes for the first time since 2002.[/quote]
One thing they weren’t rocking, though, was an offense.
And regarding those possible Saints gold jerseys: It was in 2002, I believe, at home against tonight’s opponents, the Vikings, that the Saints wore gold jerseys and black pants for the first (and so far, only time). The Vikings wore purple. This was the game where Daunte Culpepper dropped the snap on the two-point conversion at the end of the game and still managed to pick it up and run into the end zone for the win. Hopefully those gold jerseys never see the light of day . . . just like those all-black combos the Bengals wore yesterday (and the Saints have worn before).
And another question: Have the Bengals ever worn orange pants?[/quote]
Maybe they should give a try – it couldn’t hurt, except y’know, visually.
I threw this picture into the comments section yesterday showing the creative use of helmet stickers by Arizona State…
But it doesn’t stop there. RB Keegan Herring also wears a right and left helmet sticker on his back pad…
Do other schools put their helmet stickers all over their stuff like this?
Very cool, stuby. The linebacker? in the first pic is covering up the Power Logo, however the back in the second doesn’t look as good:
a. Because he’s getting smacked
b. The Sparky decals are too big!
Then how about an upside-down flyin’ Sparky…
Alot of High schools and colleges have done this for a long time. i don’t have a pic but Bryan Cox always had his team decal on his neck roll.
[quote comment=”293508″] Bears went with all-white again yesterday. Too bad, I like the dark pants and socks:
To the best of my knowledge, they’ve never worn the dark pants and socks together — not even the two times they’ve link by going with the blue jersey/pants combo against the Packers.
And I’m starting to come around on solid-white thing. After looking at some link, I think I prefer the look with the white-topped socks. Dunno why — maybe it’s the fact that they match the sleeve stripes.
[quote comment=”293536″][quote comment=”293534″][quote comment=”293531″]And another question: Have the Bengals ever worn orange pants?[/quote]
Maybe they should give a try – it couldn’t hurt, except y’know, visually.[/quote]
seeing as how a link is more tan/orange than black…perhaps garish orangish pants are in order…
except of course for link…that’s a white bengal tiger…very rare…like a bungal win
I don’t know what part of this amuses me most:
[quote]The threat of injury to spectators means the JSA frowns on the practice. From next month’s Kyushu tournament, single square cushions will be replaced with a 1.25-meter wide rectangular version that seats two people and fits in the 1.35-m square boxes that surround the ring. Every box will contain two of the cushions, which will be tied together to further deter potential miscreants.
“We thought about what kind of cushions would be hard to throw,” director Dewanoumi said. “As long as one person is sitting on them, these will be difficult to budge.” [/quote]
A) The cushions present an injury threat — what the hell are they stuffed with, buckshot?
B) The replacement cushion is larger and lashed to another cushion.
C) The risk mitigation plan hinges on the miscreants’ neighbors remaining seated indefinitely.
Uni-related Fail Blog entry.
(Sorry if this was posted already.)
[quote comment=”293539″]the tiger that ate roy horn…that’s a white bengal tiger…very rare…like a bungal win[/quote]
Lions, Bungles and Rams….Oh WHY?!? (combined 0 and 13)
I noticed the Magnetic Fields are in DC on Oct.26, any chance the Forewords open this show? Otherwise, how about a DVD, or, some media at your website? Sounds like an interesting project. If I were in the area, I’d definitely be in attendance.
[quote comment=”293541″]Uni-related Fail Blog entry.
(Sorry if this was posted already.)[/quote]
sadly, while scooter berry is still on the team…johnny dingle is not
that’s a old pic (but always welcome)…unfortunately there’ll be no more dingleberry sightings this season :(
[quote comment=”293504″]I threw this picture into the comments section yesterday showing the creative use of helmet stickers by Arizona State…
But it doesn’t stop there. RB Keegan Herring also wears a right and left helmet sticker on his back pad…
Do other schools put their helmet stickers all over their stuff like this?[/quote]
When I read this in the comments yesterday I immediately thought of Florida State. For the last few years most of the guys that wear neck rolls have had the spear on it. Here’s a pic of Geno Hayes with it…
[quote comment=”293521″][quote comment=”293520″][quote comment=”293511″][quote comment=”293504″]I threw this picture into the comments section yesterday showing the creative use of helmet stickers by Arizona State…
But it doesn’t stop there. RB Keegan Herring also wears a right and left helmet sticker on his back pad…
Do other schools put their helmet stickers all over their stuff like this?[/quote]
Very cool, stuby. The linebacker? in the first pic is covering up the Power Logo, however the back in the second doesn’t look as good:
a. Because he’s getting smacked
b. The Sparky decals are too big![/quote]
Then how about an upside-down flyin’ Sparky…
Isn’t anybody going to say, “Well, at ASU maybe then don’t know their heads from their…” ?
(Hey, hey, don’t get pissed. It’s only that it’s a tough straight line to walk away from.)[/quote]
Watch it now Ricko.. :-)
[quote comment=”293543″]I noticed the Magnetic Fields are in DC on Oct.26, any chance the Forewords open this show?[/quote]
Nope — we’re not doing that show.Sorry.
i know this might be off topic but i’m just curious if anyone can answer a question that popped into my head while watching the cubs/dodgers. are mlb players required to wear hats? i mean, i understand helmets, and even wearing hats during day games and all but do they have to wear them?
I threw this out last week but I’ll try again..
I am looking for someone who has a blue dymo tape gun, as I need a small label created. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.
I like the Bengals having different stripes among the the players. Just like real tigers.
This is a total guess but the Ronnie Brown glove thing could be because it is better for him to throw if he is able to get his 4 fingers unobstructed on the laces. I say that since they have been using that wildcat formation so much, and he has had a TD pass out of it.
I envy your Hudson Valley weekend! It must be beautiful up there this time of year. I love that area of the country.
I used to work at LP Field and I remember seeing Pacman wear the strings. I was also watching the ‘boys play and did not see any of the strings. I did however notice that he has taken on the ‘boys tradition of that funny breastplate uniform tiedown. No pics, but it’s not hard to see.
[quote comment=”293549″]i know this might be off topic but i’m just curious if anyone can answer a question that popped into my head while watching the cubs/dodgers. are mlb players required to wear hats?[/quote]
Lou Brown will gladly remind you that “we wear caps and sleeves on this level.”
Could signage be incorporated into logo creep or is this just and an example of over compensating
Regarding the new five-fingered Sir Saint… wouldn’t calling it a faux paw be more appropriate?
[quote comment=”293546″][quote comment=”293504″]I threw this picture into the comments section yesterday showing the creative use of helmet stickers by Arizona State…
But it doesn’t stop there. RB Keegan Herring also wears a right and left helmet sticker on his back pad…
Do other schools put their helmet stickers all over their stuff like this?[/quote]
When I read this in the comments yesterday I immediately thought of Florida State. For the last few years most of the guys that wear neck rolls have had the spear on it. Here’s a pic of Geno Hayes with it…
I love that kind of customized stuff!
That is actually referred to as a butterfly collar!
[quote comment=”293554″]I used to work at LP Field and I remember seeing Pacman wear the strings. I was also watching the ‘boys play and did not see any of the strings. I did however notice that he has taken on the ‘boys tradition of that funny breastplate uniform tiedown. No pics, but it’s not hard to see.[/quote]
Another old trick by backs and lineman was to place double-sided tape on the back and breastplate of the shoulderpads to tie-down the jerseys and make them harder to grab!
[quote comment=”293560″][quote comment=”293554″]I used to work at LP Field and I remember seeing Pacman wear the strings. I was also watching the ‘boys play and did not see any of the strings. I did however notice that he has taken on the ‘boys tradition of that funny breastplate uniform tiedown. No pics, but it’s not hard to see.[/quote]
Another old trick by backs and lineman was to place double-sided tape on the back and breastplate of the shoulderpads to tie-down the jerseys and make them harder to grab![/quote]
Used to spray silicon or something on their shoulders and arms to make them slippery, too, didn’t they, Matt? Then the NFL outlawed it, along with stickum (the Anti-Slippery).
Love the re-post of the United Countries of Baseball.link
In looking into finding a poster of that for my basement, I found a football version -http://chrismagyar.com/images/football-map.jpg I found the DMZ around Los Angeles particularly funny.
[quote comment=”293561″][quote comment=”293560″][quote comment=”293554″]I used to work at LP Field and I remember seeing Pacman wear the strings. I was also watching the ‘boys play and did not see any of the strings. I did however notice that he has taken on the ‘boys tradition of that funny breastplate uniform tiedown. No pics, but it’s not hard to see.[/quote]
Another old trick by backs and lineman was to place double-sided tape on the back and breastplate of the shoulderpads to tie-down the jerseys and make them harder to grab![/quote]
Used to spray silicon or something on their shoulders and arms to make them slippery, too, didn’t they, Matt? Then the NFL outlawed it, along with stickum (the Anti-Slippery).
“Guys used to put stickum on their hands to catch the ball, now they just wear gloves.” John Madden.
Reading thru the MLB rules online, I couldn’t find anything specifically that said players had to wear caps. Note the plural caps.
From section 1.11 in the Objectives.
– 1.11 (a)(1) All players on a team shall wear uniforms identical in color, trim and style, and all players uniforms shall include minimal sixinch numbers on their backs.
– 1.11 (a)(3) No player whose uniform does not conform to that of his teammates shall be permitted to participate in a game.
Makes me think that a team could decide to not wear caps on the field – as long as all 8 players (excluding the catcher) chose to not wear caps.
expletive! I suck at HTML –
Love the re-post of the United Countries of Baseball –
In looking into finding a poster of that for my basement, I found a football version –
I found the DMZ around Los Angeles particularly funny.
[quote comment=”293563″][quote comment=”293561″][quote comment=”293560″][quote comment=”293554″]I used to work at LP Field and I remember seeing Pacman wear the strings. I was also watching the ‘boys play and did not see any of the strings. I did however notice that he has taken on the ‘boys tradition of that funny breastplate uniform tiedown. No pics, but it’s not hard to see.[/quote]
Another old trick by backs and lineman was to place double-sided tape on the back and breastplate of the shoulderpads to tie-down the jerseys and make them harder to grab![/quote]
Used to spray silicon or something on their shoulders and arms to make them slippery, too, didn’t they, Matt? Then the NFL outlawed it, along with stickum (the Anti-Slippery).
“Guys used to put stickum on their hands to catch the ball, now they just wear gloves.” John Madden.[/quote]
Great comment in the Bears-Lions game from one of the announcers (Matt Vasgersian, I believe) after Marty Booker made a great link : “What the Lester Hayes is going on with that catch?”
Those may not have been the exact words, but it was something similar.
Michigan hockey kicked off its official Adidas season. they wore the blue aways for both exhibition games link not much different from what we saw before. numbers are larger then last year. the worst thing is that the Waterloo goalie was wearing purple pads, but their colors are white, yellow, and black. also note the italian flag on the back of his helmet. its the second picture in the album link
[quote comment=”293563″]”Guys used to put stickum on their hands to catch the ball, now they just wear gloves.” John Madden.[/quote]
he also said shit like this:
don’t worry about the horse being blind, just load the wagon…
funny how he’d know about being on the wagon
Paul – I hope you and Liz enjoy the State Theater in Minneapolis – bummed that I can’t make it to the performance. Any chance that there will be a video posting?
Re: Sir Saint
The Saints did bring back Sir Saint (who was also known as “Charley the Saint” back in the John Mecam era) this season on clothing, jewelry, signs and banners, and even in the form of a full-sized mascot, but he looks just like he did back in the 60’s. Not sure where that “new” Sir Saint image linked above came from – are we sure that thing isn’t just some fan art? Because it definitely isn’t the official Sir Saint logo that the team uses.
As reported in the Philadelphia Inquirer:
Bobbi and Garry Adair of Montgomeryville were on a down elevator last Sunday at the Westin in Center City – he in a Phillies shirt, she in a Donovan McNabb Eagles jersey – when the door opened. In stepped Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and her security guys. Palin wore a New York Rangers sweater with “Palin 08” on the back. Bobbi Adair greeted the veep candidate and asked what she was up to. Going for a run, Palin replied. “Not in that shirt you’re not,” Adair says she told her. Which explains why Palin jogged in a green No. 5 jersey, topped by a pink cap. News anchors later praised her sartorial sense. Adair, who still has Palin’s Rangers sweater (which the two swapped in the elevator lobby), has been promised a replacement McNabb jersey from the Eagles. No word on whether Palin wants hers back. “If she wins, I hope I get invited to the inauguration,” Adair says.
Has anyone ever heard of a person given one of those ceremonial jerseys actually using them after the photo op? Or anything other than placing it in a frame and never touching it again?
Small victory for logo creep, the patches worn by the Sens and Pens did NOT include “Bridgestone” as it was on the center ice logo and all other promotion materials for the games in Stockholm. Just an NHL logo above the word Premiere like the ones for the Caech game.
[quote comment=”293491″][quote comment=”293488″]Ha. Ted Bundy = best comment ever[/quote]
I think you’ve got your Bundys confused. Al Bundy was the one who scored five touchdowns in a single game. Ted Bundy killed five coeds on a single campus.[/quote]
I thought it was 4 touchdowns??
Looks like a swoosh on the sleeve:
Wasn’t it 4 touchdowns?
[quote comment=”293575″]Wasn’t it 4 touchdowns?[/quote]
Yes, according to this page:
[quote comment=”293574″]Looks like a swoosh on the sleeve:
Not as much as it looks like a Powerade symbol on his side panel.
But either way it’s just coincidence.
Paul, aren’t you Jewish? What are you doing having pork?
I’m so excited for Oregon’s homecoming… ridiculously giddy.
[quote comment=”293516″]http://www.tricitiessports.com/default.asp?sourceid=&smenu=80&twindow=Default&mad=No&sdetail=29166&wpage=1&skeyword=&sidate=&ccat=&ccatm=&restate=&restatus=&reoption=&retype=&repmin=&repmax=&rebed=&rebath=&subname=&pform=&sc=1131&hn=tricitiessports&he=.com
Virginia Tech unveiled a fashion disaster Saturday. I think I like the 2005 orange sleeve better.
They had great uniforms when Michael Vick was there and they have progressively deteriorated.[/quote]
This is the second time this season for these atrocities. They wore them for the Orange Effect game against Georgia Tech. They have yet to wear their new maroon jerseys this season, and they don’t have another home game until November, so it will be a while before they debut. The good news is there is also a maroon effect game, so maybe they’ll break out the maroon for the occasion.
[quote comment=”293578″]Paul, aren’t you Jewish? What are you doing having pork?
I’m so excited for Oregon’s homecoming… ridiculously giddy.[/quote]
Big difference between being Jewish and keeping Kosher.
[quote comment=”293580″][quote comment=”293578″]Paul, aren’t you Jewish? What are you doing having pork?
I’m so excited for Oregon’s homecoming… ridiculously giddy.[/quote]
Big difference between being Jewish and keeping Kosher.[/quote]
very observant!
[quote comment=”293561″][quote comment=”293560″][quote comment=”293554″]I used to work at LP Field and I remember seeing Pacman wear the strings. I was also watching the ‘boys play and did not see any of the strings. I did however notice that he has taken on the ‘boys tradition of that funny breastplate uniform tiedown. No pics, but it’s not hard to see.[/quote]
Another old trick by backs and lineman was to place double-sided tape on the back and breastplate of the shoulderpads to tie-down the jerseys and make them harder to grab![/quote]
Used to spray silicon or something on their shoulders and arms to make them slippery, too, didn’t they, Matt? Then the NFL outlawed it, along with stickum (the Anti-Slippery).
I can substantiate that…I have heard of stories where players sprayed silicon or even Teflon like materials to increase avoidance!
Ah, Mattel football. That takes me back…
And sweet! They’ve release a keychain version!
[quote comment=”293564″]Reading thru the MLB rules online, I couldn’t find anything specifically that said players had to wear caps. Note the plural caps.
From section 1.11 in the Objectives.
– 1.11 (a)(1) All players on a team shall wear uniforms identical in color, trim and style, and all players uniforms shall include minimal sixinch numbers on their backs.
– 1.11 (a)(3) No player whose uniform does not conform to that of his teammates shall be permitted to participate in a game.
Makes me think that a team could decide to not wear caps on the field – as long as all 8 players (excluding the catcher) chose to not wear caps.[/quote]
Identical color, trim, and style, eh? So no more super baggy Manny if Juan Pierre rocks the stirrups? Interesting.
As per the Ronnie Brown partial glove pic: That might just be black athletic tape used to stabilize the wrist and thumb.
Another interesting find from that game was a visorless LT:
[quote comment=”293581″][quote comment=”293580″][quote comment=”293578″]Paul, aren’t you Jewish? What are you doing having pork?
I’m so excited for Oregon’s homecoming… ridiculously giddy.[/quote]
Big difference between being Jewish and keeping Kosher.[/quote]
very observant![/quote]
It’d be a shame if you took them up on the $50,000 offer and weren’t able to spend some of it at the local BBQ joints.
[quote comment=”293580″][quote comment=”293578″]Paul, aren’t you Jewish? What are you doing having pork?
I’m so excited for Oregon’s homecoming… ridiculously giddy.[/quote]
Big difference between being Jewish and keeping Kosher.[/quote]
Forgive me, but my hometown has exactly one Jewish family.
It was only a matter of time. He’s probably more frustrated about having to wear the damn black cap…
[quote comment=”293587″][quote comment=”293580″][quote comment=”293578″]Paul, aren’t you Jewish? What are you doing having pork?
I’m so excited for Oregon’s homecoming… ridiculously giddy.[/quote]
Big difference between being Jewish and keeping Kosher.[/quote]
Forgive me, but my hometown has exactly one Jewish family.[/quote]
we’ll forgive you, but we’ll never forget ;)
[quote comment=”293589″][quote comment=”293587″][quote comment=”293580″][quote comment=”293578″]Paul, aren’t you Jewish? What are you doing having pork?
I’m so excited for Oregon’s homecoming… ridiculously giddy.[/quote]
Big difference between being Jewish and keeping Kosher.[/quote]
Forgive me, but my hometown has exactly one Jewish family.[/quote]
we’ll forgive you, but we’ll never forget ;)[/quote]
as far as ronnie browns thumb gloves go it is probably just regular gloves that are cut and rolled under should he have to throw the ball while in the single wing formation, here in knoxville the g gun has had several bad passes due to gerald jones wearing full gloves
The Saints pocket schedule for this season features the original Sir Saint. I think it looks really nice. Wish I had a scanner.
Reebok Changed it’s hockey logo from the symbol to their early 90’s Reebok wordmark
[quote comment=”293501″]Here’s a rare find:
DET jersey with a font only used in 1982…[/quote]
After seeing this uniform, I wanted to see what nhluniforms.com had to say about it and turns out, they do not have a record of that number style for 81-82, but they do for 82-83.
Back to 81-82, there are 2 FNOB
Whalers and Rangers.
So then I wanted photo evidence,
I am not sure if anyone has ever mentioned Don Maloney. I am pretty sure people have linked Mark Howe
Continuing on from a post I made on Friday, I am still intrigued by these Oregon basketball jerseys. I believe they have been around since at least this past summer, but I haven’t seen any information or talk about them until last Friday. I did a little searching and found the full uniforms for both the camouflage, and the yellow sets. Here they are:
Full Camouflage
Jersey – link
Shorts -http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v308/Coheed2/oregon.jpg
Yellow (Alternate)?
Jersey -http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v308/Coheed2/2008OregonJersey2.jpg
Shorts -http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v308/Coheed2/oregon2.jpg
Call me crazy, make fun of me, condemn me, do whatever you want, but I really like these. They are a lot better than those pointless all black uniforms they have. Black isn’t even a school color!
If this is old news, forgive me. I am a little slow on the new uniform front.
Paul wrote about this pic last week where he was fascinated with the St. Louis Football Cardinals bags. But did anyone notice that large white shelf in the background (just under the \”NOTICE\” sign)? It has cigarette sponsors on it (Kent and Newport) and seems to be a retail type installation (like you find at your local convenience store). Is this an example of the Cardinals staff improvising some furniture for the equipment? Or was smoking still a part of the everyday life of a football player?
Sorry, links messed up. Here they are:
Jersey – link
Shorts – link
Jersey – link
Shorts – link
[quote comment=”293471″]the Ronnie brown glove looks like a thumb stabalizer. It is like taping up a thumb that might be strained[/quote]
I think it is a thumb stabalizer. I had a thumb injury playing football in High School, it is the extender tendon that I hurt (the tendom that flexes on the back of your thumb when you grab something). I had a similair looking soft cast that I wore. I believe Dale Carter of the Chiefs had the same injury back in the early 90’s and always had his thumbs taped up, but since he was a DB his looked almost like small casts.
[quote comment=”293599″]Paul wrote about this pic last week where he was fascinated with the St. Louis Football Cardinals bags. But did anyone notice that large white shelf in the background (just under the \”NOTICE\” sign)? It has cigarette sponsors on it (Kent and Newport) and seems to be a retail type installation (like you find at your local convenience store). Is this an example of the Cardinals staff improvising some furniture for the equipment? Or was smoking still a part of the everyday life of a football player?[/quote]
Sorry. Link didn’t connect. Here it is: link
“Or was smoking still a part of the everyday life of a football player?”
Quite probably, yes.
New Memphis basketball uniforms
Credit to Derby at sportslogos.net
[quote]Matt Garza was wearing earplugs yesterday [/quote]
TBS got a nice shot of him taking them out after the Sox went up 5-1 in the fifth.
[quote comment=”293471″]the Ronnie brown glove looks like a thumb stabalizer. It is like taping up a thumb that might be strained[/quote]
Ronnie Brown has his thumbs taped. Check the lineman next to him, rb’s have to hold onto the ball and the D is constantly trying to strip it, so tape the thumbs to secure the weakest part of the grip. Stabilize the thumb, hold on to the ball. Ronnie can use all the halp he can get!
[quote comment=”293570″]Re: Sir Saint
The Saints did bring back Sir Saint (who was also known as “Charley the Saint” back in the John Mecam era) this season on clothing, jewelry, signs and banners, and even in the form of a full-sized mascot, but he looks just like he did back in the 60’s. Not sure where that “new” Sir Saint image linked above came from – are we sure that thing isn’t just some fan art? Because it definitely isn’t the official Sir Saint logo that the team uses.[/quote]
You can see him (the old one) tonight. They put him on the runway cover behind at least one of the goal posts. Saw him during the Bucs-Saints game. Can’t believe I didn’t see the UW potential back then.
asked this super late last night so I’ll try again – Mike Napoli had his jersey unbuttoned and tucked under – I hear he does this all the time and it never flaps out, as if it’s velcroed or something to keep it that way. Last night was the first I had seen of it. Does he do this all the time? If so, any idea how or why?
[quote comment=”293530″]That archive of old wire photos is wonderful, and this is just a great pic….
Yes, a great photo, but a source of consternation for a Skins fan and a UW topic. The caption states that the Rams are celebrating a 15-14 win over Washington in the 1945 NFL Championship. I read the following account of the game in a really nice book about the 50 greatest games in Skins history (1988).
The Skins were coached by Dudley DeGroot and had to travel to Cleveland for the title. The weather the whole week was miserable and DeGroot instructed his staff to bring sneakers in case the field iced over. Amazingly, Cleveland was not equally prepared and DeGroot agreed with the Cleveland head coach that the advantage of sneaks was unfair so they were not worn.
Owner G.P. Marshall stormed down to the locker room at halftime and demanded to know why they weren’t being worn. DeGroot explained the gentleman’s agreement, to which Marshall said that would be the last decision DeGroot would make a coach of the Skins (and it was).
The margin of victory for the Rams was a safety scored when Sammy Baugh attempted to hit a wide open Wayne Milner for a 98-yard TD, instead hit the goalpost with the pass attempt and the ball landed in the end zone. By rule in 1945, a safety. Marshall had the rule changed for the next season.
The Skins missed a chance to win when a field goal was blown off target by a Lake Erie arctic blast.
Considering all the documentation of great NFL games, this game, and its subplots have been largely ignored.
Great stuff, Larry. You’d think Cleveland would have learned from the Giants eleven years prior.
“Considering all the documentation of great NFL games, this game, and its subplots have been largely ignored.”
I swear, because of his staunch racism that included trading the #1 draft choice to Cleveland rather than making the obvious selection of Ernie Davis, the NFL has for the past 20 years or more pretended that George Preston Marshall never existed.
“I was born and raised in Virgina, and as long as I own the team there will never be a Negro on the Redskins.”
—George Preston Marshall, circa 1958
Not surprisingly, the Redskins were the last team to roster a black player (Bobby Mitchell).
larry…did you score either RAYS game this past Thursday or Friday?
[quote comment=”293611″]”Considering all the documentation of great NFL games, this game, and its subplots have been largely ignored.”
I swear, because of his staunch racism that included trading the #1 draft choice to Cleveland rather than making the obvious selection of Ernie Davis, the NFL has for the past 20 years or more pretended that George Preston Marshall never existed.
“I was born and raised in Virgina, and as long as I own the team there will never be a Negro on the Redskins.”
—George Preston Marshall, circa 1958
Not surprisingly, the Redskins were the last team to roster a black player (Bobby Mitchell).
Ooops, scrambled memories…here’s how it went down (from Wikipedia, put as I read it details came back to me). And should have said WEST Virgina for Marshall’s birthplace.
Just one year after George Preston Marshall entered the NFL, blacks were excluded from all its teams. While the rest of the league began signing individual blacks in 1946 and actually drafting blacks in 1949, Marshall held out until 1962 before signing a black player. That only came when Interior Secretary Stewart Udall issued an ultimatum–unless Marshall signed a black player, the government would revoke the Redskins’ 30-year lease on the year-old D.C. Stadium (now RFK Stadium), which had been paid for by government money. Marshall’s chief response was to make Ernie Davis, Syracuse’s all-American running back, his number one draft choice for 1962. Ernie Davis’s response was: “I won’t play for that S.O.B.” He demanded a trade and got one, to Cleveland for All-Pro Bobby Mitchell.
[quote comment=”293603″]”Or was smoking still a part of the everyday life of a football player?”
Quite probably, yes.[/quote]
Which for the time isn’t surprising. What is surprising is that something like that made it into an NFL locker room. It’s hard to tell from the picture but it looks like they are storing tape in there. But it would be great if they were cigarettes.
[quote comment=”293611″]”Considering all the documentation of great NFL games, this game, and its subplots have been largely ignored.”
I swear, because of his staunch racism that included trading the #1 draft choice to Cleveland rather than making the obvious selection of Ernie Davis, the NFL has for the past 20 years or more pretended that George Preston Marshall never existed.
“I was born and raised in Virgina, and as long as I own the team there will never be a Negro on the Redskins.”
—George Preston Marshall, circa 1958
Not surprisingly, the Redskins were the last team to roster a black player (Bobby Mitchell).
Not totally wit’ cha on that one. No question, Marshall was all those things. But, this wasn’t a “great moment” for the Skins and the story, if they wanted to tell it that way, would illustrate what a jerk Marshall was.
I have a massive amount of Skins’ NFL Films stuff and until recently, Marshall’s dark side was pretty much ignored and he was celebrated as the patriarch of the organization.
Also, there is tons of video work on Sammy Baugh, the championships and records associated with him. All while playing for Marshall, who incidentally was responsible for Slingin’ Sam’s cowboy image.
I would have liked to have seen this game chronicled like many others have been, but I’m sure there are many other great games that haven’t been document and should be.
[quote comment=”293612″]larry…did you score either RAYS game this past Thursday or Friday?[/quote]
No, but nice sidebar on that. For pretty much the first ten years, a fellow named Jim Ferguson was the OS. Jim is a baseball lifer and he was a natural for the position. Jim retired from his full-time gig this spring and moved back to Cincy. The backup and guy I fill in for (Bill Matthews) took over for most of 2008. Jim was in town this past week and Rick Vaughn asked Bill if he would let Fergy take game two, so that’s what they did. Nice gesture, I think.
I doubt Billy will be missing anything from here on out, why would you?
[quote comment=”293616″] Jim was in town this past week and Rick Vaughn asked Bill if he would let Fergy take game two, so that’s what they did. Nice gesture, I think.[/quote]
THE link?
[quote comment=”293607″][quote comment=”293570″]Re: Sir Saint
The Saints did bring back Sir Saint (who was also known as “Charley the Saint” back in the John Mecam era) this season on clothing, jewelry, signs and banners, and even in the form of a full-sized mascot, but he looks just like he did back in the 60’s. Not sure where that “new” Sir Saint image linked above came from – are we sure that thing isn’t just some fan art? Because it definitely isn’t the official Sir Saint logo that the team uses.[/quote]
You can see him (the old one) tonight. They put him on the runway cover behind at least one of the goal posts. Saw him during the Bucs-Saints game. Can’t believe I didn’t see the UW potential back then.[/quote]
The linked picture in the ticker comes from advertising material for the Saints down here in New Orleans. Unfortunately I don’t have any on hand to scan for visual enjoyment. I’m ok with the update, but I absolutely love the vintage Sir. Saint. He has been much more prominent around town and in the dome lately.
“I have a massive amount of Skins’ NFL Films stuff and until recently, Marshall’s dark side was pretty much ignored and he was celebrated as the patriarch of the organization.”
I guess that’s more what I meant: They had chosen to forget anything that hinted at Marshall’s downside. You said it yourself, “…if they wanted to tell it that way.” Instead has been all, “Lah-dee-dah, he was the grand old man of the ‘Skins”. Yeah, he did a lot of innovative things (the marching band and embracing TV, to name two), but to ignore his weaknesses was just another example of our national tendency lately to redefine our history, to gloss it up and rewrite it as it suits our needs…or at least the needs of the organization doing the buffing and editing.
What is wrong with these uniforms?
I think Everything.
There is a patch over the Nike logo on the jersey(note the Russell log on the pants)
They are using the design Florida used for a Nike promotion.
I’m also not a fan of the numbers on one side of the helmet, and logo on the other.
Also the use of black in the stripes and logo, but not on the rest of the uniform.
It may be because They were my high schools rivals, and I don’t like them at all, but I really hate their new unis.
[quote comment=”293565″]expletive! I suck at HTML –
Love the re-post of the United Countries of Baseball –
In looking into finding a poster of that for my basement, I found a football version –
I found the DMZ around Los Angeles particularly funny.[/quote]
I may be the only Rangers fan who reads this blog and even I am wondering why their area on this map is so big. I mean seriously its huge. I know everything is bigger in Texas but come on
[quote comment=”293621″][quote comment=”293565″]expletive! I suck at HTML –
Love the re-post of the United Countries of Baseball –
In looking into finding a poster of that for my basement, I found a football version –
I found the DMZ around Los Angeles particularly funny.[/quote]
I may be the only Rangers fan who reads this blog and even I am wondering why their area on this map is so big. I mean seriously its huge. I know everything is bigger in Texas but come on[/quote]
Are those based on anything concrete like, say, radio or TV stations in the team’s respective networks?
[quote comment=”293617″][quote comment=”293616″] Jim was in town this past week and Rick Vaughn asked Bill if he would let Fergy take game two, so that’s what they did. Nice gesture, I think.[/quote]
THE link?[/quote]
Back after a 1 hour power outage! Had to listen to BJ’s two bombs on the car radio.
Funny thing about the Rick Vaughn thing. Was doing a game last year and was reading the Indians game notes and they were listing upcoming promotions and there was Rick Vaughn Eyeglass Night. Couldn’t figure out why, Rick’s a good guy but. Had to have it explained to me.
Ricko, you’re exactly right. The 50th Anniversary film referred to GPM as “enterprising & visionary”, no such reference by the 75th season film.
[quote comment=”293622″][quote comment=”293621″][quote comment=”293565″]expletive! I suck at HTML –
Love the re-post of the United Countries of Baseball –
In looking into finding a poster of that for my basement, I found a football version –
I found the DMZ around Los Angeles particularly funny.[/quote]
I may be the only Rangers fan who reads this blog and even I am wondering why their area on this map is so big. I mean seriously its huge. I know everything is bigger in Texas but come on[/quote]
Are those based on anything concrete like, say, radio or TV stations in the team’s respective networks?[/quote]
I promise you the Florida panhandle doesn’t even know the Marlins exist.
[quote comment=”293624″][quote comment=”293622″][quote comment=”293621″][quote comment=”293565″]expletive! I suck at HTML –
Love the re-post of the United Countries of Baseball –
In looking into finding a poster of that for my basement, I found a football version –
I found the DMZ around Los Angeles particularly funny.[/quote]
I may be the only Rangers fan who reads this blog and even I am wondering why their area on this map is so big. I mean seriously its huge. I know everything is bigger in Texas but come on[/quote]
Are those based on anything concrete like, say, radio or TV stations in the team’s respective networks?[/quote]
I promise you the Florida panhandle doesn’t even know the Marlins exist.[/quote]
Sorry I even took notice of the baseball map. It’s so dumb (and wrong) it’s hardly worth commenting on.
re: George Preston Marshall.
On my drive home from the office was thinking it’s gotta be frustrating for the NFL. Baseball had some visionary proponents of integration (Branch Rickey and Bill Veeck being probably the most well-known). The NFL, though, had no such comparable individual or inviduals, but rather only an intracable, vocal, diehard racist in Marshall, who held to a stance so entrenched that it took the threat of government intervention to fully integrate the league.
Pretty tough to spin that.
[quote comment=”293625″][quote comment=”293624″][quote comment=”293622″][quote comment=”293621″][quote comment=”293565″]expletive! I suck at HTML –
Love the re-post of the United Countries of Baseball –
In looking into finding a poster of that for my basement, I found a football version –
I found the DMZ around Los Angeles particularly funny.[/quote]
I may be the only Rangers fan who reads this blog and even I am wondering why their area on this map is so big. I mean seriously its huge. I know everything is bigger in Texas but come on[/quote]
Are those based on anything concrete like, say, radio or TV stations in the team’s respective networks?[/quote]
I promise you the Florida panhandle doesn’t even know the Marlins exist.[/quote]
Sorry I even took notice of the baseball map. It’s so dumb (and wrong) it’s hardly worth commenting on.[/quote]
But since you did, I’ll pile on. I thought the exact same thing you did when I looked at that thing.
[quote comment=”293626″]re: George Preston Marshall.
On my drive home from the office was thinking it’s gotta be frustrating for the NFL. Baseball had some visionary proponents of integration (Branch Rickey and Bill Veeck being probably the most well-known). The NFL, though, had no such comparable individual or inviduals, but rather only an intracable, vocal, diehard racist in Marshall, who held to a stance so entrenched that it took the threat of government intervention to fully integrate the league.
Pretty tough to spin that.
They’ve tried, the stuff about integrating long before 1947. Nobody tells a story like NFL Films but they are pretty thin in that department for sure.
The NFL (I’m guessing) DID have ass stripes: link
Recognize this? link
[quote comment=”293628″][quote comment=”293626″]re: George Preston Marshall.
On my drive home from the office was thinking it’s gotta be frustrating for the NFL. Baseball had some visionary proponents of integration (Branch Rickey and Bill Veeck being probably the most well-known). The NFL, though, had no such comparable individual or inviduals, but rather only an intracable, vocal, diehard racist in Marshall, who held to a stance so entrenched that it took the threat of government intervention to fully integrate the league.
Pretty tough to spin that.
They’ve tried, the stuff about integrating long before 1947. Nobody tells a story like NFL Films but they are pretty thin in that department for sure.
The NFL (I’m guessing) DID have ass stripes: link
Striping on helmet of guy on ground to the right is different. Was that an “eligible/ineligible” thing or something?
[quote comment=”293625″][quote comment=”293624″][quote comment=”293622″][quote comment=”293621″][quote comment=”293565″]expletive! I suck at HTML –
Love the re-post of the United Countries of Baseball –
In looking into finding a poster of that for my basement, I found a football version –
I found the DMZ around Los Angeles particularly funny.[/quote]
I may be the only Rangers fan who reads this blog and even I am wondering why their area on this map is so big. I mean seriously its huge. I know everything is bigger in Texas but come on[/quote]
Are those based on anything concrete like, say, radio or TV stations in the team’s respective networks?[/quote]
I promise you the Florida panhandle doesn’t even know the Marlins exist.[/quote]
Sorry I even took notice of the baseball map. It’s so dumb (and wrong) it’s hardly worth commenting on.[/quote]
The Nationals representation on that map was my first indication.
[quote comment=”293630″][quote comment=”293628″][quote comment=”293626″]re: George Preston Marshall.
On my drive home from the office was thinking it’s gotta be frustrating for the NFL. Baseball had some visionary proponents of integration (Branch Rickey and Bill Veeck being probably the most well-known). The NFL, though, had no such comparable individual or inviduals, but rather only an intracable, vocal, diehard racist in Marshall, who held to a stance so entrenched that it took the threat of government intervention to fully integrate the league.
Pretty tough to spin that.
They’ve tried, the stuff about integrating long before 1947. Nobody tells a story like NFL Films but they are pretty thin in that department for sure.
The NFL (I’m guessing) DID have ass stripes: link
Striping on helmet of guy on ground to the right is different. Was that an “eligible/ineligible” thing or something?[/quote]
Wow, like the WFL thing? Makes sense, since the QB/HB sees them running away and all.
[quote comment=”293621″][quote comment=”293565″]expletive! I suck at HTML –
Love the re-post of the United Countries of Baseball –
In looking into finding a poster of that for my basement, I found a football version –
I found the DMZ around Los Angeles particularly funny.[/quote]
I may be the only Rangers fan who reads this blog and even I am wondering why their area on this map is so big. I mean seriously its huge. I know everything is bigger in Texas but come on[/quote]
Youre not alone; I’m a rangers fan and I thought the exact same thing. The Rangers fan base covers that much more area than the yankees? I wish. Even a recent article on the teams website said their fanbase is 2 million “solid” fans. So, like Dallas and its suburbs, not 85% of the state, plus OK, AK, and LA.
[quote comment=”293629″]Ricko-
Recognize this? link
[quote comment=\”293629\”]Ricko-
Recognize this? link
Not big on decorate facades in those days, were they.
RFK, Metropolitan Stadium, County Stadium and others…nuthin’ fancy, all superstructure and form following function. Sports Illustrated once said Met Stadium had “the bizarre charm of afterthought on top of afterthought.” Nicely accurate.
Speaking of stadia…over the weekend I was thinking, are there any BCS teams besides Minnesota and U of Miami whose home field also is a major league ballpark?
Re: Mike Napoli…
I noticed something else about his catching gear. Remember when Mike Piazza played for the Dodgers? He had separate sets of catching gear for home and road (home=blue, road=grey), and I think Napoli has the same, but it’s more subtle – his home gear is red w/blue trim, & road gear is red with grey trim. Sorry, no screenshots ‘cuz I was at dinner last night when I noticed it (when I said something, I received quizzical looks from those in my dinner party, natch). I also remember Felix Potvin doing this with the Kings in 2001 (home set was white, road set was p*****). If anyone else caught this, please let me know if I’m correct, or just insane. Thanks.
[quote comment=”293632″][quote comment=”293630″][quote comment=”293628″][quote comment=”293626″]re: George Preston Marshall.
On my drive home from the office was thinking it’s gotta be frustrating for the NFL. Baseball had some visionary proponents of integration (Branch Rickey and Bill Veeck being probably the most well-known). The NFL, though, had no such comparable individual or inviduals, but rather only an intracable, vocal, diehard racist in Marshall, who held to a stance so entrenched that it took the threat of government intervention to fully integrate the league.
Pretty tough to spin that.
They’ve tried, the stuff about integrating long before 1947. Nobody tells a story like NFL Films but they are pretty thin in that department for sure.
The NFL (I’m guessing) DID have ass stripes: link
Striping on helmet of guy on ground to the right is different. Was that an “eligible/ineligible” thing or something?[/quote]
Wow, like the WFL thing? Makes sense, since the QB/HB sees them running away and all.[/quote]
Calling Tim Brule. Oh, Ti-immmm. Or someone from one of those “helmet” sites?
[quote comment=”293634″][quote comment=”293629″]Ricko-
Recognize this? link
[quote comment=\”293629\”]Ricko-
Recognize this? link
Not big on decorate facades in those days, were they.
RFK, Metropolitan Stadium, County Stadium and others…nuthin’ fancy, all superstructure and form following function. Sports Illustrated once said Met Stadium had “the bizarre charm of afterthought on top of afterthought.” Nicely accurate.
Speaking of stadia…over the weekend I was thinking, are there any BCS teams besides Minnesota and U of Miami whose home field also is a major league ballpark?[/quote]
I think the only other MLB multi-purpose stadiums are Oakland and Toronto and they don’t have any college teams play there. So, no, Ricko. Those are the only two.
[quote comment=”293634″][quote comment=”293629″]Ricko-
Recognize this? link
[quote comment=\”293629\”]Ricko-
Recognize this? link
Not big on decorate facades in those days, were they.
RFK, Metropolitan Stadium, County Stadium and others…nuthin’ fancy, all superstructure and form following function. Sports Illustrated once said Met Stadium had “the bizarre charm of afterthought on top of afterthought.” Nicely accurate.
Speaking of stadia…over the weekend I was thinking, are there any BCS teams besides Minnesota and U of Miami whose home field also is a major league ballpark?[/quote]
Sent it to you because it’s the Met.
The Trop is hosting a bowl game, but the teams are so far down the food chain they might no even be BCS ;-)
“So, no, Ricko. Those are the only two.”
Pretty much what I thought, but knew this would be the place to ask. And next year will be only the Hurricanes.
Re: Ronnie Brown
Brown suffered a sprained thumb in the preseason.
[quote comment=”293636″][quote comment=”293632″][quote comment=”293630″][quote comment=”293628″][quote comment=”293626″]re: George Preston Marshall.
On my drive home from the office was thinking it’s gotta be frustrating for the NFL. Baseball had some visionary proponents of integration (Branch Rickey and Bill Veeck being probably the most well-known). The NFL, though, had no such comparable individual or inviduals, but rather only an intracable, vocal, diehard racist in Marshall, who held to a stance so entrenched that it took the threat of government intervention to fully integrate the league.
Pretty tough to spin that.
They’ve tried, the stuff about integrating long before 1947. Nobody tells a story like NFL Films but they are pretty thin in that department for sure.
The NFL (I’m guessing) DID have ass stripes: link
Striping on helmet of guy on ground to the right is different. Was that an “eligible/ineligible” thing or something?[/quote]
Wow, like the WFL thing? Makes sense, since the QB/HB sees them running away and all.[/quote]
Calling Tim Brule. Oh, Ti-immmm. Or someone from one of those “helmet” sites?[/quote]
Let me ask one more question. Where is that phot from? My first thought was Polo Grounds but with the one team wearing the all white helmets and perhaps red jerseys, could it be Comiskey?
[quote comment=”293638″][quote comment=”293634″][quote comment=”293629″]Ricko-
Recognize this? link
[quote comment=\”293629\”]Ricko-
Recognize this? link
Not big on decorate facades in those days, were they.
RFK, Metropolitan Stadium, County Stadium and others…nuthin’ fancy, all superstructure and form following function. Sports Illustrated once said Met Stadium had “the bizarre charm of afterthought on top of afterthought.” Nicely accurate.
Speaking of stadia…over the weekend I was thinking, are there any BCS teams besides Minnesota and U of Miami whose home field also is a major league ballpark?[/quote]
Sent it to you because it’s the Met.
The Trop is hosting a bowl game, but the teams are so far down the food chain they might no even be BCS ;-)[/quote]
Oh, indeed, and I appreciated it. A whole mess of my childhood was spent in that place. Starting with the Millers in ’56 saw people like Orlando Cepeda, Felipe Alou, Earl Wilson, Yaz and, yes, Pumpsie Green play there (when cows still crazed in the distance beyond the outfield fence). Saw second Twins home game, first Vikings home game (when they beat the Bears). Remember deciding to stay home from a game with Lions cuz I’d just watched Lee Harvey Oswald get shot on live TV. And, on a personal level, my first wife was a Vikings cheerleader in ’63 and ’64. Plus, started covering the Vikings during their last few seasons outdoors, so saw Ahmad Rashad pull down a Hail Mary from Tommy Kramer, and said good-bye at last game ever played there, too (Vikings lost to Chiefs 10-6 in a real snoozer).
Still remember my lead from that story:
“Let it never be forgot,
that once there was a spot,
where catch was played,
and banquets laid,
in a stadium parking lot.”
(Damn, haven’t though about that in years.)
[quote comment=”293634″][quote comment=”293629″]Ricko-
Recognize this? link
[quote comment=\”293629\”]Ricko-
Recognize this? link
Not big on decorate facades in those days, were they.
RFK, Metropolitan Stadium, County Stadium and others…nuthin’ fancy, all superstructure and form following function. Sports Illustrated once said Met Stadium had “the bizarre charm of afterthought on top of afterthought.” Nicely accurate.
Speaking of stadia…over the weekend I was thinking, are there any BCS teams besides Minnesota and U of Miami whose home field also is a major league ballpark?[/quote]
you two wanna
get a roomkill a few hours?link that is this thread
1 out to glory for the rays!
Feel The Heat
larry…i HOPE you get to score one of the ALCS games…you could maybe give the card to PL for a raffle?
“Let me ask one more question. Where is that phot from? My first thought was Polo Grounds but with the one team wearing the all white helmets and perhaps red jerseys, could it be Comiskey?”
Think so. Pretty sure guy with ball is Charlie Trippi of Chicago Cardinals.
That Patriots superhero is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen.
I’m so glad it never became the team’s official mascot.
[quote comment=”293645″]link[/quote]
just closing your tags…
but sweet…you learned teh html!
Love those Rays.
Honest. Saw their new unis on a magazine cover at O’Hare back in March and wondered if the same thing might happen to that young team that happened to the Twins in ’87.
So far, it is.
(Gotta believe the networks are pulling for the Red Sox, though, huh. Although, gee, an all-LA World Series? Now there’s a concept.)
[quote comment=”293651″][quote comment=”293645″]link[/quote]
just closing your tags…
but sweet…you learned teh html![/quote]
What was missing to close the tags?
Again, unless something catasropic happens (and that won’t be good for anybody) my season is over.
First time I’ve seen Upton smile this year was running off the field.
[quote comment=”293652″]Love those Rays.
Honest. Saw their new unis on a magazine cover at O’Hare back in March and wondered if the same thing might happen to that young team that happened to the Twins in ’87.
So far, it is.
(Gotta believe the networks are pulling for the Red Sox, though, huh. Although, gee, an all-LA World Series? Now there’s a concept.)[/quote]
You can always tell who the networks are pulling for by who plays in the prime time games. I think the Phils and Brewers played all day games, right? Up until this year it was the Yankees in the spotlight, now it’s the Red Sox.
[quote comment=”293652″]Love those Rays.
(Gotta believe the networks are pulling for the Red Sox, though, huh. Although, gee, an all-LA World Series? Now there’s a concept.)[/quote]
You’re right, but F-the networks!!!
[quote]What was missing to close the tags?[/quote]
all you needed was a “/” (backslash) in front of the final “a” (between the carats)
i.e. /a
[quote comment=”293655″][quote comment=”293652″]Love those Rays.
(Gotta believe the networks are pulling for the Red Sox, though, huh. Although, gee, an all-LA World Series? Now there’s a concept.)[/quote]
You’re right, but F-the networks!!![/quote]
i don’t think it’s “who they’re pullng for” so much as ‘which team will pull a larger audience share’
black marxistECB in the mediaSager’s Wearin’ the orange blazer.
[quote comment=”293656″][quote]What was missing to close the tags?[/quote]
all you needed was a “/” (backslash) in front of the final “a” (between the carats)
i.e. /a[/quote]
Like this? link
I don’t need slashes in front?
[quote comment=”293657″][quote comment=”293655″][quote comment=”293652″]Love those Rays.
(Gotta believe the networks are pulling for the Red Sox, though, huh. Although, gee, an all-LA World Series? Now there’s a concept.)[/quote]
You’re right, but F-the networks!!![/quote]
i don’t think it’s “who they’re pullng for” so much as ‘which team will pull a larger audience share’
black marxistECB in the media[/quote]Phil, doesn’t that mean that the networks would be kinda pulling for the teams that would bring ’em the biggest market share?
Is it just me or did I see a Saints fan with a decorated (and opened, nonetheless) umbrella on MNF? Sorry, no screen grab, but I have never seen anything like that before.
[quote comment=”293660″][quote comment=”293657″][quote comment=”293655″][quote comment=”293652″]Love those Rays.
(Gotta believe the networks are pulling for the Red Sox, though, huh. Although, gee, an all-LA World Series? Now there’s a concept.)[/quote]
You’re right, but F-the networks!!![/quote]
i don’t think it’s “who they’re pullng for” so much as ‘which team will pull a larger audience share’
black marxistECB in the media[/quote]Phil, doesn’t that mean that the networks would be kinda pulling for the teams that would bring ’em the biggest market share?[/quote]
I thought they’d want the Red Sox was because they’re a bunch of pointy-headed Ivy League northeastern liberals.
Who knew it was about ratings.
(rolls eyes, laughs…I have to laugh now; the Viking game has started and there may not be an opportunity later)
[quote comment=”293651″][quote comment=”293645″]link[/quote]
just closing your tags…
but sweet…you learned teh html![/quote]
Alright Mr. LI, what is the deal with the Woooo? This started long after I departed
[quote comment=”293660″]Phil, doesn’t that mean that the networks would be kinda pulling for the teams that would bring ’em the biggest market share?[/quote]
well sure stu…if you wanna play semantics with me :o)
i was interpreting it strictly as “rooting to win” (as a fan would) not “rooting to win” (as a pencil pusher would)
but…yes…you are correct sir…bigger bang for OUR bucks
if you’re joe sixpack without a team…they’d hafta think you might be a member of yankmee country or sawx nation…not some lameass royal or giant fan ;)
The Mike Napoli mixing of brands isn’t too bad; it’s not like it’s an adidas logo next to the Swoosh, plus there are plenty of Nike-sponsored athletes who wear Wilson, TPX, or Rawlings fielding gloves or other equipment. It does, I admit, look a bit odd though.
[quote comment=”293663″][quote comment=”293651″][quote comment=”293645″]link[/quote]
just closing your tags…
but sweet…you learned teh html![/quote]
Alright Mr. LI, what is the deal with the Woooo? This started long after I departed
doesn’t EVERY team play gary glitter?
*rolls eyes*…the isles have gone so far down the shitter it’s not even funny…i may have to turn on the vikes for some laughs now…and HOPE eddie guns doesn’t fuck up
[quote comment=”293550″]I threw this out last week but I’ll try again..
I am looking for someone who has a blue dymo tape gun, as I need a small label created. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.
Are you looking for a blue Dymo tape gun or a Dymo tape gun that labels blue tape? ;-) I have a gun but will have to wait until I get home from work late tomorrow evening to see if I have blue tape for it. And, even if I don’t, I might go out and get a roll to help out a UW buddy…
[quote comment=”293664″][quote comment=”293660″]Phil, doesn’t that mean that the networks would be kinda pulling for the teams that would bring ’em the biggest market share?[/quote]
well sure stu…if you wanna play semantics with me :o)
i was interpreting it strictly as “rooting to win” (as a fan would) not “rooting to win” (as a pencil pusher would)
but…yes…you are correct sir…bigger bang for OUR bucks
if you’re joe sixpack without a team…they’d hafta think you might be a member of yankmee country or sawx nation…not some lameass royal or giant fan ;)[/quote]
Hey now, I resemble that remark.
[quote comment=”293667″][quote comment=”293663″][quote comment=”293651″][quote comment=”293645″]link[/quote]
just closing your tags…
but sweet…you learned teh html![/quote]
Alright Mr. LI, what is the deal with the Woooo? This started long after I departed
doesn’t EVERY team play gary glitter?
*rolls eyes*…the isles have gone so far down the shitter it’s not even funny…i may have to turn on the vikes for some laughs now…and HOPE eddie guns doesn’t fuck up[/quote]
Well, what I was wondering about was the ‘Woos’ after Gary Glitter (and no jokes about the sounds emanating from a Vietnamese prison), why the woo?
[quote comment=”293670″]why the woo?[/quote]
[quote comment=”293671″][quote comment=”293670″]why the woo?[/quote]
Ugh. Was that really necessary, Phil?
So is that home run horn a holdover from the ThunderDome days?
so…link the coaches have? imo guess it’s some kind of breast cancer dealio…it IS october afterall
anyone notice if any coaches had them on yesterday?
[quote comment=”293673″]so…link the coaches have? imo guess it’s some kind of breast cancer dealio…it IS october afterall
anyone notice if any coaches had them on yesterday?[/quote]
RE: [quote comment=”293472″]Re: the lack of NOB on SMU’s #7…college players sometimes change jerseys during the game to avoid having two players with the same number on the field. This typically happens on special teams, when a player will put on an extra jersey with no NOB. Not sure if that’s the case here, though.[/quote]
B.J. Lee has worn #7 all year, so that’s not the case here. I noticed on TV there was no name when he came into the game. Will check and see if I can find out where it was. Only difference this game is he switched from WR to RB. But, he’s been wearing #7 all season.
[quote comment=”293565″]expletive! I suck at HTML –
Love the re-post of the United Countries of Baseball –
In looking into finding a poster of that for my basement, I found a football version –
I found the DMZ around Los Angeles particularly funny.[/quote]
whats with the random red area in CA west of the A’s and just north of the dodgers? Angels? off-color orange for Giants?
[quote comment=”293620″]What is wrong with these uniforms?
I think Everything.
There is a patch over the Nike logo on the jersey(note the Russell log on the pants)
They are using the design Florida used for a Nike promotion.
I’m also not a fan of the numbers on one side of the helmet, and logo on the other.
Also the use of black in the stripes and logo, but not on the rest of the uniform.
It may be because They were my high schools rivals, and I don’t like them at all, but I really hate their new unis.[/quote]
Interesting tidbit:
I live very close to Bergen Catholic and I had a teammate in college that played at Southington!
[quote comment=”293676″][quote comment=”293565″]expletive! I suck at HTML –
Love the re-post of the United Countries of Baseball –
In looking into finding a poster of that for my basement, I found a football version –
I found the DMZ around Los Angeles particularly funny.[/quote]
whats with the random red area in CA west of the A’s and just north of the dodgers? Angels? off-color orange for Giants?[/quote]
Giants. That ‘random area’ includes San Francisco. They put the star in the wrong spot.
supposedly this is link
notice the ‘ass stripes’
The end is near…
italics off?
Wonder if Nike realized the guy modeling their prosthetic is link
Just a thought.
[quote comment=”293679″]supposedly this is link
notice the ‘ass stripes'[/quote]
More of those differing helmet stripes, too.
Did this get that italics off?
[quote comment=”293680″]The end is near…
Damn, I thought you were referring to Gogol Bordello:
f’n nation
/rays in 6!
OMG! Who is the guy in the ornage jacket doing the post-game???
I’m a Tennessee Vol and even I find it repulsive.
Did he just ask Bay “What’s it like to be a Red Sox?” Shouldn’t it be Red Sock? A Red Sox just doesn’t sound right.
[quote comment=”293689″]OMG! Who is the guy in the ornage jacket doing the post-game???
I’m a Tennessee Vol and even I find it repulsive.[/quote]
Sorry… finger working too fast… ORANGE jacket…
[quote]A Red Sox just doesn’t sound right[/quote]
no…it doesn’t…and it has nothing to do with syntax either
[quote comment=”293688″]f’n nation
/rays in 6![/quote]
Yep. Dodgers v. Rays.
[quote comment=”293689″]OMG! Who is the guy in the ornage jacket doing the post-game???
I’m a Tennessee Vol and even I find it repulsive.[/quote]
That’s the resplendant Craig Sager. Watch the Hank Aaron 715th HR sometime; he’s there at home plate (without the orange blazer).
Re: Ronnie Brown
My first thought was it allowed him to throw the ball, but it sounds like it could be for the thumb sprain. While it may be Brown’s preference, this shows a gloved Dexter McCluster, part of Houston Nutt’s wildcat formation at Ole Miss. link
Re: Ronnie Brown
My thought is this… Obviously a back needs to tape a sprained thumb. It looks like he cut the gloves just to cover his thumb/wrist and allow the hand to be taped over. The glove underneath may have provided a little more support. Not having his fingers gloved may help him catch the ball. If he had his thumb taped over the whole glove, the glove would naturally bunch (couldn’t be adjusted because of the tape), so, without a fully taped glove, he was probably able to catch with his finger tips.
[quote comment=”293693″][quote comment=”293688″]f’n nation
/rays in 6![/quote]
Yep. Dodgers v. Rays.[/quote]
Hank is hoping for a Phillies vs. Rays World Series.
[quote comment=\”293679\”]supposedly this is brooklyn dodgers vs chicago cardinals at ebbets field Nov 24, 1940
notice the \’ass stripes\'[/quote]
i\’m really noticing the different helmet striping on the cardinals\’ helmets. it does seem to be positional.
[quote comment=”293698″][quote comment=\”293679\”]supposedly this is brooklyn dodgers vs chicago cardinals at ebbets field Nov 24, 1940
notice the \’ass stripes\'[/quote]
i\’m really noticing the different helmet striping on the cardinals\’ helmets. it does seem to be positional.[/quote
Think it’s the Dodgers with the ass stripes and helmet stripes, isn’t it?
[quote comment=”293679″]supposedly this is link
notice the ‘ass stripes'[/quote]
Back then the NFL didn’t enforce uniform uniformity. Hence the differing helmet designs. The posterior stripes in those days were not uncommon; they were elastic inserts, presumably for ease of movement, and often were in team colors.