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In Which Your Humble Narrator Briefly Acknowledges the Existence of That Other Sport


Last thing I expected to be writing about today was the NBA, but there’s news on several fronts, beginning with the Magic, who introduced their new uniforms yesterday. The silver-pinstriped home jersey looks like this and this, although I believe those two photos both show replica jerseys, because the actual pinstripe pattern is much odder, as you can see in these shots of the road jersey. Oddly, although the stripes diverge on the front, they’re straight on the back — weird. Both jerseys carry a 20th-season patch.

The curved pinstriping is interesting — gonna have to wait and see how it looks on the court. But man, for a team that once had such unique typography, the new type is snoozeville. Not a fan of that collar style, either. (Additional info here and here, more photos here, and there’s video of the unveiling here.)

Meanwhile, over in my favorite city, the Bucks now have a new alternate jersey. Love how the text explains that the new alt was “designed by the Bucks, the NBA and Adidas” — lemme get this straight, it took three corporations to design that? Love the classic collar and armholes, hate the giant “E” at the end of “Milwaukee,” never liked the Bucks in red. At moments like this it’s comforting to remember that I almost never watch the NBA anyway.

But the most intriguing uni-related NBA news yesterday wasn’t in the sports section. It was in this news article (helpfully sent my way by Brinke Guthrie) about the new Bay Bridge currently being built in Oakland. Here’s the key passage:

The Golden State Warriors basketball team, often maligned for not identifying its hometown of Oakland in its name, is considering a new uniform design that would incorporate a sketch of the span, much like the classic “The City” uniforms with an image of the Golden Gate Bridge that the team sported as the San Francisco Warriors.

Golden State’s uniforms have been so utterly characterless for so long, almost anything would be an improvement. But if that anything featured a local bridge, and if that bridge was incorporated into the design in a way that evoked the old “The City” look, that would be very cool indeed.

Picture 1.png

Meanwhile: As mentioned in Monday’s post, Scott M. X. Turner attended Sunday night’s farewell game at Yankee Stadium. Here’s his report:

I went to the game with Jerry Cohen from Ebbets Field Flannels. EFF did the vintage flannel uniforms for the pregame ceremony, so the Yankees comped him a couple of tickets. It’s worth noting that EFF was given just a few weeks to do a job that normally takes months — Jerry churned out three eras’ worth of flannels from ’20s through to the ’60s, different cuts, numbers, and sizes. He was frustrated at not having the time to do more detailed work, like the near-cap-sleeve jerseys of the early ’60s.

There was supposed to be a vintage subway train at Grand Central at 6pm, but the MTA had scheduled its usual weekend repair work on the East Side IRT all weekend long, so the trains were all manner of screwed up. Rode a regular #4 up to the Bronx. Getting off the train at twilight, whether Yankee or Shea, is something to behold. Honestly, there was more electricity in that moment than in the ceremony.

The Yankees, being a classy outfit, knew enough to make the lectern’s logo creep not quite as big as the team logo. That’s Yanks radio announcer John Sterling doing the emcee honors. Coming soon: “Thhhhhhheeeeeeeeeee Yankees — sponsored by MasterCard — winnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!”

Yogi Berra was a sweetheart. He looked good in his flannels and, for a frail old feller, he withstood the rigors of the never-ending ceremony. Here’s a question, though: How come male relatives of deceased Yankees, like Thurman Munson’s son, were given full uniforms, while female relatives, like Elston Howard’s daughter, only got jerseys?

The flannels and doubleknits (the latter of which were current Majestics with the MLB logo on the back) had decidely different looks, cuts, colors and feels, and worked well together — there was a nice divide between the eras. But one of the best uniforms of the night was up in the stands, where this faux Babe Ruth was walking around the Stadium with his adorable homemade uniform.

Scott wanted to say more, but when the field filled with cops after the game, it brought back an acid flashback from that unfortunate incident he had at the ’68 convention in Chicago and, well, you can guess what happened. The dispatch shown above is all he was able to smuggle out from his jail cell. One day — a day approximately 18 to 27 months from now, subject to good behavior — we’ll all look back on this and laugh.


Raffle Reminder: Remember, I’m doing my part to slay the capitalist beast and start a book-driven welfare state by giving away three College Vault books without charging a red cent. Hey, red cent, that’s funny! Raffle details here.

Uni Watch News Ticker: We all know the Jets wear those little belt buckle logo sleeves. But I didn’t know that their cheerleaders wear belt buckle logos until Eric Sing pointed it out to me. ”¦ Logo news from Patrick Guay, who writes: ” Musiqueplus (the local video station here in Montreal) recently ‘updated’ their logo from this to this. It’s like a combination of an Expos logo, an inverted middle finger, and the Phillies’ P.” ”¦ Nice little article here about a sports design company in St. Looie (with thanks to Tyler Kulasza). ”¦ We all know college football teams routinely have multiple players wearing the same uni number (which is kosher as long as they’re not on the same side of the ball), but check out this note from Chris Mycoskie: “LSU’s Josh Jasper is a right-footed punter and normally wears #30. Brady Dalfrey is a left-footed punter who normally wears #38. But Saturday vs. Auburn, both wore 30. They had NOBs, so it couldn’t have been that confusing, but Les Miles apparently did it to confuse the opponent. He’s quoted on this page like so: ‘I think, frankly, I kind of enjoyed the fact that I had a punter who was going to wear No. 30. I didn’t want to get confused, so that I knew that the punter was on the field when he wore 30. That may be the reason. It may not be the reason. I enjoy the fact that one guy kicks right-footed and the other kicks left-footed, and they both wore the same number. It might well have been a cause for an opponent to pause and say, “Hmm, I wonder which one’s kicking.” He may wear No. 38 this week.'” ”¦ According to this page, “Back in 1982, supposedly because the University of Colorado Board of Regents wanted to mimic (?) the then-highly successful Pitt program, they moved to change the Buffaloes’ uniform color to ‘Sky Blue’ and represent that Rocky Mountain sky of Colorado. Luckily, the Buffs soon after switched to their black and gold ensemble” (with thanks to Doug Keklak). ”¦ Jason Borneman found a great Flickr set devoted to the George Eastman House Museum. Plenty of old baseball shots (additional examples here, here, here, and here), plus some wrestling shots as well. ”¦ Some great old Wisconsin football program covers here (with thanks to Nicole Haase). ”¦ Jet found something interesting on eBay: a 1968 program showing the Penguins wearing a blue jersey with white socks. Probably a preseason publicity shot. “While looking on the web to try and solve the socks mystery, I found this fascinating history of the first Penguins jerseys, how some of them may have been destroyed but some survived and were used by the University of Pittsburgh hockey team,” he writes. “And from the same website, here’s a history of how the Penguins first logo was designed, with some info about the artist.” ”¦ Think it’s appropriate to wear a sports jersey to church? A pastor in Michigan does (with thanks to Mark Kaplowitz). ”¦ Yesterday’s Ticker mention of Marion Barber’s face being very close to his facemask led to this from James Bates: “I used to be a ballboy for the Browns, during their training camp days. Frank Minnifield (in later years) developed the theory that most neck injuries came about because of the facemask sticking too far out from the face and messing with depth perception when hitting someone. So he’d try to get his facemask as close to his face as possible. He actually had new holes drilled into his helmet, so that the sides of the facemask would start farther back and the front would sit close to his nose/eyes.” ”¦ Here’s the best view yet of Derrell Johnson-Koulianos’s NOB. What should we call this partial abbreviation — PANOB? Suggestions, please (with thanks to John Ervin). ”¦ Islanders rookies were forced to wear Bridgeport Sound Tigers alt uniforms the other day. The advertising patch being worn by the opposing team (Moncton Blue Eagles), by the way, is for Cavendish Farms (with thanks to John Muir). ”¦ The Red Sox are going to retire Johnny Pesky’s number this weekend. ”¦ What the hell is this — Upshaw sleeves? Bizarre (as forwarded by Joe Hilseberg). ”¦ Former NBA coach Eric Musselman has a blog entry here in which he uses UGA’s black jersey as a way to talk about uni choices in general (with thanks to David McGee). ”¦ Two nice finds by Gabe Varrenti: a mesh pillbox cap, and the best shot yet of Jim Essian’s brimless helmet. ”¦ “Flipping through the channels Monday night, I came across the WNBA game and noticed that several, if not all, the NY Liberty players were wearing temporary tattoos of the NY Liberty logo on their body,” writes Mike Miller. Some players had more than one. I don’t know if this was a one-game thing for the playoffs or something they have been doing for a while.” ”¦ Michael Princip wants to revive the Redskins’ old feather Mohawk helmet design. “From what I hear, the problem was that it didn’t translate well from a distance or on television. However, I believe with some increased width, flairing of the feather, and added colors, it could work quite well this day and age.” So Princip has created a bunch of proposed revisions to the feather, several of which I think are pretty damn cool. You can click through his concepts here. ”¦ Reprinted from last night’s comments: Prince Fielder didn’t even wait until the game was over to do the slob routine last night. … Alan Borock asks: Was Art Shell wearing baseball pants here or what? ”¦ I’m excited to report a new discovery that makes me completely reconsider my feelings about Nike. Phil Knight, all is forgiven.

Comments (248)

    Not related to anything current, but the other night I was watching the 1977 WHA All-Star game on DVD and the Western Division team had two #9’s… Bobby Hull and Gordie Howe.

    The commentators were pretty non-chalant about it and I doubt it was the only time they were on the same All-Star team ‘sharing’ the number…. the only real time they said anything was when the PBP guy was confused saying Bobby Hull scored when it was actually Paul Schmyr. He said, “too many number nines out there” (Except Shmyr was #3 but did have the same look as Hull)

    Thankfully the NHL didn’t allow both legends to wear #9 in league play when Hull joined Howe in Hartford in 1980 (Hull went back to his original Chicago number, 16). That would look really bush.

    I like the milwaukee uniform, anything is better that doesnt have an actual deer on the uniform is cool. Its simple, and just great.

    quick comment on the Magic uniforms. Why the hell must the mix the lower case “n” with the balance of upper case letters in “Orlando”?

    One note about the Matt Stover pic showing his t shirt with the “GU patch. That was during pregame warm ups. The Brown he is talking to is Dave Zasudil who used to be the punter in Baltimore…and the holder for FG’s and XP’s for Stover while a Raven.

    Stover is the Union Rep for the Ravens, so I’m sure the shirt is his way of honoring Gene.

    I was on the sideline during the pre game warm ups, and it was interesting seeing the NFL’s “UNI” police walking around making sure everyone had on clean skivies.

    Love that PIT uni. Always was a fan of the diangonal “PITTSBURGH”. Like the blue, but I don’t know if I would like that for a whole season.

    Ol’ Art is sporting what used to be THE article of clothing for football coaches from junior high up to the NFL: Bike double-snap polyester pants. The shorts were also nearly ubiquitous once upon a time. (I often wore a pair of Bike shorts when I played slow-pitch back in the day.)

    [quote]Golden State’s uniforms have been so utterly characterless for so long, almost anything would be an improvement. But if that anything featured a local bridge, and if that bridge was incorporated into the design in a way that evoked the old “The City” look, that would be very cool indeed.[/quote]

    As Warriors fans, we can only hope. Ever since the degeneration from the classic colors into the realm of the ‘hip’ with orange and three shades of blue, we’ve been saddled with a mostly uninspiring team in wholly uninspiring jerseys. Preach on, Paul.

    [quote comment=”291321″]I believe link is not a “mesh” pillbox cap, but rather a really bad job of putting a hat on Leyland.[/quote]

    Sorry, I meant to say that it’s a bad job of DRAWING a hat on Leyland.

    Re: “ORLAnDO”…I still can’t get over the mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters on the Astros’ jerseys. Maybe it’s my OCD baring its fangs, but I can’t stand it.

    I remain hopeful for a return to the pre-rainbow gut unis, esp. the shooting star home jerseys.

    I know I’ve become too much of a Uni-Watch fan when I was watching SportsCenter this morning, saw Prince Fielder pulling out his shirt tales while circling the bases after his walk-off homer, and my first thought was “Paul isn’t going to like this.”

    The Bucks’ ever-changing color scheme is worrisome, but aside from that I give their new alts a big thumbs up. It is nice to see a little restraint every once in a while.

    [quote comment=”291316″]One note about the Matt Stover pic showing his t shirt with the “GU patch. That was during pregame warm ups. The Brown he is talking to is Dave Zasudil who used to be the punter in Baltimore…and the holder for FG’s and XP’s for Stover while a Raven.

    Stover is the Union Rep for the Ravens, so I’m sure the shirt is his way of honoring Gene.

    I was on the sideline during the pre game warm ups, and it was interesting seeing the NFL’s “UNI” police walking around making sure everyone had on clean skivies.[/quote]

    Sounds about right, but I’m not convince that it is a t-shirt under his jersey. That would mean that the sleeve of his football jersey would have to be tucked up in there somehow…and it looks pretty smooth. The sleeve has a pretty sizable patch, and there would be some puckering for sure.

    So either it’s a sleeve wrap or something, or his practice jersey was re-fitted with a GU sleeve.

    Not sure if this was addressed, but I’ve been busy, and haven’t had time to look for the photo. In the week one game against the Eagles, Marc Bulger was wearing an undershirt with the Rams logo on the sleeve. It caused a very distracting double vision at times. Found a photo, you can see what I was talking about.

    Yup, Shell is wearing what we call “coaches pants” and “coaches shorts” double knit, double snap, 3 inch waistband pants and shorts. All over coaching circles in the 1970s, 1980s, and I guess dies away in the 1990s. They needed little ironing, were easy to clean, and were comfortable. They looked horrible if you were overweight—I give you Art Shell as an example.

    I think the shorts version became popular for softball teams in the 1990s. I know I had a pair or two.

    I was unaware that the Yankees flannels werre creamy color and not white. Forgive this newbie question, but is it not possible to have white in flannel? I like the color a lot. Reminds me of the Giants home unis when they went cream/off white/bone color.

    I concur with the folks above regarding Art Shell’s pants. They are Bike Coaching pants. When I played football in high school, all of our coaches wore the shorts version during practice. They were really popular in the 1990s.


    Actually, careful analysis of the Brewers game shows that as Prince rounded first and unucked, Ryan Braun had already touched home plate, therefore the game in effect WAS over…*

    As a local fan, Paul can we please get some slack? The Brewers only untuck after win which hasn’t happened that much lately. Everyone knows the story, it represents that the day’s work is done. Yestrday’s win actually took some hard work on the Brew Crew’s part. The Brewer’s just want to make the post-season, is that so wrong???

    Can we save the hate for the MasterCard NY Yankees?

    *no actual analysis was performed…

    [quote comment=\”291334\”]As usual, the Islanders prove to be a joke. Too cheap to get these kids real jerseys.[/quote]

    The Islanders rookies (who I would imagine most of who will end up on the Sound Tigers anyhow) wear BST jerseys against a COLLEGE team, and theres an uproar? It’s not like it was played in Nassau Coliseum anyhow. 19-40!

    [quote comment=”291340″]Actually, careful analysis of the Brewers game shows that as Prince rounded first and unucked, Ryan Braun had already touched home plate, therefore the game in effect WAS over…*

    As a local fan, Paul can we please get some slack? The Brewers only untuck after win which hasn’t happened that much lately. Everyone knows the story, it represents that the day’s work is done.[quote]

    Regardless it still looks awful, and it is not professional. When 4:30 rolls around and my work is done for the day, I don’t untuck my shirt while still in my office. In fact I don’t untuck my shirt until I get back home. If I did untuck while still in my building I think people might think there was something wrong with me.

    I couldn’t be happier for Johnny Pesky! It’s about darn time.

    And I think those Skins Helmets are fantastic!

    [quote comment=”291341″][quote comment=\”291334\”]As usual, the Islanders prove to be a joke. Too cheap to get these kids real jerseys.[/quote]

    The Islanders rookies (who I would imagine most of who will end up on the Sound Tigers anyhow) wear BST jerseys against a COLLEGE team, and theres an uproar? It’s not like it was played in Nassau Coliseum anyhow. 19-40![/quote]

    I am not making an uproar, just pointing out that they are the biggest mickey mouse team in the NHL.

    Regarding the LSU kicker situation – I was listening to the ESPN Radio feed of this game in the car on Saturday – the announcers were talking about it, and the sideline reporter had asked someone from LSU about it. The assistant SID said that it was legal and offered no comment beyond that. It was interesting to note that the two kickers involved are listed on the roster as wearing 30/38 according to the announcers.

    So Miles knows there’s some shenanigans going on, and is going to exploit it as much as possible. Of course this will probably lead to a rule change where two players playing the same position can’t wear the same number.

    [quote comment=”291331″][quote comment=”291316″]One note about the Matt Stover pic showing his t shirt with the “GU patch. That was during pregame warm ups. The Brown he is talking to is Dave Zasudil who used to be the punter in Baltimore…and the holder for FG’s and XP’s for Stover while a Raven.

    Stover is the Union Rep for the Ravens, so I’m sure the shirt is his way of honoring Gene.

    I was on the sideline during the pre game warm ups, and it was interesting seeing the NFL’s “UNI” police walking around making sure everyone had on clean skivies.[/quote]

    Sounds about right, but I’m not convince that it is a t-shirt under his jersey. That would mean that the sleeve of his football jersey would have to be tucked up in there somehow…and it looks pretty smooth. The sleeve has a pretty sizable patch, and there would be some puckering for sure.

    So either it’s a sleeve wrap or something, or his practice jersey was re-fitted with a GU sleeve.[/quote]

    I’ll have “My sources” (lol) check it out for a definitive answer. I didn’t get a close up look at it while on the sidelines since he was in the middle if the field when I saw the look on Stover.

    [quote comment=”291340″]Actually, careful analysis of the Brewers game shows that as Prince rounded first and unucked, Ryan Braun had already touched home plate, therefore the game in effect WAS over…*

    As a local fan, Paul can we please get some slack? The Brewers only untuck after win which hasn’t happened that much lately. Everyone knows the story, it represents that the day’s work is done. Yestrday’s win actually took some hard work on the Brew Crew’s part. The Brewer’s just want to make the post-season, is that so wrong???

    Can we save the hate for the MasterCard NY Yankees?

    *no actual analysis was performed…[/quote]

    Perhaps the Brewers’ problems of late are the Baseball Gods’ way of punishing them for their untucking.

    [quote comment=”291342″][quote comment=”291340″]Actually, careful analysis of the Brewers game shows that as Prince rounded first and unucked, Ryan Braun had already touched home plate, therefore the game in effect WAS over…*

    As a local fan, Paul can we please get some slack? The Brewers only untuck after win which hasn’t happened that much lately. Everyone knows the story, it represents that the day’s work is done.[quote]

    Regardless it still looks awful, and it is not professional. When 4:30 rolls around and my work is done for the day, I don’t untuck my shirt while still in my office. In fact I don’t untuck my shirt until I get back home. If I did untuck while still in my building I think people might think there was something wrong with me.[/quote]

    I hate the look with a burning passion, but love what it stands for. There was something magnificent and magical about Fielder pulling out his shirt as he rounded first. A celebration not of him (which it could easily have been) but of the team. He was so obviously caught up in the emotion – losing his helmet between third and home, jumping into the arms of the mob of teammates at the plate, beautiful.

    Individual players choosing a team gesture over “look at me” theatrics always gets a pass, even when I can’t stand the gesture itself.

    1. The Milwaukee uniforms are extremely boring, much like what Herb Sendak did to the Arizona State basketball unis:

    Before Sendak:


    After Sendak:



    2. Phil Knight, who is no longer the acting head of Nike,


    has been overheard, along with many Nike execs, that China, with their growing economy, is the next market that they hope to dominate.


    [quote comment=”291345″]Regarding the LSU kicker situation – I was listening to the ESPN Radio feed of this game in the car on Saturday – the announcers were talking about it, and the sideline reporter had asked someone from LSU about it. The assistant SID said that it was legal and offered no comment beyond that. It was interesting to note that the two kickers involved are listed on the roster as wearing 30/38 according to the announcers.

    So Miles knows there’s some shenanigans going on, and is going to exploit it as much as possible. Of course this will probably lead to a rule change where two players playing the same position can’t wear the same number.[/quote]
    I always wondered, if you want to have punter number shenanigans, why not match the punter with an obscure backup QB on the roster? Wouldn’t it be perfect? (“Is it a punt or a 15-deep shotgun?”)

    [quote comment=”291323″][quote comment=”291321″]I believe link is not a “mesh” pillbox cap, but rather a really bad job of putting a hat on Leyland.[/quote]

    Sorry, I meant to say that it’s a bad job of DRAWING a hat on Leyland.[/quote]
    No..Pirates actually wore mesh pillboxes for spring training. I actually had one in middle school and used to think I looked really cool wearing it.

    [quote comment=”291346″][quote comment=”291331″][quote comment=”291316″]One note about the Matt Stover pic showing his t shirt with the “GU patch. That was during pregame warm ups. The Brown he is talking to is Dave Zasudil who used to be the punter in Baltimore…and the holder for FG’s and XP’s for Stover while a Raven.

    Stover is the Union Rep for the Ravens, so I’m sure the shirt is his way of honoring Gene.

    I was on the sideline during the pre game warm ups, and it was interesting seeing the NFL’s “UNI” police walking around making sure everyone had on clean skivies.[/quote]

    Sounds about right, but I’m not convince that it is a t-shirt under his jersey. That would mean that the sleeve of his football jersey would have to be tucked up in there somehow…and it looks pretty smooth. The sleeve has a pretty sizable patch, and there would be some puckering for sure.

    So either it’s a sleeve wrap or something, or his practice jersey was re-fitted with a GU sleeve.[/quote]

    I’ll have “My sources” (lol) check it out for a definitive answer. I didn’t get a close up look at it while on the sidelines since he was in the middle if the field when I saw the look on Stover.[/quote]

    If you recall, it was Matt Stover who was calling for the ouster of Upshaw as Union president this offseason. I’m sure it’s some sort of personalized tribute by Stover.

    Regarding Orlando’s away jerseys, why is “Orlando” in all caps, except the letter “N”?

    I suppose the thinking is that the shape of the lower case N flows better with the rest, but isn’t this the equivalent of “ORLAnDO”?

    [quote comment=”291348″]

    I hate the look with a burning passion, but love what it stands for. There was something magnificent and magical about Fielder pulling out his shirt as he rounded first. A celebration not of him (which it could easily have been) but of the team. He was so obviously caught up in the emotion – losing his helmet between third and home, jumping into the arms of the mob of teammates at the plate, beautiful.

    Individual players choosing a team gesture over “look at me” theatrics always gets a pass, even when I can’t stand the gesture itself.[/quote]

    You mean it stands for second place? Sweet.

    [quote comment=”291355″]If this has been posted than I apologize, but this kind of took me off guard this morning, and begs the question WHY?


    read the column before posting

    [quote comment=”291355″]If this has been posted than I apologize, but this kind of took me off guard this morning, and begs the question WHY?


    No sweat, Daniel. It was in the main entry, though.

    I seriously dislike the colors, the font, the material, everything!!!

    Oh, yes, please bring back the feather mohawk helmets. With a higher-contrast white-and-yellow color scheme, natch. That would instantly become the best helmet in all of football, and it would be enough to make me turn my back on my Lakota friends and become a Redskins fan.

    [quote comment=”291360″][quote comment=”291356″]You mean it stands for second place? Sweet.[/quote]

    here’s a pic of the link at their last world series championship[/quote]

    They had cameras back then?! Wow….

    I don’t have a problem with the lowercase “n” in Orlando. The fast-food chain Wendy’s mixes and matches uppercase and lowercase letters throughout its logo – and also uses a lowercase “n.”

    [quote comment=”291344″][quote comment=”291341″][quote comment=\”291334\”]As usual, the Islanders prove to be a joke. Too cheap to get these kids real jerseys.[/quote]

    The Islanders rookies (who I would imagine most of who will end up on the Sound Tigers anyhow) wear BST jerseys against a COLLEGE team, and theres an uproar? It’s not like it was played in Nassau Coliseum anyhow. 19-40![/quote]

    I am not making an uproar, just pointing out that they are the biggest mickey mouse team in the NHL.[/quote]

    They can’t have that moniker! Gretzky already gave it to the New Jersey Devils! LOL

    The Islanders did have their full jerseys there for the game in Moncton. Instead, they chose to wear the Bridgeport Sound Tigers uniforms because they were being coached by Bridgeport Sound Tigers head coach Jack Capuano in the game.

    They practiced the entire week before the game in NYI practice uniforms.

    [quote comment=”291356″][quote comment=”291348″]

    I hate the look with a burning passion, but love what it stands for. There was something magnificent and magical about Fielder pulling out his shirt as he rounded first. A celebration not of him (which it could easily have been) but of the team. He was so obviously caught up in the emotion – losing his helmet between third and home, jumping into the arms of the mob of teammates at the plate, beautiful.

    Individual players choosing a team gesture over “look at me” theatrics always gets a pass, even when I can’t stand the gesture itself.[/quote]

    You mean it stands for second place? Sweet.[/quote]
    No, it doesn’t mean “We’re Number One!” It means “We did the job today.” A blue collar ethic for a blue collar city, and a recognition that the season is very, very long, even in these waning days. You show up every day and do the job, even when you only have a handful of games left in which to do it.

    Which is, again, exactly why I love it enough to forget about the terrible look.

    [quote comment=”291360″][quote comment=”291356″]You mean it stands for second place? Sweet.[/quote]

    here’s a pic of the link at their last world series championship[/quote]

    Wait, when was the last Brewers championship? What? They’ve only actually been to the playoffs twice, and not since 1982? Awesome.

    I always wondered, if you want to have punter number shenanigans, why not match the punter with an obscure backup QB on the roster? Wouldn’t it be perfect? (“Is it a punt or a 15-deep shotgun?”)[/quote]

    That would be known as the Tom Tupa effect.

    [quote comment=”291363″]I don’t have a problem with the lowercase “n” in Orlando. The fast-food chain Wendy’s mixes and matches uppercase and lowercase letters throughout its logo – and also uses a lowercase “n.”[/quote]

    I don’t have a problem with it, either – I’ve always loved the single upper-case letter in the link.

    I don’t like the new Milwaukee uni. Not only is the font boring, but it’s another NBA jersey that looks like satin pajamas. This has to stop!!!

    [quote comment=”291368″][quote comment=”291360″][quote comment=”291356″]You mean it stands for second place? Sweet.[/quote]

    here’s a pic of the link at their last world series championship[/quote]

    Wait, when was the last Brewers championship? What? They’ve only actually been to the playoffs twice, and not since 1982? Awesome.[/quote]

    but they’ve been to a world series in your lifetime

    NCAA rules allow for two players to have the same number but only one can be on the field at an given time. At Jacksonville State University, former LSU QB Ryan Perilloux wears 11, but when he transferred in, another QB had 11. Solution: both wear 11.

    [quote comment=”291367″][quote comment=”291356″][quote comment=”291348″]

    I hate the look with a burning passion, but love what it stands for. There was something magnificent and magical about Fielder pulling out his shirt as he rounded first. A celebration not of him (which it could easily have been) but of the team. He was so obviously caught up in the emotion – losing his helmet between third and home, jumping into the arms of the mob of teammates at the plate, beautiful.

    Individual players choosing a team gesture over “look at me” theatrics always gets a pass, even when I can’t stand the gesture itself.[/quote]

    You mean it stands for second place? Sweet.[/quote]
    No, it doesn’t mean “We’re Number One!” It means “We did the job today.” A blue collar ethic for a blue collar city, and a recognition that the season is very, very long, even in these waning days. You show up every day and do the job, even when you only have a handful of games left in which to do it.

    Which is, again, exactly why I love it enough to forget about the terrible look.[/quote]

    It doesn’t matter what it stands for — it looks like crap. Look classy, you’ll be classy. Look like a slob, you’ll be — and apparently play like — a slob. [quote comment=”291372″][quote comment=”291368″][quote comment=”291360″][quote comment=”291356″]You mean it stands for second place? Sweet.[/quote]

    here’s a pic of the link at their last world series championship[/quote]

    Wait, when was the last Brewers championship? What? They’ve only actually been to the playoffs twice, and not since 1982? Awesome.[/quote]

    but they’ve been to a world series in your lifetime[/quote]

    But they lost and haven’t been in the playoffs since. Even the Cubs, with their chronic ineptitude, have been in the playoffs since 1982. Five times.

    Plus, the Cubs look better — which is always a plus.

    [quote comment=”291364″]Kind of off topic, but I found an error on SI Photos…

    link is now a lefty….
    who is this?[/quote]
    Lefty…looks Asian…looks like a 1 on the bat knob…my guess is Akinori Iwamura. (Wow, what a terrible error.)

    [quote comment=”291376″][quote comment=”291364″]Kind of off topic, but I found an error on SI Photos…

    link is now a lefty….
    who is this?[/quote]
    Lefty…looks Asian…looks like a 1 on the bat knob…my guess is Akinori Iwamura. (Wow, what a terrible error.)[/quote]

    SI make a error matching pic to caption?


    [quote comment=”291376″][quote comment=”291364″]Kind of off topic, but I found an error on SI Photos…

    link is now a lefty….
    who is this?[/quote]
    Lefty…looks Asian…looks like a 1 on the bat knob…my guess is Akinori Iwamura. (Wow, what a terrible error.)[/quote]

    Doesn’t looke like Iwamura to me. Pluse Iwamura is a Nike guy and he always wears link.

    [quote]But they lost and haven’t been in the playoffs since. Even the Cubs, with their chronic ineptitude, have been in the playoffs since 1982. Five times.[/quote]

    since 1908…the cubs have won how many playoff series?

    what’s that you say?

    link is a lonely number ;)

    [quote comment=”291372″][quote comment=”291368″][quote comment=”291360″][quote comment=”291356″]You mean it stands for second place? Sweet.[/quote]

    here’s a pic of the link at their last world series championship[/quote]

    Wait, when was the last Brewers championship? What? They’ve only actually been to the playoffs twice, and not since 1982? Awesome.[/quote]

    but they’ve been to a world series in your lifetime[/quote]

    *sigh* (Rant start)
    I absolutely hate the Cubs, but what I hate more than the Cubs are fans of the Cubs. Any team that has a pay roll over $200 million has a very good chance of making the playoffs every year. When you are a team like the Brewers, or the Rays who play for a very small market, having a chance to make the playoffs is something special. Yankees fans are bitching about not making the playoffs for the first time in 13 f-ing years!!! Are you kidding me? Teams in large markets are so spoiled. They don’t realize that October baseball is something to be honored with. It shouldn’t be a failure for your team when you don’t win a championship. Remember last year when Yankees fans refused to but “Wild Card Champions” shirts and hats because it was an embarrassment that they didn’t with the AL East? They should be embarrassed of themselves. Getting back to Cubs fans… I have never met more rude or annoying fans than Cubs fans. they bitch about not winning a World Series in 100 years, but guess what, they make the playoffs, win divisions and even have been to the WS a lot of times in that span. Try rooting for a franchise that has the 2nd longest playoff drought in the bigs. Cubs fans think they are so cool because they play in a shitty stadium that has “history”, it smells like shit, looks like shit, and always have day games so college-ages kids can go to games, get drunk, and spend mommy and daddy’s money for season tickets because they are too lazy to have a job and actually have time to go to day games. Fans of teams like the Cubs and Yankees don’t realize what they have, and take the playoffs for granted. I’m not saying you can’t cheer for a team that is a big market, or has a big payroll, but you should at least appreciate what you have.
    (Rant over)

    [quote comment=”291361″]Oh, yes, please bring back the feather mohawk helmets. With a higher-contrast white-and-yellow color scheme, natch. That would instantly become the best helmet in all of football, and it would be enough to make me turn my back on my Lakota friends and become a Redskins fan.[/quote]

    very nice reworkings of the best Washington helmet ever. any of those designs would be great.

    [quote comment=”291349″]1. The Milwaukee uniforms are extremely boring, much like what Herb Sendak did to the Arizona State basketball unis:

    Before Sendak:


    After Sendak:




    You say “boring”, I say “classy”. I think the Sun Devils look great compared to most of the junk found in college hoops these days.

    [quote]It doesn’t matter what it stands for – it looks like crap. Look classy, you’ll be classy. Look like a slob, you’ll be – and apparently play like – a slob.[/quote]

    if you win a wild card spot, you can untuck and the press’ll think you’re colorful…until you win a wild card birth, however, it means you are a slob…

    /btw, bry…i hear you couldn’t hit water if you fell off a fuckin boat ;)

    [quote comment=”291380″][quote comment=”291372″][quote comment=”291368″][quote comment=”291360″][quote comment=”291356″]You mean it stands for second place? Sweet.[/quote]

    here’s a pic of the link at their last world series championship[/quote]

    Wait, when was the last Brewers championship? What? They’ve only actually been to the playoffs twice, and not since 1982? Awesome.[/quote]

    but they’ve been to a world series in your lifetime[/quote]

    *sigh* (Rant start)
    I absolutely hate the Cubs, but what I hate more than the Cubs are fans of the Cubs. Any team that has a pay roll over $200 million has a very good chance of making the playoffs every year. When you are a team like the Brewers, or the Rays who play for a very small market, having a chance to make the playoffs is something special. Yankees fans are bitching about not making the playoffs for the first time in 13 f-ing years!!! Are you kidding me? Teams in large markets are so spoiled. They don’t realize that October baseball is something to be honored with. It shouldn’t be a failure for your team when you don’t win a championship. Remember last year when Yankees fans refused to but “Wild Card Champions” shirts and hats because it was an embarrassment that they didn’t with the AL East? They should be embarrassed of themselves. Getting back to Cubs fans… I have never met more rude or annoying fans than Cubs fans. they bitch about not winning a World Series in 100 years, but guess what, they make the playoffs, win divisions and even have been to the WS a lot of times in that span. Try rooting for a franchise that has the 2nd longest playoff drought in the bigs. Cubs fans think they are so cool because they play in a shitty stadium that has “history”, it smells like shit, looks like shit, and always have day games so college-ages kids can go to games, get drunk, and spend mommy and daddy’s money for season tickets because they are too lazy to have a job and actually have time to go to day games. Fans of teams like the Cubs and Yankees don’t realize what they have, and take the playoffs for granted. I’m not saying you can’t cheer for a team that is a big market, or has a big payroll, but you should at least appreciate what you have.
    (Rant over)[/quote]

    Current Cubs payroll, per $117,954,333. You’re only off by $82.05 million.

    And it’s best to not talk about droughts with a Cubs fan. I mean, come on. The Cubs had a 39-YEAR playoff drought (1945-1984). Be grateful for what I have? Like having to listen to White Sox and Cardinals fans? Yeah, awesome. Be grateful nobody cares about the Brewers outside of Wisconsin — nobody notices when your squad sucks.

    I’m gonna stay away from your “shitty stadium” and lazy college kits rant. Hard to argue with ignorance.

    [quote comment=”291351″][quote comment=”291323″][quote comment=”291321″]I believe link is not a “mesh” pillbox cap, but rather a really bad job of putting a hat on Leyland.[/quote]

    Sorry, I meant to say that it’s a bad job of DRAWING a hat on Leyland.[/quote]
    No..Pirates actually wore mesh pillboxes for spring training. I actually had one in middle school and used to think I looked really cool wearing it.[/quote]

    It’s definitely mesh – you can even see the outline of Leyland’s balding head underneath! Great cap, though.

    The Jets cheerleaders wear those giant belt buckles to distract the fans from looking at their hideous faces and bodies.

    [quote comment=”291384″]What a month for Detroit: First they rid themselves of Kwame Kilpatrick, and now this:
    Would that be a ‘Millen Man March’?

    [quote comment=”291380″][quote comment=”291372″][quote comment=”291368″][quote comment=”291360″][quote comment=”291356″]You mean it stands for second place? Sweet.[/quote]

    here’s a pic of the link at their last world series championship[/quote]

    Wait, when was the last Brewers championship? What? They’ve only actually been to the playoffs twice, and not since 1982? Awesome.[/quote]

    but they’ve been to a world series in your lifetime[/quote]

    *sigh* (Rant start)
    I absolutely hate the Cubs, but what I hate more than the Cubs are fans of the Cubs. Any team that has a pay roll over $200 million has a very good chance of making the playoffs every year. When you are a team like the Brewers, or the Rays who play for a very small market, having a chance to make the playoffs is something special. Yankees fans are bitching about not making the playoffs for the first time in 13 f-ing years!!! Are you kidding me? Teams in large markets are so spoiled. They don’t realize that October baseball is something to be honored with. It shouldn’t be a failure for your team when you don’t win a championship. Remember last year when Yankees fans refused to but “Wild Card Champions” shirts and hats because it was an embarrassment that they didn’t with the AL East? They should be embarrassed of themselves. Getting back to Cubs fans… I have never met more rude or annoying fans than Cubs fans. they bitch about not winning a World Series in 100 years, but guess what, they make the playoffs, win divisions and even have been to the WS a lot of times in that span. Try rooting for a franchise that has the 2nd longest playoff drought in the bigs. Cubs fans think they are so cool because they play in a shitty stadium that has “history”, it smells like shit, looks like shit, and always have day games so college-ages kids can go to games, get drunk, and spend mommy and daddy’s money for season tickets because they are too lazy to have a job and actually have time to go to day games. Fans of teams like the Cubs and Yankees don’t realize what they have, and take the playoffs for granted. I’m not saying you can’t cheer for a team that is a big market, or has a big payroll, but you should at least appreciate what you have.
    (Rant over)[/quote]

    I enjoyed reading this. I always like when people blanket a fan base because of their own perceptions of things. I root for the Cubs and I hardly take any chance they make it to the playoffs for granted. Then again, I am a fan of the team, so I guess I fall into the bracket of “unappreciative, lazy, spolied rich kid” even though I’m not.

    [quote comment=”291364″]Kind of off topic, but I found an error on SI Photos…

    link is now a lefty….
    who is this?[/quote]

    At least it wasn’t this person: Be careful, maybe a bit NSFW!

    I’ve got a story that kind of relates to LSU’s #30/30 idea. I was once covering a Western Michigan-Ball State game and Ball State’s QB was injured in the second quarter. He was white. He was replaced by a black quarterback, who went on to destroy Western Michigan. In the postgame press conference, I asked WMU’s coach about the switch and he didn’t even realize that Ball State had brought in a new QB.

    So, if it’s an imcompetent team that LSU is playing, they probably wouldn’t notice.

    [quote comment=”291382″][quote comment=”291361″]Oh, yes, please bring back the feather mohawk helmets. With a higher-contrast white-and-yellow color scheme, natch. That would instantly become the best helmet in all of football, and it would be enough to make me turn my back on my Lakota friends and become a Redskins fan.[/quote]

    very nice reworkings of the best Washington helmet ever. any of those designs would be great.[/quote]

    Thanks, would be nice to get this in front of the Redskin’s Brain Trust.

    [quote comment=”291376″][quote comment=”291364″]Kind of off topic, but I found an error on SI Photos…

    link is now a lefty….
    who is this?[/quote]
    Lefty…looks Asian…looks like a 1 on the bat knob…my guess is Akinori Iwamura. (Wow, what a terrible error.)[/quote]

    I’m thinking it may be Gabe Gross. He wears Reebok and bears some resemblance to the picture in question.

    [quote comment=”291393″]I enjoyed reading this. I always like when people blanket a fan base because of their own perceptions of things.[/quote]
    Oh, you mean just like so many posters have done with Yankee fans over the past few days.

    (Mets fans too…)

    [quote comment=”291400″][quote comment=”291393″]I enjoyed reading this. I always like when people blanket a fan base because of their own perceptions of things.[/quote]
    Oh, you mean just like so many posters have done with Yankee fans over the past few days.

    (Mets fans too…)[/quote]


    [quote comment=”291384″]What a month for Detroit: First they rid themselves of Kwame Kilpatrick, and now this:

    I hope the Lions will return to wearing what were my favorite uniforms now that Millen is gone.




    [quote comment=”291387″][quote comment=”291380″][quote comment=”291372″][quote comment=”291368″][quote comment=”291360″][quote comment=”291356″]You mean it stands for second place? Sweet.[/quote]

    here’s a pic of the link at their last world series championship[/quote]

    Wait, when was the last Brewers championship? What? They’ve only actually been to the playoffs twice, and not since 1982? Awesome.[/quote]

    but they’ve been to a world series in your lifetime[/quote]

    *sigh* (Rant start)
    I absolutely hate the Cubs, but what I hate more than the Cubs are fans of the Cubs. Any team that has a pay roll over $200 million has a very good chance of making the playoffs every year. When you are a team like the Brewers, or the Rays who play for a very small market, having a chance to make the playoffs is something special. Yankees fans are bitching about not making the playoffs for the first time in 13 f-ing years!!! Are you kidding me? Teams in large markets are so spoiled. They don’t realize that October baseball is something to be honored with. It shouldn’t be a failure for your team when you don’t win a championship. Remember last year when Yankees fans refused to but “Wild Card Champions” shirts and hats because it was an embarrassment that they didn’t with the AL East? They should be embarrassed of themselves. Getting back to Cubs fans… I have never met more rude or annoying fans than Cubs fans. they bitch about not winning a World Series in 100 years, but guess what, they make the playoffs, win divisions and even have been to the WS a lot of times in that span. Try rooting for a franchise that has the 2nd longest playoff drought in the bigs. Cubs fans think they are so cool because they play in a shitty stadium that has “history”, it smells like shit, looks like shit, and always have day games so college-ages kids can go to games, get drunk, and spend mommy and daddy’s money for season tickets because they are too lazy to have a job and actually have time to go to day games. Fans of teams like the Cubs and Yankees don’t realize what they have, and take the playoffs for granted. I’m not saying you can’t cheer for a team that is a big market, or has a big payroll, but you should at least appreciate what you have.
    (Rant over)[/quote]

    Current Cubs payroll, per $117,954,333. You’re only off by $82.05 million.

    And it’s best to not talk about droughts with a Cubs fan. I mean, come on. The Cubs had a 39-YEAR playoff drought (1945-1984). Be grateful for what I have? Like having to listen to White Sox and Cardinals fans? Yeah, awesome. Be grateful nobody cares about the Brewers outside of Wisconsin — nobody notices when your squad sucks.

    I’m gonna stay away from your “shitty stadium” and lazy college kits rant. Hard to argue with ignorance.[/quote]

    I just have to laugh when reading these chains. I live in Pittsburgh where the Bucko’s overall payroll is a whopping $48,689,783. We just tied a record for most consecutive losing seasons and havent seen the playoffs since the early nineties (1992 maybe, i don’t care enough to look it up). The saddest part though is when the Buckos get even close to .500 anytime after May, everyone in the city gets so excited, like they are making a playoff run. We celebrate average when it come to the Pirates. God thats pathetic when the best we have to look forward to is being mediocre. So when i read posts about other teams making the playoffs and what it means, and people fighting about it, i have no clue. If the Pirates do somehow ever make the playoffs again, be it by actually spending money or by 2/3 of the other teams planes somehow crashing into each other in mid-air, if that day ever comes, i think my head will explode.

    I have always thought the feather on the old Redskin Mohawk helmet was backwards. Think about the look of a Native American or a head-dress – the feather’s stem (right word?) would start at the person’s forehead and the body of the feather would be on the back of the head or down the hair. I really don’t get why the helmet wouldn’t follow suit.

    You have to understand that my comments were not meant to be an attack on anyone. To me, it is very frustrating to hear fans of your rivals complain about untucking the jersey after a win because it looks sloppy and is uncalled for. I admit, I thinks it looks sloppy, but the meaning behind it cancels the sloppiness for me personally. According the the Brewers, the untucking of the jersey is not a gesture of “look at me”, but it is a team unity gesture that recognizes a job well done. My fiancee, and even a few of my friends who are not baseball fans even recognize the un-tucking of the jersey of a job well done. Whenever I have the game on, and the Brewers happen to win that game, my fiancee always says, “Horray! We get to un-tuck our jerseys today!”

    I have been to Wrigley a few times. Once this year, and once last year, and I honestly don’t see what the fuss is about. Just because a building is old, doesn’t mean it should glorified. One thing I do love about Wrigley is the ivy. That, is indeed cool.

    My experiences at Wrigley made it seems to me that the average age is around 23-30, piss drunk, and doesn’t even care about what is going on in the game. Obviously I know this isn’t 100% true. It was just me observation at the few games I went to. I know a Wisconsin fan shouldn’t be the one to talk about drinking copious amounts of beer and being drunk at a game whether it be Packers or Brewers. See calling a kettle black… but it was just my observation.

    My mother’s entire side of the family is from Chicago, and are all Cubs fans, and I know they don’t act the way I mentioned when they go to games, but my rant came from my experiences with Cubs fans at Wrigley, and at Miller Park when the Brewers have hosted the Cubs. I am sorry if I offended people with my comments, because that was not my intent. My intent was to share my personal view and that only, and I am sorry if you don’t agree with it.

    [quote comment=”291404″]I have always thought the feather on the old Redskin Mohawk helmet was backwards. Think about the look of a Native American or a head-dress – the feather’s stem (right word?) would start at the person’s forehead and the body of the feather would be on the back of the head or down the hair. I really don’t get why the helmet wouldn’t follow suit.[/quote]


    I don\’t know. I definitely don\’t want them to return to the away uniforms with the blue pants…yuck

    But on Detroit radio, callers are suggesting that the Lions completely change their uniforms like the Bucs did in TB.

    I cringe at the thought.

    Johnny O! It’s cool, buddy. I’m not from the area, but try to make a game a year. I just didn’t want to be clumped into the crowd. We all need to do a little ranting every once in a while, it’s all good, man.

    [quote]We celebrate average when it come to the Pirates. God thats pathetic when the best we have to look forward to is being mediocre.[/quote]

    now…if you could just take the next two in the stadium that smells like feet…

    i’ll be quite satisfied with your season ;)

    [quote comment=”291410″][quote]We celebrate average when it come to the Pirates. God thats pathetic when the best we have to look forward to is being mediocre.[/quote]

    now…if you could just take the next two in the stadium that smells like feet…

    i’ll be quite satisfied with your season ;)[/quote]

    Dude, bratwurst and feet.

    Patrick Lalime in his new BUF uni…

    Let’s play count the ‘Reebok’s!!!


    Count von Count says “:Five….Five Reeboks (AH, ah ah, ha ha)”

    I am happy to see Lalime his updated his Marvin the Martian mask to reflect the Sabres colors, although, I don’t think it’ll ever look as cool as it did when he was on the Sens.


    I think the lowercase-looking N on the Olrando jerseys is just the way the font is designed. Given how the vertical lines are thicker in comparison to the horizontal ones (something I’ve never liked in sports jersey fonts, BTW; equal thickness looks much better), a traditional capital N would be very hard to distinguish from an H.

    When you’ve got a more balanced font, it can look really terrible, such as in link. It makes me want to flip into Greek or Cyrillic and see those last two letters as a gamma and a lambda. (“Viegl”?)

    [quote comment=”291416″]I think the lowercase-looking N on the Olrando jerseys is just the way the font is designed. Given how the vertical lines are thicker in comparison to the horizontal ones (something I’ve never liked in sports jersey fonts, BTW; equal thickness looks much better), a traditional capital N would be very hard to distinguish from an H.

    When you’ve got a more balanced font, it can look really terrible, such as in link. It makes me want to flip into Greek or Cyrillic and see those last two letters as a gamma and a lambda. (“Viegl”?)[/quote]

    You are not alone!

    [quote comment=”291406″]You have to understand that my comments were not meant to be an attack on anyone. To me, it is very frustrating to hear fans of your rivals complain about untucking the jersey after a win because it looks sloppy and is uncalled for. I admit, I thinks it looks sloppy, but the meaning behind it cancels the sloppiness for me personally. According the the Brewers, the untucking of the jersey is not a gesture of “look at me”, but it is a team unity gesture that recognizes a job well done.[/quote]

    It’s a bogus gesture. People who REALLY do a job well don’t need to show off about it, especially not in public. When you finish a good day’s work at the office, do you untuck YOUR shirt before heading to the elevator, or do you wait until you get home? Should other people in uniform (cops, letter carriers, soldiers) untuck their shirts in public as soon as their shift is over?

    The underlying message, intended or not, is that the uniform is an unpleasantly formal stricture that needs to be shed as soon as possible, instead of something that’s a privilege to wear. Untucking it doesn’t just look sloppy — it CELEBRATES sloppiness, and in so doing denigrates the uniform. I think that’s sad.

    Mike V., have you read this article from ESPN’s Pg. 2?

    As far as the new Buck’s alt. is concerned, I like the simplicity of it, hate the satin finish, and hate the large “E” at the end. Why do sports teams and companies think it is cool to start with a capital letter, and end with one too? I live right by a Fuddruckers, and have to pass this every morning on the way to the golf course:

    I defiantly wish the Bucks would have gone back to this:

    and this:

    [quote comment=”291421″]Mike V., have you read this article from ESPN’s Pg. 2?

    As far as the new Buck’s alt. is concerned, I like the simplicity of it, hate the satin finish, and hate the large “E” at the end. Why do sports teams and companies think it is cool to start with a capital letter, and end with one too? I live right by a Fuddruckers, and have to pass this every morning on the way to the golf course:

    I defiantly wish the Bucks would have gone back to this:

    and this:

    Yeah, I read it. It made me laugh, how can’t you just laugh at anything Pirates now-a-days. It has got to the point where every terrible move they make and bad decision they come up with, you just laugh it off. Like Manny being Manny, it’s just the Pirates being the Pirates. This is honestly the most i have talked or thought about the Pirates in a good 3 or 4 years.

    [quote comment=”291419″][quote comment=”291406″]You have to understand that my comments were not meant to be an attack on anyone. To me, it is very frustrating to hear fans of your rivals complain about untucking the jersey after a win because it looks sloppy and is uncalled for. I admit, I thinks it looks sloppy, but the meaning behind it cancels the sloppiness for me personally. According the the Brewers, the untucking of the jersey is not a gesture of “look at me”, but it is a team unity gesture that recognizes a job well done.[/quote]

    It’s a bogus gesture. People who REALLY do a job well don’t need to show off about it, especially not in public. When you finish a good day’s work at the office, do you untuck YOUR shirt before heading to the elevator, or do you wait until you get home? Should other people in uniform (cops, letter carriers, soldiers) untuck their shirts in public as soon as their shift is over?

    The underlying message, intended or not, is that the uniform is an unpleasantly formal stricture that needs to be shed as soon as possible, instead of something that’s a privilege to wear. Untucking it doesn’t just look sloppy — it CELEBRATES sloppiness, and in so doing denigrates the uniform. I think that’s sad.[/quote]

    Se, so much better when somebody addresses the issue without all the silly chest-thumping.

    Paul, I’d generally agree with you on this one, but this practice, awful-looking as it is, has grown on me. The enthusiasm they exhibit in untucking – heck, the unbridled gleeful joy demonstrated last night – is what sport ought to be about.

    [quote comment=”291365″]Awesome Mao portrait. It is now my wallpaper.[/quote]

    The revolution will not be televised …


    But it can be downloaded.

    [quote comment=”291408″]I don\’t know. I definitely don\’t want them to return to the away uniforms with the blue pants…yuck

    But on Detroit radio, callers are suggesting that the Lions completely change their uniforms like the Bucs did in TB.

    I cringe at the thought.[/quote]

    Taking a step backwards, to either the Barry Sanders era or the Thanksgiving throwbacks, would be a huge improvement in either case.

    Uh, Paul, the game of baseball “celebrates” sloppiness … by allowing the players to dress as they do every day. The pajama bottoms, the lack of stirrups, the baggy a$$ shirts … many players look ridiculous. Fielder being just one of them.

    I’m in no way a supporter of the NFL’s uniform gustapo, but baseball needs a quick dose of “cool” to set in helping to educate these players that they look_fu##ing_ridiculous these days.

    [quote]but this practice, awful-looking as it is, has grown on me. The enthusiasm they exhibit in untucking – heck, the unbridled gleeful joy demonstrated last night – is what sport ought to be about.[/quote]

    if johnny o and nicole hadn’t discovered the origins (cammy), i’d hate it even more than i do, but at least there’s a reason for it and a nicer guy couldn’t have started it

    my only hope is that it remains relegated ONLY to the crew (although, mike cameron obviously turned link onto it before he left the mets)

    it’s no more annoying that that STUPID dance every team now does after a walk-off homerun (and sometimes a walkoff hit or walkoff walk)…i thought the bunnyhop was something we did in kindergarten, not grown men acting like clowns

    [quote comment=”291384″]What a month for Detroit: First they rid themselves of Kwame Kilpatrick, and now this….

    ABOUT DAMN TIME!!!!!!!!!!

    Between the ignorant political posts in response to Paul’s Yankee stadium blog and pissing matches about whose team/fans/stadium/city is better, the comments section is getting pretty brutal to read these days. In fact, it’s almost as bad as the comments sections for articles.

    [quote comment=”291424″]Paul, I’d generally agree with you on this one, but this practice, awful-looking as it is, has grown on me. The enthusiasm they exhibit in untucking – heck, the unbridled gleeful joy demonstrated last night – is what sport ought to be about.[/quote]

    I’m all for joy and celebration. Just wish they didn’t have to sully the uniform in the process.

    [quote comment=”291421″]

    As far as the new Buck’s alt. is concerned, I like the simplicity of it, hate the satin finish, and hate the large “E” at the end. Why do sports teams and companies think it is cool to start with a capital letter, and end with one too? I live right by a Fuddruckers, and have to pass this every morning on the way to the golf course:


    I’m with you on that. Like a “why mess up a good thing” sort of a deal.

    Like this:

    And this:

    Both of those are unneccessary. There is nothing wrong with the old logo.


    Why change it?

    [quote comment=”291427″]
    I’m in no way a supporter of the NFL’s uniform gustapo, but baseball needs a quick dose of “cool” to set in helping to educate these players that they look_fu##ing_ridiculous these days.[/quote]

    I am.

    My only complaint is that the NFL doesn’t go far enough on cracking down on players who link link link.

    [quote comment=”291401″][quote comment=”291400″][quote comment=”291393″]I enjoyed reading this. I always like when people blanket a fan base because of their own perceptions of things.[/quote]
    Oh, you mean just like so many posters have done with Yankee fans over the past few days.

    (Mets fans too…)[/quote]

    Well when I made my comment about Yankee fans, I made sure to describe them as “fans”, with quotes, because obviously not ALL Yankee fans are like that. In fact, one of the true Yankee fans, Frank in G’Ville, admitted that there are “fans” like the ones I described, and he wasn’t the only one. You know which ones: The “fans” who can’t help but bring up how the Yankees have 26 Championships and your team, uhm, doesn’t. The same “fans” who have no clue about the splendid history of the Yankees and its players. The same “fans” that can only count as far back as 1996.

    I’m not going to bother reiterating the full text of my post. You can read comment #159 on Monday to get my take on the whole Yankee “fan” phenomenon. And not to start shit or anything, because that’s NOT my intention, but WAY more people agreed with my take than disagreed.

    [quote comment=”291384″]What a month for Detroit: First they rid themselves of Kwame Kilpatrick, and now this:

    Just curious, how much Kwame Kilpatrick news made it across the country?

    [quote comment=”291402″][quote comment=”291384″]What a month for Detroit: First they rid themselves of Kwame Kilpatrick, and now this:

    I hope the Lions will return to wearing what were my favorite uniforms now that Millen is gone.




    I’d second that, with the exception of the blue pants. Honolulu blue and silver is just fine. No black. This works, too:

    [quote comment=”291426″][quote comment=”291408″]I don\’t know. I definitely don\’t want them to return to the away uniforms with the blue pants…yuck

    But on Detroit radio, callers are suggesting that the Lions completely change their uniforms like the Bucs did in TB.

    I cringe at the thought.[/quote]

    Taking a step backwards, to either the Barry Sanders era or the Thanksgiving throwbacks, would be a huge improvement in either case.[/quote]
    The Lions should just start wearing the Michigan Panthers old uniforms. At least the Panthers won a championship in the last 50 years.

    [quote comment=”291407″][quote comment=”291404″]I have always thought the feather on the old Redskin Mohawk helmet was backwards. Think about the look of a Native American or a head-dress – the feather’s stem (right word?) would start at the person’s forehead and the body of the feather would be on the back of the head or down the hair. I really don’t get why the helmet wouldn’t follow suit.[/quote]


    Bunny ears?! :P

    I like the simplicity of the Bucks alternate, but I still despise the enlarged bookend letters they use on their uniforms. The metallic block lettering is unique enough. Make all the letters the same point size!

    As for the Brewers untucking thing, I see it’s a team bonding thing and don’t take it as a uniform-degrading thing at all. And, of course nobody would untuck their work clothes before the day was done, although I’ve seen some security guards walk around with untucked uniforms. No big thang. I let other things bother me, like the economy! Just my two cents.

    Perhaps the Brewers’ problems of late are the Baseball Gods’ way of punishing them for their untucking.
    Ha! I’m a Brewers fan, Robert, and that still made me laugh. Well-played.

    But as for the Bucks’ “ever-changing” color scheme, ditching purple for red a few years ago is a return to their original scheme of forest green and red, as you may know. Granted, they’ve never had a red uni before, but they did have red warmup shirts when they had Kareem.

    I like the uni, especially that the jersey says “Milwaukee” on it. Except for throwback games, that hasn’t been the case since about ’77, if memory serves.

    [quote comment=”291433″][quote comment=”291427″]
    I’m in no way a supporter of the NFL’s uniform gustapo, but baseball needs a quick dose of “cool” to set in helping to educate these players that they look_fu##ing_ridiculous these days.[/quote]

    I am.

    My only complaint is that the NFL doesn’t go far enough on cracking down on players who link link link.[/quote]
    I agree! For a league that got such negative press for being gestapo-like in their policing of uniforms, they’ve gotten surprisingly lax in the last few years. What really amazes me is how short the pants are getting on the WR’s and DB’s. If you can see the sock pulled up over the knee it is way too short. IMHO it’s worse than the hair hanging out of the helmet over the name plate, which was supposed to be a safety issue, but unprotected knees would seem like just as big a safety concern.

    seriously paul, bryan is a joke. look how he’s using his pink admin power to do nothing but talk shit to brewers fans. can you get a new intern who has some professionalism please

    [quote comment=”291314″]I like the milwaukee uniform, anything is better that doesnt have an actual deer on the uniform is cool. Its simple, and just great.[/quote]

    At first glance, I thought I was looking at a new alternative for the Washington Nationals. Kind of a reverse of:


    [quote comment=”291433″][quote comment=”291427″]
    I’m in no way a supporter of the NFL’s uniform gustapo, but baseball needs a quick dose of “cool” to set in helping to educate these players that they look_fu##ing_ridiculous these days.[/quote]

    I am.

    My only complaint is that the NFL doesn’t go far enough on cracking down on players who link link link.[/quote]

    Call me ignorant, but what’s wrong with Santonio Holmes’ uniform……?

    [quote comment=”291435″][quote comment=”291384″]What a month for Detroit: First they rid themselves of Kwame Kilpatrick, and now this:

    Just curious, how much Kwame Kilpatrick news made it across the country?[/quote]

    It actually received decent coverage here in New York….

    I always thought the Redskins helmet with the spears on the side was their best look.

    As for Stover, maybe he tucked his jersey sleeve under his shoulder pad and is wearing at GU helmet sticker on his black tshirt sleeve. I was at that game last week and it was pretty hot out. We were wondering why they went with the dark purple jerseys instead of their whites like they did for the home opener.

    Brillo —

    I was actually defending your post from the other day. (Perhaps I should have added sarcasm tags to my post.)

    I was aiming at those who have recently made blanket statements to the effect that ALL Yankee fans are arrogant, are SUV-driving slugs or go to other ballparks just to scream “26 Rings!” Likewise, we have been told that ALL Mets fans play the whiny younger brother role. And that ALL Cubs fans are drunk college kids.

    There are certainly those “fans” that fit those stereotypes, but there are some fans (no quotes) that do not. Just like there are black people who DON’T shout at the movie screen as if the actors can hear them, and there are plenty of Italian men from NY/NJ who AREN’T part of the Mob.

    [quote]Why is my name showing up as Brillo Williams? This is Mr. Met. That was my post… wtf? [/quote]

    i think if you have used another ‘screen name’ and didn’t change it back, it doesn’t default back to what you usually use

    Logo Creep(y) Alert: link notes the appearance of what looks to be a creepy cornfield stalker (hah! see what I did there?) near the lower left corner of link.

    Viewing this photo from a UW perspective, I’m thinking that the hand in question is an attempt (albeit quite a poor ‘un) to give better visibility to the logo on the beam, & that someone just neglected to “remove” the hand itself in post-production. [That, or the initial entry in an AVAI-sponsored re-make of Children of the Corn.]

    Now, about that swoosh on Freddy Krueger’s sweater …

    Oddly, although the stripes diverge on the front, they’re straight on the back – weird.

    But man, for a team that once had such unique typography, the new type is snoozeville.

    In regards to the Magic’s new uniforms. I like the new take on their classic pinstripes. I agree that at first thought, it does seem odd for the pattern to “spread” on front, but not on back. However, if you consider the cut of the neckline in front compare to the back, it make more sense. It would look odd to have the spread lead up to a totally rounded collar.

    In regards to the “snoozeville” font – I’m not a fan of the recent trend on NBA jerseys towards a standardized non-seriffed font, but on this particular jersey, I would think it would make it too busy in front of the spread pinstripes. I like what they’ve done overall.

    Just my 1/50th of a buck.

    I always thought the Redskins helmet with the spears on the side was their best look.
    Me too, Ricko. The feather down the middle just gets lost. I love this whole uni:


    I think Lombardi made a mistake when he made the Redskins’ unis look an awful lot like the Packers’.


    George Allen seemed to think so, too, seeing as he ditched the helmet before his second season in DC.

    [quote comment=”291445″][quote comment=”291433″][quote comment=”291427″]
    I’m in no way a supporter of the NFL’s uniform gustapo, but baseball needs a quick dose of “cool” to set in helping to educate these players that they look_fu##ing_ridiculous these days.[/quote]

    I am.

    My only complaint is that the NFL doesn’t go far enough on cracking down on players who link link link.[/quote]

    Call me ignorant, but what’s wrong with Santonio Holmes’ uniform……?[/quote]

    I concur…I actually am wondering what the issue with his uni is…I actually love the coordinating gloves!

    [quote comment=”291450″][quote]Why is my name showing up as Brillo Williams? This is Mr. Met. That was my post… wtf? [/quote]

    i think if you have used another ‘screen name’ and didn’t change it back, it doesn’t default back to what you usually use[/quote]

    Dude, I don’t use another screen name…… always been Mr. Met

    Although I have had a similar problem recently when posting on another forum… I’ll type in my screen name and sometimes it shows up as another screen name. Maybe it’s my computer……?

    About Marion Barber’s facemask… I doubt it has anything to do with avoiding neck injuries… If you notice, most players nowadays that wear dreadlocks face the same situation with their facemask being so close to their face because of their being so much hair bunched into the back of the helmet, it causes it to tilt forward and the facemask becomes closer to the face. You will also notice that Barber’s helmet has no extra holes or hardware for his facemask to have been adjusted.

    For what it’s worth, I’m enjoying the banter between the mysterious Brillo Williams and Teebz in the comments of yesterday’s post.

    [quote comment=”291457″][quote comment=”291450″][quote]Why is my name showing up as Brillo Williams? This is Mr. Met. That was my post… wtf? [/quote]

    i think if you have used another ‘screen name’ and didn’t change it back, it doesn’t default back to what you usually use[/quote]

    Dude, I don’t use another screen name…… always been Mr. Met

    Although I have had a similar problem recently when posting on another forum… I’ll type in my screen name and sometimes it shows up as another screen name. Maybe it’s my computer……?[/quote]
    I like the ‘Brillo Williams’ handle better. You should keep it.

    [quote comment=”291459″]For what it’s worth, I’m enjoying the banter between the mysterious Brillo Williams and Teebz in the comments of yesterday’s post.[/quote]

    Yikes… that is definitely not me……

    [quote comment=”291431″][quote comment=”291424″]Paul, I’d generally agree with you on this one, but this practice, awful-looking as it is, has grown on me. The enthusiasm they exhibit in untucking – heck, the unbridled gleeful joy demonstrated last night – is what sport ought to be about.[/quote]

    I’m all for joy and celebration. Just wish they didn’t have to sully the uniform in the process.[/quote]

    Personally, I’m not so sure how it is sullying the uniform, but I can see your point of view, Paul. Ironically, I get what you mean by it making the uniform be “Unwanted formalwear”, but I do not think of it as an insult to the uniform. As long as it doesn’t get tucked out while the game is still going on, I’m happy.

    [quote comment=”291460″][quote comment=”291457″][quote comment=”291450″][quote]Why is my name showing up as Brillo Williams? This is Mr. Met. That was my post… wtf? [/quote]

    i think if you have used another ‘screen name’ and didn’t change it back, it doesn’t default back to what you usually use[/quote]

    Dude, I don’t use another screen name…… always been Mr. Met

    Although I have had a similar problem recently when posting on another forum… I’ll type in my screen name and sometimes it shows up as another screen name. Maybe it’s my computer……?[/quote]
    I like the ‘Brillo Williams’ handle better. You should keep it.[/quote]

    But I don’t use another screen name…

    [quote comment=”291456″][quote comment=”291445″][quote comment=”291433″][quote comment=”291427″]
    I’m in no way a supporter of the NFL’s uniform gustapo, but baseball needs a quick dose of “cool” to set in helping to educate these players that they look_fu##ing_ridiculous these days.[/quote]

    I am.

    My only complaint is that the NFL doesn’t go far enough on cracking down on players who link link link.[/quote]

    Call me ignorant, but what’s wrong with Santonio Holmes’ uniform……?[/quote]

    I concur…I actually am wondering what the issue with his uni is…I actually love the coordinating gloves![/quote]

    perhaps it’s the fact that his jersey is hiked up past his navel (although with the undershirt, it’s hard to tell)…see his pads/girdle/whatever it is just above his trou?

    [quote comment=”291464″][quote comment=”291456″][quote comment=”291445″][quote comment=”291433″][quote comment=”291427″]
    I’m in no way a supporter of the NFL’s uniform gustapo, but baseball needs a quick dose of “cool” to set in helping to educate these players that they look_fu##ing_ridiculous these days.[/quote]

    I am.

    My only complaint is that the NFL doesn’t go far enough on cracking down on players who link link link.[/quote]

    Call me ignorant, but what’s wrong with Santonio Holmes’ uniform……?[/quote]

    I concur…I actually am wondering what the issue with his uni is…I actually love the coordinating gloves![/quote]

    perhaps it’s the fact that his jersey is hiked up past his navel (although with the undershirt, it’s hard to tell)…see his pads/girdle/whatever it is just above his trou?[/quote]


    [quote comment=”291464″][quote comment=”291456″][quote comment=”291445″][quote comment=”291433″][quote comment=”291427″]
    I’m in no way a supporter of the NFL’s uniform gustapo, but baseball needs a quick dose of “cool” to set in helping to educate these players that they look_fu##ing_ridiculous these days.[/quote]

    I am.

    My only complaint is that the NFL doesn’t go far enough on cracking down on players who link link link.[/quote]

    Call me ignorant, but what’s wrong with Santonio Holmes’ uniform……?[/quote]

    I concur…I actually am wondering what the issue with his uni is…I actually love the coordinating gloves![/quote]

    perhaps it’s the fact that his jersey is hiked up past his navel (although with the undershirt, it’s hard to tell)…see his pads/girdle/whatever it is just above his trou?[/quote]

    This looks like the pic was taken in warm-ups, or some other non-game time moment. Does that count? Should the uni be worn “correctly” at all times regardless, or do players get a pass during moments of non-game time (i.e. warm-ups, half-time/intermission, post game)? My two cents, i say they can have a pass during these times, as long as the uni is reverted back to the correct “dress” during game time, when you are representing the team on the field/ice/court/pitch.

    [quote comment=”291340″]Actually, careful analysis of the Brewers game shows that as Prince rounded first and unucked, Ryan Braun had already touched home plate, therefore the game in effect WAS over…*

    As a local fan, Paul can we please get some slack? The Brewers only untuck after win which hasn’t happened that much lately. Everyone knows the story, it represents that the day’s work is done. Yestrday’s win actually took some hard work on the Brew Crew’s part. The Brewer’s just want to make the post-season, is that so wrong???

    Can we save the hate for the MasterCard NY Yankees?

    *no actual analysis was performed…[/quote]

    When will the idiots at get it right? They put the final score as 7-5. It obviously should have been 6-5.

    [quote comment=”291468″]When will the idiots at get it right? They put the final score as 7-5. It obviously should have been 6-5.[/quote]

    save for the fact that those idiots DID get it right

    a link is the ONLY instance in which ALL the runs scored via that type of hit COUNT in the final box score…(although robin ventura’s ‘grand slam single’ begs otherwise)

    [quote comment=”291469″]CONSPIRACY in ATL!!! brewers, cubs, pirates, blah blah blah. the poor braves fans link

    Some of the comments are just as funny as the main piece……

    [quote comment=”291462″]Ironically, I get what you mean by it making the uniform be “Unwanted formalwear”, but I do not think of it as an insult to the uniform. As long as it doesn’t get tucked out while the game is still going on, I’m happy.[/quote]
    I liken it to the tools in a wedding party that shed their vests and ties, untuck their shirts and look like complete slobs for whatever is left of the night. Way to disrespect the bride and groom.

    You know, like this a$$hat:

    [quote comment=”291443″]seriously paul, bryan is a joke. look how he’s using his pink admin power to do nothing but talk shit to brewers fans. can you get a new intern who has some professionalism please[/quote]

    2 things:

    1. Agree about how lame it is for an administrator of this site to argue about “which team is better”

    2. Pink? Adjust your monitor.

    [quote comment=”291474″][quote comment=”291462″]Ironically, I get what you mean by it making the uniform be “Unwanted formalwear”, but I do not think of it as an insult to the uniform. As long as it doesn’t get tucked out while the game is still going on, I’m happy.[/quote]
    I liken it to the tools in a wedding party that shed their vests and ties, untuck their shirts and look like complete slobs for whatever is left of the night. Way to disrespect the bride and groom.

    You know, like this a$$hat:

    I get why the Brewers do it, but I never understood why José Reyes did it after Mets wins. I think he’s been doing it since last year, but I could be wrong. Anyone? LI Phil?

    It does look sloppy, though.

    [quote comment=”291474″][quote comment=”291462″]Ironically, I get what you mean by it making the uniform be “Unwanted formalwear”, but I do not think of it as an insult to the uniform. As long as it doesn’t get tucked out while the game is still going on, I’m happy.[/quote]
    I liken it to the tools in a wedding party that shed their vests and ties, untuck their shirts and look like complete slobs for whatever is left of the night. Way to disrespect the bride and groom.

    You know, like this a$$hat:

    heh…nice one al

    except that those wedding tools have usually had about 17 too many cosmos or sangrias…or some other godforesaken fruity concoction

    what’s the players’ excuse?

    [quote comment=”291476″]I get why the Brewers do it, but I never understood why José Reyes did it after Mets wins. I think he’s been doing it since last year, but I could be wrong. Anyone? LI Phil?

    It does look sloppy, though.[/quote]

    sometime back (earlier in the summer)…the night johnny and nicole ascertained why the brewers as a whole do the whole untuck thing…

    it was discovered that mike cameron did it as a tribute to his dad (long story…use the search function if you must know)…and i did some research and found that cammy untucked with every team (mets, mariners, pods, crew, etc.) for whom he ever played…and im PRETTY SURE he taught the practice to reyes…

    i may have found (can’t remember) a pic of cammy with the mets chest bumping (ugh) with jose and both had the untucked shirts…so that’s where (i want to believe) j-rey got it

    [quote comment=”291456″][quote comment=”291445″][quote comment=”291433″][quote comment=”291427″]
    I’m in no way a supporter of the NFL’s uniform gustapo, but baseball needs a quick dose of “cool” to set in helping to educate these players that they look_fu##ing_ridiculous these days.[/quote]

    I am.

    My only complaint is that the NFL doesn’t go far enough on cracking down on players who link link link.[/quote]

    Call me ignorant, but what’s wrong with Santonio Holmes’ uniform……?[/quote]

    I concur…I actually am wondering what the issue with his uni is…I actually love the coordinating gloves![/quote]
    NFL used to be very strict about mandating certain positions wear certain numbers. Holmes being a WR should be wearing something in the 80’s according to NFL policy. The Steelers must have retired some 80’s(Swann/Stallworth?)and not have enough available. That’s why we’re seeing so many WR’s and TE’s wearing non 80 numbers.

    Speaking of Commies…

    Does anyone know a reputable dealer who can makes a CCCP jersey like the one Randal wears in Clerks and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back? Preferably in big boy sizes… 3XL and Up…

    Opening Day 2009:

    I propose that anyone attending the Pirates’ opener do so in Steelers jerseys, then walk out after the first pitch.

    If anyone can even be bothered to go.

    [quote comment=”291481″]Speaking of Commies…

    Does anyone know a reputable dealer who can makes a CCCP jersey like the one Randal wears in Clerks and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back? Preferably in big boy sizes… 3XL and Up…[/quote]

    look in yesterday’s comments. someone linked to some on ebay for about $50

    [quote comment=”291484″][quote comment=”291481″]Speaking of Commies…

    Does anyone know a reputable dealer who can makes a CCCP jersey like the one Randal wears in Clerks and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back? Preferably in big boy sizes… 3XL and Up…[/quote]

    look in yesterday’s comments. someone linked to some on ebay for about $50[/quote]
    Ebbets Field Flannels makes one, I believe.

    [quote comment=”291471″][quote comment=”291468″]When will the idiots at get it right? They put the final score as 7-5. It obviously should have been 6-5.[/quote]

    save for the fact that those idiots DID get it right

    a link is the ONLY instance in which ALL the runs scored via that type of hit COUNT in the final box score…(although robin ventura’s ‘grand slam single’ begs otherwise)[/quote]

    Doggone it, Phillip. I left off the sarcasm tag. Cub fan here just trying to point out to Brewer fan that the game isn’t really over until the last run has scored. At least that’s the way its been for more than a century.

    [quote comment=”291454″]I always thought the Redskins helmet with the spears on the side was their best look.
    Me too, Ricko. The feather down the middle just gets lost. I love this whole uni:


    I think Lombardi made a mistake when he made the Redskins’ unis look an awful lot like the Packers’.


    George Allen seemed to think so, too, seeing as he ditched the helmet before his second season in DC.[/quote]

    I love the arrow helmets also, albeit unoriginal nowaday; every other high school uses them, FSU…etc.. The feather mohawk has untapped potential, plus the point of the project was to show how the logo could be designed so it wouldn’t get lost like the original did. You know, generate some discussion on how we could make it work this time.

    [quote comment=”291445″][quote comment=”291433″][quote comment=”291427″]
    I’m in no way a supporter of the NFL’s uniform gustapo, but baseball needs a quick dose of “cool” to set in helping to educate these players that they look_fu##ing_ridiculous these days.[/quote]

    I am.

    My only complaint is that the NFL doesn’t go far enough on cracking down on players who link link link.[/quote]

    Call me ignorant, but what’s wrong with Santonio Holmes’ uniform……?[/quote]

    Chopping off the sleeves so short that it cuts off the stripes.

    It’s even worse when a Chicago Bear does it, chopping the Halas memorial in half. But it’s bad in any case.

    [quote comment=”291485″][quote comment=”291484″][quote comment=”291481″]Speaking of Commies…

    Does anyone know a reputable dealer who can makes a CCCP jersey like the one Randal wears in Clerks and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back? Preferably in big boy sizes… 3XL and Up…[/quote]

    look in yesterday’s comments. someone linked to some on ebay for about $50[/quote]
    Ebbets Field Flannels makes one, I believe.[/quote]
    I can’t stand Kevin Smith movies – link, is it the one you’re looking for?

    Sorry haven’t checked the comments in the past two days but I saw this today. Martin Gerber has a new mask as a tribute to fans who dubbed him “Darth Gerber” last season because of his all-black mask:


    [quote comment=”291489″][quote comment=”291485″][quote comment=”291484″][quote comment=”291481″]Speaking of Commies…

    Does anyone know a reputable dealer who can makes a CCCP jersey like the one Randal wears in Clerks and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back? Preferably in big boy sizes… 3XL and Up…[/quote]

    look in yesterday’s comments. someone linked to some on ebay for about $50[/quote]
    Ebbets Field Flannels makes one, I believe.[/quote]
    I can’t stand Kevin Smith movies – link, is it the one you’re looking for?[/quote]


    link of randall’s sweater

    /why you no like kevin smith flicks, chance?

    [quote comment=”291489″][quote comment=”291485″][quote comment=”291484″][quote comment=”291481″]Speaking of Commies…

    Does anyone know a reputable dealer who can makes a CCCP jersey like the one Randal wears in Clerks and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back? Preferably in big boy sizes… 3XL and Up…[/quote]

    look in yesterday’s comments. someone linked to some on ebay for about $50[/quote]
    Ebbets Field Flannels makes one, I believe.[/quote]
    I can’t stand Kevin Smith movies – link, is it the one you’re looking for?[/quote]

    Here is the only screen shot I can find, and it’s not the greatest. Randal didnt wear a number or NOB either… Only the View Askewniverse Jersey’s had numbers (All of them bear the number 37)


    [quote comment=”291491″]
    /why you no like kevin smith flicks, chance?[/quote]

    Seen one, seen ’em all.

    I like elements of most of his films, and in person his skills as a link are top-notch. But what was once fresh has become stale, and too many of his characters speak with the same voice.

    I love the arrow helmets also, albeit unoriginal nowaday; every other high school uses them, FSU…etc..
    Michael Princip, please take this response in a friendly-argument manner: So? It was theirs first. Florida State, et. al. are imitating the late-’60s Redskins. The Redskins would be reclaiming the spear, not imitating.

    The feather mohawk has untapped potential, plus the point of the project was to show how the logo could be designed so it wouldn’t get lost like the original did. You know, generate some discussion on how we could make it work this time.
    That’s the kind of thing we come here to discuss, right? My opinion is that, unless the feather spreads out to the sides of the helmet, it’s ineffective, as it can only be seen from behind the player wearing it. You might disagree.

    [quote comment=”291493″][quote comment=”291491″]
    /why you no like kevin smith flicks, chance?[/quote]

    Seen one, seen ’em all.

    I like elements of most of his films, and in person his skills as a link are top-notch. But what was once fresh has become stale, and too many of his characters speak with the same voice.[/quote]

    fair enough…that whole run from clerks (mallrats, chasing amy) was more or less a sequel…but then

    DOGMA kicked ass…

    then jay & silent bob came out and the whole cycle started again

    /dogma was one of the best and funniest and most underappreciated movies ever made

    [quote comment=”291495″][quote comment=”291493″][quote comment=”291491″]
    /why you no like kevin smith flicks, chance?[/quote]

    Seen one, seen ’em all.

    I like elements of most of his films, and in person his skills as a link are top-notch. But what was once fresh has become stale, and too many of his characters speak with the same voice.[/quote]

    fair enough…that whole run from clerks (mallrats, chasing amy) was more or less a sequel…but then

    DOGMA kicked ass…

    then jay & silent bob came out and the whole cycle started again

    /dogma was one of the best and funniest and most underappreciated movies ever made[/quote]

    as was Chasing Amy…when he spoke in that film, the gravity was incredible!

    [quote comment=”291419″]
    It’s a bogus gesture. People who REALLY do a job well don’t need to show off about it, especially not in public. When you finish a good day’s work at the office, do you untuck YOUR shirt before heading to the elevator, or do you wait until you get home? Should other people in uniform (cops, letter carriers, soldiers) untuck their shirts in public as soon as their shift is over?

    The underlying message, intended or not, is that the uniform is an unpleasantly formal stricture that needs to be shed as soon as possible, instead of something that’s a privilege to wear. Untucking it doesn’t just look sloppy — it CELEBRATES sloppiness, and in so doing denigrates the uniform. I think that’s sad.[/quote]

    I couldn’t disagree more. It’s an homage and therefore, IMO, does none of those things.

    To minimize something Cam has done his whole career down to sloppiness is to completely miss the point. It rubs me the wrong way that you, or really anyone, can continually bitch about the way a guy honors his roots. When guys are earning $20 million a year and seem so completely out of touch with reality, I find Cam’s consistent connection to his roots and lack of pretention about where he came from refreshing.

    It’s not like the guy’s doing cartwheels or flipping people off. His homage has very direct relevance to what/whom he’s honoring and therefore is completely justified, IMO. On a daily basis, he’s honoring the man who raised him and taught him to be, by all accounts, a spectacular human being.

    The man chose a personal, fairly subtle way to show his father that he remembers him and appreciates him. (Now that the whole team picked up on it, it’s not subtle, but that’s not on Cam.)

    You don’t like the way it looks, that’s fine, it’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it. To turn it into Cam denegrating the entire uniform is self-serving and makes his honoring of his father about you and completely misses the point.

    That being said … even though the concept doesn’t work for me, your designs are cool-looking, Michael Princip. Well-done.

    You’ve surely got more artistic talent in the tip of one finger than I have in my whole mortal coil.

    [quote comment=”291494″]I love the arrow helmets also, albeit unoriginal nowaday; every other high school uses them, FSU…etc..
    Michael Princip, please take this response in a friendly-argument manner: So? It was theirs first. Florida State, et. al. are imitating the late-’60s Redskins. The Redskins would be reclaiming the spear, not imitating.

    The feather mohawk has untapped potential, plus the point of the project was to show how the logo could be designed so it wouldn’t get lost like the original did. You know, generate some discussion on how we could make it work this time.
    That’s the kind of thing we come here to discuss, right? My opinion is that, unless the feather spreads out to the sides of the helmet, it’s ineffective, as it can only be seen from behind the player wearing it. You might disagree.[/quote]

    Yes, and we are discussing. Not at all perturbed by your comments. Actually, appreciate them, especially the positive ones in general.

    I totally agree with you about not being able to interpret the logo from the sides, yet, a hint from the sides, and literal top, front and back interpretation could be totally hip.

    [quote comment=”291498″]That being said … even though the concept doesn’t work for me, your designs are cool-looking, Michael Princip. Well-done.

    You’ve surely got more artistic talent in the tip of one finger than I have in my whole mortal coil.[/quote]

    Thanks Tom. I appreciate the honest feedback.

    Hey UWers,

    I scan here regularly, but rarely post. Usually, by the time I get around to adding my two cents, somebody else has gotten there already.

    Anyway, I’m pretty positive the SI picture is Longoria … home Rays uni on a grass field; must be the All-Star game.

    [quote comment=”291501″]Hey UWers,

    I scan here regularly, but rarely post. Usually, by the time I get around to adding my two cents, somebody else has gotten there already.

    Anyway, I’m pretty positive the SI picture is Longoria … home Rays uni on a grass field; must be the All-Star game.[/quote]

    it IS NOW…but that’s not the pic ORIGINALLY in that link

    it was a left handed batting asian-looking player…definitely NOT evan longoria

    anyone get a screen cap of the orig?

    [quote comment=”291501″]Anyway, I’m pretty positive the SI picture is Longoria … home Rays uni on a grass field; must be the All-Star game.[/quote]
    It is now — they changed the picture since this morning. (The original picture was a skinny lefty hitting at Yankee Stadium.)

    [quote comment=”291497″][quote comment=”291419″]
    It’s a bogus gesture. People who REALLY do a job well don’t need to show off about it, especially not in public. When you finish a good day’s work at the office, do you untuck YOUR shirt before heading to the elevator, or do you wait until you get home? Should other people in uniform (cops, letter carriers, soldiers) untuck their shirts in public as soon as their shift is over?

    The underlying message, intended or not, is that the uniform is an unpleasantly formal stricture that needs to be shed as soon as possible, instead of something that’s a privilege to wear. Untucking it doesn’t just look sloppy — it CELEBRATES sloppiness, and in so doing denigrates the uniform. I think that’s sad.[/quote]

    I couldn’t disagree more. It’s an homage and therefore, IMO, does none of those things.

    To minimize something Cam has done his whole career down to sloppiness is to completely miss the point. It rubs me the wrong way that you, or really anyone, can continually bitch about the way a guy honors his roots. When guys are earning $20 million a year and seem so completely out of touch with reality, I find Cam’s consistent connection to his roots and lack of pretention about where he came from refreshing.

    It’s not like the guy’s doing cartwheels or flipping people off. His homage has very direct relevance to what/whom he’s honoring and therefore is completely justified, IMO. On a daily basis, he’s honoring the man who raised him and taught him to be, by all accounts, a spectacular human being.

    The man chose a personal, fairly subtle way to show his father that he remembers him and appreciates him. (Now that the whole team picked up on it, it’s not subtle, but that’s not on Cam.)

    You don’t like the way it looks, that’s fine, it’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it. To turn it into Cam denegrating the entire uniform is self-serving and makes his honoring of his father about you and completely misses the point.[/quote]

    Thanks Nicole. I knew I could count on another Cheesehead to explain this concept in a good and respectful way.

    This thing is, that in Wisconsin, or at least around my town, the un-tucking ritual is a symbol of togetherness as a Brewers fan. At the golf course when I work, when the Brewers win, I can’t tell you how many guys and gals in the pub or pro shop say, “Hey now, it’s time to un tuck the jerseys. What a great win for the Crew!” I also mentioned my fiancee in an earlier post who doesn’t like baseball at all, who gets excited to see the jerseys un tucked because she knows now that mean a Brewers victory. People is Wisconsin know now that when they see the jersey un tucked, it means a win for the Crew. It has become a symbol or togetherness, a job well done, and a symbol of winning for the Brewers. Again, I admit, it looks horribly sloppy. But I am willing to look past that because of the meaning behind it. If the Brewers did un tuck their jerseys just because, and had no meaning behind it, I would agree with the horrid-ness of it.

    I know a lot of people who un tuck their shirts when they get home now because of the Brewers doing it. Myself included. As soon as I am out of the pro shop door, I un tuck my polo, and head for my car. Did Prince go a little too far to un tuck his jersey while rounding the bases last night? Yes. Should he have waited until he touched the plate? Yes. It’s an emotional time for all those players, and I am sure he got wrapped up in the moment. I will let it slide this time.

    That bit about Colorado wearing the blue brought back bad memories. As a Boulder resident in the early 80s, i can tell you that those uniforms were FUGLY! I don’t know that the Board of Regents had much to do with it, though. I see to remember that the uni color was the brainchild of coach Chuck Fairbanks. It was a big event when Bill McCartney outfitted the Buffs in black in 85 for a home game against then-#1 Nebraska. The Buffs won, 20-10, and the next year they went back to black permanently. The SID at Colorado, Dave Plati, has a book out in that college vault series that may have photos of the blue. I’ll have to check around and see.

    [quote comment=”291486″][quote comment=”291471″][quote comment=”291468″]When will the idiots at get it right? They put the final score as 7-5. It obviously should have been 6-5.[/quote]

    save for the fact that those idiots DID get it right

    a link is the ONLY instance in which ALL the runs scored via that type of hit COUNT in the final box score…(although robin ventura’s ‘grand slam single’ begs otherwise)[/quote]

    Doggone it, Phillip. I left off the sarcasm tag. Cub fan here just trying to point out to Brewer fan that the game isn’t really over until the last run has scored. At least that’s the way its been for more than a century.[/quote]

    Of course, there was June 25, 1891 (Thanks to Cubs Journal by John Snyder): The game ended when Cloff Carrol hit a drive over the left field fence with a runner on and the score 14-14. Under the scoring rules of the day, the contest ended when the lead runner scored, and Carroll was credited with a double instead of a homer.

    If you want to know any more about this game, you’ll have to ask Ricko for his first hand account. :)

    Here’s a link to a photo of Prince Fielder in mid-un-tuck. Looks like he’s sportin’ team undies too.


    While trying to get a video clip of Tom Seaver to work on (unfortunately, I couldn’t get it to run) I noticed what looked like two little gussets under the arm pits of Tom Terriffic’s jersey. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? Anyone know?

    [quote comment=”291391″][quote comment=”291384″]What a month for Detroit: First they rid themselves of Kwame Kilpatrick, and now this:

    Yup, it’s been a good month…[/quote]

    … All great reasons for a uniwatch gathering in Detroit?

    [quote comment=”291508″]While trying to get a video clip of Tom Seaver to work on (unfortunately, I couldn’t get it to run) I noticed what looked like two little gussets under the arm pits of Tom Terriffic’s jersey. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? Anyone know?[/quote]

    Those were link link in the flannel era. Presuming it was for increased mobility.

    Concerning the Evan Longoria photo. It is Longoria and he is hitting from the right side. The photo was taken just after hitting the ball, probably into left field. If you notice the bat is in his right hand following the swing. Also the catcher is on the other side, putting him in the right handed batters box. Also, to confirm it is Longoria, the splint on his left hand, the reason he was on the disabled list.

    [quote comment=”291507″]Here’s a link to a photo of Prince Fielder in mid-un-tuck. Looks like he’s sportin’ team undies too.


    dude, that needs a NSFW tag ;)

    [quote comment=”291507″]Here’s a link to a photo of Prince Fielder in mid-un-tuck. Looks like he’s sportin’ team undies too.


    Thank you. I’ve been trying to lose weight for a while and could never find a good way to kill my appetite.

    Problem solved.

    Next person to reference the Evan Longoria photo/used to be a different photo of someone other than Evan Longoria is a rotten egg…

    [quote comment=”291511″]Concerning the Evan Longoria photo. It is Longoria and he is hitting from the right side. The photo was taken just after hitting the ball, probably into left field. If you notice the bat is in his right hand following the swing. Also the catcher is on the other side, putting him in the right handed batters box. Also, to confirm it is Longoria, the splint on his left hand, the reason he was on the disabled list.[/quote]

    The original photo in question has been removed.

    [quote comment=”291433″][quote comment=”291427″]
    I’m in no way a supporter of the NFL’s uniform gustapo, but baseball needs a quick dose of “cool” to set in helping to educate these players that they look_fu##ing_ridiculous these days.[/quote]

    I am.

    My only complaint is that the NFL doesn’t go far enough on cracking down on players who link link link.[/quote]

    Don’t forget this: link
    The color analyst on Sunday’s Bucs game wondered when it became ok to wear tank tops.

    [quote comment=”291340″]Actually, careful analysis of the Brewers game shows that as Prince rounded first and unucked, Ryan Braun had already touched home plate, therefore the game in effect WAS over…*

    *no actual analysis was performed…[/quote]

    Didn’t see sarcasm tags, so I’ll assume you were actual believe that is the reason it’s ok. This currently is a cute, local custom. Unfortunately, should they make post-season, ready yourself to be inundated with stories about it and invariably copy-cats everywhere.

    Prediction: If the “Crew” strings together some wins between now and November, in six months we will be lamenting this custom.

    [quote comment=”291321″]I believe link is not a “mesh” pillbox cap, but rather a really bad job of putting a hat on Leyland.[/quote]

    Its a Spring Training cap.

    [quote comment=”291392″][quote comment=”291384″]What a month for Detroit: First they rid themselves of Kwame Kilpatrick, and now this:
    Would that be a ‘Millen Man March’?[/quote]

    The Mayor is gone…

    Matt Millen is gone…..

    AND the Chief of Police is gone….

    Thing are looking up everyday in Detroit.

    [quote comment=”291514″]If anyone wants to see the future of, the Beta site has been published to the web.


    Thumbs up from me.

    [quote comment=”291516″][quote comment=”291511″]Concerning the Evan Longoria photo. It is Longoria and he is hitting from the right side. The photo was taken just after hitting the ball, probably into left field. If you notice the bat is in his right hand following the swing. Also the catcher is on the other side, putting him in the right handed batters box. Also, to confirm it is Longoria, the splint on his left hand, the reason he was on the disabled list.[/quote]

    The original photo in question has been removed.[/quote]


    [quote comment=”291367″][quote comment=”291356″][quote comment=”291348″]

    I hate the look with a burning passion, but love what it stands for. There was something magnificent and magical about Fielder pulling out his shirt as he rounded first. A celebration not of him (which it could easily have been) but of the team. He was so obviously caught up in the emotion – losing his helmet between third and home, jumping into the arms of the mob of teammates at the plate, beautiful.

    Individual players choosing a team gesture over “look at me” theatrics always gets a pass, even when I can’t stand the gesture itself.[/quote]

    You mean it stands for second place? Sweet.[/quote]
    No, it doesn’t mean “We’re Number One!” It means “We did the job today.” A blue collar ethic for a blue collar city, and a recognition that the season is very, very long, even in these waning days. You show up every day and do the job, even when you only have a handful of games left in which to do it.

    Which is, again, exactly why I love it enough to forget about the terrible look.[/quote]

    I guess it could be worse. Be thankful Cameron’s dad wasn’t this guy: link

    [quote comment=”291378″][quote comment=”291376″][quote comment=”291364″]Kind of off topic, but I found an error on SI Photos…

    link is now a lefty….
    who is this?[/quote]
    Lefty…looks Asian…looks like a 1 on the bat knob…my guess is Akinori Iwamura. (Wow, what a terrible error.)[/quote]

    Doesn’t looke like Iwamura to me. Pluse Iwamura is a Nike guy and he always wears link.[/quote]

    I hope this has been resolved by now, but… Lefthanded hitters do not release their bat with their lefthand last, as this batter does, nor do they wear left-ear flap only helmets…

    [quote comment=”291525″][quote comment=”291378″][quote comment=”291376″][quote comment=”291364″]Kind of off topic, but I found an error on SI Photos…

    link is now a lefty….
    who is this?[/quote]
    Lefty…looks Asian…looks like a 1 on the bat knob…my guess is Akinori Iwamura. (Wow, what a terrible error.)[/quote]

    Doesn’t looke like Iwamura to me. Pluse Iwamura is a Nike guy and he always wears link.[/quote]

    I hope this has been resolved by now, but… Lefthanded hitters do not release their bat with their lefthand last, as this batter does, nor do they wear left-ear flap only helmets…[/quote]

    yes…it has been resolved

    the ORIGINAL photo (which has SINCE BEEN CORRECTED) showed a left-handed batting, asian-looking ray…SI is notorious for running the wrong photo (or wrong caption) on

    the link now matches the caption


    [quote comment=”291380″][quote comment=”291372″][quote comment=”291368″][quote comment=”291360″][quote comment=”291356″]You mean it stands for second place? Sweet.[/quote]

    here’s a pic of the link at their last world series championship[/quote]

    Wait, when was the last Brewers championship? What? They’ve only actually been to the playoffs twice, and not since 1982? Awesome.[/quote]

    but they’ve been to a world series in your lifetime[/quote]

    *sigh* (Rant start)
    I absolutely hate the Cubs, but what I hate more than the Cubs are fans of the Cubs. Any team that has a pay roll over $200 million has a very good chance of making the playoffs every year. When you are a team like the Brewers, or the Rays who play for a very small market, having a chance to make the playoffs is something special. Yankees fans are bitching about not making the playoffs for the first time in 13 f-ing years!!! Are you kidding me? Teams in large markets are so spoiled. They don’t realize that October baseball is something to be honored with. It shouldn’t be a failure for your team when you don’t win a championship. Remember last year when Yankees fans refused to but “Wild Card Champions” shirts and hats because it was an embarrassment that they didn’t with the AL East? They should be embarrassed of themselves. Getting back to Cubs fans… I have never met more rude or annoying fans than Cubs fans. they bitch about not winning a World Series in 100 years, but guess what, they make the playoffs, win divisions and even have been to the WS a lot of times in that span. Try rooting for a franchise that has the 2nd longest playoff drought in the bigs. Cubs fans think they are so cool because they play in a shitty stadium that has “history”, it smells like shit, looks like shit, and always have day games so college-ages kids can go to games, get drunk, and spend mommy and daddy’s money for season tickets because they are too lazy to have a job and actually have time to go to day games. Fans of teams like the Cubs and Yankees don’t realize what they have, and take the playoffs for granted. I’m not saying you can’t cheer for a team that is a big market, or has a big payroll, but you should at least appreciate what you have.
    (Rant over)[/quote]

    can you point out he 200M payroll on the cubs?
    Opening Day payrolls for 25-man roster
    (salaries plus pro-rated signing bonuses):
    2008: $118,345,833

    2007: $ 99,670,332

    2006: $ 94,424,499
    2005: $ 87,032,933
    2004: $ 90,560,000
    2003: $ 79,868,333
    2002: $ 75,690,833
    2001: $ 64,715,833
    2000: $ 62,100,000

    [quote comment=”291480″][quote comment=”291456″][quote comment=”291445″][quote comment=”291433″][quote comment=”291427″]
    I’m in no way a supporter of the NFL’s uniform gustapo, but baseball needs a quick dose of “cool” to set in helping to educate these players that they look_fu##ing_ridiculous these days.[/quote]

    I am.

    My only complaint is that the NFL doesn’t go far enough on cracking down on players who link link link.[/quote]

    Call me ignorant, but what’s wrong with Santonio Holmes’ uniform……?[/quote]

    I concur…I actually am wondering what the issue with his uni is…I actually love the coordinating gloves![/quote]
    NFL used to be very strict about mandating certain positions wear certain numbers. Holmes being a WR should be wearing something in the 80’s according to NFL policy. The Steelers must have retired some 80’s(Swann/Stallworth?)and not have enough available. That’s why we’re seeing so many WR’s and TE’s wearing non 80 numbers.[/quote]
    You should know things before you post. The rules allow WRs any number from 10-19 and 80-89. It’s been that way for years now.

    [quote comment=”291443″]seriously paul, bryan is a joke. look how he’s using his pink admin power to do nothing but talk shit to brewers fans. can you get a new intern who has some professionalism please[/quote]
    quit whining and grow a set.

    Toronto at Pittsburgh tonight in the NHL: no advertising on the boards whatsoever except for an logo in the corner.

    Honestly… it looks weird. It feels like the 1970s.

    link (scroll to the sixth photo).

    If you ask me, they look great — I especially like the reclaiming of the maple leaf and the blue sweaters (both audaciously stolen by our most-hated rivals).

    [quote comment=”291531″]link (scroll to the sixth photo).

    If you ask me, they look great — I especially like the reclaiming of the maple leaf and the blue sweaters (both audaciously stolen by our most-hated rivals).[/quote]



    [quote comment=”291528″][quote comment=”291480″][quote comment=”291456″][quote comment=”291445″][quote comment=”291433″][quote comment=”291427″]
    I’m in no way a supporter of the NFL’s uniform gustapo, but baseball needs a quick dose of “cool” to set in helping to educate these players that they look_fu##ing_ridiculous these days.[/quote]

    I am.

    My only complaint is that the NFL doesn’t go far enough on cracking down on players who link link link.[/quote]

    Call me ignorant, but what’s wrong with Santonio Holmes’ uniform……?[/quote]

    I concur…I actually am wondering what the issue with his uni is…I actually love the coordinating gloves![/quote]
    NFL used to be very strict about mandating certain positions wear certain numbers. Holmes being a WR should be wearing something in the 80’s according to NFL policy. The Steelers must have retired some 80’s(Swann/Stallworth?)and not have enough available. That’s why we’re seeing so many WR’s and TE’s wearing non 80 numbers.[/quote]
    You should know things before you post. The rules allow WRs any number from 10-19 and 80-89. It’s been that way for years now.[/quote]

    If I recall, you all can blame Keyshawn Johnson for that one.

    [quote comment=”291320″]Ol’ Art is sporting what used to be THE article of clothing for football coaches from junior high up to the NFL: Bike double-snap polyester pants. The shorts were also nearly ubiquitous once upon a time. (I often wore a pair of Bike shorts when I played slow-pitch back in the day.)[/quote]

    Man, those Bike coaching pants. I wore those every day for years. I miss coaching, I don’t miss those shorts. They had full length ones, too. They were even worse. My wife made me toss them all out after my last game.

    How long have the Mets been doing an NY logo on the back of the mound? Is that new or just pulled out for nationally televised games? Or have I missed it for awhile?

    I don’t know if it’s been mentioned yet, but ESPN just zoomed in on the baseball in tonight’s Mets-Cubs game @ Shea, and the ball had the “1964-2008 Shea Stadium” logo on it. Pretty cool.

    [quote comment=\”291535\”]How long have the Mets been doing an NY logo on the back of the mound? Is that new or just pulled out for nationally televised games? Or have I missed it for awhile?[/quote]

    I’m not sure how long, but it has been there awhile.

    Has anyone else seen the number, I think it was “67”(maybe diff…trying to remember), on the home-plate umpire’s chest protector during the Mets-Cubs game? It’s visible, where the neck of his shirt dips. Just wondering of anyone has seen it or what it means.

    [quote]Yogi Berra was a sweetheart. He looked good in his flannels and, for a frail old feller, he withstood the rigors of the never-ending ceremony.[/quote]

    For those of us who watched any of the sportscenter specials, did you catch Yogi talking about the uniform he had to wear? I had to go back to the DVR to get the exact quote, but he was asked about his unique uniform and said “They said this was the kind of uniform we played in, I don’t remember getting this one. We had wool uniforms, but not like this.” I’m sure its no knock on EFF, but Yogi-ism or no ya gotta think that he “gets it” after all these years.

    UGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! What THE EFF ORLANDO!!?!?! Sheeesh. Uniforms get worse every time they reveal a new uniform. I don’t think I like any revamp any NBA team has done lately. I do like the Bucks with that red alternate. Very sharp…I will agree that the large M and E at the ends sucks. But classy design.

    [quote comment=\”291541\”]UGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! What THE EFF ORLANDO!!?!?! Sheeesh. Uniforms get worse every time they reveal a new uniform. I don\’t think I like any revamp any NBA team has done lately. I do like the Bucks with that red alternate. Very sharp…I will agree that the large M and E at the ends sucks. But classy design.[/quote]

    I have a hard time deeming anything classy with that “satin pajama” look.

    [quote comment=”291537″]umm… did the Bucks website spell “Boston” wrong in the banner add on the right side of the screen or is it just me? “Bostion?”


    They did.

    [quote comment=”291543″][quote comment=”291537″]umm… did the Bucks website spell “Boston” wrong in the banner add on the right side of the screen or is it just me? “Bostion?”


    They did.[/quote]

    So much for F7.

    [quote comment=”291530″]Toronto at Pittsburgh tonight in the NHL: no advertising on the boards whatsoever except for an logo in the corner.

    Honestly… it looks weird. It feels like the 1970s.[/quote]
    That sounds wonderful. What’s the occasion?

    [quote comment=”291545″][quote comment=”291530″]Toronto at Pittsburgh tonight in the NHL: no advertising on the boards whatsoever except for an logo in the corner.

    Honestly… it looks weird. It feels like the 1970s.[/quote]
    That sounds wonderful. What’s the occasion?[/quote]

    paint hasn’t dried yet

    [quote comment=”291531″]link (scroll to the sixth photo).

    If you ask me, they look great — I especially like the reclaiming of the maple leaf and the blue sweaters (both audaciously stolen by our most-hated rivals).[/quote]

    They look good. link has photos of some of the players modeling the sweaters.

    [quote comment=”291356″]

    I just have to laugh when reading these chains. I live in Pittsburgh where the Bucko’s overall payroll is a whopping $48,689,783. We just tied a record for most consecutive losing seasons and havent seen the playoffs since the early nineties (1992 maybe, i don’t care enough to look it up). The saddest part though is when the Buckos get even close to .500 anytime after May, everyone in the city gets so excited, like they are making a playoff run. We celebrate average when it come to the Pirates. God thats pathetic when the best we have to look forward to is being mediocre. So when i read posts about other teams making the playoffs and what it means, and people fighting about it, i have no clue. If the Pirates do somehow ever make the playoffs again, be it by actually spending money or by 2/3 of the other teams planes somehow crashing into each other in mid-air, if that day ever comes, i think my head will explode.[/quote]

    I used to appreciate the Brewers, but after crying about their no-hitter they’ve joined the elite ranks with the Reds as my most hated teams.

    [quote comment=”291505″]That bit about Colorado wearing the blue brought back bad memories. As a Boulder resident in the early 80s, i can tell you that those uniforms were FUGLY! I don’t know that the Board of Regents had much to do with it, though. I see to remember that the uni color was the brainchild of coach Chuck Fairbanks. It was a big event when Bill McCartney outfitted the Buffs in black in 85 for a home game against then-#1 Nebraska. The Buffs won, 20-10, and the next year they went back to black permanently. The SID at Colorado, Dave Plati, has a book out in that college vault series that may have photos of the blue. I’ll have to check around and see.[/quote]

    Nebraska beat Colorado 17-7 in 1985.

    [quote comment=”291502″][quote comment=”291501″]Hey UWers,

    I scan here regularly, but rarely post. Usually, by the time I get around to adding my two cents, somebody else has gotten there already.

    Anyway, I’m pretty positive the SI picture is Longoria … home Rays uni on a grass field; must be the All-Star game.[/quote]

    it IS NOW…but that’s not the pic ORIGINALLY in that link

    it was a left handed batting asian-looking player…definitely NOT evan longoria

    anyone get a screen cap of the orig?[/quote]

    Calm down Li Phil. You’re moment in the sun isn’t lost. I’m sure someone saw your heroic find and believes you.

    [quote comment=”291546″][quote comment=”291545″][quote comment=”291530″]Toronto at Pittsburgh tonight in the NHL: no advertising on the boards whatsoever except for an logo in the corner.

    Honestly… it looks weird. It feels like the 1970s.[/quote]
    That sounds wonderful. What’s the occasion?[/quote]

    paint hasn’t dried yet[/quote]

    Well, they’ve had two games to get it on right. The game in Pittsburgh against Tampa Bay link.

    Pittsburgh may be the anti-corporate NHL!

    [quote comment=”291419″][quote comment=”291406″]You have to understand that my comments were not meant to be an attack on anyone. To me, it is very frustrating to hear fans of your rivals complain about untucking the jersey after a win because it looks sloppy and is uncalled for. I admit, I thinks it looks sloppy, but the meaning behind it cancels the sloppiness for me personally. According the the Brewers, the untucking of the jersey is not a gesture of “look at me”, but it is a team unity gesture that recognizes a job well done.[/quote]

    It’s a bogus gesture. People who REALLY do a job well don’t need to show off about it, especially not in public. When you finish a good day’s work at the office, do you untuck YOUR shirt before heading to the elevator, or do you wait until you get home? Should other people in uniform (cops, letter carriers, soldiers) untuck their shirts in public as soon as their shift is over?

    The underlying message, intended or not, is that the uniform is an unpleasantly formal stricture that needs to be shed as soon as possible, instead of something that’s a privilege to wear. Untucking it doesn’t just look sloppy — it CELEBRATES sloppiness, and in so doing denigrates the uniform. I think that’s sad.[/quote]

    What about people who give high fives after a win? That’s publicly celebrating their good work. Is that just as bad?

    [quote comment=”291552″][quote comment=”291419″][quote comment=”291406″]You have to understand that my comments were not meant to be an attack on anyone. To me, it is very frustrating to hear fans of your rivals complain about untucking the jersey after a win because it looks sloppy and is uncalled for. I admit, I thinks it looks sloppy, but the meaning behind it cancels the sloppiness for me personally. According the the Brewers, the untucking of the jersey is not a gesture of “look at me”, but it is a team unity gesture that recognizes a job well done.[/quote]

    It’s a bogus gesture. People who REALLY do a job well don’t need to show off about it, especially not in public. When you finish a good day’s work at the office, do you untuck YOUR shirt before heading to the elevator, or do you wait until you get home? Should other people in uniform (cops, letter carriers, soldiers) untuck their shirts in public as soon as their shift is over?

    The underlying message, intended or not, is that the uniform is an unpleasantly formal stricture that needs to be shed as soon as possible, instead of something that’s a privilege to wear. Untucking it doesn’t just look sloppy — it CELEBRATES sloppiness, and in so doing denigrates the uniform. I think that’s sad.[/quote]

    What about people who give high fives after a win? That’s publicly celebrating their good work. Is that just as bad?[/quote]

    No, it’s not. You’ve got a lot of work to do if you’re going to be contrary about everything discussed today.

    [quote comment=”291550″][quote comment=”291502″][quote comment=”291501″]Hey UWers,

    I scan here regularly, but rarely post. Usually, by the time I get around to adding my two cents, somebody else has gotten there already.

    Anyway, I’m pretty positive the SI picture is Longoria … home Rays uni on a grass field; must be the All-Star game.[/quote]

    it IS NOW…but that’s not the pic ORIGINALLY in that link

    it was a left handed batting asian-looking player…definitely NOT evan longoria

    anyone get a screen cap of the orig?[/quote]

    Calm down Li Phil. You’re moment in the sun isn’t lost. I’m sure someone saw your heroic find and believes you.[/quote]

    Calm down Luke. Some of us didn’t get to see the photo before it was changed.

    [quote comment=”291554″][quote comment=”291550″][quote comment=”291502″][quote comment=”291501″]Hey UWers,

    I scan here regularly, but rarely post. Usually, by the time I get around to adding my two cents, somebody else has gotten there already.

    Anyway, I’m pretty positive the SI picture is Longoria … home Rays uni on a grass field; must be the All-Star game.[/quote]

    it IS NOW…but that’s not the pic ORIGINALLY in that link

    it was a left handed batting asian-looking player…definitely NOT evan longoria

    anyone get a screen cap of the orig?[/quote]

    Calm down Li Phil. You’re moment in the sun isn’t lost. I’m sure someone saw your heroic find and believes you.[/quote]

    Calm down Luke. Some of us didn’t get to see the photo before it was changed.[/quote]

    it’s cool larry…half the board saw it

    [quote comment=”291555″][quote comment=”291554″][quote comment=”291550″][quote comment=”291502″][quote comment=”291501″]Hey UWers,

    I scan here regularly, but rarely post. Usually, by the time I get around to adding my two cents, somebody else has gotten there already.

    Anyway, I’m pretty positive the SI picture is Longoria … home Rays uni on a grass field; must be the All-Star game.[/quote]

    it IS NOW…but that’s not the pic ORIGINALLY in that link

    it was a left handed batting asian-looking player…definitely NOT evan longoria

    anyone get a screen cap of the orig?[/quote]

    Calm down Li Phil. You’re moment in the sun isn’t lost. I’m sure someone saw your heroic find and believes you.[/quote]

    Calm down Luke. Some of us didn’t get to see the photo before it was changed.[/quote]

    it’s cool larry…half the board saw it[/quote]

    Phil, you know the comment wasn’t about the issue, it was about being a jerk. Sorry about the label, but it was obviously a personal attack, so touché.

    More importantly, Phil, what does it say that the Cubs were willing to pitch to Wright in that situation?

    [quote comment=”291556″]More importantly, Phil, what does it say that the Cubs were willing to pitch to Wright in that situation?[/quote]

    it says that sweet lou is NL manager of the year

    [quote comment=”291557″][quote comment=”291556″]More importantly, Phil, what does it say that the Cubs were willing to pitch to Wright in that situation?[/quote]

    it says that sweet lou is NL manager of the year[/quote]

    But they didn’t pitch to DelGado and I doubt Lou pitches to Utley or Howard in that situation. I mean, what’s the difference whether you walk both unless you really don’t fear Wright. Doesn’t mean he’s not a fine hitter but situationally some are better than others.

    Probably not the best time to pile on. Hang in there, bro.

    [quote]Hang in there, bro[/quote]

    despite the fact that these games are killing me, im absolutely fine if the mets lose…the sun will still come up tomorrow…it is, after all, just a game (one i’d prefer to win, yes…but just a game)…if they don’t make the post season…so what? i got a lot more important shit to deal with than no october ball at shea

    i appreciate your kind thoughts tho ;)

    [quote comment=”291557″][quote comment=”291556″]More importantly, Phil, what does it say that the Cubs were willing to pitch to Wright in that situation?[/quote]

    it says that sweet lou is NL manager of the year[/quote]

    Either that or Lou thought he was in the AL pitching to A-Rod when he heard “now batting for New York, third baseman…”

    Well… whattya know… it’s time to un-tuck the jersey after a job well done! Whoo hoo!


    And FYI, I could care more about CC’s “no hitter”. It didn’t bother me either way. And yes, I wrote “more” on purpose, because if I stated I cared “less” about something, that means I already cared about it in the first place.

    [quote comment=”291559″][quote]Hang in there, bro[/quote]

    despite the fact that these games are killing me, im absolutely fine if the mets lose…the sun will still come up tomorrow…it is, after all, just a game (one i’d prefer to win, yes…but just a game)…if they don’t make the post season…so what? i got a lot more important shit to deal with than no october ball at shea

    i appreciate your kind thoughts tho ;)[/quote]

    I hear you, but you care because you’re watching and that’s a good thing. Look at my guys, I believe in the “better to have loved and lost…..” and I haven’t cheered for anything for years. My loyalties will never stray, but the Miracle at 16th Street & Stadium Drive (the Trop) has made me watch more ball than I have in years and I love that.

    [quote comment=”291551″][quote comment=”291546″][quote comment=”291545″][quote comment=”291530″]Toronto at Pittsburgh tonight in the NHL: no advertising on the boards whatsoever except for an logo in the corner.

    Honestly… it looks weird. It feels like the 1970s.[/quote]
    That sounds wonderful. What’s the occasion?[/quote]

    paint hasn’t dried yet[/quote]

    Well, they’ve had two games to get it on right. The game in Pittsburgh against Tampa Bay link.

    Pittsburgh may be the anti-corporate NHL![/quote]
    Man, that looks so normal. So right. Everything about the uniforms pops without that interferrence.

    [quote comment=”291561″]Well… whattya know… it’s time to un-tuck the jersey after a job well done! Whoo hoo!


    And FYI, I could care more about CC’s “no hitter”. It didn’t bother me either way. And yes, I wrote “more” on purpose, because if I stated I cared “less” about something, that means I already cared about it in the first place.[/quote]

    Only if Ned Yost could have had the same perspective.

    [quote comment=”291555″][quote comment=”291554″][quote comment=”291550″][quote comment=”291502″][quote comment=”291501″]Hey UWers,

    I scan here regularly, but rarely post. Usually, by the time I get around to adding my two cents, somebody else has gotten there already.

    Anyway, I’m pretty positive the SI picture is Longoria … home Rays uni on a grass field; must be the All-Star game.[/quote]

    it IS NOW…but that’s not the pic ORIGINALLY in that link

    it was a left handed batting asian-looking player…definitely NOT evan longoria

    anyone get a screen cap of the orig?[/quote]

    Calm down Li Phil. You’re moment in the sun isn’t lost. I’m sure someone saw your heroic find and believes you.[/quote]

    Calm down Luke. Some of us didn’t get to see the photo before it was changed.[/quote]

    it’s cool larry…half the board saw it[/quote]

    Just to put an end to this one- the original wrong pic was that of Reid Brignac, who had a cup of coffee w/ the Rays in July.

    [quote comment=”291566″][quote comment=”291555″][quote comment=”291554″][quote comment=”291550″][quote comment=”291502″][quote comment=”291501″]Hey UWers,

    I scan here regularly, but rarely post. Usually, by the time I get around to adding my two cents, somebody else has gotten there already.

    Anyway, I’m pretty positive the SI picture is Longoria … home Rays uni on a grass field; must be the All-Star game.[/quote]

    it IS NOW…but that’s not the pic ORIGINALLY in that link

    it was a left handed batting asian-looking player…definitely NOT evan longoria

    anyone get a screen cap of the orig?[/quote]

    Calm down Li Phil. You’re moment in the sun isn’t lost. I’m sure someone saw your heroic find and believes you.[/quote]

    Calm down Luke. Some of us didn’t get to see the photo before it was changed.[/quote]

    it’s cool larry…half the board saw it[/quote]

    Just to put an end to this one- the original wrong pic was that of Reid Brignac, who had a cup of coffee w/ the Rays in July.[/quote]


    I just have to ask. Is it that way because you are a Rays fan that lives in Tampa (that’s cool), because otherwise, we don’t take kindly to that in these parts ;-)

    [quote comment=”291506″][quote comment=”291486″][quote comment=”291471″][quote comment=”291468″]When will the idiots at get it right? They put the final score as 7-5. It obviously should have been 6-5.[/quote]

    save for the fact that those idiots DID get it right

    a link is the ONLY instance in which ALL the runs scored via that type of hit COUNT in the final box score…(although robin ventura’s ‘grand slam single’ begs otherwise)[/quote]

    Doggone it, Phillip. I left off the sarcasm tag. Cub fan here just trying to point out to Brewer fan that the game isn’t really over until the last run has scored. At least that’s the way its been for more than a century.[/quote]

    Of course, there was June 25, 1891 (Thanks to Cubs Journal by John Snyder): The game ended when Cloff Carrol hit a drive over the left field fence with a runner on and the score 14-14. Under the scoring rules of the day, the contest ended when the lead runner scored, and Carroll was credited with a double instead of a homer.

    If you want to know any more about this game, you’ll have to ask Ricko for his first hand account. :)[/quote]


    [quote comment=”291564″][quote comment=”291551″][quote comment=”291546″][quote comment=”291545″][quote comment=”291530″]Toronto at Pittsburgh tonight in the NHL: no advertising on the boards whatsoever except for an logo in the corner.

    Honestly… it looks weird. It feels like the 1970s.[/quote]
    That sounds wonderful. What’s the occasion?[/quote]

    paint hasn’t dried yet[/quote]

    Well, they’ve had two games to get it on right. The game in Pittsburgh against Tampa Bay link.

    Pittsburgh may be the anti-corporate NHL![/quote]
    Man, that looks so normal. So right. Everything about the uniforms pops without that interferrence.[/quote]

    But it’s not hockey without a Tim Horton’s ad.

    [quote comment=”291565″][quote comment=”291561″]Well… whattya know… it’s time to un-tuck the jersey after a job well done! Whoo hoo!


    And FYI, I could care more about CC’s “no hitter”. It didn’t bother me either way. And yes, I wrote “more” on purpose, because if I stated I cared “less” about something, that means I already cared about it in the first place.[/quote]

    Only if Ned Yost could have had the same perspective.[/quote]

    I couldn’t agree more with you. Yost handled that situation completely wrong. I was embarrassed for him. I’m glad Yost is toast.

    LI Phil… wow, this is going to be a compelling finish. Thank you for the congrats. Who would of thought we could win by scoring 4 runs on 2 hits?

    Interesting re: Ebbets Field Flannels – I was wondering whether those were their originals just pulled from the closet – they looked like the real thing. Glad to know that companies like EFF and Cooperstown Ball Cap exist and are dedicated to keeping these alive.

    [quote comment=”291549″][quote comment=”291505″]That bit about Colorado wearing the blue brought back bad memories. As a Boulder resident in the early 80s, i can tell you that those uniforms were FUGLY! I don’t know that the Board of Regents had much to do with it, though. I see to remember that the uni color was the brainchild of coach Chuck Fairbanks. It was a big event when Bill McCartney outfitted the Buffs in black in 85 for a home game against then-#1 Nebraska. The Buffs won, 20-10, and the next year they went back to black permanently. The SID at Colorado, Dave Plati, has a book out in that college vault series that may have photos of the blue. I’ll have to check around and see.[/quote]

    Nebraska beat Colorado 17-7 in 1985.[/quote]

    My Bad! I meant 86!

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